OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 1 Phasors: Sinusoidal Steady State ∗ and the Series RLC Circuit Louis Scharf This work is produced by OpenStax-CNX and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0† note: This module is part of the collection, A First Course in Electrical and Computer Engineer- ing. The LaTeX source les for this collection were created using an optical character recognition technology, and because of this process there may be more errors than usual. Please contact us if you discover any errors. Phasors may be used to analyze the behavior of electrical and mechanical systems that have reached a kind of equilibrium called sinusoidal steady state. In the sinusoidal steady state, every voltage and current (or force and velocity) in a system is sinusoidal with angular frequency ω. However, the amplitudes and phases of these sinusoidal voltages and currents are all dierent. For example, the voltage across a resistor might lead ◦ π π 2 radians) and lag the voltage across an inductor by 90 2 radians . In order to make our application of phasors to electrical systems concrete, we consider the series RLC the voltage across a capacitor by 90◦ ( circuit illustrated in Figure 1. The arrow labeled i (t) denotes a current that ows in response to the voltage applied,and the + and - on the voltage source indicate that the polarity of the applied voltage is positive on the top and negative on the bottom. Our convention is that current ows from positive to negative, in this case clockwise in the circuit. ∗ Version 1.6: Sep 17, 2009 11:35 am -0500 † OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 2 Figure 1: Series RLC Circuit We will assume that the voltage source is an audio oscillator that pro- duces the voltage V (t) = Acos (ωt + φ) . (1) We represent this voltage as the complex signal V (t) ↔ Aejφ ejωt (2) V (t) ↔ V ; V = Aejφ . (3) and give it the phasor representation We then describe the voltage source by the phasor V and remember that we can always compute the actual voltage by multiplying by ejωt and taking the real part: V (t) = Re{V ejωt }. Exercise 1 Show that Circuit Laws. Re V ejωt = Acos (ωt + φ) when (4) V = Aejφ . In your circuits classes you will study the Kirchho laws that govern the low frequency behavior of circuits built from resistors (R), inductors (L), and capacitors (C). In your study you will learn that the voltage dropped across a resistor is related to the current that ows through it by the equation VR (t) = Ri (t) . (5) You will learn that the voltage dropped across an inductor is proportional to the derivative of the current that ows through it, and the voltage dropped across a capacitor is proportional to the integral of the current that ows through it: di (t) VL (t) = L dt R 1 VC (t) = C i (t) dt. (6) OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 3 Phasors and Complex Impedance. Now suppose that the current in the preceding equations is sinu- soidal, of the form We may rewrite where I i (t) (7) i (t) = Re{Iejωt } (8) as is the phasor representation of Exercise 2 Find the phasor i (t) = B cos (ωt + θ) . I B in terms of i (t). θ and in (8). The voltage dropped across the resistor is VR (t) = Ri (t) = RRe{Iejωt } = Thus the phasor representation for VR (t) Re{RIe jωt (9) }. is VR (t) ↔ VR ; VR = RI. (10) R We call R the impedance of the resistor because R is the scale constant that relates the phasor voltage V ' to the phasor current I. The voltage dropped across the inductor is d di (t) = L Re{Iejωt }. dt dt Re [ ] operator (see Exercise VL (t) = L The derivative may be moved through the VL (t) Thus the phasor representation of = LRe{jωIejωt } = Re{jωLIejωt }. (11) ) to produce the result VL (t) VL (t) ↔ VL ; VL = jωLI. jωL the impedance of the VL ' to phasor current I . We call voltage Exercise 3 Prove that the operators (12) inductor because d dt and Re [] jωL (13) is the complex scale constant that relates phasor commute: d d Re{ejωt } = Re{ ejωt }. dt dt (14) The voltage dropped across the capacitor is VC (t) = 1 C Z i (t) dt = 1 C Z Re{Iejωt }dt. (15) OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 4 Re [ ] The integral may be moved through the VC (t) operator to produce the result I jωt 1 } C Re{ jω e I Re{ jωC ejωt }. = = Thus the phasor representation of VC (t) (16) is VC (t) ↔ VC ; VC = I jωC (17) 1 1 jωC the impedance of the capacitor because jωC is the complex scale constant that relates phasor voltage VC " to phasor current I . We call Kirchho's Voltage Law. nation of R, L, and C Kirchho 's voltage law says that the voltage dropped in the series combi- illustrated in Figure 1 equals the voltage generated by the source (this is one of two fundamental conservation laws in circuit theory, the other being a conservation law for current): V (t) = VR (t) + VL (t) + VC (t) . (18) If we replace all of these voltages by their complex representations, we have Re{V ejωt } = Re{(VR + VL + VC ) ejωt }. (19) An obvious solution is V = = VR + VL + VC R + jωL + 1 jωC (20) I where I is the phasor representation for the current that ows in the circuit. This solution is illustrated in Figure 2, where the phasor voltages RI, jωLI , and 1 jωC I are forced to add up to the phasor voltage Figure 2: Phasor Addition to Satisfy Kirchho's Law Exercise 4 Redraw Figure 2 for R = ωL = 1 ωC = 1. V. OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 Impedance. 5 We call the complex number 1 R+jωL+ jωC the complex impedance for the series RLC network V because it is the complex number that relates the phasor voltage to the phasor current I: V = ZI Z = R + jωL + The complex number (C), Z (21) 1 jωC . depends on the numerical values of resistance but it also depends on the angular frequency (ω) (R), inductance (L), and capacitance used for the sinusoidal source. This impedance may be manipulated as follows to put it into an illuminating form: Z 1 R + j ωL − ωC q √ L ω LC − ω√1LC . = R+j C = (22) √1 is a parameter that you will learn to call an "undamped natural frequency" in LC your more advanced circuits courses. With it, we may write the impedance as The parameter ω0 = Z = R + jω0 L ω ω0 − ω0 ω . (23) ν. Then the impedence, as a function of 1 Z (ν) = R + jω0 L ν − . ν (24) ω ω0 is a normalized frequency that we denote by normalized frequency, is The frequency When the normalized frequency equals one (ν = 1), then the impedance is entirely real and Z = R. The circuit looks like it is a single resistor. h |Z (ν) | = R 1 + ω0 L 2 R i1/2 1 2 ν ν− 0L ν− argZ (ν) = tan−1 ωR The impedance obeys the following symmetries around 1 ν . (25) . ν = 1: Z (ν) = Z ∗ |Z (ν) | = |Z 1 ν 1 ν | arg Z (ν) = − arg Z (26) 1 ν . In the next paragraph we show how this impedance function inuences the current that ows in the circuit. Resonance. The phasor representation for the current that ows the current that ows in the series RLC circuit is I = = 1 |Z(ν)| e V Z(ν) −jargZ(ν) V (27) 1 H (ν) = Z(ν) displays a "resonance phenomenon." that is, |H (ν) | peaks at ν = 1 and decreases ν = 0 and ν = ∞: The function to zero and |H (ν) | = { 0, ν=0 1 R ν=1 0, ν = ∞. (28) OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 6 |H (ν) | = 0, no current ows. |H (ν) | is plotted against the normalized frequency ν = ωω0 in Figure 3.14. The resonance 1 occurs at ν = 1, where |H (ν) | = R meaning that the circuit looks purely resistive. Resonance phe- When The function peak nomena underlie the frequency selectivity of all electrical and mechanical networks. Figure 3: Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit Exercise 5 (MATLAB) Write a MATLAB program to compute and plot |H (ν) | argH (ν) versus ν for ν L ω0 R = 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01, and ranging from 0.1 to 10 in steps of 0.1. Carry out your computations for and overplot your results. Circle Criterion and Power Factor. 1 Z(ν) brings insight into the resonance of an RLC circuit and illustrates the equency selectivity of the circuit. Our study of the impedance Z (ν) and the function H (ν) = But there is more that we can do to illuminate the behavior of the circuit. 1 V = RI + j ωL − ωC I. (29) This equation shows how voltage is divided between resistor voltage RI and inductor-capacitor voltage j ωL − 1 ωC I. V = RI + jω0 L ω ω0 − ω0 ω I (30) RI. (31) or V = RI + jω0 L R ν− 1 ν In order to simplify our notation, we can write this equation as V = VR + jk (ν) VR where VR is the phasor voltage RI and k (ν) is the real variable k (ν) = (32) brings very important geometrical insights. circuit is complex, the terms VR and (32) jk (ν) VR ω0 L R ν− 1 ν . (33) VR in the RLC π radians. This means that, for every 2 First, even though the phasor voltage are out of phase by OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 allowable value of V. of 7 VR , the corresponding jk (ν) VR must add in a right triangle to produce the source voltage This is illustrated in Figure 4(a). As the frequency VR and jk (ν) VR that sum to V. ν k (ν) changes, producing other values jk (ν) VR are illustrated in Figure phasor voltage V>R lies on a circle of radius changes, then Several such solutions for 3.15(b). From the gure we gain the clear impression that the VR and V V 2 centered at 2 Let's try this solution, VR V 2 = = V 2 V 2 ejψ 1 + ejψ , + (34) and explore its consequences. When this solution is substituted into (32), the result is V V 1 + ejψ + jk (ν) 1 + ejψ 2 2 V = (35) or 2 = 1 + ejψ [1 + jk (ν)] . (a) (36) (b) Figure 4: The Components of V ; (a) Addition of VR and jk (ν) VR to Produce V, and (b) Several Values of VR and jk (ν) VR that Produce V If we multiply the left-hand side by its complex conjugate and the right-hand side by its complex conjugate, we obtain the identity 4 = 2 (1 + cosψ) 1 + k 2 (ν) . This equation tells us how the angle The number cosψ lies between −1 ψ and depends on +1, k (ν) and, conversely, how (37) k (ν) depends on ψ: cos ψ = 1 − k 2 (ν) 1 + k 2 (ν) (38) k 2 (ν) = 1 − cosψ 1 + cosψ (39) so a circular solution does indeed work. OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 8 Exercise 6 Check and ψ −1 ≤ cosψ ≤ 1 k. for −∞ < k < ∞ and −∞ < k < ∞ for −π ≤ ψ ≤ π . Sketch k versus ψ versus The equation VR = V 2 1 + ejψ is illustrated in Figure 5. The angle that VR makes with V is determined from the equation 2φ + π − ψ = π ⇒ φ = ψ 2 (40) Figure 5: The Voltages V and VR , and the Power Factor cosφ In the study of power systems, cosφ is a "power factor" that determines how much power is delivered to the resistor. We may denote the power factor as ψ η = cosφ = cos . 2 But cosψ may be written as η = cosφ = cos But cosψ (41) ψ 2 (42) may be written as cosψ = cos (φ + φ) = cos2 φ − −sin2 φ = cos2 φ − 1 − cos2 φ Therefore the square of the power factor η 2cos2 φ − 1 = 2η 2 − 1. (43) is η2 = = cosψ + 1 1 = 2 1 + k 2 (ν) (44) OpenStax-CNX module: m21475 9 k (ν) = 0, corresponding ν = 0, ∞(ω = 0, ∞). The power factor is a maximum of 1 for for k (ν) = ±∞, Exercise 7 With k corresponding to dened as k (ν) = Exercise 8 Find the value of ν ω0 L R ν− 1 ν , plot k 2 (ν), cosψ , that makes the power factor and η = 0.707. to ν = 1(ω = ω0 ). η2 versus ν. It is a minimum of 0