Design and Implementation of Low-Pass Filters for PCT-COSY Olga Kachko FH Aachen, Campus Jülich, Nuclear Applications Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hoyler, Dr. Yury Valdau, and Leonid Eltcov The purpose of this project was to lter the output of the parametric current transformer (PCT) to obtain a more accurate measurement of DC beam current. Due to the characteristic features of PCT, excitation frequency 7 kHz of magnetic modulator is always present in the output signal. In order to attenuate the AC-component of the PCT signal, it was proposed to design and implement two types of low-pass lters. The test measurements were conducted in the laboratory and compared with SPICE simulations. 2. Beam Diagnostics 1. Introduction To analyze the behavior and the properties of the accelerator beam, beam diagnostic devices are of a big importance [3]. These diagnostic tools can be divided into two main groups according to the eect they have on the beam namely destructive and non-destructive. If the particle beam is lost as a result of the measurement, a diagnostic device is referred to as destructive. Destructive methods are based on detection of energy loss of the charged particles interacting with matter. A typical example of a destructive device is a Faraday cup which is usually used for the beam current The mini-project was conducted as part of a TRIC (Test of Time Reversal Invariance at COSY) experiment [1] at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at Research Center Juelich. The TRIC experiment is set up as a novel null test (P-even, T-odd) of time-reversal invariance at Cooler-Synchrotron COSY-Juelich. Currently, the main focus of the research group working on TRIC is to develop the high precision beam current measurement system. In order to study the properties of dierent nondestructive beam diagnostic devices the test station was designed and built [2]. 1 monitoring in the cyclotrons and extraction Fig. 1. beam lines [4]. Even though it is an accurate method and widely applied on accelerators it is not used for routine beam monitoring in the storage rings since it destroys the beam [3]. If during the operation of a diagnostic device no beam losses are observed, the method is called non-destructive. Some examples are beam current transformers, beam position monitors, wall current monitors, Shottky pick-ups etc. [4]. The measurement of the beam current will be discussed in more detail Figure 1: Simplied schematics of a DC transin the next section. former consisting of two tori with three types of windings each. First winding is used as a modulator, second winding as a detector and third 2.1 Beam Current Measurement winding as a compensator [3]. Non-destructive diagnostic tools are essential at the synchrotron and storage ring COSY to provide the necessary information about the beam intensity [5]. Non-destructive beam current transformers which work on the principle of magnetic eld detection carried by the beam are used to give accurate measurement of bunched (AC) and not bunched (DC) beam current. The goal of this project was to lter the signal from the parametric current transformer (PCT) which is used to measure the DC component of the stored beam at COZY. The identical device produced by BERGOZ company is installed at the test station for non-destructive beam current measurement [2]. Each toroid consists of three dierent circuits such as modulating, sensing and compensating circuits. The square symmetric AC current is generated within a modulation circuit consisting of two windings with opposite orientation. Modulation current forces the high permeability tori into magnetic saturation two times for each period. The sensing winding acts as a detector of the modulated signal [7]. As shown in Fig. 2 two modes of operation should be considered i.e. no-signal operation and operation with signal. No-signal operation means that there is no beam going through the tori. In this case sensor windings will detect zero average magnetic ux from two modulation windings thus output voltage will be equal zero. When beam passes through the toroidal core, its magnetic eld causes a shift in B-H hysteresis curve. The change in the magnetic ux will be sensed by secondary windings and an external current Icomp will be gener- The PCT consists of