TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015 program

TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Photo: Matti Tirri
The 14th IEEE International Conference
on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications
(IEEE TrustCom-15)
The 9th IEEE International Conference
on Big Data Science and Engineering
(IEEE BigDataSE-15)
The 13th IEEE International Symposium
on Parallel and Distributed Processing
with Applications
Conference Venue Crowne Plaza, 2nd floor
Coffee Break
Lunch & Welcome Reception
Organizers, Patrons and Partners
Program at a Glance
Organization Committees
General Chairs’ Welcome Note
Presentation of Hosts
Keynote Speakers
Thursday, August 20
Friday, August 21
Saturday, August 22
Technical Symposia
Thursday, August 20
Friday, August 21
Saturday, August 22
Thursday, August 20
Friday, August 21
Saturday, August 22
Organizers, Patrons
and Partners
Friday, August 21
Saturday, August 22
Panel Discussion: Trustworthy Data Fusion and Analytics
General Information
Social Events
Gold patron
Bronze patrons
Program at a Glance
TrustCom S
International Conference on Security in Computing and Communications, Security Track
TrustCom T
International Conference on Trust in Computing and Communications, Trust Track
TrustCom P
International Conference on Privacy in Computing and Communications, Privacy Track
International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering
International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications
TrustCom workshops
International Workshop on the Emerging Future Internet and Network Security
International Symposium on Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications
International Workshop on Trustworthy Software Systems
International Symposium on Trust and Security in Cloud Computing
International Symposium on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Internet of Things
International Workshop on 5G Security
International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing
International Workshop on Trust and Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
BigDataSE workshops
International Workshop on Classification Problems Embedded in the Nature of Big Data
International Workshop on Real Time Data Stream Analytics
International Workshop on Data, Text, Web, and Social Network Mining
ISPA workshops
International Workshop on Parallelism in Bioinformatics
International Workshop on Reengineering for Parallelism in Heterogeneous Parallel Platforms
International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems
Privacy Engineering Tutorial
Customer Switching Tutorial
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Room 1 Room 2
Room 3
Opening of the Conference
Room 4
Room 5 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room14 Room 15 LUMO
Keynote: Distinguished Professor Yi Pan (Rooms 1–3)
Keynote: Professor V. Piuri, IEEE Fellow (Rooms 1–3)
Morning Coffee
TrustCom S
TrustSoft RATSP
TrustWSN PBio
TrustTrustCom S
Com T
Afternoon Coffee
TrustSoft RATSP
TrustWSN PBio
TrustWSN PBio
TrustCom S
Com S
Com T
Com P
Welcome Reception (Crowne Plaza)
Room 1 Room 2
Room 3 Room 4
Room 5 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room14 Room 15 LUMO
Keynote: Nokia: Lauri Oksanen (Rooms 1–3)
Room 1 Room 2
Room 3 Room 4
Keynote: Professor R.Deng (Rooms 1–3)
Keynote: F-Secure: Mikko Hyppönen (Rooms 1–3)
Morning Coffee
TrustCom S
TrustCom T
TrustCom P
TrustTrustCom S
Com T
Afternoon Coffee
TrustCom P
Com S
Com S
Com P
Panel: Trustworthy data fusion and analytics
Gala Dinner (Pörssitalo)
Room 5 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room14 Room 15 LUMO
Keynote: Professor W. Pedrycz, IEEE Fellow (Rooms 1–3)
Morning Coffee
Trust­Com S
Closing of the Conference
TrustCom S
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Organizing Committees
TrustCom 2015
General Chairs
Valtteri Niemi, University of Helsinki, Finland
Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland
Program Chairs
Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China
Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich, Switzerland
Program Vice-Chairs
Trust Track Chair
Xinyi Huang, Fujian Normal University, China
Security Track Chair
Xiangjian (Sean) He, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Privacy Track Chair
Marinella Petrocchi, Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR, Italy
Steering Committee
Steering Co-Chairs
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China (Chair)
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada (Chair)
Steering Committee (in alphabetical order)
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Weijia Jia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain
Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
Maria S. Perez-Hernandez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USA
Srinivas Sampalli, Dalhousie University, Canada
Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, Japan
Bhavani Thuraisingham, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Jie Wu, Temple University, USA
Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia
Publicity Chairs
Ioanna Dionysiou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Jin Li, Guangzhou University, China
Marinella Petrocchi, Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR, Italy
Tanveer A Zia, Charles Sturt University, Australia
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Organizing Committees
Workshop Chairs
Matti Hämäläinen, Digile, Finland
Xinyi Huang, Fujian Normal University, China
Igor Kotenko, SPIIRAS, Russia
Finance Chair
Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland
Web Chair
Jesús Llorente Santos, Aalto University, Finland
BigDataSE 2015
General Chairs
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China
Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Program Chairs
Nitesh Chawla, University of Notre Dame, USA
Barbara Hammer, Bielefeld University, Germany
Steering Committee
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia (Chair)
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada (Chair)
Stephen Crago, University of Southern California, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Runhe Huang, Hosei University, Japan
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Jie Wu, Temple University, USA
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
Tianrui Li, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Junze Wang, HUST, China
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Organizing Committees
Workshop Chairs
Alvin Chin, Microsoft, China
Maria José del Jesus, University of Jaén, Spain
Jun Liu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Local Organizing and Finance Chair
Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland
Web Chair
Jesús Llorente Santos, Aalto University, Finland
ISPA 2015
General Chairs
Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland
Zhiyong Liu, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Program Chairs
Simone Campanoni, Harvard University, USA
Antonio Fernández Anta, IMDEA, Spain
Martina Maggio, Lund University, Sweden
Steering Committee
Steering Chairs
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (Chair)
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Chair)
Publicity Chairs
Hsi-Ya Chang, National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC),
Matti Hämäläinen, Digile, Finland
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Workshop Chairs
Hannu-Matti Järvinen, TUT, Finland
Peng Zhang, XUPT, China
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
General Chairs’
Welcome Note
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the Joint 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 13th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications and 9th IEEE International Conference
on Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE TrustCom-BigDataSE- ISPA
2015) sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Computer Society, and endorsed by IEEE
Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) and IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society Technical Committee on Digital Signal Processing. The host
of the Conference is Aalto University, Finland and ISN - the State Key Lab of
Integrated Service Networks of Xidian University, China is the co-organizer.
The technical program committee worked hard to guarantee a successful
conference. More than 500 papers were submitted to the main conferences
and the 14 different workshops and symposia organized in conjunction with
the Conference. We wish to thank the authors of all submitted papers for
choosing IEEE TrustCom-BigDataSE- ISPA 2015 as the forum to present
their work.
Highly qualified program committee members of each conference and
workshop conducted a thorough review of the papers. The proceedings of the
Conference will be published by the Computer Society Press (CPS) and the
IEEE Explore.
The Conference combines timely and highly relevant topics for academia
and industry: Cyber security, Big Data and distributed and parallel processing.
The timing is heightened by the context of the current and future research
towards the 5th Generation mobile system (5G) as well as the broad topic of
digitalization of business and the public sector. High industry relevance is
confirmed by the fact that several companies, Nokia, SSH Communications
Security and Ericsson are here as Patrons of the event. A special partner of
the event is Tekes – the technology and innovation agency funding both academia and companies in Finland. Tekes’ interest is explained by the fact that
it is now implementing several research and innovation programs in the area
of the Conference. We hope you will take the opportunity to meet the
representatives of the Patron companies and Tekes here at the Conference
and explore potential common interests. Additional financial support from
the Federation of Finnish Learned Societes is acknowledged.
The local organizers were fortunate and delighted to work with the
Steering Chairs Prof. Laurence T. Yang (St. Francis Xavier University,
Canada), Prof. Guojun Wang (Central South University, China), and Prof.
Jinjun Chen (University of Technology Sydney, Australia). We sincerely
appreciate their constant support and guidance. Also, we would like to
express our gratitude to the local team for managing the Conference website,
and the practical arrangements.
We expect this conference to be a highly stimulating event to foster interesting discussions as well as useful interaction between researchers and practitioners, and to provide an excellent forum for exchanging and developing
new ideas in the field of trust, security and privacy, distributed and parallel
processing and Big Data.
Besides enjoying the Conference, while in Helsinki, we hope that you will
take the opportunity to enjoy the cultural delights of Helsinki.
Prof. Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland
Prof. Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China, Aalto University, Finland
Prof. Valtteri Niemi, Helsinki University
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Zhiyong Liu, Chinese Academy of Science, China
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Presentation of Hosts
Aalto University
Photos: Aalto University
Aalto University is a new multidisciplinary science and art community in
the fields of science, economics, and art and design. The University is
founded on Finnish strengths, and its goal is to develop as a unique entity to
become one of the world’s top universities. Aalto University’s cornerstones
are its strengths in education and research. At the new University, there are
20,000 basic degree and graduate students as well as a staff of 5,000 of which
380 are professors.
Key research areas
The cornerstones of Aalto University research are four fundamental
competence areas:
1. ICT and digitalization
2. Materials and sustainable use of natural resources
3. Global business dynamics
4. Art and design knowledge building
In addition to these areas, Aalto University invests in three integrative multidisciplinary themes that focus on solving challenges that are important globally and for the Finnish economy.
5. Advanced energy solutions
6. Health and wellbeing
7. Human-centred living environments.
Aalto University’s seven key research areas consist of four fundamental competence areas and three integrative multidisciplinary themes.
The key research areas particularly relate to promoting and maintaining
Finnish competitiveness and welfare through renewal and entrepreneurship.
