DEVELOPMENT REPORT CHARLOTTE CENTER CITY APRIL 2015 About 2015 Center City Development Report The Center City Development Report highlights private and public projects in Charlotte’s Center City that have been recently completed, are currently under construction, or have been announced and are in various stages of planning and development. The area covered in detail includes the four wards of Uptown, Charlotte’s central business district, South End, and the Midtown neighborhood. Major projects throughout Center City are also reported. The term Center City refers to the “3 mile ring” of neighborhoods within three miles of the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets, the historic center of the city. Charlotte Center City Partners is a 501(c)4 not-for-profit corporation. The organization’s mission is to envision and implement strategies and actions to drive the economic, social and cultural development of Center City. Center City Partners’ jurisdiction includes Uptown, South End, and a portion of the Midtown neighborhood. The most recent version of this report and current information about Center City is available at Contents 06 Development Summary 08 First Ward 12 Second Ward 18 Third Ward 24 Fourth Ward 30Midtown 36 South End 48 Public Projects 56 Surrounding Neighborhoods Ct Little Sugar N Alexander St LN t lS oo Sch Pamlico St N Caldwell St Parkwood Ave woo d Creek Greenw ay N DAVIDSON ST e Av n lto Da HAWTHORNE St Hobbs s St Grime ft St Bancro Hay N TRYO o rb Dea N Alexander St Louise Ave Pegram St N Myers St Polk St g St Sprin ce ra N Church St N Brevard St The way en Gre e Av Ave Litt al ntr Ce Ln Oak land le Su gar Cre ek N Alexander St nn ys ide 74 Ave Su se View Way erry Av Lo Seigle Ave Skyline Ave ui Alpha Mill Ln N College St E Twelfth St Dr N Poplar St Plaza Spindle St St Ter Plaza rill The St St Bay St liff St ysid Sunn Av e son Cen tral Ave N Alexander St N Myers St N Davidson St N Caswell Rd Morrow St N Long St Rail Trail Rail Trail th ou tm Dar ley Rd S McDowell St S Davidson St S Caldwell St S Brevard St S College st Pl Lillington Ave Brom S Cedar St Elliot St Trail Rail Pl dvale Jack First Ward Ct N Caldwell St N Alexander St S Poplar St S Mint St N Brevard St N College St N Tryon St N Church St N Pine St N Graham St ley es W e Av e Heathc PEARLE STREET PARK Baldwin Ave S Torrence St Woo Welker St way Waco St Cherry St en Av e Ba Main St CHERRY PARK Avant St ns Av Eli St S Bru St St xter Baxter St Gre th 31 il St 27 ek W Hill St 6 re 9 STONEWALL STATION 7 ilw or rC 4 BANK OF AMERICA STADIUM Ke n ga E Stonewall St ec SC S Kings Dr e Av W Sec litan W First St ond St Ave Luther St Su SEVERSVILLE PARK AQUATIC CENTER Luther arl Ch le Ext St METRO SCHOOL Litt urth ay W Fo GANTT CENTER W Stonewall St Greenw Dr al loni S Co Rd ve eA wn eto ott E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd NASCAR HALL OF FAME CHARLOTTE CONVENTION CENTER MINT MUSEUM Ave Greek ok THE GREEN ropo 16 Levine Avenue of the Arts rth St BECHTLER MUSEUM KNIGHT THEATER Irwin tbro ens 5 VISITOR CENTER 10 Que Ranlo Ave Met W Fou Greenleaf Wes 28 MARSHALL PARK THIRD ST/ CONVENTION CENTER STATION S Tryon St Dr Hei gh ts Westbrook E Third St PARK W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd WARD PARK S Church St ay t t S THIRD THOM PSON E Third St 15 ROMARE BEARDEN PARK S Graham St Ave ns Bru S Ave W Ex Providence Rd COUNTY COURTHOUSE GOVERNMENT CENTER Rd th S Clarkson St ur Ave Fo ria W Randolph Rd St St 13 Victo Ave Walnut Ave 14 W Third St BB&T BALLPARK Vail Ave Ave E Fourth E Fourth St PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Elizabeth Ave erry St th St rth CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Ch W Fou St St de e Tra in Av W S Irw St or en S Cedar re St ve kw rA 11 camo te Duc m N Kings Dr N Smith St ore St N Sycam ve A ns t St N Flin Bru e St N Irwin Ave e t St Frazie r Av Flin Stat TRANSIT CENTER St well S Cas S Sy Montg St omery FRAZIER PARK ah 17 Elizabeth E Trade St CTC STATION 8 INDEPENDENCE SQUARE W Fourth St Aut aton TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA E Fifth E Fifth St Park Dr Baldwin Ave ar St FEDERAL COURTHOUSE ve Su opac 12 GREYHOUND TERMINAL JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY E Fifth St PERFORMING ARTS CENTER N Ced N Sum mit St St art in e St M ak D W DR Dr nA N McDowell St N Johnso N Clarkson St St on ix D OR lford ve INDEPENDENCE PARK Sam Ryburn Walk E Fifth St 3 r N Colonial St SF Wa S ha Ave TIE hite MEMORIAL STADIUM kD Lamar Ave AT W Arm E Sixth St Hawthorne Ln BE ELLE 25 IMAGINON Par Travis Ave t 23 W Fifth St W Fifth St SEVENTH ST STATION LEVINE MUSEUM LUSKI GALLERY h St RD 1 W Sixth St 55 MAIN LIBRARY ory Dr St Dr Park Dr sS ROZZ Y FERR SPIRIT SQUARE ve pu W Sixt DISCOVERY PLACE e wne Av otteto Charl am IRWIN AVE ELEMENTARY lm Ct JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY FOURTH WARD PARK E Seventh Armory E Seventh St ELMWOOD CEMETERY St tA FUTURE FIRST WARD PARK W Seventh St Cates on W Eighth St W Eighth St E Eighth St St Ave UNCC UPTOWN E Eighth St PINEWOOD CEMETERY pect TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL E Ninth St m NINTH ST PARK N Myers St n St Pfifer Ave 19 au W Ninth St Pecan y Bl h St Clement Ave ctor t St uise Fa mon Lo ic Pros Be Mus E Nint E Tenth St Lamar Ave vd NC SENSE AND SCIENCE GARDEN Pied e St 21 St nd Av race elfth nth E Te Garden District Dr FIRST WARD ELEMENTARY Oakla St ell St on l Ter Tw 18 W Tenth St Ln Crescent Greenway 2 Ave Seigle milt Andril Maxw Ha DANCE THEATRE NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC FACTORY W BIDDLEVILLE PARK MCCOLL CENTER e Av e e 20 Chisho St Green Trail Seigle Point on ield n Bu a And St Dean n C Ct k St Clift Fairf Va e W lie Ave th St Otts E Twelfth St E Eleventh St way Ju e ar Hea Cree 22 Av ren St. Av m St La tt McGill Garden Way E Thirteenth St e St ra St ton W Eleventh St n Av on Shenan ALEXANDER PARK St Canton Pl iso din can St E Thirteenth St St nant Polk n St Whis Hamil Mad ord Pe E Liddell St Sp Burto GREENVILLE PARK G Belmont Ave Van Every an Wadsworth Pl W Liddell St ve W E nA AV ve LE Elm St VIL n Pl tA ES to men AT ST ST e or Belmont Ave Cle AHAM a Av Ham ca Pl N GR Park ntan Fifteenth St Pe Rd n Av N th St aks nesis Law Fo Mah St Ln le O Ge Oak Pl Ave est Ct E Fifteen nth St E Fifteenth St e on na nth St Dr E Sixtee to ort di our St Ham ZA Arm Callahan Ave LA Dr we all as Po H ve om rk dine l Gu Pa real E Sixt E Sixtee St eenth E Sixteenth St Dr ub ton Do Ge e sing lA Th ay n Av Ethe W ud ul Stro acef Brew Pe Law Ken th St Hal r Nan Dr enteen nD EP TH Ashby St Oak ve St ing Oak Dr E Sev eA a Ave gu vd uth Development Summary Ris ra u Bl Plymo St Sp h St sa reka e nin Nas Eu ia Av hteent ow Dr din Sylvan Ken E Eig n Nan Ave ard to Dr dw Br sing ow oo St teenth nsl W E Nin O e n St k Av Parso Keswic e rry St ell St Dow N Mc Wolfbe ley Pl Hen rst Ave Lyndhu Pl d oo d Greenway Irwin Greek Rd sley Cir rdy mba Lo Rd Pl Bee rk de Pa Ct Cla nton Rd Anson St St Weston Ave Hartford SS RD St Dexter St May Ave CLANTON PARK Ave Dover St Auburn Ave tR Rd Greystone Belton St Nu Lilac e race Ave Foster Ave Mayfield ch ill Rd geh Elm hurst Rd Mar sh il 46 Rail Tra ntw Floral Ave Dr Charlotte Rd lwor th Southend Dr Yal Norfolk Ave Youngblood St Haverford Pl Brookhill Rd Toomey Ave Lawndale Rd Toomey Ave Pl d oo Remus Rd Baltimore Ave vd ore Rd Ardm st Rd Elmhur St Bre Cambridge Rd Dr ore ilm W t Ave W Tremon Dr nger Barri lvd tB es W ntw N Ed Ave Ln Atherton Heights tA ve dcr es W oo Carti Rd Vill ag eC Bre S Edg ehill Ave Berkeley Oriole St Euclid Ave Arosa Dr Waverly Winnifred St Merriman Ave Dr ore Wilm Dunkirk Dr n Ave Merrima ay er W Rd w ie yv E Di ay Sk Ave W hel Fo lia e Bet Rd ham rd Dr no on ek er ag d t St Cre t rk Way eR es Pa Ideal ag Dr M Vill ng SC t Pl n Dr ve nA ince Pr 43 Grif Tra t erse Som Ln to Berks Belton St Herman Rd Dr Rd hire kcres so d Cr Oa ter Dr Poindex h Bl at woo Idle Poinde xter Dr exter Sout W ille ev pe Rd Ho New Edinburgh Way Lilac e Av rk Ash s dsor Win Pa Cir Lombardy Forre et Dr Suns Marion Pl tley hi Ard e St S Colleg S Graham St Rail Trail es W t ay nS w so en lark Gre RD Ideal fith St Foster Cr Dr t Wes Poind Griffith ry Ter ek ood Idlew Dr Dr SEDGEFIELD PARK Trail Dewber re Lockhart Dr RK Dr rC e nd Av erla PA Salem Salem Dr all Pl er ga Cumb Scott Ave Millerton Ave Su Rus Myrtle Ave S Mint St W Ln S Caldwell St Ave Lela Morehead Square Dr Woodr k Gr Cree ar t Stew Cr Ln on Poolside st lk Ln S Clarkson St uff Pl ay eenw CK TU S Church St D ER GE AS EE Hu Waterwa Ave tle rrace View ald Ave Park Diana Rail Ct ick Lit n Te Garde Fountain Av e McDon Marsh St Mimosa Ridge nsw Bru y St Rd Dr Ja ens gs in SK Romany Rd us Cr Que Harding Pl ale t Rd St LD RO Ln Ledgewood gd Ave NEW BERN STATION Ave Fairwood Bank 6 DONA rth Ave Kenilwo rin rop Pl Ave nt Dunava Dr ch Nu dA ve hy Dr il tion St nger Dr y Ewing Ave Sp W inth Park stead Marsh Rd er Rd rk Bee Ave Rd Ave Melbourne Ct pa rlan Ave Fairwood e go Av REVOLUTION GOLF COURSE gs wa Kenilworth W Dilworth Mather Green Olm Chica Mayflow St Cum be Dorot 37 St Benjamin Miller St Dr e Av ore erm Ord Rd Euclid Rail Tra Distribu Barri SOUTHSIDE PARK Ave Norma n Clayto D tte 51 Remount Rd d Rd ont Ave Kin ve tt A Rd St 41 Phillips ve Ln ve Ln Av e rlo 39 n St S Tryo m tR Cowles ond Gro Sco h ort ilw Rd Beachm r Co ED Park Rd hill Hawkins ry Re n ou ks Cha 35 Rd Basin St Rd Mar rk 36 tS Ber erly rah Pa Green Ave Rd Kimb Sa Rd Atherton St Brookhill FREEDOM PARK St St Meacham t REVOLUTION PARK Lennox Ave nt Diam Carve en Ave ou RD Hemlock dA ve Sumner m T Gre n gto Ave t UN e n Av Lyndhurst Pa Kirk woo Iverson Way O rth Rd W Dilwo il tS Re 44 ce St par M Av e Ave Magnolia Ave Ram RE Brookside Lattimore St r Rail Tra en Spru Ave Ct McDonald Ave Dr Ave um y Dilworth Mews rk ve tA on em Tr ore St on Art St ge Dog W an Rd Ave Carlto Carling Ave E Tr em ont Wilm ill 