LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 1 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM Microsoft® SharePoint® Foundation 2013 Quick Reference Exploring SharePoint Foundation 2013 and the Team Site SharePoint Foundation 2013 allows users to share documents and other business information, as well as collaborate with others. This functionality is accessible through a customizable website interface. The default SharePoint site is based on the team site template, described as ‘A place to work together with a group of people’. SharePoint’s collaboration and communication services are designed to work seamlessly with Microsoft Office applications. Common SharePoint functionality includes the following: documents, lists (such as events and tasks), discussions, and views. See “SharePoint Foundation 2013 Overview” on page 2 for additional information. Home page – The top-level page of the team site. By default, it contains several links (in the Quick Launch pane) used to navigate, object buttons that may help with getting started with using the site, a document library where documents may be uploaded and shared, and a Search this site text box to locate site content. As the team site is populated with content and customized, its appearance will change. See “Customizing the Team Site” on page 7. Site navigation – The SharePoint user interface provides a variety of ways to navigate a SharePoint site. • To go to the Home page, click the Home link in the Quick Launch pane, the Top link bar, or the site logo. • Click on a link in a path to go directly to the selected page. • Click on a link in the Quick Launch pane to go to the associated page, or to navigate to the main page of another section of the site from which other pages, lists, or apps can be accessed. You can also use your browser’s Back and Forward buttons to navigate the pages visited in the current session. Search this site – Allows users to search the site (and subsites) to locate SharePoint content/data by specifying search criteria. For example, performing a search using “agm” as the search string would locate all content/data items containing “agm” as shown below. See “Searching the Team Site” on page 2 for additional information. Quick Launch pane – Used as a primary means of navigating the team site. See “Browsing the Team Site” on page 2 for additional information. Note that it may also be customized (by users with appropriate permission) to have additional links. Settings – Click the Settings button and select menu options to make changes to your site’s appearance or functionality. Ribbon – Provides access to commands to perform tasks. The commands available— organized into tabs, groups, and buttons—vary depending on what type of page is active. Often, button commands are not visible until you click a tab to activate it. In the example below, with the Page tab active, the Ribbon contains groups such as Edit, Manage, Share & Track, Page Actions, and Page Library. Each button on this Ribbon tab belongs to one of these groups. Buttons that are “greyed out” such as Rename Page and Delete Page are not available due to required conditions not being met. See the “Contextual tabs” topic below for additional information. Content types – Icons next to library items indicate each item’s content type. The example below shows a PowerPoint presentation , an image file , an Excel spreadsheet , and Word documents . Contextual tabs – Appear on the Ribbon when certain pages are selected. For example, File and Library contextual tabs appear when a library page is selected, Events and Calendar contextual tabs appear when a calendar is selected, and Tasks and List contextual tabs appear when a list is selected. Contextual tab groups are hidden until a tab is selected. They are hidden again after a command is selected. qqp Featured Objectives PAGE 1 Exploring SharePoint Foundation 2013 and the Team Site • Learn about the uses of SharePoint Foundation 2013, as well as the user interface and its screen components. PAGE 2 Getting Started • Learn how to sign in and sign out of SharePoint Foundation 2013, as well as browse the team site, search the team site, select library and list items, manage alerts, create and manage views, and access Help. PAGE 6 SharePoint Foundation 2013 Overview • Explore the fundamental aspects of SharePoint Foundation 2013 in terms of content, collaboration, and organization. PAGE 4 Working with Document Libraries • Learn how to upload documents and create documents online, view, edit, and delete documents, as well as work with document versions. Working with Lists • Learn how to add list items, navigate the calendar, add calendar events, as well as view, edit, and delete list items and events. PAGE 7 Working with Discussions • Learn how to add and manage discussions. Customizing the Team Site • Learn to edit team site properties and design elements, create subsites, as well as edit and create site pages. © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 2 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Getting Started SharePoint Foundation 2013 Overview ` Signing In to SharePoint Foundation 2013 1. Launch your Web browser. 2. Type the SharePoint site’s URL in the Address bar, and then press ENTER. Note: This guide uses http://gh-shrptfnd2013 as the base URL for the examples shown. The URL you use will depend on your site’s setup details. 