p p l he t e e h s fact Useful CALD Resources Cultural profiles Name of resource and author CALD Resources (2010), Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) Overview and target group Accessing the resource A New Zealand website providing e-resources developed to support health practitioners and others working with CALD groups to increase cultural competence. http://www.caldresources.org.nz/info/ ResourceLanding.php A CD can be ordered to support the website resources. P: +64 9440 6926 F: +64 9486 8347 E: cald@waitematadhb.govt.nz Community Profiles for health care providers (2011),Queensland Health This website provides links to handbooks that will assist healthcare workers and others working with CALD groups to better understand cultural differences. A series of 18 cultural profiles are provided as well as handbooks specifically addressing Sikh, Muslim and Hindu. .pdf files can be downloaded as a booklet or specific chapters of interest. Home and Personal Care Kit (2004), Migrant Information Centre, Eastern Melbourne and Home and Community Care (HACC) This kit is aimed at home and personal care workers, to enable them to communicate in a culturally sensitive way; however the cultural and religious fact sheets are useful for anybody working with CALD groups. Also includes useful references for further reading. Cultural Resources webpage. The kit can be found under the heading ‘Cultural Profiles’ Information for new Muslim students and staff (2010), Flinders University Information provided by Flinders http://www.flinders.edu.au/oasis/ University including a list of halal food groups/muslim/home.cfm outlets and restaurants in Adelaide. Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Short resource on how to pack healthy lunchboxes for children. Queensland Health, Community Nutrition Unit (2007 and updated 2010) People of Arabic, African and Asian backgrounds. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ multicultural/default.asp P: +61 7 3328 9010 E: QTMHC@health.qld.gov.au http://www.miceastmelb.com.au/ culturalresources.htm Available in PDF from the following link: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ multicultural/public/nutrition.asp scroll down to ‘Healthy Lunches’ and click on required language. Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012 Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Name of resource and author Overview and target group Accessing the resource Anaemia is not having enough iron in your blood (2003), Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors Inc. (ASeTTS) WA A picture based information sheet on the causes and symptoms of anaemia. http://pubs.asetts.org.au/Anaemia% 20Pamphlet.pdf Choose water as a drink (2011), NSW Health A simple fact sheet that promotes the consumption of water as a drink for children in a variety of languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/8925.asp Eat fewer snacks and select healthier A simple fact sheet that promotes alternatives (2011), NSW Health and provides options for healthier snack alternatives in a variety of languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/8920.asp Eat more fruit and vegetables (2010), NSW Health A simple fact sheet that promotes the consumption of the recommended number of serves of fruit and vegetables for children – includes what is a serve, tips to get children to eat fruit and vegies and ways to include these in meals and snacks. Provided in a variety of languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/8730.asp Factsheets and brochures (2011), NSW Food Authority Consumer factsheets and brochures on a wide variety of health related topics in several different languages. http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov. au/consumers/consumer-resources/ factsheets-and-brochures/ P: 1300 552 406 E: contact@foodauthority.nsw.gov.au Five ways to a healthy lifestyle (2011), NSW Health A guide to healthy eating and physical activity in a variety of languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/8910.asp Healthy Shopping Tour DVD (2011), Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) How to plan shopping and interpret food labels. For consumers and available in several different languages. http://www.eccq.com.au/what-we-do/ health/chronic-disease/resources-2/ healthy-shopping-tour-dvd DVD can be ordered by: P: (07) 3255 1540 E: cdadmin@eccq.com.au Lifescripts (2010), Department of Health and Ageing Consumer resources addressing SNAP (smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity) risk factors that have been translated into Vietnamese, Chinese, Italian, Greek and Arabic. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/ publishing.nsf/Content/lifescripts-trans Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012 Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Name of resource and author Overview and target group Accessing the resource Resources by language (n.d.), NSW Health Search for resources by language http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ on a variety of health related issues. mhcs/languages.html Victorian Refugee Health Network (n.d.) Main link to nutrition section which includes a range of resources such as brochures on healthy eating and food safety, calcium, vitamin D and iron. http://www.refugeehealthnetwork.org. au/resources/Nutrition Stories in basic English that support healthy eating messages and being active for new arrivals, ESL teachers, Community workers and health professionals. Order form available at: http://www. nutritionaustralia.org/sites/www. nutritionaustralia.org/files/qld/Brochure_ Your%20Healthy%20Life.pdf Overview and target group Accessing the resource Nutrition education program which targets CALD groups where English is a second language. It is designed to be delivered by people with no nutrition background. Consists of a flip chart with accompanying