Recent Publications

Recent Publications
Please note that the copyright for many of these documents is held by the relevant publisher.
Check the publisher's web site for details of their policy on copying and using these
documents. The documents are being made available here to facilitate timely dissemination
of scholarly and technical work. Unless otherwise noted, these publications are all peerreviewed.
D. Stynes, K.N. Brown and C. J. Sreenan "A Probabilistic Approach to User Mobility
Prediction for Wireless Services" accepted for IWCMC 2016, 12th International
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference. September, 2016. (To
D. Raca, A.H. Zahran, C.J. Sreenan. Sizing Network Buffers: A HTTP Adaptive
Streaming Perspective. Proc. of 4th International Conference on Future Internet of
Things and Cloud (FiCloud), August 2016. (To appear).
A.H. Zahran, and C.J. Sreenan. ARBITER: Adaptive Rate-Based Intelligent HTTP
StReaming Algorithm (319kB). Proc. of 22rd International Packet Video Workshop (PV
2016), July 2016
T. Truong, K.N. Brown and C.J. Sreenan. An Online Approach for Wireless Network
Repair Problem in Partially-known Environments. Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 45, pp.4764, July 2016.
J.J. Quinlan, D. Raca, A.H. Zahran, A. Khalid, K.K. Ramakrishnan, C.J. Sreenan.
DEMO: D-LiTE: A platform for evaluating DASH performance over a simulated
LTE network (1,283kB). Proc. of 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Local and
Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2016), June 2016. (Best Demo Award).
A.H. Zahran, J.J. Quinlan, C.J. Sreenan, K.K. Ramakrishnan. Impact of the LTE
Scheduler on achieving Good QoE for DASH Video Streaming (675kB). Proc. of 22nd
IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area
Networks (LANMAN 2016), June 2016.
M. Al-Bado, C. Sengul, C.J. Sreenan and K.N. Brown "Hidden Terminal
Management for Uplink Traffic in Rate-Controlled WiFi Networks" accepted for
ISCC 2016, 21st IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, June 2016.
J.J. Quinlan, A.H. Zahran, C.J. Sreenan. Datasets for AVC (H.264) and HEVC
(H.265) evaluation of dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) MMSys '16
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSYS 2016). May
A.H. Zahran, J.J. Quinlan, D. Raca, C.J. Sreenan, E. Halepovic, R. K. Sinha, R. Jana,
V. Gopalakrishnan. OSCAR: An Optimized Stall-Cautious Adaptive Bitrate
Streaming Algorithm For Mobile Networks. Proc. of the 8th ACM Workshop on
Mobile Video (MoVid 2016). May 2016.
M. O. Farooq, C.J. Sreenan and K.N. Brown. “Research Challenges in 5G Networks:
a HetNets Perspective”. Proc. of 19th International Conference on Innovations in
Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2016). March 2016.
L. Sitanayah, C.J. Sreenan, S. Fedor. A Cooja-Based Tool for Coverage and Lifetime
Evaluation in an In-Building Sensor Network. Journal of Sensor and Actuator
Networks, 5(1), 4, February 2016.
T. Truong, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Demo: Deploying a Drone to Restore
Connectivity in a WSN. Proc. of International Conference on Embedded Wireless
Systems and Networks (EWSN 2016). February 2016.
M. O. Farooq, T. Kunz, C.J. Sreenan and K.N. Brown Evaluation of Available
Bandwidth as a Routing Metric for Delay-Sensitive IEEE 802.15.4-based Ad-Hoc
Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 37, pp.526-542, February 2016.
Tsompanidis, A. Zahran, C.J. Sreenan. A Utility-based Resource and Network
Assignment Framework for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks. Proc. of IEEE Global
Communications Conference, December 2015.
S. Ghafoor, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Experimental Evaluation of a Software
Defined Radio-based Prototype for a Disaster Response Cellular Network. Proc of
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for
Disaster Management (ICT-DM 2015), November 2015. (Awarded the ICT-DM 2015
prize for Best Student Paper, to Saim Ghafoor).