3. If required, type your user name and password, and then click OK. Note: Your user name is associated with certain permissions, which determine the tasks that you can perform on the team site. For example, some users may read only, or read and edit site content, while others have full control to customize the team site. This guide was created using a user with full control permissions. ` Signing Out of SharePoint Foundation 2013 • Click on your user name button, and then select Sign Out. Note: The button displays the name of the current user and is located in the upper-right corner of the window. ` Browsing the Team Site 1. With the Browse tab active, click a page or document link in the Quick Launch pane to navigate to the associated page or to open a document. Link to the Home page of this site or subsite The fundamental benefits of SharePoint Foundation 2013 include the ability to store content in a central location where other team members can have access to it, as well as the ability to effectively share, edit, and organize the content. • Content – Site content may be in the form of documents, customized webpages along with the files that support them, and lists such as events and tasks. Content items representing these content types are stored in specific locations on the site. For example, documents and webpages are stored in different libraries, while items such as calendar events, tasks, announcements, and discussions—among others—are all stored in their own unique lists. The Site Contents page may be used to access all site content, displays the number of content items in each library or list, and indicates when items were last modified. • Collaboration and Organization – There are several ways to collaborate and organize content in SharePoint Foundation 2013: • Documents stored in a document library are available for team users to access and edit in accordance with their current collaboration settings. • The ability for team members to add Calendar entries to lists for meeting dates and tasks also helps to keep team members informed. The page below displays three associated tasks and their details. Browse tab Links to the Home page of this site or subsite Link to a library of shared documents Links to newly created libraries or lists will appear below the Recent heading • The ability to change the view of content items to determine, for example, who last edited a document, or what tasks are complete, can be extremely helpful in keeping teams organized. The page below uses a view to display only the completed tasks (two of them). Links to newly created subsites may appear below the Subsites heading Link to a main page where other pages, forms, and apps can be added, accessed, and managed • The Home, Documents, and Site Contents links (above) are displayed by default. Links to other pages, libraries, lists, and documents may be added to the Quick Launch pane (with optional indenting) or to the Top link bar. • Note that the Home links that appear in the team site and subsites may be customized differently. In subsites, clicking the Home link in the Quick Launch pane may go to the subsite’s Home page, while clicking the Home link in the Top link bar may go to the Home page of the team site. Getting Started... cont’d • You can also click a page link in a path to navigate to the associated page. Click to go to this page ` Searching the Team Site 1. Navigate to the page where you want to perform the search. Note: Performing a search from the top-level Home page may include both the team site and its subsites in the search scope. 2. Type the desired search text in a Search this site text box. Some tips for entering search text are as follows: • Insert a space between multiple search words. • Insert quotes around words to locate an exact match. • Capital letters are ignored. 2 © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 3 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Getting Started... cont’d Getting Started... cont’d 3. Click the Search button, or press ENTER. 4. If required, click search filter links (that appear in place of the Quick Launch pane), as shown in the following example, to refine search results. – OR – Click a link in the search results to display that page, document, or item. Search filter links refine search results Search results To set up alerts at the document/item level: 1. Navigate to the library or list containing the document or item where the alert is to be set up, and then select the desired document or item. 2. To set up an alert for a selected document, click the Alert Me button in the Files > Share & Track group, and then select Set alert on this document. – OR – To set up an alert for a selected calendar item, click the Alert Me button in the Events > Share & Track group, and then select Set alert on this item. – OR – Set up an alert for the selected search result Access search preferences To set up an alert for a selected task item (or other list item), click the Alert Me button in the Items > Share & Track group, and then select Set alert on this item. 3. Specify the alert settings as required, and then click OK. Note: The example below shows the settings available to set up an alert for a document. Calendar and tasks items will be