A collaboration between APAP and the Arts Leadership Program at USC
Kenneth Foster
Director, Arts Leadership Program
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Scott Stoner
Vice President, Programs and Resources
Association of Performing Arts Presenters
Washington, DC
In partnership with the Arts Leadership program at USC (ARTL@USC) and with the
support of the American Express Foundation and The Wallace Foundation, APAP is
pleased to announce the opening of applications for the second year of its Leadership
Fellows Program (LFP).
The program, which is described in detail below, is a 20-month commitment by midcareer professionals from all parts of the performing arts presenting field who are
interested not just in improving their capabilities as leaders but in growing and
influencing the knowledge and practices of the field of performing arts presenting. The
program is organized by annual cohorts of Fellows all of whom have demonstrated a
commitment to a collaborative process that will enhance the knowledge, skills, and
overall capacity needed to effect change in their current work and for the future.
Through the Leadership Fellows Program, APAP seeks to build a body of knowledge and
contribute to the growth and development of the field of performing arts presenting in
a time of unprecedented change. We will accomplish this through a sustainable, multiyear program of organizational leadership development, focused on mid-career
professionals, providing them the opportunity to grow their ability to be effective arts
organization leaders and increase their influence in the field of performing arts
The 2016-2018 program aims to serve a cohort of 26 individuals who embody the broad
diversity of the field of performing arts presenters. This encompasses professionals with
a minimum of 7-12 years of experience (but those with longer term experience will also
be considered) with artistic and/or managerial responsibility in an organization that is
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
actively engaged in some aspect of the presenting field. This could include, but is not
limited to, artist management companies, presenting organizations, service
organizations, funding bodies, artists and artist-run organizations. Candidates must
confirm organizational executive support to fully participate in the Fellows program
activities outlined below, in addition to taking the lead in organizing an action research
project in conjunction with their professional capacity within their organization. While
individualized learning opportunities are created through the structure of the program,
the commitment and willingness of the participants to deeply engage with their
professional circumstances and their colleagues is vital to the success of the individual’s
experience and the program itself.
Recognizing that learning is an iterative and evolving process, the structure of the
Fellows program will require a 20-month commitment of each participant, beginning
June 2016 through January 2018, which includes:
An initial 5-day Intensive at USC, June 21-26, 2016 (attendance all 5 days
required - no exceptions)
Virtual monthly cohort meetings throughout the duration of the program
An interim 1-day pre-conference session at the January 2017 APAP|NYC annual
A 3-day Learning Lab at USC in June 2017, exact dates TBD
A final 1-day pre-conference session at the January 2018 APAP|NYC annual
Each LFP participant will:
1. Increase mastery of his/her own organizational leadership abilities through selfawareness, reflection, and ongoing learning.
2. Achieve a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the external environment,
how this is affecting both the arts and communities and how to apply that
understanding to his/her work as an arts leader.
3. Enhance personal understanding and awareness of the opportunities presented
by the ethnic and racial diversity of the United States, how that relates to and
affects oneself and one’s organization and how to create strategies of equity,
opportunity and access to the arts that are authentic and relevant.
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
4. Renew and revitalize his/her thinking and work in relation to the coming
together of art, artists and communities, the core function of performing arts
presenting. Learn to think imaginatively about how to make this happen in
one’s own circumstance.
5. Understand the need for organizations to function as learning organizations
whose practices evolve as the organization achieves new knowledge and
determine how to create a learning organization.
6. Participate as a member of a growing community of thought leaders who,
through their work and their individual leadership, are creating knowledge and
shaping a vision of the world of presenting the performing arts.
This program receives substantial support from the American Express Foundation and
The Wallace Foundation. Nonetheless, a $50 application fee is required, and for those
participants selected, a financial commitment of $2,800 is required, which reflects
personal and/or institutional commitment. Included in that fee is lodging and meals at
the Intensive in 2016 and the Learning Lab in 2017; complimentary registration at the
2017 and 2018 APAP|NYC conferences (excludes awards luncheon ticket).
In the interests of creating an economically diverse constituency for the program, partial
scholarships of varying amounts are available to individuals who make a case for their
support in the application process (see Application).
at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles)
The Intensive will begin at 2:00pm PST on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 on the campus of the
University of Southern California in Los Angeles and conclude on Sunday, June 26, 2016
by noon. Participants will stay on campus in individually assigned single dorm rooms
with a shared bathroom for every two rooms. Meals are covered by APAP and will vary,
some on campus and some off.
