LONGITUDINAL GROWTH EVALUATION OF UNTREATED SUBJECTS WITH CLASS II, DIVISION 2 MALOCCLUSION Luiz Alexandre G. Barbosa, D.D.S. An Abstract Presented to the Graduate Faculty of Saint Louis University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Dentistry (Research) 2012 Abstract Objective: To more fully characterize the growth of untreated Class II, Division 2 malocclusion subjects 6-19 years of age. Materials and Methods: Mixed-longitudinal cephalograms of 39 Caucasian Class II, Division 2 subjects were analyzed at five time points: T1 (6-7ys), T2 (9-10ys), T3 (12-13ys), T4 (15-16ys) and T5 (18-19ys). They were compared to an age and sex matched sample of normal Class I controls. A total of 17 variables (12 angular and 5 proportional) were evaluated using Dolphin Imaging software. Multilevel modeling procedures were used to statistically evaluate the growth changes that occurred and to determine group differences. Results: Multilevel statistical models showed significant group differences for seven of the 17 variables. Class II, Division 2 subjects (12-13 years of age) demonstrated significantly (p<0.05) smaller mandibular plane angles, smaller palatal plane to mandibular plane angles, smaller cranial base angles (Ba-SN) and smaller U1SN angles than Class I‟s. They also had significantly larger U1L1 angles and greater posterior to anterior facial heights (PAFHp). The gonial angles of Class II, Division 2 subjects were significantly smaller than the gonial angles of Class I‟s at the 18-19 years of age. Significant growth differences were also demonstrated, with 1 Class II, Division 2 subjects showing greater decreases of the mandibular and palatal plane angles, greater increases of the PAFH ratio, and smaller changes of U1-SN angle. Conclusions: Compared to the Class I‟s, Class II, Division 2 subjects have smaller cranial base angles, more horizontal growth patterns and more upright incisors. Most of the differences are evident at the early ages and increase over time. 2 LONGITUDINAL GROWTH EVALUATION OF UNTREATED SUBJECTS WITH CLASS II, DIVISION 2 MALOCCLUSION Luiz Alexandre G. Barbosa, D.D.S. Thesis Presented to the Graduate Faculty of Saint Louis University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Dentistry (Research) 2012 COMMITTEE IN CHARGE OF CANDIDANCY: Adjunct Professor Peter H. Buschang, Chairperson and Advisor Professor Rolf G. Behrents Professor Eustaquio Araujo i DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my always supportive and loving family. To my wife, Liliane, for her love, courage and selflessness to come to a foreign country, where she couldn‟t speak the language at first, to support me and take care of our family, leaving behind her own career as a dentist in Brazil; for making my dreams, our dreams. Without her, the completion of this educational journey would not be a reality. To my daughters, Isabela and Giovana, who have brought so much joy and unconditional love to my life. To my parents, Jose Luiz and Maria Ruth, who are always there for me, and whose love, support and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My gratitude is first to God, my Father, for life and for all the blessings and opportunities He has given to me. I want to thank my wife, for all her support, especially for taking care of our kids when I needed to be “away” in our basement to read and write. I also want to thank my classmates. In particular, Dr. Orn Laowansiri and Dr. Hiroshi Ueno, for their patience and their time spent helping me to understand the statistics and with the charts and tables, but most importantly, for being good friends and laughing with me. Thank you to Dr. Hans, for allowing me to collect the data from the Bolton-Brush Growth Study (Cleveland, OH). Lastly, a great thanks to each member of my committee for their help, guidance and knowledge. Thanks to Dr. Behrents for coming with me to Cleveland, OH, for helping with the tracings and data collection and for “pushing” me to move forward when it was necessary. Thanks to Dr. Araujo, for being more than a professor to me, but a model and a friend that I can always count on. A special thanks to Dr. Buschang, for all his assistance in the project design, statistics, for providing the sample from Montreal and for his expertise and patience. Without his support, none of this would have been possible. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables.............................................v List of Figures...........................................vi CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION...................................1 CHAPTER 2 : REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Normal Occlusion.................................3 Definition..................................3 Prevalence of Normal Occlusion..............5 Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion................8 Definition..................................8 Etiology...................................10 Prevalence.................................14 Morphologic Characteristics................14 Cross Sectional Versus Longitudinal Studies.....21 Dentofacial Development of Untreated Normals....22 References......................................25 CHAPTER 3 : JOURNAL ARTICLE Abstract........................................29 Introduction....................................31 Materials and Methods...........................33 Sample.....................................33 Methodology................................36 Statistical Analyses.......................40 Results.........................................41 Group Descriptive Statistics...............41 Group Comparisons..........................44 Growth Curve Showing Significant Differences....46 Growth Curve Showing No Group Differences.......50 Discussion......................................54 Conclusions.....................................61 References......................................63 Appendix..................................................67 Vita Auctoris.............................................69 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 - Comparative cephalometric studies describing Class II, Division 2 characteristics .........20 Table 3.1 - Age and gender distribution of study sample...35 Table 3.2 - Definitions and abbrev. of the landmarks......37 Table 3.3 – Class I – Descriptive statistics..............42 Table 3.4 - Class II, Div. 2 – Descriptive statistics.....43 Table 3.5 – Multilevel models.............................45 Table A.1 - Class I – Descriptive changes over time.......67 Table A.2 - Class II, Div. 2 – Descriptive changes over time .........................................68 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 – Dental appearance of Class II, Div. 2......9 Figure 3.1 – Anatomical landmarks......................38 Figure 3.2 – Cephalometric measurements................39 Figure 3.3 – Variables showing significant differences between Cl I and Cl II, Division 2 subjects .................................47 Figure 3.4 – Variables showing significant differences between Cl I and Cl II, Division 2 subjects..................................49 Figure 3.5 – Variables showing non-significant differences between Cl I and Cl II, Division 2 subjects ......................51 Figure 3.6 – Variables showing non-significant differences between Cl I and Cl II, Division 2 subjects ......................52 Figure 3.7 – Variables showing non-significant differences between Cl I and Cl II, Division 2 subjects ......................53 vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Description of the Problem Class II, Division 2 malocclusion is not very common among the population, with prevalence ranging between 2.3% and 5%, and it is known to be more common in Caucasians than in any other ethnic group.1-4 It is thought to be due to a deficiency in vertical growth5-10 and sagittal disharmony,6-8,10-14 but not much is known about how it develops. A reasonable number of studies have attempted to analyze and characterize Class II, Division 2 malocclusion, but much controversy still exists as to its characteristics. Several researchers have characterized the malocclusion as an orthognathic skeleton, emphasizing that it is mostly dentoalveolar6,9,11,14,15 Others have characterized Class II, Division 2 malocclusion based on unique combinations of skeletal and dentoalveolar problems.8,10,16-18 These studies have different sample sizes and also employed different analysis. Initially, these studies were just based on observation of the facial and dental characteristics, but after the invention of the cephalostat, most of the studies used cephalograms to measure and compare the differences between the 1 individuals. Importantly, most of the studies have been cross-sectional in design, probably due to the difficulty in finding a good longitudinal untreated sample of Class II, Division 2 subjects. In characterizing a malocclusion and assessing growth, the employment of longitudinal research designs is the ideal method of study. Skeletal and facial changes can best be appreciated by analyzing different time points during the development of the same individuals. To date, no study has evaluated the growth of untreated Class II, Division 2 subjects longitudinally. Longitudinal evaluation of these subjects should provide important information concerning the development of this type of malocclusion. In order to fully appreciate the problem, those with the malocclusion should be compared to others with untreated Class I normal occlusion, who are matched by age and gender. Based on the foregoing, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate growth of untreated Class II, Division 2 subjects longitudinally (6-19 years). In order to characterize the malocclusion, the subjects will be compared to untreated Class I normal occlusion subjects, matched by age and gender. 