PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Grant Agreement no.: Project Acronym: Project Title: Instrument: Thematic Priority: Deliverable nº.: Deliverable Title: Date of preparation: Author(s): Deliverable lead partner: WP Leader: Partners involved: Dissemination level: PROJECT 308468 PVCROPS Photovoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Collaborative Project FP7-ENERGY.2012.2.1.1 DELIVERABLE 9.4 Description of testing kits 31/05/2015 Nikolay Tyutyundzhiev, Francisco Martínez CL-SENES CL-SENES CL-SENES, UPM, ACCIONA PUBLIC 1 INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION. 1 2. TESTING KITS. 3 2.1 TESTING KIT 1. Reference PV modules: Global performance of the PV system. 4 2.1.1. Summary. 2.2. TESTING KIT 2. I-V curve tracers: performance of PV modules/arrays. 10 11 2.2.1. Single I-V curve tracer. 12 2.2.2. Twin I-V curve tracer. 23 2.2.3. Summary. 25 2.3. TESTING KIT 3. Climatic box: detailed performance of PV modules. 2.3.1. On-site measurements at STC. 26 26 2.3.2. On-site measurements of temperature coefficients and efficiency parameters of the PV module. 2.3.3. Summary. 2.4. TESTING KIT 4. PID tester: Potential Induced Degradation detection. 31 34 35 2.4.1. Laboratory degradation and detection tests. 35 2.4.2. Detection tests on the field. 37 2.4.3. Summary. 44 2.5. TESTING KIT 5. Hot-spot tester: thermal inspection. 46 2.5.1. Traditional hot-spot detection. 48 2.5.2. Hot-spot detection with PV drones. 48 2.5.3. PV drone aerial photogrammetry. 53 2.5.4. Summary. 56 2.6. TESTING KIT 6. Full PV system tester: detailed performance analysis. 58 2.6.1. AC characterization. 60 2.6.2. DC characterization. 62 DC characterization integrated into SCADA. 65 2.6.3. Inverter characterization. 67 2.6.4. Portable SCADA tool (microSCADA). 69 2.6.5. Summary. 74 3. CONCLUSIONS. 77 4. REFERENCES. 79 1. INTRODUCTION. In the last years, grid-connected PV installations (BIPV and large commercial PV plants) have become an interesting financial product, even without subsidized feed-in tariff. This is the reason why less than 10 years have been enough to achieve a total installed PV power[1] above 100 GW. As for any financial product, some cares must be taken into account in order to guarantee, first, the investment recovery and, second, a good profitability of the PV installation during its whole lifetime. These objectives will be achieved if the PV system finally constructed fulfils the energy production expectations established at its initial design. On the one hand, in order to achieve these objectives, the PV project must be properly defined through a set of technical specifications that report about how the PV installation must be implemented and what are the characteristics that each individual device should have. So, if these technical specifications are met, good practices will dominate in the system, what will enable to reduce the maintenance costs; and bad practices that lead to mistakes, failures and a lower energy production will be avoided[2]. This way, profitability of the real PV installation will be equal than the predicted one, or even above it, with a higher probability. On the other hand, the fulfilment of these technical specifications must be checked during the implementation of the PV installation, but also once it has been constructed and during its lifetime. This can be achieved through a set of testing procedures whose objective is making sure if the actual devices installed perform like those defined at the initial design. Both, the technical specifications defined to achieve the most profitable performance of the PV system and the quality control procedures designed to analyze the fulfilment of these technical specifications, have been already reported in the PVCROPS project and have been validated by several experts of the PV community (Deliverable 2.2, Deliverable 9.3). These documents try to show to the different actors of the PV industry that the final quality of a PV system can be improved if a detailed definition of the characteristics that should present the individual parts of a PV installation is done and if the responsabilities in case of misoperation (constructor, PV modules manufacturer, PV 1 inverter manufacturer, maintenance staff, etc.) are clearly established before the construction of the PV system. The source of each particular mistake can be detected thanks to the quality control procedures specifically designed to check the individual performance of each PV device or even the general performance of the whole PV system. Besides, these quality control procedures can be also useful to get a more accurate characterization of each device, which allows reducing the uncertainty and achieving more accurate values for the yearly energy production estimations. Now, this report shows the testing kits that have been designed in the PVCROPS project to execute the quality control procedures proposed, what are the devices that should be used and what are the devices that can even be implemented. Also several testing campaigns which have been done in real PV installations using the proposed devices are reported. In these testing campaigns, the new devices have been applied in order to validate its usefulness. The results obtained, together with some recommendations, demonstrate that these testing kits constitute suitable equipment to properly analyse the behaviour of grid-connected PV systems and/or the behaviour of their main components. 2 2. TESTING KITS. In this chapter the different testing kits proposed by the PVCROPS project to perform the quality control procedures previously defined are presented. The first one is the more basic testing kit and allows evaluating the global performance of the PV system as a black box: it reports if the output energy production injected into the grid is the proper one, only taking into account the power installed and the meteorological conditions at which the PV system has operated during the considered period (effective irradiance and cell temperature). The next 4 testing kits are intended for the study of PV modules/arrays: measurement of the module main electrical variables, its behaviour at different operating conditions and the detection of abnormal operation due to internal anomalies (Potential Induced Degradation and hot-spots). The final testing kit has the objective of obtaining a very accurate and detailed analysis of the PV installation, from the whole PV system performance, reporting clearly about anomalous situations in its operation, to the individual performance of PV arrays and inverters, reporting about the fulfilment of their actual characteristics related to the ones stated by the manufacturers. Some of these testing kits are based on the combination of general and accessible commercial equipment and detailed testing procedures expressly designed to properly evaluate the performance of the main devices of a PV installation. And some other testing kits have been specifically designed and fully assembled by the PVCROPS team in order to customize the test related to some PV devices, getting accurate results in a less expensive way. 3 2.1. TESTING KIT 1. Reference PV modules: Global performance of the PV system. Technical performance of a grid-connected PV installation is usually assessed by means of the Performance Ratio, PR, observed during a given period of time. This index is defined[3] in IEC 61724 and is calculated as ππ = πΈAC,real πΊefΔT ∗ πNOM πΊ∗ 1 where the symbol * refers to Standard Test Conditions (STC), EAC,real is the real AC energy injected into the grid during the test period οT (it can be obtained from the energy meters as the difference between the reading at the end of the test and its initial ∗ value), πNOM is the contractual nominal power of the PV system under study, GefΔt is the effective global solar irradiation in the plane of the array during the test period οT and G* is the global solar irradiance at STC (G* = 1000 W/m2). So, calculating PR only requires integrating records of effective irradiance, Gef. This mere PR is adequate for qualifying global technical quality of a PV installation if full year periods are considered. This is because for a given PV installation and site, the PR value tends to be constant along the years, as much as the climatic conditions tend to repeat. Therefore, PR value is time and site dependent. This is due to its dependence on the operation temperature which, in turns, depends on the climatic conditions and, therefore, on the site and on the time of the year. So, the mere PR is generally not adequate for sub-year periods (days, weeks, months…). As an example, Figure 1 shows the weekly PR variation (PRW) measured at a PV plant located in Navarra (Spain) during one year. The figure shows values larger than 1 because the real peak power of the modules is slightly larger than the nominal value and because winter is typically very sunny but very cold in the location of this PV plant. The key point here is to observe that PR varies up to ο±10% along the year and even up ο±5% along the same month. 4 Figure 1. Observed evolution of the weekly PR and PRSTC during a whole year at a PV plant located in Navarra (Spain). When sub-year periods are considered, the PR dependence on unavoidable and timedependent losses requires corresponding correction in order to properly qualify the technical quality of a PV plant. These losses are the ones derived from the efficiency variation with temperature and irradiance, from intrinsic to PV design phenomena (shades and inverter saturation) and from possible angular and spectral response differences between the PV array and the irradiance and cell temperature sensors. A convenient way of doing such correction is to consider the so-called Performance Ratio at STC PRSTC, οt ο½ PRοt οu (1 ο οEu ) 2 where οE represents energy losses during the considered period and the subscript “u” extends to all the unavoidable energy losses phenomena. So, the PRSTC calculation requires records of Gef, but also records of cell temperature, TC, and some modelling. 5 In our case, we are going to work with the PV performance model adopted by SISIFO, a PV simulation software developed at PVCROPS, free available at and whose main equation is: ∗ ππ·πΆ (πΊππ , ππΆ ) = ππππ · πΊππ πΊππ πΊππ · [1 + πΎ · (πC − πC∗ )][π + π ∗ + π · ln ∗ ] ∗ πΊ πΊ πΊ 3 This model describes thermal losses by means of gamma, ο§, a value which is always found at the manufacturer datasheets (TC* is the value of the cell temperature at STC, TC* = 25ºC). Moreover, the three parameter a, b and c, describing the efficiency dependence on irradiance are obtained from values corresponding at two other than G* irradiance values, which must also be found at datasheets, providing they comply[4] with EN 50380. For example, thermal losses are typically the most significant at the global energetic balance of a PV plant. In energy terms, βπΈ ππΆ ≠ππΆ∗ result from weighting the power thermal losses by the incident irradiance. That is: βπΈ ππΆ ≠ππΆ∗ = ∫βt πΎ · (πC − πC∗ ) · πΊππ · dt ∫βt πΊππ · dt 4 Similarly, losses derived from efficiency dependence on irradiance are: βπΈπΊππ ≠πΊ∗ = πΊππ πΊππ ∫βt [(π − 1) + π πΊ ∗ + π · ln πΊ ∗ ] · πΊππ · dt 5 ∫βt πΊππ · dt As can be seen in Figure 1, PRSTC,W is significantly more constant than PRW (in the graph there are only two anomalous values, which are probably related with bad weather or with problems at the temperature measurements). In our opinion, the advantages derived from the use of the PRSTC is large enough to pay the price of, first, recording operation temperature and, second, modelling just based on PV manufacturer datasheet information. 6 So calculation of PR requires records of Gef; and calculation of PRSTC requires also records of TC. For the measurements of such variables we recommend to use reference PV modules of the same type of that the concerned array installed in the same supporting structure. This way, correction due to the transposition from horizontal to the plane of array (solar radiation sensor used to be horizontal pyranometers) and also correction for angular, spectral and soiling responses are avoided, as well as their corresponding uncertainties. In order to measure effective irradiance, Gef, a module of the same type has to be shortcircuited by using a calibrated resistor (shunt), which allow to obtain the short-circuit current of the PV module. This variable is directly related to irradiance, as is established in the international standards[5][6][7]: Gef ο½ G *· I SC, ref I SC,refC * · 1 ο¨ 1 ο« ο‘ Isc · TC ο TC* ο© 6 In this equation ISC,ref is the short-circuit current measured, ISC,refC* is the value of this current at STC (given by an accredited laboratory after the calibration process), and αIsc is the module’s temperature coefficient of short-circuit current. On similar lines, in order to measure cell temperature, TC, a module of the same type has to be open-circuited, which allow to obtain the short-circuit voltage of the PV module. This variable is related to cell temperature, as is established in the international standards[8]. VOC,ref ο VOC,refC ο« β Voc · N S,ref · TC* * TC ο½ ο¦ m· k Gef οΆ N S,ref · ο§ β Voc ο« · Ln * ο· ο§ q G ο·οΈ ο¨ 7 In this equation VOC,ref is the open-circuit voltage measured, VOC,refC* is the value of this voltage at STC (given by a laboratory after the calibration process), NS,ref is the number of PV cells composing the sensor, m is the diode ideality factor (in the one diode model its value is between 1 and 2, typically 1.3 from crystalline silicon), k is the Boltzmann 7 constant, q is the electron charge and βVoc is the module’s temperature coefficient of open-circuit voltage. This is in practice a better indicator of TC than the direct temperature measurements given by thermocouples, PT100 or PT1000 sensors glued to the back of modules. The open-circuit voltage avoids possible sensors sticking failures and also the uncertainty associated to non-homogeneous temperature distributions inside the PV modules. This is because the sensor is glued to a single point while the open circuit voltage of the PV module integrates the values corresponding to all the solar cells. On the other hand, as the reference module of cell temperature is in open circuit and the PV array is in operation delivering power, hence slightly cooler[9][10][11], a small correction must be done in the cell temperature. This is because the reference module has to dissipate all the solar energy reaching it as heat, while the PV array dissipates a part of the whole solar energy by delivering power. It is easy to see that the following equation applies: TC,A ο½ TC,MR ο NOTC ο 20 800 ο G ο ηο¨Gef , TC ο© 8 where TC,A is the array cell temperature, TC,RM is the reference module cell temperature, NOCT is the nominal operation cell temperature and ο¨ (Gef, TC) is the module efficiency ο¨(πΊππ , ππΆ ) = πΊππ πΊππ π∗ · [1 + πΎ · (πC − πC∗ )] [π + π ∗ + π · ln ∗ ] ∗ π΄πππ · πΊ πΊ πΊ πΊ πΊ ππ ππ = ο¨∗ · [1 + πΎ · (πC − πC∗ )] [π + π ∗ + π · ln ∗ ] πΊ πΊ 9 Both reference PV modules to measure Gef and TC are not commercially available and they have to be specifically stabilized and calibrated in recognized laboratories. The stabilization requires a minimum light soaking of 60 kWh/m2, as established at international standards[12][13]. Sometimes is difficult to find a free place in the structure to install two reference PV modules to measure operation conditions Gef and TC. Then, an option is to use only one 8 reference module as the unique sensor of both Gef and TC. This can be achieved by taking advantage of the module internal connections in the junction box. Thus, a part of the module can be short-circuited with a shunt resistor for measuring Gef while the other part is in open-circuit for measuring TC (Figure 2). (a) Figure 2. (b) (a) Single reference module that has been modified to measure simultaneously boh Gef and TC. (b) Connection box added to the module with the shunt resistor and the wiring to get both signals simultaneously (in the module’s junction box can be noticed the internal modification). The signals from the reference PV modules to measure Gef and TC should be recorded with a datalogger that must be able to store data with a good accuracy at least each minute. If so high frequency is not possible, the datalogger has to be able to store mean data that are representative of the whole interval. Otherwise, mistakes on the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly irradiation can drastically affect to the final result of PR or PRSTC. In fact, we have analysed the impact of storing instantaneous or mean data each 15 minutes during a whole year from reference modules in a PV installation. Differences even above 10% in daily irradiation and close to 3% in monthly irradiation are obtained. These differences could affect drastically to the result of performance values. 