2009 M1PR Error Rejection Codes (by ERC)

2009 M1PR Error Rejection Codes (by ERC) Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Code Description
Red Code
Green Code
Trans 0001
Trans 0002
Trans 0003
Trans 0004
Trans 0005
Trans 0007
Invalid format – field too long. The field exceeds the maximum length.
Total return count in RECAP record not equal to number of returns The total return count in the RECAP record must equal the number of returns in the transmission.
Trans 0009
EIN does not match EIN in our database The EIN in the TRANA record must match the EIN for the ETIN on our database.
Trans 0011
Invalid record format. Record does not end with “#”.
Invalid ETIN. The ETIN in the RECAP record must match the ETIN in the TRANA record.
Transmitter Production/Test Code is not correct. The TranA Transmission production/test code field must contain a literal value of “P” for production region or “T” for test region.
Unexpected end of file.
Transmitter is not authorized to send this type of return/transmission.
Trans 0012
Updated ERC
Form is not valid for this return type. A form was encountered that is not valid for the return type.
Invalid format ‐ checkbox A checkbox field must be the single character “X”.
ETIN has been suspended The ETIN in the TRANA record must not be suspended.
Trans 0006
Trans 0008
Deleted ERC (may have been replaced)
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Trans 0014
Trans 0016
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
TRANA date out of range. The date in the TRANA record must be in the range of tomorrow and three days ago. That is, we will accept a transmission dated one day in the future [i.e., tomorrow], but not two days in the future. We will also accept a transmission that is dated three days in the past.
Statement not valid for this field. This field cannot contain a statement reference.
Trans 0019
Undefined EFIN. The EFIN in the TRANA record must be defined in our database.
Trans 0020
EFIN has been suspended The EFIN in the TRANA record must not be suspended.
Trans 0024
Unexpected form in M1PR return.
Trans 0025
Invalid format – alpha. An alpha field may contain only upper case letters and spaces.
Trans 0026
Invalid format – alphanumeric. An alphanumeric field may contain only case
alphanumeric field may contain only case letters [A‐Z or a‐z], numbers [0‐9], and spaces.
Record length incorrect or missing record terminating character “#”. All records must be the correct length [as specified in bytes 1‐
4 of the record]. The last character in the record must be “#”.
Trans 0027
Trans 0028
Undefined ETIN. The ETIN in the TRANA record must be defined in our database.
Trans 0029
Field is not significant. A field was encountered that is not significant. Either a numeric field is zero and a field is empty [or contains only spaces].
Invalid format – maximum length exceeded. The data must not exceed the maximum length defined for this field.
Trans 0030
Trans 0032
Code Description
Mismatched Julian date and sequence in TRANA and RECAP records. The Julian date and sequence in the RECAP record must match the Julian date and sequence in the TRANA record.
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Trans 0033
Trans 0034
Trans 0036
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
form is not valid for this return type. A form was encountered that is not valid for the return type.
Unknown return type in transmission.
Trans 0040
Missing TRANA record. The first 120 bytes must be the TRANA record.
Page 2 of a form is not preceded by page 1 of a form.
Record length format error.
Trans 0043
Unspecified parsing error within return.
Trans 0044
Missing TRANB record. The second 120 bytes must be the TRANB record.
The fixed portion of a record cannot be processed. All or part of the fixed data is missing in the record header.
Unknown form type in transmission.
Trans 0039
Trans 0045
Trans 0046
Trans 0047
Trans 0050
Trans 0054
Trans 0055
Trans 0059
Julian date does not match the regular date in TRANA record. The Julian date in the TRANA record must match the regular date in the TRANA record.
Transmission must not contain unprintable (high ASCII) characters.
Invalid format ‐ numeric. A numeric field may contain only the digits 0 through 9. It may not contain spaces or a decimal point.
ETIN EFIN mismatch. The EFIN in the TRANA record must match the EFIN for the ETIN in our database.
Multiple TRANA, TRANB, or RECAP record. There must be only one TRANA, one TRANB, and one RECAP record in the file.
Trans 0061
Missing RECAP record. The last 120 bytes must be the RECAP record. Ignoring, or course, any extraneous characters at the end of the transmission.
Trans 0063
Production/test code mismatch. The production/test code in the TRANA record must match that in the transmission database.
Code Description
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Trans 0064
Syntax error in variable length fields.
Trans 0065
Field sequence number not defined for this form. A field sequence number was encountered that is not defined for this form in Minnesota's system. If field sequence is correct, contact Minnesota for assistance.
Trans 0066
Number of occurrences of a specific form exceeds maximum allowable. The number of occurrences of a specific form exceeds maximum allowable.
Parsing error – for future use.
Trans 0067
Trans 0071
Invalid format – signed numeric. A signed numeric field may contain only digits, except that the right most character may be either plus ["+"] or minus ["‐"]. Spaces will not be allowed, and unsigned numeric is always positive.]
Trans 0072
Invalid start of record sentinel.
Trans 0073
The use code in the RECAP record does not match the use code in the TRANA record. The use code in the RECAP record must match the use code in the TRANA record.
Trans 0076
Invalid format – date. A date field must be digits formatted as CCYYMMDD and must be a valid date between 1850 and 2050.
Trans 0077
Parsing error – for future use.
Trans 0080
Duplicate transmission. The Julian date and sequence in the TRANA record must not have been previously transmitted during the current year. For production mode only.
Trans 0081
Transmission format for return does not match specified tax period.
TRANA record type is not “V”. The record type in the TRANA record must be “V”. We will not accept fixed format transmissions.
Trans 0083
Code Description
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Trans 0086
Trans 0087
Focus Field Public Description
Field sequence number repeated in a form. A field sequence number occurs more than once in the same form.
Non‐numeric Julian date or sequence in TRANA record. The Julian date and sequence in the TRANA record must be numeric.
Trans 0088
The system was unable to successfully complete the return processing due to an environmental issue. The general response by preparers to this error should to resubmit the return for processing. However, if a problem is repeatedly encountered on the same return, contact Minnesota for assistance.
Trans 0089
Invalid format – percentage. A percentage fields must be 6 digits. The decimal point is assumed to be between the first and second digits.
Page 2 of a form is preceded by page 1 of a different form.
