Andhra University Information - Courses, Admissions, Facilities

(Established 1926)
ADDRESS Visakhapatnam 530003
Andhra Pradesh
CABLE University Visakhapatnam
FAX 0891-2755324
Governor of Andhra Pradesh
E-MAIL aureg@
Prof Beela Satyanarayana
Prof P V G D Prasad Reddy
DEANS Academic Affairs Prof D Harinarayana
Exams (PG Professionals) Prof E Viswanadha Reddy
DIRECTOR Academic Staff College
Exams (UG) Prof L D Sudhakar Babu
Students Welfare Prof OSRU Bhanu Kumar
Prof K Ravi
Dr M Syam Babu
The Andhra University came into being in
1926 as a result of the Andhra University
Act 1925 which envisaged the
establishment of an affiliating, teaching and
residential University for the Telugu (Andhra)
districts of the Madras Presidency. By a
later Act, the area of jurisdiction has been
narrowed down. The Act establishes five
categories of colleges; colleges providing
for pass courses and postgraduate
courses; Degree colleges providing courses
for degree in arts, commerce or science;
professional colleges providing courses in
engineering, education and medicine;
Oriental Colleges (recognized) providing
courses for oriental titles. Medical Colleges
have been transferred in 1990 to Dr NTR
University of Health Sciences, Andhra
and provides services like UGC Infonet,
email/Internet Services, Literature search,
Inter Library Loan, Information retrieval,
Earn While you Learn Programme, User
Orientation & literacy programme, 24 hours
reading room facility and Xerox facilities are
also available in the library. This library is
also providing services for the Visually
challenged users.
Jurisdiction of University extends to the
Districts of Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, East
Vizianagaram. Postgraduate and extension
Campuses are located at Vizianagram,
Srikakulam, Kakinada and Tadepalligudem
within the University area.
There are 81 teaching departments, 5
university colleges, 4 Andhra University
Campuses, 602 affiliated colleges and 15
oriental colleges under the university
Students Enrolment about 1 lakh.
Library and Research Facilities
Books: 4,81,428 about 2500 readers
use the library daily, periodical subscription
429, budget for periodicals Rs. 1.25 crores,
A separate Internet Lab with 80 systems
having 2 Mbps bandwidth serving
separately for students scholars and faculty
Term July to December. Second Term
January to March. The academic year in
affiliated colleges, comprises three terms
First Term First working day of July to end
of Sept; Second Term Oct to December.
Third Term January to March.
Admissions July. Affiliated colleges
start admissions from June 1.
Scholarship and Fellowships
Examinations Annual March-June,
Supplementary: September-October.
Research fellowships of Rs.10000 pm;
scholarships Merit @ 2,000 pm; PG @ 8,000
pm; junior research Arts & Science @
Rs 12000 pm Engg. @ Rs 14000 pm senior
research fellowships Arts & Science @ Rs
14000 pm; Engg @ Rs 15000 pm.
Income Rs.135.64 Crores (including State
Government Grant of Rs.78.55 Crores, Fee
Rs.43.05 Crores other receipts Rs 14.04
Crores) Expenditure Rs.157.91 Crores.
School of Distance Education
Special Features
BA., B.Com. BSc., MA (Eng. Hindi, Telugu,
Econ, Hist, Maths, Philosophy, Politics, Public
Admn., Social); Education, MLiSc, MCom;
B.Ed; PG Dips (Coop & Rural Studies;
Environmental Studies, Translation,
Functional English, Personnel Management
& Industrial Relations, Travel and Tourism
Organizations, Computer Programming and
Applications), Certificate Courses in Urdu,
Linguistics, Office Automation and
Accounting, Office Automation and Internet
Technologies, Office Automation and
Multimedia Technologies; Dip in Music, Urdu.
Tutorials The University has introduced
tutorial system for BA, BSc and B Com in
the affiliated colleges. Coaching classes
for probationary officers Semester System
for ME, MTech. courses.
Open University Scheme
Evening Colleges The University has
arrangements for evening classes for BA/
Academic Year
July to March divided in two terms, First
Budget Estimates
Health Service There are two
dispensaries in the University under the
charge of six medical officers who cater to
the medical needs of students and staff.
Games and Physical Education The
Univ has facilities for Tennis, Football,
Hockey, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball,
Badminton, Table-Tennis, Kabaddi, KhoKho, Weightlifting and Athletics. The
swimming pool is in the main campus. There
is a well-equipped Gymnasium on the main
campus with qualified coaches to look after
its activities.
Hostels are divided into six groups
Hostels for Arts & Commerce; Law College;
Science & Technology College; Engineering
Colleges; Women’s Hostel and Hostel for
Research Scholars.
BJMC Eligibility BA, BSc or BCom
degree with 40% marks in part I either in Eng/
Telugu and also have passed entrance test.
Duration 1 yr.
Ednl Admn and Mgt; Method of Teaching
School Subjects any two of the following;
Eng, Telugu, Maths, Physical Science,
Biological Sc and Social Studies.
Employment Guidance Bureau The
Bureau provides educational, vocational
guidance and information on higher studies
in India and abroad. There is a separate
Career information room at the Bureau.
MJMC Eligibility Bachelor’s degree with
50% marks. Duration 2 yrs.
MEd Eligibility BEd-exam Duration 1
year. Subjects Philosophical & Sociological
Foundations of Edn; Adv Ednl Psy; Research
Methodology including Ednl Stat; Any one of
the following; Comparative Edn; Ednl Admn
& Planning, Hist & Evolution of Ednl Thought;
Adv Methodology in any one of the School
Subjects; Ednl Test & Measurements;
Guidance & Counselling; Curriculum;
Construction Mental Hygiene.
Fee Tuition fee (per annum) MSc (CS &
Stats) Rs 11,500; MSc Rs 550; MSc
(Electronics) Rs 60,000; MSc (Material Sc)
Rs 5000; MSc (Marine Biotech) Rs 6750;
Self Financing courses fees extra. MA Rs
225-250; MA (Criminal Justice) Rs 5700;
Diplomas Rs 500-2000; LLB Rs 300; MSc
(Computers) Rs 10500; MCA Rs3150. Fees
for UG courses are decided by the colleges.
Courses of Study
BA Eligibility Intermediate of Board of
Intermediate Education AP, Hyderabad or
equivalent. Duration 3 yrs Subjects Part
I Compulsory Eng; any one of the following;
Bengali, French, German. Hindi, Kannada,
Malayalam, Oriya, Russian, Sans, Tamil,
Telugu or Urdu, Part II Ancillary subjects
Two subjects mentioned under part I or Part
III including Painting & Sculpture; Part III Main
Subject One of the following; Anthro; Dance;
Econ; Edn; Eng; Geog; Hindi; Hist; Maths;
Music; Oriya; Phil; Pol; Psy; Pub Admn; Rural
Econ; Sans; Social Work; Sociol; Stat; Telugu;
Urdu. Candidates have to take an approved
combination of three optional subjects,
under common core scheme.
BLISc Eligibility BA, BSc, or BCom.
Duration 1 year (2 semesters).
MLISc Eligibility Bachelor’s degree/
Postgraduate Dip in Lib Sc Duration 1 yr.
BCom Eligibility Intermediate Duration
3 yrs Subjects Part I Compulsory Eng; any
one of the following languages; Bengali,
French, German, Hindi, Kannada,
Malayalam, Oriya, Russian, Sans, Tamil,
Telugu or Urdu. Part II Compulsory Auditing;
Adv Accounts; Banking Theory & Practice;
Accountancy; Bus. Orgn; Commercial Geog;
Econ; Mercantile Law; Stat, Optionals any
one of the following; Costing; Currency &
Exchange; Econ & Transport; Secretarial
Practice; Theory & Practice of Coop,
Typewriting & Shorthand; Office
Supervision; Insurance; Income Tax and
Bus Maths.
MCom Eligibility BCom exam. Duration
2 years. Subjects First Year Bus Mgt; Indl
Orgn, Marketing; Indl. Relations & Labour
Mgt. Second Year Bus Econ; Corporation
Finance; any one of the following groups;
Cost Accounts, Taxation; Transport with
special reference to coordination, Public
utilities; Adv Banking, Trade Policies &
Controls; Planning, Public Enterprises; Agri
Econ, Mgt of Coop Enterprises.
BFA Eligibility Intermediate. Duration 4
yrs. Subject App Arts.
BBM Eligibility Intermediate. Duration
3 yrs. Admission through entrance test.
MA Eligibility BA or BA (Hons) or BA (OL)
exam. Duration 2 yrs. Subjects one of the
following; Anc Hist & Archaeol; Anthro; Econ;
Edn; Eng; Geography; Hindi; Hist; Indl Relations
& Personnel Mgt; Maths; Phil; Pol Sc; Psy; Pub
Admn; Sans; Sociol; Telugu; Urdu.
MBA Eligibility II class Bachelor’s
degree, Postgraduate degree holders or
with 2 years business experience are also
eligible. Duration 2 years with exam each
year. Subjects Group A Principles &
Practice of Mgt; Managerial Econ; Financial
Mgt; Personnel Mgt & Indl Relations;
Marketing; Enterprise & Entrepreneurship;
Bus Control; Mgt of Public Enterprises.
Group B Incompany training and Project
Report; Viva voce.
MA (Applied Econ and Rural Dev)
Eligibility BA with Econ as main subject/
Rural Development/Maths and Econ as
ancillary subjects or BSc (Agri) or
Postgraduate Diploma in Rural Studies with
1 or II class. Duration 2 years.