9 2.1.1. Summary. In order to obtain the global performance of a PV system PR (for yearly evaluation) or PRSTC (for sub-year periods) records of effective irradiance, Gef, and cell temperature, TC, are needed. These values should be stored each minute or higher frequency with a datalogger of good accuracy. In case of a lower data acquisition frequency, the stored values must be mean values of the whole interval in order to be representative. For the measurements of Gef and TC we recommend to use reference modules of the same type of that the used in the PV array, previously stabilized and calibrated in a recognized laboratory. This ensures that both PV array modules and reference modules will have the same spectral, angular and thermal responses and a similar degree of soiling, thus minimizing the uncertainty of the measurements of these parameters. These reference PV modules (or one single module modified to act simultaneously as both Gef and TC sensor) should be installed some time before the beginning of test (so, they will be affected by similar soiling) and they must be placed in a place of the PV installation which provides representatives values of Gef and TC for the full PV array. The use of reference modules is a better option than the current state of the art based on pyranometers and thermocouples. On the one hand, pyranometers are broadband sensors that use to be installed to measure horizontal radiation. So, as their angular, spectral and soiling responses are different than the ones corresponding to a PV module, some corrections are needed in order to obtain the effective irradiance on the PV module. When a reference module is short-circuited to act as an irradiance sensor all this corrections are avoided and, consistently, the uncertainty of the final value is minimized because the effective irradiance is measured directly. On the other hand, thermocouples or similar devices (PT100, PT1000) can have sticking failures and they are only glued to a single point. So, mistakes and higher uncertainty due to nonhomogeneous temperature distributions inside the modules are more probable. Again, these problems are avoided when using a reference module in open-circuit because its voltage value is directly related to the internal cell temperature and, besides, it integrates the individual values corresponding to all the solar cells. 10 2.2. TESTING KIT 2. I-V curve tracers: performance of PV modules/arrays The key device in a PV installation is the PV module because it is responsible of converting solar energy into electricity. Therefore, the better the PV module performance is, the more electrical energy will be delivered by the PV system. Before reaching the market, the production line of a model of PV modules have to get the design qualification established at IEC 61215 and IEC 61646. The objectives of the tests in these standards are ensuring the quality and the reliability of the modules that are going to be manufactured as is defined in the production line. Although the modules belong to a production line certificated by the previous standards, it does not assure totally that the final module’s power delivered at the market is the one reported. In fact, there are studies that estimate the deviation of PV real power between 2% and 8% below their actual nominal power announced by the manufacturer[14][15]. Besides, the buy-sell contracts of PV modules use to be related to the total power of the modules delivered. For this reason, PV modules should be tested in order to know if their electrical characteristics are coherent to those reported by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the final performance of the PV system could be lower than the expected one and, therefore, the final economical incoming could not be enough to monetize the purchase of the modules. PV modules electrical characteristics use to be presented by its I-V curve at STC; that is, their working curve: the set of currents that the PV module can deliver when it is polarized at an established voltage and when their cells are at 25ºC and the irradiance reaching the module is 1000W/m2. Thanks to this characteristic, malfunction of PV modules or PV strings/arrays inside an installation can be discovered: actual power below manufacturer information, light induced degradation –LID–, potential induced degradation –PID–, mismatching losses higher than the expected ones, hot-spots, unforeseen shadows, etc. All these undesired phenomena result on a lower power value of the final system which adversely affects the energy production of the installation and, therefore, its economic income. These are several commercial I-V tracers available in the market[16], but in the PVCROPS project we have decided to develop our own I-V curve tracer for on-site 11 testing. This device can be sized to be adapted to the system which is going to be tested, from single modules –some hundreds of watts–, through single strings –some kilowatts– and reaching entire PV arrays –up to 2 megawatts. As this device is scalable, currents from several amps to a thousand of amps can be measured. Nowadays, commercial devices are limited to 100 A, so they are able to measure PV systems lower than 100 kW power. Besides, the devices implemented allow measuring every kind of PV modules because they are based on the charge of capacitors through insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), not like other commercial alternatives based on transistors which are not able to measure some kind of special modules. Finally, the proposed I-V tracer allows the PV system characterization on-site without the need to uninstall it and send individual modules back to the laboratory. In fact, the on-site characterization of PV modules is not yet a common practice within the framework of quality control procedures, despite of the fact that published results of outdoor rating procedures are very positive in terms of both accuracy and repeatability[17][18]. 2.2.1. Single I-V curve tracer. Figure 3 shows the power circuit of the capacitive load developed: Figure 3. Power circuit of the developed capacitive load based on Isolated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT). 12 ο· Insulated gate bipolar transistor 1 (IGBT1) is switched on-off sequentially for charging and discharging, respectively the capacitor C. The size of this capacitor is selected according to the required charging time, whose recommended value[19] is between 50 and 200 ms in order to avoid the capacitance effects of the PV module (faster charging times) and the variation of operating conditions during the tests (slower charging times). The charging time, tC , is slightly higher than the value given by: tC ο½ VOC C I SC 10 Where VOC and I SC are, respectively, the open-circuit voltage and the shortcircuit current of the PV module/string/array. The size of the capacitor should be adapted to the characteristics of each PV technology (between other issues, it has to have a nominal value higher than the maximum expected value of VOC ). A good practice is to calculate the needed * capacitance to get the desired charging time at STC, that is with VOC and * . Besides, these short times reduce the overheating and the size of I SC components, such as IGBTs and capacitors. ο· Diode D1 protects the load against the reverse polarity connection of the PV module/string/array. ο· The negative pre-charging circuit (sub-circuit composed of push button P1, fuse F2, resistor RP and voltage source VB), when the button P1 is pushed, applies a negative voltage (-9V) to the capacitor, which allows the voltage drop across the load to be compensated. This ensures that the I-V characteristic starts in the second quadrant (V<0, I>0) and crosses the shortcircuit point (V=0, I=ISC). The Fuse F2 protects this sub-circuit against the possibility of pushing the button P1 without performing a previous discharge of the capacitors. 13 ο· The fuse F1 protects the IGBT2 against the direct connection of the PV module, which may occur in the case of an eventual failure of the IGBT1. ο· The resistor RD allows the capacitor C to be discharged when the IGBT2 is switched ON, which should be carried out before tracing a new I-V curve. During discharging, the capacitor voltage decreases exponentially from VOC to zero with a time constant RDC. The selection of RD is a trade-off between a fast discharging with high power dissipation (low RD) or a slower discharging with lower power dissipation (high RD). ο· Finally, diode D2 is used to avoid the discharge of the capacitor C through RD and the diode of the IGBT2 when the negative pre-charging voltage has been applied. The current (I) of the PV module is measured with an external calibrated resistor (ο±0.5% accuracy), which is not displayed in Figure 3, and the voltage (V) is directly measured at the output terminal of the PV module in order to carry out a “four-wire” measurement. These signals must be registered using a differential four-channel oscilloscope (ο±1% voltage accuracy). Each IGBT is switched from the OFF state to the ON state, and vice versa, by a drive circuit, whose schematic is shown in Figure 4. The switch placed on the left-hand side of the circuit is used to select the charge (IGBT1) or the discharge (IGBT2) of the capacitor, and the push button switches ON the selected IGBT (1 or 2) when it is pressed. Finally, each control circuit is powered by the power supply displayed in Figure 5. The circuit is made up by three DC-DC converters connected to a rechargeable 12V battery, which provide three outputs: one with +5V for the supply of the debounce circuits, and two with +15V for the optocouplers. This supply circuit is designed to provide a safe isolation between control and power circuits. 14 Figure 4. Drive circuit to control the IGBTs. Figure 5. Supply circuit for the drive circuit. The I-V tracer works this way: with the capacitor initially discharged, once the IGBT1 is ON, the PV device under test (PV module, string or array) delivers its short- 15 circuit current ISC and the capacitor start to charge up. From that moment, the capacitor voltage increases until it reaches the open circuit voltage VOC. Then, the capacitor charge finishes and the current goes down to zero (Figure 6). Finally, the capacitor has to be discharged in order to get a new I-V curve. So, when IGBT2 is switched ON the resistor RD allows the capacitor C to be discharged. This process is registered by a differential four-channel oscilloscope. Four channels are needed because I-V curve (two channels) and effective irradiance, Gef, and cell temperature, TC, (other two channels) from reference modules (see 2.1) have to be registered simultaneously. So, I-V curve under real operating conditions is obtained, which can be extrapolated to STC using well-known procedures[5] to compare with the expected values (datasheet information). Figure 6. Current and voltage waveforms during the charging process. Figure 7 shows the first I-V curve tracer implemented by the IES-UPM. In order to avoid damages and to improve isolation during field tests, it has been implemented in two separated sections: the left-hand one has the control circuitry, while the right-hand one presents the high voltage capacitors. This device allows measuring from individual PV modules to large PV arrays. In order to measure a PV module or a PV array it is only needed to select the proper calibrated resistor adapted to the currents the system is going to deliver and the capacitors to obtain a charging time between 50 and 200 ms, taking into account the characteristics of the system (it has to have a nominal value 16 higher than the maximum expected value of VOC). Usually, in order to measure PV arrays it is used to be needed to include additional capacitors. Figure 7. External and internal views of the first capacitive I-V curve tracer implemented by the IESUPM. Left box contains the IGBTs and the driver and supply circuits. Right box contains the capacitors and the negative pre-charging circuit. This capacitive load is totally manual and allows the user to select its favourite differential four-channel oscilloscope. Figure 8 shows the I-t, V-t , Gef-t, TC-t and the I-V curves from a PV module (left) and from an 84 kW PV array (right) obtained with this equipment. Later, also based in this first I-V tracer, IES-UPM has implemented another two devices specifically designed to measure the I-V curve of single modules (Figure 9 (a)) and the I-V curve of PV arrays up to 2 MW (Figure 9 (b) and Figure 9 (c)). The last one has been used to measure an 800 kW PV array (Figure 10). As far as we know, this is the unique PV tracer that is able to obtain I-V curves with currents above 1000A (Figure 10 (c)). 