Average Example

2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
Reason for Referral
The student is being referred for tutoring because she lacks some of the basic skills necessary to
improve her reading fluency. The student is an ESL learner and lacks the help at home and could
really benefit in having some extra one-on-one instruction and reading. One of the skills that she
needs more help on is short and long vowel sounds. The inability to recognize the difference
between long and short vowels in holding her back from increasing her reading fluency. Another
area that she needs improvement in is vocabulary meaning. Since English is her second language,
she struggles with knowing the meaning of English vocabulary words.
Classroom Observations (including the TROLL information)
Renarta Tompkins <drtompki> : You provide some interesting detail but don't refer to the screening
instrument or list the TROLL scores in this report. We use a screening instrument to provide
quantifiable information.
In the two sessions dedicated to classroom observation, what did you learn about the student::
Orality: She is very quick to start a conversation with a peer but not adults. She is very talkative
throughout the day with her peers but usually only engages with adults when they ask her questions.
If an adult asks her to tell a story or tell about something personal to her she will quickly tell all the
details necessary. When she is asked about something pertaining to the lesson, she often times
does not know the answer because she gets distracted very easily. Breana does not ask many
questions throughout the day, she will sit and wait for the teacher to ask her if she understands. She
is understandable when she speaks but she is ESL so she has a limited English vocabulary.
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics: Breana has fairly well phonemic awareness skills. She is able to
separate the sounds out and blend them as well. When she does not know a word while she is
reading she will slow down and break up the sounds.
Vocabulary: She has a limited English vocabulary because it is not her first language. Although, she
picks up fairly quickly on new words. One thing I did notice is that if she doesn't know what a word is
she will not ask questions. It isn't until the teacher asks if she knows what that is that she says that
she doesn't know what the word means.
Fluency: When she reads she is a very choppy reader and does not show very good fluency. The
major problem with fluency is that she has to constantly stop to sound out words.
Comprehension: After reading two books with Breana I was able to tell she has very
comprehension. I was very surprised because she has to stop and sound out so many words I
thought that would make reading comprehension difficult. She could answer questions using direct
examples from the text and even at times could flip back and show you where she got her answer.
Her reading comprehension is her strongest reading skill.
Writing Ability: Her hand writing is fairly well for a first grader. It is legible and she takes her time
while writing. She worries more about spelling than getting her actual thoughts down on the paper.
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
Description of the Student
The student is a 8 year old Hispanic girl. Her parents are both Hispanic and only speak Spanish at
home. Her mother can speak a little bit of English but she is not fluent. She has two little brothers
that she often helps care for. In the classroom she can be disruptive and not follow directions as
asked. After being corrected by the teacher, she usually get to work on the task she is suppose to be
doing. She is very talkative to the students around her although she is not talkative during class
discussions. During tutoring, she is very calm and collected. She is very comfortable in conversation
with me and shows a little bit of confidence while reading.
List of Assessments and Analysis of Results
Provide raw data results and analyze what those result reveal about the student.
Initial Assessments :
Developmental Literacy Inventory Word Test Version A Flashed Mode- On the word test she was
able to read word list 1 with on 5 missed words. For word list 1 she was at the instructional level. We
tried list 2.1 but it was at the frustration level. This test shows that she is not that far behind gradelevel but when I asked about a couple words on the list she could read it but didn't know the
Informal Reading Inventory- For the initial IRI we read the story Seeds . She did fairly well and had
a few minor mistakes. She stop to sound out a few words but was able to figure them out. She
struggled the most with the vowels in the words that she had errors on. According to this test she is
behind grade level and will need to improve a whole grade level in order to catch up.
What was the student's instructional level? Breana's instructional level was on the primer level and
she is behind grade level.
Additional Assessments as needed (you may or may not have given these tests)
Alphabet Knowledge: This was the first test that I gave her and she was able to fly through this test
with no errors.
Mid - Assessments
Running Record- Is completed in the portfolio.
Post Assessment
Informal Reading Inventory- She was able to improve to reading on the instructional level at the first
grade level. She read a passage with 89 words on a 300L lexile level in 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
She correctly answered all of the questions that followed the passage as well. Her fluency has
improved tremendously.
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
Diagnostic Mini-Teaching Lessons
Goals Established for the Student:
1. Increase fluency
2. a. Increase vocabulary/meaning
b. Short and long vowel improvements
Mini-Teaching Activity, Justification & Outcome
Visit 2: Goal-To assess the student's skills.
