Clear Form Print Form ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (PZC) APPLICATION FOR REZONING, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD), LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, AND DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI). INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION VERY IMPORTANT: The Applicant must complete Page 3 and Page 4 of this application and submit all supporting information as required below in person. Receipt of this application by the Planning Division does not constitute a complete application until it is determined to be complete by the Planning Division. All rezoning request shall be consistent with the Orange County Comprehensive Plan (OCCP). The Applicant will be notified if the application is not complete. This application cannot be accepted unless all pages of this application and required documentation are provided and the Planning Division completes Section 5. All required application documents shall be originals; no copies or facsimiles shall be accepted. (No staples) REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (*ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS MAY BE REQUESTED*) Legal description of the subject property Property Appraiser’s Map highlighting the subject property (Property Appraiser website, include owner info page) Boundary Survey or Site Plan Agent Authorization Form(s) Relationship Disclosure Form(s) Specific Project Expenditure Report(s) Land Use Plan (for PD rezone) (On CD) Incorporation document(s) (if applicable) Warranty Deed(s) (if applicable). PD APPLICATION No application for a Planned Development (PD) zoning request will be processed until a pre-application conference has been scheduled. Contact the Development Review Committee at (407) 836-7900 or email either or Lourdes.O' to schedule a pre-application. A Land Use Plan (LUP) or a Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA) is required with all PD zoning applications. After submittal of the rezoning application, the applicant shall submit two (2) copies of the LUP to the Development Review Committee (DRC) office at the Public Works office. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM If the Applicant is not the Owner of record of the property, the Owner must complete and sign the attached Agent Authorization Form included with this application packet. If there is multiple property Owners, a separate Agent Authorization Form is required for each Owner. RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE FORM (RDF) For all development-related project applications, Relationship Disclosure Form shall be completed by the principal or the principal’s authorized agent (when accompanied by an agent authorization form on file with the County) and shall be submitted to the department processing your application prior to the development-related item being considered for review and/or approval by Orange County. It is required for this application. All questions regarding this form can be answered by the Orange County Attorney’s Office at (407) 836-7320. Online FAQ SPECIFIC PROJECT EXPENDITURE REPORT (SPR) The Specific Project Expenditure Report (SPR) is a report of all lobbying expenditures incurred by the principal and his/her agent and the principal’s lobbyist, contractors, and consultants, if applicable, for certain projects or issues that will come before the BCC. It is required for this application. All questions regarding this form can be answered by the Orange County Attorney’s Office at (407) 836-7320. Online FAQ Rev. 2011/12 Page 1 of 5 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & SITE VISIT The Applicant is required to place one or more posters on the property. The Planning Division will notify the Applicant when to pick up the poster(s). Failure to post the property according to the instructions may result in a postponement of your hearing. Surrounding property Owners will be notified of the proposed request. It may benefit you to meet with surrounding property Owners prior to the public hearing date. This application hereby authorizes Orange County Planning Division Staff to enter upon the property at any reasonable time for the purpose of a site visit in connection with the review of this application. COMMUNITY MEETING If a Community Meeting is required, the applicant shall be responsible for the payment of all fees associated with the meeting at the time of scheduling. PUBLIC HEARING All application deadline dates will be strictly enforced. A Public Hearing schedule is attached. The Applicant or an authorized representative must be present at the PZC Public Hearing. If the applicant is not present, the PZC may continue or deny the request. If continued, there will be an additional fee. The PZC may impose conditions, restrictions, or specific waivers on any rezoning request at the Public Hearing. APPEALS Appeals of the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be made to the Board of County Commissioners within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of that PZC decision. Appeals must be filed with the Planning Division; appeal forms can be obtained at the Growth Management Department reception area or online at: REFUNDS If the applicant withdraws their application prior to the preparation of the newspaper advertisement, they may request a partial refund that will be equal to half of the application fee. If the applicant withdraws the application after the preparation of the newspaper advertisement, all fees are non-refundable. If the applicant requests a continuance, time and date not determined, for more than two (2) calendar months, the applicant will forfeit the original application fee and will be required to pay a fee equal to the current application fee prior to requesting the application to proceed. The availability, or lack thereof, of any concurrency related public facility shall have no impact on the foregoing refund policy. If the applicant delays or causes a delay or request that the application be continued and