The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Vol. (2) – No. (1) Impact of Power Factor Correction on the Electrical Distribution Network of Kuwait – A Case Study Osama A. Al-Naseem and Ahmad Kh. Adi Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Petroleum Kuwait University, State of Kuwait Abstract-The electrical distribution network in Kuwait has undergone several improvements over the years to ensure a higher capacity and efficient electricity service to all consumers. Power factor correction (PFC) is one of the techniques recently applied to the electrical distribution network in Kuwait. Applying proper PFC methods compensates the effect of reactive loads of the system and hence improves the system’s overall efficiency. Such improvement permits a reduction in the size of switchgear, transformers and cables which imply lower cost [1]. This paper presents a case study that shows the advantages of power factor correction for the electrical distribution network in Kuwait. A switchgear factory is selected to perform the case study in this paper. Measured data is taken on the factory site before and after installing power factor correction capacitors. The data includes power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power, and current. By improving the power factor of the site from 0.75 to 0.95, the kVA capacity of the distribution transformers (supplying the factory) increases by 21.05%. Results are then used as a model to reflect the estimated total kVA savings in the electric power system in Kuwait. Analyses of the results prove that PFC significantly reduces the cost of electric power production in Kuwait and increases the capacity and efficiency of the electrical power system. I. INTRODUCTION During recent years, increasing attention has been paid to minimize the energy cost and inefficiency in electricity generation, transmission and distribution [2]. When designing a compensation scheme, one should attempt to achieve the most economical solution in which the saving achieved in the equipment cost is significantly greater than the procurement cost of the reactive power [3]. Different systems are available to produce reactive energy and improve the power factor. Particularly, shunt capacitors at the nearest point to the loads is a well established approach to improve the power factor. Shunt capacitors are attractive because they are economical and easy to maintain. Not only that, but also they have no moving parts, unlike some other devices used for the same purpose [4]. Connected equipment (transformers, motors, etc.) cause a phase angle between current and voltage. When the current is Reference Number: W10-0030 phase shifted, it takes more current to deliver the same amount of active power [5]. Figure (1) Figure 1 shows that prior to installation of capacitor bank, all the reactive power (noted as Q1) of the facility is supplied by the utility, so the apparent power (noted as S1) is high because both the active and the reactive power have to be supplied by the utility. The added capacitor bank supplies reactive power (noted as Qcap) to the load, so the facility doesn’t have to draw this reactive power from the utility, but rather only the difference (Q1 - Qcap). A low demand of reactive power translates into a low consumption of apparent power to the utility, thus releasing the capacity in the system. Reactive power is not used to do work, but is needed to operate equipment. Many industrial loads are inductive such as motors, transformers, etc. The current drawn by an inductive load consists of magnetization current and power producing current. The magnetizing current is required to sustain the electro-magnetic field in a device and creates reactive power. An inductive load draws current that lags the voltage, in that the current follows the voltage wave form. The amount of lag is the electrical displacement (or phase) angel between the voltage and current (refer to Figure 2). II. CASE STUDY A Switchgear Factory was selected as a case study for this paper. This factory is supplied with electricity from the distribution utility through 1600 kVA, 11/0.433 kV transformer feeding a Main Low Tension Board (MLTB). The maximum demand of this factory is 1250 kVA at a power factor of 0.75. A 300 kVAR Capacitor Bank was installed at the MLTB bus in this factory to improve the power factor. In this case study, the measurements of Power Factor (PF), Active Power (P), Reactive Power (Q), Apparent Power (S), and Current (I) were illustrated during 12 working hours (from 06:00 to 18:00 hrs) in a day time before and after operating the Capacitor Bank that was installed at the MLTB. 173 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Vol. (2) – No. (1) Field Measurements: TIME (HRS) 6:00 Figure (2) Figure 3 shows a general schematic diagram for the system under this study. Table (1): Before PFC P Q S I PF (KW) (KVAR) (KVA) (A) 0.77 188 156 244 326 8:00 0.77 272 225 353 471 10:00 0.74 328 298 443 591 12:00 0.75 303 267 404 539 14:00 0.75 303 267 404 539 16:00 0.74 286 260 386 515 18:00 0.76 283 242 372 497 TIME (HRS) 6:00 Table (2): After PFC P Q S I PF (KW) (KVAR) (KVA) (A) 0.94 188 68 200 267 8:00 0.96 272 79 283 378 10:00 0.94 328 119 349 465 12:00 0.95 303 100 319 425 14:00 0.94 303 110 322 430 16:00 0.95 286 94 301 401 18:00 0.94 283 103 301 401 POWER FACTOR vs. TIME 0.80 0.60 PF (Before PFC) 0.40 PF (After PFC) 0.20 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 8:00 0.00 6:00 POWER FACTOR 1.00 TIME (HRS) Figure (4) REACTIVE POWER vs. TIME 0.500 Qx1000 (Before PFC) (KVAR) 0.300 0.200 Qx1000 (After PFC) (KVAR) 0.100 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 8:00 0.000 6:00 QX1000 (KVAR) 0.400 TIME (HRS) Figure (5) Figure (3) Reference Number: W10-0030 174 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) APPARENT POWER vs. TIME 0.500 SX1000 (KVA) 0.400 Sx1000 (Before PFC) (KVA) 0.300 0.200 Sx1000 (After PFC) (KVA) 0.100 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 8:00 6:00 0.000 Figure (6) CURRENT vs. TIME 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 