MA (Religious Studies) Eligibility BA/
BSc/BA(OL) with Sanskrit. Duration 2 yrs.
MA (Social Work) Eligibility Degree
holders in Arts, Science, Comm, Law, Home
Sc. Duration 2 yrs with exam each year
known as previous and final exams.
MA (Music) Vocal Eligibility BA in
Music as main/ancillary or its equivalent.
Duration 2 yrs.
MBA (PT) MBA (Part-time) course of 3
yrs duration to graduates with I class and
3 yrs experience.
MTM Eligibility Bachelor’s degree.
Duration 2 yrs.
BEd Eligibility A degree exam. Duration
1 year.
Subjects Teacher and Edn in
Emerging Indian Society, Psychological
Foundations of Edn, Perspectives of Edn,
BPEd Eligibility Bachelor’s degree.
Duration 1 year. Subjects Principles, Psy
& Methods of Physical Edn; Organ & Admn
of Physical Edn and Health Edn; Anatomy,
Physiol & Physiol of Exercise; Body
Mechanics & Kinesiology of Exercise;
Officiating & Coaching of Physical Edn; any
one: Tests and Measurements & Practical,
Urban & Indl Recreation, Problems in Physical
Edn. Adv Coaching of Sports & Games.
MPEd (Two Summers).
BE Eligibility Inter exam with Maths and
Physical Sciences. Admission through
entrance exam. Duration 4 yrs. Branches
Civil; Civil Env; Elect; Electronics & Commun;
Elect & Electronics; Marine; Mech;
Metallurgy; Naval Architecture; E&l; HPIE.
BE (Part-time) Eligibility Diploma exam
in the concerned branch of Engg. Admission
through entrance exam. Duration 4 years.
Branches Civil; Elect; Electronic Commun;
Mech; No Part-time at present.
BTech Eligibility Inter exam with Maths
and Physical Sciences. Duration 4 years.
Admission through entrance test.
Branches Chem Engg, Computer Sc &
System Engg, Instrumentation Tech,
Petrochemical, Biochemical.
BArch Eligibility Inter exam with Maths,
Phy, Chem or Dip in Arch of the State Board
of Technical Education Training. Duration
5 yrs. Admission through entrance and
aptitude test.
ME Eligibility BE degree. Duration 2
years (4 semesters), Branches Civil Engg
Public Health & Environmental Engg; Structural
Engg; Hydraulic Engg; Soil Mechanics &
Foundation Engg; Coastal & Harbour Engg;
Electrical Engg Control Systems Engg; Power
Systems Engg; Computer Engg, Electronic
Communication Engg, Electronics and Inst,
Radar & Microwave, Geo Engg, Mech Engg
Machine Design; Heat Tran in Energy Systems;
Indl Engg. CAD/CAM, Marine Engg; Mech
Handling; Indl Engg.
58 Andhra
ME (Indl Engg) Eligibility local working
engineers. Duration 5 sem.
MTech Eligibility Second division in
appropriate first degree. Duration 3 sem.
Branches Chemical Chemical Engg; Mineral
Process Engg; Biotech; Instrument Tech
Industrial Process Inst. Computers (CST)
Computer Sc & Tech; Information Tech.
LLB Eligibility Bachelor’s degree.
Duration 3 years (6 sem) Admission
through State level entrance test.
LLB (5 yrs) The Univ has introduced 5year degree course in Law for intermediate
certificate holders. Admission through State
level entrance test.
LLM Eligibility Bachelor of Law Degree
Duration 2 years Branches any one of
the following; Constitutional Law and
Administrative Law; Business Law; Labour
and Industrial Law; Family Law; International
Law; Criminal Law and Admn; Civil Wrongs
& Remedies.
BA (Oriental
Learning) Eligibility
Vidya Praveena/Bhasha Praveena exam
of the univ Branches Hindi; Sanskrit or
Vidya Praveena Eligibility X class exam
conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Govt or
Entrance/Admission test conducted for the
purpose. Duration 5 years.
Bhasha Praveena Eligibility X class
exam or Admission test conducted for the
purpose or an exam recognised as
equivalent thereto. Duration 5 years.
any two of the subjects mentioned under
Part III including Agriculture. Part III Main
Subjects any one of the following; App
Chem; Botany; Chem; Geog; Geol; Maths;
Mineral Benefication; Phy; Stat; Zool.
Candidates have to take an approved
combination of three optional subjects.
BSc in MLT with Biochem & Microbiol is
also offered.
BSc (Home Sc) Eligibility Intermediate,
Duration 3 yrs Subjects Part I Same as for
BSc Part I. Part II Bacteriol; Biochem; Physiol;
Physical Sciences. Part III Child Dev &
Family Relations; Extn Edn; Food & Nutrition;
Home Mgt & Home Econ; Textile Clothing.
Applications) Eligibility Intermediate with
PCM. Duration 3 yrs.
BS (Bachelor of Science) Eligibility
Intermediate with PCM. Duration 3 yrs.
Branch Electronics and Communications.
BPS (Bachelor of Professional
Studies) Eligibility Intermediate with PCM.
Duration 4 1/2 yrs. Branches Computers
and Informatics; Electronics and Commun.
MCA Eligibility Bachelor’s Degree with
50% marks. Duration 3 yrs.
MSc Eligibility BSc exam in relevant
allied subjects. Duration 2 yrs Subjects
Any one of the following; App Maths;
Biochem; Bioscience; Botany; Chem; Geog;
Geology; Human Genetics & Physical
Anthro; Marine Sciences; Meterology and
Oceanography; Nuclear Phy; Phy; Stat;
Zool, Coastal Aquaculture & Marine Biotech,
MSc (Tech) Eligibility BSc Duration 3
yrs Branches of Specialisation App Phy;
App Geol; Electronics; Geo-Phy; Hydrology.
BPharm Eligibility Intermediate with
Phy, Chem, Biol/Maths. Duration 4 yrs
Admission through entrance exam.
MSc (3 yrs) Eligibility BSc. Duration 3
yrs. Any one: Nuclear Chem; Space Phy;
Computer Software.
BPharrn (Part time) Eligibility DPharm
with l/ll division. Duration 5 yrs Admission
through entrance examination.
MSc (Capture and Culture Fisheries)
Eligibility II Cl BSc with Zool (main) and any
two; Bot.Chem and Fisheries. Duration 2
MPharm Eligibility BPharm exam.
Duration 2 yrs Subjects Branches of
Specialisation Pharmaceutical & Food
Pharmaceutical Tech; Fermentation Tech;
Pharmacology Thesis, Practicals, Seminar,
Viva Voce.
BSc Eligibility Intermediate Duration 3
yrs. Subject Part I Compulsory Eng; any
one of the following languages; Bengali,
French, German, Hindi, Kannada,
Malayalam, Oriya, Russian, Sans, Tamil,
Telugu or Urdu Part II Ancillary Subjects
MSc (Home Sc) Eligibility BSc (HS).
Duration 2 yrs.
MTech (Atmospheric Sc) Eligibility II
Class MSc in Phy/Nuc Phy/Meterology/
Oceanography/Space Phy/Maths/Stat.
Duration 3 semesters.
Research Degree
MPhil Degree is available in the Faculties
of Arts, Science, Commerce and Law and
Mgt. The minimum requirement for admission
is master’s degree with 55% marks in the
subject. Duration 1 yr.
Doctorate Degrees
The PhD degree is awarded in the
Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law,
Medicine, Engineering, Science, and
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine,
DLitt in the Faculty of Arts, DSc in the
Faculty of Science and Medicine and DCL
in the Faculty of Law. Part time and Extramural PhD facilities is also available.
PhD The PhD degree is awarded on the
basis of research work extending over a
period of 3 years for candidates with
Master’s degree in the Faculties of Arts,
Science and Commerce. In other Faculties
the duration is 2 years and candidates with
ME, MTech, ML, MSc (Medical), MD or MS
are eligible. MBBS degree holders are eligible
for award of PhD degree after doing
research for a period of three years. There
is a pre-PhD exam at the end of 9 months,
Candidates are required to submit a thesis
and take a Viva Voce.
DLitt, DSc, DCL The degree of DLitt.
DSc, DCL is awarded on the basis of thesis
or any other original contribution to the
advancement of knowledge within the
Faculty concerned. Doctors of Philosophy
of at least three years standing can
supplicate for these degrees.
New Courses
MSc (Electronics) Space Physics,
Physical Oceanography, Biotech, Organic
Chem, Environmental Chem, Indl Chem,
Human Genetics, Maths & Computer.
MA (Human Rights & Social Action)
Quantitative Economics
MCom (Accounting, Banking)
MTech Information Tech, Indl Process
Instrumentation, Nuclear Engg, Logistics &
Defence Studies, Indl Metallurgy, Material Sc &
Engg, Radar & Microwave Engg, MComp Sc.
Diplomas and Certificates
1 yr dips Linguistics, PG Dip in Indl Engg
(Evening), Cooperation & Rural Studies,
English, Hindi,Tamil,Sr diploma in French
after Graduation; Hindi; Jr & Sr dips in
Russian, Jr Diploma in French, Jr/Sr diploma
in Sanskrit, Japanese, Urdu after
Matriculation. Telugu for foreigners and
Non- Telugu speaking Indians after Hr Sec.
1yr dip Ground Water Geo-phy after MSc
(Tech) in relevant subject; App Stat (Part
time) after cert in Stat or graduation; Space
Science & Tech after MSc(Phy)/MSc(Tech)
with Electronics with II class, Environmental
Sc after MSc/BE/BPharm/MBBS. BSc
(Computer Sc) for 1st class degree holders
with Maths & Phy.
