This is a tst Individual Learning Plan Section 1: Learner Details Title Full Name Date of Birth Age Group 16-18 19-23 NI Number 24+ Postcode Home Address Borough/ County Work No. Home No. Mobile No. Preferred Email Unique Learner Number Learner reference number Learning Start Date Qualification Title Learning Planned End Date Level Employed? Unemployed? L1 Hours and Contract Type Full Time (over 30 hrs) Other Self-Employed Permanent OR Length of unemployment Is the learner NEET? Months (not in education, employment or training) Yes L2 L3 L4 L5 Part Time (under 30 hrs) Temporary Volunteer Years No On JSA? Yes No Section 2: Training Provider Details Training provider name: Training provider address: Training provider main contact number: Assessor/Tutor name: Assessor/Tutor Mobile No.: IQA contact No.: Assessor/Tutor Email: IQA name Section 3: Prior Qualifications and Experience Qualification Title (prior attainment) VR1. March 2015 Date Awarded Exempt from Grade/Level Functional Skills? (Y/N) Page 1 of 13 Exemption Evidence seen? Copy Received? This is a tst Recent Employment & Volunteering (Last 5 Years) Employer/Work Placement Date Employed from to Position/Job role Section 4: Initial Assessment & Diagnostic Summary: Assessment Method Date of Test: Results: Used: Initial Assessment – English Duties included Recommendations/Areas to Work on/Support Required: Initial Assessment – Maths Initial Assessment – ICT Additional learning needs support required (ALN)? Yes No Additional social needs (ASN) support required? Yes No Preferred Learning Style: please enter the result Visual Learner (prefers images Skills Scan Complete Auditory Learner (prefers words/sounds) Yes Kinaesthetic Learner (learns by doing Copy of Initial Assessment & Skills Scan must be submitted Comments Section 5: Personal, Career & Progression Objectives: Personal Development, Career & Progression Objectives (Record the employment objectives of the learner, any areas for development relevant to their role and any further career/ progression aspirations) Rationale (Identify why the learner should undertake this qualification and at the level decided) VR1. March 2015 Page 2 of 13 This is a tst Support Arrangements: Travel Yes No Responsibilities i.e. Care Commitments: Yes No Benefits Yes No Housing i.e. Lodgings: Yes No Support Plan: (Record any planned support arrangements for the learner) Section 6: Framework Title of outcome Qualification Reference Number AO Qualification Start Date Planned Completion Date Registration Number Registration Date Actual Date of Completion Advanced Learner Loan Fee** **Learner must be eligible for 24+ Advanced Learner Loan. If the learner decides to apply for a Loan, you must give them information in the learning and funding information letter to help them make their application. This letter is vital in the application process, as otherwise the learner will not have the relevant information to fill in either the paper or online Loan application. Section 7: Learning Plan M = Mandatory Unit Unit No VR1. March 2015 M/O O = Optional Unit Title GLH Page 3 of 13 Credits Blended Delivery Completion Date This is a tst Blended Delivery Evidence Types PRO Project OBS Observation OQ Oral Questions SIM Simulation WT Witness Testimony PD Professional Discussion WP Work Product Evidence RPL Recognition of Prior Learning GD Guided Discussion ASM Assignment PR Peer Review TR Test Result WQ Written Questions PS Personal Statement RA Reflective Account Yes No Has recognised prior learning been considered? Yes No Total no. of Credits Are they sufficient to meet the needs of the award? Yes No Total GLH Are they sufficient to meet the needs of the award? Yes No Rules of Combination Have they been reviewed as required for this qualification? RPL Section 8: Planned Progression Reviews & Assessment Dates Tech Cert F/S PLTS HLAM ERR H&S CP/S G E&D Actual Review Date QCF Proposed Review Date Add Supp Formal Review Dates: (Discuss progress against Additional Support, NVQ, Diploma, Functional Skills, Personal Learning & Thinking Skills, Help Learners Achieve More, Employer Rights & Responsibilities, Health & Safety, Child Protection/Safeguarding Adults and Equality & Diversity) Section 9: Induction The following topics were discussed and understood by the learner during the induction period: All learners will participate in an induction with covers the content below as a minimum requirements: Subject Yes/No Programme content & delivery (QCF, ERR, Tech Cert, Functional Skills, Portfolio, EAssessor) Reviews – the importance and frequency Equal Opportunities & Help Learners Achieve More (HLAM) (Why and how we will be covering these through reviews) Health & Safety Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures Terms & Conditions of the Learning Agreement Child Protection/Safeguarding Adults Statement Appeals against assessment decisions Complaints procedure VR1. March 2015 Page 4 of 13 Date induction completed This is a tst Data Protection People involved in your learning Working time regulations Agreed break in learning Wellbeing Your learning programme is ESF funded Inductor Signature: Learner Signature : To be discussed following completion of your enrolment: Main reason for learning? Preferred learning methods? Preferred time of day for learning? Section 10: Enrichment Activities Where enrichment took Date of enrichment: place: Describe the activities the Learner was involved in: Hours spent on the enrichment activity: Section 11: Declaration Learner: I have discussed with my Training Provider and Employer (where appropriate) the content and details of this plan and I am satisfied with the arrangements set out within. I confirm