Department of Natural Resources State of Colorado COLORADO PARKS & WILDLIFE SPECIFICATIONS FOR Navajo State Park - Lift Stations Replacement DIVISION I – SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT I.D. NO. NJ401 MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE: Friday, March 7, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. BID OPENING: Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. (Page Intentionally Left Blank) TABLE OF CONTENTS Navajo State Park - Lift Stations Replacement NJ401 DIVISION I - SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 SECTION 01023 SECTION 01100 SECTION 01200 SECTION 01300 SECTION 01310 SECTION 01410 SECTION 01500 SECTION 01710 SECTION 01720 - SUMMARY OF WORK MINOR CONTRACT REVISION ALTERNATE PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS SUBMITTALS CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES LABORATORY TESTS TEMPORARY UTILITIES AND CONTROLS PROJECT CLEANING AS-CONSTRUCTED AND RECORD DOCUMENTS DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK SECTION 02050 SECTION 02070 SECTION 02210 SECTION 02220 SECTION 02221 SECTION 02279 SECTION 02410 SECTION 02610 - MOBILIZATION STRUCTURE REMOVAL FINISH GRADING STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING WATER QUALITY CONTROL DEWATERING PIPE AND FITTINGS DIVISION 3 – CONCRETE SECTION 03200 SECTION 03301 SECTION 03400 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES DIVISION 15 – MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 SECTION 15150 - GENERAL PROVISIONS PACKAGED LIFT STATIONS (Page Intentionally Left Blank) DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL CONDITION: Please read the "General Requirements and Covenants" (dated 2003) in your possession. They apply to all Divisions of these specifications, accompanying drawings and to this proposed project. SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK 1. LOCATION: To access the park, located in Archuleta County, take U.S. Highway 160 west from Pagosa Springs for about 17 miles, then turn south onto State Highway 151 for about 18 miles to Arboles. Turn left again onto County Road 982 and drive 2 miles to the park. Project Address: Navajo State Park 1526 County Road 982 Arboles, CO 81121 Archuleta County Project Coordinates: 2. Latitude: 37° 0'32.79"N Longitude: 107°24'27.26"W DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The project consists of removing and replacing five (5) existing sewage lift stations. Ancillary pipe connection work, electrical connection work, minor site grading, furnishing five (5) pre-cast manholes, and concrete pad construction is also included. All work shall be in compliance with these specifications and construction drawings. 3. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT: The Contractor shall be allowed from the date of approval of contract documents through the CONTRACT START DATE (as indicated on the Notice to Proceed letter) to submit shop drawings and product approvals and order and delivery of materials. 4. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: The work and the compensation, therefore, shall be as covered by these specifications consisting of furnishing all plant, labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work shown on the drawings and listed in the bid schedule, unless otherwise stipulated or approved in writing by the Capital Program Manager. Division field engineering personnel are authorized to supervise the construction of this project in accordance with the previously approved plans and specifications and change orders. All changes in the work shall be approved in writing by the Capital Program Manager before being activated in accordance with Section 4, Item 4.2 of the General Requirements and Covenants. 1-1 The specifications included herein are the Specifications for this project. If there should be a difference between the Specifications and the drawings, the Specifications shall govern. 5. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: Visit the site and determine to your own satisfaction the amount and type of work to be performed to complete the project in accordance with the drawings, specifications and Contract Documents before submitting your bid. You must include as part of the bid documentation the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Minority Business Enterprises Contract Compliance Requirements ( estimated MBE Participation) Contract Proposal - Pages 1, 2, and 3 Bid Schedule - Signed and addendums acknowledged (if any) Bid Bond - Can be a Bond, Certified Check or Cashier’s Check only. Required with all Proposals. Furnish sufficient qualified help to the Engineer for setting construction controls. Before final payment will be made on the completed contract, submit to the Owner all specified warranties, other product warranties and the Minority Business Enterprises Compliance Report. 6. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Liquidated damages for this project shall be a daily charge of $284 for each day beyond the specified contract time. This daily charge will be deducted from any money due the contractor. 7. SUBCONTRACTED WORK: Contractor shall not subcontract any portion of the work without written consent of the Engineer, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld. In cases where such consent is given, the Contractor shall perform with his own organization work amounting to not less than 50 percent of the total contract cost, as determined by the Engineer, except that any items agreed to by the Engineer as “specialty items” may be performed by subcontract and the cost of any such specialty items so performed by subcontractor may be deducted from the total cost before computing the amount of work required to be performed by the Contractor with his own organization. However, under no circumstances shall less than 20 percent of the total contract cost be performed by the Contractor’s organization after deduction of specialty items. 8. SITE LAYOUT AND STAKING: Location points for the work will be defined with stakes and/or other means of identification prior to the start of construction. These location points, grades, and elevations are shown on the drawings. The drawings indicate existing and proposed elevations, but may be modified on the site by the Engineer. 9. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS: At the commencement of construction, the Engineer will designate the area allowed for the construction process. Restrict work to that designated area. Any changes deemed necessary shall be discussed with and approved by the Engineer. 1-2 10. MARSHALLING AND ACCESS: Limits and access to the site for use: before taking possession and use of the site, meet with the Engineer to determine the marshalling area(s) and access points to be used to execute the work. Limit access and marshalling areas agreed to at that meeting. Obtain written permission from the Division of any changes other than first agreed upon. Upon completion of all work, restore all areas to original or improved conditions. 11. JOB CONDITIONS: Examine the site, determine the nature of conditions to be encountered and accept the site as found upon the examination. Examination must be made prior to bidding as no additional compensation will be considered after receipt of bids for existing conditions which are required to be worked, adapted, or modified to these specifications. 12. BUILDING CODES: Local city or county building codes shall be used for all construction. Where there is no local authority and/or code, the current codes required by the Office of the State Architect, State Electrical Board or State Plumbing Board shall be utilized. Appropriate inspections and certificates shall be obtained from the state or local inspector. See relative specification section(s) for additional detail. 13. PROTECTION AND SAFETY PRACTICE: I. General: All work shall be carried out in a safe manner in accordance with local codes and the safety requirements of the Colorado State Division of Labor. II. Provide shoring, sheeting, barricading, bracing to prevent caving, erosion and gullying of side of excavation. The design, engineering, construction and maintenance of all temporary protection, including its adequacy and safety shall be the Contractor's responsibility and shall comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). III. Existing Utilities: Colorado SB 93-155 requires that anyone that engages in any type of excavation must provide advance notice to the underground facility owners. Prior to any moving or excavating of earth, the Contractor shall call the Utility Notification Center of Colorado (UNCC) or “Common Ground Alliance” (CGA) – the “Call Before You Dig” number – at 811. Utility owners have three business days to perform locates. If facilities are not marked within the three business days, you are required to call back to UNCC and process a Second Notice Request. UNCC encourages both Contractors and Sub-Contractors to obtain a locate ticket. A “no response” from the utility owner does not allow the Contractor to start digging. Notify the Engineer when working near utility lines or appurtenances. IV. Aquatic concerns and equipment cleaning: For this project; If heavy equipment is acquired or used that was previously working in another stream, river, lake, pond, or wetland, one of the following disinfection practices is necessary prior to construction to prevent the spread of New Zealand mud snails and other aquatic hitchhikers into this drainage. The practice is also necessary after project 1-3 completion, prior to this equipment being used in another stream, river, lake, pond, or wetland, for the same purpose: V. • Remove all mud and debris from equipment (tracks, turrets, buckets, drags, teeth, etc.) and spray/soak equipment a 1:15 solution of Sparquat institutional cleaner and water. Keep equipment moist for at least 10 minutes OR • Remove all mud and debris from equipment (tracks, turrets, buckets, drags, teeth, etc.) and spray/soak equipment with water greater than 140 degrees F for at least 10 minutes. • Clean hand tools, boots, and any other equipment that will be used in the water using one of the above options as well. • Sparquat 256 Germicidal Cleaner (Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.) is available in the Denver area from Waxie Denver at (303) 749-8000 or (800) 377-4128, High Country Chemical at (303) 287-6700 and AmSan Colorado Chemical at (303) 388-9331. Surface Drainage: Provide for surface drainage during the construction period in a manner to avoid creating a nuisance to adjacent properties. VI. Location Markers: Carefully maintain and protect all bench marks, corner monuments and other points. If disturbed or destroyed, replace at no cost to the Owner as directed by the Engineer. 14. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Payment for construction shown on the drawings and specified herein shall be made as noted in the Bid Schedule. 15. SALES TAX: Sales tax shall not be charged on projects for the Department of Natural Resources, through the Colorado Parks & Wildlife. The Department of Revenue will issue a certificate of exemption (Form No. DR172) to Contractors or subcontractors. C.R.S. 1973 as amended 39-26-114. The Colorado Parks & Wildlife State Sales Tax number is 98-02565. Forms can be obtained from the Recorded Forms Request Line at 303238-3278, or at “”. SECTION 01023 - MINOR CONTRACT REVISION 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required as additional work for completion of the project. 2. WORK INCLUDED: 1-4 The work shall include unanticipated extra work in excess of the quantities included in the bid schedule. 3. PAYMENT: Payment for minor contract revisions shall be made at the contract unit price, negotiated basis or force account in accordance with Section 9.4 of the General Requirements and Covenants. SECTION 01100 - ALTERNATE PRODUCTS Manufacturer's products listed in the Specifications and on the drawings are intended to show the results and standard of quality. Other products may be submitted for approval. Submittals are required for specified products and alternate products in accordance with Section 6 of the General Requirements and Covenants, Control of Material. SECTION 01200 - CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS 1. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: The Contractor or his representative after award of the contract shall attend a preconstruction conference to be held at the Colorado Parks & Wildlife regional office, Denver office or other office in proximity to the project as designated by the Engineer. SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS 1. Provide the manufacturer's literature for products specified or approved equal products as stated in Section 6 of the General Requirements and Covenants for Capital Construction. 2. The following is the list of required submittals for this Contract. Refer to each Contract Section for any additional requirements for each submittal. SECTION TITLE SUBMITTAL DESCRIPTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Schedule of Construction 01720 AS-CONSTRUCTED AND RECORD DOCUMENTS Construction drawings and technical specifications indicating changes to the original project design 02220 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING Imported or Select Material Certified Gradation Imported or Select Material Standard Proctor Test 1-5 DATE RETURNED STATUS SECTION TITLE SUBMITTAL DESCRIPTION Imported or Select Material Soil Classification Certified Gradation Standard Proctor Test Soil Classification Relative Density Test Test Samples, Certification, and Testing: 02221 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Each roll of geotextile shall be clearly marked showing the top of the fabric. Two copies of the mill certificate signed by a legal authorized officer from the manufacturer shall be provided for each consignment. The mill certificate shall state that the fabric in that shipment meets the requirements listed below and provide proof of test results for minimum average. The Engineer reserves the right to perform acceptance tests on the samples prior to acceptance of the material. The minimum average requirements, as indicated, must be met before installation of the geotextile. The Engineer shall be present at the site during installation and reserves the right to collect samples periodically for confirmation testing. Certified gradation tests on wall backfill material Manufacturer's Descriptive Literature and Recommended Methods of Installation 02610 PIPE AND FITTINGS Manufacturer's Certification that Products Meet Specification Requirements Manufacturer's Certification that Products Meet Specification Requirements 1-6 DATE RETURNED STATUS SECTION TITLE SUBMITTAL DESCRIPTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Placing Drawings, Bending and Cut Sheet Schedules Mill Test Reports for Each Shipment of Reinforcement Welder Qualifications and Certification by Testing Laboratory 03252 INSERTS AND FASTENING DEVICES Specification and Descriptive Literature for Welding Tools to be Used Complete Shop Drawings of All Weld Locations, Intersection Details, Support and Forming Details Firm name, address and phone number for testing agency 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Certified Concrete Design Mix Laboratory Test Results Aggregate: Gradation Analysis and Specific Gravity 03400 PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES Shop Drawings Manufacturer’s Descriptive Language and Recommended Methods of Installation Manufacturer’s Operations and Maintenance Manuals 15150 PACKAGED LIFT STATIONS Manufacturer's Data Sheets Shop Drawings Executed Warranty 1-7 DATE RETURNED STATUS SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 1. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SUBMITTAL: Submit to the Engineer, 15 calendar days before commencing construction, a schedule of construction. The schedule shall include provisions for time necessary to acquire and provide shop drawings and product submittals, the allowed period for submittal review, time required for ordering and delivery of materials, a normal time period allowed based on climate, location of project, season of year, weather patterns for temperature, and precipitation conditions which reasonably will hinder or prevent construction progress. The construction schedule shall be updated within 30 calendar days after starting work or upon issuance of any Contract Modification which substantially affects the scheduling, and monthly thereafter until completion. Three copies of newly updated construction schedules shall be forwarded to the Engineer, as directed, immediately upon preparation. 2. PRODUCT DELIVERY: Order products in a timely, properly sequenced manner so that delivery schedule of products corresponds with anticipated installation periods of these products. SECTION 01410 - LABORATORY TESTS 1. REQUIRED TESTS: I. Concrete Testing - provided and paid for by the Contractor. II. Compaction Tests - provided by the Contractor as specified. Compaction test reports shall be provided to Owner upon completion of tests. III. Proctor Tests - the Contractor shall provide a sample and tests of on-site material from locations determined by the Engineer. SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES AND CONTROLS 1. TEMPORARY ELECTRIC FACILITIES: Contractor shall provide and maintain during the course and progress of the contract work all electrical power and wiring requirements to facilitate the work of all trades and services associated with the contract work. 2. HERITAGE RESOURCES: All persons associated with operations under this authorization must be informed that any objects or sites of cultural, paleontological, or scientific value such as historic or prehistoric resources, graves or grave markers, human remains, ruins, cabins, rock art, fossils, or artifacts shall not be damaged, destroyed, removed, moved, or disturbed. If in connection with operations under this authorization any of the above resources are encountered, the proponent shall immediately suspend all activities in 1-8 the immediate vicinity of the discovery that might further disturb such materials and notify the Engineer of the findings. The discovery must be protected until notified in writing to proceed by the Engineer. (36 CFR 800.110 &112, 43 CFR 10.4) 3. TEMPORARY HEAT: Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, all temporary heat as necessary for the proper installation of all work, equipment, and materials and for the protection of all work and materials against injury from dampness, cold, and freezing. Fuel, equipment, and methods of heating shall be in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. 