TRANA transmission format is not “A”. The transmission format in the TRANA record must be “A”.
EIN mismatch in TRANA and TRANB records. The EIN in the TRANA record must match the EIN in the TRANB record.
Trans 0091
Trans 0092
Trans 0093
Trans 0099
Trans 0114
M1PR 0116 SUM
Code Description
The period end date cannot be determined for this return. The return cannot be processed with an invalid period end date.
Forms must not contain invalid fields. One or more fields accompanying the return is not defined.
0260 The electronic postmark date [SUM.0260] is not valid for this return. The return must be filed within one year of the due date.
IF field is not defined for form in M1 return package, reject the return.
IF SUM.0260 <= 08/15 (eighth month, fifteenth day of current year), IF [PERIOD END DATE] < [TODAY ‐ 2 YEARS], [REJECT RETURN]. ELSE // Do nothing. ELSE IF [PERIOD END DATE] < [TODAY ‐ 1 YEAR], [REJECT RETURN]. ELSE
// Do nothing
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Code Description
M1PR 0135 M1PR
0870 On form M1PR, Line 27 [M1PR.0870] must equal the greater of Line 26 [M1PR.0860] or $100.
M1PR 0137 CRP
0250 On form CRP, the sum of Line 1 [CRP.0250] for all CRPs cannot exceed $99,999.
M1PR 0150 M1PR
0690 On form M1PR, Line 11 [M1PR.0690] requires form PROPST. If filing as mobile home owner, requires either PROPST or CRP (or both).
IF M1PR.0690 is significant, .IF M1PR.0450 is significant, ..(CRP OR PROPST must be significant). .ELSE ..PROPST must be significant. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0152 M1PR
0420 On form M1PR, if renter checkbox [M1PR.0420] is significant, Line 9 [M1PR.0670] must be greater than zero.
The percentage received is not a valid format. Valid format is six digits with no decimals or space, and the decimal is assumed between the first and second digits.
IF M1PR.0420 is significant, .M1PR.0670 > 0. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
0060 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer address type [M1PR.0060] is invalid.
IF M1PR.0060 is significant, .M1PR.0060 = [Valid Value: 1 or 2 or 3]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
PROPST.0180 must NOT be significant
Trans 0163
M1PR 0164 M1PR
M1PR 0185 PROPST 0180 On form PROPST, taxpayer with delinquent tax checkbox [PROPST.0180] is not eligible for property tax refund.
M1PR 0188 M1PR
Trans 0194
0050 On form M1PR, duplicate filings are not allowed. Primary taxpayer [M1PR.0050] previously filed either as primary taxpayer or spouse [M1PR.0250].
Contact the Minnesota Department of Revenue for assistance with processing this return. The department will manually correct this error on a case‐by‐case basis. The form occurrence numbers for each form and schedule must be sequential beginning with 0000001. Gaps are not permitted in form occurrence numbers.
IF M1PR.0870 is significant, .IF M1PR.0860 > [Threshold: 100], ..M1PR.0870 = M1PR.0860. .ELSE ..M1PR.0870 = [Threshold: 100]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
SUM(CRP.0250) <= [Threshold: 99,999]
IF M1PR.0050 = M1PR.0050 for any previously ACCEPTED Form M1PR, .[REJECT RETURN]. ELSE .IF M1PR.0050 = M1PR.0250 for any previously ACCEPTED Form M1PR, ..[REJECT RETURN]. .ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF [FORM OCCURRENCE NUMBER] is not sequential (for any return type), [REJECT RETURN]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Code Description
M1PR 0206 M1PR
0840 On form M1PR, taxpayer does not qualify for special refund if Line 18 [M1PR.0800] is less than Line 24 [M1PR.0840]. Lines 25 through 30 [M1PR.0850, M1PR.0860, M1PR.0870, M1PR.0880, M1PR.0890 and M1PR.0900] must not be significant.
IF M1PR.0800 < M1PR.0840, .(M1PR.0850 AND M1PR.0860 AND M1PR.0870 AND .M1PR.0880 AND M1PR.0890 AND M1PR.0900 must NOT be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0226 M1PR
0900 On form M1PR, Line 30 [M1PR.0900] requires estimated market value [PROPST.0160], taxable market value [PROPST.0170], and Line 5 property tax[PROPST.0200] for previous year on form PROPST.
0860 On form M1PR, Line 26 [M1PR.0860] must equal Line 24 [M1PR.0840] multiplied by 12%.
0210 On form CRP, rental period [CRP.0210, CRP.0220] must not exceed one year.
0815 On form M1PR, Line 20 [M1PR.0815] must equal Line 18 [M1PR.0800] multiplied by Line 19 [M1PR.0810].
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .(PROPST.0160 AND PROPST.0170 AND PROPST.0200 must be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0257 M1PR
M1PR 0261 CRP
M1PR 0262 M1PR
M1PR 0270 M1PR
M1PR 0285 M1PR
M1PR 0290 CRP
0660 On form M1PR, Line 8 [M1PR.0660] must equal Line 6 [M1PR.0540] minus Line 7 [M1PR.0650], and Line 8 must not be negative.
1210 On form M1PR, [Worksheet 1 Mobile Home Owners] Step 2 [M1PR.1210] must not exceed the sum of Line 1 [PROPST.0260] for all PROPSTs.
0010 On form CRP, the information is incomplete. The following are required: .renter's name [CRP.0010] .rental unit address [CRP.0050, CRP.0060, CRP.0070, CRP.0080] .owner or agent name, address and phone [CRP.0120, CRP.0130, CRP.0140, CRP.0150, CRP.0160, CRP.0170] .property ID [CRP.0180] .county [CRP.0190] .number of units [CRP.0200] .rental period [CRP.0210, CRP.0220] .number of adults in unit [CRP.0230] .Lines 1 and 3 [CRP.0250, CRP.0270]
IF M1PR.0860 is significant, .M1PR.0860 = (M1PR.0840 * [Threshold: 12%]). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF Form CRP is significant, SUM[(CRP.0220 ‐ CRP.0210)+1] <=366
IF M1PR.0815 is significant,.M1PR.0815 = (M1PR.0800 * M1PR.0810) {Variance: 1 over or under} ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0650 > M1PR.540, .M1PR.0660 = 0. ELSE .M1PR.0660 = (M1PR.0540 ‐ M1PR.0650)
IF M1PR.1220 is significant, .M1PR.1210 <= SUM(PROPST.0260). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF Form CRP is significant, .(CRP.0010 and CRP.0050 and CRP.0060 and CRP.0070 and CRP.0080 and CRP.0120 and CRP.0130 and CRP.0140 and CRP.0150 and CRP.0160 and CRP.0170 and CRP.0180 and CRP.0190 and CRP.0200 and CRP.0210 and CRP.0220 and CRP.0230 and CRP.0250 and CRP.0270 are significant)
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Code Description
0650 On form M1PR, Line 7 [M1PR.0650] must equal the amount from Table A based on number of dependents [M1PR.0560]. If 65 or older checkbox [M1PR.0570] or disabled checkbox [M1PR.0580] is selected, Line 7 must equal the amount from Table B based on number of dependents [M1PR.0560].
