Spring Term 2016 VINCIT QUI PATITUR Who perseveres, conquers The rigorous pursuit of excellence balanced by compassionate concern for individuals Trinity School, Shirley Park, Croydon CR9 7AT Telephone: 020 8656 9541 Fax: 020 8655 0522 Sandilands postcode: CR0 5DF http://www.trinity-school.org The School’s Mission and Aims Our Mission is: “The rigorous pursuit of excellence balanced by compassionate concern for individuals”. We aim to achieve this by: a) Encouraging the growth of intellectual curiosity, creativity and independent learning whilst also preparing each pupil for the best possible examination results, through a broadly based, coherent and balanced curriculum. b) Providing well qualified, inspirational and dedicated staff, committed to continual professional development, who have high expectations of all pupils, who enjoy teaching and learning, and who enable pupils to fulfil their academic potential within an intellectually vibrant community. c) Providing outstanding pastoral care and ensuring that relationships within the school are based on mutual respect within a highly supportive environment. d) Encouraging the development in each pupil of self-discipline, responsibility, physical and emotional well being, moral and spiritual values, and consequently the highest possible standards of behaviour, confidence in themselves and consideration for others. e) Offering excellent facilities and a wide range of high quality extra curricular activities through which pupils develop a healthy sense of cooperation and competition as well as enjoying their social, sporting and cultural interests for their own sakes. f) Preparing pupils for life beyond school through an understanding of higher education and career possibilities, a development of entrepreneurial and leadership skills, an informed appreciation of the diversity of the world and a sense of service to the wider community. g) Working in a close and effective partnership with parents and encouraging them to be actively involved in their child’s education. 2 VISITOR His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury Whitgift Foundation Court of Governors Chairman of the Court of Governors Mr C J Houlding Chief Executive Mr M C Corney Ex-officio Governors The Revd Canon C J Boswell (The Vicar of Croydon) The Rt Revd Jonathan Clark (The Bishop of Croydon) Cllr T Letts OBE Mr C J Houlding Mr G H Wright TD, DL, PPCIOB His Honour W Barnett QC, MA Mrs R A Jones, MA Mr D Mead MBE, FCCA, FCMA, FCIS Mr D C Hudson MA Viscountess Stansgate MA, OBE Cllr M Mead JP Mrs P Davies BSc, MEd Mr M Proudfoot MA, MLitt Mr D C Q Sutton JP, FRICS Cllr A Fleming SCHOOL COMMITTEE His Honour W Barnett QC The Revd Canon C J Boswell Viscountess Stansgate OBE Mr A Crispin Mrs P Davies Mr M John Mr W Jones Mr D Mead, MBE Ms A Meredith Mrs A Mehta Mr P Petty Mr D Seymour CB 3 Senior Leadership Headmaster Mr M J Bishop, MA (Oxford) MBA HM Deputy Headmaster Mr E A du Toit, MA (London) Economics, Mathematics EDT Head of Upper School (Deputy Head) Miss S Ward, BSc (Birmingham) Psychology* SLW Director of Extra Curricular Activities Mr R Brookman, BSc (London) Geography RB Director of Studies Mr N H Denman, MA (Oxford) Mathematics NHD Head of Lower School Mr G A du Toit, MA (King’s, London) Religious Studies GDT Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs M R Sanders, BEd (London) Drama MRS Bursar Mrs J Stanley, BA (CCAT), ACA JZS Director of Admissions Mr J G Timm, BA (Cambridge) History, Politics JGT *** Heads of Years Junior Year First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year Lower Sixth Upper Sixth Assistant Head of Year (Sixth Form) School Medical Officer Mrs S L Leck Mr D K Price Mr J E Pietersen Miss H C Whiteford Mr I Kench Mr M E Brennan Mr P G Abbott Mr M I Aldridge Mrs S I Cater *** Dr C Wilcock 4 Staff email addresses consist of their initials followed by: @trinity.croydon.sch.uk eg abc@trinity.croydon.sch.uk The Headmaster can be contacted via hm@trinity.croydon.sch.uk Teaching Staff Mr P G Abbott, BSc (Cardiff) Economics and Business, Head of Lower Sixth Mr M I Aldridge, BEd (London) Design Technology, Head of Upper Sixth Mr S R Allison, BA (Durham) Spanish* Mrs J L Anderson, BSc (Bath) Biology Mr M Asbury, BSc (Bath) Mathematics, Internal Exams* Dr M S Asquith, BA, MA, PhD (London) English† Ms D S Balasubramaniam, BDS (Chennai) Biology Ms N M Beaumont, MA (Oxford) Mathematics Mr L D Benedict, BA (Bristol) English Mr O J Benjamin, BA (Durham) German, Spanish Ms H A Benzinski, BSc (London) Mathematics, DofE Co-ordinator Mr G C Beresford-Miller, BA (Rhodes) Physical Education, Clubs and Societies Co-ordinator Mr J Bird, BSc (Kent) Biology Mrs N Blamire-Marin, BA (Granada) Lectora, Spanish Miss V J Boorman, BA (King’s London) Classics Mr N A Bowling, BA (Oxford) Classics† Mr M E Brennan, BA (Oxford) History, Politics, Head of Fifth Year Mr L A Brito-Babapulle, BA, MA, MSt, FRCO (Oxford) Music* Mr C R Burke (Port Elizabeth) Physical Education Mrs S I Cater, BA, MPhil (King’s, London, Queensland) English, Drama, Assistant Head of Year (Sixth Form) Mr C D Carter, MSci (Imperial) Chemistry* Ms C D Cesar, BA (Oxford) Religious Studies, Drama Mr T W Chesters, BSc (Strathclyde) Design Technology, Assistant Director of Studies, Head of Information Management Mr S W Christian, BA (Liverpool) French, Spanish Mrs M A Chitty, CertEd, Dip SpLD Learning Support† Mr M J Cole, BA, MSc (Cambridge) Physics Mr A Cornick, BA (Nottingham Trent) Physical Education Mr D W G Currigan, BA, MA (Chelsea, Kingston) Design Technology* Mr T Deakin, BSc (Brunel) Head of Hockey, Physical Education Mr T J Desbos, LCE (Lille) French Mr A B Doyle, MA, MA (Glasgow, Open) English* Dr T E Durno, MA, MPhil, PhD (Cambridge) English, EPQ Co-ordinator, Gifted and Talented coordinator Mr R Earl, BSc (UCL) Head of Economics and Business* Mr N S Evans, BA (Nottingham) History, Politics Mr R E Evans, Dip Perf (Royal College of Music) Head of Piano 5 PGA MIA SRA JLA MA MSA DZB NMB LDB OJB HAB GBM JB NBM VJB NAB MEB LBB CRB SIC CDC CXC TWC SWC MAC MXC AC DWC TD TJD ABD TED RTE NSE REE Mr R G Evans, BSc (Aston) Electronics*, Design Technology† Mr L M Flanagan, BA (Cambridge) Physics* Mrs A A Fulker, BA (Oxford Brookes) Art Mr A M Godfrey, BA (Bretton Hall) Drama, Drama Productions*† Mr J P Holmes, BA (Oxford), BA (Cambridge) Religious Studies Head of Personal Development, Oxbridge Coordinator Mr O J Hutchings, BA, MA (York) History, Politics Mr J A Inglis, BEng (Open) Design Technology Mrs C S Jennings, BSc (London) Biology† Mr M V Johnson, BSc (London) Biology Ms R Kanji, BSc, MEd (Auckland) Chemistry Mr I Kench, BSc, MSc (Loughborough, Oxford) Geography, Physical Education, Head of Fourth Year Mr S D King, BA (Manchester Metropolitan) Physical Education Mrs G C Kitchen, BA (Durham) Music Mr D A Lawson, BEd (Exeter) Geography, Physical Education† Mrs S L Leck, BA (Cambridge) English, Head of Junior Year Mr R E Lee, MA (Oxford) Religious Studies* Mr A Liffchak, BA (Hertfordshire) Head of Rugby, Physical Education Ms P-S Lin, BA (National Taiwan University) Chinese* Dr M Mariani, BSc, PhD (Kent, UCL) Physics Mr P Mazur, BA, MA (Wales, London) Drama*, English Mrs S J McDonald, MA (St Andrews) Head of Learning Support† Mr S A McIntosh, MA (Oxford) German* Mr R D Moralee, BSc (Johannesburg) Biology* Mr D P Moran, BSc, MSc (Dublin) Chemistry Mrs C Morgan, BA (Exeter) Economics and Business, School Professional Tutor for initial teacher training Mrs H C Murray, MEng (Cambridge) Mathematics Mr S Orungbamade, BEd (Nigeria) Economics and Business Miss C A Parkinson, BSc, MsC (Sussex, UCL) Psychology, Science Mr B J Patel, MA (Cambridge) Mathematics, Physics Mr B Patel, MSc (UCL) Mathematics Mr J A Paterson, BA (Cambridge) Classics Mr C P Persinaru, DipRAM, (LRAM) Music, Head of Strings Mrs R J Petty, MA (Oxford) English, Drama, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs X L Phasey, MA (Schiller, International) Chinese† Mr J E Pietersen, BA (Cambridge) History, Politics, Head of Second Year Mr D K Price, BA (Wimbledon College of Art) Design Technology, Head of First Year Mrs S J Rapoport, BEd (Twickenham) Academic Mentor Mrs L Regan, BMus, (LRAM) Music† Miss M-T Rembert, BA (Cambridge) History, Politics* Mr M D Richbell, BSc (Liverpool) Director of Sport* Mr R J Risebro, BSc (Manchester Met) Head of Cricket, Physical Education Mr A J Rogers, BA (Plymouth) Art and Photography, Head of Film 6 RGE LMF AAF AMG JH OJH JAI CSJ MVJ RK IXK SDK GCK DAL SLL REL AXL PSL MM PSM SJM SAM RDM DPM CXM HCM SOO CAP BJP BP JAP CPP RP XLP JEP DKP SJR LZR MTR MDR RJR AJR Dr K R Rogers, BSc, PhD (Cardiff, London) Chemistry Mr C P Ruck, BSc (Southampton) Geography Dr J N Rush, BA, PhD, MPhil (Cambridge) English Mr M P Ryan, BA (Oxford) English Mr R M Salmanpour, BSc (London) Chemistry Mrs V C Salin, MA (Rouen, Northumbria) French* Mr A Shaw, MA (Cambridge) French, Spanish, i/c Digital Language Lab Mr A C Smith, BA, MA (Nottingham, Kingston) Director of Art* Mr M D Smith, BEng (Bath) Mathematics Mr A E Smith, BA, MA, MSc (York, London) Religious Studies† Mr J J Snelling, BSc, MA,CGeog (Swansea, London) Geography, Head of Staff Development Mr G Spreng, MA (Glasgow) History* Mrs B J Steven, BA (Cape Town) English Ms T Stevens-Lewis, BA, MA (Goldsmiths) Art, i/c Photography Miss E E Stewart, MSc, MPhys (Leeds, Oxford) Physics Mr J E Stone, BA (Cambridge) Classics* Ms C S Story, BA (Durham) English Ms E M Suarez, BA (Juan Carlos 1, Rey de Espana) Lectora, Spanish Miss A Sukiennik, BA, MA (Paris X) Lectrice, French Mr P O Swainson, BA (Exeter) History Mr D J Swinson, MA, FRCO, ARCM, (LRAM, Cambridge) Director of Music* Mrs S Z Taylor, BSc (Exeter) Mathematics Mr W S Tucker, BSc (Exeter) Head of Science*, Physics Mrs T A Upton, BSc (Warwick) Mathematics Mr R van Graan, BA (Canterbury Christchurch) E-Learning*, Computing Mr R J Venables, MEng (Durham) Mathematics Miss R M Walker, BMus (Birmingham Conservatoire) Music, Drama Mrs R E Wallace, MA (Oxford) Geography* Miss H C Whiteford, BSc (Durham) Religious Studies, Head of Third Year Mrs C-J Wilkinson, BSc (Glasgow) Biology Mr R J Wickes, BSc (Warwick) Mathematics* Mr S Winders, BA (Durham) Religious Studies Miss J Wiskow, MA (Wuppertal, Berlin) German, Girls’ Games* Mr B R Wood, BA (Oxford) Spanish, French Ms H E Yovichich, BA (Durham) Geography * Head of Department, † part-time 7 KRR CPR JNR MPR RXS VCS AXS ACS MDS AES JJS GS BJS TSL EES JES CSS EMS AMS POS DJS SZT WST TAU RVG RJV RMW REW HCW CJW RW SXW JW BRW HEY Sports Centre Staff Manager Deputy Managers Head of Football Athletics Coach Cricket Professional Water Polo Coach Mr S Gibberd SG Mr T D Drake, BSc (St Mary’s University College) TDD Mr C Porter CXP Mr S D Schofield, BSc (Worcester) SDS Mr D M Kingston DMK Mr M A Fleet Mr I Salisbury Mr I G Marsh Sports Centre direct line: 020 8662 5197 