WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev. 1 Savannah River Site Generic Data Base Development by A. Blanchard Westinghouse Savannah River Company Savannah River Site Aiken, South Carolina 29808 B. N. Roy WSMS DOE Contract No. DE-AC09-89SR18035 This paper was prepared in connection with work done under the above contract number with the U. S. Department of Energy. By acceptance of this paper, the publisher ancf/or recipient acknowledges the U. S. Government’s right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper, along with the right to reproduce and to authorize others to reproduce all or part of the copyrighted paper. DISCLAIMER W report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, P. O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831;prices available from (423)576-8401. Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U. S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. ...— ... . .. . ... .. -. ——-. .. ..— . . . .. . . I WSRC-TR-93-262, REV. 1 WSMSC-9S-0162 . SAVAFm/m RIVER SITE GENERIC DATA BASE DEVELOPMENT my Westinghouse Safety Management Solution 1993S. Centennial Avenue S.E. Aiken, SC 29803 (U) 1998 . WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.l ABSTIUiCT This report describes the results of a project to improve the generic component failure database for the Savannah River Site (SRS). Additionally, guidelines were developed further for more,advanced applications of darabase values. A representative list of components and failure modes for SRS risk models was genetaed by reviewing existing safety analyses and component failure data bases and from suggestions from SRS safety analysts. Then sources of data or failure rate estimates were identified and reviewed for applicability. A major source of information was the Nuclear Computerized Library for Assessing Reactor Reliability, or NUCLARR.’ This source includes an extensive collection of failure data and failure rate estimates for commercial nuclear power plants. A recent Idaho National Engineering Laboratory report on failure data from the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant was also reviewed? From these and other recent sources, failure data and failure rate estimates were collected for the components and failure modes of interest. For each component failure mode, this itiorrnation was aggregated to obtain a recommended generic failure rate distribution (mean and error factor based on a Iognormal distribution). Results are,presented in Table 1 in this report. A major difference between W generic database and previous efforts is that this effort estimates failure rates based on actual data (failure evews) rather than on existing failure rate estimates. This effort was successful in that over 75°/0 of the results are now based on actual data. Also included is a section on guidelines for more advanced applications of failure rate data. Ill . “ WSRC-TR-93-262, REV. 1 DOCUMENT: WSRC-TR-93-262, REV. 1 TITLE: SAVANNAH RIVER SITE GENERIC DATA BASE DEVELOPMENT (U) APPROVALS: DKh’nh D.S. Cramer, Technical ~Date: C.L. Sossman, Da&2fDL- Reviewer 54’%” Risk Technology Date: itchler, Safety Analysis q/fi/#p Engineering . .--,------,-,V.,.T,YVT- :- - - Z-’cw -r - .---x’-’- -~,~., ,, \ .-.--q.- -~z~~--~y-.~ . ...+... .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ,., ..,, .Tr---- —-,-- ,--,=-- ,.. I WSRC-TR-93-262, REV. 1 RTGISAE RISK TECHNOLOGY GROUP SAFETY ANALYSIS ENGINEERING . Key Words: Data Risk Failure Retention: Rate Lifetime SAVANNAH RIVER SITE GENERIC DATA BASE DEVELOPMENT (U) By B.N. Issued: Westinghouse Safety Management Solution 1993 S. Centennial Avenue S.E. Aiken, SC 29803 Roy May 1998 . WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS . Abstract 1 Table of Contents 1. Introduction’ ............................................................................................................................. 3 3 2. Data Sources 5 3. Aggregation Routines 4. Data Search .............................................................................................................................. 7 8 5. Recommended Results 9 6. Application Guidelines 14 7. References III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... **. o.*. **.. o.*. *o**.. ****.. *.. ** . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*ee . . . . . . ..o.. *.o**. e*. ** . . . . . ..*o*o*** . . ..* . . ..*. ***. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*. *o.. .*e* . . . . . . ..* *.*o . . ..o **. o.*. o.. eoe . . . ..*.. . . . . . . ..*... o*.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..o. e.o o.eo. ee . . . . . . . ..eo . . . ..*o*.. ooe. *.*** oe.. o.oo. *o*. *o*ooe*. o.* . . ..o. oe.. . . ..*... *oo*. **. e.o*e*. *o. *e. o***. * . . . . . . ..e e.oee*. o... **. e.*** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..* . . ..*... *.. e.e. *.. *.. *.e.. *e. *... oe. *.*** e*o*o**** *o*.* . . . ..o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES la. lb. lc. ld. le. lf. Water system recommended generic failure rates ............................................................. 17 21 Chemical process system recommended generic failure rates Compressed gas system recommended generic failure rates .....................................0......25 HVAC/exhaust system recommended generic failure rates .............................................. 29 Electrical distribution system recommended generic failure rates .................................. 32 Instrumentation and control system recommended generic failure rates ....................... 35 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX - A LIST OF TABLES 2. Data sources ........................................................................................................................... 37 38 3a. Category 1 data for water system 3b. Category 1 data for chemical process system ..................................................................... 51 3c. Category 1 data for compressed gas system ........................................................................ 59 3d. Category 1 data for HVAC/exhaust system . . .. .. . .. ... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... ... . .. . . . ... ... 66 3e. Categoq 1 data for electrical distribution system ............................................................. 72 3f. Category 1 data for instrumentation and control system .................................................. 78 82 4a. Category 2 data for water system 96 4b. Category 2 data for chemical process system 109 4c. Category 2 data for compressed gas system 4d. Category 2 data for HVAC/exhaust system ...................................................................... 123 4e. Category 2 data for electrical distribution system ........................................................... 132 4f. Category 2 data for instrumentation and control system ................................................ 141 5a. Category 3 failure rate estimates for water system ....e..........................o.o............o..o....e...149 5b. Category 3 failure rate estimates for chemical process system ....................................... 159 169 5c. Category 3 failure rate estimates for compressed gas system ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .oec . . . . ..o**** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o.. eo . . ..e . . . . . . . . . . . ..*o... o.e** . . . . . . . . . . . ..**. **. o.**.. *.*. o.o.* .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. .. . . ---.-.-—.- — ——- -- .,.. . ..— . . . .. . . . . . m—.. — --- -,---- . .. WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 *9..**..*....**....**.**............ 178 5d. Category 3 failure rate estimates for HVAC/exhaust system ****. 185 5e. Category 3 failure rate estimates for electrical distribution system ..0.0............0...0.0...000. 190 .0 ....000 ............................. 5f. Category 3 failure rate estimates for instr. and control system ● 6Z Summary 6b. Summary 6c. Summary 6d. Summary 6e. Summary 6f. Summaxy of results of results of results of results of results of results 196 **.*.*..*.....*** *m** ....*.***** ****. ****.. ****. ****. ***....* for water system ..........*..****.. for chemical process system .............................................................2O4 212 *o.o***.* 0***** ****.** **.0* *..** *..** ***.*,. **.** *.*s* **** for compressed gas system .*.** 219 for HVAClexhaust system for electrical distribution ~stem ........"...........................................225 for Instrumentation and control qstem .........................................229 .o . . . ..o*.*... o.oo.. oooo. **..o... o.. o . . . ..o . . . . . ..oo. o..o.o.. o.* 7. Naming scheme component ................................................................................................23l 232 8. Naming scheme failure mode codes 9. Naming scheme system codes ............................................................................................232 ..o.. o.. o . . . . . ..o. o . . . . . ..o.. o.o...oo...Oo. o*oo.o.o*..Oo.* *..*ooo..o.. ooO. *.oc*o ..0 APPENDIX - B ...0..oe....oo..e.o.. ................................ 233 Baycsian Update-Sample spreadsheets (4 pages) o....*** 2 WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 1. INTRODUCTION As part of an overall effort to upgrade the methodologies for stiety analyses of nonreactor nuclear facilities at the Savannah River Site (SRS), a new generic component ftilure database was developed. The project to update the SRS generic component ftilute database had several goals: Provide information for various failure modes for each component, where possible. An example is to provide ftilure rates for valve ftilure to open/close upon demand and valve spurious operation, rather than just valve ftilure. Such ftilure mode information is often necessary for detailed fault tree models. Base component ftilure rates on actual data (ftilure events) wherever possible. Use the most up-to-date and applicable data sources available. Provide a clear documentation trail for each component failure rates estimate, such that others can review the basis for each estimate. The entire project was structured such that these goals could be accomplished. All of the goals were met. Based on a review of existing stiety analyses and component failure databases, and based on additional input from SRS safely analysts, a comprehensive list of components and ftilure modes was generated. The list is shown in Table 1. Approximately 500 component and ftilure mode combinations were identified. Given this list of components and failure modes, sources were identified that contained applicable failure data or failure rate estimates. A section on guidelines for the use and applications of fhilure rate data is also included. 2. DATA SOURCES Sources used to develop the SRS component generic database may contain actual failure data or failure rate estimates. Also, sources containing failure data may vary in the quality or detail of the information. Therefore, three categories of sources were established: Category 1- Sources with actual failure data obtained from a detailed review of failure events (to ensure applicability to the failure mode being considered) and a detailed review of component populations and exposure duration’s (or demands). Such data include the plant-specific component ftilure data collected for probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) or reliability studies. The NUCLARR1 database has 19 Category 1 sources, all from nuclear power plants. For this project the Savannah River Site (SRS) reactor data were added. The data sources include the following: . WSRC-RP-89-776, Rev. 03 WSRC-RJ?-90-1258, Rev. 04 DPST-87-642.’-’ 3 .: ?“-...,-vm-n-T-,.-..-.,-.rrYr tzrc* ,...<.-;.,,-<..<--- . ,T--- ,=- -Z—... .. ..... ...... . . ..,=,-,. ~.-,, _ \ , ,.> —-. WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 Including these Category 1 sources increased the Category 1 data by nearly 20%. Category 2- Sources with actual failure da@ but which have an added uncertainty in the data compared with Category 1 sources. This added uncertainty can result from a less comprehensive search for actual failures, a more approximate method for determiningg component populations or exposure duration’s (or demands), or a less clear breakdown of failures into the failure modes of concern. NUCLARR has 10 Category 2 sources “inits database. For this project, an additional five Category 2 sources were identified and used NPRD-3S -By carefhlly reviewing failure mode information presented in tables in this document, the failure data presented in NPRD-3 could be divided into the failure modes of interest for this project. 0REDA7 - Failure data iiom components in offshore oil drilling facilities are presented in this report. In some cases judgment was needed to break down the data by ftilure mode. WIN-330 - This document lists ftilure data obtained from the Department of Energy (DOE) Idaho Chemical Processing Plant. However, this document does not distinguish failure modes, so some judgement was needed to break down the data by failure mode. Tritium8 9 ‘d 10-These documents include ftilure data from a tritium handling facility at the Los A&& National Laboratory. Again, judgement was needed to break down the data by failure mode. LNG111- Failure data from liquid natural gas facili~ components are presented in this document. Judgement was needed to break down the data by failure mode. Addition of these five sources more than doubled the amount of data from Category 2 sources in NUCLAR.R Category 3- Sources that list only ftilure rate estimates. Six representative sources were used in this project. Many more such sources exit. The six were chosen to represent a variety of industries. All of the sources used in this project are listed in Table 2. . 4 WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 3. AGGREGATION ROUTINES As discussed in Section 2 of this report, sources of data were grouped into three categories, depending upon the type and quality of information presented. For a given component and ftilure mode, several sburces within a category might have failure tiormation. Also, a single source may contain several sets of failure data. Therefore, aggregation routines are needed to combine the information from the different sources to obtain a representative result. Two different aggregation routines were used: , 1. Combining actual failure data (failures and component exposure hours or Demands) from different sources (used for Categories 1 and 2). 2. Combining failure rate estimates that also include error factor estimates (used For Category 3). For Categories 1 and 2, the aggregation procedure is as follows*: 1. Compute Rand R2from source datai Where &= number of failures from source i Ti = component exposure time (h) from source i. 2. Match moments to obtain underlying normal distribution: M = 2 in(R) -0.5 ln(RJ S2= ln(RJ-21n(R). 3. Determine mean and error factor of lognonnal distributiorx Mn = exp(lvl + S2/2) EF = exp(l.645 S) where Mn =ean EF = error factor (95th percentile/50th percentile). For data involving demands rather than exposure hours, the same equations apply, bit With Ti replaced by Di (number of demands from source i). If tie procedme described . above resulted in an error factor greater than 10, the error factor was chosen to be 10. 5 .-.....---. .-—-.—-. ..-— . .. . . -..—— — —— --- .-- —-.. ——-.. .. ..,--. - WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 Three special cases may arise when aggregating actual failure daa such that the above routine does not work. The first is the case where only one data set is available (number of ftilures and number of hours or demands). In this case a Bayesian update of a non-informative prior was used to determine the mean Estimate 3! Mn = (2n + 1)/(2T) (for time-related data) Mn = (2n + 1)/(2D + 2) (for demand-related data). In both cases, an error factor of 10 was used. The error factor of 10 w& chosen by examining the aggregated results in Tables 3 and 4 and calculating an average error factor. The second special case occurs when all of the data sources involve zero or one ftilure. In this case, the data were combined (failures added and exposure hours or demands added) to obtain one data set which was then treated similarly to the case just described. Finally, the third case arises when S2is less than zero. This case was treated the same as the second special case. For Category 3, the aggregation routine is the followin<7: 1 Determine variance for each source: s?= [h@Fi)fl .645]2- 2. Determine natural logarithm of median for each source: (hi- ln(M@ - S~/2 where ~i natural logarithm of median. 3. Determine average of source variances: Sav: = (z s:)/4 where ~ = number of sources. 4. Determine average of natural logarithms of medians: c!.) ave . = (Z OJ/Ils. 6 ----?-, ,--,- —m ----- ,,,... .... .- ....... .,... ...... .... ,.,,,.,. . .... .....m, .. ,... .... . , . .. ........... , .. .,... .-— .-,------, WSRC-TR-93-262, 5. Rev.1 Determine variance of natural logarithms of medians: S@2= Z(@i- O~v~ )2/~ . 6. Determine mean and error factor of lognormal distribution 6.) = Mn [X((lli /si)@(l/si)]] = exp(o + 0.5 S2) EF = exp(l.645 S) Where S = larger of Save or So Some of the Category 3 sources do not list error factors. In such cases, an error factor (3,5, 10, or 30) was assumed based on an average of error factors from the other sources. If no sources listed an error factor, then 10 was used. Also, if the aggregation resulted in an error factor greater than 30, then the error factor was assumed to be 30. Finally, if a single source listed several fbilure rate estimates, then the estimates for that source were aggregated using the procedure described above. Then the result for that source was combined with the other sources. Because a goal of this project was to base component ftilure rate estimates on actual failure data (contained in Categories 1 and 2) wherever possible, and because the quality of data in Category 1 sources is expected to be better than that for Category 2, aggregations were pefiormed only within categories. Results from each category aggregation were not combined to obtain an overall result. 4. DATA SEARCH Results of the search for component failure tiormation are sunimarized in Tables 3 through 5. Tables 3a through 3f present the Category 1 data by component failure mode, and type of system. The NUCLARR1 column in Tables 3a through 3f actually represents the aggregation-of all of the Category 1 sources in FKJCLARR. Tables 4a through 4f present the Category 2 results, and Tables 5a through 5t the Category 3 results. Also presented in each table are the aggregated results (mean failure rate and error factor). . 7 . .... .- ..q.v, -,7- T--?-.,77-F TT-,T T---,. . . -,. ..r.v-: —----->---T- ---- -- -- - , WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 5. RECOMMENDED RESULTS Recommended component generic ftilure rates are presented in Tables la through lf. The recommended results were obtained from the Category 1 aggregation, if such data existed. If not, then the Category 2 results were used. Finally, if neither Category 1 nor Category 2 itiormation were available, then the Category 3 results were used. Also, because the product of this effort is a generic database, the mean frequencies were rounded off to 1,3, or 5 times the appropriate power of 10. Error factors obtained from the aggregation process were rounded off to 3, 5, or 10. Tables 6a through 6f contain more detailed notes concerning the selections of recommended ftilure rates. A review of Tables 6a through 6f indicates that approximately 75% of the recommended failure rate estimates are based on actual failures from nuclear power plants or other types of facilities. The remaining 25% of the estimates had to be generated from sources listing only ftilure rates. It should be noted that failure data may be reflective of a pa.xticular application or environment. In cases where data is limited to sources of specialized application or operating environments, it may be appropriate to modi@ the recommended mean to account for alternative conditions. In all cases, engineering judgment should be used in the application of generic data. Also listed in Tables la through If are identifiers such as PIP-LE-W for each of the systern/component/fhilure mode ftilure rate distributions. In the identifier, the first three letters, PIP, indicate the type of component, which is a pipe. The second set of letters, LE, indicates the ftilure mode, which is external leakage. The final letter, W, indicates the type of system, which is a water system. Tables 7, 8, and 9 list the codes used for components, ftilure modes, and processing fluids. Parts of this naming scheme were obtained from the report Review and Development of Common Nomenclature for Naming and Labeling Schemes for Probabilistic Risk Assessmen~8. However, in some cases the naming schemes for components and failure modes, recommended as standard practice in Reference 38, were changed ~o allow for a more consistent approach. Also, many additional components had to be added. . 8 , . - - ,--,-, ->- .~-#- ----- , .,,,,..=...,,.,... - . ....,-7-.. —..,- —~—-— —-- WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 6. APPLICATION GUIDELINES Guidelines on application and use of failure rate dati I. Time Dependent Failure Rate ( A ) For a normal operating facility component failure is essentially a random process and the failure rate k, is treated as a constant. However, in the total life cycle of the facility, Z takes up different values for its three distinct phases (the famous ‘Bathtub’ profile). For the initial ‘infant mortality’ phase, A decreases with time, then remains constant during the normal steady state operation phase and finally increases with time in the ‘aging’ phase. The initial phase is of minimal importance in risk studies, but the ‘aging’ phase is relevant for many older facilities like SRS. Failure probabilities in the random steady state phase is adequately predicted by the Exponential model with constant h. However, ftilures in the ‘aging’ process are better estimated by the Weibull distribution P(t) =1- e** -( t/q )** ~, where, q is the scale or reliability parameter (- l/X.), and ~ is the shape parameter, 1< ~ <4 (for ‘aging’ phase). As a simplification, studies indicate that exponential approximation with a ‘modified’ 1 ( fixed at 30% to 50’%higher than the ‘nominal’ A) appears to yield reasonably good results especially in the time range of 1 to 2.5 MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure= 1/2.). In the time period beyond 3 MTBF, Weibull distribution is recommended for failure probability determination. Note: Sensitivity studies performed with Exponential model (with ‘modified’ k = 1.3 to 1.5 times ‘nominal’X) and Weibull model (with 1< ~ Q, range of interest for most facilities like SRS), document the validity of the above assertion. II. Failure on demand ( X~) and Conversion Factors to Hourly Failure Rate (1) Component ftilure rates are sometimes specified in per demand (typically, fails to start or operate on demand, eg. diesel generator) rather than per time period (hour etc.). However, an MTBF value for components is required for Risk/ RAMI analyses. The MTBF can be expressed as the reciprocal of the hourly ftilure rate k, ie. MTBF = l/A. But a demand failure probability &must first be changed to an hourly failure rate h before it can be converted to MTBF. This can be done by assuming that the time period between successive equipment demands is one day and then dividing Xdby 24 hours. This results in a hourly failure rate that can be converted to MTBF as noted earlier. However for many standby equipments the period between successive demands ranges from 1 to 3“months or sometimes even to a year or more. Thus the assumption of daily demand period is quite conservative for . . many applications. 9 WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 Based on engineering judgement and expert opinion the following conversion factors are recommended for use with standby equipment with varying demand frequencies: . Recommended Frequency for Analysis Hourly, 1 per hour Daily, 1 per 24 hours Weekly, 1 per 7*24=168 hours Observed Demand Frequency 1 or more per day linlto3months 1 or 2 per year Note: Demands on standby equipments are triggered by some anticipated failure events ( eg. power supply failure for diesel generator demands). The above recommendation is based on an uncertainty factor of -25 (ie., EF=5 ) which is considered a reasonable spread for most anticipated events. When no reliable observed data is available for a facility, “anuncertainty factor of -100 (ie., EF=1O) may be used with the assumed frequency for analysis. For example, for an assumed frequency of 3 per year, the recommended frequency would be (3/365)*100 = 1 per day (i.e.,daily). III. Credits for Maintenance Programs Improvements in component reliability can be obtained with reduction in un-scheduled /unanticipated component repair/ ftilure through improved maintenance programs. a) Preventive Maintenance (PM) Under this maintenance program components are replaced or repaired to their original performance level every ~ years, instead of letting them remain in place until failure. Replacement of components ahead of their MTBF improves reliability (ie. the probability that an item will operate without failure over some specified mission time) which can be expressed as follows: Reliability R(t) = e**-M for t< T, = e**-~*T for t 2 T, no~al reliability equation where T is the replacement time interval b) Predictive/Precision Maintenance ( PdM/Pc~ PdM involves monitoring of SSC’Sthrough non-intrusive tests/ inspections to detect component degradation and to identi$ potential problems and is a valuable tool in preventing ftilure. Some”commonly used PdM technologies are: Vibration Monitoring and Diagnostics, Infhred Thermography, Lubricating oil analysis, Ferrography and Grease analysis, Acoustic/ Ultra-sonic tests, Radio Frequency monitoring, Polarization Index etc. “ 10 “ WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 These technologies have been credited to significantly reduce component failure rates and improve reliability here at SRS as well as at other facilities. Precision Maintenance (PcM) program at SRS utilizes Root cause Analysis technique to all significant incidents to better define and apply PdM technologies to suit specific components and applications. A 50% to 75’% reduction in component failure rates has been observed in system/ facilities with successfid PdM/ PcM program. This corresponds to a 4 to 2 increase in MTBF. Iv. Uncertainty and Error Factor (EF) The choice of the value of Error Factor (EF) is highly significant due to its influence on the value of the Mean which is the most commonly used parameter in risk analysis. The maximum value of the Error Factor (EF) applicable to ftilure rates in this document has been limited to 10. This coxesponds to a data spread QK95’Yo/ X05’XO) of 100 with a Mean bounding 76% of the population at 2.6 times the Median (X50%). A higher EF of 30.