three main parts: toroidal sensor, front-end electronics box and back-end power supply and control chassis. Toroidal sensor includes modulator cores and L/R integrator core [6]. The principal of operation can be explained with the help of 2 ated via a feedback loop to cancel beam's magnetic eld. The feedback current while passing through a precision resistor produces the output voltage which is proportional to the beam current. Figure 2: PCT modes of operation [3]. Figure 3: Frequency response of rst-order lowpass lter [9]. Since PCT modulation frequency is around 7 kHz it was proposed to use a low-pass lter The rst-order LP lter gives a slope of to reduce the modulation ripple in the output -20 dB/decade attenuation of frequencies voltage. above the cut-o frequency. However, if this -20 dB/decade is not enough to damp the 3. Low-Pass Filters: Principle and signals at unwanted frequencies, then two Schematics rst-order lters can be cascaded together resulting in a second-order lter. The more As the name implies, low-pass lters (LP) RC stages are added the higher becomes the are specially designed electric circuits that pass lter order. the lower frequency signals and attenuate signals of higher frequencies. The main character4. Passive Low-Pass Filters istic of LP lters is a specied frequency, called cut-o frequency (corner frequency in Fig. 3), Passive lters are made up of passive circuit above which a high attenuation of the signal elements such as resistors, capacitors and is produced. Below cut-o frequency very lit- inductors. The simplest rst-order passive tle or no attenuation of the signal is observed. lter consists of a resistor connected in series The gain/attenuation of the lter, generally with a capacitor. A capacitor is a reactive expressed in Decibels, can be calculated as fol- device which exhibits very high resistance lows: to low-frequencies or DC signals and low Vout [8] (1) resistance to high-frequency signals [8]. K = 20 · log Vin The cut-o frequency or -3 dB point, can be found using the standard formula: fc = 1 2π · RC [8] Fourth-order passive LP lter was soldered according to the circuit diagram shown in (2) Fig. 4. It was equipped with the switch to change between lters of dierent orders, from rst to fourth, to choose the optimal attenuation at 7 kHz. 3 Figure 4: Fourth Order Low-Pass Filter Schematic Circuit Diagram. Figure 6: Phase Shift of Passive LP Filter simuFrequency response curves of the passive lated in SPICE. LP lters presented in Fig. 5 were obtained from SPICE simulation program and plotted The comparison between the SPICE simuby using OriginPro software. Phase shift as lation and experimental data is presented in a function of frequency is represented in Fig. 6. Table 1. The experimental values are in good agreement with theoretical calculations. Table 1: Passive LP Filter, Attenuation [dB] Order Attenuation SPICE Experiment First -3.82 -3.7 Second -7.30 -6.9 Third -9.31 -8.8 Fourth -9.75 -9.3 Table 2: Passive LP Filter, Phase Shift [◦ ] Order Phase Shift SPICE Experiment First -24 -18 Second -53 -48 Third -82 -72 Fourth -100 -96 Figure 5: Frequency Response of Passive LP Filter obtained from SPICE simulation. Figures 7 and 8 represent the results obtained by using HMO 3004 series mixed-signal oscilloscope. It can be seen from the gures that attenuation of the PCT signal increases with the increased order of the lter. However, there is a very small dierence between the third and fourth order lter. Increasing the order even further will not result in signicant attenuation of the signal because each lter order will load its neighboring network [10]. 4 (a) First-Order LP Filter (a) Third-Order LP Filter (b) Second-Order LP Filter (b) Fourth-Order LP Filter Figure 7: In Fig. 7 (a) the PCT output signal Figure 8: In Fig. 8 (a) the PCT output signal (ch. 1) and output signal of rst-order LP lter (ch. 1) and output signal of the third-order LP (ch. 2) are presented. Attenuation of -3.7 dB lter (ch. 2) are shown. Attenuation of -8.8 dB is reached. In Fig. 7 (b) the PCT output signal is obtained. In Fig. 8 (b) the PCT output signal (ch. 1) and output signal of second-order LP (ch. 1) and output signal of the fourth-order LP lter (ch. 2) are shown. Attenuation of -6.9 lter are presented (ch. 2). Attenuation of -9.3 dB is