J. Quinlan, A. Zahran, C.J. Sreenan. ALD: Adaptive Layer Distribution for Scalable
Video. ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal (MMSJ). Vol.21. Issue 5, pp.
465-484, October 2015.
T.T. Truong, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Multi-objective hierarchical algorithms for
restoring Wireless Sensor Network connectivity in known environments. Journal of
Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 33, pp. 190-208, October 2015.
M. O. Farooq, C.J. Sreenan, K.N. Brown and T. Kunz. RPL-Based Routing Protocols
For Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc of 11th IEEE International
Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
(WiMob2015). October 2015.
R. Martinez-Vidal, R. Marti, C.J. Sreenan, J. Borrell. Methodological evaluation of
architectural alternatives for an aeronautical delay tolerant network. Elsevier
Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 139-155, October 2015.
T.T. Truong, R.V. Bisol, J. Giller, H. Whelan, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan.
Demonstration of Robotic Repair for Wireless Networks. Demo abstract. Proc. of
12th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking
(SECON), June 2015. Best Demo Award.
J.A. Arokkiam, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Refining the GIANT dynamic bandwidth
allocation mechanism for XG-PON. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC), June 2015.
J.J. Quinlan, A.H. Zahran, K.K. Ramakrishnan, C.J. Sreenan. Delivery of Adaptive
Bit Rate Video: Balancing Fairness, Efficiency and Quality. Proc. of 21st IEEE
International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN),
April 2015.
L. Sitanayah, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Planning the deployment of multiple sinks
and relays in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Heuristics, 21: 197-232, April
L. Quesada, L. Sitanayah, K.N. Brown, B. O'Sullivan, C.J. Sreenan. A Constraint
Programming Approach to the Additional Relay Placement Problem in Wireless
Sensor Networks. Constraints Journal, Pub. Springer, April 2015.
M. Angeles Serna, C.J. Sreenan, S. Fedor. A Visual Programming Framework for
Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Home Applications. Proc. of 10th IEEE
International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information
Processing (ISSNIP), April 2015.
X. Wu, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Contact Probing Mechanisms for Opportunistic
Sensor Data Collection. The Computer Journal, accepted for publication. Published
online January 2015.
J.A. Arokkiam, X. Wu, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Experimental Evaluation of TCP
Performance over 10Gb/s Passive Optical Networks (XG-PON). Proc. of Globecom
2014. Dec. 2014. Best Paper Award (Access Networks & Systems Track).
L. Sitanayah, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. A fault-tolerant relay placement algorithm
for ensuring k vertex-disjoint shortest paths in wireless sensor networks. Elsevier Ad
Hoc Networks Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 145-162, Dec. 2014.
S. Ghafoor, P.D. Sutton, C.J. Sreenan, K.N. Brown. Cognitive Radio for Disaster
Response Networks: Survey, Potential and Challenges. IEEE Wireless
Communications, 21(5):70-80, Oct. 2014.
X. Wu, K. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Data Pre-Forwarding for Opportunistic Data
Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
(TOSN), Volume 11 Issue 1, September 2014.
L. Sitanayah, K.N. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Planning the deployment of multiple sinks
and relays in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Heuristics, Jul. 2014.
A.K.M. Mahtab Hossain, C.J. Sreenan, S. Fedor. A Neighbour Disjoint Multipath
Scheme for Fault Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of IEEE International
Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 6th International
Workshop on Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks (PWSN), May 2014.
D.Stynes, K. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Using Opportunistic Caching to Improve the
Efficiency of Handover in LTE with a PON Access Network Backhaul. Proc. of 20th
IEEE International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
(LANMAN), May 2014.
Tsompanidis, A. Zahran, C.J. Sreenan. Mobile Network Traffic: A User Behaviour
Model. Proc. of 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC),
May 2014.
L. Sitanayah, C.J. Sreenan, K.N. Brown. A Hybrid MAC Protocol for Emergency
Response Wireless Sensor Networks. Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, April 2014.