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Named Air Force One, it will comprise two Boeing 777 Extended Range aircraft for the exclusive international travel of President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar accorded in-principle approval for raising the Indian version of the American Air Force One, at the meeting of the Defence Acquisition Council on Saturday, top Government sources said quoting the minutes of the meeting. Earlier, the call sign of the Boeing 747 aircraft used for ferrying the President and the Prime Minister was Air India One. However, from now on, it will be known as Air Force One. The acquisition of the two special aircraft is estimated to cost about Rs1,400-crore, for which the tendering process is expected to begin soon. The project will later on have to be vetted by the Cabinet Committee on Security as it entails an expenditure of over Rs1,000-crore. The defence and security equipment of the two aircraft, including the electronic warfare suites and jammers will be maintained by the Indian Air Force. Apart from these fea- B>D?43D?A834 tures, the planes will also have emergency evacuation suites, advanced anti-missile shield and encrypted satellite communication system besides conference and restrooms. The VVIP aircraft are also likely to include missile avoidance systems. Incidentally, the Air Force One of the US, is maintained, serviced and operated by the US Air Force. The two aircraft, will be serviced and operated by Air India which will exploit them commercially when they are not being used by the VVIPs. The idea of economic exploitation of the special aircraft is to derive maximum benefit from the investments made in them. The Boeing 777 Extended Range is the world’s largest wide-body twin-engine jet with O 0_PacUa^\fPaUPaTbdXcTbP]S YP\\TabcWT_[P]TbfX[[P[b^ WPeTT\TaVT]RhTePRdPcX^] bdXcTbPSeP]RTSP]cX\XbbX[T bWXT[SP]ST]Rah_cTSbPcT[[XcT R^\\d]XRPcX^]bhbcT\ QTbXSTbR^]UTaT]RTP]S aTbca^^\b O CWTEE8?PXaRaPUcPaTP[b^ [XZT[hc^X]R[dST\XbbX[T Pe^XSP]RTbhbcT\b O CWT1^TX]V&&&4gcT]STS AP]VTXbcWTf^a[S³b[PaVTbc fXSTQ^ShcfX]T]VX]TYTc fXcWPbTPcX]VRP_PRXch^U" # c^#$ _PbbT]VTabfXcWP aP]VT^U(%($c^ &$(#Z\ O 8cWPbR^\_dcTa\TSXPcTS R^]ca^[bP]SRP]R^eTa\^aT cWP]WP[UcWTV[^QTPcP bcaTcRW ;fUXVdVV\d'hVV\dW`cGRUcRac`SV ,QODVWPLQXWHWZLVWEHIRUH VXEPLWWLQJUHSRUW-XVWLFH 'KLQJUDWHOOV&0 KHKDVJRW QHZLQIRLQLOOLFLWODQGGHDOV ?=BQ 270=3860A7 day after claiming to have completed the enquiry into the land deals involving Congress chief Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra in Haryana, Justice SN Dhingra, who is heading one-man commission, sprang a surprise on Thursday seeking six more weeks to complete the probe. The deadline for submission of the report, which was given three extensions in the past by the Haryana Government, ended on Thursday. Amid the allegations levelled by the Congress and the INLD that the Commission is “unconstitutional” as it is formed without the consent from either the Cabinet or the Assembly, Justice Dhingra on A <0A:4CB D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G"('2" <8="%2" ?Pac[hR[^dShbZh 20?BD;4 =8=4:8;;438=<D<108 ?70A<02H8=54A=> <d\QPX)=X]T_T^_[TX]R[dSX]V cWaTTX]UP]cbfTaTZX[[TSfWT]P \PY^aUXaTT]Vd[UTSP\TSXRP[ bc^aTX]bdQdaQP]0]SWTaXWTaT TPa[h^]CWdabSPh 8=3808BA04;8<438D< A0=64<8BB8;4C4BC58A43 1WdQP]TbfPa)8]SXP^] CWdabSPhbdRRTbbUd[[hcTbcUXaTS P]8]SXP8baPT[X\TSXd\aP]VT bdaUPRTc^PXa\XbbX[T^UUcWT R^Pbc^U>SXbWP^UUXRXP[bbPXS 0=>C74AA78=>:8;;438= 0BB0<7>A=<8BB8=6 6dfPWPcX)0^]TW^a]TSUT\P[T aWX]^WPbQTT]ZX[[TSX]cWT >aP]V=PcX^]P[?PaZX]0bbP\ CWTbdb_TRcTS_^PRWTabc^^Z PfPhXcbW^a] 5A4B79>;CC>1B? A:270D370AH@D8CB ;dRZ]^f)8]P]^cWTaY^[cc^1B? _Pachbd_aT\^<PhPfPcX³b^]RT cadbcTS[XTdcT]P]cP]SU^a\Ta <X]XbcTaA:2WPdSWPah^] CWdabSPh`dXccWT_PachPRRdbX]V WTa^U°PdRcX^]X]V±cXRZTcbc^ R^]cTbcD? 0bbT\Q[h_^[[b Thursday wrote to Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar saying that he needed more time to complete the probe as he needs to go through new documents — like sale deeds, documents pertaining to benami transactions — he received at the last hour. However, on Wednesday, Justice Dhingara had told mediapersons that his probe report was ready. The request for extension also came at a time when the Congress alleged that Justice Dhingra took “favours” from the Haryana Government. Meanwhile, Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala alleged that Justice Dhingra has sought favours from the Haryana Government making him incompetent and 217+( /$67/$3 2WPaXcPQ[TCadbcX]3TRT\QTa ! $9dbcXRT3WX]VaPWPS \^eTSP]P__[XRPcX^]c^ 3T_dch2^\\XbbX^]Ta 6daVP^]PbZX]VU^aPa^PSc^ QTQdX[cR^]]TRcX]VPbRW^^[ WTfPbVTccX]VR^]bcadRcTS ) CWTSTPS[X]TU^abdQ\XbbX^] ^UcWTaT_^acfWXRWfPb VXeT]cWaTTTgcT]bX^]bX]cWT _PbcQhcWT7PahP]P 6^eTa]\T]cT]STS^] CWdabSPh ) ³0[\^bcPSTRPST^U 6^eTa]\T]cbUP[bTP]S QPbT[TbbPRRdbPcX^]b^]\T CWThRP]]^c_a^eTP]hcWX]V fXcW^dc_a^^UP]ScWTaTXb ]^cWX]VcWTaTc^_a^eT³ EPSaPbPXSX]P_^bc^]WXb 5PRTQ^^Z_PVT ) 9dbcXRT3WX]VPaPWPSc^[S \TSXP_Tab^]b^]FTS]TbSPh cWPcWXb_a^QTaT_^acfPb aTPSh ) CWT2^]VaTbbP[[TVTScWPc 9dbcXRT3WX]VaPWPbb^dVWc UPe^dabUa^\cWT7PahP]P 6^eTa]\T]c\PZX]VWX\ X]R^\_TcT]cP]Sd]bdXcPQ[T c^ST[XeTaP]heTaSXRc^a aT_^acX]cWT\PccTa unsuitable to deliver any verdict or report in the matter. Since Justice Dhingra has compromised his position it is best that he either recused himself from the enquiry or the BJP Government disband the panel and constitute a fair probe, demanded Surjewala. He alleged that after becoming head of Gopal Singh ) 2^]VaTbbb_^ZTb_Tab^] AP]STT_BX]VWBdaYTfP[P P[[TVTScWPcPUcTaQTR^\X]V WTPS^U6^_P[BX]VW Charitable Trust in December 2015, Justice Dhingra had moved an application to Deputy Commissioner, Gurgaon asking for a road to be built connecting a school he was getting constructed. Deputy Commissioner of Gurgaon, where Dhingra Commission is headquartered, worked with great urgency and said that roads had to be con- ) 8=;3[TPSTaP]S7XbPa<? 3dbWhP]c2WPdcP[PP[[TVTS cWPccWT2^\\XbbX^]Xb °d]R^]bcXcdcX^]P[±PbcWT 0bbT\Q[h³bP__a^eP[fPb]^c ^QcPX]TSU^aXcbU^a\PcX^] structed out of district planning funds within a week. The Haryana Rural Development Fund (HRDF) board headed by Chief Minister had then proceeded to sanction Rs 97 lakh out of which road is being constructed, alleged Surjewala. A day before, former Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda had also sought revocation of the constitution of the 8`gedVV\d94 T`_dV_ee`dVefa ?374T`fced <ZU_RaaVUS`j cVefc_dWc`^ 3¶UVdYRWeVc'jcd BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 onu, a 12-year-old boy who SSeelampur was kidnapped from New in East Delhi by a B0=C>B7=0A0H0=Q A0=278 ollowing the RBI’s request F and rampant activities of non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), the Government has sent a formal request to the Jharkhand High Court to setup designated courts in the State to deal with financial fraud cases. The request has been made under the provisions of the Jharkhand Protection of Interest of Depositors (in Financial Establishments Act), 2011 or PID Act. The designated courts are more likely to come up in the districts suffering the most from illegal and unregulated activities of the NBFCs and chit fund companies that have been indulging into collection of public deposits and then vanish from the scene to only dupe the depositors’ hard earned money. “The designated courts are to be setup among the existing courts only by marking them as special courts for NBFCs. We have requested and after getting consent of the High Court the courts would be setup since there is no provision of a separate court under PID Act. The districts witnessing greater number of cases relating to financial frauds are likely to get the designated courts first,” Amit Khare, Additional Chief Secretary in the Planning and Finance Department told The Pioneer. Moreover, a high-level meeting of State-Level T CWTSTbXV]PcTSR^dacbPaT \^aT[XZT[hc^R^\Td_X]cWT SXbcaXRcbbdUUTaX]VcWT\^bc Ua^\X[[TVP[P]Sd]aTVd[PcTS PRcXeXcXTb^UcWT=152bP]S RWXcUd]SR^\_P]XTb T CWTU^ad\Xb^UcWT aTVd[Pc^ab^U=152bcWPc X]e^[eTbA18BTRdaXchP]S 4gRWP]VT1^PaS^U8]SXP ATVXbcaPa^U2^\_P]XTb =PcX^]P[7^dbX]V1P]ZQTbXSTb [PfT]U^aRT\T]cPVT]RXTb T 0b_TacWTaTR^aSbfXcWcWT A18aTVX^]P[^UUXRT\TP]cU^a 1XWPaP]S9WPaZWP]S^][h! =152bWPeTQTT]aTVXbcTaTS c^^_TaPcTX]cWTaTVX^] T CWTRT]caP[QP]Z^]Xcb _PacWPbP[b^R^d]cTS^]cWT \TPbdaTbbdRWPbSTeT[^_\T]c ^UPfTQbXcTU^aB;22 _a^eXSX]VTPbhPRRTbbc^ aT[TeP]c\PcTaXP[b^]=152b Coordination Committee (SLCC) on NBFCs had also taken place recently in which a decision to establish such courts under the PID Act was taken. The forum is of the regulators of NBFCs that involves RBI, Security and Exchange Board of India, Registrar of Companies, National Housing Bank besides, law enforcement agencies. Continued on Page 2 commission. Hooda had written a letter to Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki urging him “to look into the matter to uphold the Constitutional values and to advise the present Government not to abuse the provisions of law to harass the members of the opposition party (Congress) and further, to revoke the constitution of the commission of inquiry”. However, senior Haryana Minister Anil Vij hit out at the Congress for criticising the Dhingra Commission, saying, “The CAG had stated a lot in its report that the previous Government bent rules to benefit Vadra’s company.” “To keep him and his political masters happy, Hooda had gone out of the way to dole out benefits to Vadra. Why is he feeling guilt conscious? What is the need to write a letter to the Governor when the Commission was about to submit its report? said Vij. Meanwhile, Vadra also said he was being used for “political gains”, adding that baseless accusations were levelled against him by “Governments” for “almost a decade”. 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3Pb_[P]cbPbP_[X]VSdaX]VR^]R[dSX]VSPhRTaT\^]h^U !cWBcPcT[TeT[?^[XRTB_^acb2WP\_X^]bWX_Pc90? 7^cfPaX]AP]RWX^] CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ woman six-years-ago and taken to Bangladesh, was on Thursday brought back from Dhaka and reunited with his parents following the intervention of the External Affairs Ministry. “From Geeta to Gurpreet, and now to Sonu! EAM @SushmaSwaraj welcomes the young boy Sonu home from Bangladesh,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted along with a photograph of External Affairs Minister Sushma welcoming Sonu. Detailed report on P2 O CWTcf^PXaRaPUcfX[[QTbTaeXRTS P]S^_TaPcTSQh0Xa8]SXPfWXRW fX[[Tg_[^XccWT\R^\\TaRXP[[h fWT]cWThPaT]^cQTX]VdbTSQh cWTEE8?bCWTXSTP^UTR^]^\XR Tg_[^XcPcX^]^UcWTb_TRXP[PXaRaPUc Xbc^STaXeT\PgX\d\QT]TUXcUa^\ cWTX]eTbc\T]cb\PSTX]cWT\ a seating capacity of 314 to 451 passengers, with a range of 5,235 to 9,500 nautical miles (9,695 to 17,594 km). It has computer-mediated controls and can cover more than half the globe at a stretch. The aircraft, with extended range, modern communication systems, security features and amenities are being seen as a welcome move by the security and Intelligence agencies as Modi is one of the most widely-traveled Prime Ministers of India till now, constantly crisscrossing the globe to raise the profile of the country by sealing strategic and economic pacts with foreign Governments. Apart from other decisions, the DAC also approved a mega project worth Rs 4,000crore for procurement of Brahmos missiles for integration with the Delhi and Talwar Class warships. Brahmos missiles will act like anti-ship missiles and can destroy hostile ships within their range. Brahmos will provide a safety radius of 300 km to the warships. The missiles will act as force multipliers and enable Indian warships to carry out land attacks in coastal areas. *D\OHVELDQQRW UGJHQGHU6& µ9`^`dVifR]dU`_¶e UVdVcgVRWWZc^ReZgV RTeZ`_`_aRchZeY ecR_dXV_UVcd¶ ?=BQ =4F34;78 esbians, homosexuals and L bisexuals do not deserve the same treatment as transgenders, said the Supreme Court on Thursday, clarifying that its earlier decision recognising eunuchs as the third gender was meant for transgenders alone. The clarification came on an application moved by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment seeking definition of transgenders for purposes of providing them reservation in jobs under Other Backward Classes (OBC) category, as directed by the court on April 15, 2014. The decision had declared that transgenders are socially and educationally backward classes of society and will be entitled for benefits of admission in educational institutions and jobs in the public sector as available to OBCs. Arguing the application before a Bench of Justices AK Sikri and NV Ramana, the Centre represented by Additional Solicitor General Maninder Singh sought clarity on the term transgender which is generally used to describe all sections beyond the male or female gender. The Centre’s specific query was on inclusion of lesbian, homosexuals and bisexual people within the “transgender” definition. The apex court quoted portions from its judgment to suggest that it meant eunuchs alone and not lesbians, homosexuals or bisexuals. The judgment said, “At the outset, it may be clarified that the term ‘transgender’ is used in a wider sense, in the present 4bQgY^WdXU\Y^U Y CWTR[PaXUXRPcX^]RP\T^]P] P__[XRPcX^]\^eTSQhcWT <X]Xbcah^UB^RXP[9dbcXRTP]S 4\_^fTa\T]cbTTZX]V STUX]XcX^]^UcaP]bVT]STabU^a _da_^bTb^U_a^eXSX]VcWT\ aTbTaePcX^]X]Y^Qbd]STa>cWTa 1PRZfPaS2[PbbTb>12 RPcTV^ahPbSXaTRcTSQhcWT R^dac^]0_aX[ $! # Y CWTSTRXbX^]WPSSTR[PaTScWPc caP]bVT]STabPaTb^RXP[[hP]S TSdRPcX^]P[[hQPRZfPaSR[PbbTb ^Ub^RXTchP]SfX[[QTT]cXc[TS U^aQT]TUXcb^UPS\XbbX^]X] TSdRPcX^]P[X]bcXcdcX^]bP]SY^Qb X]cWT_dQ[XRbTRc^aPbPePX[PQ[T c^>12b Y CWTP_TgR^dac`d^cTS _^acX^]bUa^\Xcb YdSV\T]cc^bdVVTbc cWPcXc\TP]c Td]dRWbP[^]TP]S ]^c[TbQXP]b W^\^bTgdP[b^a QXbTgdP[b age. Even homosexuals, lesbians and bisexual people are included in the descriptor ‘transgender’…. However, while dealing with the present issue we are not concerned with this aforesaid wider meaning of the expression transgender.” Senior advocate Anand Grover, appearing for transgender activists said that the Centre’s application was a ploy to delay the implementation of the verdict as the draft notification prepared by the Ministry had not been notified yet. The Bench took serious exception to the Centre’s application and mulled imposing costs. “Why should we not dismiss the application with costs…no clarification is required.” The application was filed in July 2014 soon after the NDA Government came to power. 0RGL¶VVRODUPLVVLRQJHWVEQ:%LPSHWXV ?=BQ =4F34;78 order to boost Prime IsolarnMinister Narendra Modi’s mission, the World Bank on Thursday agreed to offer $1 billion (about C6,750 crore) loan to India for ambitious solar initiatives. The Bank on Thursday signed an agreement with India-led International Solar Alliance (ISA) to mobilise investments worth $1 trillion by 2030 to help fund projects to increase solar energy use around the world. The agreement, establishing the World Bank Group as a financial partner for 121nation ISA, was signed in New Delhi in the presence of visiting World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, and New & Renewable Energy Minister Piyush Goyal. “We have discussed renewable energy, especially rooftop solar projects. We discussed innovative financing models by which we can boost renewable energy sector,” Goyal said after the signing of the pact. India is the largest client of the World Bank Group, which lent around $4.8 billion between 2015 and 2016. India’s plans to virtually triple the share of renewable energy by 2030 will both transform the country’s energy supply and have far-reaching global implications in the fight against climate change. “World Bank Group will F^a[S1P]ZbXV]b _PRcfXcW8]SXP[TS 8]cTa]PcX^]P[B^[Pa 0[[XP]RTc^\^QX[XbT caX[[X^] X]eTbc\T]cbQh!" c^WT[_Ud]S_a^YTRcb c^X]RaTPbTb^[Pa T]TaVhdbTPa^d]S cWTf^a[S do all it can to help India meet its ambitious targets, especially around scaling up solar energy,” said Kim adding that Modi’s personal commitment toward renewable energy, particularly solar, is the driving force behind these investments. India has a target to generate 1 lakh MW power through solar energy by 2022 and is trying to attract investments from various sources. The World Bank-supported projects include solar rooftop technology, infrastructure for solar parks, bringing innovative solar and hybrid technologies to market, and transmission lines for solar-rich States. It is learnt that as of now, the combined investment for India would be the World Bank’s largest financing deal for the solar projects for any country. ]PcX^]! A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % µ8`geT`^^ZeeVUe`hRcUd ac`^`eZ_Xda`cedZ_DeReV¶ ?=BQ A0=278 hief Minister Raghubar Das on Thursday said that the C Government was committed towards promoting sports and as there is dearth of resources in the State. Das was speaking during concluding session of 12th Jharkhand State Police Sports Competition–2016 at JAP 10 Headquarters in Ranchi. The CM said sportsmen will be given priority in the appointment of police forces and if they bring Gold or Silver for the State, they will get direct promotion to the post of DSP. “Khelgaon will be made available for practice free of cost,” he said. The State Government has been promoting every sport in the State. Women are also not behind in the field of sports. There is a provision of 33 per cent in recruitment of police personnel in the State. CM further added that a football competition in the name of Kamal Club will be organised in Jharkhand from July. It will be 2<APVWdQPa3PbUT[XRXcPcTbP_^[XRTf^\P]SdaX]VR^]R[dSX]VSPhRTaT\^]h^U !cWBcPcT[TeT[?^[XRTB_^acb2WP\_X^]bWX_Pc90? 7^cfPaX]AP]RWX^] CWdabSPh036ATiX3d]VSd]VPaTP[b^bTT]X]cWT_XRcdaT ?X^]TTa_W^c^ organised right from Panchayat to district level and a State level competition will be organised on the foundation day of the State. Both men and women will take part in the competition. The women’s team will be sponsored by Neeta Ambani of Reliance Group while men’s team will be sponsored by the State Government. Das said that ulgulaan took place in Jharkhand against the British and the beginning of the revolution is observed as Hul Diwaas. The ulgulaan was against the poor and exploitation. CM also appealed to Policemen that they should take a pledge to give befitting reply to the antisocial elements. “You should establish law and order so that people remember you,” said the CM. The State could be made prosperous by establishing peace,” he said. CM also announced to give C50,000 to ASI Amasi Barla, who had won gold medal at Vushu competition at Jorjia. 3?B1^ZPa^R^\\T\^aPcTb 2WP\_PaP]BPchPVaPWPRT]cT]Pah ?=BQ 1>:0A> PS Bokaro commemorated the centenar y of D Champaran Satyagraha near Rajendra Prasad Statue, Sector 2 in Bokaro. ‘The Centenary of Champaran Satyagraha’ was the fourth session of the series of open classroom projects all of which were conducted by Parnab Mukherjee, the eminent theatre personality, knowledge resource curator and renowned media activist. As a part of experiential learning in the school’s curriculum, the open air classroom is an alternative to the experience of reading textbooks. The session created a bridge between lived history and people’s history, school authority informed. You can not learn a concept without knowing its application. We must deep delve into its background and art is something which can provide a vehicle to learn the larger realities of lives, said Mukhrjee. He urged the students not to have a one dimensional approach concerning the text books but to explore the meaning that lurk behind >UUXRXP[bX]_dii[Tc^TgTRdcT_d]XbW\T]c^aSTa AABA8E0BC0E0Q 70I0A81067 his year the results of Class 10th and 12th examination T are less than the results of previous years. State Government took it seriously and constituted a committee to know the causes and to suggest how to improve it. Committee has submitted its report and as per its suggestions the higher officials of education department have issued letters to the officials of district education department to seize increment and to make adverse entries in the service book of teachers of schools having less than 50% result. Now the ball is in district officials’ court. To execute this punishment order the district education department prepared a list of schools having less than 50% result and this list has put them in puzzle. Now they are in search of ways to prepare execution report to be sent to the higher authorities but are not able to find ways yet. As per the results published by Jharkhand Academic Council this year seven schools of Hazaribagh district are in the list of less than 50% result. These are KGBV Churchu, Upgraded High School, Katkamdag, Upgraded High School, Gosaibaliya, Upgraded High School, Bundu, Upgraded High School, Khairakarma, High School, Keredari and Adivashi High School, Urimari. The maximum numbers of teachers are in Adivashi High School, Urimari, which is a private school having permission of establishment status. There are 10 teachers here whose appointment has been made by the governing body and are paid from the income of the school. They are not government teachers nor they get full salary so there is no way to punish them. There are five teachers in Kasturba Gandhi Awashiya Vidyalaya, Churchu, out of which three are working on contractual appointment and two on class basis payment. No one is permanent and purely government teacher here so there is no scope of seizing increment or making entries in the service books here. In all the Upgraded High Schools included in this list teaching is going on with the help of primary or middle school level teachers posted there. Nowhere appointments have been made to teach the students of high schools so officials are in puzzle that how they can seize increments and make entries in the service books of those teachers who have not been appointed for it and are actually obligating the government by giving their services for which they do not get anything. A senior teacher and exofficial of primary teachers’ association Manoj Kumar said that the higher officials know the actual ground position but just to please the politicians the exercise of making enquiry committee and punishment order was done. It is actually an eyewash because everyone in the education department is aware of this fact that the number of government teachers is very less than the requirement. Education in Government school is dependent on para-teachers and contractual teachers who do not get salary and nor have any service book. the lines. Speaking on the open classroom initiative Dr. Hemlata S. Mohan, the Director and Principal of the school said, “This is an extension of not just the knowledge but the resources as well to broaden the young minds of our students. This is called experiential learning, you learn it through experiences. “We always strive to walk an extra mile to ensure that our children undergo and understand parallel curriculum which is very different from extra-curricular or coscholastic. Here you breathe history and inhale the idea and not exhale the facts merely for evaluation”, she added. The ‘Class or Living History Project’ was initiated at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Railway Station, Gomoh moving on to the Ambedkar Statue at Sector 4, Bokaro with an interactive session at Buddha Vihar and a Special School assembly in Ashwaghosh Kala Bhavan on the key historical events of Jharkhand’s history. Today this was the fourth such session, said the authority. ,&$,IRUHQIRUFHPHQWRI EDUULQJILQDQFLDOELGGLQJ ?=BQ A0=278 he Ranchi Chapter of Institute of Chartered T Accountants of India (ICAI) has suggested all its members and stakeholders to strictly follow the norm of apex body which has barred its member CAs from taking part in any financial bidding exclusively for them. President of Ranchi chapter of ICAI Manish Jain said on Thursday that the move is directed to stop the deteriorating quality of chartered accountancy in the country. Though, Jain said that the door in case of technical bidding would remain opened for Chartered Accountants as usual. Jain said that many of the State Government departments were still functioning on their own old way of tendering auditing and accounting works. It was not only deteriorating quality of work, but was also against the guidelines of the Institute. “Technical bidding has not H^dcWbdbcPX]bX]YdaXTb PUcTaT[TRca^RdcX^] ?=BQ 1>:0A> youth was badly injured as he came in contact with A high voltage electricity wire while he was installing a banner for Hul Diwas programme organized by Jharkhand Mukti Morcha at ITI More under Chas police station in Bokaro. According to the eyewitness, the incident occurred while Rohit Kumar was installing a banner suddenly he came in contact with a live electric wire of 33000 volt. With the help of locals he immediately rushed to the hospital. He is the resident of BSL LH street-8 at Bokaro. According to the doctors, Rohit is sustaining huge burn injuries and his condition is said to be critical, said a hos- been barred, as it has no quality concerns because every other is not going to bid in it,” Jain added. “Banks and a number of other organisations have a fair mechanism for CAs, where they have fixed rates for quantity of works. This has helped them a lot in terms of keeping poor quality accounting and auditing out of the system, which ultimately keeps providing them the actual picture of the balance sheet,” said Jain. He added that the poor accounting and auditing could easily become a matter of past once Government started fixing price of services rather than tendering for accounting and auditing, which demands extreme expertise. ICAI also praised the move from C entral Government that allows undeclared income holders or those who don’t pay taxes despite falling into a taxable income bracket to turn their money white by paying a cer- tain tax on it. Jain requested all to get benefit of this scheme, which will help them itself in return. CPI Committee President of ICAI Ranchi chapter CA Manisha Biyani said, “We are organising an event to spread awareness about this in association with Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FJCCI). We will also organise a two day national event on 23-24 July in Ranchi itself. Minutes of this event will be prepared soon.” ICAI is also organising a number of events on its 67th birthday on Thursday. The events include blood donation camp at ICAI Office in Ranchi, a Go Green Rally and Water Harvesting Rally from Albert Ekka Chowk to Office and a cleanliness drive also. “We will also distribute cloths to poor and study materials to children of Ambatoli in city. After that we will go for plantation drive,” said Biyani. 8=1A845 2<?384<?;>H44B54;828C0C43 CWTX]RXST]c ^RRdaaTSfWX[TA^WXc :d\PafPbX]bcP[[X]V PQP]]TabdSST][hWT RP\TX]R^]cPRcfXcW P[XeTT[TRcaXRfXaT^U ""e^[c pital source. Electrical burns differ from thermal or chemical burns in that they cause much more subdermal damage. High voltage burn is very severe as the victim makes direct contact with the high voltage supply and the damage runs its course throughout the body, said the hospital source. “Exterior injuries are misleading as most of the damage occurs underneath the skin”, he added. ?dQ[XRbTRc^aR^\_P]h2<?38UT[XRXcPcTSXcbbXgaTcXaX]V\T\QTabfXcW \T\T]c^bWPf[VaPcdXchRWT`dTP]S^cWTacWX]Vb^]CWdabSPhCWT \T\QTabX]R[dST6<6T^[^Vh?aPQWPcBWP]ZTaBT]X^a<P]PVTab 5X]P]RT<:=PcWP]S?=BX]VWEXbWfP]PcW2W^dSWPahP]S4aXZ :WP[ZW^0[[T\_[^hTTb^U2<?38fTaTPS\X]XbcTaTS^PcW^U R[TP][X]TbbP[b^PccWT^RRPbX^] 0;;07010310=:8=?0;0<0D .LGQDSSHGER\UHWXUQV IURP%¶GHVKDIWHU\UV BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 ?dQ[XRbTRc^a[T]STa0[[PWPQPS1P]Z^_T]TSXcbcf^]TfQaP]RWTb^] CWdabSPhX]AP]RWXP]S?P[P\Pd>]TQaP]RWXb[^RPcTSPc2WPcaPX] 0]VPaPPaTPfWTaTPbP]^cWTaWPbQTT]^_T]TSPc<PWXbP]XX] 2WWPccPa_daPaTPCWTbTQaP]RWTbPaTcWTTgcT]bX^]^UUX]P]RXP[ X]R[dbX^]_a^VaP\\T^UcWTQP]Z onu, a 12-year-old boy who SSeelampur was kidnapped from New in East Delhi by a woman six-years-ago and taken to Bangladesh, was on Thursday brought back from Dhaka and reunited with his parents following the intervention of the External Affairs Ministry. “From Geeta to Gurpreet, and now to Sonu! EAM @SushmaSwaraj welcomes the young boy Sonu home from Bangladesh,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted along with a photograph of External Affairs Minister Sushma welcoming Sonu. Sonu’s reunion with his parents was made possible by real life hero Jamaal, a Bangladeshi national, who did not want publicity and went back to his country quietly after doing the good deed. Recalling the hot summer evening in June 2010, when Sonu, then six-years-old, was abducted, the boy’s maternal aunt Pooja Sarkar said, “Sonu was playing with other children right in front of his house in F Block lane opposite Jama Masjid. Suddenly the power went off in the area. Taking advantage of this, a woman abducted him. I BF027277C0?0:7F0300C<42>= BfPRWRWWcP?PZfPSPfPb^aVP]XbTSX]<42>=7TPS^UUXRTUa^\9d]T %c^9d]T">]cWXb^RRPbX^]²BfPRWRWWcP?[TSVT³fPb PS\X]XbcTaTSQh6<B?P]Shc^<42>=T\_[^hTTbX]R[dSX]V6< AP]P2WPZaPePachC^ZTT_cWT<42>=RP\_dbP]Sc^f]bWX_VaTT]P ²7PaXhP[X?[TSVT³fPbP[b^PS\X]XbcTaTSc^cWT<42>=bcPUU 6^eTa]^a3a^d_PSX<da\d_PhbcaXQdcTc^\PachabBXS^:P]Wd^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U7d[3XfPbPcAPY1WPfP]X]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ 7PahP]PXbbdTbVdXST[X]TbU^a2;D_Ta\XbbX^] ?