2 CHAPTER 2 - REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Normal Occlusion Definition When E. H. Angle first described normal occlusion in the late 1890‟s, it was the first time that anyone put into words what this actually means. According to Angle, “the upper first molars were the key to occlusion and that the upper and lower molars should have a relationship in which the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper molars occluded with the buccal groove of the lower molar.” In addition, the teeth needed to exhibit a relationship in which they were aligned in a smooth curving line of occlusion.19 This description, although simplified, has proved to be correct for more than 100 years. Profitt states that the development of Angle‟s classification of malocclusion was an important step in the development of orthodontics because it not only subdivided major types of malocclusion but also included the first clear and simple definition of normal occlusion for the natural dentition.20 Angle‟s classification system was based on the relationship of the first molars and the alignment (or lack thereof) of the teeth relative to the line of occlusion. Adding to this definition of normal occlusion, 3 Angle divided malocclusions into the following well known categories: Class I, Class II (Divisions 1 and 2) and Class III.19 The definition of normal occlusion proposed by Angle did not take in consideration some other important characteristics observed in individuals with excellent occlusion. This lack of information came to an end when Andrews, in 1972, published “The six keys to normal occlusion”.21 He analyzed six significant characteristics observed in a study of 120 casts of non-orthodontic individuals with normal occlusion. The characteristics included proper molar relationship, proper crown angulation, proper crown inclination, no rotations, tight contacts, and a flat occlusal plane. Andrews noted that although normal individuals are one of a kind and the models evaluated in his research differed in some respects, all shared these six characteristics. This research led to the development of brackets with prescribed dimensions, which would reflect the ideal position of each tooth in all three planes of space. Andrews‟ six keys expanded Angle‟s original definition of normal occlusion. 4 Prevalence of Normal Occlusion Studies of Caucasians residing in the United States have shown differences in the prevalence of normal occlusion, with percentages ranging from 4.7% to 30%.1-4 The differences are probably due to the use of different definitions of what can be considered normal or abnormal. Some studies are stricter in their evaluation and classify normal as having, at most, only a few teeth slightly out of alignment and a Class I molar relationship.3,22 Others classify normal as having up to 10 teeth out of alignment and no orthodontic treatment indicated or desirable.1,4 Massler and Frankel, in a study with a sample of 2758 adolescents, found that 21.2% of the subjects had normal occlusion, meaning no need for orthodontic treatment.1 Findings of another epidemiologic study by Mills showed that 17.5% of the adolescents were considered having normal occlusion.3 Surprisingly, another similar study from the same year (1965), among senior high school students in upstate New York, showed that only 4.7% of the individuals had normal occlusion, but 69.9% were classified as Class I malocclusion, which seems to be higher than what most of the studies have found. This suggests that a stricter pattern of classification for normal occlusion was used.2 5 In countries where there is more of a mix of races, like Brazil, the prevalence of normal occlusion can be somewhat lower than in the United States. There is no evidence that this is due to the mixture of races, but is interesting to notice such a difference. In a study of Silva Filho et al, with a sample of 2,416 children, they found that only 11.47% of the children had normal occlusion.22 Hartsfield seems to imply that an increase in malocclusion occurs as the populations become more urbanized. This has been attributed to the interbreeding of populations with, to some degree, different physical characteristics, resulting in a disharmony of tooth and jaw relationships,23 but there is no evidence in the current literature to support such beliefs. During 1966-70, the National Center for Health Statistics conducted a survey that collected information about the health of U.S. population aged 12-17 years.24 A total number of 6,757 youths were examined and the buccal segment relation recorded. They found that 53% of the youths had neutrocclusion or Class I molar relationship, 32% had distocclusion or Class II, and 14% were classified as having mesiocclusion, but only 2.5% had anterior crossbite characteristic of a Class III malocclusion. They 6 also classified the severity of malocclusion and according to this, 11% were classified as having normal occlusion, and 34.8% as having only minor manifestations of malocclusion. Years later (from 1988 to 1991), the same National Center conducted the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). This study of some 7,000 individuals was statistically designed to provide weighted estimates for approximately 150 million persons in the sampled racial/ethnic and age groups. Profitt et al used the information from this national survey to estimate the prevalence of malocclusion in the United States. From their calculations, they found that, at the most, 30% of the population had Angle‟s normal occlusion.4 7 Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion Definition The classical and first definition of Class II, Division 2 malocclusion comes from Angle in the Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth from 1907,19 where he states that it is the malocclusion characterized specifically by distal occlusion of the teeth in both lateral halves of the lower dentition, indicated by the mesiodistal relations of the first permanent molars, but with retrusion instead of protrusion of the upper incisors. Angle also identified some other features saying that the result of distal occlusion and recession of the jaw and chin greatly mars the facial lines. He states that this facial deformity is caused by a deficiency in vertical growth and a more distal position of the mandible. Angle commented having usually observed abnormal overbite and the upper incisors tipping down and lingually. He also thought that the lingual tipping of the lower incisors was a result of the molars not erupting to the normal vertical height. Milo Hellman studied Class II, Division 2 and described additional characteristics of the malocclusion stating that in Class II, Division 2, the mandible approximates the normal in its anteroposterior dimension and in its position, and that the maxilla is positioned 8 forward. He also emphasized another important feature, a deficiency in vertical growth. Hellman stated that the total facial height is less in Class II, Division 2, mainly due to the shorter symphyseal and dental heights, despite the fact that the upper face and nasal heights are greater than in Class I.25 Controversies about the position of the mandible and maxilla in Class II, Division 2 subjects have been appearing ever since the first observational studies were published many years ago. Figure 2.1: Dental appearance of Class II, Division 2 9 Etiology In the past some authors have tried to explain how Class II, Division 2 malocclusion develops, but the literature regarding to its etiology remains inconclusive. Angle was the first to share his thoughts when he wrote about the width of the arches being more nearly normal and noticing less abnormal elevation of the lower incisors, probably on account of their better opportunity for performing their function. He also noticed an abnormal overbite resulting from the upright position of the upper incisors. He believed that since there are usually no breathing problems, patients have their mouths closed most of the time and the constant pressure of the lips results in retrusion of the upper incisors during eruption until they come into contact with the lower incisors.19 Following Angle, the members of the Eastern Component Group of the Angle Society of Orthodontia conducted a clinical study of cases with Class II, Division 2,26 where they tried to identify the etiological factors associated with the malocclusion. According to their observations, they listed the following aspects: (a) Dysfunctional activity of the muscles of the lips causing a backward driving force (b) Excessive action of the mentalis muscles 10 (c) Abnormal swallowing function, especially the first stage, in the form of exaggerated sucking action (d) Premature loss of deciduous molars (e) Hypertoned, tense musculature of lips (f) Hypertrophy of the musculature of the cheeks (g) Nervous, high strung temperament (h) Malnutrition in early infancy (pointing to disturbance of calcium metabolism) (i) Hypertrophy of the mentalis