IF (M1PR.0570 OR M1PR.0580 is significant),
.M1PR.0650 = [Threshold: TABLE B based on M1PR.0560]. ELSE .M1PR.0650 = [Threshold: TABLE A based on M1PR.0560]
M1PR 0324 PROPST 0210 On form PROPST, current year property class [PROPST.0210] is invalid. (Valid values: 11=Residential; 12=Condominium; 13=Double Bungalow; 14=Agricultural; 15=Fractional; 16=Residential Resort; 17=Farm; 18=Green Acres; 19=Agricultural Preservation; 20=Apartment; 21=Disabled; 22=Townhouse; 23=Triplex; 24=Timber; 25=Residential/Agricultural Homestead; 26=Agricultural Homestead/Migrant).
PROPST.0210 = (Valid Value: 11 OR 12 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 17 OR 18 OR 19 OR 20 OR 21 OR 22 OR 23 OR 24 OR 25 OR 26)
M1PR 0334 M1PR
0817 On form M1PR, Line 21 [M1PR.0817] must equal Line 18 [M1PR.0800] minus Line 20 q
M1PR 0347 M1PR
0810 On form M1PR, Line 20 [M1PR.0810] must equal Step 3 [M1PR.1320] [Improvements for Homeowners Worksheet 3].
IF M1PR.0817 is significant, .IF M1PR.0810 is significant, g
..M1PR.0817 = (M1PR.0800 ‐ M1PR.0815). .ELSE
..M1PR.0817 = M1PR.0800. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0810 is significant, .M1PR.0810 = M1PR.1320. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0351 M1PR
0680 On form M1PR, Line 10 [M1PR.0680] must equal the amount from Renter's Table. If Line 38 [M1PR.1010] is significant then Line 10 [M1PR.0680] must equal Line 38 [M1PR.1010] and CRP must be significant.
M1PR 0323 M1PR
IF M1PR.0440 OR M1PR.0445 is significant, .CRP is significant AND .M1PR.0680 = M1PR.1010. ELSE .IF M1PR.0420 is significant, ..M1PR.0680 = [Threshold: RENTERS REFUND CALCULATION based on M1PR.0660 AND M1PR.0670 {Round cents on result / Variance: 1 over or under}]. .ELSE M1PR.0680 = 0
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Code Description
M1PR 0352 M1PR
0693 On form M1PR, Line 11 [M1PR.0693] must equal county [PROPST.0090] on form PROPST.
NOTE: If multiple PROPST …….. M1PR.0693 = PROPST.0090 . Programmer Note: There may be multiple PROPST. If any match, rule is successful.
M1PR 0358 M1PR
0420 On form M1PR, filing status is incomplete. One or more of the following checkboxes must be significant: renter [M1PR.0420], homeowner [M1PR.0430], nursing home resident [M1PR.0440] or assisted living [M1PR.0445], or mobile home owner [M1PR.0450]. (M1PR.0420 OR M1PR.0430 OR M1PR.0440 OR M1PR.0445 OR M1PR.0450 must be significant‐one or more)
M1PR 0364 M1PR
0540 On form M1PR, Line 6 [M1PR.0540] must equal the sum of Line 1 through Line 5 [M1PR.0460, M1PR.0490, M1PR.0500, M1PR.0510, M1PR.0520]. Line 6 must not be negative.
IF (M1PR.0460 + M1PR.0490 + M1PR.0500 + M1PR.0510 + M1PR.0520) < 0, .M1PR.0540 = 0. ELSE .M1PR.0540 = (M1PR.0460 + M1PR.0490 + M1PR.0500 + M1PR.0510 + M1PR.0520)
M1PR 0374 M1PR
0450 On form M1PR, if mobile home owner [M1PR.0450] is significant Line 11 [M1PR.0690], [Worksheet 1 Moble Home Owner] Step 1 [M1PR.1200], Step 2 [M1PR.1210] and Step 3 [M1PR.1220] must all be significant.
0960 On form M1PR, Line 33 [M1PR.0960] must equal Line 31 [M1PR.0940] minus Line 32 [M1PR.0950].
0260 The electronic postmark date [SUM.0260] is not valid. Property tax refund returns containing form PROPST must be filed on or after March 1.
0170 On form CRP, owner's or agent's business phone # [CRP.0170] is invalid. Phone number must be exactly ten digits (no non‐numeric characters). First and fourth digits cannot be 0 or 1.
M1PR.0450 is significant, .(M1PR.1200 AND M1PR.1210 AND M1PR.1220 AND .M1PR.0690 must be significant). END [ERROR ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0379 M1PR
M1PR 0399 SUM
M1PR 0401 CRP
M1PR 0420 M1PR
0260 On form M1PR, spouse [filing jointly] address type [M1PR.0260] is invalid.
M1PR 0421 CRP
0210 On form CRP, rental period [CRP.0210, CRP.0220] must fall within tax year.
M1PR 0423 M1PR
0670 On form M1PR, Line 9 [M1PR.0670] requires form CRP.
M1PR.0960 = (M1PR.0940 ‐ M1PR.0950)
IF SystemRegion = 'PRODUCTION‐LIVE', .IF PROPST is significant, ...SUM.0260 >= [THRESHOLD: 03/1/2010]. IF CRP.0170 is significant, [CRP.0170 contains exactly 10 digits (no non‐numeric characters) AND CRP.0170(position 1) > 1 AND CRP.0170(position 4) > 1]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0260 is significant, .M1PR.0260 = [Valid Value: 1 or 2 or 3]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF Form CRP is significant, CRP.0210(positions 1‐4) = [Threshold: 2009] AND CRP.0220(positions 1‐4) = [Threshold: 2009]
IF M1PR.0670 is significant, .CRP must be significant. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
M1PR 0436 M1PR
M1PR 0447 M1PR
Focus Field Public Description
0430 On form M1PR, if homeowner checkbox [M1PR.0430] is significant, Line 11 [M1PR.0690] must be greater than zero. If claiming the special property tax refund only, Line 12 [M1PR.0700] must be greater than zero.
