IEEE International Conference on Agents

IEEE International Conference on Agents
Kunibikimesse, Matsue, Shimane, Japan
September 28- 30, 2016
IEEE ICA 2016 Organization
Steering Committees
General Chairs
Program Chairs
Financial, Local, and Web Chairs
Workshop Chair
Publication Chairs
Publicity Chair
Prof. Chengqi Zhang, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Dr. Yves Demazeau, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Prof. Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Minjie Zhang, University of Wollongong, Australia
Prof. Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Prof. Chunyan Miao, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Catholijn Jonker, TU Delft, Netherlands
Prof. Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Minjie Zhang, University of Wollongong, Australia
Prof. Katsuhide Fujita, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Prof. Chao Yu, Dalian University of Technology, China
Prof. Tokuro Matsuo, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
Dr. Fenghui Ren, University of Wollongong, Australia
Prof. Ryo kanamori, Nagoya University, Japan
Prof. Satoshi Takahashi, University of Electro Communications, Japan
Prof. Quan Bai, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Prof. Naoki Fukuta, Shizuoka University, Japan
IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA 2016)
International Workshop on Multiagent Learning: Theory and Applications (IWML2016)
International Workshop on Sustainable Smart Mobility Platform (SSMP2016)
International Workshop on Possibilities and Challenges for Smarter and more Democratic crowd Decision-Making (SDDM2016)
September 28 - 30, 2016, Kunibikimesse, Matsue, Shimane, Japan
September 28(Wed)
Small Hall, 1st floor
Registration (Small Hall, 1st floor)
Conference Opening & Lightning Talks
Panel Discussion
Room401, 4th floor
Coffee Break
Reception (Multipurpose Hall, 1st floor )
September 29(Thu)
Small Hall, 1st floor
Coffee Break
Applications I
Lunch on your own
Invited Talk: Itsuki Noda
Invited Talk: Takashi Nakazawa
Coffee Break, Poster Session I
Room401, 4th floor
Registration (Small Hall, 1st floor)
Game Theory/Negotiation
Banquet and Award Ceremony (Yuushien)
September 30(Fri)
Small Hall, 1st floor
Registration (Small Hall, 1st floor)
Agent Societies
Coffee Break
Applications II
Lunch on your own
Invited Talk: Chunyan Miao
Invited Talk: Yoshihiro Tanaka
Coffee Break, Poster Session II
"International Workshop on Possibilities and
Challenges for Smarter and more Democratic crowd
Decision-Making (SDDM2016)
International Workshop on Multiagent Learning:
Theory and Applications (IWML2016)"
Room401, 4th floor
International Workshop on Sustainable Smart Mobility
Platform (SSMP)
Regular paper: 30 minutes, Short paper: 20 minutes (including Q&A)
Invited Talk
Invited Talk
September 29 (Thu), 1:00PM-2:00PM, Small Hall, 1st floor
Possibilities of Exhaustive Multiagent Social Simulation
Itsuki Noda, Dr. Eng.
Principal Research Manager of Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), Japan
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Abstract: Agent-based simulations for social phenomena will become the most efficient tool to design and to improve social systems. Because
multiple intelligent agents interact with each other, the phenomena and its behaviors are so complex. Exhaustive simulation, which is enabled
by recent big data and high-performance computing movements, provide systematic and phase-transition level analysis of the target social
systems. We are conducting a project to establish multi-agent social simulations and to apply them to actual real-world problems like disaster
mitigation, smart transportation systems, stable economical systems, and so on. In this talk, I will show several results of this project.
Speaker Profile: Itsuki NODA is a team leader of Computational Social Intelligence Research Team,
deputy leader of NEC-AIST AI Cooperative Research Laboratory, and a Principal Research Manager of
Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST), Japan. He received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D., degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1987, 1989, and 1995, respectively. He was a visiting researcher of Stanford
University in 1999, and worked as a staff of Council of Science and Technology Policy of Japanese
government in 2003.
He was a founding member of RoboCup and promoted Simulation League since 1995. Now, he is the
president of RoboCup Federation. He is also the vice-chair of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
since 2016.