4. EXTERIOR STORAGE: All operations of the Contractor, including storage of materials, shall be confined to areas approved by the Engineer. Contractor shall be liable for any and all damage caused by him during such use by him of property of the Owner or other parties. Contractor shall save the Owner, its officers and agents, and the Engineer and his employees free and harmless from liability of any nature or kind arising from any use, trespass, or damage occasioned by his operations on premises of third persons or parties. 5. STORAGE AND SHOP: Contractor shall provide all temporary storage and shop rooms that may be required at the work site for safe and proper storage of tools, materials, etc. The Contractor shall construct such rooms in storage, only in locations approved by the Engineer, so as not to interfere in any way with the proper installation and completion of other work. The Contractor shall remove such rooms at the completion of the work and shall incur all expenses for such removal. 6. TEMPORARY TELEPHONE SERVICE: The Contractor shall maintain an operating cell phone and be available by phone during work hours assuming available cell phone service. 7. FIRST AID FACILITIES: A first aid station shall be provided to serve all personnel at the work site. The first aid station shall be equipped and staffed as required by authorities having jurisdiction. 8. SECURITY: The Contractor shall make all necessary provisions and be responsible for the security of the contract work and the work site until final inspection and acceptance of the contract work. SECTION 01710 - PROJECT CLEANING All areas shall be cleared and cleaned upon completion of work at all construction site locations. All debris and construction materials scattered and blown about the site shall be gathered, returned and secured to their proper location or disposed of during the construction process and upon completion. SECTION 01720 – AS-CONSTRUCTED AND RECORD DOCUMENTS 1-9 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Maintaining and providing As-Constructed and Record documents for the work described in project drawings and specifications. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, maintaining a clear and concise set of construction documents clearly indicating changes to the original project design. Contractor shall provide all necessary measurements, survey, and product changes to indicate As-Constructed conditions for the each element of the project. 3. PAYMENT: I. 4. Payment for As-Constructed and Record documents shall not be made as a line item but shall be included in Mobilization. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 – Submittals, for requirments. Final payment will not be made until AsConstructed and Record documents are received and accepted as complete by the Project Engineer. 5. 6. MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS: I. Store documents in clean, dry area seperate from documents used for construction. II. Documents shall be made available for inspection by Project Engineer upon request. RECORDING: I. The Project Engineer will provide the contractor one set of design drawings and specifications to record information. II. Label each drawing sheet “AS-CONSTRUCTED” and cover sheet of specifications in neat large printed letters. III. Record information concurrently with construction progress. IV. A. Do not backfill work until required information is recorded. B. Use dark pen or pencil. Ink shall not be water based and lettering shall be legible and not subject to easy smearing. Mark drawings to record actual construction. A. Field dimensions, elevations, and details. B. Changes made by Project Engineer in approved modifications. C. Details not on original drawings. 1-10 D. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground facilities (pipelines, electric line, valves, fittings, etc.) and appurtenances referenced to a minimum of two permanent surface improvements or project coordinates/datum. End of Section End of General Requirements 1-11 (Page Intentionally Left Blank) SECTION 02050 - MOBILIZATION 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to moving onto and off the site all the equipment and personnel required. It also includes cleaning up the site upon completion of the Contract. 3. PAYMENT: I. Payment for mobilization will be made on a contract lump sum basis as shown in the Bid Schedule. The lump sum price bid will be paid once only and shall include complete mobilization and demobilization regardless of the number of times the equipment is moved or additional equipment transported to the construction site. Of the lump sum price bid, 50% will be paid when 10% of the work is complete. The remaining 50% will be paid when the equipment is removed from the site upon completion. II. Mobilization shall include the obtaining of all permits, insurance, and bonds, and the moving onto the site of all plant and equipment; for furnishing and erecting plants, temporary buildings, and other construction facilities; all as required for the proper performance and completion of the work. Such work shall include but not be limited to the following principal items: A. Moving onto the site of all the Contractor's plant and equipment required for the first month's operations. B. Installing any temporary construction power and wiring. C. Establish fire protection system. D. Arrange for and erect the Contractor's work and storage area. E. Submit all required insurance certificates and bonds. F. Obtain any required permits. G. Post all required OSHA notices and establish on-site safety programs. H. Have the Contractor's superintendent at job site full time. I. Construction schedule. J. Wage rates posted. K. List of subcontractors. 02050-1 III. L. General cleanup of the project area. M. Shop drawings and product submittals. N. Equipment Cleaning for Aquatic Concerns (see General Requirements Section 01010, under Protection and Safety Practice) O. Maintaining and submitting As-Constructed and Record documents per specifications The Contractor's attention is directed to the condition that no payment for mobilization, or any part thereof will be approved for payment nor paid for under the Contract until all mobilization items listed above have been completed as specified to the extent possible. End of Section 02050-2 SECTION 02070 - STRUCTURE REMOVAL 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include but is not limited to the complete removal of the items as noted on the drawings and in the Bid Schedule to allow for installation of equipment or materials as required. 3. MEASUREMENTS: Structure removal shall be measured for payment as noted in the Bid Schedule. 4. EXTENT OF REMOVAL: All structures shall be removed as indicated on the drawings to not less than two feet below finished grade beneath any roadway, structure, pipeline or similar improvement. 5. DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL: Structures to be removed shall be disposed of by the Contractor off of the work site and in a manner approved by the Engineer. End of Section 02070-1 (Page Intentionally Left Blank) SECTION 02210 - FINISH GRADING 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, all cutting, filling, compacting of fills and rough grading required to bring project areas to grade. 3. MEASUREMENT: Grading shall not be measured separately but shall be included in the related construction. 4. FILLS: Where fill is required to raise the existing grades to the new subgrade elevation indicated on drawings, such fill shall be of earth placed and compacted as specified. The quality of fill material shall be approved. 5. MATERIALS: Material for fill shall be reasonably free from roots, wood and other organic material. Fill under surfaced areas shall not contain more than 15 percent clay or loam and no humus. Stones larger than 4 inches, maximum dimension, shall not be used in the upper 6 inches of fill or embankment. Place the material in successive horizontal layers in loose depths as specified, for the full width of the cross section. Deposit fill layers not more than 8 inches thick under surface areas. 6. FINISH GRADING: Perform finish grading for transition between lines. Grades shall be free of abrupt or irregular changes. Grade between existing and finished grades. Round abrupt change in slopes. Stockpiled topsoil shall be used in the areas used for backslopes and other areas exposed through construction and equipment damage. End of Section 02210-1 (Page Intentionally Left Blank) SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The earthwork for structures shall include excavation, trenching, filling, compacting and grading. Excavate and fill to elevations and dimensions indicated on the drawings and on the site. Allow additional space as required for construction operations. 3. MEASUREMENTS: I. Earthwork: Quantities shall not be measured for the required structure earthwork and related earthwork, but shall be included with the related structure. II. Dewatering: Dewatering shall not be measured separately but shall be included in the related work. 4. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 - Submittals, for requirements. 5. 6. QUALITY ASSURANCE: I. Classification of Soils: ASTM D 2487. II. Density Relations of Soils: Maximum Dry Density as determined by ASTM D 698 or AASHTO T 99 (Standard Proctor). III. Density for Sands and Gravels: Relative Density Method ASTM D 4253 and ASTM D 4254. IV. In-place Density Determination: Nuclear Method ASTM D 2922 or Sandcone Method ASTM D 1556. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: The Contractor may, at any time and at his own expense, obtain field testing from a different independent testing laboratory for the purpose of controlling his own work operations. Quality control for earthwork shall be provided by the contractor. The engineer may, at any time, access the work area to perform quality control testing. Contractor shall allow access for such testing. No payment or claim will be granted for lost production during testing activities. 7. MATERIALS: 02220-1 I. II. Select Material: A. Class I: Angular, 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches, graded stone including slag, cinders and crushed stone. B. Class II: Coarse sand and gravels with maximum particle size of 1/2 inch with no more than 12% passing a No. 200 sieve. Soil Types GW, GP, SW and SP are included. C. Class III: Fine sand and clayey gravels including sands, sand-clay and gravel-clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM and SC are included. D. Class IV: Inorganic silts or clays, silty or clayey fine sands, gravelly or silty clays. Soil Types ML, CL, MH and CH are included. Imported Material: Imported material is defined as material imported by the Contractor for use in place of native material. III. Relative Density: Where Class I or Class II select material is used, compaction shall be measured by relative density to the percentages as follows corresponding to the specified Standard Proctor values in these Specifications. 8. A. 95% Standard Proctor - 75% Relative Density B. 90% Standard Proctor - 70% Relative Density C. 85% Standard Proctor - 65% Relative Density D. 80% Standard Proctor - 60% Relative Density EXCAVATION: I. General: Excavation shall be open-cut, except as shown or approved. Excavation may be sloped or kept vertical where sloping of the excavation does not endanger any existing utility or structure. Excavation shall be performed in accordance with applicable federal, state or local safety codes. Control grading around the structure so that the ground is pitched to prevent water from flowing into excavated areas or damaging the foundation. Provide pumping to keep excavations clear of water. II. Underground Obstructions: 02220-2 Locate utilities prior to excavating. Unless otherwise specified, preserve intact pipe or utilities encountered during construction. If utilities or structures are accidentally damaged, replace immediately to their original condition. A. Unsuitable Bearing: Excavate such that uniform bearings are obtained throughout. If suitable bearing is not obtained at the depth indicated on the drawings for the structure bottom, immediately notify the Engineer. Do not proceed until further instructions are given. Completely remove subsurface debris and abandoned construction materials including broken pieces of concrete. Remove such materials within construction lines to 6 inches below the excavation. Dispose of materials where designated. B. Freezing: When freezing temperatures are expected, do not excavate to the full depth indicated unless the work can be performed immediately after the excavation has been completed. C. Dimensions: Excavate to elevations and dimensions where shown. Allow additional space as required for construction operations and inspection. III. Shoring: Shore, sheet pile and brace excavations as required to maintain them secure. Remove shoring as backfilling progresses, but only when banks are safe against caving or collapse. IV. Classification of Excavation: Excavation shall be classified as common unless otherwise specified. A. Common Excavation: Common excavation consists of grass, sod, humus, peat, earth, clay, sand, silt, gravel, hard and compacted materials, such as hardpan, loosely cemented gravel, soft or disintegrated rock and similar materials that can be removed by hand, heavy ripping equipment such as tracked equipment with a single ripper with a 15,000 pound pry-out force or a hydraulic excavator with a weight in excess of 50,000 pounds and a drawbar pull in excess of 40,000 pounds. Boulders and loose rock less than 1 cu. yd. are also classified as common excavation. V. Overexcavation: Excavate so that uniform bearing shall be obtained for the foundation. Do not excavate below the depth specified. If over excavation occurs, backfill with select material. VI. Unsuitable Foundation: 02220-3 The foundation is considered unsuitable when after dewatering, the existing soils are unstable. Unstable soils are those that are too soft, provide low load bearing or are otherwise inadequate. Unstable soils include organic soils, fine grain soils saturated with water in excess of their liquid limit, low density fine sands or silts, and expansive soils. Cohesive soils or granular cohesive soils with shear strength measured using ASTM D 2166 or ASTM D 2573 of less than 500 psf or sands with penetration resistance measured using ASTM D 1586 of less than 8 blows per foot are unsuitable. Where excavation is in shale or rock, or broken concrete occurs, excavate six inches below grade. No rock, shale or broken concrete shall be within 6 inches of the structure. VII. Dewatering: Where running water, quicksand, or unsuitable foundation conditions are encountered, push the work with the utmost vigor. Drain water to sumps through well points, underdrains or other approved methods, providing a completely dry foundation. Ensure that subsurface water does not interfere with maintaining proper soil moisture for proper compaction of backfill. 9. BACKFILLING FOR STRUCTURES: I. General: Backfill against the structure only after approval. Place and compact backfill materials to minimize settlement and to avoid damage to the structure, waterproofing and connecting construction. Before placing backfill, remove debris subject to rot or corrosion and other detrimental materials. Water shall not be allowed to rise until the concrete has set a minimum of 24 hours, and the forms have been removed. Water shall not be allowed to rise unequally against unsupported structural walls. Do not place brush, sod, frozen material or other perishable or unsuitable materials in the fill. Distribute material to avoid lenses differing substantially from the surrounding material. Deliver material to achieve well and uniformly compacted backfill. II. Placement: Place and spread backfill material in 4 in. layers. Compact backfill to a minimum of 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 698 or AASHTO T 99 (Standard Proctor). III. Concrete Structures: Do not backfill or place loads against concrete (including patched areas) before the concrete has developed at least 70% of the specified strength, or before 7 days after placing the concrete. From 7 days to 14 days after placing concrete, backfill operations may be initiated, but no rolling or hauling equipment will be permitted within 2 feet of the structure. At this time, 02220-4 backfill may be placed against concrete surfaces to a thickness of not more than 2 feet if compaction is accomplished by power tampers. IV. Imported Backfill: Notify the Engineer when imported material is to be used and indicate where material is to be placed. Do not place imported fill until approved by the Engineer. A. V. Imported fill shall have the following gradation: Sieve size or designation Percentage by Weight passing square mesh sieve sizes 2 inch 100 No. 4 30-100 No. 50 10-60 No. 200 5-20 B. In addition, this material shall have a liquid limit not exceeding 35 and a plasticity index of not over 6 when determined in accordance with AASHTO T 89 and AASHTO T 90 respectively. C. The material shall be Class III or better: fine sand and clayey gravels including sands, sand-clay and gravel-clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM and SC are included. Grading: Perform finish grading for smooth transitions between lines. Grades shall be free of abrupt or irregular changes. Grade between existing and final grades not otherwise shown to a uniform slope. Round abrupt change in slopes. 10. INSPECTION: Backfilling shall not commence until all tests and inspections have been made. Areas to receive backfill are to be cleared of all rubbish and debris. End of Section 02220-5 (Page Intentionally Left Blank) SECTION 02221 - TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The earthwork for the pipe installations shall include excavation, trenching, backfilling, compacting and grading. 3. MEASUREMENTS: I. Trenching and Backfill: Quantities shall not be measured for trenching, excavating, wasting, pipe embedment, bedding, backfilling, compacting, and grading, and laboratory testing, but shall be included in the installation of the pipe. II. Dewatering: Dewatering shall not be measured separately but shall be included in the trenching and backfilling. III. Imported Material: Imported material shall not be paid but shall be included in the installation of the pipe. 4. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 - Submittals, for requirements. 5. 