2016 EBA NORTHEAST CHAPTER ANNUAL MEETING June 24, 2016 JAMS 620 8th Ave., 34th Fl. New York, NY 10018 New York, NY 2016 EBA NORTHEAST CHAPTER ANNUAL MEETING Summary The energy sector in the Northeast Region is facing unprecedented market changes. With policy initiatives that are driving efficiency and resiliency in regional retail and wholesale markets, the Northeast is undergoing dynamic and exciting change. From generator retirements driving planning, policy and tariff issues and FERC investigations under Section 5 of the Natural Gas Act, to market innovations driving efficient retail alternative energy deployment, this is truly an exciting time to work in our sector. The Energy Bar Association Northeast Chapter will bring together regulators, ISO Staff, industry executives and stakeholders to discuss initiatives that are moving the efficiency and resiliency of the sector forward in the aftermath of catastrophic events such as Hurricane Sandy. Don’t miss one of the most exciting EBA meetings of the year! Agenda THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm Welcome Networking Reception JAMS, 620 8th Ave., 34th Fl., New York, NY 10018 FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016 8:00 am Registration 9:00 am to 9:10 am Welcome and Introduction E m m a F. Hand, P res ident , E nergy B ar A s s oc iat ion, Dent ons US LLP Roni F. Epstein, President, Northeast Chapter of the Energy Bar Association and Director of Strategic Engagement, Pace Energy and Climate Center Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Carmen A. Cintron, Acting Chief Judge 9:10 am to 9:30 am Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 9:30 am to 10:45 am Generator Retirements, Recent Tariff, Planning and Policy Issues P JM, IS O-NE and NY S IO Couns el will dis c us s Is s ues driving Generat or Ret irement s and Regulat ory Res pons es , inc luding an ex aminat ion of mark et c ondit ions , planning implic at ions and rec ent Tariff filings . Moderat or: P anelis t s : Garry A. Brown, Former Chairman New York State Public Service Commission Vincent P. Duane, SVP and General Counsel PJM Interconnection, L.L.C Theodore J. Paradi se, A s s is t ant General Couns el Operat ions & P lanning, I S O New E ngland I nc . Carl F. Patk a, A s s is t ant General Couns el, New Y ork I ndependent S ys t em Operat or, I nc . 10:45 am to 11:00 am Networking Break 11:00 am to 12:15 pm Section 5 Gas Proceedings, FERC Investigation of Pipelines -Burning Issues This panel will look at four pipeline investigations ongoing before FERC and the issues driving FERC's investigation. Page 1 2016 EBA NORTHEAST CHAPTER ANNUAL MEETING Moderat or: P anelis t s : Randy C. Rucinski, National Fuel Dena E ve W i ggi ns, P res ident and CE O Natural Gas Supply Association Geoffrey B. Inge, Director Regulatory Services, US Energy Services Paul Korman, Partner, Van Ness Feldman, LLP Andrea Jean Chambers, General Counsel, P r o c e s s G a s Consumers Group 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm Networking Lunch 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm Hot Topics in the Northeast; A survey of key regional initiatives This P anel will ex amine t he Reinvent ing t he E nergy V is ion (RE V ) proc eeding in New Y ork , t he Load Dis plac ement Tariff in Ont ario, Mark et S t ruc t ure Init iat ives in New E ngland, and pipeline ex pans ion init iat ives in Canada Moderat or: C a r l P e c h m a n , Economist, Office of Policy and Innovation at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission P anelis t s : Kerry Stroup, Manager, State Legislative and Regulatory , PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Peter Fraser, Vice President, Industry Operations and Performance, Ontario Energy Board Aleck Dadson, Vice President, StrategyCorp Inc. Scott Weiner, Deputy for Mark ets and Innovation, New York Public Service Commission 2:45 pm to 3:00 pm Networking Break 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm New Developments in Energy Arbitration and Mediation The panel will discuss developments in arbitration and mediation in the energy sector including recent cases in Canada, the United States and Europe The panel involves leading practitioners from Washington, New York and Calgary. Moderat or: Gordon Kai ser, J A MS Toront o, W as hingt on P anelis t s : David R. Haigh, Burnett Duck worth & Palmer LLP, Calgary Steven A. Shapiro, Resolution Matters, Inc., Washington Peter Woodin, JAMS, NY A Special thank you to our sponsors: About the Energy Bar Association: The Energy Bar Association is an international, non-profit