He also has been joining development of integrated information sharing and simulation system of disaster
and rescue. Some of results were used to support rescue activity for the Great East Japan Earthquake.
He is now leading a project to develop a framework for large scale multiagent social simulation system on
high performance computing environments.
He has received the the 1995 best research award of JNNS (Japanese Neural Network Society), the best paper award of JAWS-2008, the best
paper award of IPSJ-2009 and IPSJ-2010, and the 2011 Field Innovation Award (silver) of JSAI.
He is interested in multi-agent social simulation, machine learning, and disaster mitigation information systems.
Invited Talk
September 29 (Thu), 2:00PM-3:00PM, Small Hall, 1st floor
How an online consensus-building system works to resolve a conflict?
~Lessons and insights from NIMBY problems~
Takashi Nakazawa, Shizuoka University, Japan
Abstract: The purpose of this short speech is to draw lessons and insights from NIMBY problems to apply an online consensus-building
system such as COLLAGREE to a conflictual situation. Some types of facilities regularly face opposition from local residents because of
negative side effects, even though their existence somewhere is necessary for the betterment of the wider public. These facilities are often
called locally unwanted land uses (LULUs), and local opposition to them is often referred to as not in my back yard (NIMBY).
As it has been increasingly recognized that the conventional decide-announce-defend approach does not work, different approaches have
been proposed to build a consensus among conflicting interests, views and values in such disputes, i.e. lottery, compensation, auction, risk
substitution, and fair share approach. In recent years, researchers and practitioners have been emphasised the importance of a more
democratic decision making process and citizen participation to resolve a siting gridlock, while some have argued that excessive democracy
exacerbates local opposition.
Information and communication technologies could be of use to help promoting democratic dialogue. On the other hand, there are many
issues to be considered when applying such technologies to siting conflicts. Who should be legitimate participants in decision making
process? Where in the decision making process should citizens be involved and a consensus-building system be used? What is an appropriate
role of citizens there? Can participants discuss equally when there might be gaps in their expertise and/or logical thinking ability? How
should opinions of minorities be treated? How could a consensus-building system with an agent technology, or artificial intelligence, gain
trust among stakeholders as a fair procedure? To design an online consensus-building system to help resolving an actual conflict, we need to
consider how it works not only technologically, but also politically.
Speaker Profile: Takashi Nakazawa is a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka
University, Japan. His research interests are in conflicts over locally unwanted facilities. He has studied
disputes over waste disposal facilities such as incinerators and landfills in Japan. His recent research
explored politics of distributive justice in the case of the “Tokyo Garbage War” and elucidated why a
principle of distributive justice, In-Ward-Waste-Disposal, became influential in waste management
policies in the 1970s but abandoned in the early 2000s. Currently, he is researching local politics over
nuclear power plants in Japan and the siting of high level radioactive waste disposal facility.
Invited Talk
September 30 (Fri), 1:00PM-2:00PM, Small Hall, 1st floor
Unobtrusive Crowd Sensing and Gamification for Ageless Ageing
Chunyan Miao
Director, NTU-UBC Research Centre of Excellence in Active Living for the Elderly & Professor, School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Abstract: In recent years, interactive digital games are starting to move from mainly relying on the mouse and keyboard for user inputs
towards using body movements as inputs. Examples of such game platforms include the Nintendo Wii, the Microsoft Kinect, and the Leap
Motion device. These devices have changed the nature of computer games to make it possible for people who are not technically savvy, such
as senior citizens, to enjoy the game play experience. Researchers are starting to leverage body gesture-based games to unobtrusively study
the progression of medical conditions and long term individual wellness trends. Many interesting results have emerged.
In this presentation, I will share with the audience on some of the methods, results and lessons learnt from our research in wellness games
and aging-in-place IoT technologies for senior citizens. I will draw upon the research experience from the Joint NTU-UBC Research Centre
of Excellence in Active Living for the Elderly (LILY), Singapore, to illustrate how technologies could help to advance the field of personalized
healthcare at a population scale.