0380 On form M1PR, spouse [filing jointly] day phone type [M1PR.0380] is invalid.
Code Description
IF M1PR.0430 is significant, .(M1PR.0690 > 0) OR (M1PR.0700 > 0). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0380 is significant, .M1PR.0380 = [Valid Value: 1 or 2 or 3 or 4]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF (M1PR.0760 OR M1PR.0765 OR M1PR.0770 OR M1PR.0780 is significant), .(M1PR.0760 OR M1PR.0765‐one and only one must be significant) AND .(M1PR.0770 AND M1PR.0780 must be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0452 M1PR
0760 On form M1PR, the direct deposit banking information is incomplete. The following are required: checking or savings account indicator [M1PR.0760, M1PR.0765], routing number [M1PR.0770], and account number [M1PR.0780].
M1PR 0463 CRP
0300 On Worksheet 2, Step 1 [CRP.0300] must equal line 3 [CRP.0270] form CRP.
0040 Name suffix [M1PR.0040] must be a valid value. Valid values are "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "JR", and "SR".
IF CRP.0300 is significant, .CRP.0300 = CRP.0270 ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0040 is significant, .M1PR.0040 = [Valid Value: 'II' or 'III' or 'IV' or 'V' or 'VI' or 'VII' or 'JR' or 'SR']. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0475 M1PR
0440 On form M1PR, if nursing home or assisted living checkbox [M1PR.0440 or M1PR.0445] is significant, Line 31 [M1PR.0940], Line 33 [M1PR.0960], Line 35 [M1PR.0980], Line 36 [M1PR.0990] must all be significant.
IF M1PR.0440 OR M1PR.0445 is significant, .(M1PR.0940 AND M1PR.0960 AND M1PR.0980 AND .M1PR.0990 must be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0477 M1PR
0190 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer's phone # [M1PR.0190] is invalid. Phone number must be exactly ten digits (no non‐numeric characters). First and fourth digits cannot be 0 or 1.
M1PR 0481 M1PR
0180 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer day phone type [M1PR.0180] is invalid.
0320 On Worksheet 2, Step 3 [CRP.0320] must equal Step 1 [CRP.0300] multiplied by Step 2 [CRP.0310]
M1PR 0485 PROPST 0300 On Worksheet 2, Step 1 [PROPST.0300] must equal line 1 [PROPST.0260] form PROPST.
IF M1PR.0190 is significant, .M1PR.0190 contains exactly 10 digits (no non‐numeric characters) AND .M1PR.0190(position 1) > 1 AND .M1PR.0190(position 4) > 1]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0180 is significant, .M1PR.0180 = [Valid Value: 1 or 2 or 3 or 4]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF CRP.0320 is significant, .CRP.0320 = CRP.0300 * CRP.0310 {Variance: 1 over or under} ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF PROPST.0300 is significant, .PROPST.0300 = PROPST.0260 ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0491 M1PR
M1PR.0830 <= [Threshold: 1000]
M1PR 0474 M1PR
M1PR 0483 CRP
0830 On form M1PR, Line 23 [M1PR.0830] must not exceed $1,000.
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
Focus Field Public Description
Code Description
M1PR 0494 M1PR
0240 Name suffix [M1PR.0240] must be a valid value. Valid values are "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "JR", and "SR".
IF M1PR.0240 is significant, .M1PR.0240 = [Valid Value: 'II' or 'III' or 'IV' or 'V' or 'VI' or 'VII' or 'JR' or 'SR']. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0500 M1PR
0980 On form M1PR, Line 35 [M1PR.0980] must equal Line 31 [M1PR.0940] plus Line 34 [M1PR.0970].
0550 On form M1PR, Line 6 [M1PR.0540] requires an explanation [M1PR.0550] or statement reference if Line 6 is less than rent paid [CRP.0250].
0710 On form M1PR, Line 13 [M1PR.0710] must equal Line 11 [M1PR.0690] minus Line 12 [M1PR.0700].
Transmitter [ETIN] is not authorized to transmit return type M1PR.
M1PR.0980 = (M1PR.0940 + M1PR.0970)
M1PR 0511 M1PR
M1PR 0513 M1PR
M1PR 0536 M1PR
M1PR 0537 PROPST 0230 On form PROPST, current year new improvement [PROPST.0230] requires new improvement worksheet Step 1 through Step 3 [M1PR.1300, M1PR.1310, M1PR.1320].
M1PR 0560 M1PR
0690 On form M1PR, Line 11 [M1PR.0690] must equal the sum of Line 1 [PROPST.0260] for all property tax statements. If part of the home is rented or used for business, Line 11 [M1PR.0690] must equalStep 3 [PROPST.0320] of the Worksheet 2. Mobile home owners[M1PR.0450] must include amount from [M1PR.1220] of the Worksheet 1.
M1PR 0568 M1PR
0800 On form M1PR, Line 18 [M1PR.0800] must equal Line 1 [PROPST.0260] on form PROPST. If business use exists, Line 18 must equal Step 3 [PROPST.0320] of Worksheet 2.