similar. Note: You can point to a search result (shown above) to view a pop-up window displaying summary information and metadata. You can also use the commands in the bottom pane of the pop-up window to perform a variety of tasks, depending on the item located. For example, you could navigate to a page, edit a document, or send a link to the page or a document via e-mail. ` Selecting Library and List Items Documents stored in libraries and items stored in lists typically need to be selected before you can perform actions affecting them. Also, it may be advantageous to select multiple items in order to perform actions that affect all of them (e.g., deleting multiple documents, or checking them out simultaneously). Point to an unselected item to highlight it, and click to select it. Click to select or deselect all the items in the list. To set up alerts at the library/list level: 1. Click the Alert Me button in the Share & Track group, available on most tabs. 2. Select Manage My Alerts, and then click the Add Alert link. Note: Unwanted alerts may be removed using the Delete Selected Alerts link. 3. Select the library or list where the alert is to be created, and then click the Next button. 4. Specify the alert settings as required, click OK, and then click Cancel. Click a selected item to deselect it. ` Managing Alerts Alerts are notifications that are sent by e-mail or text message indicating changes to the site content (e.g., changes to a document in a library or an item in a list). Alerts can be managed at either the document/item level or at the library/list level. ` Managing Views Views allow you to display library or list items filtered in different ways. For example, instead of displaying all of the documents in a library, you may want to display the documents created by a particular user. Or in viewing a task list, you may want to display only your tasks, or the tasks that are due today. In addition, you can also create custom views. SharePoint Foundation 2013 lets you work with five different types of views: Standard, Calendar, Datasheet, Access, and Gantt. Custom views can also be created for your site using SharePoint Designer. © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 3 LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 4 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Getting Started... cont’d Working with Document Libraries... cont’d To change the current view: 1. Navigate to the desired library or list. 2. Click the Current View drop-down button in the Library > Manage Views To upload multiple documents: 1. In SharePoint, navigate to the desired document library. 2. In Windows, locate and open a folder containing the documents you group, the List > Manage Views group, or the Calendar > Manage Views group, and then select the desired view. To create a library or list view: 1. Navigate to the desired library or list where you want to create a view. 2. Click the Create View button in the Library > Manage Views group, or the List > Manage Views group, and then click Standard View (shown below). 3. Type a name for the view in the View Name text box, specify the settings as desired, and then click OK. ` Getting Help Access to Help is always available. The specific help content displayed whenever the SharePoint Help window is accessed may vary depending on the current scenario. 1. Click the Help button in the top-right corner of the current window to open the SharePoint Help window. 2. Click the desired links to navigate the help content provided. – OR – Click in the Search help text box, type the desired search text, and then button. click the Search 3. Continue to click links and navigate pages as desired. Working with Document Libraries Document libraries store documents and associated data properties including who created a document and when, as well as the type of document. You can upload documents to libraries, or create new documents in libraries to allow other users access to them. They can be managed by editing, tracking, and deleting them. The default library for sharing documents is called Documents, but other libraries can be created. ` Uploading Documents 1. Navigate to the document library where you want to upload documents. 2. Click the New document link above the document list. – OR – Click the Upload Document button in the Files > New group. 3. Click the Browse button in the Add a document dialog box, locate and select the desired document in the Choose File to Upload dialog box, and then click Open. want to upload. 3. Position the SharePoint window and the Windows folder window so that both windows are clearly visible. Note: If no other windows are open, you can right-click the Windows Taskbar, and then select Show windows stacked or Show windows side by side. 4. Select the desired documents in the folder window. 5. Point to any one of the selected documents, and then drag from the folder window onto the New document or drag files here link in the SharePoint window. ` Creating Documents 1. Navigate to the desired document library. 2. Click the bottom portion of the New Document button in the Files > New group, and then select New Document. Note: An application that is configured to create new documents will appear, if it is installed on the computer. The default application for the Documents library is Microsoft Word. 3. Create and save the document as required. 