1-yr PG Dipl in Prawn and Grab Farming
and Mgt after BSc Zool/Fisheries; PG Dip in
Yoga (PT) after bachelor’s degree with
50% marks; Criminal Justice after bachelor’s
degree. PG Dip in Sanskrit with Computer
Appln; Accounting Software; International
Business; Transport Mgt; Human Resource
Mgt & Industrial Harmony.
2 yrs dips Eng after I yr of degree exam;
Music after Govt Technical Exam in Indian
Music (Hr Std) or VIll Std, Play writing (Part
time) after graduation Play Direction (Part
time); Acting after Inter.
The Univ also offer diploma in Strategic
Studies after Postgraduation or graduation
with 5 yrs standing; Telugu through Hindi.
Cert in Interpretation of Russian in Eng
after Senior diploma in Russian; Stat after
Bachelor’s degree.
2 yr Cert in proficiency in Oriental learning
after passing preliminary exam for oriental titles.
Teachers of University
Academic Staff College
K S Chalam PhD
Associate Professors
N A V Prasada Reddy PhD
M Ramesh Babu PhD
B Joseph Stanley PhD
K Ramamohana Rao PhD
M Madhusudhana Rao PhD
G Satyanarayana PhD
G Sudarsana Rao PhD
D M Sheeba Rani PhD
P Veni PhD
K Sambasiva Rao PhD
V Krishna Mohan PhD
N Rajya Lakshmi PhD
Associate Professors
Adult and
Associate Professors
P Ch Lakshminarayana PhD
V Bhaskaracharyulu PhD
B S Vasudeva Rao PhD.
and 2 Assistant Directors, 1
Project Officer.
R Yathiraj Kumar PhD
J Masthanaiah Naidu PhD
P Vijaya Prakash PhD
K E Raj Pramukh PhD
V L Narasimha Rao PhD
G Jaikishan PhD
S Narahari PhD
R Sambasiva Rao PhD
Associate Professors
Ch Bapu Haranath
G Paddaiah PhD
V Subrahmanyam PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
N Sambasiva Rao PhD
C V Kannaji Rao PhD
P G Bhaskara Reddy PhD
N Krishna Prasad PhD
I V R L Narasimha Rao PhD
P Viswanadham PhD
R Madhusudhana Raju PhD
M Sandhya Sridevi PhD
A Narasimha Rao PhD
and 9 Asst Professors, 1
Placement Officer.
& Applied
L K Mohana Rao PhD
D Sivarama Prasad PhD
S Ramesh Babu PhD
K Venkata Reddy PhD
Associate Professors
R Ramakrishna PhD
D Pulla Rao PhD
N Bhaskara Reddy PhD
Dept of
Commerce &
Centre for Studies in
Cooperation Possibilities
in South Asia
V Balamohan Das PhD
G Subrahmanyam PhD
D Panduranga Rao PhD
J V Prabhakara Rao PhD
B Parvatheswara Rao PhD
B Appa Rao PhD
U Babaji PhD
D Prabhakara Rao PhD
K Satya Rao PhD
R Satya Raju PhD
I Murali Krishna Rao PhD
M Lakshmipathi Raju PhD
T Nirmala Devi PhD
School of Distance Edn
Director I/c
D Harinarayana PhD
P Hrushikesava Rao PhD
N L Narasimha Rao PhD
P Krishna Prasad PhD
L D Sudhakara Babu PhD
D Prakasa Rao PhD
B Ch Krishna Murty PhD
V Simmanna PhD
B Sudhakara Reddy PhD
N Subba Rao PhD
Associate Professors
K Vijaya Kumar PhD
Ch Subrahmanyam PhD
K Parameswara Rao PhD
G V V Vijaya Kumar PhD
M Bilmoria Rani PhD
B Mohini PhD
A Rohini PhD
L A Ravi Babu PhD
J Ramunaidu PhD
P Hariprakash PhD
T N Jyothi PhD
B Rajkumar PhD
M V Raj Kumar
G S V Varaprasada Raju PhD
and 9 Asstt Professors.
K Chenchi Reddy PhD
V Gandhi Babu PhD
K Siva Prasad PhD
K Rani Gopal PhD
G Rama Chandrudu PhD
C Ratnam PhD
K Simhachalam PhD
K Srirama Murty PhD
R Sudarsana Rao PhD
K Ravi Babu PhD
U N Murty PhD
S K V Suryanarayana Raju
Associate Professors
M Prasada Rao PhD
P Tarakumari PhD
T Koteswara Rao PhD
V Seshagiri Rao PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Y F W Prasada Rao PhD
O R Reddy PhD
Associate Professors
K P Subba Rao PhD
N Venkata Rao PhD
G Latchanna PhD
G Sudhakar PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
Special Education
Associate Professors
R Ranganadhan PhD
G Narayana Rao PhD
K Nirupa Rani PhD
V C Sudheer PhD
B Parvati PhD
S Prasannasree PhD
Associate Professors
T Narayana PhD
C L L Jayaprada PhD
S Bhattacharya PhD
L Manjula Davidson PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Fine Arts
G Ravinder Reddy
V Ramesh
Associate Professors
M Adinarayana PhD
C Ravisankar Patnaik
P Maheswara Das
T Sudhakara Reddy
A Anuradha PhD
M Sarada PhD
K Saraswathi Vidyardhi PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
S M Iqbal PhD
K Leelavati PhD
S Sesha Ratnam PhD
K S Lakshmi PhD
Md M A Faruqui PhD
Associate Professor
Y Lakshmi Prasad PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
History & Archaeology
M Krishna Kumari PhD
60 Andhra
A Kamalavasini PhD
S Nageswara Rao PhD
S Girija PhD
Fathima Kutti Kapil PhD
Associate Professors
P Sivunnaidu PhD
K Suryanarayana PhD
N Josh Babu
and 1 Asstt Professor.
P George Victor PhD
S Satyanarayana PhD
Y V Satyanarayana PhD
Associate Professors
Industrial Relations &
Personnel Management
V V Sai Baba PhD
T Christanandam PhD
S D A Joga Rao PhD
G Veerraju PhD
and 4 Asstt Professors.
Physical Education
P Devaki Devi PhD
K Ramesh PhD
G Mulinidarshan PhD
D B R N K Benerjee PhD
Ch Florence Nightingail
M Shyam Babu PhD
Psychology & Parapsychology
Associate Professors
D Prabhakara Rao PhD
T Subbarayulu PhD
P D Raju PhD
Assistant Directors
Associate Professor
P Bobby Vardhan PhD
D B R Murty PhD
and 1 Asstt Professors.
Library & Information Scs
Ch Sasi Kala PhD
K Soma Sekhara Rao PhD
R S R Vara Lakshmi PhD
Associate Professors
J Vijayakumari
P Bhaskara Rao PhD
N David Livingtone PhD
Associate Professor
Ch Ramasubbaiah Sarma
Politics & Public Administration
K Ravi PhD
M Madhusudhan PhD
E Appala Narayana PhD
D Syamala Rao PhD
B Meena Rao PhD
Associate Professors
A Venkateswara Rao PhD
M Nalini PhD
K Sriranjani Subba Rao PhD
K AP Lakshmi PhD
and 3 Asstt Professors.
V S Bose PhD
V S Prameela PhD
V Gowri Rammohan PhD
K Madhu PhD
V Santhi Prasad
U Vindhya PhD
P Nirmala Devi PhD
Associate Professors
B Santhi Krishna PhD
M Vijaya Rama Raju PhD
T V Ananda Rao PhD
V Hari Lakshmi PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
K Radha Krishna Murty PhD
U Tataji PhD
Associate Professor
R Sri Lakshmi PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
Social Work
B Vijaya Lakshmi PhD
B Jayasthotram PhD
B Devi Prasad PhD
S V Sudhakar PhD
K Visweswara Rao PhD
Associate Professor
R D Sampath Kumar PhD
and 4 Asstt Professors.
G Akkubhatla Sarma PhD
K Gayatri Devi PhD
K V Venkateswara Rao PhD
M V Ramana PhD
G V Seshatalpa Sai PhD
K Malayavasini PhD
P Apada Rao PhD
A Narasimha Rao PhD
M Jayadev PhD
P Subba Rao PhD
E Viswanadha Reddy PhD
Associate Professors
G Yohan Babu PhD
K Sudarsana Raju PhD
S Mohana Rao PhD
Women’s Studies
Research Officer
B Ratna Kumari PhD
Yoga and Consciousness
Director & Professor
P V Krishna Rao PhD
and 1 Asstt Director.
Criminal Justice
1 Asstt Professor.
Chemical Engineering
P S Sankara Rao PhD
C V Raghavaiah PhD
R V Subba Raju PhD
A Ravi Prasad PhD
K Venkateswara Rao PhD
C Bhaskara Sarma PhD
G Hanumantha Rao PhD
Ch V Ramachandra Murty
S Sarveswara Rao PhD
V Dharma Rao PhD
M Narasimha Rao
P Venkateswarlu PhD
V S R K Prasad
D Subba Rao
V Sujatha
S Visweswara Naidu
Associate Professors
B Sambi Reddy
A B Venkata Rao
S Subba Rao
Ch V A K Tirupathi Rao
P King
P Rajendra Prasad PhD
K Jaya Raju PhD
R Padma Sri PhD
D S Rami Reddy
and 5 Asstt Professors.