Support Staff Mrs E A Beroud, BA (Montpellier), MSc (EDHEC) Head of Marketing Mrs J E Binley Secretary to Pastoral Heads Mr T K Blyth PE Adminstrative Assistant Ms A Boe, MSc (Loughborough) Music Timetabler Mrs S Brown Biology Technician Mrs K Carr Headmaster’s PA Mrs S Carr HR Assistant Mr M Cheyne ICT Technician Mrs K Cooper, BA (Reading) Examinations Officer Mr P M Corish ICT Technician Mr J H Covell Theatre Technician Mrs K S Court School Secretary, Deputy Headmaster’s Secretary Mrs R De Sousa Counsellor (counsellor@trinity.croydon.sch.uk) Mrs M P Dixon Head of Community Action and Charities Mrs M R Duncombe Administrative Assistant Mrs R Freeman Language Laboratory Assistant Mr G R Furlong Hockey Coach Mrs M K Gillett Learning Support Assistant Mr S M Gordon ICT Apprentice Mr J P Harris Head Groundsman Mrs L Harvey-Shipp Careers Administration Assistant Mrs P A Hayes Admississions Assistant Mrs S F Highmore, MA (Cambridge) Head of Careers Mrs C L Jackson RGN School Nurse Mrs J Johnson, MIBIOL Chemistry Technician Mrs M A Johnson Alumni Officer Mr G R Jones, BEd (London) DT Teaching Assistant Mrs D L Jonesco Economics and Marketing Assistant Mr D P Jupp Maintenance 8 EAB JEB TKB PAB SDB KXC SEC MDC KZC PMC JHC KSC MPD MRD RCF GRF MKG SMG JPH LHS PAH SFH CLJ JZJ MAJ GRJ DXJ Mr P Jupp Mr J Killick Miss K Kley Mrs J Lake, BA (Warwick) Mr D-K Lambert Mrs D Lowe Mr J Martin Mrs L McCann Mr R M McKinlay Mr E E McGowan Mrs P S Meyer Miss J Mitchell Mrs E Morris Mrs T Murphy Mr A Nessling Mrs A Oakes Ms K Parlain, BA, MA (UCL) Mr T Patel Mrs C J Poole Miss G E Rawlins Ms S Redican Mrs A Sadiq Mrs L Saint, BA (Newcastle) Mr L Sammons, BA (Auckland) Mr M Sammut Mr D A Sammut Mr A Shine Mrs L D Smith Mr I D Scorer Mrs T K Scorer Mr D Smith Mrs B J Steven, BA (Cape Town) Mr J Tanner Mr V Tokarski, BA (Lancaster) Mr P Todd Mrs C Townsend Mrs H F Wickes Mr R Walton Assistant Porter PDJ Groundsman German Language Assistant KXK Bursar’s Assistant JEL AV Assistant DKL Receptionist DXL Plumbing and Heating Engineer JTM Art Technician LRM Estates Manager RMM Deputy ICT Manager EEM Admissions Registrar PXM Chinese Language Assistant JLM Assistant to Director of Extra Curricular Activities & Religious Studies and Geography Departments EMM Music Secretary TM Groundsman Archivist AEO Librarian KP ICT Manager TPP Receptionist CJP Receptionist and Secretary to the Estates Department GER Sixth Form Admissions SDR History and Maths Assistant AKS Administrative Assistant to Heads of Upper and Lower School and Classics and Chinese Departments LXS Sport and Marketing Assistant LZS Head Porter MS Assistant Porter DAS Apprentice Groundsman AAS SIMS Data Manager LDS Chemistry Technician IDS General Science Technician TKS Maintenance English Assistant BJS CCF, Fleet Manager JXT Physics Technician VET Head Gardener PAT Music Assistant CAT Music Administrator HFW Deputy Head Groundsman RPW 9 Mr M Corney Mrs G Barnes Mrs H Bidgway Mrs L Butterworth Mr S Ede M J Ezechekwu Miss J Fowler Miss L George Mr Tim Goodson Whitgift Foundation Staff Chief Executive PA to the Chief Executive Head of Human Resources Senior Payroll Administrator Qualified Electrician Finance Assistant Human Resources Advisor Accounts Assistant Digital Communications Officer Mrs A Hardwick Miss K Joy Mr R Lancaster Ms J Lynch Miss M McClatchie Mr C H S New, CMIOSH Mr C Pester Ms D Prendergast Mr J Richards Mr S Sargeant Mr S Saunders Mrs J Sawtell Miss C Shirley Mrs S Spooner Mrs D Sutton Ms S White Head Gardener Marketing and Communications Assistant Head of Finance Human Resources Administrator Estates Administrator Health and Safety Officer Maintenance Supervisor Deputy Head of Finance Maintenance Operative Deputy Maintenance Supervisor Building Surveyor Payroll Administrator Head of Marketing and Communications Head of Estates Accounts Clerk Finance Administator Visiting Music Staff Miss Michelle Andrews clarinet/saxophone Mr Chris Nall percussion Mr Roy Chilton double bass/electric Miss Emily O’Hara guitar guitar/classical guitar Mr Serguei Pachnine percussion Mr Nigel Clayton piano Mr Joe Pettitt double bass/electric Mr Martin Cousin piano guitar Mr Colin Craft trumpet/tuba Mr Jonathan Price bassoon Miss Helen Davies violin/viola Mr Brian Rance trumpet Mr Simon Dean flute Mr Stephen Reck classical guitar Mr Richard Evans piano Mr Jon Regan violin/viola Mrs Katharine Fuge singing Mr Steven Swindells music theory Mr Martin Grainger french horn Miss Sarah Thurlow clarinet Mr Dominic Hackett percussion Mr Joseph Tong piano Mrs Patricia Hanesworth piano Dr Ian White trombone/tuba Mr Russell Holdsworth saxophone Mr David Whitson trombone, tuba Ms Rachel Ingleton oboe Mr Richard Wilberforce singing Mr Robert Lawrence clarinet/saxophone Mrs Hilary Wilson oboe Mrs Francesa Leonardi piano Miss Ann Lines cello Email: music@trinity.croydon.sch.uk 10 Academic Departments Art and Photography Mrs A Fulker Ms T Stevens-Lewis (i/c Photography) Mr J Rogers Mr A C Smith* Design and Technology Mr M Aldridge Mr T Chesters Mr D Currigan* Mr R Evans Mr J Inglis Mr D Price Biology Mrs J Anderson Ms D Balasubramaniam Mr J Bird Mrs C Jennings Mr M Johnson Mr R Moralee* Mrs C-J Wilkinson Drama Mrs S Cater Ms S Cesar Mr A Godfrey* (Head of Drama Productions) Mr P Mazur* Mrs M Sanders Miss R Walker Chemistry Mr C Carter* Ms R Kanji Mr D Moran Dr K Rogers Mr R Salmanpour Classics Miss V J Boorman Mr N Bowling Mr J Paterson Mr J Stone* Computing Mr R van Graan* Economics and Business Mr P Abbott Mr E du Toit Mr R Earl* Mrs C Morgan Mr S Orungbamade Electronics Mr R Evans* English Dr M Asquith Mr L Benedict Mrs S Cater Mr A Doyle* Dr T Durno Mrs S Leck Mr P Mazur Mrs R Petty Dr J Rush Mr M Ryan Mrs B Steven Ms C Story 11 Geography Mr R Brookman Mr I Kench Mr D Lawson Mr C Ruck Mr J Snelling Mrs R Wallace* Ms H Yovichich History and Politics Mr M Brennan Mr N Evans Mr O Hutchings Mr J Pietersen Miss M Rembert* Mr G Spreng* Mr P Swainson Mr J Timm Mathematics Mr M Asbury Ms N Beaumont Ms H Benzinski Mr N Denman Mr E du Toit Mrs H Murray Mr B Patel Mr B J Patel Mr M Smith Mrs S Taylor Mrs T Upton Mr R Venables Mr R Wickes* Modern Languages Mr S Allison* Mr O J Benjamin Mr S Christian Mr T Desbos Mr S McIntosh* Ms P-S Lin* Mrs X Phasey Mrs V Salin* Mr A Shaw Miss J Wiskow Mr B Wood Music Mr L Brito-Babapulle* Mr R Evans Mrs G Kitchen Mr C Persinaru Mrs L Regan Mr D Swinson* Miss R Walker Physics Mr M Cole Mr L Flanagan* Dr M Mariani Mr B J Patel Miss E Stewart Mr W Tucker* Psychology Miss S Ward* Miss C Parkinson Religious Studies Ms C Cesar Mr G du Toit Mr J Holmes Mr E Lee* Mr A E Smith Miss H Whiteford Mr S Winders Physical Education Mr G Beresford-Miller Mr C Burke Mr A Cornick* Mr T Deakin Mr I Kench Mr S King Mr D Lawson Mr A Liffchak Mr M Richbell* Mr R Risebro *Head of Department 12 Games Member of staff Archery JXT Athletics IXK Girls’ Athletics IXK Badminton CMP Basketball TKB Climbing TWC Cricket RJR Cross Country RB, HCM Cycling TED Fencing JH Football DMK Golf GBM Hockey TD Girls Hockey JW, SLL Indoor Hockey CRB Netball JW, REW Rugby AXL Rugby 7s GBM Rounders JW Sailing MEB, NMB Squash SDS Strength & Conditioning JAI Sub-Aqua JB Boys Swimming DAL, CJW Girls Swimming DAL, CJW Tennis MDR Girls Tennis MDR Water Polo SDK, IGM Captain H Stainthorpe I Lanisquot L Chan President R Patel Captain: G Jackson J Allen A Thompson J Phillips R Brown Y Bickley D Griffiths H Constable E Soars K Patel M Stockwell W Moore R Duncan C Cornish M Stockwell W Moore C Brazier O O’Sullivan C Fatoma O Jordan G Ibitoye O Jordan J Rooke T Connell-Wynne H Stainthorpe J Leonard E Hammett D Satchell J Charuy R Singleton K Rogers F Pearson Sports Coaches Hockey Coaches 1st XI TD, AC U16A AC U15A POS U14A RDM U13A CMP U12A TKB U11 TD 2nd XI U16B U15B U14B U13B U12B GS JJS DPM CRB SDS GRF 3rd XI NHD U15C MDR U14C GRF U13C RB Football Coaches U18 DMK, SG U15 DMK, SG U14 JEP, DKL U13 U12 U11 Girls Hockey Coaches Girls Netball Coach JW, SLL REW, GDT DMK, SG DAS, MDS BP, MXC Activities Careers Community Action Organiser: Charities Young Enterprise Scheme Director: LAMDA School Magazine Editor: Outdoor Activities Expeditions: Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Co-ordinator: Bronze Award: Silver Award: Gold Award: Stores and Expeditions Coordinator: Assessors: Expeditions: Mrs S F Highmore Mrs M Dixon SWC, MPD, HCW, HCM CXM PSM CSS TWC, HAB HAB SLL AAF, HCM TWC, MXC SZT AAF, DKP, HAB, NMB, SZT, TWC HCM, JH, JW, MDS, MVJ, MXC PSM, RB, RJV, SLL, VET, WST 14 Societies Member of Staff President KRR TSL, ACS TAU RJV H Gale MPD CDC, KRR JES VJB H Jones RGE HCM CSS DKP TED J Rooke RP P Newton, E Johnston AMG TSL K Dandiker MEB, NMB, SIC PSM AJR J Kenney AAF K Tahir RXS ABD Apiculture Art Society Chess Club Breakout (Christian Union) Charity Committee Chem Soc Classics Society Upper School Classics Society Lower School Control IT Club Cooking Club Creative Writing Club SpecialFX Model Making Club Debating Upper School Debating Lower School Drama Club Film Society Junior Sailing Club LAMDA Landscape Design Lower School Art Club Lower School Science Club Literary Society Mathematics Clubs: Mathematics Society Paper Geometry Club Hard Sums Club Very Hard Sums Club Team Maths Challenge Med Soc Model Making and Wargaming Club MDS HAB, SZT NMB, MDS, HCM RW SZT CDC, EES, SFH MIA 15 D Chrumka O Finnie H Aldridge Modern Languages Clubs: Senior French Society Senior Hispanic Society French Oxbridge Preparation French Lunchtime Club Senior German Society Lower School German Club Languages Newsletter Club PEEP Society Photography Club Photography GCSE Extension Physics Society RS and Philosophy Club Upper School: ThinkSoc Lower School: Junior Philosophy Club Sixth Form Council Sixth Form Christian Union STEM Strength and Conditioning Sub-Aqua Club Technical Theatre Club Trinity News Video Club 16 VCS, AXS AMA VCS TJD SAM OJB VCS RTE AJR TSL LMF JH HCW MIA, PGA GVP WST AXL, JAI JB, IDS, TKS JHC AJR AJR L Metcalf S Borland E Bond A Howat A Howat Music School Music Captain N Eskandari Trinity Choristers (DJS) Head Chorister Deputy Head Chorister S Leadbeater J Richardson Chamber Choir (GCK) Close Harmony Choir (LBB) Concert Choir (DJS, K Fuge) Training Concert Choir (GCK) Girls Choir (RMW) Male Voice Choir (LBB) Chamber Orchestra (LZR, CPP) Training Strings (CPP) Second Strings (CPP) Trinity Strings (CPP) Trinity Soloists (CPP) Junior Wind Band (LZR) Concert Band (LZR) Junior Jazz Band (R Chilton) Almost Big Band (GCK) Big Band (LBB, B Rance) Theory Club (SNS) 17 Combined Cadet Force Commanding Officer Lt Cdr J Bird SSI Capt J Tanner Contingent Adjutant Cl R Kanji Section Senior Cadet CWO Flgt Sgt S Clarke Royal Navy Section Officers: Army Section Officers: Royal Air Force Section Officers: General Training Archery Cycling Fencing Horse Riding Sub Aqua Shooting Lt I D Scorer OC RN Cox’n E Bond Sub Lt T K Scorer