PowerPoint Slides Object-Oriented Design

PowerPoint Slides
Design Using JAVA
by Dale Skrien
Chapter 2
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Object-oriented Programming
•  Divides the program into a set of
communicating objects
•  Encapsulates in an object all the
behavior and knowledge related to one
•  Distributes control and data since the
intelligence and knowledge is
distributed among the objects
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Object-oriented Languages
•  Support OO style of programming
•  Provide
–  classes
–  objects
–  messages
–  inheritance
–  polymorphism
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Sample Java class
public class Person {!
private String name;!
private Date birthdate;!
public Person(String name, Date birthdate) {!
this.name = name;!
this.birthdate = birthdate;!
public String getName() {!
return name;!
public Date getBirthdate() {!
return birthdate;!
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Figure 2.1. Java primitive & reference types.
The variable x stores the primitive integer value
3 whereas the variable s stores a reference to
the String object “hello”.
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Figure 2.2. The UML class diagram for the
Person class.
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Figure 2.3. The UML notation for subclass and
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Implementation Inheritance
•  Also called “subclassing”
•  Indicated in Java by keyword “extends”
•  Uses:
–  Specialization by adding new behavior in a
–  Specialization by overriding existing
behavior in a subclass
–  Generalization by creating a superclass
and moving code up
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Figure 2.4. Specialization by adding new
behavior to the subclass.
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Inheritance Example
public class EnhancedRectangle extends Rectangle
public EnhancedRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h) //constructor
super(x, y, w, h);
public Point getCenter()
return new Point((int) getCenterX(), (int) getCenterY());
public void setCenter(int x, int y)
setLocation( x – (int) getWidth()/2, y – (int) getHeight()/2);
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FilledOval subclass of Oval
•  Example of specialization by overriding
existing methods
•  FilledOval class overrides the draw
method of the Oval class to draw a
filled-in black oval instead of a white
oval with black border
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Figure 2.5. Two white ovals with black borders
and a filled oval.
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Public class Oval
public int x, y, w, h;
public Oval(int x, int y, int w, int h) { //constructor
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
public int getWidth() {return w;}
public int getHeight() {return h;}
public Point getTopLeftPoint() {return new Point(x,y);}
// … other methods …
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Specialization Example
Public class FilledOval extends Oval
public FilledOval(int x, int y, int w, int h)
super(x, y, w, h);
public void draw(Graphics g)
g.fillOval(x, y, w, h);
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Figure 2.6. Generalization by moving common
behavior to a superclass.
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Generalization Example
public abstract class Customer
HumanCustomer human = new HumanCustomer(…);
BusinessCustomer business = new BusinessCustomer(…);
String humanName = human.getName();
String businessName = business.getName();
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Figure 2.7. A Person class with two
superclasses. This is not legal in Java.
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Figure 2.8. Class C inherits two foo()
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Types and interfaces
•  A type is a set of data values and the
operations that can be performed on
•  Example: The Java integer type has
232 values and has operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
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Java classes as types
•  Each Java class is a type
•  The values of such a type are the
objects of that class or any subclasses
•  The operations are the methods of the
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Java interfaces as types
•  Each Java interface is a type
•  The values of such a type are the
objects of all classes that implement the
•  The operations are the methods
declared in the interface
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•  A type S is a subtype of type T if the set
of objects of S form a subset of the set
of objects of T and the set of operations
of S are a superset of the set of
operations of T
•  Example: Any subclass defines a
subtype of its superclass
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Figure 2.9. A SimpleRunner class that
implements the Runnable interface and extends
the Object class.
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Subtype polymorphism
•  You can use an object of a subtype
wherever an object of a supertype is
•  Examples:
List l = new ArrayList();!
List l = new LinkedList();
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Figure 2.10. The List interface and two classes
that implement it.
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Abstract classes
•  Abstract classes are denoted by the key
word “abstract”.
•  Objects of such classes cannot be
•  Some of the methods can be declared
abstract, in which case subclasses must
implement those methods (or be
abstract themselves).
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Abstract classes vs. interfaces
•  Abstract classes can include method
implementations and non-final fields
•  Abstract classes with no
implementations are like interfaces
except a class can extend only one
superclass in Java.
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Dynamic method invocation
•  In a method call v.foo(), the Java
runtime environment looks at the actual
class of the value of v, not the declared
type of v, to determine which
implementation of foo to execute.
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Dynamic method invocation
•  Suppose a class A has a method foo
that prints “A” and a subclass B has a
method foo that prints “B”.
A v = new B();
•  The implementation of foo in class B is
the one that is executed (“B” is printed).
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Figure 2.11. The abstract Automobile class and
its subclasses.
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Dynamic method invocation
for Automobiles
Automobile[] fleet = new Automobile[]{!
new Sedan(Color.black), !
new Minivan(Color.blue), !
new SportsCar(Color.red)};!
int totalCapacity = 0;!
for(Automobile car : fleet) {!
totalCapacity += car.getCapacity();!
Three different getCapacity methods are
executed in this loop (one in each subclass)
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Overloading vs. Overriding
•  Overloading refers to two methods in
the same class with the same name, but
different parameter lists.
•  Overriding concerns two methods, one
in a subclass and one in a superclass,
with identical signatures (name and
parameter list).
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Figure 2.12. The Automobile class has two
equals methods, one inherited and one
defined in Automobile.
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Figure 2.13. The Automobile class does not
inherit the Object class’ equals method.
Instead, it overrides that method.
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Overloaded method example
Object o = new Object();!
Automobile auto = new Automobile();!
Object autoObject = new Automobile();!
Which of the two equals methods in the
Automobile class is executed in each of the
last 3 lines above?!
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