muscles (j) Distal pull by muscles attached to hyoid bone (k) Posture habit (l) Retarded forward growth of the mandible due to muscular pressure They also noted a lack of vertical growth of the mandible, especially in the molar and premolar regions, which they speculated was due to a failure in metabolic or developmental processes during early childhood, maybe related to malnutrition. For this group, the true Class II, Division 2 malocclusion should always present mandibular retrusion and it was attributed to an exaggerated undergrowth in the body of the mandible. Based only in clinical deductions, Strang27 believed that heredity was an important factor for the occurrence of 11 Class II, Division 2 malocclusions. For him, the faulty growth patterns of facial and cranial structures were caused by the lack of vertical growth below the nose and by the distal positioning of the mandible. He also believed that a dysfunction in muscular activity, causing pressure against the maxillary central incisors, combined with the deep bite, were mechanical factors that needed to be considered in the distal positioning of the mandible.27 In another study involving a small sample of only 15 patients, Hedges28 concluded that Class II, Division 2 was not a specific stereotyped clinical syndrome. He believed that the problem develops as the result of compensatory variation, eruptive disharmony and muscular pressure, all combined to form the malocclusion. In a more recent study, Peck et al.29 found that the mesio-distal tooth diameters for the maxillary and mandibular incisors of subjects with Class II, Div. 2 malocclusion were significantly smaller than the teeth of subjects with normal occlusion, suggesting that the reduction in tooth size is a trait associated with the malocclusion and an indicative of the presence of strong genetic influences in the formation of Class II, Division 2 with deep-bite. Their findings were consistent with other previous studies that found statistically significant 12 tooth-size reductions only in Class II, Div. 2 individuals.30,31 The etiology of Class II, Division 2 malocclusion is uncertain like it is for any other type of malocclusion. Profitt20 believed that contemporary research has refuted the simplistic picture of malocclusion as resulting from independent inheritance of dental and facial characteristics. He states that the research findings consistently have shown that there are no simple explanation for malocclusion in terms of oral function and that mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, soft diet, sleeping posture, none can be regarded as the sole or even the major reason for most malocclusions. Profitt also pointed out that research has not yet clarified the precise role of heredity as an etiologic agent for malocclusion and that conclusions about the etiology of most orthodontic problems are difficult, because several interacting factors probably play a role. The current thought is that craniofacial dimensions are mostly a result of heritable patterns and dental arch variations have low heritability, but exactly how this relates to the etiologic process of malocclusions that have both skeletal and dental components remains unknown. 13 Prevalence of Class II, Division 2 Malocclusions The percentage of individuals with Class II, Division 2 malocclusion in the population is small. Studies in Caucasian population found this percentage to be between 2.3% and 5%, representing around 3.4% of all malocclusions.1-4,22 Studies of different ethnic groups confirm that Class II, Division 2 malocclusion is more prevalent in Caucasians. For instance, in African-Americans, the prevalence of this malocclusion was reported to be 1.6%.32 In an Arab population, 1.7% of the subjects were classified as Class II, Division 2.33 It appears to be least prevalent among the Chinese, who have been reported to have a prevalence of only 1%.34 Morphologic Characteristics of Class II, Division 2 Subjects A reasonable number of studies have been dedicated to describing the cephalometric and facial characteristics of subjects with Class II, Division 2 malocclusion. Despite all of the work that has been done, much controversy still exists as to what a Class II, Division 2 malocclusion 14 actually looks like. Several researchers have stated that the malocclusion is characterized by an orthognathic facial pattern and a malocclusion that is mostly dentoalveolar.6,9,11,14 Others found that Class II Division 2 malocclusion has unique skeletal and dentoalveolar characteristics.8,10,16-18 A summarized description of the controversial findings of previous studies in untreated Class II, Division 2 subjects is shown in table 2.1. Balridge, evaluating the cephalograms of 21 Class II, Division 2 and 50 Class I subjects found that the mandible is in the correct antero-posterior relation to the face and cranium but may be longer than the mandible of Class I subjects.35 In a similar study, Renfroe also found no lack of mandibular development, indicating that the maxilla was definitely further forward in Class I and Class II Division 2 than in Class II Division 1 cases.11 He also found that the position of the maxillary first molar was almost identical in both divisions of Class II, which is slightly posterior to the position of the molar in Class I‟s. In addition, while the mandibular dental arch is positioned posteriorly in Class II Division 2, the chin is positioned almost as far forward as in Class I‟s and the gonial angle is usually larger in Class I‟s. In accordance to these findings, Blair12 noted that the mean skeletal pattern of 15 Class II, Div.2 malocclusion, when compared with those of Class I and Class II Div.1 cases, differs in having a more acute gonial angle. Blair also found a decreased length of the mandible and a more forward position of the anterior portion of both mandible and maxilla. Findings of Wallis support the idea that Class II Division 2 subjects represent a significantly distinct population.18 In this study, all aspects of the cranial base (BaN, BaS, BaSN angle) with the exception of anterior cranial base were consistently larger than in Class I controls and Class II Division 1 cases. Also, the relatively small gonial and mandibular plane angles, the smaller body length and normal ramus height, gave the Division 2 mandible its distinction.18 Similarly, Houston5 found cranial base length to be significantly greater, and the mandibular angle and lower facial height to be smaller in a Class II Division 2 group than in a neutrocclusion group. In disagreement with these previous findings, Godiawala and Joshi,16 studying an Indian population, reported normal cranial base length, normal facial height, and normal mandibular position among Class II Division 2 subjects compared to the normal control group. The only difference that they found was a slightly smaller 16 mandibular length and retroclined central incisors among the Class II, Division 2 cases. In another cross sectional study, Hitchcock reported that the mandible was slightly retro-positioned, but the maxilla was in the same position of that in Class I subjects.13 Maj and Lucchese17 evaluated a sample of 60 Class II Division 2 subjects in their study, with the main objective being the description of the mandible in Class II Division 2 cases. They found a unique skeletal pattern, smaller gonial angle and hyperdevelopment of various parts of the mandible (e.g.; excessive development of ramus height and a prominent chin). Fischer-Brandies et al.14 compared a sample of 56 adult Class II Div. 2 individuals with 81 adult Class I‟s with normal occlusion. They found no significant differences between the groups, with the exception of B point, which was retropositioned among the Class II Div. 2 adults. Mandibular retrognathia was one of the most important findings by Karlsen,6 who only included patients with extreme deep bites and Class II, Division 2 malocclusion. The mandible was also smaller (especially the corpus), as was anterior facial height. Incisal height was slightly larger, molar height was slightly smaller and the 17 interincisal angle was much larger among Class II Division 2 subjects than normal subjects. Pancherz et al.7 compared the cephalometric characteristics of children from 8 to 13 years of age with Class II division 1 and Class II division 2 malocclusions. They found a high frequency of cases with mandibular retrusion (around 48%) in both groups and short lower face heights for almost all subjects (97%) with Class II Division 2. They concluded that there were no basic differences in dentoskeletal morphology between subjects with Class II Division 1 and Class II Division 2 malocclusions. Brezniak et al. performed a study involving 50 patients who fit Angle‟s original criteria for a Class II Division 2 malocclusion, which includes mandibular retrognathia.8 Their findings demonstrate unique skeletal and dentoalveolar characteristics among Class II Division 2 subjects. While their maxillas were orthognathic, the mandibles were relatively short and retrognathic, the chins were prominent, the facial pattern was hypodivergent, the upper incisors were retroclined and the overbite was deep. They suggested that the morphological characteristics of individuals with Class II Division 2 malocclusion fell 18 between individuals with Angle Class I‟s and Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusions. Isik et al.9 suggested that differences in the methods used to register maxillary position may explain the differences among studies. Comparing Class II Division 2 and Class II Division 1 subjects, they found that the SNB angle was responsible for the skeletal sagittal difference between the two groups. The SNB angle indicated mandibular retrusion for Class II Division 1 and almost normal mandibular positions for Class II Division 2 subjects, very similar to mandibular position of Class I cases. Recently, Al-Khateeb and Al-Khateeb compared a large number of subjects with Class II division 1, Class II Division 2 malocclusions and Class I normal occlusion.10 Their findings suggest that Class II Division 2 should be considered as a separate entity, which differs in almost all skeletal and dental features from Class I and Class II Division 1. They indicated that individuals with Class II Division 2 have prognathic maxilla, an orthognathic mandible, diminished lower anterior facial height, normally inclined lower incisors and increased interincisal angles. A summarized description of all studies is provided in table 2.1. 