Sub Lt V Boorman Capt J Tanner OC Army Capt P Mazur Acting Lt R Tarn Acting Lt O Hutchings Sgt C Clark Wing Cdr R Lee Flt Off G Du Toit Plt Off D Moran Flt Sgt B Moran Capt J Tanner CI T Durno CI J Holmes CI C J Wilkinson Lt Cdr Bird Capt J Tanner 18 Regular Activities Mondays 7.45 – 8.15 1.20 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.15 High Performance Programme and Drop In Strength & Conditioning (TADC) TDD Senior Percussion Mr C Nall Junior Percussion Mr C Nall Junior and First Year Strength & Conditioning (TADC) TDD Training Strings (SR) CPP New Generation Choir DJS 1st XI, U16A Hockey video analysis (Pavilion) TD, AC U14A Hockey Short Corners (lower astro) RDM Film Society (a2) TSL U11 Squash (squash courts) CPR Girls Choir (B10) RMW U15 Cricket (SH1) Mr I Salisbury Lower School Art Club (a3) AAF Team Maths Challenge (m1) SZT L6 Chemistry Clinic (c2) CDC History Society (23) GS Fourth Year Greek (7) VB 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.15 4.30 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 CCF JB Girls Water Polo (pool) SDK 1st XI Football (First Team pitch) DMK, SG Senior Cricket (SH1) RJR, SDS, Mr I Salisbury Senior Sport Strength & Conditioning (TADC) TDD U13A, U13B Hockey (lower astro) CMP, SDS U13C, U12 Hockey (upper astro) TKB 1.10 – 1.45 1.45 – 2.20 1.20 – 2.00 19 Tuesdays 7.15 – 8.15 11.30 – 11.50 1.20 – 2.00 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.15 1.40 – 2.10 Drop In Strength & Conditioning (TADC) TDD The Break Charity Club (m2) MPD, HCM, HCW Strength & Conditioning Clinic (TADC) TDD U13A Hockey Short Corners (lower astro) CMP U16, U18 Rugby 7s (fields) GBM, AXL, MDR Male Voice Choir (B11) LBB Junior Wind Band LZR Choristers (Trebles) DJS Film Making Club (a1) AJR U11, U12 Water Polo (pool) SDK Junior Geography Club (G3) HEY Cricket Academy (SH1) RJR Special FX (DT) DKP Lower School DT Club GRJ Third Year Greek (8) JAP Dof E Drop In (3) SLL 3.45 – 5.00 3.55 – 5.00 4.00 – 4.30 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 6.30 GCSE Art & Photography (a3) AAF Fourth Year Greek (8) VJB Extra Swim (pool) DAL Fifth Year Greek (7) JES Trinity Soloists (SR) CPP Training Concert Choir (B10) GCK Concert Choir (RcR) DJS Symphonic Wind Orchestra (TCH) LZR Fencing Club (Range) JH TSSAC (pool) JB U15 Rugby 7s (fields) LZS U13 Football (first team pitch) DMK, SG U12 Cricket (SH1, SH2) RJR, SDS, AC st 1 XI, U16A, U14A Hockey (lower astro) TD, RDM, AC U14B, U14C Hockey (upper astro) SDS Cycling Club (Velodrome) TED 20 Wednesdays 7.15 – 8.15 1.20 – 2.10 1.20 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 High Performance Programme and Strength & Conditioning Drop In (TADC) AC, AXL, GBM Second and Third Year Strength & Conditioning (TADC) AXL, GBM U11 Football (lower astro) BP, MXC U13 Cricket (SH1) RJR, GBM U11 Hockey Skills (lower astro) TD rd 3 XI Hockey training (lower astro) NHD Upper School Debating (2) TED Paper Geometry Club (m9) HAB Second Strings (SR) CPP Senior Squash (squash courts) JJS, Mr Robbins TSSAC (pool) JB Chess (m1) TAU Junior Fitness Club (Fitness Suite) Sports Club 3.45 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.15 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.10 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.30 – 5.30 GCSE, Sixth Form Art Extension Club (a4) ACS Swim Club (pool) DAL, CJW GCSE Art & Photography (a2) TSL Strength & Conditioning Drop in (TADC) JAI Black Lamp Society (23) GS Chamber Choir (RcR) DJS Squash Academy (squash courts) Mr Robbins Cooking Club (Boys Restaurant) HCM U15 Football (First Team pitch) DMK, SG U14 Cricket (SH1) SDS, RJR, Mr I Salisbury U15A, U15B, U15C Hockey (lower astro) POS U12 Hockey (upper astro) TKB U13 Rugby 7s (fields) GBM, AXL 1.20 – 2.10 21 Thursdays 7.15 – 8.15 Senior Sport Strength & Conditioning (TADC) TDD, TD, JAI 7.45 – 8.15 8:00 – 8.25 11.30 – 11.55 1.20 – 2.00 1.20 – 2.10 1.20 – 2.10 1.20 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.15 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.15 Very Hard Sums Club (m2) RW ThinkSoc (r4) JH Malawi Team meeting (SFC) RB, HCW, HCM, JGT Fourth and Fifth Year Strength & Conditioning (TADC) TDD, JAI U14 Football (lower astro) CMP, DKL Goalkeeping (First Team pitch) DMK, PDJ Cricket Academy (SH1) RJR, SDS, Mr I Salisbury U15A Hockey Short Corners (lower astro) POS Concert Band (TCH) LZR Trinity News Club (a1) AJR U15 Squash (squash courts) Mr V Tokarski Model Making Club (DT) MIA Lower School DT Club (?) GRJ nd 2 Year Miller-Rama-Roo (SH2) JEP Economics Clinic (O1, O2) RTE Chem Soc (c2) CDC Spanish Oxbridge Club (15) SRA Fifth Year Greek (7) JES 3.55 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.10 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 6.15 Third Year Greek (8) Cross Country (Pavilion) U13 Squash (squash courts) U14 Rugby 7s (fields) Netball Training (tennis courts) Lower School Water Polo (pool) 1st XI, U16A Hockey (lower astro) 2nd XI, U16B Hockey (upper astro) Table Tennis (Range) Symphony Orchestra (TCH) 22 JAP HCM, RB, CAP SDS JAI REW, JW SDK TD, AC JJS, GS RW LZR, CPP Fridays 7.45 – 8.15 8.10 – 8.45 1.20 – 2.10 1.20 – 2.10 1.20 – 2.00 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.30 – 2.10 1.35 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.40 – 2.10 1.45 – 2.10 Hard Sums Club (m2) NMB, HCM Close Harmony (B11) LBB U12 Football (lower astro) DAS, MDS U11 Cricket (SH1) RJR, SDK, Mr I Salisbury Girls Strength & Conditioning (TAF) TDD Trinity Strings (SR) CPP JPC (Junior Philosophy Club) (R1) HCW, CXC Lower School Photography (a1) AJF U12 Squash (squash courts) BJP Choristers (Full) (RcR) DJS Lower School Debating (1) RP st 1 XI, U16A Hockey short corners (lower astro)TD, AC Med Soc (c2) EES, SFH Business Clinic (O3) CXM Spanish Clinic (15) SRA Jazz Workshop Mr R Holdsworth 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.00 4.00 – 5.10 4.00 – 5.15 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 4.00 – 5.30 Almost Big Band (RcR) Breakout (14) Cricket Seam Bowling Clinic (SH1) U14 Squash (squash courts) Big Band (TCH) Senior Water Polo (pool) U11 Hockey (lower astro) Lower School Football (upper astro) 23 GCK RJV RJR RB LBB SDK TD Fulham coach Prefects Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Senior Prefects Sebastian Elliott Helen Springer Dapo Agiri James Allen Nathan Dunford Lucy Metcalf Benjamin Moran Robert Willard Prefects Lois Ashenden Eli Bond Luke Chan Dominic Chrumka Cameron Clark Samuel Clarke Ella Clouston Catherine Cornish Ruth Davies Rachel Duncan Janarth Duraisingham Nadia Eskandari Ellie Hammett Laura Harries Ella Higgins Gabriel Ibitoye Usmaan Jamil Oliver Jordan Stefan Leadbeater Joshua Leigh Jack Leonard Adam Lord Alisha Mehta Georgia Moody Sulem Moutchia Zoe Ndumbe Olivia O’Sullivan Matthew Raishbrook Joshua Richardson Charles Ricketts Tanyaradzwa Saruchera Nathaniel Sewell Christopher Sharrock Connor Simpson Bradley Sims Ethan Skeels Max Stockwell Max Waller Georgia Ware-Lane 24 School Librarians Senior Librarians Martin Concagh Hamzah Ghufoor Henry Harman Librarians Harry Bernard-Cooper Scott Borland Nathan Concagh Jamie Coskun Edouard Gesser William Perry Art Art Assistant Oscar Howell Photography Assistant Reece McCarthy 25 Forms 2015-16 Form Tutor Room Form Tutor Room U6ABD U6AMA U6BJP U6CDC U6CXM U6EES U6JH U6MVJ U6RK U6SZT U6TJD U6TSL U6VCS ABD AMA BJP CDC CXM EES JH MVJ RK SZT TJD TSL VCS 5 15 M7 C2 03 P5 R4 Bi1 C3 M1 P3 A2 16 4A 4D 4F 4G 4P 4R AAF TED LMF GBM BP CPR A3 2 G1 6 M8 G3 3B 3D 3L 3R 3S 3V NAB TD AXL AJR POS VJB 8 18 R5 A1 24 7 L6ACS L6CSS L6DPM L6JES L6JJS L6JLA L6JW L6MM L6RP L6RTE L6SOO L6SWC L6WST ACS CSS DPM JES JJS JLA JW MM RP RTE SOO SWC WST A4 T2 C4 20 G2 Bi2 11 P1 T4 01 02 14 P2 2B 2E 2H 2I 2R 2S HAB NSE OJH JAI RJR RXS M9 21 25 23 1 R2 5B 5C 5D 5L 5M 5T NMB AC M4 M3 4 R3 12 T1 1A 1B 1C 1M 1S 1V 1W AXS OJB MXC HCM MDS RJV CJW 19 13 17 M2 M5 M6 Bi3 JC JK JL CXC SDK SLL R1 22 3 LDB REL SAM JGT 26 School Information Subject Abbreviation Ar Art Gp Government and Politics Bi Biology Hi History Bs Business La Latin Cc Classical Civilisation Ln Languages (J Year only) Ch Chemistry Ma Maths Cl Classics (J Year only) Mf Further maths (6th Form) Co Computing Mu Music Cn Chinese Pc Physics Dr Drama Pd Personal Development Dt Design Technology Pe Physical Education Ec Economics (examined and non examined) El Electronics Pg Photography En English Py Psychology Fr French Rs Religious Studies Gm German Sc Science (J and 1 Year) Gg Geography Sp Spanish Gk Greek Location Abbreviations BeF LCR MT MiF RcR RhR SDR SFC SH SR TADC TCH Boys Entrance Foyer Lower Common Room Mitre Theatre Mitre Foyer Examination Centre Recital Room DfE number Rehearsal Room UCAS number Staff Dining Room Sixth Form Centre Sports Hall Sandison Room Trinity Athlete Development Centre Trinity Concert Hall Sandilands Postcode: CR0 5DF Caterers: Holroyd Howe Independent Cleaning Contract: Nviro Limited 27 14382 3066077 12849 direct line 020 8662 5106 The Diary is also available on line (www.trinity-school.org). Full details of public examinations can be accessed via the Pupils’ and Parents’ pages. Pupils and parents should note that times of events are subject to change. Items in italics refer to outside bookings of school facilities. In particular for the most up-to-date fixture details, please check the school website. WEEK 1 Sunday 3 January 09:00 – 10:30 Pre-season Hockey: Open U11, U12, U13 11:00 – 12:30 Pre-season Hockey: Open, U14, U15, U16, U18 Theme for the fortnight: UItimate Questions Monday 4 January Staff INSET 08:45 Staff meeting (TCH) 09:00 INSET (TCH) 15:30 Common Room meeting (MT) 10:00 – 13:00 Pre-season Hockey: U12A 19:30 – 22:00 Surrey Radio Club (SR) Duty Team B Tuesday 5 January Term Begins Fifth Year mock examinations begin, to 15th (TCH) 08:30 Registration 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 15:45 History Society: Cromwell, Professor R Hutton (MT) Wednesday 6 January Epiphany 08:35 L6 Assembly (MT) 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Origami Camels (m9) 28 Thursday 7 January 13+ Entrance Examinations (SR, RhR, Library) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: How should humans make moral decisions?, Mr R Lee (R4) 13:40 Literary Society: Mr M Ryan (3) 16:30 Bag Sweep Friday 8 January 11+ Entrance Examinations - school closed Symphonic Wind Orchestra play with the RAF Band (RAF Northolt) 16:30 Water Polo v Dulwich College: U18 (h) Saturday 9 January 10+ Entrance Examinations 08:00 – 18:00 Music Academy (Music Department) 09:00 – 14:00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 09:15 – 10:30 Hockey Trials: U12, U13 (h) 10:30 – 10:45 Hockey Trials: U14B, U14C, U15B, U15C (h) 11:45 – 13:00 Hockey Training: 2nd XI, 3rd XI, U16B 13:30 Hockey v Tonbridge: 1st XI (h) 13:30 Hockey v Tonbridge: U15A (a) 14:45 Hockey v Tonbridge: U14A (a) 15:15 