6. QUALITY ASSURANCE: I. Classification of Soils: ASTM D 2487 and ASTM D 2488. II. Density Relations of Soils: Maximum Dry Density as determined by ASTM D 698 or AASHTO T 99 (Standard Proctor). III. Density for Sands and Gravels: Relative Density Method ASTM D 4253 and ASTM D 4254. IV. In-place Density Determination: Nuclear Method ASTM D 2922 or Sandcone Method ASTM D 1556. V. Pipe Embedment Materials: ASTM D 2321. MATERIALS: I. Select Material: 02221-1 II. A. General: Provide laboratory tests for the material. B. Class I: Angular, 1/4 to 1-1/2 inches, graded stone including slag, cinders and crushed stone. C. Class II: Coarse sand and gravels with maximum particle size of 1-1/2 inch with no more than 12% passing a No. 200 sieve. Soil Types GW, GP, SW and SP are included. D. Class III: Fine sand and clayey gravels including sands, sand-clay and gravel-clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM and SC are included. E. Class IV: Inorganic silts or clays, silty or clayey fine sands, gravelly or silty clays. Soil Types ML, CL, MH and CH are included. Imported Material: Imported material is defined as material imported by the Contractor for use as backfill material when used in place of native material or material used for pipe embedment where select material is not required by the Plans and Specifications. III. Relative Density: Where Class I or Class II select material is used, compaction shall be measured by relative density or Standard Proctor to the percentages as follows corresponding to the specified Standard Proctor values in these Specifications. 7. A. 95% Standard Proctor - 75% Relative Density B. 90% Standard Proctor - 70% Relative Density C. 85% Standard Proctor - 65% Relative Density D. 80% Standard Proctor - 60% Relative Density EXCAVATION: I. General: Excavation shall be open-cut, except as shown or approved. Trenches may be sloped or kept vertical where sloping of the trench does not endanger any existing utility or structure. Trench excavation shall be performed in accordance with applicable federal, state and local safety codes. Perform grading necessary to prevent surface water from causing damage to the work. Place material compactly on the sides of the excavation so as not to endanger the work. Dispose of surplus material as directed on the site. II. Dewatering: 02221-2 Where running water, quicksand, or unsuitable foundation conditions are encountered, push the work with the utmost vigor. Drain water in the trench to sumps through well points, underdrains or other approved methods, providing a suitable foundation with no running or standing water for pipe laying operations. Ensure that subsurface water does not interfere with maintaining proper soil moisture for a suitable foundation and proper compaction of backfill. Maintain dewatering until the pipe has been installed and backfill has been placed to a height above the water table. III. Trench Width: Minimum trench width shall be as shown on the drawings. Use the minimum width only when it provides adequate space for workers to place and join the pipe properly. Use additional width where required for compaction equipment. IV. Dimensions: Excavate to elevations and dimensions shown. Allow additional space as required for construction operations and inspection. V. Obstructions: Completely remove subsurface debris and abandoned construction materials including broken pieces of concrete. Remove such materials within construction lines to 6 inches below excavation. Dispose of the materials where designated. No blasting will be permitted. Locate utilities prior to excavating. Unless otherwise specified, preserve intact pipe or utilities encountered. If utilities or structures are damaged, replace immediately to their original condition. VI. Shoring: Shore, sheet pile and brace excavations as required to maintain them secure for protection of workmen or work. Remove shoring as work progresses, but only when banks are safe from caving or collapse. VII. Classification of Excavation: Excavation shall be classified as common unless otherwise specified. A. Common Excavation: Common excavation consists of grass, sod, humus, peat, earth, clay, sand, silt, gravel, hard and compacted materials, such as hardpan, loosely cemented gravel, soft or disintegrated rock and similar materials that can be removed by hand, heavy ripping equipment such as tracked equipment with a single ripper with a 15,000 pound pry-out force or a hydraulic excavator with a weight in excess of 50,000 pounds and a drawbar pull in excess of 40,000 pounds. Boulders and loose rock less than 1 cu. yd. are also classified as common excavation. 02221-3 VIII. Overexcavation: Excavate so that uniform bearing shall be obtained for the length of the pipe. Do not excavate below the depth specified. If over excavation occurs, backfill with select material. IX. Disturbed Foundation: Where excavation results in the foundation being disturbed, scarify to a depth of 6 inches and compact to a density equal to that of the surrounding earth or a minimum of 85% of maximum dry density, whichever is greater. X. Unsuitable Foundation: The trench bottom is considered unsuitable when after dewatering, the existing soils are unstable. Unstable soils are those that are too soft, provide low load bearing or are otherwise inadequate. Unstable soils include organic soils, fine grain soils saturated with water in excess of their liquid limit, low density fine sands or silts, and expansive soils. Cohesive soils or granular cohesive soils with shear strength measured using ASTM D 2166 or ASTM D 2573 of less than 500 psf or sands with penetration resistance measured using ASTM D 1586 of less than 8 blows per foot are unsuitable. Where the trench is excavated in shale or rock, or broken concrete occurs, excavate six inches below grade. No rock, shale or broken concrete shall be within 6 inches of the pipe. XI. Utilization of Excavated Material: Suitable material removed from the excavations shall be used, as practical, in the backfill and at other places as directed. XII. Disposal of Surplus and/or Waste Material: Dispose of surplus and waste material where designated. Grade areas for draining and a uniform appearance, blending into the surrounding grade. 8. BACKFILL: I. General: Do not place brush, sod, frozen material or other perishable or unsuitable materials in the fill. Distribute the material to avoid lenses differing substantially from the surrounding material. Place the material to achieve a well and uniformly compacted fill. II. Inspection and Approval: Do not backfill until tests and inspections have been made on work to be covered and approved. Clear areas to receive backfill of rubbish and debris. III. Imported Backfill: 02221-4 Notify the Engineer when imported material is to be used and indicate where material is to be placed. Do not place imported fill until approved by the Engineer. Provide laboratory tests for the material. IV. Moisture Control: During compaction operations the material being placed shall be maintained within the moisture content range required to permit proper compaction to the specified density. V. Placement and Methods: A. General: Because of varying trench conditions, the materials used and methods applied may vary. Individual trench requirements are specified as follows or shown on the drawings. Backfill only after approval. Maximum depth of lifts shall be 8 inches unless otherwise specified. B. Foundation: Where the trench bottom is unsuitable for pipe foundation, remove and replace material with select material. Compact to a minimum of 85% of maximum dry density. C. Pipe Embedment: 1. Bedding: Place select material from the bottom of the trench to a minimum of 4 inches or the depth shown on the drawings. Mechanically tamp to a minimum of 85% of maximum dry density. 2. Haunching: Shape the trench bottom to provide firm, stable and uniform support for the full length of the pipe and joints. Dig bell holes to provide a minimum of 2 inches clearance between the bell and the material. Adjust pipe for line and grade and make the joint. Place material carefully and tamp under the haunches of the pipe and in bell holes and sling holes. Place select material from the bottom of the trench to the springline by hand. Tamp thoroughly and equally along each side of the pipe to avoid displacement or damage to the pipe. Compact to a minimum of 85% of maximum dry density. Backfill methods shall be approved. Haunching material shall be the same material as that used for bedding where Class I or Class II select material is used. 3. Initial Backfill: Compact select material to a minimum of 85% of maximum dry density. Do not drop material or perform compaction directly over the top of the pipe. Place initial backfill from the springline to a minimum depth of 6 inches over the pipe. Where the final backfill contains particles in excess of six inches, increase the initial backfill to twelve inches. 4. Compacted Final Backfill: Mechanically compact lifts to a minimum of 95 percent of maximum dry density. Perform in roadways, dikes, or where 02221-5 otherwise shown on the drawings. VI. 5. Semi-Compacted Final Backfill: Place to a minimum of 80% of maximum dry density in layers not exceeding 3 feet. Mound excess earth. 6. Topsoil: Place removed topsoil over the trench unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Settlement: Within one year after final acceptance of the project, utilities or other improvements adversely affected by settlement, repair the settled areas to proper grade and condition at no expense to the Owner. VII. VIII. Surface Restoration: A. Unsurfaced Areas: All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum, restored to a condition equal to that prior to construction. All streets shall be restored in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the agency having control or jurisdiction over the street, roadway, or right-of-way. B. Surfaced Areas: All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum, restored to a condition equal to that prior to construction. All gravel or paved streets shall be restored in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the agency having control or jurisdiction over the street, roadway, or right-of-way. Grading: Perform finish grading for smooth transitions between lines. Grades shall be free of abrupt or irregular changes. Grade between existing and final grades not otherwise shown to a uniform slope. Round abrupt change in slopes. End of Section 02221-6 SECTION 02279 - WATER QUALITY CONTROL 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, erosion control, and disposal of water resulting from dewatering operations as specified. 3. 4. MEASUREMENT: I. Erosion control and disposal of water resulting from dewatering operations shall be considered as incidental to the construction and all costs thereof shall be included in the related construction. II. Temporary erosion and pollution control measures required due to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent controls shall be performed at the Contractor's expense. QUALITY CONTROL: I. The Contractor shall comply with the "Colorado Water Quality Control Act," Title 25, Article 8, CRS "Protection of Fishing Streams", Title 33, Article 5, CRS; "Clean Water Act", 33 USC 1344; regulations promulgated; certifications issued; and to the following requirements. A. The Contractor shall provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams, lakes, ponds, or other watercourses or water impoundments areas. B. Cut slopes shall be seeded and mulched as the excavation proceeds. The surface area of erodible earth material exposed at one time shall not exceed 750,000 square feet for clearing and grubbing and 750,000 for earthwork operations. C. Temporary pollution control shall include conducting required dewatering of excavations in a manner that avoids pollution and erosion. Water from dewatering operations shall not be discharged into natural streams or waterway, into irrigation ditches or canals, or into storm sewers, unless allowed by a point source discharge permit. Discharge into sanitary sewers shall not be allowed unless written permission of the Owner or its controlling authority is obtained and this disposal method is approved by the Engineer. The water from dewatering operations shall be contained in basins for dissipation by percolation or evaporation, shall be hauled away from the project for disposal in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, or it shall be applied to approved non-wetland vegetated areas and allowed to soak into the soil. Sprinkler or aerial application shall not be used unless approved by the Engineer. Depending upon the quality of the water, application of water to vegetated areas may require written concurrence from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The Contractor shall ascertain the water quality, and when applicable, per the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's regulations (5CCR 02279-1 1002-8 and others,) obtain the necessary concurrences. 5. D. Temporary pollution control shall include construction work outside the project area where necessary for borrow pits, haul roads and equipment storage sites. E. The Contractor shall prepare schedules for accomplishing temporary and permanent erosion control work and submit them for acceptance at the preconstruction conference. The schedules for the proposed method of erosion control shall include all construction activities within the project, haul roads, borrow pits, storage and plant sites, and the plan for disposal of waste material. Work shall not be started until the temporary erosion control schedules and methods of operations have been accepted. F. The Contractor shall incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in the accepted schedule. Erosion control features shall be maintained by the Contractor until the project is accepted. G. In the event of conflict between these requirements and water quality control laws, rules, or regulations of other Federal, State or local agencies, the more restrictive laws, rules, or regulations shall apply. PRODUCTS: I. Materials: Mulches may be hay, straw, fiber mats, netting, wood cellulose, corn stalks (shredded or chopped), corn cobs (shredded or chopped), bark, wood chips, or other suitable material, and shall be reasonably clean and free of noxious weeds and deleterious materials. Slope drains may be constructed of pipe, fiber mats, rubble, portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, plastic sheeting, or other acceptable materials. Grass shall be a quick growing species (such as rye grass, or cereal grasses) suitable to the area, which will provide temporary cover and will not later compete with the grasses sown for permanent cover. Fertilizer and soil conditioners shall be acceptable standard commercial grade. 6. EXECUTION: I. Water Quality Control: A. Description: The water quality control work shall consist of temporary measures needed to control water pollution. These temporary measures shall include the installation of berms, dikes, dams, sediment basins, fiber mats, netting, gravel, mulches, grasses, slope drains, and other erosion control devices or methods, at the locations necessary to control erosion and water pollution. Temporary pollution controls shall be coordinated with the permanent erosion control features as shown on the plans. 02279-2 B. Requirements: 1. All reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that the Contractor's provisions for the control of erosion and sedimentation and the protection of water quality comply with applicable standards, permit conditions, and regulations of appropriate agencies. 2. Permanent erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed at the earliest practicable time. One of the first construction activities shall be the placement of permanent and temporary erosion and sediment control measures around the perimeter of the project or the initial work areas. 3. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be coordinated with permanent measures to assure economical, effective, and continuous control throughout the construction phase. 4. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be continuously maintained to perform their intended function during construction of the project. 5. Construction operations in rivers, streams, lakes, or other bodies of water shall be restricted to: a. Channel change areas designated on the plans. b. Areas designated on the plans which must be entered to construct structures or erosion and sediment control measures; and c. Areas where waters must be forded no more than four times per day to facilitate construction. Fording waters more than four times per day will not be permitted; temporary bridges or other structures shall be constructed where more than four crossings per day are required. 6. Pollutant byproducts of construction, solids, sludges, pollutants removed in the course of treatment of wastewater, and material from sediment traps shall be handled, stockpiled, or disposed of in such a manner so entry into any watercourse or impoundment is prevented. 7. The use of chemicals such as soil stabilizers, dust palliatives, sterilants, growth inhibitors, fertilizers, deicing salts, etc., during construction shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended application rates, frequency, and instructions. These chemicals shall not be used within 50 feet of the ordinary high water line of any water course or impoundment. 8. When a project is subject to a water quality permit, the quantities of discharges, locations of discharges, composition of discharges, and quantities of dredging and fills will be stated in the permit. If the Contractor anticipates a change from permit conditions, or if construction activities result in noncompliance with permit conditions, the Contractor shall detail the anticipated changes or noncompliance in a written report to the Engineer. The submission of the report shall be within five days from the time the Contractor becomes aware of change or noncompliance. Within 10 days after receipt of the report, the Engineer will approve or disapprove the request for change, or detail the course of action after noncompliance. 02279-3 9. Any diversion from, or bypass of, facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions contained in these Specifications is prohibited except, (1) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe property damage, or (2) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage the facilities. If diversion or bypass of the facilities occurs, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing within five days of the occurrence. The Engineer will assess the damage, if any, resulting from the occurrence, and detail a course of action. 