4. Close the application when finished. Note: Documents that are new to a library are indicated by a small green star . ` Viewing, Editing, and Deleting Documents Sometimes viewing a “read-only” copy of a document is sufficient, while in other situations, you may need to edit a document using its associated application. • To open a read-only copy of a document, click the file name link in the Name column. A Read-Only alert confirms that the document is not editable. However, if you decide to edit the document and have appropriate permissions, you can click the Edit Document button in the alert to make it editable. • If you know ahead of time that you want to edit a document, select the document, and then click the Edit Document button in the Files > Open & Check Out group. Save and close the document when finished editing, and then return to SharePoint. In this scenario, other users might be editing the same document, which can cause problems. • To prevent problems with multiple users editing a document at the same time, check the document out before opening it. Upon exiting the application used to edit the document, you will check it back in. See “Checking Documents Out”, and “Checking Documents In” on page 5 for detailed steps. • To delete a document, select the document to be deleted, and then click button in the Files > Manage group. the Delete Document ` Checking Documents Out 1. Select the document(s) you want to check out. 2. Click the Check Out button in the Files > Open & Check Out group. 3. If prompted, click OK to confirm that you are checking the 4. Click OK. Note: Documents that are new to a library are indicated by a small green star 4 . document(s) out. Note: A small green arrow will be added to the document icon. This icon shows a Word document is checked out. © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 5 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Working with Document Libraries... cont’d ` Checking Documents In You can check a document in from either its associated application or SharePoint. The following steps describe how to check in a document from SharePoint. 1. Ensure that you have saved the most recent changes (in the application used for editing it), and then close the document. If prompted to check it in from within the editing application, click No. 2. In SharePoint, locate and select the document in the library. 3. Click the Check In button in the Files > Open & Check Out group. Working with Document Libraries... cont’d • Upon checking in a document, the Check in dialog box appears allowing you to specify either a major or minor version (assuming that document versioning has been configured as such). You can also enter comments related to the changes made. 4. Ensure that the No option is selected under Retain your check out after checking in? Note: If required, you can keep the document checked out, which allows other users to see the changes but keeps them from editing the document. To do this, select the Yes option under Retain your check out after checking in? 5. Type comments (as needed) relating to the editing changes made. 6. Click OK to complete the check-in (the icon will return to its default). ` Discarding Checked-Out Documents You can cancel a document’s checked-out status at any time simply by checking it in. However, if document versioning has been enabled you may want to use the Discard Check Out command instead, since versioning causes a new version to be created each time a checked-out document is checked in (whether changes have been made or not). Group policy may be to avoid keeping track of versions that contain no changes. See “Managing Document Versions”for more information. Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint allow you to discard a checked out document from the Backstage view (File > Info tab); but the following steps make use of SharePoint’s Discard Check Out command, and will work for documents that have been checked out for editing (in any application that has been configured to do that). 1. If the document—whose checked out status you want to cancel—is currently open in the editing application, close the document without saving changes. 2. In SharePoint, select the document in the library where it is stored. 3. Click the Discard Check Out button in the Files > Open & Check Out group (shown below), and then click OK (the icon will return to its default). • To see and manage the version history of a document, select it, and then click the Version History button in the Files > Manage group. Shown are version history details, as well as deleted document versions (if any). An example of the Version History dialog box is shown below. • To view a Read-Only copy of a document version, click a document’s date/time entry in the Modified column. • To view details about, restore, or delete a document version, or to unpublish a major version (command not shown below), point to a document’s date/time entry in the Modified column, click the drop-down button that appears, and then select the desired command. ` Managing Document Versions Document versions allow you to track changes to documents that are stored in a library where versioning has been enabled. For example, multiple versions of a Word document may be tracked based on the