this plan was prepared and completed during my induction period. IAG: This Individual Learning Plan has been discussed agreed and is based on the Information, Advice and Guidance given to me by my training provider. Names: Signature: Date: Learner’s: Tutors/Assessor’s: Internal Quality Assurer: Section 12: On Hold Form (to be reviewed every 4 weeks with the learner & employer) Learner Name On hold from VR1. March 2015 D D M M Y Y Page 5 of 13 Return to learning date D D M M Y Y This is a tst Reasons for a break in learning: a Maternity leave b Health reasons c Bereavement d Redundancy e Resigned from employment f Other – please specify: Tutor/Assessor Comments: If the Learner is unavailable an email or letter from the employer must be provided as evidence. *All reasons must be approved by Wandsworth’s Council Lifelong Learning Senior Management Team. Internal Quality Assurer Comments: Learner signature Date D D M M Y Y *SMT signature Date D D M M Y Y approval Change of circumstance Date: Change: Signed Learner Signed Tutor/Assessor: Declarations and Signatures – End of Learning Please note that once the Individual Learning Plan has been signed off as complete by the Tutor/Assessor, it goes through the process of internal verification/moderation and external verification. The learning programme will only be deemed achieved when this process is completed. Learner signature Date D D M M Y Y Tutor signature Date D D M M Y Y VR1. March 2015 Page 6 of 13 This is a tst Initial - IAG Interview Please ask your learner each of the following questions and provide their responses to the corresponding question. This document is to be retained in the portfolio. 1. What would you like to achieve from completing this course? 2. Are you aware how your learning programme will support you in your current role? EXAMPLES: Gain a new qualification Improve both current job performance and hopefully improve your future job prospects To work safer both for yourself and with other people Make you more employable Shows commitment to training and CPD Can increase staff motivation Learn new skills and also refresh current/existing skills Improve opportunities for progression within the organisation Enhance your CV Possible salary increase with new qualification 3. What are your career objectives? 4 What qualifications and courses do you need to achieve your career objectives? VR1. March 2015 Page 7 of 13 This is a tst 5. Have any barriers to learning been identified? What support is required? 6. Any further questions? 7. Carried forward actions (include responsibilities and timescales): /Tutor Signature: Date: D D M M Y Y Learner Signature: Date: D D M M Y Y IQA signature: (if sampled) Date: D D M M Y Y VR1. March 2015 Page 8 of 13 This is a tst Mid-IAG Interview Please ask your learner each of the following questions and provide their responses to the corresponding question. This document is to be retained in the portfolio. 1. Actions carried forward for review (see Initial IAG document) 2. Summary of IAG given (since Initial IAG visit) 3. What is left to achieve in your programme of learning (please list below)? 3.1 What are the timescales for achieving the remaining elements? VR1. March 2015 Page 9 of 13 This is a tst 3.2 Can any barriers to the timescales be identified? Do additional visits or support need to be considered? 4. Is there anything else that needs to be discussed or taken into account which may make the plan unrealistic? 5. Since the last IAG meeting have your personal or careers wishes and aspiration changed? If so what are they now? 6. Carried forward actions/Next steps advice (include responsibilities and timescales): 7. Any further questions or concerns? Tutor Signature: Date: D D M M Y Y Learner Signature: Date: D D M M Y Y IQA signature: (if sampled) Date: D D M M Y Y VR1. March 2015 Page 10 of 13 This is a tst Final-IAG Interview Please ask your learner each of the following questions and provide their responses to the corresponding question. This document is to be retained in the portfolio. 1. Actions carried forward for review (see Initial and MID IAG document) 2. Summary of IAG given (since Initial IAG visit) 3. What are your intentions now that you have completed your programme of learning? 3.1 Can we provide advice or support for those Next Steps? If so, what form has this taken? VR1. March 2015 Page 11 of 13 This is a tst 3.2 Has an action plan been produced for this support, if so, please list the details below 4. Is there anything else that you wishes to discuss about the programme of learning? 5. Any further questions? 6. Carried forward actions (include responsibilities and timescales): 7. Would you like to be referred to our Careers Advice Counsellor for further career support? VR1. March 2015 Page 12 of 13 This is a tst Destination after completion of programme Type Code Code description Tick EMP 1 In paid employment for 16 hours or more per week EMP 2 In paid employment for less than16 hour per week EMP 3 Self employed NPE 1 Not in paid employment, looking for work and available to start NPE 2 Not in paid employment, not looking for work and/or not available to start work (including retired) VOL 1 Voluntary work GAP 1 Gap year before starting HE EDU 1 Traineeship EDU 2 Apprenticeship EDU 3 Support Internship EDU 4 Other FE* (Full-time) EDU 5 Other FE* (Part-time) EDU 6 HE SDE 1 Supported independent living SDE 2 Independent living SDE 3 Learner returning home SDE 4 Long term residential placement OTH 1 Other outcome – not listed OTH 2 Not reported Tutor Signature: Date: D D M M Y Y Learner Signature: Date: D D M M Y Y IQA signature: (if sampled) Date: D D M M Y Y VR1. March 2015 Page 13 of 13