N1TTAL 2015 CROATIAIY ACADEMY OF EF{GINEERING Ann. 2015 Croat. ,{cad. Eng. rssN 1332-34&2 AI{I\UAL 2OI5 OF THE CROATIAN ACAI}EMY OF EISGII$EERII\G c ll,:- *'ufrrxcttt CAETS Zagreb,2$16 lmage Inpainting Methods Annual 20 1 5 of the Croatian Academy ol Engineering 157 r Homogeneols Dil1irional Conference CAIP 2000 with anisotropic Scientific paper rzlel Ed. Berlin. leumann, and B. Doerr, g', in Scale Space and stein, A. M. Bronstein, to find sparse data for on and Pattern Recog- Eds. Berlin. ,'Understanding, optiJ. Comput. Vis., vol. iimages', IEEE Trans. I Prints Obtained by Varying the Voltage in IEP Technology Recy_c[i_ng th_e Z. Bolan(.nl'., I. Bolania Mirkovidl., I. Majn rCroatian Academy of Engineering 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts video', IEEE Trans. With the development of digital printing technology, the amount of digital prints in waste paper is rapidly increasing. At the same time. it has been difficult to detach the Electrolnk in liquid electrophotography printing (LEP), from fibers with the same deinking processes used for conventional inks. Because of the different characteristics of Electrolnk, it has been difficult to collect, recycle and deink. The prints obtained by varying the voltage of the processing drum, reverse roller and a squeegee roller in the LEp technology on the mechanism and effrciency of the deinking flotation process and characteristics ofthe recycled fibers is presented in these afticle. rngular coding', IEEE /er adaptive triangula- pic triangulations', in 2009, pp. 23431318. dimensional pattem)', :ipe de la flexion des Mathdmatique Anal. Research results indicate that by increasing negative voltage of the processing drum and reverse roller an increase occurs in the dirl count on handsheets obtained from fibres after disintegration, while the results related to the squeegee roller are inversely proportional. An increase is observed, specific for each of the stages, in the area of dirt > 0.04 mm'zwith the increase of negative voltage. The range of dirt sizes that can be removed by flotation is restricted to between 0.050 and 0. 150 mm2. Dirt below 0.04 mm2cannot individually resolved, they stili adsorb light and hence contribute a greyness or overall loss of brightness to the handsheet. The paper discusses the inter-dependability of the distribution the size and area of dirt on handsheets obtained from the deinking flotation process with regard to the change in voltage of the processing drum, reverse roller and squeegee roller in printing. The ERIC and handsheet brightness results explain the efficiency of the recycling process well and confirm the results obtained by implementing other methods. removal algorithms', ariation flow', Dilfer pic diftusion', IEEE istic edge-preserving no. 2, pp. 298-311, ment of higher order ntpttter Science, vol. , 200s, pp. 451-458. processing', I/zeor rpolation data in irn- Key v,ords: LEP technology, recycling, image analysis, ERIC, brightness rn of distinct points. Conference on Fasl i ^rie2i l -305. .zbolanca@hatz.hr, ibolanca@grthr, i.majnaric@grf.hr Bolanda,,Z., et. al.: Recycling the prints Obtained by in LEP Techrology 1. lntroduction Annual 2015 ofthe Crr showed that a di case two flotatio Digital printing contributes to sustainable development (Gmelin, Senring, 2014). This printing technique, in comparison to some conventional printing techniques has the advantage of having a less harmful influence on the environment mainly due to its ability to be ready faster along with the absence of plate making and its related chemicals, materials, emissions and wastes (carver, cuiary, 20rr; Kadam et aL.,2009 Lasage, Schoonenberg, 2010). With the developrnent of digital printing technology. the amount of digital prints in waste paper is rapidly increasing. At the same time, it has been diificult to cletach the Electroink in liquid electrophotography printing (LEp), from fibers w.ith the same deinking processes used for conventionul inkr 2000; Bolanda et al., lnotunju, 