جمهورية الع اة أسم انجامؼت :انجامؼت انتكىهُجيً أسم انكهيت:قسم ٌىذست انهيزر َاالنكترَوياث انبصريت أسم انقسم :فرع ٌىذست االنكترَوياث انبصريت أسم انمحاضر :صالح انذيه ػذوان طً انهقب انؼهمي :مذرس انمؤٌم انؼهمي :دكتُراي مكان انؼمم :انجامؼت انتكىهُجيً وز ورة اللعلية العالةوة البحة العجل ة معز ة إلشع فة القهرية العجل (( استمارة انخطت انتذريسيت انسىُيت )) اسم انتذريسي: د .صالح انذيه ػذوان طً انبريذ االنكترَوي : Salahadnan9999@yahoo.com اسم انمادة: Electrical A.C Circuit مقررا نفصل: أٌذاف انمادة: انتفاصيم االساسيً نهمادة : انكتب انمىٍجيت: Study of the electrical A.C circuit &analysis In this section study all of theorem and all the type of A.C circuit with series and parallel and the complex number with resistance, capacitance ,inductors INTRODUCTORY CIRCUIT ANALYSIS BY BOYLESTAD Lessons In Electric Circuits, Volume II – AC انمصادر انخارجيت : تقذيراث انفصم: By Tony R. Kuphaldt انفصم انذراسي االمتحان األَل االمتحان انثاوي انمختبراث االمتحان انىٍائي األَل انثاوي 10 10 15 15 50 50 مؼهُماث إضافيت : 1 انمالحظاث ي انمادة انؼم ل ة األسبُع جذَل انذرَس األسبُػي – انفصم انذراسي األَل انمادة انىظريت 1 Representation of A.C circuit parameter, complex of voltage and current Complex impedance and admittance, 2 complex power 3 Series and parallel circuit Phasor diagrams, solve question 4 Resonance, series ,resonant frequency Variation impedance, admittance &current against frequency Quality factor & resonant voltage rise, half power points and bandwidth Locus diagrams, impedance, admittance and current locus Variable inductance, variable capacitance Variable resistance, reactance variation against frequency Solution of AC- circuit 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Superposition theory, Mesh analysis, Norton theorem, thevinon theory 12 Maximum power transfer theorem 14 13 15 16 : تُقيغ انؼميذ 2 : تُقيغ األستار انمالحظاث ي انمادة انؼم ل ة األسبُع جذَل انذرَس األسبُػي – انفصم انذراسي انثاوي انمادة انىظريت Magnetically-coupled circuit, self and mutual inductance coils The Coupling coefficient ,polarity 1 Dot rule, analysis off magnetically 3 2 Coupled circuits 4 Two-port network(T.P.N.) 5 Forms of T.P.N, attenuation 6 Phase function, symmetrical & unsymmetrical T.P.N. ELECTIC FILTERS,LOWPASS FILTER&HIGH-PASS FILTER BAND-PASS FILTER&BANDSTOP FILTER PROTO-TYPE ,l,t ANDX SECTION M-derived T-section & Mderived X-section QUESTION & ANSWER 7 8 9 10 11 12 QUESTION & ANSWER 13 QUESTION & ANSWER 14 QUESTION & ANSWER 15 16 : تُقيغ انؼميذ 3 : تُقيغ األستار Representation of A.C circuit parameter, complex of voltage and current AC Circuits w i m wL im wC m im R iron V1 V2 N1 (primary) 4 N2 (secondary) Phasors i R m sin wt R Q m sin wt C i C wC m cos wt di L m sin wt dt i L m cos wt wL • R: V in phase with i VR Ri R m sin wt • C: V lags i by 90 VC • L: V leads i by 90 VL L A phasor is a vector whose magnitude is the maximum value of a quantity (eg V or I) and which rotates counterclockwise in a 2-d plane with angular velocity w. Recall uniform circular motion: x r coswt y r sinwt The projections of r (on the vertical y axis) execute sinusoidal oscillation. 5 y y w x Suppose: xx 0, r1 n .. r1 Phasors for L,C,R 11 V i R V f( f( xx))000 VR Ri m sinwt xx r1 00,, r1 .. .. r1 r1 nn 11 00 22 4 6 x xx f( x ) 00 V r1 0 , .. r1 n 1 wt C V 2 4 x V f( x ) 0 0 V 1 0 0 6 L 2 4 x C 66 i 1.01 w i 0 1.01 1 VL wLi m cos wt R t i 1 i m cos wt wC w wt 11 VC i 6 6.28 L w i wt Complex impedance and admittance, complex power Series LCR AC Circuit R • Back to the original problem: the loop equation gives: L 7 d 2Q dt 2 Q dQ R m sin wt C dt C L • Assume a solution of the form: Here all unknowns, (im,) , must be found from the loop eqn; the initial conditions have been taken care of by taking the emf to be: m sinwt. • To solve this problem graphically, first write down expressions for the voltages across R,C, and L and then plot the appropriate phasor diagram. i i m sin(wt ) Phasors: LCR • Given: m sin wt • Assume: R C L w i m wL From these equations, we can draw the phasor diagram to the right. This picture corresponds to a snapshot at t=0. The projections of these phasors along the vertical axis are the actual values of the voltages at the given time. im wC 8 m im R Phasors: LCR w i m XL R C m L i m XC • im R The phasor diagram has been relabeled in terms of the reactances defined from: X L wL XC 1 wC The unknowns (im,) can now be solved for graphically since the vector sum of the voltages VL + VC + VR must sum to the driving emf . 