Alphabet recognition test
Word test starting at pre-primer
Read beginner books- Running record on Peg Can Help
Justification: I needed to assess the student the student to plan goals for the future meetings.
She scored 100% on the alphabet recognition test.
Tested at level i on the word test missing 5 words.
I was able to see the instructional level she is at by reading books to plan for future meetings.
I tried testing at the ii-i level but she was at the frustration level during that testing.
Visit 3: Goal- 1. Develop an understanding of the vocabulary she has trouble with. 2. Practice
reading different topic books.
Use the word test to see if she can tell the meanings of the words. Write troubled words on
index cards.
2. Read multiple books on different topics to see what words she can read but does not know the
meanings of.
3. Made index cards from the 3 books that she did not know the meaning of to use at our next
Justification: I needed to see what basic vocabulary words she was able to read but didn't know the
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
The word test helped develop a list of vocabulary words that she was able to read but did not
know the meaning of.
The different topic books showed vocabulary strengths and weaknesses.
I was able to identify the topics she was interested in based on choice of book. She prefers
informational books, especially those with animals.
Visit 4: Goal- Develop an understanding of new vocabulary words from 3 books of different topics.
We re-read the book The Little Leaguer by Syd Hoff. We used the flash cards to learn the
words field, glove, and bat.
2. Re-read the book Hero Dad by Melinda Hardin. Used the flash cards to lean the words brave
and hero.
3. Re-read the book Pete the Cat at the Beach by James Dean. Used the flash cards to learn the
words ocean, beach, river, lake, forest, and mountain.
Justification: I read 3 books with her about 3 different topics to identify some vocabulary words she
did not know the meaning of, because of the language barrier.
We practiced reading the flash cards then I had her explain to me what they were.
She was able to tell me what most of them were from what I had explained to her. For a couple,
I had to draw a picture to remind her.
For the future, I will randomly ask Breana to tell me the meaning of the words.
Visit 5: Goal- 1. IRI #1 2. Sorting short and long a sorting.
IRI #1- Seeds on the primer level
Read A Trip to the Market
Literacy Center Sorting
 There is a literacy center at RCES that has a sorting game for short and long vowels.
 There is a two-pocket folder that you can put cards that say words that have short and long
vowel sounds such as A.
 There are ten cards per vowel that have words with short and long A that she sorts into the
Justification: She needs work on short and long A so I gave her a game to help her learn.
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
She did fairly well on the primer IRI. She is behind the first grade level though. She struggled
reading A Trip to the Market but was able to sound out majority of the words.
She did well with the sorting center. I gave her examples before we started the center. She
successfully sorted 9 of the 10 A vowels.
Visit 6: Goal- Be able to recognize, read and sort short and long A words.
Start off with a book of her choice from her book basket (Fox Read)
Review short and long A sounds and words.
Literacy Center sorting for short and long A.
Phonics flip chart- Use phonic flip charts to make words with short and long A and have her
read them. Work with words that have an E on the end and teach her that it makes the A say its
name. Ex. make
Justification: She struggles with her short and long vowels so I am starting with the vowel A.
She did very good with the literacy center sorting.
The phonics flip chart words were more difficult. I started using the at, ab, and an word families
that switch them and mixed different words in. She enjoyed getting to flip the flip charts which
motivated her to do well. The better she did, the more cards she got to flip.
Visit 7: Goal- 1. Review short and long A. 2. Be able to recognize, read, and sort short and long E
Start off with a book of her choice from her book basket (Fox Read)
Review short and long A sounds and words.
Introduce and teach short and long E sounds.
Literacy Center sorting for short and long A and E.
Phonics flip chart- Use phonic flip charts to make words with short and long E and have her
read them. I will then mix in short and long A words along with the E words. If she is doing well,
use flip charts for words with double E like meet and ea words like meat.
6. Finish with a book from her Fox Read bucket.
Justification: I would like her to begin to master the short and long A. She also needed to begin
working on short and long E to increase fluency while reading.
She flew through the review of short and long A.
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
She picked up on the long E quickly, short e was a little more difficult.
By the time we pasted the sorting and made it to the flip char, Breana was able to think through
the long and short E words in her head before saying the correct one aloud.