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
The 5-day Intensive at USC is designed to lay the foundation for the 20-month program.
The specific purposes of the Intensive are to:
1. Establish each year’s cohort as a cohesive group that will stay together for the
20-month process and emerge as a community of thought leaders who support
and challenge each other in their growth and development as leaders; a portion
of the Intensive period will be in conjunction with the previous year’s Fellows.
2. Provide an initial immersion into the issues expressed in the learning objectives;
3. Create small group/peer mentoring cohorts;
4. Connect theoretical knowledge with actual work that includes refinement of
each Fellow’s action research project; and
5. Provide an inspirational experience that generates excitement in each
participant to remain committed to the group and to continue his/her own
growth and development.
Leadership begins with the individual and a deeper understanding of yourself, the
particular strengths you bring to the leadership challenge and the areas of effective
leadership practice that you want to develop. Assessment tools will be used to help
each Fellow examine more closely his/her leadership effectiveness. As a result, Fellows
will develop goals and strategies for improving their leadership work both during the
intensive and when you return to your place of work.
The rapidly changing environment - the interconnected trends and movements that are
creating an environment of uncertainty and even chaos in our field and our world – is a
key aspect of what makes contemporary arts leadership challenging, so we will explore
these as a way to develop the context for your work. There will be some assigned
reading before the intensive to get some deeper background than you might currently
have. During the Intensive itself, Fellows will interact with guest speakers – thinkers and
doers whose knowledge of and insights into the changing nature of our world will
challenge and inspire. There will be time for reflection and deep conversations with
colleagues about the present and the future, what it means for the individual and
his/her organization and how applied leadership can make a difference.
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
The continuously changing face of the United States is a cultural challenge, not just a
demographic or political one, so arts leaders have a particular responsibility to
themselves, their organizations and their communities to create and lead authentic arts
strategies for a complex, multicultural environment. Not all of us are well equipped to
tackle this challenge, so we’ll do some important work here towards reflection and
greater self-awareness of cultural biases. And, we will learn about successful strategies
that others are pursuing that can show us new ways of thinking and acting in a
multicultural America.
The core of the idea of the presenting field is to bring together art, artists and
communities for a shared artistic experience. Yet too often we become so involved in
the challenges of making our organization or our business work that we can lose sight of
why we are here and what our core purpose is. We will take some time to revisit the
deeply important questions of why art matters and how each of us – artist, manager
and presenter – can reimagine our work and create important arts experiences for our
communities. We will explore new strategies around aesthetics, programming, artistic
direction, curating, and the changing role of the community in your artistic practice.
Just as your evolution as an arts leader never ends, neither does your organization’s, its
role and its purpose. Change is indeed the only constant, and today’s arts leaders are
engaged in continuous change management. Yet you may find that barriers exist within
your own organization – from the Board, the Director, colleagues, constituents – even
yourself! Each Fellow will learn how to rethink organizational purpose and practice in
the context of a changing world and hear from people who are making this work for
them and for their organizations.
As co-directors, Kenneth Foster and Scott Stoner will facilitate the events of the
Intensive. Advising them in both curriculum development and engagement strategies at
the Intensive and throughout the 20-month period is a select team of five Group
Leaders, identified for their expertise and experience in the field. These Group Leaders
will facilitate the small group mentoring circles that are formed at the Intensive and also
meet virtually throughout the 20-month program.
Recognizing that Fellows are working professionals, our intention is to create an
experience that is vital and stimulating with various teaching and learning strategies,
emphasizing interaction and ongoing evaluation.
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
This will include:
1. Individuals with specific expertise to address certain topics
2. Reports from the field – people in the field of current practice who can share
their experiences from which participants glean insights
3. Reflection – time alone for journaling and self-tracking of personal growth and
4. Collaborative inquiry – meeting with colleagues also committed and interested in
understanding how to grow as arts and community leaders to address some of
the key questions related to each of the topic areas of the Intensive.
5. Mentoring circles – small groups of Fellows with a Team Leader/Facilitator to
help guide the group’s reflective thinking, idea sharing, problem solving and
overall growth of the individuals participating
6. A robust evaluation experience that includes pre-workshop assessment tools,
self-reflection, ongoing interaction with faculty, speakers and colleagues and a
post session evaluation.