They define university’s academic profile by guiding its tenure track allocations, major university-level research initiatives, infrastructure investments,
educational activities, and other investments.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
ISN State Key
The State Key Laboratory of ISN is the high-level scientific research base in
the field of communication in China and the high-level talents training base.
It got the project plan approval by the State Planning Commission in 1989,
began its construction in 1991, passed the state acceptance check in October,
1995 and was formally put into open operation. The Laboratory occupies a
floorage of more than 6000 square meters and has about 50 permanent researchers.
Relying mainly on the national key discipline ”communication and information system”, and supported by the disciplines ”signal and information
processing”, ”cryptography”, and ”military communication studies”, the Laboratory is orientated to high-level applied basic research in the field of communication. It makes researches chiefly on theories and key technologies of newtype communication networks, including new concepts and new systems of
communication network and exchange, the theory and methods of sourcechannel coding and network coding, the theory and methods of high-speed
information transmission, the theory and technology of information security,
and special kinds of communication system.
The Laboratory has undertaken over 100 national-grade research projects from the national ”973 Program”, ”863 Program”, the National Natural
Science Foundation, and the national defense advance research. It has born
a batch of representative fruits in the research on the broad-band wireless
self-organized network, the high-speed exchange structure and system of the
high-performance broad-band information network, high-efficient real-time
image compression coding, high-speed wireless transmission and coding
technique, and the design and application of high-security codes. It has won
1 Second National Technology Invention Award, 2 Second National Science
and Technology Progress Awards, 7 provincial/ministerial-level science and
technology awards, and 1 National Friendship Award. It has published over
900 papers in domestic and foreign journals, of which over 400 have been
indexed by the SCI and EI, and about 400 papers at the international conferences, of which more than 200 have been indexed by the ISTP.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Keynote Speakers
Thursday, August 20
Scientific Computing on Cloud Platforms –
Issues and Solutions
Session chair: TBA
Dr. Yi Pan
Distinguished University Professor and Associate Dean
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
ABSTRACT: Cloud computing has emerged rapidly as a growing paradigm of
on-demand access to computing, data and software utilities using a usagebased billing model. Many massive data applications including database
applications and web searching should be the ideal applications on cloud
platforms. However, many legacy scientific computing codes are written in
traditional parallel programming languages such as MPI and OpenMP and
cannot be executed on these cloud platforms. With the current cloud programming models, complicated scientific computing algorithms cannot be
implemented easily and executed efficiently on many cloud platforms. In this
talk, I will give a review of different massively parallel computing platforms
and compare various computing domains and programming models on these
platforms. In particular, I will point out the shortcomings and limitations of
current cloud computing programming models for typical scientific computing algorithms, and propose possible solutions. Current cloud models such
as MapReduce or Spark and their variants have succeeded in data-parallel
applications such as database operations and web searching; however, they
are still not effective for applications with a lot of data dependency such as
scientific computing applications. We propose several approaches to solving
this problem through extension of current programming models, automatic
translation from sequential codes to cloud codes, simple API and framework
built on current cloud models and traditional models such as MPI, detection
of data and task parallelism, and their efficient scheduling. Some preliminary
theoretical and experimental results will also be reported in this talk.
BIO: Dr. Yi Pan is a Distinguished University Professor of the Department of
Computer Science and an Interim Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences and
an Interim Chair of Biology at Georgia State University, USA. Dr. Pan received
his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in computer engineering from Tsinghua University, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 1991. His profile has
been featured as a distinguished alumnus in both Tsinghua Alumni Newsletter and University of Pittsburgh CS Alumni Newsletter. Dr. Pan’s research
interests include parallel and cloud computing, wireless networks, and bioinformatics. Dr. Pan has published more than 170 journal papers with over
50 papers published in various IEEE journals. In addition, he has published
over 170 papers in refereed conferences. He has also co-authored/co-edited
40 books. His work has been cited more than 4000 times. Dr. Pan has served
as an editor-in-chief or editorial board member for 15 journals including
7 IEEE Transactions. He is the recipient of many awards including IEEE
Transactions Best Paper Award, IBM Faculty Award, JSPS Senior Invitation
Fellowship, IEEE BIBE Outstanding Achievement Award, NSF Research
Opportunity Award, and AFOSR Summer Faculty Research Fellowship. He
has organized many international conferences and delivered over 40 keynote
speeches at various international conferences around the world.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Keynote Speakers
Thursday, August 20
Automated Border Control Gates:
Biometric Technologies and Privacy Issues
Session chair: TBA
Prof. Vincenzo Piuri
IEEE fellow
IEEE Vice President on Technical Activities
EiC of IEEE Systems Journal
ABSTRACT: Automation of border control gates, as well as easy identification in a variety of daily-life applications (ranging, e.g., from home banking
to e-commerce and e-government), requires a high degree of confidence in
the identification. Modern solutions are based on biometric technologies to
ensure standard quality in operation, by mimicking the usual activities performed by humans in identifying individuals. Biometric technologies allow
in fact for efficiently analyzing human traits (e.g., face, fingerprint, iris, palm)
for identity management. This talk will analyze the opportunities offered by
biometric technologies and their use for identity verification and recognition
in automated border control systems and also in many other critical applications. The characteristics of these technologies as well as their implications
on the overall system will be considered. Attention will be also given to a comprehensive system design methodology to take into account all application
requirements, including the need for privacy protection.
BIO: Vincenzo PIURI has received his Ph.D. in computer engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (1989). He has been Associate Professor at Politecnico
di Milano, Italy and Visiting Professor at the University of Texas at Austin
and at George Mason University, USA. He is Full Professor in computer engineering (since 2000) and has been Director of the Department of Information
Technology at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy.
His main research interests are: biometrics, signal and image processing,
machine learning, pattern analysis and recognition, theory and industrial
applications of neural networks, intelligent measurement systems, industrial
applications, fault tolerance, digital processing architectures, embedded systems, and arithmetic architectures. Original results have been published in
more than 350 papers in international journals, proceedings of international
conferences, books, and book chapters.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Keynote Speakers
Friday, August 21
Towards 5G, highly reliable networks
Session chair: TBA
Mr. Lauri Oksanen
VP, Research and Technology
Nokia Networks
ABSTRACT: The 5G mobile network infrastructure beyond 2020 is expected
to provide the universal communication environment that will be capable of
connecting everything including people, sensors, vehicles, smart meters, and
many other things far beyond our current experience of connectivity. The
varied applications will set high requirements to the communication services,
not just in traffic capacity, data speed, and energy consumption but increasingly also in network reliability which includes aspects of service availability
and quality, security, and privacy. The presentation will assess these requirements and introduce some key solutions.
BIO: Lauri Oksanen leads networks research activities in Nokia. He has
worked in telecoms research for 30 years in both academia and industry starting with optics and radio access. He and his international team work with
leading universities and other industry stakeholders to advance communications and ICT technology. Lauri is passionate about how technology can improve the lives of people and our environment.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Keynote Speakers
Friday, August 21
Online Arms Race
Session chair: TBA
Mr. Mikko Hyppönen
Chief Research Officer, F-Secure
ABSTRACT: There is an accelerating arms race going on in the online world.
We have all extended our lives from the real world to the online world.
However, our data and our privacy is being threatened by attackers in the
online world. We have to fight online criminals and online hacktivists. And - a
bit surprisingly - we nowadays also have to fight online attacks that are originating from governments themselves. How did we end up in this situation?
Where are we going next? And what should we do?
BIO: Mikko Hyppönen is the Chief Research Officer of F-Secure in Finland.
He has been working with computer security for over 20 years and has fought
the biggest malware outbreaks in the net. He has written on his research
for the New York Times, Wired and Scientific America. Mr. Hyppönen was
selected among the 50 most important people on the web in by the PC World
magazine, and the Foreign Policy magazine included him on the list of ”Top
100 Global Thinkers”.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Keynote Speakers
Saturday, August 22
Efficient and Privacy-Preserved Sharing
of Encrypted Data in the Cloud
Session chair: TBA
Prof. Robert H. Deng
Singapore Management University
ABSTRACT: To mitigate users’ privacy concerns about their data in the cloud,
a common solution is to store data in encrypted form so that it will remain
private even if servers are un-trusted or compromised. The encrypted data,
however, must be amenable to sharing and access control. In this talk, we
will first present vulnerabilities in some of the cloud based storage services
and propose a new security model for access control of encrypted data in the
cloud. We will then provide an overview of the solutions in the literature. In
particular, we will describe some of the techniques for making sharing of encrypted data in the cloud scalable, efficient and privacy-preserving.
BIO: Robert H. Deng has been a Professor at the School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University since 2004. Prior to this, he was
Principal Scientist and Manager of Infocomm Security Department, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore. His research interests include data
security and privacy, multimedia security, network and system security. He
was Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics
and Security from 2009 to 2012. He is currently Associate Editor of IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, and member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Computer Science and Technology (the Chinese
Academy of Sciences) and the International Journal of Information Security (Springer), respectively. He is the chair of the Steering Committee of the
ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
(ASIACCS). He received the University Outstanding Researcher Award from
the National University of Singapore in 1999 and the Lee Kuan Yew Fellow
for Research Excellence from the Singapore Management University in 2006.