Had enough time to read another book before the session ended.
Visit 8: Goal- 1. Review short and long a, e. 2. Be able to recognize, read, and sort short and long i
Start with the book, Whales
Review short and long A and E sounds and words using flip charts.
Introduce and teach short and long I sounds.
Literacy Center sorting for short and long A, E, and I.
Phonics flip chart- Use phonic flip charts to make words with short and long I and have her read
them. I will then mix in short and long A and E words along with the I words.
6. Finish with a book from her Fox Read bucket.
Justification: She is working on short and long vowels and the letter I is the next vowel she needs to
have extra practice with.
She really enjoys informational texts, especially about animals.
She learns very quickly with one-on-one instruction. She is too easily distracted in whole group
instruction which makes her fall behind.
She has built a lot of confidence because she knows our consistent schedule. She now tries
sounding out more words while reading before she looks at me for help.
Visit 9 : Goal- 1. Review short and long A, E, and I. 2. Be able to recognize, read and short short
and long O words.
Start with the book, The Bear Facts
Review short and long A, E, and I sounds and words using flip charts.
Introduce and teach short and long O sounds.
Literacy Center sorting for short and long A, E, I, and O.
Phonics flip chart- Use phonic flip charts to make words with short and long O and have her
read them. I will then mix in short and long A, E, I words along with the O words. If she is doing
well then I will work with words with double O and OA words. Ex. book and boat.
Justification: We are still working on mastering the short and long vowels A, E, and I. She is also
adding the vowel O this lesson because she has done well with the first three vowels.
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
She has been working on vowels in class so she is building confidence when we review.
Working with OA words was confusing for her.
She will need work with double vowel words.
Her fluency while reading has improved tremendously.
Visit 10: Goal- 1. Review short and long A, E, I, and O. 2. Be able to recognize, read, and sort short
and long U words. 3. IRI #2
Start with the book, Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Review short and long A, E, I, and O sounds and words using flip charts.
Introduce and teach short and long U sounds.
Literacy Center sorting for short and long A, E, I, and O.
Phonics flip chart- Use phonic flip charts to make words with short and long U and have her
read them. I will then mix in short and long A, E, I, and O words along with the U words. I will
also mix real and fake words just to make sure she knows how to identify the vowels.
Justification: This will be a huge review of the vowels we have been working on the past couple of
weeks. It will also complete short and long vowels.
She did an incredible job during the review.
U was the hardest vowel for Breana to learn. She is going to need more work with the letter U
but she has improved tremendously.
She was able to do a Grade 1 narrative passage for the IRI #2.
Evaluation of Student Growth
What changes did you witness in your tutoring student by the end of your sessions in the following
(You may not have seen growth in areas that were not part of your goals)
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics: She improved a great deal with vowels but she was not struggling
with phonics.
Vocabulary: Her vocabulary increased a good bit from the first time I read with her. Although, she is
still behind where she should be at. Her vocabulary has improved because she has started to read
more books and she has been working closely with an ESL teacher.
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
Fluency: Her fluency improved because she has been reading more books. She was very choppy
when we first met to read but at the end she was able to read with better fluency. The fluency has
helped her advance to more difficult books and books that are on the first grade reading level. She
improved from a Fountas and Pinnell level D in the beginning to level H/I.
Comprehension: We did not work on comprehension because it was not a struggle point for her.
Recommendation to Future Tutors
What recommendations do you suggest for the next tutor of this student?
I would recommend that her next tutor work with her on double vowel words. She seemed to
do well with recognizing, reading, and sorting short and long vowel words that only had one
vowel. Words to start with would be double o's, and oa words such as book and boat. Also,
she enjoys informational texts especially about animals!
What goals do you suggest they work on?
I would still suggest that she works on building a larger vocabulary. Since Spanish is spoken
at home, she is only exposed to new English words at school. She will not openly tell you that
she doesn't know what a word means so occasionally slow her down and ask her throughout
a story to tell you what she just read to check for understanding. Building a broader
vocabulary will also help build her fluency while speaking and reading. I would also work on
double vowel words so that she can master vowels.
What kinds of activities will work best with this student?
She really enjoys playing games so at anytime a game can be incorporated she will show a
greater interest. She also likes taking control of an activity. For example, we used flip charts a
good bit, allow her to flip the cards just give her specific instructions on what you would like
her to do. She will sometimes go way to fast and will not comprehend what she is reading so it
is important to set a nice and slow pace.