2000; carre, Mangin 2002; smitz. Fischer 2004; Fischer, 2008) Because of the different characteristics of Electrolnk, it has been diffrcult to collect, recycle and deink. Digital printing equipment manufacturers and the International Association of the Deinking Industry GNGEDE) have different opinions on the deinkabiliry of digital prints' During DRUPA 2008, HP claimed that the 4.0 version of Electrolnk is as deinkable as dry toners. INGEDE issued a press release stating that the claims were incomect (INGEDE, 2008). Digital printing equipment manuficturers also question the relevance of the single-step laboratory test of the INGEDE 11 method, claiming thai it does not reflect the industrial conditions of two-loop deinking (INGEDE 200 I ; wripp201 0). A revision of the INGEDE I 1 method was done with the criteria of the pH after pulping and before the flotation was added (INGEDE, 2012). The results of the research conducted showing the effect of kneading and the 2'd flotation on significantly reducing the total dirt area to a level uelow zoo ppm as the proposed laboratory target were published up until DRUPA 2012 (Hewlett-Packard Indigo, 2012). The new generation of Electrolnk produces smaller specks after pulping. Specks which are effectively broken up by dispersion are floatable in a second flotation loop (Hewlett-paciard Indigo, 2012; putz et al., 2008). Hewlett-Packard is engaged in research to ensure that the deinkability of current recycled paper streams is maintained as the percentage of digital prinis in the deinking mill furnish increases Cl.{g et a1.,2009). The aim of the research is to understand how ink and paper interaction for liquid electrophotography affect the flotation deinking process. Hp Indigo plans to iest Electrolnk 4.0 under NewPage Duluth recycled paper mill simulated conditions. The composition of furnish for the deinking trial was 5% Elechol nk and 95% mixed office waste recovered paper (Macias, 2010). The pilot scale simulation Both Mittelstadt IIPMA (Mittelst including sodiun ic surfactant, an to achieve ink p interaction with Ng and a group achieved excelle the fellow assoc a). The optimiz dynamics simul good recyclabili Bhattacharyya a can be extender found a direct r contamination a they presented i electrophotogra The results sho' in deinking and Zhang and the loop deinking 1 in between two sisted of mixe' amounts of liq process succesr photography pr The aim of our in the printing recycling (Bolr ther research c, 1.80, and 2.001 tic of recycled of deinking flc intermediate cture in the dor cltage in LEp,Technology :: :: . n, Senring, Z0l4). rrinting techniques rvlronment mainly ate making and its dry,2011; Kadam of digital prints in difficult to detach m fibers with the 00; Bolanda et al., i) Because of the 'llect, recycle and ssociation of the kability of digital t I Electrolnk is as rt the claims were rers also question method, claiming inking (INGEDE with the crite_ GEDE. 2012). ne rding and the 2"d low 200 ppm as 'A 2012 (Hewlrroduces smaller 1, dispersion are )12; Putz et a1., : deinkability of digital prints in rction for liquid go plans to test ated conditions. rolnk and 95% cale simulation showed that a dirt count is similar to that in a mixed office waste fumish. In this case two flotations were conducted. I I f i i r I I Both Mittelstadt and co-authors deveroped modified alkaline deinking chemistry HPMA (Miftelstadt et al., 2010; rr,roain"a .rr.,,rrty^ui.. ,ruoirronur including sodium hydroxide ,na ,ooJ- silicate with ihe sutstitution of achemicals non-ionic surfactant' an emulsifier for atty The result orilr" composition to achieve ink particulates with the ""io is desired ,rr. ,urrg.