10. Areas where fuels, lubricants, and other petroleum distillants are stored shall be restored to their original condition. Equipment servicing shall occur within approved designated areas. 11. Areas designated on the plans shall be seeded or revegetated at the earliest practicable time to prevent soil erosion. 12. The Contractor shall not place plastic concrete into wetlands, watercourses, or impoundments. 13. The practices listed below shall be followed to minimize the pollution of wetlands, watercourses, and impoundments. 14. a. Discharge of dredged or fill material into waterbodies or wetlands shall not be permitted. b. Discharges into spawning areas during spawning seasons shall not be permitted. c. Adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water or the restriction of its flow shall be minimized. d. Heavy equipment working in wetlands shall be on mats to prevent undue disturbance and damage to the wetlands area. e. Discharge into breeding areas of migratory waterfowl shall not be permitted. f. All temporary fills shall be removed in their entirety. g. Heavy equipment use in or around waterbodies or wetlands shall be of such type that will not produce environmental damage Requests for clarification of the permit or certification provisions shall be directed to the Engineer. End of Section 02279-4 SECTION 02410 - DEWATERING 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, dewatering as specified. 3. RELATED SECTIONS: Section 02279 - Water Quality Control. 4. MEASUREMENT: Dewatering shall be considered as incidental to the construction and all costs thereof shall be included in the related construction. 5. PERMITS The contractor shall notify the local Water Commissioner with the project location, dewatering plan, duration, and anticipated groundwater flow volumes before starting any dewatering. The contractor shall get any required Discharge Permits from the Department of Public Health and Environment before starting any dewatering. The contractor shall give the engineer a copy of any permits received for this project. 6. 7. QUALITY CONTROL: I. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to control the rate and effect of the dewatering in such a manner as to avoid all objectionable settlement and subsidence. II. All dewatering operations shall be adequate to assure the integrity of the finished project and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. III. Responsibility for conducting the dewatering operation in a manner which will protect adjacent structures and facilities rests solely with the Contractor. The cost of repairing any damage to adjacent structures and restoration of facilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. PRODUCTS: I. Equipment: Before operations begin, the Contractor shall have available on the site sufficient pumping equipment and/or other machinery to assure that the operation of the dewatering system can be maintained. 8. EXECUTION: 02410-1 I. Dewatering shall be sufficient to ensure water does not interfere with maintaining proper soil moisture for compaction of backfill. II. The normal water table shall be restored to its natural level in such a manner as to not disturb foundations or other construction. III. If well points or wells are used, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the necessary dewatering and shall be sandpacked and/or other means used to prevent pumping of fine sands or silts from the subsurface. A continual check by the Contractor shall be maintained to insure that the subsurface soils are not being removed by the dewatering operation. IV. Permanent piping systems and settling ponds may be incorporated in the dewatering system. Any damage to facilities caused by such use shall be repaired by and at the expense of the Contractor. Facilities shall be flushed and/or cleaned by the Contractor and left in a suitable condition as approved by the Engineer. End of Section 02410-2 SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the furnishing and installation of all components required for a complete installation. 3. MEASUREMENTS: Quantities shall not be measured separately for pipe, connecting hardware, or structure attachments, but shall be included into the related construction. 4. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 - Submittals, for requirements. 5. PIPE INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION: I. Alignment: Alignment of pipe shall be maintained to the staked lines and grades. II. Placement: Lay pipe with spigot ends directed down-grade unless otherwise directed. Lay pipe, fittings and accessories with proper equipment and in a manner to prevent damage. Any defective pipe materials found during the inspection, prior to placing within the trench, shall be replaced. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the interior of the pipe before lowering into position in the trench. Pipe shall be kept clean during and after completion of laying. Clean the sealing surfaces of the pipe immediately before assembly, and assembly shall be made as recommended by the manufacturer. Check the completed piping to assure joints are intact. Prior to the placement of earthfill or other material around the pipe, observe pipe for leakage. Repair any leaks. Repeat the procedure until the pipe is watertight (the pipe joints shall show no leakage). When pipe laying is not in progress, seal the open ends of installed pipe to prevent entrance of water into the line. Whenever water is excluded from the interior of the pipe, place enough backfill on the pipe to prevent floating. Remove any pipe that has floated from the trench and restore the bedding. No pipe shall be laid when the trench conditions or the weather are unsuitable for proper installation as determined by the Engineer. 02610-1 III. Handling: Haul and handle the pipe in a manner that will avoid damage. Remove any damaged pipe from the project site and replace. Pipe shall not be repaired for installation unless approved. 6. MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION: I. PVC Pipe: A. General: PVC pipe shall be manufactured by Certainteed, Diamond Plastics Corp., J-M Manufacturing, Ipex Inc., or approved equal. 1. Sewer Pipe: Pipe and fittings shall be made from Class 12454-B, 12454-C, or 13364-B virgin compounds in accordance with ASTM D 1784. B. C. Joints: 1. Bell and Spigot: Pipe joints, complying with ASTM D 3139, shall be made using an integral bell with an elastomeric gasket push-on type joint or using machined couplings of a sleeve type with rubber ring gaskets and machined pipe ends to form a push-on type joint. Rubber ring gaskets shall conform to ASTM F 477. Adequate gasket lubricant shall be furnished for all of the pipe and fittings connections. 2. Solvent Weld: The joints shall meet ASTM D 2672. Only for approved indoor applications. PVC Sewer: PVC sewer pipe and fittings manufactured by Certainteed, or approved equal, shall conform to ASTM D 3034 and ASTM F 679, SDR-35. Joints shall comply with ASTM D 3212 for bell and spigot joints using flexible elastomeric seals. Pressure pipe joints shall have elastomeric seals that comply with ASTM F 477. II. Associated Fittings and Adapters: A. Adapter Flange: Adapter flanges shall be ductile iron complying with ASTM A 536. The flange shall meet ANSI B16.1 125 lb. flanges and with cast iron flanges (ANSI B16.1), forged steel flanges (ANSI B16.5), and steel plate flanges (C207). 1. PVC: Uni-Flange Corp. Series 900, EBAA Iron Series 8500, or approved equal. 2. Ductile Iron: Uni-Flange Corp. Series 400, EBAA Iron Series 1000 "EZ", or approved equal. 02610-2 Set screws shall comply with AISI 4140 steel tensile, 190,000 psi minimum heat treated and zinc plated. B. Flange Hardware: Flange gaskets shall comply with ANSI A21.10 and AWWA requirements. The 1/8 inches thick gaskets shall be of SBR or neoprene rubber complying with ANSI requirements. Flange bolts and nuts of high carbon, heat treated steel shall comply with ANSI B18.2.1 standard and be zinc chromate plated. C. Modular Water Seals: Concrete penetration seals shall be "Link Seal" from Thunderline Corporation, (, supplied by HD Supply, ( D. PVC Fittings: Unless otherwise noted on drawings or in the specifications, fittings for PVC pipe shall be PVC and certified for the pressure rating of the associated pipe. Elbow fittings shall be standard angles, a combination of standard angles, or angles fabricated to the nearest one degree for PIP, IPS, and sewer pipes. End of Section 02610-3 (Page Intentionally Left Blank) SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the furnishing and placement of reinforcing for structural concrete. 3. MEASUREMENTS: Quantities shall not be made for concrete reinforcement but included in related construction. 4. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 - Submittals, for requirements. 5. 6. 7. QUALITY ASSURANCE CONTROL: I. Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACI 315. II. Manual of Standard Practices, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: I. Deliver reinforcement to project site in bundles marked to coordinate with placement drawings. II. Handle and store to prevent contamination from dirt, oil and other materials which will affect bond. III. Store a minimum of 6" above ground and in locations where the material will not be subject to abuse. PRODUCTS: I. Reinforcing Bars: Bars shall be deformed in accordance with ASTM A 615, ASTM A 616 and ASTM A 617 and formed of either intermediate or hard grades of steel unless otherwise specified. Steel shall have a 60,000 psi minimum yield point. Reinforcement shall be clean and free from loose rust, scale or other coatings that will reduce bond. II. Tie Wire: Steel, black, annealed, 16-gauge minimum. III. Metal Accessories: Include all spacers, chairs, bolsters, ties, and other devices necessary for properly placing, spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcement in place. 03200-1 Metal accessories shall be galvanized or plastic coated where legs will be exposed in finished concrete surfaces. Accessories shall conform to requirements of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) "Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction." Chairs and other accessories fabricated from concrete, ceramic or plastic may be used in place of metal accessories when approved by the Engineer. IV. Reinforcing Fibers: Any Shall be Propex (, “Novomesh 950” or approved equal. approved equal shall be designed to resist both shrinkage and temperature cracking as well as flexural strength. Fiber-reinforcement shall be installed in all slabs in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Fibers shall be used in concrete as indicated on the drawings. 8. EXECUTION: I. Splices: A. Do not splice bars except at locations shown or noted on the drawings or as otherwise approved. B. All effort shall be made to minimize the number of splices on the project. When splices are used, splices shall meet Type B, ACI 318 requriements. C. Tie lap splices securely with wire to prevent displacement of splices during placement of concrete. D. Perform welded splices in accordance with AWS 12.1. II. Remove dirt, grease, oil, loose mill scale, excessive rust, and foreign matter that may reduce bond with concrete. III. Keep reinforcing in proper position during concrete placement. IV. Maintain minimum concrete cover over reinforcement as specified in ACI 318 or as noted. V. Reinforcing Fibers: Add 1.5 pounds of reinforcing fibers per cubic yard of concrete at the plant or site, as directed by the Engineer. Fibers shall be uniformly distributed throughout the concrete by mixing at the rated time and speed. End of Section 03200-2 SECTION 03301 - CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the construction of concrete structures. 3. 4. MEASUREMENTS: I. The structure shall be measured by the cubic yard of concrete or as otherwise designated in the Bid Schedule. II. Quantities shall not be measured for formwork, reinforcing steel, installation of various inserts and required earthwork, but shall be included in the related construction. PRODUCTS: I. Portland Cement: Type II, low to moderate alkali, shall conform to CDOT 701.01 (ASTM C 150). Low to moderate alkali cement will not be required upon approval of submittals certifying the use of non-reactive aggregate. II. III. Admixtures: A. Air-entraining admixture shall meet CDOT section 711.02 (AASHTO M 154). B. Water reducing admixtures shall meet CDOT section 711.03 (AASHTO M 194). C. Approved fly ash may be substituted for portland cement up to a maximum of 20 percent Class C or 30 percent Class F by weight. Fly ash shall conform to ASTM C 618. Fly ash must be a pre-approved product from a source listed on the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Approved Products List. Aggregate: A. Fine Aggregate: Shall conform to CDOT 703.01 (AASHTO M 6). B. Coarse Aggregate: Shall conform to CDIT 703.02 (AASHTO M 80), except crushed hydraulic-cement concrete shall not be allowed. Regular, CDOT Class D, concrete shall be made with ¾ inch (19.0 mm) nominal sized course aggregate. 03301-1 IV. Mix Proportioning: Concrete materials shall conform to the requirements of the Section 600 of the latest version of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and subsequent revisions thereto. Concrete shall meet all of the following: A. V. Regular Concrete: 1. CDOT Class D - Except as otherwise specified, concrete shall have a 28 day compressive strength of 4,500 psi, minimum. 2. Minimum cement content: 615 to 660 pounds of cement per cubic yard. 3. Maximum water to cement ratio, including aggregate surface moisture but excluding water of absorption of aggregate: 0.44. 4. Air entrainment content: 5 to 8 percent. Air content of trowel-finished interior concrete floors shall not exceed 3.0 percent 5. Slump: The maximum slump of the delivered concrete shall be the slump of the approved concrete mix design plus 1.5 inches. Water Quality: Mixing water shall be clean and free of oil, acid and injurious amounts of vegetable matter, alkalies and other impurities. 5. INSTALLATION: I. II. Placing Concrete: A. Concrete shall be placed only in the presence of the Engineer. B. Prevent the discharge of wet concrete into any stream or lake. Consolidating Concrete: A. III. Use mechanical vibrating equipment for consolidation. Patching Formed Surfaces of New Concrete: After the forms have been removed, all concrete surfaces shall be inspected and patch joints, voids, stone pockets or other defective areas permitted by the Engineer. IV. Slabs On Subgrade: Compact the foundation material to a minimum of 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM or AASHTO T 99 (Standard Proctor). Place concrete of the required thickness and strike off at proper levels. End of Section 03301-2 rev 11-10-09 SECTION 03400 - PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, furnishing and installing precast concrete structures. 3. MEASUREMENTS: I. Precast Concrete Structures: The precast concrete structures shall be measured for each installed as noted in the Bid Schedule. 4. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 - Submittals, for requirements. 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Manufacture, transportation and installation shall be by a company specializing in providing precast products and services normally associated with precast concrete construction. I. Standards: ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. AWS D12.1 Recommended Practices for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete Construction. Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's standard procedure, subject to approval by the Engineer. 6. PRODUCT DELIVERY AND HANDLING: Care shall be used in transporting precast concrete structure to the job site. Members shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent excessive stresses, spalling and undesirable cracking. Handle by means of lifting inserts. 7. DESIGN CRITERIA: I. Design loading: A. Live load: 03400-1 HS-20 in compliance with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. 8. MATERIALS: All material shall be outlined in ACI 318 and AISC Manual of Steel Construction, conforming to latest ASTM specifications. I. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type II. II. Admixtures: A. Total air content admixture shall be used meeting ASTM C 260 to achieve a total air content of 4 to 7 percent for 1 1/2 inch aggregate, 5 to 9 percent for 3/4 inch and 7 to 10 percent for 3/8 inch. B. Water reducing admixtures shall meet ASTM C 494. C. Fly ash shall not exceed 15 percent of the total quantity of cementitious materials and be Class C conforming to ASTM C 618. III. Compressive Strength: 4500 psi minimum at 28 days. IV. Aggregates: ASTM C 33. All aggregates, fine and coarse, shall be free of all deleterious substances which cause reactivity with oxidized hydrogen sulfide. Both sizes of aggregates shall be graded to produce a homogeneous concrete mix. V. VI. Reinforcing Steel: A. Reinforcing bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60. B. Welded wire fabric: ASTM A 185. C. All reinforcing steel shall be of the size and in the location as shown on the shop drawings. Sufficiently tie reinforcing to withstand any displacement during the concrete placement operation. Anchors and Inserts: Supply all necessary lifting inserts and pulling eyes of adequate size for standard attaching equipment. VII. Joint Sealant: Apply a flexible butyl rubber gasket-type joint sealant RUBR-NEK L-T-M or approved equal meeting Federal Specification SS-S-210, A to all concrete joints. Place sealant as recommended by the manufacturer. VIII. Manholes: 03400-2 Precast reinforced concrete manhole shall conform to ASTM C 478. Precast manholes to be supplied by Carder Concrete Products, 8311 West Carder Court, Littleton, CO 81501, (303) 243-4604, Grand Junction Pipe and Supply, Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 243-4604, Vaughn Concrete Products, 12650 Tucson Street, Henderson, Co 80640, (303) 659-3747, or approved equal. The juncture of line pipe with the manhole structure shall be made with an A-Lok gasket system (above 24" diameter line pipe) or with Kor-n-Seal gasket system (24" diameter and smaller line pipe) or an approved equal system that shall allow for some angular deflection at the pipe/manhole juncture. IX. Waterproofing Sealer: Anti Hydro "A-H Hydroseal" waterproof cement coating or approved equal. Apply to all exterior surfaces of the new concrete. X. Flexible Gaskets: Flexible plastic gasket shall be RAM-NEK or a approved equal conforming to AASHTO M 198, Type B. 9. INSTALLATION: Inspect the bearing surfaces assuring that they are smooth and level prior to the structure installations. 