9 Lecture 20, ACT 3 A driven RLC circuit is connected as shown. For what frequencies w of the voltage source is the current through the resistor largest? (a) w small (b) w large (c) w 10 R w 1 LC C L Conceptual Question A driven RLC circuit is connected as shown. For what frequencies w of the voltage source is the current through the resistor largest? 1 w (c) (b) w large (a) w small LC R w C • This is NOT a series RLC circuit. We cannot blindly apply our techniques for solving the circuit. We must think a little bit. • However, we can use the frequency dependence of the impedances (reactances) to answer this question. • The reactance of an inductor = XL = wL. • The reactance of a capacitor = XC = 1/(wC). • Therefore, • in the low frequency limit, XL 0 and XC . • Therefore, as w 0, the current will flow mostly through the inductor; the current through the capacitor approaches 0. • in the high frequency limit, XL and XC 0 . • Therefore, as w , the current will flow mostly through the capacitor, approaching a maximum imax = /R. 11 L Series and parallel circuit Resistive Elements 12 Impedance of the Resistor 13 Inductive Reactance 14 Capacitive Reactance 15 Series Configuration 16 Phasor diagrams, solve question i m XL m i m XC X L wL tan 1 wC m im R XC im R i m (XL -X C) X L XC R 2m i 2m R 2 X L XC 2 Z R 2 X L XC 17 2 im m R 2 X L XC 2 m Z Phasors:Tips i m XL y • This phasor diagram was drawn as a snapshot of time t=0 with the voltages being given as the projections along the y-axis. • Sometimes, in working problems, it is easier to draw the diagram at a time when the current is along the x-axis (when i=0). m i m XC imXL x im R m imR imXC “Full Phasor Diagram” 18 From this diagram, we can also create a triangle which allows us to calculate the impedance Z: Z X L XC R “ Impedance Triangle” Phasors:LCR Phasors:LCR We We have have found found the the general general solution solution for for the the driven driven LCR LCR circuit: circuit: ii sin(wt ) ii m m sin(wt ) iimX L mXL m m w w iimR mR iimX C mXC the the loop loop eqn eqn i Z im mZ m m ii m m Z Z X XLL Z Z X wL XL L wL 1 1 X XC C wC wC Z X Z R X XL L XC C R 22 19 X XL X XC L C tan tan R R 2 2 X XCC X XLL -- X XCC R R Lagging & Leading The phase between the current and the driving emf depends on the relative magnitudes of the inductive and capacitive reactances. im X L wL 1 XC wC X XC tan L R m Z XL Z XL XL R XC XL > XC >0 current LAGS applied voltage 20 Z R Z XC XL < XC <0 current LEADS applied voltage R XC XL = XC =0 current IN PHASE applied voltage Conceptual Question The series LCR circuit shown is driven by a generator with voltage = msinwt. The time dependence of the current i which flows in the circuit is shown in the plot. How should w be changed to 1A bring the current and driving voltage into phase? (b) decrease w (a) increase w (c) impossible 1B • Which of the following phasors represents the current i at t=0? (c) (b) i (a) i i 21 Resonance, series ,resonant frequency Resonance For fixed R,C,L the current im will be a maximum at the resonant frequency w0 which makes the impedance Z purely resistive. ie: im m Z m R 2 X L XC reaches a maximum when: 2 X L XC the frequency at which this condition is obtained is given from: 1 1 woL wo w oC LC 22 • Note that this resonant frequency is identical to the natural frequency of the LC circuit by itself! • At this frequency, the current and the driving voltage are in phase! X XC tan L 0 R Resonance The current in an LCR circuit depends on the values of the elements and on the driving frequency through the relation im im m Z m R 2 X L XC m 1 m cos R 1 tan 2 R Suppose you plot the current versus w, the source voltage frequency, you would get: 2 x 0.0, m 1 R0 r1 .. r1 n R=Ro f( x ) im0.5 g( x ) R=2Ro 00 23 00 1 wx 2o 2w 24 25