LILY focuses on applying research advances in Artificial Intelligence, Human Computation, Data Analytics and Digital Media for helping
senior citizens. An impactful example of LILY’s innovative research which exploits the combined power of AI, human wisdom and data
analytics is an engaging game for health and wellness – Pumpkin Garden. It is a population level screening and rehabilitation game for
neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson and dementia. In this game, data are continuously collected and analyzed to provide health
professionals with insights into the progress of their patients. I will also introduce one of our latest works in using motor patterns for stroke
detection and rehabilitations.
Speaker Profile: Dr Chunyan Miao is an Associate Professor School of Computer Engineering Nanyang
Technological University and Director of Joint NTU-UBC Research Centre of Excellence in Active Living
for Elderly (LILY) co-initiated by IDMPO/NRF, MDA, NTU and UBC Canada. Over the last ten years, she
has successfully led variously national research projects in AI, Intelligent interactive digital media, smart
health, data analytics, aging in place, ageless aging design & technologies from both government agencies
and industry.
Invited Talk
September 30 (Fri), 2:00PM-3:00PM, Small Hall, 1st floor
Subjective Haptics: Technologies for Communication, Design and Expansion of Touch
Yoshihiro Tanaka, Ph.D., Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Abstract: Tactile sense serves an important function in the body for mechanically connecting us to the physical world. Tactile technologies
are frontiers and they might have a potential to be available in various fields like manufacturing, medical, welfare, education, and sports.
Touch sense strongly depends on individual mechanical properties in skin and motor control as well as a contact object since it is evoked by
the mechanical interaction. Thus, touch sense is inherently subjective. I have focused on inner-characteristics of touch sense. In this talk, my
basic studies and tactile devices on the basis of human haptic perception will be introduced: a wearable sensor for individual tactile feelings
and its applications, a palpation system for laparoscopic surgery, tactile design utilizing tactile illusion, and so on. Through this talk, "private"
touch sense and its applications will be discussed.
Speaker Profile: Yoshihiro Tanaka skipped from undergraduate to graduate
school, and received the MS and the PhD (Eng) degrees from Tohoku
University, Japan, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. In 2006, he worked as a
Research Associate at Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. Currently, he is
working as an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Engineering of
the same university. He worked as a visiting researcher at Utrecht University,
the Netherlands in 2011. He is a researcher in PRESTO, JST, Japan since
2014. His research topics are development of tactile devices for industrial/
medical fields and tactile design. He is collaborating with manufacturing
companies and researchers with different disciplines: psychophysics,
anatomy, medicine, Rehabilitation, etc.
He was a founding member of Global Young Academy and a member of the
committee for planning Young Academy of Japan in Science Council of Japan in 2010-2014. He is a vice-chair of Haptics Committee of Japan
since 2016.
He has received the 2014 MHS Best Paper Award, the Review Panel’s Special Prize of CEATEC JAPAN 2014, the 2009 JSME Young Engineers
Award, etc.
Program: September 28
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
12:00PM - 1:00PM
[Conference Opening and Lightning Talks]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Conference Opening and Lightning Talks
1:00PM - 2:30PM
[Panel Discussion]
Small Hall, 1st floor
“Who will take responsibility when AI does fault and how?
(Can we make AI be ethical? or to have ethical reasoning?)”