(used “ in earlier version of the document) would make the data spread -1000 with the Mean bounding only 80V0(a marginal improvement of 4% from the 76%) of population at a considerably higher value of 8.3 times the Median value. An EF value in excess of 10 would normally reflect poor samples with no well-defined distribution. Choosing a higher median value coupled with a smalIer EF might be a better approach for such sample distributions than a lower median value with a larger and less meaningful EF. The EF value of 30 in the original issue of the document (primarily for the rupture mode of ftilure) was arbitrarily chosen for conservatism with no hard data to backup. In fact, even for the rupture failures, the observed EF’s in the data tables were in most cases equal to or below 10. A review of some independent PRA reports of nuclear plants ( eg., Oconee, Seabrook etc.) also indicated that in less than 1% of cases EF exceeded 10. Hence an upper limit of 10 for EF is deemed more reasonable. . WSRC-TR-93-262, Rev.1 30. Guidelines for Process Equipment Reliability Data with Data Tables, Center for Chemical Process Safety, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1989. 310 IEEE Guide to the Collection and Presentation of Electrical. Electronic, Sensing Component. And Mechanical Equipment Reliability Data for Nuclear-Power Generating Stations, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., IEEE Std 500-1984,1983. 32. H. Larmmerse and M. Bosman, “Data of Gas Compressors and Instrumentation-Hard to Collect, Easy to Audyze,” Reliability Engineering, 13 (1985). Pp. 6578. 33. R. P. Dawkins and J. A. Derdiger, Component Failure and Repair Datrc Gasification-Combined-Cycle Power Generation Units, Electric Power Research Institute, Topical Report AP-2205, and Research Project 239-2. February 1982, 34. J. A. Derdiger et al., Component Failure and Repair Data for Coal-Fired Power UniL Electric Power Research Institute, Topical Report AP-2071, Research Project 239-2, October 1981. 35. S. A. Eide et al.; Generic Component Failure databases for Light Water and Liquid Sodium Reactor PRAs, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-SSRE-8875, February 1990. , 36. PIL4 Procedures Guide, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUlU3G/CR-2300, January 1983. 37. H. F. Martz and M. C. Bryson, “On Combining Data for Estimating the Frequency of Low-Probability Events with Application to Sodium Valve Failure Rates,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 83 (1983), pp. 267-280. 38. A. D. Trusty and D. P. Mackowi& Review and Development of Common Nomenclature for Naming and Labeling Schemes for Probabilistic Risk Assessment U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-5905, August 1992. 39. Seabrook Station Probabilistic Safety Assessment Pickard, Lowe, & Garrick, Inc., December 1983. 40. K.S.Kim, Confidence Interval Estimates of Failure Rate Based On Historical Da@ WSRCTR-96-0015, May 1996. 16 WSRC-TR-93-262, v. Rev.1 Use of only SRS HistoricalData (with no additionaldata source availatde) When using sorts of events from SRS incident databank as the only source for computing component failure rates/ fi’equencies, the following table (based on Ref. 27,40) provides the ~ appropri~ multiplier R to obtain either the 95% upper-bound failure rates (AJ for the preferred conildence limit ( based on clm-sical conlldence interval property) or the 50% median failure rates ~ h=(Rgszx N)/TorD &=(RmxN)/TorD N o 1 2 3-6 7-1o 11-30 31-100 where N= number of observed faihues, and T, D indicate time period or demands “ Rg5% 3* 4.5 3 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.1 Rsw 0.69 * 1.68 1.34 1.1 1.07 1.03 1.01 * This number replaces the numerator (R x N ) in the corresponding equation above. It is recommendedto use 95% coni%lence limit values ( column 2) for conservative analysis of acute events and 50% limits ( column 3) for realistic analysis of chronic events. Not& This method is suitable when historical data provides only the number of occurrences and time intends of the events and not any further detailed information. Bayesian Update Using a Bayesian Update technique, additional available generic data on component failures(as found in lEEB-Std-500, Ref.-3l) can be utilhd together with SRS incident databank (or any other facility or site-specific) information to develop more realistic failure rates typical of a larger industrial population. Unlike the simpler classical approach mentioned earlier for single data source, the Bayesianupdate has the capabiity to combine “a prior” experiencewith posterior data to develop “posterio? probabilitybased on Bayes theorem which states thaG PosteriorProbabil@ is proportionalto Prior probability( from generic data) times Likelihoodfiction (from Site specific data). Appendix-B showsthe outline of BayesianUpdate model and some examples in Microsoft EXCELspreadsheetformat. . This would the be.prefemed.methodfor data compilationand analysis to be used for fullscope PRA’s or formal Safety analysisreports. 12 WSRC-TR-93-262, VIL Rev.1 CommonCause faihue - ~ factor Dependentfailures such as common cause failures at the systemslevel are treated either explicitlyby means of identifjhg causes of dependentfailure and by incorporatingthem explicitlyin the systemsor event sequencemodels, or implicitlyby using certain parameters to accountfor their contributionto the systems’unavailability.Examplesof the fmt type are sharing of commoncomponents,fires, floods etc. The discussionhere deals with the second type, which includesfailuresthat are not coveredin the fmt typebut are occasionallynon- “ random,that is, dependent.Examplesare design errors, constructionerrors, procedure deficiencies,and unforeseenenvironmentalvariations and certain types of human error during test and maintenance,etc. The parametricmodel used to quantifythe effect of this secondcategoryis known as the &factor method. The parameter ~ is defined as the ffaction of the total componentfailure rate attributableto commoncause failures ~ = itd (k + M ) = WA where k= component’sdependentfailure rate Xi=component’sindependentfailure rate A = Component’stotal failure rate So that, k= ~L and M= (1-~)k and 0S ~ S 1 Some commonlyused @- factor distributions”are shown in the table below (Ref. 39): Component Failure mode “Mean MOV Failure to 0.042 5m% Lower Bound Median 95b % Upper Bound 0.022 0.041 0.067 0.015 0.033 0.005 0.014 0.013 0.031 0.029 0.057 0.125 0.005 0.05 0.500 Open/close DG Any Generic Comnonent Fail to to run Stal’t , Fail 13 WSRC-TR-93-262, 1. Rev.1 7. REFERENCES . D. 1. Gertman et al., Nuclear Computerized Library for Assessing Reactor Reliability (NUCLARR), NUREG/CR-4639, June 1989. 2. J. N. Wilkinson et al., Idaho Chemical Processing Plant Failure Rate Database, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, WIN-330, October 1991. 3. D. S. Cramer, Valve Reliability for the Level 1 PIL4 (U), Savannah River Site, WSRC-RP-89-776, Rev. O, 1991. 4. D. S. Cramer, Check Valve Reliability for the Level 1 Pm WSRC-RP-90-1258, Rev. O, 1991. 5. D. S. Cramer, Data Base Development and Equipment Reliability for Phase 1 of The Probabilistic Risk Analysis, Savannah River Site, DPST-87-642, 0ctober1987. 6. M. J. Rossi, Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Da@ Reliability Analysis Center, Rome Air Development Center, NPRD-3, 1985. 7. Offshore Reliability Data Handbook, Offshore Reliability Data (OREDA), Norway, 1984. 8. L.C. Cadwallader and M. A. Stolpe Gavolt, Tritium Waste Treatment System Component Failure Data Analysis from June 18,1984 to December31. 1989, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-FSP-8973, Rev. 1, November 1990. 9. L.C. Cadwallader et al., Tritium Room Air Monitor Component Failure Data Analysis from January 1.1984 to December 31,1990, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-FSP-9450, May 1991. 10. L. C. Cadwallader and D. P. %mche~ Secondary Containment System Component F@re Data A@ysis from 1984 to 1991, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-FSP-1 0323, August 1992. 11. D. W. Johnson and J. R. Welker, Development of an Improved LNG Plant Failure Rate Data Base, Gas Research Institute, P1382-153503, September 1981. 12. Big Rock Point Probabilistic Risk Assessment Consumers Power Company, March 1981. 13. Oconee-3 PIW: A Probabilistic Risk A sossment of Oconee Unit-a Nuclear Stiety Analysis Center, Electric Power Research Institute, NSAC-60, June 1984. 14. Zion Probabilistic Safety Study, Commonwealth Edison Company, September 1981. 14 (U), Savannah River Site, WSRC-TR-93-262, 15. Indian Point Probabilistic Safety Study, Pickard, Lowe, & Garric~ Inc., December 1982. 16. J. P. Bento et al., Reliability Data Book for Components in Swedish Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear St&etyBoard of Swedish Utilities, RKS 85-25, 1985. 17. Millstone 1 Probabilistic Safety Study, Northeast Utilities, July 1985. 18. Comecticut Yankee Probabilistic Stie~ Study, Northeast Utilities, NUSCO-149, February 1986. 19. M. Trojovsky, Data Summaries of Licensee Event Reports of Pumps at U. S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants: January 1.1972 to September 30.1980, NUREG/CR-1205, Rev. 1, January 1982. 20. C. F. Miller et al., Data Summaries of Licensee Event Reports of Valves at U. S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CR-1363, Rev. 1, October 1982. 21. M. Trojovsky and S. Brown, Data Summaries of Licensee Event Reports of Inverters at U. S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CR-3867, August 1984. 22. C. F. Miller et al., Data Summaries of Licensee Event Reports of Selected Instrumentation and Control Components at U, S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CR-1740, May 1981. 23. J. P. Drago et al., The In-Plant Reliability databases for Nuclear Plant components: Interim Data Report - The Pump Component, NUREG/CR-2886, December 1982. 24. R. J. Borkowski et al., The In-Plant Reliability databases for Nuclear Plant components: Interim Data Report - The Valve Component, NUREG/CR-3 154, December 1983. 25. W. K. Kahl and R. J. Borkowski, The In-Plant Reliability databases for Nuclear Plant Components: Interim Report - Diesel Generators, Batteries, Chargers, and Invertem, NUREG/CR-38311, January 1985. 26. H. Wykoff, The Reliability of Emergency Diesel Generators at U, S. Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Safety Analysis Center, Electric Power Research Institute, NSAC/1 108, September 1986. 27. R. E. Wright et al., Pipe Break Frequency Estimation for Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CR-4407, May 1987. 28. S. A. Eide et al., Component External Leakage and Rupture Frequency Estimates, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-SSRE-9639, November 1991. . , Rev.1 ● 29. Reactor Stiety Study: An ~ssessment of Accident Risks in U. S. Conuhercial Nuclear Power Plants, WASH-1400 (NUREG 75/014), October 1975. 15 Tablela WatersysterrrnxommendedgenericfailureEMS. System/ComponentFailure Mode I Identifier Recommended FailureRateDtibution (lOgnormal) Mean ErrorFacro@ XVM-CC-W or Xv-MOO-w 3.OE-41d 10 Plugs XVl+PG-W 5.oG8/h 10 Leakage(hrtemal) XVM-LI-W 1.oE-6/h 10 Rupture XVM-RI-W 5.olMlll 10 XVM-LGW LoE.8/h 10 Rupture(external) XVM-IWW 5.oE-lo/11 10 Check- Failstoopen CKV-CC-W 5.0&5/d 10 Failstoclose CKV-00-W 1.OE-3/d 5 Plugs CKV-PG-W 5.olH/h 10 Leakage(iitenrsd) CKV-LI-W 1.oE-6Jr Rupture(iirernal) CKV-RI-W 5.oE4nr 10 Leakage(external) CKV-LBW LoE-8/h 10 Rupture(exrcmal) CKV-IW-W 5.OE-10/lr 10 Water Valve(Stand5yorSafety) Manual Failsto0@CtOS4 Leakage(external) . 10 MotorQcm!ed Failsto0pdC]OS13 MOV-CC-W or MOV-00-W 3.OE-3/d 5 Spuriousopxation MOV-CO-W OR MOV-OC-W 3.OE-7AS 5 Plugs MOV-PG-W 5.oJN/ls 10 Leakage(internal) MOV-LI-W 1.oE-6/11 10 Rupture(iitemal) Leakage(cxtemal) MOV-RI-W 5.oE-8Ar 10 MOV-LSW LoE-s/b 10 Rupture(extcmal) MOV-R&W 5.oEAo/h 10 AOV-CO-W or AOV-00-W 1.0G3/d 10 AOV-CO-Wor AOV-OC-W 1.OE-6AI 5 Plugs AOV-P@W 5.OIMRI 10 Leakage(iitemal) AOV-LI-W LoE-tMr 10 Ruptute(internal) AOV-RI-W 5.oM/lr 10 Leakage(extcmal) AOV-LE-W i.omh 10 Ruptm’e (extend) AOV-LE-W 5.oE-lo/ls 10 1.0E3/d 10 5.oE-7/h 10 Air-OpcmtedFailstoopenlclose Spuriousoperation Solenoid-Operated Failsto open/close Spuriousopmtion Note SOV-CC-W or WwOO-w SOV-CO-Wor %-nmc-w . Modification oftirereconmrendedrrrean forhouriyfaihtremtesmaybeappmpdatcformmponentssubjectedto hostile mdioactiveorchemifalenvironments.“ 17 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev. 1 SysretiComponenr/Failure Mode Plugs - Leakage Rupture Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Stiety/ReIiefFaik nm Failstoreclose Jxakage(internal) Rupture(iitemal) vacuum-E4ealrer Failsopxr FailstoR?C!OSC Ltakage(iitemal) Rupmre(iirernal) Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Explosive Failsto open Leakage(iiternai) Rupture(iiternal) Leakage(external) Ruprure(external) Valve(confnsl) Moror-Opemted Failsopen Failsclosed Failsto mpnd Plugs Leakage(external) Ruprure(external) Au Opemted Failsorsers Failsclosed Failsto respond Plugs Ix&age(external) Rupture(external) Note , Identifier Recommended FailureRateDtibution (Iognomlal) , Mean ErrorFacto@ SOV-PO-W 5.OE-Ms 10 SOV-LI-W 1.OE-6h 10 SOV-RI-W 5.oE-8nr 10 SOV-LE-W l.olH/h 10 SOV-RE-W S.oE-lo/ls 10 SRV-CC-W 3.OE-3/d 3 SRV-00-W 3.OE-31d 3 SRV-LI-W 1.OE-6h 10 SRV-RI-W 5.oE-lo/lr 10 VW-cc-w LOE-2Jd 10 VBv-oo-w 1.0=21d 10 VBV-LI-W 1.oE-6ns 10 VBV-RI-W 5.OE-8RS 10 VBV-LE-W 1.oE-8nr 10 VW-SW 5.oE-lo/h 10 Exv-cc-w LOE4/d 10 Lom 10 5.OE-8RI )0 EXV-L&W l.olmh 10 EXV-RE-W CMV-FO-W 5.oE-lo/11 10 3.oE4h 10 CMV-FC-W 3.oE-61h 10 3.OE-6RS 10 5.olHlh 10 1.oE-8/h 10 EXV-LI-W EXV-RI-W CMWNR-W CMV-PO-W cMsf-LGw CMV-RBW S.olz-lolll 10 CAV-FO-W 3.OE-61?I 10 CAV-FC-W 3.oE-6/h 10 3.oE-61h 10 5.oE4nr 10 Lol?mr 10 5.oE-lo/h 10 CAV-NR-W CAV-PO-W CAV-LE-W CAV-RGW Modification ofrheremmmendedmeanforhourlyfailureratesmaybeappropriateforcomponentssubjectedto hostile mdioacdveorchemicalenvironnrenrs “ Table la. Watersystemrecommendedgenericfailurerates(continued). System/Component/Failure Mode Identifier RemmmendedFailureRateDtibution (Iognonnal) . Mean ErrorFactoP SolenoidQpe.rated Failsopen C.SV-FO-W 3.OE-6/h 10 Frdlsclosed CSV-FC-W 3.OE-6ih 10 CSV-FO-W 3.OE-6RI 10 CSV-PG-W 5.OE-8/h 10 CSV-LE-W LOE-8/h 10 CSV-RE-W 5.OE-10/ls 10 MDP-FS-W 3.OE-31d 5 MDP-FR-W 3.OE-5/ls 10 MDP-OS-W 5.OE-6/h 10 MDP-NS-W 3.OE-3/d 5 Leakage(external) MDP-LE-W 3.OE-8/h 10 Rupture(external) MDP-RE-W LOE-9/h 10 Turbiie-Driven Failsto start TDP-FS-W 3.OE-2/d 3 Failsto run Failsto m.pond Plugs Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Pump Motor-Driven Failsto stut Failsto run Overspeed Failsto Stop TDP-FR-W LOE-4/lr 10 Overspeed TDP-os-w 3.OE-5/h 10 Failsto Stop TDP-NS-W 3.OE-2/d 3 Leakage(external) TDP-LE-W 3.OE-8/h 10 Rupture(external) TDP-RE-W LOE-9RI 10 Diesel-Driven Failsto start DDP-FS-W 1.OE-2/d 5 Failsto run DDP-FR-W 5.OE-3/h 5 Overspeed DDP-OS-W LOE-3AS 5 Failsto Stop DDP-NS-W 1.OE-2/d 5 Leakage(external) DDP-LE-W 3.OE-8/h 10 Rupture(external) DDP-RE-W 1.OE-9/h 10 Piping/Hose/Jumper Piping - Leakage(external) -Rupture(external) PIP-LE-W 3.OE-9/h-ft 10 PIP-RE-W 1.OE-1OIM 10 PIP-PF-W LOE-10/lr-it 10 HOS-LE-W 1.OE-9/lr-ft 10 HOS-RE-W 1.OE-8/h-fl 10 HOS-PG-W LOE-LVM 10 JPR-LE-W 1.OE-6/h 10 -Plugs Hose - Leakage(external) -Rupture(external) -Plugs Jumper- Leakage(external) No& Modificationof the remmrmndedmeanfor hourlyfailureratesmaybe appropriatefor componentssubjectedto hoti~e Radioactiveor chemicalenvironments. 19 WSRGTR-93.262 Rev. 1 Table la. Wakrsystem recommendedgenericfailurerates(condnued). Identifier System/Componenr/Failure Mode -. I Rupture I . , I I LOE-S/h 10 TKU-RE-W 5.OE-10/h 10 JPR-RE-W Plugs Vessel Tank(Unpressurized) Leakage(external) Rupture Tank(Pressrsrized) Leakage(external) Rupture(external) I TKP-RE-W I Flange/Ga$ket Leakage(external) FLG-LE-W Heat Exchanger Shell/Iisbe Fouling(tubes) Plugs(tubes) I , Rupture(tubes) Rupture(shell) , Heater(Electrical) Failsto Heat ‘ 10 10 H-fX-FL-w 1.OE-7AI 10 HTX-PG-W 3.OE-8/h 10 HfX-LI-W I , 1.OE-7/71 I 5.OE-9/h 1.OE-8/ls I HTX-RE-W I 10 I 10 I I 5.OE-10/h 10 LOE-6/h 10 10 3.OE-7/h HTE-OH-W 10 I I HTX-LE-W t I HTE-LE-W LOE-7/h 10 Rupture(external) HTE-RE-W 5.OE-9tlr 10 FLT-PG-W 3.OE-6/h 10 Leakage(@mid) FLT-LI-W 3.OE-d/h 10 Rupture(internal) FLT-RI-W 5.OE-7/h 10 ORF-PG-W LOE-64h 3 TRS-PG-W 5.OE-7AS 10 orifice Plugs MEcellaneous TravelingScreen Plugs I I Leakage(external) Skainer/FNer Plugs Now 10 I 1.OE-10/h 1 a I FLG-RE-W H-r&m-w Overheats 10 l.OE-&h HIX-RI-W I 5.OE-10/h I I Leakage(shell) . I I I Rupture(external) Leakage(tubes LOE-8RS TKP-LE-W Errorfactoris the 99 percentileJ5@percentile Modificationof the mxxnrnendedmeanforhourlyfailureratesmaybe appropriateforcomponentssubjectedto hostile . Radioactiveor chemicalenvironments. WSRC-TR-93-262Rev. 1 Tablelb. ChemicalProcesssystemrecommended genericfailurerates. Sysrerrr/Compcment/Fsilure Mode Identifier ~ I ChemicalProcess . Valve(StandbyorSafety) Manual Failsto opmlclose I XVM-CC-cor XvM-oo-c Mean I 3.OE-41d 10 Plues I XVM-PG-C I S.o)mlr I Leakage(internal) I I Ruphu’e(internal) Leakage(external) Rupture(extemrd) I Check Failsto open XVM-LI-C I l.OE-dh ErrorFacto# 10 10 XVM-RI-C 5.oH/h 10 XVM-LJX 5.0E7h 10 XVM-RE-C 3.oE-8nr 10 CKV-CC-C I 5.OE-51d I 10 Failstoclose CKV-00-C i.0531d 10 Plugs CKV-PGC 5.o&8h 10 Leakage(brtermal) CKV-LI-C 1.oE-6/h 10 Ruoture(iiternal) CKV-IWC 5.oE-8h 10 Leakage(external) CKV-LE-C 5.0&7h 10 Rupture(external) CKV-RE-C 3.oHnr 10 Motor-opemtcd Failstoopdclose MOV-CC-C or MOV-CO-C 3.0&3/d 10 Spuriousopmtion MOV-CO-C or MOV-00-C 3.0&7h 10 Plugs I MOV-PG-C I 5.0&8h I 10 Leakage(internal) MOV-LI-C LOE-6AS 10 Rupture(internal) Leakage(external) MOV-IU-C 5.oE4h 10 MOV-LE-C 5.0i%7h 10 MOV-RE-C 3.oEar 10 AOV-CO-C or AOV-00.C 1.0&3/d 10 AOV-CO-Cor AOV-OC-C l.oE-dns 10 AOV-PO-C 5.OEMI 10 AOV-LJ-C LOE-6AS 10 Rupture(external) Air-operated Failsto openlclose Spuriousoperation Plugs Leakage(ibrtenrsl) Ruprure(internal) Leakage(extend) Ruprure(exremal) Solenoid-Ope@ed Failsto opdclose Spuriousoperation Nore , I AOV-RI-C I 5.OIWh I 10 AOV-LE-C 5.OE.7h 10 AOV-RIX 3.ownr 10 SOV<C-Cor Sov-oo-c LOG3/d 10 SOV-CO-C or 5.0B7h 10 Modificationof the remnrrrendedmeanfor hourlyfailureratesmaybe appmpria!efor componentssubjectedto hostileRadioacdveorchemicalenvironments. 21 . WSRC-TR-93-262Rev. 1 II Tablelb. ChemicalProam systemrecmrnrendedgenericfailuremks (continued). SystetiCompenenWaiIure Mode I Identifier .. r: Phlm WW-PG-C 5 OF-%% 10 Leakag;(intemal) SOV-LI-C 1.OE-6/h 10 Rupture(internal) Leakage(external) SOV-RI-C S.o)wls 10 SOV-LE-C 5.oE-7/h 10 SOV-RE-C 3.oE41r 10 SRV-CC-C 3.OE-3/d 10 Failstoreclose SRV-00-C 3.OE-3/d 10 Leakage(internal) SRV-LI-C 1.OE-6/lr 10 Rupture(internal) SRV-RI-C 5.oE-8/h 10 Leakage(external) SRV-LE-C 5.OE-7ih 10 Rupture(extenral) Stiety/Relief Failsto open Rupture(extemsd) Vacuum-Breaker Failsto open Failstoreclose 3.OE-8/lr 10 1.OE-2/d 10 vBv-OOC 1.OE-2fd 10 Ldage (iitenral) VBV-LI-C 1.o&6/h 10 Rupture(internal) L@age (cxtemal) VBV-RI-C 5.OE-8/lr 10 VW-LX-C 5.oE-7/h 10 Rupture(external) VBV-RE-C 3.oE-8nr 10 Exv-cc-c LOE4/d 10 EXV-LI-C 1.oE-611r 10 EXV-RI-CC 5.oEx/h 10 EXV-L.E-CC 5.OE-7AS 10 EXV-RE-CC 3.OE-8AS 10 CMV-FO-C 3.oE-6/h 10 Failsclosed CMV-FC-C 3.OE#h 10 Failsto respond CMWNR-C 3.oE-6/h Plugs CM-V-PO-C 5.OE-8./ls 10 Leakage(external) CMV-LE-C 5.OE-7AS 10 Rupture(external) CMV-RE-C 3.oHJlr 10 CAV-FO-C 3.OE-6/h 10 Explosive Failsto open Im.kage(iiternal) Rupture(iiterrral) Leakage(external) Rupture(external) VaIve(Control) Moror@erated Failsopen Air-Opem@d FailsOIXSS Note SRV-RE-C VW-cc-c ‘ 10 FailsC!OSCX! CAV-FC-C 3.0E41s 10 Failstorespond CAV-NR-C 3.oE-6/h 10 Plugs CAV-PO-C 5.OE-8RI 10 L4cage (external) Rupture(external) CAV-LE-C 5.OE-7AS 10 CAV-RE-C 3.oE41r 10 . Modificationof the reccmunended meanfor hourlyfailureratesmaybe appropriatefor eompnents subjectedto hostileRadioactive orchemicalenvironments. 22 “ WSRGTR-93262 Rev. 1 Table lb. Chemicalprocesssystemrecommendedgenericfailurerates(ecmtinued). Identifier SysterdComponentA%ilure Mode w Solenoid-OpemtedFailsopen Failsclosed Failsto respond Plugs Leakage(external) Rupture(external) CSV-FO-C 3.OE-d/11 10 CSV-FC-C 3.OE-6ilr 10 CSV-NR-C 3.OE-61h 10 CSV-PG-C 5.OE-8/h 10 CSV-LE4 5.OE-71h 10 CSV-RE-C 3.OE-Mr 10 MDP-FS-C LOE-2/d 10 Frdlsto run MDP-FR< 1.OE-4/b 10 Overspeed MDP-os-c 3.OE-5/h 10 MDP-NS-C LOE-2/d 10 MDP-LE-C 1.OE-6/h 10 MDP-RE-C 5.OE-8/h 10 Pump Motor-Driven Failsto stat Failsto StOp Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Turbine-Driven Failsto start I TDP-FS-C I 3.OE-21d 1“ 10 Failsto run TDP-FR-C 1.OE-4/h 10 Overspeed -fDP-os< 3.OE-5/i-I 10 Failsto Stop TDP-NS-C 3.OE-2Jd 10 Lerdcage(external) TDP-LE4 LOE4h 10 Rupture(external) TDP-RE-C 5.OE-8/b 10 Diesel-Driven Ftils to start DDP-FS-C 1.OE-2/d 10 Failsto run DDP-FR-C 5.OE-3/lr 10 Overspeed DDP~S-C 1.OE-3/h 10 Failsto Stop DDP-NS-C LOE-21d 10 Lerdrage(external) DDP-LE-C 1.OE-6/h 10 Rupture(external) DDP-RIX 5.OE-8/ls 10 PIP-LE-C 3.OE-9/h-ft 10 Pipin#Hose/Jurnper Piping - Leakage Rupture(external) PIP-RE-C LOE-10/h-ft 10 PIP-PF-C l.OE-10/h-R 10 Hose- Leakage(external) HOS-LE-C 1.OE-9/h-11 10 Rupture(external) HOS-RE-C 1.OE-8/lr-ft 10 Plugs HOS-PG-C Plugs 1.OE-8/h-ft 10 Jumper- Leakage(external) JPR-LIX LOE-tlh 10 Rupture(external) JPR-RIX LOE-8/h 10 Note Modificationof the retimrnendedmeanforho@ failureratesmaybe appropriatefor componentssubjectedto hostje Radioactiveor chemicalenvironments. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev. 1 Table lb. Chemicalproms systemrecommendedgenericfailurerates(mrrtirrued). System/Camponerrt/Faihrre Mode Identifier I I RecommendedFailureRate Dtibution (logrrormal) Mean I Flange/Gasket Leakage(external) I I ErrorFactoP . Plugs I ‘rKu-RE-c 5.OE-9ih 10 TKP-LE-C LOE-7Rr 10 TKP-RE-C 5.OE-9/H 10 FLG-LE-C LOE-7/h I 10 I R.pture(extemal) Leakage(shell) HTX-LE-C LOE-7ih 10 Rupture(shell) HTX-RE-C 5.OE-9RI 10 HTE-FH-C 1.OE-5Rr 10 HTE-OH-C 3.OE#h 10 Leakage(external) HTE-LE-C 1.OE-6/h 10 Rupture(external) HTE-RE-C 5.OE-81h 10 FZT-PG< 3.OE-61h 10 Leakage(iitemal) FLT-L.I-C 3.OE-6/h 10 Rupture(mtemal) FLT-RI-C 5.OE-7/h 10 Oritk Plugs ORF-PG-C 1.OE-6/h 10 Misedkmeous M~er/Blender Failure MIX-FA-C 5.OE-6/h 10 Stminer/Filter Plugs I Agitator Failure AG1-FA-C Centriiirge Failure CTF-FA-C I a. Errorftir I 5.0E4h 5.OE-6/h I I I 10 10 . is the 99 percentile/5@I percentile. Modificationof the recommendedmean for hourly failurerates maybe appropriatefor eomponermsubjectedto hostileRadioactiveor chemical Nokx environmerk 24 WSRC-TR-93-262Rev. 1 rableIc.Compressed gassystemremnrrrendedgenericfailurerates. Identifier Systenr/ComponcnUFailure Mode :ompresscdGas . Valve(Standbyor%fety) Manual Failstoopenlclose Reccmunended FailureRateDistribution (Iognomral) XVM-CC-O or XvM-oo-o Mean ErrorFacto@ 1.OE-3/d 10 Plugs XVM-PG-O 5.OE-7AS 10 Leakage(internal) XVM-L14 1.o&5/h 10 Rupture(internal) Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Check Failsto open XVM-RI-G 5.OE-7/h 10 XVM-LE-O LOE-7RS 10 xvM-RE-0 5.oE9ns 10 CKV-CC-O 1.0E4/d 10 Failsto close CKV-00-G 3.OE-3/d 10 Plugs CKV-PO-O 5.oE-7nr 10 bakage (intcmal) CKV-LI-G 1.oE5nr 10 Rupture(WerrraI) CKV-RI-O 5.o&7ns 10 Leakage(external) CKV-LE-O Lo&7/h 10 Rupture(external) CKV-RE-O 5.OE-9RS 10 Motor-Operated Failsto oprrlclosc MOV-CC-O or MOV-00-O 1.OE-2/d 10 MOV-CO-O OR MOV43-0 3.OE-7AS 10 Spuriousopemtion Plugs MOV-PGO 5.o&7nr 10 Ldrage (iitemal) MOV-LI-O Lol?-snr 10 Rupture(iitemrd) MOV-RI-O 5.oE-7Ar“ 10 MOV-LE4 1.OE-7AS 10 MOV-RE.O 5.o&9nr 10 Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Au-opcmred Failsto ooerrlclose I AOV-CO-O or AOV-OGO I AOV-CO-Oor AOV-OC-O Spuriousoperation Plugs 10 1.oE411 I I 5.o&7/h 10 , AOV-LI-O LoE5/lr AOV-IU-O 5.oE-7ih I )0 1.OE-7/lr ] 10 I AOV-LE4 I I Solenoid-@rated Failsto openlclose 1 Spuriousoperation I I Rupture(brtcrnal) Rupture(extcmal) 10 3.0&3/d AOV-PGO Leakage(iiternal) Leakage(external) I I I I 10 , ! AOV-LE-O 5.o&9ns SOV-CC-O or SOV-00-G 3.0&31d It 10 1 I 5.oE-7/lr SOV-CO-G 10 ‘ 10 . Note ‘ Modificationof the recommendedmeanfor hourlyfailureratesmayix appropriatefor campnents subjectedto 25 I WSRGTR-93-262 Rev 1 1 r Tablelc. Compressed gassystemrecommended genericfaiium”rates (continued). I f Identifier Systcrn/Component/Failure Mode I - r Pltlm ‘WV-W,<, 5 oE-7nr 10 Leakage(internal) SOV-L[-O 1.OE-5AS 10 Rupture(internal) Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Stiety/Relief Fa;le_ I SOV-RI-O 5.oE-7nr 10 SOV-LE-O 1.OE-7hs 10 SOV-RE-O 5.OE-91h 10 SRV-CC-O LOE2d 10 Failstoreclose SRV-00-O l.O?H/d 10 Leakage(internal) SRV-LI-G 1.OE-5/ls 10 Rupture(hemal) SRV-RI-O 5.oE-7ih 10 Leakage(external) SRV-LE-O LOE-7AS 10 SRV-RJM3 5.oE-9ns 10 VW-cc-o 3.0E4/d 10 Failstoieclose VW-CM-G 3.OH/d 10 Leakage(iitemal) VBV-LI-O 1.oE-5/h 10 Rupture(iiremal) Leakage(external) VBV-RI-O 5.OE-7/ls 10 VBV-LE-O LOE-7ils 10 Rupture(external) vBv-FLE-0 5.oE-9nr 10 CMV-FO-O 3.OE-6AS 10 10 Rupture(external) Vacuum-Bmaker Failsto open Valve(Control) Motor-Opcmted - Failsopen Failsclosed CMV-FC-O 3.OE-6/h Failsto respond CMV-NR-O 3.OE-6/h 10 Plugs CMV-PO-O 5.OE-7/h 10 Leakage(external) Rupture(external) CMV-LE-O 1.OE-7AS 10 CMV-REG 5.OE-91h 10 Air-operated Failsopm CAV-LE-O 3.oE-&h 10 Failsclosed 10 CAV-FO-O 3.oE-6nl Failsto rcsjxmd CAV-FC-O 3.oE-6/h 10 Plugs CAV-NR-O 5.OE-71h 10 Leakage(external) Ruptrlre(external) CAV-LE-O 1.oE-7Ar 10 CAV-RE-O 5.OE-911s 10 Solenoid@erated Failsopen CSV-FO-O 3.oE-6/h 10 FailsCIOSCd CSV-FC-O 3.oE-M-l 10 -Failsto respond CSV-NR-O 3.oE-6/h 10 CSV-PO-O 5.OE-7RS 10 1.OE-7/h 10 Plugs Leakage(external) CSV-LE4 . . Now Modification oftherecommended meanforhourlyfailuremtesmayIn?appmpriat$brmmponents subjectedtohostile mdioacdveorchemicalenvironmmrs. . 