=BQ 270=3860A7 4gcTa]P[0UUPXab<X]XbcTaBdbW\PBfPaPYWdVbB^]dfW^fPbZXS]P__TSUa^\ 3T[WXbXghTPabPV^P]ScPZT]c^1P]V[PSTbWPUcTaWTfPbQa^dVWcQPRZX]=Tf 3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 don’t remember the woman’s name, but I do remember how my sister Mumtaz and my brother-in-law gave that woman a roof over her head. Despite that, she did such a horrible thing. She broke their trust. Mumtaz and Mehboob (Sonu’s father) went to the local police station to regis- ter a missing complaint. However, police were not able to find Sonu.” Sonu’s desperate parents tried everything, right from pasting posters with Sonu’s photograph on them on walls in the area to advertisements in newspapers, but nothing bore fruits. aryana Government on Thursday issued new poliH cy guidelines regarding grant of Change of Land Use (CLU) permission for industrial units in industrial or agriculture zones in the controlled areas falling within the municipal limits in the State. These guidelines have been issued in view of the Enterprises Promotion Policy (EPP)-2015, said an official spokesman. Under the new policy, there would be a two tier system for grant of CLU permission in 8`gedVV\d94T`_dV_e e`dVefa?374T`fced From Page 1 SLCC has also suggested the State Government to sensitise the intelligence machinery for collection of inputs on economic offences in the State for early warnings and timely action to protect the interest of common depositors. Moreover, despite the regulatory mechanisms cases of frauds are coming from across the State. As per the records with the RBI regional office meant for Bihar and Jharkhand, only 20 NBFCs have been registered to operate in the region. “At present, there are 20 NBFCs registered with our regional office to operate in Jharkhand. Most importantly, none of these companies are authorised to receive deposits from common citizens and only allowed to give Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and Municipal Committees. The request for grant of CLU permission for projects with investment of more than C10 crore or involving CLU application cases of more than one acre will be considered and decided by the Empowered Executive Committee notified under the EPP – 2015. After clearance by the committee, the permission within the municipal limits would be issued by the Director, Urban Local Bodies Department. The CLU permissions and grant of NOC will be decided as per time limits specified by the Department under the Right to Service Act, 2014. For projects with investment upto C10 crore or CLU application cases upto one acre in conforming industrial zone, the requests for grant of CLU permission will be considered and decided by the District Level Clearance Committee notified under the EPP – 2015. Giving details about procedure of submission of applications, he said that applications for seeking CLU permission will be submitted in the office of concerned Municipal Corporation. 5^a\Ta2WXTU<X]XbcTaP]S9E<2WXTU1PQd[P[<PaP]SXcaXTbWXbWP]SPcP caPSXcX^]P[Sad\^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U7d[3XfPb_a^VaP\\TPc3TTZbWP]c<P]SP_X] AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa loan and do miscellaneous activities,” said Patric Barla, General Manager (Officer in-Charge) of RBI’s regional office in Ranchi. However, Barla admitted that despite the vigilance there were several companies operating in the region under the pretext of various other provisions. “Any NBFC registered in any other State can operate here as well with due permission of local authorities. Another category is of such companies registered with regulators other than the RBI such as SEBI, NHB etc. This apart, there are such players too, which have not been registered anywhere but are operating entirely in an illegal manner,” said the GM. The central bank on its part has also counted on the measures such as development of a website for SLCC providing easy access to relevant materials on NBFCs for regulators, law enforcement agencies and commoners besides, conducting awareness programme with the help of the State Government’s public relations department against the cheating practices. 09BD2WXTUBdSTbW:d\Pa<PWc^P[^]VfXcW_Pachf^aZTab_PhbcaXQdcTc^\Pachab BXS^P]S:P]Wd^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U7d[3XfPbPcBXS^:P]W^_PaZX]AP]RWX^] CWdabSPh APcP];P[k?X^]TTa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·VZLOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\NLQGRIFODLPPDGHE\WKHDGYHUWLVHUVRIWKHSURGXFWVVHUYLFHVDQGVKDOOQRWEHPDGHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\NLQGRIORVVFRQVHTXHQFHVDQGIXUWKHUSURGXFWUHODWHGGDPDJHVRQVXFKDGYHUWLVHPHQWV 3ULQWHGDQGSXEOLVKHGE\$QXSDP6KHVKDQNIRUDQGRQEHKDOIRI&0<.3ULQWHFK/WGDQGSXEOLVKHGDW6KDNDPEDUL3UDNDVKDQQG)ORRU0DQDY$SDUWPHQW.DQNH5RDG5DQFKL7HOHPDLOMKDUNKDQGSLRQHHU#JPDLOFRP3ULQWHGDW1HXWUDO3XEOLVKLQJ+RXVH /WG0+,&RPSOH[2OG+%5RDG5DQFKL-KDUNKDQG(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD51,5HJQ-+$(1*5(*'1R51$,5685&+$5*(RI5H(DVW&DOFXWWD%KXEDQHVZDU1RUWK/HK:HVW0XPEDL$KPHGDEDG6RXWK%DQJDORUH&KHQQDL&HQWUDO.KDMXUDKR'HOKL 7HOHSKRQHV(3$%;)D[/XFNQRZ2IILFHWK)ORRU6DKDUD6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH)DL]DEDG5RDG/XFNQRZ7HOHSKRQHV RP_XcP[" A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % 7D;!&!CD0==8E4AB0AH 4>UVUZTReVdhV]WRcVdTYV^Vd ?=BQ A0=278 n the 161st anniversary of Santhal Hul, one of the first ever freedom struggle against the British rule in Jharkhand, Chief Minister Raghubar Das dedicated public welfare schemes worth C10,823 lakh to the State on Thursday. “The winds of change are blowing from the forests of Saranda in Chaibasa to banks of Ganga in Sahebganj. No one can stop this change. Eradicating backwardness from Santhal Pargana will be true homage to Santhal Hul,” said Das during a ceremony at Sahebganj on Wednesday. The entire State is grateful to the great heroes of Santhal Hul, added the CM. As a token of gratitude, he honoured descendants of Hul martyrs Sidho and Kanho and handed them keys to homes built for them. Rupachand Murmu, Bhagwat Murmu, Raska Murmu, Rameshal Murmu, Sumi Tudu, Chunda Murmu, Bada Mandal Murmu, Barka Murmu, Leela O 2<APVWdQPa3Pb\TTcb[^RP[b^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U7d[3XfPbRT[TQaPcX^]bPc BPWTQVP]Y^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Murmu, Chota Bhado Murmu and Ram Murmu received the keys to their new homes. “Poverty eradication has been limited to slogans alone in State but we have taken some substantial steps in this direction. I believe that by spreading education, de-addiction and keeping away from loans, people from rural areas can develop themselves and we can be rid of poverty,” Das said. “Intoxication will be brought about with public awareness and not laws alone,” said the CM. People should opt BcPcTFdbWd_[PhTab bWX]TX]6T^aVXP ?=BQ A0=278 ushu players from Birsa Munda Wushu Kendra, Silli won several medals in the International Wushu Championship in Georgia. Phoolkumari Bedia and W Prashant Gorai won one gold medal each and Pramod Kumar Bedia won two bronze medals. The players met AJSU supremo Sudesh Mahto on Thursday who congratulated them on their excellent performance. for Pradhan-Mantri Mudra Yojna for loans instead of going to loan sharks, he added. Families who are above poverty line but have been included in list of below poverty line families should immediately surrender the benefits they are availing by virtue of this mistake, appealed Das. CM stated that the poor welfare fairs should be convened regularly so that people in need get to know about State-run welfare schemes for them. Taking potshots at the factions opposing State Domicile Policy, Das said, “The new local policy gives local people and tribal youth have been given the right to claim jobs at district level. Tribal interests will not be violated under this Policy, but will natives of the State will have more opportunities as compared to earlier.” Adding tribal languages in competitive examination has created new avenues, stated Das. 17,000 teachers have been appointed all over Jharkhand and 18,000 more will be appointed this year, he said. “Sahebganj will be the smartest city in Jharkhand. With ports or basic infrastructure, Sahebganj will be developed as a modern and digital city. Sahebganj and Rajmahal will be restored to their former glory,” Das said. On this occasion, appointment letters were distributed among newly elected village Pradhans from districts under Santhal Pargana. Be it ‘Mukhiya or Mukhya-Mantri’ no is above the law, development is the first and last priority, said Das. B_g_fUb:XQb[XQ^T2:@ `bUcYTU^dc_^µc]QbbYQWU 6^SSPPS\X]PfPXcb R^dac^aSTa*9B2?2A c^W^[S\TTcc^SPh <D:4B7A0=90=Q A0=278 ollowing controversy over State BJP president Tala F Marandi’s son Munna Marandi, who allegedly got married to a minor, the Godda district administration is awaiting the court’s direction to take action in this regard. “The matter has not even reached to us from the Court…I have sent one officer to check whether there is any direction for us. We will definitely act on it if there is any,” said Godda SP Sanjeev Kumar. He, however, said that the issue of minor or major is being investigated by Jharkhand State Commission for Child Protection and Rights (JSCPCR). “Let them come to a conclusion first, and then the police will act as soon as any direction comes 5X[T?W^c^^U<d]]P<PaP]SX from their side,” he added. Notably, a 16-year old girl has moved a Godda court, alleging that Munna Marandi sexually exploited her in the name of marriage during the last one and half years. The aggrieved girl got to know about Munna’s marriage plans in April this year. He told her that she was under pressure from his parents. She then approached police who did not listen to her and finally had to approach the court where the matter was pending. The girl has also knocked the door of State Commission for Women (SCW) seeking justice. Meanwhile, JSCPCR has called a meeting on Friday to brainstorm over the issue. “I will hold a meeting with the members of Commission to discuss over the matter and chalk out further plan of action in this regard,” JCCPR Chairperson Aarti Kujoor said. Meanwhile, Deep Narayan Mandal, the principal of SDN Academy, Mahagama, the school, where the girl studies, reportedly claimed that the girl, according to school records was a minor. School records said that the girl was born on July 25, 2005 and is student of Class VI. The records have already been submitted to the SDO and other senior officials, who had come to the school for an enquiry. &RQJPXOOVQRKDUVKVWHSDJDLQVW3DQNL0/$ B0=C>B7=0A0H0=Q A0=278 n all likelihood, Congress’ ‘defiant’ MLA from Panki IDevender Singh would not have to face any stern action for choosing not to vote in the Rajya Sabha election early last month and thus putting the ruling BJP candidate in advantageous position. Insiders from the party privy to the developments having taken place since the controversy snowballed confided to this newspaper that Congress leadership was not keen to stretch the case further. “Sense within the party is that suspension or dismissal of Devender Singh may boomerang and he would move towards the BJP. Following the dismissal he would be free from the clutches of the party. The ?P]ZX<;03TQeT]SaPBX]VW 5X[T?W^c^ Congress in the given circumstances cannot afford to lose one of its MLAs and that also for the matter which has already started to settle. The party was not to gain directly from the victory in any case,” said a senior func- tionary in the Pradesh Congress Committee. Devender had won the byeelection since his father and four-term MLA Bidesh Singh passed away midway after getting elected on the Congress ticket for the first time in his long political stint. His rather fresh association with the Congress is also what worries the party. Nevertheless, following the drubbing the red-faced leaders of the Congress and in-charge made for the election Ajay Makan had reported harshly against Devender as well as Barkagaon MLA Nirmala Devi. Still, there is no second thought within party that both of its MLAs overlooked the instructions and deliberately tried to sidestep the voting. Nirmala somehow could be brought to the polling booth at the last moment but Devender remained traceless for days from the voting day. Following the incident that resulted into defeat of the Congress backed JMM candidate Basant Soren by a whisker, the PCC sought explanation from Devender Singh and forwarded it to the party high command in Delhi for appropriate action. Also, Makan handed over a separate report describing the conduct of the party legislators and leaders during the election. “Both the reports are adverse to the MLA. Besides, it also stresses over the role played by senior party leaders such as Subodh Kant Sahay and few others who took the poll managers for a ride suggesting as if everything was in their full control before the poll day. There have been mischievous acts aimed to score some brownie points and rise in stature in the eyes of the high command that went horribly wrong,” said a close aide of PCC president Sukhdeo Bhagat. Getting the sense early about exoneration coming from the party, Devender also played down the episode. “Irrespective of the decision I would continue to work for the party and the people of the region. In any case, I have put forth my version and explained the truth behind by my absence on that day. There are experienced leaders in the party and I believe that it would take no action against me,” said the MLA. He, in his response to the show cause, had explained police lookout notice reportedly in circulation at that time against him apart from missing permission from the court to vote. 36?UXPcc^B?b U^aRWTRZX]V X]bdaVT]RhX]BcPcT 36?3:?P]SThSdaX]VR^]R[dSX]VSPh RTaT\^]h^U !cWBcPcT[TeT[?^[XRT B_^acb2WP\_X^]bWX_Pc90? 7^cfPa X]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?=BQ A0=278 xpressing concern over the frequent incidences of E extremism, Director General of Police (DGP) DK Pandey ordered senior police officials of four districts to keep a check on movement of extremist outfits. During a meeting with Khunti SP Anish Gupta, Ranchi Rural SP Raj Kumar Lakra, Gumla SP Chandan Kumar Jha and Simdega SP Rajiv Ranjan Singh, DGP ordered them to keep a tight leash on advances from People’s Liberation Front of India (PLFI). PLFI rebels had gunned down six criminals near Ranchi-Khunti border on Tuesday in a bid to assert their supremacy. The murdered criminals were former members of PLFI who later became competition for the outfit in siphoning levies in the region. “We were ordered to intensify operations against PLFI cadres active in the region. The SPs were ordered to strengthen anti-PLFI operations in their respective districts,” stated Khunti SP Gupta. YWPaZWP]S# A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % AZde`]W`f_UZ_dTY``]SRX`W"$jc`]US`j ?0AE8=34A170C80Q 90<B743?DA arely a few days after a 17year-old student of a B Sakchi-based cradle fell victim to gun-shot injury in an accidental firing triggered by his classmate in the classroom, a 13-year-old boy was caught with a pistol at another English medium school in Sonari on Thursday afternoon. The student, who was caught with a pistol, is a Class VIII student of RMS High School at Khuntadih in Sonari. Though it was a rusted country-made pistol and was unloaded, the police have detained the student on the basis of an information lodged by school vice-principal Achla Srivastava. Sonari police station offi- cer-in-charge Budhram Oraon said they nabbed the student and recovered the pistol on getting a complaint from the viceprincipal of RMS High School. “We have taken the boy in custody after seizing the firearm and will take necessary action against him only after getting necessary instruction from the senior officers,” said Oraon. He added they are trying to find out the source from whom the minor offender had procured the country-made pistol and also trying to find out the motive behind bringing the pis- 44=WV]ZTZeReVdcVeZcVUV^a]`jVVd ltogether 13 employees, A including two officers, posted at Central Coalfields Ltd hief Minister Raghubar Das exhorted Civil C Surgeons, doctors, nurses and sahiyas to work with dedication and execute their duties with a sense of sincerity so that they are remembered by their former patients long after they leave a place. He said this while addressing the conclusion ceremony of three-day mega health camp conducted by Health Education and Family Welfare Department in collaboration with Women Doctors Wing of Indian Medical Association, Jharkhand chapter at Community Health E8=>3?A0B030Q ;>70A3060 Janta Darbar was held at A Buti Panchayat of Senha block where several adminisKarmchari (GNH). RS Mahapatro handed over Thanks Giving Letter, Service Certificate, cheque/documents of gratuity & CMPF Cheque number, pension papers, medical cards, religious books etc, to the retiring employees. Employees, who were superannuating in areas, were also given farewell in their respective areas. Total 130 employees have been retiring from their service in month of June, 2016. Tiwari acknowledged the contributing of each retiring employees and pointed out that the company has been achieving double digit growth due your sustained efforts. He further said that company has been performing outstandingly in last four years. He hoped that new recruits will continue ?^[XRTbcX[[R[dT[Tbb WdbQP]SR[PX\b PbbPX[P]cbSTRP\_TS fXcWV^[S^a]P\T]cb ?=BQ 90<B743?DA of Khemlata Devi, wife of Tata Steel employee, to further examine the point of rape angle. It is suspected that the victim had been sexually abused before being stabbed to death, though the police are yet ?=BQ A0=278 Centre, Barheit, Sahebganj on Thursday. The camp was organised with a view to make people make aware about how to prevent anaemia and cervical cancer in women. The CM said that special 2<APVWdQPa3PbUT[XRXcPcTb8<0F^\T]bFX]V_aTbXST]c3a care should be 1WPacX:PbWhP_SdaX]VPRP\_^aVP]XbTSQh7TP[cW3T_Pac\T]c taken of the diet of Pc3d\ZP^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ expectant women Chairman of Women as healthy babies are born of healthy mothers. He praised the Doctors Wing, IMA Dr Bharati endeavour to hold health camp Kashyap in her speech disfor tribal women in quite cussed the deficiency of anaemia and cervical cancer in women in remote and backward areas. On this occasion, Health details. Veteran oncologist Dr Minister Ramchandra Ranjeet Mandal from Kolkata Chandravanshi discussed the and his team along with the docvarious initiatives taken by Chief tors of Ranchi played an imporMinister Das for the develop- tant role in making the mega ment of Santhal Pargana region. camp a success. ?VVYSUbccX_e\TS__bTY^QdUgYdX`eR\YS*43 this momentum and work hard to achieve target given by the Government. RS Mahapatro, Director(Personnel) said that these experienced employees are retiring and creating vacuum, which is difficult to replace but he hoped that new generation will work hard to meet the upcoming challenges and meeting energy requirement of the Nation. He wished them happy, prosperous and peaceful post retirement life. On this occasion, all the retiring employees expressed their personal views and acknowledged support and affection, which they got from the company in their service tenure. They wished that the company keeps achieving new heights in future. trative officers were present. DC Bhuvnesh Pratap Singh heard the problems of the people for about 5 hours. Some problems were solved out on spot and the others were given directions to solve soon. On the occasion, DC Bhuvnesh Pratap Singh said, “The development of the area cannot be done without cooperation of the people. The goals of the Darbar will be fulfilled if it would be organised for the people. The officials should 3`\Rc`EYVc^R]a`]ZTVDR_eVV dR^ZeVVY`]U:WeRRcaRcej BDA4B7=8:70AQ 14A<> he local Bokaro Thermal police and Santee samitee, T Bokaro Thermal organised an Iftar party on the ongoing Ramzan month at DVC Bokaro club on Thursday. Officer-in charge Rajesh Kujur, jogendra Giri, Bharat Yadav, Hansraj Prasad, besides respectable persons of Raja bazaar, Naya basti, Barwabera, Noori Nagar, Nisan hut and others respectable person of the society were present in the function. <TSXRP[Q^PaSc^X]eTbcXVPcTaP_TP]V[TZTT_bPdc^_bhaT_^acaTbTaeTS he medical board has T reserved the findings of autopsy performed on the body CWaTT3Ph²7TP[cW 7d[³R^]R[dSTbX] BP]cWP[?PaVP]P 9P]cP3PaQPaWT[SPc 1dcX?P]RWPhPc32 WTPab_a^Q[T\bU^a$Wab ?=BQ A0=278 (CCL)’s headquarters, Darbhanga House, Ranchi superannuated from their services on Thursday. They were given warm farewell at a function held in ‘Coal Room,’ Dharbhanga House, Ranchi on this day. On this occasion, PK Tiwari, Director (Technical/ Operation) and RS Mahapatro, Director (Personnel) along with GMs, Departmental heads and others were present. The retired personnel are Sumit Ghosh, CGM (Mining), Nemai Chandra Majee, GM (Mining), Sambhu Nath Chanda, OS (NEE), Nirmal Kr Ghosh, Sr PA (EE), Pranab Roy, Sr Chemist (QM), Scholostica Lakra, Matron (GNH), Dinesh Kr Verma, Asstt Supv (GA), Md Idrish Ansari, Hd Binder (Press), Harbinder Singh, Driver-cumMech (Vigilance) Kaushlya Devi, Hd Peon (Estb-A/Cs), Rekha Devi, Sr Aya (GNH), Birsha Munda, Hd. Mali (Hort) Baldeo Ram Mirdha, Safai tol to school. The accused, who is son of Santosh Kumar Ojha, said, “I don’t know about the pistol as it was recovered from the desk of a girl student who sits next to me. I am innocent.” But the police sources said the boy, resident of Khuntadih, had brought the pistol to the school and had shown it to as many as eight fellow students during the recession. Vice-principal Srivastava said, “The student in question had showed the gun to some of his fellow students during the recess. After getting the complaint, we searched out the firearm from under a desk.” Srivastava, when queried, claimed they used to carry out regular checking of bags of all the 900 students so as to find out whether any student had brought cell-phones or any other objectionable things. The accused student is the only son of his parents who have two children. Santosh Kumar Ojha resides in Sonari, is a Tata Steel employee and works as an operator in New Bar Mill of the company. 3^RbbW^d[SbTaeTfXcWSTSXRPcX^])2< to confirm about the rape angle. The 43-year-old woman, who was wife of a Tata Steel employee, was murdered at her residence on Tansa Road in Kadma late on Tuesday. Her last rites were performed at Parvati Ghat in Bistupur after a funer- al procession was taken out from the victim’s parents’ house in Sonari on Thursday morning. Though 48 hours have elapsed since the murder took place at densely-populated area in Kadam, police have not been able to find any clue. “It is a complicated case and we need to work on all the angles. We are making all efforts to find out a clue and nab the killer,” said officer-incharge, Kadma thana, Animesh Gupta. The woman was found scantily covered when her husband Kartik Ram first discovered her at the residence, said Gupta. “As per our findings she was murdered with very little cloth on her body, there was no apparent sign of rape. Therefore the case has become more tough to crack,” said the officer-in-charge. Police on Wednesday night picked up four people who had gathered at an adjoining residential quarter of Kartik Ram on Tansa Road a day before his wife was murdered. The officer-in-charge said that the relation between husband and wife was not cordial as they had a tiff in opinion over installing CCTV camera at the residence. “We have come to know that Kartik Ram (55) wanted to get CCTV cameras at his residence where as Khemlata used to oppose it. We have come to know about the reason behind Kartik’s move for installing the surveillance camera in such a two-room residential quarters,” said Gupta. Meanwhile, Kartik Ram on Thursday has claimed that the assailants have decamped with gold ornaments from his almirah beside the two cell-phones. A senior police officer said when Kartik had wanted to search keys for locking the almirah, he discovered that the ornament boxes kept in the locker were empty and the jewellery were missing. solve out their problems on time. The administration is devoted for development.” In Darbar many stalls were held included block, circle, agriculture, cleanliness, animals, health, forests and many others. Their problems were listed out. The majority of the problems were related to ration cards, old aged pension, Indira Aawas, toilets, crop insurance, animal check-up, education and drinking water. As well the villagers demanded to transfer the principal of Buti Government School. The beneficiaries of BPL were told to have the gas connection free of cost. The villagers also demanded to construct bridge at Phooljhar Canal. They demanded for Red cards and Indira Awaas. On the occasion the officials told about the welfare schemes of the central and the State Govt and appealed to have benefits. DC also inspected several schools, Anganbadi centres, health centres and Dobha construction. /DWHKDU63KROGVPHHWLQJ ZLWK&KDQGZDWUDGHUV ?=BQ 30;C>=60=9 oal loading hub Chandwa is to get better policing and C effective maintenance of law and order. SP Latehar Anoop Birtharey on Thursday sat with the members of Chandwa chamber of commerce and interacted with them for little over an hour on issues of public and trade interest. Chandwa chamber of commerce was represented by its president Prem Shanker Bhagat Shanker Lal Kanoudia RN Gupta and Nirmal K Sharma and others. The Chamber of commerce urged the SP to impose restrictions on pressure horns used by heavy vehicles. Further the Chamber wanted anti-dust measurement to be implemented effectively like water sprinkling since dust in Chandwa born out of coal and bauxite has rendered the lives of the commoners miserable. SP Latehar sounded thankful to Chatra BJP MP Sunil Singh for giving C12 lakh from his MP LADS. Chandwa is sooner to find installation of as B?;PcTWPab^d]STS cWP]ZUd[c^2WPcaP 19?<?Bd]X[BX]VW U^aVXeX]VC ![PZW Ua^\WXb <?;03B many as ten CCTVs and 12 CCTVs in Latehar which will help public and police to keep an eye on every activity being carried out in the NHs 75 and 98 both. Birtharey said the MP has been further approached for similar funding for installation of cctvs in Balumath. There are two top temples here in this region where installation of CCTVs will help a lot to the police and temple management reiterated the SP. On being asked that he (SP) interacted with chamber of commerce Chandwa while the district organisation Latehar was left out Birtharey said Chandwa chamber is a force to reckon with. Truly speaking Latehar is the district town but in fact it is Chandwa where lies the soul of this district as here goes two major railway projects Toree (Chandwa) Lohardagga railway lines and Toree Sivpuri railway lines. Further Chandwa township is three time bigger than the Latehar ones’. Birtharey said in the same vein ‘One industrial corridor has been identified between Toree and Barka gaon here. This corridor has all NTPC Amarpali Tandwa coal blocks etc. Where such a big industrial hub is on the anvil security and safety matters most and this Thursday meeting was for a coordinated effort between the chamber and the police here. More than a year back the big face of Chandwa, Ladu Babu was gunned down for his sustained campaign against illegal coal operator and unlawful dumping of coal causing huge dust cloud Chandwa continues to be the business nerve of Latehar and Birtharey took time off for his sitting with the Chamber here for a better and healthy policing said sources. 7TP[cWST_cXbbdTbb_TRXP[ SXaTRcXeTbc^R^\QPc<P[PaXP ?=BQ 1>:0A> aking a tough step over rapid rise in Malaria cases T in the hillock regions in Bokaro, the district health department sounded an alert; special directives has been issued for all medical staffs. The health department asked all the village medical staffs to be extra vigilant over the disease and to create awareness among the mass. A special directive has been issued by the Civil Surgeon to all private nursing homes and hospitals. There were asked to inform immediately to the district health department even if any suspect case of Malaria is found, said A Poddar district Malaria Officer. “We have arranged a special ward at Sadar Hospital for patients suffering with Malaria. Here all special arrangements has been done to tackle with brain and simple malaria cases,” he added. Notably, Malaria is spreading its wings in the hillock areas of Bokaro district. More than eight deaths form malaria were reported in last few months in the district. According to the report of district health department over 105 new peoples were found to be suffering from malaria. The worst affected villages are Hisim, Trionala, Gumanzara and Kedla of Kasmar under Paterwar blocks. Dozens are CWTWTP[cW ST_Pac\T]cPbZTS P[[cWTeX[[PVT \TSXRP[bcPUUbc^ QTTgcaPeXVX[P]c ^eTacWTSXbTPbT P]Sc^RaTPcT PfPaT]TbbP\^]V cWT\Pbb still in the grip of malaria since past twenty days. “The number of patients are rising continuously as these villages lacks with medical health care facilities along with medicines too”, said a villager. At least 104 blood samples were collected from different villages in which five people are found with Brain Malaria infection, nine with simple Malaria while 90 are tested with seasonal fever, said Poddar. The Health department suggested the villagers to be extra vigilant and use mosquito net while sleeping. “Bleaching powders are being sprinkled in ponds, wells and places where water is accumulated and special stress in being laid to keep villages clean educating the masses to rush to government hospitals rather than visiting the quacks who time and again fail to save lives of patients due to reference of wrong selection of medicines,” he added. ]PcX^]$ A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % CRZ]hRjdVia`ced'!24 T`RTYVde`3R_X]RUVdY ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ith an eye on the South W Asian market and in a bid to attract train customers from the region, the Indian Railways has exported at least 60 air-conditioned coaches to Bangladesh with which India has entered into an agreement to run trains between the two countries. The modern stainless steel coaches, also known as LHB, manufactured by Rail Coach Factor y, Kapurthala, are equipped with Fiat bogies capable of running at a maximum speed of 160 kmph. The export of the trains has been undertaken by Railways’ subsidiary RITES. The contract agreement between RITES Ltd and Bangladesh Railways was executed on January 21, 2015, and subsequently, between RITES Ltd and RCF on September 30, 2015 for supply of these coaches at an estimat- CWT1P]V[PSTbWAPX[fPh1AWPSX]UPRc aT`dTbcTSPR^]caPRcPVaTT\T]c^U !R^PRWTb CWTaT\PX]X]VR^PRWTbfX[[QTbT]cX]SdT R^dabTCf^caPX]bTcbR^\_aXbX]V !R^PRWTb TPRW!02RWPXaRPa!UXabc02b[TT_TaRPa% ]^]02RWPXaRPaP]S!