.J CHEMICALEQUILIBIURM CHEMICALEQUILIBRIUM PART1: EQUILIBRIUM LAWANDEQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Obiectives . . . . Explain, in tems of rates of fonyad and reversereactions,what is meant by a reversiblereaciion and dynamicequilibrium: Deduceexpressionsfor equilibdumconstanbin termsof concentration, lG,and partialpressures,lg; Calculatethe valuesof equilibriumconstanbin termsof concentrations or padialpressuresfrom appmpriate data; Calculatethe quantitiespresentat equilibrium, givenappropriatedata: Textsand References \* . . . A-LevelGuides,Chemistry, J G R Bdggs,Longman, 3d ed,ChapterI A-LevelChemistry,E N Ramsden,StanteyThomes(Publishers)Ltd,2med, pg 19t206 Chemistryin Aciion,MichaelFreemantle,MacmillanEducationalLtd,pg 250- 2*,25&261 IRREVERSIBLE REACTION . . . Manychemicalreactionsgo to comoletion. This meansthat the reactioncontinuesuntil one of the reactantsis completely used up in the reaction.Whenthis happensthe reactionstops-- lt has gone to completion. Suchreactionsare irreverciblereactions. A +B )C +D This can be represented graphically: c .9 E {) o o Examples: 0) F'! t",r! (t\ cacDg. AJC/JC,1 .,"*;I +w lvrl z{tl a, taClz t.ns r.rt + (Az + q >o CHEMICALEQUILIBIUR'N REVERSIBLE REACTION . ManJ othe-r,reactions. lo ,ort go t a.,.plctn,r productsof the reactionthemserves reaa@ctanis. ' such chemicalreactionsthat take placein both directionsare calledreversible reactions.Thisis indicatedby the reversiblesign,' !; ". A tB &'*'d "r' <br.lultl , because - the C+ D ,r |i Thiscan be represented graphically: c o o Aftertimet, forwardand backward(reverse)reactionsoccurat the san€ra,L Boththe concentrations ofthe reactants (A andB) andproducts (c andD) remain arttdnt . . Thereare still certainquantitiesof reactantsremaining (i.e.concentrations of A andB * 0). The system is said to reach Examplesof reversiblereactions: OH 2 ra r @ rro3 < F- ' :ut ,Jo: r oz Otherexamples: o o E E o (1, o AJC/JC1 CHEMICAL EQWUAIURM DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM . . . In a reversiblereactionbothforwardand backwardreactionscontinueindefinitely andthe systemis saidto reachdynamicequilibium. Dynamicequilibrium In an equilibriummixture,both the fonrard and backward a o o place. o reactionsare stilltaking o Systemdoesnotundergoanyobservablechange. i.e.Concentration of eachspecies(equilibrium mixture) t remainsconstant. I . t- (*la o( &"oa rih i Rrtr e{ gr.g "o4rl oo o o ,.rrr Equilibrium canonlybe achievedin a closedsvstemin whichthereis no exchange of matteror energybetweenthe systemand its surroundings. EQUILIBRIUM LAWANDEQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT, K , o The behaviorof a reversiblereactionat equilibriumcan be describedin termsof equilibrium law. This enablesthe calculationof a quantityknown as the equilibriumconstant,K. . K givestheequilibrium concentration of reactants andproducts. . K can be expressedin termsof: (1)Concentrations; (2) Partialpressuresof gases;and (3) Rateconstants. (1) K in terms of Concentrations Consider an equilibrium system: a A +b B s cC+dD A, B, C and D represent chemicalsubstances, a, b, c and d representstiochiometric coefiicients. ay,'Lt"rlvt La,r fc l' I s J ' ' AJC/JC1 fr ] ' [ Bl' 3 I I = eqm concin mol dm CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM The aboveis a mathematicalexpressionof the lad which relates the concentrationsof reactantsand procluctsIn an equilibrium mixture. The expressionshowsthat no matterwhatstartingconcentrations are for A, B, C and D, whenequilibrium is established, the aboveratioof concentrations will be aalarl It is possible to determine the concentrationsof the substances through experiments. K" is called the a (2) .uiriLr:,r!, oe.r+.* K" is a constantat ( ,*t t-Unitof l(" is for the reaction. K in terms of Paftial pressures (Applicableto reactionsinvolvinggases.) aA (S) t.e. K r, + bB (S) s ?' c. oe 'A 9b ' ,E cc (s) + dD (s) WhereP^is the partialpressureof A, etc. (Unitof gas: atmorpa) Unitof Ko . l"n + o,\'-^'o-t Partialpressures of gasescanbe calculated usino Pr= Xr.x P1 Pr = Totalpressure of gases p = Molefractionof X = nx/nr (x (X "P) ' Dp) Hence,Kocan also be expressedin terms of 1 and p: (3) ( x , p) ^( X"t ) t K in Termsof RateConsfants K may be derivedfromkineticsif we knowthe rateequationsfor bothforward and reversereactions. tl e .g . A + B5C tb AJC/JC1 CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM . rf.orr ol 'S,parl .cac{ioy , 1. k1[tl[o) ' fub + asvs< nocl.t:* , r" = kb fc] ' At 4clrb,t,a of 6,we'A th7- .t* Yt = alt Grqx 'l.acloat qQ .+al', f , uaItft s] , rr[.] t c 1 / 1 g 1 1 6 e 1=) F r /Ku t( = kl /Kb ' Y.,;r',; :; )'4 z o'w t, Note: This expressionis only true if the chemicalreactionproceedin a single step. Many '1 "n reactionsdo notproceedin onestepbut proceedthrougha complicated mechanism. O Why doesthe expression : K = k/k applicable to onlysinglestepreactions? POSITION OF EQUILIBRIUM . Definesas the proportionof productsto reactantsin theequilibriummixture. p+n | ,\,,r . ., tP)fs'l 't= 6Li lf conversionof P andQ intoR andS is sma//,the p.o.m.liesto the /eft r +A o , +S ,1 \-- K +3 (r at h Jh4.rt ) lf conversionof P andQ intoR andS is large,the p.o.m.liesto the nght: f+ A P +S l* iI b l^ ' . ) Changein conditionse.g.pressure,temperature etcwill affectthe p.o.m. NOTES ON EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANTS KCAND KP . Equilibrium lawonlyappliesto systemat equilibrium. . ( and [$ are only affectedby_t"rr+".e_J_Theeffectof temperature dependson theenthalpy changeofthe reaction, AH. . Magnitudeof G and Ko providesa usefulindicationof the e)dentof a chemical reaction. AJC/JC,1 CHEMICALEQUILTBruRM Reactionhas a skong@ positionof equilibrium liesto theright. composition willconsistof largely reactants; positionof equilibrium liesto the left. 10-3<K <103 Significantamou@ P.o.m. can be affectedby ca,rtt.7-t.'o,,cr. . However,K is only affectedby temperatura ' K for a reactionindicatesthe extentof a reaction,butgivesno information :-' the rateof reaction.rt teilsus howfar but not howfast-thereactiong;;;. about Examples: (1) Givethe( andunitsforthefollowing reactions: pcts (b) PCl3+ Cl, [r.r:] [c1,] tpttcf [-r r."'r1[,,] r"-f . r.t Lu-rJ . l;r,il f^r t*"t] = ' L^au'zJ (2) f,,".,rr"-{l -- ;= lillca* L.c/i'''l t J l * tt-,).' ) A sealedflaskcontained 2 moresof iodine,19mores of hydrogen iodideand4 moresof hydrogen_at equiribrium. carcurate theequiiibriu; tt for thereaction. Givethe unitsforK. """.tr.i, Solution: b+ tt"r va.,,.c ol rt nr . ^,,r. (*t7 ol ,i,l o* ot .ri. €4,". 