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Series / Oracle Enterprise Manager 101 / Vanting, Schepanek / 222307-3 / Chapter A
Blind Folio A:1
More Useful
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 5:28:17 PM
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Series / Oracle Enterprise Manager 101 / Vanting, Schepanek / 222307-3 / Appendix A
Blind Folio A:2
Oracle Enterprise Manager 101
n this chapter we take a look at the different (web) support resources,
discussion forums, user and news groups available on Oracle Enterprise
Manager topics. Both the ones provided through Oracle Corporation, as
well as other providers will be presented.
Oracle EM Web Support Resources &
Oracle provides on-line information and documentation in several ways, some are
for free and some only are available through an Oracle support contract. You will
find some general information about EM on For example to
access information about Oracle9i Manageability, choose Database (under Products
in left side) | Manageability or click the Products icon and select Enterprise Manager
on the Product Index page. EM also has its own area at
Much of this information can be used to get a quick overview of EM and also
assist you in introducing the various features of EM to other, for example your
manager. In the following we will take a look at what Oracle offer with respect to
knowledgebase and discussion groups, especially concerning EM issues.
Oracle MetaLink
Oracle Metalink is a centralized site for viewing bugs, downloading patches,
searching technical articles and the knowledgebase as well as issuing iTARs and
posting questions in the different forums available. Below an overview of the
different areas within MetaLink:
Top Tech Docs (support articles such as technical notes, alerts and
references to product manuals, "read me" files and installation guides). The
documents are grouped after products and areas. EM is covered under the
“Enterprise Manager” part.
Product Lifecycle (product availability and de-support notifications for
Oracle products in the US)
Searchable bug database
Patches for download
Support Forums for a wide range of Oracle products, including EM. Useful
for handling issues, which are not of acute and critical character to you
(handling one thread can take days).
TAR system (iTAR) for more critical issues involving Oracle Support.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 5:28:17 PM
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Series / Oracle Enterprise Manager 101 / Vanting, Schepanek / 222307-3 / Appendix A
Blind Folio A:3
Web A:
More Useful Information
News & Events
Oracle e-Business Suite Release 11i and Euro Info Center
You must subscribe to Oracle Support in order to get access to the MetaLink
knowledge base. Through the search functionality (basic and advanced), you can
query the knowledge base for certain keywords. You can specify the search to
include registered bugs, articles and forum messages.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Technical Forum
Choose Forums and then select “Oracle Enterprise Manager” from the Forum
drop-down list box and click Open Forum. By default you will get a list of threads
related to EM registered or modified within the last 7 days. Optionally you can narrow
down the time period, choosing from showing the threads modified since your last visit
or those modified in various ranges from 1 day up to 360 days. Now you have access
to the threads registered concerning EM issues and can create your own thread by
clicking the Post New Message button. Before creating a new thread it is a good idea
to perform a search first, maybe your issue has already been addressed.
Oracle Technology Network
The Oracle Technology Network (OTN) is a website with various types of
information, including:
Products, Technologies, Documentation Internet DBA
Downloads and Sample Code
Hosted Development OracleMobile Online Studio and Portal Studio
Discussion Forums, Events, and User Groups
Skill Marketplace
Find a Job and Post a Job
Training & Support
Training & Certification, Consulting, Support, and
Security Alerts
Service Network
Ask a Question and Answer a Question
Other Communities
Oracle Partner Network and OracleAppsNet
You access OTN through one of the URLs or http:// You will find EM specific information under
.com/products/oem/content.html, where the different components and new features of
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Series / Oracle Enterprise Manager 101 / Vanting, Schepanek / 222307-3 / Appendix A
Blind Folio A:4
Oracle Enterprise Manager 101
EM are described. You will also find some demonstrations presented as so called
viewlets, for example Real Application Clusters Management with Enterprise
Manager 9i.
OTN additionally provides a lot of different discussion forums in different areas
and Oracle products. The EM forum is accessed from the “Discussion Forums” link
under the “Collaboration” part on the main OTN page. You will find the EM forum
under Products | Database | Enterprise Manager.
Latest Oracle On-Line Documentation
The Oracle documentation is normally delivered on a separate CD-ROM with your
Oracle8i or 9i distribution set. But you can also get access to both the 8i and 9i
documentation on the following URL:
This website contains the latest Oracle documentation in both HTML and PDF
formats, the latter format is useful for downloading and/or printing the individual
manuals. The site also includes a nice text search feature.
Monthly Newsletter “emAccess”
The Product Management Team of System Management Products at Oracle, which
is involved with development of EM and the Management Packs, produces a
newsletter called emAccess. It is released on a monthly basis via email to
subscribed customers and users. It contains lots of information regarding EM: Events
and Tradeshows where to see demos or presentations about EM, other web
resources made available, new technical features or even information about new
patches available for EM. You can subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email
with your name, company and your company email-id (no freemail accounts) to
EM's product management at "" with the following subject:
EM 101: emAccess subscription request
Other Internet Resources
Besides the above mentioned support and documentation sites provided by Oracle
Corporation, other news groups and mailing lists exist.
Usenet Discussion Forums
For example, the Usenet discussion forums, which can be accessed through a
news server or from the Google website ( On this
website a 20 year Usenet archive is available containing more than 700 million
messages. The Oracle-related groups can be reached at
groups?hl=en& including the following:
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 5:28:18 PM
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Series / Oracle Enterprise Manager 101 / Vanting, Schepanek / 222307-3 / Appendix A
Blind Folio A:5
Web A:
More Useful Information
You can locate a news server, which hosts a specific discussion group through
for example the “” website, which you can find at
Oracle Press
Osborne/McGraw-Hill maintains a website for this book for posting scripts
and errata. It can be reached through the URL or From here, search for this book by ISBN, and
you will get access to this book's page, and a section for downloads.
This appendix provided you with information about different support web sites and
user groups, focusing on Enterprise Manager issues. These different resources helps
you keeping up with the latest development around EM and assist you in any
troubleshooting of EM components, you might need to do.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 5:28:18 PM