ComsGate™ Transaction Manager User`s Guide

ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
User’s Guide Contents Welcome to Transaction Manager ............................................................................... 4 Getting Started ........................................................................................................ 5 Login ................................................................................................................... 6 Merchant Info Review ............................................................................................ 7 Device ID Setup .................................................................................................... 8 User Setup ........................................................................................................... 9 Transaction Manager Features ................................................................................. 10 My Account – Preferences ..................................................................................... 10 Totals ................................................................................................................ 10 Search Transactions ............................................................................................ 11 Check Services ................................................................................................... 13 Configure Devices ............................................................................................... 14 Settings .......................................................................................................... 14 Credit Card Help ............................................................................................... 15 Receipt Setup .................................................................................................. 15 Meter POS Setup .............................................................................................. 16 Help .................................................................................................................. 17 Guides ............................................................................................................ 17 Live Help ......................................................................................................... 17 Payment Forms ................................................................................................... 19 Payment Form Setup ........................................................................................ 19 Payment Form Options ...................................................................................... 19 Payment Form Preview ...................................................................................... 21 Shopping Cart..................................................................................................... 22 Shopping Cart Setup ......................................................................................... 22 Shopping Cart Catalog ...................................................................................... 23 Shopping Cart Preview ...................................................................................... 23 View Orders ..................................................................................................... 24 ©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Virtual Terminal - Process Transactions ..................................................................... 25 Quick Step Guide ................................................................................................ 25 Details and Descriptions ....................................................................................... 29 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 29 Transaction Processing Details .............................................................................. 32 Sale: .............................................................................................................. 32 Auth Only:....................................................................................................... 44 Force: ............................................................................................................. 45 Return: ........................................................................................................... 47 Void: .............................................................................................................. 48 Batch Processing.................................................................................................... 51 Quick Step Guide ................................................................................................ 51 Details and Descriptions: ...................................................................................... 53 Batch File Description ........................................................................................ 53 Batch Processing Details .................................................................................... 57 Authorization Only Database.................................................................................... 61 Quick Step Guide ................................................................................................ 61 Details and Descriptions ....................................................................................... 62 Auth Only Database Description.......................................................................... 62 Viewing Transactions ........................................................................................ 62 Processing (Forcing) Transactions ....................................................................... 65 Recurring Payments Database ................................................................................. 66 Quick Step Guide ................................................................................................ 66 Details and Descriptions ....................................................................................... 67 Recurring Payments Description ......................................................................... 67 Viewing Payments ............................................................................................ 68 Adding Payments.............................................................................................. 69 ©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Welcome to Transaction Manager
Thank you for using CHARGE Anywhere’s® ComsGate Transaction
Manager. As with all CHARGE Anywhere products, many hours of
dedicated work have gone in to making ComsGate the best
possible product deliverable with features such as:
All industry transaction types supported
Transaction batch processing
Automatic recurring payments scheduling and
management (strongly supporting recurring revenue
Dedicated customer database
Secure common use credit card database
Auth only database for easy reconciliation against actual
Receipt printing with editable notes fields
Detailed report printing and exporting
Complete account management with customizable user
While most merchants will find that Transaction Manager is
straightforward and intuitive based on previous experience with
other credit card software and terminals, this User’s Manual is
provided as a complete reference to Transaction Manager and all
its functionality.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Getting Started
As stated in the Welcome section, most merchants and their
employees will find Transaction Manager to have a very familiar
feel to other terminals and software packages. This was done to
ease the transition into ComsGate use. However Transaction
Manager has significant feature advancements over standard dial
up terminals and stand alone software packages.
This user’s manual is organized the same way ComsGate is
organized on the screen. This is to simplify the correlation
between the job the user wants to accomplish and the
information presented in this manual. Each section of Virtual
Terminal includes a Quick Step Guide. The Quick Step Guide is
intended to walk the user through the process with minimal
detail, assuming some previous knowledge of credit card
processing, to get the experienced user up and running
immediately. The Details section follows the Quick Step Guide.
The Details section, while not intended to teach credit card
processing from scratch, is intended to give the necessary
operational and functional details of the credit card transaction
management process for a new user to become a Virtual Terminal
expert user in a minimal amount of time.