2HI fl61g 51 1. rt -'s - t7 t4Z I 'n t (c ,H I, .4L l,tr 7, K.'F;m AJC/JC1 H2+ [,r ]' >t. tiilil : 45, rs lo m q,*tr J CHEUTCALEQUIUBIURIt' 3(a) Whena mixtureof 50 g ethanoicacid and 20 g ethanolis allorcd to readt equilihium at constanttemp,it ls that 0.469mol of ethancicacida.s foundto be gesent. Calorlatethe equilibriumconstantfor the Baction at this temp€ratw€. Solution CH3COTH(4 t;l CTH5OH(r) to tr$', 0o ff'o.r13 ft. o,ers ar ,\0r.,al . 0.033- r o..fJt - I .0, rfrl O,8t3-, (A'r"\,t-'e qPrtq o..+tl t 4 .tc.t&., ,- oo r E o,'l+ V f.t) 0',.*h o.rb+,/v o' + r\lv 3 a.a-thh = cH3corqHs(4 + HzO(4 5 ,o Id tl f ur.J , .4h U + o,tt. /v fttr"o,"x3l[u'01 [crrr a, n][6Hsc*r] Io 3.+II o.rr+l I J I LT J : +.02 I l+lt+] (b) 3.fl) molesof ethanoland 1.00 mde of ethanoicacidweremixedtogetherat the producedat equilibrium. Calculatethe amountof ethylethanoate sametemperaturc. Solution : i. -tn -* (0 +CrHsOH(/) CH3CO2H ! '.ol|r. ' -r,Q lc t l ,o o - > t. o0 - r t! tr@ ' a ) v t1.c-r) * lU. .l fel, to, u] fa,$ ruJ t+l[+] : l0.ortc+ ra.of - o +.42 0<l\ v s.1o! fL lclr^,.. AJC/JC1 o0 tr [cx1o1c,ns] frl no1 Fc ;.{.or : , 3, oo r. oo ' * ) t< ; cH3corcrHs(4 + HrO(4 5 \,,.- *. 4 ..r * o..y ,..o g c{, (ad b ',Et .l o. {ot ctll &o. tr ,.,rllr . fd ur.l CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM (4) Dissociationof NaOr 0.05 mol N2o1is introducedinto a vesselof 1 dm3 at 25"c. The totar pressure at equilibrium is 142.5kpa. Calculatel$ for the dissociation of N2Oa. NzOr(9) s 2NOdg) Solution: To caVdh r,r0at gcst'.r , Pi o+ ^LO4 i lrv ? o.l h 1 V' n r1 It,r. _ o .o s x c ..)l r:4 1 r (o.rf ,r., 1 r tg r = t..t rr x |0s Pa 1z Ne 01 l9) triid li nel I | ' t .4 r (P r' - P) I p P{,, ' tq t, S - v t ,i ta ?|t . . a +. Kr' t? ' b t2 r,1 - .:P l,a 3 q tlo l- ? t\r.3.i -9) + e? -_ ) o o.og : PLaoq s :N 02 ft) . tf ,( . !4).! rP. _ tt .g l < ?a 3 1 .2 l Po ' , r! j , , 876 tD, tr7 2t P.r, "{ 1 0 3 ,3 /, = t3't+ lt.tkla - I Self-DirectedLeaming: (5) The equilibrium mixturein a flaskwasfoundto consistof o.s0moleof so2, 0.12mole Ozand 5.0. weregaseo;s.The pressuiein the Toles of SO3.All threesubstances was8.0x 105 Pa. Calculatethe partialpressuresof SO2,02 andSO3in the flask. (il (b) Writean expression for Kofor the equilib,rium: '2SO,(g) + o, (g) S 2SOs(g) (c) calculate the varue of G for the mixtuie in the flask. state the units. Ans: 5.85 x 1O'3Pa'1 AJC/JC1 CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM Self-Directed Learning: (6) The equilibriumconstantK for the esterificationreaction= 4.00. Calculatethe mass ethanolthat mustbe mixedwith 2.0 mol of ethanoicacidto produce1.5 mol of ethyl ethanoateat equilibrium. cH3corH(4+c2H5oH(4 5 HzO(4 CH3COTCTH5(/)+ Ans:121.0 o PRINCIPLE LE CHATELIER'S PART2: Obiectives: State Le Chatelieis Principleand applyit to deducequalitatively(fromappropriateinformation)the effectsof pre€sure,on a systemat equilibrium: changesin temperature,concentration, Deducewtrethercfrangesin temperature,concenfationor pressureor the presenceof a catalystaffect the valueof the eouilibrium consiantfora readion: . . LE