-unj"i"rical p.orria" the interfacial interaction with foam fo, r"moual J** flotation. Ng and a group of co-authors adapted H.ES from a lab scale to a pilot scare and achieved excellent recyclabiliry .t a1.,.2010). During ;;n,,"r research t*t Ng and the fellow associates adapted upgs"rr"- a lab scare to a pilot scare (Ng et ar.,2010 a)' The optimization of HpES ir ur.i.t.o by advancea'.oi."utu, modelring and dynamics simulation. using Hp h;;; print in mixed-offiL waste has achieved good recyclability on a pilot scale. Bhattacharyya and severar co-authors used near-neutrar deinking chemistry _ H'ES can be extended to obtain gooa oeinking results for traditional offset inks. They found a direct correlation b-etrve.n irt"^ effects irr" ink-particle contamination and its particle "rr"-ical "" et ar.,2011). speck size distributions (Bhatt u"nunau Berow they presented a comparative study oithe atkaline and n"uiiuideinking of indirect electrophotography prints with r^""i^ The results show that the.preferred;p;i;" "rsubstrates fgh;tt""lr".ry a et al., 2012). of neutral chemistry is always successful in deinking and that alkaline compticated. "h"*i;il; zhang and the colraborating authors describe the design of a laboratory "t scale two_ loop deinking process with the inclusion ijr. rir"u, kneading step in between two flotation steps ir 1Jg]"-snJ Qn^,g ,"-pi"s for recycling con_ sisted of mixed office waie una "t-^1.,2013)..rrr" #*tur.s of mixed offic'e waste with various amounts of liquid electrophotography prints. It was our.-.a that the two_loop process successfully brings the dirt area-for mixed om.. *uri. with liquid electrophotography prints to a satisfactory level. The aim of our extensive research was to determine the influence of the conditions in the printing process of indirect ," ;;;frb"tiveness of prints recycling (Bolanda Mirkovii, Boranda, "r..t.prrotography zbos, eolun!" nai.to,rii et al., 2014). ther research concentrated on the i-pu"iorriquid Fur_ toner density (D r.2a,1.40,7.60, .ith;iff.;;nt printing substrates on the characteris_ tic of recvcled fibres (Bolanda Mi.k";;;, ;; aL,2009).Furrhermore, the mechanism of deinking flotation was presented in relation to the changes in temperature of the intermediate 1.80, and 2.00) in combination cyrinder (Boianda v"t"r* ture in the domain from 125 "c, 130 ., ar.,2012).ny-in"r"u.rng the tempera_ "c, l3S oC,740.i r"J i+s oc, an increase Amual 2015 of the Cr( elimination in the flotation of dirt area is obseled, which in turn influences their process.ontheotherhand,byincreasingthetemperature,theincreaseofcolour quality' gum.,t volume of prints is obserued, i'e' higher reproduction Theprintsobtainedbyvaryingthevoltageoftheprocessingdtum,reverseroller the mechanism and efftciency of the and squeegee roller in the LEP technology on the recycled fibers is presented in deinking flotation process and characteristics of these article. the printing process conditions on The results is contributed to the explanation of the area of reused materials acceptthe deinkability of prints and can be applied in the postulates of ing the cradle-to-cradle concept which takes into consideration ecological sustainable development' The process of J charge the Photc printing form wi toner on the Prin This paper show ysis related to th ticles need be i squeegee roller t ating a very thir the paPer directl Phase of develc processing drun Phase of develc processing drur rr rl, -^^ ^C^-^^ tlltisc drur vr AII 2. Materials and methods chronized and t Indigo based LEP technology' HP The samples were made on the Turbo Stream HP the transfer of a liquid toner' Indigo printing is an offset process which involves and thence to the printing from the imaging drum to a heated olfsetting blanket Machine calibrr 1. Voltage of th 1, samPles: substrate. pI z 2. Voltage of tt ples: b,,br,b Toger ospaper 3. Voltage Chargrng of t (series 3, sa 4) 'r' Ynn L(lt Irnagng q,L 9)q) Toner The printing wedge in the control, textua 1 v' .