Hockey v Tonbridge: U16A (h) 29 TN10 3AB WEEK 2 Sunday 10 January 18:00 Memorial Evensong for Mr Tim Penrose (All Saints, Dulwich) Theme for the fortnight: Ultimate Questions Duty Team C Monday 11 January Computing: 5&6 2B, 7&8 2E 16:00 CCF 19:30 – 21:30 TPA Committee meeting (MR) Tuesday 12 January Computing: 3&4 2S 08:35 Fourth Year Assembly (MT) 16:00 – 17:30 Staff CPD: Building a Culture of Achievement (LCR) 16:30 Squash v Epsom College: 2ndV, U15V(a) KT17 4JQ 18:00 Parents Information meeting: Tennis Tour to Spain (SR) Wednesday 13 January Computing: 7&8 2R L6, U6 Art and Photography mock exams (Art Department) 08:35 First Year First Aid Course (MT) 13:35 Lower School Tutors meeting (r1, r2, r3) 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: The Mondrian Cube (m9) 14:30 Netball v Coloma: 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII (h) 14:45 Hockey v Kingston Grammar: 2nd XI (h) 14:45 Hockey v Kingston Grammar: 3rd XI (a) 16:00 Hockey v Merchant Taylors’: 1st XI (h) 16:30 Water Polo v Dulwich College: U15 (h) Thursday 14 January Computing: 5&6 2I Alternative Entrance Examinations (SR, RhR) L6, U6 Art and Photography mock exams (Art Department) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: Playing by the Biblical Rules: an introduction to deontological ethics, Mr G du Toit (r4) 08:35 First Year First Aid Course (MT) 30 09:00 – 13:40 16:30 17:00 16:00 AS, A2 Composition Sessions with Maggini Quartet (RcR) Literary Society: Simon Upton (3) Squash v City of London Freemen’s: U12V (a) KT21 1ET Swimming, Trinity Group Match: U12, U13 (Whitgift ) CR2 6YT Friday 15 January Computing: 1&2 2H Admissions Interviews begin, to 3rd February U6 Art and Photography mock exams (Art Department) 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: Managing difficult conversations, Ms S Ward (LCR) 08:35 U6 Assembly (MT) 13:40 Upper School Classics Society: Miss V Boorman and Mr J Paterson (7) 14:30 Rugby v Wallington Grammar: U12A, U12B, U12C, U12D, U12E (h) 16:00 Chess v Sutton Grammar: 1st V1 (a) SM1 4AS 16:00 Hockey v Royal Russell: U11A, U11B (h) Saturday 16 January 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 10:00 Hockey v Dulwich: U12A, U12B, U12C, U12D (h) 10.00 Hockey v Dulwich: U15A, U15B (a) SE21 7LD 10:00 Rugby v Dulwich Prep London: U11A, U11B (a) SE21 7LH 11:00 Hockey v Dulwich: U13A, U13B (h) 11:15 Hockey v Dulwich: U16A (a) 12:15 Hockey v Dulwich: U14A, U14B (h) 12:30 Hockey v Dulwich: 2nd XI (a) 13:30 Hockey v Dulwich: 1st XI (h) 13:30 Hockey v Harrow: 3rd XI (h) 31 WEEK 3 Sunday 17 January Theme for the fortnight: Avoid the blue light! Duty Team D Monday 18 January Computing: 5&6 1A, 7&8 1W Fourth Year examinations begin, to 22nd (TCH) Music Scholarship Assessments Visiting Author Event: Mr Matt Dickinson, Adventure Travel (Library) 08:45 – 14:30 11+ Sports Scholarship Assessments 13:10 Sixth Form Council meeting (SFC) 16:00 CCF 18:30 Parents information meeting: Sixth Form trip to Malawi (SR) 19:30 – 22:00 Surrey Radio Club (7) Tuesday 19 January Computing: 3&4 1B Music Scholarship Assessments Drama Scholarship Auditions (MT, Drama Studio) 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: Managing events, Mr R Brookman (LCR) 08:45 – 14:30 10+ Sports Scholarship Assessments 08:35 Third Year Assembly: GCSE Option Choices (MT) 16:00 Squash v St Bede’s: 1stV, 2ndV (h) 16:00 – 17:30 Masterclass Series: Shaham Erez Wallfisch Trio (B10, MT, RcR) 16:00 Water Polo, Schools League: U14 (h) 16:00 – 18:00 Sixth Form Life Drawing (a4) 16:00 – 17:00 Heads of Year meeting (SDR) 19:00 Celebrity Concert Series: Shaham Erez Wallfisch Trio (MT) Wednesday 20 January Computing: 7&8 1M Music Scholarship Assessments Art Scholarship Assessments 08:35 First Year First Aid Course (MT) 13:40 1. Klasse Deutschklub – Brettspiele (13) 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Popcorn Bucket (m9) 14:30 Netball v KCS Wimbledon: 1st, 2nd and 3rd VII (a) SW19 4TT 14:30 Hockey v Eltham: U16A (a) 32 Thursday 21 January Computing: 5&6 1S Design and Technology Scholarship Assessments 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: It all depends: introduction to teleological ethics, Ms C Cesar (r4) 08:35 Fifth Year Assembly (MT) 08:55 – 10:10 Study Skills: Studying with the Brain in Mind: 3D, 3L (SR) 10:15 – 11:30 Study Skills: Studying with the Brain in Mind: 3R, 3V (r5) 13:40 Literary Society: Dr T Durno (3) 13:40 – 14:10 Staff CPD: Studying with the Brain in Mind (LCR) 14:30 – 15:45 Study Skills: Studying with the Brain in Mind: 3B, 3S (SR) 14:30 Hockey v Harrow: U15C (h) 15:45 – 19:00 SATRO Problem-solving contest: Junior, Intermediate and Senior Teams (St Philomena's, Carshalton) 16:00 Double Entendre Event: Third Year (SR) 19:00 Swimming, CSSA Championships: U12, U13 (h) Friday 22 January Computing: 1&2 1C, 3&4 1V 08:00 Lower School Council (SDR) 08:35 L6 Assembly (MT) 13:40 Lower School Classics Society: Making mosaics, Miss V Boorman (7) 14:30 Rugby v St Dunstan’s :U12A, U12B, U12C (h) 16:00 Chess v Reigate Grammar 1st V1, 2nd V1 (h) 16:15 Hockey v Good Shepherd: U11A, U11B (h) Saturday 23 January 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms,Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 09:00 – 15:00 Admissions Interviews (Library, Foyer, SR) 09:00 Hockey v Langley: U12A, U12B, U12C, U12D (h) 09:00 Hockey v Langley: U15A, U15B (a) BR3 3BP 10:00 Hockey v Langley: U13A, U13B (h) 10:00 Hockey v Langley: 1st XI, U13C (a) 11:00 Hockey v Langley: U16A, U14B (h) 11:00 Hockey v Langley: U14A (a) 14:00 Hockey v Merchant Taylors’: 3rd XI, U16B (a) 18:00 Memorial Evensong for Mr Dennis Blandford (St Andrew’s, South Croydon) 33 WEEK 4 Sunday 24 January Theme for the fortnight: Avoid the blue light! Duty Team E Monday 25 January Computing: 5&6 2H, 7&8 2R Mock Exam results e-mailed to Fifth Year parents 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 08:45 – 14:30 11+ Sports Scholarship Assessments recall 10:10 – 11:30 Study Skills: Motivation, Organisation and Time Management: 2E, 2I (TCH) 11:55 – 13:10 Study Skills: Motivation, Organisation and Time Management: 2B, 2H (TCH) 13:40 Fifth Year Tutors meeting (4) 13:40 Sixth Form Tutors meeting (SFC) 14:30 – 15:45 Study Skills: Motivation, Organisation and Time Management: 2R, 2S (TCH) 15:00 – 15:45 GCSE Chinese Reading mock exam 16:00 CCF 16:00 Hockey v Eltham: U14A (a) Tuesday 26 January Computing: 3&4 2E 08:35 Fourth Year Assembly (MT) 13:00 – 16:30 13+ Sports Scholarship Assessments 13:40 Staff CPD: Research for Learning group, Ms H Benzinski (LCR) 13:40 German Society: Matt Nixon-Welsby (12) 16:00 Heads of Department meeting (MR) 16:30 Squash v St John’s: 1stV, U15V (h) 17:00 Water Polo, Schools League: U19 (Alleyn's) SE22 8SU 18:00 – 20:30 Fifth Year Parents Evening (TCH, SR) Wednesday 27 January Computing: 7&8 2B 09:00 – 16:00 Hockey, London Heats: U16A (tbc) 08:35 Lower School Assembly TCH 08:35 L6 Assembly MT 09:00 Swimming, CSSA Primary Prelim (South Norwood) SE2 7ODF 11:00 – 11:40 GCSE Chinese Listening mock exam 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Expanding Folder (m9) 34 14:30 Football v Caterham: 1st XI (h) 14:50 Netball v Wallington High: 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII (a) SM6 0PH 15:45 U6 Spanish Debating Competition (Whitgift) 17:00 Teaching and Learning Committee (MR) 20:00 – 21:15 Staff and Parent Prayer meeting (MR) Thursday 28 January Computing: 5&6 2S 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: The Ethics of Abortion, Ruth Davies (r4) 08:35 Second Year Assembly: Third Year Option Choices (MT) 13:40 Fourth Year Tutors meeting (LCR) 13:40 Literary Society: Ellen Tidball (3) 16:15 Rugby v Cumnor House: U11A, U11B (h) 16:30 Swimming, London Independent Schools League South A Final: U12, U13 (Whitgift) CR2 6YT Friday 29 January Computing: 1&2 2I 5Z1 attends Science Live GCSE Conference (Dominion Theatre, London) 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: Getting the best out of staff, Mr N Denman (LCR) 08:35 U6 Assembly (MT) 14:30 Rugby v Skinner’s: U12C, U12D, U12E (h) 16:00 Chess v Hampton: 2nd V1 (a) TW12 3HD 16:00 Hockey v St Aidan's Primary: U11A, U11B (h) Saturday 30 January 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 09:00 Hockey v Whitgift: U16A (h), U14B, U14C (a) CR2 6YT 09:00 Hockey v Royal Russell: U12A, U12B (a) CR9 5BX 10:00 Hockey v Royal Russell: U12C, U12D (a) 10:15 Hockey v Whitgift: U14D (a) 10:30 Hockey v Whitgift: U13A, U13B, U15C (h) 11:00 Hockey v Whitgift: 1st XI (a) 11:30 Hockey v Whitgift: 3rd XI (a) 12:00 Hockey v Whitgift: U16B, U13C, U13D (h) 13:00 Hockey v Whitgift: U14A (a) 13:30 Hockey v Whitgift: U15A, U15B (h) 14:30 Hockey v Whitgift: 2nd XI (a) 35 WEEK 5 Sunday 31 January Theme for the fortnight: Failing well Duty Team F Monday 1 February Computing: 5&6 1B, 7&8 1M Trinity Piano Festival, to 8th L6 Spanish mock speaking tests (Lectora’s room) 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 13:20 Trinity Piano Festival: Lunchtime Concerts (TCH, Circus, RcR) 13:40 Fourth and Fifth Year Literary Society: Dr T Durno (4) 16:00 CCF 16:15 Rugby v Cumnor House: U12A, U12D/E (h) 16:00 – 19:00 Maggini Chamber Music Masterclass, Mr M Outram(RcR) 17:00 Water Polo v Dulwich College: U13 (a) SE21 7LD 19:00 – 20:30 Oxbridge, Medical, Dentistry and Veterinary Science Applications advice evening for L6 parents (MiF, MT, t1) 19:30 – 21:30 TPA Committee meeting (MR) 19:30 – 22:00 Surrey Radio Club (SR) Tuesday 2 February Computing: 3&4 1V L6 Spanish mock speaking tests (Lectora’s room) Exam results e-mailed to Fourth Year parents 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: Effective time management, Mr J Snelling, Mrs J Stanley (LCR) 08:35 Fifth Year Assembly (MT) 09:00 – 16:00 Hockey, London Heats: U14A (tbc) 13:20 Trinity Piano Festival: Lunchtime Concerts (TCH, Circus, RcR) 13:40 Health & Safety Committee meeting (MR) 16:00 – 18:00 Sixth Form Life Drawing (a4) 16:00 – 17:00 Trinity Piano Festival: Guest Recital, Miss Aizhana Nurkenova (RcR) 36 Wednesday 3 February Computing: 7&8 1S 08:35 Gideons International Presentation to First Year (TCH) 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Carousel Horses (m9) 13:20 Trinity Piano Festival: Lunchtime Concerts (TCH, Circus, RcR) 14:30 Football v City of London Freemen's: 1st XI (h) 14:30 Hockey v KCS Wimbledon: 1st XI (h), 2nd XI (a) 16:00 Senior Singing Competition (RcR) 16:30 Squash v Sevenoaks: 1stV, U15V (h) 17:00 External Relations Committee (MR) Thursday 4 February Computing: 5&6 1W U6 mock German speaking tests (Lektor’s room) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: Kantian Ethics, Miss H Whiteford (r4) 08:35 Third Year Assembly (MT) 09:00 – 15:30 Chinese Cinema event: Third Year (South Bank) 10:15 – 11:30 Intermediate Maths Challenge: selected Second and Fourth Years (TCH) 11:55 – 13:10 Intermediate