2:30PM - 3:30PM
[Coffee Break]
Small Hall, 1st floor
[Logic/ Ontology]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Coffee Break
3:30PM - 4:50PM
Session Chair
Logic/ Ontology
Shohei Kato (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Modeling Predictability of Agent in Legal Cases
Tetsuji Goto, Katsuhiko Sano, Satoshi Tojo
Query Rewriting or Ontology Modification? Considering Reasoning Capability on LOD Endpoints
Naoki Yamada, Yuji Yamagata, Naoki Fukuta
Autonomous Control of Mobile Robots Using Logical Representation of Map and Inference of Location
(Short Paper)
Megumi Fujita, Yuki Goto, Naoyuki Nide, Ken Satoh, Hiroshi Hosobe
5:30PM – 7:00PM
Multipurpose Hall, 1st floor
Program: September 29
Thursday, September 29, 2016
9:00AM - 10:20AM
Session Chair
Small Hall, 1st floor
Ryo Kanamori (Nagoya University)
Simulation of Evacuation Behaviors in Dynamically Changing Situations and its Qualitative Validation
Katsuki Ichinose, Tomoichi Takahashi
Service Market Simulation based on Service Dominant Logic
Satoru Fujita, Yuta Kase
An Evolutionary Game Model and MCMC Estimation for Analyzing Stochastic Properties of Traffic State on
a Road Network (Short Paper)
Yuki Shittaka, Takeshi Nagae
10:20AM - 11:00AM
[Coffee Break]
Small Hall, 1st floor
[Applications I]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Coffee Break
11:00AM -12:00PM
Session Chair
Applications I
Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University)
An Adaptive Agent-Based Partner Selection for Routing Packet in Distributed Wireless Sensor Network
Nor Azimah Khalid, Quan Bai, Adnan Al-Anbuky
Intelligent Agents for Preserving Resource Privacy when Deploying Ambient Intelligence Applications
Ferdinand Piette, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Patrick Taillibert
12:00PM – 1:00PM
[Lunch Break]
Lunch on your own
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Session Chair
Small Hall, 1st floor
Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Possibilities of Exhaustive Multiagent Social Simulation
Itsuki Noda, Dr. Eng.
Principal Research Manager of Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), Japan
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Session Chair
[Invited Talk]
[Invited Talk]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
How an online consensus-building system works to resolve a conflict?
~Lessons and insights from NIMBY problems~
Takashi Nakazawa, Shizuoka University, Japan
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Session Chair
[Game Theory/ Negotiation]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Game Theory/ Negotiation
Quan Bai (Auckland University of Technology)
A Concurrent Multiple Negotiation Strategy for Service Level Agreement Negotiations in Web-based Service
Fenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang, Lei Niu, Xishun Wang
Tracing Werewolf Game by Using Extended BDI model
Naoyuki Nide, Shiro Takata
Designing Incentives for Crowdsourced Tasks via Multi-Armed Bandits (Short Paper)
Akihiko Itoh, Shigeo Matsubara
Toward Fast Approximation of Stable Allocation and Pricing on Combinatorial Auctions (Short Paper)
Naoki Fukuta
5:45PM - 9:40PM
Small Hall, 1st floor
Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Agent-based Influence Propagation in Social Networks
Weihua Li, Quan Bai, Minjie Zhang
Social Learning in Networked Agent Societies
Chao Yu, Rui Liu, Yuliang Wang
Modeling Predictability of Agent in Legal Cases
Tetsuji Goto, Katsuhiko Sano, Satoshi Tojo
Simulation of Evacuation Behaviors in Dynamically Changing Situations and its Qualitative Validation
Katsuki Ichinose, Tomoichi Takahashi
Service Market Simulation based on Service Dominant Logic
Satoru Fujita, Yuta Kase
An Anti-Attack Model for Centralized C2C Reputation Evaluation Agent
Shujuan Ji, Baohua Liu, Benfa Zou, Chunjin Zhang
A Concurrent Multiple Negotiation Strategy for Service Level Agreement Negotiations in Web-based Service
Fenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang, Lei Niu, Xishun Wang