Civil Engineering
R Rama Rao PhD
P Sivannarayana Raju PhD
M L Narasimham PhD
V Viswanadhan PhD
T Appa Reddy PhD
P Malleswara Rao PhD
B S N Raju PhD
S Rama Krishna Rao PhD
G V R Srinivasa Rao PhD
D Sriramachandra Murty PhD
Associate Professors
P Satyanarayana
Ch V Krishna Rao
A Rama Mohan Rao
T V Praveen PhD
B Vidjayasaradhi
P V Satyanarayana
S Bala Prasad PhD
K Durga Rani PhD
and 6 Asstt Professors.
Computer Science & Systems
M N Sitaramanath PhD
A Appa Rao PhD
K V S V Narasimha Raju PhD
P Sitaramaiah PhD
P S Avadhani PhD
M S Prasada Babu PhD
P Srinivasa Rao PhD
M Sashi PhD
Associate Professors
D Sankar
P V G D Prasada Reddy PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Electrical Engineering
S Rama Mohana Rao PhD
K A Gopala Rao PhD
G V K R Sastry PhD
K S Linga Murty PhD
V Bapi Raju PhD
Associate Professor
K Visakha
and 1 Asstt Professor.
Electronics & Communication
C Veena Kumari PhD
G S N Raju PhD
K Raja Rajeswari PhD
K V V Satyanarayana Reddy
P Mallikarjuna Rao PhD
Associate Professors
S Santha Kumari PhD
Y Gopala Rao PhD
Engineering Chemistry
K Vijaya Raju PhD
G Vasudeva Prasad PhD
M A Jairaj PhD
Associate Professor
B Venkateswara Rao PhD
Engineering Mathematics
A S Satyanarayana Murty PhD
S Uma Devi PhD
Associate Professors
D Bharathi PhD
V V Basava Kumar PhD
T Linga Raju PhD
Marine Engineering
and 1 Asstt Professor.
Physical Education
Associate Professors
1 Asst Professor
A Arundhati PhD
Y Venkateswara Rao PhD
V Rattan Kumar PhD
B V Rao PhD
B Sujatha
M Venkata Rao
and 1 Asstt Professor.
L Joga Rao PhD
K Subba Reddy PhD
D Radha Krishna PhD
B V Appa Rao PhD
Associate Professors
Ch Satyanarayana
S Chandra Prasad
T V K Bhanu Prakash PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
J Krishna Kumari
D Suryaprakasa Rao PhD
Y Satyanarayana PhD
Y Rajya Lakshmi PhD
and 3 Asstt Professors.
D Ganapathi Rao PhD
B Satyanarayana PhD
M M M Sarcar
B S K Sundara Siva Rao PhD
D Nageswara Rao PhD
T Subrahmanyam PhD
A Rama Krishna PhD
Ch Ratnam PhD
Associate Professors
Metallurgical Engineering
B Suryaprakasa Rao PhD
V Venkateswara Rao PhD
K Nageswara Rao PhD
Associate Professors
G Jai Sankar PhD
E Ammenedu PhD
P Jagadeswara Rao PhD
D Markendeya Rao PhD
Humanities & Social Scs
N Rama Krishna PhD
and 1 Associate Professor.
Instrument Technology
J Ashok PhD
Ibrahim Khan PhD
P Krishna Rao PhD
A V Satyanarayana PhD
P L H Varaprasad PhD
M Maria Das PhD
Associate Professor
A Bhujanga Rao PhD
R Venkata Rao PhD
Y Satyanarayana PhD
Y Keseva Rao
A Rajendra Prasad PhD
Associate Professor
Ch Panduranga Reddy PhD
Associate Professors
2 Asstt Professors.
Department of Law
Mechanical Engineering
K R Divakar Roy
M Prameela Devi PhD
K V Subbaiah
V V S Kesava Rao
K Ramji
and 4 Asstt Professors.
Engineering Physics
G Srimannarayana Murty PhD
N B R Mohan Rao PhD
Associate Professors
P Basava Chandra Rao
V V Balasubrahmanyam
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
K P R Chowdary PhD
G Prabhakar PhD
S Satyanarayana PhD
B S Sastry PhD
T Satyanarayana PhD
S Ganapathi PhD
K V Ramana Murthy PhD
Associate Professors
D K M Lakshmi PhD
J V L N Seshagiri Rao PhD
T Prabhakar PhD
A Kondaiah
P Rajeswara Rao PhD
D Gowri Shankar PhD
B Ganga Rao PhD
J Vijaya Ratna PhD
Y Rajendra Prasad PhD
N Sarada Mani PhD
Centre for Nuclear Techniques
Associate Professor
R Murali Krishna PhD
Environmental Sciences
Associate Professors
E Udaya Bhaskara Reddy PhD
K Kameswara Rao PhD
P V V Prasada Rao PhD
and 3 Associate Professors.
Applied Mathematics
A Sitapathi PhD
Y Vasudeva Rao PhD
D Radha Krishna Reddy PhD
K Bhaskara Rao PhD
Ch Suryanarayana PhD
K Rama Mohana Rao PhD
Associate Professors
S V R Naidu PhD
V Uma Maheswara Rao PhD
K Rajendra Prasad PhD
P Rajendra Prasad PhD
C Visweswara Rao PhD
Chandu Subba Rao PhD
A Lakshmipati Raju PhD
D Bhaskara Rao PhD
N V B S S Prasad PhD
K V V Satyanarayana PhD
A Narayana Swamy PhD
Associate Professor
P Rama Rao PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
D Siva Prasad PhD
T Ramana PhD
G Seshagiri Rao PhD
A Rama Rao PhD
Associate Professor
K P J Hemalatha PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
G Subbarangaiah PhD
B Hanumantha Rao PhD
V Padmaja PhD
A Janaki Bai PhD
T V V Sitarami Reddy PhD
M V Subba Rao PhD
K Lakshminarayana PhD
K Uma Devi PhD
S Venkataratnam PhD
O Anil Kumar PhD
P S R L Narasinga Rao PhD
B Subba Rao PhD
K Chandrasekhara Naidu PhD
K L V Ramana Rao PhD
M Chandra Rao PhD
C Kasipathy PhD
CV Raman PhD
T Vinoda Rao PhD
V V Nageswara Rao PhD
G Satyanarayana PhD
R Kaladhar PhD
V Vijaya Kumar PhD
D Rajasekhara Reddy PhD
Associate Professors
N Subba Rao PhD
K Viswanath PhD
M Jagannadha Rao PhD
P Bhanu Murthy PhD
T Yeruku Naidu PhD
D Deva Varma PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
S Sachi Devi PhD
62 Andhra
M Hari Krishna PhD
B Hemamalini PhD
Associate Professors
T V Krishna PhD
T Sunitha
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Physical Anthropology
P Veerraju PhD
M Satyanarayana PhD
U V Krishna Rao PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
Inorganic and Analytical
A V Prasada Rao PhD
M S Prasada Rao PhD
D Satyanarayana PhD
N Someswara Rao PhD
S Suryanarayana Murthy PhD
Associate Professors
P Vani PhD
G Nageswara Rao PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Marine Living Resources
A Shameem PhD
K Sujatha PhD
M S Chakravarthy PhD
Associate Professor
K Uma Devi
and 3 Asstt Professors.
U Madana Swamy PhD
P V Ramana Murty PhD
M Krishna Murty PhD
P Ranga Rao PhD
Shaik Ismail
G Chakradhara Rao PhD
and 2 Associate Professors.
Meteorology & Oceanography
D V Bhaskara Rao PhD
A A L N Sarma PhD
K Gopala Reddy PhD
O S R U Bhanu Kumar PhD
K Kailasa Reddy PhD
K V S R Prasad PhD
Associate Professors
K M M Krishna Prasad PhD
P V Ramana PhD
A Satyanarayana PhD
I Mrutyunjaya Rao PhD
S V S Somanadham PhD
SSVS Ramakrishna PhD
G Bharathi PhD
and 2 Asstt Professors.
Nuclear Physics
K L Narasimham PhD
S Lakshminarayana PhD
K Premchand PhD
S Bhooloka Reddy PhD
Associate Professors
P Sitarama Reddy PhD
A Durga Prasad PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor.
J Lakshminarayana PhD
M Vivekanada Murty PhD
Associate Professors
D Bhaskar PhD
S V Suryanarayana PhD
K Srinivasa Rao PhD
M Chitti Babu PhD
L Venkateswara Rao PhD
K Nirupama Devi PhD
Organic Chemistry & Foods,
Drugs & Water
D B Venkatadri
and 1 Asstt Professor.
C Subrahmanyam PhD
P Atchuta Ramaiah PhD
U Viplava Prasad PhD
Y L N Murty PhD
S Bangar Raju PhD
K Sambasiva Rao PhD
V Veeraiah PhD
D N Madhusudana Rao PhD
A V Sarma PhD
S Nana Rao PhD
B V Ramana Rao PhD
B Suryanarayana Murty PhD
M Poornachandra Rao PhD
Associate Professors
I Shyam Kishore PhD
M Lakshmipathi Rao PhD
K Hanumantha Rao PhD
K Niranjan PhD
T Savitri PhD
D L Sastry PhD
D S V V D Prasad PhD
K Samatha PhD
T Aruna Mani PhD
M Indira Devi PhD
V Bhaskara Rao PhD
K Chandramouli PhD
Phy & Nuclear Chemistry &
Chemical Oceanography
N Subrahmanya Sarma PhD
R Sambasiva Rao PhD
V Anantharamam PhD
A Nageswara Rao PhD
Dept of
C Kalavathy PhD
A V Raman PhD
C Vijaya Lakshmi PhD
G Gnanamani PhD
B Kishore PhD
A Joseph PhD
D Yerri Babu PhD
R Kameswara Rao PhD
L Manmadha Rao PhD
A Shakuntala PhD
K Sriramulu PhD
Y Prabhakara Rao PhD
Associate Professors
B Bharatha Lakshmi PhD
T Baby Ratna Kumari PhD
U Shameem PhD
and 4 Asstt Professors.
