Ordering Information for CUSTOM PATRON ID CARDS Custom Imprint Ordering Instructions for Patron ID Cards Custom Imprint Ordering for Patron Cards Please photocopy this form, fill out, andInstructions include with your WhenID Custom Imprint Ordering Instructions fororder. Patron IDordering Cardsby phone, please specify your choices for the following. Please photocopy this form, fill out, and include with your order. When ordering by phone, please specify your choices for the following. For reorders, please include a sample andand a previous orderyour reference is provided. Please photocopy this form, fill out, include with order. number When ordering by phone, please specify your choices for the following. For reorders, please include a sample and a previous order reference number is provided. For reorders, please include a sample and a previous order reference number is provided. 1. Demco No.: ____________ 1. Demco No.: ____________ 2. 1. Quantity Please answer #6 for Key Tag Patron ID Cards. Demco____________ No.: ____________ 2. Quantity ____________ Please answer #6 for Key Tag Patron ID Cards. See Quantity minimum order number under each product 6) Ink Colors: 2. ____________ Please answer #6 for Key Tag Patron ID Cards. See minimum order number under each product 6) Ink Colors: 3. Is this EXACT reorder? Yes under No each product Front: Back:_________________ Seeanminimum order number 6) 1_____________ Ink Colors: 3. Is this an EXACT reorder? Yes No Front: 1_____________ Back:_________________ If yes, previous Yes Order Reference Number ____________ Front: 2_____________ 3. Is please this an provide EXACT reorder? No Front: 1_____________ Back:_________________ If yes, please provide previous Order Reference Number ____________ Front: 2_____________ 4. Message: Type or print your message as you wish it____________ to appear. Please answer #7 for Key Tag Patron ID Cards & Bayscan If yes, please provide previous Orderexactly Reference Number Front: 2_____________ 4. Message: Type or print your message exactly as you wish it to appear. Please answer #7 for Key Tag Patron ID Cards & Bayscan Are Message: you sendingType a Hard Copyyour of Imprint? Yes as you wish No it to appear. Patron ID Cards. 4. or print message exactly Please answer for Key Tag Patron ID Cards & Bayscan Bar #7 Code Labels Are you sending a Hard Copy of Imprint? Yes No Ordering Instructions Patronfor ID Cards. If no,Are please provide Front and Back Imprint it to appear. 7) Optional Signature Panel? Yes No you sending a HardImprint Copy of Imprint? Yesexactly as you NowishPlease PatronfillID Cards. photocopy this form, out, and include If no, please provide Front Imprint and Back Imprint exactly as you wish it to appear. 7) Optional Signature Panel? withYes No 5. Graphics: Pleaseprovide provideFront artwork according to specifications. demco.com If yes, addSignature appropriate charge ifYes applicable. If no, please Imprint and Back Imprint exactlyVisit as you wish itorder. to appear. 7) please Optional Panel? No your When ordering by phone, please specify 5. Graphics: Please provide artwork according to specifications. Visit demco.com If yes, please add appropriate charge if applicable. and Graphics: Search: custom indicate of Signature Panel: Front Back 5. Pleaseimprint provide requirements. artwork according to specifications. Visityour demco.com If yes, pleaseplacement add appropriate charge if applicable. choices for thePlease following. and Search: custom imprint requirements. Please indicate placement of Signature Panel: Front Back Sendand fileSearch: to customimprint@demco.com. An artwork modification 1. fee Contact name:Please answer #8placement if you areofrequesting a barcode. custom imprint requirements. Please indicate Signature Panel: Front Back Send file to customimprint@demco.com. An artwork modification ___________________________________________ fee Please answer #8 if you are requesting a barcode. (P128-8877) willcustomimprint@demco.com. be charged to your order if artwork requires modification alterations. fee 8) Indicate Code: Front Back Send file to An artwork Please placement answer #8ofifBar you are requesting a barcode. (P128-8877) will be charged to your order if artwork requires alterations. 8) Indicate placement of Bar Code: Front Back 2. Phone No. with area code extension: Please fill outand the Bar Code 27 if you are (P128-8877) will be charged to your order if artwork requires alterations. 8) Indicate placement of BarOrder Code:Form Fronton p.Back Please fill out the Bar Code Order Form on p. 27 if you are ___________________________________________ requesting a bar Please fill outcode. the Bar Code Order Form on p. 27 if you are requesting a bar code. 3. Email address: requesting a bar code. ___________________________________________ 4. Product number: ___________________________ 5. Color of bar code (Only if ordering a colored label): ___________________________________________ 6. Quantity __________________________________ 7. Sample enclosed? Yes No Order Your Bar Code Labels (We strongly recommend sending a sample of your last sheet in PDF or JPEG format.) 8. If using check digit, which mod? Ordering Instructions for Bar Code Labels (Select only one, please verify with your Please photocopy this form, fill out, and include with software program for information): your order. When ordering by phone, please specify MOD10 MOD43 your choices for the following. Other ______________________________________ 1. Contact name: 9. Bar code symbology: ___________________________________________ Code 3 of 9 Interleaved 2 of 5 Codabar 2. Phone No. with area code and extension: Other ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ 10. Starting sequence number: 3. Email address: (Must show exactly as you wish the number to appear, ___________________________________________ including any letters and spaces.14-digit maximum, 4. Product number: ___________________________ 9-digit maximum for mini-barcode labels) 5. Color of bar code (Only if ordering a colored label): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___________________________________________ 11.Total number of Digits and/or Characters in the 6. Quantity __________________________________ sequence number? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7. Sample enclosed? Yes No 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (We strongly recommend sending a sample of your last sheet in PDF or JPEG format.) 12. Heading imprint information: 8. If using check digit, which mod? (35 characters/spaces max, 25 characters/spaces max (Select only one, please verify with your for mini labels, 40 characters max for DATA2 labels.) software program for information): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ MOD10 MOD43 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Other ______________________________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 9. Bar code symbology: 13. Upper case or upper & lower case heading: Code 3 of 9 Interleaved 2 of 5 Codabar ALL UPPER CASE Upper/Lower Case Other ______________________________________ 10. Starting sequence number: (Must show exactly as you wish the number to appear, including any letters and spaces.14-digit maximum, 9-digit maximum for mini-barcode labels) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 11.Total number of Digits and/or Characters in the sequence number? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Have questions or need help? 12. Heading imprint information: Email custserv@demco.com or call 800.356.1200. (35 characters/spaces max, 25 characters/spaces max for mini labels, 40 characters max for DATA2 labels.) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___