= During the ex1 varied, while t bration of the *-* Latent irnage {toner particles + liquid canis) Squeege* rsu€r Developnrg systsrn Fig. 1 - Indirect LEP technology (Majnari6' 2007) ness and the t and a 3D gam Liquid Electr< volatile miner bltage in LEp Technology ion in the flotation increase of colour a,lity. rum, reverse roller rd efficiency of the rers is presented in cess conditions on I materials accept_ r the postulates of The process of printing which uses the. LEp technorogy has the foilowing steps: charge the photoconductor drum, illumination the printing form, colouration the printing form with riquid toner, t uor[. the toner to the printing substrate, fix the toner on the printing substrate, and clean the printing form from residue ink. This paper shows the results of the research c_onducted regarding the sample anal_ ysis related to the third, development stpe in LEp t""i,rror"ogv, where -oii pigment par_ ticles need be isorated f.om tire tiqrria uy ur" ,qr""g". ro,er. The ink on photoconductor, thus cre- squeegee roller reduces the "uoi", total amount of liquid ating a very thin rayer on printing .uf.our.r. The photoconductor drum pressures the paper directly, thus obtainirg ird_i""liry print. Phase of development is carried out in thre.e separate parts: developing with the processing drum, developing with reverse roners and fixing with squeegee roller. :P technology. Hp of a liquid toner, ce to the printing Phase of developing is conducted in three separate parts: the developing with the processing drum, deveroping with ."u..."..oil.r, und fixing with squeegee roiler. All these aforementioned aiJinct pu.ts of tt d"""r;p;;;;;se are perfbrmed syn_ chronized and they are the subject'oir"r"ur.' ". pr.."nt"iin ,t i, pupur. Machine calibration is followed by test printing: 1' voltage of the processing drum: -200 l, samples: zr,&t,d:,aoi ur) v,-2g0v -350v _430v and _500v (series 2' voltage of the reveise rolrers: c\', -50\,: -i25v, Lvv r. att., _250v ' -r t ) -zXav,and -z (series 2, sam_ ples: b, br. br bo b. ) , 3' voltage of the squeegee rolrer: -1250 v, -1300v -r350v. _1400v and _1450v (series 3, samples: c,, cr, c:. co i cr) nging totrer liquid cajrierj During the experimentar printing, onry one parameter in the printing process was varied, while ail other parameters remained ionstant u, a"nnJj by the initial cali_ bration of the printing machine. The printing adifferent printing elements: a standard cMyK step "o^llu.tned wedge in the l0%-100%o tone uuru".uing., a standard ISo illustration for visual control, textuar positive and ffiJ# negative micioelem"ntr, *"Jg., ro, a.t.r_ining grey_ tJ"";^i?'o'.0 wedge *itn :zs pui"hes ror ihe of rcc profiles p;;;;;;, Liquid Electrolnk was used. It contains 5 o%. monomer pigment paste, 94 % highry volatile mineral oil and about l u" ug;ftfo. in"r"uring (Landa "r"*i"-.Jnductivity 162 Bolanda, 2., et' al': Rec the Prints Obtained Varying the Voltage in LEP Technology etal.,1988).Theparticlesarel-2pminsize,dispersedinliquidmedium,which for increasing electric conducresults in a high-qu ality 2400 dpi print. The agents to their positive side and tivity are highly polar molecules that receive G pigments furn toward less negative electrostatic field' substrate has high brightness ( ing on HP Indigo press that improve adhesion. This - L CJ cL 800 = E E -lJ .g papel because the liquid toner In LEP technology problem were with printing on coated paper designed for printdid not always adhere uniformly to it. It was used ISO brightness Annual 2015 ofthe Cr (} F Ttx} 600 soo 400 300 2U) 93%). dernking flotation was used' DurFor the recycling of the prints alkaline chemical hydroxide 1o%, hydroing,rr" prot.*r lhe following chemicals were used: sodium and a surface active substance gen peroxide 1ol0, sodium sJicate 2yo,DTqA0.2o/o disintegration phase is 10%' while 0.4 %.The consisteo"y ortrt" suspension in the in the flotation phase the consistency is 0'6%' of deinked pulp' with the usage The handsheets were made from non-deinked and to the standard ISO 5269 (ISO 5269-2' trre nupid-rllthen sheet former, according of the optical charac2002).The following values were used for the measurement and deinked pulp: the diffuse teristics of iaboratory handsheets from non-deinked residual ink concentrareflectance factor according to ISO 2410, effective blue tion-E,RICaccordingtoTAPPIT56Tpm-97(ISo24]0.1,2009;TAPPIT567om09, 2009). 