Centre Handbook Version 2.1 September 2013 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 1 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Contents Please click on the page title below to be taken to the relevant page. Contents ............................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction ................................................................................. 3 2. Open Awards Centre Recognition .............................................. 4 3. New Qualification and New Course Notification Forms ........... 5 New Qualification Forms ........................................................................ 5 New Course Notification Forms ............................................................. 6 Units ...................................................................................................... 7 4. Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) ....................................... 8 4.1 Exemptions, Equivalents, Credit Transfer and RPL .................... 8 5. Quality Assurance System ......................................................... 9 Centre Staff Requirements .................................................................... 9 Assessment ..........................................................................................10 Internal Quality Assurance ....................................................................10 5.1 Internal Verification ......................................................................11 Definition and Purpose..........................................................................11 Guidance on Internal Verification ..........................................................11 Implementing Internal Verification .........................................................12 Models of Internal Verification ...............................................................13 Model 1 – Single Internal Verifier ..........................................................13 Model 2 – Designated Assessors act as Internal Verifiers.....................13 Model 3 – All Assessors act as Internal Verifiers – “Round Robin”........13 Internal Verification Activities ................................................................14 Planning for Internal Verification ...........................................................14 Induction and Updating for Tutors/Assessors........................................14 Planning and Managing Assessment ....................................................15 Sampling Assessment ..........................................................................16 5.2 Awarding Credit ............................................................................17 Recommendation for Award of Credit: Role of External Verifier ............17 Direct Claims Status .............................................................................18 Multi-Run Programme Verification Sign Off...........................................18 5.3 Approved Internal Verifier Status (AIVS) .....................................18 What are the Benefits of AIVS? ............................................................19 Routes to AIVS .....................................................................................19 Role of the Quality Reviewer in Monitoring AIV Status ..........................19 www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 2 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Withdrawal of AIVS ...............................................................................19 5.4 Centre Quality Review ..................................................................20 Initial Quality Review Visit .....................................................................20 Quality Improvement Action Plan ..........................................................20 Continuous Quality Improvement of all Centres ....................................20 External Verification Preparation...........................................................21 Remote Monitoring ...............................................................................22 E-Portfolios ...........................................................................................22 5.5 Standardisation .............................................................................23 Internal Standardisation Provides: ........................................................23 Regional/National Standardisation ........................................................23 Evidence for Standardisation ................................................................23 5.6 Retaining Evidence .......................................................................24 Centre Evidence ...................................................................................24 5.7 Group & Large Scale Recognised Centre Quality Assurance Guidelines ...........................................................................................24 Centre Documentation ..........................................................................25 Centre Training .....................................................................................25 Quality Reviewer/External Verifier Allocation ........................................26 5.8 Centre Closure/Centres who choose to withdraw their Centre Recognition Status with Open Awards .............................................26 6. Registration and Awards ...........................................................27 6.1 Registering Learners ....................................................................27 Online Registration ...............................................................................27 Fair Processing Notices/Privacy Notice ................................................27 Extended Text Privacy Notice ...............................................................28 Exemptions, Equivalents, Credit Transfer and RPL ..............................28 Amending Course Runs ........................................................................29 6.2 Recommendation for the Award of Credit (RAC) .......................29 Recommending Credit ..........................................................................29 Internal Verifier/External Verifier Authorisation......................................30 Amending RACs ...................................................................................30 6.3 Issuing Certificates .......................................................................31 Re-issue and Replacement Certificates ................................................31 7. Fees and Charges.......................................................................32 8. Qualification and Unit Review ...................................................33 9. Glossary of Terms ......................................................................34 www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 3 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 1. Introduction The Open Awards Centre Handbook has been produced to help you understand our systems and processes and so that you can use our Qualifications and units to meet the needs of your learners. (Please note there is a separate Centre Handbook relating to Open Awards Functional Sills). Open Awards QCF Qualifications and units afford the opportunity to deliver Ofqual nationally accredited regulated provision at a level and size to suit your needs. Open Awards locally validated non-regulated courses offer the opportunity for organisations to design courses to suit their specific needs. The two options ensure flexibly of provision and progression for a wide range of learners and across many contexts. The administration of our QCF Qualifications and units and Open Awards locally validated units/courses is simple and straightforward. Once you have agreed your Open Awards provision you will need to register your learners with us. Details of how to complete the New Course or New Qualification Notification Forms are provided in the Registration and Awards Section. The forms and learner data then go forward ready for the award of credit and the production of certificates to learners. All Centres will receive support from Open Awards to help with every stage of the process. Staff are trained to respond to your needs and work with you to help you use Open Awards Qualifications and units effectively. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 4 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 2. Open Awards Centre Recognition Centre Recognition is an agreement made between you as the Centre and Open Awards, specifying the minimum requirements your organisation must commit to in relation to curriculum, quality and administration. It provides Open Awards with information about your Centre and its structure and contacts. It sets out the terms and conditions for Recognition and the obligations on the Centre when using Open Awards provision. Open Awards will assign a Business Relationship Manager to your organisation and support you in the Centre Recognition process. As part of the Open Awards quality assurance process a Recognised Centre will be monitored regularly by an assigned Quality Reviewer (QR) who will report on your organisation’s on-going commitment and continued Recognition as an Open Awards Centre. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 5 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 3. New Qualification and New Course Notification Forms New Qualification Forms A New Qualification Notification Form must be completed when a centre wishes to offer learners a full qualification and can be completed to request approval for your Open Awards Qualifications. These forms are available to download from the ‘Documents’ section of the secure portal. A centre should complete a number of mandatory fields: Recognised Centre Name Centre Contact Centre Contact Role Email Address for Centre Contact Telephone Number for Centre Contact Qualification Details – The qualification that the centre wishes to offer should be selected from the drop-down menu. If the centre wishes to offer the qualification at more than one level the highest level required should be selected as the lower levels will automatically be made available. Repeat this exercise if more qualifications are required. Similar Existing Qualifications Offered – Information about any qualifications already offered by the centre via another awarding organisation should be entered in this area to support the assessment of the centres suitability to offer the Open Awards qualification. Declaration - This section must be completed to enable the form to be processed. Completed New Qualification Notification Forms should be submitted via the ‘Documents’ section of the secure portal. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 6 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 New Course Notification Forms A New Course Notification form should be completed if you wish to package Open Awards units into a course. These forms are available to download from the ‘Documents’ section of the secure portal. A centre should complete a number of mandatory fields: Centre Name Curriculum Development Contact Course Title - A centre must not use the words ‘Open Awards, Award, Certificate or Diploma’ or any terms that could be confused with a Qualification e.g. Functional Skills or ESOL Speaking and Listening. Also the centre must avoid using ‘Access to …’ except where a course is a QAA recognised Access to HE Diploma. Approved Internal Verifier – If a centre has an Approved Internal Verifier (AIV) and that AIV will be asked to verify the course their name should be entered in this field. If a centre does not have an AIV this field should be left blank. Intended Credit Value (ICV) – The total number of credits that a learner is expected to achieve on the course must be entered here. This may be the credit total of all of the units listed on the form if learners are expected to achieve them all or may be the credit total of a combination of units. Open Awards use the intended credit value to levy charges for local courses and so it is very important that you complete this accurately. Learners should not be awarded more credits than the ICV on the course. Open Awards will monitor achievement of the learners against the ICV. Age(s) of Learners – The age range of learners should be marked on the form so that Open Awards can make sure that the units entered are appropriate for the age of the learners. Qualification – If you wish to offer learners any of the Open Awards ‘Progression’ or ‘Skills for Further Learning and Employment’ this box should be completed with the name and Qualification Accreditation number of the appropriate qualification. Total Number of units offered – This information is required so that Open Awards can ensure that no units have been missed off the course form. Units – All unit details (Unit Title, Unit Level, Credit Value and Unit Code) should be entered for each unit offered on the course in the table provided. Confirmation – The person who has completed the form should complete this section so that any queries can be fed back to the correct person. Completed New Course Notification Forms should be submitted via the ‘Documents’ section of the secure portal. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 7 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Units Open Awards have a variety of units available in our unit bank which can be accesses via the Open Awards website www.openawards.org.uk. This includes qualification units regulated by Ofqual, non-regulated units and Access to Higher Education Units. If you are unable to locate the units you require then Open Awards can help by guiding you in writing an unregulated local unit which meets your specific needs. Open Awards has extensive experience in writing units and approving them. Units can be written for specific learning requirements and to support employers and training providers. Please contact your Open Awards Business Relationship Manager for more information and guidance on writing units. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 8 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 4. Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) When delivering Open Awards QCF Qualifications centres should ensure that the rules of combination are fully adhered to, including the use of mandatory and optional units. The rules of combination enable the learners to benefit from the flexibility of the qualification whilst enabling full qualification achievement. The rules of combination specific to the qualifications are outlined in the Qualification Guides. 4.1 Exemptions, Equivalents, Credit Transfer and RPL With the introduction of the QCF it now enables learners to avoid duplication of learning and assessment through equivalences or exemptions as follows: For achievements within the QCF it is possible to transfer credits (equivalent) Individuals with certificated achievements outside the QCF can claim exemption from the requirement to achieve credits for designated units If a learner has previously achieved the same unit through another awarding organisation this will be classed as a credit transfer. In all these cases as the learner has already had their achievement recognised, and will have received a certificate to confirm this, their achievement towards this specific qualification MUST be shown as an exemption, equivalent or credit transfer and MUST NOT be allocated any credit achievement. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a method of assessment that considers whether a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess and do not need to develop through a course of learning. Therefore the learner is awarded the unit, so it will show as a unit achievement on the certificate. For any learner who has previously achieved units that have been approved as Exemptions, Equivalents, and Credit Transfer or will be achieved through RPL it is the provider’s responsibility to inform Open Awards at registration, through the use of the Learner Past Achievement Form. Information about approved exemptions and equivalents can be found within the Qualification Guide and in Open Awards’ Recognition of Prior Learning Policy available via the Open Awards website www.openawards.org.uk. A copy of the form (along with copies of certificates as applicable) must be made available to the centre internal verifier and the AIV or Quality Reviewer or External Verifier during quality assurance sampling as part of claiming the award of credit. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 9 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 5. Quality Assurance System Centre Staff Requirements Open Awards do not generally specify the experience individuals need to deliver its units/qualifications but it is expected centres will have the necessary facilities, equipment to deliver, appropriate Quality Assurance systems in place, and appropriate occupationally competent staff with relevant sector experience for their role in the delivery of the units/qualifications being offered. Where Open Awards units/qualifications are developed that have specific requirements, these are clearly outlined in the relevant Qualification Guide, based on information specified by the regulators and/or Sector Assessment Strategies. “Best practice” would be for Assessors to hold the relevant D32/D33/A1/AQA unit(s) and PTLLS (but Open Awards do not mandate this). Likewise “best practice” would be for Internal Verifiers to hold the relevant D34/V1/IQA unit(s) and PTLLS (but Open Awards do not mandate this). Centres are responsible for ensuring that their staff are occupationally competent and have access to appropriate training and support. Centres will be encouraged to take advantage of the Administration, Delivery and Assessment and Quality Assurance Training opportunities available through Open Awards. Recognised centres are responsible for notifying Open Awards of staff changes. A form is available on the website and Portal for this purpose (“Changes to Centre Staff Request Form”). Completed forms should be submitted to your Customer Service Administrator either by email or through the Portal. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 10 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Assessment Open Awards units and qualifications have been designed around the principle that the learner will build evidence towards the achievement of the assessment criteria over a period of time. Each learner is required to build a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate that all the assessment criteria associated with each unit has been met. Portfolios could include a variety of evidence including: Practical demonstrations Reflection log/diary Notes from group discussions Witness statements Worksheets Professional discussion Record of questions and answers Peer reports Assignments – this list is not exhaustive Tutors and Assessors need to ensure that all evidence presented in a portfolio is: Valid: it should be clearly demonstrating the knowledge or skills that are set out in the assessment criteria. It should be clearly the work of the learner. Reliable: which means that it will in general, produce the same range of responses from learners, as long as they are used in similar circumstances and with similar groups of learners. Inclusive: so that no individual learner is excluded from the opportunity to show their achievement because of their individual background or experience. Assessors are required to review and assess all learner evidence and must be satisfied that learners have achieved all learning outcomes and assessment criteria relating to the unit being assessed prior to deciding the learner has completed the unit. Assessors will also ensure that the evidence produced by the learner is their own work. Assessors retain records (e.g. Feedback Sheets, Individual Progress Record, Group Progress Record) on behalf of the centre which are made available and used by the centre’s internal verifier and Open Awards Quality Reviewer/External Verifier. Exemplars of assessor documents are available from Open Awards website for use. Internal Quality Assurance As a recognised Centre you have undertaken to meet certain requirements regarding internal quality assurance arrangements as detailed in the Centre Recognition Application. Compliance with these requirements will be monitored regularly by your allocated Open Awards Quality Reviewer, who will report on the progress of any agreed actions for quality improvement. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 11 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 5.1 Internal Verification Definition and Purpose An effective Internal Verification system ensures assessment practices and decisions are regularly reviewed and evaluated to ensure the validity of the award of credit. Guidance on Internal Verification Any Centre delivering Open Awards or Open Awards provision must have quality systems in place to underpin that delivery. Systems will vary between Centres according to what is appropriate in the particular situation. Practices that work in a large Centre will not necessarily work in a small one and the context of, for example, an employer-based provider may mean that there are different requirements from that of a College. Whatever the situation there are two key points – 1. there must be an appropriate system in place, and 2. There must be evidence that it is implemented effectively. “Quality System” is an umbrella term that includes a number of key aspects of the way in which a Centre operates its quality assurance. In reviewing the system that any Centre has in place we are looking for it to deliver a range of outcomes, including: A team of well-informed committed and supported tutors, sufficient in number for the planned provision Adequate resources to support learners study Guidance and support for learners and provision for individual needs Equal opportunities in practice that help to maximise the participation of learners Assessment procedures which are inclusive and offer participation, equity and reliable standardisation Systems which provide efficient recording and evaluation. Real progression routes for learners, and preparation for work and/or further study including confidence building and basic/key skills achievements. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 12 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Implementing Internal Verification Internal Verification is the means by which a Centre ensures that many of these outcomes are achieved. It is a process by which the Centre regularly samples and evaluates its assessment practices and decisions and acts on the findings, to ensure consistency and fairness. It involves two key processes – verification and standardisation – and is carried out by one or more internal verifier. The role of the internal verifier is to ensure that: Assessment is appropriate, consistent, fair and transparent and does not unintentionally discriminate against any learner Tutors/assessors receive ongoing advice and support, for example in designing assessment activities Learners clearly understand assessment requirements and are given opportunities to achieve against the assessment criteria by completing appropriate assessment tasks Learners’ work is presented in a manner that enables effective verification to take place Learners’ assessed work presented as evidence for the award of credit is authentic Evidence of learner achievement is clearly mapped to the assessment criteria Recommendations for the award of credit are valid, reliable and consistent. Internal Verification arrangements must include as a minimum: An identified individual responsible for co-ordinating the Internal Verification process A planned structure for Internal Verification that incorporates all of a Centre’s Open Awards provision An agreed and published annual timetable for Internal Verification, including Internal Verification meetings Clear and documented roles and responsibilities for all those involved A forum for discussion of borderline cases and good practice in assessment Sampling of assessment tasks and assessed work Standardisation of assessed work Full and clear records and action plans Regular evaluation of the process. An internal verifier therefore has a central role in the operation of the Centre’s quality system. A Centre may have one or more internal verifier(s), according to the size and variety of its provision. All must have experience relevant to the area(s) for which they have responsibility. They should also have an understanding of quality assurance and improvement, and the Centre must ensure that they develop their practice in this field. Open Awards offer introductory and refresher training for internal verifiers and the Open Awards Approved Internal Verifier (AIV) training covers both the theory and practice of the role in more detail. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 13 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Centres must take all reasonable steps to avoid any part of the assessment of a Learner being undertaken by any person who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment, such as assessing a family member or friend. To maintain the integrity of the assessment process, internal verifiers must scrutinise the assessment practices and assessment decisions of any tutor/assessor who has a conflict of interest, such as assessing a family member or friend, or who has assessed their own learners, before awards are made. Equally, an internal verifier must declare any similar conflict of interest to the Quality Reviewer or Specialist External Verifier. Models of Internal Verification There are a number of models of Internal Verification that the Centre can operate, depending on their particular situation. Some key points underpin all models: All tutors/assessors must be involved All Open Awards provision must be included Nobody can internally verify work that they have themselves assessed. Model 1 – Single Internal Verifier This is the simplest arrangement, in which there is one internal verifier who verifies the work of all of a Centre’s assessors. This model would be particularly appropriate for a small Centre. Model 2 – Designated Assessors act as Internal Verifiers In this model a number of a Centre’s assessors are identified as internal verifiers, and each is responsible for verifying the work of one or more other assessors. There must be an identified co-ordinating internal verifier, who has overall responsibility for ensuring that the verification process operates effectively. S/he would normally verify assessment carried out by the other internal verifiers. This model would be appropriate for a larger Centre, particularly where there is provision across a number of sectors. In this case the co-ordinating internal verifier is likely to have significant experience in quality assurance that enables him/her to verify across the range of the centre’s provision. Model 3 – All Assessors act as Internal Verifiers – “Round Robin” This model involves a ”circle‟ of assessors each verifying another’s work – for example assessor A verifies for assessor B, assessor B for assessor C and assessor C for assessor A. In theory there is no upper limit to the size of the “circle‟, although in practice it must remain manageable. One member of staff must act as co-ordinating internal verifier to ensure that the process operates effectively. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 14 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Internal Verification Activities The following activities must take place during the course of an Internal Verification cycle. The length of this cycle will vary according to a Centre’s provision. In many cases this will be based on an academic year, but some will use the calendar year and others will operate on a “rolling‟ basis with a succession of short courses for which the start and finish of a “year‟ could be set at any agreed point. Planning for Internal Verification A plan of the proposed Internal Verification activity must be developed before the cycle begins. This must indicate what will happen, when it will happen, who is to be involved and how it is to be recorded. Induction and Updating for Tutors/Assessors All new tutors/assessors must be introduced to the Centre’s Open Awards provision, processes and practice. It is essential that they: Have all the relevant units, assessment materials and other course documents Clearly understand the assessment requirements and procedures Have information about, and access to, training opportunities and support materials, both within the Centre and as provided by Open Awards. All tutors/assessors must know who is managing the Internal Verification process and who will actually carry out the Internal Verification of the work they will be assessing. They need to know what is in the verification plan and about any issues relevant to their work that may have arisen from previous Internal or External Verification or from evaluation of the verification process. Please refer to the Open Awards website www.openawards.org.uk for more information and suggested documentation to support assessment activities within your centre. Follow the link to Providers, then select the Quality Assurance, Assessing Learners link. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 15 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Planning and Managing Assessment It is essential that assessment is carried out in a structured way, both for the benefit of the learners and in order that effective Internal Verification can take place. The internal verifier will therefore need to work with tutors/assessors before a course begins to ensure that: Assessment tasks allow learners to meet all the necessary assessment criteria Wherever possible a range of assessment methods is used Where more than one tutor/assessor works with a learner group the assessment tasks form a coherent whole across the course in terms of content, style and timescale Where more than one learner group is following the same course the assessment tasks are either the same for each group or, if the diversity of the groups requires differing tasks, consistent with each other in terms of fairness to the learners Learners are made aware at the beginning of the course what the assessment requirement will be A process is in place that incorporates constructive individual feedback to learners on their assessed work. Over the course of the year the internal verifier will need to ensure that assessment is being carried out as planned. This will involve holding regular Internal Verification meetings with tutors/assessors. These meetings should be specific to the Internal Verification process to allow it to receive the necessary focus – even if all those involved work closely together and discuss assessment and verification informally in the course of their work. The internal verifier will also need to meet with learners at some point during their course to ensure that their experience of assessment is positive. In particular it is important that they: Understand the assessment requirements Are receiving clear and constructive feedback on their assessed work Are making progress towards meeting all the required assessment criteria. The timing of a meeting with learners should be appropriate to the particular course and group. It should be far enough into the course for some meaningful assessment to have taken place, but early enough for any issues to be addressed before the learners‟ chances of achievement are compromised. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 16 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Sampling Assessment It is the internal verifier’s responsibility to monitor the quality of assessment through the sampling of assessment practices and decisions. The internal verifier – not the assessor – should specify the sample of assessed work that s/he wants to see, and it is important that the sample is sufficient for the internal verifier to form a view on the consistency and validity of the assessment. The minimum sample size is 10% or five portfolios, whichever is the greater. In sampling assessed work the internal verifier must look for evidence that: Assessment tasks are standard and appropriate for the course and the learners Assessment tasks are authentic and belong to the learner Assessment decisions are fair and consistent, both across provision and over time Assessors are providing learners with clear and constructive feedback on their work Clear and accurate assessment records are maintained. It is not usually possible, or necessary, to verify every aspect of assessment at each Internal Verification exercise or event. A properly selected representative sample should identify any issues with assessment practices and decisions. To ensure that a sample is representative, the internal verifier must take into account all variable factors that may impact on the quality of assessment. These factors, on the basis of which the verifier defines a sampling strategy, include: Delivery sites Tutors/assessors Number of units Unit level and credit value Delivery methods Assessment methods Borderline cases Reasonable adjustments Issues arising from previous verification. The internal verifier must check the selected sample in three ways: All assessment for an individual learner – to ensure assessment is appropriate, consistent and complete Specific learning outcomes across a number of learners – to ensure that assessment is consistent for all learners Level and credit value – to establish that standards are maintained across units, assessors and sites, and over time, and continue to reflect the requirements of the assessment criteria. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 17 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Please refer to the Open Awards website www.openawards.org.uk for more information and suggested documentation to support internal verification and standardisation activities within your centre. Follow the link to Providers, then select the Quality Assurance, Internal Verification and Standardisation links. 5.2 Awarding Credit Open Awards supports two ways in which credit can be awarded to learners; through the role of the External Verifier, or through Direct Claims Status. Recommendation for Award of Credit: Role of External Verifier In cases where the internal verifier is not approved (AIV), and for all new Centres, you will need to arrange for the verification of the Recommendation of the Award of Credit through your Open Awards External Verifier. The person from Open Awards who is carrying this out may need, amongst other things: Sample the assessment strategy and the assessment evidence provided by the learners In the case of qualifications confirm that all elements of the qualification assessment requirements have been met in order to verify the award Check that a robust internal verification has taken place and ensure that any outcomes of this process are included in a quality improvement cycle Support the development of the provision by making recommendations for improvement and highlighting good practice in the curriculum area Ensure that any recommendations for improvement are incorporated into the Quality Improvement Plan. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 18 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Direct Claims Status Direct Claims Status (DCS) can be given to a Centre where there is evidence of a rigorous internal verification system and one or more Approved Internal Verifier (AIV) for the sector or course(s) where learners are being recommended for the award of credit. A Centre where there is one or a number of Internal Verifier(s) holding the Approved Internal Verifiers status will be able to sign off and claim the award of credit direct for that Centre’s learners from the Open Awards. This should only be done when the internal verifier is satisfied, on the basis of their verification activities, that the learners have met the appropriate assessment criteria. Approved status is monitored by the Quality Reviewer and can be withdrawn by the Open Awards if quality systems are not operating effectively. Should an Approved Internal Verifier leave the Centre it is important that Open Awards are advised immediately. Multi-Run Programme Verification Sign Off A MuIti-Run Programme Verification Sign off Sheet may be completed by the Quality Reviewer/External Verifier and is intended for organisations that run a large number of courses/short roll on roll off courses, but who do not yet have DCS/AIV status. After a minimum of 2 satisfactory centre visits, where quality procedures are found to be acceptable at the centre, the External Verifier can arrange up to 3 visits in advance (documented on the MuIti-Run Programme Verification Sign off Sheet which allows the Customer Service Team to accept RACs between the dates given without the verifier’s signature/visit. 