Circuits and Systems IEEE ISSN 1531-636X OU L5 CL Vdd _H IN K T_ L Vdd H T_ OU L2 Vss L4 Volume 1, Number 1, First Quarter 2001 M A G A Z I N E Designing Low-Power Circuits: Practical Recipes 6 High-Speed Data Converters for Communication Systems 26 Conferences and Workshops 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS’01 September 2–5, 2001 The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta ICECS is a major international conference which includes regular, special and poster sessions on topics covering analogue circuits and signal processing, general circuits and systems, digital signal processing, VLSI, multimedia and communication, computational methods and optimization, neural systems, control systems, industrial and biomedical applications, and electronic education. General Chair Dr. Joseph Micallef Department of Microelectronics University of Malta Msida MSD06, Malta Email: Technical Program Chair Prof. Franco Maloberti Department of Electrical Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 Email: ICECS 2001 Secretariat Department of Microelectronics, Faculty of Engineering University of Malta, Msida MSD 06, Malta, Europe E-mail: Tel: (+356) 346760; Fax: (+356) 343577 The 2001 IEEE Workshop on SiGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS (SiPS) Design and Implementation Antwerp, Belgium September 26–28, 2001 General Chair: Joos Vandewalle Dept. of Electrical Engineering, ESAT Univ. of Leuven (K.U.Leuven) Technical Program Co-chairs: Francky Catthoor Marc Moonen IMEC Univ. of Leuven (K.U.Leuven) Leuven, Belgium Leuven, Belgium International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and Three-Dimensional Imaging May 30–June 1, 2001 Ornos, Mykonos, Greece The International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and Three-Dimensional Imaging is organized by the European Union IST INTERFACE project in collaboration with the European Association for Speech, Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP). A special session on mixed reality technologies will be organised by the IST ART.LIVE project. The conference will be held in the picturesque Aegean island of Mykonos in Greece, at the most delightful time of the year and will consist of sessions with both invited and contributed papers. The conference proceedings will be published and distributed to the workshop participants. A selection of the best papers in the conference will be published in a special issue of the Image Communication journal. Chairmen: Michael G. Strintzis–Informatics and Telematics Institute-CERTH, Greece Fabio Lavagetto–University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Ferran Marques–UPC, Barcelona, Spain Arrangements: Venetia Giagourta Tel.: +30.31.996349; Fax: +30.31.996398 E-mail: First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization Shanghai, June 28-29, 2001 Plenary Speech: Leon O. Chua (University of California at Berkeley, USA) Workshop Administrative Committee: G. Ron Chen, Zhi Hong Guan, Zheng Zhi Han, Xinghuo Yu, Jiong Yuan Contact: Dr. Guanrong (Ron) Chen, Fellow of the IEEE Chair Professor and Director Centre for Chaos Control and Synchronization Department of Electronic Engineering City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Hong Kong SAR, China Phone: (852) 2788 7922; Fax: (852) 2788 7791 E-mail: European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 2001 14th Annual IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference “SOC in a Networked World” September 12–15, 2000 Crystal City Hyatt Hotel Washington, DC Driven by the rapid growth of the Internet, communication technologies, pervasive computing, and consumer electronics, Systems-on-Chip (SoC) have started to become a key issue in today’s electronic industry. The transition from the traditional Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) to SoC has lead to new challenges in design methods, automation, manufacturing, technology, and test. Conference General Chair P.R. Mukund Rochester Institute of Technology Technical Program Chair John Chickanosky IBM Microelectronics For paper submission and updated conference information, please visit our web site at or contact the ASIC/SOC Conference office at 301–527–0900 x104 ECCTD’01 “Circuit Paradigm in the 21st Century” August 28–31, 2001 Espoo, Finland ECCTD’01 Conference will be held at Helsinki University of Technology, in Espoo, Finland (15 minutes by bus from central Helsinki). In addition to the conference technical program, several social activities are being planned, to allow attendees ample opportunity to enjoy Finland. Veikko Porra, Conference chair, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) Olli Simula, Conference co-chair, HUT FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Conference Secretariat: Secretary General: Eventra Ltd., Timo Veijola, Pietarinkatu 11 B 40 Helsinki University of Technology FIN-00140 Helsinki, Finland P.O. Box 3000, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland Tel. +358 9 6926 949 Tel. +358 9 451 2293 Fax. +358 9 6926 970 Fax. +358 9 451 4818 . . . continued on Page 51 Circuits and Systems IEEE M A G A Z I N E Volume 1, Number 1, First Quarter 2001 Designing Low-Power Circuits: 6 Practical Recipes by Luca Benini, Giovanni De Micheli, and Enrico Macii The growing market of mobile, battery-powered electronic systems, such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants, demands the design of microelectronic circuits with low power dissipation. High-Speed Data Converters 26 for Communication Systems by Franco Maloberti . . . As a result, market challenges favor research on high speed data converters. In turn, the results achieved lead to new architectural solutions which create new needs. . . . IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (ISSN 1531–636X) is published quarterly by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY, 10016–5997. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. IEEE Service Center (for orders, subscriptions, address changes): 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855–1331. Telephone: +1 732 981 0060, +1 800 678 4333. Individual copies: IEEE members $10.00 (first copy only), nonmembers $20.00 per copy; $7.00 per member per year (included in Society fee) for each member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Subscription rates available upon request. Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of the U.S. Copyright law for private use of patrons: 1) those post-1977 articles that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; and 2) pre-1978 articles without fee. For other copying, reprint, or republication permission, write to: Copyrights and Permissions Department, IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855–1331. Copyright © 2001 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ, 08855. A Printed in U.S.A. 1 Circuits and Systems IEEE Editor-in-Chief Michael K. Sain Electrical Engineering Department University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN, USA 46556–5637 Phone: (219) 631– 6538 Fax: (219) 631–4393 E-mail: Publication Coordinator Eric L. Kuehner Editorial Advisory Board Rui J. P. de Figueiredo–Chair University of California, Irvine M A G A Z I N E Columns and Departments 3 Presidential Message by Hari C. Reddy 5 From the Editor Coming next issue: Filter Banks.... by Michael K. Sain 37 Technical Committees DSP within Circuits and Systems by Paulo S. R. Diniz Guanrong Chen City University of Hong Kong Wai-Kai Chen University of Illinois, Chicago Leon Chua University of California, Berkeley Giovanni De Micheli 40 People on the Move Kang New Dean at Santa Cruz Kailath NAS Electee New Editors Begin Work Stanford University George S. Moschytz Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Mona Zaghloul George Washington University Editorial Board Orla Feely 42 Executive and Board Board and Officer Nominations by George S. Moschytz Constitution and Bylaw Changes by K. Thulasiraman University College Dublin S.Y. (Ron) Hui City University of Hong Kong Ravi Ramahandran Rowan University Mehmet Ali Tan Applied Micro Circuits Cooperation Ljiljana Trajkovic Simon Fraser University IEEE Publishing Services Robert Smrek Production Director IEEE Service Center 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855–1331, USA Phone: (732) 562–3944 43 Meetings First SAWCAS Report by Juan E. Cousseau, Pablo S. Mandolesi, and Sergio L. Netto ICECS 2000 Report by Mohamad Sawan and Abdallah Sfeir APCCAS 2000 Report by Yong-Shi Wu 47 Awards Message from Committee Chair by Bing Sheu 2001 CASS Fellows Frequency of Publication 52 Calls for Papers and Participation Quarterly See also inside front cover. Magazine Deadlines Final materials for the CAS Magazine must be received by the Editor on the following dates: 2 Issue Due Date First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1 Scope: A publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine publishes articles presenting novel results, special insights, or survey and tutorial treatments on all topics having to do with the theory, analysis, design (computer aided design), and practical implementation of circuits, and the application of circuit theoretic techniques to systems and to signal processing. The coverage of this field includes the spectrum of activities from, and including, basic scientific theory to industrial applications. Submission of Manuscripts: Manuscripts should be in English and may be submitted electronically in pdf format to the publications coordinator at They should be double-spaced, 12 point font, and not exceed 20 pages including figures. An IEEE copyright form should be included with the submission. Style Considerations: 1) articles should be readable by the entire CAS membership; 2) average articles will be about ten published pages in length; 3) articles should include efforts to communicate by graphs, diagrams, and pictures—many authors have begun to make effective use of color, as may be seen in back issues of the Newsletter, available at ~stjoseph/newscas/; 4) equations should be used sparingly. Presidential Message Hari C. Reddy President, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Launching of the New IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine A s CAS Society president for this year I am very pleased to greet our Society members all over the globe through the very first issue of our new CAS Magazine. My thanks go to all those who worked very hard and with great diligence over the past few years in getting this magazine approved by the IEEE and launched in the present attractive form. My sincere hope is that our magazine will be accepted very soon as one of the best technical magazines within the IEEE and beyond. I hope it will serve uniformly all our Society’s technical disciplines and help in the professional development of our members. I always wished that CAS Society would have a magazine attractive enough to carry in our office briefcases as a rewarding reading material. I am sure that under the dynamic and dedicated leadership of the founding editor-in-chief Professor Mike Sain, we will accomplish this. I wish Mike and his talented editors and editorial board the best of luck and on behalf of the Society express our “Many Thanks”. Challenges and Promise for Circuits and Systems Society in 2001 According to purists, the new year 2001 is also the beginning of the third millennium. It is an exceptional privilege, pleasure and honor for me to serve this year as president of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. I wish to start this message by expressing my warmest greetings and thanks to each and every member volunteer of the CAS Society for your continuing contributions in advancing our Circuits and Systems Society. The Circuits and Systems Society is passing through an exciting period in its 50+ year history. The Society’s member talents are continuously providing the foundation for technological innovations in electrical, electronics, computer and information engineering. The Society presently enjoys a sound financial position to initiate new ventures that would have a lasting impact on CAS research. The primary goal this year for me is to provide the leadership and encouragement to our volunteers so that the IEEE-CAS Society remains the most prestigious organization in the world for research and technology developments in the circuits and systems area. The second goal is to promote our Society as a truly global professional organization uniquely serving its members in the promotion of technical inventions, educational innovations, and professional development of its members. Let me identify the following to accomplish this: 1. The Society should be highly responsive to the challenges of emerging technologies such as nano electronics, systems on a chip, MEMs, circuits and systems for mobile communications, computing and related information technologies. The challenges coming from both industrial and academic sectors must be addressed. 2. While focusing on new technologies, we should continue to provide highest recognition to the researchers working on basic fundamental CAS theories. From the very inception, laying necessary mathematical and physical foundations has been a source of pride and brought great respect to our Society. Consequently, during the past fifty years, our Society was able to serve as a great incubator of the fundamental ideas that subsequently impacted in a very positive fashion the present day electrical engineering. This gives us immense confidence in facing the challenges of new emerging technologies of the new century. So, the Society must create, promote and maintain the necessary environment for research and development that underpins the solutions to these problems. 3 3. The IEEE-CAS Society as an international organization must expedite the worldwide dissemination of its basic research results as well as results pertaining to technology development that effectively and in a practical way address these solutions. 4. Our Society must create the necessary infrastructure for the professional development of our members. This could be in the form of well-planned continuing education course-modules, effective utilization of internet resources, book publications, short courses, and specialized workshops. We also need to provide our publications on the WWW and try to integrate our CASS website with IEEE Xplore. 5. It is necessary to mention the importance of supporting the activities at a local chapter and regional level. If managed properly the chapters can initiate many activities for their local area and support the needs of the local members by initiating workshops, small conferences, and so forth. Some of these may ultimately “grow” to regular and international events. The chapter activities will also increase our membership and can be a source of future CAS leaders. Our Society has a very dynamic distinguished lecturer program and chapters should use this opportunity that is almost free. To achieve the above objectives we need to excel in all our Society’s divisional and regional activities. The most important of all is the maintenance of the quality of our transactions that are relevant to both academic and industrial sectors. Faster and thorough review and publication of submitted papers is very critical. I am happy about the recent steps taken to address these problems. This will continue to be a top priority this year. We have strong technical divisions and with the development of workshops in emerging technologies, we are also promoting collaborative efforts with other IEEE societies. For the professional development of our membership, it is very important that we continue to focus on innovative educational programs. By following all these steps, we will definitely attract new younger membership to our Society both from industry and academia. One of the greatest strengths in our Society is the way we conduct our business. We follow a trans4 parent and democratic process. The successive Society administrative teams have been highly receptive to new ideas from the Board of Governors as well as the general membership. This feature is a rarity and is a blessing that needs to be preserved. Concluding Comments Since its inception, the Circuits and Systems Society has been at the forefront of many of the significant advances in electrical engineering that have made a welcome difference. As an example, remember the contribution that our researchers made to the development of CAD of electronic circuits—schematic capture, SPICE, and much more. This is taken for granted now, but was initiated by CAS members. This is due to the dedicated scientific leadership provided by many of our distinguished members over the past fifty plus years. All this enabled the CAS Society to be one of the most prestigious societies within the IEEE from the very beginning. Our challenge is to maintain this and also make it a mainstream Society for new emerging technical areas of the 21st century. The CAS publications, conferences, workshops, technical committees, short courses and so forth should be geared to meet this challenge. Promoting these requires demanding leadership and I look forward to working very closely during this year with the members of the Board of Governors and a wide spectrum of important leaders in our Society. The great resource to be utilized is the abundance of outstanding member talents and ingenuity spread over all continents. I sincerely appreciate receiving comments, suggestions, and ideas from our membership at any time (California State University at Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840; Email:,; Tel: +562 985 5106; Fax: +562 985 8887). You will also find on the inside back cover of this issue the 2001 organizational roster for the Society consisting of volunteers from all parts of the world. I conclude with the ideal of making the IEEECAS Society of tomorrow better than today in fundamental theoretical discoveries, technical innovations and professional development of our talented global membership. From the Editor Michael K. Sain Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine Welcome Aboard.... W elcome to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine! The officers of the Society, and the members of the Board of Governors, hope that all the members of the Society will enjoy reading, and will benefit from, the contents of this new magazine. This publishing venture has many, many goals. In fact, just about everyone has some goals for the Circuits and Systems Magazine. I will ask pardon in advance if I omit anyone’s special goal, but nonetheless I do wish to enumerate a few of them—those of which I am aware through meetings and discussions over the last three years. First, on the one hand, the CASS is a diverse society, with substantial numbers of members, which we might call “subsocieties”, pursuing very well defined “subfields of interests”. We find evidence of these subsocieties in the multiplicity of transactions which are published either by the CASS alone, or in cooperation with other societies. More evidence is seen in the great range of meetings, workshops, and conferences sponsored by CASS, and occurring around the clock and around the world. These venues provide a means for the members with well defined special interests to interact with their colleagues and to exhange ideas on their particular frontiers. For the member who wishes to learn of the CASS as a whole, and to be brought up to date about developments in all the subfields of interest, there is of course the ISCAS, long-time flagship of the fleet of CASS meetings, and the rapidly expanding set of regional get-togethers with a similar motivation. But there was not within the Society a single publication which could serve the same intent; and one goal of the CAS Magazine is to provide such an outlet. Second, on the other hand, is the remarkable commonality shared by all of us, due in part to the ubiquitous role played by electrical circuits in all of modern engineering. For a nice history of part of this viewpoint, please see the piece prepared by Paulo Diniz in our technical committees department for the present issue. We have a proud record of participating in the launching of new technical areas within the IEEE. No doubt, in the future, we will help to generate some more. In some sense, each of the subsocieties is uncovering, developing, and reporting material which can have an influence upon us all; and another goal of the CAS Magazine is to make that sort of information available to each and every member of CASS. We are of course a far-flung community, and we have a finite page budget, but as time goes on we plan to steadily pursue and to overtake this goal. We need to consider at least three facets as we take on this task: the transactions, the conferences, and the technical committees. Great are the opportunities to contribute toward this goal, and I hope that some of you will be inclined to join in reaching out to other members with information of general interest. Third, the activities of the Executive Committee, the Board of Governors, and the various Society operating committees from time to time require communication to the whole membership, perhaps to report milestones or decisions, perhaps to explain new opportunities, and perhaps to celebrate achievements. This is the social side of our technical community, which can range from being a necessity to being a joy! Finally, I am happy to say that CASS has made the decision to present this new publication to all its members as a service, with no charge. We here in the office, Eric Kuehner and myself, hope that you all enjoy the CAS Magazine. I can certainly say that I am honored to have been named the founding editor-in-chief. We will be doing all that we can to make your reading as informative and pleasant as possible. Enjoy! 5 Designing Low-Power Circuits: Practical Recipes by Luca Benini * Giovanni De Micheli Enrico Macii Vs C s L4 Vdd _H IN 1531- 636X/03/$10.00©2001IEEE 6 T_ L LK Vdd H T_ U O L2 OU L5 Introduction Power dissipation has become a critical design metric for an increasingly large number of VLSI circuits. The exploding market of portable electronic appliances fuels the demand for complex integrated systems that can be powered by lightweight batteries with * Contact Person: Luca Benini, Università di Bologna, DEIS, Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna, ITALY 40136; Phone: +39-051-209.3782; Fax: +39-051-209.3073; E-mail: long times between re-charges (for instance, the plot in Fig. 1 shows the evolution of the world-wide market for mobile phones). Additionally, system cost must be extremely low to achieve high market penetration. Both battery lifetime and system cost are heavily impacted by power dissipation. For these reasons, the last ten years have witnessed a soaring interest in lowpower design. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a few insights into the world of low-power design. We do not intend to review the vast literature on the topic (the interested reader is referred to the many available surveys, e.g., [1– 3]). Our objective is to give the readers a few basic concepts to help understanding the “nature of the beast”, as well as to provide “silicon-proven reci- Luca Benini Giovanni De Micheli 700 600 Million of Units A bstract—The growing market of mobile, battery-powered electronic systems (e.g., cellular phones, personal digital assistants, etc.) demands the design of microelectronic circuits with low power dissipation. More generally, as density, size, and complexity of the chips continue to increase, the difficulty in providing adequate cooling might either add significant cost or limit the functionality of the computing systems which make use of those integrated circuits. In the past ten years, several techniques, methodologies and tools for designing low-power circuits have been presented in the scientific literature. However, only a few of them have found their way in current design flows. The purpose of this paper is to summarize, mainly by way of examples,what in our experience are the most trustful approaches to lowpower design. In other words, our contribution should not be intended as an exhaustive survey of the existing literature on low-power design; rather, we would like to provide insights a designer can rely upon when power consumption is a critical constraint. We will focus solely on digital circuits, and we will restrict our attention to CMOS devices, this technology being the most widely adopted in current VLSI systems. 500 400 300 200 100 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year Figure 1. Global market for cellular phones. pes” for minimizing power consumption in large-scale digital integrated circuits. The power consumed by a circuit is defined as p(t) = i(t)v(t), where i(t) is the instantaneous current provided by the power supply, and v(t) is the instantaneous supply voltage. Power minimization targets maximum instantaneous power or average power. The latter impacts battery lifetime and heat Enrico Macii . . . continued on Page 8 7 Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 7 dissipation system cost, the former constrains power grid and power supply circuits design. We will focus on average power in the remainder of the paper, even if maximum power is also a serious concern. A more detailed It is important to stress from the outset that power minimization is never the only objective in real-life designs. Performance is always a critical metric that cannot be neglected. Unfortunately, in most cases, power can be reduced at the price of some performance degradation. For this reason, several metrics for joint power-performance have been proposed in the past. analysis of the various contributions to overall power consumption in CMOS circuits (the dominant VLSI technology) is provided in the following section. It is important to stress from the outset that power minimization is never the only objective in real-life designs. Performance is always a critical metric that cannot be neglected. Unfortunately, in most cases, power can be reduced at the price of some performance degradation. For this reason, several metrics for joint powerperformance have been proposed in the past. In many designs, the power8 delay product (i.e., energy) is an acceptable metric. Energy minimization rules out design choices that heavily compromise performance to reduce power consumption. When performance has priority over power consumption, the energy-delay product [4] can be adopted to tightly control performance degradation. Alternatively, we can take a constrained optimization approach. In this case, performance degradation is acceptable up to a given bound. Thus, power minimization requires optimal exploitation of the slack on performance constraints. Besides power vs. performance, another key trade-off in VLSI design is power vs. flexibility. Several authors have observed that applicationspecific designs are orders of magnitude more power efficient than general-purpose systems programmed to perform the same computation [1]. On the other hand, flexibility (programmability) is often an indispensable requirement, and designers must strive to achieve maximum power efficiency without compromising flexibility. The two fundamental trade-offs outlined above motivate our selection of effective low-power design techniques and illustrative cases. We selected successful low power design examples (real-life products) from four classes of circuits, spanning the flexibility vs. power-efficiency tradeoff. To maintain uniformity, we chose designs targeting the same end-market, namely multimedia and Internetenabled portable appliances, where power efficiency is not out-weighted by performance requirements. Our illustrative examples are (in order of decreasing flexibility): 1. Transmeta’s Crusoe processor family [5]. This design is representative of the class of general-purpose x86-compatible processors for highend portable appliances, and it features aggressive power optimizations as key market differentiator. 2. Intel’s StrongARM family [6]. This design is representative of the class of low-power integrated coreand-peripherals for personal digital assistants and palmtop computers. 3. Texas Instrument TMS320C5x family [7]. This design is a typical very-low power digital signal processor for baseband processing in wireless communication devices (i.e., digital cellular phones). 4. Toshiba’s MPEG4 Codec [8]. This is a typical application-specific system-on-chip for multimedia support, targeted for PDAs and digital cameras. Needless to say, our selection neither implies any endorsement of the commercial products derived from the above mentioned designs, nor implies any form of comparison or benchmarking against competing products. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Basic Principles, we analyze in some detail the sources of power consumption in CMOS technology, and we introduce the basic principles of power optimization. In the section Technology and Circuit Level Optimizations we de- scribe a few successful power optimization methods at the technology and circuit level. The section Logic and Architecture Level Optimizations covers logic and architecture-level optimizations, while Software and System Level Optimizations deals with software and system-level optimizations. Whenever possible, we will describe the optimization techniques with reference to the example designs. Basic Principles CMOS is, by far, the most common technology used for manufacturing digital ICs. There are 3 major sources of power dissipation in a CMOS circuit [9]: P = PSwitching + PShort-Circuit + PLeakage PSwitching, called switching power, is due to charging and discharging capacitors driven by the circuit. PShort-Circuit, called short-circuit power, is caused by the short circuit currents that arise when pairs of PMOS/NMOS transistors are conducting simultaneously. Finally, PLeakage, called leakage power, originates from substrate injection and subthreshold effects. For older technologies (0.8 µm and above), PSwitching was predominant. For deep-submicron processes, PLeakage becomes more important. Design for low-power implies the ability to reduce all three components of power consumption in CMOS circuits during the development of a low power electronic product. Optimizations can be achieved by facing the power problem from different perspectives: design and technology. En. . . continued on Page 10 9 Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 9 hanced design capabilities mostly impact switching and short-circuit power; technology improvements, on the other hand, contribute to reductions of all three components. Switching power for a CMOS gate working in a synchronous environment is modeled by the following equation: PSwitching = 1 C V2 f E 2 L DD Clock SW where CL is the output load of the gate, VDD is the supply voltage, fClock is the clock frequency and ESW is the switching activity of the gate, defined as the probability of the gate’s output to make a logic transition during one clock cycle. Reductions of PSwitching are achievable by combining minimization of the parameters in the equation above. Historically, supply voltage scaling has been the most adopted approach to power optimization, since it normally yields considerable savings thanks to the quadratic dependence of PSwitching on VDD. The major short-coming of this solution, however, is that lowering the supply voltage affects circuit speed. As a consequence, both design and technological solutions must be applied in order to compensate the decrease in circuit performance introduced by reduced voltage. In other words, speed optimization is applied first, followed by supply voltage scaling, which brings the design back to its original timing, but with a lower power requirement. A similar problem, i.e., performance decrease, is encountered when 10 power optimization is obtained through frequency scaling. Techniques that rely on reductions of the clock frequency to lower power consumption are thus usable under the constraint that some performance slack does exist. Although this may seldom occur for designs considered in their entirety, it happens quite often that some specific units in a larger architecture do not require peak performance for some clock/machine cycles. Selective frequency scaling (as well as voltage scaling) on such units may thus be applied, at no penalty in the overall system speed. Optimization approaches that have a lower impact on performance, yet allowing significant power savings, are those targeting the minimization of the switched capacitance (i.e., the product of the capacitive load with the switching activity). Static solutions (i.e., applicable at design time) handle switched capacitance minimization through area optimization (that corresponds to a decrease in the capacitive load) and switching activity reduction via exploitation of different kinds of signal correlations (temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal). Dynamic techniques, on the other hand, aim at eliminating power wastes that may be originated by the the application of certain system workloads (i.e., the data being processed). Static and dynamic optimizations can be achieved at different levels of design abstraction. Actually, addressing the power problem from the very 250 35 early stages of design development offers enhanced opportunities to obtain significant reductions of the power budget and to avoid costly redesign steps. Power conscious design flows must then be adopted; these require, at each level of the design hierarchy, the exploration of different alternatives, as well as the availability of power estimation tools that could provide accurate feed-back on the quality of each design choice. In the sequel, we will follow a bottom-up path to present power optimization solutions that have found their way in the development of realistic designs; on the other hand, issues related to power modeling and estimation will not be covered; the interested reader may refer to survey articles available in the literature (see, for example, [10–13]). Technology and Circuit Level Optimizations VLSI technology scaling has evolved at an amazingly fast pace for the last thirty years. Minimum device size has kept shrinking by a factor k = 0.7 per technology generation. The basic scaling theory, known as constant field scaling [14], mandates the synergistic scaling of geometric features and silicon doping levels to maintain constant field across the gate oxide of the MOS transistor. If devices are constant-field scaled, power 2 dissipation scales as k and power density (i.e., power dissipated per unit area) remains constant, while speed increases as k. 200 25 20 150 15 100 Power Power density 30 10 50 5 0 0 1.5 1 0.8 0.6 0.35 0.25 0.18 Technology Generation Figure 2. Power density (squares) and power (diamonds) vs. technology generation. In a constant-field scaling regime, silicon technology evolution is probably the most effective way to address power issues in digital VLSI design. Unfortunately, as shown in Fig. 2, power consumption in real-life integrated circuits does not always follow this trend. Figure 2 shows average power consumption and power density trends for Intel Microprocessors, as a function of technology generations [14, 15]. Observe that both average power and power density increase as minimum feature size shrinks. This phenomenon has two concomitant causes. First, die size has been steadily increasing with technology, causing an increase in total average power. Second, voltage supply has not been reduced according to the directives of constant-field scaling. Historically, supply voltage has scaled much more slowly than device size because: (i) supply voltage levels have been standardized (5 V, then 3.3 V), (ii) faster transistor operation can be obtained by allowing the electric field to raise in the device (i.e., “overdriving” the transistor). This approach is known as constant voltage scaling, and it has been adopted in older silicon technologies, up to the 0.8 µm generation. . . . continued on Page 12 11 Designing Low-Power Circuits: Practical Recipes Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 11 Probably, the most widely known (and successful) power-reduction technique, known as power-driven voltage scaling [3], moves from the observation that constant-voltage scaling is highly inefficient from the power viewpoint, and that we can scale down the voltage supply to trade off performance for power. Depending on the relative weight of performance with respect to power consumption constraints, different voltage levels can be adopted. It is important to observe, however, that transistor speed does not depend on supply voltage VDD alone, but on the gate overdrive, namely the difference between voltage supply and device threshold voltage (VDD – VT). Hence, several authors have studied the problem of jointly optimizing VDD and VT to obtain minimum energy, or minimum energy-delay product [1, 3]. Accurate modeling of MOS transistor currents is paramount for achieving acceptable scaled VDD and VT values. The simplistic quadratic model of CMOS ON-current IDS = S' . (VGS – VT)2 leads to overly optimistic switching speed estimates for submicrometric transistors. In short-channel transistors, the velocity saturation of the electrons traveling between drain and source dictates a different current equation: IDS = S' . (VGS – VT)m, with 1 ≤ m < 2 (e.g., m = 1.3). Furthermore, another important characteristic of CMOS transistors is sub-threshold conduction. When VGS < VT, the current is not zero, but it follows an exponential law: IDS = R' . eV /V , Vo beT 12 o ing the technology-dependent subthreshold slope. Velocity saturation favors supply down-scaling, because it implies diminishing returns in performance when supply voltage is too high. On the other hand, sub-threshold conduction limits down-scaling, because of increased static current leaking through nominally OFF transistors. Intuitively, optimization of threshold and supply voltage requires balancing ON-current and OFF-current, while at the same time maintaining acceptable performance. Optimizing VDD and VT for minimum energy delay product leads to surprisingly low values of both. VDD should be only slightly larger than 2VT, with VT a few hundred millivolts. This approach is known as ULP, or ultra-low-power CMOS [16]. ULP CMOS is not widely used in practice for two main reasons. First, threshold control is not perfect in real-life technology. Many transistors may have sub-threshold currents that are orders of magnitude larger than expected if their threshold is slightly smaller than nominal (remember that sub-threshold current is exponential in VGS). Second, sub-threshold current is exponentially dependent on temperature, thereby imposing tight thermal control of ULP CMOS, which is not cost-effective. Nevertheless, aggressive voltage scaling is commonplace in low-power VLSI circuits: voltage supply and thresholds are not scaled to their ultimate limit, but they are significantly re- 6 VDD 5 Voltage 4 3 2 VT 1 0 1.5 1 0.8 0.6 0.35 0.25 0.18 Technology Generation Figure 3. Supply voltage (diamonds) and threshold voltage (squares) vs. technology generation. duced with respect to constant-voltage scaling. See Example 1. Power-driven voltage scaling was a “low-hanging fruit” in older technologies. Unfortunately, starting from the 0.8 µm generation, the situation has changed. As shown in Fig. 3, supply voltage has started to decrease with shrinking device size even for high-performance transistors [15]. There are several technological reasons for this trend, which are outside the scope of this paper. From the point of view of power reduction, technology-driven voltage scaling has two important consequences. Aggressively scaled transistors with minimum channel length are becoming increasingly leaky in the OFF state (getting closer to ULP), and there is not much room left for further voltage scaling. Leakage power is already a major concern in current technologies, because it impacts battery lifetime even if the circuit is completely idle. Quiescent power specifications tend to be very tight. In fact, CMOS technology has traditionally been extremely power-efficient when transistors are not switching, and system designers expect low leakage from CMOS chips. To meet leakage power constraints, multiple-threshold and variable threshold circuits have been proposed [3]. In multiple-threshold CMOS, the process provides two different thresholds. Low-threshold transistors are fast and leaky, and they are employed on speed-critical sub-circuits. High-threshold transistors are slower but exhibit low sub-threshold leakage, and they are employed in noncritical units/paths of the chip. Unfortunately, multiple-threshold techniques tend to lose effectiveness as more transistors become timing-criti. . . continued on Page 14 Example 1. The StrongARM processor was first designed in a three-metal, 0.35 µm CMOS process, which had been originally developed for high-performance processors (the DEC Alpha family). The first design decision was to reduce supply voltage from 3.45 V to 1.5 V, with threshold voltage VTN = |VTP| = 0.35 V, thus obtaining a 5.3x power reduction. The performance loss caused by voltage scaling was acceptable, because StrongARM has much more relaxed performance specifications than Alpha. As a second example, the research prototype of the TMS320C5x DSP adopted a supply voltage VDD = 1 V in a 0.35 µm technology. The aggressive VDD value was chosen by optimizing the energy-delay product. 13 Example 2. The TMS320C5x DSP prototype adopted a dual-threshold CMOS process, in order to provide acceptable performance at the aggressively down-scaled supply voltage of VDD = 1 V. The nominal threshold voltages were 0.4 V and 0.2 V for slow and fast transistors, respectively. Leakage current for the high-VT transistors is below 1 nA/µm. For the lowVT transistors, leakage current is below 1 µA/µm (a three-orders-of-magnitude difference!). The drive current of low-VT transistors is typically twice that of the high-VT devices. The MPEG4 Video Codec prototype adopted the variablethreshold voltage scheme to reduce power dissipation. Substrate biasing is exploited to dynamically adjust the threshold: VT is controlled to 0.2 V in active mode and to 0.55 V when the chip is in stand-by mode. Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 13 cal. Variable-threshold circuits overcome this shortcoming by dynamically controlling the threshold voltage of transistors through substrate biasing. When a variable-threshold circuit becomes quiescent, the substrate of NMOS transistors is negatively biased, and their threshold increases because of the well known body-bias effect. A similar approach can be taken for PMOS transistors (which require positive body bias). Variable-threshold circuits can, in principle, solve the quiescent leakage problem, but they re- quire stand-by control circuits that modulate substrate voltage. Needless to say, accurate and fast body-bias control is quite challenging, and requires carefully designed closed-loop control [3]. See Example 2. In analogy with threshold voltage, supply voltage can also be controlled to reduce power, albeit in the limited ranges allowed in highly scaled technologies. Multiple-voltage and variable voltage techniques have been developed to this purpose [3]. In multiple-voltage circuits two or more power supply voltages are distributed on chip. Similarly to the multiplethreshold scheme, timing-critical transistors can be powered at a high voltage, while most transistors are connected to the low voltage supply. Multiple voltages are also frequently used to provide standard voltage levels (e.g., 3.3 V) to input-output circuits, while powering on-chip internal logic at a much lower voltage to save power. The main challenges in the multiple-voltage approach are in the design of multiple power distribution grids and of power-efficient level-shifters to interface low-voltages with high-voltage sections. Example 3. Supply voltage is closed-loop controlled in both the MPEG4 Codec core and the Crusoe Processor. Supply voltage control in the MPEG4 helps in compensating process fluctuations and operating environment changes (e.g., temperature changes). Variable-voltage operation in Crusoe is more emphasized: it automatically lowers the supply voltage when the processor is under-loaded. From the performance viewpoint, the processor gradually slows down when its full performance is not needed, but its supply voltage and clock speed are rapidly raised when the workload increases. In both MPEG4-core and Crusoe, frequency and power supply are synergistically adjusted thanks to a clever feed-back control loop: a replica of the critical path is employed to estimate circuit slow-down in response to voltage down-scaling, and clock frequency is reduced using a PLL that locks on the new frequency. 