CHATELIER'S PRINCIPLE Summarizesthe effect on the compositionof an equilibriummixture when conditions arechanged. Staftr [i,e. -lrat a'c|t clor{rr b a g.rrtn so'ic rrft rv' p?ri hL'i/ m {o rr rubj.c+ad vnl Sdo yg r.rth 4t .t"d\'rt t a chet'0( f.t.tJqr , atc.) ih ,.4}i'{<r"'r - +ra Note: The systemcannotcompletely cancelthe changein the erternalfactor,but it movesin the direclionthatwill minimizethe change. FACTORSAFFECTING POSITION OF EQUILIBRIUM 1. lnfluencein Concentration . When the concentrationof the reactant is increasedor decreasedin an equilibrium occursso as to &rrrcr d 'tnd.a'€d$au.lg system,reaction lL. . co^ar.tro,{,oon ut To ' wt.rr AJC/JCI *| t 1i"c+ r^folqnC changz ^n coq.'*V'5t"vti e CHEMICALEQUTUBruRM Example: Hr+lz -+lr. irtru* ,to 'rAue j!b!_ -r= grs Ar,a fur&.I, H- + i^ no4 .r oeht6 fA'] e+l6\^ , sL,p6 pctu,. 1 a5. HI {arourrl t4 a !_ zn-----------.-: L New eqm composition : t H,1 D FArf rnr*.,r i ft) Lt cx,,r<s c .9 E o o By LCP,to reducetfreAecr to producemoreH2. ga$-a/d, =) Art rct'eAx^ la,or,'.t . !: r-=+ lHr Neweqm composition: fx,-l * furl 4.,.ol. ., L!r1;nr*, K" : ,a.star+ 2. lnfluence in Pressure a when totalpressure is changed,concentration of ail speciesin thecontainer wirl changeto reducethechangein pressure. lncreasein pressure(by decreasingthe vorume)brings morecures croser together.To rerievestress of additionarpressure,ieactionoccurs produce to er.rrr *'olqrl.r Of gasgs. Hence,increasein pressurefavorsthe reactionthat producesfewermorecures of gasesandviceversa. Example: AJC/JC1 Nz+3Hz 5 2NHJ 10 CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM Totalmoles: 4 plt 9n<. *\t llt ( *r rye {on Pressure on {rrc dgh,| n& I lg r-cP , ep'l{{.u t lrtc{ nvrrlcr cf trolc..to ;",15 , ' lr , il',,., '. i .,: " .:.,,...,,,, Etfect i:::;1,i,._'.t: so ar to ... l^as + gr.,v*lrlrr cq^.fq^f +. a gartr h r ,,lr 3h$t .t +" J5!L , ,.,hrch nA*ce 'l* lhr- atat &.C!4,. p^..${n - Jt E',.raaf €n.b&.or,tl' .ila + 3Hz r.rlle :5 ( P*,) ( pu) ( p,J New eqm compositioni 4r, I ltx" I o'.^r. \ 4,,p,i" 14at' K": ,axa*. Sincethe leftsideof the equationhas4 particlescomparedto 2 particleson the rightside,by LCP,eqmwillshiftsto the lult to increasethe total Pressure no. of molecules so as to increasethe totaloressure. J ba<Y,,t l ea,&r lo,",t d , d:. r 3$ r- '-r,!--- L\tH A ) New eqm crmposition i (*, a ltr, iv,crc.s ,j n\1r )c.re'e G: r.-rtor't NOTE: Changein pressurehasno effecton the p.o.mfor gaseousreadionsif the no.of moleculesin bothsidesof the equationis the same. Example: 3. Hu+ lz 5 2Hl Influence in Temperature When an equilibriums)Nstem is subjectedto an increasetn temperature,the brn AnA rcacuo.a Example: ot;v t* v{.. Vtrt(. Nzor 2NO2 AH>O(Foruardreactionis endothermic) (Backwardreactionis exothermic) Change Effect Temperature 4 t aht. u", ar.tro'f $,b*n ,rsqtk (h*fr th +- @,t4 noa g-dr4c b $, .@ s*q&oo & 0+ rr4(ra$ ad t rno t a la tvt alr $,,y1) -[le tf*tn A Yt. o l!{- 6o(l,o)r" rcX AJCiJCI 11 11 cd71' - + lA, o CHEMICALEQUILIBIURM :+ hrr.rad Nl.ll- ,tn 1hsF rqtor.rA . ,^101 :=r Neweqmcomposition : [^r,o.] Aac,eot, r^.,r r * iv' ( z .34. @ ill Temperature l,y Byr-vr, LCP,equlllDnum equitibriumGhifts snlTISIO toGe Ine J E\t)] l?