NCEA Information - Sacred Heart College

Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt
NCEA and all that ….
An information Session
for Students and Parents
• Ngaira Sewell- Assistant Principal(with
responsibility for Assessment and NZQA
• Ngaira Sewell- Head of Learning Support
New appointment being made.
• Jeanette Hudson- Careers Advisor
There are several new terms you need to become familiar with:
The New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF)
All standards are registered on the New Zealand Qualifications
Framework. This includes Achievement Standards and Unit
These standards can be used by schools, tertiary institutes, private
providers and industry once the provider has met the Quality
Management Systems set out by the New Zealand Qualification
Authority (NZQA).
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)
When a student gains sufficient credits they receive a National
Certificate of Educational Achievement. This can be gained over
several years.
Record of Achievement (RoA)
Each student has an individual record of all their achievements.
This builds up over the years and can be accessed by the student
through the NZQA website.
National Qualification Framework
• Instead of performance in a course being assessed just in
one examination it is now assessed using several Standards.
• All courses at Sacred Heart College offer standards
registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
• Each standard is worth a number of credits (2 to 12 credits)
• Courses at this school offer between 16 and 24 credits.
• These standards can be used to gain National
Certificates in Educational Achievement (NCEA)
• The standards can also lead to other certificates
such as: the Certificate in Computing (Levels 1, 2 and 3)
• Vocational Pathways
Unit Standards and Achievement Standards
Unit Standards
• Unit Standards are generally used to assess skills.
• The things being assessed in a standard are all at about
the same level of difficulty.
• It is a bit like taking a driving test, either you pass or fail.
• You may be allowed to fix up minor mistakes to pass the
• If you do not pass you will be given another chance to do
a second assessment task.
Achievement Standards
• These are graded: Achieved, Merit, Excellence.
• Some Achievement Standards are externally assessed
in an Examination at the end of the year.
• Other Achievement Standards are internally assessed
by teachers during the year.
• In most subjects the response a student makes to a
question could be graded Achieved, Merit or Excellence.
Steps to Achieving Excellence in Science
Students are taught useful phrase
to help them respond to questions
Describe using:
it is like …
initially …
secondly …
following this …
before …
and then …
for example …
(or a labelled diagram)
Explain using:
and so…
as well as…
due to…
as a result…
the effect of…
consequently …
Discuss & analyse using:
in contrast to …
compared to …
alternatively …
the evidence suggests…
National Certificate in Educational
Achievement (NCEA)
NCEA Level 1
• A minimum of 80 credits are required.
• These credits can come from Unit Standards
and/or Achievement Standards.
• The 80 credits must include 10 credits in Literacy
and 10 credits in Numeracy.
Level One Numeracy and Literacy
Unit Standards – a package of three literacy unit standards
(total 10 credits – all three required)
Achievement Standards – Specified achievement standards available through a
range of subjects
Unit Standards – a package of three numeracy unit standards
(total 10 credits – all three required)
Achievement Standards – Specified achievement standards available through a
range of subjects.
The Literacy & Numeracy Achievement Standards are listed on the NZQA website.
The results notice will clearly state whether the literacy requirement and the
numeracy requirement has been met through the Achievement Standards or the
Unit Standards package. This is because the Unit Standards packages are not at
the same curriculum level as the Achievement Standards. At Sacred Heart College
our goal will be for all students to achieve Literacy or Numeracy through
Achievement Standards by the end of Year 12.
NCEA Level 2
• A minimum of 80 credits are required.
• At least 60 of theses credits must be at level 2.
• There are no English or Mathematics requirements.
• Credits can be re-used for different qualifications.
• A student who has achieved NCEA Level 1 can use
20 of the same credits towards NCEA Level 2.
• In reality Year 12 students only need to get 60 credits
at Level 2 during the year to get NCEA Level 2.
• Students coming from overseas would need to get
the full 80 credits.
NCEA Level 3
• A minimum of 80 credits are required
• At least 60 of the credits must be at level 3.
• The other 20 credits can come from Level 2 or
• There are no English or Mathematics requirements.
Vocational Pathways
Students building their own
Endorsed NCEA Certificates
These endorsed certificates show an overall level of
achievement that is easily recognised by tertiary institutes
and employers.
These can be achieved over more than one year.
A NCEA Level 2 Certificate endorsed with Excellence from Year 12
is often used as a pre-requisite when applying for University
academic scholarships in Year 13.
NCEA Level 1 Endorsed with Merit
50 Merit or Excellence credits at Level 1 or higher
NCEA Level 1 Endorsed with Excellence
50 Excellence credits at Level 1 or higher
NCEA Level 2 Endorsed with Merit
50 Merit or Excellence credits at Level 2 or higher
NCEA Level 2 Endorsed with Excellence
50 Excellence credits at Level 2 or higher
The same pattern occurs at Level 3.