10. REPAIR: Patch damage occurring during installation as deemed necessary with the epoxy bonding agent specified for concrete. Cut off lifting devices and grout if the devices interfere with the floor slab placement. End of Section 03400-3 (Page Intentionally Left Blank) SECTION 15010 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. SCOPE OF WORK: I. Description of Systems: The work of Division 15 includes but is not limited to: A. II. Packaged Sewage Lift Station Systems Work Included Furnish all labor and materials and perform all operations necessary for the installation of complete and operating mechancical systems subject to the conditions of the contract. The work also includes the completion of such mechanical and electrical details not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successful operation of all systems; this includes the furnishing of all materials for filling systems to make them operable, including water, oil and grease. Prove satisfactory operation of all equipment and controls to the Engineer on request. 2. GENERAL: The drawings indicate the general arrangement of the proposed work. Details of departures due to actual field conditions or other causes shall be provided for by the Contractor as no extras will be paid for correcting faulty or poorly arranged and coordinated work. 3. SUBMITTALS: Refer to Section 01300 - Submittals, for requirements. 4. COMPLETE INSTALLATION: Furnish and install all incidental parts and wiring required for the proper function of all component parts. The complete installation shall function smoothly and noiselessly to the full extent of the specifications and drawings. Complete the installation as rapidly as general construction permits. All safety devices shall be properly installed before starting equipment. 5. ORDINANCES AND CODES: All work shall be executed and inspected in accordance with all Underwriter's, Public Utilities, local and state codes and regulations applicable to the trade affected. Recommendations of ASTM, NFPA and ASHRAE shall be rigidly followed. Arrange and pay for all permits in connection with the work hereinafter specified and at completion of the work, furnish the Owner with the final certificate of inspection. 6. SHOP DRAWINGS: I. Shop Drawings are to be handled in groups, each processed in a different manner as follows: A. Submit shop drawings for all materials and equipment named in these specifications showing any changes required in piping, ducting, electrical wiring, space allocation etc. Be responsible to make all changes required to accommodate 15010-1 and to pay for these changes. Coordinate changes required with all other trades. Pay for all changes resulting from re-arranging equipment. B. The following items required shop drawing submittals prior to commencing work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All fixtures and equipment, including items called out by manufacturers name and model number. All substituted items. All changes from the plans or specifications. Temperature Controls. Phase Protection and Starters. Include copies of these items in the Operating and Maintenance manuals. Temperature control and other submittals requiring drawings or diagrams shall be submitted on the same size drawing and format as the construction documents drawings. 7. C. Where shop drawing submittals are required, do not begin work until approved copies are returned. D. Review of shop drawings is for general conformance with the deisgn concept of the project and does not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of furnishing equipment and materials of proper dimension, size, quantity, quality and all performance characteristics to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the contract documents. Review does not relieve this Contractor from responsibility for errors on the shop drawings. Approval of a specific item does not include approval of the assembly of which the item is a component. If the shop drawings deviate from the contract docuements, advise the Engineer of the deviations in writing accompanying the shop drawings, including the reasons for the deviations. Coordinate all required changes with the other trades affected. If the changes are occasioned by the Contractor, he/she shall pay any costs involved. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA: I. Submit 3 typed and hard bound copies of Operating and Maintenance Manuals to Engineer for approval prior to scheduling any system demonstration for the Owner and 15 days prior to final insepction. Books shall be arranged in sequence to match the equipment schedules included in the specifications. II. The books shall contain, but not be limited to, the following general items; each item shall be provided with a separate indext tab. A. Instructions (On Contractor’s Letterhead Stationary) on who to call for service during guarantee period including name, address, and 24 hour telephone number of company responsible for servicing each piece of equipment or system. B. Maintenance instructions (On Contractor’s Letterhead Stationary) summarizing periodic maintenance required for installed system. C. Manufacturer’s manuals (current originals, copies are not acceptable) for each piece of equiment installed (including equipment not requiring shop drawings) 15010-2 identified by drawing code numbers as they appear on the drawing and in the specifications. Manuals shall include the following, as applicable: 1. Description of unit and component parts: a. b. c. d. e. 2. Recommended procedures: a. b. c. 3. g. 8. Start-up, break-in, routine lubrication and operating instructions and cautions. Regulation, control, start/stop, shut-down and emergency instructions. Any special summer and winter operating cautions. Maintenance a. b. c. d. e. f. III. Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions. Performance curves, engineering data and tests for pumps and fans. Curves shall include flow rate, pressure, HP, RPM and efficiency. Complete nomenclature and commercial part number of replaceable parts. Installation instruction sheets. Complete wiring diagrams. Routine care. Guide to trouble shooting. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. Alignment, adjusting and checking. List of required lubricants and schedule. Parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. Prediected life of parts subject to wear. D. All warranties provided by the Manufacturer on their equipment that run longer than the one year warranty by the Contractor. E. All equipment start up logs including certification of start up by manufacturer. These O&M books shall be considered a part of the final insepction and shall be submitted for approval at least fifteen days prior to a request for a final insepction. FINAL INSPECTION: Prior to notifying the Engineer that the project is ready for the final insepction the Contractor must submit the O&M manual 15 days prior and shall verify, in writing that: 9. I. All systems have been properly started and are operational. II. All controls are complete, operational and sequences have been checked and are functioning properly. DEMONSTRATION: 15010-3 I. Conduct demonstrations only after systems have been through start-up procedures, systems are complete and operating, and operating and maintenance data is complete. II. Instruct the Owner’s representatives on the proper operation and maintenance of the mechanical systems. Include seasonal concerns and operations. Contractor to arrange for this instruction to the Owner. III. Time Allotment: Provide demonstrations of adequate time periods, except as noted elsewhere, to ensure proper understanding of systems by Owner’s representative. End of Section 15010-4 SECTION 15150 - PACKAGED LIFT STATIONS 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the drawings. 2. WORK INCLUDED: Work under this section includes, but is not limited to furnishing and installing a factory built duplex pump lift station as indicated on the project drawings, herein specified, as necessary for proper and complete performance. 3. MEASUREMENTS: The packaged above ground lift stations shall be measured for each complete, fully operational, duplex lift station system installed. 4. SUBMITTALS: I. II. Product Data: A. Prior to fabrication, pump station manufacturer shall submit 3 copies of submittal data for review and approval. B. Submittal shall include shop drawings, electrical ladder logic drawings, and support data as follows: Catalog cuts sheets reflecting characteristics for major items of equipment, materials of construction, major dimensions, motor and v-belt drive data, pump characteristic curves showing the design duty point capacity (GPM), head (FT), net positive suction head required (NPSHr), and hydraulic brake horsepower (BHP). Electrical components used in the motor branch and liquid level control shall be fully described. C. Shop drawings shall provide layout of mechanical equipment and anchor bolt locations for station. Pipe penetrations and station access clearances shall be dimensioned relative to the station centerline. The electrical ladder logic drawings shall illustrate motor branch and liquid level control circuits to extent necessary to validate function and integration of circuits to form a complete working system. Operations and Maintenance Manuals: A. Operation shall be in accordance with written instructions provided by the pump station manufacturer. Comprehensive instructions supplied at time of shipment shall enable personnel to properly operate and maintain all equipment supplied. Content and instructions shall assume operating personnel are familiar with pumps, motors, piping and valves, but lack experience on exact equipment supplied. B. Documentation shall be specific to the pump station supplied and collated in functional sections. Each section shall combine to form a complete system manual covering all aspects of equipment supplied by the station manufacturer. Support data for any equipment supplied by others, even if mounted or included in overall station design, shall be provided by those supplying the equipment. Instructions shall include the following as a minimum: 15150-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5. Functional description of each major component, complete with operating instructions. Instructions for operating pumps and pump controls in all modes of operation. Calibration and adjustment of equipment for initial start-up, replacement of level control components, or as required for routine maintenance. Support data for commercially available components not produced by the station manufacturer, but supplied in accordance with the specifications, shall be supported by literature from the prime manufacturer and incorporated as appendices. Electrical schematic diagram of the pump station circuits shall be in accordance with NFPA 70. Schematics shall illustrate, to the extent of authorized repair, pump motor branch, control and alarm system circuits including interconnections. Wire numbers and legend symbols shall be shown. Schematic diagrams for individual components, not normally repairable by the station operator, need not be included. Details for such parts shall not be substituted for an overall system schematic. Partial schematics, block diagrams, and simplified schematics shall not be provided in lieu of an overall system diagram. Mechanical layout drawing of the pump station and components, prepared in accordance with good commercial practice, shall provide installation dimensions and location of all pumps, motors, valves and piping. Operation and maintenance instructions which rely on vendor cut-sheets and literature which include general configurations, or require operating personnel to selectively read portions of the manual shall not be acceptable. Operation and maintenance instructions must be specific to equipment supplied in accordance with these specifications. GENERAL: I. Standards: Publications listed below form part of this specification to extent referenced in the text by basic designation only. Consult latest edition of publication unless otherwise noted. A. American National Std. Institute (ANSI) / American Water Works Assoc. (AWWA): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ANSI B16.1 ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.51 ANSI 253.1 ANSI B40.1 AWWA C508 Cast iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings. Cast/ductile iron pipe with threaded flanges. Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards. Gages, Pressure and Vacuum. Single Swing Check Valves. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. 2. 3. 4. ASTM A48 ASTM A126 ASTM A307 ASTM A36 Gray Iron Castings. Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings. Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs. Structural Steel. C. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): 1. IEEE Std 100 2. IEEE Std 112 3. IEEE Std 242 Standard Dictionary of Electrical Terms. Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors. Protection of Industrial and Control Power Systems. 15150-2 D. National Electric Code (NEC) / National Electrical Manufacturers’ Assoc. (NEMA): 1. NEC 2. NEMA Std MG1 National Electrical Code. Motors and Generators. E. Miscellaneous References: 1. Ten-State Standards Recommended Standards for Sewage Works. 2. Hydraulic Institute Std for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocating Pumps. 3. ISO 9001 International Organization for Standardization. 4. ISO 14001 International Organization for Standardization. II. III. System Description: Design requirements consist of factory built pump station design, including materials of construction, pump features, valves and piping, and motor controls shall be in accordance with requirements listed under PRODUCTS of this section. A. Contractor shall furnish and install factory built above ground, automatic pump stations. The station shall be complete with all equipment specified herein, factory assembled in a fiberglass reinforced polyester resin enclosure. B. In addition to the station enclosure, principle items of equipment shall include two horizontal, self priming, centrifugal sewage pumps, V-belt drives, motors, internal piping, valves, motor control panel, automatic liquid level control system, and internal wiring. Performance Criteria: A. Large Stations: Pumps must be designed to handle raw, unscreened, domestic sanitary sewage. Pumps shall have 4" suction connection, and 4" discharge connection. Each pump shall be selected to perform under following operating conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 180 40 18.2 16.2 17 20 2.5 Small Stations: Pumps must be designed to handle raw, unscreened, domestic sanitary sewage. Pumps shall have 3" suction connection, and 3" discharge connection. Each pump shall be selected to perform under following operating conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IV. Capacity (GPM) Total Dynamic Head(FT) Total Dynamic Suction Lift(FT) Maximum Repriming Lift(FT) Maximum Static Suction Lift(FT) Total Discharge Static Head(FT) Minimum Submergence Depth (FT) Capacity (GPM) Total Dynamic Head(FT) Total Dynamic Suction Lift(FT) Maximum Repriming Lift(FT) Maximum Static Suction Lift(FT) Total Discharge Static Head(FT) Minimum Submergence Depth (FT) 40 30 14.2 12.2 13 15 2.5 Utility Power Requirements: A. Site power furnished to pump station shall be 1 phase, 60 hertz, 230 volts, maintained within industry standards. Voltage tolerance shall be plus or minus 10 percent. Phase15150-3 to-phase unbalance shall not exceed 1% average voltage as set forth in NEMA Standard MG-1. Control voltage shall not exceed 132 volts. 6. QUALITY ASSURANCE: I. II. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: A. The pumps and pump station manufacturer must be ISO 9001:2008 revision certified, with scope of registration including design control and service after sales activities. B. The pumps and pump station manufacturer must be registered to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard and as such is committed to minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment and promoting environmental sustainability by the use of best management practices, technological advances, promoting environmental awareness and continual improvement. C. Manufacturer must show proof of original product design and testing. Products violating intellectual property regulations shall not be allowed, as they may violate international law and expose the user or engineer to unintended liabilities. “Reverseengineered” products fabricated to substantially duplicate the design of original product shall not be allowed, as they may contain substantial differences in tolerances and material applications addressed in the original design, which may contribute to product failure. D. The term “pump manufacturer” or “pump station manufacturer” shall be defined as the entity which designs, machines, assembles, hydraulically tests and warranties the final product. Any entity that does not meet this definition will not be considered a “pump manufacturer” or “pump station manufacturer” and is not an acceptable supplier. For quality control reasons and future pump and parts availability, all major castings of the pump shall be sourced and machined in North America. Pump Performance Certifications: A. Solids Handling Capability: 1. B. All internal passages, impeller vanes, and recirculation ports shall pass a 3” (4-inch pumps) or 2.5” (3-inch pumps) spherical solid. Smaller internal passages that create a maintenance nuisance or interfere with priming and pump performance shall not be permitted. Upon request from the engineer, manufacturer’s certified drawings showing size and location of the recirculation port(s) shall be submitted for approval. Reprime Performance: 1. Consideration shall be given to the sanitary sewage service anticipated, in which debris is expected to lodge between the suction check valve and its seat, resulting in the loss of the pump suction leg, and siphoning of liquid from the pump casing to the approximate center line of the impeller. Such occurrence shall be considered normal, and the pump must be capable of automatic, unattended operation with an air release line installed. 2. During unattended operation, the pump shall retain adequate liquid in the casing to insure automatic repriming while operating at its rated speed in a completely open system. The need for a suction check valve or external 15150-4 priming device shall not be required. 