B Ramakrishna Rao PhD
D Rambabu PhD
Associate Professor
G Tutasi Rao
and 2 Associate Professors.
M Sundara Rao PhD
P Krishna Babu PhD
Associate Professor
M Bhavanisankar Rao PhD
and 1 Asstt Professor
H C Mani Patro PhD
C Jayaram PhD
A Subrahmanyam PhD
and 1 Associate Professor.
Library Science
Associate Professor
G Valasayya PhD
N V E Satyanarayana Murthy
and 2 Associate Professors.
Rural Development
E Nagabhushana Rao PhD
M Chandraiah PhD
G Krishna Murty PhD
Associate Professor
P Chiranjeevulu PhD
D J P N Reddy PhD
T Viswanadha Rao PhD
Associate Professor
P Rajendra Prasad
and 2 Associate Professors.
Politics and Public Administration
JVKV Pandit PhD
I Dosagiri Rao PhD
Associate Professors
A Venkata Rao PhD
P Aruna Kumar PhD
Physical Education
Asst Director
N Satyanarayana.
University Colleges
A U Postgraduate Extension Centre,
Kaskinada, East Godavari District
(1977). PG and Research Courses.
A U Postgraduate Extension
Centre, Srikakulam (1977). PG and
Research Courses.
College of Arts & Commerce, AU,
Waltair (1931). Degree, PG and Research
Courses. Principal - Prof G Subrahmanyam.
College of Engineering, AU, Waltair
(1955). Degree, PG and Research Courses.
Principal - Prof V Radhakrishna Murthy.
College of Law, AU, Waltair (1934).
Degree, PG and Research Courses.
Principal - Prof C Rama Rao.
College of Science & Technology,
Waltair. Principal - Prof V Radha
Erskine College of Natural
Sciences, A U, Waltair (1941).
Degree, PG and Research Courses.
J V D College of Science &
Technology, A U, Waltair (1932).
Degree, PG and Research Courses.
Principal - Prof G Gorrareddy.
Affiliated Colleges
All - Ameer Institute of Management
& Technology, D No. 75-6-42, Prakash
Nagar, Rajahmundry-3 (1999). BSc.
A S Govt Degree College for Women,
Kakinada (1884) BA, BSc, BCom, BSc
(Home Sc), BCom (Vocational). Principal Kum M Vasundara.
A S N Degree College for Women,
Bhupayya Agraharam Amalapuram
533201 (1991) BA, BSc, BCom. Principal •
Sri K S V Gopalakrishnamurthi.
Andhra Kesari Degree College,
Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Prakash Nagar,
Rajahmundry 533103. (1994) BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri A Venkata Rao.
Rama Krishnam Raju.
BCom. Principal - Sri Kamalakar.
Govt Degree College, Tuni 533401
(1980) BA, BCom. Principal - Sri G
MSN Degree College Kakinada
533004 (1971) BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri K G V Prasada Rao.
Govt Degree College Ravulapalem
533238 (1981) BA, BCom. Principal - Sri Y
Venkata Rao.
MVNJS & RVR Degree College 48
Andhra Malikipuram 533253 (1972) BA,
BSc, BCom. Principal - Sri J G Krishnam
Seethanagaram 533287 (1983) BA,
BCom. Principal - Sri N Vijaya Prasad.
Rampachodavaram 533283 (1983) BA,
BCom. Principal - Sri K S Ramachandra
Govt Degree College Mandapeta
533308 (1990) BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri Ch Rama Murthy.
Avanthi Degree College, D No 29-2013, Lakmi Varapu Peta, Rajahmundry
533103 (1994) BA, BSc. BCom. Principal Sri K V Ramana.
GBR Degree College Anaparthy
533342 (1980). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, MCA,
MBA, MSc. Principal - Sri B Rathna Reddy.
Aditya Degree College Srinagar
Kakinada 533003 (1998) BSc.
G K R V M Degree College
Pidimigoyyi 533103 (1996). BA, BSc,
Andhra Womne’s Sanskrit College
Rajahmundry (1931). BA (OL). Principal Sri K P S K Bhagavan.
Chaitanya Degree College Kakinada
533005 (1994) BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, MCA,
MSc (CompSc). Principal-Smt A S Lakshmi.
Sivakodu, Razole Mandal (1998), BA,
BSc, BCom.
Gollalamamidada 533344 (1992) BA,
Principal - Sri D Rami Reddy.
Dr K V R D & Smt GJVRS Degree
College Munganda 532224 (1992). BA,
BSc, BCom.
Rajahmundry 533105 (1873) BA,- BSc,
BCom, MA/MSc (Maths), MSc, MA (Telugu),
MCom, BA(Vocl). Principal-Dr G Appa Rao.
Govt Degree College, Razole 533242
(1968) BA, BCom, BSc. Principal - Sri M
Morampudi Centre,
(1997). BSc, BCom, BCA.
G S K M College of Law, Pidimigoyyi,
Rajahmundry 533103 (1983). BL. Principal
- Sri T Nagabhushanam.
H I S Degree College, Manishdha
Nilayam, Addteegala, E G Dist (1999).
BA, BCom.
Mahatma Gandhi Degree College
Atreyapuram 533235. (1993) BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri Y Veerabhadra Rao.
Amalapuram 533201 (1994) BA, BSc,
BCom, BCA. Principal - Ms A Annamani.
Minarva Degree College Prattipadu
533432 (1998). BA, BSc, BCom.
N G R Degree College Nagaram
533247 (1993) J.BA, BSc, BCom. BBM.
P R Govt Degree College Kakinada
533001 (1884) BA, BSc, BCom, BSc (Voc).
Principal - Sri D Seshavatharam.
PVR Trust Degree College Kakinada
533001 (1974) BA, BSc, BCom, MCom.
Principal - Dr C Kamala Anarkali.
P E S Degree College Pithapuram
533450 (1992). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri G Chakradhara Rao.
P E S Degree College Jaggampeta
533435 (1994). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri J Surayanarayana.
P S Raju College of Law, Kakinada
533016 (1992). BL.
Ideal College of Arts & Science
Kakinada 533004 (1974).BA, BSc, BCom,
MBA, MCA, MSc, Principal - Sri B Chalapathi
P S M Sanskrit College, Kakinada
(1969). BA (OL). Principal - Sri T Ramajogi
J C Degree College Maredubaka
533300 Mandapeta Mandal (1994). BA.
BSc, BCom.
Management & Sciences, Pithapuram
Road, Kakinada 533005 (1991). BA, BSc,
BCom, BCA, BBM, MCA, MBA, MSc. Principal
- Sri S Balasubrahmanayam.
Mummidivaram 533216 (1997). BA, BSc,
BCom. BBM.
Luthern Degree College for Women
Rajahmundry 533105 (1997). BA, BSc,
Rajiv Gandhi Degree College
Luthergiri, Opp A P Paper Mills,
Rajahmundry 533105 (1991). BA, BSc,
64 Andhra
(Special Computers).
Rajahmahendri Degree College for
Women, Inside Colony, A P Paper Mills,
Rajahmundry 533105 (1993). BA, BSc,
BCom, BCA. Principal - Ms P Subhadra.
R N Memorial Degree College for
Women, Near G P T, Bommuru,
Rajahmundry 533124 (1998). BA, BCom.
Principal- Dr Ch Sri Ramamurthy.
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law,
Ramanayyapet, Pithapuram Road,
Kakinada 533005 (1992) BL. Principal - Sri
P V Trinadh.
S K B R Degree College, Amalapuram
533201 (1951). BA, BSc. BCom. Principal
- Dr R Ramana.
S R V B S J B Maharani College
Peddapuram 533437 (1967) BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri N Venkata Rao.
Smt K R College for Women
Rajahmundry 533103 (1968). BA, BSc,
BCom, BCA, BCom (Vocl), BA/BSc (Special
Computers). Principal- Smt T Vedavathi.
S G S Institution of Advanced Study
in Education, Rajahmundry 533101
(1894) BEd, MEd. Principal - Sri N
Jangareddigudem 534447 (1974). BA,
BSc, BCom. Principal - Sri Y B
Subrahmanyeswara Rao.
SAMD College of Education for
Women, Danavaipeta, Rajahmundry
533104 (1977). BEd. Principal - Smt Ch A
Ch S D St Theresas’s (Autonomous)
College for Women, Eluru 534003(1953)
BA, BSc, BCom., BCA. BSc (HomeSc), MA.
MSc, MCA. Principal - Dr (Sr) Marietta P.
St Mary’s College of Education,
Sarpavaram, Kakinada 533005 1984)
BEd. Principal - Smt D Syamala Devi.
Palakole 534260 (1994). BA, BSc, BCom.
Principal - Sri Y Venkata Ratnam.
Sri Shiridi Sai Vidya Parishad Law
College, Teja
Towers, Amalapuram
533201 (1993) BL. Principal-Sri B A Swamy.
C S N Degree College, Bhimavaram
534201 (1994). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri V Narasimha Rao.
S C R Sanskrit College, Modekurru,
E G Distt (1954). BA(OL). Principal-Sri N
D R G Govt Degree College Pentapadu
534166 W G Distt (1966). BCom, BCom
(Vocational). Principal - Sri V Subba Rao.