An Adaptive Agent-Based Partner Selection for Routing Packet in Distributed Wireless Sensor Network
Nor Azimah Khalid, Quan Bai, Adnan Al-Anbuky
Tracing Werewolf game by Using Extended BDI Model
Naoyuki Nide, Shiro Takata
Intelligent Agents for Preserving Resource Privacy when Deploying Ambient Intelligence Applications
Ferdinand Piette, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Patrick Taillibert
Query Rewriting or Ontology Modification? Considering Reasoning Capability on LOD Endpoints
Naoki Yamada, Yuji Yamagata, Naoki Fukuta
An Evolutionary Game Model and MCMC Estimation for Analyzing Stochastic Properties of Traffic State on
a Road Network
Yuki Shittaka, Takeshi Nagae
Participation Behavior and Social Welfare in Repeated Task Allocations
Qing Chuan Ye, Yingqian Zhang
Autonomous Control of Mobile Robots Using Logical Representation of Map and Inference of Location
Megumi Fujita, Yuki Goto, Naoyuki Nide, Ken Satoh, Hiroshi Hosobe
Agent-based Architecture for Multi-Sensors System Deployed on Airborne Platform
Ludovic Grivault, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Raphael Girard-Claudon
Designing Incentives for Crowdsourced Tasks via Multi-Armed Bandits
Akihiko Itoh, Shigeo Matsubara
Cooperative Learning of a Driving Strategy to Suppress Phantom Traffic Jams
Shota Ishikawa, Sachiyo Arai
Toward Fast Approximation of Stable Allocation and Pricing on Combinatorial Auctions
Naoki Fukuta
4:00PM - 5:40PM
Session Chair
[Poster Session I]
[Banquet and Award Ceremony]
Garden Walking and IEEE ICA 2016 Banquet
Shuttle buses from main entrance of Kunibiki Messe to Yuushien
Excursion in Yuushien Garden
IEEE ICA 2016 Banquet and Award Ceremony in Yuushien
Buses from Yuushien to Hotel in Matsue for each person.
Program: September 30
Friday, September 30, 2016
9:00AM - 10:30AM
Session Chair
Small Hall, 1st floor
Agent Societies
Jun Yan (University of Wollongong)
Agent-based Influence Propagation in Social Networks
Weihua Li, Quan Bai, Minjie Zhang
Social Learning in Networked Agent Societies
Chao Yu, Rui Liu, Yuliang Wang
An Anti-Attack Model for Centralized C2C Reputation Evaluation Agent
Ji Shujuan, Liu Baohua, Zou Benfa, Zhang Chunjin
9:00AM - 11:30AM
[Agent Societies]
Room401, 4th floor
International Workshop on Sustainable Smart Mobility Platform (SSMP)
Tsunenori Mine (Kyushu University)
Map Database Design for Route Finding and Natural Disaster Risk Evaluation
Kunihiko Kaneko
A Footprint Matching Method for Walking Users in Privacy-aware User Tracking System Using Pressure
Sensor Sheets
Ryoya Wada, Shigeaki Tagashira, Masaki Ogino, Shigemi Ishida, and Akira Fukuda
Empirical Study of Travel Time Variability Using Bus Probe Data
Mansur As and Tsunenori Mine
Operation Phase Metrics for Smart Mobility Platform
Kenji Hisazumi, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Shota Ishibashi, Go Hirakawa, Tsunenori Mine, Takahiro Ando,
Hiroki Furusho, and Akira Fukuda
ZipPath: A Simple-but-Useful Path Finder for HSTM Designs in ZIPC
Weiqiang Kong, Gang Hou, Xiangpei Hu, Yasuhito Arimoto, Masahiko Watanabe, Takahiro Ando, Kenji
Hisazumi, and Akira Fukuda
10:30AM - 11:00AM
[Coffee Break]
Small Hall, 1st floor
[Applications 2]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Coffee Break
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Session Chair
Agent Societies
Takeshi Nagae (Tohoku University)
Agent-based Architecture for Multi-Sensors System Deployed on Airborne Platform (Short Paper)
Ludovic Grivault, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Raphael Girard-Claudon
Cooperative Learning of a Driving Strategy to Suppress Phantom Traffic Jams (Short Paper)
Shota Ishikawa, Sachiyo Arai
Participation Behavior and Social Welfare in Repeated Task Allocations (Short Paper)
Qing Chuan Ye, Yingqian Zhang
12:00PM – 1:00PM
[Lunch Break]
Lunch on your own
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Session Chair
