Slide 1 / 50 Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday’s Law Slide 2 / 50 Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday’s Law Induced EMF Faraday’s Law of Induction Lenz’s Law EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric Field Slide 3 / 50 Induced EMF Almost 200 years ago, Faraday looked for evidence that a magnetic field would induce an electric current with this apparatus: Slide 4 / 50 Induced EMF He found no evidence when the current was steady, but did see a current induced when the switch was turned on or off. Slide 5 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law The induced emf in a wire loop is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop. Magnetic flux is defined by: FB = B^A Unit of magnetic flux: weber, Wb. 1 Wb = 1 T m2 F is the Greek letter "phi" and stands for "flux", or flow. FB represents magnetic flux, or the flow of magnetic field through a surface. Slide 6 / 50 1 What is the flux through a loop of wire if a magnetic field of 0.40 T is perpendicular to it and its area is 5.0 m2? (always use 2 significant figures) FB = B^A Slide 7 / 50 2 What is the flux through a loop of wire if a magnetic field of 0.30 T is perpendicular to it and its radius is 2.0 m? (always use 2 significant figures) FB = B^A Slide 8 / 50 In the below diagram, the magnetic field (blue) is perpendicular to the plane of the loop of wire (orange) and parallel to its normal (red) so the flux is just given by # B= BA. If the flux passes directly though the loop of wire, perpendicular to it, then it is a maximum and # B= BA. Slide 9 / 50 In this case, the magnetic field (blue) is parallel to the plane of the loop of wire (orange) and perpendicular to its normal, so the flux is just given by # B = 0. If the magnetic field lines don't go through the loop of wire, there is no flux. Slide 10 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law The magnetic flux is is proportional to the total number of lines passing through the loop. Slide 11 / 50 3 What is the magnitude of the magnetic flux through the loop of wire shown below. The magnetic field is 1.0 T and the area of the loop of wire is 5.0 m2. Slide 12 / 50 4 What is the magnitude of the magnetic flux through the loop of wire shown below. The magnetic field is 1.0 T and the area of the loop of wire is 5.0 m2. Slide 13 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Faraday’s law of induction: E is the induced emf (electromovtive force) and is measured in volts (V) N is the number of loops of wire in the coil D# Bo represents the change in the magnetic flux and is measured in Webers (Wb) Dt is the time interval during which the flux changed and is measured in seconds (s) the "-" sign has to do with the direction of the emf, and will be discussed later Slide 14 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law The minus sign tells us the direction of the induced EMF. Let's get back to that a little later, for right now let's determine the magnitude of the induced EMF. For instance, let's figure out the induced emf in a 8.0 m2 coil if it is in a perpendicular 0.40T magnetic field that disappears over a time interval of 2.0s? (Let's assume there's just a single loop of wire.) Slide 15 / 50 What is the induced emf in a 8.0 m2 coil (consisting of one loop) if it is perpendicular to a 0.40T magnetic field that disappears over a time interval of 2.0s? N=1 A = 8.0 m2 B0 = 0.4T Bf = 0 Dt = 2.0s # Bo = B0A = (0.4T)(8.0 m2) = 3.2W # Bf = B0A = (0)(8.0 m2) = 0 D# E = -N B Dt (# Bf - # Bo) E = -N Dt E = -1 (0 - 3.2Wb) = 1.6V 2.0s Alternatively... Slide 16 / 50 What is the induced emf in a 8.0 m2 coil (consisting of one loop) if it is perpendicular to a 0.40T magnetic field that disappears over a time interval of 2.0s? N=1 A = 8.0 m2 B0 = 0.4T Bf = 0 Dt = 2.0s D# E = -N B Dt E = -N DBA Dt E = -NA DB Dt E = -NA Bf-B0 Dt E = -1(8.0 m2) (0 - 0.40T) = 1.6V 2.0s Slide 17 / 50 The second approach works because anything that is not changing can be put in front of the delta symbol. For instance, if A is constant while B is changing: E = -N D# B Dt E = -N D(BA) Dt (BA)f - (BA)0 E = -N Dt (BfAf) - (B0A0) E = -N Dt In this case Af = A0 = A this becomes: (BfA) - (B0A) E = -N Dt Since A is in both terms, it can be factored out A(Bf - B0) E = -N Dt But [Bf - B0] is just DB E = -NA DB Dt The same approach allows me to factor out B if it is not changing while A is changing Slide 18 / 50 5 What is the magnitude of the induced emf in a single loop 2.0m2 coil if it is perpendicular to a 0.50T magnetic field which is turned off over a time interval of 4.0s? Slide 19 / 50 6 What is the magnitude of the induced emf in a ten loop coil of wire whose area is 2.0m2 if it is perpendicular to a magnetic field which is increased from 0.30T to 1.5T over a time interval of 4.0s? Slide 20 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Magnetic flux will change if the area of the loop changes: Slide 21 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Magnetic flux will change if the angle between the loop and the field changes: Slide 22 / 50 7 A 4.0m2 single loop coil of wire is initially perpendicular to a 0.60T magnetic field. It is then rotated so that it become parallel to that magnetic field 2.0s later. What is the magnitude of the induced emf? Slide 23 / 50 8 A coil of wire, consisting of 50 loops, is perpendicular to a 1.2T magnetic field. The area of the coil is increased from 0.40m2 to 1.2m2 over a time of 5.0s. What is the magnitude of the induced emf in the coil? Slide 24 / 50 Lenz’s Law The minus sign tells us that the direction of the induced emf is such that the resulting current produces a magnetic field that resists the change of flux through the loop. For instance, if the external field gets weaker, the current tries to replace the "missing" external field. If the external field gets stronger, the induced current tries to opposes the "extra" external field. Only worry about the field within the loop, ignore the field outside it. Slide 25 / 50 Lenz’s Law Initial External Field (red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final External Field (red) Plus Field due to Induced Current (blue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The current flows CCW to create a field out of the board (dots) to oppose the change in the external field Slide 26 / 50 Lenz’s Law Initial External Field (red) Final External Field (red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plus Field due to Induced Current (blue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x The current flows CW to create a field into the board (blue "x"s) to cancel the new external field (red dots) Slide 27 / 50 Lenz’s Law Initial External Field (red) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Final External Field (red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plus Field due to Induced Current (blue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x The current flows CW to create a field into the board (blue "x"s) to cancel the new external field (red dots) and replace the old external field (red "x"s) Slide 28 / 50 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Problem Solving: Lenz’s Law Determine whether the magnetic flux is increasing, decreasing, or unchanged. The magnetic field due to the induced current points in the opposite direction to the original field if the flux is increasing; in the same direction if it is decreasing; and is zero if the flux is not changing. Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the current. Remember that the external field and the field due to the induced current are different. Slide 29 / 50 9 A magnetic field is pointing straight up through a coil of wire. The field is suddenly turned off. What is the direction of the induced current in the wire? A Out of the page B Into the page C Clockwise D Counterclockwise E There is no induced current Slide 30 / 50 10 A magnetic field is pointing straight up through a coil of wire. The field is suddenly doubled in magnitude. What is the direction of the induced current in the wire? A Out of the page B Into the page C Clockwise D Counterclockwise E There is no induced current Slide 31 / 50 11 A coil of wire is sitting on a table top. A magnet is held above it with it's north pole pointed downwards. What is the direction of the induced current? A Out of the page B Into the page C Clockwise D Counterclockwise E There is no induced current Slide 32 / 50 12 A coil of wire is sitting on a table top. A magnet is held above it with it's north pole pointed downwards. The magnet is released and falls towards the coil. What is the direction of the induced current? A Out of the page B Into the page C Clockwise D Counterclockwise E There is no induced current Slide 33 / 50 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor This image shows another way the magnetic flux can change: Slide 34 / 50 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor The induced current is in a direction that tends to slow the moving bar – it will take an external force to keep it moving. Slide 35 / 50 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor The induced emf has magnitude Slide 36 / 50 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor Another perspective SF = ma Magnetic Force Electric Force FB - FE = 0 qvB - qE = 0 vB = E vB = V/d V/d = vB V is E E = Blv but E = V/d but d is just l and Slide 37 / 50 13 What is the voltage between the ends of a 100m long metal rod which is traveling at a velocity of 400 m/s perpendicularly through a 5 x 10-4T magnetic field? Slide 38 / 50 Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric Field A changing magnetic flux induces an electric field; this is a generalization of Faraday’s law. The electric field will exist regardless of whether there are any conductors around. Slide 39 / 50 Electric Generators A generator is the opposite of a motor – it transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. This is an ac generator: The axle is rotated by an external force such as falling water or steam. The brushes are in constant electrical contact with the slip rings. Slide 40 / 50 Electric Generators A dc generator is similar, except that it has a split-ring commutator instead of slip rings. Slide 41 / 50 Transformers and Transmission of Power A transformer consists of two coils, either interwoven or linked by an iron core. A changing emf in one induces an emf in the other. The ratio of the emfs is equal to the ratio of the number of turns in each coil: Slide 42 / 50 Transformers and Transmission of Power This is a step-up transformer – the emf in the secondary coil is larger than the emf in the primary: Slide 43 / 50 Transformers and Transmission of Power Energy must be conserved; therefore, in the absence of losses, the ratio of the currents must be the inverse of the ratio of turns: P in = P out IinVin = IoutVout IprimaryVprimary = Is e condaryVs e condary Is e condary Vprimary = Iprimary Vs e condary Is e condary Nprimary = Iprimary Ns e condary Slide 44 / 50 Transformers and Transmission of Power Transformers work only if the current is changing; this is one reason why electricity is transmitted as ac. Slide 45 / 50 Applications of Induction: Sound Systems, Computer Memory, Seismograph, GFCI This microphone works by induction; the vibrating membrane induces an emf in the coil Slide 46 / 50 Applications of Induction: Sound Systems, Computer Memory, Seismograph, GFCI Differently magnetized areas on an audio tape or disk induce signals in the read/write heads. Slide 47 / 50 21.8 Applications of Induction: Sound Systems, Computer Memory, Seismograph, GFCI A seismograph has a fixed coil and a magnet hung on a spring (or vice versa), and records the current induced when the earth shakes. Slide 48 / 50 Applications of Induction: Sound Systems, Computer Memory, Seismograph, GFCI A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) will interrupt the current to a circuit that has shorted out in a very short time, preventing electrocution. Slide 49 / 50 Summary of Chapter 21 · Magnetic flux: · Changing magnetic flux induces emf: · Induced emf produces current that opposes original flux change · Changing magnetic field produces an electric field Slide 50 / 50