In order to properly prepare for moving forward with Transaction
Manager the user will need to have the following:
Username and Password (issued at time of purchase)
Device ID List
User List
The issued username and password are required to login to the
merchant account. The device list is required to define up to 5
physical devices (PC terminals) that can have access to the
merchant account for card processing. The user list is necessary
to enable users (employees) other than the merchant to utilize
the merchant account in Web Terminal.
The following is a step-by-step process for setting up devices and
users in Transaction Manager prior to actual card processing.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Point browser to and use the
supplied username and password to login to merchant account.
Login Screen
After successful login, the user should see the main Process
Transaction screen of Virtual Terminal.
Process Transaction Main Screen
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Merchant Info Review
From the main ‘Process Transactions’ screen, click on the View
Merchant Info hyperlink. This will bring up the View Merchant Info
main screen.
Merchant Info Screen
Review the displayed merchant information for accuracy. The
information fields displayed are populated during account creation
using the information supplied by the merchant at time of
merchant setup and can only be modified by CHARGE Anywhere
or the merchant’s up line dealer.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Device ID Setup
On the View Merchant Info main screen in the Device ID list box
there will be a list of up to 5 devices with numbers only. Double
click on a device number and the Descriptions window pops up.
Device ID Descriptions Screen
The description of the device is automatically entered before you
login to Transaction Manager. The information is read-only on
the merchant side. If any devices need to be changed, the
merchant can contact CHARGE Anywhere.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
User Setup
From the View Merchant Information screen click on the User
Management hyperlink. This will bring up the Users main screen.
In the Users list box there will be a list of currently configured
users. On account start up there will only be the merchant’s
username in the list. When a username is double clicked (like
above), the information to the left of the user list box (Access
Level, User Name) will reflect the info for the highlighted user
account. (Passwords are not displayed for security reasons)
To change the merchant’s main account password simply double
click the merchant username in the Users list box, enter the new
password and confirmation in the fields provided and click on the
Change Password button.
To add new accounts, simply select the access level, enter the
desired username, password, and confirmation in the fields
provided and click the Add button.
The Add/Delete User process does not involve any additional
popup windows. If the Add button is clicked without first
entering a password and confirmation the account will be
created with a blank password. If an existing account is double
clicked and Add is selected with the thought that another
window will pop up, the highlighted account will have its
password changed to blank!
For further details on user setup see the Users section of the manual.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Transaction Manager Features
My Account – Preferences
This section allows the general options to be altered. The first
option will change the screen that is viewed after logging in to
Transaction Manager. To alter this, select the screen you want to
appear from the drop down list. When finished, click Update. In
addition to the screen, you can also choose the default device to
display transactions for and process transactions with in Virtual
Terminal. After selecting, click Update. Make sure to click
Update after each alteration to this screen.
In this section, you will be able to view totals by card type. There
are 6 fields to use in order to filter totals. After entering
information, press Submit to run the filter. Pressing Reset will
clear the form. You also have the option of exporting all of this
information to an Excel Spreadsheet or as a CSV file. Clicking
Report will open a new window with a printable/savable report
that does not show the filter box.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Search Transactions
Use this section to search for all transactions by using over 15
different search criteria. Pressing submit will initiate the search.
Press reset to clear the form. There is the capability to export
information by clicking Export. Before doing so, clicking on
Export Setup will allow the merchant to organize the information
they want to export into a certain order. Clicking report will open
a printable window without the search box.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
After completing the search, double click on a transaction to bring
up a transaction detail window. All of the entered information will
appear as well as the response. From this window, you have the
ability to submit a return or void (depending on when the original
transaction occurred), print the details, or view a receipt.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
After clicking on return, enter the amount to return to the
customer and press Return. Clicking on Receipt will bring up the
original receipt, with signature if a compatible device was used,
and you will be able to print or email it.
Check Services
This section will display all check transactions that have been
completed. The search criteria can be entered into the box and
Submit will initiate the search. To clear the form, press Reset.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Configure Devices
To edit the settings for transactions, click on the settings link
under Configure Devices. Here you will be able to decide what
information will be verified with the transaction as well as lock
transaction types from being used. Press Submit to confirm your
selections. Pressing Clear will discard all changes.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Credit Card Help
This section contains all of the support numbers for all card types.