17 Again, these capacitive tracers are totally manuals and allow the user to select its favourite differential four-channel oscilloscope to register the I-V curve and the Gef and TC signals from reference modules. (a) Figure 8. (b) (a) I-t, V-t, Gef-t and TC-t signals –up– and I-V curve –down– from a single PV module measured with the first capacitive tracer assembled by the IES-UPM. (b) I-t, V-t, Gef-t and TC-t signals –up– and I-V curve –down– from an 84 kW PV array also measured with this device. (a) Figure 9. (b) (c) (a). View of the I-V curve capacitive tracer implemented by the IES-UPM specifically designed to measure individual PV modules. It includes all the required devices and circuits in a single box. (b). View of the I-V curve capacitive tracer implemented by the IES-UPM specifically designed to measure large PV arrays up to 2 MW. This box includes the IGBTs, the driver circuit, the supply circuit and the negative pre-charging circuit. (c) View of the one of the boxes with the capacitors for the I-V curve tracer of picture b. 18 (a) (b) 1400 1095 A 642 V 703 kW 1200 I (A) 1000 1226 A 800 600 400 820 V 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 V (V) (c) Figure 10. (a). View of the I-V curve capacitive tracer implemented by the IES-UPM specifically designed to measure large PV arrays up to 2 MW. The box with the IGBTs and all the circuits as well as the two boxes with the capacitors are connected at the input wires of a real PV array of 800 kW nominal power. (b) View of the class 0.5 shunt resistor used to measure the DC current. The nominal current of this particular shunt is 1000 A. (c) I-V curve obtained from the 800 kW PV array with this capacitive tracer. As far as we know, this is the largest I-V curve measured all around the world. ACCIONA has also implemented his own I-V tracer based on the previous scheme. Figure 11 shows the device. In this case, depending on the position of the selector and the plugs selected (right side or left side) a PV module or a PV array up to 150 kW can be measured. But this time the procedure can be manual or semiautomatic: the user can push each one of the buttons of the front panel (the left-hand ones) following the sequence of charge-discharge explained before; or it can push the “automatic button” (the right-hand one) which execute the whole charge-discharge process. The user has only to prepare the oscilloscope to be ready for the acquisition of the signals, its storage and the final process to obtain the I-V curve. 19 (a) (b) (c) Manual buttons Automatic button º (d) Figure 11. Views of the I-V curve capacitive tracer implemented by ACCIONA: (a) Front part of the tracer, with the front panel to control the measure process –up– and the switch to select the device that is going to be tested–down–, a single module or an array. (b) Rear part of the tracer, with the control circuit and the batteries to feed them –up– and the two sets of capacitors to measure PV arrays –left hand– or PV modules –right hand–. (c) Side part of the tracer, with the different plugs that allow measuring PV arrays (on the other side are the plugs to measure PV modules). (d) Detail of the front panel, with the output signals (up, BNC connectors) and the buttons to measure manually (left ones) or automatically (right one). Figure 12 shows the I-t, V-t , Gef-t, TC-t and the I-V curves from a 170 W PV module (left) and from a 150 kW PV array (right) obtained with this equipment. 20 (a) Figure 12. (b) (a) I-t, V-t, Gef-t and TC-t signals –up– and I-V curve –down– from a single 170 W PV module measured with the capacitive tracer assembled by ACCIONA. (b) I-t, V-t, Gef-t and TC-t signals –up– and I-V curve –down– from a 150 kW PV array also measured with this device. Finally, CLSENES has developed more professional and automatic I-V tracers ready to be introduced into the market: one light-kit for BIPV tests, whose size and weight are suitable for easy transportation and quick test even on building roofs (Figure 13 (a)) and a second heavy-kit for PV plant tests, with a portable rolling container that carries all the heavy components which is also useful as a table for the data recording equipment (a laptop and a USB oscilloscope, Figure 13 (b)). In order to evaluate quickly the real power of PV arrays and to compare real performance with the nominal one, CLSENES has also developed an open software application based on Labview for automatic data acquisition and data processing of I-V characteristics, with a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to present curves and table data of measurements at real outdoor conditions automatically in near real-time. After additional filtering, the basic parameters from the I-V curve (ISC, VOC, IM. VM, PM and FF) are extracted for fast diagnosis of failure in the PV array. Figure 14 shows the GUI implemented by the CLSENES, with the I-t, V-t and I-V curves from a PV string measured with the BIPV testing kit. This string is affected by a high mismatch between modules characteristics, what is evidenced by the flat stair that appears in the I-V curve. 21 (a) (b) Figure 13. Views of the I-V curve capacitive tracers implemented by CLSENES. Both work automatically: (a) Light-kit for test in BIPV and small installations. It is inside a briefcase which can be easily transported. (b) Hard kit for large PV installations up to 100 kW. It is included in a portable rolling container which can be used as a table for the laptop and the oscilloscope. Figure 14. Graphical User Interface of the open source application implemented by CLSENES in Labview. This application executes the automatic data acquisition and data processing of the I-V curve measured with the capacitive tracers implemented by CLSENES once the MEASURE button is pressed (upper left corner). The menus showing the I-t and V-t curves –up– and the associated I-V curve –down– of the module measured are presented. 22 2.2.2. Twin I-V curve tracer. Previous outdoor rating procedures[17][18] rely on using a reference module and the measurement of both the test module and the reference module, calibrated by an accredited laboratory. This module, as has been said previously in 2.1, should be of the same type as the modules being tested in order to ensure that the spectral, optical and thermal responses are very similar. In a simple way, these procedures consist of the following steps. First, the two I-V curves of the sample and the reference are traced quasi-simultaneously. Second, the operating conditions (irradiance and cell temperature) are calculated through the measured short-circuit current and the open-circuit voltage of the reference. Third, the I-V curves of both reference and sample are corrected to STC[5]. And, finally, the deviations of the calculated parameters under STC of the reference regarding its calibration are calculated, and these same deviations are applied to the parameters of the sample in order to obtain its final rating under STC. In the practice, the two I-V characteristics are measured with a certain delay because common electronic loads are usually able to trace only one I-V curve at the same time. The recommended maximum interval between sample and reference module measurements is 3 minutes[17]. Obviously, the lower this delay the less different the operating conditions are. But the main advantage of minimizing this delay is the substantial reduction of the testing time, which is especially important when a high number of samples must be measured. This is the reason why IES-UPM has developed a twin capacitive load that is able to trace two I-V characteristics simultaneously in the framework of the PVCROPS project. This device may reduce the testing time and the rating uncertainty. Basically, the twin capacitive load is just the duplication of the single capacitive load that has been described in section 2.2. Figure 15 (a) shows the first version of the twin capacitive load and Figure 15 (b) shows the final version, which internally includes the oscilloscope and the calibrated resistors to measure currents. This way, external wiring needed to connect PV modules to the I-V tracer is reduced. Figure 16 shows the V-t and I-t of two PV modules (the reference one and the sample one) which has been 23 registered during the charge of the capacitors using a differential four channel oscilloscope. (a) (b) Figure 15. (a). View of the first version of the twin I-V curve capacitive tracer implemented by the IES-UPM specifically designed to simultaneously two PV modules: the sample one and the reference one. It includes all the required devices and circuits for measuring two modules in a single box. (b). Views of the final version of the twin I-V curve capacitive tracer (open –left– and closed –front part up and rear and side parts down–). This new version includes inside the box –left– the differential four-channel oscilloscope. Figure 16. (a) I-V curves of both a sample module and a reference module measured with the twin capacitive tracer assembled by IES-UPM. 24 2.2.3. Summary. In order to know if the electrical characteristics of a PV system are coherent to those reported by the modules manufacturer, PV modules, strings and/or arrays must be tested. The electrical characteristics of a PV system can be obtained from its I-V curve. Thanks to this characteristic, malfunction of PV modules or PV strings/arrays inside an installation can be discovered: actual power below manufacturer information, light induced degradation –LID–, potential induced degradation –PID–, mismatching losses higher than the expected ones, hot-spots, unforeseen shadows, etc. All these undesired phenomena result on a lower power value of the final system which adversely affects the energy production of the installation and, therefore, its economic income. In this section we have shown the design of an I-V curve tracer for on-site testing and some results. This device can be sized to be adapted to the system which is going to be tested, from single modules –some hundreds of watts–, through single strings –some kilowatts– and reaching entire PV arrays –up to 2 megawatts. It is based on the charge of capacitors through insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). For the PV system characterization it is needed reference modules as proposed in section 2.1 to obtain the effective irradiance and the cell temperature at the same time than the I-V curve is traced; a differential four-channel oscilloscope, to register both the I-V curve and the operating conditions; and a laptop to store the data and extrapolate it to STC. Several I-V curve tracers have been presented: single devices to measure manually or automatically PV modules and/or PV strings/arrays up to 2 MW; and twin devices that are able to measure simultaneously two PV modules. 25 2.3. TESTING KIT 3. Climatic box: detailed performance of PV modules. In the previous section I-V curve tracers have been presented to measure on-site at real operating conditions that use to be different than the STC. So, the measurements obtained have to be extrapolated to STC so they can be compared to the expected values as the module manufacture reports in the datasheet. Measurements at STC are usually done in laboratories with flash testers, what is the common practice today for controlling the power delivered by the PV manufacturer. Obviously, the temperature and the irradiance can be controlled at a laboratory thanks to the factory’s air conditioning system and with a complex solar simulator. Therefore, the 22 I-V curves required by international standard[6] (IEC 61853-1) that proposes to obtain the PV module performance at 4 cell temperature (from 15ºC to 75ºC) and at 7 irradiance levels (from 100W/m2 to 1100W/m2) can be measured quickly. This procedure is clearly defined for the characterization with a solar simulator inside a laboratory because in the field is hardly possible to obtain simultaneously these specific values of irradiances and cell temperatures. 2.3.1. On-site measurements at STC. Nevertheless, the PVCROPS team encourages testing on site because the best “simulator” of solar radiation all around the world is the Sun. This is the reason the PVCROPS team has designed and implemented a cheap device to measure outdoors the module power at STC: a climatic box that can be built anywhere a PV installation has been constructed to test the modules and characterize their behaviour. So, the modules can be tested on-site at STC. The only requirement is to have a sunny day, an I-V tracer (like the ones presented previously) and a datalogger to record the irradiance and the module temperature at different points. Besides, the PV module sample can be tested in the PV plant without the need of sending it to a laboratory that can be far away, with the consequent transport cost. Figure 17 shows the first version of the climatic box, which was made completely of isolated material (polystyrene). The PV module inside the climatic box is 26 cooled down to 25ºC with an external climatic device and 5 temperature sensors (PT1000) attached to the PV module back sheet are used to monitor its temperature (Figure 17 (a)). As the box is mounted on a tracking structure, it can be manually positioned (tilt and azimuth) and an external secondary solar cell helps to move it until incident irradiance is very close to 1000 W/m2 (Figure 17 (b)). Then the box cover is retired which forces the PV module to operate at Standard Test Conditions, STC (Figure 17 (c)). An I-V curve is then recorded and later adjusted to precise STC, using the incident irradiance given by a primary solar cell, also placed inside the box (Figure 17 (d)), and the PV module temperature given by the 5 PT1000 sensors attached to the PV module back sheet. These temperatures must be recorded with a datalogger simultaneously to the I-V curve acquisition. Figure 17. (a) (b) (c) (d) First version of the climatic box used for testing PV modules outdoors. It is completely made of polystyrene (a) Climatic box opened, with the PT1000 sensors inside. (b) Before the test, the PV module is placed inside the thermally insulated box, the inside temperature is forced to 25ºC by means of an air conditioner and the box is manually positioned to reach incident irradiance close to 1000 W/m2 thanks to the external reference solar cell (c) The cover is removed and I-V curves are recorded at 25ºC and also along the natural heating process. (d) Detail of the external and the internal reference solar cells. 27 Figure 18 shows the improved second version of the climatic box. This time the box is made of wood, because the previous one was very weak, and it is filled with white polystyrene to decrease the heating of the whole box once the cover is removed. Now 9 temperature sensors can measure the module temperature at 9 different points (Figure 18 (a)). In order to cool down faster the module, the climatic device is located at a side of the box and a set of four fans, placed at the box corners (Figure 18 (d)), helps to homogenize the temperature inside the box (Figure 18 (b)). The cover box is done of polystyrene lined with a thin reflective layer to avoid heating of the inside. Figure 18. (a) (b) (c) (d) Second version of the climatic box used for testing PV modules outdoors. This second version is made of wood and it is filled with white polystyrene to decrease the heating of the whole box once the cover is removed (a) Climatic box opened, with the PT1000 sensors, the fans and the internal reference solar cell inside. (b) Before the test, the PV module is placed inside the thermally insulated box, the inside temperature is forced to 25ºC by means of an air conditioner and the box is manually positioned to reach incident irradiance close to 1000 W/m2 thanks to the external reference solar cell (c) The cover is removed and I-V curves are recorded at 25ºC and also along the natural heating process. (d) Detail of the fans and the internal reference solar cell. Figure 19 to Figure 22 show the result of measuring along a whole year a PV module inside the climatic box. The measurements until December were done inside the 28 first box. The remaining measurements were done inside the second improved box. As can be seen, there is an increment of the currents when changing the box, probably due to a misalignment of the internal primary reference cell. Nonetheless, repeatability of the measurements is very good: almost all the values of ISC, IM, VOC, VM and PM are inside a range of ο±1% regarding the associated mean values. Figure 19. I*SC –blue diamonds– and I*M –red squares– of a PV module measured 21 times with the climatic box along a whole year. The continuous lines represent the mean values of all the measurements and the dotted lines represent the deviation of 1% –internal ones, red and blue– and 2% –external ones, yellow and green– respect to these values. The measurements until December were made inside the first climatic box. The remaining measurements were made inside the second version. Figure 20. V*OC of a PV module measured 21 times with the climatic box along a whole year. continuous line represents the mean values of all the measurements and the dotted represents the deviation of 1% –internal ones– and 2% –external ones– respect to value. The measurements until December were made inside the first climatic box. remaining measurements were made inside the second version. 