Maths Challenge: selected Third and Fifth Years (TCH) 13:20 Trinity Piano Festival: Lunchtime Concerts (TCH, Circus, RcR) 13:40 Literary Society: Dr J Rush (3) 14:00 Football, Croydon Cup v Riddlesdown: U15 (h) 16:00 – 17:00 Trinity Piano Festival: Guest Recital, Mr M Cousin (RcR) 16:30 Netball v Caterham: 1st, 2nd and 3rd VII (a) CR3 6YA 17:00 – 18:30 Estates Committee meeting (MR) 17:00 Water Polo, Schools League: U16 (h) 18:00 – 20:30 Fourth Year Parents Evening (TCH) 37 Friday 5 February Computing: 1&2 1A, 3&4 1C 08:35 Sixth Form Assembly (TCH) 13:30 Trinity Piano Festival: Lunchtime Concert, Amiri Harewood (RcR) 13:40 Upper School Classics Society: Mr J Stone (7) 14:30 Rugby v First Year Interform Tournament (h) 14.30 – 15.45 UK Linguistics Olympiad: Fourth – Upper Sixth Forms (SR) 16:00 16:00 16:00 19:00 – Chess v KCS Wimbledon 1st V1 (a) SW19 4TT Hockey v Whitgift: U11A, U11B (h) CCF: TriService Nitex departs, to 6th (Pippingford Park) 21:30 Trinity Piano Festival: Guest Recital, Mr Alessandro Tossi (TCH) Saturday 6 February 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 09:00 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U13A, U13B, U13C, U13D (h) 09:00 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U12D, U14B, U14C (a) 10:00 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U12C (a) 10:15 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U15A, U15B (h), 3rd XI, U14A (h) 11:00 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U12B (a) 11:30 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U16A, U15C (h), 1st XI, 2nd XI 12:00 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U12A (a) 12:45 Hockey v RGS Guildford: U16B (h) 18:00 Trinity Choristers Evensong (St Michael and All Angels’, West Croydon) 38 WEEK 6 Sunday 7 February Theme for the fortnight: Failing well Duty Team G Monday 8 February Computing: 5&6 2I, 7&8 2S Chinese New Year AS French mock speaking tests (16) 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 08:55 – 10:10 First Year Personal Safety Workshop: 1M, 1W (SR) 10:15 – 11:30 First Year Personal Safety Workshop: 1B, 1C (SR) 11:55 – 13:10 First Year Personal Safety Workshop: 1A, 1V (SR) 13:30 Trinity Piano Festival: Lunchtime Concert, Mr R Evans (RcR) 16:00 CCF 16:00 – 17:00 German Karnevalsfest (1. Klasse) (SR) 16:00 Trinity Steinway Piano Competition (TCH) 16:30 Girls Water Polo, ESSA : U18 (Alleyn’s) SE22 8SU Tuesday 9 February Computing: 3&4 2R A2 French mock speaking tests (16) 08:35 Fourth Year Assembly MT 09:00 – 16:30 Hockey, London Heats: U11A, U11B (tbc) 16:00 Fencing v City of London: U14A, U14B (a) EC4V 3AL 16:30 Bag Sweep 17:30 – 19:00 Finance Committee (MR) Wednesday 10 February Computing: 7&8 2H 08:00 FAFY Council (SDR) 08:30 Holy Communion (MR) 08:35 L6 Assembly (TCH) 08:55 – 18:00 Pro Corda National Chamber Music Festival for Schools: Preliminary Round (TCH) 08:35 First Year Assembly (MT) 09:00 – 16:00 Hockey, County Championships: 1st XI (tbc) 10:00 Rugby, St John’s Beaumont 7s Festival: U13A (a) SL4 2JN 12:00 German Department Bonn exchange departs, to 17th 39 13:40 13:40 14:30 14:30 Paper Geometry Club: Cherry Blossom (m9) Charity Council meeting (m2) Netball v Royal Russell: 1st, 2nd VII (h) Football, Croydon Cup v Harris Crystal Palace: 1st XI (a) SE19 2JH 14:30 Netball v Tenison's: 3rd VII (a) CR0 5JQ 16:00 Hockey v Whitgift: U12A, U12B (h) 16:30 Squash v Dulwich College: 1stV (a) SE21 7LD 17:00 – 19:30 Chinese New Year Show (MT) 17:30 – 19:00 Welfare Committee (MR) Thursday 11 February Computing: 5&6 2B Visit by Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East Editor Grades e-mailed to Parents of J, 1, 2, 3, L, U L6 Psychology Study Visit to London Zoo Phobia Programme L6 German mock speaking tests (Lektor’s room) U6 Spanish mock speaking tests (Lectora’s room) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: Designer Babies, Mr J Holmes (r4) 08:35 Second Year Assembly (MT) 08:35 Junior Year Assembly (DT Department) 13:30 Lunchtime Concert Series: Luke Saint (RcR) 13:40 Literary Society: Isabella Hilditch (3) 17:00 Swimming v Reed’s, Reigate and Whitgift: Open, U15, U14, U13, U12 (Whitgift) CR2 6YT 19:00 – 21:30 Careers Evening (MT) Friday 12 February Computing: 1&2 2E U6 Spanish mock speaking tests (Lectora’s room) 08:35 U6 Assembly (MT) 13:40 Lower School Classics Society: Valentines Day Special, Miss V Boorman (7) 16:00 Hockey v Dulwich: U11A, U11B (a) Saturday 13 February 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 40 WEEK 7 Sunday 14 February U12 Rugby Tour to UAE departs, to 21st Monday 15 February Half Term 08:00 – 18:00 NPLQ Course (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00 The Bromley Boy Singers (Music Department) 19:30 – 22:00 Surrey Radio Club (SR) Tuesday 16 February Half Term 08:00 – 18:00 NPLQ Course (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00 Sports Course: Football (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00 The Bromley Boy Singers (Music Department) 17:00 CCF: Royal Navy Damage Control and Firefighting Experience day departs, to 17th (HMS Excellent, Whale Island, Portsmouth) Wednesday 17 February Half Term 08:00 – 18:00 NPLQ Course (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00 Sports Course: Rugby (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00 The Bromley Boy Singers (Music Department) Thursday 18 February Half Term 08:00 – 18:00 NPLQ Course (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00: Ultimate Sports Course (Sports Club) Friday 19 February Half Term 08:00 – 18:00 NPLQ Course (Sports Club) 10:00 – 16:00 Sports Course: Hockey (Sports Club) 09:00 – 10:30 Hockey Training: 1st XI, U16A (lower astro) Saturday 20 February 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 41 WEEK 8 Sunday 21 February Theme for the fortnight: Lose yourself in a book Duty Team H Monday 22 February Computing: P5&6 1V, P7&8 1S Study Skills week for Junior and First Year L6 mock examinations begin, to 25th (TCH) 08:55 – 13:10 Sutton Life Centre visit: 2B, 2E, 2H 11:55 – 16:00 Sutton Life Centre visit: 2I, 2R, 2S 16:00 Summer Term Diary entry deadline 16:00 CCF 17:00 Water Polo, Schools League: U16 (Dulwich College) SE21 7LD Tuesday 23 February Computing: P3&4 1W 08:35 Fifth Year Assembly (MT) 08:55 – 10:10 Study Skills: JC, 1W 11:55 – 13:10 Study Skills: 1M, 1S 13:35 Lower School Tutors meeting (r1, r2, r3) 14:30 – 15:45 Study Skills: JK, 1B 16:00 Football v St Dunstan’s: U14A (h) 16:15 Football v Hayes: U13A, U13B (a) BR2 7DB 18:00 – 18:45 Parents Information meeting: Classics trip to Pompeii (SR) Wednesday 24 February Computing: P7&8 1A 09:00 Rugby, City of London Freemen’s 7s Festival: U13A (a) KT21 1ET 09:15 – 13:15 Prospective Parents Morning (MR, SR) 09:30 – 16:00 Hockey, County Finals: U14A (tbc) 13:40 Fourth Year Tutors meeting (LCR) 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: A Chest of Drawers (m9) 14:30 Hockey v KCS Wimbledon: U16A (a), U16B (h) 14:45 Hocky v Kingston Grammar: 1st XI (h) 16:00 Netball v Riddlesdown: 1st, 2nd VII (h) 16:00 – 17:00 Coffee Concert (RcR) 17:00 – 19:30 Trinity School Committee (MR) 42 Thursday 25 February Computing: P5&6 1C Fifth Year Immunisation Programme (Library) 08:55 – 10:10 Study Skills: 1A, 1V 14:45 Hockey v Lingfield Notre Dame: U15A (a), U15B (h) 16:00 Football v Woodcote: U14B (h) 16:00 Football, Croydon Schools League v St John's: U11A (a) CR0 5EL 16:00 Summer Term sports fixtures meeting (SDR) 16:30 Squash v City of London Freemen’s: U13V (h) Friday 26 February Computing: P172 1B, P3&4 1M U6 mock examinations begin, to 2nd (TCH) History Conference, Early Stuart England: LHi1, LHi3, LHi5, LHi6 (London) 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: Appointing new staff, Mr M Bishop (LCR) 09:30 – 10:50 Study Skills: JL, 1C 13:40 Upper School Classics Society: Classics Balloon Debate, Mr J Stone (7) 16:00 Chess v RGS Guildford: 1st V1 (h) 16:00 Chess v Whitgift: 2nd V1 (h) Saturday 27 February 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS Classrooms) 09:30 Hockey v Caterham: U15A, U15B (h), U13A (a) CR3 6YA 10:30 Hockey v Caterham: U14A, U14B (h) 10:45 Hockey v Caterham: U13B (a) 11:45 Hockey v Caterham: 2nd XI, U12A, U12B (h) 12:00 Hockey v Caterham: 1st XI (a) 13:15 Hockey v Caterham: U16A, U12C, U12D (h) 14:30 Hockey v Caterham: U16B (a) 18:00 Trinity Choristers Evensong (St Michael’s and all Angels’, West Croydon) 43 WEEK 9 Sunday 28 February 09:00 Rugby, London Oratory 7s Tournament: U12A, U15A (a) SW13 0DG Theme for the fortnight: Lose yourself in a book Duty Team I Monday 29 February Computing: P5&6 2R, P7&8 2H 13:10 Sixth Form Council meeting (SFC) 17:00 Water Polo v Dulwich College: U12 (a) SE21 7LD 16:00 CCF 16:00 Maggini Chamber Music Masterclass: Mr M Kaznowski (RcR) 19:00 AS, A2 Music Performance Concert (RcR) 19:30 – 21:30 TPA Committee meeting (MR) Tuesday 1 March Computing: P3&4 2B 08:35 Fourth Year Assembly (MT) 09:00 Rugby, Surrey 7s Tournament: U14A (a) CR8 3QJ 16:00 Rugby v Cumnor House: U11A, U11B (h) 16:00 Football v Wallington: U13B (h) 16:00 CCF 17:00 Water Polo, Schools League: U19 (Haberdashers’ Aske's) WD6 3AF 18:00 Parents Information meeting: French visit to Eurodisney (SR) 19:00 AS Music Performance Concert (RcR) Wednesday 2 March Computing: P7&8 2I Hockey, St Georges 6s: 1st XI KT15 2QS 09:00 Rugby v Surrey 7s Tournament: U16A (a) SM7 3HU 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Lucky Stars (m9) 13:40 Charity Council meeting (m2) 14:30 Football v Caterham: 1st XI (a) CR3 6YA 15:15 Netball v Woldingham: 1st VII , 2nd VII, 3rd VII (a) CR3 7YA 16:00 – 17:00 Heads of Department meeting (MR) 16:00 Coffee Concert (RcR) 44 Thursday 3 March Computing: P5&6 2E AS Classical Civilisation study day: Homer (Central London) Glyndebourne 50th Anniversary Concert rehearsal (TCH) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: The virtue of natural moral law, Mr S Winders (r4) 08:35 Third Year Assembly (MT) 08:35 Junior and First Year Assembly (TCH) 09:00 Rugby, Surrey 7s Tournament: U15A (a) CR3 6AH 13:40 1. Klasse Deutschklub: Brettspiele (13) 13:40 Literary Society: Mr O Hutchings (3) 14:00 – 14:45 Concert for Primary and Prep schools (TCH) 16:00 Football v Bickley Park: U11A, U11B (h) 16:00 Summer Term Diary meeting (SDR) 19:00 New Generation Concert (TCH) Friday 4 March Computing: P1&2 2S 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: A strategic vision, Mr E du Toit (LCR) 08:35 Sixth Form Assembly (TCH) 11:00 Rugby, City of London Freemen’s 7s Tournament: U11A (a) KT21 1ET 16:00 Chess v Wilson’s: 1st V1 and 2nd V1 (a) SM6 9JW 16:00 Hockey v Good Shepherd: U11C, U11D (h) 16:15 Football v Bickley Park: U12A, U12B, U12C (a) BR1 2DS 19:30 – 22:00 Len Phillips Big Band Concert (TCH) 45 Saturday 5 March Water Polo, ESSA National Finals: U18, U16 (Walsall) WE1 1DH 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 