IF M1PR.0540 < SUM(CRP.0250), .(M1PR.0550 OR STM is significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0690 < M1PR.0700, .M1PR.0710 = 0. ELSE .M1PR.0710 = (M1PR.0690 ‐ M1PR.0700)
Find ETIN in TRANA. Find EFIN in TRANA. Find EPS authorizations based on EFIN (which is unique in EPS). If authorization is NOT selected for specific form, .[REJECT RETURN]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .IF PROPST.0230 is significant, ..(M1PR.1300 AND M1PR.1310 AND M1PR.1320 must be significant). .ELSE ..// Do nothing. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0690 is significant,
.IF PROPST.0300 is significant,
..M1PR.0690 = SUM(PROPST.0320) ..ELSE_
...IF M1PR.0450 is significant, ...IF PROPST.0320 is significant,
....M1PR.0690 = PROPST.0320. ...ELSE
....M1PR.0690 = M1PR.1220. ....ELSE
.....IF M1PR.0430 is significant,
......M1PR.0690 = SUM(PROPST.0260). ..ELSE
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .IF PROPST.0300 is significant, ..M1PR.0800 = SUM(PROPST.0320). .ELSE ..M1PR.0800 = SUM(PROPST.0260). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
Prepared by the Minnesota Department of Revenue
Error Type ERC
Focus Form
M1PR 0587 M1PR
Focus Field Public Description
0900 On form M1PR, Line 30 [M1PR.0900] must equal the lesser of Line 29 [M1PR.0890] or $1,000.
M1PR 0589 M1PR
0160 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer death date [M1PR.0160] must be a valid date in the past.
M1PR 0593 PROPST 0130 On form PROPST, prior year property class [PROPST.0130] is invalid. (Valid values: 11=Residential; 12=Condominium; 13=Double Bungalow; 14=Agricultural; 15=Fractional; 16=Residential Resort; 17=Farm; 18=Green Acres; 19=Agricultural Preservation; 20=Apartment; 21=Disabled; 22=Townhouse; 23=Triplex; 24=Timber; 25=Residential/Agricultural Homestead; 26=Agricultural Homestead/Migrant).
M1PR 0606 M1PR
M1PR 0624 CRP
M1PR 0626 M1PR
0780 On form M1PR, Line 39 bank account number [M1PR.0780] is invalid. [Account number must be letters, numbers, or hyphens only.]
0270 On form CRP, Line 3 [CRP.0270] must equal Line 1 [CRP.0250] multiplied by 15%.
0350 On form M1PR, spouse [filing jointly] birth date [M1PR.0350] must be a valid date in the past.
M1PR 0630 PROPST 0010 On form PROPST, property tax statement information is incomplete. The following are required: taxpayer name [PROPST.0010], property address [PROPST.0050, PROPST.0060, PROPST.0070, PROPST.0080], county [PROPST.0090], current taxes payable year [PROPST.0100], owner [PROPST.0110], property ID, [PROPST.0120], Prior year property classificatino [0130], and current year tax information [PROPST.0210, PROPST.0240, PROPST.0250, PROPST.0260, PROPST.0270].
Code Description
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .IF M1PR.0890 > [Threshold: 1000], ..M1PR.0900 = 1000. .ELSE ..M1PR.0900 = M1PR.0890. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0160 is significant, .M1PR.0160 < [TODAY]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
PROPST.0130 = (Valid Value: 11 OR 12 OR 13 OR ..14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 17 OR 18 OR ..19 OR 20 OR 21 OR 22 OR 23 OR ..24 OR 25 OR 26)
IF M1PR.0780 is significant, .M1PR.0780 must be letters, numbers, or hyphens only. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
CRP.0270 = (CRP.0250 * [Threshold: 15%]) {Variance: 1 over or under}
IF M1PR.0230 is significant, .M1PR.0350 < [TODAY]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
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M1PR 0639 M1PR
0450 On form M1PR, if mobile home owner checkbox [M1PR.0450] is significant, form CRP or form PROPST must be significant.
IF M1PR.0450 is significant, .CRP or PROPST is significant. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0642 M1PR
0150 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer birth date [M1PR.0150] must be a valid date in the past.
0020 The electronic filer identification number (EFIN) is not registered with Minnesota. Otherwise, EFIN is missing from the summary record. To register, electronic return originator must fax a copy of current IRS Letter of Acceptance. Visit our web site at http://www.taxes.state.mn.us for more information.
M1PR.0150 < [Today]
M1PR 0648 SUM
M1PR 0649 M1PR
M1PR 0652 M1PR
M1PR 0657 M1PR
M1PR 0660 M1PR
0700 On form M1PR, Line 12 [M1PR.0700] must equal Line 31 [M1PR.0900].
0750 On form M1PR, Line 17 [M1PR.0750] must equal Line 15 [M1PR.0730] minus Line 16 [M1PR.0740].
1310 On form M1PR, Worksheet 3, Step 2 [M1PR.1310] must equal the sum taxable market values [PROPST.0250] for all property tax statements.
0390 On form M1PR, spouse's phone # [M1PR.0390] is invalid. Phone number must be exactly ten digits (no non‐numeric characters). First and fourth digits cannot be 0 or 1.
SUM.0020 must be significant AND (SUM.0020 must be registered AND active in EPS system). (Programmers Note: The EFIN is verified against the master file as ACTIVE versus INACTIVE without regard to authorizations in the authorization file.)
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .M1PR.0700 = M1PR.0900. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR.0750 = (M1PR.0730 ‐ M1PR.0740)
IF M1PR.1320 is significant, .M1PR.1310 = SUM(PROPST.0250) ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0390 is significant, .M1PR.0390 contains exactly 10 digits (no non‐numeric characters) AND .M1PR.0390(position 1) > 1 AND .M1PR.0390(position 4) > 1]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
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M1PR 0678 M1PR
Focus Field Public Description
0220 On form M1PR, spouse (filing jointly) information is incomplete. The followng are required: spouse name [M1PR.0220, M1PR.0230], social security number [M1PR.0250], and birth date [M1PR.0350]. Otherwise, all spouse (filing jointly) information must be blank [including M1PR.0240, M1PR.0260, M1PR.0270, M1PR.0280, M1PR.0290, M1PR.0300, M1PR.0310, M1PR.0320, M1PR.0330, M1PR.0340, M1PR.0350, M1PR.0360, M1PR.0370, M1PR.0380, M1PR.0390, M1PR.0400, M1PR.0410].