26 WSRGTR-93-262 Rev. 1 TableIc.CompressedgssVstemremrsrnendedgenericfailurerates(continued). Systenr/ComponerrWailure Mode 1 Recmnrnersded FailureRate Distribution ~ognorrnal) Identifier Mean ErrorFacto@ CSV-RE-G 5.o&9/h 10 MDC-FS-G 5.OE-3/d 5 Failsto run MDC-FR-G 5.OE-5RI 3. Overspeed MDC-OS-G 1.oE-5/h. 5 Failsto Stop MIX-NS-G 5.0&31d 5 Leakage(extemrd) MDC-LE-G 3.oE-7ns 10 Rupture(external) MDC-RE-G 1.oE-8/ls 10 Rupture(extemt$ Compressor Motor-Driven Failstostart PipirsgJHo@Jumperflkbe piping Leakage(external) PJP-LE-G 3.oE-Mr-ft 10 Rupture(extemrd) PIP-RE-G 1.oE-9/h-ft 10 PIP-PO-G 1.o&9/h-ft 10 Hose-Ixakage (extend) HOS-LE-G l.oE-Ml-tl 10 Rupture(external) HOS-RE-G 1.OE-71M 10 Plugs Jumper Leakage(external) HOS-PG-G 1.oE-7/h-tl 10 JPR-LE-G 1.oE-5nr 10 Rupture(extend) JPR-RE-G 1.OE-7AS 10 Plugs JPR-PG-G Lo&7nr 10 Plugs Tut-e- Leakage (external) TUB-LE-G 3.OE-7/h-i? 10 Rupture(external) TUB-RE-G LOE-&lr-tl 10 TKP-PG-G 1.OE-8/h-fL 10 TKP-LEG 1.oE-71h 10 TKP-RE-G 5.oE-911s 10 Qlinder(pressarized) Leakage(external) CYL-L.E-G 1.OE-7AS 10 Rupture(external) Flange/Gasket Leakage(external) CYL-RE-G 5.OE-9RS 10 FLG-LE-G 1.oP7fh 10 FLGR&G 1.oE9/h 10 HeatExchanger ShelWube Fouling(tubes) HTXFL-G Lois-snr 10 Plugs(tubes) Leakage(tubes) H-IX-PO-G 3.oE-61h 10 HTX-LI-G LoE-5/ls )0 Rupture(tub) HI-X-RI-G 5.oE-7/h 10 Plugs vessel Tank(pressurized) - Leakage(external) Rupture(external) Rupture(extermd) Leakage(shell) Rupture(shell) HTX-LE-G l.oE-d/il 10 HTX-RE-G S.olxvll 10 - . NOWMtiificationofthetwmurrendedmeanforhotiy failurem@ maybeappropriateforcomponentssubjectedto hostile%dioacdveo;chemiralenvironments. 27 I Table lc. Compressedgassystemrecommendedgenericfailurerates(continued). Identifier Systern/Componentll%dhsre Mode -. , Heater(Electrical). Failsto heat 1.OE-6/lr H-l-E-m-o t 10 1 I HTE-OH-G 3.OE-7/h 10 Leakage(external) HTG-LE-G 1.OE-6/h 10 Rupture(external) Overhears HTG-RE-G 5.OE-8AI 10 Vaporizer Failure VAP-FA-G LOE4/h 10 Air Dryer Ftilure ADR-FA-G 5.OE-6Ar 10 I Filter FLT-PG-G I 3.OE-61h I 10 Leakage(internal) FLT-LI-G 3.OE-6AS 10 Rupture(iitemal) FLT-RJG 5.OE-7AS 10 ORF-PCX3 1.OE-6/h 10 Orifice I a. Errorfactoris the 99 pereartiIe/5@’ percentile. Note Modifieadonof the recommendedmeanforhouriyfailureratesmaybe appropriatefor eomponenLs subjeetedto hostile . tiloactive or chemicalenvironments. , WSRGTR-93-262 Rev. 1 TableId. HVAC/exhaust systemrewnunendedgenericfailurerates. Systenr/Componentiailure Mode Identifier Recommended FailureRateDistribution (ognormal) ErrorFacto@ Mean ~M-CC-H or XDM-00-H 3.OE-31d 10 Plugs XOM-PG-H 5.OE-7/ls 10 Leakage(iitemal) XDM-LI-H 1.oE-5Rr 10 XDM-RI-H 5.oE-7/h 10 HVACJExIsaust - Darryxr(Standby orSafety) Manual-FailstooPen/close Rupture(iiterrsal) Leakaee(external) Rupture(extmnal) Motor-Opemted Failstoopen/close Spuriousoperation Plugs Leakage(iiternal) RuDture (ht?rnal) Ltakage(external) Ruprura(external) Air-operated Failsto OpCIS/CtOSS Spuriousoperation XDM-LE-H 1.OE-71h 10 XDM-I&H 5.oE-911s 10 MOD-CC-H or MOD-00-H 3.O!X?/d MOD-CO-H or Mnrlr-u-.u MOD-PG-H 3.OE-6/lr 10 5,0E-7/h 10 MOD-LI-H MOD-RI-H 1.OE-5/h 10 MOD-LBH 5.OE-7/h 1.oE-71’h 10 10 “ 10 MOD-RE-H 5.o&9nl 10 AOD-CC-Hor AOD-00-H l.OE-Z/d 10 AOD-CO-H or LOE-5/h 10 5,0E-7/lr 1.OE-5h 10 10 10 AOD.OC-H Plugs bakage (iiterrral) Rupture(iiternal) L=@e (~) Rupture(external) Damper(control}Motor-Operated %*. Arm .F.u AOD-RE-H CMO-FO-H 5.OE-7AS 1OF-7/11 5.OE-9Ar In 10 3.OE-6/h 10 Failsclosed Failsto respond CMD-FC-H CMD-NR-H 3,0E-6/h 10 3.oE-6nl 10 Plum CMD-PGH CMD-LE-H 5.OE-711r 1.OE-7/h 5.oE-9nr 10 10 10 3.oE-6/il 10 3.oE.6/h 3.OE-6/lr 5.OE-7ils 10 10 LOE-7AS 10 5.OE-91h 10 Leakage(external) RuolureCexternal) -AirOpemted F.iw Failsclosed Failstorespond Plum Leakage Rupture(external) No@ AOD-PGH AOD-L.I-H AOD-Rl-H CMD-RE-H CAD-FO-H CAD-FC-H CAD-NR-H CAIMG-H CAD-L&H CAD-W-H 10 , Modification ofthereccmmrerrded meanforhourlyftihueratesmaybeappropriate forcomponm~subjectedto hostileradioactiveohemicalenvironments. . WSRC-TR-92-262Rev.1 rableId. HVACfcxhaust systemrcc=uncndcd genericfailuresates(cmt’d). Idcntifia SystcsnOmponaM%ilos’c Mode Mea, EmxFact@ MDF-FS-H 5.OE-3/d 5 Failstorun Ovaspeed MDF-FR-H 3.0E4% 3 MDF4JS-H 5.OE-&lI 10 Fails[0StO!J MDF-NS-H 5.OE-31d 10 Lmkme(external) MDF-LE-H 3.OE-7/1=1 10 MDF-RE-H 1.OE-8h 10 DDF-FS-H LOE-21d 10 DDF-FR-H 5.OE-3/11 10 DDF-DS-H 1.OE-3/8 10 DDF-NS-H l.OE-Zd 10 DDF-LE-H 3.OE-7h 10 DDF-RE-H 1.OE-8/h 10 DCT-IX-H 3.0&7h-ft 10 DCX-RBH 1.OE-WI-R 10 DCT-PG-H 1.OE-81%-R Fan/Blower - hfotof-DrivM File in dnti RuDturc kxtanaf) Fav’BlowcT -Diesel.Drivm Failstostart FailstO run Ovmpeal FaiIstostop L.akme(extmmf) RopIum Docdslg- Leakage(Cxtansf) -Rupture(Cxtanal) -FYugs Hat Ikkmga AirCOoditiming UOit/Chills FaiIsto@t Heater(Ekcbicaf}Failstoheat 3.oL5/lt 10 1.OE-2/d 5 FCU-FR-H 1.0E5h 3 HT&FH-H 1.OE-54 3 3.0P7h 10 1.OE-3/11 10 3.0E4 10 3.OE.61S 10 3.oE.6h 10 5.0&7h 10 3.oE-dnl 10 3.OEWI 10 5.0Z7h 10 I THIXI-LH overheats to HTGFH-H heat HTGOH.H Ovahcats FLT-PGH Fiita Nmmal Plugs Leakage (iitanal) - 10 FCU-FS-H Failatonus FLT-LI-H FLT-IU-H Cmti) FLLPGH Lisw-Efficim.q Plum Leakage (mtamd) FLLLI-H FLLRI-H Rupture@csnsl) HPA-PGH HEPA Plum I I Rwom(iiks’nd) 3.OE-dh . 3.oE#h Modi6@”onofthesemmmmdalmm. forhmoiyfaifmcsatesmaybe ~ ndioasdveor chemical awimiuoents. I 10 , I HPA-RI-H 10 I I HPA-LI-H Leakage @tasssl) 10 1.0S2/d ACU-FR-H FanGola Wit-Failstostart Hester(G@- Fdfs , ACU-FS-H FaiIatoNO Not= Rcmmmmdcd FailureRateDiskiion (lOgnonmd) 5.0L7h I 10 foraxnponmtssubjectedtohosdfe . Table ld, HVAC/exhaust systemrecommended genericfailuremtes(eonrinued). SystmdComponenVFailure Mode Identifier RecommendedFailureRateDtibution (Iognormal) MeaIs ErrorFacto@ FLS-PG-H 3.oE-6ns 10 Leakage(internal) F7-.S-L1-H 3.oEAinl 10 Rupture(iitemal) FLS-RI-H 5.os7nr 10 BAG-PG-H 3.OE-511S 10 BAG-LI-H 3.oE-5ils 10 BAGIU-H 5.OE-6A 10 Miscellaneous M~tEliminator Failure MTE-FA-H 1.0E4 10 Scrubber Failuns SBR-FA-H Lolxlls 10 Precipitator Failure PCP-FA-H 5.OE-5AS 10 . Sand Phsgs Bagho& Plugs Leakage(internal) Rupture(internal) a. Errorfhctoris the 94s percentile/5@percentile. Now Modificationof rherecommendedmeanforhourlyfake ratesmaybe appropriateforcomponentssubjectedto hostile Radioactiveor chemicalenvironments. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Table le. Elecbkaldsbibutionsystemrecommendedgenm”cfailure~tes. SystarrWmponenVFailureMode Identfier RecommendedFailureRateDstriiubrr (kgnorrnal) Mean ErrorFacfIP DDG-FS-E 1.OE-2/d 3 DDG-FR-E 5.OE-31h 3 MDGFS-E 1.OE-5JI 10 MDG-FR-E 3.OE-5/h 10 GTG-FS-E 3.OE-2/d 10 GTG-FR-E 3.OE-41h 10 HDG-FS-E 3.OE-2/d HDG-FR-E 3.0E4/h 10 Battety Failure BAT-FA-E 1.OE-5/h 3 Chaqer Rectiiier Failure RCT-FA-E 1.OE-5i’h 3 Bus Metal-Enclosed Failure BUM-FA-E 1.OE-7/l_I 5 BUB-FA-E 1.OE-61?I ‘to CBL-FA-E 3.OE-6/h 3 Joht (Copper) FeilurE JNT-FA-E 3.OE-E/tI 30 T&rnination(Copper) Failure TMN-FA-E 3.OE-7/11 10 Jumper(Pc+var) Failure JPR-FA-E 5.OE-6ilI 10 E[W”C Power Generabr Diesel-Driven Failstostart Failstorun Motor-Drfven(SCtO(k) Failstostart Failstorun Gas-Turbine-Driven Failstostart Failstorun Hydro-TurbineDtien FailstosfarI Failstorun Bare Failure CableJJoW TerminatiodJumpar Cable (Copper,1000tt) Failure CircuitBreaker General Failstoopenldose Spuriousoperation ReactorTrip — CBR-CC-EIX CBRQO-E or CBR-NR-E 5.0E41d 5 CBR-CD-Eor CBR-CGE or CBRSCLE 3.OE-7/h 10 RTB-CGE 5.OE-3/d . 32 5 WSRC-TR-93-262Rev.1 Table le. Electrkald~bibuticmayskrn remended S@em/ComponenVFailura Mode geneiicfailurerates. Identifier I I Faii RecornmendedFailureRateDiibiiution [la I Mean t 3.OE-6/?I EmxFactrw tOOPWI - Spuriousoperation Relay Protective Failstoopenkkxe RT~W RLP-CC-EIX RLP-00-E of RLP-NR-E 1.OE-2Jd 10 Spuriousoperation RLP-CO-Eof RLP-OC-Eor RLP-SO-E 1.OE-7/h 10 C@rd Failstoc$.enldose RLGCC-E or RLC-00-E or RLC-NR-E 1.0E41d 10 Spwicu.sOpedoil RLC-CO-Eor RLGCGE of RLGSO-E 3.OE-7/h 30 Biitab!e Failstoopenldose BIS-CC-Eor BIS-(X)-E w BK3-NR-E 1.OE-51d 10 Spwfou.sOpmtion BIS-COE or BIS-OC-Eor BIB-WE 3.OE-7111 10 switch Push-Buttc+I (Manual) Failstoopenldose XSPJ.ZE or XSP-CK)-Eor XSP-NR-E 1.OE-6/h 10 SpurfousOpelation xsP-cOE or XSP-OC-Eof XSP-SO-E 1.OE-6ti 10 XSR-CC-Eor XSR-00-E or XSR-NR-E 5.OEQII 10 XSR-CO-Eor XSR-OC-Eor XSR-SO-E 5.OE-71h 10 XSK-CC-Ew XSKW-E or XSK-NR-E 3.OE-71TI 10 XSK-CO-Ew XSK-OGE or XSK-SO-E l.OE-Eh 10 ATS-CC-Eor AT-S-WE w ATS-NR-E l.OE# 10 ATS-CO-EIX ATS-OC-Eor ATS-SC-E 1.OE-61?I 10 Rotary(Manual) Failstoopwfdose Key41perated(Manual) Faii to@cbe AMmtiGTransfer Failsto 0~ilkkX13 Spuriousoperation . WSRCTR-93-262 Rev.1 “ablele. Ekxbicaldstribtion systemrewmmended!gafIefkt%ilurarates. Systern/bmpmentFailureMode ldentirier RecommendedFailureRataD~triiution (Iognormal) Mean Errw FactoP Limit “ Fai!stooperddcse LMsm-E or LMS-GOE or LMS-NR-E 1.OE-6rh 10 Spwicu.sOpmtiorr LMS-CO-Eor LMS-OC-Eor LMS-SO-E l.OE-&lr 5 FUS-CC-E 1.OE-7/h 10 FUS-SO-E 1.OE-8/h 10 INV-FA-E 1.OE-5111 3 MRA-FS-E 3.0E41d 3 Faii torun MRA-FR-E 5.OE-WI 3 DC Failstostart MRD-FS-E 3.0E4d 3 Failstorun MRD-FR-E 1.OE-5/h 3 Syndlro Failura SYN-FA-E 1.OE-5rh 10 Transformer Power Failure TFP-FA-E 1.OE-6/h 10 TFI-FA-E 1.OE-6/h 10 Fuse Failto Opail Preinatureopening s Inverter Faiiura Motor AC Fai!stostart Instrumentatiorwwrol Failure a. Errorfactoristhe95thpercenbkhOthprcentile. . 34 WSRGTR-93.262 Rev. 1 Table If. Instrumentarhandcontrolsystemmmer@d SysterrJCompmenUFailure Mcde genericfaiiurarates. Idenliiier Rewmmernkd Falure RateDkriion (@normal) Mean ErrorFectoP ALR-NR-I 3.OE-5/h 10 spllrklusOperakm ALR-sCl-l 5.OE%h 10 Sensorftlansm”tir/ Transducer/PrOc=?ss Switch Temperature Failure TST-FA-I 1.OE-6h 3 Prewre Falure PST.FA-! l.OE%h 3 DflerentialPressure Failure DPS-FA-I 3.OE-6h 10 Fknv Failure FST.FA-I 3.0E4h 3 Level Failura LST-FA-I 5.OE-71h 3 Humkiii Faiiure UST-FA-I 1.OE-5h 10 HST-FA-I 5.OE-7/h 5 oxygenCOnc&aw Failure OXC-FA-I 1.OE-5/h 10 Coz Concenwhl Failure COGFA-I 1.0E4h 10 HydrcgenCmwen!ratkM Falure HYC-FA-I 1.OE-5h N@en Ccmcentraliorl Failure N[C-FA-I . tOE+5h 3 HydrocarbonConcentratWI Falure HCC-FA-I 1.OE-5/h 3 HeliumConcentration Faiiura HEGFA4 1.0E4h 3 speed Failure SST$A-I 1.0E4h 10 Failure StET-FA-l 1.OE-611 5 Radietk)rl Failure RST-FA-I 5.OE-6h 5 Indkator Failure lND-FA-l 1.OE-5/h 10 Ampliie$ FaiiurE AMP-FA-I Insfrurrientation andCwItrcl ‘ Alarm/Annunaator Faii to alarm M Failure . .3 . 35 5.OE-6h 10 WSRC-TR-93-262Rav. 1 Table If, Irdrumentationandcc+tmlsystemrecnmmendadganerfcfaikrraM&. Syskrn/COmponenl/Faiiure Mode Identier RecommendedFailureRateDkMbukm (lcgnarnal) Mean ErrwFactoP Modflier/SgnafCondher Failure SCR-FA-I 3,0E-71h 3 LcgicModule Failure L@-FA-l 3.0E41’h 5 Recorder Failure REC-FA-I 3.OE-5ih 10 sampler Faiiure SAM-FA-I 1.OE-5/h 10 Anaiyzer Failure ANA-FA-I I I 5.OE-6rh I 10 Tiier Failure TMR-FA-I 5.0E4MI 10 GasChromatcgraph Failure GCR-FA-I 5.OE-51TI 10 VoffegeRegulator Failure VRGFA-I 3.OE-6kr 10 Transmitter Failure TRW-A-I 3.OE-61h 10 Transducer Failure ProgrammableLcgicController Failure I TRD-FA-I PLC-FA-I I 4.OE-6/h 3.OE-5/h I 10 10 a. Enwfacbr is the95thpercentkkllth percentile. Note Modii of the rewmmanded mean fw hourlyfeiiurerates maybe am-ale radioactiveorchem”d environments. 36 fcf componentssubjec!edto h&iie . . . APPENDIX - A WSRC-TR-93-262 REV. 1 APPENDIX-A Table2. Data sourcesusedin genericdatabase development. CategoIy 1 Big Rock Point PIL4D Omnee-3 PRA u Zion PRA 14 Indian Point PRAIS Reliability data from Swedish nuclear power plant?f Millstone 1 PRA17 . Connecticut Yankee PRAIS “ B&W nuclear power plant (name withheld) PM” European nuclear power plant (name withheld) PRA’” GE nuclear power pIant (name withheld)” Westinghouse nuclear power plant (tie withheld)” 7 other nuclear power plant (names withheld) PMs* Savannah River Site reactors3,4and 5 . “ category 2 Licensee event report $) ER suwey of pumpsat nuclearpowerplants 1’ LER smey ofvaIves LER SLUVby of inverterszl LER surveyof selectedinstrumentation and control components= In-plantReIiabiIi~ IMa Base (PRD) mey of pumps= IPRD survey of valve?’ IPRD survey of diesel generators, batteries, chargers, and invertcrs= Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (MAC) sumy of diesel gcneralorsx Pipe break sume~ . LER suxvey of pi- valves,pumps etc.= NonelectronicPartsReliab~ Data (military)f OREDAdatafor ofbhorc oil &lIii components’ Chemicalprocessingplax# Tntium handlingfacii8& and 10 Liquidnaturalgasplant componentsll ~ ‘- category 3 WASH-14@ titer for Chemical process Safe# IEBE Std50@19843’ Natural gas f%cilitycomponents= Gasification—corn bined-cycle power generation Componentss Coal-fired power generation COmponentsw Generic data base for nuclear reactor components35 , al See Reference 1 for more details on these &dies. -, 37 , . J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A lsbla U. Cakgary 1 MB bfwalarsyslam, FalluraDab (Calqay 1Sourc@ SYS~~~~M* NUCLARRI SRI-REACTORS Aggragaled Re.suII# —Waw W&3 (Slandbyclrsafety) Mnnud Fdlsbopm4iow 36fME+4d, 7/2.lE+6h [1] W7.lE+3d, 0M&4d, QB.4E+2d, M.6E+2(J , [1] 3,5E-4M(18), 3.3E4MI@) w o14.6E+5h, W7.6E* WM&3h la LIE.&h(tO) [tJ -- M.w+lh 5,7E4%(10) PI [f] Rupbm @brnalj Leakqe(axtamd) P] ‘ Ri$bre(adamd) IL?.6E+M P] 113.3E+3d, ~.&+2d, W4,7E+2d, o/202E+2d, W27E+ild, w 6.OE#d(lO) R] 1611.2E+4 la HI 9.6HM(4.6) M -m 3Wl,2E+7h Ml W4.lE+7h PI 6.6E-7ih@3) Ruphm (Mamd) [4] [5] Faikbopan Faiisbdm Pbgs ~. * 36 , -@- Table3& Calmow 1 dab WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENl)lX-A ., b kNWdf3fSYSk311L FaIkm Dsla (Crknary 1sant@ “F [8] Ptlrgs — w5.aS* wME+3h [11] w4.m611 ‘ W5.OE+HJ m~+lh [lq Leskfge (hblnal) &5.3E+6h F] Rupture(lnhxnd) M . SRS4UEACTDRS 4 lolE.7ilI(10) [1] .: I!6E-6’%(10) Leskage(extwnal) Ruphm (exktmi) ~~~ Fallsb qmrrMose SpurbusOpersIbn Z/M&31J, 2t23E+3rl lW2.3E+7h [10] [t3] 7,6E-4m(lo), 7.lE-7ilI(10) W6,1E+6h 1111 wME+3h [14J 6.lE-7ilt(10) [1] . WL5EWI IISJ 3!3E4I?I(10) [1] Plugs I . Ru@urs(lntrmal) Le&ege(axbmai) Rupture(extend) SErelymbf FMs bqmn 15iS.4E+3d, W!MG6h 27EilM(3.3), IMEdnl(lo) 39 . m f % m“ . . . t J f ““ “-. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A ., > T8bh 3. Caleguy 1 dab forwalersyskm. FaRuroDali! (Ctiqcny 1 Sourc@ SYSIMWUWOMI~*OM* ; .- - [1] [12] 47R.0E+4d 1{3] Fai!storedma AyeQtl# SRS%EACTCMS NUCIAW 2.3E#d(l.7) - \ Leakage(lntamal) 17up(ufo(lmIlaq leakaga (exbmal) Rup!ure(external) W4.5E+ld, W1.lE+3h [14] vfYxuma@w FellstOopon I.IE-2M(1O), 4.4E41h(10) [1] Fi4k {0 recbse Leakqe (klIelnal) Rupture(lnkind) lmkqe (e)domal) RuphKe(oxtemal) Expkksh’o Fdkbqxm , W2.7E+fd [16] Wxvd(lo) 11] Ltdqe (htmd) Rupkre(ln!amd) L8Wg0 (exkmd) Rupture(axtetnaf) mm (Conlfd) 41 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A , Table 3J. Celegtxy f data fofWdOfS@Bfll. syskrWOrnpananmlklra Mods FaRuraData(Ca!eguy 1 %urrx@ NUCMRR1 SRS41EACTCE7S AJQrtYJ*y Molor43paralad Failsopen Fallsc.%wJ 8 Fdk Ioraspond Plugs Laakqp (exbrnd) Rr@ura(axtml) Air-Oparalad Fallsopan Follsdosed Fdk tOrtqmrrd PIUQS Leakege(axlalnq Rupture(&&rml) SOkrrlwuperakl Fallsqm Fallsclosad , ( Fallsbmqmd Plugs 1 Leakaga(axhnol) Rupture(axkmal) 42 J — WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A ., b TableU. Celegory 1 dab forwafarsyslem. Fiilum Dala (Calegay 1Sourm+ xI~~*M* ; NUCIARR1 SRS-REACTDRS Agglgtig Pump Molor-Drlvsa Fallsbslad i3714.9E+4d [15] 25i2.tE+3d, ~.ljE+2d, w3.7E+3d, tV2.4E+3d‘ [Iq 3.7E#d(4.7) “ 216n.5E+6h [16] 2311.7E+6h, O/4.lE+m IY3.lE& 19n,6E4h [18] 2.2E#(0) !5Q6E+2d, 512.4E+3d [19] 3wUd(4,4) FslkbNn Ovtllspood Fdk b s~ Leekqe (exbrnel) Ruphw (twdaml) TudineDrhmn FaIk tOShUi Folk 10tun ● 4!v2.oE+3d, M1.4E+4h [tq 2.2G2M(3.8), 5.5E45J?I(10) 19/1.4E+5h [10]. 1.4E4111(22) meispoed Fa!k toslq Leaksge(axteind) . Rupture(sxbtnat) . 43 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A TableU. Calagrxyf dala for wakrsyslsm. 1 S@mbmponenVl%iiure Mods I I Dwlivtsl Falls bSbd NUCIARRI Fdlura Dab (Cakgcq 1 I SRS-REACTORS I lYL9E+3d [19] 7.9KIM(5.8) ~,~+zh Falls10run Aggg13tg , 4fiE4/il(T.4) m OWspeA FallstOSbp Leakq.y (axkrnd) Ruph.rm(exbmal) Pl@n@-tose/Jumpar Pl@lg Laskane(extarnall Rup!ure(axtamal) Plugs Hase Laakage(external) Rupture(axbnr~ Ptugs Jumpar Laakago(axlemd) Rupture(axtamal) Phms Vossal Tank(lJyuessufized) . 1 I 7.3E-7111(lo) [1] 44 . — - . . ‘.-! ~ .: “ ‘-- , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A il FdhmDdrI(Cakqay NUCLARRI II 1 ScurIX@ ; SRS-REACTORS x a RurMurekudernsl) Skaher/Fit!6f Plugs 2nio&5h p5] 01’Z&4h w] * I LwdiBgB(in!ernal) Rupture(fn[emsl) Chifb3 Piugs Mlscdlenaous Trwdlhg SCIWM Plugs OFMMh fin] 52E-7/ll(lo) [!] . ● 46 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A ., ,* ‘ Tabla3& Cokgfxy 1 da!ofcfwskrsyslern. Thoemxfodsfk iha9561porcanblo/50th parwrtb. b. Aggregalsdmuttsoremeanandmwhclorm pmmlhasas). Noks \ tU.JCiARRVS.A Eldeel af.,@narlocorn rmnanlFaMroDtrfaBasaforLfahlWobrmdlfmrfdScdhnrr Rmcfor~ , kMroNa60nai E@merfng Lakrsfory, EGGSSRE4675, Fabwq Al fsiiuredatawereobfaInsdfromTabbs6 ond7 h Umreference.ThesetablesRslLhaaggragoUonsofCategory 1 smrceds!afrornNUCLARRasf!aMadhAugusl 1969. t. MmusfvohrefallIooparo!edalousad, 2. Chackvatvafall10opendale used. 3. Chockvatvafallfockr 4. Chsdvdvo Ioakagedala mod. We of faalragonolfndkofad. 5 Mo(orqwakrd vatvafdl bqmmfe dataused. dafsused. !“. . ,,,, ;:. , 6. ,,,: “i . r+ 7. t+ Molor.oparatadvalvaspurbusopwotbndataused Prteurnalfovstve failfoaporale andfall[oqan dalaused. w ii 8. Pnaumslkvaha spurfous q!erallon dafaused. 9. PneumaUovshrehlarnolIoakogodale U@ Sizeofloskogenofhdka!ed. 10, %hdd0pM19d*b il. SOlanddqmraladvatve sfnnfousOptualbndsfoussd. 12. Rdkrfvdm failboparafe andfoiltoopm dab usad. ;; ‘4 13. 14. . Rtikf vdvafafi [OdC60 fooperafedsleused. dataused. Vowurn-bmakarvaha fdl fo cfmraladaleused. 47 “ 1990, WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A * 15. Mokxdhen pumpfallb sfddala used, 16. Moforddvanpumpfall[o nm dafaused 17. Twbkw-ddvenfMlllpftit fosfaddala usad. 18. Tu?bhu+ddvan pumpfdl 10nmdatausad. 19. Dlasal.dhen pumpfell10sfaddata usrxf. 20. Diesel-ddvanpumpfail10nm dafaused, 21. Tank(unpmsswfzed)exfamafIaakageda!ausad. SIzodlaakago ndlndkalad. ?2. Iieatexchangw fuf.Mpluggedda!aused, ?3. l-leafaxchangarfntemalleakagedda usad. Sfzedkalage ndhrfka[ad. )4. I-fealexckmgarax fared )5. Skilnarpfuggeddalaussd. , b Iaakagodalaused. Slzedfaakagemfhlkafad. 48 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A b $RS-REACTORs- D. S. Crmner,Valve Retkrtilllyforhe LeveJ1 PRA ~, %wmrrrh Rker Site,WSRC-RP-69-7T6,Rev.0, 1991:D. S. Cranq @ack VefvaReIfebIIitvbr U@lad RW.0, 199i; andD. S. Cmmer,Dafe BaseDevabmn I imdEwbrrrenl RefialitifvbrPhasoldtlw PrcbaMki6cRkkAr@vs&, SaveMeh RJvarSii, DPST-67$42, Odober 1967. L Date em frc$nTebfe27 (Iltslmferemx, drova)forgale endfiugvefves. Falbopen(CC)and fi41brkae(OO)dahiused. 2. DabntiT*27(klrefam) tig~ 3. DobwetiTaW27(tilmfwm) tig*tim* 4. DdaarefmmTafie l(saamdreferrmw). F*~mdMhhbf~b&tifWbbhWdm. 5. Dab wa fmmTabfe 1 (socxmdreference).Fallsb remakrcfaced(CO)dale used Sizeofhfameffaafuue rtdfndke!od. mrf @JLIvahms.Fellsbmmahrrpen(K)ddeu sad. Faksbmn&cksed(CO) debused. Skeofhfemdbr@andhdka!ad. 6. 7. SeeNo!e6above. Dabhdudecmtyeldrkaf driverfalkrres.FeksbremAdaaad(CO) 8. SeeNofe6ebove. Dafehckrdeonlymodmfcdfeffwes. FdkbmnrAqrm(OC) 9. See Nde6elmve. Ddefnckftrorrly mctmkalfallum mdfdkbrerr&open(OC) dafaused. cfnfa@ed. FeRsbmmahdosed(CO) dabmad. Sizodhbmdfeakagendkrdkafd 10, 11. 12. SeeNdelOeLmve. DefahcfudearfymachanHfaIhmi 13. Date mrfrwnTebb 27(f&mferen@ fm@m@operakdvdves. FaIkbmmahcwr(OC)dabuwd Fallbqon(CC)andfel bdoao(OO)dabumd. 49 Ipfufu) , srmnr@l River sib, WSRC%P-90’1256, , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A * ~4. SWNofe138&xM3. DafII fncfuda@y scbndd drivarbii. 15. See Nob 13 abova. DIIfa Incfudecdy meclwnfcaibllures. f%% fa mmatnopen(OC)dab uwf. 16. Dala arefromTableV,3 (thirdreferencx$ferexpbdve vehfes.Fe!!tocpen(CC) dataused 17. flab wefrum TablesP.1, P,4, P.5, P,7, tnd P.8 (fhhdrefamnm), Dab Indudamadmkxl md rnriixdharfdkm, 16. See No!e 17 dmvo. Fell b nm dataused. 19. See Nolo 17 above, Failtosbpdata used. IQ. Dafa arofrwrrTabfeP.6 (Ukd refererm) fofscrwns. Pluggedfelfumdab used. 2!. Data orefmrmTabfeW.1 (Wrd refarorw) fixtrwefhg sciem Pluggedfah.rredafaused. Fellsb ramoh dmod (CO) endfellstOflMEhl ofwr (CC) dataused. Fallbsfarldabused, @ AcmreuabdRasullq t. Failureratehosedon zetu fa?hres,endmeybe amseMh@hl@ 2. SRS-REACTORdala arenofbmkendwinfn lo f~ti. NUCIARR1 defalndkatet.@fmaelfdfuras am fdlbdose. Therefofe,IJwSRS.REACTORfe6wewes aswnnedtobfalkb~. 50 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A ., s Table3b. Cs!egory1 dab forchemkal pmmss system Fsilire Dsia (CIXIXPIY1 Sourc@ SysbmKXnnPIMXWFallure Mode ; NUCLARR1 chemhxJPnxm3 V* (Sbndbyarst%q) Mmusl Fdkbqmkke -- PyOQl&l SRS41E/iCTORS , ‘ Plugs“ lmkege (kWnet) ~ ~ .. ..%. . . .. . Ru$ura (lnImuil) ~ Leakage(exletnal) . -- Ruphth (external) Chsd FaRsbopt?o Fdtsbdose plugs .. Leakego(hkmal) RU@HUWMIMO . . Leaksge(exkmui) Ruphm (axbmd). ‘ Molor-OP@XI Falk toqmnkka spufbus qmfkm Plugs LmkqKI (inkunal) 51 ...“~’ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A ,, * Tdh 3b. Calagory1 dala forchanka! pmc%sssyskm. 11 1 Syslain/Canponanl/FaikImMods 1 II II I Ii II II II Ii II II II II II NU13JU?R! SRS-REACTORS A&l/@Jd ! ! I I I I I II I I I II I I I II ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! I Ruplura(extarnai) ! ! ! Sdanoki-OoaraM I I I ! ! ! i I I Plufls I I I I -l spufkxJsCparalkm Ru@um(frrIamal) lmkago (exlaind) AbOpamlad FrIik [O@WLktOSf3 Spurbusopamlbn Ptugs Leakage(&dad) Rupfum(kdatnsl) Leakage(ardamml) Falk (or&nMose , II II FailuraD* (Cabgory1 soumns~ Ruplum(hIamfil) I I I I I I I I II I II II II Lmkqp (oxfamal) Ruplura(asfwnal) safetymnaf Fails10wan 52 > VVSRC-TR-93-262 ReV.1 APPENDIX-A T8bh 3b. CFIkguy 1 dala la hnk$ . PI’0C6Ssyskm 1 I FailumDsta(CtI@PIY 1!km@ %st~~*M* , ; NUCLARRI SRS-REACTORS Aggragabd Rasul& Fakbti Leslwge(hlelnd) 1 ( * R@a (inland) I.eskagfl(@dOnlal) [ Rupture(exlmd) vammamakw Fdkbaxm [ P FaRs[0 feckee Lenktxy Qnkmal) Rupfum(inland) Linkage (exkmal) I Rupture(extamal) Expklve Falk 10qmn lmkqo (hImal) Ru@ur8(hbrnd) ● leakage (external) Ru@ura(extend) 1 v WI/e (Conbol) Mo[or-Oporefed Fallsopon 1 53 . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDM-A IITable 3b, Calag&y 1 dab forchamlcalproms syalam. I v Falls&sad Falk III respond Plugs 1 Leakay (axtemal) Rupture(ademal) Ak-Opara&J Fallsopan Fallsdosad Fallslo mqxmd II II H I I I II Laakqa (erdamii) ! I I I Rupture(@dam@l) ! ! ! II ! ! ! SofanddQparakd Falls@an FaiIsto raspmd II ● I II Plugs I I I n II Lealqe (axbmal) I I I I RuPlwa(tudamal) Pump MolwlJrtvan 54 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A , Tablo3b. Crilqay 1 dab fordmkal pnxesi S@tUrt FdhNsDdn (Ca!egay 1 Sam@ WSIWJCUWIM~~LSeM* SRS4WtCTGlS NUCIARR1 Aggregabd RtMJ& — Fdk b slai ., II 1. I Ruphm (WmII) I I n I I II TutlineDrhmn Falk bslal Fdkbnm CMllspwd A ‘ Fsllsto S!~ Leskage(extend) RuphJKI(oxtmal) DbsofOtm Fells{0 StOft Faik10run , thspwd Fdk bslop Leakage(axbmalj B Rupture(extmal) Plpfn@-kB&fllmpBr i . 5?5 . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A II II Table 3b, Cak@ry 1dalaforchernkal prorxsssystam, SyslandCcmpononWaflure Mods FohrraDa!o(Ca@ory 1 %unxs~ NUCIARR1 Aggrt?golod Rosul& SRS-REACTCHIS Plpklg Laokage(errtaml) Rupturo(mrkrnd) . Plugs HOSO Lmkqe (oxfamal) Ruphn (axtmal) Mugs Jumper Leakage(exlrml) Rupture(axkmal) II I Plum I I vassal Tank(Unpressurkzod) Lonkogo(exfomol) . Ruplure(@damat) Tank(Pressurized) Leakage(exlomd) - Ruphrra(extamai) Flwr@Goskot Leakage(exlomal) RuphJm(exlarnaf) Heel Exchongor 56 .- 1 .. — — . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A II Table 3b. Cakqtuy 1dala forchamkal _ S@3111 I II Syslam4CompcoanVFailure Mods FdluraData (Cakqaty 1 Sams)B NUCIARR1 SRS-REACTORS ?Wyk? I CadJihqe Failure I I . 58 . .. ,. . . . JQ g Ii! ,- . ---- m $-v. ----- . . .. ,. . . ...... . . . ---- .,. . ... .. , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev,l APPENDIX-A Tsble 3c, CalegW 1dab forccmpmssedg= syslarn. FsNurFIData(Cafagwy1 Sam@ Sysftwthnprmertfalfure Mods NUCIARRI SRS-REACTORS IIg/lJJtig Laakage(lnbml) Ruph.m(lnkmal) Lakqe (extamal) Ru@ure(axlamal) Vaanlm.araakef Fdkloopen Fakbredxa LMagE (lnIatnal) Rupture(lnIarnal) Leakqo (adarnel) Ruphm (mdarnol) Vatva(COnbd) Mob@parabd FallsqxM Fallsdmxl Fallstorespnd . Plugs Leakage(axtarnai) Rupkue(axbmal) AJrqtlra!ad FailsOFWI Falls&sod 61 , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Tabls3c. Calegofy1Ma forcuwfawdgassyslm SWMW@WWM~~M~ FaihreDaIn(Cakgq I F RU@IKI(ademd) I Fdk breqml I P@ ! Leabge (extend) I R@um (mlemal) ! IW1.4E+2(I [q Mo6x-DtivFM Fa!k b SW 1 Sauices~ SRS41EACTC41S > 2n.3E+2d, 414,4E+2d [lJ -a 7.5EJYq7.1) 23t3m5h I (4 FaIIsto nm CMNspeed ., IYImq 2MJlE+4h 121 ‘ 5.6EMI(I,2) , Fallsbskq Lwhne kubmdl Riphm (exlernal) I I Piplrl#HOWJumpmube Plpkig 62 , J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Table3s, Ca!egory1 dala foratmpmssedges SfitlYlt FallumOde (Cetqxy t Seurw@ SyslerdCunponenWellureMode NUCIARR1 SRS-REACTORS Wmgrl!lti Loskege(e)domelj Rupture(extend) PIUQ$ , Hose Leakege(exlemek) .: Rupture(extend) Plugs Jumper Leekage(exbnel) Rupture(mdemel) Plugs Tube Leskege(e)dermi) Ruplure(exhnel) Mugs Vessel Tenk(Pressurized) Leakege(exfemsk) Rupture(exlemel) Cytklder(Pmssurlzeq Leaksge(oxtetnsl) Rupture(arbmud) Flan@Geskel Leakege(extend) 1 63 ‘~ , J [a “Ut VVSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Ttble3c. Categuy 1 data fm~edgassy$kum ., FdhmuDdn (Mq/cny1SaJIK8S~ SYSI~~*M* HLJcww ypqlJrJ SRS-RE4CTCM Rupture (exttmd) HtM13.chmwer stldvTube Frmtlng(lubes) * Plugs(Illk!$) leakage (lubes) Ru@ra (tuk) Leakqe (shell) Ru@ure(shell) lieater(Ehx&kal) Fe’lsbhed Leakagil(extm$l) Rupksa(tudemal) V$pxlmr Fdtum Ak DIP FdimI (Ml.&Ah , PI . “ 5mvil(lo) [1] Fllkw M Le$qa (lnlsn@ R@ure@letnal) . 64 . > WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Table 3a. Calegoty1 dala fff cunpressedgas system. I Syslem’CrxnponenM%ikua Mafa I ., NUCIARR1 FdiuraDab (Cafagay 1 Sounx@ 1 I SRS4?EACT0RS ?$yWJmgd Phm * b J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A T8bla k. Ckgory 1 dala brcanpressed gas system ., 6 a FdlumdalawelkNedrs h W,tiXkb_df*, WYhtimmm@)w_d_. 