To add information, type in the space provided then press
Receipt Setup
To alter the information on the receipt, click this link. Fields for
Address Info, Header, and Footer will display. Type the
appropriate information into each section then press Submit.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Meter POS Setup
This section is for the transportation industry and those that
utilize meters. Edit the information for the meter, as well as
receipt info and settings for the meter.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
There are several links to guides that will be helpful to those
using Transaction Manager. Clicking the link will open a new
window with the document.
Live Help
Clicking on the image will open a new window for a live chat. If
there is a customer support specialist available, Online will
display. Enter in your Name and question and press Start Chat.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
A live chat will be initiated.
If the status is Offline, then all information entered will be
emailed to a specialist, and you will be contacted as soon as a
specialist is available.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Payment Forms
In this section, the merchant will be able to customize the
information and view within the payment form box.
Payment Form Setup
This section contains the fields that can be configured for the
payment form. Check the "View" box if you want the field to be
shown on the payment form. Check the "Edit" box to allow the
user to make changes to the value of that field. Check
"Required" if a value must be entered in order to save the form
and continue with the checkout process. When finished, press
Submit to save all of the information.
Payment Form Options
This section allows you to customize several aspects of your
payment form.
Header: Insert text or html to display as your header.
Footer: Insert text or html to display as your footer.
Center: Specify if you would like to center the form.
Background Color: Specify a background color for your page.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Background Image: Specify a background image for your page.
Merchant DBA: Specify a name you want your customers to see.
Merchant Email: Specify an email address where we will send
the receipt.
Merchant Receipt URL: Specify a URL to use to display a
receipt to customers. If not specified a receipt page is available
by default.
Merchant Results URL: Specify a URL to which the system will
send the results of the transaction.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Payment Form Preview
When the merchant clicks here, they will be able to preview what
the above settings created.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Shopping Cart
In this section, the merchant will be able to customize the
information and view for the shopping cart.
Shopping Cart Setup
Complete these sections to customize several aspects of your
Shopping Cart.
Identification: Choose the Identification to use for your
shopping cart.
Company Name: Enter you Company Name here, 22 characters
Company Site: Enter You Company Web Site Address Here, 100
characters max.
Company Logo: Enter http address of your Company Logo Here,
100 characters max. The height should 70 pixels or less.
Header: Specify some html text to use as a header, 1000
characters max.
Background Color: Specify a background color for your page.
Merchant Results Email: Specify an Email Address to which the
system will send the results of payments, 100 characters max.
Merchant Results URL: Specify a URL to which the system will
send the results of payments, 100 characters max.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Shopping Cart Catalog
This section will allow the user to add categories and products to
the catalog. The user will then be able to search existing
Shopping Cart Preview
This will display the current view of the Shopping Cart.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
View Orders
This section allows the merchant to search for existing and
completed orders.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Virtual Terminal - Process Transactions
Quick Step Guide
Start – Process Transactions Main Screen
Process Transactions Main Screen
Step 1 – Select Transaction Type.
Transaction Type Pull Down List
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 2 – Select Device.
Device ID List
Step 3 – Enter new or select Customer.
Customer Pull Down List
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 4 – Swipe card, enter card number manually, or select from
card list.
Choose/Add Card Window
Step 5 – Enter card Expiration Date.
Step 6 – Select whether card was present at time of sale.
Step 7 – Enter customer Address and Zip Code info.
Step 8 – Select if Credit Card Verification # is applicable.
Step 9 – Enter Credit Card Verification # if applicable.
Step 10 – Enter transaction Amount.
Step 11 – Enter optional information if applicable.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 12 – Submit transaction and obtain approval.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 13 – Print receipt.
Details and Descriptions
Field Descriptions
Transaction Types:
All normal sales where merchant is collecting funds
from the customer for goods or services sold.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Auth Only
Used for pre-sale authorization to verify funds are
available to finalize the sale at a later time. It is
expected that a sale will follow sometime after
authorization whose charges will be crossed referenced
to the earlier auth only transaction. (Auth Only
situations might involve a hotel stay, car rental, bar
tab, or restaurant receipt prior to adding the tip.)
Automatically processes a sale from a previous auth
only transaction. Using a force keeps the merchant
from having to process two complete transactions, auth
only then sale, including entering all the transaction
data, when the data for the Sale transaction can be
brought in automatically from the corresponding auth
only transaction.
A return transaction is used to credit the customer’s
account after a sale has been posted and processed
(Merchant has obtained funds).