Code Description
IF (M1PR.0220 OR M1PR.0230 OR M1PR.0250 OR M1PR.0350 is significant), .(M1PR.0220 AND M1PR.0230 AND M1PR.0250 AND M1PR.0350 must be significant). ELSE .(M1PR.0220 AND M1PR.0230 AND M1PR.0240 AND M1PR.0250 AND M1PR.0260 AND M1PR.0270 AND M1PR.0280 AND M1PR.0290 AND M1PR.0300 AND M1PR.0310 AND M1PR.0320 AND M1PR.0330 AND M1PR.0340 AND M1PR.0350 AND M1PR.0360 AND M1PR.0370 AND M1PR.0380 AND M1PR.0390 AND M1PR.0400 AND M1PR.0410 must NOT be significant)
M1PR 0685 PROPST 0320 On Worksheet 2, Step 3 [PROPST.0320] must equal Step 1 [PROPST.0300] multiplied by Step 2 [PROPST.0310]
IF PROPST.0320 is significant, .PROPST.0320 = PROPST.0300 * PROPST.0310 {Variance: 1 over or under} ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0697 M1PR
1030 On form M1PR, paid preparer's phone # [M1PR.1030] is invalid. Phone number must be exactly ten digits (no non‐numeric characters). First and fourth digits cannot be 0 or 1.
IF M1PR.1030 is significant, .M1PR.1030 contains exactly 10 digits (no non‐numeric characters) AND .M1PR.1030(position 1) > 1 AND .M1PR.1030(position 4) > 1]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0698 M1PR
0250 On form M1PR, duplicate filings are not allowed. Spouse [M1PR.0250] previously filed either as primary taxpayer [M1PR.0050] or spouse.
IF M1PR.0250 = M1PR.0050 for any previously ACCEPTED Form M1PR,
.[REJECT RETURN]. ELSE .IF M1PR.0250 = M1PR.0250 for any previously ACCEPTED Form M1PR,
IF M1PR.0480 is significant, .M1PR.0470 is significant. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0704 M1PR
0470 On form M1PR, income other than taxpayer amount [M1PR.0480] requires an explanation [M1PR.0470] or statement reference.
M1PR 0710 PROPST 0100 On form PROPST, current taxes payable year [PROPST.0100] must equal current tax year.
M1PR 0713 M1PR
0950 On form M1PR, Line 32 [M1PR.0950] must not be less than the sum of Line B [CRP.0245] for all CRPs.
PROPST.0100 = [Threshold: 2009]
M1PR.0950 >= SUM(CRP.0245)
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M1PR 0717 M1PR
0850 On form M1PR, taxpayer does not qualify for special refund if Line 25 [M1PR.0850] is less than $100.
M1PR 0719 M1PR
0720 On form M1PR, Line 14 [M1PR.0720] must equal the amount from Homeowner's Table based on Line 8 [M1PR.0660] and Line 13 [M1PR.0710].
M1PR 0726 M1PR
1020 On form M1PR, paid preparer identification number [M1PR.1020] must be numeric, or it must be a valid PTIN (first character is "P" or "S" followed by numerals).
IF M1PR.1020 is significant, .M1PR.1020 must be numeric, except first character may be 'P' or 'S'. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0730 M1PR
1020 On form M1PR, self prepared [M1PR.1060 = "S"] returns must not include paid preparer information [M1PR.1020, M1PR.1030, M1PR.1040] .
1050 On form M1PR, paid preparer ID # [M1PR.1020] and indicator [M1PR.1060 = "P"] must accompany power of attorney indicator [M1PR.1050].
0368 NEW: On form M1PR, if IATTransaction indicator [M1PR.0755] is significant, then Direct deposit bank account [M1PR.0760],Direct deposit bank account type savings indicator [M1PR.0765], Direct deposit bank routing #[M1PR.0770] and Direct deposit bank account #[M1PR.0780] must NOT be significant.
IF (M1PR.1060 = 'S'), .(M1PR.1020 AND M1PR.1030 AND M1PR.1040 must NOT be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0734 M1PR
M1PR 0738 M1PR
M1PR 0748 M1PR
M1PR 0758 M1PR
M1PR 0770 M1PR
1060 On form M1PR, electronic return type indicator [M1PR.1060] is invalid.
0050 On form M1PR, taxpayer social security numbers [M1PR.0050, M1PR.0250] must not be test. Test social security numbers start with '40000', and they are not valid for live processing.
1320 On Worksheet 3, Step 3 [M1PR.1320] must equal Step 1 [M1PR.1300] divided by Step 2 [M1PR.1310]. (The result must be a whole percentage.)
IF M1PR.0850 < [Threshold: 100], .(M1PR.0860 AND M1PR.0870 AND M1PR.0880 AND .M1PR.0890 AND M1PR.0900 must NOT be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR.0720 = [Threshold: HOMEOWNERS REFUND CALCULATION based on M1PR.0660 AND M1PR.0710 {Round cents on result / Variance: 1 over or under}]
IF M1PR.1050 is significant, .M1PR.1060 = 'P' AND .M1PR.1020 is significant. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0755 is significant,
¬M1PR.0760, M1PR.0765, M1PR.0770, M1PR.0780 must NOT be significant
M1PR.1060 = [Valid Value: 'P' OR 'S' OR 'V']
IF M1PR.0050(positions 1‐5) = '40000' OR M1PR.0250(positions 1‐5) = '40000', .IF Processing Region = 'PRODUCTION', ..[REJECT RETURN]. .ELSE ..[END ERROR CHECK]. ELSE .[END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.1320 is significant, .M1PR.1320 = [(M1PR.1300 / M1PR.1310) rounded to nearest whole percentage {Variance: 1% over or under}]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
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Code Description
M1PR 0776 M1PR
0697 On form M1PR, Line 11 [M1PR.0697] must equal property ID number [PROPST.0120] on form PROPST. NOTE: If multiple PROPST, any of the PROPST ID must match.
M1PR.0697 = PROPST.0120. Programmer Note: There may be multiple PROPST. If any match, rule is successful.
M1PR 0783 M1PR
0840 On form M1PR, Line 24 [M1PR.0840] must equal Line 22 [M1PR.0820] minus Line 23 [M1PR.0830].
1010 On form M1PR, Line 38 [M1PR.1010] must equal Line 36 [M1PR.0990] multiplied by Line 37 [M1PR.1000] when nursing home resident or assisted living indicator [M1PR.0440 or M1PR.0445] is checked.