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Morehead er tV M La W Bland Winona ve nA Mt Vernon Ave S Tryon Penn St Commerce St T RD 26 30 xin Le Ave Lincoln St 29 E Morehead St Rd lgra ve St Qu THRIF ek it Pl re m nt 33 h South Blvd m ya ey inc Penman St Dilw ort Dr r St W Palme W Palmer St Br 48 Harding Pl Morehead Medical W Palmer St t Ex M Lexington Ave rC St ad S Su he ore W 52 32 CARSON STATION E Carson Blvd ga Winnifred St W Carson Blvd Post St Su Calvert ead St le mit Ave Ave ar St Ct Dubois E Moreh 42 45 W Dunb Litt S Sum Rd Walnut Grandin W Morehead St Greenwood Cliff BAXTER STREET PARK Baxter St S McDowell St Morris St McNinch St Ave Eldridge St W Hill St Litaker Rd E.B. MOORE PARK Development Summary First Ward Midtown 1 2 3 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Carolina Theatre at Belk Place First Ward Urban Village, Phase I Springhill Suites Second Ward 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tryon Place Embassy Suites Fountains Uptown 615 South College AC Hotel & Residence Inn Crescent Stonewall (Whole Foods) Third Ward 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Element Uptown Gateway West Uptown Flats The Mint Woodfield Graham Apartments Ascent Uptown 300 South Tryon Mint Museum Residential Grand Bohemian Hotel Fourth Ward 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SkyHouse I SkyHouse II The Lofts at NC Music Factory AvidXchange Headquarters Apartments at NC Music Factory Ivey’s Hotel 225 North Cedar Apartments Dominion Gateway Crescent Dilworth Levine Metropolitan The Crest at Metropolitan The Dillon Solis Dilworth Baxter Place 500 East Morehead South End 33 1100 South Boulevard 34 Camden Gallery 35 Camden Southline 36Publix 37 Silos South End, Phase II 38 District Flats 39 2400 South Boulevard 40 1616 Center 41 Dunavant Place 42Presidio 43 Marsh Properties Redevelopment 44 2173 Hawkins 45 1000 South Tryon 46 Morningstar Storage 47 Lumina Townhomes 48 Carson Boulevard Townhomes 49 230 West Summit 50 Ferguson Bath Showroom 51 Solis South End 52 Dowd YMCA 7 FIRST WARD First Ward combines quiet, tree-lined neighborhood streets and proximity to great cultural and educational institutions. Once home to the publicly owned housing of Earle Village, the neighborhood’s redevelopment began in 1993 when the Charlotte Housing Authority partnered with Bank of America to develop First Ward Place, one of the first HOPE VI mixedincome housing projects. Today, residential options in First Ward include new craftsmanstyle single family homes, contemporary townhouses, mid-rise apartments and high-rise condominiums. The new 4-acre First Ward Park will open in late 2015, across the street from ImaginOn children’s theater and library and the 7th Street Public Market. The neighborhood has both private and public k-12 education, the main branch of the Charlotte Mecklenburg public library and the Center City campus of UNC Charlotte. First Ward is set to see another phase of development beginning this year, as Levine Properties begins developing 24 acres between the Garden District and North Tryon Street. The Blue Line extension, set to open in 2017, doubles the length of the light rail line with a new station in First Ward at 9th Street. FAST FACTS: 4.6 MM existing office SF 192 K existing retail SF 603 existing hotel rooms 3,878 existing residential units 264 residential units planned 200 hotel rooms planned 8 rso ll S t rri nS Ha N TRYON ST th S t Creek Greenw ay N DAVIDSON ST Little Sugar E Eig htee nth St First Ward Urban Village, Phase I E Se Springhill Suites N Alexander St vente enth E Six St teen E Sixtee th St nth St Pamlico St N Caldwell St teen Carolina Theatre at Belk Place 3 Parkwood Ave E Nin St e First Ward th St son Av entie Par n on St ill St Ave Ashby St lto nn St Harr Seigle l St owel 2 Da Ke ad m St e Allen le Av E Tw N McD 1 E Sixtee ste Pegra Seig E Twenty First St Um t E Twenty Second St E Sixteenth St E Fifteenth nth St St St N Brevard St Van Every E Liddell St W Liddell St Louise Ave Belmont Ave Elm St N Church St Wadsworth Pl Pegram St St Belmont Ave N Myers St W Fifteenth N Alexander St E Fifteenth St E Thirteenth St nw ee Gr Su ga rC re ek N Alexander St tle Lit Spindle St E Twelfth St int Dr ew Way ay Greenw E Eleventh St St ve nA N Myers St SENSE AND SCIENCE GARDEN Ave First Ward Ct E Tenth St Seigle DANCE THEATRE Pfifer Ave th en ET Garden District Dr FIRST WARD ELEMENTARY St Ln E Ninth St Pie kso 2 MCCOLL CENTER Crescent e Seigle Av Vi Skyline Jac Alpha Mill Ln N College St il Ln Green Tra St Eleventh St St Seigle Po N Poplar St E Thirteenth St Otts ay ALEXANDER PARK McGill Garden Way Pro spe ct dm on tS t St TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Cen t ral Ave UNCC UPTOWN N Myers St N Davidson St N Caldwell St E Fifth St TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER CTC STATION INDEPENDENCE SQUARE Elizabet E Trade St TRANSIT CENTER S Poplar St E Fourth St COUNTY COURTHOUSE W Fourth St Rail Trail Sam Ryburn Walk CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Morrow St 3 MEMORIAL STADIUM N Long St W Fifth St E Sixth St y Dr h Ave N Alexander St 1 LUSKI GALLERY IMAGINON N Brevard St MAIN LIBRARY N College St N Tryon St DISCOVERY PLACE LEVINE MUSEUM Rail Trail W Sixth St N Church St H ARK SPIRIT SQUARE Armor Cha E Seventh St SEVENTH ST STATION N Kings Dr FUTURE FIRST WARD PARK N McDowell St N Alexander St E Eighth St GOVERNMENT CENTER TH OM PSO N PA RK 9 e Ch First Ward 1 Carolina Theatre at Belk Place Location : 230 North Tryon Street Use:Office/Assembly Size:.4 acres Architect: Westlake Reed Leskosky Owner/Developer: Foundation for the Carolinas Status: Planning stage The City of Charlotte gifted the Carolina Theatre to Foundation For The Carolinas in 2012. FFTC is restoring the 36,000-square-foot theatre to create a premier civic convening space for the region. The project will include several stories of nonprofit workspace above the theatre, & potentially a boutique hotel. To date, FFTC has raised $27 million toward its $35 million goal, including $5 million from Bank of America, $2 million from Wells Fargo, and $8 million from the families of Claudia Belk and the late John M. Belk, and Katherine Belk and the late Thomas M. Belk. 2 First Ward Urban Village Phase I Location : Brevard & 10th Streets Use:Residential Size: 4.2 acres, 264 units Height: 6 stories Owner/Developer: Levine Properties Status: Planning stage Construction of these apartments on Brevard Street between 10th & 11th Streets will begin during the second quarter of 2015. 6 stories of residential units will wrap a 1,400 space parking deck. A portion of the apartments will be affordable and approximately 300 parking spaces will be reserved for the nearby UNC Charlotte Center City Campus. 10th Street will be rebuilt between the new rail line and Brevard Street. 10 First Ward 3 Springhill Suites Location : 350 East Sixth Street Use:Hotel Size: .3 acres, 200 rooms Height: 16 stories Owner/Developer: SREE Hotels Status: Planning stage SREE Hotels purchased 1/3 acre from Spectrum Properties in front of the 12-level Center City Green parking Deck and plans a 200-room hotel. Bank of America leases most of the deck’s 1,400 parking spaces with 88 spaces remaining for the hotel. The triangular parcel faces Time Warner Cable Arena to the south and is immediately adjacent to the Blue Line on the west. 11 SECOND WARD Second Ward is the center of hospitality in Uptown, with more than 3,000 hotel rooms, the Charlotte Convention Center, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Wells Fargo’s campus anchors the employment district, along with the Wells Fargo atrium and plaza on South Tryon Street, and the park and sculpture garden at The Green. Second Ward was once known as Brooklyn, and was Charlotte’s most vibrant African-American neighborhood. Today, Second Ward is home to Government Center, the Mecklenburg County courthouse, and Marshall Park. It has some of Uptown’s newest condominiums, including the Trust, Ratcliffe, Madison and Skye, and the entertainment and retail hub at the EpiCentre. The Blue Line light rail connects Second Ward to South End and the South Boulevard corridor, and will connect with 10 miles of light rail to the north when the extension opens in 2017. FAST FACTS: 7.5 MM existing office SF 458 K existing retail SF 3,130 existing hotel rooms 174 existing residential units 1.06 MM office SF planned 47 K retail SF planned 1,302 hotel rooms planned/under construction 755 residential units planned/underconstruction 12 St N Brevard St Van Every E Liddell St W Liddell St Louise Ave Second Ward Belmont Ave Elm St N Church St Wadsworth Pl Pegram St St N Myers St N Alexander St W Fifteenth Belmont Ave E Thirteenth St ALEXANDER PARK 4 Tryon Place 5 Embassy Suites 6 Fountains Uptown 7 615 South College 8 AC Hotel & Residence Inn at EpiCentre 9 ay nw re rC tle Su ga Ln th en ET St Lit nA ve Crescent Stonewall (Whole Foods) First Ward Ct E Ninth St Pie kso E Tenth St Ave SENSE AND SCIENCE GARDEN Pfifer Ave Crescent Seigle DANCE THEATRE St ee Gr Garden District Dr FIRST WARD ELEMENTARY ek N Alexander St Spindle St MCCOLL CENTER ew Way Vi Skyline ay Greenw N Myers St Eleventh St il Ln Green Tra e Seigle Av E Eleventh St St dm Jac N Poplar St E Twelfth St St Otts int Dr Seigle Po N College St E Thirteenth St Alpha Mill Ln McGill Garden Way Pro spe ct on tS t St TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Cen t ral Ave UNCC UPTOWN N Myers St N Davidson St IMAGINON N Caldwell St MAIN LIBRARY LEVINE MUSEUM N Brevard St N College St DISCOVERY PLACE N Tryon St N Church St H ARK SPIRIT SQUARE Armor E Sixth St Cha E Seventh St SEVENTH ST STATION N Kings Dr FUTURE FIRST WARD PARK N McDowell St N Alexander St E Eighth St y Dr MEMORIAL STADIUM Sam Ryburn Walk W Sixth St Morrow St N Long St E Fifth St TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER S Poplar St 8 Elizabet E Trade St CTC STATION