100 o Fig.2-Totaldirt Research resul drum, and reve disintegration versely propor negative volta voltage Prints lowest negativ to b,). Acountoftheresidualdirtparticlesandareawereassessedusing.spec*S:11|ogeesystemimageanalysissoftware(TAPPIT563-08/R,2012).Thissystemuttvalue (i00), white level (75) lizes a scanner to oigi;ui2" an image. The threshold and black level (65) iere to the handchosen after comparing the computer images sheets. 2. Results and discussion and contribute to optimizIn order to determine the impact of the printing substrate of the reseolrch was conducted of the impact ing LEP technology pri,', 'ety"ting-, the development process (processing voltage change i" ,u*ff. priniing, t-hroughout recycled fibre characteristics' drum, reverse roller, ,i,,.tgt" 'Jt"t;, on the before and after the flotation of Figure 2 presents the total dirl count of handshets and highest negative voltage used prints of each of the ,;;pl" series for the lowest in printing. The lowest to1 fibres with the highest total c prints with the lowest efficier for the prints the highest e1 voltage (46.2( Figure 3 shor of prints for t The dirt taker integrating pr 119.875 mm: compared to e in LEP Technology medium, which :lectric conducositive side and Annual 2015 ofthe Croatian Academy 163 (u .o E 3 c .g -E E the liquid toner ;igned for PrintLigh brightness ( ofEngineering o F r aoo Before flotation t]After flotation 7W 600 500 400 300 zo0 was used. Durxrde lo/o, hYdro- I active substance se is 1070, while 100 o a1 a5 b1 b5 c1 c5 Samples Fig. 2 - Total dirt count versus voltage of the processing drum, reverse roller and squeegee roller on handsheets from t-rbers after pulping and after flotation vith the usage of 69 (ISO s269-2, e optical characpulp: the diffuse Ll ink concentra- APPI T 567 om- g Spec*Scan AP- This system uti, white level (75) rages to the hand- fibute to oPtirnizt of the imPact of rocess (processing rcteristics. ler the flotation of ,ative voltage used Research results show that by increasing the negative voltage of the processing drum, and reverse roller the dirt count on handsheets resulting from the fibres after disintegration is reduced, while the results related to the squeegee roller are inversely proportional. The highest-level fragmentation is achieved with the lowest negative voltage prints of the reverse rollel fbllowed by the lowest negative voltage prints of the processing drum (lower by 8.7 o/o compared to b,) and the lo'west negative voltage prints of the squeegee roller (lower by 58.3 Yo compared to b,). The lowest total dir-t number is found on the handsheet made from recycled prints fibres with the Iowest negative squeegee roller voltage (total numbero,: 227). The highest total dirt number is found on the sheets made from recycled fibres of the prints with the lowest negative voltage processing drum (total number",: 610). The lowest efficiency of removal the number of dirt by deinking flotation was achieved for the prints made at the lowest negative voltage processing drum (17.6 %), while the highest efficiency was achieved for the prints with the largest reverse roller voltage (46.2%). Figure 3 shows the total dirl area of sheets obtained before and after the flotation of prints for the lowest and highest negative voltage used in printing. The dirt takes the largest area on the handsheet made from fibres obtained by disintegrating prints made at the highest negative voltage of the reverse roller (b , : 119.875 mm2) The difference versus other samples series being 75.8 oh higher compared to prints bl 60.8 Yo higher compared to a, or 63.5 % higher compared to \64 Bolanda, 2., et. al.'. Recycling th9 !llt' '' . t40 N E E 900 Befiire tlolJimh -3aoo '---nAfte+Jlstation 120 fi; (u Annual 2015 ofthe the Voltage rn LEP Obtnqgq by-Vatv E 3zoo L (u f t 100 = co o F 66m BO G Esoo F 60 400 40 300 20 2m oi a1 a5 b1 b5 c1 1m c5 Samples 0 Fig.3_Totaldirtareaonhandsheetsfromfibersafterpulpingv.ersusvoitageoftheprocessing drum, reverse roller and squeegee roller 5 Fig r..ar.