_^fTaRPafX[[_aTbT]c[h QTST_[^hTSc^^_TaPcT"_PXab^UX]cTaRXchcaPX]b QTcfTT]3WPZPP]SAPYbWPWXCWTR^\_^bXcX^] ^UR^PRWTbTg_^acTSP[b^X]R[dSTbP_aPhTaa^^\ ed cost of C 367 crore. RITES Chairman and Managing Director Rajeev Mehrotra said that RITES is making all efforts to augment export of rolling stock manufactured at Indian Railways Production Units. “Response from South Asian markets is very encouraging. This is for the first time that we have been able to send our air conditioned coaches. We are looking for a huge market,” Mehrotra told The Pioneer. The Bangladesh Railway (BR) had, in fact, requested a contract agreement of 120 coaches. The remaining coach- *RYWDVNVGHSWVWRPDNH LQIRUPDWLRQSXEOLFWR UHGXFH57,EXUGHQ ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ith the aim to reduce Right to Information W (RTI) applications, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has directed all Central Government departments to put in public domain information that is frequently sought by citizens under the RTI Act. Besides they have also been asked to set up ‘Information and Facilitation Centres’ (IFCs) at departments to provide printed publications to citizens mentioning the categories of information that are frequently being sought under the RTI. The latest directive is based on the recommendations of a committee formed by the government to look into the scope of suo motu disclosure of governancerelated information by the central government departments. The authorities concerned have been asked that the Information on the website must be organised in form of searchable and retrievable database to enable people to access the records. The DoPT has asked each public authority to set up a committee comprising officials with rich experience of dealing with RTI applications and appeals to identify the categories of such informa- tion. “Such information must be disclosed in the public domain to make it more userfriendly and should also be reviewed at regular intervals,” it said in an order to all ministries. The DoPT has said the task of undertaking transparency audits may be given to the respective training institutes under each ministry or department and across the states and union territories. “ The public authorities shall constitute consultative committees consisting of office-bearers of key stakeholder, association on rotational basis to have a systematic and regular interaction between the officials of the public authorities to advice what information to be uploaded as suo motu,” said the order. The committee had submitted its report which was accepted by the government and an order was issued in June last year to all public authorities to follow its recommendations. DoPT has also issued instructions to all public authorities in that they must make an analysis of information which is sought most often from applicants and provide it on their website as suo motu disclosure. The RTI Act empowers a citizen to seek time-bound reply to their query on governance-related matters. =PcX^]fXSTbdaeThc^ PbbTbbSadVPQdbTb^^] ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 mid the flutter created by the recently released Bollywood A film Udta Punjab over the issue of drug abuse, the Social and Welfare Ministry will soon kickoff a nationwide survey to assess the extent, trend and pattern of drug abuse among people across the country. The study, which is estimated to cost over Rs 22 crore, will be conducted in collaboration with the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC) of AIIMS. It will provide national and state level estimates of proportion and absolute number of people who indulge in drug abuse, sources said. The two-year-long survey will also map the presence of services and interventions for drug dependent individual and identify the gaps in service delivery. The last nation-wide survey to assess the drug use in India was conducted in 2001 and its data was published in 2004. “The earlier survey did not provide any data on prevalence of substance use at the level of different states in India, neither did it provide data on prevalence of drug use among women population. Since then there have been small scale studies focused on specific geographical areas or population. But there have been no nation-wide surveys. “Thus the exact dimensions of this problem in India remain unknown,” a senior Ministry official said. The government’s decision to conduct the survey comes in the wake of a recent survey ‘Punjab Opioid Dependence Survey’ (PODS) that estimated that there are about 2.3 lakh opioid-dependent people in the state, which consumes drugs worth Rs 7,500 crore every year. “Additionally, India is expected to report to international agencies (like United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and World Health Organisation) on questions related to data on extent of substance use in India. “In such instances, government has to rely on the old survey published in 2004,” he added. The drugs include all those listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition (ICD10) and include categories like alcohol, tobacco, opioids, sedative-hypnotics, cannabis, stimulants, hallucinogens and inhalants, said Dr Atul Ambekar, additional professor at NDDTC and principal investigator of the survey. “The study will include a household survey to determine the proportion of people who use drugs and people who are drug dependent,” Ambekar said. es will be sent in due course. Two train sets, comprising 12 coaches each- 2 AC chair car, 2 first AC sleeper car, 6 nonAC chair car and 2 power carwill presently be deployed to operate 3 pairs of inter-city trains between Dhaka and Rajshahi. The composition of coaches exported also includes a prayer room. RITES had earlier supplied 26 Broad Gauge diesel electric locomotives (3100 HP), manufactured by Diesel Locomotive Works , Varanasi which are successfully running broad gauge trains of Bangladesh Railway. During Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Bangladesh last year, India agreed to consider the neigbour’s proposal to introduce the second Maitree express between Khulna (Bangladesh) and Kolkata in addition to the existing train service between Dhaka and the West Bengal Capital. “Prime Minister Modi agreed to consider Bangladesh’s proposal to introduce the second Maitree Express between Khulna and Kolkata. They directed the concerned officials of both sides to take measures for ensuring more passengerfriendly customs and immigration facilities for the passengers of Maitree Express (which runs between Dhaka and Kolkota),” the declaration said on June 7, 2015. Finally, an intercity train was flagged off at Dhaka by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the presence of High Commissioner of India in Bangladesh Harsh Vardhan Shringla. 8<?;4<4=C0C8>=>5&C7?0H?0=4;A4?>ACB 4\_[^hTTbUadbcaPcTS SXbP__^X]cTS)2^]V ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 erming the 7th pay commission as the “worst” in T the last 70 years, the Congress on Thursday came out in support of the proposed July 11 strike by Central Government employees to protest the “unjust” recommendations. Accusing the Modi Government of being “unjust” to the Government staff, senior party spokesman Ajay Maken said the Central Government employees are a “frustrated and disappointed” lot as the Government decided “not to make improvement” in the recommendations. “It is unfortunate that the employees, who were given 40 per cent hike in their respective pay in the past by previous Governments, had now been recommended only 14.27 per cent. This is unjust and humiliating for the beneficiaries,” Maken said at AICC briefing. Noting that the Federation of Government Employees, which includes employees of Indian Railways, civilian employees of Ordnance Factories and Post and Telegraph, has decided to go on strike from July 11 to express their resentment, he said “We support them and hope good sense will prevail and government of India will review the decision.” “In the history of CPC in the last about 70 years, this is the worst recommendations and needed major surgery to make it acceptable to the ±8cXbd]U^acd]PcTcWPc cWTT\_[^hTTbfW^ fTaTVXeT]#_TaRT]c WXZTX]cWTXaaTb_TRcXeT _PhX]cWT_PbcQh _aTeX^db6^eTa]\T]cb WPeT]^fQTT] aTR^\\T]STS^][h #!&_TaRT]cCWXbXb d]YdbcP]SWd\X[XPcX]V U^acWTQT]TUXRXPaXTb² <PZT]bPXS employees and meet their expectation up to some extent,” said the former Union Minister. To a question about the recommendations with regard to the Armed Forces employees and whether Congress supports them, he replied in the affirmative. “It is not that the Armed Forces are getting more and the others are getting less. Armed Forces are, rather in certain ways, are bigger sufferers,” he remarked. Making a strong pitch for a better deal to government employees, he asked “If you do not have the best brains working in the government, then how can you expect government or the government employees to protect the interest vis-a-vis the multi-nationals in this era of globalisation?” An RSS-affiliate Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh has already raised a banner of revolt against the Centre’s decision on the Pay Commission recommendations and declared it would organise country-wide protests on July 8. ,QGLDJHWVILUVWLQWHJUDWHG GHIFRPPXQLFDWLRQQHWZRUN 3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa?PaaXZPaPSSaTbbTbcWTVPcWTaX]VfWX[TSTSXRPcX]VcWT3TUT]RT2^\\d]XRPcX^]=Tcf^aZ32=c^ cWT]PcX^]X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?=BQ =4F34;78 efence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Thursday launched India’s first integrated Defence communication network to enable the Army, IAF, Navy and Strategic Forces Command to share real-time information on a secure system, thereby, enabling faster decision making process. The strategic network based on optical fibre system will integrate the entire country from Ladakh to North-East to island territories of Minicoy and Lakshwadeep besides all major commands of the three services, officials said after the defence minister inaugurated the system here. Underlining the importance of the system, Parrikar stressed the need to keep the network completely secure all the time. He said a false sense of security and safety should not creep in and the Standard Operating Procedures should be followed. He also said this network is a step towards jointmanship and synergy that the government is pushing for in the armed forces. While all the three forces have their own command, communication and intelli- D 3TP[bXV]TSc^aTca^UXcP]cXbWX_\XbbX[Tb 8]SXPWPbbXV]TSPC ( "Ra^aTSTP[fXcW6Ta\P]h³bCWhbbT]Z:ad__ <PaX]TBhbcT\bc^aTca^UXcP]cXbWX_7Pa_^^]\XbbX[Tb^]cf^BWXbWd\Pa R[PbbbdQ\PaX]TbCWTaTca^UXccX]V^UcWT]TffTP_^]bdXcTfX[[QT RPaaXTS^dc^]8=BBWP]ZdbWP]S8=BBWP[ZXPc=PeP[3^RZhPaS<d\QPX P]SXbQPRZTSQhPcaPX]X]V_PRZPVTc^bd__^acP]S^_TaPcTcWTbhbcT\ CWT3TUT]RT0R`dXbXcX^]2^d]RX[302WPSVXeT]cWTV^PWTPSU^acWT _a^_^bP[X]! #U^aUXccX]VcWTbT7Pa_^^]b^]cWTbdQ\PaX]TbQdX[cfXcW 6Ta\P]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]CWTbT73FbdQ\PaX]TbfTaTX]SdRcTSX]c^cWT =PehX]cWT ('bP]SWPeTP[aTPShd]STaV^]T\XS[XUTd_VaPSTbX]cWT [PbcUTfhTPab CWTDBWPSX]! #STRXSTSc^bT[[P]cXbWX_7Pa_^^]\XbbX[Tbc^8]SXP c^Q^^bcXcbSTUT]RTRP_PQX[XchP]SbcaT]VcWT]8]SXPDBbcaPcTVXRcXTb CWTT]cXaT_PRZPVTd]STacWTU^aTXV]\X[XcPahbP[Ta^dcTX]R[dSTbPS^iT] ^SSD6<'#;7Pa_^^]1[^RZ884]RP_bd[PcTS<XbbX[Tb DC<'#; 7Pa_^^]4]RP_bd[PcTSCaPX]X]V\XbbX[TbP]Scf^4]RP_bd[PcTS7Pa_^^] RTacXUXRPcX^]caPX]X]VeTWXR[Tb ?=B gence networks, this is the first time when there will be a dedicated network for greater synergy. “Technology decides how the wars are fought these days. The network has a pan-India reach and is a testimony to the fact that Indian Army and the Corps of Signals are well placed to meet any challenges and responsibilities which come their way,” Lt Gen Nitin Kohli, Signal Officer in Chief, said. The network worth over C600 crore assures high quality voice, video and data services covering 111 entities spread across the country. It is capable of working on terrestrial as well as satellite mode of communication and has also been fixed onboard different military vehicles. The inaugural event was attended by Chairman, Chief of Staff Committee and Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, Chief of the Army Staff General Dalbir Singh Suhag, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Sunil Lanba and senior officers from the three Services and Ministry of Defence. <TSXd\aP]VT\XbbX[TY^X]c[hSTeT[^_TS Qh8]SXP8baPT[bdRRTbbUd[[hcTbcUXaTS ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 medium range surface to A air missile (MRSAM), jointly developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) of Israel, was successfully test-fired twice on Thursday off Odisha coast. The missile will be inducted into the IAF and Army after more trials in the coming months. The Naval version is already deployed on frontline warships of the Navy. The missile, capable of hitting a target at more than 50 km, was test-fired from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) off Odisha coast. Guided by a radar system and on-board avionics successfully, the missile successfully hit a pilotless target aircraft. Many Indian industries including public sector Bharat Electronics Limited(BEL) and Bharat Dynamics Limited(BDL) besides private units like Larsen & Toubro and TATA group of companies besides others contributed to the development of a number of subsystems put into use in this flight test, officials said here after the test. Moreover, the Indian and Israel teams participated in the launch. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar congratulated DRDO and the industry partners for successful demonstration of the air defence capability. DRDO chief S Christopher declared the launch as a major milestone for the IAF towards air defence. Explaining the significance of the test, officials said the MRSAM will be able to destroy any enemy aircraft or UAV. The Navy inducted this missile some months back after trials in India and Israel. While the range of the naval version is more than 70 km as there are no obstructions in sea, the air and land version of the missile has to take into account obstacles like hills or uneven surface. Given this scenario, the range of the MRSAM comes down to 50 km or so, they said. Moreover, the IAF and Army will need more batteries of missiles as compared to the Navy, they said. ²"$RWX[SaT]S^]³cVTcP[[ D´ZWP]ScXVTabPUPaX_[P]aTYTRcTS ePRRX]Tbd]STa6^ec³b X\\d]XbPcX^]_a^VaP\\T³ ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ndia is one of the largest producers of vaccines in the Iworld, but, shockingly, at least 35 per cent of its total kids do not get all the vaccines under the Government’s immunisation programme while some of them do not get even a single vaccine. With 27 million children annually, India has the largest birth cohort in the world. Raising serious concern at this gap, PK Mahaptra, Additional Chief Secretary from Har yana, Health Department said, “ India is one of the largest producers of vaccines in the world. The national immunization programme was started way long back in 70s. Still we have just 65 per cent of the total kids getting immunized. Somewhere we have failed.” Mahapatra was speaking at 2nd Health and immunization conference organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) here. The theme was “Leveraging opportunities in last mile immunisation” Joint Secretary (Health Research Wing) Rakesh Kumar said on Thursday that efforts are on to reach out to cover maximum number of children under Indradhanush immunisation programme . He said the government has immunized close to 15 lakh children under the first phase of ‘Indradhanush’ in 201 districts, where the immunisation was less than 50 per cent in the last two years. Approximately 53 lakh children have been partially vaccinated and 15 lakh have been totally immunised, Kumar added. Dr Pradeep Haldar added the mission will reach the unreached(children) with all vaccines by 2020. Indradhanush provides protection against seven lifethreatening diseases (Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, Polio, Tuberculosis, Measles and Hepatitis B). In addition, vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis and Haemophilus influenza type B will be provided in selected districts of the country. New vaccines are on cards to be added in the programme, said Haldar. While KG Ananthakrishnan, Co-chair, CII national committee on pharma, hoped that drones might be introduced soon for rural transportation of vaccines to reachout unreached kids, Rahul Aggarwal, MD, Kool-Ex stressed on coldchain logistics management and accountability as vital for vaccine distribution in rural areas. ?C8Q =4F34;78 he NTCA has red-flagged a proposed tiger safari proT ject in Uttarakhand’s Corbett National Park and asked the State Government to first comply with wildlife norms. It cited the Central Government’s recent decision to stop tiger safari project in Madhya Pradesh’s Pench National Park citing alleged violation of rules. The Uttarakhand forest department had in August last year sought permission of the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, to start a tiger safari inside the famous national park. The NTCA has asked the CWTDccPaPZWP]S U^aTbcST_Pac\T]c WPSX]0dVdbc[Pbc hTPab^dVWc _Ta\XbbX^]^UcWT =PcX^]P[CXVTa 2^]bTaePcX^] 0dcW^aXch=C20P bcPcdc^ahQ^Sh d]STacWT<X]Xbcah^U 4]eXa^]\T]cP]S 5^aTbcbc^bcPacP cXVTabPUPaXX]bXST cWTUP\^db]PcX^]P[ _PaZ Uttarakhand government to take prior permission from Central Zoo Authority (CZA). It may also be looked into that if the proposal is in con- formity with and as per tiger conservation plan prepared for Corbett reserve, said a letter by the NTCA to the state, a copy of which was received in reply to an RTI query filed by wildlife activist Ajay Dubey. On the issue of the safari in the Pench National Park, the NTCA had said that it exposes tigers to poaching. The Madhya Pradesh forest department had failed to take prior approval from the CZA before construction of tiger safari there, it said. The tiger population in the country was estimated at 1,706 in 2010. It rose to 2,226 in 2014. Uttarakhand ranks second — after Karnataka — in tiger population in the country. It has an estimated 340 tigers, as per the latest government data. 8=B7>AC 2>DAC<DBC2>=B834A4027 3H8=6342;0A0C8>=)B2 =Tf3T[WX)8UcWTaTPaT\^aT cWP]^]TShX]VSTR[PaPcX^]bX]P RPbTcWTR^dacbbW^d[SbPcXbUh cWT\bT[eTbPbc^fWXRW^]T aTU[TRcbcWTcadcWcWTBd_aT\T 2^dacWPbbPXS°8]RPbTbfWTaT cWTaTXb\^aTcWP]^]TShX]V STR[PaPcX^]XcXbcWTSdch^UcWT R^dacc^R^]bXSTaTPRW^]T^U cWT\X]cWTXaR^aaTRc_Tab_TRcXeT P]SbPcXbUhXcbT[UcWPcfWXRW^]T ^UcWT\aTU[TRcbcWTcadTbcPcT^U PUUPXab±P1T]RW^UYdbcXRTb 0QWPh<P]^WPaBP_aTP]S 0bW^Z1WdbWP]bPXSfWX[T _dccX]VcWTRdacPX]bS^f]X]cWT !&hTPa^[SRPbT '%A4B4AE420C46>AH D?B258=0;8BCB64C80B =Tf3T[WX)4XVWchbXg^UcWT &!RP]SXSPcTbfW^fTaT^]P aTbTaeT[XbcWPeTQTT] aTR^\\T]STSU^aRXeX[bTaeXRTb QhD?B20c^cP[^U &' RP]SXSPcTbfTaTSTR[PaTS `dP[XUXTSQhcWTD?B2U^acWT ! $RXeX[bTaeXRTbTgP\X]PcX^] ¯ X]^aSTa^U\TaXcU^a P__^X]c\T]cc^80B85B8?B P]S^cWTaRT]caP[bTaeXRTbPb PVPX]bc %#ePRP]RXTb¯ aTbd[cb^UfWXRWfTaTSTR[PaTS [Pbc\^]cWCWTaTfTaT &! 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With this, the total number of judges suspended in Telangana has gone up to 15. Those suspended include Ranga Reddy District Judges Association President Srinivas Reddy, Associate President Krishnaiah, district secretary Ch Vnkat and treasurer Ratna Raju. High Court has continued to crack the whip even as the lower court judges and other judicial officers and employees and the advocates have been staying away from the court, bringing their functioning to a =D<14A>5 9D364B BDB?4=3438= C4;0=60=06>4B D?C> $ State on Thursday. The agitators gathered outside the courts in Hyderabad and other districts in the State, shouting slogans against the allocation of Andhra judges to Telangana and delay in the bifurcation of the High Court. They are demanding immediate bifurcation of Hyderabad High Court and till then keeping in abeyance the allocation of judges and judicial officers to both the States. The issue has also generated a lot of political heat as the Telangana Chief Minister K ?^[XRTSTcPX]cWTCT[P]VP]PPSe^RPcTfW^fPb_a^cTbcX]VPc=P\_P[[h2aX\X]P[ Chandrasekhar Rao has threat2^dacX]7hSTaPQPS^]CWdabSPh ?C8 ened to stage a protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, if the Center does not take immediate step to resolve the issue. After Rao wrote a letter to him, the Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh spoke to the Chief Minister over phone and grinding halt. tions by the judicial officers and assured him to take up the issue Angry protest demonstra- advocates continued to rock the with the Prime Minister. 0]VahST\^]bcaPcX^]bQhYdSXRXP[ ^UUXRTabP]SPSe^RPcTbR^]cX]dTc^ a^RZcWTBcPcT 30 VFORWKHVPRUHH[SHQVLYH WKDQ$$3DGEXGJHW.HMULZDO <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 elhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday attacked Prime Minister D Narendra Modi over the latter's choice of clothes, alleging that the cost of the Prime Minister's clothes was more than what the AAP had spent on advertising. Kejriwal, who was on a three-day whirlwind tour of poll bound Goa, also deflected questions over his visits to Hindu and Christian religious leaders, even as he also kick-started his party's 'Goa Dialogues', initiatives a preparatory process aimed collecting data for drafting the election manifesto. "It is being said that we have given advertising of C526 crore. Completely false, we have released advertising worth C76 crore. That's it. Our advertising revenue of all departments of the Delhi Government is less than the total expenditure on Mr. Modi's clothes," Kejriwal said while interacting with mediapersons in Panaji on the last day of his visit. "I can give you the calculation. One dress that Modi wears is worth C2 lakh. He changes clothes five times a day, (it comes to) 10 lakh rupees. He never repeats his clothes, doesn't wash them and reuse bound State of Goa, meeting students, fishermen, hoteliers and Hindu and Christian religious leaders, as his party prepares for the upcoming round of state legislative elections in Goa and Punjab. On Wednesday, Kejriwal met Sadguru Brahmeshanand Swami, a popular religious figure in Goa with a large following among the other backward caste segments. On Thursday morning, he also met Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao at the Bishop's Palace in Panaji. The Ferrao visit is aimed at appeasing the 26 per cent strong Catholic com3T[WX2<0aeX]S:TYaXfP[PcP\TTcX]VfXcW munity, which is being seen as a key to AAP's 0aRWQXbW^_^U6^PP]S3P\P]5X[X_T=TaX5TaaP^X] poll strategy this time round. AAP's first ?P]PYX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 public meeting was held in the Benaulim Legislative Assembly constituency, which is them," said the Delhi Chief Minister, who in the heart of the Catholic heartland in has been accused by his rivals of targeting South Goa. While Ferrao's spokesperson described Kejriwal's visit as a "courtesy call", Modi as a strategy to attract attention. As proof, Kejriwal incredulously said, Kejriwal himself said that he sees all religions equally and celebrates and meets with peoall one needs to do, is google it up. “Modi has been in power for 700 days, ple of all religions. "I visit all religious places. In Delhi, I that means he has spent C70 crore on clothes alone. C5 crore more on his other visit the Shiv ji mandir, I go to the Church. I meet the Arch bishop there and clothes," said Kejriwal. But his Modi comment notwith- he also comes to meet me. Swamy jis also standing, over the last three days, Delhi come to meet me, Maulanas also come to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hurried- meet me. I celebrate Roza, Diwali, ly waltzed around the rainswept, poll- Dussehra and Christmas too," he said. (^UUP\X[hZX[[TSX]UXaTPc0]SWTaX EV_eYcYZ_`\Z]]VU :PbW\XaXeX[[PVTabSXb_[PhcWTQ^Sh^U<P]i^^a0W\PSPbdb_TRcTS\X[XcP]cR^\\P]STaSdaX]VWXbUd]TaP[Pc?d[fP\PPQ^dc #(ZX[^\TcaTb" \X[Tbb^dcW^UBaX]PVPa8]SXPCWdabSPh9d]T"! %8]SXP]U^aRTbZX[[TScf^bdb_TRcTSaTQT[bX]PR[PbW CWdabSPhX]8]SXP]R^]ca^[[TS:PbW\XaP]SSXb_TabTSWd]SaTSb^U_a^cTbcTabfW^c^^Zc^cWTbcaTTcbc^bW^fcWTXab^[XSPaXch fXcWcWTaTQT[bP]^UUXRXP[bPXS 0? !SPhRXcXiT]bWX_RP\_U^a?PZ7X]SdbX]9^SW_da 9^SW_da) 0c[TPbc ?PZXbcP]X7X]SdbbcPhX]VX] 8]SXP^]P[^]VcTa\eXbPWPeTP__[XTSU^a8]SXP] RXcXiT]bWX_SdaX]VPcf^SPhRP\_^aVP]XbTSQhcWT 7^\T<X]XbcahP]SSXbcaXRcPdcW^aXcXTb9^SW_da 3XbcaXRc<PVXbcaPcTEXbW]d2WPaP]<P[[XZbPXSQTbXSTb P__[XRPcX^]bU^aRXcXiT]bWX_aT`dTbcbfTaTP[b^ aTRTXeTSUa^\P]d\QTa^U_T^_[TbTTZX]V[^]VcTa\ eXbPb^cWPccWThRP][XeTX]8]SXPcX[[cWTh\TTccWT T[XVXQX[XchRaXcTaXPU^aQTR^\X]VP]8]SXP]RXcXiT]D]X^] 7^\TBTRaTcPahAPYXe<TWaXbWXfW^fPbP[b^_aTbT]c PccWTRP\_cWPcbcPacTShTbcTaSPhbPXScWTaTbd[cb^U cWTbcT_bd]STacPZT]c^VaP]c8]SXP]RXcXiT]bWX_c^ 7X]Sd\XVaP]cbUa^\?PZXbcP]f^d[SbcPacQTPaX]V UadXcbX]cWT]TgcbXg\^]cWbCWThUPRT\P]h _a^Q[T\bP]SfTPaTcPZX]Vd_cWTbTXbbdTbX]cWTXa T]cXaTchWTbPXS<P[[XZbPXScWPcTPa[XTacWTP__[XRP]cb f^d[SQTPbZTSc^bdQ\XcQXacWRTacXUXRPcTb^UcWTXa _PaT]cbQ^a]X]d]SXeXSTS8]SXPP[^]VfXcWcWT P__[XRPcX^]=^fcWXbR^]SXcX^]WPbQTT]fPXeTS^UU 0]^cWTaRaXcTaXPT]cPX[X]VcWTP__[XRP]cbc^UX[TP] PUUXSPeXcSTR[PaX]VcWPccWThWPeT]^ccaPeT[[TSPQa^PS X]cWT[Pbc^]ThTPaWPbP[b^QTT]aT[PgTSCWT PdcW^aXcXTbP[b^aTeXTfTSP__[XRPcX^]baTRTXeTSSdaX]V PRP\_WT[SX]<PaRW[PbchTPa>UcWT &! P__[XRPcX^]baTRTXeTS[PbchTPa %'WPeTQTT] aTR^\\T]STSU^aRXcXiT]bWX_cWThbPXS ?C8 C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 !<4<14ABBDAE8E4 ine members of a family, including five children, N were killed, while a pharmacy <d\QPX)8\cXPi:WP]cWT^f]Ta^U cWTVdccTS_WPa\PRhbW^_°FPUP <TSXRP[±P]SWXbUPcWTa<^iX] :WP]fTaTP\^]VcWT\T\QTab^U cWT:WP]UP\X[hcWPcbdaeXeTScWT \XbWP_PbcWThWPSR^\TS^f]c^ S^dbTcWTQ[PiTX]cWTXa\TSXRP[ bW^_b^^]PUcTacWTUXaTQa^ZT^dc >]T^U8\XcPi³b]TXVWQ^daWPSWX\ d_fWT]]^cXRTSUXaTX]cWT\TSXRP[ bc^aT°8\XcPiWXbUPcWTaP]SUTf ^cWTabRP\TadbWX]VS^f]c^ S^dbTcWTQ[PiTX]bXSTcWT\TSXRP[ bc^aTB^\T^cWTa\T\QTabP[b^ fP]cTSc^S^f]Ua^\cWTd__Ta U[^^ab^UcWTaXRZTchbcadRcdaT1dc QhcWT]UXaTWPST]Vd[UTScWTcf^ d__TaU[^^abP]ScWT]Paa^f bcPXaRPbTfPbd_X]U[P\Tb0bP aTbd[ccWTeXRcX\bTXcWTa bdRRd\QTSc^Qda]f^d]Sb^a bdUU^RPcX^]±P]TXVWQ^dabPXS shop was gutted when a major fire broke out in a two-storey structure at “Juhu galli chawl” at Andheri (west) in north Mumbai on Thursday morning. The fire was first noticed inside the pharmacy shop “Wafa Medical”, located on the ground floor of Nigam Mistry chawl along Wireless Road at Juhu in Andheri (West), at 6 am. Soon the fire spread to two upper floors of the structure, where the family that owns the medical shop lived. Having received a call from the mishap site at 6.18 am, the fire brigade personnel rushed to the scene at around 6.37 am and brought the blaze under control at 7.15 am. Three fire tenders, a jumbo tanker and two ambulances were engaged in the dousing operation. By the time they doused the fire, all nine members of Khan family – trapped inside the two congested floors –died of burns and suffocation. The police identified the persons killed in the mishap as Mozhel Khan (8), Unnihay Khan (5), Aliza Khan (4), Tubba Khan (8), Altaz Khan (3 months), Saburiya Mozin Khan (65), Siddik Khan (35), Rabil Khan (28) and Sabiya Khan (29), Injured in the mishap was a fireman Avinash Shirgaonkar, who was involved the fire extinguishing operation. He was treated in a nearby hospital and discharged. The fire brigade personnel prima facie attributed the mishap to a short-circuit. “We suspect that short circuit might have caused fire. But, an investigation that is underway will establish as the exact cause of fire,” chief fire officer of Mumbai Fire Brigade P S Rahangdale said. The fire brigade and police officials said that the electrical fittings inside the medical stores, housed in a 120 sq ft room, caught fire. “The fire spread to upper floors of the same structure where as many 18 persons were living. The victims were sleeping on two floors above the medical store, when the fire engulfed their floors,” a senior fire official said. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) is ascertaining if the upper storeys of the fire-ravaged building were “illegal”. Thursday’s was the first major fire mishap witnessed in the metropolis during this year. Earlier on October 10 last year, Eight persons, including a woman, were killed when a leak from domestic gas triggered a major fire in a restaurant “City Kinara”, a Chinese food joint, at Kurla in northcentral Mumbai. 