19 Table 2.1: Comparative cephalometric studies describing Class II, Division 2 characteristics Author (Date) Sample (N) Class II Div.2 Findings Max. Mand. Dent-alv. Cr. Base 20 Balridge (1941) Cl I (50) Cl II Div. 1 (32) Cl II Div.2 (21) Renfroe (1948) Cl I (43) CL II Div.1 (36) Cl II Div.2 (16) Blair (1954) CI (40) Cl II Div.1 (40) Cl II Div. 2 (20) Normal development of the mandible, Maxilla is further forward Dental arches are positioned back in their skeletal bases Position of chin is the same as Class I Border of the mandible is flat and horizontal More acute gonial angle Decreased mandibular length Forward position of the anterior portion of mandible and maxilla Wallis (1963) Cl I (47) Cl II Div.1 (105) Cl II Div.2 Smaller mandibular body and normal ramus height Acute gonial and mandibular plane angles Cranial base angles are all larger Houston (1967) Cl I (96) Cl II Div.1 (96) Cl II Div.2 (96) Cranial base length is larger Mandibular plane angle and lower facial height are smaller Godiawala & Joshi (1974) Cl I (30) Cl II Div.2 (25) Normal cranial base length and vertical face height Maxilla and mandible are in normal position Mandibular length slightly smaller X Hitchcock (1976) Cl I (40) Cl II Div.1 (57) Cl II Div.2 (42) Mandible is retro-positioned compared to Cl I Maxilla is in the same position as Cl I X Maj & Lucchese (1982) Cl I (28) Cl II Div.2 (60) Smaller gonial angle Prominent chin Hyperdevelopment of component parts of the mandible X Fischer-Brandies (1985) Cl I (81) Cl II Div.2 (56) Karlsen (1994) Cl I (25) Cl II Div.2 (22) Mandible is probably longer Mandible is in correct antero-posterior position in relation to the cranial base X X X X X X Cl II Div.1 (347) No difference in dentoskeletal morphology between Cl II Div. 1 and Class II Div.2 Cl II Div.2 (156) Mandibular retrusion and short lower facial height Maxilla is normal positioned Cl I (34) Mandible is short and retrognathic Brezniak et al. (2002) Cl II Div.1 (54) Prominent chin Cl II Div.2 (50) Deep overbite and hypodivergent pattern of growth Pancherz et al. (1997) Cl II Div.1 (46) Cl II Div.2 (44) SNB showed almost normal values for Class II Div.2 (similar to Cl I) Severe deep bite probably inhibits forward mandibular dentoalveolar growth Prominent chin Al-Khateeb & Al-Khateeb (2009) Cl II Div.1 (293) Cl II Div.2 (258) Should be considered as a separate entity Prognathic maxilla / Orthognathic mandible Increased interincisal angle and decreased lower facial height X X B point is back meaning retro-position of the alveolar bone on the mandible Chin is in a more normal position Mandible is smaller (especially corpus) Underdeveloped anterior facial height Smaller molar height and larger interincisal angle Isik et al. (2006) X X X X X X Cross Sectional Versus Longitudinal Studies Most of the previous studies were cross sectional in design with different sample sizes and methods. If the sample size is too small, it may make it difficult to generalize the findings to a larger group. Some cross sectional studies analyzed the data of large craniofacial databases to infer conclusions for longitudinal changes in subjects with Class I and Class II malocclusions,36-38 but following the subjects over time is a more appropriate approach. Cross-sectional studies involve studying groups of participants in different age groups at the same point in time, thus the researcher does not gain the rich data on individual development that can be obtained from longitudinal studies, since the evidence of change is inferred from differences between the age groups. Age differences may show trends particular to a specific group and not true developmental changes. In a longitudinal study, the researcher performs repeated observations at specified points during the subjects' lives, thus allowing the observation of development. This design provides the best information about the continuity or discontinuity of growth patterns over time and allows for the individual tracking of these patterns, as well as trends of 21 development, within a similar group. The important aspect is that longitudinal studies extend beyond a single moment in time. As a result, they can establish sequences of events.39,40 Dentofacial Development of Untreated Normals In order to study the differences in dentofacial development of individuals with Class II Division 2 malocclusion, it is important to identify the skeletal and dental changes that occur in the untreated individuals with normal occlusion. In 1985, Sinclair and Little conducted a longitudinal study41 using cephalometric head films from a sample of 65 untreated normal persons, which were evaluated to determine the nature and extent of the normal dentofacial maturation process. They selected three time points: mixed dentition (9 to 10 years), early permanent dentition (12 to 13 years) and early adulthood (19 to 20 years). Their most important findings for normal craniofacial development included the following: (a) The amount and direction of maxillary growth are related to the amount of anteroposterior mandibular growth. 22 (b) Late mandibular growth included a forward rotation of the mandible occurring post-puberty during the period of reduction of vertical maxillary growth. (c) Anteroposterior growth of the mandible is associated with the direction of condylar growth, which depends on the total amount of condylar growth. (d) Changes in sagittal jaw relations are associated with the interrelationship between skeletal and dental changes in the vertical and sagittal planes. (e) The degree of vertical eruption of the upper and lower molars is associated with the amount of forward mandibular rotation. (f) Males grow more than females in all parameters, especially after puberty. They matured later. (g) Incisor angulation relative to the cranial base was relatively stable, suggesting that the teeth compensate to the skeletal changes that occur in order to maintain the occlusal relationships. In a series of longitudinal cephalometric implant studies, Björk described the various aspects of craniofacial growth.42,43 He found that the mandible becomes more prognathic in relation to the maxilla as individuals age, and that for most cases the mandible and the maxilla rotate forward in a counter-clockwise direction relatively 23 to the anterior cranial base. This forward rotation should be considered a normal growth pattern, but some subjects showed backward rotation as well. He also showed that the amount of teeth eruption compensates for vertical growth of the craniofacial complex and that there is a forward migration of the mandibular dentition during eruption, with proclination of the incisors and an increase in the alveolar prognathism. Björk pointed out that the mandibular shape is practically unchanged during growth because of remodeling process at the mandibular surfaces. He also noted that the eruption paths of the teeth indicated a marked growth in height of the alveolar process. These findings from Sinclair, Little and Björk summarize the craniofacial characteristics of the normal development and should be taken into consideration when analyzing the developmental changes of Class II, Division 2 subjects. 24 References 1. Massler M, Frankel JM. Prevalence of malocclusion in children aged 14 to 18 years. Am J Orthod. 1951 Oct;37(10):751–68. 2. Ast DB, Carlos JP, Cons NC. The prevalence and characteristics of malocclusion among senior high school students in upstate New York. Am J Orthod. 1965 Jun;51:437–45. 3. Mills LF. Epidemiologic studies of occlusion. IV. The prevalence of malocclusion in a population of 1,455 school children. J Dent Res. 1966 Apr;45(2):332–6. 4. Proffit WR, Fields HW Jr, Moray LJ. Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need in the United States: estimates from the NHANES III survey. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 1998;13(2):97–106. 5. Houston WJ. A cephalometric analysis of Angle Class II, Division II malocclusion in the mixed dentition. Dent Pract Dent Rec. 1967 Jun;17(10):372–6. 6. Karlsen AT. Craniofacial characteristics in children with Angle Class II div. 2 malocclusion combined with extreme deep bite. Angle Orthod. 1994;64(2):123–30. 7. Pancherz H, Zieber K, Hoyer B. Cephalometric characteristics of Class II division 1 and Class II division 2 malocclusions: a comparative study in children. Angle Orthod. 1997;67(2):111–20. 