S G V P K J Oriental College
Rajahmundry (1957). BA(OL). Principal
- Sri V Gopalakrishna.
D N R Govt Degree College for
Women, Palakoll 534260 (1982). BA,
BCom. Principal - Sri N V S A Rama Sarma.
S P S S R Oriental
Podagatiapalle 533236 (1969). BA(OL).
Principal - Dr N S V Subrahmanyam.
D N R (Autonomous) College,
Bhimavaram 534202 (1945). BA, BSc,
BCom, BCA, MA, MCom., MBA, MCA, BA/
BSc (Special Computers) Principal - Sri M V
B S Murthy.
S K V T Degree College, Rajahmundry
533103 (1972).BA, BSc, BCom, BBM.
Principal - Sri P Madhusudana Rao.
V K V Govt Degree College, Kothapeta
533223. (1979) BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Dr D D Reddy.
S V V S S Devasthanam Degree
College Annavaram 533406 (1993). BA,
BCom. Principal -Sri T V K Rama Lingeswara
V S M College Ramachandrapuram
533255 (1966). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, MA
(Hist), MCom, MCA, MBA. MSc. Principal - Dr
G Radhakrishna.
SPACES Degree College, Tuni 533401
(1992). BA, BSc, BCom, BBM, BCA, MSc
(Comp Sc). Principal - Sri Ch Vijaya Prakash.
V S Lakshmi Degree College for
Women Kakinada 533001 (1993). BA,
BSc, BCom, BCA. Principal - Smt N Sarojini
S D V R R Degree College Kolanka
533464 (1993). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri V Suryanarayana Raju.
Smt D A Degree College Korukonda
533289 (1994). BA, BSc BCom. Principal Sri K V S Markendeswarlu.
V S R Rural
Rayavaram 533340 (1994) BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri K S V V Ramesh.
Veeravalli College of Law, Prakash
Nagar, Rajahmundry 533103 (1995). BL.
Principal - Smt Theresa Sundar.
D R G Degree College for Women,
Tadepalligudem 534101 (1975).
BCom, BCom (Vocl), Principal - Kum A
Vidyavathi Devi.
D N R College of Education,
Bhimavaram 534202 (1983). BEd, MEd.
Principal - Smt M M Sarala Kumari.
D N R College of Law, Bhimavaram
534202 (1998). BL. Principal - Sri M Krishna
Govt Degree College for Men,
Nidadavole 534301 (1971). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri S Jacob.
Govt Degree College for Women,
Nidadavole 534301 (1983). BA,
BCom.Principal - Sri D Srirama Murty.
A S N M Govt Degree College, Palakol
534206 (1968). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Smt V Vijayaiakshmi.
Govt Degree College, Chintalapudi
534460 (1987). BA, BCom. Principal - Sri V
Sri Shiridi Sai Degree College,
Mummidivaram 533216 (1995). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal-Sri R Srinivasa Rao.
A K R G Degree College Nallajerla
534433 (1992). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, MSc
(Comp Sc), MCA. Principal - Sri K Prakasa
G M R Memorial Vidyarthi Degree
College, Ramaraopet, Tadepalligudem
534101 (1998). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri Y R K P R Babji.
S P V S Degree College 2-2-45
(1996). BA, BSc, BCom.
B G B S College for Women Narasapur
534275 (1967) BA, BSc, BCom, BCom
(Vocational). Principal - Smt C Santa.
G T P College of Education for
Women, Bhimavaram 534202 (1984).
BEd. Principal- Smt K Lakshminarayanamma.
Smt J B Degree College for Women,
Innispet Rajahmundry 533101 (1996).
BA, BSc, BCom, BBM, BCA. Principal - Sri
Majar B Martin Luther.
Devazrapalli 534313 (1994). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri V Ananda Rao.
S D B E S Degree College
Ramachandrapuram 533255 (1994). BA,
BSc, BCom, BCA.
Smt B S R Degree College
Rampachodavaram 533288 (1994). BA,
BSc, BCom.
Siddardha Degree College Tuni
533401 (1997). BSc, BCom.
Ch V P M R Govt Degree College,
Ganapavaram 534198 (1972). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri V Ramakrishna Raju.
J Sikile College, Narasapur 534275
(1994). BA, BSc. Principal -Miss I
K A & H L Degree College , N R Pet,
Eluru. (1999). BSc. BCom.
K G R L College, Bhimavaram 534201
(1975). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, BBM, BA
(Vocl), MA, MHRM, MA/MSc (Maths), BA/
BSc (Spl Comp), MSc, MCA, MBA. Principal
- Dr M Lakshmana Rao.
Sir C R R College for Women, Eluru
534006 (1987). BA, BSc, BCom.BCA, BA/
BSc (Spl Compu), MCA. Principal - Smt C
Aruna Kumari.
Bhimavaram 534201 (1992). BA, BSc,
BCom, BBM, MSc (Comp Sc). Principal - Sri
K G Robinson.
S K V R R Degree College, Mogalturu
534281 {1994). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri B Venkateswara Rao.
N S Z College of Music & Dance,
Royapeta, Narasapur 534275 (1934).
Diploma Music. Principal-Smt TSeshuthalli.
Bhimavaram 534202 (1959). BA (OL).
Principal - Sri B Sreemannarayana.
P V E S Degree College for Women
Bhimavaram 534201 (1994). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri K V Subba Rao.
Priyadarshini Degree College,
Jangaraddigudem 534447 (1997), BA,
BSc, BCom.
Rajiv Institute of Technology and
Management Studies Tanuku 534211
(1992). BA, BSc, BCom, BBM, BA/BSc (Spl
Comp). Principal - Sri N V Subba Rao.
R R D S Govt Degree College
Bhimavaram 534202 (1972). BA, BCom.
Principal - Sri C J Narasimhamurthy.
S C I M Govt Degree College Tanuku
534211 W G Distt (1968). BA, BSc, BCom.
Principal - Dr T S Prakasa Rao.
S A S Govt Degree College
Narayanapuram 534301 (1972). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri M B Babu Rao.
Sir C R R (Autonomous) College,
Eluru 534202 (1945). BA, BSc, BCom,
BCA, MA, MHRM, MCom, MBA, MSc(Comp
Sc). Principal - Sri M Atchuta Rao.
Sri Y N College, Narasapur 534275
(1949). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, BSc (Home
Sc), MA, MSc, MCA. Principal - Sri P
S V K P & Dr K S Raju Arts and Science
College, Penutgonda 534320 (1974) BA,
BSc, BCom, BCA, MSc, MA (Pol), MCA,
MBA. Principal - Dr G Thammayya.
S V S S Arts & Science College Attili
534134 (1975). BA, BSc.BCom. Principal Sri M Suryanaraya.
S M B T A V & S N Degree College
Veeravasaram 534245 (1981). BA, BSc.
BA (Voctional), BCom, DCA. Principal - Sri
B S S Prakash Rao.
S K S D Mahila Kalasala Tanuku
534211 (1982). BA, BSc, BCom, BCom
(Vocl). Principal - Smt P K Aruna.
S V R K Degree College,
Sanivarapupeta, Bavaravaram Eluru
(1997). BA, BSc, BCom.
St Vincent De Pal Degree College
Pinakadimi, Pedavegi Mandal, Eluru
534003 (1997). BSc, BCom.
Sri Rama Degree College, By Pass
Road, Pydiparru, Tanuku 534221 (1998).
BSc, BCom, MCA, MBA.
S S R Govt College of Physical
Education Gopannapalem
534 450
(1970). BPEd, UGDPEd. Principal - Smt A
Vasundara Devi.
Sir C R R College of Education, Eluru
534006 (1983). BEd. Principal - Sri P
Gangadara Rao.
Sri Alluri Bapinedu & Pendyaia Ranga
Rao College of Science, Kovvur. (1999).
BSc, BCom.
Sri Karibandi Subba Rao Memorial
Degree College, Tadipudi. (1999). BSc,
BCom, BA.
St Mary’s Nirmala Hruday Mahila
College, Gouripatnam, W G Dist. (1999).
K A & H L Degree College, N R Pet,
Eluru (1999). BSc, BCom.
S R K R Engineering College,
Bhimavaram 534202 (1989). BE, BSc (App
Sc). Principal - B Janardhana Reddy.
Sir C R R College of Engineering,
Eluru 534015 (1989). B.E. Principal - Sri J
Sudhir Kumar.
Sir C R R College of Law, Eluru 534006
(1977). BL.
Sir Vishnu College of Pharmacy
Bhimavaram. (1997). BPharm.
Sir Rama College of Education,
Tanuku (1997).
S V J V Sanskrit College, Kovvur
534350 (1912). BA(OL). Principal- Sri D
Prabhakara Sarma.
Jangareddigudem (1998). BSc, BCom.
V V Giri Govt Kalasala Dumpagadapa
534235 (1974), BA, BCom. Principal - Sri M
V S K Degree College, Bhimavaram
(1990). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal - Sri K S
N Gupta.
Vijnananilayam Degree College,
Janampeta, Vijayarai, Eluru 534475
(1997), BA. Principal- Fr Varghese Mani
B S & J R Degree College, K C Babu
Quarters, N H 5 Road, Tekkali 532401
(1994). BA, BSc, BCom.
Chaitanya Degree College, New
Colony, Srikakulam 532001 (1994). BA.
BSc, BCom. Principal - Sri B Govinda Rao.