He was named Community Service Star and Showcased Senior Information
Security Professional by (ISC)^2 under its Asia-Pacific Information Security
Leadership Achievements program in 2010.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Keynote Speakers
Saturday, August 22
Granular Computing in Data and
Knowledge Processing and System Analysis
Session chair: TBA
Prof. Witold Pedrycz
IEEE fellow
EiC of Information Sciences Canada Research Chair
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: Understanding complex systems or phenomena, realizing knowledge acquisition in the presence of huge volumes of data (big data), carrying out reasoning mechanisms, communicating findings and making sound
decisions are commonly carried at some conveniently established level of
abstraction. We build some pieces of knowledge, which are typically conveyed
not in the form of numbers but arise as more abstract entities – information
granules. Quite commonly they are articulated in natural language, say low
inflation, significant fluctuations of exchange rate, strong influence observed
in social networks, etc. To make those implicit abstract entities operational,
they need to be formalized in an explicit manner offered within the realm of
Granular Computing.
BIO: Witold Pedrycz is a Professor and Canada Research Chair (CRC) in
Computational Intelligence in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is also with the
Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw,
Poland. He also holds an appointment of special professorship in the School
of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK. In 2009 Dr. Pedrycz was
elected a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2012 he was
elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Witold Pedrycz has been a
member of numerous program committees of IEEE conferences in the area
of fuzzy sets and neurocomputing. In 2007 he received a prestigious Norbert
Wiener award from the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Council. He is
a recipient of the IEEE Canada Computer Engineering Medal 2008. In 2009
he has received a Cajastur Prize for Soft Computing from the European
Centre for Soft Computing for “pioneering and multifaceted contributions
to Granular Computing”. In 2013 has was awarded a Killam Prize. In the same
year he received a Fuzzy Pioneer Award 2013 from the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Technical Symposia
Thursday, August 20
TrustCom Security Track 1: Key Management (Room 1)
Session chair: Valtteri Niemi, University of Helsinki, Finland, Email:
Research on Key Management for Multi-Privileged Group Communications
Wei Zhou, Yang Xu and Guojun Wang
Attainable Unconditional Security for Shared-Key Cryptosystems.
Fabrizio Biondi, Thomas Given-Wilson and Axel Legay.
Keyword Revocable Searchable Encryption with Trapdoor Exposure Resistance and
Re-generateability. Keita Emura, Phong Le Trieu and Yohei Watanabe.
RFID secure application revocation for IoT in 5G.
Kai Fan, Yuanyuan Gong, Zhao Du, Hui Li and Yintang Yang.
TrustCom Security Track 10: IoT and Wireless Security, Heterogeneous (Room 2)
Session chair: Ana Goulart, Texas A&M University, Email:
Lightweight Certificateless and Provably-Secure Signcryptosystem for the Internet of Things.
Nguyen Kim Thuat, Oualha Nouha and Laurent Maryline.
Performance Evaluation in WSNs Based on Max-Plus and Time-Domain Stochastic Network Calculus. Guowei Wu, Jie Wang and Lin Yao.
Feature Interaction Problems in Smart Cards with Dynamic Application Lifecycle and their
Countermeasures. Raja Naeem Akram, Konstantinos Markantonakis and Damien Sauveron.
On Using a Von Neumann Extractor in Heart-Beat-Based Security.
Robert Seepers, Christos Strydis, Ioannis Sourdis and Chris I. De Zeeuw.
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA): Session I (Room 15)
Session chair: TBA
Evaluating HTM for pauseless garbage collectors in Java.
Maria Carpen-Amarie, Dave Dice, Patrick Marlier, Gael Thomas and Pascal Felber.
Selfish Self-Stabilizing Approach to Maximal Independent Sets.
Li-Hsing Yen and Jean-Yao Huang.
Parallel SMT Solving and Concurrent Symbolic Execution.
Emil Rakadjiev, Taku Shimosawa, Hiroshi Mine and Satoshi Oshima.
Identifying Hierarchical Structures in Sequences on GPU.
Prashant Jalan, Arihant Jain and Subhajit Roy.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Technical Symposia
Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE): Analytics I (Room LUMO)
Session chair: Bartosz Krawczyk, Wroclaw University of Technology.
M-PCA Binary Embedding For Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search.
Ezgi Can Ozan, Serkan Kiranyaz and Moncef Gabbouj.
Large-scale classification by an Approximate Least Squares One-Class Support Vector
Machine ensemble. Vasileios Mygdalis, Alexandros Iosifidis, Anastasios Tefas and Ioannis Pitas.
Nearest Class Vector Classification for Large-Scale Learning Problems.
Alexandros Iosifidis, Anastasios Tefas and Ioannis Pitas.
Class-specific nonlinear projections using class-specific kernel spaces.
Alexandros Iosifidis, Moncef Gabbouj and Petri Pekki.
TrustCom Security Track 2: Software and OS Security (Room 1)
Session chair: Ismail Adel ALTaharwa, The University of Jordan.
Identifying Unknown Android Malware with Feature Extractions and Classification Techniques.
Ludovic Apvrille and Axelle Apvrille.
Loop-Oriented Programming: a New Code Reuse Attack to Bypass Modern Defenses.
Bingchen Lan, Yan Li, Hao Sun, Chao Su, Yao Liu and Qingkai Zeng.
Efficient detection of zero-day Android Malware using Normalized Bernoulli Naive Bayes.
Luiza Sayfullina, Emil Eirola, Dmitry Komashinsky, Paolo Palumbo, Yoan Miche, Amaury Lendasse
and Juha Karhunen.
A First Look at Android Malware Traffic in First Few Minutes. Zhenxiang Chen, Hongbo Han, Qiben Yan, Bo Yang, Lizhi Peng, Lei Zhang and Jin Li.
Fast Identification of Obfuscation and Mobile Advertising in Mobile Malware
Marian Kühnel, Manfred Smieschek and Ulrike Meyer.
TrustCom Trust Track 1: Trust Evaluation, Reputation and Recommender Systems (Room 2)
Session chair: Nazila Gol Mohammadi, University of Duisburg-Essen Oststrasse 99.
DynFluid: Predicting Time-Evolving Rating in Recommendation Systems via Fluid Dynamics.
Huanyang Zheng and Jie Wu.
CloudRec: A Mobile Cloud Service Recommender System based on Adaptive QoS Management.
Wei Tang and Zheng Yan.
Can We Trust the Randomness of the Low-Cost RFID Tags: Lightweight Pseudo-Random Number Generators Revisited. Jiageng Chen, Atsuko Miyaji, Hiroyumi Sato and Chunhua Su.
Trust Evaluation in Mobile Devices: An Empirical Study. Richard Weiss, Leon Reznik, Yanyan Zhuang, Andrew Hoffman, Darrell Pollard , Albert Rafetseder, Tao Li and Justin Cappos.
Dynamic Trust Evaluation Of Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Multi-factor.
Jiaojiao Song, Xiaohong Li, Jing Hu, Guangquan Xu and Zhiyong Feng.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Technical Symposia
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA): Session II (Room 15)
Session chair: TBA
A new fill-in strategy for IC factorization preconditioning considering SIMD instructions.
Takeshi Iwashita, Naokazu Takemura, Akihiro Ida and Hiroshi Nakashima.
Advanced Scheduling for Improved GPU Resource Utilization.
Ayman Tarakji, Alexander Gladis, Tarek Anwar and Rainer Leupers.
Exploiting Hyper-Loop Parallelism in Vectorization to Improve Memory Performance on CUDA GPGPU. Shixiong Xu and David Gregg.
Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE): Analytics II (Room LUMO)
Session chair: Todor Ivanov, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
Scalable Learning of k-dependence Bayesian Classifiers under MapReduce.
Jacinto Arias, Jose Gamez and Jose M Puerta.
Distributed Entropy Minimization Discretizer for Big Data Analysis under Apache Spark.
Sergio Ramírez-Gallego, Salvador García, Héctor Mouriño-Talín, David Martínez-Rego,
Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, José Manuel Benítez and Francisco Herrera.
Scalable Massively Parallel Learning of Multiple Linear Regression Algorithm with MapReduce.
Moufida Adjout and Faouzi Boufares.
An Algorithm for Identifying the Learning Patterns in Big Data.
Majed Farrash and Wenjia Wang.
Goal-Based Analytic Composition for On- and Off-line Execution at Scale.
Peter Coetzee and Stephen Jarvis.
TrustCom Security Track 3: Data and Application Security (Room 1)
Session chair: Lorena González Manzano, University Carlos III of Madrid.
Secure Block Device - Secure, Flexible, and Efficient Data Storage for ARM TrustZone Systems.
Daniel Hein, Johannes Winter and Andreas Fitzek.
A Fault-Tolerant Watermarking Algorithm for FPGA IP Protection.
Jing Long, Dafang Zhang, Wei Liang and Wenwei Li.
Big Data Analytics for Detecting Host Misbehavior in Large Logs.
Daniel Gonçalves, João Bota and Miguel Correia.
DPBSV- An Efficient and Secure Scheme for Big Sensing Data Stream.
Deepak Puthal, Surya Nepal, Rajiv Ranjan and Jinjun Chen.
Interplay of Security&Dependability and Resource using Model-driven and Pattern-based Development.
Brahim Hamid.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Technical Symposia
TrustCom Trust Track 4: Trust in Social and Cloud Computing (Room 2)
Session chair: Ismail Adel AL-Taharwa, The University of Jordan.
Contextual Sub-network Extraction in Contextual Social Networks.
Xiaoming Zheng, Yan Wang and Mehmet Orgun.
Trust-based formal delegation framework for Enterprise Social Networks.
Ahmed Bouchami, Olivier Perrin and Ehtesham Zahoor.