14 Variable-voltage optimizations allow modulating the power supply dynamically during system operation. In principle, this is a very powerful technique, because it gives the possibility to trade off power for speed at run time, and to finely tune performance and power to non-stationary workloads. In practice, the implementation of this solution requires considerable design ingenuity. First, voltage changes require non-negligible time, because of the large time constants of power supply circuits. Second, the clock speed must be varied consistently with the varying speed of the core logic, when supply voltage is changed. Closed-loop feedback control schemes have been implemented to support variable supply voltage operation. See Example 3. The techniques based on voltage scaling described above require significant process and system support, which imply additional costs that can be justified only for largevolume applications. Less aggressive circuit-level approaches, that do not require ad-hoc processes can also be successful. Among the proposals available in the literature, library cell design and sizing for low power have gained wide-spread acceptance. From the power viewpoint, probably the most critical cells in a digital library are the sequential primitives, namely, latches and flip-flops. First, they are extremely numerous in today’s deeply pipelined circuits; and second, they are connected to the most active network in the chip, i.e., the clock. Clock drivers are almost invariantly the largest contributors to the power budget of a chip, primarily because of the huge capacitive load of the clock distribution network. Flip-flop (and latch) design for low power focuses IN_H Vdd L1 L5 Vss OUT_L L3 Vdd L4 L2 OUT_H Vdd IN_L CLK Figure 4. Low-power FF used in the StrongARM design. on minimizing clock load and reducing internal power when the clock signal is toggled. Significant power reductions have been achieved by carefully designing and sizing the flip-flops [1]. Clock power optimization is effectively pursued at the circuit level also by optimizing the power distribution tree, the clock driver circuits and the clock generation circuitry (on-chip oscillators and phase-locked loops) [3]. Higher abstraction-level approaches to clock power reduction are surveyed in the next section. See Example 4. Transistor sizing is also exploited to minimize power consumption in combinational logic cells. Rich libraries with many available transistor sizes are very useful in low-power design, because they help synthesis tools in achieving optimum sizing for a wide range of gate loads. Power savings can be obtained by adopting non-standard logic implementation styles such as pass-transistor logic, which can reduce the number of transistors (and, consequently the capacitive load), for implementing logic functions which are commonly found in arithmetic units (e.g., exclusive-or, multiplexers). Example 4. The StrongARM processor adopted the edge-triggered flipflop of Figure 4 to reduce clock load with respect to the flow-through latches used in the Alpha processor. The flipflop is based on a differential structure, similar to a sense amplifier. Notice that the internal structure of the FF is quite complex in comparison with the simple flow-through latches in Alpha. However,the FF has reduced clock load (only three transistors). This key advantage gave a 1.3 x overall power reduction over the latch-based design. . . . continued on Page 16 15 Example 5. Static power minimization was a serious concern for all our example designs. In the MPEG4 Codec, which adopted a dual supply voltage scheme, significant static power can be dissipated when high-supply gates are driven by a low-supply gate, because the driver cannot completely turn off the pull-up transistors in the fanout gates. For this reason, special level shifter cells were designed that exploited a regenerative cross-coupled structure similar to a sense amplifier to restore full swing in the high-supply section, and minimize static power. Leakage power was the main concern in the StrongARM design, that could not benefit from multiple threshold or variable threshold control. To reduce leakage power in gates outside the critical path, non-minimum length transistors were employed in low-leakage, low-performance cells. Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 15 Example 6. The multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit of the StrongARM processor is based on a Wallace-tree multiplier coupled with a carry-lookahead adder. The Wallacetree architecture was chosen because it is very fast, but also because it has low dynamic power consumption in the carry-save adder tree. The improvement comes from a sizable reduction in spurious switching, thanks to path delay balancing in the Wallace-tree. A 23% power reduction (as well as a 25% speed-up) is achieved by the Wallace-tree architecture with respect to the array multiplier. 16 While most traditional power optimization techniques for logic cells focus on minimizing switching power, circuit design for leakage power reduction is also gaining importance [17]. See Example 5. Logic and Architecture Level Optimizations Logic-level power optimization has been extensively researched in the last few years [11, 18]. Given the complexity of modern digital devices, hand-crafted logic-level optimization is extremely expensive in terms of design time and effort. Hence, it is costeffective only for structured logic in large-volume components, like microprocessors (e.g., functional units in the data-path). Fortunately, several optimizations for low power have been automated and are now available in commercial logic synthesis tools [19], enabling logic-level power optimization even for unstructured logic and for low-volume VLSI circuits. During logic optimization, technology parameters such as supply voltage are fixed, and the degrees of freedom are in selecting the functionality and sizing the gates implementing a given logic specification. As for technology and circuit-level techniques, power is never the only cost metric of interest. In most cases, performance is tightly constrained as well. A common setting is constrained power optimization, where a logic network can be transformed to minimize power only if critical path length is not increased. Under this hypothesis, an effective technique is based on path equalization. Path equalization ensures that signal propagation from inputs to outputs of a logic network follows paths of similar length. When paths are equalized, most gates have aligned transitions at their inputs, thereby minimizing spurious switching activity (which is created by misaligned input transitions). This technique is very helpful in arithmetic circuits, such as adders of multipliers. See Example 6. Glue logic and controllers have much more irregular structure than arithmetic units, and their gate-level implementations are characterized by a wide distribution of path delays. These circuits can be optimized for power by resizing. Resizing focuses on fast combinational paths. Gates on fast paths are down-sized, thereby decreasing their input capacitances, while at the same time slowing down signal propagation. By slowing down fast paths, propagation delays are equalized, and power is reduced by joint spurious switching and capacitance reduction. Resizing does not a b a b c c d d always imply down-sizing. Power can be reduced also by enlarging (or buffering) heavily loaded gates, to increase their output slew rates. Fast transitions minimize short-circuit power of the gates in the fanout of the gate which has been sized up, but its input capacitance is increased. In most cases, resizing is a complex optimization problem involving a tradeoff between output switching power and internal short-circuit power on several gates at the same time. Other logic-level power minimization techniques are re-factoring, remapping, phase assignment and pin swapping. All these techniques can be classified as local transformations. They are applied on gate netlists, and focus on nets with large switched capacitance. Most of these techniques replace a gate, or a small group of gates, around the target net, in an effort to reduce capacitance and switching activity. Similarly to resizing, local transformations must carefully balance short circuit and output power consumption. See Example 7. Logic-level power minimization is relatively well studied and understood. Unfortunately, due to the local (a) a a b b c a b c d c (b) d b c a 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 (c) Figure 5. Local transformations: (a) re-mapping, (b) phase assignment, (c) pin swapping. nature of most logic-level optimizations, a large number of transformations has to be applied to achieve sizable power savings. This is a time consuming and uncertain process, where uncertainty is caused by the limited accuracy of power estimation. In many cases, the savings produced by a local move are below the “noise floor” of the power estimation engine. As a consequence, logic-level optimization does . . . continued on Page 18 Example 7. Figure 5 shows three examples of local transformations. In Fig. 5 (a) a re-mapping transformation is shown, where a high-activity node (marked with x) is removed thanks to a new mapping onto an andor gate. In Fig. 5 (b), phase assignment is exploited to eliminate one of the two high-activity nets marked with x. Finally, pin swapping is applied in Fig. 5 (c) to connect a high-activity net with the input pin of the 4-input nand with minimum input capacitance. 17 STATE IN STATE Combinational Logic OUT Combinational Logic IN Fa L OUT GCLK CLK CLK Figure 6. Example of gated clock architecture. Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 17 not result in massive power reductions. Savings are in the 10 to 20% range, on average. More sizable savings can be obtained by optimizing power at a higher abstraction level, as detailed next. Complex digital circuits usually contain units (or parts thereof) that are not performing useful computations at every clock cycle. Think, for example, of arithmetic units or register files within a microprocessor or, more simply, to registers of an ordinary sequential circuit. The idea, known for a long time in the community of IC designers, is to disable the logic which is not in use during some particular clock cycles, with the objective of limiting power consumption. In fact, stopping certain units from making useless transitions causes a decrease in the overall switched capacitance of the system, thus reducing the switching component of the power dissipated. Optimization techniques based on the principle above belong to the broad class of dynamic power management (DPM) methods. As briefly explained in the section Basic Principles, they achieve power reductions by exploiting specific run-time behaviors of the design to which they are applied. The natural domain of applicability of DPM is system-level design; therefore, it will be discussed in greater detail in the next section. Nevertheless, 18 this paradigm has also been successfully adopted in the context of architectural optimization. Clock gating [20] provides a way to selectively stop the clock, and thus force the original circuit to make no transition, whenever the computation to be carried out by a hardware unit at the next clock cycle is useless. In other words, the clock signal is disabled in accordance with the idle conditions of the unit. As an example of use of the clock-gating strategy, consider the traditional block diagram of a sequential circuit, shown on the left of Fig. 6. It consists of a combinational logic block and an array of state registers which are fed by the next-state logic and which provide some feed-back information to the combinational block itself through the present-state input signals. The corresponding gated-clock architecture is shown on the right of the figure. The circuit is assumed to have a single clock, and the registers are assumed to be edge-triggered flip-flops. The combinational block Fa is controlled by the primary inputs, the present-state inputs, and the primary outputs of the circuit, and it implements the activation function of the clock gating mechanism. Its purpose is to selectively stop the local clock of the circuit when no state or output transition takes place. The block named L is a latch, transparent when the global clock signal CLK is inactive. Its presence is essential for a correct operation of the system, since it takes care of filtering glitches that may occur at the output of block Fa. It should be noted that the logic for the activation function is on the critical path of the circuit; therefore, timing violations may occur if the synthesis of Fa is not carried out properly. The clock management logic is synthesized from the Boolean function representing the idle conditions of the circuit. It may well be the case that considering all such conditions results in additional circuitry that is too large and power consuming. It may then be necessary to synthesize a simplified function, which dissipates the minimum possible power, and stops the clock with maximum efficiency. Because of its effectiveness, clock-gating has been applied extensively in real designs, as shown by the examples below, and it has lately found its way in industry-strength CAD tools (e.g., Power Compiler by Synopsys). See Examples 8 and 9. Power savings obtained by gating the clock distribution network of Example 8. The TMS320C5x DSP processor exploits clock gating to save power during active operation. In particular, a two-fold power management scheme, local and global, is implemented. The clock signal feeding the latches placed on the inputs of functional units is enabled only when useful data are available at the units’ inputs, and thus meaningful processing can take place. The gating signals are generated automatically by local control logic using information coming from the instruction decoder. Global clock gating is also available in the processor, and is controlled by the user through dedicated power-down instructions, IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3, which target power management of increasing strength and effectiveness. Instruction IDLE1 only stops the CPU clock, while it leaves peripherals and system clock active. Instruction IDLE2 also deactivates all the on-chip peripherals. Finally, instruction IDLE3 powers down the whole processor. some hardware resources come at the price of a global decrease in performance. In fact, resuming the operation of an inactive resource introduces a latency penalty that negatively impacts system speed. In other words, with clock gating (or with any similar DPM technique), performance and throughput of an architecture are traded for power. See Example 10. Clock gating is not the only scheme for implementing logic shutdown; solutions ranging from register disabling and usage of dual-state flipflops to insertion of guarding logic and gate freezing may be equally effective, although no industry-strength assessment of these design options has been done so far. Example 10. The latency for the CPU of the TMS320C5x DSP processor to return to active operation from the I D L E 3 mode takes around 50 µsec, due to the need of the on-chip PLL circuit to lock with the external clock generator. . . . continued on Page 20 Example 9. The MPEG4 Codec exploits software-controlled clock gating in some of its internal units, including the DMA controller and the RISC core. Clock gating for a unit is enabled by setting the corresponding bit in a “sleep” register of RISC through a dedicated instruction. The clock signal for the chosen hardware resource is OR-ed with the corresponding output of the sleep register to stop clock activity. 19 Example 11. Several schemes [21–23] have been proposed to store compressed instructions in main memory and decompress them on-the-fly before execution (or when they are stored in the instruction cache). All these techniques trade off the efficiency of the compression algorithm with the speed and power consumption of the hardware de-compressor. Probably the best known instruction compression approach is the “Thumb” instruction set of the ARM microprocessor family [24]. ARM cores can be programmed using a reduced set of 16-bit instructions (in alternative to standard 32-bit RISC instructions) that reduce the required instruction memory occupation and required bandwidth by a factor of 2. Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 19 Software and System Level Optimizations Electronic systems and subsystems consist of hardware platforms with several software layers. Many system features depend on the hardware/software interaction, e.g., programmability and flexibility, performance and energy consumption. Software does not consume energy per se, but it is the execution and storage of software that requires energy consumption by the underlying hardware. Software execution corresponds to performing operations on hardware, as well as accessing and storing data. Thus, software execution involves power dissipation for computation, storage, and communication. Moreover, storage of computer programs in semiconductor memories requires energy (refresh of DRAMs, static power for SRAMs). The energy budget for storing programs is typically small (with the choice of appropriate components) and predictable at design time. Thus, we will concentrate on energy consumption of software during its execution. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that reducing the size of program, which is a usual objective in compilation, correlates with reducing their energy storage costs. Additional reduction of code size can be achieved by means of compression techniques. See Example 11. 20 The energy cost of executing a program depends on its machine code and on the hardware architecture parameters. The machine code is derived from the source code from compilation. Typically, the energy cost of the machine code is affected by the back-end of software compilation, that controls the type, number and order of operations, and by the means of storing data, e.g., locality (registers vs. memory arrays), addressing, order. Nevertheless, some architectureindependent optimizations can be useful in general to reduce energy consumption, e.g., selective loop unrolling and software pipelining. Software instructions can be characterized by the number of cycles needed to execute them and by the energy required per cycle. The energy consumed by an instruction depends weakly on the state of the processor (i.e., by the previously executed instruction). On the other hand, the energy varies significantly when the instruction requires storage in registers or in memory (caches). The traditional goal of a compiler is to speed up the execution of the generated code, by reducing the code size (which correlates with the latency of execution time) and minimizing spills to memory. Interestingly enough, executing machine code of minimum size would consume the minimum energy, if we neglect the interaction with memory and we assume a uniform energy cost of each instruction. Energy-efficient compilation strives at achieving machine code that requires less energy as compared to a performance-driven traditional compiler, by leveraging the disuniformity in instruction energy cost, and the different energy costs for storage in registers and in main memory due to addressing and address decoding. Nevertheless, results are sometimes contradictory. Whereas for some architectures energy-efficient compilation gives a competitive advantage as compared to traditional compilation, for some others the most compact code is also the most economical in terms of energy, thus obviating the need of specific low-power compilers. It is interesting to note that the style of the software source program (for any given function) affects the energy cost. Energy-efficient software can be achieved by enforcing specific writing styles, or by allowing source-code transformation to reduce Example 12. The IBM XL compilers transform source code (from different languages) into an internal form called W-code. The Toronto Portable Optimizer (TPO) [25] performs W-code to W-code transformations. Some transformations are directed to reducing power consumption. To this goal, switching activity is minimized by exploiting relations among variables that take similar values. Power-aware instruction scheduling can increase the opportunity of clock gating, by grouping instructions with similar resource usage. Example 13. Simultaneous multi-threading (SMT) [25] has been proposed as an approach for the exploitation of instruction-level parallelism. In SMT, the processor core shares its execution-time resources among several simultaneously executing threads (programs). Thus, at each cycle, instructions can be fetched from one or more independent threads, and passed to the issue and execution boxes. Since the resources can be filled by instructions from parallel threads, their usage increases and energy waste decreases. Compaq has announced that its future 21x64 designs will embrace the SMT paradigm. the power consumption of a program. Such transformation can be automated, and can be seen as the front-end of compilation. See Example 12. Power-aware operating systems (OSs) trade generality for energy efficiency. In the case of embedded electronic systems, OSs are streamlined to support just the required applications. On the other hand, such an approach may not be applicable to OSs for personal computers, where the user wants to retain the ability of executing a wide variety of applications. Energy efficiency in an operating system can be achieved by designing an energy aware task scheduler. Usually, a scheduler determines the set of start times for each task, with the goal of optimizing a cost function related to the completion time of all tasks, and to satisfy real time constraints, if applicable. Since tasks are associated with resources having specific energy models, the scheduler can exploit this information to reduce run-time power consumption. See Example 13. Operating systems achieve major energy savings by implementing dynamic power management (DPM) of the system resources. DPM dynamically reconfigures an electronic system to provide the requested services and performance levels with a minimum number of active components or a . . . continued on Page 22 21 P=400mW run ~10µs ~90µs 160ms P=0.16mW ~10µs P=50mW idle Wait for interrupt ~90µs sleep Wait for wakeup event Figure 7. Power state machine for the StrongARM SA-1100 processor. Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 21 minimum load on such components [26]. Dynamic power management encompasses a set of techniques that achieve energy-efficient computation by selectively shutting down or slowing down system components when they are idle (or partially unexploited). DPM can be implemented in different forms including, but not limited to, clock gating, clock throttling, supplyvoltage shut-down, and dynamicallyvarying power supplies, as described earlier in this paper. We demonstrate here power management using two examples from existing successful processors. The former example describes the shut down modes of the StrongARM processor, while the latter describes the slow down operation within the Transmeta Crusoe chip. See Example 14. An operating system that controls a power manageable component, such as the SA-1100, needs to issue commands to force the power state transitions, in response to the varying workload. The control algorithm that issues the commands is termed policy. An important problem is the computation of the policy for a given workload statistics and component parameter. Several avenues to policy computation are described in another tutorial paper [28]. We consider next another example, where power management is achieved by slowing down a component. See Example 15. We mentioned before the important problem of computing policies, with guaranteed optimality properties, to control one or more components with possibly different management schemes. A related interesting problem is the design of components that can be effectively power managed. See Example 16. Several system-level design trade-offs can be explored to reduce energy consumption. Some of these design choices belong to the domain of hardware/software co-design, and leverage the migration of hardware functions to software or vice versa. For example, the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) standard, initiated by Intel, Microsoft and Toshiba, provides a portable hw/ sw interface that makes it easy to implement DPM policies for personal computers in software. As another example, the decision of implementing specific functions (like MPEG decoding) on specifically-dedicated hardware, rather than on a programmable processor, can significantly affect energy consumption. As a final interesting example, we would like to point out that code morphing can be a very powerful tool in reducing energy dissipation. See Example 17. Conclusions Electronic design aims at striking a balance between performance and power efficiency. Designing lowpower applications is a multi-faceted problem, because of the plurality of embodiments that a system specification may have and the variety of . . . continued on Page 24 22 Designing Low-Power Circuits: Practical Recipes Example 14. The StrongARM SA-1100 processor [27] is an example of a power manageable component. It has three modes of operation: run, idle, and sleep. The run mode is the normal operating mode of the SA-1100: every on-chip resource is functional. The chip enters the run mode after successful power-up and reset. The idle mode allows a software application to stop the CPU when not in use, while continuing to monitor on-chip or off-chip interrupt requests. In the idle mode, the CPU can be brought back to the run mode quickly when an interrupt occurs. The sleep mode offers the greatest power savings and consequently the lowest level of available functionality. In the transition from run or idle, the SA-1100 performs an orderly shutdown of on-chip activity. In a transition from sleep to any other state, the chip steps through a rather complex wake-up sequence before it can resume normal activity. The operation of the StrongARM SA-1100 can be captured by a power state machine model, as shown in Fig. 7. States are marked with power dissipation and performance values, edges are marked with transition times. The power consumed during transitions is approximately equal to that in the run mode. Notice that both idle and sleep have null performance, but the time for exiting sleep is much longer than that for exiting idle (10 µs versus 160 ms). On the other hand, the power consumed by the chip in sleep mode (0.16 mW) is much smaller than that in idle (50 mW). Example 15. The Transmeta Crusoe TM5400 chip uses the Long RunR power management scheme, that allows the OS to slow down the processor when the workload can be serviced at a slower pace. Since a slow down in clock frequency permits a reduction in supply voltage, then the energy to compute a given task decreases quadratically. From a practical standpoint, the OS observes the task queue and determines the appropriate frequency and voltage levels, which are transmitted to the phase-locked loop (PLL) and DC-DC converter. As a result, Transmeta claims that the Crusoe chip can play a soft DVD at the same power level used by a conventional x86 architecture in sleep state. Example 16. The 160-Mhz implementation of the StrongARM described in [6] supports 16 possible operating frequencies generated by a PLL. Moreover, the PLL was designed within a power budget of 2 mW, so that it could be kept running in the idle state. Thus, the need for a low-power PLL is dictated by the power budget in the idle state. Note that the ability of keeping the PLL running in the idle state is key to achieving a fast transition to the run state. Example 17. The Transmeta Crusoe chip executes x86-compatible binaries on a proprietary architecture, which is designed for low-power operation. The operating system performs run-time binary translation to this effect. The code morphing is key in reducing the energy cost associated with any given program. 23 Designing Low-Power Circuits: Practical Recipes by Luca Benini * Giovanni De Micheli Enrico Macii OU L5 T_ L T_ Vdd _H IN OU Vdd H K CL L4 L2 Vs s Low Power Circuits … continued from Page 22 degrees of freedom that designers have to cope with power reduction. In this brief tutorial, we showed different design options and the corresponding advantages and disadvantages. We tried to relate general-purpose low-power design solutions to a few successful chips that use them to various extents. Even though we described only a few samples of design techniques and implementations, we think that our samples are representative of the state of the art of current technologies and can suggest future developments and improvements. References [1] J. Rabaey and M. Pedram, Low Power Design Methodologies. Kluwer, 1996. [2] J. Mermet and W. Nebel, Low Power Design in Deep Submicron Electronics. Kluwer, 1997. [3] A. 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De Micheli, “Automatic Synthesis of Gated Clocks for Power Reduction in Sequential Circuits”, IEEE Design and Test of Computers, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 32–40, December 1994. [21] Y. Yoshida, B.-Y. Song, H. Okuhata, T. Onoye, and I. Shirakawa, “An Object Code Compression Approach to Embedded Processors”, ISLPED-98: ACM/ IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 265– 268, Monterey, California, August 1997. [22] L. Benini, A. Macii, E. Macii, and M. Poncino, “Selective Instruction Compression for Memory Energy Reduction in Embedded Systems”, ISLPED-99: ACM/ IEEE 1999 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 206–211, San Diego, California, August 1999. [23] H. Lekatsas and W. Wolf, “Code Compression for Low Power Embedded Systems”, DAC-37: ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 294–299, Los Angeles, California, June 2000. [24] S. Segars, K. Clarke, and L. Goudge, “Embedded Control Problems, Thumb and the ARM7TDMI”, IEEE Micro, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 22–30, October 1995. [25] D. Brooks, et al., “Power-Aware Microarchitecture: Design and Modeling Challenges for Next-Generation Microprocessors”, IEEE Micro, vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 26– 44, November 2000. [26] L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Dynamic Power Management: Design Techniques and CAD Tools. Kluwer, 1997. [27] Intel, SA-1100 Microprocessor Technical Reference Manual. 1998. [28] L. Benini, A. Bogliolo, and G. De Micheli, “A Survey of Design Techniques for System-Level Dynamic Power Management”, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 299–316, June 2000. Luca Benini received the B.S. degree summa cum laude in electrical engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1991, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1994 and 1997, respectively. Since 1998, he has been assistant professor in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science in the University of Bologna, Italy. He also holds visiting professor positions at Stanford University and the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California. Dr. Benini’s research interests are in all aspects of computer-aided design of digital circuits, with special emphasis on low-power applications, and in the design of portable systems. On these topics, he has authored more than 100 papers in international journals and conferences, a book and several book chapters. He is a member of the technical program committee in several international conferences, including the Design and Test in Europe Conference and International Symposium on Low Power Design. Giovanni De Micheli is professor of electrical engineering, and by courtesy, of computer science at Stanford University. His research interests include several aspects of design technologies for integrated circuits and systems, with particular emphasis on synthesis, system-level design, hardware/software co-design and low-power design. He is author of Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 1994, co-author and/or co-editor of four other books and of over 200 technical articles. Dr. De Micheli is a fellow of ACM and IEEE. He received the Golden Jubilee Medal for outstanding contributions to the IEEE CAS Society in 2000. He received the 1987 IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS Best Paper Award and two best paper awards at the Design Automation Conference, in 1983 and in 1993. He is editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS. He was vice president (for publications) of the IEEE CAS Society in 1999– 2000. Dr. De Micheli was program chair and general chair of the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in 1996–1997 and 2000 respectively. He was program and general chair of the International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) in 1988 and 1989 respectively. Enrico Macii holds the Dr. Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, the Dr. Sc. degree in computer science from Università di Torino, and the Ph. D. degree in computer engineering from Politecnico di Torino. From 1991 to 1994 he was adjunct faculty at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Currently, he is associate professor of computer engineering at Politecnico di Torino. His research interests include several aspects of the computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, with particular emphasis on methods and tools for low-power digital design. He has authored over 200 journal and conference articles in the areas above, including a paper that received the best paper award at the 1996 IEEE EuroDAC conference. Enrico Macii is associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS (since 1997) and associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (since 2000). He was technical program co-chair of the 1999 IEEE Alessandro Volta Memorial Workshop on Low Power Design, and technical program co-chair of the 2000 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED). Currently, he is general chair of ISLPED’01. 25 High-Speed Data Converters for Communication Systems by Franco Maloberti 26 1531- 636X/03/$10.00©2001IEEE Introduction T he tremendous progress in microelectronics significantly benefits the communication area. We are enjoying an unprecedented growth in mobile communication: new services are being constantly introduced thanks to the availability of new integrated circuits and systems. This progress results from two key components: DSP and the data converter. Using sub-submicron technologies it is possible to integrate millions of transistors on a single chip. The speed of digital circuits is increasing up to many hundreds of MHz or even GHz. Hence, new DSP architectures allow complex algorithms to be implemented at very high computation speeds. However, analog-digital interfaces must be able to match the resolution and the speed of the DSP. Therefore, the second key component completing the basic design set is the high speed and high resolution data converter [1]. The present trend pushing the border of digital conversion toward the transmit and receive terminal leads to ever increasing demands on specifications, namely speed and resolution. We will see that often more than 14 bits and several hundreds of MHz are required. In addition, many applications impose continuous reductions in power consumption. As a result, market challenges favor research on high speed data converters. In turn, the results achieved lead to new architectural solutions which create new needs. This paper analyses this process and discusses recent circuit solutions suitable for meeting key system specifications [2]. Communication Systems It is possible to use three main transmission media for analog communication and for data transfer: wireless, twisted-pair cable and coaxial cable. Optic fibers are also employed, but their high cost makes their use suitable for backbone networks or for central office and optical network unit (ONU) con. . . continued on Page 28 27 Digital Tuning ADC Demod. DSP µcontroller Figure 1. Ideal software radio. Soft High-Speed Data Converters … continued from Page 27 nections. For data communication, it is possible to utilize either narrow-band connections (up to 56 kb/s) or broadband connections (like the T-1 service operating at 1.544 Mb/s). Around the options of media and bandwidth, communication engineers can build many possible architectures. We shall see that in many of them, data converters have a significant role. Wireless Telephony Figure 2. (a) Rx section of a conventional architecture and (b) its possible Software Radio modification. For narrow-band wireless we have different standards around the world. In Europe we have the DCS and GSM operating in two different frequency bands: 900 and 1800MHz (GSM900 and GSM1800). In the USA we have various mobile radio standards in the 1800 MHz frequency band, among them the IS-95 and the IS-136. Moreover, studies on globalization of personal communications begun in 1986 are going to define new standards for the so called 3G (third generation) mobile telecommuni- ADC LNA BP Filter BP Filter BP Filter ADC Fixed LO Variab. LO (a) 90˚ LO LNA BP Filter (b) 28 BP Filter Fixed LO ADC Digital Tuning Demod. DSP µcontroller cation systems. The standards will follow an evolutionary path so as to protect the capital investment done for the second generation standards. Thus, the present scenario is such that, despite the considerable effort spent on harmonization, it will be hard to establish a unique world-wide standard for future mobile radio systems. Consequently, managing multiple standards will be ever more necessary, creating difficulties for both manufacturers and operators. Significant help can come from the so-called “software radio” approach [3]. Figure 1 shows the “ideal” software radio solution: a high speed data converter digitizes the RF signal directly at the antenna with all radio functions being performed in the digital domain possibly using a specialized reconfigurable hardware. At present (but even in the future) it is impossible to imagine a data converter operating at 1 or 2 GHz and delivering 16-18 bits. Therefore, because of obvious difficulties in the implementation of the “ideal” solution the data converter is moved after some analog preprocessing. This is done typically after the low noise amplifier and a first mixing (Fig. 2b, showing the Rx section). Unlike a conventional Rx architecture (Fig. 2a) the data converter in the software radio (Fig. 2b) runs at the IF frequency and a digital processor performs the IF filtering, the IF mixing, the band-base filtering and the demodulation. More generally, software radio envisages a base station platform with reconfigurable hardware and software. This architecture can be adapted to different standards or services simply by using the appropriate software. Software radio offers many advantages: it is flexible, allows new services to be added quickly thus shortening the time-to-market, and offers better management of logistics, maintenance and sinc LPF Design Issues 80 MHz LO Freq. 80 MHz ∑ DUC DSP Channel ∑ DUC DSP Channel 80 MHz 80 MHz RF BPF IF LPF LO DAC ∑ DUC DSP Channel 320 MHz DAC sinc LO Freq. personnel training. Moreover, software radio permits migration from one standard to the successive generation along an evolutionary path. About data converters, observe that, because the channel tuning is performed in the digital domain, the linearity of the converter must be such as to avoid any spurious interference. Fortunately the bandwidth licensed to operators is limited, typically in the range 20-40 MHz. Therefore, appropriate choice of the LO frequency and the sampling frequency of data converters allows some system flexibility that can place images and spurious signals out of band. Thus, data converter specifications depend on the architecture and standard adopted. For modern architectures they span from 12 to 16 bit with spurious performances around Interpol. 4x BPF Possible Solution 320 MHz 100 dB. The sampling frequency ranges from 60 to 100 MHz. Figure 3 show the Tx section of a typical software radio architecture. It uses, as an example, an 80 MHz clock, thus permitting a 40 MHz bandwidth. Suitable digital-up conversions (DUC) allocate the transmission channels in the selected frequency slot. All the digital channels are converted into analog by a single DAC. The result, after suitable filtering and modulation, drives the power amplifier that, in turn, drives the antenna. Figure 3 indicates some possible design issues: a “sinc” attenuation shapes the spectrum after the DAC; the continuous-time low pass filter in the IF section should carefully remove the frequency components beyond 40 MHz, the RF bandpass filter should take care of the im- Figure 3. Tx section of a possible software radio architecture. . . . continued on Page 30 29 (a) (b) High-Speed Data Converters … continued from Page 29 formances around 95 dB and sampling frequency as large as 400 MHz [4]. Figure 4. (a) Conventional antenna transmission. (b) Smart antenna transmission. age rejection. Thus, if the channels occupy almost the 40 MHz available the filters design becomes quite problematic. The insert in the figure shows a possible solution: an interpolator increases the clock frequency by a factor 4 so that a band-pass digital filter can select the first image of the transmission spectrum. Therefore, after the DAC the signal used suffers by a limited sinc attenuation, it is 40 MHz apart from dc and its image falls between 240 and 280 MHz. These features permit a significant relaxation of the filters’ specs. However, the clock frequency of the DAC must be 320 MHz. Thus, more demanding performances on the data converter help us in optimizing the system architectures. Modern CMOS technologies permit achievement of 12 bit DACs with spurious perFigure 5. Architecture of an Rx smart antenna: high speed data converters permit beam-forming digital processing. Smart Antennas In cellular communication, important features are coverage, capacity and service quality. In rural areas ensuring a proper coverage is expensive; in urban areas the capacity is often close to average demand. Moreover, interference from neighbor cells worsens service quality. Smart antennas provide an answer to these problems [5]. A smart antenna is a directional antenna used in the base station to track mobile terminals (Fig. 4). The basic structure uses a switched-beam or an adaptive array architecture. Two or more antenna elements are spatially arranged and the signals are properly processed to produce a directional radiation pattern. Digital Downconverter LNA BB BP Filter BP Filter ADC DDC W0 . BP Filter BP Filter ADC DDC W0 . LNA ∑ LNA BP Filter BP Filter Fixed LO 30 ADC W0 . DDC Phase Weight Adjust Control In its simplest form, a smart antenna uses a fixed phase beam network that is switched to the elements of the array so as to produce a beam close to the desired direction. In the phased array the phases of signals are adjusted to change the array pattern, thus tracking a given mobile or cancelling a given interference signal. Here, different strategies for rural or urban areas are necessary. Therefore, adaptive and reconfigurable architectures are the best solution. Figure 5 shows the block diagram of a possible “digital” implementation. The architecture uses a weight-adjustment algorithm to obtain IF beam-forming. Of course the given architecture is only one possibility; we could design a solution fully in the analog domain. Nevertheless, the digital approach, thanks to the use of the data converter in the IF section, permits complex beamforming with a digital processor. Therefore, the availability of data converters which answer system requirements leads us to an adaptive system providing superior performance. The data converter specifications depend on the IF frequency used. Even for these applications the resolution depends on the width of the bandwidth granted to a given provider. In the case of 10MHz we can satisfy the GSM specifications (receive side) with an 81 dB dynamic range (13.5 bit) and a 97 dB SFDR. Moreover, the clock jitter must be kept below 2 ps. The above figures assume an IF frequency of 70 MHz. More relaxed figures result when considering other standards like the DCS1800. Broadband Services Broadband communication offers many examples of architectures that exploit data converters and DSP. Through the already installed copper twisted-pair phone lines it is possible to provide broadband digital services. We have various possibilities, the ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), HDSL (High Speed), the RADSL (Rate Adaptive) and the VDSL (Very High Speed). The first class runs at a data rate of up to 8 Mb/s in the downstream direction (from the central office to the subscriber) and up to 1 Mb/s in the upstream direction. The distance from the central office to the subscriber, however, must be a maximum of 5 km. The VDSL service is more advanced; it can provide a data In its simplest form, a smart antenna uses a fixed phase beam network that is switched to the elements of the array so as to produce a beam close to the rate as desired direction. high as 52Mb/s. The architecture provides a fiber optical connection from the central office to the neighborhood of a group of customers (Optical Network Unit, ONU). The connection from the ONU to the subscriber is through a short link (not more than 1200 m) of twisted-pair copper wire [6]. The above features are made possible by complex modulation schemes and the relatively high bandwidth of twisted-pair wires (much higher than the 3 kHz filtered voiced channel). An example of VDSL architecture is . . . continued on Page 32 31 Tx Filter Packet Format Logic FEC Encoder I/Q Modul. DAC Figure 6. Architecture of a VDSL transceiver. A Filter Rx Filter I/Q Demodul. ADC Packet Format Logic FEC Decoder Filter High-Speed Data Converters … continued from Page 31 shown in Fig. 6 [7]. Note that it includes an A/D and a D/A converter very close to the twisted-pair connection. For the ADSL architecture the sampling rate in the two links is 8–10 MHz and the required resolution is 1214 bits. For VSDL architectures the resolution required is a bit lower but the sampling rate must be programmable from 1 MHz to 52 MHz. High Speed Data Converters All the data converters in the architectures discussed so far require high speed. Table 1 summarizes the key specifications required. Observe that the conversion rate ranges from 10 MHz to 100 MHz. This feature com- bined with the resolution and the SFDR make the converter feasible in submicron CMOS technology for the ASDL and the VDSL applications. Instead, the higher resolution and the demanding SFDR posed by the GSM and the smart antenna implementations impose significant bandwidth and linearity. Thus, GSM and smart antenna typically demand submicron BiCMOS (silicon or silicon-germanium) technologies. Presently, the fT of state-ofthe art submicron CMOS (0.12 µm) exceeds 20 GHz while advanced BiCMOS or SiGe permit bandwidths on the order of 60 GHz. Therefore, speed is an issue that can be satisfactorily addressed by exploiting the available technology. In contrast, accuracy depends on the components’ precision and on practical limits related to circuit implementation. Therefore, the processes used, as well as deep-submicron line widths, should Table 1. Feature 32 GSM Smart Antenna ASDL VSDL Resolution 14 bit 13.5 bit 12 bit 12 bit Conversion Rate 60-100 MHz 40-60 MHz 10 MHz 52 MHz Clock Jitter 4 ps 2 ps - - SFDR 100 dB 95 dB 60 dB 65 dB