IF M1PR.0820 < M1PR.0830, .M1PR.0840 = 0. ELSE .M1PR.0840 = (M1PR.0820 ‐ M1PR.0830)
IF M1PR.0440 OR M1PR.0445 is significant, .M1PR.1010 = M1PR.0990 * M1PR.1000 {Variance: 1 over or under}. ELSE M1PR.1010 = 0
M1PR 0793 M1PR
M1PR 0794 PROPST 0200 On form PROPST, Line 5 [PROPST.0200] must not exceed the taxable market value [PROPST.0170] multiplied by 2.5% for the previous year.
M1PR 0795 M1PR
0880 On form M1PR, Line 28 [M1PR.0880] must equal Line 25 [M1PR.0850] minus Line 27 [M1PR.0870], and Line 28 must not be negative.
M1PR 0803 M1PR
0530 On form M1PR, description of nontaxable income [M1PR.0530] or statement reference is required for Line 5 [M1PR.0520].
M1PR 0819 PROPST 0270 On form PROPST, Line 5 [PROPST.0270] must not exceed the taxable market value [PROPST.0250] multiplied by 2.5% for the current year.
M1PR 0826 M1PR
0890 On form M1PR, Line 29 [M1PR.0890] must equal Line 28 [M1PR.0880] multipled by 60%.
M1PR 0828 M1PR
0030 On form M1PR, taxpayer name [M1PR.0020, M1PR.0030] must not be test. Test names start with "TEST" in both first name [M1PR.0020] and last name [M1PR.0030]. This reject is normally received when educators are teaching lessons using live social security numbers with a live online (web based) software product.
PROPST.0200 <= (PROPST.0170 * [Threshold: 2.5%]) {Variance: 10 over or under}
IF M1PR.0880 is significant, .IF M1PR.0850 < 0870, ..M1PR.0880 = 0. .ELSE ..M1PR.0880 = (M1PR. 0850 ‐ M1PR.0870). ELSE
IF M1PR.0520 is significant, .M1PR.0530 is significant. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
PROPST.0270 <= (PROPST.0250 * [Threshold: 2.5%]) {Variance: 10 over or under}
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .M1PR.0890 = (M1PR.0880 * [Threshold: 60%]). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0020(positions 1‐4) = 'TEST' AND M1PR.0030 = 'TEST', .IF Processing Region = 'PRODUCTION', ..[REJECT RETURN]. .ELSE ..[END ERROR CHECK]. ELSE .[END ERROR CHECK]
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Code Description
M1PR 0830 M1PR
0880 On form M1PR, taxpayer does not qualify for special refund if Line 28 [M1PR.0880] is less than or equal to zero.
IF M1PR.0880 <= 0, .(M1PR.0890 AND M1PR.0900 must NOT be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0835 M1PR
0080 On form M1PR, if address type [M1PR.0060 = 3] is foreign, primary taxpayer foreign address [M1PR.0120, M1PR.0130, M1PR.0140] must be significant. Otherwise, domestic address [M1PR.0080, M1PR.0090, M1PR.0100, M1PR.0110] significant. Both must not be significant, and the primary address line [M1PR.0080] must not contain references to an in care of address ("in care of", "c/o", or "%").
M1PR 0845 M1PR
0020 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer information is incomplete. The following are required: taxpayer name [M1PR.0020, M1PR.0030], social security number [M1PR.0050], and birthdate [M1PR.0150].
IF M1PR.0060 = 3, .(M1PR.0120 AND M1PR.0130 AND M1PR.0140 must be significant) AND .(M1PR.0080 AND M1PR.0090 AND M1PR.0100 AND M1PR.0110 must NOT be significant). ELSE, .(M1PR.0080 AND M1PR.0090 AND M1PR.0100 AND M1PR.0110 must be significant) AND .(M1PR.0080 must NOT contain '%' or 'c/o' or 'in care of') AND .(M1PR.0120 AND M1PR.0130 AND M1PR.0140 must NOT be significant)
(M1PR.0020 AND M1PR.0030 AND M1PR.0050 AND M1PR.0150 must be significant)
M1PR 0849 M1PR
0770 On form M1PR, Line 39 bank routing number [M1PR.0770] is invalid. [First two digits must be 01 through 12, or they must be 21 through 32. Otherwise, the routing number verification routine indicates that the routing number is not valid based on the check digit.]
IF M1PR.0770 is significant, .[M1PR.0770(position 1‐2) > 0 AND M1PR.0770(position 1‐2) < 13] OR .[M1PR.0770(position 1‐2) > 20 AND M1PR.0770(position 1‐2) < 33]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]. In addition, mod10 verification is implemented. Using 07640125 as an example, the check digit is determined by the Modulus 10 routine: 1. Multiply each of the first eight digits by a weighting factor, i.e.: Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Example: 0 7 6 4 0 1 2 5 Weights: 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7 Products: 0 49 6 12 0 1 6 35 2. Add the resulting products, e.g., 109 * Routing/Transit Number: Nine digits, the last of which is a check digit used for verification. This is the check digit, so the Routing Number from above becomes 076401251
M1PR 0854 M1PR
0970 On form M1PR, Line 34 [M1PR.0970] must equal sum of rent paid by GAMC or Medicaid [CRP.0240] on form CRP.
M1PR.0970 = SUM(CRP.0240).
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Code Description
M1PR 0868 M1PR
0820 On form M1PR, Line 22 [M1PR.0820] must greater than 0 or equal Line 2 [PROPST.0190] on form PROPST. If there is no Line 2, use Line 5 [PROPST.0200] on form PROPST.
IF M1PR.0900 is significant, .M1PR.0820>0 AND <= SUM(PROPST.0190) OR .M1PR.0820 = SUM(PROPST.0200). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0884 M1PR
0670 On form M1PR, Line 9 [M1PR.0670] must equal the sum of Line 3 [CRP.0270] on form CRP. Otherwise, Line 9 must equal the amount on Worksheet 2 Step 3 [CRP.0320] if one exists. Note: If the nursing home or assisted living indicator [M1PR.0440 or M1PR.0445] is selected, each taxpayer must file his/her own Form M1PR. (See form instructions.)