29 The line this The Figure 21. V*M of a PV module measured 21 times with the climatic box along a whole year. continuous line represents the mean values of all the measurements and the dotted represents the deviation of 1% –internal ones– and 2% –external ones– respect to value. The measurements until December were made inside the first climatic box. remaining measurements were made inside the second version. The line this The Figure 22. P*M of a PV module measured 21 times with the climatic box along a whole year. continuous line represents the mean values of all the measurements and the dotted represents the deviation of 1% –internal ones– and 2% –external ones– respect to value. The measurements until December were made inside the first climatic box. remaining measurements were made inside the second version. The line this The 30 2.3.2. On-site measurements of temperature coefficients and efficiency parameters of the PV module. The box allows measuring electrical characteristics at STC. But if we continue measuring I-V curves once the cover box is removed, the solar radiation heats the PV module until the equilibrium temperature is reached (roughly about 30ºC over the ambience). Heating rate is between 3 to 6ºC per minute, which is slow enough to record up to 25 I-V curves along the process, allowing the measurement of the PV module power, current and voltage temperature coefficients. These coefficients must be measured for the calibration of reference PV modules in order to reduce uncertainty and avoid deviations in effective irradiance and in cell temperature. Figure 23 shows an example of the results of such measurements. Figure 23. Measured characteristics of a PV module versus operation temperature, ranging from 22ºC to 52ºC, using the climatic box. But these coefficients are not only needed for reference modules. They are also appreciated to achieve more accurate energy estimations of the PV installation, reducing the uncertainty of such predictions. A good energy estimation relies not only on the goodness of the module power characterization at standard test conditions (STC), but also on the goodness of the characterization of the module behaviour related to the variation of irradiance and temperature. So, it is closer to the reality running a 31 simulation exercise of energy production with the actual values measured than with the values obtained from datasheet. In section 2.1 (equation 3) we presented the model adopted by SISIFO to describe the performance of a PV system. It relies on information from manufacturer: nominal power of PV modules, P*M; power variation of module with temperature, ο§, and efficiency dependence on irradiance, which is described by three parameter a, b and c that can be obtained from power corresponding at two other than G* irradiance values, which must also be found at datasheets, providing they comply with EN 50380[4]. This climatic box allows measuring also these parameters, a, b and c from a batch of modules that are going to be installed in the PV system to characterize with higher accuracy the behaviour of the whole system. Following the procedure presented in Figure 17 P*M and ο§ are obtained. As the box is mounted on a tracking structure, it can be oriented to achieve the desired amount of irradiance during the I-V curve measurements, thanks to the external secondary solar cell. So, if the explained procedure is repeated to measure power at 25ºC but at lower irradiances, as for example 600 W/m2 and 200 W/m2, values of a, b and c can be calculated. As an example, this exercise has been done with a batch of 7 modules. Figure 24 shows the result of measuring the temperature coefficients of each one. Individual values are similar and close to the datasheet value, but they differ slightly one from another one. So, better than using the manufacturer value of ο§ for the energy estimation is to use the mean value obtained from real measurements. Figure 25 shows the result of measuring at 25ºC the PV modules, but at lower irradiances. These values allow calculating a, b and c values and, therefore, the module efficiency curve, which is presented in the graph (normalized by the module efficiency at STC). As can be noticed, all the modules perform better than is reported in the datasheet; that is, this information in the datasheet is conservative. Therefore, if this information is used in simulation software the final energy prediction will be less accurate. It would be better to use the average of the module efficiency curves measured to perform a more accurate simulation. 32 Figure 24. Temperature coefficients, γ and β, of seven different modules from the same batch measured inside the climatic box. Figure 25. Efficiency curve of seven different modules from the same batch measured inside the climatic box. They are obtained by measuring the PV modules at 25ºC and at 1000, 600 and 200 W/m2. The efficiency curve from the information of manufacturer datasheet is also included. 33 2.3.3. Summary. A climatic box has been presented in order to characterize the behaviour of a PV module in the same place where it is installed. This device –that is composed by the isolated box, a manual tracker in which it is mounted, an external air conditioning machine, several temperature sensors (PT1000) and the datalogger to record these temperatures, four fans at the corners, and two reference cells (one secondary external and another primary one internal)–, in combination with the I-V curve tracers proposed in the previous section, allows measuring the I-V curve at STC, as well as the temperature coefficients and the module efficiency at different irradiances. The temperature coefficients are needed for the calibration of reference PV modules. And both the temperature coefficients and the parameters defining the efficiency behaviour at different irradiances are very useful to reduce the uncertainty and to achieve more accurate predictions of the system energetic production. 34 2.4. TESTING KIT 4. PID tester: Potential Induced Degradation detection. Potential induced degradation (PID) of modules in large grid-connected PV installations is an alarming phenomenon[20] from 2006. Modules affected by PID have power losses due to leakage currents. Initially it was associated to special manufacturing procedures for modules, as SunPower modules (with high-efficiency back contact cells) and Evergreen modules (string ribbon cells)[20]-[23]. Nevertheless, five years ago was reported that crystalline silicon modules are also susceptible to PID[24]. From that moment, PV manufacturers and researchers are investigating the origin of PID, the solutions to avoid it in the manufacturing process and the test to detect PID in a PV module[23]-[29]. PID has become a key issue last years because industry is worried about their effects: it can cause yield losses[26] up to 80%. The explanation why PID did not appear before is simple: PID is related to high system voltages (some hundreds of volts), which are typical of systems installed after 2005. These high voltages joined with humidity and high temperatures facilitate PID come on the scene[20][23]-[28]. There is not a standard test procedure to detect PID yet, although there is a proposal of PID standard under discussion (draft stage[30]). It will be integrated into the design qualifications and type approval European standards for PV modules[12][13]. This lack of reference is the reason why manufacturers and researchers have proposed different tests for the detection of PID in laboratories[23][25]-[27]. Another researchers have developed new and expensive tests for the on-site PID detection in full daylight[29]. 2.4.1. Laboratory degradation and detection tests. One of the most typical accelerated test to degrade modules in the laboratory in order to verify if they could be affected by PID is the next one[23]: applying nameplate system voltage (typically ±1000V through a high voltage source) during 7 days between short-circuited active poles and the PV module frame once its front surface has been covered with conductive layer (aluminium foil or water). The test is passed if the power degradation after this period of seven days is lower than 5%. 35 It is also possible to detect its PID degradation through its electroluminescence (EL) image. This is done in a dark room though a CCD camera (Figure 26) while the PV module is biased with a current source. As an example, Figure 27 shows the electroluminescence image before and after executing this degradation test to two PV modules at the IES-UPM laboratory. The up module is free of PID because all their cells have almost the same brightness at both pictures –left-hand and right-hand EL–. At the contrary, the down one is affected by PID because after the degradation period it presents dark cells (inactive cells) that are shunted due to PID. The electroluminescence image reveals clearly if the module is affected by PID, but it does not report about how this degradation is affecting to the PV module efficiency. (a) Figure 26. (b) (a) CCD camera and (b) current source to bias the PV module in order to obtain its electroluminescence image. BEFORE 7 DAYS AT ±1000 V AFTER (a) (b) (c) Figure 27. Accelerated test to degrade modules in the laboratory. (a) First, the EL image of the module is taken. (b) Then, a voltage of ± 1000V is applied between the short-circuited active poles and the frame of the module, once its front surface has been covered with an aluminium foil. (c) Finally, after a period of 7 days the EL image of the module is taken again. If the module is prone to PID phenomenon some of their cells become inactive (dark ones, down module). 36 2.4.2. Detection tests on the field. The electroluminescence imaging can be done also on-site, but it is more difficult because this test only can be done without light, that is to say, at night. Besides it is needed to power all the equipment (CCD camera and current source) and CCD camera has to stand totally stable without movements to acquire a good electroluminescence. This test at night has been done at a real PV installation with modules affected by PID. Figure 28 shows the electroluminescence images of 24 modules connected in series in a string. The electroluminescence image reveals clearly if the module is affected by PID, but it does not report about how this degradation is affecting to the module efficiency. Figure 28: Electroluminescence images of 24 modules connected in series in a string affected by PID: the modules closer to the negative pole (module number 1) have dark cells (evidence of PID); the modules closer to the positive pole (module number 24) have their cells with almost the same brightness (free of PID). The module number 1 has not dark cells because the original one, severely affected by PID, was replaced. 37 The module number 1 is the module connected to the negative pole of the string; and the module number 24 is the module connected to the positive pole of the string. As can be noticed, the modules closer to the positive pole have almost the same brightness, while the modules closer to the negative pole have dark cells: they are affected by PID. It has to be pointed that the module number 1 has not dark cells even though it is close to the negative pole because the original module, severely affected by PID, was replaced. Nevertheless, the typical on-site test to know if a module is free of PID is to measure its I-V characteristic with an electronic tracer as the presented in the section 2.2. Only the shape of the I-V curve can report the presence of anomalies in the characteristic of the module, as can be seen in Figure 29. 1.2 1.0 I / ISC 0.8 0.6 0.4 No anomalies 0.2 PID 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 V / VOC Figure 29. Normalized IV curve of a module with no anomalies (circles) and normalized IV curve of a module with PID (crosses). But not always the differences on the shape are so evident. Then, it is needed to compare the power of different modules at STC, as is shown in Figure 30. In this figure the normalized power of the 24 modules of the string analyzed (the maximum power of the module extrapolated to STC, Pm, divided by the nominal value from datasheet of the maximum power, Pm nom) is represented. These results are coherent with the electroluminescence images: the modules with more dark cells are those that deliver a lower power. 38 Pm nom Pm /Pm Pm/ nom 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0 Figure 30. 5 10 15 Module 20 25 Normalized maximum power of the 24 modules connected in series in a string affected by PID These power measurements have to be done in a sunny day and in a short period of time to guarantee that all the measurements are done at the same irradiance and cell temperature conditions to compare the value of the different modules with the lowest uncertainty, what is not always possible. Another on-site option to detect PID is to measure the voltage of the module when it is biased with a current source and without illumination (dark conditions). It can be done with a blanket or a cardboard covering all the module area, as is shown in Figure 31. Figure 31. Cardboard covering the area of a module which is being biased with a current source (lower left corner). Figure 32 shows the results of measuring this dark Vbias in the previous 24 modules. The modules were biased with a current of -1.5 amps (about 20% of the datasheet short-circuit current). In the graph the normalized Vbias (the biased voltage of 39 the module, Vbias, divided by the nominal value from datasheet of the open-circuit voltage, Voc nom) is represented. As can be noticed, the measurements are coherent with the tests of electroluminescence imaging and I-V curve. Vbias Vbias / Voc/ Voc nomnom 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0 Figure 32. 