8iT9D S_bbYT_bbU\YWY_ec`\QSUcdUbb_b]_Te\UµcdQbWUd ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 he five terror suspects arrested by the National T Investigation Agency in Hyderabad were on Thursday remanded to 14-days’ judicial custody and sent to Charapally Central Jail. The NIA produced the five members of the terror module, busted on Wednesday before the NIA Special Court at Nampally amid tight security. Later the NIA moved another petition before the court seeking their custody for further questioning, which will be taken up for hearing on Friday. Sources said that the NIA wants to shift them to New Delh on transit warrant for further questioning in view of the serious nature of the case. NIA said that the group was planning to target public places, including religious sites, sensitive Government buildings in various parts of the country. During the searches, conducted with the assistance of the Hyderabad City Police, two 9 mm semi-automatic pistols with ammunition, an air gun with telescopic sight, chemicals used for making explosives, C15 lakh, six laptops and 40 mobile phones with 32 SIM cards were seized from their houses. Sources said that the IT corridor housing several foreign companies and a Mall in Madhapur area, a religious place in the old city and a government building were among their possible targets. The group had also placed order for the pieces of meat on Tuesday. NIA had busted the ter7hSTaPQPS)CWT_^[XRTWPeT]^f rorist module, believed to be in cXVWcT]TScWTbTRdaXchP[[^eTacWT touch with the dreaded interRXchP]SPSSXcX^]P[_^[XRT_XRZTcb national terrorist organisation WPeTQTT]ST_[^hTSP]ScWT ISIS with the arrest of the five eTWXR[TbfTaTQTX]VbTPaRWTS persons in the wee hour of 2hQTaPQPSFTbc?^[XRT 2^\\XbbX^]Ta=PeTT]2WP]SbPXS Wednesday. They include cWPccWTbTRdaXchX]WXbYdaXbSXRcX^] Mohammed Ibrahim Yazdani (30), Habeeb Mohammed (32), fPbcXVWcT]TSPbcWT8CR^aaXS^a fPbaT_^acTS[h^]cWTaPSPa^UcWT Mohammed Ilyas Yazdani (24), Abdullah Bin Ahmed Al cTaa^a\^Sd[TCWTbTRdaXchfPb P[b^QTTUTSd_PccWTAPYXe6P]SWX Amoodi alias Fahad (31) and Muzaffar Hussain Rizwan (29). 8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^acX] NIA said it raided ten BWP\bWPQPSP]SeXbXc^abT]cah houses in different parts of fPbQP]]TSFTWPeTP[b^ RP]RT[[TSP[[cWT_PbbTbcX[[9d[h% Hyderabad during the operaP]^UUXRXP[bPXS ?=B tion and picked up 11 persons for questioning. While five planned to trigger communal were later formally arrested on riots in the city by placing ani- the charges of waging war mal parts in religious places against the Government and and one of the suspect had possessing arms illegally, the B42DA8CHC867C4=43 other 6 youth were let off late in the night as nothing incriminating was found against them. In a Press release the NIA said that a case was registered against them on credible information that some youth hailing from Hyderabad and their accomplices had entered in to a criminal conspiracy to wage war against the Government of India by collecting weapons and explosive materials to commit terrorist acts. Though the earlier reports had said that they were in touch with the dreaded terrorist organisation ISIS, the Press release did not name any organisation. "During preliminary examination it has been revealed that the terrorist gang was preparing IEDs for com- 3XSXc^PdRcX^]R[^bTScTPVPaST]b B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 ith unemployment, starvation and deaths still stalking the closed tea W gardens of North Bengal, the State Government has planning to auctionsome gardens so as to bring a sagging tea industry alive. The Chief Minister, who was touring Jalpaiguri and neighbouring Alipurduar districts of the region said her Government, was willing to “take over and auction the tea gardens wherever possible.” With such steps in view the Chief Minister also announced formation of a Tea Directorate with local MLA Saurav Chakrabarty as its chairman. Circuitously blaming the Centre for “not fulfilling its commitment”, the Chief Minister said while her Government was doing everything to mitigate the problems of the poor tea workers, the Centre was not taking enough interest in the rebuilding the tea industry. “The Centre should act immediately so that the workers get their wages and other benefits” she said, adding her Government was “already giving food, electricity and medical assistance to them.” She said the garden workers were benefitting from the State Government’s scheme to provide C2-a-kg rice. Giving his reactions Ziaur Alam a local labour leader however wondered how the State Government would sell the lands as the “State only held the land lease of the tea gardens. If a tea estate has to be, auctioned then the Central Government has to invoke the Tea Act and acquire a garden. The Centre can then hand it over to the State Government.” The Chief Minister in November 2015 announced taking over of tea gardens of a famous group. However the Centre finally acquired it. Siliguri MLA and former Minister Asok Bhattcharya said the Chief Minister was again trying to befool the people by peddling lies. “The State has five tea gardens of its own. It could have sold them. But have they done it till now?” another local labour leader asked. Though the State Government has remained in denial mode, the tea gardens of North Bengal have witnessed more than one hundred starvation deaths in the past more than a year or so. With about three dozen gardens out of 277 lying closed, the several thousand tea workers have been rendered jobless and have no access to basic amenities. mission of terrorist acts and were being guided by an online handler suspected to be based in Iraq/Syria. Further investigation is being continued". The chemicals found in their possession include suspected Urea/ammonium nitrate powder, and their mixture with sugar, bottles containing acid, Acetone, Hydrogen Peroxide. The raiding teams also recovered target boards meant for shooting practice. NIA sources said that the group headed by Ibraheem Yazdani, a software engineer was under watch for the last three months and it was decided to take action on Wednesday as the group was about to carry out the attacks in the city in the next few days. W`cY`c_Z_RjVRc 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 here seems to be no end of poaching of one-horned T rhinos in Assam. Despite intensified operations for over a week, poachers have killed this year's tenth one horned rhino in Assam's Orang national park, located in Darrang District of northern Assam. The incident came to the fore only on Thursday, when the guards patrolling the park recovered a carcass with its horn missing. The rhino carcass, which was recovered in semi decomposed state, bore bullet marks, the officials said. Prior to this, the poachers have killed two one-horned rhinos in Assam's famous Kaziranga national park within a span of one week. Out of the two rhinos, one was killed when the State environment and forest Minister Pramila Rani Brahma was camping in the park, reviewing anti-poaching measures and discussing strategies to stop poaching. While this is the tenth one-horned rhino killed since January this year, this is also the third rhino to be killed by poachers after the new Government led by BJP took over in the State. It may be mentioned here that BJP had campaigned aggressively on the failure of the previous Government to stop poaching and assured that they would take strong measures to stop poaching once they are voted to power. It may be mentioned here that Orang national park has over 100 rhinos according to the census carried out in 2011. The park is known for its good rhino conservation measures and this is the first rhino to be killed after December 2014. The BJP-led Assam Government, which had campaigned aggressively on the issue of rhino poaching before coming to power in the Assembly polls held in April this year, had taken up several steps to stop the poaching. Government had shifted the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) to Kaziranga national park from Guwahati. ]PcX^]& A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % 3DA¶d4YRfUYfcjcVdZX_d µ.HUDODIDFHVDFXWHILQDQFLDOFULVLV¶ ²<PUXPQdX[STab R^]ca^[cWT_Pach³ ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ubishing BSP chief Mayawati’s claim on no R more desertions, one of the founder members and veteran leader RK Chaudhury resigned after charging the brass of turning the outfit into a ' private real estate company'. Earlier on June 22, senior leader and Leader of the Opposition in Assembly Swami Prasad Maurya had put in his papers levelling similar charges. "The BSP has lost its mission. Mafia, builders and real estate agents are controlling the party with Mayawati as their leader. She is just interested in minting money," Choudhary alleged while announcing his resignation in Lucknow on Thursday afternoon. A tall Pasi community leader and former UP Minister, Chaudhary asserted that the B744=01>A020B4 72PbZb218U^a P__a^eTabR^]UTbbX^] Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Thursday directed a CBI court trying the Sheena Bora murder case to furnish a copy of confession given by Shyamwar Rai, former driver of prime accused Indrani Mukherjea, to the co-accused Sanjeev Khanna. Rai, was the first accused to be arrested in the case in August 2015, taking the lid off the murder, after he was picked up in connection with an arms case. The trial court recently allowed Rai to turn approver in the case and become a prosecution witness. Khanna, former husband of Indrani, had sought a copy of Rai's statement recorded under section 164 of Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) by a Magistrate last year. He approached the High Court through lawyer Shreyans Mithare after the sessions court rejected his application seeking the same. PTI BSP chief was taking decisions as per her whims and fancies to attain her sole objective of amassing wealth. "The graph of the BSP is dipping by the day due to the erratic attitude of Mayawati. Even BSP founder late Kanshi Ram had once opined that Mayawati was hungry of amassing wealth," he stressed. Choudhar y blamed Mayawati for derailing the mission of alleviatiung the plight of Dalits in the scoiety as envisioned by Kanshiram. "The ideology of Dr BR Ambedkar and Kanshi Ram have been pushed to the back seat. I was finding myself unfit in today's BSP and hence resigned. I will meet my supporters to decide on the future course of political action in Lucknow on July 11," informed the veteran leader. The former aide of Kanshiram however denied that he was in talks with leaders of other parties, particularly the BJP. He also scotched reports about his link with rebel leader Swami Prasad Maurya, who is slated to hold a meeting with his supporters on Friday. Meanwhile, reacting on the sudden move, senior BSP leader and former Rajya Sabha member Brajesh Pathak accused Chaudhury of not functioning properly and only interested in self promotion. "After losing the Lok Sabha polls, he was demanding a ticket from Mohanlalganj for terh Assembly polls. He was in fact sacked from the party before he resigned. His departure will not affect the BSP in the Assembly polls as the Dalits are united under Mayawati," Pathak claimed. Chaudhary was earlier sacked from the BSP but rejoined it on April 2, 2013 before the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. He is presently the zonal coordinator of Allahabad and Mirzapur. He had unsuccessfully contested the Lok Sabha polls from Mohanlalganj (Lucknow) on a BSP ticket in 2014. EA90H0A09Q :>278 erala is facing a severe financial crisis, according K to the White Paper on the State's fiscal health, tabled in the Assembly on Thursday by Finance Minister TM Thomas Isaac of the CPI(M). The document alleged that the present situation was brought about by the financial indiscipline of the previous Congress-led UDF Government. A sharp drop in tax collection, unnecessary tax relaxations, announcement of mega projects, without providing budgetary allocations, increase in non-plan expenditure and lack of control on expenses and absence of measures for increasing revenues during the 2011-16 rule of Congress Chief Minister Oommen Chandy were the main reasons for the present situation, the paper said. The Finance Department stated in the White Paper that increasing revenue by achieving better growth in tax col- 4Q\YdcdeTU^dµcbQ`U]ebTUb* 1SSecUT´e^]Qc[UTµ ?=BQ :>278 or the first time since his arrest on June 16, the Kerala F Police on Thursday showed before the public Assam native Ameerul Islam (23), so far the only accused in the sensational case pertaining to the brutal rape and murder of a 29-yearold Dalit law student in Perumbavoor, around 45 Km east of Kochi, without mask while taking him to a court. Islam was produced before the First Class Judicial Magistrate Court, Perumbavoor on Thursday as the period of his police custody ended. The court extended his remand in judicial custody till July 13. In reply to a query, he told the court he had no complaints to make. The Assam native was taken to the Ernakulam District prison at Kakkanad near Kochi late Thursday evening. The media and the people in Perumbavoor noted that the face of the migrant worker did not bear resemblance to the one shown in the sketches the police had released during the hunt for the killer of the Dalit woman. She was murdered inside her house at Iringole near Perumbavoor on the evening of April 28. When Ameerul was sighted by the media for the first time while the police were taking him from Thrissur to Aluva, the base camp of the special team probing the rape-murder, he was masked totally. Since then, whenever he was being taken out for evidence-collection or for producing before the court, he was being made to wear a mask or a helmet. The police took the accused from Aluva to Perumbavoor on Thursday without a mask as per the instruction of the court, which, reminding them about his rights, told them that there was no need to keep him masked anymore as investigation processes like identification parades and evidence-gathering had been completed. As per the sketch prepared by the police, the accused had curly hair and gaps between the teeth. As the police had questioned hundreds in the Perumbavoor locality in connection with the sensational case, “there was a time when even many locals with curly hair or gaps in teeth had feared to get out of their houses,” said a Perumbavoor resident who had not seen Islam before. Though the police’s Special Investigation Team headed by Additional DGP B Sandhya is yet to find the yellow T-shirt Islam was said to have been wearing while coming out of the victim’s house after allegedly committing the crime, no application was submitted before the court for getting him in custody further. ³?aTeX^db 2^]VaTbb[TSD35 6^ecc^Q[P\T´ lection and controlling expenses were the two practical ways before the Government to overcome the crisis situation. However, no controls would be imposed on the benefits to the poor and salaries and pensions, it added. Immediately after the CPI(M)-led LDF took over the reins of the State administration on May 25, following its huge victory in the May 16 election, Thomas Isaac, himself an economist, had promised to publish a White Paper on Kerala's economy at the earliest. The document was tabled in the Assembly as a prelude to the 2016-17 Budget he is to present on July 8. "Kerala cannot go ahead in the current condition. If it does, the result will be financial anarchy. There is no meaning in blaming the financial 0ad]:d\Pa]Tf SXaTRc^a^U8620A Chennai: Arun Kumar Bhaduri, a metallurgical scientist from West Bengal took over as the director of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, a premier research laboratory under the Department of Atomic Energy on Thursday. His predecessor S A V Satya Murthy retired on Thursday. Bhaduri is a product of Calcutta Boys School (1978) and holds B Tech and Ph D in metallurgical engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He is also a winner of the Homi Bhabha Medal, awarded by the Training School of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre from where he graduated as a nuclear scientist in 1984. A release by IGCAR said Bhaduri is an authority on development of materials and their fabrication technologies for Indian programmes on fast breeder reactors, fusion reactors and advanced ultra supercritical thermal power plants. PNS slowdown. We must take into account that the tax revenues of the State had plummeted much faster than the drop in domestic income," Isaac told mediapersons, after tabling the paper. According to the document, the public debt of the State doubled during the UDF rule. During 2011-16, the public debt had (almost) doubled from C78,673.24 crore (in 2011) to C150,000 crore. It was an alarming situation that would certainly hinder the development of the State, the White paper said. Stating that Kerala urgently needed C5,900 crore to meet the Administration's routine expenses, the document said Kerala's current Revenue deficit amounted to C8,199.14 crore and the Fiscal deficit stood at C15,888.17 crore. As a result of the UDF's mismanagement, the arrears that were to be cleared urgently amounted to C10,000 crore, it said. Pointing out that the 200611 LDF Government, in which Isaac himself was the Finance 6HFXULW\WLJKWHQVDV $PDUQDWK\DWUDQHDUV <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D ith the beginning of the annual Amarnath pilW grimage from Friday the security forces deployed on yatra duty will be facing 'litmus test' to ensure smooth conduct of the yatra especially in the wake of increasing number of militant strikes in Kashmir valley. Since most of the militant strikes took place along the National Highway the security forces would remain on their tenterhooks to sanitise the yatra route besides keeping a tight vigil on the movement of suspected people to defeat their nefarious designs. The pilgrims would be escorted under tight security arrangments from the yatri base camp in Jammu to two different base camps set up in Baltal and Pahalgam for the last leg of the yatra. Along the route Road @b_XYRYdY_^_^>YdYcXµcQWU^TQY^E@`_\\c 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 itish, with his stand on N total prohibition, which he implemented in Bihar despite odds and revenue loss from this April, is attempting to create a niche for himself in the country's body politics not only as a politician but also as a social reformer. "Nitish Kumar is the first and only political leader who has not only implemented social reform but also make it a point to educate the masses against the liquor ills and its social implications," said JD(U) spokesman Neeraj Kumar. He said earlier some politicians implemented certain policies but never made them agenda for social change. The Bihar CM is now more <^[TbcPcX^]RPbT) <^QaP]bPRZbbRW^^[ Yavatmal (Maha): In the wake of alleged molestation of some girls of KG and primary classes in a school here, an angry mob today allegedly ransacked the Yavatmal Pre-Primary School, following which police fired three rounds in the air to disperse the crowd. Two teachers-- Yash Borundia and Amol Shirsagar- of Yavatmal Public School, run by the Jawaharlal Darda Education Society, were on Wednesday arrested on the charge of molestation after parents of about a dozen students lodged a joint complaint against them alleging that they habitually sexually assaulted the girls in the KG and primary classes. An all-party bandh was called in the town today to protest the incident of molestation. The bandh got a good response as most of the establishments remained closed. However, a group of irate mob stormed into the Yavatmal Pre-Primary School, run by the same management in the adjoining of YPS in Darda Nagar Layout, and hurled stones at the school building, police said. "They barged into school at about 1.30 pm and broke the window panes of the activity hall. They even thrashed the watchman," police said. PTI BDB78;<>38B10A1B0C=8C8B7 ?Pc]P) ATPRcX]Vc^2WXTU<X]XbcTa =XcXbW:d\PabQPaQbPVPX]bc ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX^] _a^WXQXcX^]U^a\Ta3T_dch2< BdbWX[:d\Pa<^SXPbZTSfWhWT fPb]^cPbZX]V2^]VaTbb [TPSTabWX_U^aX\_[T\T]cPcX^]^U _a^WXQXcX^]X]2^]VaTbbad[TS 7X\PRWP[?aPSTbW:Pa]PcPZP DccaPZWP]S<TVWP[PhPP]S <Xi^aP\ <^SXbPXSfWT]=XcXbWfPb ^_T]X]V[X`d^a^dc[TcbX]eX[[PVTb P]S]TPaTSdRPcX^]P[X]bcXcdcX^]b WTSXS]^caTP[XbTcWPccWTaTfPb]^ _[PRT^U[X`d^aX]b^RXP[Xb\0UcTa %#hTPab^UPVT=XcXbWWPbR^\Tc^ aTP[XbTcWPc_a^WXQXcX^]XbaTP[ b^RXP[Xb\WT`dX__TS<^SXP[b^ _^X]cTS^dccWPcTeT]X];TUcad[TS BcPcTb[X`d^afPbPePX[PQ[TP]SX] 3T[WXc^^cWTTfPb]^_a^WXQXcX^] 7TbPXS=XcXbWWPSQTT]T[TRcTSQh cWT_T^_[Tc^bTaeT1XWPaP]S]^c c^_aTPRW_a^WXQXcX^]X]cWT R^d]cah ?=B active in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh, where election is due in February next and during the past four months he visited parts of the biggest State five times, at least four times to address anti-liquor rallies. On Wednesday he was at Jewar in Gautam Buddha Nagar close to Greater Noida to address a prohibition rally. Before that Nitish travelled to Ghazipur on February 2, Pindara near Varanasi on May 12, Lucknow onMay 15 and Shivshankari Dham near Mirzapur on June Minister, had achieved 17.4-per cent growth in tax collection, the White paper showed that this had dropped to between 12 per cent and 14 per cent. This tax drain was one of the main reasons for the financial crisis the State was currently facing, it claimed. The document blamed the financial indiscipline and mismanagement of former Chief Minister Chandy and his Finance Minister KM Mani, who had resigned in November last on the charge of taking bribe from bar owners, for the drop in tax collection, a result of deactivation of the machinery. The White Paper also contradicted former CM Chandy's claim that there was a balance of C1,643 crore in the Treasury when his Government went out by pointing out that the actual figure was C1,009 crore. If the former Government had paid the bills pending before it, the Treasury would now be running on a negative balance of C173 crore, it said. 12. Only one of them was party meeting and rest were organized by different social organizations on the theme of prohibition. Similarly, Nitish attended a few meetings in neighbouring Jharkhand which had been hosted by various groups. The recent activities of Nitish indicate that he wants to spread his tentacles across Bihar and particularly in poll bound UP, in the garb of a social reformer but with a political mission; an exercise no politician ever attempted in the past even though some BJP leaders in the past tried to incite religious sentiments and politically cash in during elections. Keeping all the political calculations in mind, Nitish addressed four rallies in UP had been held in eastern parts. opening parties along with sniffer dogs have been tasked with the most crucial job of sanitising the national highway to detect presence of any explosive material. According to official sources, "high alert has been sounded along the entire yatra route starting from the gate way of J&K to the holy cave shrine of lord 'Shiva',lcoated in South Kashmir district of Anantnag to protect the pilgrims". Even the Union Home Ministry officials have taken a fresh review of the yatra arrangements besides offering all possible assistance to ensure incident free yatra in the coming weeks. ?^[XRTR^d_[TX] b^d_U^a\^a_WX]V _XRb^U4eTaTbc C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 wo police constables -husband and wife – have T landed in trouble, with Pune Police Commissioner Rashmi Shukla ordering an inquiry into the allegations that they had morphed photographs showing them at the summit of Mt Everest, the highest mountain peak of the world. The two police constables from Pune --Dinesh Rathod and his wife Tarkeshwari Rathod – had created a sensation recently by claiming that they were India's first couple to scale Mt. Everest on May 23, 2016. Their Expedition was organised by Mohan Lamsal of Makalu Adventure, Nepal. Following Rathods’ claim, several mountaineers complained to the Pune police saying that the constable-couple was lying and had doctored the photographs showing them at the Mt Everest summit. Much to the discomfort of Rathods, Mrs Anjali Kulkarni and other mountaineers from Maharashtra have contested the veracity of the claim made by the Pune constable-couple. Apart from Anjali, the other mountaineers who have lodged a complaint with the Pune are: Sharad Kulkarni, Surendra Shelke, Anand Bansode, Shrikant Chavan, Rupali Chavan, Manisha Waghmare and Amit Singh. Satyarup Siddhanta, a mountaineer from Bengaluru, has gone to town saying that the pictures that Rathods have shown as theirs are the photographs he had taken on May 21 at 5.45 am. He has alleged that the couple had morphed his photographs and used them as their own. Talking to media persons at Pune on Wednesday, Pune Police Commissioner Rashmi Shukla said that she had ordered an inquiry into the allegations that Rathods had faked their feat of climbing Mt Everest. ^_X]X^]' A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ DfcXVZ_dRc\RcZdR]Rcj (PSOR\HHVEHWWHUSODFHGLQQHZSD\PDWUL[ bcWTD]X^]2PQX]TcWPbUX]P[[hR[TPaTScWTBTeT]cW2T]caP[?Ph2^\\XbbX^] aT_^ac^]FTS]TbSPhXcXbbWPa_[h]Paa^fX]VcWTVP_QTcfTT]cWTbP[PaXTb _PXSX]_aXePcTP]S_dQ[XRbTRc^ab8cXbTg_TRcTScWPcQhaPXbX]VcWTbcPac X]V_PhUa^\cWTRdaaT]cC&c^C 'U^a]TfaTRadXcbcWT6^eTa]\T]c fX[[QTQ^^bcX]VcWT\^aP[T^U[PZWb^UT\_[^hTTbPRa^bbcWTR^d]cahD][XZT cWTST[PhX]X\_[T\T]cX]VcWTaTR^\\T]SPcX^]b^UUXUcWP]SbXgcW_Ph_P]T[b fWXRW c^^Z ( P]S "! \^]cWb aTb_TRcXeT[h cWT 19?[TS =PcX^]P[ 3T\^RaPcXR 0[[XP]RT6^eTa]\T]cXbQaX]VX]VcWTbTeT]cW_PhR^\\XbbX^]fXcWX]bXg\^]cWb Ua^\cWTSdTSPcTCWXbfX[[bTcPaTR^aSP]SX]SXaTRc[haTU[TRcbW^fcWTRdaaT]c 6^eTa]\T]cXbf^aZX]VTUUTRcXeT[hc^\TTccWTVaXTeP]RTb^UcWTT\_[^hTTbfXcW X]PbW^ac_TaX^S0bPaTbd[c^UcWTbP[PahWXZTcWTaT\PhQTP]X\_PRc^]X]U[P cX^]fWXRWXb]PcdaP[5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa0ad]9PXc[ThXb^UcWT^_X]X^]cWPcbX]RT \^aTaTb^daRTbPaTQTX]V\PSTPePX[PQ[TX]cWTWP]Sb^UcWT6^eTa]\T]cT\_[^h TTbcWXbfX[[WPeTSTUX]XcTX\_PRc^]X]U[PcX^]CWXbX]U[PcX^]RP]T]WP]RTcWa^dVW Q^cWSXaTRcP]SX]SXaTRcRWP]]T[b0b_TacWT_a^YTRcTSTbcX\PcT^UcWTATbTaeT 1P]Z^U8]SXPPSXaTRcX\_PRc^UcWT[PcTbcbTeT]cW_PhR^\\XbbX^]aTR^\\T] SPcX^]b^]WTPS[X]TX]U[PcX^]fX[[QTPa^d]S $QPbXb_^X]cbfWTaTPbX]SXaTRc TUUTRcb \Ph QT Pa^d]S # QPbXb _^X]cbCWTbTeT]cW_PhR^\\XbbX^] aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b\PaZX]VP]^eTaP[[ WXZT^U!"%_TaRT]cX]bP[PaXTbP]S _T]bX^]b ^U cWT D]X^] 6^eTa]\T]c T\_[^hTTb fPb bdQ\XccTS c^ cWT 6^eTa]\T]c X] =^eT\QTa [Pbc hTPa 7^fTeTa cWT 6^eTa]\T]c bTc d_ P _P]T[X]9P]dPahc^[^^ZX]c^cWTR^\ \XbbX^]baTR^\\T]SPcX^]b8c]TTSb c^QTWXVW[XVWcTSWTaTcWPcd][XZTcWT _Pbc_^[XcXRP[SXb_T]bPcX^]bX]3T[WX cWT=306^eTa]\T]cWPbcPZT]PSTRX bX^] \dRW UPbcTa Qh X]R[dSX]V cWT bP[Pah WXZTb X] cWT R^\X]V 0dVdbc \^]cWfXcWPaTca^PRcXeT_PhTUUTRcXeT Ua^\9P]dPah0[b^cWT6^eTa]\T]cXb SXbQdabX]VcWTPaaTPabU^acWT[PbcbXg \^]cWb SdaX]V cWT RdaaT]c UX]P]RXP[ hTPa! % &XcbT[UCW^dVWcWXbfX[[ QTPWdVTUX]P]RXP[QdaST]^]cWTD]X^]6^eTa]\T]cPbXcfX[[WPeTc^PSSaTbb #&[PZWD]X^]6^eTa]\T]cT\_[^hTTbP]S$"[PZW_T]bX^]TabQdcfXcWP]X]RaTPbT ^U %_TaRT]cX]_PhP]S!#_TaRT]cX]_T]bX^]fX[[^QeX^db[h\PZT\PY^aXch ^UcWT\WP__hCWTbcaXZX]VUTPcdaT^UcWTbTeT]cW_Ph_P]T[XbcWPcXcWPbSXb _T]bTSfXcWcWT_aTbT]cbhbcT\^U_PhQP]SbP]SVaPST_PhfXcWP]Tf_Ph\PcaXg 1dcfXcW^dcRaTPcX]VP]h]Tf[TeT[bcWT6^eTa]\T]cWPbSaPf]d_bT_PaPcT_Ph \PcaXRTbU^acWTRXeX[XP]b\X[XcPahP]SU^a<X[XcPah=dabX]VBTaeXRT CWT[XZT[hX\_PRc^]cWTBcPcTbPbPaTbd[c^UcWTR^\X]V^UcWTbTeT]cW_Ph R^\\XbbX^]XbcWPccWThfX[[WPeTc^TeT]cdP[[haPXbTcWTbP[PaXTb^UcWTXaT\_[^h TTbb^^]Ta^a[PcTaCWTaTWPbQTT]PcaPSXcX^]cWPccWTBcPcTb]^a\P[[haTbcadR cdaTcWTbP[PaXTb^UXcbT\_[^hTTb^]RTcWTaTXbPWXZTPccWT2T]caTB^cWTaT R^d[SPbdaVTX]ST\P]SUa^\cWTBcPcTT\_[^hTTb^]RTcWTXaQaTcWaT]bPaTR^\ _PaPcXeT[hQTccTa_[PRTSPRa^bbcWTR^d]cahBX\d[cP]T^db[hcWTaTbTaePcX^]baPXbTS QhcWT2^]UTSTaPcX^]^U2T]caP[6^eTa]\T]c4\_[^hTTbcWT1WPaPcXhP<PiS^^a BP]VWePaX^dbcaPSTd]X^]bP]ScWT0a\hX]aTVPaSc^cWT_PhWXZT\dbcQT PSSaTbbTSQhcWT6^eTa]\T]cPccWTTPa[XTbc 0 :d]R^ZTDeReVfadeYVR_eV 7HUURUJURXSWXUQVRQLWVHUVWZKLOHEHQHIDFWRU WT8bcP]Qd[cTaa^aPccPRZfWXRWWPbP[aTPShR[PX\TS\^aTcWP]#[XeTbfPb ]TXcWTacWTUXabcP]Sd]U^acd]PcT[hXbd][XZT[hc^QTcWT[Pbc8cXbW^fTeTa P]X\_^acP]cX]SXRPcX^]^UPRWP]VTX]]PaaPcXeTP]SbcaPcTVhU^aQ^cWcWT 6^eTa]\T]c^UCdaZThP]ScWT8b[P\XRBcPcTcTaa^aVa^d_fWXRW_aTbd\PQ[hRPa aXTS^dccWTPccPRZCWT8b[P\XRBcPcTXbP[b^QT[XTeTSc^WPeTQTT]QTWX]S[Pbc hTPabQ^\QX]VbX]cWTb^dcWTa]RXch^UBdad{X]9d[hP]ScWTRP_XcP[RXch^U0]ZPaP X]>Rc^QTaCWXbhTPaP[b^cWTaTWPeTQTT]cf^bdXRXSTQ^\QX]VbX]8bcP]Qd[ UXabcX]9P]dPahP]ScWT]X]<PaRW7^fTeTaCdTbSPhbPccPRZfPbSXUUTaT]cQTRPdbT ^UXcbbRP[TP]S^_cXRb0_PacUa^\cWTbcX[[aXbX]VSTPcWc^[[cWTUPRccWPccWTcTa a^aXbcbRW^bT0cPcdaZX]cTa]PcX^]P[PXa_^acbW^fbcWPccWThd__X]VcWTXaVP\T 0cPcdaZXbCdaZThb\^bcX\_^acP]cPXa_^acP]SP\PY^aaTVX^]P[caP]bXcWdQBXgch \X[[X^]_PbbT]VTab_PbbTScWa^dVWXcX]! $P]ScWTPXa_^acXbW^\Tc^CdaZXbW 0Xa[X]TbCdaZThb^][hV[^QP[QaP]S0]PccPRZPc0cPcdaZcWPcc^^SdaX]VcWTW^[h \^]cW^UAP\iP]SXaTRc[hcWaTPcT]bCdaZThb[PaVTc^daXb\X]SdbcahPbfT[[Pb XcbaT_dcPcX^]PbPbPUTQdbX]TbbSTbcX]PcX^]X]FTbc0bXP CWXbQaX]Vbdbc^cWT]Tgc`dTb cX^])FWhXbcWT8b[P\XRBcPcTPccPRZ X]VCdaZThfWXRWWPbP[\^bcPRcXeT [hbd__^acTScWTcTaa^aVa^d_QhbTae X]VPbXcb²cTaa^aR^aaXS^ac^BhaXPU^a cW^dbP]Sb^UU^aTXV]UXVWcTab]^cc^ \T]cX^] cWT X[[XRXc ^X[ caPST cWPc T]aXRWTS cWT 8b[P\XR BcPcT. 