5.3 Approved Internal Verifier Status (AIVS) AIVS are only approved following completion of the appropriate Open Awards training and after providing evidence of good practice (after a minimum of 2 satisfactory EV visits). They are approved individually, for a particular Centre and, in larger Centres, normally for a particular curriculum area/sector. AIVS relates only to an individual verifier within a particular Centre and is not in any way transferable, either between verifiers or between Centres. It can be withdrawn at any time if either the practice of the verifier or the structure and support provided by the Centre falls below the expected standard. All Centres should seek to achieve AIVS for their Open Awards provision in order to both ensure and measure the rigour and robustness of internal quality systems and to avoid potential future increases in the cost of quality review. Please note that AIVs cannot sign off the award of credit in a limited number of cases, such as externally marked assessments. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 19 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 What are the Benefits of AIVS? Where a Centre has one or more AIV then it is possible, for those courses for which the AIV is able to verify the RAC, for the award of credit to be approved immediately on completion of a course and therefore allowing prompt certification. Secondly, the records required by Open Awards provide an audit trail of internal quality assurance and improvement. Other benefits include ongoing monitoring and advice by the Open Awards Quality Reviewer and the opportunity for Centre staff to access training and professional development. Routes to AIVS Role of the Quality Reviewer in Monitoring AIV Status AIV status can only be recommended by the External Verifier and confirmed by the Quality Reviewer in an existing Centre that has demonstrated robust internal quality systems and whose internal verifiers have met the minimum requirements for the role. Once an AIV has been approved the Quality Reviewer will monitor their practice by sampling the Internal Verification documentation and practice. In addition they may from time to time wish an External Verifier to sample the assessment evidence of the learners for whom the award of credit is claimed. Withdrawal of AIVS Where there is evidence that the required standards have not been met Open Awards may decide to withdraw approved status of an individual verifier. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 20 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 5.4 Centre Quality Review Once recognised as a Centre Open Awards will allocate a Quality Reviewer and External Verifier(s). The Quality Reviewer will have on going responsibility for monitoring your Centre’s compliance with the requirements of Centre Recognised Status. The External Verifier(s) will have on going responsibility for externally verifying and confirming the award of credit. Initial Quality Review Visit Following Centre Recognition the Quality Reviewer will contact your Centre to arrange a visit. The focus of this visit will be to monitor any areas identified for development in the initial risk assessment process. The Quality Reviewer will communicate in writing to you using the Centre Report the outcome of this visit. You should prepare for the visit by collecting together all the evidence of further development against the identified priorities to show the progress that has been made since Centre Recognition. This will almost certainly have included a commitment to attend introductory training offered by Open Awards for key identified personnel. Quality Improvement Action Plan Following the initial quality review visit a Quality Improvement Action Plan will be drawn up by the Quality Reviewer. This will identify any areas for improvement that Open Awards requires the Centre to address with allocated responsibility and target dates for completion being clearly identified. Continuous Quality Improvement of all Centres Quality Reviewers will make regular visits to all Centres. During these visits he/she will: Monitor the Centre’s compliance with the Centre Recognition agreement by reviewing course documentation, meeting managers, tutors, internal moderators, learners and administrative staff Identify any staff development needs Through an audit trail ensure that all procedures are being complied with, and that the award of credit/qualifications to learners is secure Authorise Approved Internal Verifiers to sign off the award of credit as appropriate (AIVS) Monitor the work of AIVS to ensure that the award of credit is secure Report to the Open Awards on all visits/meetings and update the Quality Improvement Action Plan. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 21 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 A summative report of a Centre’s progress against the plan will be produced as required and this may form the basis of a further risk assessment of the Centre. Centres are encouraged to strive for continuous quality improvement and to develop the skills and experience of staff through appropriate training and CPD. Where a Centre is demonstrating a robust internal quality system the frequency of review visits will decrease. Where a Centre is giving cause for concern additional visits may be deemed necessary and Open Awards may impose additional charges. In cases where a Centre is giving serious cause for concern sanctions may be imposed leading to the ultimate withdrawal of Centre Recognition. External Verification Preparation In preparation for your centre visit your External Verifier may supply you with a Visit Planner for you to complete and return to them at least one week before the agreed visit date. In preparation you should also prepare responses to the following questions: 1. Do the learning outcomes and assessment criteria provide sufficient detail on which to base assessment decisions in the unit(s)? If not, why not? 2. Is the credit value and level of the unit(s) appropriate? If not, why not? 3. Is there evidence of a robust well documented internal moderation system operating across the provision being verified? If not, why not? 4. Is the evidence sampled sufficient, valid and appropriate to support the award of credit. If not, why not? 5. Have there been any borderline cases? 6. Unit specification and agreed assessment strategy for the unit(s) as detailed in the qualification guide complied with? If not, why not? 7. Security arrangements for internal and external assessment for the qualification are appropriate? If not, why not? 8. Any other comments you wish to make about the qualification or the moderation/verification process. You will also need to make arrangements for the External Verifier to see all relevant documentation in relation to the following: 1. Resources, systems and staffing appropriate to support the qualifications provided 2. Evidence staff have access to appropriate training, guidance and support 3. Appeals and complaints procedures that learners are made aware of 4. Valid and reliable assessment of learners’ achievements are conducted and recorded 5. Assessment standardisation arrangements 6. Internal verification strategy/procedures/sampling 7. Recognition of Prior Learning - Exemptions, Credit Transfer and Equivalent claims www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 22 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Remote Monitoring In order to make the best use of verification time/visits and time of centre staff, Quality Reviewers and External Verifiers will consider, in conjunction with Open Awards, whether it is appropriate to visit a centre or carry out the external quality assurance remotely instead. It may be considered appropriate where: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The centre is inactive The evidence sampled during the previous visit was satisfactory The External Verifier was satisfied with all aspects of the centre operation The claim for the Award of Credit only involves a small number of learners The centre is in a remote geographic location The centre has a large throughput of learners and/or roll-on roll-off courses It may be appropriate to use remote monitoring to confirm that: The centre has implemented the actions/recommendations in their action plan Evidence has been assessed, internal quality assured and recorded to Open Awards requirements. Where remote monitoring is considered appropriate you will be notified of this by your Quality Reviewer/External Verifier Where remote external verification sampling is to take place, centres must securely package, label and distribute learner evidence and associated documentation/records to their External Verifier by a secure, traceable postal service. Please ensure a return address is also supplied on the package. Likewise when the External Verifier returns the work to the centre, they will do so by a secure, traceable postal service. Centres are expected to bear the cost of any postage incurred. Lost work - in the event of work being lost in the post between the centre and the External Verifier, Open Awards will take the following action: request the centre to make the appropriate investigations with the carrier; Request alternative evidence from the centre upon which an assessment decision may be made. If alternative evidence is not available Open Awards may be unable to certificate. E-Portfolios – traditionally learner evidence and associated documentation/records have been paper based. However electronic portfolios/record keeping is now being supported. Open Awards accepts and endorses “OneFile” e-portfolio online, paperless, assessment management system and is committed to supporting the use of paperless/online e-portfolio systems provided they are secure, complete (i.e. evidence is clearly cross-referenced to the learning outcomes/assessment criteria and all associated assessment/IV documents and tracking is available) and allow for External Verifier access. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 23 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 5.5 Standardisation Centres are required to contribute to national standardisation as requested by Open Awards and also to carry out appropriate internal standardisation. Internal standardisation involves ensuring that, where there is more than one tutor/assessor delivering Open Awards provision or more than one site, internally set tasks and the outcomes of internal assessment are consistent across the range of courses. It is recommended that internal standardisation meetings include all tutors and internal verifiers concerned and that action plans are produced and followed up. Open Awards Quality Reviewers and External Verifiers will ask to see evidence of internal standardisation activity and of how the Centre identifies and disseminates good practice. Internal Standardisation Provides: Evidence of consistency and a common understanding of credit value and level Opportunities for staff to share good practice in assessment, including writing assignment briefs, benchmarking, evidencing, providing feedback to learners and record keeping Opportunities for self-assessment and action planning towards quality improvement. Regional/National Standardisation Open Awards will hold standardisation events by sector on a rolling basis. External Verifiers will identify samples of learners’ work that they wish to retain for standardisation purposes during verification visits. Centres will need to retain records of the assessment and Internal Verification process. Centres will be required to contribute to standardisation events, and in Centres where AIVS are in place they will normally be expected to attend meetings. Evidence for Standardisation Centre standardisation events will consider evidence produced in the last year, minimum three from every/tutor assessor, representing the full range of provision. For Open Awards standardisation events External Verifiers are responsible for identifying and collecting evidence from Centres. Following standardisation, for Awarding Organisation purposes, Centres are not required to retain samples of learner evidence. Open Awards will decide which of these samples to retain for its own use and for national standardisation events. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 24 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Standardisation sample must include: Unit Assessment Task Learner’s Work Tutor Feedback IV Feedback 5.6 Retaining Evidence Centre Evidence Centres must keep complete and accurate records, for at least three years from the end of year to which they relate, for all qualifications and make these available to Open Awards on request. Centres are required to retain the following records: Name of learner, date of birth and contact address Title and accreditation number of each qualification and unit studied Name(s) of assessor(s) Assessment records, including assessment decision and reason for decision Name(s) of internal verifier(s) Internal Verification reports. Centres must retain all learner evidence at least until the next external verification visit takes place following certification to allow for appropriate external verifier sampling of evidence and/or selection of evidence to be used for standardisation purposes. Following a successful external verification visit, evidence will be able to be returned to learners. 5.7 Group & Large Scale Recognised Centre Quality Assurance Guidelines What is the definition of a group/large scale recognised centre? A group/large scale recognition could be: 1. A main (lead) Centre, with over 2 local satellite centre locations attached 2. A single main (lead) Centre with numerous geographically dispersed centre locations connected 3. A Partnership arrangement of independent sites affiliated to a single Centre Recognition 4. National Organisation with a sub-regional structure www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 25 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 In all cases there must be a single named person who takes overall responsibility for the operation of the Recognised Centre against the Centre Agreement Conditions based at the main (lead) centre, a named Lead Internal Verifier with overall responsibility for Quality Assurance and Standardisation across all sites, and a single named person who takes local responsibility at each of its satellite site(s). The main (lead) centre plus a pre-selected number of satellite sites may be visited to ensure a Quality Reviewer/External Verifier visits them over time as part of the annual Centre Approval Compliance Monitoring visit to ensure QA arrangements established at the main (lead) centre are in place and being consistently and satisfactorily adopted at the dispersed/satellite sites. All learner evidence and associated records/documentation must be made available to the External Verifier to allow for a representative sample of evidence to be selected by the External Verifier for external scrutiny, preferably at the main (lead) centre. This could, for example, be via the use of an e-portfolio. Where this is not possible and additional visits are required, Open Awards may reserve the right to pass on the cost of carrying out additional visits to the main (lead) centre. Centre Documentation Standardised Assessor and IV documentation must be consistently adopted and used by the main (lead) centre and all dispersed/satellite centre locations. Centre Training Centres are responsible for ensuring that their staff have access to appropriate training and support. Group/Large Scale Recognised Centres will be strongly encouraged to take advantage of the Administration, Delivery and Assessment and Quality Assurance Training opportunities available through Open Awards. This could be through: The main (lead) Centre utilising its 3 free training places, attending training at the current venues offered by Open Awards and taking responsibility to appropriately cascade the training to its satellite sites. Contacting Open Awards to arrange for the training to take place at the main (lead) Centre and/or national satellite sites, at a negotiated cost. National/International training is available upon request. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 26 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Quality Reviewer/External Verifier Allocation To ensure a consistent approach, a specific QR and EV will be allocated to the centre, based on the location of where the main (lead) centre is situated. The same QR and EV will carry out the visit to the main (lead) centre as well as to the selected representative sample of satellite sites (as necessary). The representative sample of satellite sites will be selected by Open Awards, not by the Recognised Centre. Business Relationship Managers will be encouraged to engage with the Quality Reviewer and External Verifier at the setting up stages of the Group/Large Scale Centre Recognition to allow them to provide support and advice on matters relating to Quality Assurance aspects. 5.8 Centre Closure/Centres who choose to withdraw their Centre Recognition Status with Open Awards If a centre wishes to withdraw from Open Awards recognised centre status or have ceased trading, Open Awards must be notified, preferably in writing (by post or via email to enquiries@openawards.org.uk) You may be required to participate in a closing visit to ensure that quality assurance requirements have been met. You will be asked to ensure that: Any RACs for outstanding learners who have achieved their unit/qualification are submitted and their evidence externally quality assured by your External Verifier Your approved centre certificate is returned to Open Awards Any Open Awards certificates you have been unable to issue to learners are returned to Open Awards Open Awards reserves the right to close a centre if it fails to pay monies owing to Open Awards within the standard payment period outlined in our Invoicing Policy. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 27 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 6. Registration and Awards 6.1 Registering Learners In order to register learners all Centres must have received formal Centre Recognition confirmation from Open Awards and completed the New Course/Qualification Notification process which is detailed at Section 3. This enables Centres to identify the courses/qualifications that they intend to deliver. Centres should ensure that where Open Awards Qualifications are selected for a course, learners are registered prior to the Qualification accreditation end date and/or unit expiry date, and also meet the minimum age requirements (see the appropriate Qualification guide for this information). For short courses (less than 15 weeks duration) centres are required to register learners within 25 working days of the start date of the course. For all other courses, centres are required to register learners within 60 working days of the start date. If centres register learners after these times a late registration fee may be charged and centres will be required to take action to prevent further late registrations. All learner registrations submitted to Open Awards will be charged in accordance with our published charge. Please refer to the ‘Fees and Charges’ section of our website. Online Registration To register learners the Administration Contact should create a new Course Run via the Secure Portal. For full guidance on this process please refer to the “Web Portal User Guidance Document”. Fair Processing Notices/Privacy Notice The Centre must make learners aware that their information will be passed to Open Awards for registration purposes. You should also provide a copy of the Privacy Notice to their learners so that they understand how their data is used. Centres must also make learners aware that upon achievement of Qualifications and/or Qualification units - if a ULN is present for that learner, achievement details will be passed by Open Awards to The Learning Records Service for the purpose of creating/updating their Personal Learning Record. . Learners may choose not to share their PLR data and can opt-out as follows: As part the enrolment process with their learning provider. By contacting the LRS Customer Helpdesk on 0845 602 2589. They will need to provide some personal details to confirm their identity, which may include their Unique Learner Number (ULN), if known. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 28 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Extended Text Privacy Notice As an awarding body we have a responsibility under the Data Protection Act to ensure that Learners are informed of how their information is processed and shared. We strongly recommend that you encourage them to visit the Learning Record Service website to view the Extended Text Privacy Notice which will explain how their data may be shared. See link below: Extended Privacy Notice Exemptions, Equivalents, Credit Transfer and RPL With the introduction of the QCF, learners are now able to use past achievement against units within the QCF to achieve a Qualification. It now enables learners to avoid duplication of learning and assessment through equivalences or exemptions as follows: For achievements within the QCF it is possible to transfer credits (equivalent). Individuals with certificated achievements outside the QCF can claim exemption from the requirement to achieve credits for designated units. If a learner has previously achieved the same unit through another awarding organisation this will be classed as a credit transfer. In all these cases as the learner has already had their achievement recognised, and will have received a certificate to confirm this, their achievement towards this specific qualification MUST be shown as an exemption, equivalent or credit transfer and MUST NOT be allocated any credit achievement. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a method of assessment that considers whether a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess and do not need to develop through a course of learning. Therefore the learner is awarded the unit, so it will show as a unit achievement on the certificate. PLEASE NOTE: For any learner who has previously achieved units that have been approved as Exemptions, Equivalents, Credit Transfer or will be achieved through RPL it is the provider’s responsibility to inform the Awarding Organisation at registration, through the use of the Learner Past Achievement Form. The information about approved exemptions and equivalents can be found within the Qualification Guide. For Exemptions / Equivalents and Credit Transfer requests, the learner will need to present the original certificate to the tutor, to show previous achievement. The tutor will need to take a copy of the certificate and sign and date to verify they have seen the original certificate. The copy of the certificate must be made available to the Internal Verifier, along with the Learner Past Achievement Form, as part of the verification process. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 29 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Amending Course Runs After registrations have been submitted, the Administration Contact should contact their Open Awards Customer Services Administrator to discuss any requests for changes. Once the course run has been submitted, you may register Additional Learners at any time prior to the end date of the course (for guidance please refer to the “Web Portal - User Guidance Document”.). Should you identify learners that have been missed following the end date of the course; you will need to contact your Customer Service Administrator for assistance. An Administration Charge may be applied for amendments made following the initial registration of learners to a course. 6.2 Recommendation for the Award of Credit (RAC) The Recommendation for Award of Credit (RAC) form contains details of the course run (i.e. start and end dates of the course, learner information, units included in the course/Qualification) and will be available to download once learners have been registered on a run. Recommending Credit Before award of credit can be claimed the Administration Contact is expected to: Download RACs from the Secure Portal Distribute RAC to relevant tutors for completion Receive completed RACs from tutors Check the RAC is fully completed Upload the RAC to Open Awards within 3 months of the end date Retain copies of the RACs Ensure that the AIV/EV (named on the course run page on the Secure Portal) has confirmed achievement by verification via the Secure Portal within 3 months of the end date Tutors are responsible for ensuring that the RAC is completed accurately. Credit must only be recommended when a learner has achieved all of the learning outcomes for a unit. This is done by selecting “achieved” against each learner and the unit they have achieved. If a learner has previously been awarded credit for the unit(s) this will be shown on the RAC and cannot be re-awarded (Please note; there is no requirement to mark learners as “not achieved” as this will be logged automatically by default) If a unit is to be exempted for a learner according to guidance provided in the Open Awards RPLA policy the centre should contact Open Awards to discuss. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 30 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Internal Verifier/External Verifier Authorisation RACs must be fully completed and verified by an Open Awards Approved Internal Verifier (AIV) or an Open Awards External Verifier. If the Internal Verifier assigned to verify the course has AIV status (Approved Internal Verifier Status) then they are able to authorise the Award of Credit. If centres do not have an Approved Internal Verifier for the course then the award of credit must be authorised by your Open Awards External Verifier. If amendments are required to the RAC, these must be organised by the centre. The External Verifier is not authorised to make any amendment to RACs presented to them for verification. If units have been identified as being exempt for a learner (see Open Awards RPLA policy for more information) then any requests made by the centre to exempt units for learners must be checked against this form at the point of verification. The External Verifier/Approved Internal Verifier needs to check that verified copies of the relevant certificate(s) are included in the learner’s portfolio. If the relevant certificate is not present in the portfolio, this needs to be raised with the Tutor before authorisation can take place. If the relevant certificate(s) are present, checks must be made against the Rules of Combination for the identified Qualification on the Learner Past Achievement Form. This should include checking that the Unit being used as an exemption or equivalent is stated as being eligible within the Rules of Combination for the qualification. If the relevant information is not stated within the Rules of Combination, this needs to be raised with the Tutor. If the RAC has been completed accurately, any requests for exemptions have been considered and agreed and all relevant checks have been carried out on the portfolio/evidence, the RAC can be authorised by the Approved Internal Verifier/External Verifier and submitted to Open Awards for processing. Further information on the assessment and quality assurance processes leading up to the recommendation for the award of credit can be found in Section 5. Amending RACs Before claiming award of credit, please check all pre-printed information is accurate, including the spelling of learners’ names. The Administration Contact should contact the appropriate Open Awards Customer Services Administrator to discuss any requests for changes. A charge will be applied for amendments made following the award of credit. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 31 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 6.3 Issuing Certificates Open Awards will issue certificates for learners who they have recorded on their systems as successfully completing unit(s), within 35 working days of receipt of the duly completed and signed RAC form. For learners registered against Qualifications using the NQNF; Upon successful completion of the rules of combination learners will be awarded the full qualification they were registered for (e.g. L1 Diploma) and a unit certificate listing units achieved. If a learner does not meet the rules of combination for the L1 Diploma they may, if rules of combination are met, be awarded the L1 Certificate OR L1 Award and a unit certificate. Where learners do NOT meet the rules of combination for the award of the qualification they will receive a unit certificate listing any units they have achieved. For learners registered against Courses using the NCNF; Upon successful completion of the course learners will receive a course certificate detailing the course title and listing the units achieved. Where the award of credit on a course leads to learners meeting the rules of combination for a full Qualification they will also receive a Qualification certificate. All certificates will be forwarded to your Centre, via recorded delivery, for the attention of the Administration Contact. Please notify us as soon as possible if you identify any problems with the certificates that you receive. Once you have checked that all certificates are present and correct, you must return a signed copy of the Open Awards Qualifications Certificate Receipt Form to Open Awards within 5 working days of receipt of certificates. This will acknowledge that they have been received and will be sent to you with your certificates. Re-issue and Replacement Certificates A replacement certificate will be issued within 20 working days of receipt of all authenticated claims. A charge will be made for each replacement certificate. Where possible the original certificate(s) must be returned to Open Awards before a replacement can be issued. Please complete the request form, this is available on the ‘Provider’ section of our website, and upload this to Open Awards via the Secure Portal. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 32 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 7. Fees and Charges Open Awards publish charges annually from 1st August. Our Fees and Charges leaflet is available on our website www.openawards.org.uk and outlines the following charges: Centre Recognition Fee Annual Fee Development and Quality Assurance Charges (if additional to that specified under Annual Fee) Leaner Registration Fees Late Registration and Administration Fees Late or no return of RAC Certificate Re-issue Training A copy is also enclosed with your annual membership invoice, or available on request from Open Awards. Please refer to our Invoicing Policy for details of how and when your Centre will be invoiced. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 33 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 8. Qualification and Unit Review Open Awards reviews its Qualifications and units through an Annual Quality and Standards Review and a Three Year Review of Qualifications and units. The two processes run concurrently on all Open Awards Qualifications depending on the life cycle of the qualifications and serve different purposes. Overall the two review cycles aim to ensure that: Decisions about the continued need for Qualifications, Rules of Combination and units are evidence-based, There is continuing compliance with the design features of QCF Qualifications, Rules of Combination and units remain fit for purpose and can be assessed consistently and appropriately QCF Qualifications and units are mapped to NOS The Three Year Review cycle is designed to evaluate Qualifications and units approximately three years after accreditation/local validation so that informed proposals can be made about their future prior to expiry or withdrawal. The three year period enables proposals to be evidence-based, and leaves sufficient time for consultation with external sector experts before action is taken. The Annual Review is a quality and standards review, designed to ensure that units remain fit for purpose and that assessment is valid and reliable. Evidence to inform the review is gathered from the delivery, assessment and awarding of Qualifications and units and regional standardisation events. Centres are invited to contribute to the Annual Review process. If you have any feedback regarding the quality and standards of any of the Open Awards Qualifications and units please contact Open Awards to request the relevant Qualification and Unit Review documentation. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 34 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 9. Glossary of Terms Term Description Accreditation Confirmation that learners’ evidence meets the assessment criteria. Appeal Procedure through which an Awarding Organisation/Centre may be challenged on the outcome of an enquiry about results or, where appropriate, other procedural decisions affecting an individual learner. Approval Internal Verifier Mechanism whereby Open Awards approves named individuals to authorise the award of credit (AIVS) Assessment The process of making judgements about the extent to which a learner’s work meets the assessment criteria for a unit or part of a unit. Formative assessment provides feedback to learners to help improve their performance/achievement. Summative assessment takes place at the end of a defined period of learning. Assessment Criteria The requirements that learners need to meet in order to achieve success for a unit or part of a unit. Assessment Evidence Proof that the learner has achieved or is working towards the achievement of assessment criteria. Satisfactory evidence for all assessment criteria enables the Internal and External Verifier to confirm the award of credit. Assessor Person who assess a learner’s work. Awarding Organisation An organisation that awards qualifications. An Awarding Organisation must meet the criteria laid down by the regulators, e.g. Ofqual. Benchmark Assessment Provides a set of tasks that should be used to assess the unit. Tasks can be designed by the centre, but these must use the benchmark assessments as a guide and must cover all the assessment criteria. Centre Recognition Process through which a Centre wishing to offer accreditation is confirmed as being able to maintain the required quality and consistency of assessment and comply with other expectations of www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 35 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 the Awarding Organisation. Certification The procedure by which Open Awards recognises the award of credit to learners and issues certificates and credit transfers. Certification End Date The last date on which a certificate can be issued Credit Value All units have a credit value. The minimum credit value that may be determined for a unit is one, and credits can only be awarded in whole numbers. Learners will be awarded credits for the successful completion of whole unit. Direct Claims Status (DCS) Provides a recognised centre the ability to claim certification from Open Awards directly. Status conferred on recognised Evidence Portfolio Usually a file or folder in which evidence is presented for assessment. An index should be included showing where each evidence requirement has been met. External Assessment Form of independent assessment, where assessment tasks are set (externally to the centre) and a learner’s work is assessed by the Awarding Organisation. This can either be internally or externally marked depending on the qualification assessment specification. External Verifier (EV) An individual appointed by Open Awards to externally verify and sample learner evidence to ensure accurate and consistent standards or assessment between assessors operating within a centre and confirm that all recommendations for the award of credit have been subjected to a rigorous internal verification process. Functional Skills The core elements of English, Mathematics and ICT which provide the essential knowledge, skills and understanding needed to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work. Internal Verifier (IV) An individual appointed by the centre to ensure accurate and consistent standards or assessment, between assessors operating within a centre. Learning Outcomes Express the knowledge, skills and understanding learners are expected to acquire. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Open Awards Centre Handbook (Version 2.1) Page 36 of 36 Date Authorised: September 13 Policy Provides the principles and system on which procedures can be built, it is fixed and concise. A policy reflects philosophy, values and fundamental aims. A policy tends to be established and agreed at a higher executive or managerial level. Procedures A set of step by step instructions to enable a task or job to be completed. Quality Reviewer (QR) Open Awards role responsible for the compliance monitoring of centres. Quality Systems Overarching term that includes the keys aspects of the way in which a centre is operated. Recognised Centre Process through which a centre wishing to offer accreditation is confirmed as being able to maintain the required quality and consistency of assessment and comply with other expectations of the Awarding Organisation. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Method of assessment that considers whether a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess and do not need to develop through a course of learning. Standardisation A process to ensure that the assessment criteria for a qualification, unit or part of a unit are applied consistently by assessors and verifiers. Standardisation is carried out within centres as well as across centres. www.openawards.org.uk Phone: 0151 494 2072 Tel: 0151 494 2072 Email: info@openawards.org.uk Open Awards 17 De Havilland Drive, Speke Estuary Commerce Park Liverpool L24 8RN