Course Endorsements
These were introduced in 2011.
Course endorsements must be achieved in one year.
Course Endorsement with Merit
14 credits at Merit level or above
including 3 credits from internal standards
and 3 credits form external standards
Course Endorsement with Excellence
14 credits at Excellence level
including 3 credits from internal standards
and 3 credits form external standards
Each course will be defined by the school offering it
i.e. the 18 to 24 credits attached to a specific course
‘New’ University Entrance from 2014
• NCEA Level 3.
• 14 credits or more in each of three “approved
subjects” (subjects such as French or History)
• Some subjects use standards from several domains.
Students taking Sustainable Futures and/or
Information Technology have been advised to be
very careful when checking how close to gaining
University Entrance they are at any stage.
Additional Requirements for University Entrance
in 2014 and beyond.
Literacy- 10 credits at Level 2 or above
5 credits from the reading standards and 5 credits
from the writing standards.
Numeracy -10 credits at Level 1 or above
Literacy and Numeracy credits are available through a
range of subjects.
This requirement applies to all students including
International Students
• Please note UE is the minimum
requirement for entry to a university.
Universities often add their own
requirements on top of this for guaranteed
entry into a course. Please check the
university website to find out what are the
requirements for guaranteed entry into
your chosen course of study.
NCEA Approved Subjects for University Entrance
Painting (Practical Art)
Agriculture & Horticulture
Photography (Practical Art)
Physical Education
Business Studies
Printmaking (Practical Art)
Health Education
Religious Studies
Classical Studies
History of Art
Home Economics
Sculpture (Practical Art)
Cook Islands Maori
Social Studies
Design and Visual
Education for Sustainability
Media Studies
Music Studies
Te Reo Maori (or Rangatira)
Digital Technologies
Expectation of Teachers
• A course outline, including an assessment plan,
is provided at the start of the year
• Copies of the standards offered will be provided.
• Instructions for assessment of internal standards
will be in writing and meet NZQA and school
• Marked work will be checked with students.
• Student work is retained as required by NZQA
Expectation of Students
Know what is required and when.
Hand work in on time.
Attending assessments comes before other
The only class time that can be used for internal
assessment is the time allocated to the subject
Test procedures such as no cell-phones must
be adhered to. Work submitted for assessment
must be entirely your own.
At the end of the year check, and sign as
correct, an individual computer printout of
grades to be submitted to NZQA
Appeals Procedures
Once the grading of work has been explained
you will be asked to sign that you understand
and accept the grade.
If you think your grade is not correct fill in a
Query of Grade form for your teacher or the
Head of Department.
The teacher or Head of Department will go
through you concerns with you.
If you still feel unfairly treated see
Mrs Sewell within 5 school days.
A formal review process will be put in place.
Special Consideration for an Internal Standard
If you miss an assessment you may not need to apply for Special
Consideration. This is only essential if there is only one
assessment for the Standard.
If you need an extension fill in the application form Special
Consideration for an Internal Standard. Special arrangements
can be made:
 for approved activities such as school sports.
Get permission before you go way!
You may be asked to do the assessment before you leave.
 for sickness. A medical certificate is required.
 for a close bereavement. Check whether you are eligible
for Special Consideration before you go.
 difficult personal circumstances.
Some evidence is needed, see Mrs Pigou
Achieved, Merit or Excellence can only be awarded if there
is evidence of the standard reached.
Derived Grade Process for Standards
assessed in the External Examinations
If you think you are eligible for derived grades for standards
assessed in the external examinations see Mrs Pigou.You will be
given a form for you to complete. If you meet requirements the
school will provide NZQA with derived grades based on your
performance in our school.Please note these grades are often
based on school examinations, this means school exams are
important. If your teacher gives you your exam paper to have at
home for study you may need to bring it back to school if you
apply for a derived grade so keep it safe.
Special Needs
Special assessment conditions such as
reader/writers or extra time are available for
students who are identified as meeting certain
criteria. If you have queries about this contact
Mrs Sewell.
Useful websites:
You can assess a copy of the calendar for internal assessment on the
school website:
NZQA website is:
An award winning website for revision and help for English, Mathematics
and Science is:
Dates to look out for:
February – Talk for Parents on NCEA
March – Candidate information sheets from NZQA
March/April – Parent teacher interviews
June – Candidate information sheets including how to access the web
June – School Reports
July – Fees due to school (payments to Sacred Heart College for $76.70
August – Parent teacher interviews
October – School Record of Progress Report