number of times it is checked out and in. Major versions (published – 1.0, 2.0, etc.) or major and minor versions (published and draft – 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, etc.) may be maintained depending on how the versioning has been configured. One fundamental advantage of document versioning is that previous versions may be restored if they are ever required later. Versioning settings are disabled by default, and may be configured multiple ways. The following are some details outlining how document versioning functions when it is enabled in a document library. © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 5 LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 6 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Working with Document Libraries... cont’d ` Enabling Document Versioning 1. Navigate to the document library where versioning is to be enabled. 2. Click the Library Settings button in the Library > Settings group, and then click the Versioning settings link under General Settings. Working with Document Libraries... cont’d 4. Click the Create button. Note: The name will appear in the Quick Launch pane as a link indented under the heading Recent. To change the name or move it under a different heading, click the Settings button, select Site settings, select Quick Launch under Look and Feel, and then click the icon of the link to be changed. Then type a different name in the Type the description text box, and/or select a different heading from the Heading drop-down list, and then click OK. Working with Lists Through its available apps, SharePoint Foundation 2013 supports a wide range of list types. You can add meeting and other date-specific items to a Calendar list. You can add upcoming events to an Announcements list. You can add tasks to Tasks lists, contacts to Contacts lists, and more. List items can be edited, tracked, deleted, or marked as complete to help keep team members up-to-date. 3. If the content is of a sensitive nature—which may require review or approval before being made available to all users—select Yes under Require content approval for submitted items?. 4. Select the Create major versions option under Create a version each time you edit a file in this document library? to maintain published – 1.0, 2.0, etc. versions only. – OR – Select the Create major and minor versions (draft) option under Create a version each time you edit a file in this document library? to maintain published and draft – 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, etc. versions. 5. If required, enable and specify the number of major and/or draft versions to maintain under Optionally limit the number of versions to retain. 6. If only certain users should be able to view drafts, select the appropriate option under Who should see draft items in this document library? 7. To force users to check out a document before editing it, select Yes under Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited?. 8. Click OK. ` Adding List Items 1. Navigate to the desired task list, calendar, or other type of list, including custom lists. 2. To add a task item, click the button, and then enter the details as required. By default, task lists display Task Name, Start Date, Due Date, and Assigned To fields. If required, click the Show More link to display additional task fields to be specified. – OR – To add a calendar event, point to the event’s date in the calendar, click the Add link that appears, and then enter the details as required. ` Adding Libraries and Lists 1. Click Site Contents in the Quick Launch pane, and then click add an app. – OR – To add a custom list item, click the button, and then type the item title, as well as other column details that have been enabled. 3. Click the Save button. 2. If you know which app (for a library or a list) is to be added, click it. – OR – If you are unsure which app to add, click an App Details link under an app icon to learn about the features or functionality of the app. If desired, you can click the Add It button. 3. Click the Advanced Options link, type a name and a description for the app, as well as select other options as required. 6 ` Navigating and Viewing Data in Calendars 1. Navigate to the desired calendar. • To navigate to different months or years, depending on the currently selected view, click the or the buttons in the date navigator. • To navigate to the current date, click the Today is link (shown to the right). • To select a calendar view such as Day, Week, or Month, click the desired button in the Calendar > Scope group. © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 7 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® All rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced, stored in, introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Digital Content Factory Ltd. The information in this product is distributed without warranties. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this product, Digital Content Factory Ltd. shall not have any liability to any person or entity with respect to liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this product. All names of people or companies used in this product are fictitious unless otherwise noted. Any similarities to real persons or companies are purely coincidental. Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Working with Lists... cont’d Working with Discussions... cont’d ` Adding Calendars A calendar is a type of list that is specifically based on the Calendar app. • To add a calendar, see “Adding Libraries and Lists” on page 6. Select the Calendar app (shown to the right) in step 2. ` Viewing, Editing, and Deleting Calendar Events 1. Select the desired event in the calendar. 2. To view event details, click the View Event button in the Events > Manage group. Note: In addition to the displaying event details, various view commands appear allowing you to edit, delete, and display version history for the event. Click the Close button when finished viewing the details. – OR – To edit event details, click the Edit Event button in the Events > Manage group, enter the changes as required, and then click the Save button. – OR – To delete an event, click the Delete Event button in the Events > Manage group, and then click OK. ` Viewing, Editing, and Deleting List Item Details 1. Select the desired list item in a list. 2. To view a task list item, click the View Item button in the Tasks > Manage group. – OR – To view a list item, click the View Item button in the Items > Manage group. Note: In addition to the displaying task list item and list item details, various view commands appear allowing you to edit, delete, and display version history for the item. Click the Close button when finished viewing the details. – OR – To edit a task list item, click the Edit Item button in the Tasks > Manage group, and then edit and save the changes. – OR – To edit a list item, click the Edit Item button in the Items > Manage group, and then edit and save the changes. Note: The newest discussion topics appear above previous topics by default. ` Replying to, Editing, and Deleting Discussion Topics 1. Click the desired discussion topic. 2. To reply to a topic, click the Reply link, type the desired text, and then click the Reply button. – OR – To edit the topic (if you are the creator), click the Edit link, make the desired changes, and then click the Save button. – OR – To delete the topic (if you are the creator), click the Open Menu select Delete, and then click OK. button, Customizing the Team Site The default team site is comprised of various pages with default properties and design elements such as a logo, site layout, and colors. The team site may be used in its default state, or it may be customized by changing the site’s appearance, as well as by adding and editing site pages, and adding subsites. ` Changing the Title, Description, and Logo for the Team Site 1. Click the Settings button, and then select Site settings. – OR – To delete a task list item, click the Delete Item button in the Tasks > Manage group, and then click OK. – OR – To delete a list item, click the Delete Item button in the Items > Manage group, and then click OK. Working with Discussions Discussion boards allow team members to post various topics with comments to which others can reply (to maintain a discussion thread). A discussion board is not available from the team site by default, so it must be added in order to use one. ` Adding Discussion Boards A discussion board a type of list that is specifically based on the Discussion Board app. • To add a discussion board, see “Adding Libraries and Lists” on page 6. Select the Discussion Board app (shown to the right) in step 2. ` Adding New Discussion Topics 1. Navigate to the desired discussion board. 2. Click the button, enter the details as required, and then click the Save button. 2. Click the Title, description, and logo link. 3. Edit the title and description text as required. 4. Click the From Computer link under the Insert Logo heading, and then click the Browse button to select and upload the desired logo. 5. Click OK. ` Changing the Look of the Team Site 1. Click the Settings button, and then select Change the look. 2. Click the thumbnail image of the desired predefined theme. 3. If desired, select different theme colors, site layout, and/or fonts, and then click the Try it out link. 4. If the result is desirable, click the Yes, keep it link; otherwise click the No, not quite there link to continue changing appearance settings. ` Adding a Subsite 1. Click Site Contents in the Quick Launch pane. 2. Click the button. 3. Specify the site details such as the title, description, name for the site page, type of site, permissions, navigation, and then click the Create button. © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft® and SharePoint® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 7 LR_Y15AGen.10 - 8.5 x Page 8 Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:40 PM ® ® Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Quick Reference Customizing the Team Site... cont’d Customizing the Team Site... cont’d ` Editing Site Pages There are two types of site pages that are editable. They are Web Part pages and Wiki pages. • Web Part pages display a consolidation of data from various sources. They display different types of data such as documents and lists. Examples of Web Part pages are document pages, calendar pages, and tasks pages. • Wiki pages can consist of web parts, as well as individual text and image objects, etc., making them highly customizable from a design perspective. An example of a Wiki page is the team site Home page. Certain site pages cannot be edited. Such pages are referred to as “system pages”. Examples of system pages are the Site Contents page, the Recycle Bin page, and the Site Settings page. To edit a page: 1. Navigate to the page that is to be edited. 