script, PowerPoint and Presenters Handbook. The program is currently being trialled with CALD participants. Final resources will be available on the HELPP website early in 2013 Your Healthy Life (n.d.) Nutrition Australia P: (03) 9389 8908 E: info@refugeehealthnetwork.org.au Food Literacy Programs (FLiPs) Name of resource and author HELPP Nutrition Education for CALD groups (2012) Healthy Eating Local Policies and Programs (HELPP) P: (08) 7421 9975 W: www.wecanhelpp.com.au E: helpp@flinders.edu.au Seven modules: • Food handling • General healthy eating • Cooking & processing methods • Label reading • Nutrients at risk • Food and your teeth • Key food safety steps. Fairfield Refugee Nutrition Project: Resource Training Manual (2007), NSW Refugee Health Service, NSW Health Lesson plans on: • Bad Foods and Better Alternatives • Food Experiences in Australia • Food Literacy and Sampling • Food Storage and Safety • Lunchbox Workshop • Cooking Traditional Foods in Australia • Food Groups • Food Pyramid • Group Cooking • Supermarket Tour Complete document can be downloaded at: http://www.sswahs.nsw.gov.au/services/ refugee/pdf/NutritionProgramManual. pdf Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012 Food Literacy Programs (FLiPs) Name of resource and author Overview and target group Accessing the resource Good food for new arrivals (2012), Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors Inc. (ASeTTS) WA Training modules developed for service providers working with new arrivals to build the cultural competency and capacity of workers in relation to delivering healthy eating messages. http://nutrition.asetts.org.au/packageoverview/resources/ Healthy Food in the First Seven Days (2009), Nourishing New Communities, Queensland Health, Multicultural Health Provides resources to assist workers and volunteers working with newly arrived refugees in the first six months. Some information specific to Queensland. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ multicultural/health_workers/nutritn_ res.asp Living Strong, What’s in food? Fat & Sugar Content (2008), Queensland Government A healthy lifestyle group-based program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities. Promotional materials and an evaluation of the program are also available. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/lightenup/ living_strong My Heart, My Family, Our Culture (2008), Heart Foundation Resources for health professionals working in Aboriginal Health. http://www.healthinfonet.ecu. edu.au/key-resources/programsprojects?pid=754 Overview and target group Accessing the resource Poster consisting of the 5 key food safety steps, designed for people from a range of backgrounds and is available in 68 languages including Persian, Malay and Dari. The poster can be downloaded and printed from the WHO website: Provides an education session to train workers and volunteers on food and kitchen safety who work with newly arrived refugees in the first six months. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ multicultural/health_workers/nutritn_ res.asp#Food A comprehensive kit dealing with all aspects of food safety, including posters. Available in several languages and aimed at charities and community groups that provide food. Printed copies available. Poster displaying the safe storage of perishable foods. Available in several different languages including some with MP3 Audio. Scroll down to Safe Food, Safe Kitchens http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ multicultural/public/nutrition.asp P: (08) 9227 2700 E: nutrition@asetts.org.au P: (07) 3328 9010 E: multicultural@health.qld.gov.au E: lighten_up@health.qld.gov.au for how to order resources Food Safety Name of resource and author Five keys to safer food (n.d.), World Health Organisation (WHO) Food and Kitchen Safety for Newly Arrived Refugees (2009), Nourishing New Communities, Queensland Health, Multicultural Health Food Safety Information Kit – Charities and Community Groups (2010), Government of South Australia, Department of Health Safe Food, Safe Kitchens (2007), Queensland Health, Community Nutrition Unit http://www.who.int/foodsafety/ publications/consumer/5keys/en/ P: (07) 3328 9010 E: multicultural@health.qld.gov.au E: food@health.sa.gov.au or download from http://www.health.sa.gov.au/pehs/Food/ kit-charities-community.htm Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012 Lunchbox Resources Name of resource and author Overview and target group Accessing the resource Food safety and healthy lunchbox ideas for you and your family (2009), Uniting Care Burnside, NSW Refugee Health Service and The Smith Family A resource booklet for fathers with English as their second language about food safety and healthy lunchboxes. The poster can be downloaded and printed from the WHO website: Healthy Lunches, Queensland Health (2010), Community Nutrition Unit Short resource on how to pack healthy lunchboxes for children. Aimed at people of Arabic, African and Asian backgrounds. Available in.pdf from the following link: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/ publications/consumer/5keys/en/ http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ multicultural/public/nutrition.asp scroll down to ‘Healthy Lunches’ and click on the required language P: (07) 3328 9010 E: multicultural@health.qld.gov.au Lunchbox checklist (2010), NSW Health Checklist to help children understand which foods make up a healthy lunch box provided in different languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/7725.asp Nutrition for kids (2005), NSW Health Fact sheets that provide basic information about lunchboxes and the five food groups in a variety of languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/7640.asp School Lunchbox posters (2004), Association for Services to Torture, & Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS) Pictorial