Application for Overlay Credit for Semester Conversion GE Overlay

Application for Overlay Credit for Semester Conversion
GE Overlay – Sustainability
This application must be submitted as an attachment to the General Education and Graduation Requirement (2b) Course Request in
Department Name:
Course Title:
Course Number:
Course Pre-Requisites:
Course Capacity:
Catalog Description:
Number of Units:
Course Learning Outcomes:
Course is being considered____________/has been approved_________ to meet other graduation requirements (GE, American
Institutions, WritingII) Please indicate all that apply ______________________________________________________.
2. Overlay Approval Requirements
In order to qualify for General Education credit, a course must thoroughly embed the required outcomes for that area.
Sample student work as described in GE area proposals will be used to assess GE program level outcomes. (Pending approval of 1516 CIC 20)
Post semester conversion, 13-14 CIC 4, Renewal of General Education Courses will require a sample syllabus.
 A course may be certified for only one overlay
 Overlay approved courses may be a lower or upper division course, with or without prerequisites, and it may be
anywhere in the curriculum (e.g., GE, major, minor, certificate, electives, etc.).
Each student earning a baccalaureate degree from CSUEB is required to complete at least one class for each
 Overlay approved course syllabi must list the university-approved student learning outcomes for the overlay
 As part of institutional assessment, departments offering overlay courses will be asked to provide sample student
artifacts as described in their overlay proposals.
 In order to qualify for overlay certification, a course must embed the required outcomes for that overlay.
2a. Overlay Learning Outcomes. Complete the table below for all learning outcomes. Evidence must include specific activities
and assignments.
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to:
Identify the environmental,
social, and economic dimensions
of sustainability, either in general
or in relation to a specific
Analyze interactions between
human activities and natural
Describe key threats to
environmental sustainability
Describe course activities via which students
will develop this outcome. E.g. lectures,
discussions, group activities, reading
Describe course assignments via which
students will demonstrate this outcome. E.g.
writing assignments, oral presentations, group
projects, performances, exams.
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to:
Explain how individual and
societal choices affect prospects
for sustainability at the local,
regional, and/or global levels.
Describe course activities via which students
will develop this outcome. E.g. lectures,
discussions, group activities, reading
Describe course assignments via which
students will demonstrate this outcome. E.g.
writing assignments, oral presentations, group
projects, performances, exams.