INDEPENDENCE SQUARE CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE h Ave N Alexander St W Fifth St Rail Trail LUSKI GALLERY TRANSIT CENTER E Fourth St COUNTY COURTHOUSE Rail Trail W Fourth St TH OM PSO N PA RK GOVERNMENT CENTER err Ch yS E Third St MARSHALL PARK W Third St THIRD ST/ CONVENTION CENTER STATION MARE BEARDEN PARK 5 VISITOR CENTER S McDowell St S Davidson St AQUATIC CENTER arl Ch e Av CHARLOTTE CONVENTION CENTER MINT MUSEUM METRO SCHOOL an NASCAR HALL OF FAME S Caldwell St S Brevard St S College st Lit tle nw ay Av e ee th Gr Tra il ek 7 re 4 ilw or rC 9 STONEWALL STATION Ke n 6 ga E Stonewall St Su GANTT CENTER Rail PEARLE STREET PARK EM S McDowell St S Tryon St THE GREEN olit Morehead St KNIGHT THEATER ve eA wn eto ott E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd p tro W Stonewall St BECHTLER MUSEUM Me ine Avenue of the Arts S Church St Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Baxter St BAXTER STREET PARK Greenwood Cliff 13 Harding Pl Second Ward 4 Tryon Place Location: South Tryon & Stonewall Streets. Use:Office/Residential/Hotel/ Retail Size: 3 acres, 715,000 SF office, 350 hotel rooms, 85 units Height: 27 stories Architect: Little Owner/Developer: Crescent Communities Status: Planning stage Crescent Communities envisions an office community that is authentic to Charlotte and how people live, work & play today and in the future. This site is one block south of the Levine Center for the Arts and diagonally opposite the Duke Energy Center on South Tryon Street. Construction is estimated to begin in mid-2015. 5 Embassy Suites Location: 401 East MLK Jr. Boulevard Use:Hotel/Retail/Dining Size: 1.1 acres, 250 rooms, 7,000 SF meeting space Height: 10 stories Architect: Overcash Demmitt Architects Owner/Developer: BPR Properties, CMC Hotels Status: Under construction Embassy Suites is developing a ten story, 250-room hotel on the former AME Zion office building site located across the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard from the NASCAR Hall of Fame and Charlotte Convention Center. The hotel will include ground floor retail and restaurant space as well as 7,000 SF of banquet and meeting space. 14 Second Ward 6 Fountains Uptown Location: 900 East Stonewall Street Use:Residential Size: 2.6 acres, 230 units Height: 5 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: Housing Studio Owner/Developer: Proffitt Dixon Partners Status: Under construction Backing up to I-277, this apartment development will offer views of the Uptown skyline with close proximity to the Little Sugar Creek Greenway and the Metropolitan. The site was purchased from the City for $4 million and is scheduled to be completed in late 2015. 7 615 South College Location: 615 South College Street Use:Office Size: 1.2 acres, 345,000 SF office Height: 15 stories Owner/Developer: Portman Holdings Status: Planning stage Portman Holdings will build a 15-story office tower atop the parking deck next to The Westin Hotel at the corner of College and Stonewall Streets. The design also calls for a 1/3 acre green space to be built on top of the deck to be used for corporate events or outdoor meeting space. Portman intends to prelease half of the space before beginning construction. 15 Second Ward 8 AC Hotel & Residence Inn (EpiCentre) Location: 210 East Trade Street Use: Dual Brand Hotel Size: 200,000 SF, 302 hotel rooms Height: 20 stories Architect: BB+M Architecture Owner/Developer: Vision Ventures, Mount Vernon Asset Management Status: Planning stage Vision Ventures and Mount Vernon Asset Management will work with McKibbon Hotel Management to develop a 20-story dual branded hotel at the EpiCentre. Both Residence Inn and AC Hotel are Marriott International brands, with AC catering more towards contemporary urban travelers. Construction is expected to begin in mid-2015 and last about 18 months. 9 Crescent Stonewall (Whole Foods) Location: East Stonewall Street Use:Residential/Retail/Hotel Size: 5.4 acres, 47,000 SF retail 440 units, 400 hotel rooms Architect: Little Owner/Developer: Crescent Communities Status: Planning stage Crescent Communities is moving forward with plans to develop a large mixed-use project on East Stonewall Street behind the Convention Center and NASCAR Hall of Fame. Whole Foods will anchor the retail space and will feature a rooftop terrace with direct access to the Stonewall Blue Line station. This project is slated to be complete by 2017. 16 17 THIRD WARD In Third Ward new apartment towers surround Romare Bearden Park and BB&T Ballpark, with Bank of America stadium, home of the Carolina Panthers, two blocks away. Spring and summer nights are filled with baseball and fireworks, and in the fall neighborhood bars and nearby parking lots fill with Panthers fans. The west edge of the neighborhood is a mix of historic bungalows, contemporary condos and townhomes surrounding the dog park, recreational fields and greenway at Frazier Park. The 1.5 million square foot complex Gateway Village includes retail, hospitality, and the Charlotte campus of Johnson & Wales University. FAST FACTS: 7 MM existing office SF 149 K existing retail SF 648 existing hotel rooms 3,189 existing residential units 630 K office SF under construction 11.2 K retail SF planned/under construction 208 hotel rooms planned/under construction 1,302 residential units planned/under construction 18 VI LL EA N Church ES ta VE Elm St Fon E Liddell St W Liddell St Sp Bur ra St Polk St Third Ward tt ton GREENVILLE PARK St Ham ilton St mil Max Ha St St well ton lfth St NC Mu sic Fa c y tor d Blv N Johnso W e Tw n St NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC FACTORY N Poplar St N College St E Thirteenth St 10 Element Uptown 11 Gateway West Uptown Flats 12 The Mint Alpha Mill Ln Canton Pl E Twelfth St E Eleventh St W Eleventh St MCCOLL CENTER 13 Woodfield Graham Apartments 14 Ascent Uptown 15 300 South Tryon DANCE THEATRE W Tenth St 16 Pfifer Ave Mint Museum Residential W Ninth St 17 E Ninth St UN UPTO NINTH ST PARK Grand Bohemian Hotel E Eighth St PINEWOOD CEMETERY W Eighth St FUTUR FIRST WA PARK ELMWOOD CEMETERY FOURTH WARD PARK DISCOVERY PLACE IMAGIN Rail Trail N Clarkson St LUSKI GALLERY T C PERFORMING ARTS CENTER e CTC STAT INDEPENDENCE SQUARE 12 FEDERAL COURTHOUSE 17 S Poplar St GREYHOUND TERMINAL JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY S Mint St N Irwin Av ar St ore St MAIN LIBRARY SEVE STAT LEVINE MUSEUM N Ced N Sycam SPIRIT SQUARE W Sixth St W Fifth St fth St N College St s St N Church St IRWIN AVE ELEMENTARY N Pine St Cate N Graham St W Seventh St N Tryon St N Smith St W Eighth St TRANS CENTE SS Rail Trail W Fourth St St S Irw in A ve 13 Vic E WARD PARK ok Westbro Dr 10 S Graham St th VISITOR CENTER Levine Avenue of the Arts Greenleaf THIRD CONV STAT W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd S Clarkson St ur Ave W Fo toria FRAZIER PARK St THIRD xt 15 ROMARE BEARDEN PARK BECHTLER MUSEUM KNIGHT THEATER THE GREEN S College st t St 14 W Third St BB&T BALLPARK S Tryon St re S de h St S Cedar 11 mo Tra ourt S Church St yca CHARLOTTE CONVENTION CENTER 16 MINT MUSEUM Ave Irwin Greek GANTT CENTER W Stonewall St Green W First St STONEWA STATION S Cedar St way Elliot St BANK OF AMERICA STADIUM W Hill St Litake r Ave Morris St Eldridge St W Hill St McNinch St S Sum mit A Morehead Square Dr W Carson Blvd Post St S Church St ar St EM St Winnifred rt St W Dunb St d Calve din R ve Gran W Morehead St S Clarkson St W WF 19 CARSON STATION Third Ward 10 Element Uptown Location: 401 South Mint Street Use:Residential Size: 1.2 acres, 352 units Height: 21 stories, 6 levels parking Architect: Rule Joy Trammell Rubio LLC Owner/Developer: Childress Klein Status: Under construction/lease-up This apartment building was built on a 1.2-acre site in Third Ward at South Mint Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard. The 21-story apartment tower includes six levels of parking accommodating 452 cars with the remaining floors dedicated to 352 apartment units. The project opened in late summer 2014 but some of the units are still being completed. 11 Gateway West Uptown Flats Location: 913 West 4th Street Use:Residential, Retail Size: 2.8 acres, 280 units, 8,000 SF retail Height: 5 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: Urbana, Landworks Owner/Developer: Faison Properties, Sereo Group Status: Under construction/Lease-up Gateway West is a five-story development adjacent to Johnson & Wales University in Gateway Village. Located at the intersection of Fourth Street and Johnson & Wales Way, the site includes 8,000 square feet of retail space and amenities such as a heated pool and demonstration kitchen. Some of the units are still being completed. 20 Third Ward 12 The Mint Location: 427 West Trade Street Use:Residential Size: 0.7 acres, 177 units Height: 5 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: Housing Studio Owner/Developer: Spectrum Properties Status: Under construction Sited on the former location of the U.S. Mint (until 1933), this project faces Trade and Graham Streets and occupies most of the remaining block it shares with the Federal Courthouse. The wood frame complex will contain one, two, and three-bedroom rental units with an average size of 900 SF. Amenities will include a pool terrace, fitness center, multiple courtyards, and pet elevator. 13 Woodfield Graham Apartments Location: 300 South Graham Street Use:Residential Size: 2.0 acres, 230 units Height: 5 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: Housing Studio Owner/Developer: Woodfield Investments Status: Under construction This apartment development is under construction across Graham Street from the new BB&T Ballpark and Romare Bearden Park as this part of Third Ward transforms from a sea of surface parking lots into a fullfledged neighborhood. 