5 10 15 Module 20 25 Normalized biased voltage (dark conditions) of the 24 modules connected in series in a string affected by PID. These points represent one of the points of the dark I-V characteristic of the modules, the point associated with Ibias = -1.5 amps. In fact, a value of this current closer to zero would be better to detect PID (slightly below 10% of I*sc nameplate value). Figure 33 shows the dark I-V curve from 6 of the 24 modules under analysis. As can be noticed, the more negative Ibias (higher absolute value, |Ibias|) the less difference between the Vbias of all the modules; and the less negative Ibias (lower |Ibias|) the more difference between the Vbias of the healthy modules (modules 1, 21 and 24, with almost the same Vbias value) and the Vbias of the modules affected by PID (modules 3, 4 and 8, with lower and different Vbias values, in function of their degradation). So, the dark I-V curve reports about the PID because it shows if the shunt resistance (related to the slope of the curve for low |Ibias|) is high or low and consequently the associated low or high leakage current, respectively. Maybe it would be enough to compare the Vbias value when the module is biased with a current between 5% and 10% of the datasheet short circuit current (in this 40 case, between -0.5A and -1A). As can be seen in the graph, in this range, differences are more evident. Besides, this option is faster than measuring the whole dark I-V curve. Vbias (V) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 -0.5 -1 Ibias (A) -1.5 -2 Module 1 -2.5 Module 3 -3 Module 4 -3.5 Module 8 Module 21 -4 Module 24 -4.5 Figure 33. Dark I-V curves from 6 of the 24 modules of the array under analysis. The modules affected by PID have lower Vbias values when biased at lower |Ibias|. In any case, it must be highlighted that it is needed a “reference” module free of PID to compare its dark I-V curve with the dark I-V curve of the suspect module. This is because the dark I-V curve of modules with the same degree of degradation uses to be similar. As an example, Figure 34 shows the dark I-V curve of 8 modules of the same manufacturer and model just after unpacking an with the same temperature. It can be seen that the curve of all the modules are almost identical. Vbias (V) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.0 Ibias(A) -0.5 -1.0 Module 1 -1.5 Module 2 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 -4.0 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 -4.5 Figure 34. Dark IV curves of 8 new modules just after unpacking. 41 30 35 40 The main advantage of this method to detect PID in the PV installation is that these measurements can be done every day at every hour: there are not time restrictions because the voltage is measured in dark conditions. These conditions can be reproduced by covering the module with a blanket or a cardboard, as has been previously shown in Figure 31. The only restriction is to do these measurements in the healthy module and in the suspect modules at the same cell temperature conditions to reduce uncertainty. Obviously, this test can be also performed in the laboratory. Finally, the fastest and cheapest option (only some voltmeters are needed) is to measure the voltage of each module while they are operating. Figure 35 shows the normalized operating voltage (the operating voltage of the module, Vop, divided by the nominal value from datasheet of the maximum power point voltage, Vm nom) of the previous 24 modules connected in series in a string. The modules more affected by PID have an operating voltage lower than the healthy modules. This is because the modules with PID have higher leakage currents and, consequently, to deliver the same current than the remaining modules in the string, they have to operate at a lower voltage. Taking into account the results of these measurements and the electroluminescence images, a 5% difference between the operating voltage of a module with PID and another one free of PID is indicative of the presence of this phenomenon. Besides, this decrease of operating voltage is proportional to the power losses related to PID. Again, as in previous tests, the measurement Vop has to be done in a sunny day and in a short period of time to guarantee that all the measurements are done at the same irradiance and cell temperature conditions to compare the value of the different modules with the lowest uncertainty. The easier method to measure Vop is to open the junction box to have access to the positive and negative poles of the module. Nevertheless, it is more and more usual that PV modules have a sealing label in the junction box or even a insulation paste that fills it that avoids to access to the active poles (Figure 36 (a)). If this label is broken or the internal insulation paste is damaged, the module warranty could be lost. So, another option is to prepare a testing kit composed of “T” connections in the poles of the 42 suspect modules and in the poles of at least a healthy module in order to compare their Vop values (Figure 36 (b)). A voltmeter is the only additional equipment to complete the kit. Vm nom VopVop / Vm/ nom 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0 Figure 35. 5 10 15 Module 25 Normalized operating voltage of the 24 modules connected in series in a string affected by PID. (a) Figure 36. 20 (b) Sealing label of “warranty” in the junction box of a PV module. Insulation paste that fills the junction box. “T” connections in the pole of two modules to measure its operating voltage without open the junction box. 43 2.4.3. Summary. Several manufacturers and researchers developed some tests in order to reveal if a PV module is going to be affected by PID once it is installed in a PV system. The typical procedure is to test the PV modules is applying ±1000V through a high voltage source during 7 days between the short-circuited active poles and the frame of the module. If the power of the specimen, measured with I-V curve tracers like the presented in the section 2.2, has decreased above 5%, this kind of modules is prone to this degradation phenomenon. Another option is to obtain the module’s electroluminescence image through a CCD camera when it is placed in a dark room and it is biased with a current source. Then, the presence of dark areas reveals that the module is affected by PID. Nevertheless, this second test does not quantify the power losses derived from this effect. Both tests are designed basically to be done with expensive devices (high voltage sources and CCD cameras) and in laboratories, although the electroluminescence imaging can be also performed on field at night hours. In order to detect PID at the location of the PV system, the PVCROPS project proposes new and cheaper tests. The more typical test is to measure its I-V curve with a PV curve tracer (section 2.2). PV modules affected by PID, apart of presenting a lower power in comparison with a module free of PID, can have a strange shape in its I-V curve, but sometimes this difference is not so evident. The problem of this test is that it only can be performed on-site in sunny days. A new test that can be performed at any time is to obtain the dark I-V curve of the module when it is biased through a current source and covered with a blanket or a cardboard. This test only requires the current source and a voltmeter to measure the voltage delivered by the module. Moreover, it would be enough to measure the voltage delivered at a current between 5% and 10% of the datasheet short-circuit current to detect PID on a module. In any case, it is needed to compare these measurements with the ones corresponding to a module free of PID at the same temperature. Finally, the fastest and cheapest option to detect PID is to measure the voltage of the module while it is operating (only some voltmeters are needed). A testing kit has been produced to perform this test, consisting of “T” plugs to be connected in the poles 44 of the suspect modules and in one module free of PID to measure their operating voltage. A difference higher than 5% between the operating voltage of a module with PID and another one free of PID can be indicative of the presence of this phenomenon. 45 2.5. TESTING KIT 5. Hot-spot tester: thermal inspection. A hot-spot consists of a localized overheating in a photovoltaic (PV) module due to any anomaly. It appears when, because of the anomaly, the short circuit current of the affected cell becomes lower than the operating current of the whole module, giving rise to reverse biasing and thus dissipating the power generated by other cells as heat. Figure 37 shows two infrared (IR) images of hot-spots. The anomalies that cause hot-spots can be external to the PV module (shading or dust) or internal (micro-cracks, defective soldering, short-circuited by-pass diodes, potential induced degradation –PID). In general, when a hot-spot persists over time, it entails both a risk for the PV module’s lifetime and a decrease in its operational efficiency. Figure 37. (a) (b) (c) (d) Hot-spots in three modules. (a) General view of a tracker with hot-spots caused by PID. (b) Hot-spot caused by micro-cracks. The operating temperature of the hot-spot is 87ºC while the mean temperature of the rest of the module is 53 ºC. (c) Two columns of cells up to 4ºC hotter that the remaining cells of the module. (d) This is due to a defective by-pass diode that is short-circuited. 46 Hot-spots are relatively frequent in current PV generators and this situation will likely persist as the PV technology is evolving to thinner wafers, which are prone to develop micro-cracks during the manipulation processes (manufacturing, transport, installation, etc.). Fortunately, they can be easily detected through IR inspection, which has become a common practice in current PV installations. However, there is a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with hot-spots in practice as well as specific criteria referring to the acceptance or rejection of affected PV modules in commercial frameworks. So there is not a clear answer to the next question: which affected PV modules should be changed under the PV manufacturer’s responsibility. PVCROPS has investigated the hot-spot impacts on the lifetime and on the operational efficiency of the affected module (that is, the efficiency of the PV module when it is integrated in a PV generator and connected to an inverter able to track the maximum power point). First, hot-spots are characterized by the temperature increase of the defective cell βππ»π in relation to the non-defective ones and normalized to the STC irradiance, βππ»π ∗ : βππ»π = max(πππππ’ππ ) − min(πππππ’ππ ) βππ»π ∗ = βππ»π πΊ∗ πΊ 11 12 Then, using observations on 200 affected modules as experimental support, the following acceptance/rejection criteria are proposed[31]: ο· If βππ»π ∗ < 10°πΆ, to consider the module non-defective, except in the case that one or more by-pass diodes are defective. ο· If βππ»π ∗ > 20°πΆ, to consider the module defective. ο· If 10°πΆ < βππ»π ∗ < 20°πΆ, to consider defective all the modules with an effective power loss (measured as a decrease in the operating voltage in relation to a non-defective module of the same string) that exceeds the allowable peak power losses fixed at standard warranties. 47 2.5.1. Traditional hot-spot detection. The main device used to detect hot-spots in PV modules is an infrared camera. It provides a thermal image of the object that is under study that is very easy to interpret: the image shows the different temperatures of each one of the modules parts (see Figure 37), so an area of the module significantly hotter is detected immediately. In the last years, these devices have decreased its price drastically and even there are new gadgets that can be included on smartphones[32][33] to convert their internal camera into a thermographic camera. This situation has allowed that IR cameras are more and more frequent in the set of tools needed for the supervision of a PV system not only for the detection of hot spots in modules, but also for the detection of overtemperatures inside connection boxes and plugs due to defective connections between live wires[2]. The typical way of using these devices is as follows: the operator carries an IR camera in hand and he inspects the temperature of PV modules when they are at normal operation (injecting power into the grid) by looking at the IR camera screen. When a much hotter area of a module is found, the operator takes a thermographic image and a visual image of the suspect module, as well as he writes down the irradiance at which the pictures are taken, the module location inside the system and its serial number (all this information uses to be needed in case of a claim to the manufacturer). The temperature of a normal area of the affected module and the maximum temperature of the hotter area can be extracted from the picture with the software of the own IR camera and, then, βππ»π ∗ can be calculated. The value obtained reports about if the module must be rejected regarding the criteria proposed above. 2.5.2. Hot-spot detection with PV drones. The previous procedure is very easy to perform, but it is also very timeconsuming. The importance of fast methods has increased as the size of PV installations has become larger and larger. Large PV plants and Building Integrated PV (BIPV) of difficult access are doing harder and more time consuming to execute complete on-field IR test to asses a proper performance of all the modules of the system. 