obtained. dB is reached. for lter 1 and 3 kHz for lter 2 were obtained. Dierent combinations of resistors and capacitors were considered and simulated in Active low-pass lters contain active comSPICE to reach the desired cut-o frequencies. ponents such as transistors, operational ampliers or eld-eect transistors. The most A schematic circuit diagram for each lter common active lter is an active low-pass lter is depicted in Fig. 9. Frequency response which principle of operation and frequency curves of the active LP lters are presented in response is similar to passive low-pass lter [8]. Fig. 10. Phase shift as a function of frequency is presented in Fig. 11. Two active low-pass lters were constructed and tested during this project. The components of the active LP lters were chosen in such a way that cut-o frequencies of 1 kHz 5. Active Low-Pass Filters 5 Figure 10: Frequency Response of Active LP Filter, SPICE. Figure 9: Schematic Circuit Diagram for Active Low-Pass Filters. In order to test the cut-o frequency of each lter, the wave generator was used to generate the sinusoidal wave with peak-to-peak voltage of 2V and frequencies of 1 and 3 kHz respectively. Signal from the generator (ch. 1), output of LP lter 1 (ch. 2), output of LP lter 2 (ch. 3) obtained with the help of oscilloscope are presented in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12 (a) a sine wave of 1 kHz frequency and attenuation of the signal corresponding to -3 dB are shown. Fig. 12 (b) represents a generated sine wave of 3 kHz frequency and attenuation of the incoming signal by -3 dB. By analyzing the peak-topeak voltage of input and output signals, one can estimate lter's cut-o frequency, or -3 dB point i.e. Figure 11: Phase Shift of Active LP Filter, SPICE. lter 2 (ch. 2) are shown in Fig. 13 (b). The signal attenuation was calculated by using equation (1) and presented in Table 3. The measured values are in perfect agreement with the SPICE simulation at 7 kH. Vout = 0.707 ∗ Vin In Fig. 13 the attenuation of PCT signal by using two active LP lters is presented. The PCT signal (ch. 1) and output signal of lter 1 (ch. 3) are shown in Fig. 13 (a). The PCT signal (ch. 1) and output signal of 6 (a) Filter 1, test. (a) Filter 1 (b) Filter 2, test. (b) Filter 2 Figure 12: Cut-o frequency test. Sine wave Figure 13: Active Low-Pass Filter. The PCT (ch. 1) of 1 kHz and output of active LP loutput signal (ch. 1) and output of active LP ter 1 (ch. 3) is depicted in Fig. 12 (a). Sine lter 1 (ch. 3) are depicted in Fig. 13 (a). The wave (ch. 1) of 3 kHz and output of active LP PCT output signal (ch. 1) and output of active lter 2 (ch. 2) are shown in Fig. 12 (b). The LP lter 2 (ch. 2) are shown in Fig. 13 (b). attenuation of - 3 dB is reached with both lters. The attenuation of -26 dB and -10 dB respectively was obtained. References 6. Conclusions [1] D. Eversheim and Y. Valdau. Test of timereversal invariance at cosy (tric). 2012. Two types of low-pass lters were constructed and the attenuation of the ACcomponent of PCT output signal was reached. The test measurements were in good agreement with SPICE simulation. However, the alternative techniques and methods should be developed and tested in order to suppress the modulation ripple in the output signal even further. [2] S. Kirfel. Design and implementation of a test station for beam current measurement devices. Master's thesis, FH Aachen, 2014. [3] J.C. Denard. CERN Beam current monitors. Accelerator School, 2008. [4] D. Brandt. Beam diagnostics for accel7 Table 3: Active LP Filters Filter 1 Filter 2 Filter 1 Filter 2 Attenuation [dB] SPICE Experiment -25 -26 -9.6 -10 Phase Shift [◦ ] SPICE Experiment -160 -168 -111 -106 erators, proc. cern accelerator school cas. 2009. [5] R. Maier and et al. Non-beam disturbing diagnostics at cosy-jülich. Conf.Proc. C900612, 1990. [6] BERGOZ. Parametric current transformer. Instruction Manual, July 1989. [7] E. J. Kletsky. Design criteria for lowlevel second-harmonic magnetic modulators. Technical report, Electronic Nuclear Instrumentation Group, 1977. [8] P. Horowitz and W. Hill. The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press, 1980. [9] Electronics tutorials. http://http: // filter/filter_2.html. Accessed: 2016-02-03. [10] E. Hughes. Electrical Technology. Addison Wesley Longman, 1995. 8