M1PR 0888 M1PR
IF M1PR.0430 is significant, .IF M1PR.0420 is NOT significant, ..M1PR.0670 = 0. ELSE .IF M1PR.0450 is significant, ..M1PR.0670 = 0. .ELSE ..IF CRP.0300 is significant, ...M1PR.0670 = SUM(CRP.0320). ..ELSE ...M1PR.0670 = SUM(CRP.0270). Programmer Note: When dealing with multiple CRPs, if any CRP or PROPST uses Worksheet 2, all CRP and PROPST must use Worksheet 2.
IF M1PR.0360 is significant, .M1PR.0360 < [TODAY]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
0360 On form M1PR, spouse [filing jointly] death date [M1PR.0360] must be a valid date in the past.
1220 On form M1PR, [Worksheet 1 Mobile Home M1PR.1220 = (M1PR.1200 + M1PR.1210)
Owners] Step 3 [M1PR.1220] must equal Step 1 [M1PR.1200] plus Step 2 [M1PR.1210].
0370 On form M1PR, spouse [filing jointly] political IF M1PR.0370 is significant, .M1PR.0370 = party code [M1PR.0370] selection is invalid.
[Valid Value: 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0440 OR M1PR.0445 is significant, 0940 On form M1PR, Line 31 [M1PR.0940] must .M1PR.0940 = M1PR.0540. ELSE [END ERROR equal Line 6 [M1PR.0540] when nursing CHECK]
home resident or assisted living indicator [M1PR.0440 or M1PR.0445] is checked.
M1PR 0895 M1PR
M1PR 0896 M1PR
M1PR 0917 M1PR
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Code Description
M1PR 0927 M1PR
0560 On form M1PR, Line 7 number of dependents [M1PR.0560] requires dependent information [M1PR.0590, M1PR.0600, M1PR.0610, M1PR.0620, M1PR.0630, M1PR.0640]. [Statement is required for more than two dependents.] Otherwise, dependent information is present, but the number of dependents is missing.
IF M1PR.0560 = 2 AND M1PR.0590(positions 1‐3) = "STM", .[END ERROR CHECK]. ELSE
.IF M1PR.0560 > 2,
..M1PR.0590(positions 1‐3) = 'STM'. .ELSE
..IF M1PR.0560 = 2,
...(M1PR.0590 AND M1PR.0600 AND M1PR.0610 AND M1PR.0620 AND M1PR.0630 AND M1PR.0640 must be significant). ..ELSE ...IF M1PR.0560 = 1, ....(M1PR.0590 AND M1PR.0600 AND M1PR.0610 must be significant). ...ELSE ....(M1PR.0590 AND M1PR.0600 AND M1PR.0610 AND M1PR.0620 AND M1PR.0630 AND M1PR.0640 must NOT be significant)
M1PR 0939 M1PR
0420 On form M1PR, renter [M1PR.0420] does not qualify for special refund on Line 18 through Line 30 [M1PR.0800, M1PR.0810, M1PR.0815, M1PR.0817, M1PR.0820, M1PR.0830, M1PR.0840, M1PR.0850, M1PR.0860, M1PR.0870, M1PR.0880, M1PR.0890, M1PR.0900].
If M1PR.0420 is significant, .(M1PR.0800 AND M1PR.0810 AND M1PR.0815 AND M1PR.0817 AND M1PR.0820 AND M1PR.0830 AND M1PR.0840 AND M1PR.0850 AND M1PR.0860 AND M1PR.0870 AND M1PR.0880 AND M1PR.0890 AND M1PR.0900 must NOT be significant). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0943 SUM
0260 The electronic postmark date [SUM.0260] is not valid. This date is required, and it must not be in the future or older than three weeks.
1000 On form M1PR, Line 37 [M1PR.1000] must equal the amount from the renters refund table based on Line 8 [M1PR.0660] and Line 9 [M1PR.0670] when nursing home resident or assisted living indicator [M1PR.0440 or M1PR.0445] is checked.
IF SUM.0280 = "E", .SUM.0260 <= [TOMORROW] AND SUM.0260 > [TODAY ‐ 23] ELSE .SUM.0260 <= [TODAY] AND SUM.0260 > [TODAY ‐ 23]
IF M1PR.0440 OR M1PR.0445 is significant, .M1PR.1000 = [Threshold: RENTERS REFUND CALCULATION based on M1PR.0660 AND M1PR.0670 {Round cents on result / Variance: 1 over or under}] ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
1220 On form M1PR, [Worksheet 1 Mobile Home Owners] Step 1 [M1PR.1200] must not exceed the sum of Line 3 [CRP.0270] for all CRPs.
1300 On Worksheet 3, Step 1 [M1PR.1300] must equal the sum of current year new improvements [PROPST.0230] for all form PROPSTs.
IF M1PR.1220 is significant, .M1PR.1200 <= SUM[CRP.0270). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR 0954 M1PR
M1PR 0961 M1PR
M1PR 0965 M1PR
IF M1PR.1320 is significant, .M1PR.1300 = SUM(PROPST.0230). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
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Focus Field Public Description
M1PR 0966 M1PR
0170 On form M1PR, primary taxpayer political party selection [M1PR.0170] is invalid.
M1PR 0969 M1PR
0990 On form M1PR, Line 36 [M1PR.0990] must equal Line 33 [M1PR.0960] divided by Line35 [M1PR.0980].
0850 On form M1PR, Line 25 [M1PR.0850] must equal Line 21 [M1PR.0817] minus Line 24 [M1PR.0840].
0730 On form M1PR, Line 15 [M1PR.0730] must equal sum of Line 10 [M1PR.0680], Line 12 [M1PR.0700] and Line 14 [M1PR.0720].
M1PR 0980 M1PR
M1PR 0990 M1PR
Code Description
IF M1PR.0170 is significant, .M1PR.0170 = [Valid Value: 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15]. ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
IF M1PR.0980 is significant, .M1PR.0990 = (M1PR.0960 / M1PR.0980). ELSE .M1PR.0990 = 0
IF M1PR.0850 is significant, .M1PR.0850 = (M1PR.0817 ‐ M1PR.0840). ELSE [END ERROR CHECK]
M1PR.0730 = (M1PR.0680 + M1PR.0700 + M1PR.0720)
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