^*^-^ irlt chnrrtd Jriuuru he noted that lhe area taken bv dirr on the handsheet. as negative voltage in the processsien in Figure 3, increases with the increase in the ing drum, reverse roller, and squeegee roller' C .r Ul Lll€i IrlUr!r Thelowestefficiencyofremovaltheareatakenbythedirtonthehandsheet lowest for the prints made at the by the deinking flotaiion process was obtained oA), and the highest efftciency was nlgative voltage of the ..u.rr. roller (10.9 of the squeegee roller achieved with the print at the lowest negative voltage (53.2%). negative volti lower negativ bo and b, inct a b5-br: 358 imental condi A ur*' - 13.6: A significant from fibres negative voltages proThe flotation efficiency increases by prints with increasing : .5'e"/:'ar: 52'8o/o:br: l0'90/o'b': 42'3Yo)' cessing drum and u."*rr" roller (ai negative voltage causes us opiosed to the squeegee roller'where the increasing : : flotaiion efficiency deceases (c, 4l'3o/o, c, 34'10/o). detailed analysis of the dirt numThe results obtained indicate the need for a more as shown in Figure 4' ber and area, throughout the whole measuring range' a the reverse ro and A br-b, = The results c ment. The pt rotation, the photoconduc v v trolnk is injt -50V-125v,-200Y,and-250V,adecreasewasobservedinthedirtnumberon in of decrease in the dirt count varies handsheets after pulping. However, the trend processing drum of monitored series. By Increasing the negative voltage _the as follows: count, dirt in the throughout the measured range, a decrease occurs the increasing By L a;ar: 125, t ur-.u :-2t3,"A"u;ur: 315 and A ?,_-dt': 328' cessing drun power of the to the values of -200 By increasing the negative voltage of the processing drum to the values of 0 roller -2g0 v _350 V _430 V, and -50d V, and or tn. reverse drum, creatir ing elements of ink on the the voltage c 165 Amual 2015 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering rge in LEP Technology 900 -Tenore-fTulion rTotal L -LAfter$otation- -3aoo 140 d dirt number E 120 E dirt area, E Szoa ro- (u -fsl3l t 100 ;600 k ! -ct 80-fit fit 6soo F v o 400 60 300 F 40 zffi 20 100 0 a1 : of the processing a2 a4 a3 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 bs Sarnples Fig. 4 - Dirt number and dirt area on handsheets from fibers after pulping the handsheet, as 3e in the process- +L^ L^-.{.1^-^+ -.^ , t I tl lL li4lluJu! l r ade at the lowest st efftciency was ) squeegee roller five voltages pro- .9%o,br:42.3%), /e voltage causes of the dirt numr Figure 4. s values of-200 V the values of 0 V re dirt number on irt count varies in processing drum )ount, as follows: By increasing the negative voltage ofthe reverse roller, a higher decrease in the dirt count occurs at lower negative values, compared to series I samples, while the values for samples bo and b, increased compared to b, (A b, b,: 221, L br-b,: 362, Lb;br: 337, A b5-bi - 358).By increasing the negative voltage of the processing drum, in experimental conditions, the dirr area on handsheets after pulping is generally increased: : ar{,: 23.131 mnf. with handsheets made A significantly higher increase of the dirl area is observed from fibres after pulping the prints obtained by an increase in negative voltage of Lu;ur: 13.631mm2, A ar-a, : 15,132 mm2, A a*-a, :13,572 mm2, A I 8.3 I I mm2, A br-b, the reverse roller: A br-b, and A b, b, 89,7 12 mm2. : : 51.1 12 mm2, A bo-br : 68.91 1 mm2 The results obtained may be explained by the principle of liquid toner development. The processing drum stands next to the photoconductor. Due to adversary rotation, the processing drum does not come into contact with the surface of the photoconductor. There is a vety nalrow gap between them into which the Electrolnk is injected. During printing, negative voltage is formed on the processing drum, creating electrostatic field with the photoconductor. In order for virtual printing elements to adhere the