4we@xJrEsdIsammMdsIN xfsdm(hwdheses). nrmrrcdadorkttre! mprmntasmhpmnti)e. . NOIIH AEldoelal.,Generk CammrrtFellure C)ab BIMbrlJu trlWaMrmdlbddSakmR ~-S, AUbfhrodalswereoLWsdfmmTsMes6and7httrerafwsmx. L Numbershtxadols rdabnobskbdbdrw,mmgrdtrysatm, “ r&ikvPR&, lddrONadard ErwhserhgLabaday, EGG-SSRE81)75,Fdrruary1990. tiWMti~*d_lmWtiWMm RdMh~tlW. fMowerkwnpr@sorfdlIosbuidafa used. 2. flkmr~ 3. Akdryorfall 10opsra!edataused, fallb nmdata used, SRS-REACTOR!i-D. S. Crmr, DNJBf WDWdOMK@MdEWIMWIIRA ItMV~IWM f d~ ~Smm$IFWwSib, 1. DalrJarefr0rnTabh3sG.2andG.3. Alrdrywfdbresmhdudedhan) drjk FdbsMddauwd 2. DatsmkunTetJles G.2ardG,3, AMryedaRuresarel ncWrxlhbttde(a Fdbnndabus(d, . &gromr[ed = f. Fsilumra!etwwdonzemfalhrresqndrnsykmwdhtyhlgh , 65A DPST47-!M2, (kkklM7. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A -. FailuraDab (Cat~ SysladComponenVFailuraMcdo NUCLARR1 1 Source@ SRS-REACTCfW Ag&lgf&g HVAC/Exhausl Damper(Slandbyorsafely) Monud Faib 10oponfdose Plum Leakage(intornol) Rmlure (lnkmrall Leakage(oxtomal) Ruplure(exlarrral) MoWClporahd Fails10opanfdosa Spuriousoporakfr * Plugs Leakqe (hbrnal) Ruplura(Internal) Leakwo bxfomall RuPIura(axiwnal) . Alr-Opwaled Fallstoopaddoso SpurkxsOpefaUon “ 311.2E+3d [q lW3SE+2d, 17/2.tE+2d, I%?.!md, 61S.3E+2d, 215.3E+2d It] 9.9EWI(6.1) Y2.9E* $wEq 82EQ?I(4.2) “ 66 ,. . . .. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table3d. Crdrqory1dolofw Hv/!~oxtlousl syslom. Fdhra Data(Calogofyt !humsy SysloNanpnanbFailura Mods NUCLARR1 SRS-REACTORS Aggregated Resu& Rupfum(extend) Fmv13kYAw Mokr-Drlvan Falls!OSkd 1111.5E+3d PI llt.2E+3d PI 1315.2E+5h i442E+5h [4] 4.4E4M(5,4) * Falkfonm PI 2.9E~2.4) chwsptled FaflsbSbp leakage (axfamai) Rupture(axlemol) DbsaKMvan Falls10Ned Fallstorun Ovalspead Falls fOstop Lmkago (axlamel) Rupture(axkwrol) o Ddkrg Leakage(mdamol) A I Ruplum(axlamoi) Plugs l-lastExdImgar AlrcwKMdng Untv 8&lE+2d [4] 1.4E-2/d(tO) 68 . ,. . . # — WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 3(L Categcny1 daIa fortiVAChhausl syslem. FdIure Dab (Catqay t S(nm@ F [. leakage (lnfemal) Ruphue(lnbmd) “ sand PllkJs b Leskago(inIemrd) Ruplum(himl) flaghalsfl’ Plugs II~ x I LWaga (Mu@ Rupture(ln!emd) Mkcaktneous MM Eflnhlur Felhu Saubber Fahre II I Pmdpltlmr Faflui-e ● 70 ~ J {P “.+ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A tableM. CdegoIY 1 dab fwHVAWxhausl syslom a FalMadafnamfk!ed8x W,*XkW*dfWm,tiYkMww@@)w*d~ b, Aggmf@dmsufbsaremammdemrfador(in~lkes). Nurrtwshbrdekrafarbnofas ksfsdbebw,mmgedbysusw. Thasmfacbxtsfhe95thpmxnbm_.. NOIBS N!&!MN-S.AEWOld., alfureDafaf3EMbcLfahtWefamd LfaukJsadlunRt)eduPRA$ , fddmNa60nd EngfnesdngLabmakny,E=SRE-6875, @WfCCOmDOIMF AlffalfumdafawarooMafnadfrunTabfas6md7hbrafarenm. ti~hlti~qtid_l ~dtibNUmmNtiMh@l t. Dafnpsrfdl toqmrale dab used. Typaofdtxnpernd hrfica!ad(alrqara!ad asswned), 2. WrdIlaforfm fall10sfarldafa used. 3, Venbla!orfm fail10rundataused, 4. Akcmd@nhgdlfdlbsfatdafausad. 5. AkmdMonhgunflfaMfofundataused. 6, - Fmfrmofmftfall bdaddala usad. 7. Fdtxnfarun!ffafl fonm dala u@, -. lW. . SRS-REACTOR$- D. S, CremM, Deb Base De&wmmf md EuubmanfRelfMtfvkxf%asg loftiCollflllernents valem,Smah RtvarSib, SRL-PRMKKKN1, Ravlslm 3, J&nk?sy25,1990. 1. Dala arofrunTabfo 1 (secondmfarenca).Fallbopan(CC)mdfdllo , 2. DafaFtfefromT&Je l(semdre!orenca). Fallsbram&qmn(OC) mdfdlsbramdndmad(CO) :3. Data m fmmTak&s VENT.7, VENT.8, mdVENT.9 (fWafanme). F*b$MdaUtwed. 4. Fahuary 1990. UCRbk A@@, Savannd W& Site, DPSTJJ7~2, Ocbbor 1967 md D. S. Crwnw, f@Mitv dme(Oo)datauwj, dahusad. . Data are fmmTabfesVENT.7, VENT.8, mfVENT.9 (fkslrafsmnc$ Fallsbnmdafa usad.“ 71 d Dmumrs h be Reedcg J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Table 3a. Cabgory 1 da!afwekdicddishii syslam. SyskmOxtIponenUFailure Moda f%!luratlala(cal egoly NUCMR1 EkMic Pavar Ganara!or Dket-Dti Falls tOSbIt Falls10mn Mob@dvan (W b dc) Fails[0 Sbd 1 S0ma5y SRS4U%CTCYlS yqKll&l 92/13.7E+3d [f) 26&lE+2d, l&?ME+2d [1] 1.3E-2.M(2,2) 2S’ME+3h PI liS,8E+2h b M 4,1E341(3.3) “ Fdktonm 3wi&Oh 2.lEQlflO) PI Gas-Turblr&Xivan Ftits tOS!&t 3!iQ.4E+2d 3.8E-2M(IO) [4j Falls(o tun HydmTudIIIWJdvsm FakstOSkllt 115.7E43h [5] 26E4RI(10) t214.lE+3d F] 3.lE~lO) Fab !Orun Ballafy FaJlure 7b.9E+2d, JJ19.4EW 1211.8E+3d PI &oE#d(t,2), 8.4E4/h(3.7) m Chargei ReclMar Faflura Bus MeW%cksd Fallm ma . 2!M.6E+611 [8] 1.8ESlh(l,7) llL4E+7h P) 1.lE-7~fO) PI 72 .- .. ,. . m 1- . . ( .. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Ttble 3a. Calegcq 1dab foreleclrkaldisMtm!JMI system. SyskmdCcunponenWailura Mode Fdlura Dafa (Cefegory1 Sorrrms)’ NUCLARR1 II II SRS-REACTGW A99mwJ9~ Bw.hfe Wls foc@nkbse I swiorJs Ormdorl I I 1’1 SWM PusbDutton(Manual) F&b or)eddase Spuriws Operalbn Roby (Manual) . Fallsformarddose II I I Sllrlriorlswereual I w-f~w~m Falfsto@dose Spurbusopallon AutomalbTransfar Fdts toor)adcbse l17,5E+ld [121 2,0E-2AI(!O) wM@4d, 7/oX+6tl [13] 4.OE4M(10), 9.2E-71h(to) [1] Ohj.3E+ld, 7.!JE4M(10), spurkmqmuon Llrrrif Falls[0 qmddo6a . Spuricmsoparatkm Fuse Fdfbopen Pramatureopanlng lrnmrler 74 m, c- . ,. . . g $4 a . . - - WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Tablo3a. Categq I dala foretecfrkaldkltfbulkmsyskrrt a. Folluradalaarolklodas: ~,* Xkh*dfMw, tiYkti~m@w)w_d_. Nm~h~tiokmfwb~=kti-,_~~. b. Aggregalodresulk are moonandanwfocfor (inporanUw@. The en’orfaclorlstha95Vrfkn’cedla/501hpemrdla. Nolas NUCLARR1-S. A, Ekfoet al., Gerx?rkCanrwnonl FoHuroDeb BaseforLfrIhtWa!~ andLbuldSodfurnReader PRAL fdohoNo90ndEngheoringLaboraby, EGG-SSRE-6675,Fobuary 1990, All falhr-odatawa obtokredfmmTables6 and7 In he roforonw. ThesatablesIMtho oggragatlmsofCofegay 1soursad~ fromNUCIARR osHexkled hAugusl 1969. f. Dkdgenoraforfd 2. Dlml gonorakrr fall10 m dataused. ). Mohx-drfvarrganordor fdl 10rundafa trsad, 1. GosM.inadkrrr i. Gas-hJhbddvon genarolorfoiltotun data used. ;. Hydro-lurblnodrfvengenorokxfailtosbrf dataused. tOslorlddo USod. ganoralorfallfoslattdotoused. Batlaryfalltooporalodalausad. Ba[loiychargerfall10operalodataused. I ElodrirA axxfustor(bus)faillo op?raladatausad, TypoofbusnolIrxfkafod. 0. Clrcuiltxookwdata(exmpf forsfxniousfelluromode)used. o 1. Cmll broakerspdous dab used. 2. Aubrnrdk (radar SWM fall10operoladale used. .3. Insfrumonlalbrr(llrrIH)swildrfailIoeporatedafoused. 4. Pwmr elechdcs (invertw)fail10oporaladataused. 76 .- .. . ,. . d ,- .- . , f WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A rablo 3f. Calegoiy1 dataforInshrmanlalhnandumlrd syslem, FafluraDala (Catqay 1Sourms)I sysladcornponanthllum Mda NUCLARR1 SRS-REACTORS Agg:grl I-15hmdatbn md Canb’d AltiAMti81w Failsla slam spJdow Oparauon . 12’?HE4J, 70n.6E+7h [f] Sensar/TransmlHer/ TransdumriPm Swllch Tamp&alure Fahrra Pra5sure Ftdlura [IJ 218,7E45h, #1.2E+6tl [1] 28E4M(3,5), 1.lE-&h(3,3) 2.8E4d(3.5), t.lE-@h(3.3) DtfbranuelPIBssura Fdlurm Fluu Fdlura Laval Failure tlumldily Falluro PH Falbra OxygenCanmntaUan Fallura “ CG Conwntratlon Fallurri HydrcganCancerhalbn Fallur?r 78 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Tabls3f. Calagay 1 detaforhsbwnadatm d CWIbdSySkJIIL FaiiumDafa(Cs!eguy 1%mces~ s@~~*M* twlARRt SRS41EACTWS ; P4#m$lfegrl NllrqmrICanavIfn4bn Failure HydrocadmnCWmntralbn Fdlure 8 HalumConmnlraUon Fai!ure sped Fallum . Sel.slnlc FallmJ Radla!Jan Falfure lndldu Fallum Anlpwiar ‘ “Fallum - Modii/Slgnd CondiIbner Failure LogbModule Fdlum , Recorder Fdlura sam@r Fdlura “ ‘ hatyzef Failure 7 . WSRC-TR-93-262 i%v.t APPENDIX-A . Table 3f. Cabgay 1 dala forlnsburnanlaUon andcontrolsyslarn, Sy$larnlCotnponanVFahaMods FaUuIEI Dab (Cabg~ 1SooIC@ NUCLARR1 SRS-REACTORS Aggmegwg Tlmar Failure G= Clnwnalqra@ Failura Vdlage Regulafm Fdlure TnmsmHfw Fellum 5712.6E+7h M 2.2E.6h(l,4) Trmdtazv Failure I ProgranunaMaLoglcconlrofler Failure 80 J , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A tablo 3L Cakyxy i driloforhsbumanhh andcfmbolS@W1l. a. Falfumda!aarelkla daxW, We b. Aggragaladrasu!fsara maan d Xb@-df~m, dYk NurnbaIsh bradds raf~bmim Wmm@~)m*d*d am fador(ln @&hasas). TfMenufadwk ha !151hpamenW50ftI permntla. listedbafow,&mm@ bysourw. . Nol= 1. Transduca(aensor)dalaused. Fbs[dalaanjryk forfalhuebopm%. %oonddalaanbylsforspurlmsoparatkm. Typatf#sensorndfndMad. 2. Transrnlltarfailure b opara!o dalaused. $RS4WACTORS -D. S. Cram, Dela Base DwabmanlmdE 1. rdwnenlReMJlitvfor PtwseldU)aPr@@fks tfcRlskAn@vs ~ SavsmnakRivarSKa,DPST4J7-6420WC&Y I!Xl?. Thmomu@a datafromTablaE.16 used. , 81 (“ ..< c1 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Table 4a. CfIlaaow2 deb forwalersYsfem. NUCIARR2 I NPRD3 I WIN430 OREDA T I 1 I , Wafe$ Vatva(Sfandbyff Safafy) Manual Falk Iocpanklme Pllm@ Leakrqe (axtemal) Ruphre (exfemal) 124/1.3E+10h Y3.8E+6h, la W,5E+6h [1] 711.3E+10h lx 013.8E+64 otME+6h [1] 3i4.7E+4d [4] 3W2.2E+7t4 1.411AE+7h [4] Falls 10 dose II FaUumflala(Cabory . . . 2 Sourc@ Sys[errWomPIMWfJlure Mode u] I TRITIUM I 1.4EW(19), 7.lE.71h(10) 1 , I 1.OE-MI(9.6) 5.8E401h(lo) -+ I l.tlwd(lo~ 1.3E-7Jll(lo) 1 10,712,2E+7h, 4.41 L8E+7h Leakage(Inlemal) 9,1E-7hr(2.9) ● -w Leakage(exlemml) ..- nl 124ME+I(M 52.W.2E+7h, v] 21.Wt8E+7h ; AyJplfg LNGf 1.5E4ifll(28) 82 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Tablo4a. Calagoiy2 da!aforwalarsyalarm S@mCornponanWhre FdluraDab (Calogory2Soums)’ Mode LNGI TRITNJM WIN330 OREDA NPRD3 NUCLARR2t-- PI 7/1.3E+loh Rupfuro(axlemal) PI Mokdlperabd ‘ 5.6E-10lh(lo) w,2E+7~ W1.6E+7h . 3,6E4M(I,8) - Fafk 10ooankbw 2U1.4E+6h m. Spurbus Operaual 1.6E-7i%(ll) -‘ ~ Leaktge (axfemal) 124/1.3E+10h PI Ruplure(axfomal) Leakage(lnVxnd) II Rup[ure(inlamal) I 5,6E4IM(10) 6Y2.9E+4d SpurbusOparah Plugs I 71 L3E+loh PI AlrQroraled FailstO@dOS13 II 9.6E-9ih(lo) I I * 1616.9E+2d [lj 3.4E#d(3,8) [8] 10/1.lE+7h 9/4#3E+6h 1.2E4MI(2.0) I I I I 1 1 LVl,4E+7h [10] 7143Q6h [t] 6.9E-7/lr(26) [10] 314.3E+6h [t] 3S)E-7111(2.6) 83 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 4PPENDIX-A ., b Table4a. Calogory2 dale forwaler system. I Feiie Dale (Caleuow2 SourC@ SyslenKornponanbl%.ilureMcxJe NUCLARR2 NPRD-3 WIN-336 DREDA Af#lq~ LNGt TRITIUM t- 1 I . “. leakage (external) Rup!ure(exfemal) I 12411,3E+10h [2] Y4.3E+6h [q 9.9E-91’11(7.6) I 7/t.3E+10h [3] (N4.3E+8h [11 5.6E4~lo) Solenold.Operaled Fails[oopddose Spuriousopera(ion 9w9,0E+3d [11] 0.314.6E+4h, 2.6J4.8E+7h [5] l/8.8E+4h [12] 0.114.6E+4h, 1.2/4.8E+7h [5] 124/L3E+10h 3.914.6E+4h, 41.414.tlE+7h [5] lall(37) 711.3E+10h W4,6E+4i LU4.8E+7h [5] 5.8E-10/h(tO) 1.IE-2M(IO), 7.5E4MI(10) I 5.8E$’h(lo) I I \ Leakega(exlemal) 1 Ruptrre(axlemiri) [3] Salalyllellel Falls10opan , 13W4.9E+4d [13] I 1 I 1.2E-2M(3.3) I Falls10Aose Leakage(internal) 419.7E+5h, 7.5i9.2E+6h [6] l,lE431h(2.5) 64 .- .. — — — — . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 \PPENDIX-A ., Table 4A Crrhxmw2 da!aforwabr syslam. FaifuraDala (Calegoq 2 Sore@ SyslendCompnanbFai!uraMode NUCIARR2 NPRD.3 WIN-330 OREDA 1 Aggfegtgfeg3d L14G1 TRITIUM Ruph!ra(axlsmal) Alr.Opara[ad Fallsooan , Falfs&sad Falls10raspond Plugs Leakage(mdemal) RuphJre(axlamal) Sdendd-(lparatad Fallsopen 1 I I I I I # i I I I I .~ Pump Molor-Drlvan Falls10slad 841ME+6d [14] 1.418.4E+5h, 2.9/2,6E+6h, 60/2,6E+6h 171 m.oE+2(J, 3.&3E+4h, 10/2,7E+5h [2] 24Z2.4E+7h [15] 0.816.4E+6h, 1.8&?,6Ei6h, 3.7t2.6E+6h 0’! 2L?,0E+211, IMi3E+4~ 17tti3E+4h IA o Falls10run “ 8.31NM(!3.1), 3.7E&(8,3) 9.4E4Mr(ll) 86 “=-J I < D ~ . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Table 4a. Cakrgory2 dale fofwatersystem. . FailureDala (Caleqory2 SOUIC@ SyslarnfcwllponanwalluroMode NUCIARR2 TRITIUM DREDA NPRD-3 t- LNG1 Aggragalad Resuk# 1 I 75/1.lE+3d, ~.~+2d lfY1.lE+3d [20] Dksal-orivsn Failsb StOff 3.4E-2M(4,0) PI 23E-21h(lo) Fslk [0 Nn D’mr5f)sed Falls10 Sbfl 43/1.6&9h [16] Leakage(axlarmd) 2.7E4W(10) lf3.6E+5h PI 1.6E-!Xh(lo) ot3.6E4fl Ruplure(exkrnal) PI P@-@fose.mrnpar Piping Leakage(external) 4561 2.OE+llh.fl [21] 2.3E-9M(1O) RuPlure(fJXtWlld) 1II 2.OE+lIh.fl [22] 56E-IIM(1O) Plugs , Hose Leakage(axlamal) *., I I.7E-9IM(1O) 01 1.7E+7h-fl , ;:?E+91M [8] . 88 Rev.1 # WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 IIPPENDIX-A able4a. Calsgq 2 dab ferwalersyslem. , Faiie Dab (Cabgory2 %urces~ Syskm/ComponanlFaiie Mcda . NPRD-3 NUCIARR2 I I ~EDA WIN-336 I TRITIUM LNG1 I .Aggregeied Rasul& 0/ 1.7E+7h~ 1’4/ l,4E+!Jh4t ‘ [8] l,oE4M1-fi(lo) 6Ki3E+6h [23] 714a3E+6h [9] 2.2E41h(19) lh3.3E+6h [24] [9] [23] 93A1.2E*6h, 565/l,2E+7h [to] , [24] 3.9/Q.2E+6h# 24/L2E+7h [10] l16h3E+9h [25] 16/l,2E+7h [11] lI&3E+9h [26] [11] Rup!ure(exlar&l) s... “1 Jumpaf Leakage(exlem~) Ruplure(exbrrml) “ Plugs vassal Tank(Unpressurized) Leakage(axbrnal) Rup!ure(ardemal) Tank(Pressurized) Leakage(axlemd) . Rup!ure(axtknel) b I T I ---l-=+ 4.!iE411h(23) % Flanga&skel Leakage(exbmal) Ruplure(external) 3.ciE-!311(19) 1.6E-lLU?I(ll) 89 I J *,1 (A :.4 * -. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A < Table h. Calegory2 dala forwalersyslem. . FailureData(Ca!rqoiy2 Sow@ SyslenKemponerrbFailureMode NUCLARR2 NPRO-3 OREDA WIN-336 TRITIUM LNG1 Aggregalad Res@ Leakege(lubes) 5m.2E+6h PA Rupture(lubes) m.2E+6h P81, 7J3E.WI(10) Leakage(shall) 213.2E+6h 7.6E-$M41O) t 4&6E+4h [4] 1.6E-7111(t7) ml W3.2E+6h w] Rupture(shell) , I.fx-wl(lo) Healar(Elaclkd) Falls10heal 1.216.2E+5h [12] 1.6E4MI(10) Omrhrrals o#216#2E+6tl /12] 3.oE-7Al(lo) 2611.2E+7h 113] 2.2EW(10) 7.71L2E+7h [13] 6.6E-7/tr(lO) Stralnel/Filler Plugs Leakage(inlemal~ Rup!ure(ln!amd) * $. ., 90 .: WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A Table 4J. CalagoIy2 dale forwaler syslerrr. a. Failuredale areIisladas WY, whereX Is Iha numberof failures,andY is Iheexposurepetial (h)or numberddemarxJs. Numbersh brackeLsrefertonoks listedblow, arrangedbySOI.XW. b, Aggregatedresullsare mean anderrorfacfu (kI parentheses).The am facfofIsIhe95WpercentiW501h pera?n!ila, Noles .9 ~fi comm~ F*CIData B&seforLhht WaterandLbuldSo&m ReeclorPRA.$ IdahoNaOonalEngheeifngLoboraby, E6GSSRH1675, Febru&yW90. Ako, S. A, Elde ef d., Comonad Exlemal ncwEslimaks, ldahoNaOondEnghaarhg LaboraknyoE66.SSRE-%39, November1591, Allfailuredala exqi fortheleakagefdfuremodewere oNalnedfrwnTabbs 6 and7 h thekl refarenw. These Iablas lid theaggrqalbns d Ca!agay2 sourcedab fmmNUCfARR as MexistedhAugusl 1969. The exlemal leakagedab wereoblainedfromOmsecondreference+These dalewarenolh NUCfMR al Ow6rnetherefemnwwaspublii, bulshw thenha dafahavebeanenlemdInloNUCIARR. 1. . Manualvdve failtoqwale dala used. 2. Valveaxfemalleakagedataused(secondrefaram), 3. Valveexfamalwpk!redale used(secondrefarenm). 4. Chackvdvafalffoopafaledalausad. Dafahcbdabo!hfdls foopenandfdlsbdose. 5. Chadtvdve Itdamalleakagedale used, SizedlnW 6. Moloqeraled valvefallIooparale, fail10open,andfallfodose dale used 7. Mo!o+oparalad,vdvasputbusoparalkmdala used, 0. Pneumalkvdva falllooparale end fall toopandatauseri 9! Pneumallovalvespuriousoperallonda!a used. 10. PnaumaUovefvakdamel Iaakegedata used. Size dkbmol fealrqe nof Indkabxf, tl. dalausod, Sdandd valve fall looparalo 12. b Sdanddv&espudcus operallm dabused.. 13, Reliafvalvefailtoopendale usKI. Ieokagendhdkalad, 91 $ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A \\ !! ,, 11 14. Mo!ordrfvenpumpIaiitoshutda!aused. 15. Mdodvan 16. PumpexW 17. Pumpexfamalmpfuredata&d (semnd mfamnm). 10. Steam-furMn4ven pumpf~ Qstaftdala ussd. 19. $Iaam-!udkeddven pump fail lotun data used. 20. Diiafdduan pump fa!l tOSkUf dataused, 21. Plpfngexlamd leakagedataused(secondrefamnce). 22. Plp!ngextamd rupturedrdaused(S- 23. Tankexlamalleakagedataus”ed(secondrefaranm). 24, Tankestama!mpturedataused(secondmferenca). 25. Flangeextend faakagedataused(secondrafafance). 26. Ffangeexlamafn.tpluredataused(saamdrefarenm). 27. Haal exchengaflubeleakagedata used(sewnd referam). 28! Heat exclmgerkhe ruptufedataused(seund reference). 29. Heal axchangarshd faakagedala used(secondreference). , N! Heat exchangarshatlNptufe dataused(sewnd refemm). pumpfall10tunda!a used. taakagedataused(secondrefarense). NyRJJ . M.J, Rossf,fjodecthk , mfaranoa). Pad$Reffaliiilv!X@ RafiaMtyAnalyslsCenfar,RwnaAk Davabpmen!Cen!ar,NPRD-3, 1995. ~fdlwedaba~bagti kd(ff)m--~~~. ~(C), tiw(M), W_-(?) dtiwemti Uw-. allloopanfcfose,spurbusoperalkxleh Unknownfa6uremmlaevankwarendmMared. TkN~Wf&m&@rtiti _f*sMmmbMfX. mtves,dwull beakers, relays,endsvdkhes,thefdbwhg mapphgofNPRIN failuremcdashlo thefd!we modesd hbrest wasused 92 Fahenmfakdonnahwasu sedbdalmnhavdmt% offaihreswem OnlycalasfrophlcfaBureswerausedfortNsstudy.Fer ., .:.‘/ ..,: ! ;.. .. . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 APPENDIX-A .,,: w .,. .... .. \ .. ..: .,.“,. t;, ..; ,,. ;: ;;‘1 .! I .. Failla qenkbs.ebparale - Mnding,breach(wAforvalves),mrbminaled, cra&xMmclumrJ,no movementmopafalion,seized,studropen,endsluckdosed Spudausopralbn - arcing,kumed,dlapsed, dkpfamf, fake raqxnwa,lmpmpMflow,Inlarmitlanl.opened,ovafhaalerf,andshaded Plugs- mm identified Leakage(in!arnd)-mm fdenlifii excaplforlaakhg@n@halfofevanls applied lahkrrd leakageforchedtandrdefvdtes) ;:J : !’s I.eakage(axlalnal)- leaking b $ g y. Rufhre (axkmal) -beach (valvesonfy). ~, i Fofpumps,fans,andd!eselgenamtors,k folbvdngmappingwas used :4J ,..., .I ~... \ no mevemrlt nooparatbn Failto Sblt - cdamhdad, cfackdfmckd, $7: y<j ,. , y; .., ,,+ -. + ~y i g? ,< A ~:. 1 ,1 ,,: $ ,,,. ,,fi ,. :<<< ~ ‘1 4 Fall IOIUrl-~~, kd(~ diipt~, ffb raSfX1l’BO, _ fbw, klhllihi, (warht?ti, &ad, ShOd&fo S!uckdoso(f,SbJdtOfR3fl Ovarspaed(subse!dfail 10WI) - knpmper lknv (om-hdfdavank used),sludoperr Fell!OSbp-110013k!arti!ii . Leakage(axtamal)-leaking . Ruplure(exlamal)- beach (nolforgeneraler) u,, il %r vessels, piping,hoses,ondfumpam, he fafbwkrgmappingwas used :~. .:,.,. $\1 Leakage(exkrnal) -cmckadfradured, leaking .<. /. ,,.’ ,, Rupfrfre(external)-krokert,lyeach, .,! ~,.,l .“ ;:,,,. ....; ,+ ,.,:.: :’,; ..,4 ,,. Plug-lrnpm$edbv(cwhaifdevenkusad) Leakage(inbrnal)-fmpmpw llw(amAatfdevants used) “ 93 . > , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev,l APPENDIX-A Ruplure@ernal) -Ixoken, cmckedihc!ured,mphm?d. . urhea[era,Iha k#mvhg mapphqwas used Failtoheal -crackeMmdured, nooparallon,opened Overheal-ahodad. ManuaUy-acOva!advalve data used (p. 153). Fdlura mods iMom@on (p. 297)hdix!es 25% dfai!ures amId bofxmk%a, 50% areexlamd leakage,ado% areaMamelIUPIINIA Chackvalvodataused(p. 150). FailuremodeInkwmalkm(p. 296) irvka!es 8,2%’dMkms ruefailbdosa md 2.5% arefailbopm Chadcvalvedateused (p.150). FWeti~@.~)Wm~.8%df@mwab~. ndirdkalad. tidk~m~tibh!d-dmdti-wbmm. Slzedhfamalbakaga Ctred(vakadate used(p.150).Fal!ure modehfomalbn(p. 296)M!calss O%dfe%ve$ tie ardamdwptura, 65,8% areaxbmal Iaakaga,endO%are exbrndruplum. S&mold valvadala used (p. 156). Fake mode hfonnelbn (p. 306) Indcdrs 4,4%dfdhms arefeil 10opaMos6, 1.8%erespubusOparalkrn, Rella!vafvedaleused(p. 155). Fdlueti-ti@.~)_&l~df*m&o_. Indkabd. Ona-Mofthasewwaess@edbh!arnallaaka@@ureandthaotharhalfbaxlamalbakaga Skedhbmelbekegeno! Canlrlfugelpump da!eused (p. 104). Fetktremodehformalh (p.291) hdkakn 19,4% dfaibres uefaii b slart 11,9!4 we failb run,2.4% areovampeed,51.4% w erdarndleakage,W 0.34% n exlemd nybre. Hoseda!aused(p. L12).Sectmdenlrykforgroundmolik(GM)wlmnmant. F&eti~@. ~)tiklWdfti~wetid~atiM% ~e_*. Eechhosewasasmnnadbke20fl Sforegelankdab used(p. 143). No failuremodeInfotmalbq so 100!4 essumedtokeexlamdbekagahuplure. Sized bakagendhdkabd. Accumulalordalaused(p. 26). BOUIanlriesare forgroundmobila(G&4)anvlmnmanLFailuremodeIhm@an(p. 289) In&alas 63% d teibre areexkrnd leakageand3.4% era a)damaltuplwe. Generalgaskeldala used(p. 71). No failuremodslrdrmnalkm,10100%essumadb be axtamd Ieekegakuptwe.Skedlaalqe Eledkal heabrdaleused (p. 81). FeUuremodehfoima90n(P.287) IndMes 62% dfdkm * nolbdided. arefdi bhad tmd7.7% m overheat, Fluldfillerdale II&M (p.67). FaiJuremodeIrIformalkm(p. 265) lndbalas75’?4d falbres&a IrdamalIaakagatmd22% arehlemal ruptwe. Eu - Dlishore17ellabilitv Dala HX Dfkhora RalbMlityDala (OREDA), Nonvay, 1964. 94 1 ,,<! ,. . .. ,-! ,,.,, \ %.1 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 ,,,.j” “ APPENDIX-A >..:.~ :4,? ,.,,.: ~. II IailureInksmalbnwas lakan fromha cdbl fai!uremodecategory,un!esselharwiseIndiilad. .-.: ,. .;. ,$.; Pnaumalhdty-oparabddelugevalve in fireIighUngsystemdab used(p. 97). Improperqeration (degradedIdlwe mode)usedferspudeusoparahrr. intend leakage(degradedfaiturameda) usedfer h!amd leakage, dgnKicanl /... ~ ,,:;: . .. INamd Iaalqe usedferirdamelruphre, andexbmd leakage(kw@ardfaikrremeda)usedfrxesler-ndIaakqa. ,,... yy -4 L\,.. Elecfrkrndor,geadshafldrivantie walarpump(p.95), shgla s4e eladrfcrnebrddven(p. 173),md mullls~e elacfrkmobrdrivan(p, 181)dala used. Failsbh daIa basedorroparalimd Oma. Leakage(hcfpfmlfaikue rnoda) ,;> ,;~ usedferaxbmal Iaakage. ~:, ● ~.; A ;.;~,. ‘1 1 :.$., :\.-. ?$, :;:: ,., Dlaselmofor,gearkhafldti”(p. 91) andhydraukdtyddvarr(p.93) pumpdalaused. Fallsb rundala based m eparali& lima, Leakage(lndpbnIfa!bremeda)usedforextamalIedqe. W&dwalwhrbak&d fypahaatexchangerdalaused(p.207). Leakage(degra& faiiurernorfa)usedfaflubeleakage. .. & ,,.. :?:,’*. ;$~ IM ,,<; -J. N, WUkfnsme! af,,jdahe Chamkd Promsfm PlantF&rQ Rale Dalalmsrj,ldahoNaUmdEnghearhg Labxakxy,WINWO,D dd)sr 1991, .. :,.’ ~:.~ IIfailureInfmnalkmwas fakenfun Appnd& C, p, 32 ..J <. . . ~ M. A. S(dp &WE~ J* W(ISlo TreatmenlSVslemCommnenlFdivre De18Arla&dsfromJune18.1$$4 b De@mLwr31.1913 ;j lJJJJJ.j.1, c, c~~~ $ IdahoNaUmdErrghadng LdxMry, EGG-FSP-8973, Rev. 1, Nevemlw TtiUvrTI RrxmAirMmHor ~: )9Q L c. CadWallarjq M, A SldpeGava~ml LQddarrq CommneNF@urtIf3alaAnafYSiStrcinJarIWVl, wb~3 , M, W Ndbnd EIwhaedng Labxabq, EGGFSP-9450, May1991;md F ~, C, Cadwdladermd D. P. S&xxmdaIv Cmlahmard SvslemCorntsonenfallweDataAr@vslsfrom1984b 19914IdahoNalbnd I!@madq Latmk&’EGGFSP40323, ALrgusI 1992. ~. ,,> :,,+? . ..InmrovedlNGPlan!FatlureRate f)afa 8a&&Gas RasaardrIdikrle, PB32W503, SeplambarW&U. :l:; {~-D, W.tidJ, R, WaMw, @-ldn 1 , ,; >->: 95 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A — Table 4b. Calagwy2 data fwchamkal processsyslerm sydandcompmihllure Mode NUCURR2 OREDA NPRD.3 ChamlcalProcess Vatve(ShmdbywSefety) Marud Failstoopaddoae , Plugs Leakaga(inland) Ruplum (lntamd) II ,, II ,, Lmkqo(axtamd) II I {{ ! RuP!ure( I I I Pluas I I I Leakage(Inbmal) Ruplure(lnkunal) Leakage(axler@l) Ruplura(axk?rnal) MokWpara[ed Fails100fB1l/d& Spurkusopafakm * . FallumDab (Calagwy2 Swrc@ I WINWO TRITIUM LNG1 Ag&@#d - — — . — 1U) — . — J (n ‘.4 WSRC-TR-93-262 Table 4b. Cakgory 2 dale fwchemkal processsyslem. I SysternKMnponenlrFailure Mode -==T= Solend-Operakd FailsIoopenlc!me I WIN-33(J OREDA I b Wl,5E+6h, w5.oE+5h, w3SE+6h [1] [2] I Plugs ! ! Leakage(inkrnal) ! ! Ruplure(Irdemal) I I I I Fallstoredase I I Leakage(Inlamrrl) ! ! RuPhrre(krlemel) ~ ! leakage (exbmal) t I I Ruphrre(exlemal) ! ! I I Leakage(extamal) Rrrphrre(ardmnsl) SalelyrReUa! Fails10epen Vewrrm-Breaker 98 LNG1 TRITIUM I Ruplure(exlemal) ,: , Failureflab (Category2 Swrwsr I Aggragalad Rasdt@ 1.8E+3?I(10) p,3] Rev.1 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A T~ble4b. Calegory2 dataforchemkzl processsyslern. FaiMOala(Ca@ory2 SYSt~W~UreM* NLICLARR2 NPRD-3 WIN-336 OREDA , Sore@ TRITIUM LNGI Aggregated Rasult@ FailstO open Fallstorecluse * Leakage(Inleriul) Ruplwe(internal) Leakage(exlernal) ~ Ru$urfJ (axlmal) Valve(Conlrd) MoforQara!ed Fallsopan ., Failsdosad FallstO resk)otd “ Plugs Leakage(exbrnal) Ruplure(exkamd) Alr-oparalad Failsopen ! Failsdosed I I * 3i!i,8E+!Yl u] 6.OE-6/h(lO) tlwxlkl M 2m6rll(lo) Falls10 fesjmnd Plugs 99 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table4b, Calagay 2 dab forchamkal processsystam. FaiiumDala (Calagory2 SourcfIS~ SyslamlCompcmanUFailure Mods DREDA WIN-330 + 6/5.6E+5h [2] Leakaga(axtamal) TRITIUM LNG1 Aggregafad Rasu& I.1E-5III(1O) b Rup@e (axlamol) S&nlW-@aralad Failsopan Fallsdosed Faii Iorespond I :l” Plugs ‘1 Laakay (extsmal) ] Ruphre(axbmal) Pump Molo+lliwn Falls10Skid Failstorun I I ‘ I I I I 3&l&4h, lIY1.3E+3d, 12M,2E+6ho 4/4,0S+411 P] 166/4.5E+611 4611.4E+6h [3J 8,1EM(10), 8.9E4Yh(4.1) [4] 316.3E+4h. 9/2,6E+3h# W.5E+44 416.7E+3h PI 5,8E-4ih(12) VI PI I C’wspaad Fails10slop ~ PI PI . , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 4b. Calagwy2dala hchemkal processsyslem. 1 Sysl&KomponanWailure Mode FailureDala (Ca!egcq2 Sourc# . NUCIARR2 Leaktqe (exleinal) ,. R&lure (external) CREDA NPRl)-3 WIN-330 . . O/L9E+6h, tYtl.2E+6h J4J 5.2E43qlo) [5] Ovarspaed ‘ leakage(aslemal) Ruplure(extend) Dksel.llriven Fds tO Skid I I I I Fails10slop Leakage(exkmal) Ruplura(exkrnal) Resul@ 9.2E431’lq5.4) [5] . fails (Onm I Aggregated 21/4.5E+6h, 231 L4Ei6h [4] Turbhw-Dhven Faii 10SklIt FakitO mn I.NG1 2211.9E+5h, 6518.2E+6h [3] PI FaiktO S@) TRITIUM 101 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 4b, Calegory2 dab forshamkal pmess syslem. 1“ , R ureDab (Calqwy 2 Saurc@ SyslemK2mpnenUFeiie Made NUUARR2 NPRD-3 I WIN-330 OREDA TRITIUM I LNG1 Aggregated Redl& Pipbg/Ha6dJlrmpel Pip!$g Leakage(exW) RrJplure(exlemai) Phms Hese Leakage(exbmal) Ruplure(estemal) Plugs Jumper Leakage(exlernal) ‘ . Ruplure(exlemal) Plugs vessel 139f4.6E+61’r, W8.omtl [5] II T&k(Unprswrized) Leakqe (erdamal) [5J Rupture(exlti Tank( Leakage(exw Rupkrre(external) 2.oE4Wr(lo) * I 2411.7E41r [4] 1314.6E+6h# 191B,0Nl [5] 3.7E$41(3.8) F] 211,7E+6tI [4] [5] 3.8E-7I%(1O) [5] . m o . J -. 1 “. . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Tablo4b. Cakgtxy2 data Iorchendcd processsystem. , FailurtI Data(Calagmy2 Sourc@ SyatandCcmPMWIWFailum Meda NUUARR2 NPRD-3 Leakage(lntamal) 2.7/5.8E+6h [1] RuphNe(fnlamal) O15&6tl [1] WIN-336 OREDA TRITIUM LNG1 ~lO@&!d 7ooE4Ml(ll) PI 7.OE.7111(11) p,il] t OriIica Plugs .’ Miswllanew MlxarlElen& Failure Agilatw Failure 41B.3E* 4mE+5h M 6.5E61h(10) Ceflllifuge Failure t 104 J ,:.. (. i -< WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 4b, Cakgory 2 dab forchemkolprocesssystem. bysourca. a Failuredala ereUsledS. XfY,whare Xk ha number dfailrms,ondYk ha exposureperiod(h)ornumberddwiands. Numbersinbrackekireferb nolosfisMMow,arranged , b. AggregatedrKullsOJemeananderrorfachx(fnparenlhases).The omorfader k Iha95UrpersenW501trPWWIWJ. Noles Oafa 00s0 forlkrhl Waler (nd lbukj SodiumReecforIT/k, IdahoNalbnal EngheedngLaboralwy,EGGSSRE-8875, Febrq &-S.A.EMetdW@~~F~o me andRuriure Freauanw E$Umrrtq, IdahoNaUmalEnghoeringLaboratory,EGGSSRE-9639, NovemberKr!N. 1990. Ako, S. A Ek!a el d., Cmwoned Exter@ fklUraaggragalfons d Cabgery 2 sourwdalefmmNUCI.ARR as&addedh August1969. The leakage dab w All fdure dafa axsepff~lha leakagefalfurade ware dfafned fromTables6 end7 In thefirslrekwerrm. Thesefables obbfnedfromlha sewnd refafarmThose dalawere ndh NUCLARR altheUmeha reffmrmwas@fkha4 bufshmthanhadalahavebearr onlered intoNUCIARR, ~PRD-3-M,J, Rc6sl,/krnakwfronk ParisRefiabflilvOrlq Rdiat4filyAndyslsCenlor,RomaAlrWa@menlConler, NPRO-3,1985. AIIfailuredafa oppfy10a grounhxad (GF) environmentunlessolhwlse hdlcabd. Ccmmadd(C), rniMery(M),andunlmmvnsource(?)dafowareusedifavallabfe. FWwetihf-@wm@b&_W%df~~ failloopanklose,spurbusoporalkm,efc. Unknownfaifuremodeevanfswerenofmsldemd. The NPR041fahs fndudedegradedendfnd@eolfailuresaswdl escdoslrophkfailures. Onfy@Wophto Mums were usedforU& study. FLY valves,drcullbeakers, days, andswkhes, (hefofkrwhgmepplngofNPRO-3failuremodesinlothefoituremodesdhferodwasused Fallloopaddo&oparala - binding,beach (nd forvdves),conlamlrralad,smdradlfroclured, nomo4amen\nooparauon,Selzed,sluskopon,Ondsllldtdosed d~placed, hl.seresponso, Improper fbw,hkrrnllfanl opened,ovorhealod, andshorted Spuriousoparalbn - ordng,burned,cdapsad, Plugs- r’wle Identifi Leakago(fntemal)- noneldanlifkdexcep!fcdadfng (ona-haffdovanlsappfiifo hkrnai leakageforchackandrefiefvafves) ,, ,.,<. .? .,,’ ,. .. . ,> . ,. , ,. leakage (&@rnal) -krrddr’KI Ruplure(&krnal)- breach(vahrasenfy). Fw pumps,fans,anddieselgenorah, lha fdhvfng mappingwas used . ~% Foil10slart-darnfnalad, crackwhcbrred, ~ movamanlrwoparauon 105 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Fail10nm - bfndhg,breken,dispfaced.fake r&ensa, InWJWr Ibw. In!enmittanlovedwald, sahd, shoaled,shxkslos~. duck epen @erspeed (subseldfail tonm)- knproperflw (emhaiidwads used),slud cpen Fail tOS!Op-lVMidtMtikd Leakage(exfamal)- leaking Rup!ure(axlemal)- LNeach(nefforgenerafw) ‘“M VtlSSdS, pi~, x, and fumpem, ha fdbwimjmafyiiqm W@ Leakage (exlemal) -craddfredured,Ieafdng Ruplure (axkmd)-broken, beach IX(den,Ihefdbwing mappfng wasused Plug-fmpropaffbw (llntmlfofevenls used) Leakage (ln!emal) -Impoperfbw(me.hdfd evenkused) Rup!ure (Inlamal) - brdmn, cracftedlfredumf, rupfured. ofhaalam, W fdbwhgmapping W8Sused Fail10haat-mdA/fracfured, noqwati opened Cwthaal-sfvxtad. GasfIkwdale used(p. 66). Failuremedalnfonnalion(p. 266) indlcalas16.7’%d lai!uresare@ugs,36,9% areInfernalleakage,and6% areInleml mptwe. . REDA -OffshoreRelfaMiWDale Hand~ IIfailureInfennatiwas @ien & offshwe ReliafililyDafe (OREDA),Norway,1964. M sdlkaffa!lwe modesategely,unlessolhaw&afndkabd. tlydrau!kallyand pneumalk=llyoperaledvalve (dl fkdd)data used(pp. 111,117, d Inlandfeekaga ( failure mede)defeusedfor 159). Imfxmpwoperafbn(degradedfdiura mode)dale usedforspudousOperatJm ID6 , (. “.: . -, ,. .,, ,,”.. .... +: . :.”.. .,, ::.,-. “:: ,.,,$ 2. >::,. ,..* :,3 i ... 3. ..... ,T z-.., .1 ,.-, ,,( ;... .;.: , ...{ 4. ,,.,, ! ~:? j! 5 ) .?., AS ,. . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Inlerrrel leakage, andexlerrrd Iaakego (degradedfailuremode)usedf~ exlamal Iaakage. Pneumalkdtyopwabd confrolvafvedala used(p. 167). Sgn”Mcanl inland @lrage daleusedforfaii openandpfuggaddalausedforfels dosed. Exlamalleakage(degradedfalfuremode)dafaused fofextwnel feakage. Singleslqe c@ifuwI, singleslqe mcfprcicafhg,andmullklage cdrifugal pump dab used(pp. 175,177,179,183, and 165). Fdfs b rundafa basedon operational6ma. ExtemafIaakqe (hclpkmtfdlure mab)dele usedfar asbmaffaakage. Sepedordafa used(p. 143). Minorlaakaga(indpbnIfailuremode)dalausadfcuaxbmalleakage,andmajw Ieakqa andbraakdafausedforexlernalnrpkrre. haalaxdwrgardala used.Leakage (degraded fakrremoda)dala usedforlubefaakage. @Avakrr(p.193)d glywhvald(p.203)lubaMaU , & (p. 215)& gfycol(p. 219) heaterda!aused. - . 5] 6’ ,.;.?.f ., ;’,:,”. 7. Hydraulic(oil)syslemfkrdala used(p. 285). Cbggedfdbnlina(degmdedf~e model)dalausedku plugs. -,, .. *,..,,, ~:: WIN-336-J, N,Wilkfrrson eld.,ldahoChernfcalProcesskmPliMlFalluraRate Databt%!, fdahoNa9malEngfnaodrgLaboratory,WIN-336,Cdobef 1991, :;>,< ~ Allfalbre Inlormalbnwas fakanfromAppendiiC, p.32. ~::=1 $+’”$ 1 Valve(rmadd andadd flukf)dale ussd(dherfailwe rrrcda).AMvalvasassumedbba alr-qarakd.Fai!uerncdes (dherharrleak)nollndicabd~ .,).j . i% liY + ;,”,:’$ Sea No!e 1. lm?kfailure modedalausedfor exkamdleakagefruphrre. $;<t ,., , 2. ,,... ,,,,. ..: “ 3. Pump(nomeckfandedd Iluld)dale usd (olharfaifuremode), ~ pumpsassumedb bemobr-oparalad.Failure mafas(itrarfhanleak)ndfndkalad. ,.c:.’ i ,..,, ! 4. }..+’:,. ;::, SeeNolo3. Leakfailuremoda dala usedforexfamd Iaafrqehpkrre. !, ,:,..., , 5, ,;( J.> \ :>>, ,..,; . 6, ; ?. Vessel(nrrmaddandadd fkrld)datausedforunpmss@mdandjmss.urfzadfanks.Aflfakre rrwdadatausedbr aslqml bakagahvplure. Heal axchangarbrrdensar(nomadd endadd lldd) dafaused, FailuremodesnofIndiiad, Agllahx(nomacfdandsddftdd)datausod. Falluromodesndlndkelad, ‘4 ‘ [RITIUM -L c, h&dlrKIw andM, A Stdpe GavawTrWumWeskI Trea!rnonlS‘#em CWnPonenl Foilure0a!8 AnatvdsfromJune18.1984 bDacem&rsl.198!),IdahoNa90nr4ErrgkmarfngLaboratory,EGG$SP.8973, Rev. 1, November 1990 L C. Ca&valleder;M.A Skip Gavelt andL Ctdnlana,TriIhJMRoomAk Modor Cmrment FMure DaloAndvds fromJanuarv1.1984 Iot)ewrn ber31, 1996, IdahoNafbnafEngtneerbgLabwabry, EGG.FSP-9450, May 1991;ml L.C. CadwalladerandD. P. SancfraL@ondWC%rI Iafnmenl_ ConwonenlFoWreDtIlaAnafvsIsfrom1984101991, IdahoNalbnel EnghaerfngLeboralory,EGGFSP-10323, Augusl1992. 107 (A ‘.4 !-, ‘. -. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ~-D. W. JohnsonendJ, R. Wefkar,Davebrnnentofanl minwed LNG PlanlFai!ureRale DataBase,GasResearchInslihde,PB62.153563,!@lamber 1961. . @rreqatad Resulls 1. AU failure dalawereannblned looblakI arroverailfallurere!e. The OREDAdalewereused Ioestknalehafradion breach failuremode. Dalain&ale4 failsIooldcbse, 16 hbmal leakages,endzemspwious opa@hms,plugs, endInlarnalrupkrres.Zero Idlurecases ware handledusinga Bayesianupdeleola nonhbrmalivepdorwilhzemevantsin26 “demaIW. 2. Failureratebaseden zerofalbres andmaybe @nse4vativalyhlgh. 3. S~ar 10Nole 1. Ruptures&e zeroevenl$In 11 “deman&. 4. titidWN-~f*=we=~tibf&bsM 5. Leakgehuplureamtined mull was calcdalad, ThenOREDAdalaware usedbpdon 6. Combinedfoufingendtubeleakagerasullwascalculated,ThenOREDAda!avme usedb parthnhbfoulingatd tubaleakage. 7. OnMiflk d 8, “ Plugs red! multiplied by2.7/f.210 oklalnhtemd leakageresultandby1~2(1,2)+2] bobbh rvp!ureresult,bezodonNPRD-3dab. F~bmr=Mw~ti@@M--til~ f~bsWmtibw~bemti. hb ez!emalIaakagadeztermdruplwe, Ieik10kea!mullused,basedorr OREDAdala 108 ., J f“ ‘-a WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Tabls 4c. Calsgcxy2 dala forcumpmssedgassyslem. . FeikueDala (Calqoq2 SaNSX@ Syslem/ComponenVl%ilure Mode NUCIARR2 3i6E+3d [1] CU8,3E+5h [1] Compressed Gas Valve(Slandbyof Safdy) Manual Fails10opeddose “TRITIUM WIN-336 OREDA NPRD-3 b LNG1 Aggegabd RasuI& 2.2Ewqlo), 6.OE-71h(10) . Plugs Leakage(ii!emal) RuphJIe(Wemal) Leakage(exlemal) W8.3E+6h [1] Ruplure(axlemai) [1] check Fails10open Fails[0 . O/3.9E4h [1] [1] 4.111.6E+6h [2] 8.9ME4h [2] dose I.1E.7I?I(10) lt3.lE+6h [1] lolE4i/h(2,7) 2.4E-6/h(2,7) [1] “ Plu@. Leakage(Inlemal) t311,6E+6h PI RupkIIe(Inlernal) [3] 8.4E4h(10) lf3.1E~Oh [1] 4.8E.71h(10) ● 13/1.6Et6h PI Leakage (exfefnal) Ruplure(external) I I 011.6E+6h 8.4E43II(10) I I 109 I 3.lE-7/h(lO) J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1. Appendix-A Table 4c, Calrxw 2 dataforwmfmssed9as wslarn FailweData(Calogory2 !lources~ SyslernKhnpooanlrFailureMcda NPRD.3 NUCIARR2 WIN.330 OREDA hggregatad Ras@ LNGI TRITIUM k (21 [4] Spurirusoperation [ Pkrgs I Leakage(iriemal) ! Ruplure(in!amal) ! . Leakega(axlemal) W3.3E+6h 12] I 1 Rupture(axhrmat) 5.3E4m(lo) llY20E+4d VI Molc@araled FaJlstO oparidosa I 1.5E-7111(lo) -. AkOpara!ad Falls10opaoldose 0.6/l.6E+7h [5] tw,omh, 13/4,2E4h, Wi7E+5h, 2f5.lEa 1212.7E+3d, 15rwE+3d [2J 3.0E4M(L2), 1.3E-tMI(6.5) Spuriousopareliofr ().~1.8E+7h [5] 27n.3wh, 15122E+6h [2] 1.9E-&lr(8.1) lR.3E+611 12J 6.5E-7I?I(1O) !Micwm 25E-&ll@.5) Leakage(k&MI) I 110 I SJ 5’ . J ~ -\ .WSRC-TR-93-262 Table k Calegwy 2 dala fcxcompmssedgassyslem Svs(emUxnoomlRdlureMode ● FekwoData (Cakxw 2 Sew@ 1 t’wcLARR2 WN.330 OREDA NPRD.3 TRITKJM LNGI I — ~ I I Aggregated Resuflsb SafetylReliit Fails10open Fails”loredose I I I 3,5i4.3E@’l m ~. Leakiqe (ilemal) Ruphxe(In!emel) 9.3E.7JI(10) Leakage(extend) 3.514,3E+611 m 9,3E-7III(1O) Ruplure(extamal) W4.3E+6h [8] 1,2E-7I?I(1O) VI Vmxum-Breakef Fails10epan Fails(0 Iadase Leakage(internal) Ruplure(iilamal) Leakage(axtam;) Ruplure(exkmel) , Valve(Canlrd) MolorQperaled Failsopen ‘. 112 . Rev.1 Ez ...— WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 4c. Ca@xy 2 dab fora)mjxessedgas s.~blll . FailufeData(Calegoiy2 %uws~ SysIentCompnenUFaUureMode NPRD.3 NUCIARR2 Aggregll LNG1 TRITIUM WN-330 (X7EOA Failsclod [4] VI Falls !0 faspond [4] [41 Plua$ “ . I Leakage(oxtemal) Ruplure(external) Ccvnpmsof Molor-l)tiven Fails [0 Sblt 5213.2E+6h PI Fails10nm 8.6mE+6h PI I Ovwspeed 60f3.lE+4fi 12W2,0E+4h“ [4] t,713.2E+6h PI FailstOS@ llw2.3E+6h 11] 3.9E-51qlo), 8.2E-61h(3.6) l/4.5E+4h [5] [1] 1.3&5111@,6), 4.lE-3JlI(2.0) [5] 11] “2H?I(5) [5] [1] Leakage(axlamol) Ruplure(wdem~) 216.4E+4d [5] 013.2E+6h PI I 7.2E-7/h(lo) [5] PI Piplngl-loss/Jumper/lube Piping Leakage(axhmtl) ‘ Ruplure(axlarnal) 114 11 3 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table &. Calegory2 daIa (w wrrrprassedgassyslern. ● Failure Oela(Ca!egwy2 SourC@ Syskn-dCompon@’FeilureMode .. NUCLARR2 . NPRD-3 TRITIUM WIN.330 OREDA Ag/mrtlard LNG1 < Pkgs Hess Le~age (Wemel) * Ru@lre (exlernai) Plugs Jumper Leakage(exh’ral) Ruplure(exlarnal) Plugs Tuba Leakage(exlenral) Rupkrre(exlernal) Plugs Vessel Tank (Pressurized) Leakage(exlaprel) 0,3L?.8Edjh [10] Ruplure(exhrrl) 0,11208E+6h [10] j I Cyl~er(Pressrrrllx! ‘ Leakage(external) . 115 (N4.6E+4h, 0ME+4h, CV4.8E+4h [6] 2,3E.711r(10) [6] [6] 7.5E@tr(lo) [6] ., . J {n ‘..4 6--- ‘,. - WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A , Table4c. Calegory2dale forcornprmed gas syslem. * FahrreData (Ca@ery2 Sourt@ SystenVComponenWailure Mode NUCIJW?R2 NPRD.3 WIN-33(I OREOA TRITIUM LNG1 Ruplure(external) FlarrgdGaskel Leakage(erderrrel) b Rupture(exlernal) Heal Exchanger shelnuba Fouling(tubas) Plugs(lubes) Leakage(lub&s) 2!if4.6E+5h, IIL3E+511 [5] 4.4E-5h(l,8) Ruplure(khes) O/4.8Ei5tl, (AW&5tr [5) 8.5&7Jls(tO) v] Leakage(shall) Ruplule(shall) Healer(Eledrical) Fails10heal ! 014.8E+4h rl Dvarhaals Leakage(axlema$ Rupture(exkirrd) 116 1.OE.W(10) (21 ! - . .. . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ible &. Calegofy2dala forcompressedgas syslem. . , FahIIe dale am fisbd W. XN,vdIafe X is thenumberof failures,andY is fheexpowe period(h)w numberofdemands NumbeIsInbracketsrefrxtonofeslisledbelow,arrangedbyWC%. Aggragaladm-sulkare mean andemx facfor(inparanfhesas).The em facforis fha951hpercenW50fh percentile. Jlt?s LA@txy, EGG-SSREW75, FebruaIY 1991.ALso, S.A Ekfed d., Qsnrmrd Esl&n@l JCIJ!JIR?-S. A, Eida et rd.,Genek Canml Faifur Oefe Base forLhhl waler W’lrfLkrukJsodiumReader Pw IdahoNationalEnginearhg lakrme@d RuRlureFreauencvEsIlmolm IdehoNatieEngfnearfq Labmafoq,EGG-SSRE.9639,NovambafVJ91, I ‘~ -M, J. Rod, NontIfecfmfc Pads RefiabllitvDo!Q RaUabiMYAnafysIs carder,RomeAfrDwafqmW Canfw,NPRD.3, 1965, failuredale apply10a groundfixed(GF) environmentunlessdhwwise hdlcabd. Ccmarde’ (C),-(M),tihwm~tiwe@K&. Fdfuremodahkrmdkmwesused bdabnnhati%dfdkmswere 110openldoso, spudous oparalkxr, efa.Unknown failure modeevenls w nofmskftwd.ThaNPRO.3 faifuras hdudedagredad endhdpbnffailures eswa9ascabsbophfc faifures. Only@bs@frkfailures wereusedforlfi.ssfudy.For Iws,skui[keakers, relays,endswikfvx.fhafdfwfngMSP@W ofNPRD-3 taiiwemcdeshb lhefiilm modesdhbreslwtts used Fall 10opeddosahperale - bfndhg,breach(nd fcvvafws), codamfnalad,uac.ked%ecfurad, nomwamenf,noopo@iomsefzed,sfuckoparLandsfuckdosad Spurbusopefalbn - archg, fntmed,dfapsad, dlspfecod,falseresfmmse,Impmfmrflmv,hkrnnfflentopened,overhaalod,ondshwfad Plugs- noneIdanfified Leakege(extarpal)-faekhg Ruplure(exlar&l) -bmch (vafvesoidy). rpumps,fans,anddlasaiganemba, Ihe btbwing mo@ng was used ~. Falltostart- confamlnabd, mvemaa lrtooperafbn 118 , ~. j~. $ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A “ t .,... :..: ., ,+; ,.. -, ,,,, ,. :>.: ,. .:.”; : Failb run-Nrdhg, brdten,displaced.falseresjmnse,-inWPerflmv,inbnnillent awrfrealad,seized,shorbd.sluckcbsed.sklr open * Overspeed(Subsefeffai b rzm)-imlwefhv(Orv3hetfofeveds used),Shzckefzen ● FailfOSbf)-1’)MEI kfdfk!d :.,! ... < S ,.< ~;: leakage (exlamd) - laaklng +: ...... :. ,.; ‘;,i ,., 1 \ Rupture(exlatnrzl)- breach(notforgenador) ~+iq {q ..V., .. Leakage(exbrnel)-uackerfkrdured, Iadifng “:,,,1 Ruplure(exlemal)- tmken, breach ., $> .. . k .~, Plug- Improperfbw (one-fralfofeverdsused) .+: i .t,j ..~:~ ,. . Leakage(inlarnr$)- Imprep?rIbw(rma-halfdevanls used) q ,.-~ “J Ruplure(internal)-broken,aackedhchued, Nptured. ,,!,,:,, ..1 3?, ,,,, :: For healers,he folbwfngmappingwas used .i J,, . if 1 f!: .... .) .,,, ,!!, ,.’~ -! .4 ,.Aj .-,., .,.;f .;? ~,.,., J Fall 10heel -crechedlfrechml, rreopera!bn,opened Overheat-s W. 1. Manuelvalyedale used(p. 159). Failuremodeinfomrakrr(p.302 forbafbtvsvalve)Indicates18.5%d ftilureserefailsfoepadcbse, 68% ere exbrrrd faafwge,and 1.4% are exbmd ruplure.The aduel dale in&efed no failures, 2. Chackvalvedalaused (p. 158). Failuremodehfwmati(p.303)intfkabs9 .2%dfailms arefdsbopenwf20% 3. Checkvatw dale ;ed (P. 158). FailuremodeInfwrnalkw(P.303) hdicakM57.8% d fdhrrasarefaeklng.One%alfd Ihesawareassignedb InlerndIaaka@rupfureend theelhwheif b exbrnal leakage. Infernalleakagesfzenof Indtiled. ., .. . ,,, 119 areMlslodose. !’-’-’ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A L Chackvafve dataused(p.156).Faifura mod8hfrmnalbrr (p.303)hdicabs O%d failures amexkmafruplure. i. are(ails(oopmfdose,1.8%arespurbusepxalkxt 66%weexbmalleakage,endo%ueexbmdsupkd PnaumaUavalvadafa used(P. 160). FaUure modehhrnrafbn (p.306)hdkabs4.4% d failures i, Sdenddvahwdafa used(p. 161). see Nofe5 fw b!furemodehfarmallen. Reliefvafvadafaused(P. 161). FrJkrremodeInformalbn(p. 299 farhydraufkrdld vafva)hdicafas100%dfrriluresareleakage. One-hdfdfhase ware assignedbhfamaf Wagah@mandlheofhwhaHbesfamafReliefvalvedafaused(p. 161). Failuremodehformdbrr (p.299 forhydraulicmfiafvafva)indiusfesO%d failuresare externalrrrpfure. 1. CrmPrassordafa used(p.45). Defaareforground mobile (GM)am4nmm@Failure modehformalbn (p.324 kxcafrifugal frmhbwer)Irxfkxfas27.3% dfahas amfailsb SW 45.5%arefdfsb run, 9.1%eraevaqaad, mrf O%areaxlemaffaafuqe w rupfure. o. ~ Acurmufafordafaused(P.26). FailrMImodehfomaflon (p. 266 farpneumdaand hydmukewnulalar) hdicdes 32.2% of faihrresareextend Iaafuqaend 10.5% eraextamafruF@. - offshoreReIiabflitvL)alaHandbook OffshoreRa!faMfilyDda (DREDA), Norway.W&f. 1 faihreIrsfermalkm was fakanfrcinIfroMeal faifrrremodecafagory,unfassdwrwisa hdicafad. ,Checkvafve(hydrowrborrgas)dafausad(p.163). Phrggeddafausadforfdfsboptm, SlgnKrxrnllnfamdlaa&agadabusadfor&damdI@Wa. ‘ Hydreukallyeperafed (hydrocadxmgrks)ddarrsad(pp. 113,115,119,121,155, and 157). b~~e(~tiftie~)dtititih~b~. leakage. Impqer aparalkvs(degradedfailuremode)dafa rrsadfw spudousaparollorr. ExfamalIarAage(dagradedfaifwemoda)dafa rrsedbrexkmd “Hydraulically oparabd and pnaumalicallycpwafad(hydmdmngas) wrsfrdvalvedrrfaused(pp, 165 and 169). fnfamalfaafrage(degradedfailuremode)dab usedfar fatfsopam Fafbd bofmrafa dafa usedfor failstoraspa-ul Exlemalleakage(degradedfailuremode)dale rrsedferaxtamafleakage, Canlrffugalandredprocallng(>1500 psfg)carnprassarda!aused(pp.229 and231). No gasllmvdatausedforfabbnn gasrkear (p.201),andeldwater(p. 209) luWshafl heal axchiwgardale used, leakage (degradedfailuremode)dafausedfartubahihrre. GasAvalar(p. 197), Elecfrichaalac(norrhydrowborr servka) dafaused(P.219). =-J. N. WIMnsea~t al., IdlrheChamical Pmca3ssfmPfardFaRureRaleOrrIabas& ldehoNall@Eagheadng l.Amrabry,WiN330, Cdo& 1991, IIfailureInfonnalionwas lakan fromAppandii Cop. 32. 120 ,::, , ,.~ ~>. -+ .4 2$ ~.-: . .4 ~;; -.. -.> :-. ~.:.. ,,:, ‘. y<+ ,J :?, ~~ m.. ~;l 4 2;! r+: @ “::!‘ :::. ;4,>,i .,’,. +, & @ / .j ,{ ‘,-.1 ,..’ -:1 ,,,. !;;’ .,, >k { h..* .. . ., ..,.;,! :, .“ ,.:: ,.,.: ., .:..: -. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A . . Fdler(offgas)da!aused. Failuremodesnof“tiibd. t , LIib@xY,EGGFSP4973, Rev.1,Nmmher --L.C. Cad@bder ad M. A Skip6 GovetlTri~m WasleTrealrnenlSvslem@rnoonenlFailureDala Anafv$kfromJrme18.1984 foDe#mbar3 1.1989, lddoNaUonel Engktearhg L8blY8fIXy, EGG-FSP-9W, May1991:md fmmJanuarv 1.1984[0 Lkember 31, lwl IdahoNa60nalErrg”d nlFaifure DalaAiIalvds IN, L C.C8dwal18der, M.A SldpeGaveltandL Wiirma,Trilium Room AirMonilIx Commrw Iaim! SvslemCwncmenl FailureDalaAnalvsisfrom1964101991, ldahoNa60nal E ng”heering L aboratory, EGGFSP-10323,AU9USI1992, !kmnda~ Con L C.Crrdwallader andD,P.Sanchez, , 1. Manualvalvedala used(TableA-1, fnl reference).Failuremodesnd fndkaled. 2. Mobmperaled valvedale used(TableA-1,timtrderenc%). Fdfure modes (excepl forleak)ndfndicakd. 3. ‘Pressurecanlrd vafvedale used(TableA.1, Iislreferenca d p.23, thirdrefeo&e). Fatluremodes(otherIhanfedr)ndkrdlcalad. 4. Solenoidccmlrdvalvedala used(P.27, Ihirdreference).Foifuremodes(dher Ihanleak)notlnrbfed 5. Cempessordata used(lebla A-1,IhIrdreference). 6. Triiumwaslogastankdabused(fableA-1,fmlrderenca). 7. EMrical heakrdalo used(labbA-1, frsl reference).Failuremodes(exceptfw Ieakjndhrhled. 8. MdsWrecdlectordataused(TableA-l, firslreferenw). Failuremcdasnd Ihdkelti. 9. Flkrdala used(TableA-l, ilrslrefererw). Felluremodesnotindicafed, 10, Drifke dale usad(labbA-1, fmlrefarenca). &&l-D. t. 2“ W. JohnsmandJ. RoWdker,lMvebomenlol an ImmovedLNGp!imlFailum RtIleDataBOSQ,Gas RasearI%Inditufe,PB82-153503,Seplerrber196t. COOIPW syalemdafeused(p.9). Faifuremodesnd Indlcaled. Vapmizer;aleused (p.9). * AQQmualadResulls “ 1. The NPRD-3 dafa indkale a ralloof 8.9 to4.1 fw fdfsIocbse versusfalls100pan. Therefore,Ihe aggragaledresdlfor fallsbopan wasrndfipkd by8.9t4.l 10ot4ainrhofellsloch 121 edlmale, WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A 2. FailuIeratebasedIJOzerofailuresandmay Im conservallvalyhigh, 3. Failsopen,fallsdosed, andfails10respfnddatawmbinad. AssumedUralfailsdosedk as likelyasfailsopen. Theafore, eachfailuremode&sslgnedme-lhirdd theIolalfailwerrla. 4. FailuremodesMI Indkaled. 5. Allfailuremodes@rnMnad. ORED~ dala Iraatadaapaddy. NPRD-3 dale usedtopariltkrrramongfailuremodes. 6. Wr failure modes wmW. . : NPRD-3 datausedb padllbrr batween faikrm modes, * , 122 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table &l, Calagwy2 dala !wHVAC/axhauslsyslan’L NUCLARR2 HVAC&haust DamPr (SlandbyorSafely) MemIal FailOo opanldosa , FaiWe Dab (Cabgq 2 Sin@’ sysladComponenUFailureMcde NPRD-3 WIN-330 DREOA TRITIUM LNG1 Aggregded Rasu& b Plugs Laekqe (inland) RuplIue(Wrnal) Leakage(exlamal) Rupture(exkmal) I I MokwOperalad Fails10@dose ‘ spudcuSCfmfalbl . Plugs Leakaga(idamalj RuplurtI(Inloinal) Leakqe (exterqal) Rupture(extamal)” AioOparalad FailsIo opanlde ● Spudousopafalkm 123 J (A e. 4-., . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A 1) I Tablo4d, Cal~2dalafmHVAVwkl s~lm ● FailumOala(Calogay2 Soum@ Sysletn/ComponanVFallure Mode NUCIARR2 VVIN.330 DREDA NPRD-3 TRITIUM Ayagld LNGI Plugs I Laaktqe (Wrlml) Rupl& (iiti Leakage(extend) Rupture(axlernal) Dalnper(control) MotorQparated Failsopen Folldosad Fats 10 mspmd Plugs Leakage(exbxnal) Ruplure(exlamal) Ak-Dperaled Failsopen Failsdosad ! Failstorespnd , t. 48/6.lE+6h [11 8.OE4MI(10) it] [1] [1] 5/B.lE+6h [IJ 9.oE-71h(lo) Pllqs 124 ‘=.) m m . . - WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 4dc Category2 date fw HVACkxheuSlS@Om. l“’ SwWKmnwmenUFsllure Mode , FailuieData (Catagwy2 Sounx@ I NUClARR2 NPRD.3 TRITIUM WIN430 OREOA I.NG1 Agg:gw < Fails10run 1 I, Chlelspeed FailstO fib!) I “ Leakege(exlemal) I ‘1 I , I I , I I I Ruplure(axlemal) Oucung Leakage(extend) 81 !! ) Ruplure(exlernal) Plugs ! ! HodExchengw M Condhilblg UIW Chiller Falls10SbIt f Failstofun Fan CoolerUnil FailstO Skid 1 FailstO MI HeaW (EX FailsIOheal f ,, O/1.4E+5h 13] * I I 3.6IXU?I(10) PI 1.214.2E+4~ 8.Wl.lE+7h 8AE-7/1)(26) 126 J . .. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A rabla 4d. Category2 dala forHVAC/exhauslsysti . F&lrre Dale (Calegory2 Sounx@ Syslerr@rmponanWailureMode NPRD.3 NUCIARR2 WIN.330 OREDA ,. Healer(Gas) Fails10heal Cveriseats -. Filer Normal Plugs o/5.oE+6h Leakage(Inkmal) Ruplure(inlemal) 7?10.8E+4h [4J 8.2E4111(fo) l/6,8E+4h [41 1.7E-Mr(lO) PI 5i5iwh [5] 34&lE+6h [1] 5,2/5.8E+6h PI l/5.oE+5tr [5] [11 l$f5.8E+oh P] 115.oE+5h [5] [1] Leakage(Inlamat) Rupkrre(inlqmrrl) 3 Leakage(inlemal) 1.4E-61?I(5) PI l&6/h(5) PI LwEffdency Plugs HEPA ‘-” Plugs Aggrega&f ReSrIIlSb LNG1 1.6E-7rh(lo) 0.214.2E+4h, 1.011.lE+7h v] , rlverhaals TRITIUM * Ruplure(internal) 127 7.oE-7/h(5) PI -. J tm. .0( WSRC-TR-93-262 — TIhlfI &l. Caleomv2 dataforHVAf%xhaustsvdem. FaitureDala (Calagary2 Sow@ Syslam/ComponanVFailure Mede NUCIARR2 NPRD.3 WIN-330 OREDA TRITIUM LNG1 Aggragalad Resultd Said Plugs $ Leakqe (klk!mal) Ruplum (Wrmal) Bagfrmr PIUJS Leakaga (in!amal) I Ruplure (itemal) Mlscallanerms MNElimlnalor Failure Scrutir Failuro 114.7EWI F] 3,2E-7II’I(1O) ~ Pmdpilalor Failure . 128 Rev.1 \ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A “Tablo4d.Calegwy 2dalefwHVAWrdrmrsl syslem. —$ a Failuredafaare Usled= XN, whereXk Utanumberof falfures,andY k Lheexposureperiod(h)ornumberofdemarrds.Numbrs Inbrackelsreferlo nolesfkled befow,errqedbyscxm. ; b. Aggregatedresullsaremean endemorfedrx ~mparanlhest?s).The erwrfecfork W 95UrpercenW56Urpercenlii. No[ss NaUonel Engheering Laboratory, EG6-SSRE4675, February1996. h, DataBasefu Lkahl WalerendIbrrklS#um Reader~ , Idaho NUCURR2 -S. A. Eide el al,, @rreric M cronenlFa!lura EsUmales, IdahoNaUonal Engineering Laborabry, EGGSSRE41639, November 1991. Leakrxre andRudtrre Freauencv S. A Ekkeetd., @warW Exkmd All Ialluredataexcql [WWe leakagefailuremockwere oblahed ftornTables6 and7 h fhakirslreferenm. TheseIdrfestkl fhaaggregations d Cafegory2 sasrw Me fromNUCLARR as Rexkb?dh Augusl 1969. The Ieakegadateweal oblalned from Iha semnd reference. Thesedalaware ncrlin NUCkARR alUrelimekhereferanm waspubfiihad, tmtshce henIhadalehavebeenenlared hfo NUCkARR. Alrhe@merl Cenbr,NPRD-3, 1965. NPRD.3 -M. J. k?ossi, NcmeleclrcalcPortsReliabiIitvDab, ReflabilityAnalyskcenter,Rome Allfaflumdalaa~loagtifuti (&)@~l*~Mti. ~d(C),*(M),d_~~)d~n@ti_. Faikremode Wrmdfenwasused bdekmdnewhM%dhk reswera fall10qxmkkm,spurfous eperdicm. ale,Unknown failure modeavartswaremfconskfarod, ThaNPRD.3 falkrros Include degraded andhclpkml MumsasWI 0sc.absfropkrk Mrres, Onlycefaslrc@k fdlwaswarausedkxhisstudy.For volvos,drcullbraakers,relays,andw“k?hes,Ihe followingmapping d NPRD3 failurernockishto khefailuremodesd inbredwasused Fail [o@mkfose/operala - bfnding,breach(notforvafvos),wnlamlnahd, cracktiradurad, no movomanlnooporalkrr,sefzod,sludropen,endstuckdoserk Spuriousoperaliorr- ardng,burned,collapsed,diipkrrxd,fake response,knpmpernow,Inlamrllfenl opened,Ovedsealed, andshorfed Plugs- nonaktenliliad Leakage(hlemel) - noneIdardiriedexceplfw leaking(rme.halfofeventsapplied10fnlernalleakageforcheckandrelialvafves) Leakage(axlemal)- fealdng Rup(ure(exkrnel) -breach (vafvesonly), .. * Forpumps,fans,anddieselgenerators,lhe follmvfngmap$ngwas used Failfosled- conlarnlnaled,credredfradured,nomovementnooperalkn 129 > WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Fail10run-binding,Lvoken,dkpfecad, false response, knproparIlow, Inlarmlllenl overhealti, seized,skmrlad,sfwlrcI@od,sluckopen (lverspoed(subsetof fafl10run)- fmproperflow(ona4mffdavants used),slwkopen Fall10slop-mm kfenliried Leakage(exfemak)-faafdng Ruphrra(tudamaf)-heach(nofforganera!or) orvessels,p$ing,hoses,andJumprm,thefoflwrhgmapping wasused ,,ii ,, Leakage(exfamat)-crackadhzctured,Iaa)dng RupturrJ(exlaml) -broken, breach. w rdte~,theMbwfngmapping wasused: i; Phq - Imprqer Ikrw(ww-haffdavents used) 11 Leakage(internal)- improperkkrw(tidevents used) Rupture(inkrrral)- kzrokan,cmdredfmcfrzred,tuphsed. v Imalers,ha fotlowlngmappfng wasused Fail 10heal -mrdwlfracfured, nooparalkon,opened Cwrheal - shorlad. ~; II II Generalfandala used(p. 65), Failuremodehfonnrrfbn(p, 324 forarrz~dfn) hdlcales27,3% offrii~ mfaifsfos~ 45.5% ~fel% Ierun,9,1%wecNwspxrIf, smdO% aredsrnaffeakegear- Ii ~: Duclhealar (p.79) andekcfrfcspaca haakrr(p. 81)daleused,respat$vdy. Failure mode hformakm (p.287brrdslivaekdrkcal heater) In&alas61.5%dfaikns are falfsbhaaf and7.7% arewarhea!s. II Airfillerdataused(p. 67). Falhrmmodehformdion(p. 265 forganeralfiller)fndkalas0% offaifureserapkqs, 75% me hbrnrd kakqe, and21.9% arehkrnak nrpfure, 130 ..> m-pff WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A \ * shorn Rdiabiitv Dala Handbook,OffshoreRetiabiityDala (DREDA),Nonvay,1984. . AllfailureIrl!omlalionwas takenfromIha Uiw fdum modeCalegoly,unlessolhalwkefnrfiilad. , 3. Coder(nonhydrmrtmn sarvfce)dataused(p. 221). 4. Gas/dlaseltiredbdlar dala used(p. 283), 5. Fillerdala used(p. 281). Cloggeddala usedforplugs. Inbrnalleakage(deqmdedfaituremode)dalausd forIrMnel faakaga. Ruplumddalausedforinbrrd rupfurm 6. - Scrubber(removalofolkondensalefromhydrocarbongss)dala used(p. 147), Phqgadorcloggeddalausedforfdkrre. WIN-330-J. N. Wilkfnsonelal., ldahoChairrkmlPrm@rmPlantFaiie RaloDdab~ , Idaho Nalional Enginaadng Lafnralory, WIN-330, Ocfober 1991. All falkueInkmalkm was fakenfromAppadr C, p, 32. 1. Flllar(dher) dale used. Failuremodesrrolknrfkakxf, fsfranJuna Wcemlwr31, 198?, kdahoNatfandErrgfnaadnu W-L. c. c~~~er ~ M. A. sld~ Gmt T* WmleTraafmanf SYSIWII@tmrwnfFailureDebAnafvs 18.W4fo Ldmmlay,EGG$SP4W3,Rev.l#mrntmr f990;L.C,Cadwahfar, M,A.SldpaGavatlandL OulnIana, Trilii RoanAirMonilorCmrmnenl FallureDala AnatvslsfmmJanuarv1.1984foDerxmbr31. 1990, fdahoNafbnd Emjnedrq Letmratoty,EGG-FSP-9450, May 1991: d L C. CadwalladarandD. P. Sanchez SacmrfarvContalnmardSYSlamCcmona nl FailuraDalaAnal@ fromW84 101991,IdahoNalionalEng’kmaring Laboral~, EGG$SP.10323, August1992, Ll_ -D. W. JohnsomandJ.R,Welker, Dave IOwrmnlofrnlm rxcwed LNGflad Fa6ura Rale DataBq, Ges Raseard lnstiMe,PB82-153503,Seplamber1981. AaqraqaladRasulls ;,, .$ ,. ,$: .; ,. ,,i.. @ 1, Failurernodasnollndkakk,” :.1 2. Fallumrala bawl M zero failuresandmaybe Wnsenrativefyhfgh :’1 3. “ .. Comtherf failureraledelermlnad. NPRD-3 and DREDA da!a used 10partillonarnarg failuremodes. 131 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ., * Table 4a. Calegmy2 dala fwelacldcaldsMxdlon sy!lam. 1 System/ComponentFailure Mode FailureDala (COlegofy2 SeumsP NUCLARR2 NPRD.3 CfWDA WIN.330 TRITIUM lNGl Ag&!