2. If editing a Web Part page, click the Settings button, and then select Edit page. Note: The page will appear in edit mode, with the Insert and Web Part tabs displayed. – OR – If editing a Wiki page, you can click the button. Note: The page will appear in edit mode, with the Format Text and Insert tabs displayed. 3. Change the page as required. For example: • If editing a Wiki page, you can select a different text layout, insert and format text, as well as insert tables, images, and links. See “Managing Wiki Page Items” for detailed steps. • If editing a Web Part page, you can add or move a Web Part, or change its display. See “Managing Web Parts” for detailed steps. 4. To save changes to a Wiki page, click the button, or click the Save button in the Format Text > Edit group when finished. – OR – To save the changes to a Wiki page but remain in edit mode, click the Save drop-down button in the Format Text > Edit group, and then select Save and Keep Editing. – OR – To cancel an editing session for a Wiki page (without saving), click the Save drop-down button in the Format Text > Edit group, and then select Stop Editing. If prompted, click the Discard changes button. – OR – To stop editing a Web Part page, click the Stop Editing button in the Page > Edit group. ` Creating Wiki Pages 1. Click the Settings button, and then select Add a page. 2. Type the page name in the New page name text box, and then click the Create button. Note: The new page appears in edit mode with the Format Text tab selected. New pages are added to the Site Pages library. Note: Selecting a different text layout while content is on the page will not remove the content, but it may reposition it. • To insert text, click where the text is to be inserted, and then type the desired text. Press ENTER as required to insert new paragraphs. • To format text and paragraphs, select the desired text or paragraphs. Then select the desired formatting command from the Format Text > Font group, the Format Text > Paragraph group, or the Format Text > Style group. • To insert images, position the insertion point where the image is to be inserted; click the Picture button in the Insert > Media group. Then click the Browse button to locate and select the image, and then click OK. If desired, type a title for the image in the Title text box, and then click Save. Note: With an image selected, use the commands located on the Picture Tools tab to manipulate it. Images are added to the Site Assets library. • To insert links to external sites or site documents, position the insertion point where the link is to be inserted, click the Link button in the Insert > Links group, and then (if desired) type a display name in the Text to display text box. Specify the full website URL (including http://), or document name and path in the Address text box, and then click OK. Note: With the insertion point within a link, use the commands located on the Link Tools tab to manipulate it. • To insert links to site pages, position the insertion point where the link is to be inserted, type two open square brackets ([[), click the page where the link is to be created, and then press ENTER. Note: The link will not appear in edit mode. Also note that there are several options to enhance such links by including “friendly text” to better describe the link. • To insert other items such as tables, App Parts, or Web Parts, with the Insert tab active click the appropriate button and follow the prompts. Note: Web Part pages may contain an Add a Web Part link, which may be also used to insert a Web Part on the page. ` Managing Web Parts Managing Web Parts involves the position and arrangement of the Web Parts on a page, and does not often involve the specific content within them. • To move a Web Part, drag the Web Part name to the desired location on the page. • To change the display of a Web Part, remove it from the page, or edit its properties, click the drop-down button within the Web Part. Click Minimize to reduce the space required to display the Web Part on the page. Click Delete to remove the Web Part from the page. Click Edit Web Part to change the properties of the Web Part. A task pane will appear containing options appropriate for editing that particular Web Part. Note: The Minimize command in the image above toggles to the Restore 3. Insert and format the content as desired, which can include items such as text, images, tables, links, and Web Parts to name a few. See “Managing Wiki Page Items” for detailed steps. 4. Save the changes as required. command when it is selected. Also note that you do not need to be in edit mode to use this command. If you need assistance, please contact our Service Desk at ` Managing Wiki Page Items 10630, 771.2242, or • To select a different text layout for content on the page, click the Text Layout button in the Format Text > Layout group, and then select the Rev. 1.0 desired layout. 8 © 2014 Digital Content Factory Ltd. for Laramie County School District #1. Microsoft and SharePoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ® ®