A void transaction is used to delete a transaction that
has yet to be posted and processed (Merchant has not
yet received funds, same day as original sale).
Device ID:
Device IDs are used to organize physical terminals by ID
number and description. If a merchant has more than one
PC on which transactions will be processed, a unique
description of each terminal is entered. Examples of
descriptions are billing, accounting, repairs, sales, etc.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
This is where the customer is selected from a pull down list,
if that customer already exists in the customer database.
Otherwise the user must enter the customer info into the
customer database first and then select the customer from
the drop down list.
Card Number:
This field is where the user can enter the credit card being
charged manually, select it from a list of customer cards on
file, or can add it to the customer card database. Up to four
cards can be on file for each customer.
Exp Date:
This field is where the four-digit expiration date of the card
being charged is entered.
Card Present:
This is selected if the actual card is in the merchant’s
possession when the transaction is made (compared to a
phone charge where data is taken verbally rather than
directly from handling the card).
Address/Zip Code:
This is where the customer’s address (street number only)
and zip code info is manually entered.
CVV Indicator:
This check box is where the merchant specifies whether the
use of the CVV2 (Card Verification Value – VISA) or CVC2
(Card Verification Code – MC) number on the back of the
card being charged is applicable to the transaction being
submitted. (This is a special fraud protection device, which is
controlled by the merchant who requests it of the
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
This is where the actual CVV2/CVC2 number from the card
being charged is manually entered.
This is where the transaction amount is manually entered.
Optional Prompts:
This is where unique reference numbers can be entered
Transaction Processing Details
Sale Transaction Screen
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 1 – Select Sale from Transaction Type pull down list.
Transaction Type Pull Down List
Step 2 – Select Device ID from pull down list.
Device ID Pull Down List
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 3A – Enter new customer data. Select Virtual Terminal to
bring up a list of links. Select Customer Database.
Customer Main Screen
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Select Add Customer to show Customer Data Entry screen.
New Customer Data Entry Screen
Enter customer data and select Submit. Customer main screen
will show with new customer now added to list.
Step 3B – Select Customer from pull down list.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Customer Pull Down List
Step 4A – Select the swipe reader image to setup card swipe
The following screen will appear.
Wedge Swipe Window
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Swipe the card to capture card data.
Wedge Swiped Data
Select OK to continue with transaction, card data is automatically
Card Data Inserted
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 4B – Enter card number manually.
Manually Entered Card Number
Step 4C – Choose card from card database. Select (Choose/Add)
on main screen to bring up card selection screen.
Card Selection Screen
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
To choose card, select radio button in select column next to card
number. This will bring back main sales screen with card number
now showing.
Sales Main Screen with Selected Card Number Shown
Step 5 – Enter the 4-digit card expiration date.
Sales Main Screen with Exp Date Shown
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 6 – Select whether the card was present via a pull down
Sales Main Screen with Card Present Selected
Step 7 – Enter the customer’s street address (number only)
Sales Main Screen with Address/Zip Shown
Step 8 – Enter the customer’s zip code manually.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 9 – Check box if CVV2/CVC2 processing is applicable.
CVV2/CVC2 Number Locations for VISA/MC/AMEX
Step 10 – Enter CVV2 number if applicable.
Sales Main Screen with CVV2 number Shown
Step 11 – Enter total sale Amount.
Sales Main Screen with Sale Amount Shown
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ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 12 – Enter optional info if applicable.
Sales Main Screen with Order Ref Number Shown
Step 13 – Submit transaction and get response.
Transaction Response Screen
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 14 – Print receipt for customer signature (if required).
Transaction Receipt
Things to Remember –
Customers must have been entered into the customer
database before they can be selected, they cannot be
entered manually in the transaction screen.
Info for up to 4 cards can be saved for each customer
for easy access during future transactions.
Using CVV2 number processing may reduce processing
costs due to decreased fraud risk. (See Processor for
Optional fields can be used to enter an Invoice number
or other information.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Auth Only:
Auth Only Main Screen
All fields for this type of transaction are the same as for a sale
with the exception of choosing Auth Only (as shown above) in the
transaction type pull down list. Details can be found in the sale
details section as well as all fields being described in the Field
Description section.
Things to Remember –
No funds are collected for auth only transactions; funds
for future charges are verified only.
Auth only transactions can be converted to full sales
through a force transaction.