+l tO prOdUCemOre reaCtantSGin; thebackward readionresultsin r;te;Gd;;;"rgi temperature. "nJi";" to increase the ra.nb,^ lceer r.lr 9" ..:1p, $(r.I(n$ New eqm composition : fu o,l' f^lno.] i,.61ta,.t, fi.ro:f d"rar:.. r,ilr dec+r lC = Ifr;lNote: a fncreasein temperaturefavors the ca[4ra1,q rector a Decreasein temperature favorsthe ..orr,r,.,r.F, Positionof equilibrium andK .rn"^"., . o Reason for changes in K: RecallK canbe expressed as rateconstants, K = k/k. Increasein temperatureincreasesthe rate constantsand rates reactions rhroush qi[fpq!€nqgl. of both forwardand backward [kr = Ae-Emr,k. = Ae€'m where Er + EJ 4. Influenceof Catalyst Lt4t rateof reaction. po ridt a o t) affect the positionof equilibriumand K. Reason: catalystlowersthe activationenergyof bothforwardandbackward reactions: :) iv\ c'\1 ..r r4+( = ftrJ,L\ar- \ ,Pt4'\'r AJC/JC1 {^a 4 lr,{" .h,oO ^41?rrL 0cr,{r, \rt / uoff,,I,.'a .r"a^c,.r .,r<r,r}.dirrt 4 cir.ctlg .pa'c o a+ o,*r.flt r,rr CHEMICALEQUIUBIURIT 5. lnfluenceof lnerl Gas (atconstanttemperature) 1. At constantvolume r Total pressureof the systemincreasesdue to increasein numberof gaseous particles. After additlonof lnert oasea(a I OmlnalSvstem @ o@ o@ @ @ 00f--> @ oa o @O o@ @ @ a \9 Equilibrium System: @ . S (^o ,,60 O Concentrations or partialpressuresof reactantsandproductsremain ur'rlonttA + No alft,t en +lu prrtrora ee qrr'!b;ut' , aa| K. 2. . At constant pressure To maintaina constantpressure,reactionvolume must increase. After additionof inert qasesfll I OrqinalSvstom o (^lrl :@ o o mr---> I a @: o o o io a oi" o a @ o @ . Partialpressureofeach gasesdecreases. . Thiseffectis the sameas if the volumeincreasesis broughtby ,. l.r^'.4 +'r. taaprl . (effectdue to pressure). lftsaac System reacts to increase partial pressures of reactants/productsby favoring oroductionof more molectrles o Positionof equilibriumwill shift in the directionproducing AJC/JC1 'rc ,'lr.rc,rr.. CHEMICALEQUIUBTURM SUMMARYOF THE EFFECTSOF CHANGINGCONDITIONS ON AN EQUILIBRIUM SYSTEM Considerthe reaction: aA + Changesimposeclon the systemat Equilibium bB s cc + Equilibium positionshifts Concentrations of A and/orB increase Concentrations of C and/orD increase Pressureincreases lf (c+d) < (a+b): To right Verylittleeffect,if any,on reactionsin liquidsolution. lf (a+b) < (c+d): To tefl Temperature increases lf fonrvard reactionis exothermic: To left K decreased o Rate of both forwardand If forwardreactionis endothermic: To right K increased . . Additionof catalyst backwardreactions increases. Hence,equilibrium is achievedfaster. K is also affectedby temperature. Equilibrium is achievedfaster dueto loweringof E". Presenceof inertgas: 1. Constant volume No change 2. Constanttotal pressure lf (ctd) < (a+b): To Ieft No change lf (a+b)< (crd): To right AJC/JC1 14 2. Volumemustincrease: =) partialpressures of reactantVproducts decrease) CHEUICALECNI'UB'Uffi (7) The equlllbriummixturein a 2.oodmsflask at soo oc urasfoundto consistof 0.6q) mot of SO2,0.200mol of Ozand 4.80 mol of SOa. Calculatethe equilibriumconstantlG at S00.C for the Eaction. 2 S Oz(g )+Od s)s2 SOg( g) (i) Solutlon: (i) 2sodg) qf etlt Or(S) 5 2sO.(S) a t00 0. lar : $+g + .+,80 PYr plT, r ,3 t+Jl rrr.l -l F' ro.ro. tltar.