8. Brezniak N, Arad A, Heller M, Dinbar A, Dinte A, Wasserstein A. Pathognomonic cephalometric characteristics of Angle Class II Division 2 malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 2002 Jun;72(3):251–7. 9. Isik F, Nalbantgil D, Sayinsu K, Arun T. A comparative study of cephalometric and arch width characteristics of Class II division 1 and division 2 malocclusions. Eur J Orthod. 2006 Apr;28(2):179–83. 10. Al-Khateeb EAA, Al-Khateeb SN. Anteroposterior and vertical Components of Class II division 1 and division 2 malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 2009 Sep;79(5):859–66. 25 11. Renfroe E. A study of the facial patterns associated with Class I, Class II, Division 1, and Class II, Division 2 malocclusions. Angle Orthod. 1948;18:12–5. 12. Blair ES. A cephalometric roentgenographic appraisal of the skeletal morphology of Class I, Class II, Div. 1, and Class II, Div. 2 (Angle) malocclusions. Angle Orthod. 1954;24:106–19. 13. Hitchcock HP. The cephalometric distinction of Class II, division 2 malocclusion. Am J Orthod. 1976 Apr;69(4):447–54. 14. Fischer-Brandies H, Fischer-Brandies E, König A. A cephalometric comparison between Angle Class II, division 2 malocclusion and normal occlusion in adults. Br J Orthod. 1985 Jul;12(3):158–62. 15. Cleall JF, BeGole EA. Diagnosis and treatment of Class II division 2 malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 1982 Jan;52(1):38–60. 16. Godiawala RN, Joshi MR. A cephalometric comparison between Class II, division 2 malocclusion and normal occlusion. Angle Orthod. 1974 Jul;44(3):262–7. 17. Maj G, Lucchese FP. The mandible in Class II, division 2. Angle Orthod. 1982 Oct;52(4):288–92. 18. Wallis S. Integration of certain variants of the facial skeleton in Class II, division 2 malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 1963 Jan;33(1):60–7. 19. Angle E. Treatments of Malocclusion of the Teeth. 7th ed. Philadelphia: S.S. White Dent. Mfg. Co.; 1907. 20. Proffit WR. Contemporary Orthodontics. 4th ed. 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Angle Orthod. 1958 Oct;28(4):191–7. 29. Peck S, Peck L, Kataja M. Class II Division 2 malocclusion: a heritable pattern of small teeth in well-developed jaws. Angle Orthod. 1998 Feb;68(1):9–20. 30. Beresford J. Tooth size and class distinction. Dent. Pract. 1969;20:113–20. 31. Robertson NR, Hilton R. Feature of the upper central incisors in Class II Division 2. Angle Orthod. 1965 Jan;35:51–3. 32. Altemus, L. Frequency of the incidence of malocclusion in American Negro children aged twelve to sixteen. Angle Orthod. 1959 Oct;29(4):189–200. 33. Zilberman S, Kawar,. Prevalence and severity of malocclusion in Israeli Arab urban children - 13 to 15 years of age. Am J Orthod. 1983;84(4):337–43. 34. Perng C, Lin J. Preliminary study of malocclusion of pedodontic patients in Veterans General Hospital. Taiwan Clin Dent. 1983;3:19–26. 35. Balridge JP. A Study of the Relation of the Maxillary First Permanent Molars to the Face in Class I and Class II Malocclusions. Angle Orthod. 1941 Apr;11(2):100–9. 27 36. McNamara J. Components of Class II malocclusion in children 8–10 years of age [Internet]. 2009 Jul 15 [cited 2011 Nov 24]; Available from: http://www.angle.org/doi/abs/10.1043/0003. 37. Anderson DL, Popovich F. Lower cranial height vs craniofacial dimensions in Angle Class II malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 1983 Jul;53(3):253–60. 38. Riesmeijer AM, Prahl-Andersen B, Mascarenhas AK, Joo BH, Vig KWL. A comparison of craniofacial Class I and Class II growth patterns. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004 Apr;125(4):463–71. 39. Methods of studying children - longitudinal versus cross-sectional studies. Blog Post. Available from: http://social.jrank.org/pages/411/Methods-StudyingChildren-Longitudinal-versus-Cross-SectionalStudies.html 40. Stan A. Cross sectional vs longitudinal studies. At Work Magazine, Toronto. 2009; Winter(55):7. 41. Sinclair PM, Little RM. Dentofacial maturation of untreated normals. Am J Orthod. 1985 Aug;88(2):146–56. 42. Björk A. Variations in the growth pattern of the human mandible: longitudinal radiographic study by implant method. J Dent Res. 1963;42(1):400–11. 43. Björk A, Skieller V. Normal and abnormal growth of the mandible. A synthesis of longitudinal cephalometric implant studies over a period of 25 years. Eur J Orthod. 1983 Feb;5(1):1–46. 28 CHAPTER 3: JOURNAL ARTICLE Abstract Objective: To more fully characterize the growth of untreated Class II, Division 2 malocclusion subjects 6-19 years of age. Materials and Methods: Mixed-longitudinal cephalograms of 39 Caucasian Class II, Division 2 subjects were analyzed at five time points: T1 (6-7ys), T2 (9-10ys), T3 (12-13ys), T4 (15-16ys) and T5 (18-19ys). They were compared to an age and sex matched sample of normal Class I controls. A total of 17 variables (12 angular and 5 proportional) were evaluated using Dolphin Imaging software. Multilevel modeling procedures were used to statistically evaluate the growth changes that occurred and to determine group differences. Results: Multilevel statistical models showed significant group differences for seven of the 17 variables. Class II, Division 2 subjects (12-13 years of age) demonstrated significantly (p<0.05) smaller mandibular plane angles, smaller palatal plane to mandibular plane angles, smaller cranial base angles (Ba-SN) and smaller U1SN angles than Class I‟s. They also had significantly larger U1L1 angles and greater posterior to anterior facial heights (PAFHp). The gonial angles of Class II, Division 2 subjects were significantly smaller than the gonial angles of Class I‟s at the 18-19 years of age. 29 Significant growth differences were also demonstrated, with Class II, Division 2 subjects showing greater decreases of the mandibular and palatal plane angles, greater increases of the PAFH ratio, and smaller changes of U1-SN angle. Conclusions: Compared to the Class I‟s, Class II, Division 2 subjects have smaller cranial base angles, more horizontal growth patterns and more upright incisors. Most of the differences are evident at the early ages and increase over time. 30 Introduction Class II, Division 2 malocclusion is not a common form of malocclusion. Its prevalence has been estimated to range between 2.3% and 5% among Caucasians.1-5 This type of malocclusion appears to be more common among Caucasians than other ethnic groups.6-8 The etiology of Class II, Division 2 malocclusion, remains unclear.9 Peck et al. showed that the reductions in tooth size were associated with Class II, Division 2 malocclusions, suggesting a strong genetic influence. Tooth-size reductions have been repeatedly reported in Class II, Division 2 individuals.10,11 In addition, familial occurrence of Class II, Division 2 has been documented in several reports including twin and triplet studies and in family pedigrees.12-14 Since Angle first characterized the malocclusion based on distal occlusion of the lower dentition and retrusion, rather than protrusion, of the upper incisors, there has been considerate confusion concerning the morphologic characteristics of growing subjects with Class II, Division 2 malocclusion.15 It has been suggested that this form of malocclusion is mostly dentoalveolar (i.e., that the skeletal components are largely unaffected).16-19 Others have demonstrated either a lack of mandibular development16,20-23 31 among Class II, Division 2 subjects or retro-positioning of the mandible.23,24 Increased cranial base lengths24 and larger cranial base angles23 have also been found, suggesting that the mandible is retro-positioned because it articulates with a longer, flatter cranial base. Two studies noted prognathic maxillas as the main feature of the malocclusion.18,25 Most previous studies have been cross-sectional in design and limited in scope. Cross-sectional studies are only able to compare groups at one point in time, which makes it difficult to evaluate growth changes, especially variation in the growth changes that take place. Moreover, the majority of the studies have evaluated subjects between 12-15 years of age, making it difficult to determine how the malocclusion develops. There are no longitudinal studies of untreated Class II, Division 2 subjects followed over extended age ranges. Studies that do not provide statistical comparisons involving controls make it difficult to determine whether differences actually exist. Finally, most of the samples sizes have been small,1618,21,22,26,27 ranging from 16 to 25 individuals, which can compromise statistical comparisons. The purpose of this study was to evaluate growth of untreated Class II, Division 2 subjects using serial 32 cephalograms (6-19 years) and to characterize the malocclusion through comparisons to untreated Class I subjects with normal occlusion matched by age and gender. Materials and Methods Sample The study samples came from the archives of two growth studies: the Bolton-Brush Growth Study Center at Case Western Reserve University and the Human Growth and Research Center at the University of Montreal. The data consisted of 305 mixed-longitudinal cephalograms (ages 6 to 19 years) from untreated individuals. The subjects were chosen based on the following criteria: (1) Class II, Division 2 malocclusion, based on the Angle classification, (2) a minimum of two mixed-longitudinal cephalograms available at five time points (6-7 years, 9-10 years, 12-13 years, 15-16 years, and 18-19 years), (3) cephalograms had to be of sufficient quality for landmark identification, (4) no prior treatment, and (5) no major craniofacial anomalies. The untreated Class II, Division 2 sample consisted of 39 subjects, including 17 from the Bolton-Brush Growth 33 Study and 22 from the Human Growth Study of the University of Montreal. Approximately 21% of the sample had cephalograms available at all five timepoints; 61% had cephalograms available at four timepoints, 13% had cephalograms available at 3 timepoints, and the remaining 5% of the sample had cephalograms available at 2 time points. The Class II, Division 2 sample was matched based on age and sex to a Class I control sample. The control sample consisted of 35 subjects, including 10 from the BoltonBrush Growth Study and 25 from the Human Growth Study of the University of Montreal. Approximately 29% of the control subjects had cephalograms available at all timepoints and 71% having cephalograms at 4 timepoints (Table 3.1). 