Auth only transactions’ statuses are tracked through
the auth only database (explained in a later section).
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Force Main Screen
All fields for this type of transaction are the same as for a
Sale/Auth Only with the exceptions of choosing Force (as
shown above) in the transaction type pull down list and the
additional fields listed below. Details can be found in the Sale
details section as well as most fields being described in the
Field Description section with the exception:
Original Approval Code
This is the approval code for the auth only transaction
that is being converted to a sale by the force
transaction [see below].
Original Amount
The originally authorized amount (rather than the final
transaction amount which is now entered into the
Amount field) [see below]
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Original Reference Number
The Web Terminal software generates a unique
reference number for each auth only transaction so
that it can correlate items in the auth only database
with Force items in the main transaction database
(View Transactions) when a Force transaction is
processed. This is for housekeeping purposes so that
auth only transactions that have been forced don’t
continue to be displayed in the Auth Only database.
This is due to the fact that it is expected that most, if
not all, auth only transactions will be forced and have
final disposition as a full sale. If they show in both the
Auth Only database and main transaction database it
could be possible to attempt to re-force the auth only
transaction when it has already been successful been
completed. Therefore all force transactions should have
the Original Reference Number entered before
Response Screen Showing Reference Number
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Things to Remember –
Original Reference Number must be entered to avoid
having the transaction show in both the Auth Only
database and View Transactions (all transactions)
database even after the original auth only transaction
has been properly converted to a sale and processed.
Original Amount is the auth only amount and not the
final sale (force) amount.
Original Approval Code is the code that was shown in
the response screen of the corresponding auth only
Return Main Screen
All fields for this type of transaction are the same as for a sale
with the exception of choosing return (as shown above) in the
transaction type pull down list. Details can be found in the sale
details section as well as all fields being described in the Field
Description section.
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ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Things to Remember –
Returns are actual credits (funds are returned to
purchasers account) for sales transactions that have
been submitted AND processed (merchant has received
funds into his account).
If a sale transaction has been submitted BUT NOT
processed and the merchant wants to delete the
transaction, a void transaction must be used rather
than a return.
Step 1 – Select View Transactions from any screen to bring up
transactions list.
View Transaction Main Screen
Step 2 – Write down the Original Trans. ID and the Original
Approval Code of the transaction that is to be voided.
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 3 – Click Virtual Terminal to go back to the main process
transaction screen.
Main Screen
Step 4 – Select Void from Transaction Type pull down list which
will bring up the void screen.
Void Entry Screen
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Step 5 – Enter original sale reference number for transaction to
be voided and select Process Transaction. A response window will
pop up.
Void Response Screen
Step 6 – Close window or print as necessary. The Void Entry
screen will reappear. Select View Transactions and confirm that a
void transaction was added to the list, which corresponds to the
original sale transaction.
View Transaction Screen with Void Shown
©2008 CHARGE Anywhere, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
ComsGate™ Transaction Manager
User’s Guide
Repeat process for multiple voids. Void items show void under
Transaction Type column and are also marked with a red X in the
status column
Things to Remember –
Write down all required transaction reference numbers
that correspond to the transaction which are being
voided before going to the Void entry screen.
Voids do not remove the original transactions from the
View Transaction list. They add an additional
transaction of type Void for the same amount as the
original transaction with a new reference number.
Voids must be done during same business day as
original transaction, otherwise a return must be done
(funds will have already been delivered to the
merchant’s account).
Batch Processing
Quick Step Guide
Start – Batch Processing Main Screen
Batch Processing Main Screen
Step 1 – Select Browse and locate batch text file.
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Step 2 – Select Import Setup to bring up setup window.
Complete setup according to your import file structure.
Batch Processing Import Setup Screen
Step 3 – Select Click to Upload and batch details will be shown.
Batch processing Details Screen
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Step 4 – Select Device ID from pull down list and select Process
Batch Processing Results Screen
Results are displayed upon completion of batch submittal.
Details and Descriptions:
Batch File Description
Most merchants use a commercially available software package
for their business accounting, including billing. Many of these
systems can export billing data to a file. If the Web Terminal
merchant wishes to export his billing data for use with Web
Terminal for the purpose of batch processing all his charges he
may. Web Terminal has built in flexibility when dealing with
imported batch files and can be adapted to handle many of the
common file formats. A sample batch processing data file is
shown below.
