i964] A GENERALIZATIONOF THE CARTAN-BRAUER-HUA THEOREM 211 2. G. Higman, On finite groups of exponent five, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 52 (1956), 381-390. 3. A. I. Kostrikin, On Burnside's problem, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 119 (1958), 1081-1084. (Russian) 4. M. Lazard, Sur les groupes nilpotents et les anneaux de Lie, Ann. École Norm. Sup. (3) 71 (1954), 101-190. 5. H. Zassenhaus, Ein Verfahren, jeder endlichen p-Gruppe eine Lie-Ring mit der Charakteristik p zuzuordnen, Abh. Math. Sem. Hamburg Univ. 13 (1939), 200-207. University of Wisconsin A GENERALIZATION OF THE CARTANBRAUER-HUATHEOREM CHARLES J. STUTH Let A be a division ring. Then K' will denote the multiplicative group of K. If 5 is a subset of K, then S* will denote the division ring generated by S, and C(S) will denote the centralizer of 5 in K. If G is a subgroup or a subdivision ring contained in K, then Z(G) is the center of G. If x and y are elements of K', then (x, y)=xyx~1y~l and xv = yxy~l. If b is an element of a group A, then Cl(A, b) will denote the group which is generated by the conjugate class of b in A. A set is central in K if each of its elements is in Z(K). A group G is «-subnormal in a group H il there are groups G\, ■ • • , Gn-x such that G = G„<]Gn_i<] • • • <lGi<]Go = .r7. A group G is subnormal in a group H if G is an «-subnormal subgroup of H for some n. A group G is invariant under a group H if ghEG for all gEG, all hEH. A noncentral subgroup G is of type I if G is invariant under a noncentral subnormal subgroup of K'. K has the property P„ if for every subdivision ring H of K such that H' is invariant under a noncentral nsubnormal subgroup of K' it follows that H is central or H = K. The Cartan-Brauer-Hua Theorem [2] states that a division ring has property P0. Herstein and Scott [l] generalized this to Pi. Schenkman and Scott [5] extended the Cartan-Brauer-Hua Theorem by showing that a division ring has property P„ for all n if each of its subdivision rings which is invariant under a subnormal subgroup is normal in some subnormal subgroup of the division ring. Theorem 1 of this paper shows that a division ring has property P„ for all n. Then results are developed from this concerning the subnormal subgroups of K' and more generally for the subgroups of type I in K'. Received by the editors January 16, 1963. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 212 C. J. STUTH Lemma 0. Let xEK, iy, l+x)=yi, yi=iy, [April yEK, (y, x) ^ 1 commute with both x and y. Let y<-i). If some yn=l, then x is algebraic over ZiK). Proof. This is Lemma 1 of [l] and follows immediately from Lemmas 1 and 2 of [4]. Theorem 0. Suppose every division ring has property P„_i. Then if H is a subfield of K invariant under G„<] ■ • ■ <$Gi<\Go = K', where Gn is a noncentral subgroup of K', then HEZiK). Proof. This is Theorem 2 of [l]. Lemma 1. Let Go, • • • , Gm be groups such that G¡ <¡ Gy_i for j=l, • ■ • , m with hEGm. Furthermore let G(0, 0) = G0 and G(i, 0) = Cl(G(i —1, 0), h) for i=l, • • ■,m. Then G(m, 0) is m-subnormal in Gm. Proof. For any group A with xEA, C\(A, x) is the smallest subgroup containing x which is normal in A. So if B is a normal subgroup of A with xEB, then C\(A, x)<\B. Let G(i, i) = d for i=l, ■ ■ ■, m. Assume inductively for all i<k that G(* - 1, 0)< ■• • < Gii - 1, • - 1), where G(i - l,j - l) = Cl(G(i-2,j~l),h)iorj=l, ■■■,i-l.LetGik,j) for j = 0, ■ ■ • , k —l. By the remark G(k, j)<\G(k-l, j-l) for j=l, = C\iGik-l,j),h) at the beginning ■■■, k-l. of this proof By hypothesis G(k, k) <\G(k —l, k —l). Then, again by the remark above, G(k, j —l) <Gik,j)iorj=l, ■ ■ ■,k. Lemma 2. Let G be a group with h EG. Let M0 = G, Mj = C\(Mj-i, h) for j—l, ■ ■ • , »t. Then M¡ is invariant where H is the centralizer of h in G. under H for j = 0, • • • , m Proof. It is seen that Mm<\ • ■ ■ <\M0. Assume inductively that Afi_i is invariant under