08.00 – 18.00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 08:30 – 18:30 Coulsdon and Purley Music Festival (RcR, Music Department) 09:00 Hockey v Alleyn’s: U12A, U12B, U12C,U12D (h), U15B (a) 10:00 – 12:30 Royal Institution Engineering Masterclasses (DT) 10:00 – 12:30 Royal Institution Computer Science Masterclass (m1, m2, ICT) 10:15 Hockey v Alleyn’s: U13A, U13B (h), U15A, U14A, U14B (a) SE23 1NW 11:30 Hockey v Alleyn’s: 2nd XI, 3rd XI (h), 1st XI (a) 19:00 – 22:00 TPA Quiz Night (TCH) 46 WEEK 10 Sunday 6 March 09:00 – 16:00 School Production: rehearsal (MT) 09:00 Rugby, Reigate Grammar Charity 7s Tournament: 1st VII (a) RH2 8PN 09:00 Rugby, Queen Elizabeth's Boys 7s Tournament: U14A, U16A (a) EN5 4DQ Theme for the week: Charity Week Duty Team J Monday 7 March Computing: P5&6 1W, P7&8 1A File and Book check week for all years 08:30 – 18:00 Pro Corda National Chamber Music Festival for Schools: Semi-Finals (TCH, SR, RhR, RcR, BeF) 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 13:40 Fourth and Fifth Year Literary Society: Dr M Asquith (4) 14:45 Hockey v Lingfield: U14A, U14C (h), U14B (a) 16:00 CCF 16:30 Swimming v Cumnor House and Whitgift: U11, U12, U13 (a) (CR2 6YT) 19:00 Prefects Dinner (Bella Vita) 19:30 – 22:00 Surrey Radio Club (7) Tuesday 8 March Computing: P3&4 1C Grades e-mailed to Parents of Third Year History Conference, The Later Tudors: U6Hi2 (London) 08:35 Fifth Year Assembly (MT) 09:00 Rugby, Surrey 7s Tournament: U13A (h) 09:00 – 16:00 Hockey, County Rounds: U13A, U13B (tbc) 10:15 – 13:10 IGCSE English Language mock exam (TCH) 13.00 – 16.00 Trinity Academic Reunion (SR, MR) 13:40 Staff CPD: Research for Learning group, Ms H Benzinski (LCR) 14:00 – 16:00 ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Orange Tree Theatre Company: Fifth Year (TCH) 16:00 Sports Club meeting (hmo) 47 16:00 16:00 – 16:00 – 19:00 – Football v Dunottar: U12C (h) 18:00 Trinity Academic Symposium (SR, MR) 17:00 Coffee Concert (RcR) 21:30 Careers Evening (MT) Wednesday 9 March Computing: P7&8 1V 08:35 L6 Assembly (MT) 09:00 Rugby, Surrey Senior 7s Tournament: 1st VII (a) TW9 2SF 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Dragonflies (m9) 14:15 Football v Langley Park: 1st XI (h) 16:00 – 17:00 Heads of Year meeting (SDR) 16:00 Strings Competition Finals (RcR) 16:30 Squash v City of London Freemen’s: 1stV, 2ndV (a) KT21 1ET 18:00 – 20:00 Colingwood School Swimming Gala (pool) 17:00 – 19:00 Trinity Book Awards (TCH, MR) Thursday 10 March Computing: P5&6 1B Fourth Year Immunisation Programme (Library) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: The Ethics of Euthanasia, Clare Ritchie (R4) 08:35 Second Year Assembly (MT) 09:00 – 16:00 Hockey, County Rounds: U12A, U12B (tbc) 13:40 L6 Tutors meeting (SFC) 13:40 Literary Society: Ms S Ward (3) 16:00 Netball v Glyn: 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII (h) 16:00 Football v St Dunstan’s: U15A (h) 18:00 Swimming: Eight Schools Match Senior Boys and Girls (Whitgift) CR2 6YT 18:00 – 20:30 Third Year Parents Evening (TCH, SR) 20:00 – 21:15 Staff and Parent Prayer meeting (MR) 48 Friday 11 March Computing: P1&2 1M, P3&4 1S Mufti Day Open Art Awards: final submission date 08:00 Lower School Council (SDR) 08:30 – 15:30 UKMT Team Maths Challenge (TCH) 08:35 U6 Assembly (MT) 09:00 Rugby, Donhead 7s Tournament: U11A (a) SW20 0QX 09:00 Rugby v Surrey 7s Tournament: U12A (a) SW20 0RG 10:00 Swimming: Bath Cup, Senior Boys and Girls (London 2012 Aquatic Centre) E15 13:40 Lower School Classics Society: Your specialist subject is...!, Miss V J Boorman (7) 16:00 Chess v KCS Wimbledon 2nd V1 (a) SW19 4TT 16:00 Football v St Dunstan’s: U12A, U12B (h) Saturday 12 March 08:00 – 18:00 Music Academy (TCH, Music Department) 08:30 – 18:30 Coulsdon and Purley Music Festival (RcR, Music Department 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MR, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS classrooms) 08:30 – 11:00 Good As New Uniform Sale (BeF) 10.00 – 12.30 Royal Institution Engineering Masterclass (DT Department) 10.00 – 12.30 Royal Institution Computer Science Masterclass (m1, m2, ICT) 10:00 Hockey v Hurstpierpoint: 3rd XI, U16B (h), 1st XI, 2nd XI (a) BN6 9JS 11:15 Hockey v Hurstpierpoint: U15A, U15B (h) 11:30 Hockey v Hurstpierpoint: U16A, U14C (a) 12:30 Hockey v Hurstpierpoint: U15C (h) 12:45 Hockey v Hurstpierpoint: U14A, U14B (a) 49 WEEK 11 Sunday 13 March 09:00 – 16:00 School Production: rehearsal (MT) 09:00 Rugby, Reigate Grammar 7s Tournament: U12A, U14A (a) RH2 8PN 09:00 Rugby, Wimbledon College Perioni 7s Tournament: U15A (a) SE20 0RG 09:00 Rugy, St Benedict’s 7s Tournament: 1st VII (a) UB6 8TL 10:00 Pro Corda National Chamber Music Festival for Schools Finals (Pamoja Hall, Sevenoaks) 15:00 – 17.15 50th Anniversary Concert (Glyndebourne) Theme for the fortnight: What is a human? (STEM week) Duty Team K Monday 14 March Computing: P5&6 2E, P7&8 2B Mock exam results e-mailed to Parents of Upper Sixth Netball, Surrey B Tournament (a) 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 09:00 – 16:00 School Production: rehearsal (MT) 09:00 Rugby, National 7s Tournament: U13A (a) SW15 3PQ 16:00 CCF 16:00 Football v Wallington Grammar: U14A (h) 16:00 Hockey v Langley Park: U12C, U12D (a) 18:00 – 21:00 Social event for prospective Sixth Form students new to Trinity (SFC) 19:30 Trinity Boys Choir sings in ‘Boris Godunov’ (Royal Opera House) 50 Tuesday 15 March Field Day CCF Biennial General Inspection Public Speaking Workshop for non-CCF L6 Students (MT, MiF, classrooms Fencing, Public Schools Championships: U16, U14 (National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace) 08:00 Rugby, National 7s Tournament Junior Final: U13A (a) SW15 3PQ 09:00 – 16:00 Hockey, County Championship: U15A (tbc) 09:00 Rugby, National 7s Colts Tournament: U16A (a) SW15 3PQ 18:30 – 22:00 Spring Park Neighbourhood Watch meeting (SR) Wednesday 16 March Computing; P7&8 2S AS Latin Set Texts study day (Central London) History Conference, Russia and its Rulers: UHi3, UHi4 (London) Fencing, Public Schools Championships: U16, U14 (National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace) 08:35 Lower School Assembly (TCH) 09:00 Rugby, National 7s Colts Final Tournament: U16A (a) SW15 3PQ 09:00 Rugby, National 7s Vase Tournament: 1st VII (a) SW15 3PQ 10:00 – 3:00 Science Show for visiting Primary Schools (TCH) 11:00 – 12:30 GCSE Chinese Speaking Controlled Assessment 13:40 Paper Geometry Club: Easter Baskets (m9) 14:00 Netball v St Olave's: 1st, 2nd VII (a) BR6 9SH 14:30 – 15:45 Science Show: Trinity Junior and First Years (TCH) 16:00 Football v Wallington Grammar: 1st XI (h) 16:00 Hockey v Lingfield Notre Dame: U12A, U12B (h) 16:00 – 17:00 Staff CPD: e-learning lecture, Social Media in Education, Mr R van Graan (MT) 16:30 Squash v City of London Freemen’s: U14V (h) 17:00 Water Polo, Schools League: U16 (Whitgift) CR2 6YT 18:00 – 20:30 Upper Sixth Year Parents Evening (TCH, SR) 51 Thursday 17 March Computing: P5&6 2H IGCSE German speaking exams (Lektor’s room) Fencing, Public Schools Championships: U16, U14 (National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace) 08:00 FAFY Council (SDR) 08:00 – 08:25 ThinkSoc: Applied Ethical Philosophy, Mr J Holmes (R4) 08:35 Second and Third Year Colours Awards (TCH) 09:00 Rugby, National 7s Vase Final Tournament: 1st VII (a) SW15 3PQ 09:00 Rugby, National 7s U14 Tournament: U14A (a) SW15 3PQ 11:30 – 13:10 GCSE Chinese Speaking Controlled Assessment 13:40 Fifth Year Tutors meeting (4) 13:30 Lunchtime Concert Series: Lois Ashenden, flute (RcR) 13:40 Literary Society: U6 Exam Texts Forum (3) 15:00 – 21:00 SATRO Problem-solving final; Qualifying teams (ACS Cobham) KT11 1BL 16:00 Football v Wallington Grammar: U15B (h) 16:30 – 17:30 History Society: Charlemagne, Professor Dame Janet Nelson (SR) 17:30 – 18:30 History Society Dinner (MR) 19:30 School Production: ‘Grimms Tales’ (MT) Friday 18 March Computing: P1&2 2R, P3&4 2I IGCSE German speaking exams (Lektor’s room) 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence, Developmental lesson observations, Mr J Snelling (LR) 08:35 Fourth and Fifth Year Colours Awards (TCH) 08:55 – 09:30 Form period: Report review 09:00 Rugby, National 7s Tournament: U14A (a) SW15 3PQ 13:40 U6 Tutors meeting (SFC)) 16:00 Football v Wallington Grammar: U12B (h) 16:30 Bag Sweep 16:30 – 18:00 Open Art Awards Private View (Shaw) 19:00 – 23:30 TMWA Founder's Day Dinner (TCH) 19:30 School Production: ‘Grimms Tales’ (MT) 19:30 Trinity Boys Choir sings in ‘Boris Godunov’ (Royal Opera House) 52 Saturday 19 March 08:00 – 15:00 UK Space Design Competition Final (Imperial College) 08:30 – 18:30 Coulsdon and Purley Music Festival (RcR, Music Department) 08:30 – 14:00 Chinese Church School (MF, T rooms, Maths classrooms) 09.00 – 14.00 Excel in Key Subjects (RS Classrooms) 09:00 Hockey v Reed’s: U15C, U14B (h) 09:00 Hockey v Reed’s: U14C, U13B, U13C (a) KT11 2ES 09:00 – 12:30 Science Morning for feeder schools (BeF, SR, RhR) 10.00 – 12.30 Royal Institution Engineering Masterclass (DT) 10.00 – 12.30 Royal Institution Computer Science Masterclass (m1, m2, ICT) 10:15 Hockey v Reed’s: 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI (a), U16A, U16B (h) 11:45 Hockey v Reed’s: U15A, U15 (h), U14A, U13A (a) 13.00 Fifth Year GCSE Latin visit to the British Museum 13:30 Hockey v St George’s: U12A, U12B, U12C, U12D (h) 15:00 School Production: ‘Grimms Tales’ (MT) 19:00 – 21:30 Trinity Music Academy Chamber Orchestra Concert (TCH) 53 WEEK 12 Sunday 20 March 08:00 – 15:00 UK Space Design Competition Final (Imperial College) 08:30 – 14:00 Purley Baptist Church Service (TCH, classrooms) Theme for the fortnight: What is a human? Duty Team L Monday 21 March Second Year Classics visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (Fishbourne, Sussex) Fourth Year Art and Photography Field Class 08:35 School Assembly (TCH) 11:00 Rugby, Shrewsbury House 7s Tournament: U13A (a) KT6 6RL 13:40 Fourth Year Tutors meeting (LCR) 16:00 CCF 19:30 – 22:00 Surrey Radio Club (SR) 19:30 Trinity Boys Choir sings in ‘Boris Godunov’ (Royal Opera House) Tuesday 22 March Founder’s Day Reports e-mailed to Parents of J, 1, 2, L6 Grades e-mailed to Parents of 4, 5 Fourth Year Art and Photography Field Class 07:45 – 08:15 Staff CPD, Leadership Excellence: Productive meetings Mr J Snelling (LCR) 08:35 Junior and First Year Colours Assembly (TCH) 08:35 Fifth Year Assembly (MT) 11:00 First Year attend Founder’s Day Service (Croydon Minster) 11:30 Rugby v Shrewsbury House 7s Tournament: U11A (a) KT6 6RL 14:00 Netball Six Schools League: 1st VII, 2nd VII (a) CR8 1EX, 16:15 – 17:15 Junior and First Year Class Concert (TCH) 16:30 Football v St Dunstan’s: U13A, U13B (a) SE6 4TY Wednesday 23 March Normal timetable until 10:50 10:50 – 11:10 Morning Break 11:10 – 11:55 