Dharmana Ramalingam Naidu
Degree College, Edulavalasa Polaki
Mandal, Narasannapeta. (1999). BSc,
Govt Degree College for Men,
Srikakulam 532001 (1951). BA, BSc,
Govt Degree College for Women,
Srikakulam 532001 (1968). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Dr (Smt) P Rama Devi.
532201 (1971). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Dr K Srinivasa Rao.
Govt Degree College, Baruva 532364
(1981). BA, BCom. Principal - Smt S Satya
Narasannapeta 532421 (1981). BA, BCom.
Principal - Smt H Annapurna.
Govt Degree College, Ichapuram
532440 (1983). BA, BCom. Principal-Smt M
G Puspalatha.
Govt Degree College, Palakonda
532440 (1983). BA, BCom. Principal-DrDV
Rama Sarma.
Amadalavalasa 532105 (1983). BA,
BCom. Principal - Sri V V Krishna Rao.
S B S Oriental College for Women,
Tanuku 534211 {1968). BA (OL).Principal
- Dr C S Sastri.
Gayatri College of Science and
Management, Munsabpeta, Pedapadu
532401 (1991). BSc,BBM,BCA, MBA, MCA.
Principal - Dr P Sreenivasa Rao.
S K R S Oriental College, Palakol
534260 (1972). BA (OL). Principal - Sri S
Satyanarayana Murthy.
Kowmadi Degree
(1998), BSc. Principal - Sri K L Naidu.
66 Andhra
Balajinagar, Pathapatnam, Srikakulam
District (1996). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal
- Sri M Tarinayya.
Prajna College of Science & Arts,
Near G J College, K T Road, Palasa,
Kasibugga. (1999). BSc, BCom.
Sarada Degree College, Srikakulam
(1999). BSc, BCom.
Sri Rama Degree College, Attali,
Palakonda, Srikakulam. (1999). BSc,
S B S Y M Degree College, Kasibugga
532222 (1981). BA, BSc, BCom.Principal Sri B G Bishwas.
Sri G C S R Degree College, GMR
Nagar, Rajam 532127 (1993).BA,BSc,
BCom, BCA, BA/BSc (Special Computers).
Principal - Capt D L N Raju.
S V Degree College, Kotturu 532455
(1994). BA, BCom. Principal -Sri G Krishna
Santhiniketan Degree College,
Gunapalem Street, Srikakulam 532001
(1997). BSc.
Balijapallivari Street, Srikakulam
(1998). BSc.
S S R Degree College, RTC Complex
Road, Srikakulam (1998). BSc.
G E S College of Edcuation,
(1984, 1997). BEd, MEd. Principal - Sri A
Ranga Rao.
M P R College of Law, 7 Roads
Jnnction, Srikakulam 532001 (1992).BL.
Principal - Sri A Baba Prasad.
Justice G R N Degree College,
Gajapathinagaram 531270 (1994). BA,
BSc, BCom. Principal-Sri G Devi Venkatesh.
M R (Autonomous) College,
Vizianagaram 531202 (1879). BA, BSc.
BCom, MA, MCom, MBA, MA/MSc (Maths),
MSc (Comp Sc), MSc (Electronic). PrincipalShri D B Subba Rao.
Vizianagaram 531202 (1961). BA,
BSc,BCom, BA & BCom (Voca), MSc (Home
Sc). Principal - Smt Vijaya Sri.
Srungavarapukota 535145 (1996). BA,
BSc, BCom.
Kothavalasa, VZM Dist. (1999). BSc,
BCom, BA.
Prof G Sundara Reddy College, Karri
Street, Salur 532591 (1993). BA.BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri K Chandra Sekhar.
Rajah R S R K Ranga Rao College,
Bobili 532558 (1962). BA, BSc, BCom.
BCA. Principal - Sri M Raghunadha Rao.
S D S (Autonomous) College of Arts
& Science, Shreeramnagar 535101
(1975). BA, BSc, BCom, BSc/BA (Voc).
Principal -Sri Ch Suryanarayna.
S V Degree College Parvathipuram
532502 (1975). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri G Venkata Rao.
S L G Degree College, Dharmapuri
531211 (1992). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri K Pardhasaradhi.
S V S R Degree College Pusapatirega
535204 (1994). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri M Satyanarayana.
Shobha Memorial Degree College,
Near 3 Temples, Jami 535250 (1994).
BA, BSc, BCom.
Allam Gurumurthy Lakshmi Bai
College, Vizianagaram
(1999). BCom.
Satya Krishna Degree College
Ayyannapeta 531203 (1995). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri G Jagannadham.
Parvathipuram (1998). BSc.
S B G N M Degree College
Thotapalem Road, Vizianagaram
(1997), BA, BSc, BCom. Principal - Sri J V
S Subbalakshmi.
D B K Arts & Science Degree College,
Parvathipuram 532502 (1994). BA, BSc.
Govt Degree College Saiur 532591
(1982). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal - Sri K
Mohan Rao.
Govt Degree College, Srungavarapu
Kota 531145 (1984). BA, BSc. BCom.
Principal - Smt N Kalyani.
Indira Gandhi Degree College,
Bobbili 535558 (1994). BA, BSc, BCom.
Principal - Sri N Krishna.
Sri Shiridi Sai Degree College
Balijapeta 535557 (1998). BA, BSc, BCom.
Principal - Sri S Gowri Sankara Rao.
Sri Sai Siddartha Degree College,
Gajapathinagaram. (1999). BSc, BA.
Sri Uma Bharathi Degree College,
Railway Station Road, Srungavarapu
Kota 531145 (1998). BSc.
Academy of Yoga Consciousness,
Chaitanyaramam, Viginigiri
(1996). Dip in Yoga. Principal - Kum A
M R College of Education, Fort,
Vizianagaram 531202. BEd, MEd.
M R College of Law Vizianagaram
531202 (1986). BL. Principal - Sri K V
Narasimha Murthy.
M R Govt Sanskrit College
Vizianagaram 531202 (1860) BA (OL)
Principal - Sri V Govinda Sarma.
Vivikananda Degree College, S Kota,
Vizianagaram (1999). BSc, BCom, BA.
A P S W R College of Computer
Visakhapatnam 17 (1998). BCA.
Coordinator Sri R D V ChandrasekaraRao.
A M A L College, Anakapalle 531001
(1953) BA, BSc, BCom, MCom, MA/MSc
(Maths). Principal - Sri V Appalaswami
A Q J Degree College, Lawsons Bay
Colony, Visakhapatnam 530017 (1996).
A M Saints Degree College,
530027 (1998). BA, BSc, BCom.
Dwarakanagar, Visakhapatnam 530016
(1980). BA, BSc, BCom, BCom (Vocational).
Principal - Sri K Baburao Prasad.
BRAVES Degree College, Abid Nagar,
530106 (1991). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Dr S Anjaneyulu.
Chaitnaya Degree College for
Women, Chaitnaya Nagar, Old
(1996). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA. Principal -Sri
K Subha Rao.
Dr L B College. Visakhapatnam
530013 (1973). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, BBM,
BCom (Voc), MCA, MA/MSc (Maths), DCA,
MBA, MSc (Comp Sc), BA/BSC(Spl Comp).
Principal - Dr I Pardha Saradhi.
Dadi Veerunaidu Kalasala, Dadi Vari
Street, Anakapalle 531001 (1993). BA,
BSc, MSc (Comp Sc), MCA. Principal - Sri K
Narasimha Rao.
Dr Hima Sekhara Degree College
Anakapaile 531002 (1997). BA,BSc,BCA.
Principal - Sri K Chinni Krishnan.
Dr V S Krishna Govt Degree College
Visakhapatnam 530013 (1968). BA, BSc,
BCom, BSc (Vocational). Principal (l/c) -Smt
K Padmini.
Govt Degree College Chodavaram
531036 (1981). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal
-Dr (Smt) K Lalitha.
BA, BSc.
Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam 530020
(1975) BA, BCom. Principal-Dr (Smt) P
Janaki Devi.
Govt Degree College Narasipatnam
531116 (1984) BA, BSc, BCom. Principal- (l/c)
- Sri A V Subba Rao.
St Joseph’s (Autonomous) College
for Women, Waltair, Visakhapatnam
530004 (1958). BA, BSc, BSc (Home Sc),
BSc (Vocl). Principal - Sri N D Veronica.
Govt Degree College Paderu 531024
(1985). BA, BCom. Principal - Dr (Smt) K
S A M Kalasala, Anakapalle 531001
(1976). BA, BCom. Principal - Smt R
V M C Mahila Vidya Peeth College
for Women,
530017. (1980). BA,
BSc, BCom. Principal - Smt A Nalini Kumari.
G V P Degree College, Sector 8, M V
P Colony, Visakhapatnam
(1980). BA, BSc, BCcm, BBM, BCA, MBA,
MCA, DCA, MA/MSc (Maths), MA (Eco),
MSc (Electronics), MSc (Comp Sc), BA/
BSc (Spl Comp), BA & BSc (Vocl) Principal
-Sri D Dakshinamurthi.
S V V M Degree College, Opp to I
Town Police Station, Main Road,
Visakhapatnam 530001 (1991). BCom,
BSc. Principal-Sri C V V R Krishnamurthi.
V V R Kanakamahalakshmi Degree
Visakhapatnam 530017 (1991). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri B Jagadeswara Rao.
530008 (1991). BA, BSc, BCom, BCom
(Vocl). Principal - Sri K S Nagabhushanam.
Hindustan Shipyard Degree College,
Gandhigram, Scindia, Visakhapatnam
530005 (1991). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA.