21 Third Ward 14 Ascent Uptown Location: South Poplar & West Third Streets Use:Residential, Retail Size: .6 acres, 300 units, 3,200 SF retail Height: 33 stories Architect: R2L Architects Owner/Developer: Greystar Real Estate Partners Status: Under construction Greystar has begun site work for a 33-story apartment tower on West Third Street adjacent to Romare Bearden Park. The tower will include 300 high-end residential units as well as 3,200 SF of retail space fronting the park along Third Street. Construction is estimated to last around 24-26 months. 15 300 South Tryon Location: 300 South Tryon Street Use:Office, Hotel Size: 1.6 acres, 630,000 SF office, 208 hotel rooms Height: 25 stories 4 levels underground parking Architect: LS3P Owner/Developer: Spectrum Properties Status: Under construction Spectrum Properties and Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers are developing a 25-story office tower on South Tryon Street. The tower is seeking LEED gold certification and will include a 208 room hotel that will front Romare Bearden Park. 22 Third Ward 16 Mint Museum Resdidential Location: Church Street & Levine Avenue of the Arts Use:Residential Size:393 units Height: 31 stories (above museum) Owner/Developer: Childress Klein Status: Planning stage Childress Klein will develop a 42-story residential tower atop the Mint Museum at the corner of Church Street and the Levine Avenue of the Arts. The tower will include 393 units, a fitness club and resort-style pool on the top floor. 17 Grand Bohemian Hotel Location: West Trade & South Church Street Use:Hotel Owner/Developer: The Kessler Collection Status: Planning stage The Kessler Collection, a Florida-based hospitality company, is exploring the development of a Grand Bohemian Hotel next to the Carillon building that would feature a restaurant and art gallery fronting Trade Street. Kessler operates 10 boutique hotels including the Grand Bohemian at Biltmore Village in Asheville, NC. 23 FOURTH WARD Fourth Ward is known for its historic district of charming Victorians and quiet streets, a strong sense of community, and a diverse variety of housing choices. The neighborhood association has existed since 1976, but the neighborhood dates to the 1800s when it was home to prosperous merchants, ministers and physicians. It endured a period of decline until the 1970s, when the Junior League partnered with Bank of America to begin revitalizing the neighborhood home by home. Today, residents value the combination of neighborhood feel and proximity to all of Uptown’s dining, cultural and employment offerings. Every December for more than 35 years, the neighborhood has organized its annual Holiday Home Tour, showcasing both its historic Victorians and modern high-rise condominiums. With the new SkyHouse towers rising this year, Fourth Ward will soon welcome new neighbors and retail. FAST FACTS: 3.6 MM existing office SF 255 K existing retail SF 187 existing hotel rooms 3,380 existing residential units 115 K office SF planned 40 K retail SF planned 46 hotel rooms planned 1,484 residential units planned/under construction 24 e Av W oo dw ar d Ca Ko rte hle rA t St Av e N TRYON ST Fourth Ward rn bo ar De berr y St ve es St ick A e 18 ak Dr Oa Str Arm st Ct Ln Callahan St 21 AvidXchange Headquarters 22 Apartments at NC Music Factory Dr Spr ST ve AT Plym outh Ave 23 Ivey’s Hotel 24 225 North Cedar Apartments 25 Polk St St ing The Lofts at NC Music Factory ES E Sixtee W Fifteenth LL EA St Wadsworth Pl VE Elm St VI nth St Dominion Gateway M ST aA 20 AHA tan SkyHouse II N GR Fon 19 our ue ark ldin ve el G dP rea w k nA Eth ou Ge o eP r eD Law Ave Ashby St gO ania N Church St sin Sylv e Ri SkyHouse I Av Av n ard lto dw Da oo Bancr W oft S t Grim Kesw Hobb s St Wolf E Liddell St W Liddell St ra tt ton Sp Bur St Polk St GREENVILLE PARK St nt S t Ham ilton St 22 N College St N Poplar St E Thirteenth St Alpha Mill Ln Canton Pl E Twelfth St E Eleventh S W Eleventh St DANCE THEATRE mil St St well ton t 21 LEE K NC Mu sic Fa ry cto Pfifer Ave n St hS d Blv N Johnso W elft 18 W Tenth St NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC FACTORY Tw MCCOLL CENTER Max Ha 20 19 W Ninth St E Ninth St NINTH ST PARK E Eighth St PINEWOOD CEMETERY W Eighth St W Eighth St PERFORMING ARTS CENTER INDEPENDENCE SQUARE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE S Poplar St GREYHOUND TERMINAL JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY S Mint St N Irwin Ave ore St 23 Rail Trail LUSKI GALLERY 24 ar St N Sycam I W Sixth St W Fifth St 25 MAIN LIBRARY LEVINE MUSEUM N Ced W Fourth St Rail Trail W Fifth St DISCOVERY PLACE SPIRIT SQUARE N College St ELMWOOD CEMETERY St N Sixth Ct N Clarkson St isholm s St FOURTH WARD PARK N Tryon St IRWIN AVE ELEMENTARY N Pine St Cate N Graham St W Seventh St N Church St N Smith St FI SS 25 yca mo t S Ce re S Fourth Ward 18 SkyHouse I Location: North Church & 10th Streets Use:Residential, Retail Size: 2.2 acres, 336 units Height: 24 stories Owner/Developer: Novare Group, Grubb Properties, Batson-Cook Status: Under construction SkyHouse I apartment tower will feature a club room, fitness area, pool and outdoor plazas on the buildings’ 23rd floor. Similar SkyHouse projects are also being built in Atlanta, Raleigh, Orlando, Houston and Austin. Retail space will wrap the bottom floor along Church Street in both the tower and a structured parking deck to be shared with a second residential tower identical to the first. 19 SkyHouse II Location: North Church & 9th Streets Use:Residential, Retail Size: 2.2 acres, 336 units Height: 24 stories Owner/Developer: Novare Group, Grubb Properties, Batson-Cook Status: Planning stage SkyHouse II will be identical to the first tower and will also feature a club room, fitness area, pool and outdoor plazas on the buildings’ 23rd floor. Retail space will wrap the bottom floor along Church Street in both the tower and a structured parking deck to be shared with SkyHouse I. 26 Fourth Ward 20 The Lofts at NC Music Factory Location: 920 Hamilton Street Use: Residential, Retail, Hotel Size: 5 acres, 200-250 units 40,000 SF retail Height: 5 stories Owner/Developer: Seaboard Street Condominiums LLC Status: Planning stage The Lofts will be a mixed-use development adjacent to the NC Music Factory. The 5-acre site will include 200-250 residential units with approximately 40,000 square feet retail in two five-story buildings. Features include skyline views, and short walking distance to bars, restaurants and performance venues. 21 AvidXchange Headquarters Location: NC Music Factory Complex Use:Office Size: 5.9 acres, 115,000 SF Height: 4 stories Owner/Developer:AvidXChange Status: Planning stage Avid Xchange is moving their headquarters to the NC Music Factory. A 4-story office building will be built to house the fast growing company’s headquarters. 27 Fourth Ward 22 Apartments at NC Music Factory Location: Seaboard Street Use:Residential Size: 3.5 acres, 205 units Height: 4 stories Owner/Developer: Ark Ventures, Simpson Woodfield Silos Status: Planning stage Ark Ventures and Woodfield are creating a mixed use apartment with ground floor restaurant building to join the NC Music Factory complex. The development will be supported by a new parking garage. 23 Ivey’s Hotel Location: 127 North Tryon Street Use:Hotel conversion Size: 2 floors, 46 rooms Owner/Developer: MRK Investments Status: Planning stage MRK investments is planning to renovate the ground floor of the historical Ivey’s building in Uptown. Formerly used as a food court, the retail space is being converted into a 46-room luxury hotel. 28 Fourth Ward 24 225 North Cedar Apartments Location: 225 North Cedar Street Use:Residential Size: 1.2 acres, 82 units Height: 4 stories, 1 level parking Architect: Housing Studio Owner/Developer: The Boulevard at North Cedar LLC Status: Under construction Immediately adjacent to Pinewood/Elmwood Cemetery, this project will be 4 stories of residences built atop a 1 level podium parking deck. Amenities include an elevated courtyard and skyline views. 25 Dominion Gateway Apartments Location: West Trade & Irwin Avenue Use:Residential Size: 3.3 acres, 300 units Height: 5 stories, Owner/Developer: Dominion Realty Partners Status: Planning stage Raleigh-based Dominion Realty Partners is planning a 300-unit apartment development near Gateway Village. Dominion hopes to begin construction by mid-summer on the 5 story project that will wrap a structured parking deck. 29 MIDTOWN Midtown lies just east of Uptown, serving as a gateway between the downtown area and the residential neighborhoods of Cherry, Elizabeth and Dilworth. The Little Sugar Creek Greenway connects Midtown to Freedom Park and Dilworth, and future plans call for additional greenway connections into First Ward, Uptown and the Cross-Charlotte Trail. The Metropolitan, which opened in 2011, is anchored with some of Center City’s best destination retail – including Target, West Elm, Trader Joe’s and Best Buy. The Metropolitan also features unique apparel retail, upscale condominiums, restaurants and Class A office space. When the Gold Line streetcar opens in 2015, it will connect Midtown with the Transit Center in the heart of Uptown, the main campus of Central Piedmont Community College, and Novant Presbyterian Hospital. FAST FACTS: 1.2 MM existing office SF 838 K existing retail SF 361 existing residential units 365 K office SF planned 49.9 K retail SF planned/under construction 175 hotel rooms planned 1,276 residential units planned / under construction 30 on Pe can St Av St N Brevard St e Van Every E Thirteenth St Midtown La m ar e nw Ct ay Av St ath Otts He ALEXANDER PARK ek re Baxter Place 32 500 East Morehead E Eighth St uis eA ve kso Jac ral Ave on tA Cen t ve N Alexander St h St E Sevent Pa N McDowell St MEMORIAL STADIUM INDEPENDENCE PARK Dr E Fifth St Park Dr Sam Ryburn Walk Travis Ave Elizabeth Ave N Long St TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA Elizabet E Trade St Vail Ave Randolph Rd