Trust-aware Elastic Social Compute Units.
Mirela Riveni, Hong-Linh Truong and Schahram Dustdar.
Regenerating-Codes-based Efficient Remote Data Checking and Repairing in Cloud Storage.
Jing Chen, Yulin Peng, Ruiying Du, Quan Yuan and Minghui Zheng.
TrustCom Privacy Track 5: Identity Privacy (Room 3)
Session chair: David (Bong Jun) Choi, SUNY Korea, Stony Brook University.
(l1, ..., lq)-diversity for Anonymizing Sensitive Quasi-Identifiers.
Yuichi Sei, Takao Takenouchi and Akihiko Ohsuga.
Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for V2G Networks in the Smart Grid.
Neetesh Saxena, Bong Jun Choi and Shinyoung Cho.
A Set of Efficient Privacy Protection Enforcing Lightweight Authentication Protocols for Low-cost RFID Tags. Pierre-François Bonnefoi, Pierre Dusart, Damien Sauveron, Raja Naeem Akram and
Konstantinos Markantonakis.
Group Sparsity Tensor Factorization for De-anonymization of Mobility Traces.
Takao Murakami, Atsunori Kanemura and Hideitsu Hino.
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA): Session III (Room 15)
Session chair: TBA
Towards Increasing the Error Handling Time Window in Large‐Scale Distributed Systems using
Console and Resource Usage Logs.
Nentawe Gurumdimma, Arshad Jhumka, Maria Liakata, Edward Chuah and James Browne.
Metaprogramming dense linear algebra solvers: Applications to multi and many‐core architectures.
Ian Masliah, Marc Baboulin and Joel Falcou.
Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search from Multi‐core to Many‐core Processors.
Sayyed Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik and Jos Vermaseren.
Routing Algorithms for Recursively‐Defined Data Centre Networks.
Alejandro Erickson, Iain Stewart, Javier Navaridas and Abbas Eslami Kiasari.
Petri Nets formalization of Map/Reduce paradigm to optimise the performance‐cost tradeoff. M.Carmen Ruiz, Francisco Javier Calleja and Diego Cazorla.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Technical Symposia
Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE): Text Analytics (Room LUMO)
Session chair: Francisco Herrera, University of Granada
Similarity Measure based on Low-Rank Approximations for Highly Scalable Recommender Systems. Sepideh Seifzadeh and Ali Miri.
Spatial-Temporal Aware Truth Finding in Big Data Social Sensing Applications.
Chao Huang and Dong Wang.
Similarity-based Query-focused Multi-document Summarization using Crowdsourced and
Manually-built Lexical-Semantic Resources. Muhidin Mohamed and Mourad Oussalah.
Semi-Supervised Multiple Disambiguation.
Kambiz Ghoorchian, Fatemeh Rahimian and Sarunas Girdzijauskas.
Friday, August 21 • Technical Symposia
TrustCom Security Track 5: Network Security (Room 1)
Session chair: Sufian Hameed, National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (NUCES).
RPAH: Random Port and Address Hopping for Thwarting Internal and External Adversaries.
Yuebin Luo, Baosheng Wang, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaofeng Hu and Hao Sun.
MimicHunter: A General Passive Network Protocol Mimicry Detection Framework.
Zigang Cao, Gang Xiong and Li Guo.
An Analysis of TLS Handshake Proxying.
Douglas Stebila and Nick Sullivan.
How to Misuse SMTP over TLS: A Study of the (In)Security of Email Server Communication.
Lars Baumgärtner, Jonas Höchst, Matthias Leinweber and Bernd Freisleben.
TrustCom Trust Track 2: Trusted Environments (Room 2)
Session chair: Jiun Yi Yap, Email:
TrustTokenF: a Generic Security Framework for Mobile Two-factor Authentication Using TrustZone. Zhang Yingjun, Zhao Shijun, Qin Yu, Yang Bo and Feng Dengguo.
On Rehoming the Electronic Id to TEEs.
Sandeep Tamrakar, Jan-Erik Ekberg and Pekka Laitinen.
Trusted Execution Environment: What It Is, and What It Is Not.
Mohamed Sabt, Mohammed Achemlal and Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah.
JoKER: Trusted Detection of Kernel Rootkits in Android Devices via JTAG Interface.
Mordechai Guri, Yuri Poliak, Bracha Shapira and Yuval Elovici.
Performance of Cooperative Firewalls in Real-World Deployments.
Nishant Pattanaik and Ana Goulart.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Technical Symposia
TrustCom Privacy Track 3: Location Privacy and others (Room 3)
Session chair: Luiza Sayfullina
A Dynamic Fake Source Algorithm for Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Matthew Bradbury, Matthew Leeke and Arshad Jhumka.
Time Distortion Anonymization for Publication of Mobility Data with High Utility.
Vincent Primault, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Cedric Lauradoux and Lionel Brunie.
Aligning the Conflicting Needs of Privacy, Malware Detection and Network Protection.
Ian Oliver and Silke Holtmanns.
Enable Privacy Preservation and Result Verification for Top-$k$ Query in Two-tiered Sensor Networks. Hui Peng, Xiaoying Zhang, Hong Chen, Yuncheng Wu, Yao Wu and Juru Zeng.
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA): Session IV (Room 12)
Session chair: TBA
A horizontally-scalable multiprocessing platform based on Node.js.
Ahmad Maatouki, Jærg Meyer, Marek Szuba and Achim Streit.
Performance Evaluations of Document-Oriented Databases using GPU and Cache Structure.
Shin Morishima and Hiroki Matsutani.
Energy-efficient sorting with the distributed memory architecture ePUMA.
Andreas Karlsson, Joar Sohl and Dake Liu.
Hardware Transactional Memory Optimization Guidelines, Applied to Ordered Maps.
Lars Bonnichsen, Christian W. Probst and Sven Karlsson.
Analysis of the Impact of CPU Virtualization on Parallel Applications in Xen.
Kenichi Kourai and Riku Nakata.
Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE): Big Data Technologies (Room LUMO)
Session chair: Alexandros Iosifidis, Tampere University of Technology
Hadoop Characterization. Icaro Alzuru, Kevin Long, Tao Li, David Zimmerman and Bhaskar Gowda.
Telemetry for Elastic Data (TED): Middleware for MapReduce Job Metering and Rating.
Soheil Qanbari, Ashkan Farivarmoheb, Parham Fazlali, Samira Mahdizadeh and Schahram Dustdar.
Cost Models for Distributed Pattern Mining in the Cloud.
Sabeur Aridhi, Laurent D’Orazio, Mondher Maddouri and Engelbert Mephu Nguifo.
Performance Evaluation of Enterprise Big Data Platforms with HiBench.
Todor Ivanov, Raik Niemann, Sead Izberovic, Marten Rosselli, Karsten Tolle and Roberto Zicari.
Adaptive Data Communication Interface: A User-Centric Visual Data Interpretation Framework.
Grazziela Figueredo, Christian Wagner, Jonathan Garibaldi and Uwe Aickelin.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Technical Symposia
TrustCom Security Track 5: Network Security (Room 1)
Session chair: Priyadarsi Nanda, University of Technology Sydney, Australia,
Unsupervised Feature Selection Method for Intrusion Detection System.
Mohammed Ambusaidi, Xiangjian He and Priyadarsi Nanda.
Identifying Diffusion Sources in Large Networks: A Community Structure Based Approach.
Jiaojiao Jiang, Andi Zhou, Kasra Majbouri Yazdi, Sheng Wen, Shui Yu and Yang Xiang.
An Entropy-Based Distributed DDoS Detection Mechanism in Software-Defined Networking.
Rui Wang, Zhiping Jia and Lei Ju.
A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based Hierarchical Network.
Mian Ahmad Jan, Priyadarsi Nanda, Xiangjian He and Ren Ping Liu.
TrustCom Trust Track 3: Trust in Wireless and Sensor Networks (Room 2)
Session chair: Xiangjian He, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia,
Memory Attestation of Wireless Sensor Nodes by Trusted Local Agents.
Po-Hung Yang and Sung-Ming Yen.
Mobility Increases the Risk of Malware Propagations in Wireless Networks.
Bo Liu, Wanlei Zhou, Longxiang Gao, Sheng Wen and Tom H. Luan.
Simmelian Ties and Structural Holes: Exploring Their Topological Roles in Forming Trust for Securing Wireless Sensor Networks. Ming Xiang, William Liu, Quan Bai and Adnan Al-Anbuky.
Cooperative Transmission against Impersonation Attack Using Inter-Session Interference in Two-Hop Wireless Networks. Weidong Yang, Le Xiao and Liming Sun.
Reputation Propagation and Updating in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Byzantine Failures.
Chuanyou Li, Michel Hurfin and Yun Wang.
TrustCom Privacy Track 2: User Privacy (Room 3)
Session chair, Mirela Riveni, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Email:
WiGen: Breaking the Privacy and Security Barriers for Group Management in RFID Systems.
Li Lu and Hongzi Zhu.
Effects of Contextual Properties on Users’ Privacy Preferences in Mobile Computing Environments. Seung-Hyun Kim, Han-Gyu Ko, In-Young Ko and Daeseon Choi.
Private Membership Test for Bloom Filters.
Tommi Meskanen, Jian Liu, Sara Ramezanian and Valtteri Niemi.
You are AIRing too much: Assessing the privacy of users in crowdsourcing environmental data.
