Filter Circuits RC High-Pass Filter RC Low-Pass Filter Homework RC High-Pass Filter C v out R v in ' ( * + ) & $ " $ " $ " $ " % % # ! # % # % # ! ( ( * + ) ! * + ) ' , RC High-Pass Filter (cont’d) It is common practice to express the voltage gain (or attenuation) in decibels (dB) defined as / 3 21 0 4 5 .- 89: ;< .- .- 6 ;< 0.5 0.707 1.414 2.0 4.0 6 6 -40 -20 0 +20 +40 ;< 89: 67 6 89: 6 ;< 89: 67 6 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 -6 -3 +3 +6 +12 RC High-Pass Filter (cont’d) 1.0, so we can write the high-frequency approximation @ 89: = > = ;< @ C B F E D 6? 6 , Note that as A I 89: 6 J 1 ;< G G 6 of the gain as H I N M L ;< 89: 6K 6 Also note that the low frequency approximation of the gain is 89: 6 If we make a log-log graph of versus , we see that the actual gain can be approximated quite and with a sharp break or "knee" given well by two straight lines corresponding to by 6 ;< ;< 89: 6K 6 89: 6 G M G ;< L 6 H M G G L H . . At this break point, the magnitude of the gain is . O 1 O J1 0 + * ) A . ( , ' R QP .- RC High-Pass Filter (cont’d) 20 log v out v in 0 dB log ω ωB −3 dB High frequency approximation Gain Low frequency approximation (6 dB/octave or 20 dB/decade slope) v out vin 1.0 0.707 ωB ω RC High-Pass Filter (cont’d) j I V C = IX C = ωC φ V out = IR Real 90 o φ V in 45 o ωB ω RC Low-Pass Filter R YZ ST WX UV & $ " $ " " $ " $ % # % # % # % # ! ! ( *+) ' , > = = 0, and goes to zero as Note that this goes to unity as v out C v in RC Low-Pass Filter (cont’d) 20 log v out v in Low frequency approximation ωB 0 dB −3 dB log ω High frequency approximation (6 dB/octave slope) Gain v out vin 1.0 0.707 ωB ω RC Low-Pass Filter (cont’d) φ j I V out = IX C = ωC V R = IR Real o φ −45 V in o −90 ωB ω Homework Set 18 - Due Wed. Feb. 25 Design a high-pass RC filter with a breakpoint at 100 kHz. Use a 1-k resistor. Explain in words why the high-pass filter attenuates the low frequencies. [ 1. Design a low-pass RC filter that will attenuate a 60-Hz sinusoidal voltage by 12 dB relative to the dc gain. Use a 100- resistor. Explain in words why the low-pass filter attenuates the high frequencies. 3. For a low-pass RC filter prove that at the frequency = 1/RC the voltage gain equals 0.707. 2. [