3. Pump must reprime 18 vertical feet at the specified speed and impeller diameter. Reprime lift is defined as the static height of the pump suction above the liquid, while operating with only one-half of the liquid remaining in the pump casing. The pump must reprime and deliver full capacity within five minutes after the pump is energized in the reprime condition. Reprime performance must be confirmed with the following test set-up: a. b. c. d. e. f. III. IV. Factory System Test: A. All internal components including the pumps, motors, valves, piping and controls will be tested as a complete working system at the manufacturer's facility. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standards at the specified head, capacity, rated speed and horsepower. Factory operational test shall simulate actual performance anticipated for the complete station. B. Upon request from the engineer, the operational test may be witnessed by the engineer, and/or representatives of his choice, at the manufacturer’s facility. Manufacturer’s Start-up Services: A. V. A check valve to be installed down stream from the pump discharge flange. The check valve size shall be equal (or greater than) the pump discharge diameter. A length of air release pipe shall be installed between pump and the discharge check valve. This line shall be open to atmosphere at all times duplicating the air displacement rate anticipated at a typical pump station fitted with an air release valve. The pump suction check valve shall be removed. No restrictions in the pump or suction piping will prevent the siphon drop of the suction leg. Suction pipe configuration for reprime test shall incorporate a 2 feet minimum horizontal run, a 90 degree elbow and vertical run at the specified lift. Pipe size shall be equal to the pump suction diameter. Impeller clearances shall be set as recommended in the pump service manual. Repeatability of performance shall be demonstrated by testing five consecutive reprime cycles. Full pump capacity (flow) shall be achieved within five minutes during each cycle. Liquid to be used for reprime test shall be water. The manufacturer's technical representative shall inspect the completed installation, correct or supervise the correction of any defect or malfunction, and instruct operating personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment as described further down in this section. Manufacturer's Warranty: A. The pump station manufacturer shall warrant all equipment to be of quality construction, free of defects in material and workmanship. A written warranty shall include specific details described below. 1. In addition to defects in material and workmanship, fiberglass reinforced polyester station enclosures are warranted for sixty (60) months to be 15150-5 2. B. Components failing to perform as specified by the engineer, or as represented by the manufacturer, or as proven defective in service during the warranty period, shall be replaced, repaired, or satisfactorily modified by the manufacturer. It is not intended that the station manufacturer assume liability for consequential damages or contingent liabilities arising from failure of any vendor supplied product or part which fails to properly operate, however caused. Consequential damages resulting from defects in design, or delays in delivery are also beyond the manufacturer's scope of liability. Equipment supplied by others and incorporated into a pump station or enclosure is not covered by this limited warranty. Any warranty applicable to equipment selected or supplied by others will be limited solely to the warranty, if any, provided by the manufacturer of the equipment. This limited warranty shall be valid only when installation is made and use and maintenance is performed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. A start-up report competed by an authorized manufacturer’s representative must be received by manufacturer within thirty (30) days of the initial date the unit is placed into service. The warranty shall become effective on the date of acceptance by the purchaser or the purchaser's authorized agent, or sixty (60) days after installation, or ninety (90) days after shipment from the factory, whichever occurs first. C. D. E. 6. resistant to rust, corrosion, corrosive soils, effects of airborne contamination or physical failures occurring in normal service for the period of the pump station warranty. All other equipment, apparatus, and parts furnished shall be warranted for sixty (60) months, excepting only those items that are normally consumed in service, such as light bulbs, oils, grease, packing, gaskets, O-rings, etc. The pump station manufacturer shall be solely responsible for warranty of the station and all components. MATERIALS: I. Unitary Responsibility: In order to unify responsibility for proper operation of the complete pumping station, it is the intent of these Specifications that all system components be furnished by a single supplier (unitary source). The pumping station must be of standard catalog design, totally warranted by the manufacturer. Under no circumstances will a system consisting of parts compiled and assembled by a manufacturer's representative or distributor be accepted. II. Manufacturer: A. The pump station system integrator must be ISO 9001:2000 revision certified, with scope of registration including design control and service after sales activities. B. The specifications and project drawings depict equipment and materials manufactured by The Gorman-Rupp Company which are deemed most suitable for the service anticipated. It is not intended, however, to eliminate other products of equal quality and performance. The contractor shall prepare his bid based on the specified equipment for purposes of determining low bid. Award of a contract shall constitute an obligation to furnish the specified equipment and materials. C. After execution of the contract, the contractor may offer substitutions to the specified equipment for consideration. The equipment proposed for substitution must be superior in construction and performance to that specified in the contract, and the 15150-6 higher quality must be demonstrated by a list of current users of the proposed equipment in similar installations. D. II. In event the contractor obtains engineer's approval for equipment substitution, the contractor shall, at his own expense, make all resulting changes to the enclosures, buildings, piping or electrical systems as required to accommodate the proposed equipment. Revised detail drawings illustrating the substituted equipment shall be submitted to the engineer prior to acceptance. Station Enclosure: The station enclosure shall contain and protect all pumps, interior piping, valves and associated controls. Enclosure shall incorporate the following design and service features: A. Access panels must be supplied on all sides. Location and size shall permit access for routine maintenance functions such as pump and motor inspection, drive belt adjustment, and pump clean-out. Non-hinged panels shall be secured with stainless steel tamper-proof hardware. B. A continuous hinge and latch shall be installed on at least two access panels. The hinged panels shall allow easy access to the electrical controls for frequent adjustments and inspections. A two-point mechanical latch assembly shall secure the panel at top and bottom. Latch handle locks shall be match keyed, requiring only one key to open all access panels. C. A vent in one access panel shall allow free air flow for enclosure ventilation. D. The complete station enclosure, less base, must be completely removable after disengaging reusable hardware. After disassembly, no portion of the enclosure (except electrical service entrance) shall project above the base surface to interfere with maintenance or endanger personnel. E. Disassembly and removal of the enclosure shall require no more than two people working without assistance of lifting equipment. F. Station enclosure shall be manufactured of molded reinforced orthophthalic polyester resins with a minimum of 30% fiberglass, and a maximum of 70% resin. Resin fillers or extenders shall not be used. G. Chopped glass fibers of 1 1/4 inch average length shall be sprayed and rolled. Major design consideration shall be given to structural stability, corrosion resistance, and watertight integrity. The polyester laminates shall provide a balance of mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties to insure long life. They must be impervious to micro-organisms, mildew, mold, fungus, corrosive liquids, and gases which are expected to be present in the environment surrounding the wet well. H. All interior surfaces of the housing shall be coated with a polyester resin-rich finish providing maintenance-free service, abrasion resistance, and protection from sewage, greases, oils, gasoline, and other common chemicals. I. Outside surfaces of the enclosure shall be coated with gel-coat pigmented resin to insure long maintenance-free life and UV protection. Color used shall de-emphasize the presence of dirt, grease, etc. 15150-7 III. Station Base: Station base shall be constructed of pre-cast, reinforced concrete encapsulated in a fiberglass mold. The design shall resist deformation of the structure during shipping, lifting, or handling. Base shall incorporate drainage provisions, and an opening sized to permit installation of piping and service connections to the wet well. After installation, the opening shall serve as a grout dam to be utilized by the contractor. The base shall incorporate anchor bolt recesses for securing the complete station to a concrete pad (supplied by the contractor) in accordance with the project plans. IV. Blower: A blower mounted in the station roof shall be sized to exchange station air volume at least once every two minutes. Blower motor shall energize automatically at approximately 70 degrees F, and turn off at 55 degrees F. The blower motor control circuit shall incorporate a thermal-magnetic circuit breaker providing overcurrent and overload protection. Exhaust and inlet locations shall prevent the entrance of rain, snow, or debris. V. Station Heater: Pump station shall be provided with a 1300/1500 watt, 115 volt electric heater with cord and grounding plug. Ungrounded heaters shall not be acceptable. VI. Insulation Package: The pump station shall be furnished with 1" thick spray foam insulation, which shall be applied to the roof, doors, and corner panels. VII. PUMP DESIGN: A. Pumps shall be horizontal, self-priming centrifugal type, designed specifically for handling raw, unscreened, domestic sanitary sewage. Pump solids handling capability and performance criteria shall be in accordance with requirements listed under GENERAL of this section. B. The pump manufacturer must be ISO 9001:2000 revision certified, with scope of registration including design control and service after sales activities. C. Materials and Construction Features: 1. Pump casing: Casing shall be cast iron Class 30 with integral volute scroll. Casing shall incorporate following features: a. b. c. d. 2. Mounting feet sized to prevent tipping or binding when pump is completely disassembled for maintenance. Fill port coverplate, 3 1/2" diameter, shall be opened after loosening a hand nut/clamp bar assembly. In consideration for safety, hand nut threads must provide slow release of pressure, and the clamp bar shall be retained by detente lugs. A Teflon gasket shall prevent adhesion of the fill port cover to the casing. Casing drain plug shall be at least 1 1/4" NPT to insure complete and rapid draining. Liquid volume and recirculation port design shall be consistent with performance criteria listed under GENERAL of this section. Coverplate: Coverplate shall be cast iron Class 30. incorporate following maintenance features: a. Design must Retained by hand nuts for complete access to pump interior. Coverplate removal must provide ample clearance for removal of 15150-8 b. c. d. e. f. 3. stoppages, and allow service to the impeller, seal, wearplate or check valve without removing suction or discharge piping. A replaceable wearplate secured to the coverplate by weld studs and nuts shall be AISI 1015 HRS. In consideration for safety, a pressure relief valve shall be supplied in the coverplate. Relief valve shall open at 75-200 PSI. Two O-rings of Buna-N material shall seal coverplate to pump casing. Pusher bolt capability to assist in removal of coverplate. Pusher bolt threaded holes shall be sized to accept same retaining capscrews as used in rotating assembly. Easy-grip handle shall be mounted to face of coverplate. Rotating Assembly: A rotating assembly, which includes impeller, shaft, mechanical shaft seal, lip seals, bearings, sealplate and bearing housing, must be removable as a single unit without disturbing the pump casing or piping. Design shall incorporate following features: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Sealplate and bearing housing shall be cast iron Class 30. Separate oil filled cavities, vented to atmosphere, shall be provided for shaft seal and bearings. Cavities must be cooled by the liquid pumped. Three lip seals will prevent leakage of oil. The bearing cavity shall have an oil level sight gauge and fill plug check valve. The clear sight gauge shall provide easy monitoring of the bearing cavity oil level and condition of oil without removal of the fill plug check valve. The check valve shall vent the cavity but prevent introduction of moist air to the bearings. Double lip seal shall provide an atmospheric path providing positive protection of bearings, with capability for external drainage monitoring. Impeller shall be ductile iron, two-vane, semi-open, non-clog, with integral pump out vanes on the back shroud. Impeller shall thread onto the pump shaft and be secured with a lockscrew and conical washer. Shaft shall be AISI 4140 alloy steel unless otherwise specified by the engineer, in which case AISI 17-4 pH stainless steel shall be supplied. Bearings shall be anti-friction ball type of proper size and design to withstand all radial and thrust loads expected during normal operation. Bearings shall be oil lubricated from a dedicated reservoir. Pump designs which use the same oil to lubricate the bearings and shaft seal shall not be acceptable. Shaft seal shall be oil lubricated mechanical type. The stationary and rotating seal faces shall be tungsten titanium carbide alloy. Each mating surface shall be lapped to within three light bands flatness (35 millionths of an inch), as measured by an optical flat under monochromatic light. The stationary seal seat shall be double floating by virtue of a dual O-ring design; an external O-ring secures the stationary seat to the sealplate, and an internal O-ring holds the faces in alignment during periods of mechanical or hydraulic shock (loads which cause shaft deflection, vibration, and axial/radial movement). Elastomers shall be viton. Cage and spring to be stainless steel. Seal shall be oil lubricated from a dedicated reservoir. The same oil shall not lubricate both shaft seal and shaft bearings. Seal shall be warranted in accordance with requirements listed previously in this specification. 15150-9 h. 4. Adjustment of the impeller face clearance (distance between impeller and wearplate) shall be accomplished by external means. a. b. c. D. E. Pusher bolt capability to assist in removal of rotating assembly. Pusher bolt threaded holes shall be sized to accept same capscrews as used for retaining rotating assembly. Clearances shall be maintained by a four point external shimless coverplate adjustment system, utilizing a four collar and four adjusting screw design allowing for incremental adjustment of clearances by hand as required. Each of the four points shall be lockable to prevent inadvertent clearance increases or decreases due to equipment vibration or accidental operator contact. The four point system also allows for equal clearance gaps at all points between the impeller and wear plate. Requirement of realignment of belts, couplings, etc., shall not be acceptable. Coverplate shall be capable of being removed without disturbing clearance settings. Clearance adjustment systems that utilize less than four points will not be considered. There shall be provisions for additional clearance adjustment in the event that adjustment tolerances have been depleted from the coverplate side of the pump. The removal of stainless steel shims from the rotating assembly side of the pump shall allow for further adjustment as described above. Clearance adjustment which requires movement of the shaft only, thereby adversely affecting seal working length or impeller back clearance, shall not be acceptable. 5. Suction check valve shall be molded Neoprene with integral steel and nylon reinforcement. A blow-out center shall protect pump casing from hydraulic shock or excessive pressure. Removal or installation of the check valve must be accomplished through the coverplate opening, without disturbing the suction piping. Sole function of check valve shall be to save energy by eliminating need to reprime after each pumping cycle. Pumps requiring a suction check valve to assist reprime will not be acceptable. 6. Spool flanges shall be one-piece cast iron, class 30 fitted to suction and/or discharge ports. Each spool shall have one 1-1/4" NPT and one 1/4" NPT tapped hole with pipe plugs for mounting gauges or other equipment. Serviceability: 1. The pump manufacturer shall demonstrate to the engineer's satisfaction that consideration has been given to reducing maintenance costs. 2. No special tools shall be required for replacement of any components within the pump. Drain Kit: Pumps to be supplied with a drain kit for ease of maintenance. The kit shall contain 10' length of reinforced plastic hose with a female quick connect fitting at one end, and factory installed drain fittings in each pump. Fittings include a stainless steel pipe nipple, stainless steel bushing, stainless steel ball valve and aluminum male quick connect fitting. 15150-10 F. Spare Parts Kit: The following minimum spare parts shall be furnished with the pump station: 1. 2. 3. 