34 Table 3.1: Age and Gender Distribution of Study Sample Group Males:Females 6-7ys Mean Age ± SD (Range) 9-10ys Mean Age ± SD (Range) 12-13ys Mean Age ± SD (Range) 15-16ys Mean Age ± SD (Range) 18-19ys Mean Age ± SD (Range) 35 Untreated Class II Div.2 22:17 *N=23 6.2 ± .46 (5y9m-7y) *N=34 9.5 ± .50 (8y9m-10y) *N=39 12.3 ± .53 (11y-13y4m) *N=37 15.3 ± .61 (13y9m-16y) *N=22 17.9 ± 1.0 (17y4m-20y6m) Untreated Class I Control 18:17 *N=23 6.2 ± .42 (6y-7y1m) *N=35 9.6 ± .59 (8y9m-11y) *N=35 12.5 ± .49 (12y-13y) *N=35 15.4 ± .61 (14y-16y2m) *N=22 18.4 ± .66 (17y-19y) *N = number of cephalograms available at each time point. Methodology Cephalograms were traced using a 0.3 mm mechanical pencil and acetate paper (0.003”). The tracings were performed by the principal investigator (LAB) and checked for accuracy by another investigator (RGB). Any disagreements were resolved by retracing the anatomical structure to the satisfaction of both observers. The tracings were scanned at 300 dpi, stored as digital images (TIFF file format), and transferred to Dolphin Imaging 10.5 (manufacturer, city) software for the analyses. Using a customized cephalometric analysis created in Dolphin Imaging 10.5 software, the scanned tracings were digitized. Seventeen landmarks were identified based on standardized definitions (Table 3.2); they were chosen in order to fully characterize the cranial base, midface, and mandible (Figure 3.1). 36 Table 3.2: Definitions and abbreviations of the landmarks.28 Landmark Abbrev A Point A Anterior Nasal Spine ANS Articulare Ar B Point B Basion Ba Gnathion Gn Gonion Go Lower Incisor root apex Lower Incisor edge tip Lower First Molar Occlusal L1-A L1-E L6-Occ Menton Me Nasion N Posterior Nasal Spine Pogonion Sella Upper Incisor Root Apex Upper Incisor edge tip PNS Pog S U1-A U1-E Definition The most posterior point in the concavity between ANS and the maxillary alveolar process The anterior tip of the nasal spine The intersection of the posterior border of the ramus and the inferior border of the posterior cranial base The most posterior point in the concavity between the chin and the mandibular process The most inferior-posterior point on the anterior margin of the Foramen Magnum in the midsagittal plane The point midway between the anterior and inferior points on the border of the chin The point on the curvature of the mandible located by bisecting the angle formed by the lines tangent to the posterior ramus and the inferior border of the mandible The tip of the root apex of the mandibular central incisor The tip of the incisal edge of the mandibular central incisor The anterior cusp tip of the mandibular first molar The most inferior point of the mandibular symphysis The most anterior point of the frontonasal suture The most posterior point on the bony hard palate The most anterior point of the chin The center of the pituitary fossa The tip of the root apex of the maxillary central incisor The tip of the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisor 37 Figure 3.1 – Anatomical landmarks Because different x-ray machines were used to obtain the cephalograms, only angular and proportional measurements were compared. A customized cephalometric analysis was created and the following 17 measurements (Figure 3.2) were calculated: - 12 angular measurements describing anteroposterior relationship (SNA, SNB, ANB), growth direction (N-S-Gn), vertical relationship (SN-GoGn, ANSPNS38 GoGn, Ar.Go.Gn, ANSPNS-SN), flexure of cranial base angulation (Ba-S-N) and dental angulation (U1-L1, U1-SN, IMPA); - 5 ratios describing the anteroposterior relationship between the cranial base and maxilla (ANSPNS/SN), cranial base and mandible (GoGn/SN), maxilla and mandible (GoGn/ANSPNS), and the vertical relationship (posterior to anterior facial height ratio, L6 occlusal to GoGn/L1 incisal to GoGn). Figure 3.2: Cephalometric measurements 39 Statistical Analyses Multilevel statistical models were used to evaluate the growth changes over time and to compare the two groups. These models, developed using iterative generalized least squares, do not require complete longitudinal data or equal time intervals.29,30 Multilevel models consist of random and fixed parts. The fixed part of the model described the average growth curve and average group differences. The constant term of the polynomial models that were used was set at T2. The random part of the model described variation at two levels, with subjects at the higher level and timepoints nested within subjects, at the lower level. The first step was to determine the order of the polynomial that “best fit” the groups‟ data. Fourth order polynomials were first tested. If the fourth order term was not statistically significant (p<.05), it was deleted and a third order polynomial was tested. This continued, sequentially eliminating higher order terms, until statistical significance was attained. The models also statistically evaluated differences in the polynomial terms between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects. 40 Results Group Descriptive Statistics The anteroposterior differences between maxilla and mandible of Class I subjects decreased over time, primarily due to mandibular protrusion (Table 3.3). Class I‟s showed decreases in mandibular plane angles, palatal plane to mandibular plane angles, gonial angles and cranial base angles (Ba-S-N), and increases in posterior facial height over time. Interincisal angles, U1-SN and IMPA showed also increases over time, with proclination of the upper and lower incisors. Class II, Division 2 subjects showed hypodivergent growth patterns, with even larger posterior facial heights and interincisal angles, smaller cranial base angles (Ba-S-N), and upright upper incisors (Table 3.4). 41 Table 3.3 – Cephalometric Characteristics of Untreated Subjects with Class I Normal Occlusion from Early Mixed Dentition to Adulthood Cephalometric Measurements from Early Mixed Dentition to Adulthood Time points → 42 Variable SNA SNB ANB Y-Axis MP (GoGn-SN) PP-MP Ar-Go-Gn PP (ANSPNS-SN) Ba-S-N U1-L1 U1-SN IMPA ANSPNSp* (%) GoGnp* (%) Mx:Mdp* (%) PAFHp* (%) L6:L1p* (%) p* = Proportional T1 T2 Mean SD Mean 81.6 3.5 81.0 76.9 2.4 77.3 4.7 2.5 3.7 67.7 2.5 67.1 34.8 3.4 33.3 28.9 4.0 26.2 124.7 7.5 120.0 6.0 2.8 7.1 130.7 4.3 129.9 140.9 12.5 130.4 95.2 6.5 102.4 86.9 6.5 93.1 72.5 4.5 72.7 97.5 7.0 99.2 75.4 6.1 74.5 61.8 3.3 63.2 78.1 5.3 74.7 (ratio) measurements. T3 SD 3.2 2.5 1.8 3.0 4.2 4.4 9.1 2.6 3.7 9.0 5.4 6.9 4.2 6.1 4.9 3.5 4.1 Mean 81.3 77.9 3.4 67.2 32.9 25.3 120.1 7.6 129.7 130.8 101.1 94.2 72.6 102.4 72.7 63.7 74.8 T4 SD 3.3 2.5 2.4 3.2 4.9 5.0 9.1 3.1 3.8 8.8 5.5 7.0 4.9 6.5 5.3 3.8 3.3 Mean 81.3 78.4 2.9 67.5 31.9 23.9 120.6 8.0 129.8 132.0 101.2 93.9 73.8 105.2 72.1 65.1 76.7 T1-T5 (≠) T5 SD 3.5 2.5 2.5 3.2 5.4 5.4 9.5 2.8 4.6 9.6 5.1 7.8 5.0 5.9 4.9 4.1 3.2 Mean 81.3 78.6 2.6 66.7 30.2 22.3 119.8 7.9 129.9 132.4 101.2 94.5 72.1 106.8 70.5 66.7 77.5 SD 2.6 2.1 2.2 3.1 4.8 5.5 9.0 2.7 5.6 9.1 5.3 7.2 3.8 5.9 3.1 3.3 4.4 -0.3 1.7 -2.1 -1.0 -4.6 -6.6 -4.9 1.9 -0.8 -8.5 6.0 7.6 -0.4 9.3 -4.9 4.9 -0.6 Table 3.4 - Cephalometric Characteristics of Untreated Subjects with Class II Division 2 Malocclusion from Early Mixed Dentition to Adulthood Cephalometric Measurements from Early Mixed Dentition to Adulthood Time points → Variable 43 SNA SNB ANB Y-Axis MP (GoGn-SN) PP-MP Ar-Go-Gn PP (ANSPNS-SN) Ba-S-N U1-L1 U1-SN IMPA ANSPNSp* (%) GoGnp* (%) Mx:Mdp* (%) PAFHp* (%) L6:L1p* (%) T1 Mean 82.1 77.2 5.1 66.2 31.4 24.7 118.9 6.6 128.0 147.1 93.5 86.3 73.1 96.5 75.5 64.7 78.7 T2 SD 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.6 2.9 4.2 8.0 2.9 3.6 11.1 7.7 6.4 4.3 5.2 3.4 3.1 6.0 p* = Proportional (ratio) measurements. Mean 81.7 77.3 4.3 66.6 30.8 24.0 117.4 6.9 127.6 135.1 98.7 93.9 73.1 99.8 74.2 65.6 75.6 T3 SD 2.6 2.3 1.9 2.7 3.9 4.1 7.1 2.5 4.1 8.4 4.9 6.1 4.2 5.1 4.1 3.3 3.7 Mean 82.2 78.0 4.2 66.3 29.5 22.2 117.6 7.2 127.8 139.1 96.7 92.9 73.6 102.6 73.2 67.0 75.0 T4 SD 2.6 2.5 1.7 2.5 3.8 3.6 7.1 2.4 4.3 10.6 7.2 6.9 3.7 5.3 3.6 3.4 3.7 Mean 82.6 78.6 4.0 66.3 28.4 21.1 117.5 7.3 128.1 138.9 97.6 93.6 73.8 105.4 72.1 68.5 77.6 T1-T5 (≠) T5 SD 2.8 2.4 2.0 2.8 4.5 4.3 7.4 2.3 4.4 9.1 5.9 6.5 3.8 5.2 3.7 4.0 4.6 Mean 82.0 78.5 3.5 66.5 28.1 20.6 118.3 7.5 128.3 140.1 98.1 91.5 72.5 106.3 71.5 68.7 76.7 SD 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.8 5.0 4.9 6.7 2.5 4.2 10.1 6.0 7.1 5.0 5.6 4.8 4.9 3.9 -0.1 1.3 -1.6 0.3 -3.3 -4.1 -0.6 0.9 0.3 -7.0 4.6 5.2 -0.6 9.8 -4.0 