Julien Mineraud, Federico Lancerin, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Mauro Conti and Sasu Tarkoma.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Technical Symposia
TrustCom Security Track 6: Information Security (Room 1)
Session chair: Brahim HAMID, Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse, France, Email:
Surveys of Daily Information Security of Citizens in Finland. Jukka Koskinen.
Drive-by Disclosure: A Large-Scale Detector of Drive-by Downloads Based on Latent Behavior
Prediction. Ismail Altaharwa, Hahn-Ming Lee, Albert Jeng, Cheng-Seen Ho, Shyi-Ming Chen
and Kuo-Ping Wu.
Diversifying SQL to Prevent Injection Attacks. Sampsa Rauti, Jukka Teuhola and Ville Leppänen.
Information Security Awareness in Educational Institution: An Analysis of Students’ Individual Factors. Ali Farooq, Seppo Virtanen, Johanna Isoaho and Jouni Isoaho.
TrustCom Security Track 7: Authentication and Crypto (Room 2)
Session chair: Thomas Given-Wilson, Email:
A Hybrid Mobile Authentication Model for Ubiquitous -Networking.
Abdullah Almuhaideb, Bala Srinivasan, Phu Dung Le, Mohammed Alhabeeb and Waleed Alfehaid.
Integrity Protection of NDEF Message with Flexible and Enhanced NFC Signature Records.
Sufian Hameed, Usman Murad Jamali and Adnan Samad.
An Instruction-set Randomization Using Length-preserving Permutation.
Jianming Fu, Xu Zhang and Yan Lin.
Cut-and-Choose Bilateral Oblivious Transfer and Its Application.
Chuan Zhao, Han Jiang, Xiaochao Wei, Qiuliang Xu and Minghao Zhao.
A Family of Scalable Polynomial Multiplier Architectures for Lattice-Based Cryptography.
Chaohui Du and Guoqiang Bai.
TrustCom Privacy Track 4: Data Privacy (Room 3)
Session chair: Raja Naeem Akram, Email:
Bin Encoding: A User-Centric Secure Full-Text Searching Scheme for the Cloud.
Mark Will, Ryan Ko and Ian Witten.
PEAS: Private, Efficient and Accurate Web Search.
Albin Petit, Thomas Cerqueus, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Lionel Brunie and Harald Kosch.
Privacy-Preserving Mining of Frequent Routes in Cellular Network Data.
Olof Görnerup, Nima Dokoohaki and Andrea Hess.
uCentive: An Efficient, Anonymous and Unlinkable Incentives Scheme.
Milica Milutinovic, Italo Dacosta, Andreas Put and Bart De Decker.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Saturday, August 22 • Technical Symposia
TrustCom Security Track 8: Secure Environments (Room 1)
Session chair: Valtteri Niemi, University of Helsinki, Finland, Email:
Open-TEE - An Open Virtual Trusted Execution Environment.
Brian McGillion, Tanel Dettenborn, Thomas Nyman and N. Asokan.
Transparent Page-based Kernel and User Space Execution Tracing from a Custom Minimal ARM Hypervisor. Julian Horsch and Sascha Wessel.
A Generic Model for Dynamic NIST Cybersecurity Framework Compliance Assessment.
Nuno Teodoro, Luís Gonçalves and Carlos Serrao.
A Joint Optimization Approach to Security-as-a-Service Allocation and Cyber Insurance Management. Sivadon Chaisiri, Ryan Ko and Dusit Niyato.
TrustCom Security Track 9: Cloud Security (Room 14)
Session chair: Fenghua Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Email:
Efficient Integrity Auditing for shared Data in the Cloud with Secure User Revocation.
Yuchuan Luo, Ming Xu, Shaojing Fu and Dongsheng Wang.
Secure Out-of-band Remote Management Using Encrypted Virtual Serial Consoles in IaaS Clouds. Kenichi Kourai and Tatsuya Kajiwara.
Efficient Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Storing Multiple Source Data on Cloud.
Chang Liu, Liehuang Zhu and Jinjun Chen.
Achieving Lightweight and Secure Access Control in Multi-Authority Cloud.
Yanchao Wang, Fenghua Li, Jinbo Xiong, Ben Niu and Fangfang Shan.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20
Reengineering for Parallelism in Heterogeneous Parallel Platforms (RePara): Session I (Room 3)
Session chair: TBA
Parallelizing High-Frequency Trading Applications by using C++11 Attributes.
Marco Danelutto, Tiziano De Matteis, Gabriele Mencagli and Massimo Torquati.
AKI: Automatic Kernels Identification and Annotation Tool based on C++ Attributes.
Rafael Sotomayor, Luis Miguel Sanchez Garcia, Francisco Javier Garcia Blas, Alejandro Calderon Mateos and Javier Fernandez Muñoz.
MeterPU: A Generic Measurement Abstraction API Enabling Energy-tuned Skeleton Backend Selection. Lu Li and Christoph Kessler.
Trust and Security in Cloud Computing (TSCloud): Session I (Room 4)
Session chair: TBA
Invited talk: Daniele Cattedu, Managing Director, Cloud Security Alliance EMEA
A Review of Free Cloud-Based Anti-Malware Apps for Android.
Jason Walls and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo.
Forensic Collection and Analysis of Thumbnails in Android.
Ming Di Leom, Christian D’Orazio, Gaye Deegan, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo.
EyeCloud: A BotCloud Detection System.
Mohammad Reza Memarian, Mauro Conti, and Ville Leppänen.
Trustworthy Software Systems: Session I (Room 5)
Session chair: TBA
A Global, Empirical Analysis of the Shellshock Vulnerability in Web Applications.
Ryan Ko and Baden Delamore, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Preventing Library Spoofing on Android.
Dennis Titze, Fraunhofer AISEC, Garching, Germany.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Security Track 1 (Room 10)
Session chair: Silvia Puglisi, UPC - Barcelona Tech, Spain, Email:
Data mobility management model for active data cube.
Dang Thanhdat, Doan Hoang and Priyadarsi Nanda.
Invited talk: Reengineering for Parallelism. J. Daniel García.
Invited talk: Usable Trust Management for Mobile Applications.
Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Workshops
BotProfiler: Profiling Variability of Substrings in HTTP Requests to Detect Malware-infected Hosts.
Daiki Chiba, Takeshi Yagi, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Kazufumi Aoki, Takeo Hariu and Shigeki Goto.
Analysis of Mobility Algorithms for Forensic Virtual Machine Based Malware Detection.
Nada Alruhaily, Behzad Bordbar and Tom Chothia.
A Novel Architecture for Predictive CyberSecurity using non-homogenous Markov Models.
Subil Abraham and Suku Nair.
eSKAMI: Efficient and Scalable multi-group Key management for Advanced Metering Infrastructure
in Smart Grid. Mourad Benmalek and Yacine Challal.
Trust and Security in Wireless Sensor Networks (TrustWSN): Session I (Room 11)
Session chair: TBA
Periodicity-and-Linear-Based data suppression mechanism for WSN.
Yanchao Song, Juan Luo, Chang Liu and Wenfeng He.
Quantitative Trustworthy Evaluation Scheme For Trust Routing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. Hongsong Chen.
An Efficient Congestion Control Scheme for Multimedia Data in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Kyoungsoo Bok, Eunkyung Ryu and Jaesoo Yoo.
Parallelism in Bioinformatics (PBio): Cluster computing in Bioinformatics (Room 12)
Session chair: Álvaro Rubio-Largo, University of Extremadura. Email:
Parallel Computation of Voxelized Macromolecular Surfaces by Spatial Slicing.
Sebastian Daberdaku and Carlo Ferrari.
Scalable RNA Sequencing on Clusters of Multicore Processors.
Héctor Martínez, Sergio Barrachina, Maribel Castillo, Joaquín Tárraga, Ignacio Medina,
Joaquín Dopazo and Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí.
A Parallel Algorithm for Compression of Big Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Datasets.
Sandino Vargas Pérez and Fahad Saeed.
Assessment of a Black-box Approach for a Parallel Finite Elements Solver in Computational
Hemodynamics. Ferdinando Auricchio, Marco Ferretti, Adrien Lefieux, Mirto Musci, Alessandro Reali, Santi Trimarchi and Alessandro Veneziani.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Privacy Track 1 (Room 14)
Session Chair: Zheming Fan, Chinese Academy of Science, China, Email:
Watch Your Mobile Payment: An Empirical Study of Privacy Disclosure.
Zakaria Sahnoune, Esma Aïmeur, Ghada El Haddad and Rodrigue Sokoudjou.
Disequilibrium: Tor’s Exit Node Selection Under the Stereoscope.
Robert Koch, Mario Golling and Gabi Dreo.
Extended Model of Side-Information in Garbling.
Tommi Meskanen, Valtteri Niemi and Noora Nieminen.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Workshops
A Cloud-based Model to Facilitate Mobility of Privacy-preserving Attribute-based Credential Users. Ahmad Sabouri.
Can on-line social network users trust that what they designated as confidential data remains so?
Vladimir Estivill-Castro and David Nettleton.
Reengineering for Parallelism in Heterogeneous Parallel Platforms (RePara):
Session II (Room 3)
Session chair: TBA
Invited talk: Refactoring C++ for parallelism with the Cevelop IDE.
Peter Sommerlad and Thomas Corbat.
Exploiting Task-Parallelism on GPU Clusters via OmpSs and rCUDA Virtualization.
Adrián Castelló, Rafael Mayo, Judit Planas and Enrique S. Quintana-Orti.
Parallel Pipeline on Heterogeneous Multi-Processing Architectures.