H for some i — Km. Let y EH, gEMi-i. Then h'EMi and g"G.M<-i so that (hä)y= g!'h(g-l)''EMi. Thus, xvEMi for all xEMi. Hence M i is invariant under H. Until Theorem 1 suppose that every division ring has property P„_i, and that K is a division ring with a proper subdivision ring H which is not central in K and is invariant under G„<] • ■ ■ <\Gi<\Go = K', where G„ is a noncentral subgroup of K'. Lemma 3. Let G be a noncentral n-subnormal subgroup of K'. For each noncentral kEK there exists gEG such that (g, k) is not central in K. Proof. Suppose there is some noncentral kEK such that (g, k) is central for each gEG. Then k"= (g, k)k so that C(k") = C(k) for each License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 1964I A GENERALIZATIONOF THE CARTAN-BRAUER-HUA THEOREM 213 gEG. Thus k and its G-conjugates commute, and they generate a noncentral subfield F which is invariant under G, contrary to Theorem 0. Lemma 4. Let M be a noncentral subgroup of K' which is invariant under G„. Then MC\Gn is not central in K. Proof. Assume inductively that there exists noncentral hEMC\Gi-x for some i—l <n. By Lemma 3 there exists gEGn such that (h, g) is not central. Since (h, ¿)EMC\Gi, then M(~\Gi is not central. Lemma 5. Let h be a noncentral element in Hr\Gn. gEGn\H Then there exists such that (g, h) is not central. Proof. If GnEH, then by P„_i, K = (Gn)*EH, contrary to sup- position on H. Therefore Gn($_H, and there exists xEGn\H. Suppose (g, h) is central for all gEGn\H. Let wEHi\Gn. Then wxEGn\H. (wx, h)=w(x, h)hw~lh~1=(x, h)(w, h). Since (wx, h) and (x, h) are central, then (w, h) is central. all gEGn, contrary to Lemma 3. Therefore (g, h) is central for Lemma 6. (i) C(a)EH for all aE(HC\Gn)\Z(K) ; (ii) C(H)=Z(K) = Z(H). Proof. Since H is invariant under G„, then Z(H) is a field invariant under G„. By Theorem 0, Z(H) EZ(K). If (i) is true, then C(H) EH, so that Z(K)EC(H)=Z(H) QZ(K). Hence it suffices to prove (i). By Lemma 4 there exists hEHC\Gn C(h) (t H. Then Mi=Cl(Mi-x, in K'. cm- there which is not central. exists y E C(h)\H. Let h) lor i= 1, • • • , n. M„ is noncentral By Lemma 1, MnEGn. By Lemma Suppose M0 = K' and and «-subnormal 2, Mn is invariant under Let gEMn. Then h"EH and gyEMn. Hence gvh(g-i)v = yghg-ly~l = c is in H. Let z= 1 —y. Since zEC(h)\H, then zghg~lz~~l= d is in H. Therefore yh" = cy and zh" = dz. Adding, it follows that h° — d = (c —d)y. If c —d is not zero, then yEH, a contradiction. Hence d —c = 0 = h' —d, so that h° = c. Therefore yEC(h"). If w is an element of C(h)C\H, then both y and y-w are in C(h)\HEC(h°), so that wECQi").Hence C(h)EC(h°) for all gG-M». If bECih) and ^r'Élí,, then bEC(hl), and thus b*EC(h). Therefore C(h) is invariant under ¥». Then Z(C(h)) is invariant under Mn and is a noncentral field in K because hEZ(C(h)), con- trary to Theorem 0. Hence C(h) EH. Remark. We now let Z = Z(H)=Z(K) until Theorem 2. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 214 C. J. STUTH [April Lemma 7. Let g be an element of the normalizer of H in K, gEH. Then Hr\Hk=C(g)C\H, Proof. where k = 1 +g. If xEC(g)C\H, then x = xk, so xEHC\Hk. Hence C(g)C\H EHC^BT. Let hEH(~\Hk. There exists jEH such that h=jk. By hypothesis there exists mEH such that h = m°. Then hk = kj and hg = gm. Subtracting, it follows that h—j = g(j —m). If j —m is not zero, then gEH, a contradiction. Soj —m = 0 = h—j and h = m. Then h = h° so that ÄGC(g). Therefore HC\HkEC(g)C\H. Corollary. Under the hypothesis of Lemma 7, GnP\HC\HkEZ. Proof. By Lemma 7, Gn H H C\ Hk = Gn C\ H H C(g). If hE (GnC\HC\C(g))\Z, then gG C(ä) EH by Lemma 6, a contradiction. Lemma 8. There is no element in (HC\Gn)\Z over Z. which is algebraic Proof. Suppose hE(HC\Gn)\Z is algebraic over Z. By Lemma 5 there exists gEGn\H. Let Z(h) be the field generated by adjoining h to Z. Now h and h" have the same minimal equation so there is an isomorphism between Z(h) and Z(h") (induced by h+-*hs) leaving Z