Old Saybrook, CT RETAIL FOR SALE 925 Boston Post Road · Old Saybrook · CT · 06475 ·Middlesex County For Sale size 3.35 Acres 28,011 SF Zoning B-2 District Shopping Center Business Real estate taxes Call for details 19,000 VPD at Boston Post Road and Old Boston Post Road 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 20 Minutes Total Population 7,026 19,942 49,963 91,230 Number of Households 3,075 8,628 20,506 36,851 $74,665 $78,763 $81,099 $83,988 Median Household Income Description Route 1 / Boston Post Road position Adjacent to Shoppes at Old Saybrook (Ocean State Job Lot, Dollar Tree, Town Fair Tire) traffic $24,022.25 Demographics ASKING Price Re-development opportunity Contact Jon Knudsen 212.710.5256 jon.knudsen@srsre.com Hugh Kelly 212.710.5252 hugh.kelly@srsre.com 2014 Estimated. Alteryx The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. However, SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. www.srsre.com 09.02.2014 SRS Real Estate Partners · 366 Madison Avenue · 5th Floor · New York · NY · 10017 · 212.710.5250 Site Plan SF Road 192528,011 Boston Post BOSTON POST ROAD BOSTON POST RD SRS Real Estate Partners · 366 Madison Avenue · 5th Floor · New York · NY · 10017 · 212.710.5250 The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. However, SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Site Photos SRS Real Estate Partners · 366 Madison Avenue · 5th Floor · New York · NY · 10017 · 212.710.5250 The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. However, SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Pylon Sinage Photos SRS Real Estate Partners · 366 Madison Avenue · 5th Floor · New York · NY · 10017 · 212.710.5250 The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. However, SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. MarketOverview t Main Stree The Kathari ne Hepburn Cultural Art s Center Old Saybrook is a popular coastal town in Middlesex County, Connecticut with a population of 10,242 at the 2010 census. It contains the incorporated borough of Fenwick, as well as the census-designated places of Old Saybrook Center and Saybrook Manor. Old Saybrook is easily accessible by I-95 and Route 9, and Amtrak railroad via the Shoreline East service. The Boston Post Road / Route 1 runs east-west throughout the town. Old Saybrook is approximately 45 miles from Hartford and New Haven, and within 110 miles of New York and Boston. Known for its waterfront and outdoor activities, Old Saybrook offers several parks, shoreline and beach access, beautiful vistas, and multiple marinas on the Long Island Sound and Connecticut River. Old Saybrook also features a bustling Main Street along a centralized town green which has been revitalized through a series of recent municipal efforts and restorations. Other nearby attractions include Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods resorts and casinos, and the Mystic CT aquarium and historic district. Considered a central point of the Connecticut shoreline, Old Saybrook hosts a number of regional events annually including the Memorial Day Parade, July Arts & Craft Festival, Main Street Stroll, Torchlight Parade Muster, Carol Sing along Main Street, and weekly outdoor summer concerts. Old Saybrook has also experienced a number of recent commercial developments, most notably Max’s Place; a 127,600± SF retail complex on 18 acres anchored by Big Y, Kohl’s, and Ulta Cosmetics. Other new tenants to Old Saybrook include West Marine, Jake’s Wayback Burgers, and Panera Bread among others. The Old Saybrook Route 1 Committee is currently working on Mariner’s Way, a strategic vision and plan to improve and develop the town’s eastern portion of Route 1 / Boston Post Road. Area Retailers: SRS Real Estate Partners · 366 Madison Avenue · 5th Floor · New York · NY · 10017 · 212.710.5250 The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. However, SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Old Saybrook, CT - 925 Boston Post Rd Miles 0 8/28/2014 SRS Real Estate Partners - 366 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017 - 212.710.5250 - www.srsre.com The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. However, SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. 1.5 3 20140606-NY Drivetime Map 925 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475 Demographic Summary Report August 25, 2014 Defined Trade Area 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 20 Minutes 2019 POP PROJECTION 2014 POP ESTIMATE 2000 POP CENSUS POP GROWTH 2000-2014 POP GROWTH 2014-2019 ZZ 7,090 7,026 7,229 -2.81% 0.91% 20,303 19,942 19,886 0.28% 1.81% 50,986 49,963 49,089 1.78% 2.05% 93,352 91,230 87,672 4.06% 2.33% 6,080 13,834 24,555 42,394 3,117 3,075 3,065 8,816 8,628 8,407 21,055 20,506 19,569 38,015 36,851 33,924 % White % Black/African American % Asian % American Indian & Alaska Native % Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander % Some other race % Two or more races Hispanic/Latino 93.51% 0.83% 2.54% 0.04% 0.04% 1.46% 1.57% 94.21% 0.88% 2% 0.1% 0.03% 1.37% 1.41% 92.74% 1.81% 2.17% 0.15% 0.02% 1.75% 1.36% 92.25% 1.94% 2.56% 0.17% 0.03% 1.55% 1.5% % White % Black/African American % American Indian & Alaska Native % Asian % Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander % Some other race % Two or more races Non-Hispanic/Latino 64.77% 0.26% 0.26% 0% 0.67% 25.98% 8.07% 67.2% 0.5% 0.48% 0.11% 0.24% 23.38% 8.09% 61.15% 1.87% 0.65% 0.21% 0.08% 29.41% 6.63% 60.28% 2.92% 0.87% 0.28% 0.09% 28.56% 7% % White % Black/African American % American Indian & Alaska Native % Asian % Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander % Some other race % Two or more races ZZ 94.78% 0.86% 0.03% 2.66% 0.02% 0.38% 1.28% 95.38% 0.89% 0.08% 2.08% 0.02% 0.42% 1.12% 94.4% 1.8% 0.12% 2.28% 0.02% 0.3% 1.08% 93.85% 1.89% 0.14% 2.67% 0.02% 0.2% 1.23% $99,883 $74,665 $43,854 $110,073 $78,763 $47,790 $110,271 $81,099 $45,708 $113,755 $83,988 $46,328 51.0 51.0 48.0 47.0 81.16% 18.84% 28.77% 79.47% 20.53% 22.56% 79.79% 20.21% 21.60% 79.74% 20.26% 17.49% 70.17% 36.20% $56,776,456 69.24% 37.89% $161,865,243 69.73% 36.81% $390,256,982 70.67% 37.89% $716,405,372 POPULATION BUSINESS EMPLOYEES BUSINESS EMPLOYEES ZZ HOUSEHOLDS 2019 HH PROJECTION 2014 HH ESTIMATE 2000 HH CENSUS ZZ POPULATION BY RACE Totals INCOME 2014 AVERAGE HH INCOME 2014 MEDIAN HH INCOME 2014 PER CAPITA INCOME ZZ AGE MEDIAN AGE ZZ HOUSING UNITS OWNER OCCUPIED RENTER OCCUPIED VACANT ZZ ADDITIONAL ITEMS % WHITE COLLAR % BACHELORS DEGREE + TOTAL RETAIL POTENTIAL ZZ Latitude: 41.288235 Site Number: 101 Longitude: -72.39032 Current year data is for the year 2013. Projection year data is for year 2018. Demographic data copyright 2013 by Experian CAPE. The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable; however SRS Real Estate Partners makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof.