林文雄(Wen-Hsiung Lin)學術著作目錄: (A) REFEREED PAPER Lin, W.H, 1973, An Admas type specitral sequence for non-normal Hopf sub-algebras of a Hopf algebra with applications to the Steenrod algebra, Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University. 著作編號:081789–23033682–X04 Lin, W.H, 1974, Cohomology of cocommutative Hopf algebras, Fu-Jen Studies. No.8, PP.1–9. 著作編號:081789–23033741–X04 Lin, W.H, 1977, Cohomology of Sub-Hopf-algebras of the Steenrod algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 10:101–113. 著作編號:020591–10054247–X05 Lin, W.H, 1977, Unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 9, PP.297–299. 著作編號:081789–23033799–X04 Lin, W.H, 1977, Cohomology of Sub-Hopf-algebras of the Steenrod algebra II, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra II, PP.105–110. 著作編號:081789–23033859–X04 Lin, W.H, 1977, On a conjecture of Adams, National Cheng-Chi University Journal Vol.36, PP.57–65. 著作編號:081789–23033926–X04 Lin, W.H, 1979, The Adams-Mahowald conjecture on real projective spaces, Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philospohical Society 86, PP.237–241. 著作編號:081789–23034039–X04 Lin, W.H, 1980, On Conjectures of Mahowald, Segal and Sullivan. Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol.87, PP.449-458. 著作編號:081789–23033983–X04 Lin, W.H, D.M. Davis, M.E. Mahowald, J.F. Adams, 1980, Calculation of Lin’s Ext Groups. Mahowald, Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society Vol. 87, PP.459–469. 著作編號:081789–23034095–X04 Lin, W.H, 1981, Algebraic Kahn-Priddy Theorem Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol.96, No.2, PP.435–455. 著作編號:081789–23033273–X04 Lin, W.H, 1983, Cohomology of the Steenrod algebra Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 29, PP.75–92. 共 4 頁 第1頁 著作編號:081789–23033390–X04 Lin, W.H, 1983, Some Remark on the Kervaire conjecture, Proc. of the International Congress of Mathematics, PP.679–683, Warsaw, Poland. 著作編號:081789–23033505–X04 Lin, W.H, 1985, Some elements in the stable homotopy of spheres, Proc. Amer. Soc. Vol.95, No.2, PP.295–298. 著作編號:081789–23033624–X04 Lin, W.H, 1987, Some infinite families in the stable homotopy of spheres Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol.101, PP.477–485. 著作編號:081789–23034274–X04 Lin, W.H, R.L. Cohen, M.E. Mahowald, The Adams spertral sequence of the real projective spaces, Pacific J. of Math. Vol.134, No.1 (1988) 27–55. 著作編號:081789–23034337–X04 Lin, W.H, 1989, A Koszul algebra whose cohomology is the E 3 -term of the May Spectral sequence for the Steenrod algebra, Cotemporary Math. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol.96, PP.261–271. 著作編號:020591–10111477–X05 Lin, W.H, 1989, A structure theorem on Grassmann manifolds, Proc. Of the Symposium in bonor of Chen-Jung Hsu and Kung-Sing Shih, World scienfific Pub. PP175–183. ***本著作為國科會專題計畫,編號:NSC–76–0208–M–007–65–. 著作編號:020591–10080131–X05 Lin, W.H, 1989, Order of the identity map of the Brown-Gitler spectrum, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag. Vol.1370, PP.274–279. 著作編號:020591–10070760–X05 Lin, W.H, 1990, A conjecture of May on E 2 -term of the May spectral sequence for the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag Vol.1418, PP.15–52. ***本著作為國科會專題計畫,編號:NSC–78–0208–M–007–35–. 著作編號:020591–10121896–X05 Lin, W.H, 1990, Projectivity of the Whitehead product in spheres, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol.110, No.2, PP.527–533. ***本著作為國科會專題計畫,編號:NSC–79–0208–M–007–14–. 著作編號:020591–10062440–X05 Lin, W.H, An infinite family in 2 ∗ at Adams filtration 7, Trans. AMS. Vol.328, No.1 (Vovember, 1991), PP.133–149. 