St Baldwin Ave N Alexander St h Ave E Fourth E Fourth St PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL N Caswell Rd CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Morrow St E Fifth St Hawthorne Ln N Kings Dr N Myers St N Davidson St y Dr Park Dr E Sixth St ANSIT NTER rk Lamar Ave Armor E Fifth St TC TATION Clement Ave Lamar Ave Lo N Myers St First Ward Ct Ave St t land ct tS m N Caldwell St e 31 spe on ve wne A otteto N Brevard St Av Oa Av se ui Lo e nys Sun ve Solis Dilworth nA 30 dm h St Oak East Morehed & Kenilworth Charl GINON E Nint 29 Pie y Dr Armor E Seventh St EVENTH ST TATION Bay St au TURE T WARD ARK 74 The Crest at Metropolitan Be UNCC UPTOWN e e Levine Metropolitan St Pro TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Av 27 28 Ave Seigle SENSE AND SCIENCE GARDEN ide Crescent Dilworth th E Tenth St ys 26 en ET Garden District Dr nn Av e Seigle Av Ln Crescent Su ide ew Way Vi Skyline ay Greenw FIRST WARD ELEMENTARY nd tle int Dr Seigle Po E Twelfth St kla Su ga rC ve lA ra nt Ce il Ln Green Tra Lit Spindle St N Alexander St Gr ee McGill Garden Way Providence Rd TH OM PSO N E Third St PAR K Rd well S Cas COUNTY COURTHOUSE GOVERNMENT CENTER Qu yS Lillington Ave HIRD ST/ ONVENTION CENTER TATION ve eA ay S McDowell St ley Pl He n Greenwood Cliff BAXTER STREET PARK tle Qu Lit een Su ga re Harding Pl d sR rC ek Gr S McDowell St Baldwin Ave S Torrence St ee ead St Welker St nw 27 Waco St ee Av e Cherry St Gr Tra il ek Rail re E Moreh Avant St t rC th PEARLE STREET PARK Baxter St t Baxter St ga WALL ON Su ilw or CHERRY PARK il S tle Ke n ec SC Lit E Stonewall St rS xte Ba Main St 31 ve nA S Davidson St S Brevard St S Caldwell St Eli St lita S Kings Dr po tro AQUATIC CENTER Luther St a Ch Me METRO SCHOOL er St Luth n tow tte rlo E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd NASCAR HALL OF FAME olo SC sR d Ranlo Ave ve lA nia een t MARSHALL PARK err Ch 28 E Third St nw ay l Rd N Ed geh il Ave Berkeley Arosa Dr Oriole St Myrtle Ave Euclid Ave S Caldwell St no er tV r cal Dr ve nA M sD 30 St ing Rd E Morehead SK th 26 Romany Rd Di lw or 29 Morehead Medi Lexington Ave E Morehead St Harding Pl 32 N N CAROLINAS MEDICAL CENTER 31 u l on gt xin Le South B lgr av eP Br Be Midtown 26 Crescent Dilworth Location: 1400 Harding Place Use:Residential, Retail Size: 2.3 acres, 296 units, 2,200 SF retail Height: 5 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: BB+M Owner/Developer: Crescent Communities Status: Under construction Crescent Communities will develop a 296-unit apartment project adjacent to Little Sugar Creek Greenway near Morehead Street. The project will feature studio, one- and two-bedroom units, street level retail, and amenities such as a lap pool, athletic club, CrossFit gym, yoga studio, bicycle repair center and bike storage, and a seventh-floor terrace. 27 Levine Metropolitan Location: 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Use:Residential, Hotel Size: 1.3 acres, 155 units, 175 hotel rooms Owner/Developer: Levine Properties, Cashel Rock Investors Status: Planning stage Metropolitan Apartments/Hotel will be located at the intersection of Metropolitan Avenue and South Kings Drive in Midtown. Levine Properties with Cashel Rock Investors will develop this 1.3-acre site into a 155 residential unit, 175 hotel room tower. No retail will be permitted within the first 10 years. 32 Midtown 28 The Crest at Metropolitan Location: 137 South Kings Drive Use:Residential, Retail Size: 2.5 acres, 261 units 7,700 SF retail Height: 5-6 stories Owner/Developer: Lennar Corp, RAM Real Estate Status: Under construction Located across Kings Drive from the Metropolitan and Target’s Midtown store, the proposed development will include two buildings - one five stories and the other six stories of residential atop ground floor retail. The site completes a block that includes retail development at the corner of Kings Drive and Charlottetowne Avenue. 29 The Dillon Location: 905 East Kenilworth Use:Residential, Retail Size: 2.77 acres, 380 units, 25,000 SF retail Height: 6 stories Owner/Developer: Forestar Group Inc. Status: Under construction Texas-based Forestar Group has aquired an additional 1.3 acres adjacent to their property on East Morehead Street to build a mixed use development. The development will grow from an initial 211 units with 15,000 SF retail to 380 units with 25,000 SF retail. Pending rezoning, Forestar hopes to accommodate retail on the ground floor. 33 Midtown 30 Solis Dilworth Location: Morehead Street at Kenilworth Avenue Use:Residential Size: 2.2 acres, 184 units Height: 5 stories Owner/Developer: Terwilliger Pappas Status: Under construction Terwilliger Pappas is developing a 184 apartment building in Dilworth; located one mile outside Uptown and directly adjacent to the Carolinas Medical Center Main campus. Construction is expected to be complete by late 2015. 31 Baxter Place Location: South Kings Drive at Baxter Street Use:Office Size: 1.7 acres, 200,000 SF Height: 8 stories, 6 levels parking Architect: Wagner Murray Owner/Developer: Goode Properties Status: Planning stage Goode Properties is seeking a rezoning to develop an 8-story office building with ground floor retail at the corner of Kings Drive and Baxter Street in Midtown. A six level parking structure will be built next to the building with retail lining the base along Kings Drive and townhomes along the back side facing the Cherry neighborhood. 34 Midtown 32 500 East Morehead Location: 500 East Morehead Street Use:Office, Retail Size: 2.4 acres, 165,000 SF office, 15,000 SF retail Height: 7 stories Owner/Developer: Beacon Partners Status: Planning stage Beacon Partners plans to build a 7 story office building on East Morehead Steet adjacent to the Dowd YMCA. The 180,000 SF building will feature a coffee shop, casual lunch spot and upscale restaurant, all with outdoor seating along Morehead. Beacon hopes to demolish the existing structure in July once the existing tenants relocate. 35 SOUTH END South End is located immediately south of Uptown and is well-served by the Blue Line light rail line with four stations at the heart of the neighborhood. Initially a bustling industrial zone trafficked by multiple freight lines and populated with textile factories and other warehouses, today South End is a dynamic urban neighborhood with a mix of rehabbed historic structures and new transit-oriented development first sparked by the re-introduction of the Charlotte Trolley in the 90’s and subsequent opening of the light rail line in 2007. South End is home to a burgeoning craft brewery scene, multiple music venues, art galleries and beloved local shops and restaurants. FAST FACTS: 2.9 MM existing office SF 1.4 MM existing retail SF 4,432 existing residential units 585.3 K 231.1 K office SF planned/under construction retail SF planned/under construction 2,750 residential units planned/under construction 36 S Davidson St S Brevard S Caldwell St METRO SCHOOL AQUATIC CENTER E Stonewall St Tra il South End W First St STONEWALL STATION S Cedar St Elliot St ay nd Seco GANTT CENTER W Stonewall St Greenw W t E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd NASCAR HALL OF FAME CHARLOTTE CONVENTION CENTER MINT MUSEUM Ave Greek xt S rth E THE GREEN S McDowell St Greenleaf S College KNIGHT THEATER Levine Avenue of the Arts St S Tryon St MUSEUM S Church Dr Rail urth Westbrook Irwin BANK OF AMERICA STADIUM St W Hill St Camden Southline 36 Publix Supermarket 37 Silos South End, Phase II S Clarkson St W Carson Blvd S Mint St S Graham St it Av e St W Bland 42 Presidio 43 Marsh Properties Merriman Ave St on ks lar S McDowell St St Dr ore Wilm Dunkirk Dr Trail d Pl int St Ave E Worthington Abb ott St e an Av tA ve re s dc W oo on em Tr McDonald Ave ore Be rt pa St hil lR St othy Dor ing Barr Toomey Ave er D rd Fo er rk Pa hill Rd Brook ge C lvd tB es W Remus Rd Brookhill Rd Youngblood St Baltimore Ave Norfolk Ave Pl d oo tw en Br Dr n so r 43 Rail B rst Rd Elmhu St Toomey Ave Trail Griffith Miller St l st P at xter Dr Poinde kcre er D Ave in St Benjam Oa W l Pl ing Phillips Cowles d Ave Fairwoo ve go A Rd Chica Mayfl Marsh Rd ower NEW BERN STATION d Ave Fairwoo Rd No rma St shal Mar 37 lvd Barr SOUTHSIDE PARK Way Remount Rd Rd th B mo Ideal Sou Re t un D Ave ail St vant Duna tion St 51 on St Rd Diana 39 Euclid Rail Tr 41 ibu Distr Basin St S Try Kim y berl Dr Atherton St t Dr ha r m Rd W Tremont Ave d 35 ins Hawk rry REVOLUTION PARK Olm Haverford Pl Be Dowd YMCA Renovation rk Pl d Pa stea Iverson Way 52 Ave Lynd m Ra t Ave ilm W el 36 th Solis South End Green Ave 51 St en Mather Gre Sumner Rd Meacham hurs Dr or e w ie yv Sk Magnolia Ave ail 44 t Rail Tr Rd Dr Ave ce S Southend Dr Merrim Way tier Car an Spru C Ave rrim W Wilm Ferguson Bath ve tA Me 50 t tS et gg Do s Dilworth Mew Lyndhurst E Tremont Ave Ave ton ts Ln St 230 West Summit Ave EAST/WEST STATION lvd ve on A ingt Carson Blvd. Townhomes 49 Springdale kfor SM Spruce 48 Ave st B orth WW ings WK East Blvd Rail We Wic Ave ton ings WK Morningstar Storage Lumina Townhomes 34 Winthrop t Ave eS Lyndhurst ruc Euclid Ave in WK Ave St Sp n Ave gsto kins e WILMORE PARK E Kingston Ave Cleveland rk Ave i ilk W 47 E Park Ave 40 ve rk A W Pa W Pa vd Bl Ave Haw Av t n o ns 50 d Ave ttle t yS 2173 Hawkins Westwood 1000 South Tryon Street 46 Romany Rd TROLLEY MUSEUM hwoo nS Su re Ga 45 Ave Rensselaer Ave Sout W 44 W Summit SC Larch St Redevelopment St 49 Ct r om D Freed BRYANT PARK 38 Berkeley Ave BLAND STATION en Rd Dunavant Place W Summit Ave Berkeley Ave Winona St Camd 41 St Kee 1616 Center Winona 47 St urch S Ch 40 E Bland St St 2400 South Boulevard Mt Vernon Ave S Tryon Penn St e Av tte fae Lincoln St La District Flats 39 St t S ey inc Qu Penman St Pl Atherton Heigh nt Rail Trail ya Winnifred Br 33 South Blvd m M St S College W Palmer W Palmer St Lexington Ave E Carson Blvd W Palmer St t Ex um W ad SS e eh or 52 CARSON STATION 48 Commerce St m ead St Post St 38 Iso E Moreh 45 St 35 r St Winnifred Camden Gallery rt St e 34 42 W Dunba Oriole St Calve ut Av din Rd Waln Gran it Ave W Morehead St Baxter St Myrtle Ave S Summ 1100 South Boulevard Euclid Ave 33 S Caldwell St Morris St Morehead Square Dr e S Church St er Av McNinch St Litak Eldridge St W Hill St Vil la erry Terra ce REVOLUTION GOLF COURSE Beec h Nut Rd Dewb St Griffith B Pl d oo tw en Ave ail Nu tR d Foster Rail Tr 46 St Bank Br ec h Foster Ave rwin Greek St e an Av Herm St Weston 37 May Greenway Be u W Fo PARK Fo S Graham y W Clarkson St PARK South End 33 1100 South Boulevard Location: 1100 South Boulevard Use:Residential Size: 2.4 acres, 331 units Height: 5 stories Architect: Humphreys & Partners Owner/Developer: Cambridge Development Group, USAA Real Estate Status: Under construction 1100 South Boulevard is a five-story development under construction at the southwestern corner of the intersection of Carson and South Boulevards along the Blue Line, and adjacent to the Carson Station. Building amenities include a car wash area, coffee house, gated parking, rooftop gardens, outdoor pool, and plug-in stations for electric vehicles. 