posters showing culturally appropriate foods to include in a healthy lunchbox. African poster: http://pubs.asetts.org.au/School%20 lunch1-af.pdf Asian poster: http://pubs.asetts.org.au/School%20 lunch2-as.pdf Australian poster: http://pubs.asetts.org.au/School%20 lunch3-oz.pdf Middle Eastern poster: http://pubs.asetts.org.au/School%20 lunch4-me.pdf Select healthier snacks (2010), NSW Health A simple fact sheet that promotes the consumption of healthy snacks for children - includes tips on making quick and easy healthy snacks that appeal to children. Provided in a variety of languages. http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/ publication_details/8740.asp Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012 Recipes and Food Name of resource and author Overview and target group Accessing the resource Cultural Recipes (n.d), Migrant Information Centre – Eastern Melbourne A collection of recipes from different communities living in the eastern region of Melbourne. Cultures in the recipe book include Afghan, Karen, Bangladesh, Pakistani, German, Sudanese and Anglo-Australia. http://www.miceastmelb.com.au/ documents/CulturalRecipesbooklet.pdf Finding familiar foods: list of common foods’ (2004), Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors List of common Middle Eastern and African foods and their alternate names. Middle Eastern foods http://pubs.asetts.org.au/nutrition/ Documents/Arabic%20food%20list.pdf Living Strong, Healthy Lifestyle Cookbook (2008), Queensland Government A picture based recipe book that supports the Living Strong Program. More than Nutrition: Culture & Cuisine from Ethnically Diverse Regions (2012), HELPP This booklet focusses on the cuisine Available for download via the link of various cultures, eating customs below: and common ingredients. www.wecanhelpp.com.au Religious food requirements (2012), HELPP This fact sheet gives a summary of the food requirements for some widely known religions. Available for download via the link below Shopping for Groceries: Where can I get my groceries from around Adelaide? (2012), HELPP A list of ethnic grocery stores in Adelaide. Available for download via the link below: SBS Food Safari (2008) This website gives a good summary of regional cuisines including key ingredients and cooking utensils. Click on the cuisine tab and select the region or country of interest. This booklet focusses on recipes using exotic herbs and spices. For a full list of suppliers please consult the HELPP local groceries list. Available for download via the link below: The Cook’s Thesaurus (2006) This website lists a range of ingredients including fruit and vegetables, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions. http://www.foodsubs.com/ Try this instead… (2012), HELPP A pictorial resource showing alternatives to some foods used in ethnic cooking. Also includes links to useful websites. Available for download via the link below: Spice it up: Recipes using exotic herbs and spices (2012), HELPP African foods http://pubs.asetts.org.au/nutrition/ Documents/African%20food%20list2. pdf http://www.health.qld.gov.au/lightenup/ living_strong E: lighten_up@health.qld.gov.au for how to order resources www.wecanhelpp.com.au www.wecanhelpp.com.au http://www.sbs.com.au/food/foodsafari/ about www.wecanhelpp.com.au www.wecanhelpp.com.au Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012 Other Name of resource and author Overview and target group Accessing the resource Calendar of Cultural and Religious Dates (2012) Australian Government, Department of Immigration and Citizenship This calendar is aimed at raising awareness of the various celebrations that are important to different cultures. http://www.immi.gov.au/living-inaustralia/a-multicultural-australia/ calendar-australia/ Health Translations Online Directory (n.d), State Government of Victoria Search engine provided by the State Government of Victoria for resources on specific topics in different languages. www.healthtranslations.vic.gov.au Other languages (2011), Department of Health and Ageing A tool to translate short pieces of text or whole websites into over 25 different languages. http://health.gov.au/internet/ main/publishing.nsf/content/ other+languages-1 Smarter serve: good food for our community (2012), Local Government Association of Queensland This resource was produced specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander councils to assist with the provision of healthier food at council related events. Resources and materials can be downloaded from: http:// www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu. au/key-resources/promotionresources?lid=23263 Swap it, Don’t stop it! (n.d.), Australian Government A suite of resources including brochures and a 12 week planner that support the government’s Swap it, Don’t stop it!, social marketing campaign that have been translated into over 15 different languages. http://swapit.gov.au/resources/otherlanguages The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (n.d.), Australian Government Database and resources, providing the general public with statistics and information on permanent arrivals to Australia. http://swapit.gov.au/resources/otherlanguages Together here for a healthier life… improving migrant health in regional South Australia (2012), Government of South Australia, SA Health A storybook documenting the work carried out by the Country Health SA Local Health Network (CHSA LHN) in four regional areas (Riverland, Murray Bridge, Adelaide Hills and the South East) with local organisations in 2012. Primary Prevention Co-ordinator To order resources in different languages E: info@swapit.gov.au To order resources in difference languages E: info@swapit.gov.au Population Health Development Portfolio Country Health SA Local Health Network P: (08) 8226 6641 Contact HELPP: P (08) 7421 9975 www.wecanhelpp.com.au November 2012