+) talA + 90) 9!'rrt s|rt 4 4. Iq ,rl Pdttal R'Dr1r + rrot P A (o . a o ) ( & ai )( + 1t) z , oc (o.t)t 0. , g.+)b x rrt ta .qhr f'lt tllna?) I,oo l,, rlt . ( t s+ .:* r rot)t p',t ,x? (ii) tgl.>* sttl 0a ET_ = 6rr.et rro,)9(o.rrtrrot) ' 4'1b x,o-s qo-t , Howmarrymolesof 02 mustbe addedinto the flask at 50O"C in orderto increasethe amountof SO3to 5.0Omoles? lo\r.r { llrrr . el' rl 0 r,l t O f r 1 .: . r t - . + . *, . o ,L c g .4 , (c. A"JClJC1 + l tl d = :50s f5) o r.o 4.tto Irc fi * .Fl, (ry)(ryI'(+) = 6+o -l 15 l-'3 CHEI(ICALEQUI'-'BIUR', e|lr} 5 L**ro h rt,L a r01q) r ot llFGro = o'{t dr. xfo rrl r T . otor tr rt,r : . ?2 9, ? :Jor r { l *.n +o'Lg Oo -9, ,.tc. g-{9rr) {c 'l -5 go 1 {.,O. I -!]!, z (€)' (ry)"(+)-- { ro Kct 134,15 u t9 .l 3 '-6 I ' (iiD lf 2.00 mol of SO2ard 1.00mol of 02 are mixedand allou/edto read at S(D"C. wttat mustthe total pressurebe for 80 % conversionto SO3? zl0r tl) + . 7,*n , fr o,t&t/ rf q rl I * , ( aa n l \ r,or ,.(. -t.Lc . ,,.to . i* Qt3) 10" Q) l,oo o (t+) "- =o-2o {d. a(o&) :1.61 o ,tto + o ,to . t.60 ? ,.2 0 ^ ft=T tlr lT (!,t )(l ,$ r)(tb + o ?3) " +.ol ( ,.t ?. I AJC;/JC1 16 CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM HOMOGENOUS EQUILIBRIA substancespresentin onephaseonly. Equilibrium reactionsin whichparticipating Examples: Reactions in liquidor gasphase. (/) + CHgCOzH NzOa(g) (/) s CTHsOH s + HzO(/) CHsCOzCzHs(D 2NO2(s) HETEROGENOUS EQUILIBRIA . phase. present participating indifferent substances Equilibrium reactions inwtrich Ca4J: ts't Example: ao o (s) r co:. (j) -""'> fcaol p... h- 5 (n31 lf a ?,- . lgli..^ I Note: Whatis meantby the concentrations of pure solid/liquid? . . . . . = Concentration of a puresolid/liguid *Cgry (a constant) Amount of solid/liquidmay change,but concentrations of pure solids/liquids, and of solventsof dilutesolutionsare constant. lt is obviouslysensibleto combineanyconstantswithK itself. Therefore,crncentrations of pure solid/liquiddo not appearin the equilibriumconstant exoression. The equilibriumconstantexpressionfor a heterogeneous reactionis written in such a way that the concentrations of solids/pure liquidsare excludedin the exDression. Examples: AJC/JC1 K . = [c o,] or l(t -- ?ro, CHEMICALEQUTUBURU (8) A mixtureof ironand steam at 600 .c. The equilibrium _wasallowedlo reachequilibrium pressuresof hydrogenandsteam were3.2kpa and2:4 kpa respectivery. c"i*i"-r.e (,. 3Fe (s) + 4HrO(g) Solutlon: 1o \. (p= FqOa(s) + 4Hz(9) ( r .r ) :_ (P *" Jt (9) S = ttb I 'l Thesolubilityof the silverharidesin waterdecreases in theorderAgcr > AgBr> Agr. Becauseof thisdifi.*19 in solubility,bromideionswill displacecilorideiins frori'sotio silverchloride.Theequilibrium constantlC for thisreaciion: AgCt(s) + Br (aq) g AgBr(s) + Ct(aq) is 360 at 2s8K. rf 0-100mordmi Br (aq) is addedto soridAgcr, what wi[ be the equilibrium @ncentrations of Br(aq)and'Ci(aq). Solutlon: A6cl ls) . Bv- lq) Itriltrt corc I At A c q- Ag Br b) - a, log " { o'l- i IAr' .l6b 16 -rlor ,[ fu.. .+ r-^r^l 0I . 