Technology BiCMOS/SiGe BiCMOS/SiGe CMOS CMOS In + S&H A/D ∑ Res - k D/A N,1 also provide precise resistors and capacitors. At this purpose special layout techniques and a careful control of the process are beneficial. These actions are only effective, however, when not more than 10–12 bits are required. For higher resolution the best way to get rid of inaccuracy is to use calibration. Moreover, to avoid SNR degradation, the analog critical nodes must be conveniently protected from spurious signals and noise. This demand imposes additional steps on the process: it is necessary to utilize, for example, multiple diffused wells, trench separation or migrate toward SOI technologies. High-Speed A/D Architectures The simplest way to achieve high speed is to use one step or two step flash architectures. The techniques have been used extensively in the past; however, various limitations do not allow us to step outside the 10 bit limit [8]. Another approach is the folding and interpolation technique. Folding consists in nonlinear input processing that produces an output characteristic like a triangular wave. The number of foldings performed determines the MSBs (3 bits is a normal figure). Subsequent data conversion determines additional LSBs. Folding is often associated with interpolation: a suitable network processes two folded outputs and produces transition levels intermediate to the one given by the folding transformation. We can thus extract additional bits at a reduced cost. An example of folding and interpolation + S&H A/D ∑ Res - k A/D D/A N,2 D/A N,i architecture is given in [9]. The circuit achieves 10 bits and 40 MS/s using a 7 GHz 0.6 µm CMOS technology. The two step flash and the folding technique don’t permit us to achieve very high accuracy. By contrast a pipeline architecture (when it incorporates digital calibration) can reach 12–14 bits so as to suit speed requirements and low power consumption demands. Because of that designers more and more utilize pipeline based converters for communication needs. Figure 7 shows a typical pipeline scheme. A number of cells compose the structure. Each cell provides a given number of bits at the output (say, N bits) and a residual voltage. The next cell processes the residual voltage, performs digital conversion and gives another residual voltage. The output of the entire system comes from the bits generated by each stage. Because the dynamic range of the residual voltage is N smaller than the input by a factor 2 , many architectures foresee an amplification of the residual voltage by the same factor to keep the dynamic range constant along the pipeline. The residual output of each cell is (1) Vi, res ∑ S&H Figure 7. Pipeline architecture. bn,0 + 2bn,1 + … +2 N −1 bn, N −1 = Vi, in − VRef ⋅ 2 N N 2 where bn, i are the bits generated by the n-th cell. Possible errors come from an inaccurate amplifier and from offsets in the DAC or in the ADC. Offsets are normally corrected digitally. Each stage of the pipeline provides the digital information with some redundancy . . . continued on Page 34 33 Noise shaping Band of Interest ∆2/(12·fN1) ∆2/(12·fN2) f Nyquist interval 1 Nyquist interval 2 High-Speed Data Converters … continued from Page 33 (for a 1 bit per stage architecture, 0.5 additional bit). Redundancy avoids loss of information even in the presence of offsets and permits cancellation of inaccuracies [10], [11]. Designers widely use the sigma delta technique for band-base applications. Recent technology advancements expand the usable bandwidth and extend the applicability of sigma delta converters to medium and high frequency applications (as required by communication architectures). Sigma delta modulators exploit oversampling, that means using a sampling frequency much higher than twice the signal band. Oversampling and a proper shaping of the quantization error spectrum permit us to significantly attenuate the power of the quantization noise in the band of interest [12]. Figure 8 depicts this basic concept. If we increase the sampling frequency of a Figure 8. Oversampling and noise shaping. Figure 9. Oversampling and noise shaping. n(z ) In u(z ) H 1 (z) t Out y(z) A/D A/D H 2 (z) 34 D/A conventional converter by a factor 2 the power of the quantization noise ∆2/12 ( ∆ is the quantization step, Vref /2N) is spread over a double frequency interval; therefore, the amount of noise power that falls in the band of interest halves. Noise shaping does better: as shown in Fig. 8 the noise in the band of interest is quite low even if we have much more noise outside. Therefore, a digital filter that rejects out the band noise permits us to achieve a pretty good SNR. Remembering that the number of bits, n and the SNR are related by SNR = 6.03 . n – 1.73 (2) an increase of the SNR leads to more bits of accuracy. Sigma delta modulators produce noise shaping by including the quantization into a feedback loop. Figure 9 shows the generic configuration of a sigma delta. With a linear model an additive term n(z) represents the quantization error. Thus, in the circuit we have two inputs: the input signal and the quantization error. The design target is to leave unchanged the signal while shaping the quantization error. By inspection of the circuit we derive the signal transfer function and the quantization-error transfer function Y(z) = S(z)u(z) + Q(z)n(z) S(z) = H1 (z) ; 1+ H1 (z)H2 (z) Q(z) = 1 . 1+ H1 (z)H2 (z) (3) (4) A proper choice of the transfer functions H1 and H2 (we normally set H2 to 1) achieves the target. A huge number of papers deal with the definition and the design of modulator architecture. Designers of converters for communication systems will take advantage of that huge previous work [12]. High Speed DAC Architectures The limited bandwidth of amplifiers used mainly limits the speed of analog systems. Thus, all the DACs operating at very high clock rate don’t use op-amps or amplifiers. It is possible to achieve digital-to-analog conversion without active elements by using the current steering approach [13]. Equal (or binary ratioed) current sources are properly switched toward the matching resistance or a dummy resistance. Figure 10 shows n-channel cascode current sources switched by simple differential pairs. More complex architectures can be envisaged. Nevertheless, the technique is quite simple; possible design problems come from current sources matching inaccuracy and the consequent request to use special techniques and achieve mismatch compensation. Moreover, a non-simultaneous switching of current sources produces glitches in the output voltage. This deteriorates the converter performance. Many papers discuss how to face the above mentioned issues. Readers can refer, for example, to [14],[15]. The area consumption of a current steering architecture can be quite small: it is possible to achieve a 10 bits converter in only 0.6 mm2 [16]. Moreover, it is possible with modern technologies to combine the analog-todigital conversion and digital processing as outlined in Fig. 3 [17]. Conclusions We have seen that the tremendous pace in telecommunication developments affects (and is produced by) improvements in data converter performance. We have a combination of technological advances and novel architectures. Typically, benefits come from an extensive use of digital correction and calibration. Therefore, we can talk about a new approach for achieving high performance: using “digitally assisted” data converters. The market already offers data converters running at 80 Mb/s with 14 bit resolutions and a SFDR of 100 dB. The technology used is, in some cases, specifically optimized for the application. Nevertheless, progress in CMOS processes will soon make available 0.15-µm technologies with migration to the 0.12-µm mark by the year 2001. It is expected that 0.09-µm effective channel length will be achieved by 2001 and 0.07-µm by 2004. If these features are combined with a suitable defense from spur interference,18-bit, 200 Mb/s data converters capable of answering a wide spectrum of telecommunication needs will be on the market by the first decade of the next century. Figure 10. Principle of operation of the current steering DAC. . . . continued on Page 36 b1 b2 b2 b1 b 2 b2 bN bN RT RT Vb 2 1 2 2 2 Vb1 35 High-Speed Data Converters for Communication Systems High-Speed Data Converters … continued from Page 35 References Franco Maloberti Texas A&M University Dept. of Electrical Eng. 318B WERC College Station, TX 77843 Phone: 845-7160 Fax: 845-7161 [1] B. Brannon, D. Efstathiou, T. Gratzek, “A Look at Software Radios: Are They Fact or Fiction?”, Electronic Design, pp. 117– 122, December 1998. [2] F. Maloberti, “High Speed Data Converters and New Telecommunication Needs”, IEEE 1999, Tucson, Arizona, pp. 147– 150, April 11–13, 1999. [3] B. Schweber, “Converters Restructure Communication Architectures”, EDN, pp. 51–64, August 1995. [4] Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe, MB86061 Datasheet, January 2000. [5] C. B. Dietrich, W. L. Stutzman, “Smart Antennas Enhance Cellular/PCS Performance”, Microwave and RF, pp.76–86, April 1997. [6] H. Samueli, “Broadband Communication IC: Enabling High-Bandwidth Connectivity in the Home and Office”, IEEE-International Solid State Circuit Conference, pp.26–30, 1999. [7] R. H. Joshi, et al., “A 52 Mb/s Universal DSL Transceiver IC”, IEEE-International Solid State Circuit Conference, pp.250– 251, 1999. [8] B. Brandt, J. Lutsky, “A 75 mW 10b 20MS/s CMOS Subranging ADC with 59 dB SNDR”, IEEE-International Solid State Circuit Conference, pp.322–323, 1999. [9] G. Hoogzaad, R. Roovers, “A 65mW 10b 40MS/s BiCMOS Nyquist ADC in 0.8mm2”, IEEE-International Solid State Circuit Conference, pp.320–321, 1999. [10] A. M. Abo, P. R. Gray, “A 1.5-V, 10-bit, 14.3-MS/s CMOS Pipeline Analog-toDigital Converter”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 34, pp.599–606, 1999. [11] I. E. Opris, L. Lewicki, B. Wong, “A Single-Ended 12 b 20 M Sample/s SelfCalibrating Pipeline A/D Converter”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 33, pp.1898–1903, 1998. [12] J. C. Candy, G. C. Temes, “Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters”, IEEE Press, 1992. [13] A. Cremonesi, F. Maloberti, “A 100 MHz CMOS DAC for Video Graphic Systems”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 24, pp. 635–639, 1989. [14] A. Marques, J. Bastos, A. Van der Bosh, J. Vandenbussche, M. Steyaert, W. Sansen, “A 12b Accuracy 300 Msample/ Supdate Rate CMOS DAC”, IEEE-International Solid State Circuit Conference, pp.216–217, 1998. [15] A. R. Bugeja, B. S. Song, P.L. Rakers, S.F. Gillig, “A 14-b, 100MS/s CMOS DAC Designed for Spectral Performance”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 34, pp. 1719–1732, 1999. [16] C. H. Lin, K. Bult, “A 10b 500 MSample/ S CMOS DAC in 0.6 mm2” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 33, pp. 1948–1958, 1998. [17] D. Domanin, U. Gatti, P. Malcovati, F. Maloberti, “A Multipath Poliphase Digital-to-Analog Converter for Software Radio Transmission Systems”, IEEEISCAS, pp. II 361–II 364, 2000. Franco Maloberti received the Laurea Degree in physics (Summa cum Laude) from the University of Parma, Italy, in 1968 and the Doctorate Honoris Causa in electronics from the Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica (Inaoe), Puebla, Mexico, in 1996. He is currently professor of electrical engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, where he holds the TI/J. Kilby Chair. He joined the University of L’Aquila in 1968, and the University of Pavia from 1967 to 2000. Presently he is on leave from the University of Pavia. In 1993 he was visiting professor at ETH-PEL, Zurich working on electronic interfaces for sensor systems. His professional expertise is in the design, analysis, and characterization of integrated circuits and analog digital applications, mainly in the areas of switched capacitor circuits, data converters, interfaces for telecommunication and sensor systems, and CAD for analog and mixed A-D design. Professor Maloberti has written more than 230 published papers, two books, and holds 15 patents. He was 1992 recipient of the XII Pedriali Prize for his technical and scientific contributions to Italian industrial production. He was co-recipient of the 1996 Institution of Electrical Engineers (U.K.) Fleming Premium. He received the 1999 IEEE CAS Society Meritorious Service Award, the 1999 CAS Society Golden Jubilee Medal and the IEEE Millenium Medal. He was associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System—II. He is former IEEE CAS vice president of Region 8. He is the president-elect of the IEEE Sensor Council. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of AEI. 36 Technical Committees DSP within Circuits and Systems by Paulo S. R. Diniz* 2000 Chair, CAS Technical Committe on Digital Signal Processing E-mail: A bstract—It has been widely recognized that a large number of activities related to the digital signal processing (DSP) field have started in the Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society. In fact, the CAS Society originated many important new Societies within the IEEE, including the sister Signal Processing Society. This article discusses some milestones in the digital signal processing field and their links with the activities of the Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society. Some critical analysis of the current and future trends in digital signal processing and the corresponding role of the CAS Society in their development are presented. The article also discusses engineering education in the DSP area, which has become challenging due to its potential application in a variety of fields. Technical Coverage of the CAS Society From the point of view of some experts [1], the field of electrical engineering (EE) consists of two major streams, namely, applied physics and applied mathematics. We can cite device modeling and semiconductor manufacturing as examples of activities in the stream of applied physics. In the stream of applied mathematics we can cite circuit analysis and design, and, for certain, digital signal processing. Both streams have historically found room in the CAS Society. Since its conception in 1952 the CAS Society is a forum for publication and discussion of topics covering a broad spectrum of subjects related to electrical engineering. In the fifties we witnessed the publication of many articles dealing with network synthesis, information theory, communications, electronic circuits, and feedback circuits, among others. Over the years the CAS Society has evolved to include many different topics and their applications, which these days range from classical fields such as circuit theory, feedback circuits and systems, system stability, distributed circuits and systems, nonlinear circuits and systems, analog filters (continuous-time passive and active), to the more recently developed fields of digital filters, analog integrated filters (continuous-time, and discrete-time or switched), analog and digital VLSI circuits, computer-aided design, accurate modeling of devices, lowpower circuits, adaptive systems, multidimensional circuits and systems, video technology, and neural networks among *On behalf of the DSP Technical Committee. others [2]. The open mind and tolerance of the CAS Society have allowed birth of many new Societies within the IEEE, including the Signal Processing and Solid State Societies, and the co-sponsorship of many important technical publications such as the Transactions on Neural Networks, VLSI, and Fuzzy Logic just to name a few. In addition, the CAS Society sponsors and co-sponsors a large number of conferences, symposia and workshops around the world, among which the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) represents a synthesis of them all. Technological Changes With the advent of very large scale integration (VLSI) of circuits, millions of transistors could fit in a single silicon chip, allowing compact and reliable implementation of sophisticated systems. The recent development of microelectronics technology caused a great impact in our modern life, making available electronic equipment such as mobile phones, computers, and video and audio systems at a reasonable cost. This development occurred in parallel with advances in the technology of transmission, processing, recording, reproduction, and general treatment of signals through analog and digital electronics, as well as other means such as acoustical, mechanical, optical, and so forth. In particular, the field of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) has developed very fast in the last decades and has been incorporated into a large number of products, being also the subject of many engineering curricula not restricted to electrical engineering. It is very common to see DSP as part of the mechanical engineering core to deal with vibration and acoustics studies, in biomedical engineering where much equipment incorporates sophisticated signal processing algorithms, in industrial engineering where many forecast analyses are based on DSP tools, and elsewhere. If we consider that digital signal processors (DSPs) are now widely available at low cost, and powerful computer packages incorporating tool boxes for DSP are within reach, teaching basic DSP tools is not a major challenge. This fact led to the widespread use of digital signal processing in a number of different areas. Milestones and Current Trends The concept of digital signal processing started in the late forties and developed further in the fifties with the special objective of providing simulation tools for analog systems. These tools were implemented on general purpose computers, and consisted of basic interpolation, differentiation, prediction and other numerical analysis tasks. In the sixties, the availability of better computers made the use of digital signal processing feasible for certain realtime applications. It was during this decade that the names digital filters and digital signal processing became popular and many new techniques and applications became 37 Technical Technical Committees Committees available. Methods for digital filter design, the fast Fourier transform, and speech coding and synthesis are examples of important breakthroughs experienced in the sixties. During the seventies the field of digital signal processing matured, becoming a very dynamic field as new applications and design tools were proposed at a very fast pace. Major contributions to Finite and Infinite Impulse Response (FIR and IIR) filter approximation, realization and implementation were proposed. In addition we witnessed significant developments such as: introduction of other THE ADVENTURES OF … …THE tegrated circuit (ASIC), form the family of hardware available for the DSP system designer. Certainly the DSP is the most popular machine used to implement DSP systems, due to its powerful computational capability and decreasing cost. Also most DSPs available in the market come with comprehensive development tools, making the designer’s life much easier by reducing the time from a product conception to its full implementation. The DSPs boosted the development of new concepts and applications of the DSP field in the eighties and nineties. We can cite: time-frequency analysis including wavelets and filter banks, real-time implementation of adaptive systems, acoustic echo cancellation, image and 'UMBLE OHM video compression, audio signal compression and restoration, implementation of nonlinear …Shlomo Karni systems such as neural networks, and again many many others. More recently mixed mode analog-digital circuits, low-power circuits, and the currently available DSP technology, are used in a large number of applications that range from disk drives for computers, CD players, modern TV’s, telephony systems, data networks, to watches, home appliances, robots and biomedical instruments. The conception and design of such systems requires a deep knowledge of circuits and systems. Without this knowledge it is doubtful that the electrical and computer engineers of the future will have enough skills to face new challenges. Future Trends 02–02–2006: The newest, most powerful chip is unveiled. Commercial logo: “— ligent outside”. Runs at 999 GHz, and also makes coffee. types of discrete transforms, digital architectures specialized for DSP implementation, digital processing of speech signals, and early experiments in image processing, just to mention a few. It was also during this decade that the first comprehensive textbooks dealing with digital signal processing and its applications appeared in the market. The advent of VLSI brought about a revolution in the electronic industry, widening the applications where electronic circuits could be used as the means to implement sophisticated systems. This made available in the early eighties the first generation of digital signal processors (DSPs). These processors have been designed to perform efficiently some common tasks encountered in the DSP algorithms, such as inner products and FFT’s. The DSPs, the faster general purpose computers, the programmable logic array (PLA), along with the application specific in- 38 If one recalls that the world is analog, even if we are able to design perfect digital computers, at one point the information produced by the computers has to interface with the external world. Therefore, very good digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters are essential. Someone has to design, specify and understand how they work. Internally the digital machines carry analog signals since the ideal pulses representing zeros and ones are only abstractions. As a consequence, there is always need for interplay between the analog and digital domains. However, digital signal processing provides us with the alternative that, whenever possible and necessary, we can solve “part” of our real world design problem in the discrete-time domain. DSP adds flexibility and reliability to part of the system, but is by no means the sole solution. In our view mixed-mode analog continuous-time circuits along with digital signal processing circuits and systems will play a growing role in forthcoming systems, if their interrelationships are properly explored. It should be noted that the implementation of discrete-time systems with analog circuits is also possible by using for example switched capacitor, switched current or charge coupled technologies. Technical Technical Committees Committees In the next generation of electronic systems, many more systems will certainly incorporate digital signal processors. We will witness the continuing trend of having available more powerful, lower cost, and lower power digital signal processors. There will be also a growing number of systems on chips. Among those systems we can cite the mobile phones with data communication and internet service facilities, high-definition television, CD quality digital radio, local area wireless computer networks, medical image processing and many many others. In all these systems the current trend of digitalizing the information as soon as possible will continue; therefore, digital signal processing will play a major role in the future electronic systems. Many