Batch Processing Sample File
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This file consists of records (lines) and fields (data between
quotes) that are organized, in a certain way to represent the
exported transaction records. The file is said to be of a “Comma
Separated Value” type. Usually files of this type will have a file
extension of .CSV or .TXT. These files may be created
automatically from billing software capable of doing so or may be
created manually by the merchant (see billing software owner’s
manual for compatibility information).
Each line of data represents a single transaction record. Each
record is organized by the use of commas to separate each field.
There are 16 fields required for each transaction record. Not
every field must have a value (may be NULL) but a comma must
separate every field.
This image shows the Batch Details screen from a batch process.
The fields shown correspond directly to the fields in the batch file
starting with the transaction type field and according to a value
that corresponds to the imported field value. Note that these
fields are the same fields described in the Process Transaction –
Field Descriptions and Process Transaction – Process Transactions
Details (force) section of this manual. See these sections for
detailed field descriptions.
Batch Processing Details Screen
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Below is a list of the fields and values they may contain:
Field 1 – Transaction Type:
0 – Sale
1 – Auth Only
2 – Force
3 – Return
5 – Void
Field 2 – Transaction Modifier
0 – None
1 – Override
2 – No Dup Check
Field 3 – Card Number
Card number with no spaces (ex. 4003000123456781)
Field 4 – Exp Date
Four-digit number - First two digits represent the expiration
month. Second two digits represent the expiration year (ex.
Field 5 – Card Present
0 – No
1 – Yes
Field 6 – Address
Address street number only. (ex. For 123 Any Street enter
Field 7 – Zip Code
Billing address zip code number (ex. 12345)
Field 8 – CVV2 Indicator
0 – CVV2 processing OFF
1 – CVV2 processing ON
Field 9 – CVV2
CVV2 number as shown on card (ex. 573)
Field 10 – Amount
Number representing transaction amount (ex. 2.10 = $2.10)
Field 11 – Original AP Code
Force transactions only - Approval code (number) for the
corresponding auth only transaction (ex. 12345)
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Field 12 – Original Amount
Force transactions only - Number representing the amount
for the corresponding auth only transaction. (ex. 2.10 =
Field 13 – Original Transaction ID
Force transactions only - Reference number from
corresponding auth only transaction (ex. 7672000000)
Field 14 – Invoice Number
Customer invoice number (ex. 12345)
Field 15 – Clerk Number
Merchant’s Clerk Number for person performing transaction.
Field 16 – Customer Number
Merchant’s customer number for customer corresponding to
transaction (ex. 111111)
Through the use of the Import Setup facility within Web Terminal,
the user can easily adapt to any import format.
Batch Processing Import Setup Screen
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Batch Processing Details
Step 1 – Export from billing system or manually create
transaction batch data file.
Batch Process Sample Data File Format
Step 2 – Select Batch Process the Virtual Terminal Link. This will
bring up the Batch Processing main screen.
Batch Process Main Screen
Step 3 – Select browse to bring up Windows file explorer window
to locate batch data file.
Windows File Explorer
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Step 4 – Select file once found which brings up the Batch Process
main screen again with file path shown.
Batch Process main Screen with Selected File Shown
Step 5 – Select Import Setup and arrange the listed import fields
according to your import file format.
Batch Process Import Setup Screen
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Step 6 – Select Click to Upload to import data. A details screen
will be shown.
Batch Process Details Screen
Step 7 – Select Device ID for terminal from which the batch
processing is taking place.
Batch Process Device Selection
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Step 8 – All transactions are pre-selected for processing.
Deselect any transactions that should not be processed with this
Batch Process Record Selection
Step 9 – Select Process Batch to initiate batch process. When
process completes a Results window will be shown.
Batch Process Results Screen
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Authorization Only Database
Quick Step Guide
Start – Auth Only Database Main Screen
Auth Only Database Main Screen
Step 1 – Set search criteria to view desired auth only
Auth Only Database Transaction List
Step 2 – Select transaction requiring processing (conversion to a
sale) and select Process Auth Only button to process.
Auth Only Processing Results Screen
Results are displayed and transactions (auth only and force) are
now moved to the View Transactions list.