@Jd t-6312.2E+4d [1] ElwtdcalDlshibution Ganeralw Diesel-Ddven Faifs10SW 149/5,9E+6h [q l&5.oE+5h, tV7.6E+2d [1] 9 f4011.4Et4d PI Fails10run I tdotodhivan(8c lode) FailstOStOlt Falls 10 run [q 0212.2E+5h, 111.3E+4h [Ij -t- 3s3M(3.o), 4.lE-5tlI(3.0) [1] 9.7NM(3.1), 1.9E4RI(1.2) [1] 4t32r35h VI 1.4E-WI(1O) 2t3.2E+6h M 7.6E4Yh(lo) Gas-TwtkDdven Falls10slati 5.w4.oE+6t4 35.5/5.4E+5h 13] 61t.8E+5h, 5113,4E+3d, 6/7.6E+ld, 1lR,6E+3d PI l,IE-2AI(3.0), 9.9E-6f?l(8,4) Foils10tun ?,6/4,0E+6h, 53.4f5.4E+6h [3] 43R.7E+%, 711.3E+4h, V4,4E+4h [2) 2.4E-W(8,7) 6.5it.lE+7h [4] 415,9E+6h PI 6,9E-7h(10) HydrmTuthAMvan Fails10sled . . . Fallstorun Bathy Failure tV1.5Ei6h I PI 132 > WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A \ Tzbfe4a, Cabgory2dafa foreledrirxfdiikiiti j’slem FdtureDab (Cabgory2 Soume-s~ , 1 TRITIUM WIN-X4 DREDA I I SyslernKbrnponeml/Falure Mode NUCkARR2 NPRD-3 ; I I Aywga&k I.NGI > 4.6E-611r(2.5) 112.7E+64 35f5.6E+6h [4J 1212.2E+6h [4J Charger Reclhler Failure d Bus MelaJ-Endosed Failure Bale Failure Cab4eAfdnV TermlnalioriJumper Cable(Copper,1000R) Failure Jolnl(Copper) Failure ., Termlnalbn(Coppar) Failure Jumper(Pwar) Failure CiIcullBreaker General Fails10operdclose Spuriousoparallon , 2516.3E+4d [51 - 3.317.5E+5h, 40,1/l?,9E+7h [5] 512.7E+7h, 9/t.8E+6h [5] 0.W7,5E+5h, 9.416.9E+7h [5] 211.21WI, &2.7E+7h, 41L8E4h I I 1. I I I 4.oEud(l.4)# 4,6E-71h(4.8) 1.9E.7/h(4!6) 133 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A .$ * Table4a. Ca!t?goiy 2dalefordactdcd &MxdbrIsys!atn SyslarnKanponen~a!!ure Mode FailINo Oala(Calegory 2SIXIR@ NUCIARR2 NPRD3 ~ ReactorTdp Fallstoopen OREDA ~ WIN330 “ TRITIUM — LNGf — Aggn3galed Rasd& ‘“ $ Spulbus Opefalbn Relay Plofecuva Fails [0 open&sa Spudws opefatbn &9ME+6h, 7.9/L8E+6h 4.2Ewll(to) F1 33,6/1.9E+8h, 29.lVl.8E+8h [6] 1.7E-7/h(lO) Conlrd Fallstoopedclcse spurious Bislable Fails10openlclose Spuriousopafalkn 134 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ., Table40. C81Q101y2dale ffXf3h?4%_kd dslhJlk system. Faflura Dab(Ca!agay 2 Sowc@ SyslemlQnnponenWaifureMcde NUCIARR2 ; I 3.917.5E+7h [8] Spuiiousqwalbn 0.711.lE+5h, 36.W.5E+7h [8] AukmtbTmnsfer FailsIocmedcbse Aggrqak?d Resuf& I.NG1 5.OE-7I%(1O) I I 0,W2.6E+6h M Spurfousopafalh TRITIUM < Fails10qxmMosa Key-Ope;akd(Manual) Fails10openklose WIN-W DREDA NPRD-3 3.9E-7/ll(lo) 4.2L?,6E+6h PI “ Spwtousoparalkm LM Faiis IO oaerifdose SpuriWsopefalion I Fuse Fail10open 61.5/5.4E+flh I [to] I Premalureofxmlng Invader Failure Mola AC 12E.7nl(lo) 1,6E4MI(10) 9013.9E+4h PI I 6W?E%h PI 213/6,3E+6h, 4.5/6,5E+6h I I 1.8EWh(6.9) I 13EWI(3.4) !-’ -\ “..* WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ., t II II FdluraOala (Galagory2 !%urtx@ NUCIARR2 I ~EDA NPRD-3 wIN-3X) TRITIUM I.NG1 Falls10starl [11] Falls10ntn i17.116.3E+6h, l,&&5E+6h , [11] 6.0EQh(3.3) DC FailskrSkllf 40.!Yl.lE+6h, !ll.lE+6h [12j 21E41h(3,0) .“ Falls10mn 16.wl,lE+6tr, 2.1/l.lE+6h (12) i Syrldrro Fahrre 4.913.8E+6h H31 Transformer Power Failure 3.W7,6E+E$ q7.6E+5h [14] d LME4M(2,8) 1.4E-W(1O] (unE+!m W6.4E+5h m lnsbwnen!aUontUrnlrd Failure . < 3,5E-?lll(lo) , WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Ap~endix-A . Table 4e. Category2dataforelectrid syslem. a. Falure dale areMad M WY, whereX k lha twmbwoffaifures,and’Yk ha exposureperbd(h)wnurnber ddemimfs. Numbersinbrackafsreferb nofesfkfedbelow,armgedbysoma b. Aggragaledresultsare meanandenw fxfor (ii parenlhases).The arm fadork (ha951hpemonfW501hpercanMa. ; “ Nolas NUCLARR2-S. A. Ekfael af.,GenerfcComponenlFaRweData BaseforLfqhlWatermd LkmIdSodfumRearlorPRAs,fdahoNa6rmalEngfneedngtabwaby, EGGSSRE-6675, Fakruq 1996. Allfailuredala ampl forfhefaafmgefaifuremodewereolhfnad fromTablas6 and7 h lhe&referenctr, TheseWas fklfhe aggmgalkms dCalegory2 sourwda!ahwr NUCIARR asitexfshxlkrAugust 1969, t. IJlaselgenedor Iaii(oskrtda!a used. 2, Dieselganerakrrfdltorundataused. 3. Batfe~ dala used. 4. Batterychargerdala w+, 5. Powerdrcullbfeaker{ail(ooperateandfalf10slartdataused. 6. Powerelecfronks(inverter)dataused. NEll&l -M. J. f@4 N~elti~ paffs R~ab~ti Data, RafMMyAnafyak Cenler,RomaAfrDava@mam carder,NPRD3, 1965. All failuredata apply10agrcxrtiIlxed(GF)envhnmarrl unlessdfrarwkelndlcslgd.Comrnarcfal (C),mt?l’fq(M),andunknwo source(?)dab were~ ifavr#aMo.f%ibrrjmodsfnfam’r@xI was usad b deformingwhd % offidkiro$were fail10opanfcfmse, spuriousoparatlwr,etc. Unknownfailuremodeavanlswarenofcunskfarad.Forvafvas,chrii breakers,rafays, andswik%as, IJW fdkwfng mappingd NPRD.3 faikm modashb ha faifwarrwk of fnkmsl was trsark Fail10oparkkahparale - bfnding,breadr(nd fw vatves),amtamkra!ad,cradmdhdurad, no ~t nooparalion, se?zod,stuckopan, and duck Spuriousopratlon- ardng,&lfapsed, k% w$onse, fmproperfkw, hlarmlltanl qwtwf,warhea!ad, andsfwtad Plugs- m Idanufied 137 dosed WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Leakage(external)- breadr (valvesonly),leaking DegrOdsxVlndpbrd (notcalastrophk)- degraded,drift fa6gue,impropertiming,ndsy, d adjustmentourd sw”fikalhn, unslabfa. Far pump5,fans,anddiiel generators,lha folkwfngmepfingwas usefl Fail10daft -cdarnfnakd, crackerilfradured,no mowmanl rwoperaiiorr Falltorun- blndlng,broken,displaced,falsereqxmse, Impmperilow,hlerrnftfertwerhaa!ed, seized,shorted,sbcftdosed, skckopen Overspeed(subseloffail to run) - Irnproparlbw(one-hdf ofevetts used), stuck&en Fail tO StOf) - nrx’lf3 kfdkd Leakage(exlemaf)- breach(notfordksdgenaralor), Iaakhg Degraded/f@knl (nolcataslrqhk) - comxfed,drift noisy,outd adjustmentWI d spadfdkm, wornart L Dieselgeneratordataused(P.76). Faflure modefnforma!km (p,328) irxfkafaslhaf100%ofkikms arefdfsbskt 2. Dc ganarator dala used(p. 75). Falkrremodelrdormakxr(p. 326) IndMes M 44.4% d faihmsorelets b sfadand22.2% y fails10mm 3. TurNneganeralwdala used(p. 77). Faiiuremodsfnfonna!km(p. 330) Indicatesffralt0,5% d fdums arefaib b SW and t5.6% arehits tom. 4. Rechargeablebatierydala used(p. 33), FalkrremodeInfonndon(p. 279) In&ales that36,4% dlarlures arecatastrophe, 5, Generaldrcd breakerdala used(P.43). FeRuremodekdwnurtkm(p.283) hdkales hat 65.7% dfdfuras areM boperfdose end15.4% araspurbusoperalkm. ;. Generalrelaydale used (P. 117). Failuremodefnfornwfkm(p. 311) hdkafas the!16.8%dfelkms we failsboperWse and63,5% orespuriousopwafkm. , PushbullonswhA dala used(p, 136), Generalfalfuramodehformationused(p. 336). Faifuramodshformalbnhdkafes Ihal7.5% dfailvresarela%bqarkbse ● 1. Rotary swllch dala usad (p. 137).SeaNole7 fwfdfuremodeInftxnrabr-r, 1. Keyw“lcfr dafa used(p. 135). See Nofe7 forfalturamodehfonnalbn. 138 and70.4% msqnrrbusopmfbn. .. > ‘:1 :J q ‘$’ ,, ,. ,, is @ ,,J :;1 :5 :1 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appe~dix-A “ !0. (p.285) IndkalesIhal75% d failures&e failstoopenand10% arepramalrsraqerdng. Fusedala used(p. 69).Failuremadeinformalicm 11. Ac mokxdala used(P.57). Faifuremodefnformalbnfordc motorsused(p.326). Falure modeInfonnalbninrfiilas Usal50% offailures arefds 10slarfand20.5%arefaii 10nm. 12. Dc molof dala used(p. 56). See Nole 11foffailuremodeInbrrsati. 4 {.. ‘3” Ganemlsynch dab used(P. 141). Falura modeinfamalbrs(p.331) “tiilm ● , lhd 81.7% dfaties arecalasfroFM. Generalfrensformerdalaused(p. 148). FailuremodeInformation(p.319) In&ales UsaffjO%dldufas arecafaslmpfdc i ““ g . :!, CR)R - OlfshoreReliaMlkvDale Handbook,DffshoreReliabilityDafa(DREDA),Norway,lb. $ , :. KIlfailureInformaliors was I&en fromtie w“dcalfailuremodecategay, unlessofkwisa fndicaled, !,. j ;;j 1. Dieselenglnadrivengeneralorseldafaused(pp.247 and249). FailedwtsfbrunningandImproparoperalkmdafausedforfails10nns.operalkmtimeusedfoffailsb rim.. :.:: ;.? 7. Gas fuellurbh genarabrdala used(pp.239,241,243, and245), FailedwhilanmnfngendImproproperati dafard forfallstown. &raUonal Umeusedforfalfsfo& i r,$ :? 1“ ,, “ !$ :; ;,,3 “,, ,, [jI ,i !,’ ;. ;, Batiarydale used(p. 263). Inadequateoufpufandnooufpufduringemergencymcdedoparalimdata II@ forfaifure. Reclikr(p, 259) andbakerycharger(p. 261)dala used. Clicullbreakerdala used(pp.265, 267:and 269), Inverferdataused(p. 257). No oufpulandfailed10frensferdalausedfoffailure. ~ I Transfonnardata used(pp.253 and255). ..” . $ { :, VWJJ31J -J. N. Wilkfnsonel al,, fdahoCIremicdPrOC8SS ho PM FaifureRate Oalaf.MSQ,IdahoNalionalEhgfnoering Latmrafory,WIN.330, Ocfcber19W. U Iailure Infmati was I&en froMAppr@ii C, p. 32. .. -; .. c. ca&a#~@ M,A, sfofp@t/a~T~l//~~Tms~~ CumomfFdiWUflmHfIUII Jvne 10,1984bktmtler31, 1W!t kfdmNdbndEngfnaadng Ldmraby,EGGWM973, f?w.1,Nmr@rar ‘990;L.C.Csdwaflader, M.A Sbfpe GaveN andL CMnlanQTr16urnRoomAk Mcrnifor@mmnanf FailrsmDab AnafvsisfromJarwarvl.1964 bDa&mLmr31.l 99Q,fddroNatbnaf ErrgfnednIJ LdxxafoIY, EGG-FSP-9450, Mey1991:d C.Cadwafleder andD.P.Senchaq Secordarv Contafrrmanl SYslem Comwrrarsl Laborakny,EGG.FSP-10323,Augusl1992, FeifrNo DalaAnafysLs froM1964IO IWI WO Nsikml Eng”ksaerfq rW.L I <4 ! .. 139 .. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A $, . L!!!G!-D. W. MVISCXIandJ. R. Welker,DoveIof.unent01an Immovd LNGPlwdFolfureRelo Dab Boq, Ges ResearchIrtstilufo,PB82.153X13,So@ember1981. mreqaledResults 1. Ceobinedresultcalculatedforperhourda!a. OREDAdala usedlopadilkmamongfailuremodes. b ● 140 , f ‘G wSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A \ rable 41. Calemw -. 2 datafW~mla~ ~ ~~d s@a~ Feii SyslamlCcmponanUFaflure Mcde NUCLARR2 Dala (Calegory2 Sourc8s)’ WIN-330 OREDA NPRD.3 ; LNGI TRITKIM - Aggmgdad Resulld nshurnanlalbrrendConlrd AlordAnnundator Fails10alarm 11/3.2E+5h [t] 1.6E@h(lo) spuriousOperaliorr li3.2E+5h [1] L7E$%(1O) SOnsorrrlonslnlnorl TrensduceriPrcc&sSwklr Temperature Falfure Pressure Failure LZ5.lE+6h [11 , oll!9E+6tl W1.2E* Pi 7/1.5E+6h [1] 2t214,6E+7h P] 4172E+6h, 6/4.3E+6h, 14/5.04%64 W3.5E+611, m.x.otr, 3r5c5E+6h 3/Mt36tr 12] U2SW3h, M1.4E+6h It] )15.2E+5h t! , 315.7E+5h [21 1.q-7h(7.9) ‘ B.3E-7/h(3.1) ~ PI DlffomntialPressuro Failure 2192E+5h 2.7EW(10) PI Flow Failure 36,Y1.5E+7h 13] , mwil, 317,6E+5h [4] W1.lE+5h, ln,4E+5tr, w6#6E+5h, 412.7E+6h, W4.2E+5h, 21t3.4E+6h, W3.4E+5h [4] 141 2.9E-M(2,0) , WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A .* $ I Tabla 4L Caleaew .,. 2 datafw Inslrurnenlalionandcfmtrdsvslem. FaWaDa!e(Calogay 2 Seurc@ SyslenWornpenenUl%iiure Mode NUCIARIU NFRD-3 OREDA WIN-330 a 2.3/7.6E+5h [4] Level Falhre , Iiumldily Failure ~.6E+7h, 4Jl,2E+7h, l14S3E+6tl [5] !U4.lE+6h [5] I TRITIUM I Aggfeggfeged LNGI I 5.3E-71h(3.7) Oi9.5E+4h [3] 1.2E-W(1O) 2.312.4E4h [5] M Failure OxyganCencemratlon Failure 3t3,7E+5h [4] 9.5E%III(10) Ct31Cencdrallon Failure HydrcgenCencenlralbn Failure NilrogenCencenlralbn Failure Hydmcartxm Cencential!cn Failure Helium ConMrallon Failure Spaed Failure 31612,9E+7h r] . 4411.7E+7h El 7,9E4MI(22) WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A ., Table4f. Calagory2 dataforfnslnsmenlalion andconlralsystem. 1 syslernbmponerilhhrm Mf-xJfJ \ I FaihsrfJ Dala(Ca@wry2 -Y AgggM DREDA NPRD-3 NUCIARR2 Seismic Failure ; * llR.lE+6h, 16/t4E+6h F] b Radlalkm Fa;lure 17/t9E+5h, 214.6E+5h [5] l,2E-5fh(5.7) 1.5E-5ftl(lo) I ModifiirNgnal Cmdi!kmar Failure I I lcglcModule Failure ,, Rawder Failure Sampler Failure Analyzer Failure 2712.5E+6h, 1511,2E+6h m lR,5E+5h [0] * 6.OEWI(10) Timer Failure GesChramabgraph I I Y4.8E+4h I . . 7.3E-!Ull(lo) . 143 $ “.. WSRC-TR-93-262 APpendlx-A * Table 4f. Cale90ry2 da!a forinsfrumenlelicm endrxmfrdS)’Sk?M. 1 SyslmarCornponenl/Faikrm Mode FeiiweDale (Categoiy2Sourcesp [ NPRD.3 I P- Vdlege Regulatw Failure I OREDA WIN-330 I TRITIUM I Transdwr Failure I Prqremmebfe Logk Ccmtmller Failure I Aggfeglgfegd - 10LI.3E+W 17J, TmnsmlHer Failure LNGt 3.2E4W(10) 1 I o,711.3E+6h [0] I I &212.7E+5h 1. . .. . 144 _ ---l-=+ I ,,. ,;,, 8 WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A ‘1 b Table 4L Calegory2 dala forlnslrumenlalkmandcunlrdsyslam. a. FalluredafalwelkkrdeS W,ti Xkhm~df*a, tiYk M~~e@@)wmbdtiti. NmMbhdekrefwb~*kldW,_w- ; b. Aggregatedresullsare mean anderrorfadar (inparenlhasas),Theerrorfacfor k fha951h percenW5fHh percenhla. Nob NUCIARR2 -S. A, Ekfeel af,,GenarfcCornml ReaderPf?A$ , fdahaNalkmd Englnaarhg Lafxualory, EGGSSRE4M75, Fakrwy1990. FailureDela BaseforlfqhlWaferandlkrufrf $cdlum All IalluredataexcaplforfhafaekagefalfuremodevrereoblafnedfromTfrblas6 and7 frrha fr&lrefararrce,Thesefablestkl he aggregr+lkns dCaleguy 2 sourcedafafrumNUCfARR as Hexklad kIAugusl 1989, f. NfJfJfM-M. J.f@=f.N~ PartsReffabfGfv Da@RafWfityAnafyds Canfer, RomeAfrOaw@maNCanfar, NPRD3,1965. Allfailure dateapply toaground bred(W)wfmnmanludasselhsdsefndkakd. ~d(C),_(M),dti~~Wwe@U-, FdhrramodaMrnaMrnwasustxfbdefmnineW%dfdhlr8$H fail10@close, spurious operalicm, elc.Unkrrwrr failure modeavan!swera ndwnskferad. Ftxvalves, drwilbraakers, relays, mdswifches, fhafdkrwhg mapphg dNPRD-3 faifure modes hfo thafaikrremcdasdh!arwlwas used Faflloopen&6e/qmrate -bfnding,breadr(nd forvafves),a)nhnfrralad,cmcf@Tradurad,namevern@ naoparatbn,sdzad, s~oparr, W sfuckdosed Spurfousoparahr - ardng,cdfapsad,fafsaresponse,improperflow,Mnniltenl opened,ovarhealod,andsfrortaf Plugs. nonefdediried Leakaga(inland)- noneIdentifiedexceplforlaafdng(checkvafvaonly) Leakage(exlemal)- breadr(valvesonly), Ieekfng Degradedlncfplenl (nalcalaskphlc) -degraded, drigfatlgua, hnproparthnlng, ndsy,ether, arfdadjjbnanlcddspedfiilbrr, unslabfe, Fer pumps, lens, and rksel gerwrabs, he folkwing rnapplngwas use4 FailtoWart-cuiarnlnalad, crackdhchrad, nomovementnoqparalkrr Fall 10run- bfndlrrg,broken,dkpfaced,fake response,Irrrprqar flw, Inh?rmilferrt ove@aled, sefzad,shaded,sfud closed,sludropen 145 WSRC-TR-93-262 A~pendlx-A ● Overspeed(subseloffal !0m)” improper tlow(ena-hatfol everkused),duckopen Fail [0 StW-nOfle kfdiikd Leakage(external)-breach (ndfordiiekganerator), fealdng Dagradedfmcfpkrnl (notcalaskophlc)- cmoded, drift nofsy,eufofadjustmentoutofspecifrr, womOUL L TemperatureSWNchdata used(p. 139). Generalswitchfalkuemodeinfeanatlcaused(p.336). Faiie modehfonnatienkrdkxles56.3% dfalhrres arecatastrophk 2. Pressureswltctrdala usMJ(p.136). Sea Nc4e1 forfailuremodehformaUon. 3. Ffawswildr dala used(p, 133). See Nde 1 forfake modeInfon@m 4. Levelswilchdala used(p. 135). See Note 1 forfaifuramodehformaliom 5. Humkfityswitchdata used(p.134).SeoNdet forfallura rmrcfa kdennalJIxI. 6. Ela~edtimeIndkalor dataused(p.66),CRTdkpfayfailure modekdormdbn used(p. W). Faifum modehfrxmatkm fndkxtes 26.6%dfailures wecafestmpfric 1. Vobge regulatordataused(p. 114).No faUuremodehformatkmmifabla. 9. used(p.146).Failure modehhnnati Generalfransducerdafa (p.336)hdlcaks13.2% d faRuresm cafastrepfk hereRelabJllvDala Handbeok, OffsfrweRetlatriilyData (OREDA),Nonvay,1964, 2EiEQA-9ff$ \ll failureInforrnallonwas takenfromLhaaibl failuremcda calegmy, unlessolhenvke hdkakxf, Alarmsyskrn data used(p, 133). Sensor$rneumalkswitch(p~61)senscuhbclricswifdr(p.63), andsenscdlransduwr(p,65) dafaused. Sensodpnaumalkswitch(pp.49 and51), sansodeladrkswllch(p. 53), andsansodtransduar(pp.55.57. md 59) dala used. sans@naurnetlc swiklr (pp.67 and69), sanscdafacfhcswitch(pp.71 rmd73), md sansorilrmsd- (PP.75,77,79, and61)data used. , 146 , . .+ wSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A \ ● 5. Sensor/fxkuma6c swilch (p.63),sensodelaclrk switch (p.65),endsensorlransducer (p.87)daleusti, 6. dala usad. HydrcwborI gasdelecfor 7. Pmgrammabfe bglccunlrdkr dalaused(PP.290and291).Faiiredabgivenbycompanenk inM amlrekar. Assumes 1CPUhnamwywNr 5%offrsWaS MI’I!Jctffk4~ 5 fI@ andOIIWW Uilicaf. ; w 15%Offs ~ WIN.330 -J. N. Willdnsonet al., IdahoChemkel ProcessfnaPfentFailureRateDatabase,fdehoNatiooalEnglnaednglaboratory,WIN330, Dcfober1991. . All failureInformaUon was takenfromAppetKKKC, p. 32. L Temperature(loop)dala used. Failfailuremodedala &d. 2. Pwssure(lcop)data used. Fallfailuremodedafaused. 3. Differential pessure (loop) dalatrwd Failfailure modedabused. 4. Fknv(gasfoop) dabused.Failfailure modedataused, 5. level (loop)dala used. Fallfeiluramodedala used, 6. RediaUc+r (general,foop)endradiallon(cdlkqlily,loq) dala usrx.f.Fellfalfuramodedalaused. 7. Samplersyslem(non-addendadd Iluld)dalaused. 6, Analysts(b@ dala used. Falffailuremodsdale usad, . ““’ “ .. “ ‘;, TRITIUM-L, C. Cadwdladarend M,A. Sk4paGave~ Td$umWasteTreafnwl Svsl @mwnonfFWraDalaAnafvsfs fmmJune18.1904bDmrd)ar31, 19)$,fdaho Ndkrssd E@mrfngLdmnhy, EGGFSP4f!173, Rev.1,lWwnLIW 1990;L,C.Cadwatlader, M,A Slolpe @rvatlandL Qulnlana, Trithrrs RounAlrMdmw OmmnenlFaI lureDaleAnalvsb franJanrraw Labrxetay, EGG-FSP-9450, May1991:smd 1,1964lo DeceInbar31. 1990, fdahoNaOmd Engknedng COnkinrnanl Svslem (%rnm I Failura DalaAnalystjfrwn 1984101991, IdahoNaUonafEngineeringLabwabryoEGG$SP-10323,Aqust 1992, L.C.Cadwallader andD.P.Sanchazt !%condaw ... . 1. Temperaturemonlbrdala used(TableA-1, flrslrefererw). 2. Pressuremcdlor dala used(TableA-1, firslreference). . 147 ( (+.” “. . WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A ., * 3. Levelmonilwdale used(labte A-1, fusllabnca). 4. OxygerImonllwdala used(TableA-l, Ilrslreference). 5. Redialkmrnmilordale used(TableA-1, firstreferenceandp. A.3, secundrefer-). 6. Gas chrwnabgraplrdataused(TableA-l, fimlrefarerm). &JGJ -D. W. JohnsonandJ. R. Walker,Devalomenlof ml morwed ING PkmlFailureRateDataII ~, Gas ReseadrInslitule, FW2-153563, Sap!am&1961. 1. Fkslselolda!aIsforlowIempera!ure dakcbr(p.9). Saccmd selofdala k forMghlamperaturedelecbr (p.9). 2. Gesdalactor dalaused(p.9). , 148 ‘J -.. -w .. - . - --- .5----,-- . .,...,.-! -7 . . .. Am-A —. . . . . . . . .. .. . ., ..>.,.=- .. -.7 ., .,, ~ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ., Tsblrr 5s.Calegory 3es!hrales fwwattiS@MS. ! FailureData(Cah390ry3Sourcx@ SyslarWanponanM%llure Mode WASH-14W CCPS IEEE LNG2 S@ ; EPR12 EPRI1 — — — = I ~! operalbn PhJgs 313E-7nl(3) , 3.oE@ll [1] 1.9E-7nl(e.1) 1.E-7nl [1] ‘ 1.oE.7dl(lo) Leakage(internal) Rupture(internal) leakage (external) Rupture(external) 2,7E4W(IO) Ak-C$erabrJ FallstO@dose 3.8E4q3) 27E4Yll(lo) 2,0E-3M [1] 9$E-41d@9) spuriousopamuon Plugs 3.8E-7nl(3) 3.8E-7/h(3) Leakage(iitemal) Ruplure(Mrs@ Leakage(axlemal) Ruplure(exlarrral) Solenokl-Operalad Falls10openkbse 1.oE-71h [lJ . I.W.7RI(10) 2.7E-&h(lO) 27E-Ulll(lo) 1.3E-31d(3) 1.3Ewd(3) Spuriousoprakn 4 150 t .-( WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ‘t ableSs.Cafegay3Wmalesforwalersyslem. FaikNeDab(Cr@oq3 SyslernMmponenllFailureMode WASH.1400 CCPS “ IEEE “ LNG2 Sourw# EPRI1 AfKJmqKJd “ EPR12 — 3.8E-7h(3) 3.8E-71h(3) [11 PIUJS ,, Leakage(inIemal) Ruplure(inland) Leakage(axlamal) 2,7E4!Jh(tO) Ruplure(axlamal) 1.3E-Yd(3) SafefyFbliaf Fails10open .=. 2.&#%(lo) 4.OE-31d [t,2J 1.5E-31d(30) [1] Faib 10radosa Leakage (inIt)mai) 1.3E@h(3) Ruplum (Inlemal) 1.3E4/11(3) 3.oE-61h [1,2] 30E-6/?l(lo) Leakage(extend) Rupture(axkn-nat) Vacuurn-Breaker Falls10open .,.< 3.oE-5/q3) 3.llE&(3) . FaiIs [0 dose & ,.,,. Leakage(inland) -’ Ruplure(internal) o 151 ; WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 App~ndix-A * Table5X cak9wy3eshltrlas(WW8f13 sys!ern, Fdlura 0ilb3(c8~ SysledQxnpmnUFailure Mode WASH-1400 Leakage(external) Rupfure(external) Valve(C@rd) Molor-Operaled Failsopen Failsdosed FallsIoraspond Pklgs Leakage(axlemal) Ruplure (axlamel) Alr@ralad Failsopen Failsdasad Fails10rmprxd Plugs Leakage (external) l?upkrre (ixlemal) SolenokJ@arahxI Fallsopen * CCPS IEEE LNG2 3 %urc@ ; EPRI1 EPR12 Aggl’aglgl’agM WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A > blt 5a. Ca!qcuy3 aslimfdasfef wakfsysbm. I WASH-MO I CCPS I IEEE I . LNG2 Failscbsed Fds b WXXKJ - Pbgs I I I I Laa@e(axtemd) I I I I I I Rupture(axtarnd) I,3H4!(3) Pump MCIWDIMI’I Fails10Shli Fdlsbtun I I 8.OE-51h(10) 4.3E-21d(6.3) 1. 1:~~I I t 7.lEQh 1’ 73EW(6.3), 2.4E-W(5.8) [2] lslE41h, l.oE@ll [1] 5.7E-5/11 [1] if] [1] 10E-tll [1] 5.7E-!W [1] 4aE.3/qlo), . 3.8E-5I?)(1O) . P] [1] [1] 3.8E-5II(1O) . 2.lE-5/h(6.8) [2] Ovalspeed Feilsb SW Laakage(axkwnel) Ruplure(exbrnal) Ttidvao Failsb dad Failsbrun ~ 4.0E41d [1,4] “ ~ I I [2] , Failsb S@ 153 \ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A 11 Ile *. ca!agoly3 @lmakS forWafafsyslm Faifum Oala(Calagcny 3 !kum@ C(XJS WAW-1400 IEEE LNG2 EPRfl EPR12 I D&saKMm Fdtsbsldt 5.OE-3/d [1,5] ‘ R@Jfe(damal) 4.2E-mh-fl (30), 4.2E-llh-ft y Plugs 4.2E-lfM141 (30), 4.2E-llIh-fI y * K Hosa leakage (aldfxnq 94E-3/d(9.8) 8,5E4Jh4t (30), 8.5E-tWfl y I_Jw P* “Leakage (Marnal) Aggrega!ad Rasdl# 2.7E-W-fl@O) T T 154 ... .+, WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ;:; .1 ~ w 11 rable SS6Calegofy3 es6rnakSfcuwaler syskql. II FailureDita(Ca!swv3 SWC%SY EPR12 EPRI1 LNG2 IEEE ,... “f ,,,. ,,,. ,, !! f ,,i ..:4 ,, ... /’j ,,, J ,,. ,, !’,, ‘4 ,, :.: >. {{ ,:! ,,.. -1 ..Ji ,.; .,. ,. .“. ..: ,< ~,,ff~! ;, .. ,-,, ., Ruplure(axW) Pkms I W33nl I 1.3E4/h@o) [q ~ [t] Ru@um (extamd) Tank(Pmsuizsd) leakage(exlamd) 1.3E-7/ll(30) 13] . Rupture(exW) - FlangdGoskd Leakage (axlemal) ‘ Ruplure(extamaij HadExdmgai shelvTuba FouIing (ti) I I 1.4E-5/h [t] 9.4E&h(10) [4] [ [6] I I [1] (4] I [6] [1] [4] I. Plugs (tubas) Leakage(hJbBS) 6,3E@h * ! ,1 - ( “. - WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A hbk 5& Cakgaty 3 estifnalasfar WiifY syslefa. I FailureData(Calayxy 3 Sow@ sp~~o~ WASH-14LW IEEE CCPS LNG2 EPRH Aggmgaled Rasul& EPR12 ._ Ruphh (lubes) Lx (~) . Rupho (shall) Hea!er(Electkal) Failsla heel sIr141WFiHlx Mugs 2,0E#(3) m 2.8EQ?I(3,0) v] Leakage(illW) [6,q [4] Rupture(inkmal) [6,~ [4J 8.OE-71h(3) 8.OE-71h(3) Plugs MlsMenem TrevallingSciaen Plugs f 156 \ J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A rabls5a. Ca@wy 3 eslirnaks fcxwalersyslem. 7 , . w L FailurerateashafasareMadax meanffeq L IntrackelsraferIonolas Mad below,amnged bysourc%. (W fecfor),whereLhaerrorfach is LIW951hpercalikkllh percanlila NumbeIs Aggmgaled mullsaremeanendem factor (i pa@hes@ Wss ~ASH.14QQ:J7@~S~feNSlw $ AnAssessmtmldArxkftwlRiskskU, S,MnmetddNudaarPowerilaIIk U.S.NudaarRagdaloiy CommlWn, WASH-WO(NUREG75K114), Ocfobar1975. 8 411 fai4ureralaswwe0MeinadfmmTaMesll14-1 end4-2,unfessdheIwbefn&abd. TkhvduhldhWASH.l~ L Er@mlenteslimoIe perhouf (fromaheperaterf vdvefnkwnalkm) used. 2. FIIstaslimalok+ forpi@gwilhdiarnalaIs fassttIat13in., UN! S&XMd !xEs@-~f’- r OSti dm-a@ti~tih . is fcvgraaktrthan3in. Lea@eesl&natais 20tknashi@vUmnru@re(p. 111-77),&xhsOdiOnWaS assumed tobe~fl. EmIlomonlReliobllitvDafaWi!h OalOTob& Cen!erforChamlcalProms Safely,ArnedcmfnstilutadChemkalEnglnears,1989. .“ ofEl@lIxI.ElOdIordO. S~fM W-I, ~-(EEEGukteto(hoCdfedkMandProsodalbn Sfd500-1984,1983, Rocmmndd we~bmv**bwwf--lti oslimdes ware Iotarprelad(o be madam. Rmmwnded imdMochml@ IMomonl Roll obllifv DOIOfwNI&twPewwGonololblq Shlw, aslimakksware cfxvaded 10meansusingIhe em factw(uppwWmadian) kIStikdO d Ebcbfcal and Efecfm& E@neom, Ino.OIEEE and assuminga bgnmal disfiibufbn,unbss dhenvfse fndcafed ff he em focfor waslafgaflhan30, tlwesmdJctxflo30. 1. Noupparabwerboundsgivan. Rwmnen&d 2. Safelyvafvedala used(p. 1040). 3. Cen!tilugel f)urnpd~usad(p. 893). 4, Turb&ddvfi 5, Dbsafdlwn’I PUMPdafaused(p.918). vafueinlefprebdas a meanbecaused lhosou@s used10eslimafaIhavalue. ,.... .. IMMPdaIa used (P.917), 157 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Madankal dklion Ilttxdalaused(p.1401), o FaWatntdmndindkdad. dimalaswamlakan fromtkaobswvaddaIaonp78, 8 ~$@oPw/&@I@JI)oIJ ~-RP.D&*J.A~@&,~lF~etiwDw Failuremodasnd Indicated. u“J.A-~~,~ Faikro modasmthdcikd. ~, EleddcPmvwR&aach lnsli!vta,TopicalRepodAPZ205, Rm&ck PmjaIA239-2, Falnuvy 1982. “ EladrkPowarRastwch lnstMa, TqIkalRqNxlAP-X171, RaseardIProJad239-2 Oclobar1981. ? WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Amendix-A .. b Tablo 5b. Cala9CSy3eslimak form fKK8SSSySt9111. . . IEEE CCPS WASH-WOO FailureEsUmaks(Cahgcq 3 Soums)’ LNG2 EPRI1” EPR12 Aggrogalsd ROSUIM - “ChomM . PmcOss Vehm(slalvJbyofsorely) Mar@: . Fdts’loqMMWe .. 2.9E4q8.7) 2.9E-tld(8.7) 8 Rugs t Leakage(inW) I I Ruplure(internal) Leskege(al(w) Rupture(exkml) 1.5E4/q3.2) 1,5E-4M(3.2) 2.2E-3/q4.9) 2.2E-31q4,9) Faiktoorm FaIIsbcbsa Phms i I II ‘ Leakage(Idemal) Ruplure(hlarnd) RuphJIe(exlemal) II u ,. Laakoge(oxti) , MoW3pafakd “ FaiIstoomnkbse 5.6E-3/q6.1) I 5,6E-31q6.1) Spwious oprallon I t.4E-6/h(4.0) I 1.4EQh(4.0) 159 J WSRC-TR-93-262 ~Append’x-A rabk 5b. ca!egfJy3 esuinalasfordlamkal prowss Syslam 1 ‘slinalas (Ca* 3 sources~ I Rupture (errlamal) ! wAsli-14(m I CCPS I ‘ I LNG2 IEEE Spuious 0p3ra!brl 3AE4i/h(6.7) I 1 1 Agglagalad RasIW’ EPR12 I 2.2E41rJ(4.7) Ak-opardad FdlsbopanWae EPRII I I 2.4E@I [lJ 2,2E-3M(4.7) [1] [1] 3iiE@h(6,7) [1] Plugs Lealqp(hlamal) Ruphre(in!amd) Leakage(ax!amal) Ruplure(axlamd) SdanOkl-OpmlIxl ; FailsIoopaddose 2.8E-3M(5,5) 2,6E3M(5.5) f Spurbusqmralion plugs Leakage(&krnal) 4.lE-71h(3.0) , 4,1E-71h(3.0) ‘ I I I 160 , {1 II Rev.1 .. ,, ..4 1 ! .,: ,, WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 ~ppendix-A .. ~d :.., ,,’ I ~ “ablo 5b. Cakqoiy 3 dmales fwckrnkal processsystam. :$ v< >, sfi~~*eM~ !1 i. WASH-1400 :. ,<, 1-..-’ Ruphue(Inlernai) $ ,*3 .! La&a@ (Wan@ :J :$ !,.4 Rupture(axbmd) ..( g :.: .; . ;J :,,: y ;. ,. . ~ ,: I,.,! y * U ~ ,, !!,~ ,:, 1 :: :i . ,., K ~{ ..: ,., ,, safelyEkiial Fdlstoopen Failsbracbse FailureEslimak!s(Calegwy3 sources~ “CCPS IEEE - LNG2 , EPRH EPR12 Aggragabd Rasul& 4.2E.31qW), 2.lE4/d(lO) 7&Uq18) 5,0E4M(10), 5.2E-3M(13) 5.IE-2M(12) lealuiga (kkunal) RupWJ (Intamd) Leakage(axbmal) Ruplure (axhnal) vaaJuln-Bmlw Failsboptw Falls10rcidose leakage(hbmdj Ruplufo (ii~d) * Leakage (axlamal) Ru@IIm(axlamal) Valve(ConUd) 161 \ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A &5b. Calag0ry3aslfmabs kx_pfomS5sySbm FailuIe Eslkndes (Catagtny 3 sources)’ srs~@oM~ WASH-14(N) CCPS LNG2 IEEE EPRI1 Aggraga!sd Rasullsb EPR12 Mo&@rabd Fallsopen Failsdos’ql . FallsIorss@ Laa!@gO(axtsmsi) Rupture (axbmd) Alr@paraled Failsopen 2,7EAIh ff] 2,7E-5/h(lO) PI “ Faksdmad [1] 12] FaBs b (8SPXKI Ill u] Flugs Lmkaga (axlamd) Rupture(axkmal) Sc+add-opafakd Failsopen , “ Fails dosad Falls (o 18SFIXIIJ * “ plugs 162 \ -.i ; ,.,, ,. :. .,-. .$ ...-. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appe$dix-A 9 Tablo 5b. Cale9xy3 estimalesforchedd powss syslem. SyslenWmfxwnWfire FoifumEstimates Mode wAsH-14fm3 CCPS (Cale$Xxy3!kunx$ Aggrtqekd Resulk+’ EPR12 EPRH LNG2 IEEE ; Leokage(exlotnal) Ruplure (exlemal) 3.oEQh [1] l,lE-21qll), 1.9E4!/q5.6) Pump MolorOiwn FailsbSttMt . 1.6E-2/q8.1), 1.5E-!ih P]. Fds b m ~1] 29E-iIh(4.5), 1.0E4ih(24) ” 6.OEWI(ll) PI ChIelspwd Failsbslop , Leokogo(oxkmal) Ru@xe (oxtmol) , - Tuitineihfwm Falls10Stilt 2.6E.2/q4.3) 2,6E4?M(4.3) FoiIstorun 8.9E-5/h(5.0) 8.9E-5/h(5.0) Ovafspood Fats foSkJfl Leakoge(oxkml) Ruplure(exhxnal) Dlesd-Dliven Fails10 SkMt . 