4. VIII. One pump mechanical seal. Required cover plate O-Ring(s). One rotating assembly O-Ring(s). One set of impeller clearance adjustment spacers. VALVES AND PIPING: A. Check Valve: Each pump shall be equipped with a full flow type check valve capable of passing a 3" spherical solid. Valve shall be constructed with flanged ends and fitted with an external lever and torsional spring. Valve seat shall be constructed of stainless steel, secured to the body to ensure concentricity, sealed by an O-Ring, and shall be replaceable. The valve body shall be cast iron incorporating a clean-out port large enough to allow removal and/or replacement of the valve clapper without removing valve or piping from the line. Valve clapper shall have a molded neoprene seating surface incorporating low pressure sealing rings. Valve hinge pin and internal hinge arm shall be stainless steel supported on each end in brass bushings. Shaft nut shall have double O-Rings which shall be shall be easily replaceable without requiring access to interior of valve body. All internal hardware shall be stainless steel. Valve shall be rated at 175 PSI water working pressure, 350 PSI hydrostatic test pressure. Valves other than full flow type or valves mounted in such a manner that prevents the passage of a 3" spherical solid shall not be acceptable. B. Plug Valve: A 3-way plug valve must allow either or both pumps to be isolated from the force main. The plug valve shall be non-lubricated, tapered type. Valve body shall be cast iron with flanged end connections drilled to 125 pound standard. The drip-tight shutoff plug shall be mounted in stainless steel bearings, and shall have a resilient facing bonded to the sealing surface. Valve shall be operated with a single lever actuator providing lift, turn, and reseat action. The lever shall have a locking device to hold the plug in the desired position. C. Automatic Air Release Valves: 1. Each pump shall be equipped with an automatic air release valve designed to vent air to atmosphere during initial priming or unattended repriming cycles. Upon completion of the priming or repriming cycle, the valve shall automatically close operating solely on discharge pressure to prevent excess recirculation. A visible indication of valve closure shall be evident. Valves which connect to the suction line or rely on vacuum pumps shall not acceptable. 2. The air release valve shall be constructed of UV-inhibiting, high impact composite polyester containing not less than 30% glass-filler. The valve body shall incorporate an internal passageway that allows all debris to pass through the valve chamber between operational cycles, thus making the valve self-cleaning upon sequential cycles. The valve diaphragms shall be BunaN, Fluorocarbon or EPDM, and shall incorporate a polyester mesh sufficient to withstand 250 PSI of pressure. Diaphragm materials of lesser-rated durability will not be deemed equal. 15150-11 X. 3. The vertical valve plunger shall be constructed of Acetal and at least 20% PTFE fluorocarbon filler (DuPont Teflon or equivalent). The independent, dual diaphragms and single, vertical valve plunger shall incorporate a media fluid that passes through an orifice and separates the actions of each. This media fluid will impart sufficient energy for each diaphragm to act on the other to cause a metered stroke, allowing for predictable mechanical movement, thus opening and closing the valve smoothly, preventing chatter and harsh ramming forces. Valves with a single horizontal shaft or that do not incorporate straight-through passageways or media-limiting orifices will not be acceptable. The valve “seat” shall permit a prescribed bypass of the liquid being pumped to ensure that the valve does not become hydraulically locked in submerged discharge piping configurations. 4. The valve shall employ an externally-adjustable restrictor for applications below four feet of static discharge head. Valves having no means to accurately adjust their action, or which require spring selection and lubrication are unacceptable. Being mechanically maintenance-free, provisions for clearing debris in the internal passageway normally associated with valves of this type are incorporated in the valve design and are accessible with only normal hand tools. 5. The valve body shall incorporate passageways having minimal constrictions and no directional course changes integral to the body of the valve. The inlet shall be 1 inch NPT female and the discharge outlet shall be 1-1/4 inch NPT female, assuring that any debris that makes its way through the valve body will have unobstructed passage back to the source. Valves having smaller throughput, bends or turns that restrict or impede flow and create pockets or traps for debris shall not be acceptable. The valve shall be mounted horizontally, 90 degrees to the vertical plunger by means of an integral mounting bracket. 6. The valve shall be able to operate on applications ranging from four to 400 feet of water column without the need for adjustment or interchange of springs or other parts. 7. Connection of the air release valves to pump station piping shall include stainless steel fittings. Gauge Kit: A. A gauge kit shall be supplied for each pump. Suction pressure must be monitored by a glycerin-filled compound gauge, and discharge pressure by a glycerin-filled pressure gauge. Gauges to be at least 4 inches in diameter, graduated in feet water column. Rated accuracy shall be 1% of full scale reading. Compound gauge shall be graduated -34 to +34 feet water column minimum. Pressure gauge to be graduated 0 to 140 feet water column minimum. B. Gauges to be factory mounted on a resilient panel with frame assembly secured to pumps or piping. Gauge installations shall be complete with all hoses and stainless steel fittings, including a shutoff valve for each gauge line at the point of connection to suction and discharge pipes. 15150-12 XI. Station Enclosure Low Temperature Alarm: A. XII. Pump station shall be supplied with a thermostat which shall monitor interior station temperature. The control shall incorporate an unpowered dry contact wired to terminal blocks for field connection to a remote alarm device. The contact will close in the event that the temperature within the enclosure falls below approximately 35 degrees F. Piping: A. Flanged header pipe shall be centrifugally cast, ductile iron, complying with ANSI/AWWA A21.51/C115 and class 53 thickness. B. Flanges shall be cast iron class 125 and Comply with ANSI B16.1. C. Pipe and flanges shall be threaded and suitable thread sealant applied before assembling flange to pipe. D. Bolt holes shall be in angular alignment within 1/2 degree between flanges. Flanges shall be faced with a gasket finish having concentric grooves a minimum of 0.01 inch deep by approximately 0.03 inch wide, with a minimum of three grooves on any given surface spaced a maximum of 1/4 inch apart. XIII. Supports and Thrust Blocks: Contractor must insure all pipes connected to the pump station are supported to prevent piping loads from being transmitted to pumps or station piping. Pump station discharge force main piping shall be anchored with thrust blocks where shown on the contract drawings. XIV. DRIVE UNIT: A. Motors, Large Stations (Note: Maximum motor frame size is 326T open dripproof.): 1. 2. B. Pump motors shall be 7.5 HP, horizontal ODP, 1,800 RPM, NEMA design B with cast iron frame with copper windings, induction type, with class F insulation and 1.15 Service Factor for normal starting torque and low starting current characteristics, suitable for continuous service. The motors shall not overload at the design condition or at any head in the operating range as specified. Motors shall be suitable for operation using the utility power available. Motors shall be tested in accordance with provisions of ANSI/IEEE Std. 112, Method B. Motors, Small Stations (Note: Maximum motor frame size is 326T open dripproof.): 1. Pump motors shall be 5.0 HP, horizontal ODP, 1,060 RPM, NEMA design B with cast iron frame with copper windings, induction type, with class F insulation and 1.15 Service Factor for normal starting torque and low starting current characteristics, suitable for continuous service. The motors shall not overload at the design condition or at any head in the operating range as specified. Motors shall be suitable for operation using the utility power available. 15150-13 2. C. Motors shall be tested in accordance with provisions of ANSI/IEEE Std. 112, Method B. Drive Transmission: 1. 2. 3. 4. Power to pumps transmitted V-belt drive assemblies. The sheave/belt combination shall provide the speed ratio needed to achieve the specified pump operating conditions. Each drive assembly shall utilize at least two V-belts providing minimum a combined safety factor of 1.5. Single belt drives or systems with a safety factor of less than 1.5 are not acceptable. Computation of safety factors shall be based on performance data published by the drive manufacturer. Precise alignment tolerances of the drive assemblies shall be achieved by means of a belt/sheave laser alignment system resulting in the reduction of vibration, accelerated wear, and premature failure. The pump manufacturer shall submit power transmission calculations which document the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. D. Pump drives to be enclosed on all sides by a guard constructed of fabricated steel or combination of materials including expanded, perforated, or solid sheet metal. No opening to a rotating member shall exceed 1/2 inch. 1. 2. 3. XV. Ratio of pump/motor speed. Pitch diameter of driver and driven sheaves. Number of belts required per drive. Theoretical horsepower transmitted per belt, based on vendor's data. Center distance between pump and motor shafts. Arc-length correction factor applied to theoretical horsepower transmitted. Service factor applied to established design horsepower. Safety factor ratio of power transmitted/brake horsepower required. Guards must be completely removable without interference from any unit component, and shall be securely fastened and braced to the unit base. Metal to be free from burrs and sharp edges. Structural joints shall be continuously welded. Rivet spacing on panels shall not exceed five inches. Tack welds shall not exceed four inch spacing. The guard shall be finished with one coat of gray W.R. non-lift primer and one coat of orange acrylic alkyd W.R. enamel in accordance with section 3, Color Definitions of ANSI 253.1; Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards. Finish: Pumps, piping, and exposed steel framework shall be cleaned prior to painting. Exposed surfaces to be coated with one coat gray W.R. non-lift primer and one coat white acrylic alkyd W.R. enamel. Paint shall be low VOC, alkyd based, high solids, semi-gloss white enamel for optimum illumination enhancement, incorporating rust inhibitive additives. The finish coat shall be 1.0 to 1.2 MIL dry film thickness (minimum), resistant to oil mist exposure, solvent contact, and salt spray. The factory finish shall allow for over-coating and touch up after final installation. XVI. ELECTRICAL CONTROL COMPONENTS: 15150-14 A. The pump station control panel will be tested as an integral unit by the pump station manufacturer. The control panel shall also be tested with the pump station as a complete working system at the pump station manufacturer's facility. B. Panel Enclosure: 1. 2. C. Electrical control equipment shall be mounted within a common NEMA 1 stainless steel, dead front type control enclosures. Doors shall be hinged and sealed with a neoprene gasket and equipped with captive closing hardware. Control components shall be mounted on removable steel back panels secured to enclosure with collar studs. All control devices and instruments shall be secured to the sub-plate with machine screws and lockwashers. Mounting holes shall be drilled and tapped; self-tapping screws shall not be used to mount and component. All control devices shall be clearly labeled to indicate function. UL Label Requirement: Pump station components and controls shall conform to third party safety certification. The station shall bear a UL label listed for “Packaged Pumping System”. The panel shall bear a serialized UL label listed for "Enclosed Industrial Control Panels". The pump station components, panel enclosure, and all components mounted on the sub-panel or control cover shall conform to UL descriptions and procedures. D. Branch Components: All motor branch and power circuit components shall be of highest industrial quality. The short circuit current rating of all power circuit devices shall be a tested combination or evaluated per the National Electrical Code Article 409. The lowest rated power circuit component shall be the overall control panel short circuit rating and shall not be less than the fault current available. The minimum control panel rating shall not be less than 10 kA, rms symmetrical. Control assemblies operating at 120 volts nominal or less may be provided with transformers which limit the fault current and may be rated less than the minimum required short circuit rating. E. Circuit Breakers and Operating Mechanisms: 1. 2. F. A properly sized heavy duty circuit breaker shall be furnished for each pump motor. The circuit breakers must be sealed by the manufacturer after calibration to prevent tampering. An operating mechanism installed on each motor circuit breaker shall penetrate the control panel door. A padlockable operator handle shall be secured on the exterior surface. Interlocks must prevent opening the door until circuit breakers are in "OFF" position. An additional mechanism(s) shall be provided on the circuit breaker permitting the breaker to be operated and/or locked with the control panel door in the open position. Motor Starters: An open frame, across-the-line, NEMA rated magnetic starter with under-voltage release, and overload protection, shall be furnished for each pump motor. Starters 15150-15 of NEMA size 1 and above shall allow addition of at least two auxiliary contacts. Starters rated "O", "OO", or fractional size are not acceptable. Power contacts to be double-break type made of cadmium oxide silver. Coils to be epoxy molded for protection from moisture and corrosive atmospheres. Contacts and coils shall be easily replaceable without removing the starter from its mounted position. Each starter shall have a metal mounting plate for durability. G. Overload Relays: 1. 2. H. Overload relays shall be solid-state block type, having visual trip indication with trip-free operation. Electrically resetting the overload will cause one (1) normally open and one (1) normally closed isolated alarm/control contact to reset, thus re-establishing a control circuit. Trip setting shall be governed by solid-state circuitry and adjustable current setting. Trip classes shall be 10, 15 and 20. Additional features to include phase loss protection, selectable jam/stall protection and selectable ground fault protection. A reset pushbutton, mounted through the control panel door, shall permit resetting the overload relays without opening the door. Phase Monitor: The control panel shall be equipped to monitor the incoming power and shut down the pump when required to protect the motor(s) from damage caused by voltage less than 83% of nominal. The motor(s) shall automatically restart when power conditions return to normal. I. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor: 1. J. The control panel shall be equipped with a transient voltage surge suppressor to minimize damage to the pump motors and control from transient voltage surges. The suppressor shall utilize thermally protected silicon-oxide varistors encapsulated in a non-conductive housing. Mechanical indicators shall be provided on each phase to indicate protection has been lost. The suppressor shall have a surge current rating of 100,000 Amps per phase and a 100kA interrupting rating. Panel Heater: The control panel shall be equipped with a panel heater to minimize the effects of humidity and condensation. The heater shall include a thermostat. K. Control Circuit: 1. 2. 3. A normal duty thermal-magnetic circuit breaker shall protect all control circuits by interrupting control power. Pump mode selector switches shall permit manual start or stop of each pump individually, or permit automatic operation under control of the liquid level control system. Manual operation shall override all shutdown systems, except the motor overload relays. Selector switches to be oil-tight design with contacts rated NEMA A300 minimum. Pump alternation shall be integral to the liquid level controller. Provisions for automatic alternation or manual selection shall also be integral to the liquid level controller. 15150-16 4. 5. 6. 7. L. Six digit elapsed time meter (non-reset type) shall be connected to each motor starter to indicate total running time of each pump in "hours" and "tenths of hours". An integral pilot light shall be wired in parallel to indicate that the motor is energized and should be running. A high pump temperature protection circuit shall override the level control and shut down the pump motor(s) when required to protect the pump from excessive temperature. A thermostat shall be mounted on each pump casing and connected to a pump shutdown circuit. If casing temperature rises to a level sufficient to cause damage, the thermostat causes the shutdown circuit to interrupt power to the motor. A visible indicator, mounted through the control panel door shall indicate motor stopped due to high pump temperature. The motor shall remain locked out until the pump has cooled and circuit has been manually reset. Automatic reset of this circuit is not acceptable. A duplex ground fault receptacle providing 115 VAC, 60 Hz, single phase current, will be mounted on the side of the control enclosure. Receptacle circuit shall be protected by a 15 ampere thermal-magnetic circuit breaker. The lift station shall be equipped with a 3 KVA stepdown transformer to supply 115 volt, AC, single phase for the control and auxiliary equipment. The primary and secondary side of the transformer to be protected by a thermal magnetic circuit breaker, sized to meet the power requirements of the transformer. An operating mechanism shall penetrate the control panel door and a padlockable operator handle shall be secured on the exterior surface. Interlocks must prevent opening the door until circuit breakers are in "OFF" position. An additional mechanism(s) shall be provided on the circuit breaker permitting the breaker to be operated and/or locked with the control panel door in the open position. Wiring: 1. 2. 3. The pump station, as furnished by the manufacturer, shall be completely wired, except for power feed lines to the branch circuit breakers and final connections to remote alarm devices. All wiring, workmanship, and schematic wiring diagrams shall comply with applicable standards and specifications of the National Electric Code (NEC). All user serviceable wiring shall be type MTW or THW, 600 volts, color coded as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 4. Line and Load Circuits, AC or DC power..................................................Black. AC Control Circuit Less Than Line Voltage.................................................Red. DC Control Circuit...............................Blue. Interlock Control Circuit, from External Source.......................................Yellow. Equipment Grounding Conductor.............................Green. Current Carrying Ground.......................................................................White. Hot With Circuit Breaker Open...............................................................Orange. Control circuit wiring inside the panel, with exception of internal wiring of individual components, shall be 16 gauge minimum, type MTW or THW, 15150-17 5. 6. M. 600 volts. Power wiring to be 14 gauge minimum. Motor branch wiring shall be 10 gauge minimum. Motor branch and other power conductors shall not be loaded above the temperature rating of the connected termination. Wires must be clearly numbered at each end in conformance with applicable standards. All wire connectors in the control panel shall be ring tongue type with nylon insulated shanks. All wires on the sub-plate shall be bundled and tied. All wires extending from components mounted on door shall terminate at a terminal block mounted on the back panel. All wiring outside the panel shall be routed through conduit. Control wires connected to door mounted components must be tied and bundled in accordance with good commercial practice. Bundles shall be made flexible at the hinged side of the enclosure. Adequate length and flex shall allow the door to swing full open without undue stress or abrasion. Bundles shall be held on each side of hinge by mechanical fastening devices. Conduit: 1. Factory installed conduit shall conform to following requirements: a. b. c. d. N. Grounding: 1. 2. O. All conduit and fittings to be UL listed. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit to be constructed of smooth, flexible galvanized steel core with smooth abrasion resistant, liquid tight polyvinyl chloride cover. Conduit to be supported in accordance with articles 346, 347, and 350 of the National Electric Code. Conduit shall be sized according to the National Electric Code. Station manufacturer shall ground all electrical equipment inside the pump station to the control panel back plate. All paint must be removed from the grounding mounting surface before making final connection. The contractor shall provide an earth driven ground connection to the pump station at the main grounding lug in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC). Equipment Marking: 1. Permanent corrosion resistant name plate(s) shall be attached to the control and include following information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Equipment serial number. Control panel short circuit rating. Supply voltage, phase and frequency. Current rating of the minimum main conductor. Electrical wiring diagram number. Motor horsepower and full load current. Motor overload heater element. Motor circuit breaker trip current rating. Name and location of equipment manufacturer. 15150-18 2. 3. XVII. Control components shall be permanently marked using the same identification keys shown on the electrical diagram. Labels shall be mounted adjacent to device being identified. Switches, indicators, and instruments mounted through the control panel door shall be labeled to indicate function, position, etc. Labels shall be mounted adjacent to, or above the device. LIQUID LEVEL CONTROL: A. The manufacturer of the liquid level control system must be ISO 9001:2000 revision certified, with scope of registration including design control and service after sales activities. B. The level control system shall start and stop the pump motors in response to changes in wet well level, as set forth herein. C. The level control system shall be capable of operating as either an air bubbler type level control system, submersible transducer type system, or ultrasonic transmitter type system. D. The level control system shall utilize alternation to select first one pump, then the second pump, to run as lead pump for a pumping cycle. Alternation shall occur at the end of a pumping cycle, or in the event of excessive run time. E. The level control system shall utilize an electronic pressure switch which shall continuously monitor the wet well level, permitting the operator to read wet well level at any time. Upon operator selection of automatic operation, the electronic pressure switch shall start the motor for one pump when the liquid level in the wet well rises to the "lead pump start level". When the liquid is lowered to the "lead pump stop level", the electronic pressure switch shall stop this pump. These actions shall constitute one pumping cycle. Should the wet well level continue to rise, the electronic pressure switch shall start the second when the liquid reaches the "lag pump start level", or “standby pump start level” so that all pumps are operating. These levels shall be adjustable as described below. F. The electronic pressure switch shall include integral components to perform all pressure sensing, signal conditioning, EMI and RFI suppression, DC power supply and 120 volt outputs. Comparators shall be solid state, and shall be integrated with other components to perform as described below. G. The electronic pressure switch shall be capable of operating on a supply voltage of 12VDC in an ambient temperature range of -10 degrees C (14 degrees F) through 55 degrees C (131 degrees F). Control range shall be 0 to 12.0 feet of water with an overall repeat accuracy of (plus/minus) 0.1 feet of water. Memory shall be non-volatile. H. The electronic pressure switch shall consist of the following integral components: pressure sensor, display, electronic comparators and output relays. 1. The internal pressure sensor shall be a strain gauge transducer and shall receive an input pressure from the air bubbler system. The transducer shall convert the input to a proportional electrical signal for distribution to the display and electronic comparators. The transducer output shall be filtered to prevent control response to level pulsations or surges. The transducer range 15150-19 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. shall be 0-15 PSI, temperature compensated from -40 degrees C (-40 degrees F) through 85 degrees C (185 degrees F), with a repeat accuracy of (plus/minus) 0.25% full scale about a fixed temperature. Transducer overpressure rating shall be 3 times full scale. The electronic pressure switch shall incorporate a digital back lighted LCD panel display which, upon operator selection, shall indicate liquid level in the wet well, and the preset start and stop level for both lead and lag pump. The display shall include twenty (20), 0.19" high alpha-numeric characters calibrated to read out directly in feet of water, accurate to within one-tenth foot (0.1 foot), with a full scale indication of not less than 12 feet. The display shall be easily convertible to indicate English or metric units. Level adjustments shall be electronic comparator set-points to control the levels at which the lead and lag pumps start and stop. Each of the level settings shall be easily adjustable with the use of membrane type switches, and accessible to the operator without opening any cover panel on the electronic pressure switch. Controls shall be provided to permit the operator to read the selected levels on the display. Such adjustments shall not require hard wiring, the use of electronic test equipment, artificial level simulation or introduction of pressure to the electronic pressure switch. Each output relay in the electronic pressure switch shall be solid state. Each relay input shall be optically isolated from its output and shall incorporate zero crossover switching to provide high immunity to electrical noise. The "ON" state of each relay shall be indicated by illumination of a light emitting diode. The output of each relay shall be individually fused providing overload and short circuit protection. Each output relay shall have an inductive load rating equivalent to one NEMA size 4 contactor. A pilot relay shall be incorporated for loads greater than a size 4 contactor. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with an output board which shall include LED status indicators and a connector with cable for connection to the main unit. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with pump start delay(s) preset at a fixed delay time of five (5) seconds. Circuit design in which application of power to the lag pump motor starter is contingent upon completion of the lead pump circuit shall not be acceptable. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with a simulator system capable of performing system cycle testing functions. The electronic pressure switch shall be capable of controlling liquid levels in either a pump up or pump down application. The electronic pressure switch shall have internal capability of providing automatic alternation, manual selection of pump sequence operation, and alternation in the event of 1-199 hours excessive run time. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with a security access code to prevent accidental set-up changes and provide liquid level set-point lock-out. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with one (1) 0-33 ft. W.C. input, one (1) scalable analog input of either 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, or 4-20mA, and one (1) 4-20mA scalable output. Output is powered by 10-24VDC supply. Load resistance for 4-20mA output shall be 100-1000 ohms. The electronic pressure switch shall include a DC power supply to convert 120VAC control power to 12 or 24VDC EPS power. The power supply shall be 500 mA (6W) minimum and be UL listed Class II power limited power supply. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with an electronic comparator and solid state output relay to alert maintenance personnel to a 15150-20 high liquid level in the wet well. An indicator, visible on the front of the control panel, shall indicate that a high wet well level exists. The alarm signal shall be maintained until the wet well level has been lowered and the circuit has been manually reset. High water alarm shall be furnished with a dry contact wired to terminal blocks. 15. The electronic pressure switch shall be equipped with an electronic comparator and solid state output relay to alert maintenance personnel to a low liquid level in the wet well. An indicator, visible on the front of the control panel, shall indicate that a low wet well level exists. The alarm signal shall be maintained until the cause for the low wet well level has been corrected and the circuit has been manually reset. A low liquid level condition shall disable both pump motors. When the wet well rises above the low level point, both pump motors shall be automatically enabled. Low water alarm shall be furnished with a dry contact wired to terminal blocks. 16. An alarm silence pushbutton and relay shall be provided to permit maintenance personnel to de-energize the audible alarm device while corrective actions are under way. After silencing the alarm device, manual reset of the alarm condition shall clear the alarm silence relay automatically. The pushbutton shall be oil tight design with contacts rated NEMA A300 minimum. I. Air Bubbler System: 1. 2. 3. 4. The level control system shall be the air bubbler type, containing air bubbler piping which extends into the wet well. A pressure sensor contained within the electronic pressure switch shall sense the air pressure in this piping to provide wet well level signals for the remainder of the level control system. Two vibrating reed, industrial rated, air pumps shall be furnished to deliver free air at a rate of approximately 5 cubic feet per hour and a pressure not to exceed 7 psi. Liquid level control systems utilizing air compressors delivering greater quantities of air at higher pressures, requiring pressure reducing valves, air storage reservoirs, and other maintenance nuisance items will not be acceptable. A selector switch shall be furnished to provide manual alternation of the air pumps. The switch shall be connected in such a manner that either pump may be selected to operate continuously. The selector switch shall be oil-tight design with contacts rated NEMA A300 minimum. An air bell constructed of PVC 3 inches in diameter shall be provided for installation at the outlet of the air bubbler line in the wet well. The air bell shall have a 3/8" NPT tapped fitting for connection to the bubbler line. An air flow indicator gauge shall be provided and connected to the air bubbler piping to provide a visual indication of rate of flow in standard cubic feet per hour. XVIII. LIQUID LEVEL CONTROL – BACK UP (Intrinsically Safe Float Switch Type): A. The backup level control system is to work independent of the primary level control, and utilize a PLC. The control consists of: an intrinsically safe relay, a small PLC and two non-mercury float switches. The low level float (pump off) is placed below all primary pump off set-points. The high level float (pump start) is placed above all primary on set-points. If either float condition is achieved, a “Float Control Timer” begins to count. When the timer expires, the float control is latched in, and the floats become active causing an indication light to become illuminated on the front of the control panel. If the high level float is achieved a 15150-21 pump will start, if the level persists the second pump will start after an adjustable time period. When the wet well level reaches the low level float, both pumps will shut off. The float control includes alternation. Dry contacts wired to terminal blocks will be provided for the float control active alarm circuit. The float control system will remain latched until manually reset. The redundant float control is mounted in a separate NEMA 1 stainless steel enclosure. Float system includes PVC chain and anchor. B. Float switches shall be supplied by the manufacturer for installation by the contractor. Each float shall contain a mercury free switch type sealed in a polypropylene housing, with 30 feet of power cord, and polypropylene mounting hardware. A PVC or stainless steel mounting chain and anchor shall be furnished by the manufacturer for installation by the contractor to secure the switches in the wet well. C. Intrinsically safe relays shall be supplied in a separate level control enclosure. Relays must be recognized and listed as intrinsically safe by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Station manufacturer shall make all connections from relays to feeder lines and motor controls. Installing contractor shall make connections from relays to float switch junction box. D. Alarm Light (External): Station manufacturer will supply one 115 VAC alarm light fixture with vapor-tight shatter resistant red globe, conduit box, and mounting base. The design must prevent rain water from collecting in the gasketed area of the fixture, between the base and globe. The alarm light will be shipped loose for installation by the contractor. 7. EXECUTION: I. EXAMINATION: Contractor shall off-load equipment at installation site using equipment of sufficient size and design to prevent injury or damage. Station manufacturer shall provide written instruction for proper handling. Immediately after off-loading, contractor shall inspect complete pump station and appurtenances for shipping damage or missing parts. Any damage or discrepancy shall be noted in written claim with shipper prior to accepting delivery. Validate all station serial numbers and parts lists with shipping documentation. Notify the manufacturer’s representative of any unacceptable conditions noted with shipper. II. INSTALLATION: A. Install, level, align, and lubricate pump station as indicated on project drawings. Installation must be in accordance with written instructions supplied by the manufacturer at time of delivery. B. Suction pipe connections are vacuum tight. Fasteners at all pipe connections must be tight. Install pipe with supports and thrust blocks to prevent strain and vibration on pump station piping. Install and secure all service lines (level control, air release valve or pump drain lines) as required in wet well. 15150-22 III. C. Check motor and control data plates for compatibility to site voltage. Install and test the station ground prior to connecting line voltage to station control panel. D. Prior to applying electrical power to any motors or control equipment, check all wiring for tight connection. Verify that protective devices (fuses and circuit breakers) conform to project design documents. Manually operate circuit breakers and switches to ensure operation without binding. Open all circuit breakers and disconnects before connecting utility power. Verify line voltage, phase sequence and ground before actual start-up. E. After all anchor bolts, piping and control connections are installed, completely fill the grout dam in the pump station base with non-shrink grout. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A. Operational Test: 1. 2. B. Prior to acceptance by owner, an operational test of all pumps, drives, and control systems shall be conducted to determine if the installed equipment meets the purpose and intent of the specifications. Tests shall demonstrate that all equipment is electrically, mechanically, structurally, and otherwise acceptable; it is safe and in optimum working condition; and conforms to the specified operating characteristics. After construction debris and foreign material has been removed form the wet well, contractor shall supply clear water volume adequate to operate station through several pumping cycles. Observe and record operation of pumps, suction and discharge gage readings, ampere draw, pump controls, and liquid level controls. Check calibration of all instrumentation equipment, test manual control devices, and automatic control systems. Be alert to any undue noise, vibration or other operational problems. Manufacturer’s Start-up Services: Coordinate station start-up with manufacturer’s technical representative. The representative or factory service technician will inspect the completed installation. He will calibrate and adjust instrumentation, correct or supervise correction of defects or malfunctions, and instruct operating personnel in proper operation and maintenance procedures. IV. CLEANING: Prior to acceptance, inspect interior and exterior of pump station for dirt, splashed material or damaged paint. Clean or repair accordingly. Remove from the job site all tools, surplus materials, scrap and debris. V. PROTECTION: The pump station should be placed into service immediately. If operation is delayed, drain water from pumps and piping. Open motor circuit breakers and protect station controls and interior equipment from cold and moisture. Station is to be stored and maintained per manufacturer’s written instructions. End Of Section 15150-23 (Page Intentionally Left Blank)