Andrés Rodríguez, Angeles Navarro, Rafael Asenjo, Antonio Vilches, Francisco Corber and
Maria Garzaran.
The Loop of Stencil Reduce paradigm.
Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto, Maurizio Drocco, Peter Kilpatrick, Guilherme Peretti Pezzi
and Massimo Torquati.
Prediction Models for Performance, Power, and Energy Efficiency of Software Executed on
Heterogeneous Hardware. Dénes Bán, Rudolf Ferenc, István Siket and Ákos Kiss.
Trust and Security in Cloud Computing (TSCloud): Session II (Room 4)
Session chair: TBA
A Taxonomy of Cloud Attack Consequences and Mitigation Strategies.
Kin Suntana Tep, Ben Martini, Ray Hunt, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo.
Cloud Security Audit for Migration and Continuous Monitoring.
Umar Mukhtar Ismail, Shareeful Islam, and Harris Mouratidis.
Enhancing Cloud Security and Privacy: Broadening the Service Level Agreement.
Bob Duncan and Mark Whittington.
Android cache taxonomy and forensic process.
Felix Immanuel, Ben Martini, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo.
Trustworthy Software Systems (TrustSoft): Session II (Room 5)
Session chair: TBA
Issues in Trustworthy Software Systems.
Mazen Ezzeddine and Haitham Akkary.
Mission-Aware Vulnerability Assessment for Cyber-Physical Systems.
Xiaotian Wang.
Invited talk: Stavros Tripakis, Aalto University, Finland.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Workshops
Alias Detection Across Multi-Online Applications Based on User’s Behavior Characteristics.
Zhaoli Liu.
A Rejuvenation Model for Software System under Normal Attack.
Haining Meng.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Security Track 2 (Room 10)
Session chair: Lorena González Manzano, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain,
Implementing Authentication Systems based on Physical Unclonable Functions.
John Ross Wallrabenstein.
Save Our Passwords.
Martin Boonk, Ronald Petrlic and Christoph Sorge.
Partial Data Protection via Structure-Preserving Document Partitioning.
Luigi Lo Iacono.
Enhancing EMV Online PIN Verification.
Danushka Jayasinghe, Raja Naeem Akram, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Konstantinos Rantos
and Keith Mayes.
A Formalization of Fingerprinting Techniques.
Fabian Lanze, Andriy Panchenko and Thomas Engel.
Trust and Security in Wireless Sensor Networks (TrustWSN): Session II (Room 11)
Session chair: TBA
A Security Topology Protocol of Wireless Sensor Networks based on Community Detection
and Energy Aware. Zuo Chen, Mengyuan Jia, Yan Wang and Xiaolong Yan.
A Novel Sensor Deployment Approach Using Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm in Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huan Zhao, Qian Zhang, Yan Wang and Liang Zhang.
A Self-Adaptive Wireless Sensor Network Coverage Method for Intrusion Tolerance Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Cuckoo Search. Zuo Chen, Xue Li, Bin Lv and Mengyuan Jia.
Parallelism in Bioinformatics (PBio): Hardware accelerators in Bioinformatics (Room 12)
Session chair: Álvaro Rubio-Largo, University of Extremadura. Email:
Smith-Waterman Protein Search with OpenCL on FPGA.
Enzo Rucci, Armando de Giusti, Marcelo Naiouf, Guillermo Botella, Carlos García
and Manuel Prieto-Matias.
Accelerating Phylogenetic Inference on Heterogeneous OpenCL Platforms.
Lídia Kuan, Leonel Sousa and Pedro Tomás.
Accelerating DNA Sequencing Using Intel Xeon Phi.
Suejb Memeti and Sabri Pllana.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Workshops
Fast Epistasis Detection in Large-Scale GWAS for Intel Xeon Phi Clusters.
Glenn R. Luecke, Nathan T. Weeks, Brandon M. Groth, Marina Kraeva, Li Ma, Luke M. Kramer,
ames E. Koltes and James M. Reecy.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Privacy Track 2 (Room 14)
Session chair: David F. Nettleton, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain,
Stylometric Anonymity: Is Imitation The Best Strategy?
Mahmoud Khonji and Youssef Iraqi.
k-anonymity: risks and the reality.
Anirban Basu, Toru Nakamura, Seira Hidano and Shinsaku Kiyomoto.
A Dynamic Credible Factory Reset Mechanism of Personal Data in Android Device.
Dali Zhu, Zheming Fan and Na Pang.
The Pseudonym Broker Privacy Pattern in Medical Data Collection.
Christiaan Hillen.
Game-Theoretic Model of Incentivizing Privacy-Aware Users to Consent to Location Tracking.
Emmanouil Panaousis, Aron Laszka, Johannes Pohl, Andreas Noack and Tansu Alpcan.
Trust and Security in Cloud Computing (TSCloud): Session III (Room 4)
Session chair: TBA
Architectural Model and Security Mechanisms for Cloud Federations.
Luciano Barreto, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Joni Fraga,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, and Frank Siqueira, Federal University of Santa Catarina.
An Framework for Cryptography Based Accountabilty and Service Invocation Control for
Service Composition in a Multicloud Architecture.
Gwan-Hwan Hwang, Kun-Yih Huang, and Yu-Cheng Hsiao.
Stationarity Enforcement of Accelerator based TRNG by Genetic Algorithm.
Jose Juan Mijares Chan, Parimala Thulasiraman, Gabriel Thomas, and Ruppa Thulasiram.
Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Internet of Things (SpaloT): Session I (Room 5)
Session chair: Catia Prandi, University of Bologna, Italy. Email:
Revocation Management in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks.
Francisco Martin-Fernandez, Pino Caballero Gil and Cándido Caballero-Gil.
Enhancing the Trajectory Privacy with Laplace Mechanism.
Daiyong Quan, Lihua Yin and Yunchuan Guo.
A Simple RFID-based Architecture for Privacy Preservation.
Di Wu, Jingfu Du, Dali Zhu and Siye Wang.
Secure Sketch Search For Document Similarity.
Cengiz Orencik, Mahmoud Alewiwi, and Erkay Savas.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Workshops
Towards Efficient Implementation of Lattice-Based Public-Key Encryption on Modern CPUs.
Chaohui Du, Guoqiang Bai and Hongyi Chen.
Towards Tracing of k-Anonymized Datasets.
Shinsaku Kiyomoto Toru Nakamura, and Yutaka Miyake.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Security Track 3 (Room 10)
Session chair: Gyan Singh Yadav, Indian Institute of Information Technology Jabalpur(M.P.), India, Email:
Securing Network-Assisted Direct Communication: The Case of Unreliable Cellular Connectivity.
Aleksandr Ometov, Konstantin Zhidanov, Sergey Bezzateev, Roman Florea, Sergey Andreev
and Yevgeni Koucheryavy.
A Secure Northbound Interface for SDN Applications.
Christian Banse and Sathyanarayanan Rangarajan.
Secure Routing Protocol Considering Load Distribution in Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
Yuri Ohata, Sayaka Umeda, Takashi Kamimoto and Hiroshi Shigeno.
A Study of IEEE 802.15.6 Association Protocols.
Jing Feng, Xin Huang, Yulin Lu, Ruiyang Xu and Zheng Yan.
Trust and Security in Wireless Sensor Networks (TrustWSN): Session III (Room 11)
Session chair: TBA
A Dyna-Q based Multi-path Load-balancing Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Zhipeng Xu, Fei Zhu, Yuchen Fu, Quan Liu and Shuhua You.
Study on the Coverage of Adaptive Wireless Sensor Network Based on Trust.
Zhao Huan, Hu Chaoming, Lv Bin and Zheng Rui.
An efficient clustering mining algorithm for indoor moving target trajectory based on
the improved AGNES. Wei Qing Huang, Chang Ding, Si Ye Wang and Shuang Hu.
A Near Field Communication (NFC) security model based on OSI reference model.
Wei Fan, Weiqing Huang and Ye Wang.
Secure Routing Protocols for Sensor Networks: Construction with Signature Schemes
for Multiple Signers. Kenta Muranaka, Naoto Yanai, Shingo Okamura and Toru Fujiwara.
Parallelism in Bioinformatics (PBio):
Many-core, multi-core and distributed computing in Bioinformatics (Room 12)
Session chair: Álvaro Rubio-Largo
On the Performance of BWA on NUMA Architectures.
Josefina Lenis and Miquel Angel Senar.
Parallel H4MSA for Multiple Sequence Alignment.
Álvaro Rubio-Largo, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez and David L. González-Álvarez.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Thursday, August 20 • Workshops
Discovering Candidates for Gene Network Expansion by Distributed Volunteer Computing.
Francesco Asnicar, Luca Erculiani, Francesca Galante, Caterina Gallo, Luca Masera, Paolo Morettin, Nadir Sella, Stanislau Semeniuta, Thomas Tolio, Giulia Malacarne, Kristof Engelen, Andrea Argentini, Valter Cavecchia, Claudio Moser and Enrico Blanzieri.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Privacy Track 3 (Room 14)
Session chair: Ahmad Sabouri, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany,
DroidCIA: A Novel Detection Method of Code Injection Attacks on HTML5-based Mobile Apps.
Yen-Lin Chen, Hahn-Ming Lee, Albert B. Jeng and Te-En Wei.
Secure Two-party Rank Correlation Computations for Recommender Systems.
Kok Seng Wong, Minjie Seo and Myung Ho Kim.
The Role of Risk Perceptions in Privacy Concerns Evaluation.