of these systems will include microsensors (for example to acquire images), mixed-mode (analog and digital signal processing) circuits, and will in many cases utilize concurrent and distributed processing. Also self-learning or self-designing circuits and systems will be more frequently applied in future systems. To design these future systems, the companies should have a team of engineers with depth in a few topics so that they can recognize what are the limits of knowledge in some important topics and how these topics can be widened and used in new applications. For the overall team of electrical and computer engineers, a deep knowledge of circuit analysis from Kirchhoff’s laws to computer aided analysis of nonlinear circuits, linear control, analog and digital communications, electric machines, semiconductor devices, electronic circuit design, signal processing, computer programming, computer architecture, and electromagnetics on top of basic sciences and mathematics is an essential core to face any challenge in designing these systems. The CAS Society is certainly one of the few forums where one can find engineers whose expertise covers such a vast range of areas. Therefore, if we also take into account that the time reduction between the conception of a scientific knowledge and its use for technological innovations is key for a company to compete in the internationalized market, companies badly need skillful electrical and computer engineers. Educational Challenges The current trend is that electrical engineers are mere users of circuits, and superficially understanding them is enough for their career. As Guillemin said in 1957 [3], the interest is in learning “how things go”, and a superficial knowledge of “why things are that way”. We share his opinion that a tool must be well understood to be most useful, otherwise things can go very wrong. There are a number of reasons that could be presented to explain the current trend for a lack of deepness and thoroughness in dealing with some electrical and computer engineering fields. Some of them are: • These days we are very familiar with computers and the fast result they provide to a number of interesting problems. Sometimes all it takes is to strike the mouse and the keyboard a few times. As a result, it is a challenging job for engineers to keep themselves motivated and interested in acquiring deep information about some subjects, especially if this knowledge has little immediate practical use. • The current trend is learning a number of topics in shallow manner whereas detailed learning is postponed to a later stage. • Some of the reasons why thoroughness is commonly avoided or postponed are because it requires competence, patience and experience on the part of the learner. The CAS Society promotes a number of activities where students, practicing engineers and researchers can share their wide ranging knowledge in a cooperative manner. This is certainly a major goal of the Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee of the CAS Society, a committee in charge of dealing with such a multidisciplinary subject which finds applications in a large number of areas. Conclusions In this article we discussed the historical role of the Circuits and Systems Society in the development of the digital signal processing field. Considering the previous history and future challenges, we feel that the CAS Society, through its numerous technical activities, will continue to provide seeds for future breakthroughs in theory and applications of digital signal processing techniques. It is also clear that the DSP field is not close to saturation and that there is plenty of room for further developments. References [1] Y.-F. Huang, Private Communication. University of Notre Dame, 1999. [2] W. K. Chen, The Circuits and Filters Handbook. IEEE Press and CRC Press: Salem, MA, 1995. [3] E. A. Guillemin, Synthesis of Passive Networks. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, 1957. Paulo S. R. Diniz received the B.Sc. degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1979, the M.Sc. degree from COPPE/UFRJ in 1981, and the Ph.D. from Concordia University, Montreal, P.Q., Canada, in 1984, all in electrical engineering. Since 1979 he has been with UFRJ, where he is presently professor. He served as undergraduate course coordinator and as chairman of the Graduate Department. He is one of the three senior researchers and coordinators of the National Excellence Center in Signal Processing, and since 1995 is a member of the advisory committee of CNPq. 39 People on the Move Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang New Engineering Dean at UC, Santa Cruz T he University of California, Santa Cruz, has named Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang as the new dean of the Baskin School of Engineering, starting in January 2001. Kang previously served as professor and department head of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Kang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from UC Berkeley in 1975. Until 1985, he was with AT&T Bell Laboratories and also served as a faculty member of Rutgers University. In 1985, Kang joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where he later served as department head. Looking forward to his new role at UCSC, Kang noted the importance of maintaining existing strengths while expanding the engineering programs. “I am challenged and most excited for the great opportunity to work with faculty and staff to make UC Santa Cruz engineering programs of highest quality and at the same time expansive,” Kang said. At Urbana-Champaign, Kang was affiliated not only with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, which he headed, but also with the Department of Computer Science, the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, and the Coordinated Science Laboratory in the College of Engineering. Kang’s research interests include computer chip design (specifically, methods of very large-scale integration, or VLSI) and optimization of chip design for performance, reliability, and manufacturability; modeling and simulation of semiconductor devices and circuits; high-speed optoelectronic circuits; and fully optical network systems. He holds six patents, has published more than 300 technical papers, and has coauthored eight books. Kang is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea and the recipient of numerous national and international awards and honors, including the Semiconductor Research Corporation Technical Excellence Award in 1999. Kang was a visiting professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne in 1989 and visiting Humboldt Professor at the University of Karlsruhe in 1997 and at the Technical University of Munich in 1998. He has 40 served as a member of the Board of Governors, secretary and treasurer, administrative vice president, and 1991 president of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems and has served on the editorial boards of several other journals. Thomas Kailath among 60 New US NAS Electees P rofessor Thomas Kailath was among the 60 new members elected to the US National Academy of Sciences in 2000. Election to the NAS recognizes “distinguished and continuing achievements in original research”. He has been a member of the National Academy of Engineering since 1984 and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1993. Professor Kailath is well known to the Circuits and Systems Society for his book on Linear Systems, Prentice Hall, 1980, and several papers in our transactions on stability theory, adaptive filtering, orthogonal digital filters and VLSI implementations. Most recently he delivered a Plenary Lecture at ISCAS 2000 in Geneva, speaking on: “Breaking the 0.1µm Barrier in Optical Microlithography via Signal Processing”. In Geneva, Kailath also received a Golden Jubilee Medal of the CAS Society and an IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He had been awarded the CAS Education Medal in 1993, followed by the IEEE Education Medal in 1995. Dr. Kailath recently co-authored the volume: Linear Estimation, Prentice-Hall, 2000 (with A. Sayed and B. Hassibi) and coedited with Ali Sayed a SIAM monograph on Fast Algorithms for Structured Matrices. Kailath is a Distinguished Editor of the Journal of Linear Algebra and its Applications and of the Journal on Integral Equations and Operator Theory. He received the Claude E. Shannon Award of the Information Theory Society, which he served as President in 1975, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (with earlier ones from Linkoping University, Sweden, and Strathclyde University, Scotland). New Editors Begin Work January 2001 for CAS Society Eby Friedman, Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems Eby G. Friedman received the B.S. degree from Lafayette College in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Irvine, in 1981 and 1989, respectively, all People People on on the the Move Move in electrical engineering. From 1979 to 1991, Dr. Friedman was with Hughes Aircraft Company, rising to the position of manager of the Signal Processing Design and Test Department, responsible for the design and test of high performance digital and analog IC’s. He has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Rochester since 1991, where he is professor, director of the High Performance VLSI/IC Design and Analysis Laboratory, and director of the Center for Electronic Imaging Systems. His current research and teaching interests are in high performance synchronous digital and mixed-signal microelectronic design and analysis with application to high speed portable processors and low power wireless communications. Dr. Friedman is the author of more than 135 papers and book chapters and the author or editor of four books in the fields of high speed and low power CMOS design techniques, interconnect and substrate noise, pipelining and retiming, and the theory and application of synchronous clock distribution networks. He is regional editor of the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, on the editorial board of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, chair of the steering committee for the IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, CASS Distinguished Lecturer, member of the IEEE CAS Society Board of Governors, CAS liaison to the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS), and member of the technical program committee of a number of conferences. Chung-Yu Wu, CAS Editor IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine Chung-Yu Wu was born in Chiayi, Taiwan, Republic of China, in 1950. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, in 1976 and 1980, respectively. From 1980 to 1984 he was associate professor in the National Chiao-Tung University. During 1984–1986, he was visiting associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Portland State University, Oregon. Since 1987, he has been professor in the National ChiaoTung University. From 1991 to 1995 he was rotated to serve as director of the Division of Engineering and Applied Science in the National Science Council. Currently, he is the Centennial Honorary Chair Professor at the National Chiao-Tung Univer- sity. He was awarded the Outstanding Research Award by the National Science Council in 1989, 1995, and 1997, the Outstanding Engineering Professor by the Chinese Engineer Association in 1996, and the Tung-Yuan Science and Technology Award in 1997. He has published more than 200 technical papers on several topics, including analog neural integrated circuits, mixedmode integrated circuits, ESD protection circuits, special semiconductor devices, and process technologies. He also has 18 patents including 9 US patents. His current research interests focus on low-voltage, low-power mixed-mode integrated circuit design, hardware implementation of visual and auditory neural systems, and RF integrated circuits design. Michael Sain, Founding Editor-in-Chief IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine Michael K. Sain received the B.S. and M.S. in Research, from Saint Louis University, and the Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1965. He then joined the University of Notre Dame, where he has held since 1982 the Frank M. Freimann Chair in Electrical Engineering, Notre Dame’s first endowed chair established in 1971. He has been visiting scientist in Canada at the University of Toronto, and University distinguished visiting professor at Ohio State University. Most recently, Mike served the CASS as editor of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter, which he founded and designed. Under his direction, the CAS Newsletter comprised 44 issues over 11 years, passing from 16 pages in black-and-white to 48 pages in full color, and adding up to 952 pages overall. In previous years, on the executive side of things, Mike served the CAS Society for two years as vice-president for Technical Activities and for two years as vice-president for Administration. Twice nominated for president of the Society, he is honored to have ranked second to John Choma and to Rui de Figueiredo. An IEEE Fellow, a recipient of the IEEE Centennial Medal, and recently a CAS Golden Jubilee Awardee, Mike has served as consultant to General Motors Corporation, Garrett Corporation, Deere and Company, and Allied-Signal/Bendix Aerospace. Mike is the author or co-author of more than three hundred reviewed technical publications, and has been the director or codirector on some fifty funded research projects. On the industrial interface, with Joseph L. Peczkowski, Mike developed practical design methods, based upon nonlinear inverses, for operation of modern gas turbine aircraft engines. These ideas have also had a modern automotive implementation. Presently, Mike is involved with digital installations to protect buildings, bridges, and off-shore installations from earthquakes, winds, and waves, especially with dampers based upon magnetorheological technology, and is co-director of the Earthquake Engineering Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. 41 Executive and Board CAS NOMINATION FORM (Revised 2001) Check the CAS Society homepage at http:// for information on how to submit nominations electronically. CAS Office: Member of the Board of Governors President-Elect Vice President, Technical Activities Vice President, Conferences Vice President, Region 8 Vice President, Region 9 The Candidate has agreed to serve if elected Nomination by Petition: 30 valid names and addresses (mail, phone, fax, e-mail), with signatures, are attached! Candidate: Name Address Phone Fax Nominator: Name Address Phone CAS Society Call for Nominations Fax Please e-mail, mail or fax this form to: George S. Moschytz, CAS Nominations Committee c/o Barbara Wehner, Administrative Office 15 W. Marne Avenue, P.O. Box 265 Beverly Shores, IN 46301–0265 Tel.: (219) 871–0210 Fax: (219) 871–0211 E-mail: Board of Governors Each year, five members of the CAS Society are elected to the Board of Governors for 3-year terms. The Board of Governors shall represent the members of the Society and approve the Society’s annual budget, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, and authorize the expenditure of Society funds. Members of the Board of Governors should not miss annual meetings (at ISCAS in May/ June and ICCAD in November) more than two times consecutively. Nominations by petition from the Society membership must include at least 30 signatures of Society members, excluding students and affiliates. Upon receipt of nominations, the Nominations Committee will submit at least eleven candidates for Society-wide election of the five Board members. If you wish to nominate a member to the Board of Governors, then, after obtaining the consent of the nominee to serve if elected, please check the CAS Society website at for instructions to submit a nomination electronically, or fax the name of the nominee, address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address, if available, to the CAS Nominations Committee Chair using the form to the left. Board of Governors nominations must be received by June 1, 2001. Society Officers Each year, members of the Board of Governors elect President-Elect and Vice Presidents for the Circuits and Systems Society. The CAS Bylaws have provision for nominations from Society members by written petition with at least 30 members’ signatures, excluding students and affiliates. In order to stagger the terms for the officers, this year’s election includes two-year terms for the offices of Vice President of Conferences, Technical Activities, Region 8, and Region 9. The election last year began two-year terms for the offices of Vice President of Administration, Publications, Regions 1–7, and Region 10 which are not, therefore, included on this year’s ballot. If you wish to nominate a member to any of the open CAS offices, then, after obtaining the consent of the nominee to serve if elected, please check the CAS Society website at http:// for how to submit a nomination electronically, or fax the name of the nominee, address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address, if available, to the CAS Nominations Committee Chair using the form above. Officer nominations must be received by September 1, 2001. Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. Constitution and Bylaw Changes K. Thulasiraman, Chair, CAS Society Constitution & Bylaws (C&BL) Committee, announces that the Board of Governors has recently approved changes to the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws. Interested readers may check the following URLs: and 42 Meetings First IEEE SAWCAS Report Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 20–22, 2000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina, November 22–24, 2000 General Overview T he First South-American Workshop on Circuits and Systems (First IEEE SAWCAS) was organized by Argentine and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Chapters of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. The organizing committee consisted of Juan E. Cousseau, vice president of Region 9, Circuits and Systems Society; Pablo S. Mandolesi, chapter chair, Argentina; and Sergio L. Netto, chapter chair, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.The initiative consisted of several plenary conferences, at tutorial level, lectured by specialists in the areas of circuits, systems and communications. These tutorial conferences were addressed to students, graduate and undergraduate, and professionals related to communications, circuits and system applications. As an evolution of previous experiences of CAS Tour I (Buenos Aires—Bahía Blanca—Rio de Janeiro) and II (Florianópolis and Bahía Blanca), 1998 and 1999 respectively, the First IEEE SAWCAS was held on consecutive days at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and at the Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca Argentina. Indeed, for the first time, the initiative included some technical sessions in the areas of circuits, systems and communications. The technical sessions were held in both meeting places, Rio de Janeiro and Bahía Blanca. This form of technical session presentation was selected in order to provide a more interactive atmosphere between authors and attendees in both places. The invited lecturers and their respective conferences were: Prof. Yih-Fang Huang, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, USA—Title: Adaptive Set-Membership Filtering - Equalization and MAI Mitigation; Prof. Carlos H. Muravchik, Engineering Faculty, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina—Title: Global Positioning Systems Aspects; Ana E. F. de Silva and Paulo H. C. V. de Castro, Globo TV Broadcasting Network Inc., Brazil—Title: Brazilian Tests on Digital Terrestrial Television Systems; Prof. Magdy Bayoumi, Univer- sity of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Advanced Computer Studies, Lafayette, USA—Title: VLSI Design Techniques for DSP; and Professor Tapio Saramäki, Tampere University of Technology, Signal Processing Laboratory, Tampere, Finland—Title: Design of Digital Filters and Filter Banks by Optimization: Applications. Following this general overview, there are included the details of the event at each place, as reported by the respective CASS chapter chairs, Prof. Pablo Mandolesi (Argentina) and Prof. Sergio Lima Netto (Rio de Janeiro). Further details can be found in the Proceedings of the workshop. Argentina Chapter Chair Report The IEEE SAWCAS 2000 Argentine part was held at the Center for Basic and Applied Research, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. As an outgrowing of previous CAS Society supported meetings in the Region, the SAWCAS had the attention of a very broad audience (on the order of 80 participants every day), mostly people searching for state-of-the-art knowledge and direct discussion of the areas covered by the meeting. More interesting in this meeting was the participation of people from different parts of the country (Neuquen, La Plata, even from the southern part of Brazil). The local program included the participation of four excellent lecturers: Prof. Yih-Fang Huang, Prof. Carlos 43 Meetings Meetings Muravchik, Prof. Magdy Bayoumi, and Prof. Tapio Saramäki. The amazing teaching experience of each lecturer was really appreciated by the participants—mostly graduate and undergraduate students. Simultaneously, small technical sessions (paper presentations) were included, that motivated participants’ involvement with the workshop. In addition, and with the kind participation of Prof. Tapio Saramäki, the last day of the IEEE SAWCAS 2000 a videoconference was programmed. This video conference was established with the participation of the local Argentine CASS chapter on one side, and the IEEE subsection Córdoba, on the other, represented by his Chair Prof. Miguel Solinas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. The videoconference was a very interesting opportunity to share motivations and exchange ideas of common research areas. As part of this exchange of ideas, it was possible to learn about the Circuits and Systems Society objectives, as lectured by the VP for Region 9, Prof. Juan E. Cousseau. In addition, some perspectives of electronic engineering education in Argentina were introduced by Prof. Osvaldo E. Agamennoni, dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur; and finally, an overview of digital signal processing and VLSI research activities in Finland was briefly introduced by Prof. Tapio Saramäki. — Pablo S. Mandolesi Argentina CASS Chapter Chair Rio de Janeiro Chapter Chair Report The entire IEEE SAWCAS 2000 concept was conceived by the present vice-president of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society in Latin America, Prof. Juan E. Cousseau, from 44 the Universidad Nacional del Sur, in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Prof. Cousseau’s idea of dividing the workshop into two branches has motivated a great deal of integration between the two organizing groups in Brazil and Argentina. The Rio de Janeiro portion of SAWCAS 2000 was held on November 20– 22. The SAWCAS