Problem 13‐28 from Heat Transfer, 4th Edition by Cengel & Ghajar The Problem 13‐28 statement states, on p. 781, that ”A solid sphere of 1 m diameter … is kept in an evacuated, long, equilateral triangular enclosure whose sides are 2 m long.” That (“long”) implies “infinite,” channel‐like equilateral triangular duct (of infinite Area A2) with a ball inside (of finite area A1=πD2., thus view factors are, F12=1, F21=0, and F22=1. Furthermore, the Fig. P13‐28 implies (thus unfortunately confusing) that the triangular enclosure’s cross‐section is “touching the sphere” that would require √3 side length, not arbitrarily given 2 m long, although any length bigger than √3 is valid, but not touching with all sides. The solution (attached below) calculates the enclosure area as being equilateral tetrahedron of three sides and illustrations with the three, 2 m sides are touching 1 m diameter ball, the latter being impossible, see above, and also tetrahedron has four equilateral triangles, one base (if so considered) and three additional towards its apex, see for more details. If that is the case (although conflicting with the problem statement, see above), than the touching tetrahedron’s edge length should be √6=2.45 m, thus would not fit in a tetrahedron with 2 m triangular length (and cross‐section cut would be quite different). In addition the enclosure area would be 4 times, not 3 times, the equilateral triangle area, i.e., 4 √ √3. It appears that the P13‐28 solution is wrong for either case scenario. As stated in the Problem statement, see above, the solution, using the same given procedure, should simply be: 0andε anyvalue, since the result does not depend of ε . 13-17 13-28 A solid sphere is placed in an evacuated equilateral triangular enclosure. The view factor from the enclosure to the sphere and the emissivity of the enclosure are to be determined. Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist 2 The surfaces are opaque, diffuse, and gray. 3 Convection heat transfer is not considered. Properties The emissivity of sphere is given to be ε1 = 0.45. T1 = 600 K Analysis (a) We take the sphere to be surface 1 and the surrounding enclosure to be surface 2. The view factor from surface 2 to surface 1 is determined from reciprocity relation: 2 2 A1 = πD = π (1 m) = 3.142 m 2 A2 = 3 L − D 2 2 L 2m = 3 (2 m) 2 − (1 m) 2 = 5.196 m 2 2 2 ε1 = 0.45 2m 2m T2 = 420 K ε2 = ? 1m A1 F12 = A2 F21 (3.142)(1) = (5.196) F21 2m F21 = 0.605 (b) The net rate of radiation heat transfer can be expressed for this two-surface enclosure to yield the emissivity of the enclosure: Q& = 3100 W = ( σ T1 4 − T2 4 ) 1 − ε1 1− ε2 1 + + A1ε 1 A1 F12 A2 ε 2 [ ] (5.67 × 10 −8 W/m 2 ⋅ K 4 ) (600 K )4 − (420 K )4 1− ε2 1 − 0.45 1 + + 2 2 (3.142 m )(0.45) (3.142 m )(1) (5.196 m 2 )ε 2 ε 2 = 0.150 13-29 A long cylindrical rod coated with a new material is placed in an evacuated long cylindrical enclosure which is maintained at a uniform temperature. The emissivity of the coating on the rod is to be determined. Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist 2 The surfaces are opaque, diffuse, and gray. Properties The emissivity of the enclosure is given to be ε2 = 0.95. D2 = 0.1 m T2 = 200 K ε2 = 0.95 D1 = 0.01 m T1 = 600 K ε1 = ? Analysis The emissivity of the coating on the rod is determined from A σ (T 4 − T2 4 ) Q& 12 = 1 1 1 1 − ε 2 ⎛ r1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ + ε1 ε 2 ⎜⎝ r2 ⎟⎠ 12 W = [π (0.01 m)(1 m)](5.67 × 10 −8 W/m 2 ⋅ K 4 )[(600 K )4 − (200 K )4 ] 1 1 − 0.95 ⎛ 1 ⎞ + ⎜ ⎟ ε1 0.95 ⎝ 10 ⎠ Vacuum which gives ε1 = 0.0527 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.