[Invited Talk]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Minjie Zhang (University of Wollongong)
Unobtrusive Crowd Sensing and Gamification for Ageless Ageing
Chunyan Miao
Director, NTU-UBC Research Centre of Excellence in Active Living for the Elderly & Professor, School of
Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Session Chair
Small Hall, 1st floor
Minjie Zhang (University of Wollongong)
Subjective Haptics: Technologies for Communication, Design and Expansion of Touch Sense
Yoshihiro Tanaka, Ph.D., Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Session Chair
[Invited Talk]
[Poster Session II]
Small Hall, 1st floor
Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Wireless Sensor Network Performance Research for LEACH Based on Multi-Agent Simulation
Can Liao, Kejun Zhu, Jian Tang, Shuwen Zhang
Simulation of Information Providing Service for Temporary Organizations
Tetsuya Oishi, Rieko Fujita, Tokuro Matsuo
Social Affinity and Facial Emotion Based Social Correlation
Pankaj Mishra, Rafik Hadfi, Takayuki Ito
A* Algorithm with Expected Value: Path Planning that Avoids Stochastic Traffic Obstacles
Yoshiyuki Kozuka, Toshiyuki Hayashi, Takashi Syamoto, Nobuhiro Ito, Kazunori Iwata, Yoshinobu
Using SSN ontology for Automatic Traffic Light Settings on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Susel Fernandez, Takayuki Ito
A Multicomponent Modeling Approach for Fishery Simulations
Eric Innocenti, Dominique Urbani, Paul Antoine Bigambiglia, Pierre Regis Gonsolin
Parameter Estimation of Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning to Reach Arbitrary Pareto Solution
Ryosuke Saitake, Sachiyo Arai
Open User-Centred Design for Silver Assistants
Zhiwei Zeng, Di Wang, Ailiya Borjigin, Chunyan Miao, Ah-Hwee Tan, Cyril Leung
Dynamic Product Placement Method in Order Picking Using Correlation between Products
Yusuke Ito, Shohei Kato
Standing Balance Switching Control Using the Stability Status of Humanoid Robot
Hiroki Maeda, Shohei Kato
Multi-agent Simulation of Search and Rescue in Landslide Based on Auction Mechanism
Jian Tang, Chengzhu Gong, Kejun Zhu, Can Liao, Shuwen Zhang
Evaluation by the Multi-Agent Simulation of Aircraft Boarding Process in Consideration of the
Inexperienced Passengers
Yoichi Utsunomiya, Yuko Tomiyama, Takashi Okuda
Preliminary Simulation on Agent-based Persuasion in Lobbying
Rieko Fujita, Tetsuya Oishi, Tokuro Matsuo
Toward a User Incentive Mechanism to Accomplish Unworkable Tasks for Agents
Sho Oishi, Naoki Fukuta
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Small Hall, 1st floor
International Workshop on Possibilities and Challenges for Smarter and more Democratic crowd DecisionTheme
Making (SDDM2016)
Takashi Nakazawa, Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University)
Joint Workshop Trust Analysis in Complex System
Invited Talk
Dr. Quan Bai (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Conflicting Claims on Distributive Justice in Disputes over Locally Unwated Facility Siting: Comparison of
three Japanese cases
Takashi Nakazawa
Toward A Linked-Open-Data-based Architecture for an Open Consensus Building Support
Naoki Fukuta
International Workshop on Multiagent Learning: Theory and Applications (IWML2016)
Jianye Hao (Tianjin University), Siqi Chen (Southwest University)
Proposal and Evaluation of an Action Selection Strategy with Expected Failure Probability in Multiagent
Kazuteru Miyazaki
5:30PM - 5:40PM
[Conference Closing]
Conference Closing
Small Hall, 1st floor
Social Events
September 28 5:30PM - 7:00PM
IEEE ICA 2016 Reception
Premium red & white wine will be served.
Multipurpose Hall, 1st floor, Kunibiki Messe
September 29 5:45PM - 9:40PM
Banquet and Award Ceremony
The shuttle bus will depart from the main
entrance of Kunibiki Messe at 5:45PM.
Floor Map
Rest room
First aid room
Room 401
Emergency exit
Hot water supply room
Information booth
Toilet for a
handicapped person
Smoking area
Multipurpose Hall,
1st floor
Small Hall,
1st floor
Free Wi-Fi
SSID: kunibiki or CSTokyo *
About Matsue