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This regulation also bans the sale of any of these products in schools as well as advertisements related to them that target children under the age of 14. This is clearly one of the most forward looking steps taken by any country to ensure curbs on junk food and the excessive intake of sugar, salt and fats, which are proving increasingly harmful for the health of children and adults all over the world. India is no exception to the worldwide trend which has led to a major expansion of harmful food products and what is generally labelled as junk food. It is a matter of deep concern that we in developing countries have blindly aped and acquired food habits imported from the developed world which have proven increasingly harmful to the health of a growing number of people who have developed an addiction for these harmful diets. According to news reports hunger has been reduced in Latin America and the Caribbean, but obesity has doubled in the region in the past decade. Countries like Chile and Mexico are nearing the overweight and obesity levels of the United States according to the World Health Organisation. Chile’s Health Ministry states that five out of every 10 children are overweight and one of every eleven deaths is linked to obesity. The new regulation, of course, will be questioned and challenged by many, and vested interests that find it in their short-term interest to stall any action against unhealthy food and growing obesity, will do everything to prevent the effective implementation of Chile’s new regulations. For instance, one particular Italian company has already threatened to take legal action against the Chilean Government to protect one of its chocolate products, which would not meet the stringent regulations which have been specified now. In our country, with rapid urbanisation and through the power of advertising the move towards junk food is becoming a serious menace. In fact, this is a problem confined not only to urban locations, but even in rural areas packaged junk food is making major inroads. It is particularly disturbing to travel to our hill stations and find that beautiful mountain sites are not only denuded of green cover but littered with piles C of packaging material from paan masala to potato chips to biscuit wrappers all over the place. There is today valid concern on the increase in use of drugs in certain parts of the country and the dangers from widespread addiction, particularly among youth. As it happens, and for very clear demographic and economic reasons the junk food industry also targets youth as their favoured customers. This is not only because of the size of the market that young people in this country represent, but also because if the suppliers of all these products catch them young then they would remain hooked on as addicted customers throughout their lives. James Clear, an analyst and commentator on issues of public interest, rightly states that the goal of the producers of junk food is to create a craving for those products among consumers. Craving is a function of taste, smell and how a particular food product feels in the mouth, referred to as “orosensation”. According to him companies spend millions of dollars to make sure that potato chips produced by them have the right type of crunch, so that the consumer enjoys that and gets addicted to that characteristic as much as the taste and smell. As far as taste is concerned, the focus of suppliers is on the actual “macronutrient makeup of the food — the blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that it contains”. In the promotion of junk food, suppliers 1VdUb;Q^cXYBQ] =QiQgQdYcdQbdUTUiUY^W ^_^cQ\UQR\Uf_dURQ^[c Q^TRUWQ^cU\\Y^W`Qbdi dYS[UdcDXU2C@RUSQ]U Q]Q^TYV_bdYS[UdcU\\Y^W 6_b]Ub2C@\UQTUb °B;3XQeTXQbi 8=C74?A><>C8>= >59D=:5>>3 BD??;84ABF>A: C>F0A3B2A40C8=60 ?4A542C 2><18=0C8>=>5B0;C BD60A0=350CF8C7 0=8=C4=CC>4G28C4 C741A08=F7827 F>D;38=3D24C74 2>=BD<4AC>:44? 2><8=6102: 5>A<>A4 work towards creating a perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat with an intent to excite the brain, which would induce the consumer to keep coming back for more. Advertising, both by overt and covert means has a huge role in creating consumption habits and addiction to some products. In the middle of the 20th century every Hollywood movie projected the hero as a compulsive smoker, with a cigarette drooling from his mouth even when while engaged inromantic dialogue. All of that had a powerful effect in expanding addiction to cigarette smoking. No doubt, in some cases the actors themselves received significant compensation for this not so subtle promotional effort. Now, this has shifted to James Bond wearing designer watches and high end apparel. Soft drinks, and addiction to them is also harmful to human health, but producers of these products spend huge sums of money and adopt innovative ways to promote their products, such as through sponsorships of prominent cricket tournaments and events. In the US the consumption of soft drinks has reached unprecedented levels. Since 1978 soda consumption has tripled for boys and doubled for girls. It is reported that young males between the ages of 12 to 29 are the biggest consumers with 160 gallons per year on average. At these levels the calories from soft drinks alone areas much as 10 per B>D=318C4 cent of the total daily calorie intake for growing youngsters. Addiction at this level basically leads to a compulsive desire to open a can of soft drinks whenever a person feels a decline in energy. Interestingly, the danger from high levels of soft drinks consumption was highlighted by the American Medical Association Council on Food and Nutrition as far back as in 1942, when it stated that it would be in the interest of the public for all practical means to be taken to limit consumption of sugar in any form in which it fails to be combined with significant proportions of other foods of high nutrition quality. These drinks have been referred to as Liquid Candy, because they create an addiction for high intakes of sugar. There is evidence that excessive consumption of these soft drinks leads to osteoporosis and bone fractures. With a blind fascination for the way of life in the developed countries, particularly that followed in North America, the younger generation in India also is moving on the same path motivated, unfortunately, by massive advertising. The global advertising industry this year is expected to spend $579 billion, and with the spread of the Internet, growth in that segment is likely to be far more rapid than conventional advertising. In a free and democratic society the dissemination of information is fundamental to the exercise of free choices, but where advertising a product leads to harmful effects for the public, such as through negative health implications, society has to introduce appropriate regulatory measures and practices. This, of course, has to be driven by public concerns and action by civil society. As yet, such a movement is not in evidence in India. Within that context it is particularly important that we study what Chile has achieved through its recent action, the evolution of which would, of course, take some time. However, it is obvious that Chile has carried out due diligence before introducing its recent regulatory measures, because the law under which this step has been taken was approved in 2012. It is time that we in India consider similar steps in the interest of protecting the health of the public and ensuring that the expenditure and decline in health of consumers does not continue to fatten the wallets of those who are in the production of junk foods, the range and scale of which is perhaps reaching epidemic proportions. (The writer is former chairman, TERI) DXUQ^^_iY^WdXY^WQR_ed dQR\_YTbe]_ebcYcdXUT_eR\U cdQ^TQbT9V9]c`_ddUTgYdXQ WeiYdµcQ^UWQdYfUXUQT\Y^U =U^T_^dWUddXQdbU`edQdY_^ DXUbUQbU`U_`\U\Y[U 2Ub^YUCQ^TUbcgX_9 dXY^[WU^eY^U\iTUcUbfUT dXUdYd\U´`_`e\Ycdµ RUSQecUXUXQcRUU^Y^ dXUfY^UiQbTcVYWXdY^W_^ RUXQ\V_VdXUcUYcceUc 1]UbYSQ^bUQ\YdiDFcdQb °;X\_U;QbTQcXYQ^ EC@bUcYTU^d °2QbQS[?RQ]Q ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A CdbU^WdXU^Y^W6_bSUc Sir — This refers to the article, “Missile with Make in India label” (June 30) by Pravin Sawhney. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar must not forget that the focus should not only be on manufacturing and sale of high-tech defence equipments, strengthening our Armed Forces, boosting their morale by inducting innovative arms, new Research & Development labs, defence equipments, arms and ammunitions too are important so as to secure our country. Prasanna Khakre Via web <UfU\`\QiY^WVYU\T Sir — This refers to the report, “Achchhe din here for Sarkari staff”(June 30). The Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations to hike the salary of Government employees by an average of 23.55 per cent is a good news, but will cause inflation. Those who have no source of income will suffer. Its time to freeze the wage. Otherwise the difference between the have-nots and the rich will keep widening. Bholanath Bhattacharya Allahabad DecRjU`Xd^RjR]d` eYcVReV_Yf^R_]ZgVd C WXbaTUTabc^cWTPacXR[T°5TTSX]VbcaPhbXbaXVWccWX]Vc^S^±9d]T" Qh7XaP]\Ph:Pa[TZPa2P]X]TaTPaX]VQTX]VPbh\Q^[^Ub^RXP[bcPcdb P]SQhX\_[XRPcX^]X]R[dSTSX]PRXcXiT]bUd]SP\T]cP[SdcXTbc^WPeT R^\_PbbX^] U^a [XeX]V RaTPcdaTb Xb R^eTaTS d]STa 0acXR[T $ 0V ^U cWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]BcX[[PS^VZ]^f]U^aXcb[^hP[chXbP[b^UaT`dT]c[haTUTaaTSc^ PbPSTb_XbTSRPcTV^ah^UP]X\P[b¯_T^_[TRdabTcWTXaT]T\XTbfXcWZdccT ZX\PdcPS^VbSTPcW;TVT]SPahPRc^a3WPa\T]SaPWPbaT_TPcTScWXb PbPcPQ^^X]\P]h^UWXbUX[\b BcaPhP]X\P[b[XZTR^fbP]SS^VbX]_PacXRd[Pa_^bTPcWaTPcc^Wd\P] QTX]VbX]_dQ[XR_[PRTb0[[]PcdaTX]R[dSX]V\^d]cPX]bP]X\P[b_[P]cb QXaSbP]S^cWTa[XeX]VcWX]VbWPeTQTT]RaTPcTSfXcWPeXTfc^UPRX[XcPcTWd\P] [XeTb=PcdaP[[hWd\P]bPbbd\T\dRW\^aTbXV]XUXRP]RTcWP]^cWTa[XeX]V RaTPcdaTb8]cWTbPXSbXcdPcX^]5TTSX]VbcaPhP]X\P[bX]_dQ[XRXbcP]cP\^d]c c^X\_TaX[X]VWd\P][XeTbP]SWT]RTX]]^fPhXbYdbcXUXTS 0iWPa0:WP] AP\_da ?fUbS_]Y^WXebT\Uc Sir — This refers to the article, “Akhilesh Yadav: Bound by obstinate old guard” (June 29) by Rajesh Singh. When Akhilesh Yadav became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, there were huge expectations from him. This, despite the fact that he belonged to the Samajwadi Party and was the son of Mulayam Singh Yadav. It is unfortunate that despite giving his best, Akhilesh Yadav could not change the face of the State which is known for poor law and order situation. For Akhilesh Yadav, his father has been the biggest hurdle. Bal Govind Noida BUfYUg`_\YSi Sir — This refers to the brain stormer, “Don’t be sad about Pulwama. Be angry” (June 27). I am sure that measures are in place to prevent ambushes like the one that happened in Pulwama. This incident calls for a review to strengthen the system of intensive and sustained intelligence gathering to locate safe area hideouts of the anti-nationals and their neutralisation as soon as they step out on their mission. Also, intensive training should be provided to the paramilitary personnels employed in such areas. Their deployment on patrols to detect movements of such small groups will break the terrorists’ apparatus. Ashok Chaturvedi Via web @b_fYTY^WcQVUdi Sir — This refers to the brain stormer, “Don’t be sad about Pulwama. Be angry” (June 27). The paramilitary forces, especially those employed in insurgent areas have to be careful. There has to be a standard operating procedure for the paramilitary forces like we have for our Army when they move in convoys. Dangerous places along the route have to be sanitised before the main convey passes through. The paramilitary should use armed cars when a convoy is passing. They should also be in radio communication with the vehicle in the front as well as in the rear. Venkataraman Jagadesan Via web BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % 2IWULDOVDQG WULEXODWLRQV 0_Tab^]P[Tg_TaXT]RT^UcWT <^SXaTVX\T´bTgRT[[T]c_dQ[XR VaXTeP]RTaTSaTbbP[bhbcT\ bcWT=PaT]SaP<^SX6^eTa]\T]cR^\_[TcTScf^ hTPabX]^UUXRTP]SXb]^fP__a^PRWX]VXcb\XS cTa\XcfX[[QTUPXac^P]P[hbTXcb^\XbbX^]bP]S R^\\XbbX^]bPbXbQTX]VS^]TTgcT]bXeT[hFWX[Tb^\T fX[[WPX[cWT19?³bPRWXTeT\T]cbPb²d]_aTRTST]cTS³ ^cWTabfX[[cahc^S^f]_[PhfWPccWT6^eTa]\T]cWPb S^]TX]cWT_Pbccf^hTPab CWTh\PhTeT]cPaVTcXcU^a ePaX^dbaTPb^]b 7TaT cWT SXbRdbbX^] Xb [X\XcTS c^ ^][h ^]T \XRa^ bRWT\T ^U cWT 6^eTa]\T]c fWXRWbW^fbW^fcWT_T]T caPcX^] ^U X]U^a\PcX^] cTRW ]^[^VhWPbRWP]VTScWTVaXTe P]RTaTSaTbbP[bhbcT\X]^da R^d]cah8³\cP[ZX]VPQ^dccWT _dQ[XRVaXTeP]RT_^acP[^UcWT 0<8C017B7D:;0 D]X^] 6^eTa]\T]c ¯ cWT 2T]caP[XbTS?dQ[XR6aXTeP]RT ATSaTbbP]S<^]Xc^aX]VBhbcT\2?6A0<BB^\T ^UcWTRPbTbRP]QTWPX[TSPb²aTe^[dcX^]Pah³<h_Ta b^]P[Tg_TaXT]RTfXcWcWTbhbcT\c^^aTX]U^aRTS\h QT[XTUcWPcX]STTS6^eTa]\T]cST_Pac\T]cbf^aZP]S cWThf^aZeTahUPbc8WPeTcf^Tg_TaXT]RTbc^bWPaT P]SQ^cWPaTaT[PcTSc^cWT_^bcP[ST_Pac\T]c 8]cWTUXabcX]bcP]RT\hUPcWTafW^[TUcU^aWXb WTPeT][hPQ^STcf^P]SPWP[UhTPabPV^[TUcPeTah ^[S_^bc^UUXRTbPeX]VbQP]ZPRR^d]cX]WXbUX[Tb FWT]8bT]cb^\T^]T^]5aXSPhc^1TccXPWPb\P[[ SXbcaXRcWTPS`dPacTaX]]^acW1XWPac^cWT=PhP1PiPa _^bc^UUXRTPccWTT]S^U! 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After scalping Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajan, who chose to take the fight to the media, he went after Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian and then followed it up with another fusillade against Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das. Both were believed to be in the hunt for the Mint Street job, particularly Swamy who was considered the odds-on-favourite after Rajan exited. The Swamy one man wrecking crew had put paid to their chances. Then in the smoke and mirrors that Swamy’s actions had left behind, one wondered whether the intended target was Jaitley himself? Worse still, other than Jaitley, no one came forward to defend the FinMin bureaucrats, making the game of thrones all too complicated. Life they say is constantly throwing binaries at you, but the events of the last week or so convince you that the BJP’s travails were serious. In fact, when the intensity of the attacks increased, Delhi’s SPM-laden air swirled with gossip that Swamy was backed by the Prime Minister himself to belittle Jaitley. Heh — but Jaitley was and is extremely close to the Prime Minister? So, where was Swamy, always an enforcer and a loose cannon, getting his wings from? The coat and tie analogy from Swamy was particularly disconcerting for he likened the Finance Minister to a waiter launching a full frontal on him. The Finance Minister came rushing back from China cutting short his visit. Tashkent and Seoul may have been the hotspots where India’s Nuclear Suppliers Group aspirations were laid low, but the real joust was very much back home in Delhi, as Swamy’s tweets caused tumult and havoc, embarrassing the party. In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s poem Faust, there is reference to schall und rauch (sound and smoke) which tantamounts to B B0=344?10<I08 9PXc[ThP]S BfP\h´b\dcdP[ SXb[XZT^UTPRW ^cWTaXbfT[[Z]^f] 1dccWTBP]VWP]S cWT19?WPSc^ aTfPaSBfP\hU^a WXbRadbPSX]ViTP[ X]³caP__X]V 2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]c B^]XP6P]SWXP]S 2^]VaTbbeXRT _aTbXST]cAPWd[ 6P]SWXX]cWT =PcX^]P[ 7TaP[S0bb^RXPcTS 9^da]P[b;cSRPbT something fleeting and of no importance. But in the Faustian theatre that Swamy has unleashed against Jaitley backed by the Sangh or the Prime Minister, the enfant terrible has already consumed one RBI Governor and removed Subramanian and Das from the complex calculus of being Rajan’s successor. Faust as we now know is not just a philosophical poem, a work in which the expression of philosophy is subordinate to poetic ends, but a dramatic poem, a work in which a principal poetic effect is dramatic collision — and irony. So, Swamy obviously has a shadowy backer. In this gambit of shadows and ghosts, Swamy was winning till Jaitley returned abruptly from China and convinced Prime Minister Narendra Modi that Swamy should zip-up. In the past too, Swamy has directly targeted Jaitley and his associates like Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi. There is obviously an old animus between them. Their mutual dislike is well known. But the Sangh and the BJP had to reward Swamy for his crusading zeal in ‘trapping’ Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi in the National Herald/Associated Journals Ltd case. Z security across India as a Central protectee in September 2014, a Government bungalow for five years in December 2015, and finally a Rajya Sabha nomination have come for Swamy in the two year tenure of this BJP Government. Let us also be mindful of the fact that former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had kept him at more than an arm’s length distance in the past. Now, you would think, Swamy is just a gadfly or a pesky fly who refuses to go away, but all those who know him also know him as a dangerous adversary. One who wants the political nar- DXU;UZbYgQ\gQi_V TUQ\Y^WgYdX`b_R\U]c 3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[³bXSTP^UPaTUTaT]Sd\^]Ud[[ bcPcTW^^SU^a3T[WXXbhTcP]^cWTaTgP\_[T^UR^]Ua^]cPcX^]P[_^[XcXRb s Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal chasing a pipe-dream by trying to seek a referendum on full Statehood for Delhi? Should Delhi have a referendum on this issue or will it open a Pandora’s box? Whether he succeeds or not, Kejriwal has started a debate when he tweeted after the Great Britain’s exit from the European Union last week, “After the UK referendum, Delhi will soon have a referendum on full statehood.” A full statehood for Delhi has been a long-pending demand. Kejirwal’s predecessors too had been seeking it as they felt that their hands were tied with limited powers. Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit had made it clear that since the police was not in her hands, she could not do much when the Nirbhaya rape case rocked the capital. She was opposed to the multiplicity of agencies ruling the national capital. The BJP too had made a similar demand. Last month, Kejriwal released a draft bill on full statehood to Delhi. The draft retains control of areas under the New Delhi Municipal Council with the Centre and seeks to include subjects like policing, law and order, land and services, that are currently outside the purview of the Delhi Government. The official period for public feedback ends on June 30. Historically, soon after Emergency, the Janata Party Government tried to introduce a provision for referendums through the Constitution (44th Amendment) Bill, 1978, but this did not materialise. The only instance of Statesanctioned direct democracy in India was in Goa. Sanctioned through a law enacted for the purpose, it was called the Goa Opinion Poll, 1967, to decide the future of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu within the Indian Union. Goa I finally became a State in 1987 during the Rajiv Gandhi era following persistent demands including a resolution for full statehood in the Goa Assembly in 1976. Those supporting the idea include former AAP leaders like Yogendra Yadav. They argue that just because the Constitution does not provide for it, the subject cannot be barred. Those who oppose argue that Delhi has specific characteristics as vital institutions such as Parliament, the Supreme Court and foreign embassies relocated in the capital. Second, most new capitals around the world are administered as a federal territory distinct from States. Beijing, Canberra, Washington, DC, Ottawa and many other major capitals are examples of this pattern. Experts say that in the absence of a constitutional provision, there should be an informed debate on the issue and Kejriwal simply cannot impose a referendum on the people of Delhi without due consideration. Second, it might lead to other Union Territories making such demands. Delhi is only one of the seven Union territories as listed in Schedule I of the Constitution. The Union Home Ministry through the rative to be centred around him. And right now he is slap bang in the middle of it. The counter narrative is the powerful Jaitley, who Swamy wants to destabilise and, therein, lies the tale of Faustian collision. If Jaitley succeeds in getting Swamy to shut up, then we know who has won this round. However, if Subramanian and Das are both nixed in the race of Mint Street, how we know who has got the upper hand? Unlike BJP MP from Darbhanga Kirti Azad who targeted Jaitley over the Delhi & District Cricket Association corruption and got suspended in the process, Swamy has seen no public censure from the party or its president. Nor has the Sangh cautioned him. Late on Monday evening, there was talk that he has been told to keep mum privately. Knowing Swamy, it is unlikely that he’ll keep quiet for too long. The closest to a public warning came from the Prime Minister himself in a telly interview on Monday where without naming Swamy he said, “Whether it is in my party or not, I think such things are inappropriate. This fondness for publicity is never going to do any good to the nation. People should conduct themselves with utmost responsibility. If anybody considers himself above the system, it is wrong.” The Prime Minister’s remarks were a corollary to his speech at the BJP National Executive meet of June 13 in Allahabad where he argued for partymen and lawmakers to follow a seven-point mantra — sevabhav (service), santulan (balance), saiyam (restraint), samanvaya (coordination), sakaratmak (constructive), samvedana (sensitivity) and samvad (dialogue). Swamy spewing vituperative venom at Jaitley has probably cost him this round, his last intemperate tweet extremely damaging and ugly — “People giving me (unsolicited) advice of discipline and restraint don’t realise that if I disregard discipline there would be a blood bath...The BJP should direct our Ministers to wear traditional and modernised Indian clothes while abroad. In coat and tie, they look like waiters.” During the UPA years, Swamy was a lone ranger attacking the Union Finance and Home Minister P Chidambaram over 2G spectrum and his alleged involvement in it. Unfortunately, despite Swamy’s best efforts, Chidambaram received a clean chit from the Supreme Court, limiting the then Janata Party chief ’s vitriolic and incessant tirade against him. In 2012, the Patiala House District Court in Delhi saw the trial judge in charge of the 2G spectrum case OP Saini deliver a judgement, shooting down Swamy’s application under Section 311 of the Code of Criminal Procedure to examine Chidambaram. Failing to scalp Chidambaram was arguably the biggest setback for Swamy. Like an infantigo, he was all over the Congress those days. Round one to Swamy, round two to Jaitley. Now, how long will Swamy keep it zipped? 7UDVKLQJMKRODZDOODK¶V VLQLVWHUDJHQGD :0;H0=8B70=:0A Lt Governor administers them. There is a historic reason for this. In 1911, when India’s capital was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi, the British Government did not bring Delhi under any State, but it was given the status of capital of British India. The father of the Indian Constitution, BR Ambedkar, noted that the national capital can’t be under a State or a local Government. The States Reorganisation Act, 1956, didn’t merge Delhi with any other State and left it as a national capital. In 1989 when Parliament passed The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991 granting full statehood to Delhi was not agreed to. Delhi Assembly was given the powers to govern and make laws on all but three subjects — public order, police and land. Third, while many including some European countries follow the referendum route on crucial issues but India, though a largest democracy, is not yet mature enough to do so and the exercise will involve huge costs. So why is Kejriwal harping on the referendum idea? Is it because he wants to divert attention from controversies surrounding his Government and the party? Or is it because he wants divert attention from the Damocles’ sword hanging over 21 of his MLAs who might lose their membership on the office of profit issue? How does he propose to make sure that Parliament will vote for the amendment to the Constitution will require two-thirds majority to enable Delhi have its referendum? He has just three MPs. The simple answer is that he believes in confrontational politics and this is his way of dealing with issues. CWT19?WPb_[dRZTS^dcU^aTXV]Ud]STSeTbcTS X]cTaTbcbP]STg_^bTSS^dQ[TUPRTS=6>b hen the people of India elected the BJP Government to power in the summer of 2014, we were a broken nation. Our national security had been challenged by our neighbours. The previous Government in power had fractured our backbone with corruption. Our strength had been weakened by policy paralysis, and in-action and to top it all, Western vested interests infiltrated in the country in the form of NGOs that were breaking us from inside. Forget about making any progress in a fast-paced world, we were incapable, as a nation, to hold ourselves together. That is when and why the people voted for the BJP with a huge mandate. People were hopeful that the new Government would get the nation moving. There was also a sincere desire to leave behind the period of inaction, subversion and corruption by undoing all the negative developmental bridles that surrounded us. Remember the prolonged agitation of Medha Patkar, who undermined development and the water security of the central and western parts of India? She and her cohorts had succeeded in stalling the efforts of providing water to the parched lands of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan, notwithstanding the long spells of drought and famine. Remember the Greenpeace-sponsored agitations that were trying to stall power generation capacity building and development in many parts of the W country? They wouldn’t care if your child had light in his room to study for his examination, but wouldn’t allow even the most environmentfriendly technology to be brought in to the country. Remember Teesta Setalvad, who in connivance with large multinational donors, was promoting communal disharmony under the mask of social work? She wouldn’t allow reason to percolate in the society, but would do everything to cover the public eyes with blinding cloth. These are just a few examples of how vested interests systematically wrecked the country, by exploiting the state. At the time when the BJP came to power, India had NGOs and activists mushrooming everywhere who ate from the palms of Western donor agencies. Not a day had passed without the media reflecting their voice and lionising their unjust stands. They were being showered with international awards and recognition for breaking the nation from within, in the name of civic movement. Democracy had been misused, governance had been disused and the vulnerable communities had been grossly abused. The BJP has been in power for two years now with its focus on development. Vested interests of sinister agencies have been plucked out of their niches and dumped into the dustbin of history. The perpetrators behind these double-faced NGOs have been exposed and neutralised. And, two years have E:B0G4=0 passed without unjust agitation by NGOs or dubiously funded agencies. Recently, the NGO of a well-connected person has been exposed and is being brought to justice. A nation that was being broken by divisive forces has begun its journey on the path of development with an uncompromising and unbroken stance. It is a pity that this has not been conveniently recognised by the so-called political commentators, political psychologists, social theorists, critics including the media. It is also true that in the past two years, most projects have progressed as scheduled, without the opposition of the vested interests backed by Western lobbies. The financial over-run on the projects is a thing of past. Today, the nation is witnessing the cost-effective implementation of infrastructure projects, which had become milking cows of easy money for the previous Government. These very significant achievements need to be accepted and publicised by all concerned, regardless of political or professional ideologies, as they have a direct bearing on our well-being as an individual and as a nation. We need to make people of India aware of these benefits of achche din. We need to feel proud that our nation is on the path to progress. We need to feel happy that the lives of our children will be better than ours. As a nation, we need to realise that ‘hope’ has come to be a meaningful word. (The writer is chairman, Khadi and Village Industries Commission) \^]Th A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % CWTaTPaTcf^]TfQP]Zb0bXP] 8]UaPbcadRcdaT8]eTbc\T]c1P]Z 0881P]S=31XUh^d[^^ZPccWT ]TTSU^aX]UaPbcadRcdaT STeT[^_\T]cU^acWTf^a[SXcb Pa^d]S $caX[[X^]TeTahhTPaB^ XUh^d_dcP[[cWTSTeT[^_\T]c QP]Zbc^VTcWTafTS^]´cR^\T R[^bTc^\TTcX]VcWPcST\P]S F>A;310=:6A>D? ?A4B834=C98<H>=6:8< 2EJJ 6B?