While we know each Fellow wants to engage in new thinking and embrace new ideas,
we also know that each will be returning to his/her organization and its discrete
challenges. So we want to ensure that the experience of the Intensive is not only
relevant to your daily work but also serves as a catalyst for putting ideas into actions,
concepts into practice.
In the application process, each applicant is asked to identify an institutional/personal
issue, opportunity or challenge that he/she is currently facing and would specifically like
to work on during the Intensive and beyond. This should be a conceptual/purpose
related issue – something that will require research, reflection and experimentation on
the Fellow’s part as he/she moves forward in working on it.
Some examples of projects could include:
1. An agent/manager who:
a. is considering whether to grow, shrink and/or diversify his/her roster of
artists in response to changing demographics
b. is seeking a new business model that reflects the changing revenue and
touring dynamics
c. wants to move away from the roster approach to a project based
approach in his/her organization
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
2. An artist who:
a. Wants to transform his/her organization according to a different model
of working
b. Wants to reconsider modes of presentation and repertory choices based
on a desire to create a more dynamic relationship with his/her
c. Wants to reimagine the creative process to reflect a new artistic direction
for the company
3. A presenter who:
a. Wants to reconsider the artistic vision of their organization based on a
changing (or changed) community
b. Needs to reconsider organizational design in order to remain robust and
relevant to the community
c. Wants to build a more collaborative organization, internally and
4. Anyone who:
a. Wants to create a more productive working dynamic within his/her
b. Wants to consider career trajectory options that might be viable for
c. Wants to build sustained arts activity within a community based context,
outside the traditional organizational parameters
We will be seeking to create a cohort of individuals whose projects are diverse and
reflective of the challenges of working in a changing external environment. The most
important criteria however is that it be critically important to the vitality of the
individual and/or the organization.
Each participant will present the dimensions of his/her challenge at the first gathering of
the Intensive. In the small group mentoring circles and guided by the Group leaders,
using a structured inquiry and problem solving process, you’ll brainstorm ideas and
strategies together. Using technology that can connect people in disparate places, each
group will continue its work following the Intensive and throughout the 20 month term
of the program.
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
In order to assemble as powerful of a group as possible, we have designed a
comprehensive application process. Our purpose is not to exclude but rather to try to
build a robust cohort of dedicated individuals that can lead to a transformational
experience for you. We also hope that the application process itself gives you a chance
to reflect on where you are and what you are seeking.
Through the application process we are seeking individuals who seem most likely to
meet the program objectives. We are especially looking for people who demonstrate:
A depth of experience that insures constructive participation in the program
A desire to learn and apply that learning to real world situations
An openness to alternative thoughts and ideas about how to work
A commitment to the presenting field as vital to the arts in America
A willingness to share your learning with others
Please note: Finalists may be interviewed (live or via video conferencing) by one or more
of the Co-Directors and/or Group Leaders.
HOW TO APPLY - DEADLINE: 5:00pm ET on Thursday, February 11, 2016
1. Review the LFP Guidelines and Application Preview (this document)
2. Prepare an updated resume and your responses to the short answer questions
(to be uploaded/written into the online application). We’re mostly interested in
your work experience and the scope of responsibilities you have had over time.
3. Collect a completed Nomination Form (use template provided) from someone
who knows you and your work well (to be uploaded into the online application).
4. Collect a Letter of Support (any format) for your participation from your
organization’s leadership (to be uploaded into the online application).
5. Mail/fax a Payment Form to APAP along with a $50 application fee. Please note:
for your security, Payment Forms submitted via email will not be accepted.
6. Submit all application information and support materials (resume, nomination
form, letter of support) through the LFP online application system. Please note:
applications submitted via email will not be accepted.
APAP Fellows Program
Cohort II 2016-2018
The following serves as a preview to the online application to assist you with preparing
your full LFP application for submission. Please review the requested information below
in detail, prepare written responses to the short answer questions, and collect all support
materials (resume, nomination form, letter of support) in advance of beginning the LFP
online application. You will not be able to save/return to an incomplete application.
A completed LFP application and all support materials must be submitted through the
online application system no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, February 11, 2016.
The Payment Form and $50 application fee must also be mailed/faxed to APAP by the
deadline. Applications/Payment Forms submitted via email will not be accepted.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________________________
APAP Membership Status:
_____My organization is currently an APAP member
_____My organization is currently NOT an APAP member
Please note: you do not have to be an APAP member to apply, but if accepted into the
program, then you must become a member. An APAP staff person will work with you to
find the appropriate membership level for you.