34 Camden Gallery Location: 100 West Boulevard Use:Residential, Retail Size: 3.5 acres, 323 units 14,000 SF retail Height: 5 stories Architect: Axiom Owner/Developer: Camden Property Trust Status: Under construction Located in South End at the corner of West Boulevard and Camden Road, Camden Gallery will feature streetlevel retail and 323 residential units, which will wrap a parking structure. The development will offer easy access to the Blue Line at the East/West Station across the street. 38 South End 35 Camden Southline Location: 2300 South Boulevard Use:Residential Size: 3.8 acres, 266 units Height: 5 stories Architect: The Housing Studio, Cole Jenest & Stone Owner/Developer: Camden Property Trust Status: Under construction/lease-up Located on South Boulevard at Iverson Way, Camden Southline will share driveway access with the Publix supermarket development. Residential units will wrap a parking structure. 36 Publix Supermarket Location: 2300 South Boulevard Use:Retail Size: 4 acres, 63,400 SF retail Height: 1 story, 2 levels parking Architect: Owner/Developer: Levine Properties, Stiles Corporation Status: Opening Mid-April 2015 Located on South Boulevard at Iverson Way, Publix will share driveway access with the Camden Southline apartment development. Called Shops at South Line, the building will include 8,400 square feet for additional small-scale retail as well as subsurface and surface parking. 39 South End 37 Silos South End, Phase II Location: 131 Poindexter Drive Use:Resdiential Size: 2.65 acres, 111 units Height: 5 stories Architect: The Housing Studio Owner/Developer: Simpson Woodfield Silos LLC Status: Under construction/lease-up Silos South End is adding 111 units to the Phase 2 apartment complex. Silos South End is located adjacent to the Blue Line. The development is supported by on-street parking. 38 District Flats Location: 1449 South Church Street Use:Residential Size: 1.7 acres, 197 units, 1,800 SF office, 770 SF retail Height: 6 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: Studio Fusion Owner/Developer: Faison Properties Status: Under construction This podium-style development will include five stories of studio, one- and two-bedroom apartments over two levels of podium parking. The project will also include keyman office space and a coffee shop with sidewalk dining on the ground floor. A small dog park is planned on Summit Avenue. 40 South End 39 2400 South Boulevard Location: 2400 South Boulevard Use:Medical Office Size: 1.9 acres, 36,000 SF Height: 3 stories Owner/Developer: Merrifield Patrick Vermillion Status: Planning stage Located on South Boulevard adjacent to the new Publix and Camden Southline projects, this 36,000 SF medical office plaza will be less than a 10 minute walk from the East/West Blvd and New Bern Blue Line stations. Pre-leasing is underway with space available starting at 1,200 SF. On-site parking will be provided with approximately 4.5 spaces for every 1,000 SF. Novant Health has recently committed to lease space. 40 1616 Center Location: 1616 Camden Road Use:Office, Retail Size: 1 acre, 51,000 SF office, 23,000 SF retail Height: 5 stories, 6 levels parking Architect: Axiom Owner/Developer: Centro CityWorks, Beacon Partners Status: Under construction Centro Cityworks is developing a five story mixed use office and retail building on Camden Road next to Price’s Chicken Coop. The building will include three levels of office space on top of two levels of retail wrapping a six level parking deck. Construction began in late 2014 and is expected to be completed in mid to late 2015. 41 South End 41 Dunavant Place Location: 2418 Dunavant Street Use:Office Size: .5 acres, 15,500 SF office Height: 3 stories Architect: Overcash Demmitt Owner/Developer: RBB Investments Status: Planning stage RBB Investments, developers of the Ballantyne Village Complex, plan to break ground soon on a 15,500 SF office building on Dunavant Street near Remount Road. The building is expected to deliver in the fall with an asking rental rate between $26 - $28 per square foot. CBRE Group will lease the space. 42 Presidio Location: 135 West Morehead Street Use:Residential Size: 2.4 acres, 298 units Height: 6-7 stories, 2 levels parking Architect: JDavis Architects Owner/Developer: NRP Group Status: Under construction Ohio-based multifamily developers NRP Group have begun construction on a 298-unit residential development on West Morehead Street. The project will consist of 4 - 5 stories of residential units over 2 floors of podium parking. The majority of the units will be 1 bedroom but will also include 2 bedroom units. Construction is expected to last 18 months. 42 South End 43 Marsh Properties Redevelopment Location: 2701 South Boulevard Use:Mixed-use Size: 60 acres, 98,000 SF retail 1,200 units, 100,000 SF office Owner/Developer: Marsh Properties Status: Planning stage Marsh Properties and Aston Properties are planning a 60-acre mixed use redevelopment along South Boulevard at the current Sedgefield Shopping Center site. The site is also home to 303 existing apartment units. The first phase includes a 68,000 SF Harris Teeter-anchored retail center as well as 300 apartment units. Marsh hopes to break ground in early 2015. 44 2173 Hawkins Location: 2173 Hawkins Street Use:Office, Retail Size: 1.7 acres, 4,000 SF retail 17,000 SF office Height: 1 story Architect: Shook Kelley Owner/Developer: Argos Real Estate Advisors Status: Complete Argos Real Estate Advisors has developed a mixeduse upfit to an existing structure in South End along Hawkins Street. Graphics and web design company Mode has signed on as a tenant. 43 South End 45 1000 South Tryon Location: Morehead & South Tryon Streets Use:Office, Residential Size: 1.9 aces, 300,000 SF office Height: 14 stories Owner/Developer: Trinity Capital Advisors, Honey Properties Status: Planning stage Trinity Capital Advisors and Honey Properties are planning a 14-story office tower at the corner of South Tryon and Morehead Streets. The project will feature skyline views, ground floor retail and a parking deck wrapped by residential units. Construction will begin once an anchor tenant has been secured. 46 Morningstar Storage Location: South Tryon & Griffith Streets Use:Storage Rental Size: 1 acre, 100,000 SF storage Height: 5 stories Owner/Developer: Morningstar Properties LLC Status: Under construction Morningstar Properties is developing a 100,000 SF self storage building that will be located on South Tryon Street. The building will be supported by surface parking. 44 South End 47 Lumina Townhomes Location: 1412 South Church Street Use:Residential Size: .6 acres, 13 units Height: 3 stories Architect: FMK Architects Owner/Developer: Resolve Residential Status: Under construction Resolve Residential has begun building a townhome community on a 0.62 acre lot with 13 units in the Wilmore neighborhood. 48 Carson Boulevard Townhomes Location: Carson Blvd. at South Tryon Use:Residential Size: .5 acers, 11 units Height: 4 stories Owner/Developer: David Weekley Homes Status: Under construction David Weekley Homes is developing 11 townhomes on Carson Boulevard. The units will have skyline views looking back towards Uptown and will be within one block of the the Carson Blue Line Station adjacent to the Rail Trail. 45 South End 49 230 West Summit Location: 230 West Summit Avenue Use:Office Size: .8 acres, 64,000 SF office Height: 3 stories Owner/Developer: Merrifield Patrick Vermillion Status: Planning stage Merrifield Patrick Vermillion is planning a mid-size office building near the intersection Summit Avenue and South Church Street in the heart of South End. There will be 3.5 parking spaces for every 1,000 SF of office space built adjacent to the first floor and in two floors of structured parking below. 50 Ferguson Showroom Location: 145 West Summit Avenue Use:Showroom Size: 1.3 acres, 27,900 SF Owner/Developer:Ferguson Status: Under construction Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting is building a new 27,900 SF showroom in South End on West Summit Avenue. Once complete, they will vacate their existing 5,000 SF space at the Atherton Mill. 46 South End 51 Solis South End Location: South Blvd. at Remount Road Use:Residential Size: 3.5 acres, Owner/Developer: Terwilliger Pappas Status: Planning stages Terwilliger Pappas is evaluating the potential for a large multi-family development at the corner of Remount Road and South Boulevard. The group is working on similar projects in the Dilworth and South Park neighborhoods. 