1 -- 36t, t z o,oe{\) .l * .F g/ - d orr" t = o, oqq?a ,,olJ\-l v.t _ 5 sqq*L 2.?? r 1e.e ,.;g-3 AJC/JC1 cr- tq,,, o ,' l !o -i ' + 1B CHEMICAL EQUIUAIURM PART3: HABERPROCESS Obiectives . Describeand explainlhe conditionsusedin lhe Hab€.process.as an exampleof the importance of an understanding of chemicalequilibrium in thechemical industry. THEHABERPROCESS T F r it z Habers tu d i e d th e N 2 (g } + 3 H ,(g ))2 N H :(g)cqui l i bri umi nt}reearl y 19O0s and concluded that direct ammonia sjmthesis should be possible. E Howevcr, it was not until l9l4 ttrat the cngineering problems and catal56t question had been solved by Carl Bosch, and arnmonia production began just E in time for ttle atart of World War I. Ammonia is the starting matcrial to makc -E nitric acid, a vital material in t}re manufacture of the e.folosives TNl and f E nit r ogly c c r i n .T h e re fo rc ,th i s i s tl ro u g h tt obethefi rstl .argc.scal euseofa synthetic chemical for military purposes. m Haber's contract with t}re manufacturer of ammonia called for him to receive 1 A Fritz Haber (1868-1934) pfennig per kilograrn of ammonia, and he aoon -untom:natcly, became not only famous but rictrhc joined the Gcrman E Chemical Warfare Servicc at tlrc start of World War 1 and became its director -L E in 1916. The primary mission of tfie service was to develop gas warfare, and in -r-1915 he supervised the frrst use of Clz at tie battle of Ypres. Not only was this a tragedy of modern warfare but also to Haber personally. His wife pteaded with him to stop his work in this area, and when he refused, she committed suicidc. IE In 1918 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for the ammonia qmthesis, but ttte choice was criticized because of his role in chemica-l warfare. After world war 1, Haber did some of his best work, continuing on in thermodynarnics (Bom-Haber 99!el Jvas a product of tllis period). However, because he had a Jewish background, Haber left Gerrnany in 1933, worked for a time in Englald, and died in Swi rland in 1934. THE MODERNMANUFACTURING PROCESS Manyimportantindustrialreactionsare reversiblereactions. Two importantprinciplesin choosinga processfor industrialreactionsare: (1) Efficientand(2) Economicallyviable Theconditions in an industrial reversible reaction aimto: o Produe maximumamountof product(highyield); o Usingminimumamountof time; o At minimumcost. Thecostcanbe minimized by: o Usingcheapestreagenfs(air, water); o Makingreadionas rapidas possible(catalyst); o Avoidingveryhigh temperature/pressure, if possible. AJC/JC1 19 CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM THEHABERPROCESS Nz(g) + 3Hz(g) I aH = 46 kJmol-l 2NH3(g) Nitrogen from fractional distillation of liquid alr trr#--lqffidm &d tI from "r*"*" 1I I gas synthesls I OF AMMONIA OPTIMUMCONDITIONS FORSYNTHESIS Conditionsfor the synthesisof ammoniahaveto be carefullychosenif the processis to be efficientandthuseconomically viable. 3 mostimportant are:(1)yield,(2)rateof reactionand(3)energy. considerations (1) Effect of Pressure:High Pressure Desired Out Reason ) lncreaserateof reaction F An increasein pressurebringsgas molecules closertogether.Theycollide and hencereac{ionis morefrequently faster. D Pos'rtion of equilibrium > Accordingto LCP,highpressureincreases shiftedto the right the relativeamountsof NH3at equilibrium, (higheryield) sincethefoMardreac{ionresultsin a decreasein the no.of molesof gas (4 mol ) 2 mol). Undesired ) Noteconomically viable AJC/JC1 plantandmaintenance ) Costof industrial becomemoreexpensive, e.g.pipeshaveto be tougherto withstandhighpressure. 