Anna Rohunen and Jouni Markkula.
A Language for the Composition of Privacy-Enforcement Techniques.
Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau, Rémi Douence and Mario Südholt.
Potential mass surveillance and privacy violations in proximity-based social applications.
Silvia Puglisi, David Rebollo-Monedero and Jordi Forné.
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
5G Security (IW5GS): Session I (Room 4)
Session chair: TBA
Towards 5G Security.
Günther Horn and Peter Schneider.
Unblocking stolen mobile devices using SS7-MAP vulnerabilities.
Siddharth Prakash Rao, Silke Holtmanns, Ian Oliver and Tuomas Aura.
Mobile Guard Demo - Network Based Malware Detection.
Vikramajeet Khatri and Joerg Abendroth.
Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems (DIAS):
Session I: Models and Applications for Industrial Cyber-physical systems (Room 5)
Session chair: TBA
Invited talk: IoT Platform for Distributed Intelligence on Constrained Devices.
Pavel Petroshenko.
Cyber-physical Design of Data Centers Cooling Systems Automation.
Arash Mousavi.
Fuzzy Logic Based Prosumer Agent in a Modular Smart Grid Prosumer Architecture.
Chen-Wei Yang.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
Adaptation of Material Flows in Mechanical Transportation Systems based on Observation Experience. Marina Savelyeva and Valriy Vjatkin.
An OPC UA based Architecture for Testing Tracking Simulation Methods.
Gerardo Santillán Martínez.
Model-driven runtime embedded monitoring for industrial controller.
Sergey Bikovsky and Pavel Kustarev.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Security Track 4 (Room 10)
Session chair: Florian Reimair, Graz University of Technology, Austria,
Access control for the Cloud based on multi-device authentication.
Lorena González Manzano, José María De Fuentes and Agustin Orfila.
Enhancing Access-Control with Risk-Metrics For Collaboration On Social Cloud-Platforms.
Ahmed Bouchami, Elio Goettelmann, Olivier Perrin and Claude Godart.
RESCUE: Resilient Secret Sharing Cloud-based Architecture.
Elochukwu Ukwandu, Bill Buchanan, Lu Fan, Owen Lo and Gordon Russell.
On the Resource Consumption of Secure Data Sharing.
Holger Kuehner and Hannes Hartenstein.
Secure Location Validation with Wi-Fi Geo-fencing and NFC.
Maksim Avdyushkin and Musfiq Rahman.
UbiSafe Computing (UbiSafe): Session I (Room 11)
Session chair: Maryam Sepehri, University of Milan, Italy.
Stationarity Enforcement of Accelerator based TRNG by Genetic Algorithm.
Jose Juan Mijares Chan, Parimala Thulasiraman, et al.
A Method for Deriving and Testing Malicious Behavior Detection Rules.
Raimo Hilden and Kimmo Hatonen.
Towards a Generic Trust Management Framework using a Machine-Learning-Based Trust Model.
Jorge López and Stephane Maag.
Distributed Reputation System for Certification Authority Trust Management.
Jiska Classen, Johannes Braun, Florian Volk, Matthias Hollick, Johannes Buchmann,
and Max Mühlhäuser.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Trust Track 1 (Room 14)
Session chair: Alessandro Aldini, University of Urbino, Italy, Email:
Provenance-based Attestation for Trustworthy Computing.
Jiun Yi Yap and Allan Tomlinson.
A Framework for Evaluating the End-to-End Trustworthiness.
Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Torsten Bandyszak, Costas Kalogiros, Michalis Kanakakis and Thorsten Weyer.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
Trusted Tamper-Evident Data Provenance.
Mohammad Bany Taha, Sivadon Chaisiri and Ryan Ko.
Security Risks Management in the Internet of Things based on Fuzzy Logic Inference.
Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko and Sergey Ageev.
5G Security (IW5GS): Session II (Room 4)
Session chair: TBA
Towards Secure SDN-based Multi-tenant Virtualized Networks.
Nicolae Paladi and Christian Gehrmann.
CRC-Based Message Authentication for 5G Mobile Technology.
Elena Dubrova, Mats Näslund and Göran Selander.
An Air Interface Signaling Protection Function for Mobile Networks: GSM Experiments and Beyond. Prajwol Kumar Nakarmi, Oscar Ohlsson and Michael Liljenstam.
Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems (DIAS):
Session II: Distributed design architectures (Room 5)
Session chair: TBA
Synthesis of safety controllers for distributed automation systems on the basis of reverse
safe net condition/event systems.
Victor Dubinin.
A Formal Perspective on IEC 61499 Execution Control Chart Semantics.
Per Lindgren.
Formal Modeling of Testing Software for Cyber-Physical Automation Systems.
Igor Buzhinsky.
Inferring Automata Logic From Manual Control Scenarios: Implementation in Function Blocks.
Daniil Chivilikhin.
Formal Verification of IEC 61499 Function Blocks with Abstract State Machines and SMV – Modelling. Sandeep Patil.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Security Track 5 (Room 10)
Session chair: David F. Nettleton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain,
Proofs of Encrypted Data Retrievability with Probabilistic and Homomorphic Message Authenticators. Dongxi Liu and John Zic.
A Scalable Data Hiding Scheme using Hilbert Space Curve and Chaos.
Gyan Singh Yadav and Aparajita Ojha.
Detecting Data Semantic: A Data Leakage Prevention Approach.
Sultan Alneyadi, Elankayer Sithirasenan and Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy.
A New Solution Based on Multi-Rate LDPC for Flash Memory to Reduce ECC Redundancy.
Shigui Qi, Dan Feng, Nan Su, Wenguo Liu and Jingning Liu.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
CaptureMe: Attacking the User Credential in Mobile Banking Applications.
Mohamed El-Serngawy and Chamseddine Talhi.
UbiSafe Computing (UbiSafe): Session II: (Room 11)
Session chair: Jiska Classen, TU Darmstadt, Germany. Email:
Data Sharing on the Cloud: A scalable proxy-based protocol for privacy-preserving queries.
Maryam Sepehri, Stelvio Cimato, Ernesto Damiani and Chan Yeob Yeun.
DDOS Mitigation Cloud-Based Service.
Fouad Amine Guenane, Michele Nogueira and Ahmed Serhrouchni.
Dynamic Game Access Control based on Trust.
Shunan Ma.
Dynamic Security Policies Enforcement and Adaptation Using Aspects.
Muhammad Sabir Idrees, Samiha Ayed, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Frédéric Cuppens.
Data, Text, Web and Social Network Mining (DTWSM): Session I (Room 12)
Session chair: Dr. Bifan Wei, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Probabilistic Modeling Towards Understanding the Power Law Distribution
of Video Viewing Behavior in Large-scale e-Learning.
Ni Xue, Huan He, Jun Liu, Qinghua Zheng, Tian Ma, Jianfei Ruan and Bo Dong
Enhancing the Detection Rate of Inclined Faces.
Jun-Horng Chen.
PPT Image Segmentation Based on Color Entropy.
Feijuan He, Xuelu Chen, Dawei Xu and Xianglin Miao.
Mining E-Commerce Data from E-Shop Websites.
Andrea Horch, Holger Kett and Anette Weisbecker.
Provision of Disk I/O Guarantee for MapReduce Applications.
Xuan Thi Tran, Tien Van Do, Nam H. Do, Lorant Farkas and Csaba Rotter.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Trust Track 3 (Room 14)
Session chair: Thomas T. Tran, University of Ottawa, Canada, Email:
Trust Metrics Based on a Trusted Network Element.
Jouni Hiltunen and Jarkko Kuusijärvi.
Trustworthiness Measurement of E-commerce Systems Using Fuzzy Hybrid Multi-criteria Analysis. Zhengping Wu and Lifeng Wang.
Formal Modeling and Verification of Opportunity-enabled Risk Management.
Alessandro Aldini, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Carlos Ballester Lafuente, Xavier Titi and Jonathan Guislain.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
Classification Problems Embedded in the Nature of Big Data (CPBD): Session I (Room LUMO)
Session chair: Dr. Bartosz Krawczyk, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.
A MapReduce based k-Nearest Neighbor for Big Data Classifcation.
Jesus Maillo, Isaac Triguero and Francisco Herrera.
Semantic HMC: A Predictive Model Using Multi-Label Classification for Big Data.
Rafael Peixoto, Thomas Hassan, Christophe Cruz, Nuno Silva and Aurelie Bertaux.
Analysis of Data Preprocessing Increasing the Oversampling Ratio for Extremely Imbalanced Big Data. Sara del Rio Garcia, Jose M. Benitez and Francisco Herrera.
Feature Ranking Based on Information Gain for Large Classification Problems with Map Reduce.
Eftim Zdravevski and Petre Lameski.
Compounds Activity Prediction in Large Imbalanced Datasets with Substructural Relations Fingerprint and EEM.
Wojciech Marian Czarnecki, Krzysztof Rataj.
5G Security (IW5GS): Session III (Room 4)
Session chair:TBA
Keynote: Bengt Sahlin
Security in D2D Communications: A Review information on submission 8
Mingjun Wang and Zheng Yan.
A USIM compatible 5G AKA protocol with perfect forward secrecy.
Karl Norrman, Mats Näslund, Bengt Sahlin and Jari Arkko.
Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Internet of Things (SpaloT): Session II (Room 5)
Session chair: Di Wu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China. Email:
WAVE: Secure Wireless Pairing Exploiting Human Body Movements.
Wei Wang, Zhan Wang, Wen Tao Zhu and Lei Wang.