re-advertising is require, the applicant shall be responsible for the re-advertizing fee of $200.00. SECTION 2: FEES (effective January 1, 2011) Rezoning fee (except PD) = $1,486.00 PD rezoning fee = $2,730.00 plus $2.00 per acre (same for adding property to an existing PD) Appeal of PZC decision = $469.00 Re-advertizing Fee = $200.00 Rev. 2011/12 DRI fee = $14,809.00 plus $2.00 per acre DRI and PD fee = $14,602.00 plus $2.00 per acre Pre-Application fee = $137.00 Page 2 of 5 SECTION 3: APPLICANT/OWNER CERTIFICATION I, (Print name) ______________________________________ (Applicant/Owner signature), have read Section 1 and Section 2 on page 1 and 2 of this application and understands Orange County’s submission requirements for this application. Applicant’s Signature _______________________________ Date: ________________________ SECTION 4: To be completed by Applicant (please print unless otherwise stated) Applicant’s Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________________ Applicant’s Address: _______________________________ Project Name: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Owner’s Name: _________________________________________ (Zip) Contact Phone Number (______) _____________________ Owner’s Address: _______________________________________ Fax Phone Number (_______) _______________________ ______________________________________________________ (Zip) Applicant E-mail: ___________________________________ Owner’s Email: _________________________________________ Parcel ID # (required):_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Request is hereby made for a change in Zoning Classification from _______________________ to _______________________________ and/or (other request) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Legal description of subject property: (2 boundary surveys containing a complete legal description must be attached) Current Use: _____________________________________ Pre-App Mtg (if applicable): _______________________________________________ Previous Use: ________________________________________ Property Size: _______________________________________________ Comprehensive Plan Amendment # (if applicable): _______________________________________________________________________ Reason for request and proposed use (required): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the owner own any adjacent parcels? (YES ____ NO ____ ) If yes, please list the Parcel ID Numbers.____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. 2011/12 Page 3 of 5 SECTION 5: (Section to be completed by the Planning Division) Orange County Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use Map (OCCP FLUM) designation -- _______________ A. __________ The proposed request is consistent with the OCCP FLUM designation B. __________ The proposed request is inconsistent with OCCP Future Land Use Policy FLU8.1.1. The Planning Division has advised the Applicant that the request is inconsistent with the OCCP FLUM designation. ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Planning Division Reviewer Date Applicant has read and understands the instructions on this application (Sections 1-5). All information provided by the applicant/owner on this application is accurate and any false information or misrepresentation made on this application or others forms as required by this application may be grounds for revocation of any approval granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) or the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Applicant’s Signature ______________________________ Date: __________________________ ►► Important ◄◄ * If the above section 3 and 5 is not completed and signed by the Planning Division Reviewer and the applicant, the application cannot be accepted or processed. Orange County may find the request inconsistent with the OCCP upon detailed review by Staff or by findings of the Planning & Zoning Commission or the Board of County Commissioners. Case #: ___ - 12 - __ __ - ___ ___ ___ Rev. 2011/12 Page 4 of 5 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing Schedule Filing Deadline Date Public Hearing Date December 7, 2011 January 19, 2012 January 4, 2012 February 16, 2012 February 1, 2012 March 15, 2012 March 7, 2012 April 19, 2012 April 4, 2012 May 17, 2012 May 2, 2012 June 21, 2012 June 6, 2012 July 19, 2012 July 4, 2012 August 16, 2012 August 1, 2012 September 20, 2012 September 5, 2012 October 18, 2012 October 3, 2012 November 15, 2012 November 7, 2012 December 20, 2012 December 5, 2012 January 17, 2013 ►►IMPORTANT APPLICANT INFORMATION◄◄ The Applicant is required to place one or more posters on the property. Planning Division will notify the Applicant when to pick up the poster(s). Failure to post the property according to the instructions may result in a postponement of your hearing. All posters shall be picked up two weeks prior to the public hearing date. This application hereby authorizes Orange County Planning Division Staff to enter upon the property at any reasonable time for the purpose of a site visit in connection with the review of this application. The Applicant or an authorized representative must be present at the PZC Public Hearing. If the applicant is not present, the PZC may continue or deny the request. The PZC may impose conditions, restrictions, or specific waivers on any rezoning request at the Public Hearing. Appeals of the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be made to the Board of County Commissioners within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of that PZC decision. Appeals must be filed with the Planning Division; appeal forms can be obtained at the Growth Management Department reception area or online at: You may contact the Planning Division for assistance with your application at the following numbers: PZC Administrative Specialist 407-836-5518 or Planning Division 407-836-5600 (Main Line) When inquiring about your application, please reference this case number: Case #: ___ - 12 - __ __ - ___ ___ ___ Rev. 2011/12 Page 5 of 5