20 CHEMICALEQUILIBIURM betweenhighyieldandlowcost. Compromise . (21 EffectofTemperature: LowTemperafrtre Desired Outeome.'.',,...:, virtuallyzero (3) t.,. :.,:.rrijliii:.r..: tbvors to LCP,lowertemperature F Positionof equilibrium > According production heat to counteract of more the right to the shifted Hence,the exothermic the lowtemperature. (higheryield) reaction(fonnardreaction)is favored. Undesired > Rateof reactionis o ReaSOn no.of energetic > At lowtemperature, whichleadto chemicalreaction collisions reduced. aredrasticallv betweenhighyieldandlowrate. Compromise Catalyst Reason Desired . :.. :,,., a:,ti-.ltr. F Increaserate of reaction > Catalystlowersactivationenergyof reaction andhenceincreasethe no.of effective collisions. ) Synthesiscanbe caniedoutat a lower temperature. > Highrateableto achieveat low temperature. Conclusion . o Accordingto the principlesof kineticsand chemicalequilibrium,the following of NH3: conditionswouldfavorthe manufacture (1) Highpressure (2) Moderotetemperoture (3) Useof catolyst Hence, optimum conditionschosen that compromisesbetween kinetics and chemicalequilibrium for HaberProcessare: (1) Pressure :200 - 300otm rote of reocfion. (2) Temperature : 450 - 500'Cis usedto obtqinreasonable by cddifion (3) Catalyst : FinelydividedFecotolyst.Efficiencyis enhonced promoters: AlaOrondKzO. of of smollomount YIELDOF AMMONIA . yieldof NHris only10 - 15%. Despitetheseoptimumconditions, AJC/JC1 CHEMICAL EQUILIBIURM . Thisyieldcan be increasedby allowingliquidNH3formedto be drawnoff the systemso thatpositionof equilibrium is shiftedto the rightin favorof production of moreammonia. unreactednitrogenandhydrogencan be recycled.Ail reactantgaseseventua[y convertedto NH3. ' USESOF AMMONIA .. - . . Make feftilizefsi o.ro,i r $+rcr.r , aurrritrr,l iaa+c Makg nitfic acid: r, ,qr\! r{$! t a. y sxt c,, ryo1p (ilrl , . l.[rt. ,r"o. ca^ U .r,tl c ieF ,^'..'iqr rr,,6 Makesyntheticfibres: ngn^, .400^_ Self-Directed Learning Exercise: The HaberProcess. for the production of ammoniafromits elementscanbe represented by the equation: Nz(g) + 3Hdg) s 2NH3(g) ln the process,a mixtureof nitrogenandhydrogenis passedovera catalyst.TheNH3is remov_ed ftom.theproductsandunreacted gasespassedthroughthe rea&ionveir"r tiT:-j: gasis removedfrJmthereactionvesJetlwhereit accumuiate"s;, "g"in. 1,",T Statethe ll": catalyst ?19o1 (axt) normallyusedin the Haberprocess (ii) Whatare the sourcesof the nitrogenandhydrogen? (iiD Suggestwherethe argoncomesftom. (iv) \a/hyis the NH3removedfromthe productsbeforepassingthe unreacted nitrogen andhydrogenoverthe catalystagain? (b) Figurebelowshowsthepercentage of NH.in the equiribrium mixtureunderdifferent conditions. z Prgssuray'alm (i) Vvhichtemperature, 200oCor S00oC,producesa largerpercentage of NH3in the equilibrium mixture?stateonedisadvantage of using-atemperature wefiberowsoo oc. (ii) \A/hichpressure,s0 or 1SOatm,produces largerpjrcent"ie of NH3in fhe equilibrium mixture? Stateone disadvantage of usinga pressure - greaterthan200atm. AJC/JC1 22