ink, they need to be more electropositive than the processing drum. With an increase in the negative voltage of the processing drum, the power of the electrostatic field increases, resulting in an increase in the application of ink on the printing element. Hence, the thickness of ink on the prints depends on the voltage of the processing drum. 166 Bolanda,2., et. al.: Recycling the Prints Obtained by Varying the Voltage in LEP Techrology The aim of the development process using the reverse roller is getting a clean photoconductor. Therefore, mineral oil is used on the surface of the photoconductor. An electrostatic field is formed in the contacl zone between the photoconductor and the reverse roller, much weaker than the field formed between the photoconductor and the processing dmm. Due to low voltage (0 V -250 V), the reverse roller may easily become more electropositive than the printing elements, which results in additional detachment of ink from the photoconductor.A slight change in the voltage of the reverse rolier affects the thickness of ink on the prints. Varying the voltage of the squeegee roller may result in decreasing the thickness ink on the photoconductor by over 50 %. -E 14{l -{tt 120 ro 1cn F L t i: 80 aoo E 7o0 "! 6OO = e - r dirt nummkrer > O.O4 mmz f] Dirt numkrer < o,o4 mtn2 l -1l I I 40 20 Fig. 6 while I il Area c and A b,-bo: 36 bo The area co' an increase r increase (A 500 Itoo Larar--2 53.612 mm2 300 200 100 o a1 Fig. 5 I I Since cases were observed in which the dirt number has little change, while at the same time the dirt area is significantly increased, as was the case with samples b,, bo and b' the emergence of large, visible dirt can be expected in such cases, which so T1 (U of can not be removed by flotation nor screening since they are too soft and pass through screens. This calls for a more detailed analysis of the dirt size, as shown in Figure 5. olr Annual 2015 - a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 difi < 0.04 r ries I (A a,2.502 mm2) 3.120 mm2 t tt3 sarnpres Dirt number > 0.04 mm2 and < 0.04 mm2 on handsheets from fibers after pulping With the increase in negative voltage of the processing drum in experimental conditions, a decrease in the dirt number >0.04 mnf occurs on the handsheet made from fibres after pulping the prints, as follows: A, ar-ar: 3, A &r-dt: 19, A, ar-ao: 40 : 169, and A a,-a, : 42 and the dirt number < 0.04 mm2 for A' ar-ar: 122, A ar-a, : 261. A. ar-ao: 250 and A a,-a, The trends of sample series 2 differ ffom those of series l. In this case the dirt number > 0.04 mm2 is increased with an increase in the negative voltage of the reverse roller by the following amounts: A bri,: 8, A b,-b,: 19, A b4-b1: 40 and A b.-br :42.The dirt number < 0.04 mm2 has a decreasing trend for b,,b, and br, In order to c was used di number of d The majorit' ofthe revers ative voltagt voltages all Large partic The criteria centration ([ age in LEP Technology Amual 2015 of the Croatian Academv of ling * a clean phophotoconductor. otoconductor and : photoconductor lverse roller may which results in 140 E F i rzo fit OJ € a 1oo 80 range in the volt- 3 the thickness of while at the with samples b,, Lnge, ;uch cases, which .oo soft and pass size, as shown in a1 Fig' 6 while. rber < O,O4 mm2 a3 a4 a5 bI bZ b3 b4 b5 Samples - Area covered by dirt > 0.04 mm'7 and dirt < 0.04 mm2 on handsheets from fibers after pulping bo A br-b4 rmh)er ) O,O4 mm2 a2 b, being slightly higher compared to b. (A b,_br: 22g, Lb,_b, :T9 364 and A b,-br: 368). : 378, The area covered by dirt > 0.04 mm2 on handsheets after pulping of series I with an increase of negative voltage of the processing drum shows a significantly lower increase (lur_!,: 10-512 mm2,A ?t d,: 13.232 mm2, A zo-.dr: 12.032 mm2, mm2) compared to'r"ii", (Lb2-bt: z zO.3t1 mm2, A br_b, : !