elementwise invariant. By Corollary 2, p. 162 of [3], there exists xEH such that x induces the same inner automorphism as g does. Thus, ha = hx from which x~lgEC(h). x~lgEH. Therefore, gEH, By Lemma 6, C(h) EH so that a contradiction. Lemma 9. There exists gEGn\H and bE(HC\Gn)\Z such that bl+«E(Hl+'T\Gn)\Z and bxE(H*r\Gn)\Z, where x=(l+g)~1. Proof. By Lemma 4 there exists hiE(HC\Gn)\Z. By Lemma 5 there exists gEGn\H such that (g, hi)E(Hr\Gn)\Z. Let gi = (/h) 1+^ gi=ig, gi-i), hi=ig, hi-i) for i = 2, • • • , ra. By induction hiEHC\Gn for i= 1, • ■ ■, n. Now gi= ihi)1+"EH1+<ir\Gi because ÄiEG„CGi. Suppose for some j-Kn that g,-_i= ihj-iY+° E Hl+° C\ Gy_i. Then gj = ig, gj_i) = (g- ihj-i)1+«)= ig, hj-iy+° = h)+'EH1+°. Now gEGnEGj and ihj-iY+'EGj-i, so that ig, Ml'+'G^, ThereforegjEHl+<T\G¡.By induction gi = h\+'EHl+«r\d for i=l, • • • , ra. Case I. ä„ is not central. Then gnEiH1+ar\Gn)\Z. ment above with 1 + g replaced by x will The same argushow that Qin)x EiH1+<T\Gn)\Z. Letting b = hn, the lemma follows. Case II. hn is central. that hk~iEiHC\Gn)\Z Then there exists an integer k—l<n such and hk is central. If hk=ig, hk-i) = l, then License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use i964] A GENERALIZATIONOF THE CARTAN-BRAUER-HUATHEOREM gEC(hk-i)EH, contrary to Lemma 6. So hk9eI and commutes hk-x and g. Therefore gk^l and gk commutes with gk-x and g. 215 with Let tx= (g, gk-i + l), bx= (g, hk-x+ l), ti=(g, U-i), bt = (g, ô,_i) for i=2, - - - , n + l. By induction, biEHi\Gi for i= 1, • • • , n. Then by induction, t,= (bi)l+°EHl+°r\Gn for i=l, ■ ■ ■ , n. If tmEZ lor some m<n + l, then rm+i=l, and by Lemma 0, gk-x = (hk-x)l+a is algebraic over Z; then hk-x is algebraic over Z, contrary to Lemma 8. So ¿,- is not in Z for i = l, ■ ■ ■, n. Then b],+' = tnE(H1+<T\Gn)\Z. commutes with hk-x and g, then The argument of this paragraph l+g replaced by x will prove that (bn)xE(HxC\Gn)\Z. we are done. Theorem integer k. Since hk (hk)x commutes with (hk-i)x and g. with gk-x replaced by (hk-i)x and Letting b = b„, 1. A division ring has property Pk for any non-negative Proof. Assume inductively that Pn_i. Suppose A is a division ring exist H, Gx, G2, • • ■ , G„ such that sion ring of K which is invariant where G„ is a noncentral subgroup every division ring has property without property P„. Then there H is a noncentral proper subdiviunder G„<] • • • <3Gi<lGo = A', of K'. By Lemma 9 there exists gEG„\H, bEHC\Gn such that b1+s EH1+°i\Gn and bxEHxC\Gn, where x=(l+g)~\ Let bx= c. Then d = (b, bl+") = (c, b)l+»eiP+: Since b1+"EGH, bEHi\Gn, then dEHC\Gn. Therefore dEZ by the corollary to Lemma 7. If d=l, then (c, b) = l and cEC(b)EH by Lemma 6. Hence b = cl+° EHr\GnC\ H1+" E Z, contradiction. So ¿^1. Let ax=(b,b1+<' + l),dx=(c,b + l),ai=(b,ai-i),di=(c,di-x)lori = 2, ■ ■ -, n+l. i=l, Also let G„ = Gn+i. By induction ai=(dt)1+<'EHl+°r\Gi for ■ ■ ■ , n + l. Now an+x=(b, an)EH, so that an+xEH1+oC\Gnr\H EZ. Therefore (b, an+i) = 1. Since dEZ, then d commutes with b and b1+". By Lemma 0, bl+s is algebraic over Z, and thus b is algebraic over Z, contrary to Lemma 8. Theorem 2. Let G be a noncentral subnormal subgroup of K'. (i) For each noncentral kEK there exists gEG such that (g, k) is not central; (ii) C(G)=Z(K). Proof. Lemma 3 and Theorem 1 give (i). Then (ii) follows from (i). Theorem 3. Let xEK\Z(K), G a noncentral subnormal subgroup of K', and M the conjugate class of x in G. Then M* = K. Proof. By Theorem 1. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 216 C. J. STUTH Theorem groups. [April 4. K' has no proper noncentral subnormal solvable sub- Proof. Suppose G is a proper noncentral subnormal solvable subgroup of K'. There exist groups Gi, • • • , G» such that {1} = G„<] G„_i <] • • • <¡d<\Go = G, where G< is the commutator subgroup of G,_i for i = 1, • • ■ , ra. Now G,- is a subnormal subgroup of K' for t = 0, • • • , ra. By induction using Theorem 2, G,- is not central for i=l, • • • , ra. But G„= {1} is central, a contradiction. Theorem 5. Let A and B be noncentral subnormal subgroups of K'. Then so is Ai\B, Proof. Without loss of generality assume A and B are both rasubnormal in K'. Let^=^42n= • ■ ■ =An<¡ ■ ■ • <\Ai<\A0 = K' and B = B2n= • ■ ■ =Bn<¡ ■ ■ ■ <\Bx<\Bo = K'. Assume inductively that for some i<2n that AjC\Bk is noncentral ¿-subnormal subgroup of K', for all non-negative integers j and k such that j + k = i. Consider A„r\Bh for positive integers g and h with g + h = i+l. Sinceg + Qi —l) — ig~l)+h = i, then there exists xEAgi\Bh-i which is not central. By Theorem 2 there exists an element yEAg-iC\Bh such that (x, y) is not central. Since Agi^Bh is normal in both Ag(~\Bh-i and Ag_ir\Bh, then (x, y) EAgi\Bh. So AgC\Bh is a noncentral (i+ l)-subnormal subgroup of K'. By assumption Ai+iC\Bo = Ai+i and Ao(~\Bi+x = B¿+i are noncentral ii + l)-subnormal subgroups of K'. By induction AC\B = An(~\Bn in a noncentral 2ra-subnormal subgroup of K'. Theorem 2 (ii) generalizes Huzurbazar [4], and Theorem 3 generalizes Hua [2], Theorems 4 and 5 extend Scott's results in [6], The following theorem extends the results about noncentral subnormal subgroups of K' to subgroups of type I. Theorem 6. Let H and L be subgroups of K', both of type I. Then ii) CiH)=ZiK); (ii) for each noncentral kEK central ; there is an hEH such that ik, h) is not (iii) H is not solvable; (iv) H* = K; (v) HCMis of type I. Proof. There exists noncentral groups Gi, • • • , G„ such that H is invariant under G = Gn<\ • • ■ <¡d<¡K'. By Lemma 4, HC\G is noncentral and also HÍ^G<¡G. Then (i)-(iii) follow from Theorems 2 and 4 via HC\G. H* is invariant under G, hence H* = K by Theorem 1. Let M be a noncentral subnormal subgroup of K' such that L is License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 1964] A GENERALIZATIONOF THE CARTAN-BRAUER-HUA THEOREM 217 invariant under M. By Theorem 5, GC\M is a noncentral subnormal subgroup of K'. H(~\L is invariant under GP\M. By Lemma 4, LC\M is noncentral so that by Theorem 5, (HC\G)C\(LC\M) is not central, hence HC\L is not central. Theorem 7. Let H be a subgroup of type I in K'. Then H is not finite. Proof. Suppose H is finite of minimum order. There exists a noncentral group G such that H is invariant under G. By Lemma 4, HC\G is noncentral subnormal in K'. HEG since H is minimal. Hence H is a noncentral «-subnormal subgroup of K', where « is minimal, sayH=Hn<\H»-x< ■ ■ ■ <\Hx<lH0 = K'. Case I. w=l. Now there exists xEH\Z(K). Since H<]K', then x has a finite number of conjugates in K', contrary to Theorem 4 of [6]. Case II. «> 1. Then by the minimality of n, there is yEHn-2 such that H"^H. H"<¡Hn-x and H« is not central, so by Theorem 5 Hi^H* is noncentral. Also HC\Hv<\Hn-x- This contradicts the mini- mality of H. The author wishes to express his appreciation to the National Science Foundation for its support and to Professor W. R. Scott for his suggestions, especially on Theorem 7. Bibliography 1. I. N. Herstein and W. R. Scott, Subnormal subgroups of division rings, Canad. J. Math. 15 (1963), 80-83. 2. L. K. Hua, Some properties of a sfield, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sei. U.S.A. 35 (1949), 533-537. 3. Nathan Jacobson, Structure of rings, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ. Vol. 37, Amer. Math. Soc, Providence, R. I., 1956. 4. M. S. Huzurbazar, The multiplicative group of a division ring, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 131 (1960), 1268-1271. 5. Eugene Schenkman and W. R. Scott, A generalization of the Cartan-Brauer-Hua theorem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 11 (1960), 396-398. 6. W. R. Scott, On the multiplicative group of a division ring, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 8(1957), 303-305. University of Kansas and East Texas State College License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use