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Details and Descriptions
Auth Only Database Description
The auth only database is a list of auth only transactions
arranged in a unique list for easy access and conversion (forcing)
to actual sales transactions. While it is possible to convert (force)
individual sales from auth only to sale via a force transaction
from the Process Transaction main screen, many auth only
transactions can be batch processed simultaneously from the
auth only database screen. Once an auth only transaction has
been converted (forced) to a sale it will no longer appear in the
auth only database list but will be moved, along with the newly
created force transaction, to the View Transactions list.
Viewing Transactions
Step 1 – Select Device ID search criteria.
Auth Only Database Device Id Search Criteria Selection
Step 2 – Enter Reference Number search criteria (if applicable).
Step 3 – Enter Card Number search criteria (if applicable).
Step 4 - Enter transaction Amount search criteria (if applicable).
Step 5 – Enter Customer Order # search criteria (if applicable).
Step 6 – Enter Customer # search criteria (if applicable).
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Step 7 – Select Submit to display detailed list based on selected
Auth Only Database Transaction List
Step 8 – Select Details to view transaction details.
Auth Only Transaction Details
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Step 9 – Select Receipt to print transaction receipt.
Auth Only Receipt
Step 10 – Select Delete to delete transaction.
Auth Only Main Screen Missing Deleted Record
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Processing (Forcing) Transactions
Step 1 – Select transactions that are to be forced.
Auth Only Transaction Selection
Step 2 – Select the Process Auth Only button to process
Step 3 – Review results.
Auth Only Force Process Results
Things to Remember –
After processing, auth only transactions will no longer
show in the auth only database, but will be moved to
the View Transaction list.
Single auth only transactions can be processed by
completing a corresponding force transaction from the
Process Transaction main screen.
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Recurring Payments Database
Quick Step Guide
Start – Recurring Database Main Screen
Recurring Payments Main Screen
Step 1 – Select Add Recurring button.
Step 2 – Select or enter recurring payment details.
Add Payment Screen
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Step 3 – Main screen is displayed with added payments.
Recurring Payments Main Screen with Added Payment
Details and Descriptions
Recurring Payments Description
The recurring payments option is intended to give the merchant
the option to set-up regularly scheduled customer payments. For
example, the merchant charges monthly for services rendered
and a customer wishes to pay with a credit card. The customer
has given the merchant authorization to charge his card every
month for services rendered. Rather than manually process each
payment every month, the merchant sets up a recurring payment
which automatically triggers a sale transaction. This charges the
customers card for services rendered that month with no
merchant (landscaper) interaction required beyond the initial
recurring payment setup. This automatic transaction processing
will continue according to the frequency desired (monthly in our
example) and for the number of payments desired (i.e. 12 for a
year). Recurring payments are especially desirable for the
recurring revenue business. It substantially reduces the effort
required to produce monthly billing, as well as reducing the
likelihood of errors from repetitive data entry.
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Viewing Payments
Step 1 – Enter search criteria. Clicking inside the Effective Date
field will bring up a calendar object for date selection.
View Recurring Payments Effective Date Search Criteria Selection
Step 2 – Select Submit to display detailed list based on selected
Step 3 – Select History to view transaction history.
Note: To display the history results, Web Terminal
switches to the View transactions screen, automatically
applies the search criteria entered during viewing of the
recurring transactions list, and displays the result. This list
can be revised further by revising the search criteria for
the displayed screen and selecting Submit. For more
details see View Transaction Details section of this
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Step 4 – Select Edit to revise transaction.
Recurring Payments Edit Screen
Step 5 – Select Delete to delete transaction.
Adding Payments
Step 1 – Select Add Payment from Recurring Payments main
Add Payments Entry Screen
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Step 2 – Select Device ID.
Step 3 – Select payment Effective date.
Step 4 – Select payment Frequency.
Step 5 – Enter total # of payments.
Step 6 – Select customer.
Step 7 – Enter or select Card Number.
Add Payments Card Number Select
Step 8 – Enter Exp. Date.
Step 9 – Select Card Present status.
Step 10 – Enter AVS (street address number and zip) data (if
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Step 11 – Enter CVV2 data (if applicable).
Step 12 – Enter transaction Amount.
Step 13 – Enter customer Invoice number.
Step 14 – Select Submit and verify.
Add Payments Verification
Step 15 – List is redisplayed with added payment.
Things to Remember –
Payment frequency is the period between payments.
Number of payments is the total number of payment
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