4.0 -2.0 Group Comparisons The multilevel statistical models (Table 3.5) showed statistically significant group differences for seven of the 17 variables evaluated. Compared to 9-10 year old Class I's, Class II, Division 2 subjects demonstrated significantly (p<0.05) smaller mandibular plane angles, smaller palatal plane to mandibular plane angles, smaller cranial base angles (Ba-S-N), larger posterior to anterior facial heights (PAFH ratio), larger U1-L1 angles, and smaller U1-SN angles than Class I's. Although the differences were not statistically significant at 9-10 years, the gonial angle of Class II, Division 2 subjects was significantly (p<0.05) smaller than the gonial angle of Class I‟s at 18-19 years of age. Four variables also demonstrated significant growth differences over time. The mandibular and palatal plane angles showed significantly lower growth rates in Class II, Division 2 than Class I subjects. The PAFH ratio increased significantly faster in Class II, Division 2 than Class I subjects. Finally, changes in U1-SN increased (accelerated) significantly more in Class II's than Class I's. 44 Table 3.5. Multilevel models describing the average growth changes of Class I subjects with normal occlusion and differences between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects Class I Normal Occlusion Variable Constant Linear (rate) Quadratic Class II, Division 2 Cubic Constant Linear (rate) Quadratic Cubic 45 SNA 80.98 0.00031 0.03047 -0.00277 81.81 0.06022 0.007945 -0.00165 SNB 77.32 0.1867 0.02108 -0.00275 77.45 -0.0304 0.003472 -0.00165 ANB 3.742 -0.1432 4.46 0.03688 Y-Axis 67.23 SN-GoGn(MPA) 33.36 -0.2494 30.43 -0.1493 PP-MP 26.36 -0.409 23.53 -0.0596 Gonial angle 120.4 -0.1004 118.33 -0.1651 PP angle 7.086 0.212 6.98 -0.1015 Ba-S-N 129.9 127.88 ANSPNSp 72.99 73.41 PAFHp 63.25 0.3344 GoGnp 99.71 1.171 MxMdp 74.14 -0.348 U1-L1 130.4 -0.8837 0.3791 U1-SN 101.9 0.495 IMPA 93.16 L6L1p 74.38 66.28 -0.01082 65.95 0.1347 100.06 0.00758 74.31 -0.0427 -0.02802 136.22 -0.2121 0.01619 0.6166 -0.1171 -0.1275 0.1896 -0.00655 -0.00563 0.0012 -0.00614 -0.00078 0.3345 0.05097 -0.00941 98.17 -0.397 0.06603 -0.00002 0.006289 93.51 0.0444 -0.1394 0.01463 -0.01514 74.98 -0.033 0.0118 -0.00443 Bold numbers indicate statistically significant (p<0.05) group differences Growth Curves of Variables Showing Significant Differences The mandibular and the palatal to mandibular plane angles decreased significantly between 6-19 years of age (Figure 3.3), with Class II, Division 2 subjects having smaller angles than Class I's throughout childhood and adolescence. The differences in the mandibular plane angle increased from 2.3 degrees at 6-7 years to 4.1 degrees at 18-19 years. The PP-MP angles were approximately 2.6 degrees smaller in Class II, Division 2 subjects initially, and remained approximately that much smaller throughout the age ranges. The palatal plane angles for both groups were similar between 6-10 years of age, after which the angle increased more for Class I subjects than for Class II, Division 2 subjects. The cranial base angle (Ba-S-N) was significantly (2.0 degrees) smaller in Class II‟s from 6 to 19 years of age (Figure 3.3). 46 47 Figure 3.3. Variables showing significant differences between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects The posterior to anterior facial height proportion (PAFHp) was initially 2.2% larger in Class II, Division 2 subjects, and the differences increased to 3.8% at 18-19 years of (Figure 3.4). The interincisal angle (U1-L1) decreased rapidly in both groups between 6-10 years of age, remained relatively stable through 13 years, and then increased through adulthood. Class II, Division 2 subjects had larger interincisal angles throughout; the initial 5.9 deg. difference increased to 7.0 degrees at 18-19 years of age. Following the inverse pattern, the U1-SN angle increased initially and then decreased during adolescence and early adulthood. It was smaller in Class II, Division 2 subjects throughout the study period. The difference was 4.3 degrees at 12-13 years and decreased to 2.7 at 18-19 years of age (Figure 3.4). The gonial angle (Ar-Go-Gn) decreased over time in both groups, with slightly larger decreases among Class II, Division 2 than Class I subjects. Differences increased from 1.4 degrees at 6-7 years to 3.4 degrees at 18-19 years (Figure 3.4). 48 49 Figure 3.4. Variables showing significant differences between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects Growth Curves of Variables Showing No Group Differences The SNA, SNB, ANB angles, the Y axis (Figure 3.5) and maxillary proportion – ANSPNSp - (Figure 3.6) showed small or no changes between 6-19 years of age. Although none of the differences were statistically significant, the SNA and ANB angles were slightly larger (≈0.8 deg) in Class II, Division 2 than Class I subjects; while the Y axis was slightly smaller (≈0.9 deg); the SNB angle and ANSPNSp showed similar values in both groups. The relative sizes of the maxilla and mandible (MxMdp) decreased from 75% at 6-7 years to 71% at 18-19 years in both groups, and the mandibular proportion (GoGnp) increased consistently between 6-19 years of age (Figure 3.6). The relative height of the first mandibular molar to the mandibular incisor (L6L1p) decreased approximately 5% between 6-10 years of age, and then increases slightly (≈23%) between 10-19 years (Figure 3.7). IMPA, which was initially smaller for Class II, Division 2 subjects, increased 5-8 degrees between 6-10 years of age, and then remained at 93-94 degrees between 10-16 years of age for both groups (Figure 3.7). 50 51 Figure 3.5. Variables showing non-significant differences between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects 52 Figure 3.6. Variables showing non-significant differences between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects 53 Figure 3.7. Variables showing non-significant differences between Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects Discussion Differences between individuals with Class II, Division 2 and Class I normal occlusions were already largely developed at the earliest ages. At 6 years of age, the subjects with Class II, Division 2 malocclusion already exhibited hypodivergent growth patterns, relatively greater posterior facial heights, more acute cranial base angles, greater interincisal angles, and upright incisors. This suggests that the etiology of Class II, Division 2 malocclusion has a genetic component. Peck et al.12 described smaller than average mesio-distal tooth diameters among Class II division 2 subjects, while Beresford10 and Roberston and Hilton,31 found these teeth to be significantly „thinner‟ teeth measured in the labial/lingual dimension. Familial occurrence of Class II, Division 2 has been documented in twin and triplet studies and in family pedigrees.12-14 These studies point to strong genetic influence, probably autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance and simultaneous expression of a number of genes (acting additively), rather than being the effect of a single controlling gene for the entire malocclusion. 54 Class II, Division 2 subjects were more hypodivergent than Class I subjects. The ratio between posterior and anterior facial heights increased significantly faster among Class II, Division 2‟s, probably due to relatively smaller increases in anterior than posterior facial heights. Previous studies evaluating vertical dimensions16,17,20,23-25,32,33 suggest that there is a relative underdevelopment of anterior lower facial heights among Class II, Division 2 subjects. Posterior heights have either been reported to be excessive among Class II, Division 2 cases,33 or not different.22,23 Class II, Division 2 subjects appear to be undergoing greater forward mandibular rotation than Class I subjects, even at the younger ages. Because Class II, Division 2 subjects are hypodivergent, the mandibular plane angles, palatal plane to mandibular plane angles, and gonial angles were all smaller than in Class I subjects. Numerous cross-sectional studies have reported similar differences.12,17,20,21,23-25,32,33 The mandibular plane and palatal plane angles showed significantly greater decreases in Class II‟s, indicating that their hypodivergence worsens over time. 55 Interestingly, Class II, Division 2 subjects also have smaller cranial base angles than Class I subjects throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. This finding also suggests that the etiology of Class II, Division 2 malocclusion has a genetic component. Others have reported larger cranial base angles among Class II, Division 2 subjects,23 or cranial base angles that were similar to Class I‟s.20 A smaller cranial base angle might be expected to reposition the mandible more anteriorly. Assuming Class II, Division 2 subjects undergo greater amounts of forward mandibular rotation, as suggested by their greater hypodivergence, and greater forward rotation is related to greater condylar growth in a more anterior direction,34 then the effects of a smaller cranial base angle could be negated. In other words, if a smaller angle for cranial base tends to position the mandible in a more anterior position, the incremental growth at the condyle could counterbalance this tendency if the direction of growth at the condyle is oriented more anteriorly. This change in direction of condylar growth could be the reason for the mandible being in a more normal position and for the increased posterior facial heights of Class II, Division 2 subjects. 