163 1 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 \ppendix-A ,$ Ttblo !W. Ca!egety3 edma!as fu chenkd WXXS.$S@9i’lt sfit~~~e Feifure EsUmales(Calagcty3 Swcasp M* WASH-1400 CCPS —- LNG2 IEEE EPRH EPR12 - - Aggregded Rmft# Fdfsbnm Ovalspead Failstostep leakage (axtamal) Rupture(external) P@lgmse/Jumpel m Leakage(extend) Rupture(exlamal) 5.lE-121WI (15) [1] 5,1E-12M(15) . W lime Leakage(exlamel) Ruphre (external) Plugs 2.9Eanl-n y 2.9E%71-H(15) ● Leahege(extamd) I Ruptwe(external) 164 ( . . ‘i .. .{ .. ,,1. d 4 ,,>. ,.. .. T8blo 5b. Ca@ctry3 eslima!asforchamlcalprocessSK&WI. ,.; y. JI :: ‘?:l ::~ 1, ‘- ,7 / “ j+ ‘: (: :. .: . .i ., I,< .) .< .. :‘< F&ma EsUinalos(Caleyxy 3 scumt$ SyslaniComponanbFaihsre Mode .“. $ ,i: s‘1 $ q $ ,’ ;, )> WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 ApP@ix-A b WASH-1400 CCPS EPRH LNG2 ‘ IEEE ; EPR12 Aggragab3d Resullsb Plugs ‘“ vessel Tank (lhIM3ssutiz0d) Leakage(exkrnal) 9AlE-71h(4.9), l,2E$/h(15). l,2E@hI(9.3) 1,1EWI(17) 1.lE-9/?I(17) 2,6E441(7.5) 2.6E-W(7.5) Ruphsre(exlamal) Tank (f%ssuiized) Leakage (@MI@ “ Rupture (extamal) FlangdGaskal leakage(exlamai) Ruplure (extamal) l-tealEx&mgat SIsdv7uba Fouling (lubes) plugs(lubes) Leakrqo (tubas) Rl@um(blbes) Leakage (shall) .. Rupture (shall) Healaf(EleIMA) Fails10heat . 165 . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 ppendix-A .$ Table 5b. Cdegay 3 esllmalesfordwnlcal prccesssyslem. , FailureEslknahs(Calegcxy3 SOIIK@ EPRH — Uwh9ats ! Led(age (axfamal) ! Ruphm (exlamal) I I EPR12 I . 5.6E43h(5.o) (2J 5.6E-&Jh(5.o) [!,2] Slralnlmlktr PhJgs Leal(aga(htamd) AggfegyJft3gcl 1 1 LNG2 IEEE CCPS IP] [2] 1 RuphNe(in!amal) I [2] ‘“ I-Y Mkdbnews Mlxwmbndar nlhNe Agltalor FeCure Canhiflga FaiiB 5,7E+III 2.5E-5/h(lO) 100E.W Kltxi/h, 30E4Ml, 7.oE-6/h# 3.8E-51h , I 166 1 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Ap~endix-A . ● : Tabh 5b. Calqpry 3 es!imalq forchemicalPrcces.ssystem. ; a Failurerale esllma!esare fiilad as mean frequsmcy(em facior),whererhoerrorfactork he 95IhparmrW50Ur pammife. Nurntwrsh brackefsraferforides Iisladbdow,arrangedbysowca. aremearr anderrorfacfor(ii p&nlhese@. b. Aggfega!edresults NoW , ‘wAH49Q-Re~~s@ Risflsh u, s,c0mm&ddf4 ucfeOrPlxwrPfank fefvS(uf’t An AssessmerllofAcdderrf . U.S.t4udearFfegufaloryQmnmfssfurlWASH4400 (NUREG7MM4), OdobeJ 1975. All failurerales were obbinad from Tablas Ill 4“1and4-2, unlessolhanv& hdkakd. Thamedkrvdues listedh WASH-1400woremwarlad Iomearrvahes usinglhoerrorfader hdkakf and assumingafogrrormaldkifrihrtk C!2S-~fW 1. PIUXSSE~~IIMIM! ReHabiliIvDdrrWfh DBfaTx, CarrltwbrCframkd Prams %fefy, Amerim fnsliMedCfwnlcd Engfnam, 1989. Eacfrsecfbnwssassumedlobe20n ~-jEEEGufdebffreC@cUorr Sfd500-1984,1983, md Praserifafbrrof Etecfdmf.EkcfmnfG$- Comment, rwrdMechankd Euufunenl RelfabitfvDefa forN,rcfear+%warGerrerafknSfalbrts,Insfhrfed Efedrfcd and Ekxlrmb Enghaats, fnc, IEEE Rmmmmrkf esUma!eswere hhrpra!ed fo be medians. Rmmmen&d esllrnaleswera amvertedfomeansuslrg he errorfocior(upparWmedion) was laruefIharr50, flwasredutxd1050, 1., Slmkrer/MerforcfremkalIlukleslhnateused(p. 1407). 2, Failuremodesnofhdiiled, UjQ-H.Lammerse andM. fhsman,”Daleof Gas Camprassorsandlnshumenbllon-H ardloCc4f@ end assumhga fognormefdisbibulkm,unfessolkwise hdicaled, If Ihe am fecfrx EasyloA@yset W@ilitvEmlneerhq 13 (1985), PP.6S-78. AUedrnales wera takanfromhe observeddataw p. 78. 167 1 1. ~-ftP. 1. ~ WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Ap~endix-A Q Failuremodesrnlindii!ed. DawkiItsandJ.ADerdger, CanIXInanlF eihneiuulRmak Dalx Gasification-@m bined.cwiePw Genwliiclnu ~, EleclkPower ResearchInsflute,To@xl RepodAP-22f.t5,ResearchPmjed 239-2, Febmy 1882. Failurerncdesndindiied. -J.A Ikiigarelel.,!lmmt Failureml Reoe&LXileforCOalWredP(r+/eflhi~, Ebcltb PM ResearchInslilula,TopbelRepOtiAP-2t)71,ResearchP@xl 239-2, OddI& 1981. b * 168 \ J WSRC-TR-93-262 Tsblo 5c. Cakgxy 3 esliinalesforcompmsst?dgassyslem. 1 SystetnKkmponenUFailure Mode k WASH-14W FailureEstimates(Calegoty3ScurIX@ CCPS EPRH “ =s , EPR12 Aggregdlxl Resul@ ,. Pl@ Leakqje (In!t%al) ‘ ... Rupiwe(khrnal) Leakage(tuletnal) .-. . Ruplure(exbmal) Check Fails10o@n 1 i I Ruplure(khnal) ~. Leakage(exlamsJ) I I Ruplure(exkmml) MolwC@akd Falis10openldbse ● Spurbusoperalion 169 Rev.1 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A I Table 5c. Cakgwy 3 eslimalesh ann~assad gas S@ITI. FaiMreEstimales(Calegary3 Soum@ SyshmfComponenl/FalfumMode WASH-1400 CCPS IEEE ING2 —Piugs Leakage(hIemal) Rpplure(II@@ Lea@e (exlemal) Ruplure(external) Ak-clpera!ad FailsIoopenfdose S@ous operation * Leakage(lIIIamalj Ruplura (In!emel) Leakage (ex!amd) Ruplure (exlwrud) ~al~ Fells10Opa@dOse Sputious eperallon Plugs , Leakage (k&MI) 170 EPRH EPR12 Aggregated Resull@ J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table %. Calegory3 edrnaks forcompressedgassystem. .. . FailureEslirnalos(Category3 !?mum@ SysladCmpnanUFdlure Mode WASH.14~” CCPS , IEEE .LNG2 EPRH Ruplure(inIarnil) Leakage(exlemal) Ru~e (axkmal) safety/Renef Failsteopan Failsbredese Leakage(inland) Ruphm (inland) Leakage(exteinal) Ru@re(exlamd)‘ Vacuum%reakef Failsla open FailsIomckise Leakage(Internal) I . Rupture(Inlamd) Leakage(exla&l)’ Ruplure(oxlamal) I “ Valve(Codrd) Molor-Operaled , .I I . 171 “ . EPR12 Aggregated ResuHsk ) WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A TableSC.Calagwy3 edmalasforan’qxassedgas syslam. Fai!um Es&mates (ca@xy3Saurc%s~ SyslemK%mponanUFaitwe Mods wAsH-t4Ml CCPS IEEE LNG2 EPRlt , EPR12 Aggregated Resull.# Failsopen Fdsdosed Fallsb respawl Plu& $ “ Leakage (axlamal) Ruplure(axtamal) A!.r-Oparakxl Fai!sopan Failsdosad Falls 10 RM@ Plugs Leakage(exlamal) Rupkue(axtamal) Solti-qaralad Failsopen Failsdasad ! Fails 10 qmnd Plugs ~. Leakaga(external) 172 1 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1” Appendix-A Table5c.Calagory 3 esllmalas forstrrrwassed gassyslarrt sfil~~*e Failure Eslkrraks (Calegory 3Sourcesp “ M* WASH-14W CCPS I I IEEE LNG2 “ EPRI1 , I EPR12 I Aggregated Resull@ Rupture(exlamal) compressor Molor41riverr Falls.(oslarl b 2,5E-31h(19) Fallslomrr 6.7E411@O), 4.7E-511r [11 3.8E-Wh [1] 1.6E4ill@O) [1,2] “ [1] [1] [2] cNelspeOd FailsklS@ Leakage(Oxtomal) Ruplure(erdamal) Pip@@-losalJumpr/Tuba Piping Leakage(axlamal) Ruphue(axlamal) I I Plum . I I I I Hose Leakage (oxkxrpi) Ru@o(axkm~ Plugs \ Jumper Leakage (exla&l) 173 I I ‘1 II ) # WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A able %. Calegay 3 eslimalesfrxcompressedgas syskrrs. I $slentrcornponantrl%llureMcde WASH-1400 FailureEstimates(Colegory3 Scurces~ CCPS IEEE LNG2 EPRH . EPR12 Aggregated Resulti Rupture (ertlemal) Plugs Tube Leakage (errlemal) Rupture (external) Plugs vessel Tank(Pressurized) Leakage (external) Rupture (exlemal) Cyiirxler(Pmssurkzed) Leakage (exlemd) Rupkrre (external) Flem@&sskel “ Leakagti (exlemd) Ruplure (exbmsl) HealExchanger : Shennub% . Frxhg(lubes) Pklgs(lrJbes)’\ ‘ Le@e (tubes) 174 ‘4 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table 5c. Calegory3 esllmalasformmpressedgassyslam. FailureEslimalas(Calegory3SWIces~ SyakrnlComjmnarIUFailum Mode WASH.14(KI IEEE CCPS “ LNG2 EPRI1” . EPR12 Aggregalad ResuKsb Ruplum(tubes) Leakage(Shd) “ puphlre(sball) Healer (Ekrcbhrl) Falls10heal , Overhaals Leakage(axkrnd) Ruplure(axhnld) Vaporizer Failure , 2.oE-711r I’2J 2oOE-7/h(lO) PI 3.4E-LMI(3.4) [t] 3,4E-6111(3.4) [2] Leekage(internal) [1] VI Rupture(IrMamal) [1] P] AirDryer Faifure Filler Plugs > Orifm Plugs ‘ 175 “ , ( WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table5c.Category 3eslimales forIMTwessed gassyslerm a. FailurerateeslknalasoreIlsledS, mean haquancy(erm Iactor),whereha errw bclor is the951h peruxW501h percentile,Numtwrsinbracketsrefer10nolasIiiled hv, ammgedby source, b. Aggregatedresullsem maerrendem factar(irrparenlhases). Nobs . WASli-t4~; Reedor Sdetv StudIK An Assessmenlof Acdden lRiikslnu, s.ctmnrxd idthdaar P(AVWf%an$,U. S. NudaarRegulakwyCommlssbn,WASH-14DO(NUREG75K114),Odobw 1975. MerwkaIrdkabd.The rrwdianvalue.slisladinWASH-14DOwerewrwerled10meanvaluesusingM ermrfador hdiibd ad assuminge Iognasmaldistribu&. AllfailureraleswereobkdnedfromTablesIll 4-1ml 4-2,unless u!3?--~ forProcessEQIllrnnanl ReIiablW Data WilhDrrlaTab@ , Cenbrfar Chemkal ProcessSafety,AmarkanInslilrde01ChemicalErrglneem,1989. Errorfdof eslkmabswereobtalnadfrwnlhe~uare roolo(lha upperLunmdUreasIhelwartvnsnd. ~ -JEEE G.rido 10 Usa Cdl don Sld500-1984, W83. , and Pre$errlalkmof Eledrkal, Eladronk. tk@’sI CAIOWW@.andMechanicalEwkrmenl Reliat)ililvDole forNudear.l%ver Gerseralh $IrrUon$,Inslitubof Ekxtdcel and EledmnlcEngineers,k, IEEE Reannmandedeslkna!eswere krbrprebd 10be rmxhrts. Rmmman&J eslimalaswere wrrvertodb meansusingtheerrorfocti.w(upperbounrirmedlan) andassuminga krgnormaldisbibulirrn,unlesseharwka indicated. If Ihe arm hdw reduced(0 50. wtts Iaqar Uran50, Hwas 1. Falhrre modes nrrlindlcaled, 2. /drdryeresUmaleobtal@from Irrfwmalbnar p. 1422(nofailuresh t.9E+Sh). ~-H, LrrmrnamoendM. Ebsman,‘DalaofGasCarnpraswts andInslrumorrlalkm - HardloCoiloct EasyloAnelyset RcliobiliNEndncorlrxI13(1985), pp.G5-78, Alles.limalesware I&en fromIhe observeddalaonp.78, * ‘. ~-R. aUonu nll&,EladficPowerReseardrInslilule,TopicalReporlAP-2205, ResearchPro@4239-2, February1982. oPwJerGener P.Dawidns andJ.A.Derdiger, @nwnedFaNure andRa@rDataGasHicaUfn4%nblrred-Cvd 176 “ .,. ,--- ‘ . . . . . .. . . . WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 {ppendix-A 3 asllmalasforHVAClexhauslsyslem. Table !XL CalegW FaihxeEsUmales(Calegwy3 Sources~ SyslerdComponenWailureMode WASH-1400 HVAC/Edmusl Dampar(Sl@-IY or Safely) Manual F@lsIoopaddose Pl@ IEEE CCPS , LNG2 . EPRN EPR12 Aggwgakd Resulls? i ‘ Leakage(inkmal) Rup!um(Inlemal) Leakage(exlamel) Rup!we(exkmal) Motor@peraled Failstoopenfdase . Spudousoperation Plugs Leakage(WIT@ Ruplum(inlemal) Leakage(exlqnal) Ruplure(exle&l) Ak@parah3d Faii 10opadclpsa spurbusOpefauon ‘ 1.2E-6111 [1,2] (1] U&&’ll(lo) [IJ > WSRC~TR-93-262 Rev.1 \ppendix-A Table 5d. Calagay3 asllrnalasbrHVAChxhausl syslarn. , FailureEsllrnatas(Calogay 3 Sourcesp SysledCompmnVFailure Mode WASH-MOO IEEE CCPS . LNG2 EPRII EPR12 Aggragakd RasI& .. Plugs leakage (h!arnal) @pklre (ldalnal) Laakage(axlarnal) Rupfum(axlarnal) ,- DarnpY(Conlrd) Mobr-@rakJ Fai!sopen I Failsdread FaIk toraspad Plugs Leakage(axhrnal) RuPlure(axbrnat) Ak-Oparalad. Failsopen FallsI%wJ’ Falls[0 Bspond Plugs “ c II Leakage(axtarnd) I .1 . 179 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A II “ Table 5d. Calagory3 mtlmaks fwHVAC/exhaustsystem. Y II WASH-1400 I “ CCPS IEEE I I EPRI1 LNG2 EPR12 c Aggregakd Resrdlsb RuPIure(exlernai) FewBkwar Molor-Drfvarr Fdktosl&l . II II II Faiie Estimales(Calagory3Sourrzs~ 2.1E-1/d(9.0) * 2.5E-6r?r [1,2] 1.lE4r [Ij 2.lE41q9.0), 5.oE@h(12) PI 9.1E4W(3.8) (1J [1] 5JIIW(12) [2j Fails10Stop Leakage(axlarnal) RuPIure(exlemal) DleselQivarr Fails10StOlt Fatls10run Ovarspead II Fails bS@ II Leakage(exlamal) 1180 > WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 -2 Tabb S& CalegoIy3 aslirnalasforHVAC/axhauslsystam ~A’’pe’’diA-A “ FailureEslknalas(Ca!ogory3w=)’ Sysk@ComponaMFdWe Mode WASH-1400 IEEE CCPS LNG2 . . EPRH Aggregated Rosuflsb EPR12 Ruplure(axlamai) Plugs Hea! Exdaryjti “ Ak CondiliadngUdu Cffflar Failstoslmt i.oE.Slll(9,7) [1*3J 1.oE-5111(9.7) 11] A .. . .. [1] [1] Fallsbnm Frn CoobrUnll FailstOSkfIi Falls10m Heatar(Elodkd) Fails10haal =1 ‘ Ovafhaals “ ttealaf (Gas) Fallstoheal Owhaats Fdlar Nwnal Plugs , II “ Leakage(ln!add) Ruplure(Inlamd) 181 J WSRC-TR-93-262 .. rable!id.Calagary 3 eslimalesfofHVAC/edrauslsyslern m FailureEstimates(Calagory3 Sow@ SyslemlCorrrfxnrenlrFailure Mode WASH-14W . CCPS IEEE LNG2 o EPRII EWU2 Aggregated Result@ Low-EK&rrcy Plugs ,. Plugs sand Plugs leakage (inlamal) Rupture(Mama!) ~ Baghouse Plugs Mkicdlaneous M&Ml 8.6E4(10) t.lE-irlr 1.lE41r(10) 6.9E4’tr u] 2.OE4I(10) 4,6E-!Mr 4.6IXW(10) MM Ellrnlnalor Failure 5.7E@lr PI s(.a-ubbar Fake b Pmdpllalor I. Failure 182 Rev.1 > WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A Table5d.Calegory 3eslima!es frxHVAC/exhauslsysfam, . e. Felure rale drna!as are UsledS. mean fmquancy(amrrfactor),wlwre theerrrxfactwIs Iha 951hperwnlileJ50UIpemlla. NumbeIsInIxacketsrefer10nolasIisledbelow,mnged by sowce. . . b. Aggregaledrasufls ammeanandanorfactor(ln parWhases). NokB , --~e~~s~fe~s(~AnAssassmenlofAwldenlRkksInU.S, CZrrvrwdaiNuclearPow AllIalluserakiswxe ~-@kfdhas obldnad Pfmb,u.s.NudawRs@akXy-kXl WASH-1400(NUREG75AN4), &lObr 1975. fromTebbs Ill 4-1 aI@4-2, unlessolhwisefndicalad. Themadianvaluas Ilsled InWASH-1406wareamvaibd fomeenvakmsusingIhe enurfacforfndcalodand essumfnga fognownafdsldmlbn. forProcessE(Iu1mnanlRelkhl!ltvDab Wti Dda Table$ CenlarforChemkd Pmwss Safety,AmedcanlnslllulaofChamicalEngineers,1989. Emrfmiof astimaktsware obkinad fromlhe squareroofof theupparboundUreasthefowarbwnd. ~-~EEGukfotolha Std5C01984, 1983. Cdladon andPresana ! lkmd~,E ‘ “ DaaI forNudeSr.P” SenshoCanrnmm.tmd Mechanld EqulmnenlReliebitv uuer Generally Slallorq, frtsliluted Ebdrkd md Eladronk Enghem, Inc, IEEE Remmrnandedesllmaleswera fderpreled10be madkms. Rammmmkd asllmaleswafe cunvarladb meansus!ngIhe errorfac(or(uppsfWmadien) wasks-gafUran50,II was reducedfo50. 1, Fe!iuramodesnd Indka!ed. 2. valueidaqxetod asamaanbecause d Lhasaumsused10aslknde thedue. No uppe$offowarbounds glvan.RemmmanW 3. CtdUar data:used (p,1388). ~-H. LammaIseardM. _’DaladGasCompressors andlnsbumenfalbn-Hard loCdl@ EesyfoAnatyse:lWiabMvEMti AUesllmdeswwe fak~from theobwved dab onp. 78. 183 and assumfnga fognormddislhhton, unfassdhanvka indiilad. If Iha emorfecbr 13(1985), PP.6$78. (’ .. WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A ~-R. P. DawlrlnsandJ. A. Derdger, Comment FailureandRepairData Girsifiiti~ bine&CvdePwer GOnsraliarrllnil~, EfecfrkPoworRasoamhInslilule, Topical RaportAP-2205,ResearchProjecf239-2, February1982, . Failuremodesnofindiiled, Eslimakifw armrnda w parllculalescrubber. ~. J. A, Dedigerelaf.,@r nrmnanl FaifureandRepak Data f(rrCoaLFfredPmvar(hi% EledrfaPmvarResearchInstilule,TopicalReporfAP-2071,ResearchPr@r3 239-2, Ocfobar1981. , F~fre nwrks.noffndiilad, EsllmaleforS& saubber, Faifummodesnofindicated, I CCPS valuedoubledbeforewmtinfng witholhafedimalas (assumesaqualfailurera!asfarfailsb sbrl ad failsIorun). 184 4 + - m Q en n u v . — —— ..—.—.— — — — — — — J WSRC-TR-93-262 Tiblc Se. Cabgory3 oslhkles forefadkdcfisbbulbrr sysfan SYSt~~WMBM~ I WASH4400 Sputous”operaUon ‘ l,3E-7nl(3) . . CCPS 6,0E4MI(t5) IEEE I 2,6E-7h@O) [1] * Conbol ~ FaifsloorxxUdosO ‘ $ [ 1 ‘ EPR12 Aggregated RasufLs* I 1.6E-7nl(13) I . 72E-fYql.4) I Spwklus Fdlure EsLimalas(Calogrxy3Sourc8s~ I 1 ING2 EPRH 7,2E-6M(1.4) 3,4E.71t@) [1] 3.4E.7JlI@O) BMabla Falsbqwkbso I I I I I I 1 I I SfnniousopafatlOn I 13&5hf(3) 1.6E-6/h(15) 8,OE.W(10) 9.6E.7/11(13) ‘ 2.6E-711r(12) 3,1E.71h(2) 3.lE.71?I(2) 1,3E-3M(3), 1.6E41/ll@) Push43uttorr(MaruId) FailsbopaMoso , SfMIOUSoparatbn Rolary (Manual) Fallsbqmrddose Spurfous Operauoll ! ‘ ltey-Operalad(Manual) Fails[0 Ofmd&SO I I spurious Op3dm Aubrnalk-Transfar , FailsIoopsdcbsa I 13E-71h(2) I 2X.6% VI [2] ~ ~ I 1.9E-7111(2)‘ I 2,3E$II(1O) [1] [1] I ‘ I Spurkusoparallorr . 187 Rev.1 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev,l Amendix-A FailureEslimrdes(Calegory3 Swr@s~ SyslernKlxnponenWallureModa IEEE CCPS k LNG2 EPRI1 > > Llmn Faii I Plemalureopen!ng 1 PI 1.7E-6/tI(5.1) v] 1.3E-5AI(3) 4.oE-6rll(lo) u] 1.3E-Yq3), 3,5E-6h(10) [2J 1.3E@ll(3) M 1.lE43111(6.1) [2J 6.3E.7/h(9.4) I I Aggregated Resullsk 3,8E4M(3), 6NE@lr(l.6) [2] tOCfXddOS13 Spyiousqwallm I I 7.5E-6h(l.6) PI 3,8E-4M(3) Fuse FalltO~ EPR12 3.8E4/q3) !1] 1.5E-5h(30) (1,2] 2.5E&lr(30) [1] 3AE41q3), 1.8E-5/h(17) PI Falls [0 run 1.3EWlr(3) [1] II] 3,3E@lI(30) [11 2.4E-5/lr(17) [3] DC FaiJs!0 Sk!d 3.8E-41d(3) [1] 2.3E-5rh(2.5) [11 1.3E4rlr(30) [1] 3.8E4!(3), 1.3E-!jh(3) [1] [1] [lj Molor AC Fails[0 Skt Fals!orun : 1.8E-S%(8,4) PI 2.4E-51h(8.4) PI . 188 WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendix-A 4 Tablo!% CabWXY 3 eslkndes kxa!edtiddkbbUkXIS@IIL ● a. Failure raleesllmates arekleds meanfraquency(emufadw), whereUteemxfedor Is he WI permlileJ50h permtile. NI@OIS Intmkels refer10rides Ksledbelow,arrangadby.saume. b. Aggregatedresulb em mean andtvrorfedw (lnperedhasm). . Noles b WASH-MOQ-fteactor !hlfetvSh%fwAnkossnwdd 1. Acd&nl Risks h U, S, ConmnatdalNudew PowerPI@, U.S. NucieerRegulekxyCemn&bn, WASH-14(KI(NUREG 75014), &bber 1975, Typedmobrndhdkabxl. ~-GukMnos !otPromsEQ uhmantRe&hllitvDaloWHhDabT oblt%CanbbrChamlcdPrmss Emfdw~~lmnetiti W-tidM~~~tiWti, 1. FeUuramodesnd hdcaled 2, Errorhcbrreduwd 1030, ~ -jEEE G@e !0 lb Su50D-1984, 1963, Safely,Amekan lnstiMeofChenkel Engheors,1969. Cd!eclbn end Presenlalbn d Efadtkx4. Eledrti. senskw WmmIUXI1. andMedwII@EeuImnert! Relld#iltv DatafixN@eat-Rwer-allm RemnmerW wlhwbs were Inlapre!odb be modkms. Rmmunen@ aslhe!aswero mvetttdbmeens wasIqJef then50, lqvas feducadto50. i EtrorfaclorradIwI b30. 2. Felluren@es & Indkaled. ushglheemhclor(upper , khhtxlien) SM@, Inslllule d EledkxlendEledronb Engfneers, Inc,IEEE andassumhg abgnomddisMtwlicq tmlessottm&hdicaW Ilthaemxfedor WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev. 1 Appendix-A W-H. Lamme~e ~ M. ~mm “Dab ofGas ~P@=s W Imlwmanlati - Hardtocdlecl Easy 10AnaIYse~ RdkhifitvENIIw@ 13 (1985),pp.65-78, U1 eslimaleswere fakenfmrnIhe observeddale onp.78. ~ . -R. P. Dwhfns andJ. A. Dardlgar,Comment FallufeandReIM&Dalm @sifilion.Oxnbhed-CW% Pwer GanaralkmUnits,Eledfe Pwar ResearchInslihde,Top&d RepoItAP-2205, Resemh Projecf239-2, Febmary 1962. FailureandReoek Dale forC@l-Fked Pw ‘~- J,ADerd!gerelaf., COMIXMMI \fmrwatedRIMUI$ Unils,ElacldcPm ResearchInslikde,TopicalReporlAP-2071,RasaarctIPmjec.f239.2, Ckt&er 1961. , F&re ma& nd lndlcaled. Refayandawllchresultshdkale apprfxdma!dyona-fflh of fdfumsarespwiousopemlbm ThisInfrnmalionwas@ 1. fopaditlonha IEEEostia[e, Calegq 2 dale Iodkale 1 rY8.5 fdlwes Ispmu+lure opaning,ThisbdonnaUon was usedfoparlho LheIEEEedknale. - 5 g d . WSRC-TR-93-262 .. hbla5L calagW3@tIIa!aSf~itIQIUMaIIlalhI d codrdsyslfxn. I SystainCompneIWFailureMods I Failure Estimalas (Calegwy3 !MNLX@ WASH.1400 CCPS IEEE LNG2 EPRII EPR12 Aggragafad Resultsb OXW31Concentrallon Failure , C(h Concentrate 9.8E-51h 9.8E-Yh(tO) Failure I Hydrogan CaiwMratkm Failure NilroganConmnlfaUca Fahue I Hydromtxm ConwIIfalbn Fdlura HeliumCom@a!loo Fdlure Spaed FaUure 1.7E@h(8.1) 1.7E-6/h@l) 1.6E-6/11(4) 1.6E-6h(4) 6.3E41h(4.7) 6,3E-61h(4.7) 3.9E-5111(30) PI 1.lE4h@2) -++--tIndkalof Fdlure 2.5E41(15) I AJnprirbr Failura I 192 Rev.1 ,. . WSRC-TR-93-262 Table 5f, CaIagcuy3adlrnalasforlnshrmrmlalkrrrandardrd system. FrilureEstimales(Calegory3 SOUrcesp SYSl~W~reMWASH-1466 CCPS IEEE . LNG2 —- EPRI1 EPR12 Aggregated Resuflsb 3.3E.71h(2.1) 3.3E-7/h(2.1) 1.9E-5/h(15] 1.4E-61h(2,6) PI 3.7E&t(7.7) 2tiE-5/h(15) 5.7E4rlr(36) P] 3.8E-5/h(22) Madlf!ar/SlgnaICon&Mar F&lure LcrgbModula FaiimI Rawr&r Fai!w Sarnplar Fdlure ~ ~ Analyzar Fdura ldEQh(26) MXllll(26) Tknar Faiiute Gas Chumafograph FdhHrJ Wage Ragdabr . Failure 1.6E-5nl(36) [2] Tmn.smiller Fallvm Transducer Fdura lJIE-5nl(36) 6.3E-51h(15) 6.3E-5/h(15) PmgrarmnaMaLcglcCantrdlar Fdlure 193 Rev.1 J WSRC-TR-93-262 Rev.1 Appendbt-A Table5f, Calagory 3 eslimales forInsbumenlalkxr andamlrdsystem. a. Failurerda &JhIdf$$ are Iisbd = mean fraquency (em fadx),WhWIhaerrorfector k the951h fWMiWl(Kh percen!ila. Ntirs Inbrackels refer10Mb Usled below, ammged by source, b. Aggregatedresultsare mean anderrorfarlfx (inparanlhesas), Nofas , WASH-14@ -f@cbr SafatvSIti An Assasmar-11ofArXkbn! Risksh U, S, CommemielNuderrPower Plar@ U. S, NudaarRegrrlalory@mmlss@, WASH-14UO(NUREG7!MI14),odder 1975. 1, Fdlure modesnd fndkalarf. 2. Transmlltarestlmaleused. 3. Errorfadorrrxfwad fo 30. ~-lEEEGukJeblhe Cdledbn and Prasanlalbnof El@kxII, Eledronb. SarKhrI Carmnenl endMedwnlcd EmJrnmnfRallrrbililvDatafwN@aer.PwerGerwr aIirulslab , Inslilule d Ebcfrkalad Eledrunk Engineers, Inc.,IEEE W 500-1964,1983, waroarwerladb means ushgthewar fader(upper Rammmdadeslirna!es wareh!arpe!ad 10be madlans. RmmmndedOSUmalos hmdme&r)andassumhg afogrmrmafrnsbibuuon, unbss0Uwwlsefnrfkabd. lfthaarmrfadw b 50. wasIaqarthan50,ifwasreduced 1, Wa!wcharnlsbyhsburnanfa!bnad!fnaleused. 2 Errorfadorraduced 1030. . g 1+ WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A Table 6s. Summuy of results for water system. Syslcm/ComponCnl/FailUTa Mode Aggregatedsnd RecommendedFailusc Ratesa Categosy 1 ~. waler Vslve (Shndby 0s SafeIy) MsnuxI Fsils m opssdCloscl category 2 ~--– 3.5E-4/d(l 8), 1.4E-4/d( 19), 7.1 E-7/h(lO) 3.3E-8/h(30) 3.8E-7/tr(3) . Leakage (inlcssml) 6.OE-5/d(lO) Rccorrunendsdb 3.0E4/d(lO) ,. lil E-6/h(lo) Plugs cIlegoTy 3 ~ 5.7E-3/h(lO) [11 5.OE-8/h(lO) [1] LoE-6/h(lo) Rupture(rnteml) 5~OE-8/h(30) bkge (extend) R+ (extcsml) Cluck LOE-8/h;9.6) 2.OE-8/h(lO) l!oE.8/h(lo) 6.OE-5/d(tO) 9.8E-4/d(4.6) Fsils tOCkMC 5.7 E-5/d(lO), 3.9E-7/h(lO) 1.OE-3/d(5) Plugs LUhgsl (intesnxl) 6.8E-7/h(30) 9.lE-7/h(2.9) Rupture(intend) 5.OE-7/h(5.4) 1.9E-7/h(5.4) 5.OE-8/h(30) [2] ylE.8/h(lo) 5.OE-10/h(30) [3] 3.OE-3/d(5) h.sksge (cxtcml) 1.5 E-8/h(26) Rupture (CXtCd) 5.8 E-lo/h(lo) 2.7 E-11/h(lO) 3.8 E-3/d(l.8) 3.OE-3/d(3.5) Motor-Opcsatcd Fails m openlclose spuriousOpeSu”m 3.3 E-3/d(6.3), 4.8 E-6/h(9.6) 2.3 E-7/h(7.2) Plugs 5.6E-8/h(lO) Laksge (fntessml) 8.3E-7/h(lO) 5.OE-8/h(lO) [11 lioE.6/h(lo) . ‘ 1.8E-7/h(l 1) 3.OE-7/h(5) L9E-7/h(8.1) 5.OE-8/h(lO) [1] 1.OE-6/h(lO) 10E-8h(30) [2] ~ Rupmm (iitcssml) 1 196 . . . , ~-1 . . r ? z i: . . . ; i : : t I ! # . h ! . , . ) . WSRC-TR-93-262, ● &endix-A o Table 6s. !iummxry of results for water system. Systcm/Component/FAlure Modo Aggregs!cd and RecommendedFailure Rataa Category 1 Calegwy 3 Cstegory 2 1.lE-6/h(2.5) Leakage (internal) 1.5E-5/h(3) Rujmc (internal) 3.OE-6/h(lO) I.aJmge (cxtsmal) 1.lE-6/h(2.5) Rupture(cxtunsl) 4.9E-8/h(lO) Vmmnn-Brukcr Fsi@to OpCfi Rccommmdcdb LlW2/d(lO), 4.4E41/h(lO) [1] 3.8E-5/d(3) 1.OE-6III(1O) [21 5.OE-8/h(30) [2] I .oE-8/h(lo) [31 5.OE-10/h(30) [3] . “ 1.OE-2/d(lO) Fah m tdOSO 1.OE-2/d(lO) [4] Leaksge (intlml) LOE-6/h(lO) Rupture(hand) Lexkage (Cxtcmd) 5!OE-8/h(30) [21 ljoE.8/h(lo) Rq)tluc (extsml) 5;OE-10/h(30) Explosive FsSLs to opat Laksge (intmsml) 1.8E-~d(lO) [11 LOE+d(lO) [s] 1.oE-6/h(lo) Rqmne ~mtanal) Luksge (Cxtesnd) JoE-8~(30) [2] 1.OE-8/h(lO) Rtq.rtum(cxtam!) {OE-10/h(30) valve (control) MoM3pcratcd Fails open Fails ChKd 198 .. “ I . 3.OE-61h(10) [6] I 3.OE-6/h(lO) [6] I ● ft-l . , m’ m. d . . WSRC-TR-93-262, f%-l Appendix-A Table 6a. Summary of results for water system. . . 0 200 0 b J WSRC-TR-93-262, J!-I Appendix-A SystcnUComponcnt/Failure Mode Amrcmted snd R=ommmkd Fcilwe RSIUa -- . Category 2 category 1 Rupture (CXtUlld) Category 3 Recommcrtdalb LOE-Mh-f@O) LOE-8/h-h(lO) Plugs Jumps kkue ., (extetnal) Rupture(external) “ . .Plugs Ve~el T~~.J~atinu&I) u Rupttuw(CXtGflld) 7,3E-7/h(lO) [1] 2.2E-8/h(19) 3.OE-9/h(t9) 1.OE-6/h(24) Tank (Ptmsur&cd) Lesksge (extend) Rupture(extansl) I.Zsksge (tuba) ) * I .oE-8/h(lo) [31 5.OE.10/h(30) [3] I .oE.8/h(lo) 131 l;OE-10m(30) 7i;E.6/h(lo) 1.OE-7/h(lO) [11] l,8E-10/h(ll) 3i;E-8/h(10) [1] 2.6E-7/h(lO) [11 li3E-6/h(10) L8E-7/h(17) ~ 1.OE-7/h(lO) [1] ;OE-9/h(30) [3] lioE.8/h(lo) 7.8E.9/h(lO) 3.lE-7/lt(lO) [11 . . Rttptum(tuba) Lcsksge @tell) 1.3 E.7/h(30) 2.lE-8/lt(l 1) . . 5;OE.10/h(30) 43E-8/h(23) FlsngeKhket LuksKc (extend) Rupture (CXtClltd) He* Exchcngcz SheU/Ihbo FouIlng (tubes) Plugs(tubes) 1.3E.6/h(30) 1.OE-8/h-ft( 10) [8] 1.oE-6/h(lo) . 191 1.OE-8/h(30) [91 5.OE-8/h(lO) [101 1.oE-8/h(lo) [3] . 7.8E-9/h(lO) Ruptur8 (Shd) l;6E-9/h(lO) HrmeT (Elcctrkxl) Fails to hat 1.8E-6/h(lo) 5.OE-10/h(30) [3] 1.oE-6/h(lo) 201 “ 0 WSRC-TR-93-262, Appendix-A Table 6a. Summary of results for water system. Syskrn/Comfwnent/Failure Mode Aggregd Cdegory 1 d Recommetxkd FailurF Ratesa Category 2 Cstegory 3 Recommatdedb i overheats 3.OE-7/h(lO) 3.OE-7/tt(lO) Leakage (eWernxl) 1.OE-7/h(lO) [ Rupture (CXtCllld) } 4.Ol?-6/h(lO) Strainer/lWcr Pluus l+slmga (internal) 2.8E-6/h(3.0) “2.2E-6/h(lO) Rdpture (internal) 6.8E-7/h(lO) # orifice ; flURIJ Miscelhneow Traveling Saeert - “ 1 5!;E-9/h(30) 113] 3.OE-6/h(lO) 3.OE-6/lt(lO) [Ij 5.OE-7/h(lO) 8.OE-7/h(3) LOE-6/tt(3) 5.2E-7~(10) . 5.OE-7III(1O) [i] -s f’sble 69. L !knrmry of reds Aggreg*!edfdlure rates ~ & -tu system. memtml axor f- (In @entheses). ~ertor factor & the 9$h pementW50th &wmtile. “ ‘ Ifnob thentheCMWXY 2re$ultWMwed. It rmC~UWXY t of 2 results W- availablq the Category 3 rasu?t ). For the rccommerxkdhihtremxtas the C~yH#&uqlt.waS urdlfkdltbk POwti of 10. ~ fm -0 rounded w 3,5, 10. or 30. vss urcd. (Exceptions to this ue indicated 6i the rtote8.) MexnVdUt!SWet8 rounded b 1, 3, or S timesthe a~~ate .0 totes mKmLl . Fxilure rate based ott ?zro fdlwes mtd m~ beamsemtively higk ‘W.wlY-2 . “~ ,. Failure rate bxsed ort mu fdlttru andmaybeconsemtivelyhigh . Failure modes not indicated. 202 ~e~ - WSRC-TR-93-262,1-I Appemiix-A 1. Data fw msmd, motos-opemtd and sir-operated Yslves combined. 2. Dats fos msnusl, ch~ ntpture. 3. motos&perat~ and air-operatedvalves combiied. All fsilurec usumed to be leshge. Rupture value determined using the mnte pdtimused fosextm~l a Results from EGCLSSRE-9639 (Category 2 data) used. These results ue believed to be themostcomptehmsivesndconsistentsetof data availab!e. Rupturevaluesfor norI-PCS systemused. Rupttm defined u > SOgpm. Assumed to be the ssme u falls to Open. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assumed to ti 10 times bettes thmt sirqemted i - valve. . ‘ gss systems indictte sppsoxinmely3.OE-6fi k Control valve dstt f& ehenticd processand contpsessed i Trend seen for motm-dtiven ~p sfqdied, fdl$ o~ fails shttgsnd fails . 8. WASH-14(IO MIcstes plugs is similsi to extemsl rupture itt 9. Flmtge.lgasket vilua 10. Valve plugs value used. b sespond. .*. fdure rate. multiplied by 100. Table da. Summmy of mutts for WttCSsystem. . 11. DstBfos chemhl pocus system (Table 6b) indicate foulingfailure me is s“tilu to tube kahge. 12. Categosy1 swultsideate tobepluggingis mte-fiith 8s fsequmt u tube Ieslmge. 13. Ves5el fduse rates multiplied by 10. - . .* .. 