48 Some drones are already used in the current state of the art to save time, but they are too expensive. This is the reason why PVCROPS project has developed a cheaper PV drone with open-source software and hardware to quickly detect visual defects and hot-spots in PV systems through Hi-res cameras and IR imaging (aerial inspection based on an unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV). Recent small and cheap multirotor helicopters have enough power to carry video and IR cameras and their associated video transmitters. With these devices it is possible to remotely control the quadcopter or even planning automatic missions to detect defects in a PV installation. CLSENES has taken advantage of the progress in airframe technology, components costs and technical methods required, as well as of the open-sharing of hardware designs based on Arduino. This open-source hardware offers to PV community the option of designing and assembling in a cheap way an electronic multirotor platform controlled by low-cost programmable microcontroller and free software. Multirotor aircraft (quad-, hex- and octo-rotors), widely known as “drones”, are a popular choice for monitoring tasks due to their ability to take off and land in compact spaces and its increased maneuverability. Specially, the copter platforms, equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System), IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), stabilizing platform, autopilot and digital cameras have excellent application prospects for its use in visual and thermal analysis in PV installations. Figure 38 shows the first version of the developed PV drone. This robocopter is equipped with an analog visible camera and a modified IR camera. The visible camera resolution is 600 TV lines, what is enough to detect optical imperfections on the modules at first glance, and its video signal is transferred from the drone to a ground station where a TV screen displays it to check the PV modules remotely. The IR camera has 80x60 pixels and takes pictures following a command from the ground through a radio controlled trigger. As any UAV, our quadcopter requires the following components to achieve functional autonomous flight: an airframe (the X-shape structure) and its associated components (batteries, propellers and motors), onboard sensors for telemetry (gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, barometer, 3-axis magnetometer GPS, altimeter and 49 compass), an autopilot to act upon telemetry data, a radio controlled flying device and software for autonomous UAV control. Figure 38. First version of the developed quadcopter (PV drone). It has an IR camera and a visible camera for monitoring a PV installation. In our case, the quadcopter is equipped with an ArduCopter autopilot which allows for autonomous and manual control of the aerial vehicle. The level of control exerted by the autopilot is determined through tuning parameters associated with the autopilot’s internal Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. It provides tuning settings for yaw, pitch, roll and throttle gain and cross-track behaviour. The radio controlled (RC) flying device that has been assembled operates at 3 frequency ranges. One of these frequency ranges is for manually control the drone from the ground by 2.4 GHz RC control station using 4 channels for Throttle, Yaw, Pitch and Roll. Other channels are configured for video switching and still picture triggering. The frequency ranges, based on 5.8 GHz wireless video-link, is for video transmission from the air to ground. Finally, the additional 433 MHz wireless connection can upload to Arduino controller waypoints with GPS coordinates for autonomous flying missions. These flight plans can be developed and flashed to the ArduCopter hardware using free and open-source software such as the Ardupilot Mission Planner. This software also allows analyzing all the telemetry collected during flight of the vehicle to the laptop. Basically, autonomous UAV needs two persons: an operator and ground crew station. The operator is responsible to control the drone during launching and landing operation to avoid any damages on the device. Ground crew station is responsible to 50 desing the flight trajectory at the study area and monitor UAV altitude, battery status, number of satellite and data link between the drone and the ground computer. The visual and thermo-graphic inspection with the drone is as follows: first, the drone does its flying mission and records a video stream by a digital video recorder (DVR) at the ground station. Simultaneously, the person who is supervising the drone during the flight can both recognize suspicious PV modules and take thermo-graphic pictures (the operator triggers the IR camera using RC commands). Then, on the ground the operator checks the video again and the IR pictures. If a defect is recognized in a PV module, the operator goes directly to its location to take more detailed pictures. Thus, the operator avoids having to walk the entire facility looking for defects and should only review those suspected modules detected by the drone. This method is less timeconsuming especially in large PV plants and in BIPV of difficult access. Figure 39 shows pictures related to a flying mission for a 150-kW PV plant located in Bulgaria. The mission planning involves 22 waypoints for zig-zag trajectory exactly above the PV rows, starting from the NW corner of the PV installation and flying at 5 m altitude. The useful flight time is about 15 min with fully charged batteries, which is large enough for inspection all the PV installation. Figure 39 (a) shows the screen of the laptop with the flying mission that was planned. Figure 39 (b) shows the quadcopter in flight during the mission. (a) Figure 39. (b) (a) Quadcopter flying mission planned for a 150 kW PV plant. (b) Quadcopter during the inspection flying mission above the array PV modules. 51 Figure 40 shows several pictures reporting a defect in a module during the flight mission. Figure 40 (a) reveals a PV module with its front glass broken (this picture was taken directly with the drone). Later, when the operator went to the location of this module he could check that the module had a burnt just in the busbar connecting two solar cells that was visible even in the back of the module (Figure 40 (b)). As the right front-side busbar of the solar cell is evaporated all the current generated by the cell flows through the left busbar and this part of the cell is overheated. As a consequence, Figure 40 (c) shows the IR picture of the module, reporting about a hot-spot that is higher than 83 ºC. (a) Figure 40. (b) (c) (a) Picture recorded during the drone flight: a module has its front glass broken. (b) Picture of the back of the module taken on site. The internal layers and contacts are burnt. (c) Thermographic picture of the back of the module. This module has a hot-spot reaching more than 83ºC and half of the cell affected is overheated. Finally, Figure 41 shows other defects detected by the drone during the flight mission: a cell-crack located on the corner of a PV module (Figure 41 (a)); electrocorrosion of busbar because rainwater has reached the internal layers of the module (encapsulation problems, Figure 41 (b)); and temperature differences in solar cells of a PV module above 10ºC, that could be an early indication of accelerated PV module degradation (Figure 41 (c)). The two first defects was initially detected by the drone during its panoramic flight and snapshots was taken later in detail with a Hi-Res camera. The last one is an IR picture directly taken from the drone with the IR camera installed on it. 52 (a) Figure 41. (b) (c) (a) Cell cracked detected on the corner of a PV module. (b) Electro-corrosion of the busbar due to rainwater which has reached the internal layers of the module. (c) IR picture taken from the drone. It shows two solar cells that are hotter than their neighboring cells (above 10ºC). 2.5.3. PV drone aerial photogrammetry. The use of UAVs can be also useful to perform a shade analysis of the PV system before its installation. A set of high resolution pictures taken with the PV drone can be mosaiked using photogrammetric software1 to create from single orthomosaic up to 3-D representations of the area of interest thanks to techniques based on ‘structure from motion’ (SfM) that use to be included in this kind of software. So, mutual shading between buildings, shading between roof elements, shading from surrounding vegetation, etc. can be characterized before the PV system is installed. This characterization allows evaluating what is the optimal arranging of the PV modules in the PV array to minimize the reduction of energy production due to shading. This is especially useful in BIPV located in urban areas. Image processing algorithms need sharp accurate images to combine them in a composite picture. Unfortunately, wide angle field of view (FOV) cameras like the one installed on the PV drone do not perform well because of large edge distortion. This setback is solved using a good compact digital camera which gets accurate results due to more advances optics. But the original design of the PV drone is not enough powerful to include a camera of these characteristics. 1 Many new software programs like LPS, Pix4D, ImageModeler, PhotoModeler and 123D catch offer photogrammetric processing for end users. 53 CLSENES has improved the previous X-airframe design and has implemented a second PV drone which includes: a new larger fibre frame (900 mm); four new more powerful brushless motors; a new RC control (FrSky Taranis); two 500mAh LiPo heavy duty batteries; a 3-axis magnetometer; and an additional compact digital camera (Canon) with automatic shutter at the bottom of the UAV platform. As can be seen in the pictures of Figure 42, this second PV drone is larger and more powerful than the previous one. These new features allow a remote controlling distance up to 300 meters and a maximal operation slot of 25 minutes. Several pictures must be shooted to obtain a good 3-D reconstruction of the area of interest. So, the camera firmware was reflashed through open source software (Canon Hack Development Kit, CHDK) and specific intervalometer script was used to set a 5second shooting interval. Shooting pictures with this interval at an altitude of 3-5 meters above the object can document a 25m2 area in about 10 minutes. Figure 42 (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) and (b) PV drone configuration enabling 3-D mapping missions. (c) IR camera and visible camera for monitoring a PV installation and compact digital camera for photogrammetry analysis. (d) UAVs developed by PVCROPS team 54 A composite orthophoto can be obtained by software stitching of successive string of single images. Overlapping of photos must be more than 60% to generate realistic picture. It can easily be adjusted by straight-line flight and constant air speed of the quadcopter. Photogrammetric processing of raw imagery enables the production of a 3-D mesh of the surface via SfM software. During processing the images are simply selected and auto-aligned. The program automatically identifies common points between images based on color and texture. From the multiple perspectives of common points, stereoscopy (and thus three-dimensionality) is reconstructed, as can be observed at Figure 43. However, photogrammetric processing requires significant computational power and RAM capacity. Our first imagery test has taken more than 12 hours computational time of conventional PC. (a) Figure 43. (b) 3-D orthophotos of a sun tracker generated by the developed equipment. The most accurate form of topographical data is Light Detection and Ranging data (LiDAR). LiDAR data can be used to create three-dimensional digital elevation models (DEMs) that analyze the impacts of shading obstructions, identify roof tilt, and estimate the amount of roof area that can be used for a particular installation. Where LiDAR data are not available, the PV community can use high-resolution orthophotography along with building footprint and parcel data for feature and building identification. Another methodology, called Solar Automated Feature Extraction (SAFE™) assesses the solar potential of buildings through a combination of aerial imagery and advanced 3D modeling. The method takes into account factors such as roof obstructions 55 (air conditioning units, chimneys, vents), azimuth (the direction of the sun), shadowing from other buildings, and roof slants. This methodology also calculates total roof area, usable roof area for solar panels, the amount of electricity the panels can produce, the electricity cost reduction, and resulting CO2 reduction. 2.5.4. Summary. Nowadays there is a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with hotspots. Due to this lack, PVCROPS has proposed a specific criteria referring to the acceptance or rejection of affected PV modules by hot-spots in commercial frameworks. Hot-spots can be easily detected through IR inspection, which has become a common practice in current PV installations. The main device used to detect hot-spots in PV modules is an infrared camera. It provides a thermal image of the object that is under study that is very easy to interpret because any area of the module significantly hotter is detected immediately In order to detect hot-spots, typically an operator carries an IR camera in hand and, while is walking by the PV installation, he is inspecting the temperature of PV modules when they are at normal operation (injecting power into the grid) by looking at the IR camera screen. When a much hotter area of a module is found, the operator takes a thermographic image of the suspect module, as well as the irradiance at which the picture has been taken in order to calculate βππ»π ∗ . The value obtained reports about if the module must be rejected regarding the criteria proposed above. This procedure is very easy to perform, but it is also very time consuming. Some drones are already used in the current state of the art to save time, but they are too expensive. This is the reason why PVCROPS project has developed a cheaper PV drone with open-source software and hardware to quickly detect visual defects and hot-spots. It is a quadcopter with an IR camera and a visible camera for monitoring a PV installation. It can be manually controlled or even planning automatic missions to detect defects in a PV installation. Examples of flying mission executed in real PV installations have been presented. 56 But this device can be also useful to perform a shade analysis of the PV system before its installation thanks to photogrammetry. So, a second open source PV drone larger and more powerful equipped with an additional compact digital camera has been constructed. This improved device allows creating 3-D representations of the area of interest and characterizing the shade profile to evaluate what is the optimal arranging of the PV modules in the PV array to minimize the reduction of energy production due to shading. 57 2.6. TESTING KIT 6. Full PV system tester: detailed performance analysis. Until now we have presented several testing kits that are useful to know if the global performance of the installations is as initially expected or to characterize and/or to detect failures in the main devices of the system: the PV module/array (I-V curve tracers; climatic box to characterize it in several conditions on site; PID detection in the laboratory and on-field; and thermal inspection looking for hot-spots). Nevertheless, none of them allow knowing simultaneously the global performance of the installation and the particular behaviour of both PV arrays and PV inverters, the main devices of a PV system. Testing kit 1 (reference modules and energy meter records, section 2.1) is enough to obtain the global performance of a PV system, PR and/or PRSTC. But a better and more accurate option for the characterization of the global behaviour of a PV installation is to compare the real energy production during the test period (one or a few weeks) with the simulated energy output. The last one can be calculated from the corresponding recorded operating conditions (Gef, TC) and taking into account the characteristic power of the array at STC and also its thermal and low irradiance behaviour, the inverter efficiency and adopting the same baseline losses scenario defined at the energy forecast phase: thermal losses, variation of module efficiency with irradiance, shading, DC cable losses, inverter efficiency, inverter saturation, AC cable losses, etc. PVCROPS estimates the power delivered by the PV system with the PV performance model adopted by SISIFO, a PV simulation software developed in this project that is available at The main equations are: ∗ ππ·πΆ (πΊππ , ππΆ ) = ππππ · πΊππ πΊππ πΊππ · [1 + πΎ · (πC − πC∗ )][π + π ∗ + π · ln ∗ ] ππ·πΆ ∗ πΊ πΊ πΊ ππ΄πΆ = ππ·πΆ ο¨π ππ΄πΆ 58 13 14 ο¨π (πππ ) = πππ 2 ) πππ + (π0 + π1 πππ + π2 πππ πππ = ππ΄πΆ ππΌππ΄π 15 16 π‘=π πΈπ΄πΆ = ∫ ππ΄πΆ ππ‘ 17 π‘=0 In these equations, the symbol * refers to STC, ππ·πΆ is the DC power output of ∗ the PV array; ππππ is its nameplate DC power; πΊππ is the effective global solar irradiance in the plane of the array; πΊ ∗ is the global solar irradiance at STC (πΊ ∗ = 1000 W/m2); ππΆ is the cell temperature; ππΆ∗ is the cell temperature at STC (ππΆ∗ = 25ºC); ο§ is the coefficient of power