Achieving Forward Secrecy and Unlinkability in Cloud-based Personal Health Record System.
Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria and Manik Lal Das.
Security Orchestrator.
Bernd Jaeger.
Trustworthiness Model for Crowdsourced and Crowdsensed Data.
Catia Prandi, Paola Salomoni, Silvia Mirri, Stefano Ferretti.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Trust Track 4 (Room 10)
Session chair: Igor Kotenko, Russia, Email:
Adaptive Trust Threshold Strategy for Misbehaving Node Detection and Isolation.
Muhammad Saleem Khan, Daniele Midi, Majid Iqbal Khan and Elisa Bertino.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
Trust-Aware Review Spam Detection.
Hao Xue, Fengjun Li, Hyunjin Seo and Roseann Pluretti.
KDet: Coordinated Detection of Forwarding Faults in Wireless Community Networks.
Ester López and Leandro Navarro.
Inferring User Actions from Provenance Logs.
Xin Li, Chaitanya Joshi, Yu Shyang Tan and Ryan K.L. Ko.
Emerging Future Internet and Network Security (EFINS): Session I (Room 12)
Session chair: TBA
Cybercrime Profiling: Decision-Tree Induction, Examining Perceptions of Internet Risk
and Cybercrime Victimisation.
Ameer Al-Nemrat and Chafika Benzaid.
From ZeuS to Zitmo: Trends in Banking Malware.
Najla Etaher, George Weir and Mamoun Alazab.
ARP Cache Poisoning Mitigation and Forensics Investigation.
Heman Awang Mangut, Ameer Al-Nemart and Chafika Benzaid.
Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing Communications (RATSP):
Trust Track 3 (Room 14)
Session chair: Fengjun Li, The University of Kansas, USA, Email:
Single and Multi-Metric Trust Management Frameworks for use in Underwater Autonomous Networks. Andrew Bolster and Alan Marshall.
RLTE: A Reinforcement Learning based Trust Establishment Model.
Abdullah Aref and Thomas Tran.
In Certificates We Trust – Revisited.
Florian Reimair, Peter Teufl and Bernd Prünster.
Interest Flow Control Method Based on User Reputation and Content Name Prefixes
in Named Data Networking.
Sayaka Umeda, Takashi Kamimoto, Yuri Ohata and Hiroshi Shigeno.
Classification Problems Embedded in the Nature of Big Data (CPBD):
Session II & Real Time Data Stream Analytics (RTStreams): Session I (Room LUMO)
Session chair: Dr. Isaac Triguero, Inflammation Research Center, Ghent University, Belgium.
Incremental One-Class Bagging for Streaming and Evolving Big Data.
Bartosz Krawczyk and Michał Woźniak.
An Increment Decision Tree Algorithm for Streamed Data.
Dariusz Jankowski and Konrad Jackowski.
Multi-label Stream Classification Using Extended Binary Relevance Model.
Paweł Trajdos and Marek Kurzyński.
Data Stream Classification using Random Feature Functions and Novel Method Combinations.
Jesse Read and Albert Bifet.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Friday, August 21 • Workshops
Symbolic Time Series Representation for Stream Data Processing.
Jakub Sevcech and Maria Bielikova.
Saturday, August 22 • Workshops
Emerging Future Internet and Network Security (EFINS): Session II (Room 12)
Session chair: TBA
Virtualization and Cyber Security: Arming Future Security Practitioners.
Midhun Babu Tharayanil, Gill Whitney and Mahdi Aiash.
A Security Analysis of the Emerging P2P-based Personal Cloud Platform MaidSafe.
Florian Jacob, Jens Mittag and Hannes Hartenstein.
Automated Collection and Anlysis of Malware Disseminated via Online Advertising.
Muhammad N. Sakib and Chin-Tser Huang.
A platform for real-time opinion mining from social media and news streams.
Nikos Tsirakis, Vasilis Poulopoulos, Panagiotis Tsantilas and Iraklis Varlamis.
Predicting Object Trajectories From High-Speed Streaming Data.
Nikolaos Zorbas, Dimitrios Zissis, Konstantinos Tserpes and Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos.
The Technology of Processing intensive structured data-flows on a Supercomputer.
Grigoriy F. Masich, Alexey G Masich and Vladislav A Shchapov.
Issues in Complex Event Processing Systems.
Ioannis Flouris, Nikos Giatrakos, Minos Garofalakis and Antonios Deligiannakis.
Real Time Data Stream Analytics (RTStreams): Session II (Room LUMO)
Session chair: TBA
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Privacy Engineering: Session I (Room 15)
Privacy Engineering: Session II (Room 15)
Customer Switching: Session I (Room 11)
Privacy Engineering: Session III (Room 15)
Customer Switching: Session II (Room 11)
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Data Fusion
and Analytics
Zheng Yan, Guojun Wang
August 21, 2015,
With the rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT), social networking, pervasive computing, future Internet, mobile communications, and cloud computing, various data with big volumes flow over the networks and can be
collected or extracted for specific process, fusion and analysis in order to
support many promising services with intelligence. Trust is crucially important for fusion and analytics on big data. First, fusing big data from different
sources may discover new knowledge, which could result in identification of
individuals, thus possible to track an individual’s activities. Any leak of such
information would be a damaging betrayal of trust. Second, big data holds
four typical characteristics named 4V: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, in
which veracity greatly motivates the research on trustworthiness in big data
collection, transmission, fusion, process and analytics. In particular, data
trust is a serious issue in machine learning and data mining to ensure their
Trust in data fusion and analytics has received increasing attention in
recent years. However, the data fusion and analytics bring new challenges to
trust research. First, the huge volume of unconnected data provide unparalleled infrastructure for building trust relationships to achieve trustworthy
data fusion and analytics. Second, data sources are often of different quality, and with significant differences in the coverage, accuracy and timeliness of data, which brings significant challenges to achieve trustworthy data
fusion and analytics. Third, the problem of lacking trust is originated from
distributed data sources and extended through the entire life cycle of the big
data fusion and analytics. How to model, compute and manage the trust has
become essential and crucial for big data fusion and analytics. Finally, data
fusion and analytics could intrude user privacy, which greatly impedes the
practical deployment and adoption of data mining services. How to preserve
privacy in data fusion and analytics is an interesting and significant topic.
This panel discussion aims to discuss various aspects of trust in big data
fusion and analytics, explore key technologies and investigate technology
enablers to motivate future research.
Prof. Vincenzo Piuri, IEEE fellow,
IEEE Vice President on Technical Activities , EiC of IEEE Systems Journal
Prof. Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Nitesh Chawla, University of Notre Dame, USA
Dr. Ryan Ko, University of Waikato, New Zealand
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
General Information
IEEE TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015 Badges
IEEE TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015 Badges must be worn at all times and are necessary for
entrance into all sessions and events. Badges will be checked at the entrance to ensure eligibility.
Conference Venue
The venue of the conference is Crowne Plaza Helsinki. They offer first-class facilities and personalized service as well as a completely new milieu for the conference. The venue has a good location virtually opposite the Finnish National Opera and very easy access to Helsinki city center.
Conference registration will be held at the Crowne Plaza, on the second floor next to Winter Garden.
All attendees have to register and receive a conference badge in order to participate in the conference activities.
Photo ID required
Individuals are responsible for picking up their own registration packages.
No attendee will be allowed to pick bags for their colleagues.
Registration and Information Desk Hours
Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: 15:00-20:00
Food and Beverage
Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon coffee will be provided on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
according to the program.
Lunch will be served in Royal Hall and both morning and afternoon coffee in the Winter Garden.
Wireless Access
Crowne Plaza has a free wireless access for all the participants.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015
Companion Hospitality
Companions are invited to begin their daily activities in the Companion Hospitality Suite with coffee.
There is a Hospitality Suite in Room 13 until 10am every day with coffee. Meet your friends prior to making plans for the day.
All conference sessions and publications will be in English.
Cell Phones/Laptops
Please be respectful of your fellow conference attendees and speakers. During sessions,
please lower the volume of on your electronic devices and put your phone on a vibrate mode.
Local Information
Please see the detailed guide to Helsinki and the map of Helsinki.
You will find them in your own conference bag.
For more information, please contact our conference team directly. We are happy to help!
Helsinki Tourist Information
Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 19
Tel. +358 (0)9 3101 3300
Photos: Niklas Sjöblom
Social Events
Thursday, 20 August 2015
You are most welcome to the conference Welcome Reception
at Crowne Plaza Royal Hall
on the second floor of Crowne Plaza on 20 August at 18-20.
Enjoy some delicious Finnish nibbles and excellent sparkling wine
while listening the welcome words and meeting and greeting your
Crowne Plaza
This event is included in the conference registration fee.
Mannerheimintie 50, 00260 Helsinki
Welcome Reception
21 August 2015 at Restaurant Pörssi
Fabianinkatu 14, 00100 Helsinki
The Gala Dinner Venue is Restaurant Pörssi, the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
Central location, high-quality kitchen and sophisticated style make Pörssi
a unique venue for the dinner. Pörssi has been the restaurant of choice
for the stars of Finnish cinema and the royalty both in the past and today.
Gala Dinner
To get to the Gala Dinner Venue,
please see the options below:
1) Walk 2 km to the city center
– please see the map in your conference bag.
2) Take the tram (number 4)
Please join one of the volunteers
to get to Pörssitalo.
They have tram tickets available
for all the participants.
IEEE-TrustCom-BigDataSE-ISPA 2015