Finding vT h and RT h using PSpice The figure shown represents one form of the equivalent circuit for a transistor amplifier. Determine the open circuit value of v2 and the output resistance RT h of the amplifier. 1 i1 2kΩ + vx 5000 2mV − 3 2 + − + 100i1 20kΩ − + vx − hk2p43.m4 Figure 1: An equivalent Circuit for a transistor Amplifier The way to find out Thevenin’s equivalent circuit as seen from the nodes 3 and 0 is to measure the open oc circuit voltage voc = v2 = V (3) and the short circuit current isc flowing from 3 to 0 . vT h = voc , RT h = visc The following PSpice code evaluates the open circuit voltage between 3 and 0 by inserting a very high resistance across the two nodes and measure the voltage between them. This is voc = vT h . Prob43c2.cir *Find Thevenin equivalent circuit for a transistor amplifier *FIRST V(3)=VOC OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE V10 1 0 2MV R12 1 1A 2K V1A 1A 2 DC 0V; this is needed to measure $i_1$ E20 2 0 3 0 2E-4 F30 3 0 V1A 100 R30 3 0 20K RL 3 0 1G ; 1 Giga Ohms resistor (almost open circuit) .END Run the simulation to get V (3) = −2.4999 The next PSpice code computes the short circuit current between 3 and 0 by inserting a 0 volts voltage source and a series very small resistance between the two nodes and measure the current flowing through them. This is isc . Prob43c2.cir *Find Thevenin equivalent circuit for a transistor amplifier * I(V3A)=SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT V10 1 0 2MV R12 1 1A 2K V1A 1A 2 DC 0V; this is needed to measure $i_1$ E20 2 0 3 0 2E-4 F30 3 0 V1A 100 R30 3 0 20K V3A 3 3A DC 0 RL 3A 0 1u ; 1 micro Ohms resistor (almost short circuit) .END Run the simulation to get I(V 3A) = −1.000E − 04 Next divide the open circuit voltage V (3) obtained from the first simulation by the short circuit current obtained from the second simulation I(V 3A) to get RT h = −2.4999 −1e−4 = 24.999kΩ. Use of .TF command PSPice can also find vT h , RT h using a very high resistance between 3 and 0 and using the .TF command as follows: *Find Thevenin equivalent circuit for a transistor amplifier V10 1 0 2MV R12 1 1A 2K V1A 1A 2 DC 0V E20 2 0 3 0 2E-4 F30 3 0 V1A 100 R30 3 0 20K RL 3 0 1G .TF v(3) v10 .END NODE VOLTAGE NODE VOLTAGE NODE VOLTAGE NODE VOLTAGE ( 1) .0020 ( 2)-500.0E-06 ( 3) -2.4999 ( 1A)-500.0E-06 VOLTAGE SOURCE CURRENTS NAME CURRENT V10 -1.250E-06 V1A 1.250E-06 TOTAL POWER DISSIPATION V(3)/V10 = -1.250E+03 2.50E-09 WATTS INPUT RESISTANCE AT V10 = 1.600E+03 OUTPUT RESISTANCE AT V(3) = 2.500E+04 From the output of the simulation, V (3) = voc = vT h = −2.4999 volts and the output resistance at V (3) (open circuit condition) equals RT h = 2.5e + 4 = 25kΩ