activities started with an informal banquet, where most SAWCAS participants were able to enjoy the company of our special speakers in a very friendly atmosphere. We deeply thank Prof. Magdy Bayoumi, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Prof. Yih-Fang Huang, University of Notre Dame; and Prof. Tapio Saramäki, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, for finding some time in their extremely busy personal and professional schedules, and for supporting the SAWCAS 2000 initiative in Region 9 (Latin America) of IEEE. The banquet consisted of a delicious Brazilian barbecue by the beautiful sight of Guanabara Bay, surrounded by world famous landmarks such as the Sugar Loaf and the Statue of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Technical activities included lec- ture sessions by the invited speakers and presentation of 15 technical papers in the area of circuits and systems with a flavor of “telecommunications applications” to most of them. During the Rio de Janeiro portion of the event, a lecture session on “Brazilian Tests on Digital Terrestrial Television Systems” was given by Ana E. F. de Silva and Paulo H. C. V. de Castro of Globo TV Broadcasting Network Inc., emphasizing the highly professional level of the entire workshop. Student participation at both attendance and presentation levels was very satisfactory. The Rio de Janeiro portion of SAWCAS 2000 was locally organized by the Rio de Janeiro Chapter of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. We would like to take this opportunity to thank sincerely our partner institutions on this joint venture for providing all necessary funding and technical support: COPPE, Escola Politécnica/UFRJ, IEEE Rio de Janeiro Section, and the Signal Processing Lab (Laboratório de Processamento de Sinais, LPS). Last, but by no means least, we thank all participants of SAWCAS 2000 (organizers, volunteers, attendees, and presenters) for making the entire event as succesful as it was. —Sergio L. Netto Rio de Janeiro CASS Chapter Chair Meetings Meetings IEEE-ICECS 2000 Report Lebanon, December 17–20, 2000 T he IEEE-ICECS 2000 was held in Lebanon from December 17–20, 2000. The conference venue was the Portemilio Hotel in Kaslik, Jounieh, about 20 km north of the capital, Beirut. The Organizing Committee was very happy to host this IEEE international conference and would like to address its warmest thanks to the IEEE CAS Society and to the IEEE Region 8, as well as the Lebanese American University and the Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal for their great support and contribution to the success of the conference. Also, the committee feels very much indebted to the numerous sponsors and cosponsors, program committee members, all invited keynote and tutorial speakers, and to all authors and participants; their participation and invaluable collaboration have contributed to the success of ICECS 2000 and to the high standards that were achieved. We highlight in this short report the main events of ICECS 2000. The opening ceremony was addressed by H.E. Dr. Bassel Fuleihan, the Minister of the Economy, representing H. E. Mr. Rafic Hariri, president of the Council of Ministers of Lebanon, who graciously held this conference under his patronage. This ceremony was attended by over 240 people, including members of parliament, ambassadors and distinguished guests. Major areas of electrical and computer engineering topics, covered by ICECS 2000, drew submissions from about 55 countries, from all over the world. Program Committee members carried out all the tremendous work of paper review. Accepted contributions were selected for presentation in a total of 47 lecture or poster sessions, either regular or special ones. The technical program was enriched by plenary talks given by three recognized authorities: Prof. G. De Micheli from Stanford University, Prof. M. Ismail from Ohio State University, and Mr. C. Salameh from Hewlett Packard. It was also complemented by the tutorial sessions that were offered during the first day of the conference. Their topics ranged from advanced design techniques to several novel applications. In addition, a panel discussion was organized on December 19 by Prof. M. Bayoumi from University of Louisiana at Lafayette with the participation of Dr. Y. Dorian from Logic Vision, Prof. H. Harmanani from LAU, Prof. M. Sawan from École Polytechnique, and Prof. H. Jiefen from Peking University. The panel topic was entitled: Information Technology and Developing Countries: A Divide or a Savior. The IEEE ICECS conferences have evolved to be the most important of annual electronics, circuits and systems meetings in IEEE Region 8. The Technical Program Committee of ICECS 2000 has assembled an excellent technical program to provide a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and research results. All members of the Organizing Committee worked hard to meet the challenge by providing wonderful surroundings for our participants to discuss important technical issues and, at the same time, through the social activities, to give them a chance to appreciate the richness of Lebanese culture. In addition to technical activities, several social events were organized to let participants enjoy the local hospitality and the nice weather of Lebanon during the holiday season. A welcome reception was held at the Portemilio Hotel on Sunday and was followed with an evening at the Beirut city center on Monday. On Tuesday, two events were organized: a lunch and a visit to the famous Jeita Grotto and the conference banquet at the Riviera Hotel. On Wednesday, there was a closing remarks session followed by a dinner at the Old Zouk-Mikael Souk close to the Jounieh Bay. Finally, thanks are due to the numerous volunteers who helped the organization, and mainly, the students of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, and the IEEE Student Division of the Lebanese American University, Lebanon. We sincerely hope that all the participants have acquired valuable new insights from our technical program and enjoyed their visit and stay in Lebanon. —Mohamad Sawan, Technical Program Chair —Abdallah Sfeir, General Chair 45 Meetings Meetings APCCAS 2000 Report Tianjin, China, December 4–6, 2000 T he 2000 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2000), the fifth in the series of biennial conventions of APCCAS, was held in the Crystal Palace Hotel, Tianjin, China, December 4–6, 2000. Jointly sponsored by IEEE CAS Society, Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), IEEE Beijing Section, IEEE CAS Beijing Chapter and Tianjin University, in cooperation with the National Natural Science Foundation of China, K. C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong, China, and Tianjin Association for Science and Technology, China, APCCAS 2000 attracted 216 scholars and professionals from the Asia-Pacific regions, especially from China (Mainland), Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. There were also some scholars from Europe. They gathered in Tianjin to exchange ideas, further technological inquiries, explore the applications and contemplate the future direction of electronic circuits and systems, especially in relation to telecommunication. 9:00, December 4. Before the inauguration, Mr. Su Liang, deputy mayor of the Tianjin Municipal Government, China, met with the president of IEEE CAS Society, the general chair and co-chair, the Technical Program Committee (TPC) chair and co-chairs, the keynote speakers of the Plenary Sessions, and the TPC honorary members of APCCAS 2000 at 8:20, in the VIP Room, Crystal Palace Hotel. He expressed his warm welcome to the distinguished guests. In the inauguration, Professor Yong-Shi Wu, general chair of APCCAS 2000, Mr. Su Liang, deputy mayer of Tianjin Municipal Government, and Professor Ping Shan, president of Tianjin University delivered welcome speeches. Dr. Bing J. Sheu, president of IEEE CAS Society, offered congratulations on the opening of the conference and presented appreciation plaques to the general chair and co-chair, the TPC chair and co-chairs of APCCAS 2000, to express his sincere appreciation to the conference. Papers The technical program committee of APCCAS 2000 received 360 papers submitted from 22 countries or regions. After the reviewing process, 232 papers were accepted based on the scores given by reviewers. The accepted rate was 64.4%. However, only 217 camera-ready papers from the accepted papers were received by the conference. With eight invited papers (four from USA, two from Japan, one from China (Mainland), one from Switzerland), there were altogether 225 papers from 20 countries or regions printed in the Proceedings of APCCAS 2000. Inauguration and Plenary Sessions The inauguration of the conference was held from 8:30– General chairs, ISC chair, and keynote speakers. The plenary sessions opened the APCCAS 2000 technical program with four keynote technical addresses by internationally renowned experts in the field at 9:00, December 4. The keynote technical addresses were: Ernest S. Kuh, University of California at Berkeley, USA—Title: Circuit Theory and Interconnect Analysis for DSM Chip Design; Sung-Mo Steve Kang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA— Title: Computer-Aided Design of Mixed-Technology VLSI Systems; Leon O. Chua, University of California at Berkeley, USA—Title: Visions of Circuits and Systems: Circa 2100; and Jun-Liang Chen, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China—Telecommunications Development in China. These addresses were warmly welcomed by the attendees. Special Sessions and Panel Sessions The main members of the APCCAS Organizing Committee. 46 From the afternoon of December 4 to the afternoon of December 6, the technical offerings of APCCAS-2000 were grouped into four special sessions and 37 panel sessions. The four special sessions were: Recent Advances in VLSI Layout Design; Blind System Identification; Panel Discussion of Neural Networks; and Advances in Telecommunications. Meetings Meetings These sessions provided a forum for the discussion of the latest developments in established areas as well as for the exploration of new topics. The 37 panel sessions, while covering all the topics in the field of circuits and systems, highlighted those subjects that focused on telecommunication. The typical titles of the panel sessions were: Mobile Communication; Digital Communication; Telecommunication Network; Neural Networks and Their Applications; Video Codec; Image Signal Processing; VLSI Design and Applications; Analog Circuits; Filters, Linear and Nonlinear CAS; Microwave Circuits and Systems; Electronic Filters; Adaptive Signal Processing; Image Coding; Image Recognition and Processing; Object-Based Video Compression; Circuit Simulation; Digital Circuit Design; Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis; Systems for Image Processing and Communication; Multimedia Processing; Measurement and Analysis; Testing and Fault Tolerant Systems; HDTV, VOD and so forth. The presentations at APCCAS 2000 are of interest to researchers and practitioners in the related fields, and will be important for advancing electronic industries beyond the year 2000. Social Activities On the evening of December 3, Professor Ping Shan, president of Tianjin University, held a banquet with distinguished representatives of the conference including the president of IEEE CAS Society, the general chair and co-chair, the TPC chair and co-chairs, the keynote speakers of the Plenary Sessions, and the TPC honorary members of APCCAS 2000 to express his warm welcome to the representatives of the conference. A reception for general participants was held at 18:30, December 4. After the reception, Dr. Bing J. Sheu, president of IEEE CAS Society, and Professor Ruey-Wen Liu, China coordinator of IEEE CAS Society, held a dinner meeting with a number of professors from China. They gave an introduction of IEEE and the CAS Society. The Chinese professors expressed their willingness to become IEEE members. The conference banquet and awards recognition were held in the evening of December 5. Professor Tony S. Ng, International Steering Committee chair of APCCAS, delivered a speech during the banquet expressing his appreciation to the conference organizers. Professor Yih-Fang Huang, TPC chair, Professor Yoji Kajitani and Professor Runtao Ding, the TPC co-chairs, presented the certificates of three Best Paper Awards to the authors. Dr. S. Soegijoko, general chair of APCCAS 2002, which will be held in Bali, Indonesia, invited everyone to meet again two years later. At last, the Peiyang Music Band of students of Tianjin University performed excellent Chinese music, which made a pleasant and ardent atmosphere for the banquet. These social functions have improved mutual understanding and friendship among participants. We think this conference is a great success. —Yong-Shi Wu General Chair of APCCAS 2000 Awards Message from Awards Committee Chair D r. Bing Sheu,, chair of the 2001 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Awards Committee, has announced the membership and procedures of this year’s committee. The following are members of the Awards Committee: Prof. Leon Chua, as subcommittee chair for the Van Valkenburg Award,; Prof. George Moschytz, as subcommittee chair for the Society Education Award,; Prof. Fathi Salam, as subcommittee chair for the Technical Achievement Award,; Prof. Yih-Fang Huang, as subcommittee chair for the Meritorious Service Award,; Prof. Eby Friedman, as subcommittee chair for the Industrial Pioneer Award, friedman; Prof. M.N.S. Bing Sheu Swamy, as subcommittee chair for the Prize Paper Awards,; and Prof. Josef Nossek, as subcommittee chair for the Chapter-of-theYear Award, The Prize Paper Awards Subcommittee includes the following members: Prof. M.N.S. Swamy to coordinate the Guillemin-Cauer Award**,; Prof. Chris Toumazou to coordinate the Darlington Award**,; Prof. Nanni De Micheli to coordinate the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award,; Dr. Weiping Li to coordinate the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Best Paper Award,; Prof. Wayne Wolf and Prof. Eby Friedman to coordinate the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems Best Paper Award,; and Prof. M.N.S. Swamy and Prof. Nanni De Micheli to coordinate the Outstanding Young Author Award. Operating Guidelines The Society administrator will assist the Awards Committee and its chair. Each subcommittee chair will invite a few qualified peers to belong to it (approximately 5–7 persons, at least 3). The names of the subcommittee members will remain anonymous to the public except for the Awards Committee ** From either IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I or Part II. Note: The co-sponsored IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Best Paper Award has not been established in 2001. 47 Awards Awards chair. The names of the chairs of the subcommittees were earlier announced to the Society ExCom. Each subcommittee ranks the nominees, and the subcommittee chair provides the Awards Committee chair, Dr. Sheu, with the top recommended nominee and the second. When the chair of the subcommittee sends the two names as mentioned above, he also sends the names of the members of the subcommittee and the number of candidates that were considered for the particular award when the selection was made. The list of the candidates selected is reviewed and discussed by the Awards Committee for final modification and approval. The Board of Governors of the CAS Society has paid significant attention to conflict of interest in Society operation. Any member who participates in nomination/reference effort is disqualified from the selection/voting process of the particular award. Exception, if any, is granted by the Board of Governors of the Society only. Thus, the Awards Committee and its subcommittees closely follow the rules of IEEE and the rules of the CAS Society in avoiding conflicts of interest. IEEE CAS Fellow Profiles 2001 Jenq-Neng Hwang For contributions to adaptive learning systems. Jenq-Neng Hwang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the National Taiwan University. Immediately after, he received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California. Dr. Hwang then joined the University of Washington in Seattle, where he is currently professor of electrical engineering. He has published more than 150 journal and conference papers and book chapters in the areas of image/video signal processing, computational neural networks, multimedia system integration and networking. Dr. Hwang received the 1995 IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Best Paper Award in the area of neural networks for signal processing. Dr. Hwang served as secretary of the Neural Systems and Applications Committee of the IEEE CAS Society, chairman of the Neural Networks Signal Processing Technical Committee in the IEEE Signal Processing Society and as the Society’s representative to the IEEE Neural Network Council. He is currently associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. He chaired the tutorial committee for IEEE ICNN’96 and was program co-chair of ICASSP’98. 48 Wei Hwang For contributions to high density cell technology and high speed Dynamic Random Access Memory design. Wei Hwang received the B.S. degree from National Cheng-Kung University, the M.S. degree from National ChiaoTung University, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Manitoba. From 1975 to 1978, he was assistant professor of electrical engineering at Concordia University in Montreal. In 1979, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department at Columbia University in New York as associate professor. Since 1984 he has been with the Silicon Technology, VLSI Design and Digital Communications Departments at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Currently, he is also adjunct professor of electrical engineering at Columbia University. Dr. Hwang has made significant contributions in the areas of semiconductor memories, VLSI CMOS digital circuits and high-frequency microprocessor design. His current research interests are in ultra-low power CMOS/SOI circuits and technology, and elite digital signal processor design for wireless communications. He has received sixteen IBM Invention Achievement Awards and three IBM Research Division Technical Awards and earned the IBM Research Division honorary title of Master Inventor. He holds 47 U.S. patents. He has authored or coauthored over 100 technical papers and a book entitled Electrical Transports in Solids. Dr. Hwang is an active member of the Chinese American Academic and Professional Society (CAAPS) where he has served separately as president and chairman of the board. For his leadership, Dr. Hwang received the Courvoisier Leadership Award and the CAAPS Special Service Award. He is a member of the New York Academy of Science, Phi Tau Phi and Sigma Xi. Jason Cong For contributions to the computer-aided design of integrated circuits, especially in physical design automation, interconnect optimization, and synthesis of field-programmable gate-arrays. Jason Cong received the B.S. degree in computer science from Peking University in 1985, and the M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1987 and 1990, respectively. Currently, he is professor and co-director of the VLSI CAD Laboratory in the Computer Science Department of the University of California, Los Angeles. Awards Awards His research interests include layout synthesis and logic synthesis for high-performance, low-power VLSI circuits, design and optimization of highspeed VLSI interconnects, FPGA synthesis and reconfigurable architectures. He has published over 140 research papers and led over 20 research projects supported by DARPA, NSF, and a number of industrial sponsors in these areas. He served as general chair of the 1993 ACM/SIGDA Physical Design Workshop, program chair and general chair of the 1997 and 1998 International Symposium on FPGAs, respectively, program co-chair of the1999 International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Designs, and on program committees of many major conferences, including DAC, ICCAD, and ISCAS. He is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems and ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. Dr. Cong received the Best Graduate Award from the Peking University in 1985, and the Ross J. Martin Award for Excellence in Research from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign in 1989. He received the NSF Young Investigator Award in 1993, the Northrop Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award from UCLA in 1993, the IEEE Transactions on CAD Best Paper Award in 1995 from IEEE CAS Society, the ACM SIGDA Meritorious Service Award in 1998, and an SRC Inventor Recognition Award in 2000. He has been guest professor of Peking University since 2000. David A. Johns For contributions to the theory and design of analog adaptive integrated circuits used in digital communications. David Johns received the B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1980, 1983 and 1989, respectively. From 1980–81, Prof. Johns worked at Mitel, while from 1983–85 he worked at Pacific Microcircuits Ltd. In 1988, he was hired at the University of Toronto where he is currently professor. He has ongoing research programs in the general area of analog integrated circuits with particular emphasis on circuits and systems for digital communications. His research work has re- sulted in more than 60 publications, one textbook and the 1999 IEEE Darlington Award. He served as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II from 1993 to 1995 and for Part I from 1995 to 1997. He has been involved in numerous industrial short courses as well as being a cofounder of an analog contract company named Snowbush. His homepage is located at Huifang Sun For contributions to digital video technologies including coding optimization, down-conversion, and error resilience. Huifang Sun graduated from Harbin Military Engineering Institute, Harbin, China in 1967, and received the Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa, Canada, in 1986. He joined the Electrical Engineering Department of Fairleigh Dickinson University as assistant professor in 1986. He was promoted to associate professor before moving to Sarnoff Corporation (formerly David Sarnoff Research Center) in 1990 as a member of the technical staff, and was later promoted to technology leader of Digital Video Communication. In 1995, he joined Murray Hill Lab (formerly Advanced Television Laboratory) of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories as a senior principal technical staff member and now as deputy director. His research interests include digital video/image compression and digital communication. He has published more than 100 journal and conference papers. He holds 12 US patents and has more pending. He received the AD-HDTV Team Award in 1992 and the Technical Achievement Award for optimization and specification of the Grand Alliance HDTV video compression algorithm in 1994 at Sarnoff Lab. He received the Best Paper Award of the 1992 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics and the 1996 Best Paper Award of ICCE. He is currently associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan For contributions to compressed domain processing and indexing in visual computing and communications. Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan received the B.Sc. degree in physics from the University of Madras, India, the B.E. degree in electronics and communication engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, the M. Tech degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from 49 Awards Awards the University of Ottawa in 1981, 1984, 1986 and 1989, respectively. He is currently associate professor and director of the Collaborative Program on Ubiquitous Computing (CubiC) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona. Prior to joining ASU, he was with the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is chief scientific consultant for Obvious Technology. His research interests are in the areas of compression, indexing, storage, retrieval and browsing of images and video, multimedia communications, VLSI architectures for video processing, multimedia hardware architectures, parallel processing, and ubiquitous computing. He has published over 200 papers in his area of research. He has been chair of several conferences and is on the editorial board of four journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He has also guest edited five special issues on multimedia. He is a fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Cesar A. Gonzales For contributions to MPEG encoding algorithms and leadership in their use. Cesar Gonzales received the Electrical Engineering degree from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru in 1974, and the Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in 1979. From 1973 to 1975 he worked as a design engineer at the Jicamarca Radar Observatory in Peru. From 1975 to 1979 he became a research assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Cornell. In 1979 he joined the Arecibo Radar Observatory as a research associate working on atmospheric physics and radar signal processing. In 1983 Dr. Gonzales joined IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center, where he is currently senior manager. At IBM he focused on multimedia compression algorithms and their implementation in software and hardware. He led IBM’s contributions to the MPEG-1 and -2 standards and developed the first implementations of MPEG in IBM’s Aptiva and Thinkpad brands. He initiated and con- 50 tributed to the development of MPEG chips leading to the introduction of a number of decoder, set top box and encoder products. IBM chips are widely used in professional and consumer digital video equipment today. Dr. Gonzales has authored many papers in scientific radar, image and video coding. He holds over a dozen patents. He served as associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology from 1994–1995. He has received numerous awards, including the title of IBM Fellow. His current interests are in interactive TV applications. Paul J. Hurst For contributions to the design of CMOS integrated circuits for telecommunications and magnetic recording. Paul J. Hurst was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1956. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1977, 1979, and 1983, respectively. From 1983 to 1984, he was with the University of California, Berkeley, as a lecturer, teaching integrated-circuit design courses and working on an MOS delta-sigma modulator. In 1984, he joined the telecommunications design group of Silicon Systems Inc., Nevada City, California. There he was involved in the design of three mixed-signal CMOS integrated circuits for voice-band modems, including the first single-chip 2400-bps modem, which was used initially in consumer voice-band modems and later in set-top boxes for billing. Since 1986, he has been on the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis, where he is now professor. His research interests are in the area of analog and mixed-signal integrated-circuit design for signal processing and communication applications. His research projects have included work on data converters, filters, adaptive equalizers and timing recovery circuits for data communications, and image processing. Professor Hurst was a member of the program committee for the Symposium on VLSI Circuits in 1994 and 1995 and guest editor for the December 1999 issue of the Journal of Solid-State Circuits. He has been a member of the program committee for the International Solid-State Circuits Conference since 1998 and is associate editor for the Journal of SolidState Circuits. Professor Hurst taught (with Professor Richard Spencer) the short course “Signal Processing for Magnetic Recording” a dozen times. He is a co-author of the fourth edition of the text book Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits. He is also active as a consultant to industry. Conferences Conferences and and Workshops Workshops . . . continued from Inside Front Cover The 2nd Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4 June 18 – 20, 2001 San José, California, USA The first Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4 was a great success with tutorials given by leading experts in the field, technical sessions of very high quality, and an all-soldout exhibition event. To continue this highly successful activity, the Second Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4 will be held from June 18 to June 20, 2001, in San José, California, U.S.A. Chairs: Leonardo Chiariglione, Ming L. Liou Program Chair: Weiping Li Contact Information For exhibitions: For general information: For technical papers: Rob Koenen Weiping Li Prof. Ming-Ting Sun WebCast Technologies, Inc. Electrical Engineering Dept. KPN Research University of Washington P.O.Box 421 257 Castro St. Suite 209 Seattle, Washington 98195 2260 AK Leidchendam Mountain View, CA 94041 U.S.A. The Netherlands U.S.A. Phone: +31 70 332–5310 Phone: (650) 210–9188 Phone: (206) 616–8690 Fax: (206) 543–3842 Fax: +31 70 332–5567 Fax: (603) 250–2287 For more information: The Fifth International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems July 10–11, 2001 Iasi, Romania The fifth edition of the International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems will be held in Iasi at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University “Gh. Asachi”. Iasi, the oldest academic center of Romania, is located in the North-Eastern part of the country and can be reached from Bucharest by plane or by train. A wine tasting and a one day post symposium trip in the neighboring region, well known for its wonderful monasteries, will be organized. Address for correspondence: SCS’2001 International Symposium Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunications “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi Bd. Carol 11, Iasi, 6600, ROMANIA Secretariat: Phone: +40 32 142283 FAX: +40 32 217720 or +40 32 278628 Other information: ( Prof. Liviu Goras ) 2001 IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on NONLINEAR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING June 3–6, 2001 Hyatt Regency Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland USA NSIP-01 is the fifth biennial international workshop on nonlinear signal and image processing. The workshop provides a unique, high quality forum for the presentation and discussion of technical advances in nonlinear methods for a wide array of communications, signal, bio systems, image and multimedia processing applications.Check the web site for up-to-date information on paper proposals and status, workshop registration, special sessions, keynote speakers, and travel information. Conference Chairs Kenneth Barner Gonzalo Arce University of Delaware University of Delaware Tel: +1–302–831–6937 Tel: +1–302–831–8030 ICME2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo August 22–25, 2001 Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan The International Conference on Multimedia & Expo in Tokyo is the first ICME in the 21st century and the 2nd ICME co-organized by the four IEEE societies—the Circuits and Systems Society, the Computer Society, the Signal Processing Society, and the Communications Society—in joint collaboration, so as to unify all IEEE as well as non-IEEE multimedia related activities under the common umbrella of ICME. General Chair Nobuyoshi Terashima Waseda University Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Japan Technical Program Chair Jun Ohya (Waseda U./ Japan) ICME2001 office Conference Webpage NDES2001 NDES2001 June 21–23, 2001 Delft, the Netherlands Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems The ninth workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, this workshop gives the opportunity to communicate new insights in nonlinear dynamic systems ranging from a mathematical point of view to a circuit and system design point of view. Contact Information: Dr. A. van Staveren NDES2001 / Electronics Research Lab Faculty for Information, Technology and Systems Delft University of Technology Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands E-mail: ISLPED’01 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design Huntington Beach, California August 6–7, 2001 The International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) is the premier forum for presentation of recent advances in all aspects of low power design and technologies, ranging from process and circuit technologies, to simulation and synthesis tools, to system level design and optimization. Low Power Design Contest The IEEE Computer Elements Workshop is holding a Low Power Design Contest to provide a forum for universities and research organizations to showcase original “poweraware” designs and to highlight the innovations and design choices targeted at low power. The goal is to encourage and highlight design-oriented approaches to power reduction. The best designs will be selected and invited for presentation at ISLPED 2001, August 6–7, 2001. A special session will be devoted to the Low Power Design Contest. The deadline for submissions in May 31st, 2001. Entries should be submitted electronically (in PDF or Postscript format) to the Design Contest Chairs: Vivek Tiwari Email: Intel Corp. 3600 Juliette Ln., MS: SC 603-12 Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA Massoud Pedram Email: University of Southern California Department of EE-Systems, EEB-344 3740 McClintock Ave. Los Angeles CA 90089-2562, USA ACM/IEEE ISLPED Homepage: ISLPED 2001 Low Power Design Contest Homepage: 51 Calls for Papers and Participation 2001 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems August 14–17, 2001 Fairborn, Ohio BMAS 2001 October 11–12, 2001 The Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) is one of the premier IEEE conferences presenting research in all aspects of theory, design, and applications of circuits and systems. In addition to presenting new research results in core circuits and systems areas, this 2001 year conference will also be focusing on innovative information technology, intelligent exploitation in microsystems and wireless information exchange. Six short courses, two plenary speakers, several invited sessions and a student paper contest are planned. Please check the symposium website for current information. General Chair Robert L. Ewing Air Force Research Laboratory Air Force Institute of Tech. General Co-Chair Harold W. Carter University of Cincinnati Technical Program Chair M. Ismail Ohio State University Technical Program Co-Chair Tuna Tarim Texas Instruments Deadlines: Paper abstract and 1000-word short paper: Tutorial, panel, or industrial track proposals: Special session proposals: Notification of acceptance: Submission of camera-ready paper: May 15, 2001 May 15, 2001 May 15, 2001 June 15, 2001 August 17, 2001 Dr. M. Ismail, Ohio State University, 205 Dreese Laboratory, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1272. For further updated information, please see the symposium website. First IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology October 28–30, 2001 Outrigger Wailea Resort, Maui, Hawaii, USA The First IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology will be held in Maui, Hawaii, USA from October 28 (Sunday) to October 30 (Tuesday), 2001. The state-of-the-art technical achievements on all aspects of nanotechnology will be reported. Technological innovations as well as R&D topics will receive intensive discussion. Participants are encouraged to submit technical papers. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: IROS 2001 will be held at the same place from October 29 to November 3, 2001 ( General Co-Chair: Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, Robert D. Shull, NIST, Program Chair: Clifford Lau, ONR, Paper submission: May 31, 2001: Abstracts Due July 15, 2001: Notification of Acceptance Aug. 15, 2001: Accepted Papers Due Submission of papers should be addressed to: Dr. Clifford Lau, Program Chair, IEEE-NANO 2001 Corporate Programs, ONR-363, 800 North Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22217-5660, USA Phone: +1-703-696-0431 Fax +1-703-588-1013 Email: For more information, please check our World Wide Web site. 52 2001 IEEE International Workshop on Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Fountaingrove Inn Santa Rosa, California, USA Important Dates: Abstract Submission Deadline: June 3, 2001 Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2001 Final Material Submission Deadline: August 12, 2001 Interested speakers should submit the requested information via electronic mail (PDF or postscript format using “Letter” or “A4” size) to the following address before June 3, 2001: or (if access to the internet is unavailable) by regular mail or fax to: Prof. Georges Gielen For general information, contact: BMAS 2001 Program Chair Prof. Alan Mantooth ESAT-MICAS BMAS 2001 General Chair Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 University of Arkansas 3001 Leuven-Heverlee Fayetteville, AR 72701 Belgium Phone: (501) 575 4838 E-mail: Phone: (016) 321077 E-mail: August 24–26, 2001 Berkeley, California, USA MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) Conference 2001 provides a medium for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians, practitioners, investors, administrators and students to address important issues in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of MEMS. Abstracts and drafts can be submitted at the following URL: memsconference/submityourpaper, emailed to or mailed to the following address: MEMS Conference 2001, Atomasoft Media, 4551-B Hutchison st., Montreal, QC, H2V4A1 Canada. Electronic submission is preferred. Important Dates May 18, 2001 June 11, 2001 Deadline for submissions Notification of acceptance Further Information For further information either contact or see the conference homepage at: The 2002 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems October 28–31, 2002 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia The 2002 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS’02) is the sixth in the series of biennial Asia-Pacific Conferences sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Technical Papers Author’s Schedule Deadline for Submission of Papers: March 15, 2002 Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2002 Deadline for Submission of Final Papers: August 15, 2002 Please use our website above for detailed list of areas, specification of the cameraready format and electronic submission of papers. For further information contact Prof. Soegijardjo Soegijoko the APCCAS2002 General Chair at the Conference Secretariat, Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 INDONESIA; Tel: (62–22) 253 4117; Fax: (62–22) 250 1895; E-mail: 2001 IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY ROSTER** (CAS-04, Division I) Division I Director R. W. Wyndrum, Jr. +1 732 949 7409 Administrative Vice President I. N. Hajj + 1 961 347 952 Vice President – Regions 1-7 W. B. Mikhael +1 407 823 3210 President H. C. Reddy + 1 562 985 5106 Vice President – Conferences G. A. De Veirman +1 714 890 4118 Vice President – Region 8 A. C. Davies +44 20 7848 2441 2001 J. Cong E. G. Friedman I. Galton M. Green C. Toumazou President – Elect J. A. Nossek +49 89 2892 8501 Vice President – Publications M. N. S. Swamy +1 514 848 3091 Vice President – Region 9 J. E. Cousseau +54 291 459 5153 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Awards Constitution and Bylaws Fellows Nominations B. J. Sheu K. Thulasiraman W.-K. Chen G. S. Moschytz Vice President – Technical Activities M. E. Zaghloul +1 202 994 3772 Vice President – Region 10 N. Fujii +81 3 5734 2561 Elected Members of the Board of Governors 2002 2003 G. G. E. Gielen A. G. Andreou R. Gupta R. J. Marks II M. Hasler M. Pedram P. Pirsch L. Trajkovic H. Yasuura E. Yoffa Society Administrator B. Wehner +1 219 871 0210 Past President B. J. Sheu + 1 408 562 9168 Ext 223 Advisor to President G. De Micheli +1 650 725 3632 Ex Officio Chairman of Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Conferences Standing Committee Chairs Technical Committee Chairs Chapter Chairpersons Editors of Society Sponsored Transactions & Magazines Division I Director D. Senese M. Ward-Callan Visual Signal Processing and Communication VLSI Systems and Applications J. Ostermann R. Sridhar REPRESENTATIVES M. Ahmadi, A.R. Stubberud Neural Networks Council Sensors Council M. E. Zaghloul, G. Barrows Solid-State Circuits Society E. Sanchez-Sinencio Parliamentarian R. J. Marks II Society on Social Implications of Technology R. W. Newcomb CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES G. A. De Veirman Society Education Chairs Committee J. Choma 2002 APCCAS S. Soegijoko IEEE Press M. A. Bayoumi 2001 DAC J. Rabaey IEEE TAB Magazines Committee W. H. Wolf 2001 ICCAD R. Ernst IEEE TAB Nanotechnology Committee B. J. Sheu, C.-Y. Wu 2001 ICCD S. Kundu IEEE TAB New Technology 2001 ICECS J. Micallef Directions Committee C.-Y. Wu 2001 ISCAS G. Hellestrand/D. Skellern IEEE TAB Newsletters Committee M. Haenggi 2001 MWSCAS R. L. Ewing IEEE TAB Nominations & DISTINGUISHED LECTURER PROGRAM E. Yoffa Appointments Committee G. S. Moschytz MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AFFAIRS J. A. Nossek IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee M. A. Bayoumi IEEE TAB Transactions Committee M. Hasler PUBLICATION ACTIVITIES M. N. S. Swamy IEEE-USA R. de Figueiredo CAS Magazine Editor M. K. Sain IEEE-USA Professional Activities Committee Circuits and Devices Magazine Editor R. W. Waynant for Engineers (PACE) P. K. Rajan - Editor for CAS Society C.-Y. Wu Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Fundamental Theory and Applications M. N. S. Swamy TAB Awards and Recognition Committee L.-G. Chen Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Conference Publications Committee L. Goras Analog and Digital Signal Processing C. Toumazou P2SB/TAB Electronic Products and Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Services Committee A. Ioinovici Integrated Circuits & Systems G. De Micheli TAB Finance Committee K. Thulasiraman Transactions on Circuits and Systems for TAB Periodicals Committee C.-S. Li Video Technology W. Li TAB Periodicals Packages Committee J. Silva-Martinez Transactions on Multimedia M.-T. Sun TAB Periodicals Review Committee J. Vandewalle Transactions on VLSI Systems E. G. Friedman TAB Products Committee M. Ogorzalek TAB Society Review Committee J. Cousseau REGIONAL ACTIVITIES J. A. Nossek TAB Strategic Planning and Review Committee R. Gupta TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES M. E. Zaghloul 2001 Advisory and Consulting Group of Past CAS Society Presidents Analog Signal Processing G. Cauwenberghs Professor Belle Shenoi Professor Ruey-Wen Liu Cellular Neural Networks and Array Computing T. Roska Professor George Moschytz Professor Wai-Kai Chen Circuits and Systems for Communications M. A. Bayoumi Professor Leon Chua Professor Rolf Schaumann Computer-Aided Network Design R. Gupta Professor Rui de Figueiredo Professor Ming Liou Digital Signal Processing P. S. R. Diniz Professor John Choma Professor Sanjit K. Mitra Multimedia Systems and Applications C.-S. Li Professor Michael Lightner Neural Systems and Applications M. Ahmadi Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Power Systems and Power Electronics Circuits Sensors and Micromachining G. R. Chen A. Ioinivici M. E. Zaghloul ** To obtain full contact information for any one of the volunteers, please contact the Society Adminstrator, Barbara Wehner at 53 FOR CENTURIES, PEOPLE HAVE GATHERED IN THE NEVADA DESERT TO SHARE STORIES OF THEIR TECHNOLOGY. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May 6–9, 2001 Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center Darling Harbor, Sydney, Australia SYSTEMS of CIRCUITS and MIXED TECHNOLOGY ELEMENTS The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems will be held in Sydney, Australia. The Symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. The Symposium will include: regular sessions; plenary sessions on advanced aspects of theory, design and applications of circuits and systems; and short courses/tutorials linked with special sessions on wireless, mixed technology systems engineering, high speed devices and modelling, signal and video processing, and low power high speed VLSI design. NOW’S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE DESIGN HISTORY AT THE 38TH DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, JUNE 18 THROUGH 22, 2001 IN LAS VEGAS. If you want to make a lasting impression on the way you work—and the people you work with—plan on attending the 38th Design Automation Conference. Our technical program is the hottest spot for the latest R&D, industry trends and design methodologies. Leading EDA industry visionaries will address topics such as deep submicron, design and implementation verification, distributed and collaborative design, IP and design reuse, and more. New this year, the Embedded Systems Showcase will focus on the latest developments in embedded systems tools, compilers, IP, HW/SW co-design and other technologies for embedded system-on-chip designs. As always, DAC will bring together the very best EDA tools, silicon and IP solutions, with more than 260 companies represented. And there’s no better place on earth to network with the movers and shakers of the design world. Visit the DAC Web site for details and to register online. And secure your place in design history. THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC. 445 HOES LANE PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855 Web Site: CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRMEN: Professor David Skellern Electronics Department (E6A 247) Division of Information and Communication Sciences Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia Tel: +61 2 9850 9145; Fax No: +61 2 9850 918 Professor Graham Hellestrand Address: VaST Systems Technology Corporation 1230 Oakmead Parkway Suite 314, Sunnyvale, CA 94806 USA Tel: +1 408 328 0909 Fax No: +1 408 328 0945