variation due to cell temperature; π, π and π are three parameters related with the variation of module efficiency with solar irradiance; ππ·πΆ is a coefficient that lumps together all the additional system losses in DC, e.g., technology-related issues, wiring, soiling and shading; ππ΄πΆ is the AC power output of the PV array from this DC power at the inverter entry; ο¨π is the power efficiency of the inverter; ππ΄πΆ is a coefficient that lumps together all the additional system losses in AC, e.g., technologyrelated issues and wiring; πππ is the load factor, that is, the normalised AC output power; ππΌππ΄π is the nominal power of the inverter; π0 represents the no-load loss; π1 represents the losses that depend linearly on the current (as the voltage drop across diodes); π2 represents the losses that depends on the square of the current (as the resistive losses); and, finally, πΈπ΄πΆ is the energy produced during a period of time T (a year, for example). These equations properly define the performance of a PV system with high accuracy as demonstrated by other authors[34][35]. It is interesting to note that concerned parameters (π∗ , ο§ο ο¬ π, π and π) are not only given at the information datasheet of modules, but also considered as a part of the design qualification international norms (π, π and π are obtained from module power corresponding at three irradiance values, which is usually found at datasheets, providing they comply with international standards)[4][12][13]. Besides, if a batch of modules installed in the system has been previously tested as proposed in the previous sections 59 (2.3), all these values are coming from real measurements, what will reduce the uncertainty of this power estimation. Regarding the inverter response, π0 , π1 and π2 parameters that define its power efficiency can be estimated from several values of the inverter efficiency curve, as those reported in the manufacturer’s datasheet. So, PVCROPS project has developed a “full PV system tester”: a testing kit that allows characterizing the whole PV system from a global point of view, by knowing both its total power performance and its total energetic performance, but also from a particular point of view, by knowing the power performance of each single component. It is composed by reference PV modules, a watt-meter together with AC clamps and a shunt resistor, in order to measure DC and AC powers with high accuracy, and the energy meter of the system under study. These devices allow recording simultaneously, with a sampling time lower than one minute, Gef and TC from the reference modules and PDC and PAC from the inverter entry and output. Thanks to these measurements a detailed characterization of the whole system can be done. 2.6.1. AC characterization. A watt-meter is able of measuring AC voltages and AC currents, the last ones directly through its internal circuitry or through external AC clamps (Figure 44). Then, it calculates the experimental active AC power (PAC,EXP). If simultaneously the operating conditions, Gef and TC are measured, the simulated active AC power (PAC,SIM) is obtained applying the previous equations. So, the AC power response can be characterized when PAC,EXP are plotted versus PAC,SIM, as it is shown in Figure 45. In the graph it can be noticed not only the normal operation (linear dotted behaviour), but also anomalous situations such as: shading due to clouds affecting more to reference PV modules than to PV array and vice-versa; string switched off; inverter saturation; inverter stops; etc. In the particular case of this figure, the PV systems delivers to the grid a power that is a 2.7% lower than the expected one (reported by the slope of the linear behaviour) in normal operation. This value should be similar to the difference between the energy injected into the grid during the test period (equation 17 with 60 PAC,EXP) and the one that is expected (equation 17 with PAC,SIM) when there is not anomalous situations. (a) (b) Figure 44 (a) AC clamps (the yellow ones) to measure AC currents up to 400 A. (b) AC clamps (the red ones) to measure AC currents up to 2000A. These red clamps have such length that allows measuring the AC current flowing through several large section cables. Figure 45. AC power response of a 110 kW nominal power PV array measured on-site with a wattmeter. The normal operation is represented by the linear dotted behaviour. The other anomalous situations can be noticed in the graph: shadow over sensors or over PV array modules due to clouds, strings switched off, inverter saturation and inverter stop. Besides, the AC characterization with watt-meter has the advantage that the accuracy of the procedure can be calculated: as the AC power is measured, the energy injected into the grid during the test period can be calculated, EAC,EXP (equation 17 with PAC,EXP). And this energy obtained from the integration of the power measurements can 61 be compared with the real energy injected into the grid, which is obtained just as the difference between the readings of the energy meter at the end of the test and its initial value, EAC,REAL. Typically, the differences between AC energy from energy meters and the one from integration of AC power measurements is lower than 0.6%, which is indicative of the accuracy of the measurements with the watt-meter. Finally, as EAC,REAL, Gef and TC have been recorded, the global performance of the PV system (values of PR and/or PRSTC) can be also calculated (section 2.1). 2.6.2. DC characterization. A watt-meter is also able of measuring DC voltages and DC currents, the last ones directly through its internal circuitry or through external shunt resistors class 0.5 to get a good accuracy (Figure 46). (a) Figure 46. (b) (a) 300A/150mV shunt resistor added in a 100 kW inverter to measure accurately the DC input current. (b) 1000A/150mV shunt resistor that is going to be added in an 800 kW inverter to measure accurately the DC input current. Then, the experimental DC power, PDC,EXP, can be calculated. If the operating conditions Gef and TC are simultaneously measured, the DC power corrected to 25ºC, PDC(Gef, 25ºC) can be obtained and plotted versus Gef in order to obtain the STC power of the PV array, π∗ . ππ·πΆ (πΊππ , 25ºC) = 62 πDC,EXP 1 + πΎ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ ) 18 Figure 47 shows the result of doing this process, once the anomalous situations have been disregarded and the irradiance range has been restricted to Gef >800W/m2. So, the STC value of the PV array, π ∗ , is given by the best fit to the line ππ·πΆ (πΊππ , 25ºC) = π∗ Figure 47. πΊ πΊ∗ 19 DC power corrected at 25ºC of a 110 kW nominal power PV array measured on-site with a watt-meter. The DC power records related to anomalous situations and to low irradiances have been previously removed to obtain the DC peak power value at STC (the value indicated by the red-dotted line in the “y” axis. This peak power characterization can also be done by means of I-V tracers, as presented in 2.2. Nevertheless, due to the module temperature, the dispersion uncertainty of a single measurement tends to be large (a single I-V curve provides a single value of maximum power). As the DC characterization with watt-meter must be done at least during a whole sunny day, hundreds of points contribute to minimize the uncertainty derived from module temperature. 63 Figure 48 shows the results of the DC characterization for 11 consecutive days on a 700 kW nominal power PV array. Each individual point is the result obtained for each single day. As can be seen, day 2 has not results because it was a very cloudy day (effective irradiance –blue– and cell temperature –red– profiles are also plotted above). All the results for every single day are inside a range of ο±1.3% of the mean power obtained for all the days (red dotted line). Even in cloudy days with moments of sun we have obtained acceptable results, but with a higher uncertainty: power from day 9 –good result, very close to the mean value– and power from day 4 –not so good result, the farthest from the mean– differs in 1.5%. Nevertheless, the mean of the power is almost the same once the day 4 is removed (yellow-dotted line): there is a difference lower than 0.2 %. On the other hand, the results from very sunny days (days 3 and 8, for example) are inside a range of ο±0.6% of the mean power. So, this DC characterization should be done in sunny days to reduce the uncertainty as much as possible. Figure 48. Results of the P* characterization on a 700 kW nominal power array for 11 consecutive days. The points represent the DC power characterization for each individual day. The dotted lines represent the mean value for all the period: the red-one is the mean of all the days and the yellow-one is the mean once the value from day 4 is removed. The profiles of effective irradiance and cell temperature of days 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 are also represented in the graph. 64 Similar results have been obtained when this characterization has been performed in different seasons of the year. Figure 49 shows the results of measuring P* with a watt-meter in different sunny days of different months along a year, from April 2014 to November 2014, on a 5.8 kW PV array grid-connected. Again, each individual point is the result obtained for a single day and all the points are inside a range of ο±0.6% of the mean power (red-dotted line). Figure 49. Results of the P* characterization on a 5.8 kW nominal power array from April 2014 to November 2014. Each point represents the DC power characterization for an individual sunny day of the month considered. The dotted line represents the mean value for all the measurements. DC characterization integrated into SCADA. Indeed, this DC characterization can be integrated into the SCADA of the PV system. As DC instantaneous voltages and currents have not a difference of phase as in AC, DC power can be obtained directly as the product of voltage and current. So, these variables can be measured with a good accuracy through a datalogger (it is not needed a watt-meter). The only cares that must be taken are, first, to integrate shunt resistors at the inverter entry to measure the DC currents 65 and, second, to measure simultaneously these variables and the operating conditions, Gef and TC. This characterization has been done in a 5.8 kW PV system for a whole year, measuring DC voltages, DC currents, Gef and TC each 30 seconds (grey triangles). The selected days to perform the DC characterization have been those that have more than 1.5 hours with an effective irradiance above 600W/m2. As can be seen in Figure 50, all the resulting P* of the 238 days evaluated are inside a range of ±2.1% of the mean power (grey continuous line, 5572 kW; the difference between the maximum and the minimum values is 3.6%) and their related uncertainty (calculated as two times the standard deviation) is ο±1.35% of the mean. Only 7 days are out of a range of 1.5% of the mean power and this figure reaches 25 days if the range is of only 1% of the mean. As the signals in the SCADA of a PV installation use to record data only each 15 minutes (this is the typical frequency configured in energy meters and/or inverters to store data), we have repeat the same analysis but with the instantaneous records each 15 minutes (blue squares). Now the mean power is 5571 kW (blue-dotted line), that differs 0.03% respect to the 30 seconds analysis, and the related uncertainty is 1.44%). In this occasion, 10 days are out of a range of 1.5% of the mean power and this figure reaches 27 days if the range is of only 1% of the mean. That is: the only drawback of measuring with a lower frequency in order to characterize the DC power is that the uncertainty is slightly higher, but almost negligible. 66 Figure 50. Results of the P* characterization on a 5.8 kW nominal power array from January 2014 to November 2014. Power values and instantaneous values of meteorological conditions –Gef and TC– are registered through a datalogger each 30 seconds or each 15 minutes. The daily results related to 30 seconds records are plotted with grey triangles (the mean value is represented with the continuous-grey line). The daily results related to 15 minutes records are plotted with blue rectangles (the mean value is represented with the dotted-blue line). The dotted-lines represent a deviation from the mean value of 1.5% (red one) or 1% (yellow one). 2.6.3. Inverter characterization. In the previous sections, it has been said that a watt-meter is able to measure AC and DC power accurately. As all the signals are measured instantaneously and simultaneously, it is possible to characterize the inverter efficiency. Figure 51 shows an example of the relation between a 800 kW inverter efficiency (PAC,EXP/PDC,EXP) and the load factor (PAC,EXP/PIMAX) –blue points– together with DC voltage associated–red points–. AC clamps able of measure up to 2000A (see Figure 44(b)) and a shunt resistor of 1000 A (see Figure 45 (b)) have been installed in the inverter to measure AC and DC currents. Steps at observed efficiency reflect the master-slave inverter configuration, and dispersion reflects differences on VDC and also on internal inverter consumption, which is mainly due to refrigeration fans (sometimes 67 ON and sometimes OFF, especially at the low power range). The yellow triangles represent the efficiency values derived from the manufacturer’s datasheet. And the blue squares represent the experimental adjust of the efficiency once the parameters π0 , π1 and π2 have been calculated (equation 15). Differences at low power between observed values and those derived from datasheet are usual. This is due to the internal inverter losses (mainly fans consumption) which use to be just given as additional information in the datasheet but not considered at the efficiency load curve of the manufacturer. So, the energy impact due to the fans consumption can be now included in the simulations. Then, thanks to this improvement, the energy simulations will be more accurate. Figure 51. Inverter efficiency versus load factor observed at an inverter of 800kW (dark-blue points). They are also plotted: the experimental adjust to the measured values using equation 15 (clear-blue squares); the efficiency as reported by manufacturer (yellow triangles); and the DC voltage measured that is related to each efficiency point (red points). Once the power efficiency has been measured, the corresponding “European efficiency”, ο¨EUR, can be calculated from particular power efficiency values (equation 20). It is important to notice that European efficiency from datasheet not necessarily coincides with the energy efficiency observed during the test, because the corresponding irradiance distributions could not be the same. 68 ηEUR ο½ 0,03 · ηp (0,05) ο« 0,06 · ηp (0,1) ο« 0,13 · ηp (0,2) ο« ο« 0,1 · ηp (0,3) ο« 0,48 · ηp (0,5) ο« 0,2 · ηp (1) 20 2.6.4. Portable SCADA tool (microSCADA). The use of a professional watt-meter for on-site measurement is expensive when PV systems are small, as it is in the case of BIPV. This is the reason why CLSENES has implemented an alternative low cost testing kit for a detailed performance analysis of a small PV installation, that is able to perform simultaneously measurements of effective irradiance, cell temperature and DC and AC power, as well as calculate power quality and performance indicators. It is based on low-cost SCADA data acquisition systems, which offer real-time datalogging and flexible control of sensors. This portable SCADA tool (hereafter microSCADA) is implemented by a portable laptop computer and a set of smart sensors. Figure 52 shows the electrical scheme of the microSCADA. All sensors are connected sequentially in a RS-485 network using MODBUS protocol. All currents sensors are split-core sensor for easy and safe measurement setup at outdoor conditions. The first group of sensors is related to the meteorological variables: incident solar irradiance, solar cell temperature, environment temperature, wind speed and wind direction, etc. As in small PV systems it is usually hard to find free room for a new PV module of the same size as the ones installed, CLSENES has also implemented a portable meteo-tower set with several sensors (Figure 53): a calibrated module that provides both incident solar irradiance (Sensor 1) and solar cell temperature (Sensor 2), a sensor of ambient temperature (Sensor 3), an ultraviolet sensor (Sensor 4) and wind speed sensor (Sensor 5). The signals from all these sensors are measured through an 8 channel analog input module with MODBUS protocol (see Figure 52, blue device). 