52 Dowd YMCA Renovation Location: 400 East Morehead Street Use:YMCA/Fitness Size: 28,000 SF addition Architect: LS3P Owner/Developer: YMCA of Greater Charlotte Status: Planning stage The YMCA of Greater Charlotte is planning a $20 million overhaul at the Dowd YMCA on East Morehead street starting in late 2015. The YMCA has raised over $10 million towards the project and estimates an 18 - 24 month construction period. New features will include a 600 space parking deck, and an additional 28,000 SF for expanded fitness space, new group studios, and upgraded locker rooms. 47 PUBLIC PROJECTS Several prominent projects are under construction or well into the planning process in Center City. These include major transit/infrastructural projects, new public parks, and upgrades to an exisitng County-owned sports venue. Each contributes to the quality of life in Center City and follow an established pattern of the City and County investing in public projects that in turn spur private development. FAST FACTS: 9.3 miles of new light rail line 11 new light rail stations 1.5 miles of streetcar track 6 new streetcar stops 4.5 acres of new park land 1 new professional sports team 48 ey Ave MIDWOOD PARK Pl Pinckney Ave e Av Creek Greenw ZA LA EP TH Ct d oo ay N DAVIDSON ST St ol ho Sc N Alexander St Pamlico St N Caldwell St Parkwood Ave N Alexander St Pegram St N Myers St e Av n lto Da Little Sugar N TRYON ST St Hobbs s St Grime ft St Bancro dri N Brevard St Polk St g St yw ve rA rte Ave Ca ard dw oo W ve nA or rb Dea Sprin Ha m ve rA hle Ko y wa en Gre e Av Oa kla Lit nd tle Su ga rC re ek N Alexander St ve u A ise Lo ve eA Sunn ysid Alpha Mill Ln N College St N Poplar St Spindle St Ave First Ward Ct son Pied N Myers St mon t St pect E Eighth St St TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Clement Ave St E Pros Lamar Ave N Johnson Bay St Cen tral Ave N Alexander St N Alexander St TRANSIT CENTER S Poplar St FEDERAL COURTHOUSE S Mint St 5 GREYHOUND TERMINAL Elizabeth PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Va N Caswell Rd 2 E Trade St CTC STATION INDEPENDENCE SQUARE CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Elizabeth Ave N Long St PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Dr E Fifth St Park Dr Sam Ryburn Walk Morrow St Rail Trail N Clarkson St E Fifth St TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA Randolph Ave E Fourth St Provid E Fourth St E Third St PARK Rd swell Rail Trail THOM PSON S Ca COUNTY COURTHOUSE GOVERNMENT CENTER Vict eS t Fli nt St y l Trai Rail Waco St wa Welker St en Av e Cherry St th Gre PEARLE STREET PARK W Hill St Baldwin Ave S Torrence St S Cedar St ek Elliot St re St rC ilw or Avant St Ke n BANK OF AMERICA STADIUM Baxter St ga ay STONEWALL STATION Su Greenw W First St xter St Ba Main St CHERRY PARK il St tle E Stonewall St ec SC Lit Greek GANTT CENTER W Stonewall St St Luther St Ave AQUATIC CENTER Luther arl Ch litan S Davidson St METRO SCHOOL S Kings Dr S Caldwell St S Brevard St S College st S Tryon St S Church St ve eA wn eto ott E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd NASCAR HALL OF FAME CHARLOTTE CONVENTION CENTER MINT MUSEUM Ave Irwin Ext St THE GREEN ropo ey BECHTLER MUSEUM KNIGHT THEATER Levine Avenue of the Arts rth St sR d Eli St He Dr Met S Graham St ay ts Westbrook igh W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd WARD PARK S Clarkson St W t t S THIRD Ave Ex VISITOR CENTER oria Ave th een Ranlo Ave THIRD ST/ CONVENTION CENTER STATION ROMARE BEARDEN PARK Lillington Ave e rth ur Qu St BB&T BALLPARK in Av wo Fo MARSHALL PARK W Third St St S Irw St erry St urth E Third St S Cedar ore W Fo St S McDowell St ak mm N Irwin Ave INDEPENDENCE PARK E Fifth St it St W N Su 4 MEMORIAL STADIUM N Kings Dr E Sixth St Dr rk Baldwin Ave St Armory W Sixth St LUSKI GALLERY Flint N McDowell St N Myers St N Davidson St N Caldwell St N Brevard St N Tryon St N Church St N Pine St N Graham St N College St N Smith St MAIN LIBRARY IMAGINON Pa Dr Lamar Ave DISCOVERY PLACE E Seventh St SEVENTH ST STATION LEVINE MUSEUM Armory Hawthorne Ln FOURTH WARD PARK SPIRIT SQUARE h St E Sevent Travis Ave ore St St Park Dr N Sycam 74 ve e Ave ide Ch ns nth E Te Jack Ct er dg Horne N Church St St Ave ys eA e LN HAWTHORNE ve dA on r Mon Le can nn uis r Av Louise Ave id Cr Dru aD N Brevard St etz Mor Ba St Moss Dr Pe on e Frazie ord nd Av Av lvd G Oakla ELMWOOD CEMETERY JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY W esl uB Pl ve s St 3 FUTURE FIRST WARD PARK cam ck W sa on tA ns t Ave ort on Bru aS as m m W Eighth St th St Du cliff St in om ce nd ZA ra Na ve LA er w ll A EP TH ll T slo Ha r Nas An On nD au St ve Ave ve Th e Av Be in dA od eA Ave Ln e wne Av otteto art lan wo to Charl M Ash Ken gu ar Crescent UNCC UPTOWN NINTH ST PARK W Eighth St ar St N ve ra m View Way E Tenth St E Ninth St E Eighth St Greenleaf Heath dA Sp Lo y Bl N Ced e oo Dr La SENSE AND SCIENCE GARDEN S Sy Av bw n Ct ctor W Fifth St W Fifth St ond W Sec Ave th Fa ic al ntr Ce Ln Ave us St Seigle lm Ct FRAZIER PARK urth ing St Su Skyline Greenway W Fourth St W Fo to St Seigle Ave rrace M W Ninth St ery St Dr St Garden District Dr FIRST WARD ELEMENTARY Pfifer Ave vd NC . SMITH SITY ok ng Hea Green Trail Dr St ell St ilton ll Te h St IRWIN AVE ELEMENTARY tbro E Sixteenth St Seigle Point DANCE THEATRE Maxw Ham Andri elft Cate Wes nsi St 1 MCCOLL CENTER W Seventh St W Fou teenth Otts E Twelfth St W Tenth St PINEWOOD CEMETERY ut Ave Ke St tt ALEXANDER PARK k St Tw BIDDLEVILLE PARK n r E Thirteenth St McGill Garden Way NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC FACTORY W te ng Ha St Cree ve de nsi Belmont Ave E Eleventh St Tra nD ra t St n milto W Eleventh St W Ave E Six E Twelfth St St pah E Liddell St E Thirteenth St om Montg enth Van Every Canton Pl W Six vente E Fifteenth St snan Polk n St Whi Ha Chisho wn Belmont Ave Sp Burto GREENVILLE PARK Bro E Fifteenth St Wadsworth Pl W Liddell St Tip E E Se E Sixteenth St St to Ave W Fifteenth ng an AV nsi Ave Pec LE ut St enth Elm St VIL stn ve ES e Ch tA AT ve men ST ve lle eA Cle aA ST ntan AHAM Fo lvd Pl ve Pl Rail Trail d 6 uB Gateway Station l on 5 N GR Park nA Memorial Stadium sa Ln s Rd esis Oak Law 4 St Be St hte dP Ke rr Te Ke E Eig oo urm st Ct Oak Gen St enth idw St th St nte E Ni M Nas ur Dr entie First Ward Park E Sixteenth Callahan Belvedere Ave e St Armo on on ve nn Pars nA Av St Law re d St Dr we ue rk Po lG Pa ine Dr ble ton Dou G ld erea de e stea Dr Ethe ay ud W Stro ul Brew acef St Oak Pe Av St r Pegram Allen Ave l St uth Harril kD Ashby St Oa re Um t ing de lS Ris E Tw 3 e Plymo St reka lve rson rril nia Av E Twenty First St Ave Sylva lve Ke Gold Line Streetcar Seigle dw Be Pa Ha 2 ll St Dowe N Mc ick Be Th St Ave St ve e l en Blue Line Extension E Twenty Second St Seigle oo A ard Av dP All oft St W Eu CORDELLA PARK E Twenty Third St d St 1 Ave osa on nty Thir Bancr berry r urm W Twe Wolf dD Th St S urth oo St Fo mbw d ty Cha ea en Pl e St Tw im Av m W M osa gra t Rd St erbil St im Pe Vand ce M E AV st E Kesw Au D OO W RK PA Um Gra n St Hobbs AV n am e on Ediso c hra Ch Av rs LE e St a St wb n ta io Ca E Twenty Fourth St N Poplar St VIL Av urg rry Fifth St Pa ES kle Co E Twenty Fifth St s St AT nb Public Projects ec Ba Yadkin Ave rris No tt Un W Twenty Ave St ST N Poplar St ordia ere M Grime Conc Ev Sixth St N Pine St lin St Lucena at Ave oft St St tre W Twenty Bancr do St St Rachel Davis on e Olan son Frank M lin Av N Church St Jeffer Ave Ro dn E Twenty Sixth St Frank Morehead Square Dr Hen ley Pl Berkeley Ave Pl ga rC Rail Trail Ave Waverly St W Merriman Ave t nS SC Ave Ln Atherton Heights Ave st re Floral Ave Dr Charlotte Rd ilw orth ED Dunkirk Dr Ave ley Dr Wilm ore Me Ave rriman Av e Lockhart Dr e Ct Ave Brookside rth Rd W Dilwo Pa rk Kir kw Sa Rd rah Mar ks Ave Ln Ledgewood WM Do Dilworth Mews Ave tt St Abbo St Lyndhurst E Tremont Ave Lattimore St Hemlock St 49 Cir rth Ave Scott Ave Kenilwo Pl Trail ford Lynway Dr Carling Ave E Tr em ont Lombardy e d Av erlan Ewing Ave Park Rd Ideal Way Ave Ave Ave ett gg Cumb Rd Lennox Ave Ave Ideal Way E Worthington orthin WW W Kin Ave Ave t Blvd gton nt St St gston E Worthington E Worthington Rail Wes Wick Ave S Mi Spruce d Blv Ave St n so Lyndhurst East Blvd EAST/WEST STATION gston in Euclid Ave St W Kin ilk W East Blvd Ave Ave Gay Sp ruce Ave ins St Hawk Ave ttle n St Su re WILMORE PARK Ave Cleveland wood W St gston W Kin Ave Springdale E Kingston South Ave Winthrop e rk Av W Pa W Park W Dilworth Westwood lia est so View Fountain lark Ct Filmore Ave Isleworth Ave Larch St no Cr Vil ek Rd Rd Camden Kee BRYANT PARK E Park Ave ag n lag W h ort ilw ce ED om Dr Freed Terra Buchanan Romany Rd en Gard St LATTA PARK M to St Su Pierce St Ave TROLLEY MUSEUM Ave Ave tle Kenilworth Winnifred Arosa Dr Oriole St S Caldwell St St S College Myrtle Ave S Mint St S Graham St us Ln Euclid Ave e Av Lela S Church St Woodr S Clarkson St uff Pl way reen kG Cree H re re Lit gC Dr no ve tt A in gs in ga Blvd Sco sh SK Romany Rd e Av Lin Ave urch Rensselaer it Ave W Summ Millerton Ave Harding Pl ar t y Stew wa n Ru en CAROLINAS MEDICAL CENTER he Blyt n Carlto Berkeley Winona St BLAND STATION St gto Mt Vernon Ave Berkeley Ave W Summit Ave Pl E Bland St St S Ch St E Morehead Be Ave St Ave ette W Bland m Gre on ern tV M Lafa S Tryon Penn St E Morehead St Rd xin Le Ave 6 Lincoln St Iso h lgra ve St Commerce St Winona w ort Dr it a ncey Qui Penman St l Dil South Blvd m Bry P nt Lexington Ave Morehead Medical r St W Palme W Palmer St ek St CARSON STATION E Carson Blvd W Palmer St t Ex um W ad SS e eh or M Harding Pl re St W Carson Blvd Post St ois Ct rC ead St ga E Moreh Winnifred bar St Su Calvert Dub W Dun Greenwood Cliff BAXTER STREET PARK Baxter St tle mit Ave t Ave n Rd Walnu Grandi W Morehead St Lit S Sum S McDowell St Morris St McNinch St Ave Eldridge St W Hill St Litaker eR es d tS to ne W Public Projects 1 Blue Line Extension Location: Northeast Corridor Use:Light Rail Size: 9.3 miles, 11 Stations Cost:$1.2 BB Owner/Developer: City of Charlotte / CATS Status: Under construction The Blue Line Extension will add 9.3 miles and 11 stations to the existing light rail line. The extension will connect the UNC Charlotte main campus to Center City, and South Charlotte and will link to the current Blue Line terminus at the 7th Street Station. Construction broke ground in July 2013 and service is expected to begin in 2017. Service will operate from 5:30 am to 1:00 am daily with trains arriving every 10-15 minutes. 