= G2C29 EYcVVjVRceVc^ZddY`ce W`cC3:8`gVc_`c+CR[R_ =4F 34;78) RBI Governor R aghuram R ajan, whose three-year term comes to an end in nine weeks, on Thursday pitched for a longer tenure for the central bank head, saying the global practice has to be emulated in India as well. R ajan, who briefed Parliament’s Standing Committee of Finance on various aspects of economy and NPA in banks, was asked by members on what should be the tenure of the RBI Governor, sources said. He told the members that a three-year term is “short”. On whether it should be five years, Rajan is believed to have cited the case of US Federal Reserve. In the US Fed, in addition to serving as members of the Board, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman serve terms of four years and may be reappointed to those roles who in turn serve until their terms as Governors expire. Rajan, whose current three-year tenure ends on September 4, has already said no to a second term. Sources further said that 5DMDQDµJUHDW¶FHQWUDOEDQN JRYHUQRU:RUOG%DQN3UHVLGHQW =4F 34;78) Describing Raghuram Rajan as a “great” central bank governor, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim today said he has been told by the Indian leadership that Reserve Bank will continue to have an independent head. “What I heard from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and members of his team is that there is not going to be much change. They will continue to have an independent central bank governor, and the policies that have lead to good outcomes will continue,” Kim said in an interview to NDTV. The World Bank President described Reserve Bank chief as a “great” central bank governor, saying he tremendously respected Rajan as an academic. Kim added that Rajan, Prime Minister and the Government have been communicating very effectively. To a question whether he trusts India’s GDP numbers Kim said: “This (methodology of calculation of GDP numbers) is not an exact science, there is no Physics in this, it is really taking many different pieces of data and then making a best guess.” “...It (methodology) is taking many indicators and then in a consistent way doing best to make an estimate. Because we have been consistent over time, we feel very comfortable with these number (India’s GDP numbers).” Indian economy grew at 7.9 per cent in fourth quarter of 2015-16, taking the overall GDP growth to a five-year high of 7.6 per cent in the fiscal. during the meeting that lasted for over three hours, the Governor briefed the panel, headed by senior Congress ,QGLDQPRQH\LQ6ZLVV EDQNVGLSVWRCFU ?C8Q IDA827 oney held by Indians in M Swiss banks has fallen by nearly one-third to a record low of 1.2 billion franc (about C8,392 crore) amid a continuing global clampdown on the famed secrecy wall of Switzerland’s banking system. The funds held by Indians with banks in Switzerland fell by CHF 596.42 million to CHF 1,217.6 million at the end of 2015, as per the latest data released on Thursday by the country’s central banking authority SNB (Swiss National Bank). This is the lowest amount of funds held by Indians in the Swiss banks ever since the Alpine nation began making the data public in 1997 and marks the second straight year of decline. The funds held by Indians with Swiss banks stood at a record high of CHF 6.5 billion (C23,000 crore) at 2006-end. However, the quantum of these funds has been falling since then, except for in 2011 and in 2013 when Indians’ money had risen by over 12 per cent and 42 per cent, respectively. At the end of 2015, the total funds held in Swiss banks by Indians directly stood at CHF 1,206.71 million (down from CHF 1,776 million a year ago), while the money held through ‘fiduciaries’ or wealth managers was down at CHF 10.89 million (from CHF 37.92 million at 2014-end). The total stood at CHF 1,814 million at the end of 2014. This is the lowest-ever level of funds held through fiduciaries, which used to be in billions till 2007 but has been falling amid fears of regulatory crackdown. The total “amounts due to customers’ savings and deposit accounts” fell to CHF 425.8 million (from 1,378 million a year ago), while the money held through other banks incidentally more than doubled to CHF 270.4 million (from CHF 100.6 million). The ‘other liabilities’ of Swiss banks towards Indian clients, which include funds held through securities etc, rose from CHF 297 million to CHF 510.4 million. The latest data from Zurichbased SNB comes at a time when Switzerland has begun sharing foreign client details on evidence of wrongdoing provided by India and other countries. lobal steel giant ArcelorMittal and Italian G group Marcegaglia on Thursday said they have submitted an offer to acquire Italy’s lossmaking Ilva plant as the consortium was the best equipped to take on the challenges of the plant’s turnaround. The NRI-billionaire Lakshmi Mittal headed company said: “The offer details consortium’s industrial and environmental plans for Ilva”, as it intended to raise primary utilisation rate with crude steel production rising from the current level of 4.8 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to over 6 MTPA by 2020. The offer included a commitment to improve Ilva’s environmental performance through installation of best available technology, bringing Ilva in-line with European environmental standards and legis- etrol price was on Thursday cut by 89 paise P a litre and diesel by 49 paise a litre, the first decrease in rates in two months. Petrol will cost C64.76 a litre in Delhi from midnight tonight as compared to C65.65 per litre currently, Indian Oil Corp, the nation’s largest fuel retailer, announced. Similarly, diesel will cost C54.70 per litre as against C55.19 a litre currently. This is the first reduction in rates in two months. Petrol price was last hiked by 5 paise a litre on June 16 and diesel by C1.26 a litre. Petrol prices in the four hikes since May 1 had been raised by C4.52 a litre, while diesel rates had gone up by C7.72 per litre. “The current level of international product prices of petrol and diesel and Rupee-US Dollar exchange rate warrant decrease in selling price of petrol and diesel, the impact of which is being passed on to the consumers with this price revision,” IOC said in a statement. Barring an exemption on April 16, when price of petrol was cut by 74 paise a litre and diesel by C1.30, the upward trend in rates had been a phenomenon since March 17. ?=BQ =4F34;78 sectors grew I2.8nfrastructure at five-month low rate of per cent in May, slipping from a four-year high of 8.5 per cent in previous month, as oil and natural gas output contracted. The eight infrastructure sectors -- coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilisers, steel, cement and electricity -- had expanded by 4.4 per cent in May 2015. The eight core sectors comprise nearly 38 per cent of total industrial production. In April, these sectors grew at an over four-year high rate of 8.5 per cent, h e lp e d by d ou bl e - d i g it expansion in refinery products and electricity generation. The May growth numbers are the lowest since December last when the core sector had expanded by just 0.9 per cent. A decline in production VXEPLWRIIHUWREX\,WDO\¶V,OYD lation, it added. The consortium will also look to induct new, innovative steel grades, facilitating an increase in proportion of high value-added products in Ilva’s product mix and a commitment to guaranteeing employment at industry best practice levels. “The submission of the bid is the first step in a multi-stage process that will see only environmental part of the offer discussed for the next 120 days. Following this period, the government will provide more clarity on the next steps of the offer process,” the statement said. Geert Van Poelvoorde Executive Vice President and CEO, ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Products, said: “We believe Ilva represents a compelling investment opportunity for ArcelorMittal, without compromising our balance sheet strength as it would extend our leadership position and increase our product offering in Italy, ?=BQ =4F34;78 5XLDVSODQWRVHOODQRWKHU VWDNHLQ(VVDU2LO =4F 34;78) After stitching a deal to sell 49 per cent stake in Essar Oil to Russia’s Rosneft, the Ruia family is looking at selling another 25 per cent stake in the company to an oil trader or a strategic investor like Saudi Aramco. The sale of 74 per cent stake (49 per cent to Rosneft and 25 per cent some other investor) will help bring down Group debt by half to about C46,000 crore from current C88,000 crore, sources said. The promoters see an enterprise value of Essar Oil of $10 billion. A preliminary deal for sale of 49 per cent in Essar Oil to Rosneft was signed between the companies in July 2015. In March 2016, they signed a non-binding agreement. No valuation was provided for the deal at that time. Rosneft, the world’s top listed oil producer, will get a hold in India’s second biggest oil refinery as well as its 2,400 petrol pumps that will more than double to 5,000 in two years. The Russian firm will also supply 10 million tonnes a year of crude to Essar Oil’s 20 million tonnes per annum Vadinar refinery in Gujarat for 10 years. The deal, however, does not include Essar Oil’s ,QIUDVHFWRUJURZWKVOLSV WRPRQWKORZLQ0D\ $UFHORU0LWWDO0DUFHJDJOLD ?C8Q ;>=3>= leader M Veerappa Moily, on state of the economy, reforms and restructuring of RBI, challenges in the banking sector in India and the way forward. The committee was apprised by Rajan of the various steps taken to deal with the bad loan problem, said the sources. The Reserve Bank has said the gross non-performing assets of the banks can rise to as high as 9.3 per cent in 201617 after hitting 7.6 per cent in March 2016. Rajan, the sources added, also briefed MPs about the credit scenario of the banks. He is believed to have told the MPs that private lenders are more active on the lending front, but PSU banks are found to be reluctant even when there is no shortage of funds. The Governor also explained to MPs the impact of Brexit on India and the global economy. Earlier in the day, Rajan called on Finance Minister Arun Jaitley as the central bank and the government seek to quickly put in place a new interest rate-setting mechanism. AVec`]acZTVTfe Sj)*a ]ZecV UZVdV]Sj%*a ]ZecV BcPcT1P]ZWPbPeTahV^^S[X]T d_^U_T^_[T8S^]´cbTTP]h aTPb^]fWh_T^_[TWPeTP]h S^dQcbaTVPaSX]VbdRRTbbX^]X] B18FTPaTeTahfT[[_a^eXSTS fXcWcP[T]cCWT<3bPaT TgcaT\T[hRP_PQ[TCWTf^aZfX[[ V^^]]^\PccTafW^fX[[QTcWTaT B182708A?4AB>= 0AD=370C8170CC0270AH0 Europe’s second largest steel manufacturing and consuming market.” Poelvoorde added that ArcelorMittal’s plan in the first stage centres on the three blast furnaces in operation with an aim to invest to improve product mix, quality and productivity in order to return the plant to profitability. Antonio Marcegaglia Chairman and CEO of Marcegaglia, said: “Ilva has always been a vital asset in the entire Italian steel chain and we need to ensure it can continue to be in the long-term.” ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company with a presence in 60 countries and an industrial footprint in 19 countries. In 2015, ArcelorMittal had revenues of $63.6 billion and crude steel production of 92.5 million tonnes, while own iron ore production reached 62.8 million tonnes. of crude oil (-3.3 per cent) and natural gas (-6.9 per cent) dragged the growth rate to a five-month low. Also, growth in output of refinery products (1.2 per cent), cement (2.4 per cent) and electricity (4.6 per cent) also slowed down in May as compared to the same month last year. These segments had expanded by 7.8 per cent, 2.7 per cent and 6 per cent, respectively in May 2015. Coal output growth was also lower at 5.5 per cent in May this year compared to 7.6 per cent in year-ago period. Only fertiliser and steel output recorded healthy growth. It increased by 14.8 per cent and 3.2 per cent in the month under review. During April-May 201617, the growth of eight core i n f r a s t r u c t u re s e c t or s increased by 5.5 per cent from 2.1 per cent in the same period last year. Commenting on the core sector growth numbers, ICRA said slowdown in May suggests a low likelihood of a meaningful improvement in the performance of the IIP in the just-concluded month. “As expected, a waning o f t h e f av o u r a b l e b a s e effect for sectors such as refiner y products, electricity, cement and steel, has led to a slide in core sector growth to 2.8 per cent in May from the high 8.5 per cent in April 2016,” it said in a statement. upstream portfolio comprising of five CBM blocks, holding up to 10 trillion cubic feet of gas resource. Rosneft is majority owned by the Russian Government with BP Plc holding under a 20 per cent stake and public shareholding at around 10 per cent. The deal between Essar Oil and Rosneft is now in its final stages with the binding terms of the contract expected to be signed shortly, sources said. Essar has commenced discussions with more than one interested foreign investors for selling upto 25 per cent additional equity, they said, While the Rosneft deal is likely to conclude next month, sale of additional 25 per cent equity is expected to con- clude by August. Sources said Ruias are leveraging the value created in an asset by monetising it. The promoters had recently paid C3,347 crore to minority shareholders of Essar Oil to get the company delisted. This was the largest payout to public shareholders by any delisting company in India. The delisting had valued the company at about C38,000 crore. Rosneft deal is the biggest private sector investment from Russia to be made in India. A group of Indian stateowned oil companies including ONGC Videsh Ltd, Oil India Ltd and Indian Oil Corp (IOC) are investing $5-6 billion in taking substantial stake in two oilfields operated by Rosneft in Russia. ?C8 2ODKLWVRXWDW8EHUIRU IDQQLQJµGHEDWHRIQDWLRQDOLVP¶ =4F 34;78) As the fight for market share took nationalist overtones, Indian ride-hailing startup Ola on Thursday hit out at its San Francisco-based rival Uber for fanning the nationalism debate to hide its identity of being a multinational with “serial violations of law”. “It is a shame that our competition has to fan a debate of nationalism to hide their identity of being a multinational, with serial violations of law as a business strategy, not just in India, but globally. This debate in our view is not about foreign vs local but who is respectful of the local laws and who is disrespectful,” Ola COO Pranay Jivrajka wrote in a blogpost. While Ola last week was granted a licence to operate its cab aggregation service in Karnataka, Uber said its application was still languishing and officials had asked it to make a fresh application. Uber, however, continues to operate. “Over the past couple of days, there has been an irrelevant debate around organisations operating in the country being national or international. Isn’t a company like Alibaba, run by a local entrepreneur like Jack Ma, ‘Chinese,’ despite having a majority of its shareholdi n g f rom i nt e r n at i on a l investors? Aren’t the cutting edge technology solutions, high value jobs and Internet ecosystem that Alibaba has built, invaluable assets for China?,” Jivrajka wrote. This was apparently in response to a blogpost by Bhavik Rathod, Uber’s general manager of South and West in India. “What makes Uber ‘foreign’? The fact that we are established in San Francisco but have a hyperlocal team solving problems that are locally relevant? Or that, just like our competitors, we received most of our funding from ‘foreign’ investors?” Rathod wrote in a blog titled ‘Let’s keep Bangalore moving’. Jivrajka wrote it is the onus of the business that brings in transformative technology, to work with the government and evolve the ecosystem further in a partnership mode. ?C8 +DULVK0DQZDQLRQ%UH[LW5LVH LQQDWLRQDOLVPUHWUHDWRIJOREDOLVDWLRQ <D<108)Brexit is a reminder that there is a rising tide of nationalism and a retreat of globalisation, HUL Chairman Harish Manwani on Thursday said while stressing upon the need for MNCs to “win the hearts and minds” of local communities. Addressing shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting here, Manwani said societal trust in business is eroding throughout the world. “The outcome of the recent ‘Brexit’ referendum is a reminder that there is a rising tide of nationalism and a retreat of globalisation,” Manwani said. In that context, he said, it is even more important for companies to not just be seen as responsible international citizens but also be perceived as serving the local commu- nities. Business is and must be a force for social good and companies must strive to win the hearts and minds of the local communities in which they operate, he added. “Above all, to be successful in a world where societal trust in business is eroding, global companies must adopt the model of responsible growth and go beyond mere compliance to laws and regulations,” he said. Britain voted last week to exit from the European Union after 43 years as the ‘Brexit’ camp defeated ‘Remain’ in a down-to-wire referendum with far reaching implications for the world. Manwani also pointed out that trends are gaining global scale and significance that consumers are becoming more rooted in their local cul- tures and identities. “For example, the digitally aware Indian consumers demand the best products and services from across the world but at the same time, are more boldly rediscovering and celebrating local customs, tastes and festivals,” he said. Terming it as a “striking paradox that defines this age of global connectedness”, Manwani said creating the right organisation and mindset is critical for organisations to strike a balance between going global and meeting local aspirations. “Often companies can become mindlessly global or hopelessly local. While managing multi-country operations, it is important to strike the right balance between seeking international leverage in terms of innovation and R&D with local relevance for meeting consumer needs and aspirations,” he said. Commenting on the impact of digitisation, Manwani said it is changing “dramatically what consumers watch and where consumers buy. For instance, in India, we have more than a billion mobile phone subscribers and e-tailing is now the fastest growing channel. Technology is creating a level playing field between developed and developing markets.” This creates an opportunity for global companies to build digital capabilities and rapidly roll out technologybased business models, said the Chairman of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. With developing countries poised to lead the world economy, Manwani said “this is a defining moment for Indian businesses that plan to expand their global footprint. “To be a truly global enterprise, businesses need to balance global leverage with local relevance, build an organisation that is diverse and agile, and embrace technology to serve the fast-changing needs of consumers everywhere.” ?C8 \^]Th A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % jca^l 20A;B>=A4I83>A=0<4B:1:027AD0B2708A<0=4<4A8CDBB>DC70B80 6[^QP[W^b_XcP[Xch\PY^a2Pa[b^]ATiXS^a7^cT[6a^d_WPbP__^X]cTSXcb_aTbT]c B^dcW0bXP2WPXa\P]:1:PRWadPb2WPXa\P]4\TaXcdbP]S?aX]RX_P[0SeXb^aB^dcW 0bXPUa^\9d[h ! %8]WXb]TfRP_PRXch:PRWadfX[[R^]cX]dTc^QT^]cWTQ^PaS ^UcWT6a^d_bB^dcW0bXPQdbX]TbbT]cXcXTbP]SaT_aTbT]ccWTR^\_P]hPcX]Sdbcah U^ad\bP]SV^eTa]\T]cP[PUUPXabfWX[TT]PQ[X]VbcaPcTVXRVa^fcW^__^acd]XcXTb 2Pa[b^]ATiXS^a7^cT[6a^d_bPXSX]PbcPcT\T]c°8fXbWWX\VaTPcbdRRTbbX]WXb ]Tfa^[TPbfTR^]cX]dTc^[TeTaPVTWXbX]SdbcahbcP]SX]Vbca^]V^f]Ta aT[PcX^]bWX_bP]SV^^SfX[[c^aTX]U^aRT^da[TPS_^bXcX^]X]cWTR^d]cah±cWTR^\_P]h³b0bXP?PRXUXR ?aTbXST]cCW^abcT]:XabRWZTbPXS:1WPb\PST^dcbcP]SX]VR^]caXQdcX^]bX]QdX[SX]VP]SVa^fX]VcWT R^bB^dcW0bXPQdbX]TbbUa^\bcaT]VcWc^bcaT]VcWX]cWT_Pbc!hTPabWTPSSTS°8]SXPXb^daU^acaTbb \PaZTcX]0bXP?PRXUXRP]SfTaT\PX]]^c^][hR^\\XccTSQdcPRRT[TaPcTSP]SX]eTbcTSX]cWXb\PaZTc± :XabRWZTbPXSBcPcX]VcWPc $hTPabPV^cWTR^^]T^UcWTUXabcX]cTa]PcX^]P[W^b_XcP[XchVa^d_bc^T]cTa cWT8]SXP]\PaZTcWTbPXS°8cWPbQTT]P]W^]^aP]S_aXeX[TVTc^WPeT_PeTScWTfPhP]SR^]caXQdcTSc^ 2Pa[b^]ATiXS^a7^cT[6a^d_bbdRRTbbbc^ahX]B^dcW0bXP±8cRdaaT]c[hWPb &_TaPcX]VP]Sd]STa STeT[^_\T]cW^cT[bX]8]SXPPRa^bb%RXcXTbX]R[dSX]V %bcPcTRP_XcP[bd]STaXcbePaX^dbQaP]Sb 0UXUcTT]\T\QTa<TSXP3T[TVPcX^]R^\_aXbX]VbT]X^aY^da]P[Xbcb[TSQh<P]XZ3TBX[ePUa^\BaX;P]ZPeXbXcTS=C?23PSaX^]cWT [PbcFTS]TbSPhU^aP_^fTa_[P]cUP\X[XPaXbPcX^]_a^VaP\\T66<3PSaX3TQPbXbBPaZPac^^Z\TSXPST[TVPcTbPa^d]SR^P[QPbTS bcPcX^]BcPVT88P]S0bW<^d]S4R^?PaZ7TQaXTUTScWT\PQ^dc_^fTa_[P]c^_TaPcX^]fXcWU^Rdb^]T]eXa^]\T]cX]XcXPcXeTb^U =C?2CWThfTaTbW^f]UX[\^]QX^SXeTabXchX]=C?2P]S_aTbT]cPcX^]^]^eTaeXTf^U=C?23PSaXfPb\PSTU^acWT\0bPc^ZT]^U cWTXaeXbXccWT\TSXP_Tab^]b_[P]cTSbP_[X]VbPc4R^?PaZ6<22?:BX]WP6<><2^P[0[^ZT6d_cPfTaTP[b^_aTbT]c D]STacWT2BABRWT\T^U?>F4A6A834A88WPbS^]PcTScfT]chUXeT]^b0\Qd[P]RTbc^3T_Pac\T]c^U7TP[cW5P\X[hFT[UPaT6^ec^UFTbc 1T]VP[U^adbTX]SXUUTaT]c7TP[cW2T]caTb7^b_XcP[bPRa^bbcWTBcPcT^UF1X]PSSXcX^]c^^]T0\Qd[P]RTU^aAPY_daB^]Pa_da<d]XRX_P[XchU^acX\T[h WTP[cWRPaT^UcWTfTPZTaP]ScWTd]STa_aXeX[TVTSbTRcX^]b^UcWTb^RXTchfW^PaTX]cWTed[]TaPQ[TRPcTV^ah5XeTP\Qd[P]RTbfTaTU[PVVTS^UUQh 2WXTU<X]XbcTa^UF1<P\PcP1P]TaYTTUa^\0[X_daSdPa?PaPST6a^d]S^]CWdabSPhCWTQP[P]RTcfT]ch]^b0\Qd[P]RTfTaTWP]STS^eTac^cWT 3T_Pac\T]c^U7TP[cW5P\X[hFT[UPaT1T]VP[6^ecUa^\?>F4A6A83bATVX^]P[>UUXRT_aT\XbTbX]=TfC^f]Qh1WPaPc1WdbWP]43 ?>F4A6A834PbcTa]ATVX^]88X]cWTPdVdbc_aTbT]RT^U?^fTa<X]XbcTaB^QWP]STQ2WPcc^_PSWhPhYdbcPUcTaR[^bX]V^UcWT0[X_daSdPaUd]RcX^] 1TbXSTbBP]VWP\XcaP6W^bW80BBTRaTcPah75F6^ec^UFTbc1T]VP[<XbbX^]3XaTRc^a=7<3a1ABPc_PcWh3XaTRc^a^U7TP[cWBTaeXRTb BdQXa:a2WPccTaYTT>B34g>UUXRX^B_TRXP[BTRaTcPah3T_Pac\T]c^U7TP[cW5P\X[hFT[UPaTAd_P]ZPaBW^\T>B3B_TRXP[BTRaTcPah 3T_Pac\T]c^U?^fTaP]SSXV]XcPaXTbUa^\CaP]b_^acBTRcX^]^U7TP[cW3T_Pac\T]c6^ec^UFTbc1T]VP[fTaTP[b^_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^] 3XaTRc^a2AA8_aTbT]cTScWTaT_^acP]SUX]SX]Vbc^2WPXa\P]=708X]_aTbT]RT^UbT]X^a=708^UUXRTabP]SePaX^dbbcPZT W^[STabCWT<234PbcWPSTPa[XTaP__a^PRWTS=708c^\PZTdbT^UfPbcTPc6WPiX_da;P]SUX[[bXcTfWTaTd_^]2WPXa\P] =708WPSR^\\XbbX^]TSP]P[hcXRP[bcdShcWa^dVW2AA8=708_[P]bdcX[XbPcX^]^UcWXbB^[XSFPbcT<PcTaXP[U^aXcbWXVWfPh R^]bcadRcX^]_a^VaP\^]=7!#XT<TTadc4g_aTbbfPhC^P[[PhcWTS^dQcb^U2^]RTbbX^]PXaTbP]Sc^T]R^daPVTcWT\c^ dcX[XbTcWXbfPbcT=708WPb^UUTaTSc^X]ST\]XUhcWT2^]RTbbX^]PXaTbU^acWTbcaTcRWTbfWTaTcWXbfPbcT\PcTaXP[bWP[[QT caXTS0[b^=708fX[[faXcTc^<^45c^P[[^fdbPVT^Ub^[XSfPbcT\PcTaXP[X][XTd^UU[hPbWfWTaTeTaUTPbXQ[T=708Xb P[aTPShdcX[XbX]VU[hPbWd_c^"_TaRT]c^UTPacWUX[[X]VX]cWT4PbcTa]?TaX_WTaP[4g_aTbbfPhP]SdbX]V^cWTab[PV \PcTaXP[bT[bTfWTaTCWXbfX[[QTX]ZTT_X]VfXcW?aX\T<X]XbcTabSXaTRcX^]bU^adbT^UfPbcTX]P_a^SdRcXeTfPh 2<3^U=;2BPaPc:d\Pa 0RWPahPX]PdVdaPcX]VcWT ³BcdST]cb4cWXRP[5^ad\ 2[PbbTbU^acWT0RPST\XR hTPa! % &Qh;XVWcX]V CaPSXcX^]P[;XVWcPc ;TPaX]X]V3TeT[^_\T]c 2T]caT=TheT[X^] CWdabSPh0[b^BTT] 3XaTRc^a?^fTaE CWP]VP_P]SXP]P]S85B 2WXTUEXVX[P]RT>UUXRTa^U =;2BWXeAPYBX]VW A8C4B;cSd]STacWT<X]Xbcah^UAPX[fPhb WPbbd__[XTS%1a^PS6PdVT_PbbT]VTa R^PRWTb;71ch_Tc^1P]V[PSTbWAPX[fPh 1APVPX]bcPR^]caPRcPVaTT\T]c^U ! 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SAIL, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam, Usha Martin and JSW Steel have filed a petition before the DGAD for initiation of anti-dumping investigation and imposition of the taxes on the alleged dumped imports of ‘Wire Rod of Alloy or NonAlloy Steel’ originating in or exported from China. The Directorate General of AntiDumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) ‘prima facie finds sufficient evidence of dumping’ of the products from that country. “The authority hereby initiates C740DC7>A8CH74A41H8=8C80C4B0?A>14 8=C>C740;;46433D<?8=620DB8=6 2>=B4@D4=C8=9DAHC>C743><4BC82 8=3DBCAHC>34C4A<8=4C744G8BC4=24 346A440=345542C>53D<?8=60=3 A42><<4=3C740<>D=C>50=C8 3D<?8=63DCHF782785;4E843F>D;3 14034@D0C4C>A4<>E4C748=9DAHC> C743><4BC828=3DBCAHB0HBC743603 8=0=>C85820C8>= an investigation into the alleged dumping causing consequent injury to the domestic industry. To determine the existence, degree and effect of dumping and recommend the amount of anti-dumping duty, which if levied, would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry,” the DGAD has said in a notification. The period of investigation covers July-December 2015. The injury investigation period will also cover 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, April 2015-December 2015. Besides, it said the applicants have requested for retrospective imposition of the anti-dumping duty. The products under consideration in this investigation are bars and rods, hot-rolled, irregularly wound coils, iron or non-alloy steel or alloy steel, which are commonly known as wire rods. It is used in many applications and sectors such as automotive components, welding electrodes, fasteners including nuts and bolts, nails, railway sleepers, general engineering, binding wires for construction industry, armoured cables. Countries start anti-dumping probe to determine whether their domestic industries have been hurt due to surge in belowcost imports. As a counter measure, they impose duties under the multilateral regime of WTO. The duty is aimed at ensuring fair trading practices and creating a level-playing field for domestic producers vis-a-vis foreign producers and exporters. <DPDKDWRUHFDOO XQLWVRI<=)5 LQ,QGLDWRIL[FOXWFK NEW DELHI: Japanese twowheeler major Yamaha is recalling 902 units of its YZF-R3 sports bike in India to replace faulty clutch system. “The parent company Yamaha Motor Co, Japan, has determined that a defect, which relates to clutch pressure plate and oil pump malfunction, exists in few YZF-R3 motorcycles falling within certain production numbers,” India Yamaha Motor said. Although no safety issues have been reported from anywhere in India, Yamaha has decided to recall all the vehicles falling under the identified production numbers, it added. “A total of 902 bikes will be recalled in India under Yamaha’s factory modification campaign, where the affected motorcycles’ defected parts will be replaced with a modified one on ‘free of cost’ basis at Yamaha authorised dealers,” the company said. PNS ?9A4TYRZc^R_aRZ_edRc`djaZTefcV &RUSRUDWHVWRJDLQDV&%'7 QRWLILHVIJQWD[FUHGLWUXOHV Chairman & Managing Director of National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC), KM Singh have a chat with the Pioneer team. An excerpt from his interview. Q. What are the major achievements of NHPC so far? A: NHPC is the Largest Hydropower utility in India in Central Sector and is operating 20 power stations with a total installed capacity of 6587 mw, including 1520 mw by its subsidiary NHDC. NHPC contributes about 15 per cent of total hydropower installed capacity in India. It became ‘Mini Ratna’ Category-I Company w.e.f. April 2008 and a listed Company on BSE & NSE w.e.f. 1st Sept, 2009 after successfully concluding its IPO worth over C6,000 crore. We have not taken equity support from Govt since 2007-08. Average annual profit of the company in last 5 years is more than C2,000 crore and average annual Capex of the company is C3,100 crore. NHPC has excellent operating margin of more than 70 per cent. NHPC has completed several hydropower projects ahead of schedule including Chamera-Il (300 mw) in Himachal Pradesh in record time of 4 years 6 months a trend setter project in hydropower development. World’s longest inclined pressure shafts (1546m) using double shield Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) has been completed by NHPC at its Parbati-II Project in Himachal Pradesh. NHPC has the credit of constructing Concrete Faced Rock filled Dam (CFRD) for the first time in India at its Dhauliganga Project in Uttarakhand and also introducing Jet Grouting for the first time in India at its Teesta-V Project in Sikkim. A remarkable progress of 816m of tunnel excavation from single face has been achieved in a month at Kishanganga H.E. Project J&K, which is highest-ever in India using TBM. It has also established a ‘Real Time Seismic Data Centre’ for receiving the earthquake data on real time basis from its 18 power stations. NHPC is the only hydropower utility in the country to have such data centre. It has developed in-house capability of A to Z in development of Hydropower energy field. Q.Whatistheexpansionplan? A. NHPC is now a 5000 mw company on standalone basis. NHPC at present is executing 4 hydropower projects. The total installed capacity of under construction projects is 3210 mw and 6995 mw capacity projects are under various stages of clearances. A wind power project of 50 mw in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan is nearing completion. It has already added 1292 mw of Hydropower capacity in XIIth Plan and by the end of the current plan, it is expecting to add another 410 mw (40 mw each) of installed capacity by commissioning balance 2 units of TLDPIV along with Kishanganga Project (330 mw) in J&K. Further, 100 mw each is expected to be added from Wind and Solar Power Projects. NHPC aims to commission these projects as early as possible and become a 100,00 mw company Q. What have been most significant achievements of NHPC in financial year 2015-16? A. The current financial year has been very significant for NHPC on various fronts viz. capacity addition, Joint Ventures & MoUs, Financial performance etc. During 2015-16, NHPC added 80 mw from 2 units out of total 4 units of Teesta Low Dam Stage-IV (160 MW). On operational parameters, it has overall outperformed in both the benchmarks viz. generation of power and PAF. During the FY 2015-16, it has achieved highest ever generation of 23683 MU since its inception. It has also achieved 81.6 per cent actual Plant Availability Factor (PAF) against ‘Excellent’ MoU PAF target of 76.8 per cent. On financial front, NHPC has reported a 15 per cent growth in the standalone net profit at Rs 2440 crore in the FY 2015-16 compared to Rs 2124 crore for the corresponding period in the last fiscal year. Sales for the FY 2015-16 also rose by 9 per cent to Rs 7347 crore compared to Rs 6737 crore for the corresponding period in the last fiscal year. A final dividend of Rs 1.50 per equity share for the year 201516 has been recommended which comes out to Rs 1660.60 crore against total dividend of Rs 664.25 crore for the year 2014-15. It has already paid an interim dividend of Rs 875.49 crore to Govt for the FY2015-16. We have also signed a MoU with Govt of Bengal and WB State Electricity Distribution Company Limited for development of four hydro projects with total capacity of 293 mw by NHPC on Build, Own, Operate and Maintain (BOOM) basis. MoU has also been signed with Solar Energy Corporation of India for development of 250 mw Grid connected Solar Power Projects.It has further signed pact with Teesta Urja Limited for providing consultancy services for Project Construction Management for 1200 mw TeestaIII Project. NHPC alongwith JKSPDC and PTC has formed a JV Company, CVPPP Ltd., for implementation of Pakal Dul, Kiru & Kwar Projects in Chenab River Basin with total installed capacity of 2164 mw. Q. What are your key goals and priorities for future? A. NHPC's core business is Generation of hydropower and sale of electrical power. The Company is committed to maintain its leading position in this field. It is presently engaged in development of several hydroelectric projects. It is focused on expeditious development of vast untapped hydro potential available in the country. In addition to the projects under construction, Pakal Dul HE project (1000 mw) stands cleared by Govet for implementation under JV. NHPC is actively pursuing clearances from Govt for hydropower projects having aggregate capacity of 6995 mw. Out of this, 5 projects with capacity of 4995 mw are planned to be implemented by NHPC by its own and four projects with capacity of 2000 mw through Joint Ventures. NHPC is also helping to the stalled projects in hand of private agencies by providing consultancy for Project Construction Management and O&M services. It is also envisaging 4 renewable energy projects on ownership basis - viz., 2 nos. Wind power projects (130 MW) & 2 nos. solar power projects (100 MW) which are presently under clearance stage. 