56 A smaller cranial base angle and greater forward rotation among Class II, Division 2 subjects could be responsible for locking the mandibular dentition behind the anterior portion of the palate.35-38 This would be consistent with the lack of anterior facial height development observed among Class II, Division 2 individuals. The notion of a “locked” mandible is based mostly in clinical observations, but it is reasonable and holds important clinical implications. If treatment can be started before growth stops, allowing the mandible to grow in a more forward direction, it might be expected that the Class II, Division 2 mandibles develop similarly to Class I‟s.28 Subjects with Class II, Division 2 malocclusion also have upright maxillary incisors and normal positioned mandibular incisors. These dental characteristics have been previously ascribed to Class II, Division 2 subjects, with multiple studies showing significantly larger interincisal angles (U1-L1) and smaller U1-SN angles.16,18,19,22,23,25,26 The findings of this study support previous findings, and extend them by showing that the upright position of upper incisors is already present in Class II, Division 2 subjects during childhood. 57 Relative to the size of the anterior cranial base, the maxillas and mandibles of Class II, Division 2 subjects were similar to those of Class I‟s. Previous studies17-19,39 have also concluded that individuals with Class II, Division 2 malocclusion are skeletally similar to Class I‟s (i.e., that there is no underdevelopment of the mandibular basal bone). Other studies16,20-23 however, have found smaller mandibles among Class II, Division 2 subjects. It is important to emphasize that the present study evaluated the size of the jaws relative to the size of the anterior cranial base (S-N). This is important because some studies have reported similar cranial base sizes among Class II, Division 2 and Class I subjects,19,22 while others have found larger cranial bases.23,24 Proportional measurements make it possible to make comparisons independent of possible size differences. The relative dento-alveolar heights in the mandibular molar and incisor regions are also similar for Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects. The ratio between the heights of the mandibular 1st molar and mandibular central incisor perpendicular to the mandibular plane (L6L1p) remained similar throughout the study period for both groups. Strang40 and Karlsen16 reported reduced dento- 58 alveolar heights in the molar area, but Strang did not measure it, he just observed it clinically. It might be expected that reduced dento-alveolar heights in the mandibular molar regions would add to a decrease in lower anterior facial height in Class II, Division 2 subjects, and over-erupted lower incisors would worsen the deep bite pattern, but this study did not find such differences between Class I‟s and Class II, Division 2 subjects. This suggests that the deeper bite attributed to Class II, Division 2 subjects16,19,20,25,25,41 is primarily due to overrotation rather than overeruption. The anteroposterior positions of the maxilla and mandible were also similar for Class I and Class II, Division 2 subjects. The present study showed similar ANB, SNA and SNB angles for both groups. While some studies support the idea that the mandible and maxilla are normally positioned in Class II, Division 2 subjects,17,22,27 others have found that the maxilla is positioned forward,18,25,32 and even more have found that the mandible is retropositioned20,21,23,24,26,32 in Class II, Division 2 subjects compared to Class I‟s. Based on the present study, it can be inferred that Class II, Division 2 and Class I subjects present similar anteroposterior skeletal relationships 59 (i.e., that there is no underdevelopment of the mandibular basal bone) and the mandibular dental arch may become retro-positioned and “locked” behind the anterior portion of the maxilla during the development of the malocclusion. This would also be consistent with the hypodivergent growth pattern of Class II, Division 2 subjects playing a role. 60 Conclusions According to the results of this study, untreated Class II, Division 2 subjects 6-19 years of age present with the following characteristics: 1) Maxillas and mandibles of normal size and in similar anteroposterior positions as in Class I subjects with normal occlusion. 2) Hypodivergent growth pattern, with smaller mandibular plane angles, palatal plane to mandibular plane angles and gonial angles. 3) The proportion between anterior and posterior facial heights is increased, suggesting that there is a relative greater increase in posterior than anterior facial height. 4) Proportionate dento-alveolar heights of the mandibular molar and incisor regions that are similar to Class I subjects. 5) More acute cranial base (Ba-S-N) angles. 6) Upright maxillary incisors and mandibular incisors that are slightly retroclined when compared to Class I subjects. 61 7) Differences between individuals with Class II, Division 2 and Class I normal occlusions are already evident at 6 years of age and the measurements related to the hypodivergent growth pattern and incisal relationship become worse over time. 62 References 1. 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Angle Orthod. 1935;5:87–106. 66 APPENDIX Table A.1 - CLASS I Time points → 67 Class I SNA SNB ANB Y-Axis MP (GoGn-SN) PP-MP Ar-Go-Gn PP (ANSPNS-SN) Ba-S-N U1-L1 U1-SN IMPA ANSPNS (%) GoGn (%) Mx:Md (%) PAFH (%) L6:L1 (%) (Descriptive – Changes over time) Growth Changes Over Time (Angular and Proportional measurements) T1-T2 T2-T3 T3-T4 T4-T5 Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD -0.7 -0.2 -0.6 0.0 -0.8 -2.0 -0.2 1.2 -0.1 -9.0 5.4 3.9 0.3 3.5 -1.5 0.4 -3.4 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.8 2.0 3.7 1.1 2.2 10.5 5.0 5.6 3.7 3.1 3.6 2.0 4.7 0.3 0.5 -0.2 0.1 -0.4 -0.9 0.1 0.5 -0.2 0.6 -1.3 1.3 -0.2 3.2 -1.8 0.5 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.2 2.2 4.7 1.4 2.3 5.4 4.1 4.1 3.1 1.9 2.9 1.7 2.5 Bold numbers indicate statistically significant differences 0.1 0.5 -0.5 0.3 -1.0 -1.3 0.5 0.4 0.1 1.2 0.1 -0.4 1.2 2.8 -0.5 1.4 1.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.5 1.5 2.2 1.1 2.4 5.6 3.3 4.2 2.8 2.1 2.7 1.4 1.8 0.1 0.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -1.0 -0.1 -0.2 1.2 -0.3 -0.4 0.1 0.3 -0.1 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.8 0.9 1.6 3.0 2.5 2.4 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.0 2.8 T1-T5 Mean SD 0.3 1.7 -1.4 -0.1 -3.5 -5.5 -4.6 1.9 -0.5 -6.8 4.6 5.6 -3.9 8.2 -3.8 4.5 1.4 2.7 2.1 1.5 1.4 3.2 3.2 4.9 2.3 3.2 9.0 5.2 6.5 3.4 3.9 3.4 2.9 5.5 Table A.2 - CLASS II DIV. 2 Time points → 68 Class II Div. 2 SNA SNB ANB Y-Axis MP (GoGn-SN) PP-MP Ar-Go-Gn PP (ANSPNS-SN) Ba-S-N U1-L1 U1-SN IMPA ANSPNS (%) GoGn (%) Mx:Md (%) PAFH (%) L6:L1 (%) (Descriptive – Changes over time) Growth Changes Over Time (Angular and Proportional measurements) T1-T2 T2-T3 T3-T4 T4-T5 Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD -0.5 0.0 -0.5 0.2 -1.2 -1.4 -1.0 0.2 -0.7 -10.6 3.3 7.3 -0.1 4.1 -1.9 1.1 -3.5 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.9 2.0 2.7 3.6 1.7 2.1 9.2 7.2 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.3 1.9 6.1 0.4 0.8 -0.3 -0.4 -1.3 -1.6 -1.0 0.3 0.1 3.3 -1.9 -0.7 0.4 2.8 -1.1 1.5 -0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.6 1.2 1.9 6.8 5.4 3.4 2.7 1.5 2.3 1.5 4.3 Bold numbers indicate statistically significant differences 0.2 0.5 -0.3 0.0 -1.3 -1.3 -0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.9 0.5 2.7 -0.8 1.8 2.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.3 3.2 2.3 1.7 9.8 6.2 4.8 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.1 3.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.0 -0.6 -0.9 -0.5 0.2 0.2 1.9 -0.1 -1.1 -0.6 0.7 -0.8 0.6 -1.5 1.3 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.8 0.8 1.6 4.5 3.3 3.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 1.5 3.7 T1-T5 Mean SD 0.1 1.9 -1.8 -0.6 -4.3 -4.1 -5.7 -0.2 -0.4 -10.5 6.3 8.7 -6.4 9.3 -6.4 4.8 3.9 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 2.7 4.1 4.6 2.9 3.5 12.7 10.7 4.7 4.8 2.0 4.9 2.5 8.0 VITA AUCTORIS Luiz Alexandre Guerino Barbosa was born on October 14th, 1972 in Brasilia, DF, Brazil to Jose Luiz Barbosa and Maria Ruth Guerino Barbosa. He is the first of four children. He was raised in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil and graduated from high school at Sao Paulo Adventist Institute (IASP) in Campinas, SP in 1989. After high school, Dr. Barbosa began his dental training at University of Ribeirao Preto Dental School where he received his D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Science) in 1995. Dr. Barbosa worked in private practice as a general dentist for 13 years in Brasilia, Brazil. He started his orthodontic training at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) in 2006 and received his Certificate in Orthodontics in 2008. Seeking for more knowledge and following his dreams to experience life in another country, Dr. Barbosa moved to the U.S. with his family to start his orthodontic residency at Saint Louis University in June 2009. Dr. Barbosa expects to receive a Master of Science in Dentistry (Research) degree from Saint Louis University in August 2012. He plans on practicing orthodontics in Florida. 69