Ix1000 (Before PFC) (A) 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 8:00 Ix1000 (After PFC) (A) 6:00 IX1000 (A) Distribution Losses: Distribution losses in a facility can be reduced by the addition of capacitors and the resulting increase in power factor. These losses are estimated by summing estimates of the transformers losses and cable losses. This reduction is due to the decrease in current flowing through the distribution system and is sometimes referred to as “I2R” losses [4]. This relationship is given by the following equation: P = I 2R TIME (HRS) TIME (HRS) Figure (7) From Figure 4 to Figure 7, it is clearly shown that: 1) The average power factor improved by 21% as it was 0.75 before PFC and became 0.95 after PFC. 2) The average loading on the transformer released by 26% as it was 372 kVA before PFC and became 296 kVA after PFC. 3) The losses of the cable reduced by 36% as the average current passing through the cable was 497 A before PFC and became 395 A after PFC. 4) The capacitor compensated 61% of the consumed reactive power as the average was 245 kVAR before PFC and became 96 kVAR after PFC. System Capacity: Power factor correction permits additional loads to be added and served by the existing system. In case if the transformers or cables get overloaded, improving the power factor will be the most economical way to reduce the current and therefore eliminate overload condition. From the above field’s measurements, the power factor was improved from 0.75 to 0.95, and due to this improvement, the demand decreased and can be calculated using equation 1: PFinitial (1) S new = × S old PF final S new = Vol. (2) – No. (1) 0.75 ×1250 = 986.84 kVA 0.95 By improving the power factor from 0.75 to 0.95, the capacity of the transformers released by 21.05%, which is equivalent to 263.16 kVA. Reference Number: W10-0030 (2) Reducing the current in a distribution system therefore reduces power losses in wire conductors and transformers. Although, the economic benefit from distribution losses alone may not be sufficient to justify the installation of capacitors, it is an additional benefit, especially in the facilities with many transformers and long feeder that serve low power factor loads. Distribution system losses are proportional to the current squared, and since current is reduced in direct proportion to power factor improvement, the losses are inversely proportional to the squared of the power factor. The following formula applies: % Loss Re duction = [1 − ( PFinitial 2 ) ] × 100 PF final (3) Taking into account that PFinitial = 0.75, and PFfinal = 0.95, % Loss Re duction = [1 − ( 0.75 2 ) ] ×100 = 21.05% 0.95 Due to power factor improvement, the new current through the cable can be calculated using equation 2: I new = I new = S new (4) 3V 986.84 = 1315.83 A 3 x 0.433 The load current dropped from 1666.72 A to 1315.83 A. Simple Payback Period: PFC system combined of Fixed Cost and Running Cost. The Fixed Cost of the installed capacitor with its accessories is KD 5,676/-. The Running Cost is the annual maintenance cost for this capacitor. However, for calculating the simple payback period, the fixed cost will be considered as total invested cost. Also, the life period for the capacitors is 15-20 years. Released in kVA = 1250 – 986.84 = 263.16 kVA Approximate cost for 1 kVA equal to KD 10/Total cost for the released kVA = 263.16 * 10 = KD 2,630/- 175 The Online Journal on Power and Energy Engineering (OJPEE) Simple Payback Period = Invested Cost Saving Cost 5,676 = = 2.16 years 2,630 (5) III. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From the cast study on the Switchgear Factory, it has been found that in order to have good performance for the electricity supply system, it is important to optimize the power factor between 0.9 and 0.95. This will eliminate waste in electrical energy and increase the output without the need to install additional transformers and cables. PFC in distribution system will indeed release generation and transmission capacities. Moreover, due to tightly interconnected nature of the system, the exact benefit due to capacity release in these areas is quite difficult to compute. Capacity releases in generation and transmission levels is probably more relevant in compensation studies at these areas and hence are left out from the economic analysis of capacitors application in distribution system. Improved power factor result in: a) Released system capacity. b) Improved plant efficiency. c) Reduced overloading of switchgear, etc. cables, transformers, The implemented investigation had shown that the capacitor pay itself usually within a couple of years. The positive impacts of improving the power factor in industrial sector represented in saving money and in improving the system efficiency. Recommendations for improving the power factor rates are presented hereunder. It is noticed that some plants in Kuwait are not using any type of PFC systems. Hence, it is recommended to impose low power factor penalty clause in billing system to force the consumers to improve the average power factor to acceptable limits. Vol. (2) – No. (1) A harmonic study should be performed before installing the capacitors in the distribution network. The presence of harmonics can affect the proper operation of the existing machinery which will lead to a techno-economic impact. It is advisable to install the capacitors in the distribution network rather than the transmission network as the effect will be extended to the upstream networks. Also, the cost of LV capacitors is extremely less than the cost of the HV ones. Co-operation between distribution and transmission sectors is vital in this field, so that the cost and the benefits can be shared in between. There are no immediate environmental benefits because increasing the power factor does not result in reduced electricity consumption. However, it does contribute to a reduced need to construct new power stations which bring benefits to the environment in the long term. 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