203 . , WSRC-TR-93-262,&l Appendm-A Table 6b. Summary of results for chcmicd process system. Systed20mponent/Failure Mode Faihm Ratesa Aggregated and Recommended Category 1 Categery 3 Category 2 Chemical Process Valve (Sbdby et Sti*) Mmmal . Fails to Opal/closa 2,9E-4/d(8.7) Recommended ~ [1] . Fhlgs 5.oE-8/h(lo) Lukage (intcmd) l:oE.6h(lo) i 111 Rupture(inremnl) Laakage (extend) . ;oE.7/h(lo) [4] Ru@m (CXtelltd) 3~OE.8/h(30) Check FUIS to oven Fails to cbsc 1.5E-4/d(3.2) 8 # I S.OE-S/d(lO) [1] LOE-3/d(lO) [1] 5.oE.8/h(to) Z2E-3/d(4.9) Fhlgs leakage (internal) Rupture(intctrtII) l:oE-6/h(lo) [11 S.OE.8/h(30) Leakage(extcmd) ;OE-7fi(10) Rupture(CXtCtItd) 3.OE-8/h(30) S.6E-31d(6.1) 3;OE-3/d(lO) 1.4E-6/h(4.0) Flugl 3.OE-7/h(lO) 111 5ioE.8/lt(lo) Leakage (inlernsl) 1.oE-6/%(lo) Rupture(intunsl) ~oE-8fi(Io) Motor-(lpemti Fails bYopad close spuriousoperation I 5.OE.8/h(30) .~ I , . I . 4 204 r.. “. . * . . . . WSRC-TR.93.262 D ,aa Appendix-A . Table 6b. Summary of wndts foz chemical procas $pkkm. System/Component/Failuro Mode Aggregd Categoly1 and RecotitmendedFailme Ratesa Categmy 2 c~tG6~ 3 Leakage (hell@ Reumtntendcdb 1.oE-6/h(lo) . . Rtqmm (intemd) 5!OE-8/h(30) [1] “ 5ooE-7/h(lo) [4] ~ L.e&ge (extend) RI.@w (GXtEITld) 3.OE-tt/11(30) [4] liOE-2/d(10) Vscuunj-Breaker Frnls10qxm Fai~ to rectose J Ixakqe I I LOE-2/d(lO) [1] - (internal) LoE-6/h(lo) [11 5.OE-8/h(30) 11] b Rupturermternd) s Lcdmge(extend) 5.OE-7/lt(lO) Rupture(extend) 3!OEWh(30) [4] 4 Explosive Leakage (intmnll) . Rupture(intend) LCdmge (extctnd) Rupture(external) 5.OE-7/h(lO) . (control) Vlhe Motd)pemd . Fails CIOWt Fails to lcspd . 206 . WSRC-TR-93-262 /@-l ( “ ..- Appendii-A . Table 6b. Summmy of results fw chemical process system. SystetnlComponent/Failwe Mode Aggregatedand RecommendedFailure Rated Catego& 1 Cttegory 3” Category 2 Recommendalb Ptugs 5.OE-8/h(lO) 111 5.OE-7/h(lO) [4] Lcx!mge (external) . Ruptute (external) Auqer$ted Fails open \ Fails CtO”kd 6.oE6/h(lo) 2;7E-51h 2.6E-6/h(lO) [:1 10E-6m(IO) [1] 3;OE-6fi(10) ‘“$ails to respond [11 * Leakage(extend) l.lE-Xh(lO) 5.OE-7/h( 10) 14] # L 3.OE-8/11(30) 141 3.OE-6/h(lO) Rupture (external) SolcrtoidOpermd Fails open Fails CkMd [11 3.OE-6/11(10) Ill 3.OE-6/tt(lO) [1] 5ioE.8/tt(lo) ‘ Fails to respond . - Ledmge (external) 5.OE-7/h(lO) . 3;OE-8fi(30) Rupture (external) Pump Motor-Ddvut Fdh to *M Ftils to run , 5.oE-8/lt(lo) Plugs Plugs ~ 3.OE-8/h(30) [41 3.OE-6/h(lO) 8.lf!-3/d(lO), 8.9E.6/h(4.1) L 5.8 E+h(12) , ; .&2#8.1), .- 1.OE-2/d(lO) [2] 6.OE-5/lt(l 1) l;OE+h(lO) 3;OE-5/h(lO) Ovenptxd A 207 - . . . , WSRC-TR-93-262,U:I $ Appendii-A Treble 6b. !hunmmy of results forchemicxlprocem I Systmn/Component/Failure systcm. Mode Aggregated and RecommendedPsihrreRatesa “ Categoty I Category 2 Fails to stop Leakage (exmrml) 9.2E.6/h(5.4) Rtqmnc (CXtf31td) 5.2E.8/h(lO) [1] Turbine-Ihiv& Ftifs to stint Fq,s to nm II =i5E=I , ovqspecd’ 1 Fails to strip [1]’ 3.OE-2/d(lO) [1] 1.oE-6/h(lo) [4] 5.OE-lMI(30) leakage (extend) Rupmuc(extend) I . . I 9 1 141 Diesel-Driven Fits to sun Fdls to nm 1 1 I Ovuspeut I Fails to stop Imhge I 1 I I (extend) . 1 I \ I I Piping/Ho8e/Jumper Piping lxxlt~e (extend) .. Rtrpturb(extend) A 1[1 , n Rupture(extemxl) --” LOE-2/d(lO) ‘[II 5.OE-3/h(lO) 111 1.0E=3/h(lO) -.. [1 l~OE.2/d(lO) [11 1.oE-6/h(lo) 4 II I 5.tJE.8/M30) ‘ liOE-101h-ft(30) 5.lE-12/11-ft(OS) m ‘ Plugs I 1.OE.10/lt-ft(30) I 208 . . ‘ 6 , > WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-A ● Table 6b. ,L~ Summtry of results for chemical procas cyskm. SystendComponent/Fsilure Mode Failure Rttesa Aggregated md Recomm”knded category 3 Category 2 Calegory 1 Hose Le&9xc (external) 1.OE-9/h-ft(lO) RupNm (external) [11 1.OE-8/h-ft(lO) [1] LOE-8/h-ft(lO) 2.9E.8/h-ft(15) Plugs Jumpex Lukage.(extemal) ~uptwe (external) . * . +Us Vessel Tmknk~npyxw;~) u Rupmrt (extcmal) Raommendedb 2.6E-6/h(lO) L2E-6/h(9.3) o 3.7E-6/h(3.8) 1.IE-IMI(17) . 5.OE-9/h(30) [31 1.OE-7/11(10) “ 3.8 E-7/h(lO) Fh@hsket Lukqe (extant]) Rupture(external) l!OE-9fi(tO) [31 I .oE-6/h(lo) [3] 7.8E-6/h(L3) He-u Exchmgcr I!oE-6fi(Io) [1] 1.OE-8/’h(3O) . [11 5.OE-IV?I(1O) [1] 1.OE-7/h(lO) [3] “ 5.OE-9/11(30) 131 IjOE-7/11(10) * Txnk (14enuriud) Leakage (extend) Rupnue (external) # Shwfllbe Foulhm (tubes) ph!~ 3;OE-7fi(10) (Nbes) LUlqe 7.7E-6/h(L3) (tubes) 2.6E-5/h(7.5) 1.oE-6/h(lo) “ 5;OE-8/h(30) Rupture (tubes) Wage ‘ . . 1.OE-7/h(lO) [31 (shell) 209 .. . . WSRC-TR-93-262 a , C-l Appettdix-A Table 6b. Summary of results for ctitcd process system. L SystemKomponent/Failure Mode Aggregatedad Recommenr!edF~ilureRm# category 1 C~tegofy2 Cttegory 3 J Rupture(shell) Heqer (Electrical) Foils to heat r Overhats Recommcndedb — - ‘ 5.OE-9/h(30) [3] “ lio~5/h(lo) 7.OE.6/h(lO) 3.OE-6/h(lo) [31 LoE-6/h(to) [3] Le&ge (extcnml) R@tture(extend) . I 5;OE-8/h(30) . Strainclwlller )’hlR$ Ixakage (inteml) 3.lE-6/h(ll) 5.6E-6/h(5.o) 3iOE-6/h(10) 7.OE-6/h(l 1) [:) 3.OE-6/11(10) 7.OE-7/h(l 1) [11 (t] “ [11 I Ruptwe (Meml) a Orifice FIUES Miscellaneous Mixer/Blender Failure Agitms Fdurc centrifuge , 63E-6/lt(lo) 2.5 E-5/h(lO) 5.OE-7/h(BO) [1] LoE-6/h(lo) Ill 5.OE-6/h(lO) “ [5] 5.oE-6/lt(lo) ~ ble 6b. Summuy of resuhs for CkttliCd process system. . . . Aggregated failure rates are memt cnd etsosfacMs (in pszentheses). The em? fsctor is the 9Sthpercentile/Wthpesccnlile. For the mmnntended faihtsu rstt$ the (hkgosy i sestdtW8Sused if 8vdkbh% If tW then tha Csteitcuy 2 result Wm used. If no Categosy I os 2 sesu!tswwa availabl% the Categq a~qxiate POWMof 10. k factosawere rounded to 3,5,10, os 30. $ used (Exceptions to this me indkated in the “nota.) Mean Vdltti WCM sounded to 1,3, or 5 t“n= ti ... 210 . 3 suult . , W%RC-TR-93-262 ,&?-] Appetdix-A ,. ,, . Notes 1. FUhIM rate based on zero fsilure xnd may be conservatively high. 1. Fxihue modes not indlcatcd . . @ “. jltsscd on cornpmisons of (lhnited) chcrn!cal pmcea systemdata fcrtcomponentEMUPSwith the much more extensive water system data (l’able 6@, the wm~ system resuhs are i; appropriate. &xd 2. on compwisons of (lIntited) ckrrtkl mujjiplied by 3. 3. 4. ‘ pmeesssystemdata for cpmponentgmrqnwith themuchmore extensive water systemdats (hble 6s), the water system results WCSCJ B Bcsed on comparisonsof (limited) chemical processsystemdata for componentgroupswith the much more extensive water system dstx (Tabk 6sk the wster system results were 9 multiplied by 10. Bu”edon comparisonsof (limited)dtemksl processsystemdataforeornponemgroupswiththemuchmore extensive water system datx (’l’able 6s), the water system results wese multiplied by 50. . . 5. A@tor le$tlh$ WeIt!USd. ;:.-, , ,., ;! * . 211 . WSRC-TR-93-262, R-i Appendix-A Tsble 6c. SUmmW ~ of rcsuhs for compressed gcs system. SystemKomponcnt/T% iluse Mode Faihrc Dam (Cc!cgosy 1 Sourees)e Categosy i Comprswed Ch Valve (Stcndby 0? Safely) category 3 category 2 2.2E-3/d(l O), 6.OE-7/h(lO) Rceommendcdb 1.OE-3/d(lO) [21 Msmml hits to OIK#close Plugs 5joEi.7/h(lo) Lcsksge (intcsncl) LoUh(lo) 131 Rupturermtcsnal) 5;OE-7/h(30) @ksgc (@csll@l) . Rqum * LIE-7/h(lO) ljOE-7/h(10) 1.lE-6/h(2.7) 5.OE-9/h(30) [31 liOE-4/d(10) (CXtCd) Check Fcils to open # Fuh to cbse I 2.4 E=6/h(207) 3.OE-31d(10) [21 I Plugs ● Lukage (infesncl) 8.4E.6/h(tO) Rupnsrc(inteml) 4.8 E-7/h(lO) 5iOE-7/h(30) Leakage (extend) 8.4 E.6/h(lO) ljOE-?/h(lO) Ruptme (extcml) 3.lE-7/11(10) 5.oE-9/h(30) [31 5\E.4/d(lO) l~OE-Zd(lO) Mom@pentcd “ Fails to ottcnlCloso spurious opentbn “ 3.OE-7/h(lO) [11 5;OE-7/h(lO) , Plugs Lcclmge . . I IjOE-5/h(10) (b@@ 5;OE-7/h(30) Rupanu (rntcmal) 212 ..” 6 , WSRC-TR-93-262 .. @ Appendix-A “ . sble 6c. Summuy of results for compressed gss system. t Failure Dats (C~tegoIY1 Sources)n Systern/Component/F~ilme Mode Category 3 Category 2 C8tegosy 1 1.5E-7III(1O) L.e&age (external) ‘ 1.OE-7/h(lO) . 5!OE-9fi(30) Rupture(extemsl) 6.5E-7/lt(lO) 3!OE-3/d(30) [2] ~ 1.oE.6/h(lo) [t] “ “ 5jOE-7/h(10) 2.5 E-6/h(2.5) 1.OE-!MI(1O) 4.lE-7fi(408) ;OE-7fi(30) 3.OE-3/d(l.2) AM?pesd Fsils to openlclose !@rious operation 1.9 E-6/h(8.1) t PlqgI &/mge Recommendedb (intemsl) Rupture~mtustd) .’ “ ‘ .9 Lcsksge (exterrwl) 1.6E-6/h(5.5) . “ 140E-7/h(10) ‘ 1 t 5.OE-9/h(30) 2.OE-8/?I(lO) [11 6.8 E-7/lt(lO) Ruptuse(external) Solaloid-opersted Fails to openlclose Spuriousofterstion ,3:OE-3/d@O) [2] 5.OE-7IM1O) [1] 5.OE-7/h(lO) 4.2E-7/11(10) Plugs l!OE.5/tt(lO) Luksgfl (intemsl) . Rupturo(internsl) Leakage(extemtsl) . . Falls toouen Ftils to 1CC1OSQ . l?OE.7/h(lO) c-l . 1 ..1 . . ,, , ~OE-90/11(30) [3] Z6E-7/h(lO) [11 R-”(eaktnd) S“ktymelicf 6.8E-6/lt(lo) 5!OE.7/h(30) ● l;OE-Zd(lO) . 1.OE-2/d(lO) [21 ! . 213 . -. ; ‘1 : : ) i . ? . s : a i >;= w’ .4 ml . . . . .“ . .. 8 -. .“ In r-l, m WSRC-TR-93-262 , APPen~w-A , k-( I ~... ~ “... I I I ! . I 216 . . .. . G’ . WSRCLTR-93-262, ~4~ Appendix-A Aggregatedfailure rates xre me-srr xnd ~or factor (in psrenthcses). The error fsctor h the 951h percentile/50th percentile, theC~tegory1 resuh wss used if available. If nog then the Category 2 result wss used. If no Category 1 or 2 resultswereavailable,M Categv to this ere indknted in the notes.) Mean values were soundedto 9,3, or 5 t’hncsthe appropriatepower of 10. Emor factors were rounded ro 3, S, 10, or SO, F& the recommended fmihtrer~tq u used. (Exceptions 3 RSUII Failure rate bgsedon zero failures snd may be conservatively high. Failure rate based ort zero failures and msy be conservatively high.’ Fai&e modesnot Indicated 1 kfQnL1’ * Failurerate hued ort zero failures and msy be coaserwively high * Failure modes mt indicated. fhsed on COlt@SOIU appropriate. of (iintikd) amqxessed &s systemdm forcompomntgroupswiththe much more extensive wmer systemdata cable 6a~ the wcter system results am . Basedon ctrmpuisoruof (iirrtiteci)compressedCM sy$temdata for component groups with the much more extensive wtta system dm (’fhbb 69), the watm system results were multiplied by 3. Bued on compuisottsof (ihrdted)cotnptad au system dataforcomponentSMUPS whit the much more extcru~e WStGSsystem dats (TaMe 6a} the vmtcrsystemsesttltswere multipliedby 10. Easedon comp~goru of (limited)compswd multiplied by 100. gasqstem data for component gtwps with the much more extensive water system data (I’able 6s), the water systemresultswere Sirrri!sYto he wata system results (Table6s), fdh to stop wat assumedm be compuxble to fsils to stut. Water system piphg sesults were multiplied by 100. 218 Tank results used. . . , , , WSRC-TR-93-262 ,#-i Appendix-A , Table &t. Summary of results fos HVAC/exhmst syslem. \ System/Component/Fsilure Mode Aggregated snd Rcconunendcd Fsilure Rstes’ Category 3 Cltegoly 2 C~tegmy 1 &-31d(lo) HVAC/ExhcIMl D~~St~ or Safety) Pails b Opel/ Ckwe Plugs 5~OE-7fi(10) Lcsksge (iitcntal) l;OE-S/h(lO) Ruptwe (internal) 1.dflk8gc(UUenld) lioE.7/h(io) Ru#tm (CXtU’ltd) 5.OE-9/h(30) [2] 3;OE-qd(lO) 8 Plugs 3.OE.6/h(lO) [2] 5;OE-7/h(lO) Lcaksgc (intend) LoE-5/h(lo) Ruptutu(intemsl) ;OE-7fi(10) t Rupttm (extend) AbQ&r&d . . , I lioE-7/h(lo) ,. l.cslwge(extcs’tld) ‘ 5;OE-7/h(30) * Motor-operated Pails to Opea@o,a Spuriolu Opcdmt 9.9E-3/d(6.1) 1.2E-61h 5.oE-9/h(30) 121 l~OE-Zd(30) &2E-6/h(4.2) (:] lioE.5/h(lo) . . qlen/cIo9a Spuriousupcmtion , 5.oE-7/h(lo) . Plugs l?OE-S/h(lO) [21 5oOE-7/h(lO) [2] Lcsksge (hltcsnal) ,, Rupttue (intemxl) b ; Reeummendedb . . . ‘ 1 219 . WSRC-TR-93-262 J , k~ APPendii-A Table 6d. Swnnwuy of results fm HVAClexhaust system. Systerr@tnponent/Failure Mode Aggre@d I Cqpty ;! 1 md Recmnm&ded Failure Ratess Calegoly 2 Cslegoty 3 Le.dmge(extend) I .oE.7/h(to) II , Ii ltuptl!m (Uxtemd) , Dunpcr (Contd) II II 3.OE-6/h(lO). Motor-Operated 1.J Fnits&en Fails closed ‘ 3.OE-6/h(IO) tan * I I I I I 1 I I ioii.6jh(IoI mlgs t Luk9ge(extentd) ‘ [1] - 5.oE-7/h(to) [21 ~ l~OE-7/tt(lO) 4 L Rupture(exteml) II 5.OE-9/h(30) AirQpnbl!d ~~ ?disopen II F@ CfOfUd II * 8.0&61?t(10) # ~ ;1 Fails tOfCSfXld ~oE-6fi(Io) [11 3.oE-6/h(lo) ;~E.61h(10) 9.oE-7/lt(lo) Plugs [1 Leakage (catkmd) 40)E-7/h(lo) Rupture (external) 2.5E-7/?I(lO) l;OE-7fi(10) . 5.OE.9/h(30) cm* 11 11 1 Far@lovm Motor-1’)rivat ““ 4.4E=3/d(5.4) ‘ 2.9E-5/lt(2A) Owsptcd . 2.lE.4/d(9.0), 5.OE-61h(12) S:OE-31d(5) 5.OE-6Jh(Z8) S.OE.6/h(12) 3.OE-5/It(3) :i:E.6/h(lo) 6.5E-7/h(l.9) I Fu!s to sw I 3,3E-6/h(2.9) I 3.6E-61h(10) I I L n jI/Z-3/d(lO) 220 , . .’ , . . . 4 . — . . . ..,. . * WSRC-TR-93-262@ ~~ ‘.- Appendix-A . ., Treble (id. Summary of result.sfor HVAC/exJtMIM $y$tem. II SystetntGmponcnt/Faihtre Mcnte Aggregated xnd RecommendedFailureRmsa CtIegofy 3 Category2 Cttegmy 1 Scrubbes 2*o&41h 3.2E-7/h(lO) . . . Remmnendedb 1 1.oE-6/h(lo) , Table &f. ● Suntmuy of se.dts for HVAtYexhutst system. . Aggs&ated fsilwc rates m mean mtd enos facbs (in pmenthues).. The etror.fxctor & the 9Sth percentile/5thh perccmtile. b. Fosthd secommcndedfailure rate, the Cqpsy 1 sesultwu usedif xvailablw If not U& the Categmy 2 result wu used. If tto Categosy 1 or 2 smults wem availablq the Categmy 3 remh was wed (ExceptionJ to this me indicated in the notes.) MemI values were rotmded kJ 1,3, or 5 t“mesthe sppmprhto power of 10. Enor fxctosswere sounded to 3, S, 10, or 30. 0 Notes . I Qkt9xx2’ 1. Fxihtre rate breed ott zcso fxilures mid mxy be conseswtively high. 1. Muse 1. Wmssystem rmttlts Used u 2. Bud modes not indhted on annpmbm.of Xpplo@te. (Umited) HVAC/mthxust symmdata fos unttponatt smups with tie mklt more@AtVe UK w~tu systqnsesulfJwcsomultiplied by 10. WMeS@m &M fo$~WJ component_ ~~~e 68J, ● . 3. Wates systempfpblg Sesuhs Wem SnU!tiplkd by 4. !HnthT b h 5. SimilaT to lhe wattz system smults cable 6s), fsils to stop wxs msuntodto be cotnpsmble to falls to stuL 6. Similm to the water systemresults~~ble 6a), oveshestsWM smumed to be one-fifth as‘likely u fails to heat. . W* system SMUh$ (Table 1(XI. . “ 6s)0OVe$qteed WSShuned to bo of faih to sun. ,..,.,.. . 223. . , WSRC-TR-93-262, t-! ,.< AppendkA h’fd fiilfS I’GWJkJ W(2TUtd. Dual on the C~tegofy 3 infornmtiom the normal filter results were multiplied by 10. Based on the Categmy 3 infonmtion, the Category 2 result (limited dsta) was increased+’ i . . . 224 ~, , “. , m m ml . I ! I . ❑ . —. CL. .. u .-A U 5 a u . . . . . . WSRC-TR-93-262 , ~-~ Appendix-A rable de. Sununuy of results for ekctdcd System/Cornponent/Fsilure distribution system. 1 / Mode Aggrcgmd CttegoYy 1 category 2 Invcrtcr Fdhxe Motor AC “~ “ Pub to Stint “ Fdk toiwt 7.9E-3/d(lO). L2E-5/h(l.9) m“ Falls to stxtt * Fdk tonm Synctlro 8.2E-7/h(lO) ‘ Rccommcndedb 1.OE-7/11(10) 0 L6E-8/R(lo) l~E-5/d(3), 3.5 E-6/h(lO) 1.1 E-6/h(6.1) 1.8 E.5/h(6.9) 2.6E-5/11(12) 1.OE-5/h(3) 1.5E4/h(3.4) 3.8 E-4/d(3~ L8E-5/lt(17) 3,0E4/d(3) (6] 6.OE-6/h(3.3) 2.4 E-5/lt(l.7) 2.1 EWt(3.0) 3.8 E-4/d(3~ 3.OE-4/d(3) 8,5$3-6/h(2.8) l18E-5/h(8.4) 2.4E-5111(8.4) 161 1.OE-5/h(3) ; o ~ “. LOE-5/h(lO) 1.oE-6/h(lo) 1.4 E-6/h(So6) 3.5E.7/h(lO) . , 1.OE-8/h(lO) I.4EWII(10) t Fdlue Trmsfunnu mwe FdhYc Iruwrnentaiettmlttrol Faihn category3 1.oE-6/h(5) .1.2E.7/h(lO) Fdlmopett F’mmuureopening Raonuncndcd Failure Ratesa 1.7E-6/h(5.1) !@ious operation Fu5e’ and . 3.8 E-7/h(2.8) &9E-7/h(lO) , . 1.oE-6/lt(lo) Tabk “6. summuy of tMUk for d@IiCd dfatdbutkn Iy$tent. S. Aggmgstcdfake rata are mean ml error f- b. For the motrtntended (in puuttftefes). ‘17teem f- & the 95th paecntil@hh pcrcrntik. fdure ram theCategory1 result wu used if ivaikbla I(no$ then the Category 2 mull wasused. If no Cstegwy1 or 2 resultswuo ●mikblq the Cmgory 3 result in the notes.) Mexnvxhteswereroundedto 1,3, or 5 t’mcs the qpropth power of 10. Etror fmtm were rounded to 3,5, 10, or 30. . . wu used (ExccpdoN to this are indkd Notes 1.. ” “ Failure modes not indicated. ~ . 227 . .-. , > WSRC-TR-93-262 ,f+-{ AppCXIdiX-~ mmmk!si au tulbii results used. joints. Thereferq the jdml rcsuh was multiplied by 2 Jumper modeled u 2 e!eakal Esthte tsken km Referena 35, Tabla 4. Bud on Caegmy 3 esthnam Cate~ multiplythe~tectivc rclsy r&lI 1 data inchnie ordy 1 hihtm and w!sy few danands. ‘h B% demmnd mu?t is desired. ‘fhe Categay by 10. hi8hest result from the ottm switches 3 perhow sstimateis simihr $ ap~optiate. WU used. to the Cstegory 2 estimste (from dats), so the Categmy 3 per dcmsnd csths~ was ssstancdto bQ i ● . .0 , 228 -. . .. :. * : ; i. ; ; * ! a ? . ❑ WSRC-TR.93.262 , L( Appendk-~ Table 6f. Summxq of results fw instrumcnln!ion and control system. Sys[em/ComponenUFaiIure Mode Aggrcgd ml ReeommutdedF~ilum RSIUS Category3 Category 2 Cstegory 1 t i 1.5E-5/h(lO) Imticelor 1.lE-4/h(22) Recommertduib 1.OE-5/it(lO) Faiture Amplifier Faihne yE.61h[io) Modifierfiigrml Conditioner lmBicModule 3.3E-7/h(2.1) 3.7E-6/h(7.7) 3.OE-7/11(3) . ‘ 3.OE-6/h(5) $ Fsilure Recurder F&e sampler . Fxihde 3.8E-5/h(22) 1.2E-5/11(10) Anxlymr Fxihrm “ . Tii Fxilrne GM Chmmatqpapb FsilmeI Volmge Reguhtor , Fciitw 6.oE-6/h(lo) 3.OE-5/h(30) ,, > . LOE-5/iI(lO) L3E-3jlt(26) 5.oE-6/h(lo) D 5ioE.6h(Bo) ., Transmitter Fxilure Ttmdumz Failure Frogmrnmabteh@C Contmiicr t 73E-5jlt(10) 5.OE-S/h(lO) 3.2E-6j%(10) 3.OE-6/h(lO) 2.2E-6/iI(l.4) \ 9.2E-7/ii(lO) 1.OE.5/h(30) 3.OE-6/h(lO) 6.3E-5/11(15) 1.oE-6/!t(lo) 3.OE-5/iI(lO) 3.2E-5/h(lO) Fsilum ble 6f. !hrmmay af results fa Inmtmentation and control xysterm . Aggregatedfxilum ntu we mexn cnd error faem (bt puenthaa). ‘fhe aror factor is the 95th prcentile/SOth percentile. For the munmmkd fdiure mtq the Categay 1 ruult wu Wed if awihble. If rmh the C~legay 2 result wu Used If no Category1or 2 reds wem 9vailabw the C*egoly 3 result wu IL (l?xceptknu to his me indhted in the notes.) Mexn %lues wem mundcd to 1,3, or 5 timestheqrpmpri~tepowerof 10. Error fxctom were ruundcd to 3,5, 10, or 30. 230 , L.” . . “. .. . ., . , .. .. . .“ . 3 “R . , . . \ -“ . . ...- 1“ ., . m .. . . .. Table 7. Naming scheme component WSRC-TR-93.2( .. Appendix-A codes. . 2% Fv ATS BAT CAv cm Ch’lv Csv CTF DOG DPS DST ti FM FLT FST Fus Air coaditioaiag M dryer LST Agit8tor Alarm/anauaciator Amplifier Analyzer Air-operated damper Air.oper’sted VXh Aatoti18tic Uaasfer switch Baghortse filter Battery Bus, m Bus, “metakneloaed control dantper, akpaitcd ●ir-operated @OUO1 Vd% Cable Circuit breaker Check valve ~ ConuOl d-pr, motor+peratd Coatrol vxlv% rnntor-operated C 02 coocen~ation sensor/@ asmittcr/ transdacerlswitch valvet solenoid+pcratcd Control Mov Nxc FCP .HI’E Helium coaceatxdgo Uxaadocdswitcb Hosa ~A ilk pH seasor/traasmit&r 8aasdacer/switch H@ter, electrical He@=, gss Heat excbaager E: SET SW SRv SST generator 8easor/ geaerator seakor/transmitter/ IIydrogea =aCeamatioa Motor-driven Motor-drives geoerator pamp Motor-twemed Motor.t$erated Mawr. U Motor. dc Mist eliminator “ coacentratioa masdacer/switch Orifice Oxygen conceatrstion transducer/switch Nhrngen - mnactncer/switch Solcaoid-operated valVC 2afety rdicf valve Taak. TMR . UST VAP VW VRQ aapressurized Termination Timer w Joist Jomp8r Limit switch MarmaI Msaaal MsauaI XvM sad . control . Transducer Traasmtitter T~veliag screea seasor/tratt5mitter/ Temperature transducer/switch Tube Hataidity ‘ seasor/transmitter/ transducer/switch Vaporizei Vecuarn brder valve ~ regalatq Voltase JNT .4 ttcr/ coatrollcr T%U TST seasor/traaumittw/ logjc m TRs ● .-D sensor/traasmi Recorder Relay. control Relay, protective Radiatjon serisor/transmitter/ traasdacer/switch . Sampler Scrubber Modifier/signal conditioner seasor/transmitter/ Seismic Maaoal Manoal JPR scasor/mnsmitter/ Precipitator Iaverter “IND damper valv~ Speed seasor/traasmiUer/ maarJacerJswitch Syaehro Transformer. iastrumeatatioa mnsformer, pwer Tank. pressurized %: .masdacerhwitcb’ Iodicator faa R~gramrrtxble masm@er/traaadaccr/swiWb Hydro-tarbine-drivee compressor Motor4riveo Pressure sensor/traasmittar/ masdaeertswitch Rectifier RST . coaceatratioa Motor4rivea PST cbroatatograph Hydrocxrbaa seasor/trassaiitter/ @ansdacer/switch KC RCT tranadttcerlswitcb . modala Pipe Died-drives fan DicscI-driv= generator Differential. pressure seaaar/traasmitt6r/ transducer/switch Density seasor/traasrniUcr/ transdctccr/swhcb . . Explosive vslve Fan coder aait Flange Ffiter. low-cfficieacy Falter. sand Filter seasorltraasmitttirl plow Fast Gas Logic Level Mixer/bleader Centrifuge Dact Gas-tnrbiaa-drivco Kc unitlchiller damper key-operated switch, switch, pash-bntioa switch, valve rotery . . . . Table -. WSRC.TR.93-2 Appendk-A 8.” Naming scheme failure mode codes. Fails to open (closcd, fails closed) Spurioug opening (closed, fails open) Failure (no specific failure mode implied) ● Fails closed (only for control valves and dampers) Fouling Fails to heat . Fails open (only for control VSIVCSand dampers) Fails to run .. Fails to start Leak (external) Leak (internal) No response (upon dem’&d) Fails to stop Spurious closing (open, fails closed) Overheats Fails to close (open, fails open) . Overspeed Plug Rupture (external) Rupture (internal) Spurious operation . Table 9. Naming scheme syste”m codes. ● c ; H I w Chemical process Electrical distribution Compressed gas ~. HVAC/exhaust Instrumentation and control Water . . 232 . ““ . “ . APPENDIX - B .. -.’ WSRC-TR-93-262Rev.] Appendix-B I?AYESIANUIJ13.YmS~ mER DEMll ND-FAILuRE IUTES] . Generic Dab S ‘“rce + “W ‘at’ -> ~ ave sian UDdai? ~ LOGNORM.AL DistibuLion - Ix@ . m COZV~GATE PRIOR Sm SPECIFIC DATA .. .. CONJZIGAZE POSIERIOR . . BETA Distribution POISSON DisHmfion ‘~ Mean2 N1 ,.. 0.6070246 N2 balk (pseudq~failures) D1 - &$;7024<10- (pseudo-denominator) . ~ ~ BETA N Distribution 0.00683376 aff3ihl14 m 878 (nnulbaafdaIunds) N3 ‘ 6.6070246 (pseud+ilud D3 937.7024610 (pseudo-d~ad . J’ LOGNORMAL Disfxibufion - Ou@t Bel FORMMS Meanl=GIVEN hkin2=N2/D2 M--N3/D3 o — WSRC-TR-93-2(52 RI Appendix-B BAYESMV UPDATES Generic Data S“””? -—> ~ ~ ~’vesi’n u“d~te LOGZVORMAL Distribution - Input .. .. B J . .Sm SPECIFIC CON~GAZZ PRIOR cONJZIGATE POS7EMOR DATA . BETA.. . Distribution . M ..- POISSON Distribution . 0.1641 (pseu<o.:@afresl :-: *- TI 16408.73;~.5 Mean2 0.00000s9 N2 2 I N3 2.l&H : (pseudo-denomin~t’or) * LOGNORMAL Distribution - Output E FORMUL~ Meanl=GrVEN Mean2=Nz/12 Mwln3=N3/13 EFl=GIVEN N2.G~ N3=N1+N2 Nl=l/(EXp((Ln(EFl)/l.&15)A2>l) n.~ # ~~ ll=N1/Meanl . .. # &]- 234 13=11+’r2 EF3=Exp(l.&5”(Ln(@3+l) /(N3)Y05) J ,. .:+ ,,.. Bayeclan Update -,:. .-,.! Input Generic Data Input computed 5 5 5 5 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.3 ! ,?.’ s,:{ .+s. ,,.:,:, 4$. w;> y,\ & ;/?{ w. /?.$. { .,..,:. \ ,,-.,’, .,e$. ?.* $ fir,, IF; $$ $Ij ‘?./, j,,% &7 ,.?{ ,,2,,;: ::,,.~‘ % ,:.:,, ;.-,,i ,:”~~ ‘ y;; 0.001 0,001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0,001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 computed EFI Nl=Meanl Dl=-l+(l-Mnl)/(Mnl EF1 N1 01 Meant Mnl . 0.60702 0.59079 0.46093 0.13628 l“; l;=; 5 10 15 20 30 wSRC-TR-93-262 Appemtii-B Per Dommid Failure Ratea 60,70246 29.53960 4.60931 0.45427 l::;;; 0;62163 0.16292 0.07020 0.03661 0.01309 621.i3393 162.92325 70.20237 38.60943 13.09481 1.5 15.94791 15947.90811 3 1.77630 1776.30447 5 0.62163 621.63393 10 0.16292 162.92325 15 0.07020 70.20237 20 0.03661, 38.60943 30 0.01309 13.09481 *Exp Input. N2 N2 Data spadti Slto Input computedcomputed “ 02 Mean2=N2Chl-Squamd EF2 D2 Mn2 2,128869 2.128869 2.128669 2,128869 0.00509 0.00508 0,00509 2.128889 2.128889 2.128889 Update Bay.alan output computed output N3=N1+N2D3=D1+D2 ean3=N31D(l-Mn3)l(Mn3*(Dl+D2+l)))P0.5)) EF3 Mn3 03 N3 computed 6.607025 938.702461 6.5907921207.539602 6.460931 1782.609315 6.13628 1778.454267 0.007038 0.005458 0.003824 0.003450 6 6 6 6 878 1178 1770 1778 6 6* 6 6 6 1178 ‘1178 1178 1178 1178 6 1178 0.00509 2.128889 0,00509 2,128889 6 1170 0005092.120869 21.94791 17125.90811 0,00126 7.77630 2954.30447 0.00263 6.62163 1799.63393 0.00368” 6.16292 1340,Q2325 0.00460 6.07020 1248.20237 0.00488 6.03661 1214S0943 0.00497 6.01309 1191.08481 0,00505 10 1178 117h 1178 1176 1176 1176 1178 0,00649 1.768176 0.00649”1.768176 0.00849 1.7tt8176 0.C4J849 1.768176 0,00849 1.766176 0.00849 1.76B176 000849 1.768176 25.94791 17125.80611 11.77630 295430447 10.62163 1799.63393 10.16292 1340,92325 10,07020 1246,20237 10,03681 1214.60943 10.01309 1191,08461 10 10 10 10 10 10 0006834 0.005093 0.W3375 0,003375 0.00509 2.126889 “ Formutaw NlsMeanl~l Mean2=N2/D2 Mean3=N3f133 Dl=-1+(1-MnlY(Mnl%xp((ln(EFIYl .646)’2)-1)) EF2=SQRT((cHllNWO.O5,2oN2+2)Y(CHllNV(o.95,2*N2))) EF3=exp(l.645”((ln((l +(1-Mn3)/(Mn3*(Dl+D2+ l))))A0.5)) 235 Rev.1 0.00152. 0,00399 0.00590 0.00756 0.00807 0.00626 0i)0841 1.650074 1.652354 1.684167 1.892649 1.41482 1.77066 1.85097 1.88948 1.69781 1.80087 1.90303 1.37663 1.59784 1.63543 1.65193 1.65535. 1.65660 1.65747 . (’..Bayeslan Input Meanl Mnl 0.00009 0.000001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.000o1 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 11 ,, _E!!zMu Data Generic Input computed wmputed EF1 Nl=l/(EXPIV=Nl/Mnl N1 T1 EF1 0.00001 0.00001 1, WJate 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0,00001 100.164067 10 0.164076 10 0.163983 10 0.164086 Failure WSRC-TR-93-262 Appendix-B Rates Input N2 N2 Data apedfic site Input computedcomputed T2 Mean2=N2Chl-Squared Mn2 EF2 T2 sqlt(95%/5%) 340389 5.88E4)6 4.209103 340309 1.76E-05 2.128869 340369 1.76E-05 2.128669 340309 1.76E-05 2.128869 16408.73 16407.57 1822.029 164086,2 2 6 6 6 1.5 3 5 10 15 20 30 15.9647 1596470 1.779056 177905.6 0.623241 62324.09 0.164076 16407,57 0.0712637126.293 0.037637 3763.67 0.014099 1409.878 ‘6 6 6 6 6 6 6 340389 340389 340389 340389 340389 340389 340389 1.76E-05 1.76E-05 1.76E-05 1.76E-05 1.76E-05 1.76E-05 1.76E-05 1.5 3 5 10 15 20 30 15.9647 1596470 1.779056 177905.6 0.623241 62324,09 0,164076 16407,57 0.0712637126.293 0.037637 3763.67 0.014099 1409.676 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 340369 340389 340389 340389 340389 340389 340389 2.35E-05 2.35E-05 2.35E~5 2.35E-05 2.35E-05 2.35E-05 2.35E-05 Bayeslan Update computed computed Output N3=N1+N21’3=T1+T2 Mean3=N3 Mn3 N3 T3 Rev. 1 output EF3 2,164087 6,164076 6.163983 6.1640f36 356797.7 356796.6 342211 504475.2 6.07E-06 1.73E-05 1.8E-05 1.22E-05 2.756229 1.892357 1.892365 1.89236 2.128869 2.128669 2.128669 2.128669 2.128669 2.128669 2.126669 21.9647 7.779056 6.623241 6.164076 6.071263 6.037637 6.014099 1936859 518294.6 402713.1 356796.6 347515.3 344152.7 341798.9 1.13E-05 1.5E-05 1.64E-05 1.73E-05 l,7!iE-05 1.75E-05 1.76E-05 1.414952 1.771901 1.853064 1.602357 1.900903 1.904054 1.906277 1.90422 1.90422 1.9(7422 1,90422 1.90422 1S0422 1,90422 23.W7 0.779056 8.623241 8.164076 8.071263 8.037637 8.014099 1936659 518294.6 402713.1 356796.6 34751S.3 344152.7 341798.9 1.24E-05 1.89E-05 2.14E-05 2,29E-05 2.32E-05 2.34E-05 2.34E-05 1.394591 1.670766 1.724408 1.749213 1.754515 1.756461 1.757831 Formulae Mean2=N2/T2 Mean3=N31T3 ~1=1/(15XP((LN(EFl)/l.645)h2)-1) EF2=S(lRT((CHllNV(.O5,2"N2+2))/(CHllNV(.95,2*N2))) EF3=Exp(l,64&(Ln~(N3+l)/(N3)))A0.5) 236 .