_ur-ur:21.900 S,] AtZ^y7t'z, A-b*-b, :12.lll mm2 and A br-b, : gi.g+t mmr). The area taken by dirt < 0.04 mm2 is considerably smaller compared to dirt > 0.04 mm2, both for se(A a?. a, : l1712 *T,: a, a, : 1.7 myr, A, ao*a,: 2.3s0 mm2, A ?., ?r : l:t^ 1 .A. li mm2, 2.502 mmz) and for series^2^(A-br:U, : l. l7l : A b:b,' 1.901 mm2, A bu_b, : 3.L20 mm2 and A br-b, : 3.273 mm)) _ b4 trS Sarnples rrs after pulping :rperimental con- : handsheet made : 19, A ar-ao:40 32, A a,-a,: 169, this case the dirl r-e voltage of the . .\ b4 br:40 and d tbr b,.b, and b". In order to determine more precisely the number, size and area of dirt distribution was used dirl spot size from 0.001-0.006 mm2 to >:5mm2 . Figure 7 shows the number of dirl larger than >:5 mm2 for all sample series. The majority of large dirt >5 mm2 forms with the increase in the negative voltage of the reverse roller, while the smallest amount forms with the increase of the negative voltage of the squeegee roller. One general feature is that at lower negative voltages all of the three print series obseryed no dirt size >: 5 mm2 is formed. Large particles cause optical inhomogeneiqr of handsheets. The criteria for cleanliness is a minimum dirt count. The effective residual ink concentration (EzuC) measurement means to relate ink content with brightness. An ink 1 68 Bolanda, 2., et. al.: Recycling the Prints Obtained by Varying the Voltage in LEP Technology L-, c., ' -o r Dirt number >O,O5mm2 5o c The differenc, before and afi recycling pro, .Es I O al I measurement fective for sul I I a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 Samples Fig. 7 Dirt number >:5mm2 on handsheets from fibers after pulping prints for series 1, 2 and 3 removal efficiency based on ERIC and dirt count across the different recycling operations tells what has happen to the ink, because uses refletance measurements in the infrared area of the spectrum where the absorption coefficient for the ink is several orders of magnitude greater than the absorption coeffrcient for the fiber, fillers and other components. The results presented in Figure B show that the least number of remaining ink particles is found on handsheet made from deinked pulp of b, and b, prints. The largest difference in brightness was observed with the samples on handsheets before and after flotation (brightness gain br- 2.0; brightness gain b, :2.9). r, a ., Annual 2015 oftht 3. Conclus The depender and squeegee efficiency of fibres. During the fl needed for st printing subsl to the paper. alkali can lea can hydrophi well as affect Furthermore, of LEP prints 80 7a Relerences 60 t1l Bhattachar acid based national C 50 719-121 40 L2l 30 Bhattachar digital prir Fabricatior 20 t3l Bolanaca l t4l Bolanaca l conditions t5l Bolanca N photograpl and Tech. 10 o a5 Fig.8 b1 bs c1 ERIC on handsheet from fibres before and after flotation c5 Samples Baltic Indr s in LEP Techrology Arnual 201 5 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering 169 The differences in the values of effective residual in concentration on handsheets before and after the deinking flotation are good indicators of the efficiency of the recycling process and confirm the results obtained by other methods. The ERIC measurement is dependent on the distribution of ink particle sizes and is most effective for submicron particles. 3. Conclusion c3 c4 c5 Samples series 1,2 and 3 lrent recycling measurements rt for the ink is t for the fiber, aining ink parrts. The largest :ets before and The dependence of changes in the voltage of the processing drum, reverse roller and squeegee roller was determined in the LEP technology on the mechanism and efficiency of the deinking flotation process and characteristics of the recycled fibres. During the flotation process, a slight formation of foam was observed, which is for successful dirt separation. This might be caused by the coating of the printing substrate, necessary to improve adhesion and increase the ink's adherence to the paper. In recycling process dispersants are surface active and together with alkali can lead to acceptable ink detachment from the coated paper. 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