1 no. Solar power project (50 MW) in Kalpi, UP and 1 Thermal Power Project in Pirpainti, Bihar are also under consideration in JV mode. It aims to reduce its operating cost and improve operating performance by investing in technologically advanced equipment and methods and by allocating significant resources to modernize the Power Stations. NHPC is pursuing CDM registration for additional projects and exploring other carbon trading initiatives such as voluntary emission reduction certification. Q. What steps are you taking to ensure to meet these targets? A. NHPC has established a Multi-Tier progress monitoring and review system coordinated by the Project Monitoring Services Group. It has also introduced Primavera based monitoring system and earned value Techniques of project management. Detailed and extensive reviews are carried out regularly at the Project level which is also periodically reviewed by the concerned Regional offices. Coordination meetings with the participation of Regional and Departmental heads at Corporate Office are held to deliberate on critical issues with a view to expedite the project implementation. NHPC has also implemented specialized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to efficiently manage the optimum utilization of generating assets and expeditious implementation of construction projects. Q.With the emergence of competition, how do you think it will affect NHPC? A. As I have already said 65 per cent of the total hydropower potential of the country still remains to be tapped. NHPC is a premier organisation in the country in the field of hydropower development and looks to maintain its leadership in the hydropower sector. We are working on capacity addition plan through our own projects as well as through Joint Venture projects. A JV company ‘Chenab Valley Power Projects (P) Limited has been formed with Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Ltd. (JKSPDC) and PTC India Limited for three projects in Jammu & Kashmir with an aggregate capacity of 2164 mw. Another JV company ‘Loktak downstream Hydroelectric Corporation Limited’ with Govt. of Manipur has been incorporated for development of 66 mw Loktak Downstream project in Manipur. A JV company is proposed in Bhutan for development of Chamkharchhu-I Project (770 mw) in Bhutan. In addition to these, talks are also going on with Government of Sikkim for few more projects. Q. What is the outlook for the hydropower sector? A. Our country is endowed with enormous economically exploitable and viable hydropower potential of 1,48,701 mw (above 25 mw) out of which 42,783 mw (excluding Pumped Storage Schemes) has been developed so far and projects totaling 13,502 mw (excluding PSS) are under development. Thus, about 65 per cent of the total potential remains to be exploited. The remaining untapped potential provides ample opportunities to hydropower developers. At present, emphasis is on using sustainable, renewable resources of power generation to meet the increasing demand for energy. Hydropower is the best & dependable renewable energy technology which is presently commercially viable on a large scale. Hydropower is clean power and having very less generation of greenhouse gases compared to other conventional modes of power generation. It also enhances energy security of the country where there is deficit of energy and shortage to meet peak demand. Hydropower Projects reduce depletion of indigenous fossil fuel and import of coal, crude oil required for energy generation through thermal power plants and DG sets respectively and thus would save huge amount of scarce foreign currency and avoid emission of greenhouse gases. These gases are responsible for climate change which is subject of concern worldwide. To avoid or minimize adverse impact on environment by avoiding greenhouse gasses, and for the Energy Security of the Nation, hydropower is the best alternative for generation of green and clean electricity in a sustainable manner. In addition, water security, flood control and irrigation are also feasible with Hydro Power Scheme. Therefore, I see very bright future for hydropower sector in India. ?C8 Q =4F34;78 o provide relief to corporates T with income abroad, the tax department has notified ‘Foreign Tax Credit’ (FTC) rules allowing companies to claim credit for taxes, surcharge and cess paid overseas. The rules, which come into effect from April 1, 2017, allow taxpayers to claim credit of foreign tax under dispute once it is finally settled. FTC will be available against tax, surcharge and cess payable under the Act, including minimum alternate tax (MAT) but not in respect of interest, fee or penalty. The rules also provide that disputed foreign tax will be allowed as credit for the year in which the income is taxed in India, subject to certain condi- tions. To avail of the credit, the taxpayer will have to furnish evidence of settlement of the dispute and evidence of payment of the foreign tax. The taxpayer is also required to provide an undertaking that no refund, directly or indirectly, will be claimed for this FTC. “The rules are progressive and provide much-needed clarity as well as certainty in claiming FTC,” said Rakesh Nangia, Managing Partner, Nangia & Co. Taxpayers claiming FTC shall now be required to file a Statement of Income from a foreign country with details of tax paid in the prescribed Form 67. “Rules also provide for situations of carry backward of loss of the current year resulting in refund of foreign tax," said Amit Maheshwari, partner, Ashok Maheshwary & Associates LLP. 0dSX8]SXPThTbb\P[[Ta RXcXTb=4c^b_daVa^fcW GUWAHATI: Luxury carmaker Audi India on Thursday said it is focusing more on tier II and III locations, including the NorthEast, to tap the growing appetite of customers for premium vehicles. “Luxury enthusiasts in smaller cities are the ones who are converting into customers. As they are the ones with big pockets. “North-Eastern (region in) India is a focus area for us and we are looking forward to welcome new members to the Audi family from the region,” Audi India Head Joe King told PTI. Although the base is smaller, our sales in Tier II and III cities are growing at around 30 per cent, while it is less than 10 per cent in metros, he added. “Tier II and III cities have grown consistently for us and also across the product range,” he said. PTI f^a[S ! A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % FD ]ZdedBRVUR:_UZR CP[XQP]UXSPhTT]WXc_^[XRTQdbTbX]0U"&STPS TYZVWRdµeVcc`cZde¶ A 0?Q :01D; twin suicide attack on a convoy of buses carrying police cadets killed 37 people and wounded 40 others on Thursday, an Afghan official said. The attack took place in Paghman district, some 20 kms west of the Afghan capital, Kabul, according to Mousa Rahmati, the District Governor of Paghman. The first suicide attacker struck two buses carrying trainee policemen, and a second attacker targeted those who rushed to the ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= ndia-born Asim Umar, the chief of al-Qaeda in the IIndian Subcontinent (AQIS), was on Thursday designated as a “global terrorist” by the US which added the regional branch of the global terror network on the list of “foreign terrorist organisation”. The announcement by the State Department prohibits US citizens to engage in transactions with AQIS and Umar and the freezing of all of their property and interests in the US. In addition, the consequences of AQIS’ FTO designation include a prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to the organization. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had announced the formation of AQIS to take the fight to India, Myanmar and Bangladesh in a video message in September 2014. The AQIS is led by Umar, a former member of US designated Foreign Terrorist Organisation Harakat ul- Mujahidin. Umar, 38, who was born as Sana-Ul Haq in Sambhal in Uttar Pradesh, graduated from Darul Uloom seminary in Deoband 1991. He later travelled to Pakistan where he studied at the Darul Uloom Haqqania Nowshera, the seminary which is dubbed as the ‘University of Jehad’. AQIS claimed responsibility for the September 6, 2014 attack on a naval dockyard in Karachi, in which militants attempted to hijack a Pakistani Navy frigate. It has also claimed responsibility for the murders of activists and writers in Bangladesh, including that of US citizen Avijit Roy, US Embassy local employee Xulhaz Mannan, and of Bangladeshi nationals Oyasiqur Rahman Babu, Ahmed Rajib Haideer and AKM Shafiul Islam. “Today’s action notifies the US public and the international community that AQIS and Umar are actively engaged in terrorism,” the State Department said. “Designations of terrorist individuals and groups expose and isolate organisations and individuals, and result in denial of access to the US financial system. Moreover, designations can assist or complement the law enforcement actions of other US agencies and other Governments,” it said. (8]SXP]b?PZXbcP]Xb SXTX]:dfPXcUXaT Kuwait City: Nine Asian workers were killed and 12 others injured in a fire on Thursday at an old building used to house expat labourers in Kuwait City, the Health Ministry said. The ministry, quoted by state news agency KUNA, said all the victims were Indians or Pakistanis. At least five of the injured were in critical condition. The cause of the fire was not immediately known. Last week, a blaze at the Gulf State’s central jail killed one inmate and wounded 56 other people AFP (J\SW&RSWLF SULHVWVKRWGHDG LQ,6,6FODLPHG 6LQDLDWWDFN EYVcVdR>Rj]Rf_TYVdSZUe` SVA>;`Y_d`_SRT\dU`h_ 05?Q 208A> ritain’s powerful Home Secretary Theresa May on Thursday launched her bid to succeed Prime Minister David Cameron as the front-runner Boris Johnson in a surprise announcement ruled himself out of contention, making the race for Conservative party leadership a five-way contest. After Johnson’s announcement not to contest, May is now the clear favourite as a unifying candidate after a referendum campaign that exposed deep divisions within the party. The former London Mayor and top Brexit campaigner was seen as her main rival to replace Cameron who had announced he will step down after the referendum results in favour of Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) last week. “My pitch is very simple. I’m Theresa May and I think I’m the best person to be Prime Minister of this country,” May, who has been the UK’s longest serving Home Secretary, n Egyptian Coptic priest was shot dead on Thursday in the Sinai Peninsula where authorities are battling a jehadis insurgency, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group. Raphael Moussa, 46, died instantly when a man shot him in the head as he was standing next to his car in ElArish, the capital of North Sinai, said Boulos Halim, a church spokesman. The ISIS group’s Egypt branch claimed responsibility for the murder in a statement posted on social media, accusing him of “combating Islam”. Moussa had earlier left a church where he attended mass, Halim said. The interior ministry said the priest was gunned down after having gone to an area of El-Arish with mechanics to have his car repaired. The ISIS affiliate in restive Sinai has waged an insurgency that has killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers. It has kept up the attacks, mostly roadside bombings and ambushes, despite a massive military campaign to uproot jihadists from the peninsula bordering Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Moussa was not the first priest killed in Arish. A ?C8Q ;>=3>= B said at a Press conference. She underlined that “Brexit means Brexit” as she announced that she will be running for party leadership contest, which is set to conclude by September 9. “Our country needs strong proven leadership to negotiate the best possible terms for the UK leaving the EU. Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public has given its verdict,” the 59year-old Conservative party leader said, adding, “We need leadership that can unite our party and our country”. May, who was appointed Home Minister by Cameron in 2010 and again after last year’s General Elections, said that among her first jobs as the Prime Minister would be to create a new Government department responsible for negotiating Britain’s exit from the EU, headed by an MP who campaigned for Britain to leave the EU. She spoke about invoking Article 50, the formal procedure for leaving the EU, which Cameron has left for his successor to do. “Article 50 should not be invoked before the end of the year,” she said. 1aTgXcU^aRTbST[PhX] PXa_^acTg_P]bX^]STRXbX^] London: Britain’s shock EU exit referendum has forced the Government to delay a decision on airports expansion until autumn, it said on Thursday. Prime Minister David Cameron had been set to make a decision on where to expand airport capacity in southeast England in the coming weeks. 1aTgXcbWPS^fWP]Vb ^eTa0dbcaP[XP_^[[b Sydney: Australia heads to the polls on Saturday with a suave multi-millionaire former banker vowing only he can ensure stability in the wake of the Brexit vote for a nation used to a revolving door of Prime Ministers. Malcolm Turnbull, 61, became Australia’s fourth leader in just over two years when he ousted fellow Liberal Tony Abbott in September — and he has jumped on Britain’s decision to leave the European Union to bolster his position. Brexit illustrated how “critical it is that we maintain strong, stable leadership”, he said, adding that his Labor opponent Bill Shorten, 49, would not provide that. PTI scene to help and hit a third bus, Rahmati said. He said that four civilians were among those killed. The cadets were returning from a training centre in Wardak province and were heading to the capital on leave, Rahmati said. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry confirmed the location of the attack and said a loud explosion had been reported, but did not have any further details on the incident. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in an email sent to AP by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid. 0UVWP]XbcP]bTRdaXchU^aRTbX]b_TRccWTbXcT^UPbdXRXST PccPRZ^]cWT^dcbZXacb^U:PQd[^]CWdabSPh 0? "!<aV`a]Ve`eR\VaRceZ_ >`UZ¶dcVTVaeZ`_Z_2WcZTR ?C8Q 9>70==4B1DA6 bout 10,000 people, Grammy Award-winning A South African flautist Wouter Kellerman, a unique fusion of Zulu and Indian dancing along with local yoga exponents will be part of a welcome reception here for Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit next week. “South Africa and India are intertwined through a sense of cultural kinship and affinity and of course our shared history,” said internationally renowned South AfricanIndian choreographer Jayesperi Moopen, who is coordinating the entertainment function for the welcome reception for Modi here on July 8. “This shared history and heritage has created unique dance forms in the 156-year histor y of Indian South Africans, where classical move- AR]VdeZ_ZR_\Z]]d eVV_Z_HVde3R_\ Y`^VdY`eUVRU Jerusalem: A Palestinian attacker stabbed a 13-year-old girl to death at her home in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank on Thursday before being shot dead by security guards, the Israeli Army said. The Army said the Palestinian killed the girl in her bed after breaking into her house in the Kiryat Arba settlement outside the city of Hebron. Security personnel rushed to the house and fired on the attacker, who wounded a guard before being shot dead, said the Army. The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the attacker as Mohammed Nasser Tarayra, 19, from the village of Bani Naim, just outside the city. Hebron has been a flashpoint in a spate of deadly unrest that has rocked Israel and the Palestinian territories since October last year. The violence since October has killed at least 211 Palestinians, 33 Israelis, two Americans, an Eritrean and a Sudanese. AFP ments of Bharatanatyam and Kathak have fused with the traditional rhythms of Africa dance, bringing together synergies of these rich heritages,” Moopen said. “This visit is a timely one for South Africa, the African continent and India, as for the very first time, an Indian head of state will address a public gathering of this magnitude on South African soil,” said Raman Dhawan, the chairman of the South Africa Welcomes Modi Committee, comprising a host of community organisations and volunteers. ,QGLD3DNPXVW 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 GHFLGHSDFH 022><?;824>5:4H ?0A8B0CC02:B270A643 VFRSHRIGLDORJXH ?PaXb)7P\iP0cc^dfW^WT[_TS ZTh?PaXbPccPRZbbdb_TRcBP[PW RQ.DVKPLU86 0QSTb[P\U[TTc^1adbbT[bWPb QTT]RWPaVTSP]ScPZT]X]c^ Washington: Asserting that India and Pakistan must engage in “direct dialogue” to reduce tensions, the US has said it is for the two countries to determine the pace, scope and character of talks on the Kashmir issue. “The normalisation of relations between Pakistan and India is vital to both countries and the region,” State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner said. “Steps that initiate closer regional economic ties can also create jobs, lower inflation and increase energy supply,” he said. The spokesperson made the remarks while responding to questions on the statement by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz that India is shying away from talks on Kashmir and other bilateral issues. PTI &KLQD:RQ¶WDFFHSW 81YHUGLFWRQ6&6 Beijing: China will not accept any third party settlement with regard to territorial and maritime disputes and reject any ruling by an international tribunal on a case filed by the Philippines over the contentious South China Sea issue, a senior diplomat has said. “The Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea, (SCS) arbitration established at the unilateral request of the Republic of the Philippines claimed that it would issue the so-called final award on 12 July 2016,” a statement issued by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said. “I hereby once again emphasise that the Arbitral Tribunal has no jurisdiction over the case and the relevant subject-matter, and that it should not have heard the case or rendered the award,” he said. His comments came after the tribunal said it will hand down a ruling on the case on July 12. China claims all most all of the SCS. Its claim is firmly contested by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan which have overlapping claims over the area. In his statement Hong said the Philippines unilaterally initiated the arbitration in 2013. “The Chinese Government immediately declared that it would neither accept nor participate in the arbitration initiated by the Philippines, a position that has since been repeatedly reiterated,” he said. Subsequently, China also questioned the legality of the arbitration saying that “has no jurisdiction over the case, and that the Chinese Government’s non-acceptance of and nonparticipation in the arbitration are solidly founded in international law”. Ahead of the verdict of the tribunal several Chinese officials said openly that the judgement may go against China’s stand. PTI Rdbc^ShX]5aP]RTcWT?PaXb _a^bTRdc^abPXS^]CWdabSPh ³A>1>C;0FH4A´=460C4B %;?0A:8=6?4=0;C84B ;^]S^])CWT°f^a[S³bUXabca^Q^c [PfhTa±RaTPcTSQhP1aXcXbW cTT]PVTaWPb^eTacda]TSP bcPVVTaX]V %_PaZX]V cXRZTcbX];^]S^]P]S=TfH^aZ bPeX]VcW^bTUX]TSPQ^dccWaTT \X[[X^]_^d]SbCWTRWPcQ^c STbXV]TSc^WT[__T^_[TSXb_dcT _PaZX]VeX^[PcX^]bX]Ydbc" bTR^]SbWPb]TVPcTS % UX]TbbX]RTXcb[Pd]RW[PbchTPa 1A8C>=74;30CCAD<?´B A0;;H8=382C43 ;^b0]VT[Tb)01aXcXbW\P] PaaTbcTSPcP3^]P[SCad\_aP[[h X];PbETVPbPUcTacahX]Vc^VaPQ P_^[XRT^UUXRTa³bVd]fPb X]SXRcTS^]fTP_^]bRWPaVTb cWTPdcW^aXcXTbbPXS "34C08=43>E4A 8BC0=1D;08A?>AC0CC02: 8bcP]Qd[)CdaZTh^]CWdabSPh STcPX]TS "bdb_TRcTS8B8B YTWPSXb^eTacWTSTPS[h8bcP]Qd[ PXa_^acPccPRZPbRWX[[X]VSTcPX[b T\TaVTS^UW^fbdXRXST Q^\QTab[Pd]RWTScWTXaPbbPd[c CWTSTPcWc^[[Ua^\CdTbSPh³b Vd]P]SbdXRXSTQ^\Qb_aTTPc 0cPcdaZPXa_^acWPbaXbT]c^#! 8A0@)!%8B8BE4782;4B 34BCA>H438=50;;D907 1PVWSPS)0XabcaXZTb^]8B8B Va^d_UXVWcTabU[TTX]VPUcTacWTXa STUTPcX]5P[[dYPWWPeTSTbca^hTS \^aTcWP]!%eTWXR[TbP]S ZX[[TSPc[TPbc $YXWPSXbcb8aP`X ^UUXRTabbPXS^]CWdabSPhCWT bcaXZTbQTVP][PcT^]CdTbSPhPb Wd]SaTSb^UeTWXR[TbRPaahX]V fTP_^]bP]SP\\d]XcX^] PccT\_cTSc^[TPeTcWTYTWPSXb³ [Pbc_^bXcX^]bc^cWTfTbc^UcWT RXchcWT9^X]c>_TaPcX^]b 2^\\P]SbPXS eXePRXch " A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % BWPQP]P´bP[[ _aPXbTU^a]XTRT 0UcTaRPcRWX]VPV[X\_bT^U ]TfR^\TaBPXhP\X:WTabf^aZX] cWTcaPX[Ta^U<XaihPB7010=0 0I<8 XbP[[_aPXbTU^aWTa]XTRTCWT eTcTaP]PRcaTbbP]S b^RXP[PRcXeXbcbPhb BPXhP\XbTT\bPb R^]UXST]cPbP bTPb^]TSPRc^a 5X[\\PZTa APZThbW >\_aPZPbW <TWaPb d_R^\X]V SXaTRc^aXP[ <XaihP P[b^ \PaZbcWTSTQdc ^U0]X[:P_^^ab b^] 7PabWePaSWP] °CWTcaPX[Ta^UcWT \^eXTcP]cP[XbTb cTPbTbP]SbW^fb h^dV[X\_bTbcWPc \PZTh^dWd]VTaU^a \^aTBPXhP\XXb UaTbWPbPSTfSa^_ =TfR^\Tab.=Ph cWTh\PZTR^]UXST]c STQdcbbTT]^][hX] bTPb^]TSPRc^ab2P]cfPXc c^fPcRWcWTUX[\±PRR[PX\TScWT eTcTaP]PRcaTbb emember those sultry summer holidays where you begged your parents to take you out to an amusement park? Those endless hours of splashing about in the water, taking that heart-thumping roller coaster ride and munching on some forbidden munchies. And given the chance, you would do it all over again. Though in India amusement and theme park industry is tiny as compared to US and Europe and there are very few amusement and water parks that can be considered as large. But still a few of them are developing themselves by adding advanced features. TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards recently awarded few of India’s most amazing amusement and water parks. We take a look at a few of them: R 6e^gYdXbYTUc C40< E8E0 RWTRZb^dcUTf^UcWTPbc^]XbWX]VP\dbT\T]cP]S fPcTa_PaZbX]cWTR^d]cahfXcWePaXTSPS^aPQ[TUTPcdaTbcWPc\PZT cWT\bcP]S^]cWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[[TeT[ very few large theme parks where you don’t just get fun rides but have a complete experience of it but now we have an international standard theme park having the best architectural elements,” said Kapil Bagla, director and CEO, Adlabs Entertainment Ltd. F>=34A;00<DB4<4=C ?0A:10=60;>A4 F>=34A;00<DB4<4=C ?0A::>278 This park is surely turning out into a good investment with 61 fun and thrill-packed rides. It has got features that can attract all age groups. Equipped with international standards, the park uses reverse osmosis treated water with a temperature of 28 degree celsius maintained throughout. Situated at the top of a hill at Pallikkara (12 km from Kochi) and surrounded with picturesque greenery, Wonderla offers an eco-friendly environment to its visitors where one can have number of water rides with family and friends. F0C4A:8=63><<D<108 With over 30 attractions to offer, Water Kingdom boasts of the world’s largest Wave Pool spread across 100 meters and India’s largest aqua play pool called the Lagoon. A0<>9858;<28CH7H34A0103 8P\WTaTU^a \hf^aZP]S \hf^aZ b_TPZbc^\h PdSXT]RT0c W^\T8P\P _aXePcT_Tab^] P]S8[XZT ZTT_X]VXccWPcfPh °B83370AC7 <0;7>CA0 This is the most beautiful area in Hyderabad where you can see different film shooting locations with created structures to show airport or different locations from abroad. Spread across 2,000 acres of land, this is one the most favourite holiday destinations with world’s the largest film studio complex. 4BB4;F>A;3<D<108 If you are up for some ice skating and bowling games then this amusement park is the best option. It has a beautiful colossal infrastructure and several exciting dry and wet rides. Among all the fun activities that can be enjoyed, the ice skating ring, discotheque and bowling alley serve as the prime attractions for people. 03;01B8<06820<D<108 Located near the city of Khopoli on the Mumbai-Pune expressway close to Mumbai, Adlabs Imagica is an amusement park that offers shopping, dining, action and other entertaining activities under the same roof. “In India we have =822>?0A::>;:0C0 'RHVVL]HUHDOO\PDWWHU" B0A01708EBB0A01708 \XVWc QTQPRZfXcWPbTR^]SbTPb^]CWT bW^fb_a^SdRTa93<PYTcWXPc^^Z c^WXbCfXccTaPRR^d]cP]S_^bcTSP cTPbTafXcWPVa^d__W^c^VaP_W^U cWTbW^fbT]cXaTRPbc°BPaPQWPX UP\X[hPcBPcXbWYX b_[PRTB^\T V^^S]TfbU^aUP]bbXR± CWT2WTea^[TcCaPX[Q[PiTafX]bX]cWTb_PRTST_Pac\T]cQdc[PRZbX]b_TTSP]Sc^a`dT 6AB50=C0BH?0A:<HB>A4 Here one could have a memorable experience while taking a ride in the Lazy River that spans across the park. The ride gives a experience of lightness by enjoying nature while passing through tunnels and under bridges. Inside the park there is a canteen where you can munch on some good food while you plan out your next ride. 5D=28CH270=3860A7 This is a park that remains a centre of attraction for toddlers and old aged equally. The adventurous rides like octopus, big wheel, froggy fun et al will surely give you a thirst to give it a try. Even the water park is full of slides and pools as well as showers, crazy falls, and aqua dance and so on. B284=2428CH:>;:0C0 Fancy taking a ride amidst giant dinosaurs? This park will offer you the same where one can enjoy a ride amidst life size models of dinosaurs. With special effects, simulations and a voice over, the technologically advanced 3D models of the giant beasts are scary, but fun. 3D models of early life forms from Proterozoic period to neogene are also on display. Along with that one could have a look at early land animals, plants, and giant mammals and ice age beasts. One can experience special effects like under water travel, animals breathing, sunset scenes, volcanoes, sounds of tropical forests and the chilly ice age. Next time you are planning to take a trip to one of these playlands, hope this comes in handy. :]^f cWTcadcW he Chevrolet Trailblazer is huge; so huge that in the T middle of an alliterative attack BRPa[TcWXVWTbc _PXSX]7^[[hf^^S B20A;4CC9>70=BB>=WPb aT_^acTS[hQTR^\TcWTWXVWTbc Va^bbX]VPRcaTbbX]7^[[hf^^S ^UUXRXP[[hTPa]X]V\^aT\^]ThPc cWTQ^g^UUXRTcWP]WTa UT\P[TR^d]cTa_Pacb 0RR^aSX]Vc^Q^g ^UUXRTaT_^acX]V fTQbXcT1^g>UUXRT <^Y^9^WP]bb^] WPbP[aTPShaPZTS X]""QX[[X^]Pc cWTDBQ^g ^UUXRT\PZX]V WTacWT cW WXVWTbcTPa]X]V PRc^a¯\P[T^a UT\P[T¯X] 7^[[hf^^S1hUPa cWTh^d]VTbc PRc^a^]cWTc^_ [Xbc 9^WP]bb^]" fPb^][hQTPcT] QhcWT[XZTb^U 7PaaXb^]5^aS BP\dT[;9PRZb^] <^aVP]5aTT\P] C^\7P]ZbA^QTac 3^f]Th9a4SSXT <da_WhC^\ 2adXbT<XRWPT[2PX]T P]S9^W]]h3T__ CWT]TgcWXVWTbcVa^bbX]VPRcaTbb ^]cWT[XbcXb2P\Ta^]3XPiPc ( U^[[^fTSQh7T[T]P1^]WP\2PacTa !%2PcT1[P]RWTcc!