Form Period 12:00 Whole School Assembly (TCH) 12:30 Term Ends 54 After Term Events 24 March Trinity Boys Choir sings in ‘Boris Godunov’ (Royal Opera House) 25 March Tennis Tour to Spain departs to 31st 26 March Trinity Boys Choir sings in ‘Boris Godunov’ (Royal Opera House) 28 March Choristers Course to York departs, to 3rd April 29 March Classics Trip to Pompeii departs, to 3rd April 29 March Barracudas Sports Courses, to 8th April 2 April Excel in Key Subjects 3 April French visit to Eurodisney departs, to 6th April 6 April Gold DofE expedition to the Brecon Beacons departs to 10th Silver DofE expedition to the South Downs departs, to 8th 7 April Bronze DofE expedition to Ashdown Forest departs to 8th 9 April Excel in Key Subjects Summer Term Events April 11 INSET April 12 Term starts 55 Pre Season Cricket Monday 4 April Morning: U15 (School) U14 (Sandilands) Afternoon: U11 (Sandilands) Tuesday 5 April Morning: U15 (School) U14 (Sandilands) Afternoon: U11 (Sandilands) Wednesday 6 April Morning: U15/Senior (School) U14 (Sandilands) Afternoon: Seniors (School) U13 (Sandilands) Thursday 7 April Morning: Seniors (School) U12 (Sandilands) Afternoon: Seniors (School) U13 (Sandilands) Friday 8 April Morning: Seniors (School) U12 (Sandilands) Afternoon: Seniors (School) U13 (Sandilands) 56 School Rules The School Rules are intended to ensure the safety, welfare, good order and reputation of the School, whose members are expected to maintain a high standard of civilised and unselfish behaviour at all times. The Rules apply to pupils on the way to and from school and to those on field classes, trips, visits and other expeditions away from school, whenever they occur whether during the term or in the holidays. 1. Conduct and Appearance All members of the School are expected to be considerate of others, courteous, punctual and prepared for lessons and activities. All members of the School are expected to understand that they are responsible for their own words and actions. All members of the School are expected to know the rules and expectations the School has of them – ignorance of the rules is not a defence! Bullying in any form and disruption of other pupils’ learning are absolutely unacceptable at Trinity. See details below in Sanctions for an explanation of how such behaviours will be dealt with. Do not run inside the school buildings. Playing unsupervised games which involve sustained, intentional physical contact and/or which may lead to damage to grounds or other school facilities is not permitted. Pupils must not take photographs or video footage (on the school site, or off-site during school trips) of other members of the school community (including staff and parents) without the express permission of both the individuals concerned and the Deputy Headmaster. Still images and video which allow members of the School to be identified as such must never be posted on the internet or otherwise broadcast. Eating and drinking whilst moving about the School and its grounds is not permitted and staff will confiscate food and drink where this rule is not observed. Pupils may eat and drink in the Boys’ restaurant, the Sixth Form Cafe, social areas of the SFC and in rooms where permission has been given by staff. All rooms and other school facilities must be left ready for use with no litter on the floors. Pupils may bring a transparent bottle of water to lessons. Removing and/or hiding another pupil’s property is a serious offence. Only Prefects, or other pupils working under the supervision of a member of staff or Prefect, may relocate property such as bags. 57 After 3.45pm pupils must either have left the site, be involved in a supervised activity or be working in the Library or designated study area. A pupil returning from a school fixture or activity after 8pm may be excused such parts of his/her homework as his/her Form Tutor or parent considers reasonable. A note signed by either or explanatory email must be provided for the teachers concerned. Pupils who miss lessons are expected to make every reasonable and immediate effort to establish what work they have missed and to catch up with this as soon as possible. Pupils in the Sixth Form must take Private Study periods in the upstairs work areas of the SFC or other areas as designated by staff. All pupils representing Trinity in sports fixtures of any kind, including practices, whether at or away from Trinity, are required to display the highest standard of sporting behaviour: win with humility, lose with good grace, treat the opposition with courtesy and respect the decisions of coaches and officials. Pupils are expected to be smartly dressed at all times. Whilst playing outside during lunch, top buttons may be undone and ties loosened (but not removed). However, once inside any school buildings, at any time of day, the normal requirements apply: shirts must be tucked in, top buttons done up and ties worn properly. Boys’ hair should not be ostentatious in style or colour but must be clean, tidy and of a reasonable length at all times and be of one natural colour. Haircuts that are excessively short (ie shaved at less than ‘2’) in any or all parts, or which have sudden changes (ie steps) between long and shorter sections, are not acceptable. In essence the requirement is that hair should be conventional in style, short (but not excessively so), neat and off the collar. Girls’ hair should not be ostentatious in style or colour and be of one, natural colour and be clean and tidy. Girls’ hair must be tied back for activities such as Games, and for Science, Art and DT lessons. Uniform (or Sixth Form dress) should be worn to and from school, at school, and when representing the School. Pupils must not leave school in Games or sports kit of any kind unless leaving after 4.45 pm. After this time, a full tracksuit or tracksuit trousers and Trinity sports shirt must be worn. In the summertime, cricket whites worn with a school blazer is also acceptable for Junior to Fifth Year. Boys must be clean shaven. Hooded tops/tracksuit tops are not permitted when worn with school uniform or Sixth Form dress. Pupils are to refrain from gratuitous displays of public affection. 58 Members of staff at Trinity (teaching and support staff) are addressed by their title and surname or, as Miss/Ma’am (as preferred by the member of staff) or Sir. Sixth Form Dress Code Boys: Smart business-wear that is not ostentatious in style, pattern or colour, comprising: Suit of a formal style; Tie; formal business shirt Formal black polishable shoes (not boots or suede shoes or trainers) A plain cardigan, plain waistcoat or V-necked plain pullover may be worn under a jacket. Hooded tops/tracksuit tops are not permitted. Discreet belt, through belt loops, if required. Overcoat of sober colour. No make-up or jewellery. Tattoos must not be visible. Girls: Smart business-wear that is not ostentatious in style, pattern or colour, comprising: Suit: matching skirt and jacket / matching tailored trousers and jacket o Skirts must be tailored and be no shorter than knee length/no longer than mid-calf. o Skirts may have a small slit at the back (max 9cm). Slits at the side or front are not permitted. Hems must be straight. o Trousers should be full length. Blouses must be tailored, collared, buttoned and sleeved. Short sleeves are acceptable. Jumpers or cardigans may be worn under jackets. They must be v-neck and plain. Hooded tops/tracksuit tops are not permitted. Discreet belt, through belt loops, if required. If tights are worn they must be black or flesh-tone only and in good condition. Shoes must be black and polishable, flat or with a low heel and in a conventional style. No stilettos, platforms, sandals, trainers or boots. Overcoat of sober colour. Discreet, minimal makeup and jewellery only. Tattoos must not be visible. The overall effect of Sixth Form clothing should be one of smartness, lack of ostentation and appropriateness within a conventional business context. The School shall be the sole arbiter in respect of all three of these requirements. Students who are unsure about the suitability of particular items of clothing must consult with the Head of Upper School before purchasing, or before wearing such items to school. 59 Non Sixth Form School blazer with plain dark grey formal trousers School tie, never tucked in Plain white formal shirt, always tucked in Black, polishable, formal shoes (not boots or suede shoes or trainers), with black laces Plain dark socks V-necked pullover, mid-grey to black Overcoat or anorak of sober colour No items of jewellery to be worn In the Summer Term only, from a date to be announced by the Headmaster in assembly, boys in years J- 5 may remove their blazers/jackets after formal assembly but must continue to wear their ties correctly while in the school buildings. While travelling to and from school, boys in years J – 5 must, as in other terms, wear ties, properly tied with collars fastened, and also blazers or jackets (for girls and boys in the Sixth Form). Shirts/blouses must be formal in style and of the colour approved for the appropriate section of the school but may be either long or short sleeved. Longsleeved shirts/blouses may be rolled neatly to the elbow. The School reserves the right to send home any pupil who does not meet its requirements in terms of dress and appearance. 2. Property and Facilities You are responsible for looking after your personal property and for using the School’s property and facilities with care and consideration for other users. Use of a school locker is provided on the basis that lockers may be searched without either a pupil’s consent or prescence where there is reason to believe a locker contains either illegal items or items banned under the School Rules. Damage to property and facilities must be reported to the Deputy Headmaster and is liable to be made good at the expense of the person who caused the damage. All personal property should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Valuable items must never be left in a changing room. 60 3. Buying or selling of property within the school is not permitted without first gaining the permission of your Form Tutor. Permission will not normally be granted for the buying or selling of any item for a sum in excess of £10. Boys in the Lower School (years J to 3) must keep mobile phones in their lockers during the school day (including break and lunch) and must have permission from a member of staff before using them. Use should only be for vital calls such as to parents. Pupils in the Upper School (Years 4 – U6) may have mobile phones with them but these must be switched off completely during lessons and other activities. Boys in the Lower School must not bring Ipods, MP3 players or any kind of device for playing computer games into school. Exceptions may be made to this by teachers in charge of trips away from school such as sports fixtures. Pupils in the Upper School may bring Ipods and MP3 players to school and these may be used during morning and lunch breaks but only in Form Rooms or Sixth Form social areas. In order that the School complies with legal requirements concerning fire safety, bags must never be left on floors at all. Bags must be stored in bag racks, in lockers or on window ledges Items such as MP3 or MP4 players, phones, cameras, computer games consoles etc must never be connected to the School’s computer network or audio-visual equipment without the permission of a member of staff. The School shall not be responsible for damage to any property if this rule is not observed. Computers on teachers’ desks in classrooms must never be used by pupils without the explicit permission of a member of staff. When logging on to the School’s computer network you agree to the terms and conditions of the Network User Policy. If these are not kept to, use of the School’s equipment and computer network can be withdrawn. Safety The following items are forbidden: alcohol, tobacco, any illegal drug, substances classified as ‘legal highs’, firearms, imitation firearms, ammunition, knives, fireworks, laser pens, lighters, matches or any offensive weapon. Neither bottled Tippex nor chewing gum may be brought into any school building. Walk on the right inside school buildings and never run, indoors. 