Organization’s Address: ____________________________________________________
Best Phone Number: _________________ Best Email Address: ____________________
Number of years in the performing arts presenting field: ________________
Have you ever attended the APAP|NYC annual conference before?
Yes, but only as a volunteer
Gender: _____________________________
Age: __________________________
How do you identify your race/ethnicity: ______________________________________
APAP Fellows Program
Application Preview
Cohort II 2016-2018
Please provide the following information regarding the head of your organization
(ED/CEO/President/Board Chair):
Full Name: _________________________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Please select which option most closely corresponds to your organization’s work in the
performing arts presenting field:
Presenting Support
Artist Management
Other, please specify ___________________________________
Please select which option most closely corresponds to your organization’s legal status:
Commercial (for-profit enterprise)
Nonprofit (incorporated)
Public college/university
Private college/university
Government (local, regional or state)
Please selects which option best describes the type of area in which your organization is
Small city
What populations or community constituency does your organization serve?
Which performing arts discipline(s) does your organization primarily present or
Please supply the following information about your organization:
Annual budget: ____________________________________________________
Number of staff employed: ___________________________________________
Number of staff in your department: _______________________________
Number of staff you supervise: ________________________________________
APAP Fellows Program
Application Preview
Cohort II 2016-2018
PLEASE ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (300 words max for each question)
YOU---Tell us about yourself – your background, the life challenges you may have faced,
your values and ideals and what drives you to participate in the work of the presenting
field? (300 words max)
YOUR ORGANIZATION--Give a brief description of your organization, the community(s)
that you aim to serve and the leadership role that you play in either/both. What is the
greatest challenge facing you and/or your organization at this time? (300 words max)
WHY--Addressing the selection criteria, explain what you believe you will contribute to
the program and what you hope to receive from your participation. (300 words max)
ACTION LEARNING PROJECT--Briefly describe your proposed action learning project, the
vision you have for the project and your specific role in making it happen. (300 words
SUPPORT MATERIALS (collect in advance and submit through the online application)
Upload your current resume outlining your professional skills and background:
Upload a completed Nomination Form (please use template provided on the LFP
webpage) from someone who knows you and your work well:
Upload a Letter of Support from your organization's leadership:
A $50 application fee is required to review your application. Please mail/fax a Payment
Form (see LFP webpage) to APAP along with a $50 application fee before the deadline
(checks sent by mail must be postmarked before the deadline). For your security,
Payment Forms submitted via email will not be accepted.
_____I plan to mail my Payment Form with a check to APAP.
_____I plan to fax my Payment Form with credit card info to APAP.
For those selected, a financial commitment of $2,800 is required to participate in the
program, which reflects personal and/or institutional commitment. A limited number of
scholarship funds are available to qualified candidates.
APAP Fellows Program
Application Preview
Cohort II 2016-2018
Please indicate whether you/your employer can pay the full $2,800 program fee, can
only pay part of the program fee, or if you will need a full scholarship.
_____Able to pay the full $2,800
_____Need a full scholarship
_____Can pay partial (please indicate the amount $_____)
An initial 5-day Intensive at USC, June 21-26, 2016 (attendance all 5 days
required - no exceptions)
Virtual monthly cohort meetings throughout the duration of the program
An interim 1-day pre-conference session at the January 2017 APAP|NYC annual
A 3-day Learning Lab at USC in June 2017, exact dates TBD
A final 1-day pre-conference session at the January 2018 APAP|NYC annual
If selected to participate, I understand that (all must be checked):
o The key dates listed above are requirements of the program.
o APAP will provide lodging and meals for the Intensive and Learning Lab at USC in
Los Angeles.
o I am responsible for all travel costs incurred to attend the Intensive and Learning
Lab at USC in Los Angeles.
o APAP will provide complimentary registration (excludes luncheon ticket) for the
APAPNYC 2017 and APAPNYC 2018 annual conferences in New York City.
o I am responsible for all travel costs, lodging and meals incurred to attend the
APAPNYC 2017 and APAPNYC 2018 annual conferences in New York City.
I have read and understood the LFP Guidelines.
Questions? Contact Kalyn Saylor, ksaylor@artspresenters.org.
APAP Fellows Program
Application Preview
Cohort II 2016-2018