69 Figure 52. Low cost portable SCADA scheme for DC and AC measurements, as well as operating conditions measurements. Figure 53. Portable set with several sensors: a calibrated module that provides both incident solar irradiance (Sensor 1) and solar cell temperature (Sensor 2), environment temperature (Sensor 3), ultraviolet sensor (Sensor 4) and wind speed (Sensor 5). The second group of sensors is composed by high-class DC and AC current and voltage sensors and an AC power analyzer (Figure 54). This group is responsible of DC and AC power measurement. The DC current and voltage sensors are directly connected to the RS-485 network via MODBUS, while the AC current and voltage sensors are connected to the AC power analyzer, which is connected to this network to send the 70 information about the AC power measurements (active power –kW–, phase of voltage relative to current –cosPhi–, power factor –PF–, total harmonic distortion –THD–, reactive power –kVAR–, apparent power –kVA–). (a) Figure 54 (b) (c) (a). DC current and DC voltage sensor. (b) AC current transformer. (c) 3 phases AC power analyzer. In order to show the information of the measurements with the microSCADA system, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on Windows 8 style has been implemented. The user can start this software like any other Windows application. Figure 55 shows the initial screen, which presents the basic functions. The user can access to any of the applications (METEO, INVERTER, INDICATORS) by clicking the associated rectangular button. Then, a set of mathematical formulas executes the digital to analog conversion (D/A) and sets the calibration values of the different sensors. The buffer collects data from all the sensors, calculate the values for each one and present these values in real time in the corresponding screen. Besides, these readings are recorded in internal files for further processing (the monitoring time interval can have a high resolution of up to 1 minute). It is worth to mention that the accuracy of power measurement is not affected by the time of data readings because the total time for sensors sequential addressing and data reading is negligible in comparison to temporal change of the atmospheric outdoor conditions. 71 Figure 55. Initial screen of the microSCADA application. It allows access to the different sub-menus: METEO, INVERTER or INDICATORS by clicking the associated rectangular button. All the input signals can be monitored in real time. The METEO submenu (orange rectangle in the initial screen, Figure 56) and the INVERTER submenu (blue rectangle in the initial screen, Figure 57) show graphically the values of the different meteorological and AC and DC variables that are being measured: incident solar irradiance, solar cell temperature, environment temperature, ultraviolet index, wind speed, as well as DC input and AC output voltages, currents and power. In the INVERTER submenu are also shown the efficiency of the inverter (EFF) and the losses related to the DC/AC conversion (LOSSES). Finally, the INDICATORS submenu (green rectangle in the initial screen, Figure 58) show graphically the values of performance indicators based on the previous variables measured. The performance indicators implemented are: ο· Specific Yield (SY, in kWh/kWp), which is the ratio between the real AC energy injected into the grid during the test and the total PV array peak power. 72 ο· Performance Ratio (PR, in %), which is the ratio between the SY and the solar irradiation that has reached the PV array during the test period (normalized by the irradiance at STC). ο· Performance Index (PI, in %), which is the PR but taking away thermal losses and inverters losses associated to the DC/AC conversion. So, this indicator is not site-dependent and nor season-dependent, unlike PR. ο· Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF, in %), ratio between the real AC energy injected into the grid during the test and the theoretical AC energy injected into the grid considering that the system is working at STC all the time (it takes into account even blank periods like nighttime). Figure 56. Screen of the METEO submenu of the microSCADA application. Figure 57. Screen of the INVERTER submenu of the microSCADA application. 73 Figure 58. Screen of the PERFORMANCE submenu of the microSCADA application. In this submenu other performance indicators are also presented, as those related to the AC signal (active and reactive power and their associated power factor and total harmonic distortion), as well as the losses due to temperature, the losses due to DC/AC conversion and the total CO2 savings during the test thanks to the use of the evaluated PV system. It must be also mentioned that this software has been developed taking into account the different kind of users that can execute the application. More in detail, two profiles of users have been developed. The first one is the “Administrator user profile”. This kind of users can access databases, control sensors remotely and execute the main program. The second one is the “Normal user profile”. In this last case, the user has not enough priority and some functions are restricted. Basically, they can just execute the main program. 2.6.5. Summary. In this section the most powerful testing kit has been presented for the performance analysis of a PV system. A professional watt-meter (together with AC clamps installed at the output of the PV inverter and a DC shunt resistor installed at the 74 input of the PV inverter in order to measure currents with high-accuracy) in combination with testing kit number 1 (reference modules, section 2.1) allow knowing simultaneously and with a high degree of details the global performance of the installation and the particular behaviour of both PV arrays and PV inverters, the main devices of a PV system. Records of Gef, TC and experimental AC power, PAC,EXP, allow to obtain the power response, that is, the comparison between the real AC power, PAC,EXP, and the simulated one, PAC,SIM which is calculated by using a very simple model (the same model used by SISIFO, the PV simulation software developed in the PVCROPS project) that is based on the information that is available on the manufacturer datasheet (modules and inverters). The power response reports graphically about the behaviour of the PV systems. Both the normal performance and the anomalous situations are clearly represented in the power response and are easily identified and quantified. Besides, these records are the needed to calculate the global performance of the PV system as it was presented in section 2.1 (PR, PRSTC) Records of Gef, TC and experimental DC power, PDC,EXP, allow to obtain the STC power of the PV array. This characterization must be done in very sunny days and with a high frequency of records (each minute or faster) to obtain accurate results with the lower uncertainty. In fact, as the DC voltage and current have not a difference of phase, DC power can be obtained directly as the product of these variables. So, if DC voltage and current signals are included in the SCADA system, together with Gef and TC, the DC characterization can be done daily in the routines of maintenance. The only cares that must be taken are, first, to integrate shunt resistors at the inverter entry to measure the DC currents and, second, to measure simultaneously these variables and the operating conditions, Gef and TC. Finally, simultaneous records of experimental AC and DC power, PAC,EXP and PDC,EXP, allow to obtain the power efficiency of the inverter. Differences at low power between observed values and those derived from datasheet are usual. This is due to the internal inverter losses (mainly fans consumption) which use to be just given as additional information in the datasheet but not considered at the efficiency load curve of the manufacturer. So, the energy impact due to the fans consumption can be now 75 included in the simulations. Then, thanks to this improvement, the energy simulations will be more accurate. Several measurement examples from real PV installation tested on-site have been also reported to show that the performance of the proposed testing kit is good and that it provides a very detailed information about the behaviour of the system, from both a global point of view of the whole PV system and a particular point of view of each PV device (arrays and inverters). Besides, some of the results obtained in these tests have been also presented and reported about the high accuracy of this testing kit. An advantage of using a watt-meter is that inverters and PV arrays ranging from kW to MW can be tested with the same equipment just by selecting the proper shunt resistor size that must be installed at the inverter entry and the adequate AC clamps that must be installed at the inverter output. Nevertheless, the use of a professional watt-meter for on-site measurement can be very expensive, especially when small PV systems have to be tested. So, a low cost testing kit (microSCADA) has been developed as an alternative to perform a detailed analysis of a BIPV. The microSCADA testing kit is implemented by a portable laptop computer and a set of smart sensors (meteorological sensors and AC and DC sensors). All these sensors are connected sequentially in a RS-485 network using MODBUS protocol. In order to present to the user the results of the PV system analysis in an easy way, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been implemented to show in an easy way the results of the PV system. 76 3. CONCLUSIONS PVCROPS team has been working from the beginning of 2013 on the definition of quality testing procedures and the associated testing kits to evaluate PV installation. The first result of this work was the definition of the technical specifications that a gridconnected PV system should fulfil in order to achieve (and even overcome) the energy production expectation that was established at the initial design of the PV system (Deliverable 2.2). Once the technical characteristics of the PV installation have been clearly defined, it is needed a set of quality control procedures whose objective is to check if the system that has been finally installed fulfils these technical characteristics previously established. The proposed quality control procedures have been already reported (Deliverable 9.3). Both, technical specifications and quality control procedures have been reviewed and validated by several experts of the PV community, but also by its successfully applications in several commercial PV systems that are already working. Now, this report shows what are the testing kits that have been designed to execute the proposed on-site quality control procedures, what are the devices that should be used and what are the devices that can even be implemented. These testing kits allow evaluating on-site a whole PV system, both from a global point of view (general performance of the installation) and from a particular point of view (individual performance of PV modules, PV arrays and/or PV inverters). Some examples of the use of the different testing kits during the evaluation of real PV systems have been also reported. The next table summarizes the testing kits that have been presented in this report, what are their objectives, what are the main devices needed in each testing kit and what are their main characteristics. 77 TESTING KIT 1 Reference PV modules 2 I-V curve tracer 3 Climatic box 4 PID tester 5 Hot spot tester 6 Full PV system tester OBJECTIVES ο§ Global performance of the PV system ο§ Calculation of PR, PRSTC ο§ Electrical behaviour of PV modules/arrays ο§ Detection of malfunction of PV modules ο§ Electrical behaviour of PV modules/arrays ο· At STC ο· At low G ο· Dependence on Tc ο§ Detection of PV modules affected by potential induced degradation (PID) ο§ Detection of overheating in PV modules due to any anomaly DEVICES Reference modules Shunt resistor Datalogger Single/twin self-made I-V tracer based on IGBT ο§ Reference PV modules ο§ Shunt resistor class 0.5 ο§ Differential 4 channel oscilloscope ο§ Self-made climatic box ο§ Single I-V tracer ο§ Datalogger ο§ Temperature sensors (PT1000) ο§ 2 irradiance sensors (reference cells) a) High voltage source + I-V tracer ο· Power degradation b) Current source + CCD camera ο· Electroluminiscence image c) I-V tracer ο· I-V shape/power d) Current source +Blanket/cardboard ο· Dark I-V curve e) Voltmeter + “T” connectors ο· Operating voltage CHARACTERISTICS ο§ Modules of the same type of the PV system ο§ Shunt resistor class 0.5 ο§ Based on IGBT and capacitors ο§ Scalable for measuring from PV modules to large PV arrays ο§ Single or twin ο§ Manual or automatic a) Hand thermographic camera b) Self-made PV drone ο· Visual and termographic camera ο· High resolution digital camera b) Based on free-software and free hardware, fast, automatic flight missions. If includes a digital camera for aerial photogrammetry (shadow analysis) ο§ ο§ ο§ ο§ ο§ Global performance of the PV a) High precision watt-meter + AC clamps + system shunt resistor + reference PV modules ο§ Calculation of PR, PRSTC b) Self-made microSCADA ο§ Detection of anomalous operation ο· High-accuracy AC and DC sensors ο§ Performance of PV arrays. ο· Gef and TC sensors ο§ Performance of PV inverters 78 ο§ “Thermally isolated” ο§ Fans to homogenize temperatures ο§ Accurate internal reference cell a) Expensive, only laboratory b) Expensive, dark room c) Sunny day, slow d) Cheap, any moment e) Cheap, sunny day, fast a) Very expensive b) Cheap, conceived for small PV systems, cheaper. Based on MODBUS protocol. 4. REFERENCES [1] Global market outlook for photovoltaics 2013-2017. May 2013. European Photovoltaic IndustryAssociation (EPIA). Available at [2] F. Martínez-Moreno, N. Tyutyundzhiev. Good and bad practices. Manual to improve the quality and reduce the cost of PV systems. 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