PROBLEM 7.2 For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses exerted on the oblique face of the shaded triangular element shown. Use a method of analysis based on the equilibrium of that element, as was done in the derivations of Sec. 7.2. SOLUT!ON 80 y'Pq Stresses .;, Areas Forces LF = 0: oA - 80A cos55o cos55o + 40A sin 55o sin 55o = 0 o = 80 cos255o - i'r IF 40sin2 55. o = -0.521MPa { = 0: rA - SOAcos 55o sin 55o r = 120 cos 55o sin 55o - 4OA sin 55ocos 55o r = 56.4 MPa { PROPRIETARY MATERIAL O 2012 The NtcGraw-Hill Companies, lnc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. A student using this manual is using it without permission. PROBLEM 7.9 For the given state of stress, determine (c) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. SOLUTION d, (a) tan 20, = or-o, 2t xy -- = -60 MPa -60 + 4o (2X3s) Oy =-40MPa T,y =35 MPa =0.2857 9. = 8.0o, 20- =15.95" 98.0' < (b) -eo: (c) o' = ouu" qo)'z+ (3s)2 ox+ov =--4= 22 -60-40 c* =36.4 MPa { o'=-50.0 MPa { pRopRIETARy MATERIAL. O 2012 The McGraw-Hill companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed' permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written preparation. A student using this manual is using it course individual for their to teachers and educators permitted by McGraw-Hill distribution without permission. PROBLEM 7.13 i |::i For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the element shown has been rotated through (a) 25" clockwise, (b) l0' counterclockwise. ,* 1 ! : SOLUTION Or=0 Oy=8kSi 7'r=5kSi o'-oY ox+ov =4 .1 L' (a) 0=-25" ksi =-4 ox+ov o -6. oo =T*- ,ro, =-1J o,, = o*-o, sin20 ksi cos20 + - f sin20 * r,, cos20 ox+ov o -o T t, "os 20 - t,, sin 20 20=-50" o,,--4-4cos(-50")+5sin(-50") r,,r,=4 sin (-50')+5 cos (-50') ot=-2'40ksi { t,'r'=0'15 ksi <( o*' =7'95 ksi { or,--4+4cos(-50')-5sin(-50)oi=10'40ksi{ (b) 0 =10" 20 =20" (20') tr,r, = 4sin (20") + 5 cos (20') o,, = 4- 4 cos (20") + 5 sin ou, = 4+ 4 cos (20") - 5 cos (20') ttv' = 6'07 ksi 1 or' = 6'05 ksi { pRopRIETARy MATERIAL. O 2012 The McGraw-Hill companies, lnc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed' permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written preparation. A student using this manual is using it course individual for their to teachers and educators permitted by McGraw-Hill distribution without permission. ! ii;\1i't,, PROBLEM 7.17 t ,, I t,,.t,,.,,. ,, , , \li,r itt T The grain of a wooden member forms an angle of l5o with the vertical. For the state-of stress shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the T": '',.'" ; SOLUTION 6" = -4MPa dy = -1.6 MPa 0 = -15" 20 = -30" o--o (a\ r*, -- -ai! - - -4 - sin20 (-1'6) sin * t, T"y = 0 cos20 (-30.) + 0 riy, = -0.600 MPa <( pRopRIETARy MATERIAL. @ 2012 The McGraw-Hill companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the preparation. A student using this manual is using il and educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course distribution to teachers without Permission. PROBLEM 7.19 steel pipe of 12-in. outer diameter is fabricated from {-in.-thick plate by welding along a helix that forms an angle of 22.5" with a plane perpendicular to the ixis of the pipe. Knowing that a 40-kip axial force P and an 80-kip ' in. A +: I, . --;-* I +tl+I I 1l II 1tl:::::::i .:.lii:,..] torque T, each directed as shown, are applied to the pipe, determine in directions, respectively, normal and tangential to the weld. Si-l ii, : ,\\:.,1,1"t '"1.. . .. .r.r o and t :c iA :::.:-: $Y l SOLUTION y, lg d,/ =12 in., z =!d, = 6 in., t = 0.25 in. ", 2_ =c2-t=5.75in. n(62 -5.7s2) = A= n(c) - r =+(r: -ri)=tro- LSocZ lc" i l[__il_. c1 "?)= 1 1-33411a; 9.2284 in2 -s.7s4)=378.67 ina I Stresses: P Q =-- = A 40 - 9.2284 = -4.3344 ksi Tc-, ,\ J _ (80x6) = 1.5063 ksi 318.67 6r=0, Choose the x'and y' Then oy=-4.3344ksi, ?ry =1.5063 ksi axes, respectively, tangential and normal to the weld. o*=oy' and t*=Tiy' ox+ov or-6 o,, = - 7 fros2? 0=22'5" - r,r sin20 _ (-4.3344) _L-e$344)lcos 45o _ 1.5063 sin 45o o,=-436ksi { = -4.76 ksi o.. - o.. ^), -4sin20 2 r,,,, = = t-(-4.3344)l --srn 2 = -0.467 ksi + t,rcos 20 . 45o + I .5063 cos 45o r,=4.467 ksi { pRopRIETARy MATERIAL. O 2012 The McGraw-Hiil companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, publisher, or used beyond the limited reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior wriften permission of the preparation. A student using this manual is using it course individual educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their distribution to teachers and without permission.