(P]S 4[XiPQTcW1P]Zb" Located in Salt Lake city, this park attracts large number of tourists and provides a good options for recreation to them. It has a roller-coaster ride that is called, ‘The Cyclone’. This is the most attractive feature here and when seated on a 16-seater car, the ride along the 750-metre winding tracks would be an experience similar to being hit by a cyclone. :DB70= <8CA0 I debated between dubbing it a ‘ponderous pachyderm’ or a ‘lumbering leviathan’. I have decided to stick with the latter, for a couple of reasons. First, and quite obviously, its size. And the second is that the last adjective one should use with the Trailblazer is ‘fast’. It isn’t. But that is not to denigrate this car, the Trailblazer, much more than the Endeavour is an all-American car. To use an human analogy, this is the Brock Lesnar of cars. Well, it would be had it had a punchier engine. But that is not the Trailblazer’s biggest drawback. For that, we have to come back to the Trailblazer’s immense size. Many of my friends are immensely jealous of my job. And true, being an automotive journalist is to lead an extremely pampered life, yet it is not as simple as it sounds. Swapping cars on a regular basis, particularly ones you have to live with even for a few days is not easy. I call it the ‘diagonal’ challenge. Every time you change cars the first challenge is to learn the diagonal, just how big a car is. And on the Trailblazer, that is a challenge particularly on the smaller colony roads in and around Delhi. That, more than engine power and braking is a major consideration of how you drive a car particularly in a city, with motorcycles swarming around and jaywalking being a championship sport. Of course, it takes a few kilometers to figure out how the accelerator and brakes respond and then you take a couple of corners aggressively to figure out cornering. You can skip the cornering tests on something like the Trailblazer, because well, have you seen an elephant cornering? I haven’t. That said, once you are aware of the car’s size and drive accordingly, there are umours of his death prevented filmmaking legend Mrinal Sen from getting a good R night’s sleep on Wednesday as a section of the few surprises. It does not wallow from side to side and while the car takes some time to build up speed it feels rather comfortable. The Trailblazer does not really lend itself to playing around too much if you are behind the wheel. Indeed, as such, if you have a driver with a leaden right foot, may I suggest the Trailblazer. Inside the car, the sense of space again comes to the fore. Given that most of us in India grew up in small econo-hatches, it feels alien to be able to stretch out your legs in the rear seats. The third row in this car is quite usable and the middle bench in particular feels very nicely padded. The instrument dials seem oddly tiny for this car, the dials to size ratio for this car seem like the Diplodocus’ brain to size ratio. The information display is limited and the ‘My Link’ system while capable, seems a generation older than the systems on rival cars. So to reiterate, this car is large, very large indeed. And for its size, it is not that expensive coming in at around C27 lakh. Which given its size is a steal one would think, or is it? There are actually quite a few problems with the Trailblazer. The first is the Ford Endeavour and then a couple of Japanese issues. The Endeavour is actually slightly larger than the Trailblazer but because they have integrated their engine and gearbox better, even the 160PS 2.2-litre Ford Endeavour feels faster than the Trailblazer. In fact, Ford Endeavour 4x2 version is cheaper than the Trailblazer and the top-spec 4x4 not much more expensive. Given that the Trailblazer lacks a 4x4 model, it does not have any pricing power over its American rival. And then there is the market-leading Toyota Fortuner, which isn’t perfect but is large, relatively powerful and spacious as well, and it is a 4x4. Though that said, if size is what you want with three rows of comfort then you should go to a Toyota showroom, look at the Fortuner and buy the second generation Innova. Spacious with a practical third row, tremendously reliable and cheaper. It does not pretend to be a SUV, but you really can’t tell. So given the competition and its sluggish performance, is the Chevrolet Trailblazer worth investing your money in? It is really difficult to make a case out here. twitterati posted reports of the 94-year-old’s demise. “There was a deluge of calls midnight onwards. All of us were disturbed. Sen could not sleep properly on Wednesday night. It is a very distasteful thing to discuss,” a caretaker in the Sen household told Sen lives in Kolkata with his wife Gita. Netizens set the microblogging platform abuzz with condolences while a section questioned the reports’ veracity. Filmmaker Arindam Sil tried to put the grapevine to rest with his update. “@suhelseth #MrinalSen is just fine. Please do not believe rumours,” Sil tweeted. According to Sen’s caretaker, the ace filmmaker is “doing fine” and had his breakfast and lunch on time. Regarded as the pioneer of parallel cinema in India, Sen’s health issues made headlines in recent years. In December 2015, he underwent a minor hip surgery after slipping and falling in the bathroom. Despite his age, the nonagenarian has been vocal on raging issues, including the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) appointment controversy. 80=B BP]bZaXcBRW^[PaP]STg_TacX]:aXbW]PXcTBcdSXTb0bWP 6^bfP\X´bbTeT]cWQ^^ZCWPcPaTCW^d)CPcCeP\PbX fPb aT[TPbTSQh:P\P[<<^aPaZPU^a\TaD]X^]<X]XbcTa* U^a\TaAPYhPbPQWP<?*RWPXa\P]F^a[SCaPST2T]caT* U^a\TaeXRT_aTbXST]c1228P]SUP\^dbQdbX]Tbbf^\P] eXePRXchjU^^Sl # A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % 4Y^^UbgYdXdXUiUdY n Delhi, people are well versed to the fact that some of the best eateries are located in GK-II, and it very much is the go to place for a formal dinner. When we got to know about a new lounge-bar with an open terrace, we felt that we had to go there for a couple of drinks since there are just a handful of those in GK. We discover that the catchy name of the place, Bunmanchi, is a really smart one, whilst doing our research. Bunmanchi is Nepali for ‘jungle man’ and is alternatively used as a synonym for the mythological yeti outside Sherpa communities. And the bar functions under the guardianship of Yeti-The Himalayan Kitchen and occupies the terrace as well as the third floor of the building that houses Yeti. We choose the stairs over the lift thinking that some minor exertion won't do us any harm. When we reach the 3rd floor we are in for a surprise, since we had expected a loud, commercial setting, but to the contrary we found the ambience to be very mellow. With the dim lighting and the retro music that was on, the place had quite a homely feel to it, if you overlook the high chairs which are customary to a bar. But we have learnt that it is wise to take advantage of whatever we have at our disposition and we decided to climb another flight of stairs to check out the open terrace. And the well aired open terrace was where we decided to spend the rest of the night for our meal. We were welcomed with a glass of Luis Felipe Edward Chardonnay, a Chilean wine, and while sipping on it at our leisure our eyes fell on the projector screen which ensured that we don’t miss out on the ongoing Euro Cup soccer match while having diner. Bunmanchi is designed as a late night eatery-bar which is open till one in the night and commences operations at seven in the evening. We would recommend one and all to avail of the services at the terrace, the wind whipping across your face, while you are munching on some spicy Himalayan cuisine is quite an exhilarating experience. The in-house staff recommends some pork lemon fried for starters. While we are waiting for the dish, DJ Karma walks in and joins us. He is one of three resident DJs here, every night one of them turns up to treat the patrons of Bunmanchi to some live music. After waiting for a short while, when the pork is served we make a mental note to pay heed I 1PaT[hP\^]cW^[S1d]\P]RWXQhHTcXcWT 7X\P[PhP]:XcRWT]XbRP_cXePcX]VXcb_Pca^]bfXcW X\_TRRPQ[TSaX]ZbP]SPb_XRhhTcST[XbW 7X\P[PhP]UPaT27A8BCH 9E0A674B4 WPbP[^^ZPc cWT_[PRTfWXRWP[b^Q^Pbcb^UP]^_T]cTaaPRT P\^]V^cWTacWX]Vb 0c^_]^cRWcX\T^dc t a perfect spot, located at the heart of the A national capital lies the newly established Bunta Bar. Once inside, the interiors take you 7DEXOD%HDFKLPSUHVVHVZLWKLWVJUDLQ\VPRRWK VDQGDQGWHPSWLQJVHDVLGHPHQX%\'(9, 6,1*+ al fresco looks like a party scene one of those renowned shores Iwetsfrom are aware of, sure to make you forget you are in a clamorous city after all with the necessary charms and characters of a beach side shack - the palms and bird cage lights perfectly thrown in. The place even has sand under your feet for the times you wished to unwind but couldn’t really plan a getaway and yearned for walking bare foot on those therapeutic grains. Beach and the city? Probably. The insides though are a stark contrast from the outside seemingly beachy wonders. The long neon illuminated bar is anything but the usual sights you are accustomed to at the capital’s bar scene. Giving a feel of one of those plush spaces for a leisurely drink - this one sure knows how to take that stress overload off your head for some time. After soaking in the environs and moving on from our vacation mode to our gustatory needs we set our sight on the menu which has the flavours from South Africa to Kerala to the South East Asia. A nice mix of Orient and Occident with a bit of Creole thrown in. Expect a heady mix of spices, already. Sticking to the theme the menu is pretty inventive and has all the nautical elements including the delightful graphics of divers. We embarked on our sea voyage with vegetable pots which came in dainty little pouches of flour stuffed with mildly flavoured veggies. Next up were mushroom and spinach croutons which overwhelmed our palate with the waft of spinach or maybe mushrooms or maybe both. a perfect combination of Mexican and desi tadka. The combination of cheese and a palak paneer is a rather non-traditional and odd combination, might we say. But ayone looking to try something different from the usual pizzas, may give it a go. No matter how good your meal is, it is surely incomplete without desserts. So we had the khajoor (date) brownie-kismi caramel with ice cream to go with it. It was followed by the mishthan bhandaar sundal, a milk halwa with crushed dry fruits and a hint of cardemom. To top it, the the base was filled with gooey liquid chocolate that we just couldn’t wait to get to. V^aVTdb WT6a^VWTPS[Pd]RWTbcWT=TfR^\U^ac\T]dU^a Bd\\TabBd\\TaXbcWTcX\TfWT]^]TcT]Sbc^ [^^bTbcWT P__TcXcTcWdb R^\U^ac\T]d XbfWPc^]T fP]cbSdaX]V bd\\Tab>] cWT^UUTaX]VbPaT TPbhU^^S[XZT _XcPfXcW [TQP]TbTSX_ _^[^VPa[XR QXcTbV^da\Tc_XiiPbUXaT\TPcQP[[bb_X]PRWP]S_XT Sd\_[X]Vb\dbWa^^\cXcQXcUXbWUX]VTaP]S\^aT ?aXRX]V)C'_[dbcPgTbU^a\TP[^Ucf^ C his we gulped down with a sweet and milky concoction of chiku T and éclair with vodka serving as the tipple base. From some fungi we decided to go for hunks of chicken where we had Vietnamese skewers in lemon grass with chilli and cucumber dip. This one apparently had no taste of lemongrass coming though for some weird reason and the dip which should have been a tad spicy lacked the requisite heat. Moving on we found a superb sight in polenta which came nicely paired with aglio olio with succulent zucchini. Our second drink for the evening was a perfect accompaniment to the seaboard, the agent orange — refreshing indeed. For the mains we decided on Portuguese bean curry which was a little on the sweeter side. From Portuguese shores we traversed to the backwaters of Kerala with typical spicy coastal curry, well-balanced with the spices rounding up the palate nicely. Summing up, if you seek to have a vacation without having one in particular then Tabula Beach is one of those few places in the city to hit. CWT\T]dPc;^]S^]TabXbP\XbW \PbW^UR[PbbXR4]V[XbWP]S8]SXP] SXbWTbB7A010BC8 <0;;8: RWTRZbX] ou associate food with the name of the restaurant or Y hotel you are having it in. Londoners, situated in ^]S^]Tab®1Xbca^?dQh^daUaXT]S[h ]TXVWQ^aW^^S_dQX]eXcTbh^dc^X]Sd[VTP]S d]fX]ScWTXab_TRXP[\^]b^^]R^RZcPX[bcWXbbTPb^] fXcWh^daUPe^aXcTRWPaPRcTaUa^\6P\T^UCWa^]Tb B^PZX]cWTR^^[V[^f^Ubd]bTceXTfP]ST]Y^hcWT \^]b^^]R^RZcPX[\T]d fWXRW^UUTabR^RZcPX[bbdRWPb 9PX\T;P]]XbcTa³b=TS BcPaZ³beTabX^]^U 0QQThA^PSfWXRWWPb 9PRZ3P]XT[³bX]XcR[TeTa\PacX]X RahbcP[[XZT;Xcc[T5X]VTa2TabTX³b eTabX^]^U2Pa]PQhbcaTTcR^RZcPX[ fWXRWX]e^[eTbVX]X]Xc^a <PaVPTahChaT[[³bUPe^aXcTcWT BcaP]SBcaTTcR^RZcPX[fXcWQPRPaSX X]Xc ; EYV3VRTYSVT\`_d 1RWVR(QJOLVK 4]Y^hbd\_cd^db^UUTaPccWTfW^[T]Tf1d]cPQPafXcWb_TRXP[\T]d P]ScPZTP]TgT\_[PahQaTPZbdVVTbc38EH0=8 A0670E P]SDCB0E <8B7A0 back to your childhood. From chairs and tables made of jute ropes and cycle wheels and paddles to vintage furniture and bunta bottle chandeliers, the place is a classic example of the amazing things you can do with recycled material. The ambience of the restaurant is quirky, vibrant and eye catching.The creative menu captured our attention at first glance, which was printed on handmade sheets and clipped to wooden writing boards. When you think of your childhood, you can’t help but remember all memories and experiences of food. Away from the sweltering heat of the city, our food journey started with cold bunta drinks with different flavors like bunta soda which tasted like chaat masala and India Gate bunta that reminds you of kaala khatta with punch of jeera. Not only this, but the starters are worth the munchies. The first item that awakened our taste buds were the toddy mushrooms with sauces, followed by chicken 65, made from 65 types of special spices from Kerala. But it was the chicken tikka pizza that grabbed all the limelight. Made in an innovative style, the oval shaped pizza was loaded with cheese, and we loved it! Next we had the bengan bharta taco, to the sensible suggestions of the crew. We find the hot and sweet meat to be supple and chewy. Karma, who has been practicing his art professionally since the age of 21, tells us that though his conscience has been prodding him to abstain from consuming meat, Bunmanchi’s food menu, which is mostly meat based, makes him doubt his resolve. We feel that it would be best to go by the recommendations of the crew, especially after the scrumptious pork that we had consumed with much delight. And therefore we had already formed somewhat high expectations of the buffallo momos that were offered to us next. We take a bite off one of the steamed dumplings, only to be slapped on the cheek by the scalding juicy fat emanating from the meat in it. Karma has a good laugh and tells us that even he learnt the lesson the hard way; you are supposed to pop the whole thing into your mouth. Now that we know the trick behind consuming the momos without the oily slap, we are jubilant! The succulent dumplings turn out to be better than the pork. We finish off the platter with relish. The staff probably felt that too much meat must be getting monotonous for us, even though we weren’t complaining, and decided to have some fun by mixing it up for our palates by serving us a vegetarian dish. The aloo ka achaar turned out to be another impeccable dish which tickled our taste buds. The potato based snack was charmingly hot ‘n’ sweet and did indeed serve as some much needed respite from all the meat we had. Though Bunmanchi does not have any desserts amongst its offerings, to appease our sweet tooth, they served us the Tiramisu from Yeti’s itinerary. A popular Italian dessert, this sweet dish contains an ample amount of mascarpone cheese along with chocolate and coffee. This heavy, buttery sweet dish was the most apt way to end a superb supper. And while you are at Bunmanchi, don’t forget to treat yourself to a glass of the Yeti iced tea, which we were served as a fitting, goodbye drink. A fizzy concoction which surprisingly contained copious amounts of alcohol with sparkling wine, vodka, apart from the lime and pineapple juice, contrary to our expectations, it was quite refreshing. We lamented the fact that we had no knowledge of the drink before our meal or else we would have commenced our eating spree with Yeti’s variant of the popular iced tea. But yes, it does leave you a bit tipsy, we learnt, when we were descending the stairs, we were ready to take on the world with a spring in our step. Without doubt, that must have been the confidence imparted by the alcohol. Greater Kailash, has everything of a classy English bistro but the menu fails to impress. We imagined a classic English menu but were greeted with dishes like paneer makhni pie and tandoori chicken sword. However, we did appreciate the manager’s admittance, “We wanted to make a place for all. Somewhere you can enjoy the taste of London with an Indian twist.” Taste of London or not, it was interesting to find the good old Canadian poutine in the menu. And we found no reason to not like the dish. Crispy fried golden yellow potatoes, sauted meat and copious amounts of cheese — we couldn’t complain the least. The Londoner’s dragon spicy rolls were equal amounts of crispy and mushy, outside and inside. But it left no staggering impression on our tastebuds. We tried their good ol’ aloo tuk with chilli tamarind mayo and it was surprisingly good. The blend of aloo and the chilli tamarind was the high point of this dish. Chef Kamal suggested we try their prawn and chips and they were delectable, although there was ^[[hf^^S1XXbca^WPbQTT]T]RWP]cX]VVdTbcbU^aP UTf\^]cWb]^ffXcWXcbd]X`dTUX[\hcWT\TCWT _[PRTXbP[[bTcc^PSSP]^cWTaWXVW[XVWcc^Xcb²S^ WTaT³[Xbc¯8cXb X]ca^SdRX]VP 7^^ZPW\T]d ?aXRTSPcC#((cWT W^^ZPW\T]dWPbP fXSTePaXTch^U U[Pe^dabc^RW^^bT Ua^\X]R[dSX]VcWTP[[cX\TUPe^daXcT\X]ceP]X[[P RW^R^[PcTS^d_[TP__[TVaP_T_TPRWP]S bcaPfQTaahCWTaTPaTb^\T`dXaZhU[Pe^dab[XZT R^\\XbbX^]Ta2Wd[Qd[?P]STh6PQQPaBX]VWP]S BX]VWP\_aXRTSQTcfTT]C%((P]SC'(( 1 nothing new in it. You might not want to dig in right away as they come to the table really hot. While few fusion dishes work out well, at Londoners we realised that paneer makhni is better off paired with roti. We tried their version of the paneer makhni pie and it did not suit our taste buds. The chicken clay pot that we had from the main course was a clear winner. This again, was not a London specialty. Claypots are an ancient cooking method where Chinese households dumped meat and root vegetables into a pot, topped with stock and cooked over slow heat over the fireplace. It was quite wholesome and was a meal in itself with steaming hot gravy stock, succulent meat pieces and well cooked rice. It was a perfect blend of vegetables and meat. There are plenty of other dishes you can try out here, including a wide range of pizzas, burgers, fries and the classic English Scotch eggs. The drinks were everyday coolers and and the food a regular pub fare. However the Indian twist to the dishes were somewhat out of place. All in all, we would say, come for the drinks, have some London delicacies, stay for the music. cPach^dafTTZT]S\^a]X]VbfXcWb_TRXP[Qad]RW B\T]db4]cWT9P_P]TbTATbcPdaP]cQaX]Vbc^ h^db_TRXP[[hRdaPcTSP]Sd]X`dTQad]RW\T]db U^aTeTahBPcdaSPhP]SBd]SPhFXcWcWTSPhSPh f^aZX]VfTTZ bRWTSd[TbPcPaXbT P]SZTT_X]V^da VdTbcb³aT`dXaT\T]cb X]\X]SfTSTRXSTSc^ WPeTb_TRXP[Qad]RW \T]db^]Q^cWSPhb ^UcWTfTTZT]S1^cW cWT\T]dbWPeTbX\X[Pa]d\QTa^UXcT\bQdcTPRW ^]TXbd]X`dTX]Xcb^f]fPhCWT\T]dU^a BPcdaSPhX]R[dSTbUaXTS_^cPc^\dbWa^^\bPdcT eTV<P1^c^UdbPdRThPZXb^QPRWXRZT]Rdaah 9P_P]TbTbch[TP\^]V^cWTab TccWTQTbc^U[XeT\dbXRU^^SP]S 6QTTaPcB_XaXcTSBPcdaSPhbPcCWT1TTa 2PU|Bd_Ta\Pac6daVP^] 2PcTaX]Vc^cWT]TTSb^UcWT<X[[T]]Xd\ RXch³baTbcPdaP]cV^TabCWT1TTa2PU| Bd_Ta\PacXbbTcc^ST[XVWcPdSX^_WX[Tb P]S[XeT\dbXRQdUUbX]cWTRXchfXcW b_TRXP[_TaU^a\P]RTbTeTahBPcdaSPh b_^ac $ A0=278k5A830H k9D;H ! % %HOJLXP:DOHVVHHNKLVWRULF6)VSRW FX[\^c³bbXSTfPah^U1P[T³bcWaTPcPb1T[VXd\[^^ZX]Vc^aTPRWUXabcbT\XUX]P[X]"hTPab 0?Q ;8;;4 :4H10CC;4B 3V]XZf^gd HR]Vd elgium won't be lacking for support when it takes on Wales in the quarterfinals of the European Championship as it tries to make the final four in a major competition for the first time since the 1986 World Cup. The game on Friday takes place in the northern French city of Lille, which is just 10 kilometers or so from the Belgian border. Fans of the team have already turned up in droves in the city for Euro 2016 games in Lille, and nearby Lens. Local fans should also swell their ranks both in and out of the Stade Pierre-Mauroy. For two of the Belgium's players, Eden Hazard and Divock Origi, it will be homecoming of sorts. Both started their professional careers at the local club Lille. Wales' boisterous fans will do their best to compensate, no doubt. Wales is looking to go one further than its previous best appearance in a major tournament. Back in 1958, it lost its quarterfinal match to Brazil to a solitary goal from a young Pele. "We are very confident at the moment," the team's star forward, Gareth Bale, said after Wales ground out a 1-0 victor y over Northern Ireland in Saturday's last-16 game. "You don't get to the quarterfinals of a major tournament by luck." That victory followed two wins in the group stage, to Slovakia and Russia, which secured the team top spot in Group B and entry into what appears to be the easier side of the knockout draw. The winner of the match will take on either Poland or Portugal in the semifinals. Wales coach Chris Coleman said he was impressed with how his team stood up against teams with very diverse playing styles. "The three wins out of four we had, we had to win differently. That's a good sign for any team," said Coleman, who spoke of "an ugly win" after the Northern Ireland game. "We showed another side of our game, it wasn't pretty," he conceded. Wales and Belgium know each other well. They were in the same qualifying groups for the 2014 World Cup and for Euro 2016. The score is equal - one win apiece and two draws. One concern for Wales has centered on captain Ashley Williams, who injured his shoulder against Northern Ireland. However, he's expected to be fit to start. Coleman's counterpart, Marc ;8E4>=B>=HB8G k !)"0< B BX]V[Tb 34;78C>7>BC! &8BB5F>A;32D?58=0;B NEW DELHI: 3T[WXfX[[W^bccWT8BB5F^a[S2d_UX]P[bX] ! & cWT =PcX^]P[ AXU[T 0bb^RXPcX^] ^U 8]SXP bPXS ^] CWdabSPh CWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ BW^^cX]V B_^ac 5TSTaPcX^] 4gTRdcXeT 2^\\XccTT fWXRW \Tc X] <^bR^f ^] FTS]TbSPh\PSTcWTSTRXbX^]c^PfPaScWT! &TSXcX^] ^U cWT 8BB5 F^a[S 2d_ UX]P[b AXU[T?Xbc^[BW^cVd] R^\QX]TSc^cWT8]SXP]RP_XcP[CWTTeT]cfX[[QTW^bcTSX] >Rc^QTaCWXbXbX]PSSXcX^]c^cWT8BB5F^a[S2d_bTaXTb bRWTSd[TSc^QTWT[SX]cWTRP_XcP[X]5TQadPah! &=A08 _aTbXST]c AP]X]STa BX]VW bPXS CWXb Xb P aTR^V]XcX^] ^U 8]SXPbVa^fX]VaT_dcPcX^]X]cWTb_^ac^UbW^^cX]VP]S^] cWTQTWP[U^UcWTT]cXaTUTSTaPcX^]8f^d[S[XZTc^cWP]ZcWT 8BB5U^aQTbc^fX]Vd_^]dbcWTW^]^dac^W^bccWTF^a[S 2d_5X]P[bU^acWTeTahUXabccX\T 8=380=B2>=C8=D4C>8<?A4BB0C20=030>?4= CALGARY: 8]SXP fXc]TbbTS P]^cWTa UadXcUd[ SPh Pc cWT 2P]PSP >_T] Pb P[[ Xcb bWdcc[Tab X]R[dSX]V 0YPh 9PhPaP\ P]S7B?aP]]^hT]cTaTScWTcWXaSa^d]S^UcWT$$ 6aP]S ?aXg QPS\X]c^] c^da]P\T]c C^_ bTTS 9PhPaP\ bcadVV[TS_Pbc2P]PSPb<PacX]6XdUUaT &! ! &! 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Already missing injured defender Vincent Kompany for the tournament, the Belgiumcoach will now have to replace suspended center back Thomas Vermaelen as well. And two days after leading Belgium in its 4-0 routing of Hungary, Hazard skipped Tuesday's training with a muscle problem, but Wilmots said the winger "will be 100 percent, no problem" for Friday's game. Hazard and Manchester City's Kevin De Bruyne were instrumental in Belgium's return to form following an opening 2-0 defeat to Italy. Since then, Belgium has beaten Ireland, Sweden and Hungary with an aggregate score of 80. The ambition is high. "We are only nine days away from the final," De Bruyne said. "Now we want to stay until the end." 70I0A3A4CDA=BC>CA08=8=6 Belgium captain Eden Hazard has returned to training ahead of the team's European Championship quarterfinal match against Wales. Hazard missed practice sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday because of a thigh problem. He trained early Thursday at the team's base in Bordeaux, before the Belgians' scheduled departure to the northern city of Lille where Friday's match against Wales is staged. The Chelsea winger is Belgium's most dangerous attacking player and starred in the 4-0 victory over Hungary in the round of 16. 434=70I0A3 hat's next for Eden Hazard? Improving W with every game Belgium played this competition, he reached his peak with a dazzling performance in the last 16, highlighted by a superb solo run through the Hungarian defence on his way to Belgium's third of four goals. However, he picked up a thigh injury that night which put a question mark behind his availability for the quarterfinal game against Wales. Some doubted coach Wilmots' decision to make Hazard the team's captain after injured Vincent Kompany was ruled out for Euro 2016. Hazard has often failed to replicate his stunning form at Chelsea when playing for the national team, but this time it might just be the other way round after a poor season in the Premier League. Hazard missed practice sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday because of a thigh problem. He trained early on Thursday at the team's base in Bordeaux, before the Belgians' s c h e d u l e d departure to Lille to play Wales in quarterfinals. 60A4C710;4 hen it comes to Wales, it all starts with Bale. The world's most expensive footW baller has clearly enjoyed himself as the leader of a happy, united team. Perhaps the defining image of Bale's tournament came after Wales beat Northern Ireland 1-0 last Saturday. Bale has delivered at the biggest stage after question marks were hanging over his head before the start of Euros. Three goals and one assist puts him top of the Golden Boot table before the quarterfinals, and his 12 goal attempts on target is also the most at Euro 2016. The last time Wales p l a y e d Belgium, one year ago, Bale scored the only goal to win the Euro qualifier. 6gcRfcXVdeVR^^ReVde`µhR\VfaSVW`cV:TV]R_UXR^V 0?Q 2;08A45>=C08=4 rance defender Patrice Evra has a blunt message for his teammates ahead of F the European Championship quarterfinal against Iceland: "Wake up." France has failed to score in the first half at Euro 2016 and has been scraping through with gutsy second-half performances. But one day, that formula may not work. "We react instead of taking the initiative," the 35-year-old left back said on Thursday. "I get the impression that we only play well when we have our backs to the wall. I hope we're going to start (the to win 2-1. "I can't repeat exactly what was said (at halftime). But we've had enough of just reacting," said Evra. "What you can't take away from us is that we keep going until the last second. But we can't rely on that." Evra bristled at his news conference when it was suggested that France has been somewhat fortunate — considering it had a relatively weak group, followed by unheralded Ireland and Iceland in the knockout stages. "If we beat Iceland, then we'll play Germany or Italy (in the semifinals)," he said. "You call that luck? I don't." Evra stands to win his 78th international cap against Iceland. But he was not game) well and not wait until the second half before we step on the accelerator." He fears another stifled performance might prove costly. "We should be telling ourselves that one day it won't come off for us, and that it might be against Iceland," said Evra ahead of Sunday's game at Stade de France. "We need things to be boiling up inside us — we need to wake up before the game." France needed an 89th-minute winner from Dimitri Payet to beat Romania 2-1, then last-gasp goals from Antoine Griezmann and Payet to see off Albania 2-0. Against Ireland in the round of 16, France overturned a 1-0 halftime deficit part of the squad that reached the 2006 World Cup final. "I've never won a quarterfinal with France, whereas at club level I've lost count," said Evra, who has won a multitude of trophies with Manchester United and Juventus. "I am putting myself under pressure. If I don't go through to the next round it will feel like I'm standing still." Evra thinks that the vitriol directed at England's players after the 2-1 defeat on Monday was very unfair on Iceland. "People say England underestimated them but that takes credit away from Iceland. They beat Holland home and away in qualifying," Evra said. 7^bcbbTTZX]VR^\_[TcT_TaU^a\P]RT 5A0=24 he hosts have managed to certainly give the fans what they needed in terms of results, but not quite in the performance level. All three wins France managed in this Euro have been nerve wrecking, edgy, lastminute or impressive come from behind victories. However, not once France have dominated the opponents as much as they would have liked. After winning the opening match against Romania through a brilliant last-gasp strike from Dimitri Payet, France needed two more very late goals in the next 824;0=3 match against arlier in the premier league season, football Albania from supporters witnessed something extraordi0]c^X]T6aXTi\P]]RT[TQaPcTbWXbV^P[ 0? nary, it was a fairytale of Leicester City — the Griezmann and Griezmann score two goals in the EPL champions. And in the current Euro Payet to seal the WTFTbc7P\D]XcTSfX]VTa space of three minutes to com- tournament, Iceland is doing something simigame. After that WPbQTT]^]T^UcWT plete the turn around. the hosts could lar. Both the English city of Leicester and the aTeT[PcX^]b^UcWTc^da]P\T]c They will take on tourna- island nation of Iceland have populations of only manage a CWT!(hTPa^[SWPbRPaaXTS WXbX\_aTbbXeTS^\TbcXR ment's biggest surprise — 330,000; both have shaken the established draw against U^a\X]c^cWT4da^_TP] Iceland — in the Switzerland. But order in European football. Iceland 2WP\_X^]bWX_ quarterfinals and their biggest test is the smallest nation to ever contest 4eTahcWX]V5aP]RTWPeT will certainly be the BF>C0=0;HB8B a major tournament. The team came in the round S^]TV^^SWPbV^]TcWa^dVW favourites in that of 16 against a spiradvanced from its group above WX\7TWPbQTT]cWTXa\PX]PccPRZX]V match. However, the fans will Cristiano Ronaldo's Portugal and then stunned ited Ireland side. cWaTPc2P_PQ[T^U_[PhX]VP]hfWTaT be hoping for the team to final- England (2-1) to reach the quarterfinals round. After going behind QTWX]ScWTbcaXZTa?PhTcWPbQTT]X]aTS ly produce that one dominating The next challenge is even tougher with a game very early on France W^cU^a\7XbbX[ZhUTTcR^\QX]TSfXcWWXb performance to announce them as on Sunday against the host. Win that, and it's were unable to break caXRZTahP]SSaXQQ[X]VbZX[[b\PZTWX\cWT real title contenders. And if they win either Germany or Italy in the semifinals. The the deadlock in the R^\_[TcT_[PhTa7TP[b^WPbcf^ that match, then France will have their question remains - Does Iceland have the abilfirst half. But an f^]STaUd[[hcPZT]V^P[bc^WXb]P\T biggest test yet in the semifinal against ity to go all the way through and do a Leicester inspired comeback in anyone of Italy or Germany. PNS on European biggest stage? the second half saw T 4Qb[X_bcUc :4H?;0H4A) 38<8CA8?0H4C C E :4H?;0H4A) 6H;58B86DA3BB>= WTPccPRZX]V\XSUXT[STaUa^\4?;bXST CBfP]bTP2XchXb^]T^UcWTXaZThP]S X]bcad\T]cP[_[PhTa^]cWT_XcRW7TbR^aTScWT RadRXP[_T]P[chPVPX]bc 7d]VPahfWXRWT]STSX] SaPfP]STeT] cW^dVWWTWPb^][h^]T V^P[cWPcfX[[]^ccT[[h^d cWTP\^d]c^UTUU^acP]S T]TaVhWTXb_dccX]VX] 3daX]V8RT[P]Sb VP\TPVPX]bc4]V[P]SWXb cPRZ[TbP]Sad]Ua^\QPRZfTaTRadRXP[fWXRW aTbd[cTSX]8RT[P]SbbTR^]SV^P[ 7TWPbQTT]cWTZTh_[PhTaX]SXbcaXQdcX]VcWT _[PhUa^\cWT\XSS[Tc^WXbPccPRZTab ?=B B63>7=<33@j@/<167j4@72/G j8C:G $ %