association of attorneys, non-attorney professionals, and students active in all areas of energy law. The EBA promotes the professional excellence and ethical integrity of its members in the practice, administration, and development of energy laws, regulations and policies. The EBA provides superior educational programming, networking opportunities, and information resources. Find more information at www.eba-net.org. Page 2 REGISTRATION FORM General Information 2016 Northeast Chapter Annual Meeting – June 23-24, 2016 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Registration 1) Last Name First Name M.I. Firm/Company/Agency Address City State Phone Zip Fax Register Online at the secure EBA website: www.ebanet.org 2) FAX your completed registration form with credit card payment (no checks or money orders) to 202-8335596. Please do not both fax and mail, as this may result in duplicate charges. 3) MAIL your completed registration form with payment to: Energy Bar Association, 2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 715, Washington, D.C. 20036. *You may send one check for multiple registrants. The deadline for receipt of advance registration is 6/21/2016. Conference registrations will only be accepted when accompanied by a check, money order, governmen t purchase order/training form or credit card information and may be limited by the capacity of the facility. Registrations will not be held without payment. Cancellation Policy Registrant Email (Confirmations will be sent via email to registrant) REGISTRATION FEES Unless otherwise noted, registration fees include all meals, networking breaks, and handouts. Written materials will be emailed to all attendees before the meeting. Early Bird Regular (after June 10tth) Member (Private) $335 $395 Non-Member $585 $585 Member (Gov't/Academic) $125 $175 Non-Member (Gov't/Academic) $275 $275 * ☐ ☐ Check enclosed (payable to the EBA) Total Enclosed (USD): $ Government Purchase Order Enclosed VISA ☐ MASTERCARD ☐ ☐ DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS Cardholder name: Signature of cardholder: Card #: Meeting Location The meeting and reception are being held at the JAMS offices, 620 8th Ave., 34th Fl., New York, NY 10018. PAYMENT METHODS (TAX ID #52-6054231) ☐ Refunds will be given to registrants who submit written cancellation to the address shown on the registration form by 6/15/2016, less a $50 administrative fee. The cancellation policy also applies to registration forms that are received and accepted after the deadline date. No refunds will be given after 6/15/2016. (If cancellation is requested after deadline and accepted, there will be a $100 administrative fee). Substitutions are acceptable by 6/21/2016 (non-members substituting for members will be charged the difference between member and nonmember fees). Please note that regardless of the date the cancellation notice is received, no refunds will be processed until after the program. Exp. Date: Hotel EBA has a small block of rooms at Ink48- A Kimpton Hotel, 653 11th Avenue | New York, NY 10036 at the rate of $279 for a King Room. Reservations can be made by calling 646.572.7433 or using the following booking link: Energy Bar Association Booking Link until 6/2/2016. EBA attendees can also get these corporate rates given to JAMS at several nearby hotels listed on the event page: http://www.eba-net.org/2016-northeast-chapterannual-meeting Badges CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION I plan to apply for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in the following states: (Only provide ID if credit is required as fees are involved with many states.) State: ID# State: ID# Check Date: *To assume accreditation, the necessary CLE information must appear on your registration form. Photographs Check #: Check Amount: Card Authorization: Date Billed: 2016 EBA Northeast Chapter Annual Meeting Continuing Legal Education MCLE accreditation has been (or will be) requested from states with general MCLE requirements. Each state has its own rules and regulations defining “CLE”. For questions on CLE email llevine@eba-net.org. FOR EBA USE ONLY Check Name: Please wear your badge at all times when attending official EBA functions. Badges are a security measure to identify people who have a legitimate reason to be in meeting areas. Amount: $ By registering for this conference, you authorize EBA the right to use any photographs taken of you during the course of the conference. Photographs may be used in promotional materials or stories that appear in professional publications and websites. 1