Principal - Dr P Hari Sankar.
Konathala Arts & Science College,
Konathala Complex, Main Road,
531001 (1993).BA,BSc,
BCom, BBM. Principal - Sri K Ranga Rao.
S S Sidhanti Degree College, Lalitha
Nagar, Akkayyapalem, Visakhapatnam
530016 (1991). BA, BSc, BCom, BBM.
Principal - Sri G Ramananda Sankar.
S B V P Degree College, Gajuwaka,
Visakhapatnam 530026 (1991). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Sri K Umasankar.
Vidyarthi Degree College, Rednam
Gardens, Jail Road, Visakhapatnam
530002 (1996). BA, BSc, BCom, BBM, BCA.
Principal - Sri C B Krishna.
S V V P Degree College, R R V Puram,
Gopalapatnam, Visakhapatnam 530029
(1991). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal (l/c) - Sri
K V Ramana Rao.
Vivekananda Degree College, Balighattam,
Narsipatnam, Visakhapatnam. (1999).
BSc, BA. Enrolment 191.
St Ann’s College for Women,
Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam 530011
(1992). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal - Sr
Mariamma Thomas.
Mrs A V N Degree College
Visakhapatnam 530001 (1978). BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal - Smt P Durga Kumari.
Sri Srinivasa Vidya Parishad College,
Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam 530040
(1992). MBA.
M P R Degree College, New
Gajuwaka Visakhapatnam 530026
(1991). BA, BSc, BCom, MSc (Organic
Chem), MSc (Comp Sc), BA/BSc (Spl
Comp).Principal - Dr A Balakrishna.
Samatha Degree College, MVP
Colony, Visakhapatnam 530017(1993).
(Spl Comp). Principal - Mrs S Vijaya Ravindra.
M I S T Degree College,
Chinnawaltair, Visakhapatnam 530017
(1991). BA, BSc, BCom, BBM. PrincipalSmt B Umabala.
M S R S Siddardha Degree College,
Siripuram, Visakhapatnam 530003
(1997). BSc, BCom, BBM, BCA. Principal Dr N Shedrack.
S V Degree College, NAD Kotha Road,
Visakhapatnam (1997). BA, BSc, BCom.
Sri Murali Krishna Degree College,
Gopalapatnam, Visakhapatnam 530027
(1998). BSc, BCom.
St Xavier’s Degree College,
Pendurthi, Visakhapatnam (1998), BA,
BSc, BCom.
N T R Degree College, Narsipatnam
531116 (1996). BA, BSc, BCom. Principal Sri B Venkata Ramana.
College, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam
530026 (1998). BSc.BCom.
N E W S Degree College, Chinagantyada,
Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam (1998).
S V L N S Govt Degree College
Bheemunipatnam 531163 (1984) BA,
BCom.Principal - Sri M A Suryanarayana
Visakhapatnam 530002 (1991). BSc,
BBM, BCA, MBA, MCA, MSc (Comp Sc), BA/
BSc (Spl Comp). Principal- Dr M Ramji.
Pydah College for Women, New
(1998). BSc.
Raghu Degree College, Dhakamarri
(Post), Bhimunipatnam Mandal (1997).
V I P S Degree College, Jagannadharaju
Nagar, Visakhapatnam 530022 (1992).
BPS, BCA, BSc, MCA, MBA,MSc(Comp Sc),
BA/BSc (Spl Comp). Principal - Dr R Krishna.
S G A R Govt Degree College
Yelamanchili 531051 (1987). BA, BCom.
Principal - Smt K Jyothimayai.
T S R & T B K Degree College, Sri
Nagar, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam
530026 (1994). BA, BSc, BCom, BCA.
Principal - Dr T Bala Rama Krishna.
Visakha Govt Women’s Degree
All Saints Christian Law College,
Nehrunagar, Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam
530002 (1990).BL. Principal - Sri Vidya
College of Engineering, Gitam,
Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda,
Visakhapatnam 530045 (1980). BE, BCA,
MCA, MSc. Principal - Prof P K Sarma.
College of Management Studies,
Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam 530045
(1980). BBM, MBA. MHRM. Principal - Sri M
M Rao.
D V N Kalakshetram, MVP Colony,
Visakhapatnam 530017 (1982). Dip in
N V P Law College, Madhurawada,
Visakhapatnam 530041 (1980) BL.
Principal - Sri I B Kumar.
N B M Law College, Maharanipeta,
Visakhapatnam 530002 (1986). BL.
Principal - Smt Anitha Rao.
S V College of Education,
Payakaraopeta 531126 (1984). BEd.
St Mary’s Centenary College of
Education, Gnanapuram, Visakhapatnam
530 004. {1987). BEd. Principal - Dr
Emmanuel Raj S J.
A S R Degree College, Kovvur, W G
Distt. BSc, BCom (Comp Appl).
Aditya Degree College, Srikakulam.
BSc, BCom (Comp Appl).
Degree College,
68 Andhra
BSc, BCom (Comp Appl).
Avanthi Degree College, Gajuwaka,
Visakhapatnam. BSc, BCom, BCom
Ravulapalem, EG Dist, BA. BSc BCom,
Principal- Sri R S V R Sarma.
Ch Laksmana Rao.
Sir (Dr) R B R V R N Edn Academy Mahila
Degree College, Mummidivaram, EG
Dist, BA. BSc, Principal- Sri S Mula Swamy
Harward Degree College, K.
Perumallapuram, Thondangi Mandal,
EG Dist. BA, BSc, BCom. Principal- Shri A
Srinivasa Reddy.
The Amalapuram Degree College,
Amalapuram, EG Dist. BA, BSc, PrincipalSri A Balaji.
Miriam College of Education,
Amalapuram. Bed. Principal- Shri M
Syamasundara Rao.
Kotananduru, E G Distt. BSc, BCom.
Gayatri Degree College, Tatipaka,
EG Dist, BA, BSc, BCom. Principal- Dr Ch
Srirama Murty.
Sri Kshanmukteswara College of
Education, Mukteswaram, EG Dist. BEd,
Principal- Dr S Ramachandran.
Smt. AVM Educational Society
Degree College, Sakhinetipalli, EG Dist,
BSc, BCom. Principal- Sri K B V V
Satyanarayana Murty.
N M E S College of Education,
Peddapuram, EG Dist. Bed. Principal- Dr
N Joseph.
Flaiz Memorial Adventist College,
Narsapur. BSc, BCom (Comp Appl).
Vizianagarm. BSc, BA.
N E S College of Information
Visakhapatnam. BSc.
Sri Chaitanya Degree
Vizianagarm. BSc.
Sri Sai Ram Degree
Parvathipuram. BSc, BA.
Vijnana Bharathi Mahila Degree
Kalasala, Visakhapatnam. BCom.
S R R Degree College, D.No. 21-1-67/
4, Peddapuram, EG District, BA. BSc
BCom, Principal, Sri P. Babu Rao.
Smt. Sakunthala Devi Degree
College, I. Polavaram, EG Dist. BA. BSc
BCom, Principal, Sri N. Venkateswara Rao.
S B M M Degree College, Allavaram,
EG Dist, BSc BCom, Principal, Sri K. Durga
Velangi Degree College, Velangi.
EG Dist. BSc, BCom, Principal- Dr B
Ananda Rao.
P S N Murthy Degree College,
Gollaprolu, EG Dist, BA. BSc BCom,
Principal- Sri M V V S S A Satyanarayana.
Little Rose Degree College,
Draksharamam, EG Dist, BSc BCom,
Principal- Sri S Santhi Raju.
Sri NSN Raju Degree College,
Sri Sai Madhavi Degree College,
Mallampudi, Thokada, EG Dist, BSc,
BCom. Principal- Shri P S R V K Prabhakara
Adarsa Degree College, Meher
Nagar, Kakinada, BSc, BCom. PrincipalSri P Jagannadha Rao.
Sri Padmavathi Mahila Degree
College, Tatipaka, EG Dist, BA, BSc,
BCom. Principal- Sri A Padmanabha Rao
Aditya Degree College, D.No. 78-3-1/
1, Thadithota, Rajahmundry, EG Dist.
BSc, BBM. Principal- Sri M Raghunadha
C B R Degree College, Pithapuram
EG Dist. BA, BSc, BCom. Principal- Sri Ch
Surya Rao.
Ramanaiahpeta, Kakinada, EG Dist. BSc.
Principal- Sri D D Srinivasa Rao.
Uppalaguptam, EG Dist, BA, BSc, BCom.
Principal- Shri G P S B S D Nagendra Rao.
Smt V S Degree College, Sivakodu,
Razole, EG Dist. BA, BSc, BCom. Principal-
Minerva College of Education,
Prattipadu, EG Dist. BEd. Principal- Smt P
ELIM College of Education,
Janakipeta Street, Amalapuram, EG
Dist. BEd. Principal- Sri K R Kopteswara
St John’s College of Education,
Visrantipuram, Rajahmundry, EG Dist.
BEd. Principal- Sri M Williams.
G B R College of Education,
Anaparthi, EG Dist. B Ed. Principal- Prof
L K M Baburao Chowdary.
S K B R College of Education,
Amalapuram, EG Dist. Principal- Shri G
Sriramachandra Murthy.
Vidvan College of Education for
women, Kakinada. BEd. Principal- Dr B
Gandhi Centenary College of
Education, Sasikantha Nagar, Kakinada,
EG Dist. BEd. Principal- Sri V Vincent P
SBSR College of Education,
Gokavaram, EG Dist. BEd. Principal- Sri T
Rammohan Rao.