50 Public Projects 2 Gold Line Streetcar Location: Trade Street/Elizabeth Ave. Use:Streetcar Size: 1.5 miles, 6 Stops Cost:$37 MM Owner/Developer: City of Charlotte / CATS Status: Under construction Construction began in late 2012 on the 1.5 mile starter phase of the Gold Line streetcar. The 1.5 mile line will run from the Charlotte Transportation Center and Time Warner Cable Arena to Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center. The line is expected to begin service in June 2015 operating with historic replica trolleys. A second phase is under design and seeking federal matching funds that would extend the line to four miles with 17 stops and replace the replica trolleys with modern streetcar vehicles. 51 Public Projects 3 First Ward Park Location: Seventh & Brevard Streets Use:Public Park Size: 4.5 acres Cost: $9.6 MM Architect: Shadley Associates Owner/Developer: Levine Properties, Mecklenburg Co. Park & Recreation Status: Under construction First Ward Park is being developed by a partnership between Levine Properties, UNC Charlotte, Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte and is part of the $700 MM Levine investment in the First Ward. The new park is across from ImaginOn Children’s Library & Theater and adjacent to the Blue Line Extension, also under construction. 52 Public Projects 4 Memorial Stadium Location: 301 North Kings Drive Use:Professional/Amateur Sports Size: 17,500 Capacity Cost: Approx. $4MM Owner/Developer: Mecklenburg County Status: Under construction Home to Major League Lacrosse’s Charlotte Hounds, the stadium has seen recent improvements including the removal of a damaged upper deck and construction of a new pressbox and access ramps. The newly created Charlotte Independence Soccer Club intends to play in the stadium following the expansion of the field to accomodate professional soccer. Talks between team ownership and the county are ongoing to finance the needed improvements. 53 Public Projects 5 Gateway Station Location: Trade & Graham Streets Use: Multi-modal Transist Station Cost: $200 MM estimate Owner/Developer: NCDOT / City of Charlotte Status: Planning stage The multi-modal Charlotte Gateway Station will be a regional transportation hub with service from Greyhound buses, city buses, Amtrak high speed train, commuter rail, and streetcar. The station will be the anchor of a multi-phase development intended to create a vibrant new employment center in Third Ward. 54 Public Projects 6 Rail Trail Location: Uptown & South End Use:Trail, Recreation, Transportation Size: 4 miles Owner/Developer: Multiple public & prvate owners Status: Ongoing development The Charlotte Rail Trail is a four-mile multi-use path that runs along the Blue Line from the CATS Maintenance Facility through South End and other neighborhoods terminating at the future 9th Street light rail station in Uptown. The vision for the Rail Trail is a series of activity nodes along the trail where users can relax, enjoy ecclectic local shops and restaurants, and interact with dynamic public art. The recommendations of a 2014 Framework Plan will be carried out by partner organizations over time. 55 SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOODS Charlotte is known as a “city of neighborhoods” and many of the inner ring neighborhoods that surround Uptown enjoy walkable urban cores and distinct character that distinguish them from one another. Like Uptown and South End, many of these neighborhoods are seeing a flurry of development as more and more people desire to live close to the urban core. Neighborhoods like NoDa, Plaza Midwood, Dilworth, Elizabeth, Freemore West, among others, are experiencing a boom of multi-family development as well as modest office/ commercial projects. Some of the larger, more impactful projects are covered in the following section, but this does not provide a comprehensive list of all development activity in the neighborhoods surrounding Uptown. FAST FACTS: 1,898 residential units planned/under construction 640 K office SF planned/under construction 30 K retail SF planned/under construction 56 Surrounding Neighborhoods 1 Scaleybark Station 2 The Gibson 3 Faison - Midwood 4 Mercury NoDa 5 Morningside Village 6 Euclid at Lexington 7 Parkwood Station 8 Yards at NoDa 9 New Camp Station 10 West Morehead Lofts 11 CitiSculpt West Morehead 08 09 04 07 10 11 02 03 06 05 01 57 Surrounding Neighborhoods 1 Scaleybark Station Location: 3844 South Boulevard Use:Office/Retail/Residential Size: 23 acres, 420,000 SF office 20,000 SF retail, 224 units Height: 5 stories Owner/Developer: Pappas Properties Status: Planning stages Pappas Properties is developing a mixed use office and retail development at the Scaleybark Blue Line station on South Boulevard. The 23-acre property will include two 5 story office buildings with two restaurant buildings. It will also include a 224-unit apartment complex. This development will be supported by a new 350 space parking deck. 2 The Gibson Location: 1000 Central Avenue Use:Residential Size: 2.4 acres, 250 units Height: 5 stories Owner/Developer: Pollack Shores Real Esate Status: Under construction Pollack Shores is building a 250-unit apartment project on Central Avenue at the intersection with Louise Avenue and 10th Street. The site is the location of the former Grand Central Events and Catering hall and the Reflection Sound Studio. 58 Surrounding Neighborhoods 3 1305 Central Avenue Apartments Location: 1305 Central Avenue Use:Residential Size: 4.8 acres, 250 units Height: 5 stories Owner/Developer: Tribridge Residential Status: Under construction Tribridge Residential is developing a 250-unit apartment complex at the corner of Central and Clement Avenues in Plaza Midwood. The project will wrap a parking deck with access from both Central and Clement Avenues. An existing retail structure on the property will be maintained. 4 Mercury NoDa Location: 609 East 36th Street Use:Residential Size: 3.2 acres, 241 units Height: 4 stories Architect: Housing Studio Owner/Developer: Woodfield Investments Status: Under construction Mercury NoDa is a 241-unit apartment project in the heart of the eclectic NoDa neighborhood north of Uptown. The project surrounds the popular Neighborhood Theater as well as other well known neighborhood restaurants and shops. This project is expected to be complete in late 2015. 59 Surrounding Neighborhoods 5 Morningside Village, Phase I Location: Morningside Drive Use:Residential Size: 401 units Owner/Developer: Northwood Ravin Status: Under construction Northwood Ravin has begun construction on the first phase of its Morningside Village site in the Plaza Midwood-Commonwealth neighborhood east of Uptown. A mix of apartments and townhomes are under construction in a series of smaller, less dense, buildings overlooking Veterans Park. At this time Northwood Ravin does not know what shape the second phase of their development will take. 6 Euclid at Lexington Location: Euclid & Lexington Avenues Use:Residential Size: 3 acres, 180-200 units Height: 3 - 4 stories Architect: Namour Wright Architecture Owner/Developer: Marsh Properties Status: Under construction Euclid Apartments will be an upscale apartment community in the heart of Dilworth. The project will include rooftop amenity space, four private courtyards, and a fitness center. 60 Surrounding Neighborhoods 7 Parkwood Station Lofts Location: Parkwood Avenue & Brevard Street Use:Residential Owner/Developer: Capstone Apartment Partners Status: Proposed The Parkwood Station Lofts site is immediatley adjacent to the Blue Line extension and will be across the street from the Parkwood transit station. 8 Yards at NoDa Location: Just off North Davidson Street Use:Residential Size: 10 acres, 342 units Height: 4 stories Owner/Developer: Gvest Partners Status: Phase II under construction Located just north of Uptown, the Yards at NoDa is a new apartment development off of North Davidson Street behind the Highland Mill and the Johnson YMCA. Phase I is complete and leasing with Phase II to begin construction soon. Two of the planned eight buildings will be for-rent townhomes. Amenities include an outdoor pool, dog park, fitness center and clubhouse. 61 Surrounding Neighborhoods 9 New Camp Station Location: 1701 North Graham Street Use:Office Size: 150,000 SF office Owner/Developer: MV Graham LLC Status: Planning stage New Camp is a build to suit project in the North End, just north of Uptown on Graham Street. Currently a large warehouse building occupies the site. 10 West Morehead Lofts Location: West Morehead St. at Summit Use:Residential Size: 3.17 acres Owner/Developer: Capstone Apartment Partners Status: Proposed The West Morehead Lofts development site lies in the heart of the burgeoning Freemore West neighborhood just west of Uptown. The site is being marketed as ideal for high density 4 to 5 story wood framed deck-wrap or podium-style project. 62 Surrounding Neighborhoods 11 CitiSculpt West Morehead Location: West Morehead Street Use:Office Size: 1.4 acres, 70,000 SF office 5,000 - 15,000 SF retail Owner/Developer: CitiSculpt, Knox Group Status: Planning stage This 70,000 SF office project is planned for the parcel of land directly across from the Southbound exit ramp of I-77 on Morehead street. The building is still in the design phase but there are currently plans for between 5,000 and 15,000 SF of ground floor retail. 63 Charlotte CENTER CITY Partners 200 SOUTH TRYON STREET, SUITE 1600 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202