Dr. Mike Murphy Mike holds an Honours Diploma in Electrical

 Dr. Mike Murphy Mike holds an Honours Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Dublin Institute of Technology, BSc (Eng) from Trinity College Dublin, MEng and PhD degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology in the United States. He is a Fellow of Engineers Ireland and a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He sits on the Advisory Council of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) and is currently the President of the European Engineering Deans Council. Mike spent a number of years in industry, commencing his career in AT&T Bell Labs and later moving to Bell Communications Research before returning to the academy. He joined DIT in 2002 as the Director of the Faculty of Engineering; and in November 2009 Mike accepted responsibility for the newly formed College of Engineering & Built Environment at Dublin Institute of Technology. In February 2014 Mike moved to the Technological University for Dublin Programme Team to assist in the process of seeking university designation for the Dublin Technological University Alliance. 