61 4. Personal stereos of any kind must not be used (whether switched on or not) whilst moving about the school and its grounds. This rule applies whether one or both earphones are being used. Pupils must never cross over the dual carriageway and should only cross roads outside the school at the designated crossing areas. Laboratories, studios and workshops may only be entered with permission. The following areas are strictly out of bounds except with the specific permission of a member of staff: all offices, swimming pool, fitness room, sports halls, assault course, music control room, all lighting boxes, all kitchens, all store cupboards, the Staff Common Room, the Staff Dining Room. Trainers must be worn when using the Astroturf pitches and hard courts. When playing games on grass, shoes or trainers must be worn. Do not sit on window ledges anywhere in the school. Boys below the Fourth Year who wish to cycle to school must have passed the Cyclists’ Proficiency Test and must have the written consent of parents and the Head of Lower School. All pupils cycling to and from school, whatever their year group, must wear safety helmets. Pupils wishing to drive a car, motorcycle or moped onto the school premises must apply for permission from the Head of Sixth Form. Vehicles may not be used between 8.30 am and 3.45 pm except for returning home after the pupil's last lesson. Whether or not he or she parks on school premises, no pupil may give a lift to another pupil without the permission of both sets of parents. You must not use the gates adjacent to the dual carriageway for entering or leaving Trinity on foot between 7 am – 5.30 pm. Attendance Pupils must remain on school premises from registration to the end of the last afternoon lesson unless they have the permission of the Headmaster, with the exception of Sixth Formers who may be out at break or during the lunch period and who, with their Tutor’s permission, may leave after Period 7 (Lower Sixth) or Period 6 (Upper Sixth). This privilege can be withdrawn from Sixth Formers at the discretion of the Head of Sixth Form. 62 If a parent wishes a pupil to be absent from school during term time for a day or longer, approval must be sought in writing from the Headmaster. Permission will not normally be granted for late return from, or leaving early for, holiday. Permission for absences from school for part of a day must be sought from the Form Tutor in the first instance. If a pupil has to be absent due to illness or some other cause, his/her parents or guardian should telephone the School Office by 9.30am (or e-mail absence@trinity.croydon.sch.uk) and leave a message of explanation for the Form Tutor. When a pupil returns to the school he/she should bring a note of explanation signed by a parent/guardian. Inter-school and other fixtures take place on Saturdays and Sundays: pupils are required to play if selected to represent the school - two weeks’ notice is required if you know you may be unavailable. Unexplained non-attendance at a School fixture is regarded as exactly the same as truancy from timetabled lessons Attendance at practices after school, and at CCF parade for all cadets, is also compulsory. 5. Sanctions System Praise and encouragement should always outweigh sanctions at Trinity; at the same time, all pupils should be aware that the School operates a sanctions system to assist with the maintenance of a proper environment for learning. Pupils should expect to incur disciplinary sanctions if, in the judgement of the School’s staff, they: disrupt the learning of others wilfully defy the School’s stated regulations cause harm or distress to others through thoughtlessness show contempt for people or property bring the School community into disrepute when clearly identifiable as a member of the School community this includes being on-line and identifiable as a member of the School community produce work which is late or clearly inadequate given that pupil’s abilities and the standards required Relatively minor infractions of rules (such as late work or littering) can result in sanctions such as a ‘Signing’ (for Lower School boys, in their Term Planner) or a break/lunchtime detention. 63 Persistent infringement of the rules (such as constant lateness, untidy appearance, repeated late or inadequate work) or involvement in one-off incidents of reasonable seriousness can be met with a School detention, a Saturday detention (supervised by Senior Staff) or an internal suspension. In the Lower School, a lunchtime detention is held on a Friday during lunchtime, with an after school detention where the offence is considered slightly more serious. In the Fourth and Fifth Years, poor work or behaviour can result in a Friday afternoon detention. In the Sixth Form, unexplained late work and/or inadequate effort results in an Academic Detention held on Friday evenings. This takes precedence over any other School Activities. After three such detentions in the Fourth and Fifth Year and Sixth Form there is an automatic Saturday detention. More serious misconduct (such as physical aggression towards others, a breach of the rules which results in harm to others, or deliberate discourtesy towards staff) can be met with a suspension from school. If a pupil commits a second suspension-level offence within a year of the first or, after repeated warnings, does not improve his/her conduct/effort, the Headmaster and his Deputies will review that pupil’s continued membership of the School. A pupil reaching this stage may, at the Headmaster’s discretion, be offered a Behavioural Contract specifying targets to be in order to remain at the School. Gross misconduct (such as theft or the use of illegal substances whilst at school) or failure to abide by the terms of a Contract, will lead to the Headmaster permanently excluding the pupil. All pupils should be aware that disruption of learning and teaching is not tolerated by staff at Trinity, where the highest value is placed on providing an appropriate environment in which pupils can learn. Pupils who deliberately disrupt lessons/activities will be removed from the class/activity and, in the first instance, will be given a Saturday detention. A second incident of this kind within a year will produce an external suspension; a third will result in the Headmaster reviewing that pupil’s continued membership of the School. The Headmaster and his Deputies reserve the right in their absolute discretion to exclude from the school any pupil whose behaviour, attendance or academic progress is unsatisfactory. 64 Pupil Support and Outside Agencies If you are upset or worried about something, it is important that you share your concerns with somebody. This is likely to be with one of your family or a good friend, but could also be with your Tutor, another member of staff or your prefect mentor. There is a counselling service provided by the school. The school counsellor is in school one day each week. Information about her availability, and how to contact her, can be found on the school website. Pupils can make appointments by emailing counsellor@trinity.croydon.sch.uk. The following agencies also offer help and advice: Local Youth Counselling Services Off The Record: 72 Queen’s Road, CR0 2PR (Tel: 020 8251 0251) Croydon Drop-In: 132 Church Street, CR0 1RF (Tel: 020 8680 0404) Bromley Y: 17 Ethelbert Road, BR1 1JA (Tel: 020 8464 9033) National Information/Youth Counselling Services ChildLine gives comfort, advice and protection to children and young people who are worried about any problem. (Tel: 0800 1111; 24-hr Free*) The Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. (Tel: 08457 90 90 90; calls charged at local rates*) NSPCC helpline offers support and counselling to children, including those experiencing child abuse. (Tel: 0808 800 5000; 24-hr Free*) Get Connected will find the best place in the UK that can help young people, whatever the problem, with free connection to the most appropriate service. (Tel: 0808 808 4994; 1-11pm every day Free*) * charges may vary when using a mobile phone 65 Effort Grades: 1: consistently excellent levels of effort in all aspects of work with no significant exceptions; frequently takes the initiative and works independently; always aiming to stretch oneself academically; highly responsive to advice about improvement; strives to organise work effectively to best support one’s own learning 2: good levels of effort in most areas; offers a positive contribution to learning activities; shows some initiative and works independently on occasions; responsive to advice about improvement; organises work effectively 3: moderate effort in most areas; some homework reflects limited time or care taken; limited evidence of efforts to stretch oneself; limited response to advice about improvement; 4: poor effort shown in many areas, often leading to significantly less progress than expected; reluctant to take on learning challenges and to act on advice about improvement 5: very poor effort shown in most areas; homework frequently unsatisfactory; little or no evidence of a desire to work with us to improve the situation. 66 Notes 67 PERIO D MONDAY TUESDAY 1 8.55 - 9.30 2 9.35 - 10.10 3 10.15 - 10.50 4 10.55 - 11.30 Break 5 11.55 - 12.30 6 12.35 - 1.10 Lunch 6b 1.20 - 2.15 7 2.30 - 3.05 8 3.10 - 3.45 8b 3.55 - 5.00 68 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 69