共 4 頁 第2頁 著作編號:070191–11170890–X06 Lin, W.H, Indecomposability of the Stiefel manifolds V m,n , Topology Vol.30, No.2 (1991) PP.301–313. 著作編號:070191–11144554–X06 Lin, W.H, 1992, "EHS spectral sequence in the Lamlda algebra", Boletin de la Sociedad Mathematica Mexicana Vol.37 (1992) 339–353. 著作編號:050295–10252342–X01 Lin, W.H, 1992, "Unstable Ext groups over the Steenrod algebra by injective resolutions", Mathematische Zeitschrift Vol.210, PP.255–265. 著作編號:110492–09313426–X04 Lin, W.H, 1993, "Non-neutrality of the Stiefel manifolds V u,k , Topology Vol.32, No1 (1993) 105–120. 著作編號:050793–10503373–X04 Lin, W.H, 1993, "Projectivity of the Whitehead Product in Spheres II", Contemporary Math. AMS. Vol.146 (1993), 199–213. 著作編號:082593–16415886–X04 Lin, W.H, 1994, " 0 -torsion founds in the umstoble Ext groups Extu*.*( 2m1 ℤ 2 , ℤ 2 ) over the Steenrod algebra", Forum Math. Vol.6 (1994), 287–300. 著作編號:020591–10062440–X05 Lin, W.H, 1995, "The Whitehead squares 2 i −1 , 2 i −1 ∈ 2 i1 −3 S 2 −1 are projective", Topology Vol.34, No.2 (1995) 411–422. 著作編號:050295–10231834–X01 i W.H. Lin (with N.J. Wang), "A proof of the non-projectivity of the Whitehead squares i 2 i , 2 i ∈ 2 i1 −1 S 2 , Proc. International Mathematics Conference ’94 (1996), world Scientific. 149–152. W.H. Lin, "Some differential in the Adams spectral for spheres", NSC Report, NSC–87–2115–M–007–021. W.H. Lin, "A differential in the Adams spectral sequence for spheres", Fields Institute Communication, AMS., Vol.19 (1998), 205–239. W.H. Lin (with Mark Mahowald), "The Adams spectral sequence for Minami’s Theorem", Contemp. Math. AMS., Vol.220 (1998), 143–177. W.H. Lin, "A Proof of the strong Kervaire invariant in dimension 62", AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol.20 (2001), 351–358. 共 4 頁 第3頁 W.H. Lin, "Non-neutrality of the Stiefel manifolds V u,k II", Topology 40 (2001), 1259–1293. W.H. Lin, "Neutrality of stunted real projective spaces", Proceedings of ICCM 2001, international Press (2003), 361–378. W.H. Lin, The canonical anti-antomorphism of the Steenrod algebra on the Steenrod squares, NSC Report, NSC–92–2115–M–007–007. W.H. Lin, The quadratic constructions and the Kervaire invariant, NSC report, NSC–92–2115–M–007–029. W.H. Lin, A generalizatic of the cross products toward the Kervaire invariant problem, NSC report, NSC–93–2115–M–007–014. W.H. Lin, Toward the Poincar Conjecturé (A survey paper), To appear on Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (2006). (B) CONFERENCE PAPER Lin, W.H, 1983, Cohomology extensions in certain 2-stage Postnikov systems, Contemparary Math. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol.19, 177–187. 著作編號:081789–23033450–X04 Lin, W.H, 1984, A remark on the Kervaire invariant conjecture, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag 1051, PP.393–400. 著作編號:081789–23033568–X04 (C) PATENT Lin, W.H, 1988, "Order of desuspensions of Whitehead products", National Science Council Project Report, (1991). ***本著作為國科會專題計畫,編號:NSC–80–0208–M–007–28–. 著作編號:111594–14335632–X06 (W) OTHER PUBLICATION Lin, W.H, 1981, The dual Adams spectral sequence, Math. Res. Center Res. report Vol.9, PP.249–264. 著作編號:081789–23034149–X04 Lin, W.H, 1982, The dual Adams spectral sequence, Mathematics Research Center Research Report, Vol.9 PP.249–263. 著作編號:081789–23033328–X04 共 4 頁 第4頁 Lin, W.H, 1985, Some elements in the stable homotopy of real projective spaces, Math. Res. Center Report, PP.316–320. 著作編號:081789–23034217–X04 共 4 頁 第5頁