What books/or Lexile levels will work best with this students?
She is currently reading at a Fountas and Pinnell level H/I. She is reading at about a 300L
lexile level as well.
If you could speak to the student's parents what would you recommend that they do to help?
The mother would like to be supportive but Breana is actually more fluent that her mother. I
would look into possibly finding a computer program that could give Breana some extra help. I
also think that if her mother could make more books available to Breana that she would take
advantage of that and practice reading on her own (public library). Her mother is supportive
but I am not real sure on how helpful she could be on building Breana's fluency and
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
BEDR Y420 Reading Diagnostic Case Study Rubric
Does Not Yet
(0.000 pt)
(3.000 pts)
(2.000 pts)
(1.000 pt)
Reason for
Referral: Based on
information and
test data 1a & b Knowing and
young children’s
characteristics and
needs, from birth
through age
8 (1.000, 6%)
explanation based
on teacher
information and
test score data.
Reason for
referral based on
information or test
score data
Reason based
on general,
account of child's
behavior. 3bKnowing about
and using
and other
assessment tools
and approaches,
including the use
of technology in
assessment and
collection. (2.000,
Rich, thick
description based
on the TROLL
instrument and
other anecdotal
evidence from
observation, as
well as a thorough
analysis of the
Description based
on physical
observation of the
student, including
using the TROLL,
as well as some
analysis of the
based on
observation of
the student and
analysis is
is minimal
and no
analysis is
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
Description of the
Child. 1a-Knowing
and understanding
young children's
characteristics and
needs. (1.000, 6%)
includes age,
description, and
comparison to
average student at
this grade level.
strengths and
includes at least
two attributes and
general description
of strengths and
consists or less of student is
than two
vague or not
Analysis of
Assessment Data:
Pre and post
tutoring , and goal
setting for tutoring
sessions. 3aUnderstading the
goals, benefits,
and uses of
assessment including its uses
in development of
appropriate goals,
curriculum, and
teaching strategies
for young children.
3b- Knowing about
and using
and other
assessment tools
and approaches,
including the use
of technology in
assessment, and
data collection. 3cUnderstanding and
assessment to
promote positive
outcomes for each
child, including
Assessment data
and analysis
includes pre/post
word test, IRI, plus
any other
assessments to
Assessment data
and analysis
includes at least
one pre/post test,
and an IRI.
includes either
word test or
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
the use of assistive
technology for
children with
disabilities. (4.000,
Lesson Plans:
Description of
targeted tutoring
lessons for the
students. 1c-Using
knowledge to
create healthy,
supportive, and
environments for
young children.
4c-Using a broad
repetoire of
approaches. 5aUnderstanding
content knowledge
and resources in
language &
literacy. 5c Using
own knowledge,
appropriate early
learning standards
and other
resources to
design, implement,
and evaluate
meaningful and
curriculum for
each child. (4.000,
At least five minilessons are
included in the
portfolio. All
components of the
lesson are
At least four
mini-lessons are
included in the
portfolio. All
components of the
lesson are
Less than four Less than
three miniare included
lesson are
and/or some
components of
the lesson are
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
Evaluation: Child's
growth in phonics,
fluency and
4d- Reflecting on
own practice to
promote positive
outcomes for each
child. (2.000,
comparison of
abilities at the
beginning of
tutoring with the
abilities at the
conclusion of
comparison of
abilities at the
beginning and end
of the tutoring
time period.
Vague or
statements of
for parents and
future tutors. 3dKnowing about
partnerships with
families and with
colleagues to build
effective learning
environments. 6eEngaging in
Recommendations Recommendations Information
are wide-ranging are useful to future provided to
and helpful to
future tutors is
future tutors.
not useful.
evidence of
or not
2.5.1 BEDR Y420 Diagnostic Case Study – Average Performing Example
informed advocacy
for young children
and the early
profession. (1.000,
37 pts 82.22%
Instructor’s Comments: The TROLL scores are not discussed or mentioned in the case
study. Limited analysis and discussion of assessments. No evidence was scanned in as proof.
The portfolio and the case study are two different projects. Evidence must be scanned in.You
had ample documentation in your portfolio but did not utilize it in the case study. You met but
did not exceed expectations.