Souleymane Omar - University of Delaware Dept. of Physics

Souleymane Omar Diallo
Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Cell: 302-345-6469, Office: 865-576-6188 Fax: 865-574-6080, Email:
Educational and Academic Background
Ph.D. Physics (2007), University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA.
B.Sc. Physics (1999), University Cadi-Ayyad, Marrakesh, Morocco.
PhD. Thesis "A neutron scattering study of the momentum distribution of atoms in liquid and solid
Academic and Professional Experience
2010-Present: BASIS Instrument Scientist, Spallation Neutron Source, ORNL, USA
2008-2010: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ames Laboratory (with R. McQueeney)
2007-2008: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware (with H. Glyde)
2005-2006: Adjunct Faculty, Cecil College, North East, MD, USA
2004-2007: Graduate Research Fellow, University of Delaware, USA
2003-2007: Research Assistant, University of Delaware , USA
2001-2003: Teaching Assistant, University of Delaware, USA
Research Interests
Condensed Matter Physics, Supefluidity and Superconductivity, Bose-Einstein
Condensation, Quantum Fluids and Solids, Properties of Water in Confinement, Porous
Materials, Magnetism
Selected meetings and workshops
1. 2011 International Low Temperature Physics conference (LT26), Beijing, China
2. 2010 Quantum Fluids and Solids, Grenoble, France
3. 2010 APS March Meeting, Portland, OR, USA
4. 2009 Quantum Fluids and Solids, Evanston, IL, USA
5. 2008 LANSCE summer school on magnetism, Los Alamos, NM, USA
6. 2008 ACNS 2008 Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, USA
7. 2006 ACNS neutron scattering tutorials, St Charles, IL, USA
8. 2006 APS March meeting neuton scattering tutorials, Baltimore, USA
9. 2005 SNS-HFIR users meetings, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
10. 2004 Polarized Neutron for Condensed Matter Investigations school, Washington DC
11. 2003 NIST School on Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Technical Skills
1. Technical: Neutron Scattering, Helium Cryostats, Adsorption Isotherms Measurements,
Vacuum Pumps, Helium Mass Spectrometers
2. Programming: Fortran, Matlab, LabView
3. OS: Linux, MAC, Windows
4. Instrumentation: Analog and Digital Electronics, Data Acquisition
5. Safety: US DOE Radiological Worker Training II at ORNL
6. Teaching: Blackboard, Smart Board
7. Word Processing: Microsoft Office suite, LaTex
1. NRC postdoctoral Fellowship (2007)-(Recommended for funding - but no funds
available at the time).
2. University of Delaware Graduate Fellowship (2004-2007)
3. Undergraduate Scholarship by 'Agence Marocaine pour la Cooperation Internationale'
Professional Membership
1. American Physical Society (USA)
2. Neutron Society of North America (USA)
3. National Societies of Black and Hispanic Physicists (USA)
Other Activities and Community Services
1. Session Chair (Quantum Fluids and Solids), APS March Meeting 2012, Boston, MA
2. Member-at-large, Board of directors, (2010-2011) Oak Ridge Nursery School
3. Co-organizer of the Quasi-Elastic Scattering section of the National Neutron and X-ray
Scattering school (2010 and 2011)
4. Coordinator and co-chair of ʻPhysics in Africaʼ session, 2011 Joint NSBP/NSHP meeting,
Austin, TX
5. Coordinator and co-chair of ʻNeutron and X-ray Scattering Sessionʼ, 2009 Joint
NSBP/NSHP meeting, Nashville, TN
6. Reviewer for APS Journals (Phys. Rev. Letters and Phys. Rev. B)
7. Reviewer for Nature Journal
8. Reviewer of Scientific Proposals submitted to Neutron facilities (NIST, ORNL)
Languages (Fluent) English, French, other African Languages
Publications (As of 01/2012)
1. S.O. Diallo, E. Mamontov, and N. Wada, Effects of external electric field on nanoconfined water –( in preparation 2012)
2. S. O. Diallo, R. T. Azuah, D. L. Abernathy, R. Rota, J. Boronat, H. R. Glyde, Phys. Rev.
(submitted 2011)
3. G. Ehlers, A. Huq, S. O. Diallo, C. Adriano, K. C. Rule, A. Cornelius, P. Fouquet, P. G.
Pagliuso and J. S. Gardner, Low energy spin dynamics in the spin ice, Ho2Sn2O7 (IOP
Journal, JPCM)
4. H. R. Glyde, S. O. Diallo, R. T. Azuah, O. Kirichek, and J. W. Taylor. Phys. Rev. B 84,
184506 (2011).
5. J. Ma. J-Q. Yan, S.O Diallo, R. Stevens, A. Llobet, F. Trouw, D.L. Abernathy, M.B.
Stone, R. J. McQueeney, Role of Magnetic Exchange Energy on Charge Ordering in
RSFO (R=La, Pr, and Nd) Phys. Rev. B (submitted) (Arxiv 1107.5507 (2011))
6. H. R. Glyde, S. O. Diallo, R. T. Azuah, O. Kirichek, and J. W. Taylor, Bose-Einstein
Condensation in liquid 4He under pressure, Phys. Rev. B 83, 100507 (2011) (R).
7. H.-F. Li, C. Broholm, D. Vaknin, R. M. Fernandes, D. L. Abernathy, M. B. Stone, D. K.
Pratt, W. Tian, Y. Qiu, N. Ni, S. O. Diallo, J. L. Zarestky, S. L. Budʼko, P. C. Canfield,
and R. J. McQueeney, Anisotropic and quasipropagating spin excitations in
superconducting Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2, Phys. Rev. B 82, 140503, (2010) (R).
8. S. O. Diallo, D. K. Pratt, R. M. Fernandes, W. Tian, J. L. Zarestky, M. Lumsden, T. G.
Perring, C. L. Broholm, N. Ni, S. L. Budʼko, P. C. Canfield, H.-F. Li, D. Vaknin, A.
Kreyssig, A. I. Goldman, and R.J. McQueeney, Paramagnetic spin fluctuations in
Cafe2As2 single crystals, Phys. Rev. B. 81, 214407 (2010).
9. S.O. Diallo, C. Broholm, V.P. Antropov, T.G. Perring, P. Canfield, A. Kreyssig, A.I.
Goldman, and R.J. McQueeney Itinerant magnetic excitations in antiferromagnetic
CaFe2As2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 187206 (2009).
10. R.J. McQueeney, S.O. Diallo, V. Antropov, et al. Anisotropic three-dimensional
magnetism in CaFe2As2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 227205 (2008)
11. S.O. Diallo, B. Fak, M.A. Adams, O.E. Vilches, M.R. Johnson, H. Schober, and H.R.
Glyde Dynamics of one and two dimensional solid helium on carbon nanotubes, Eur.
Phys lett (2009).
12. S. O. Diallo, R. T. Azuah, O. Kirichek, J. W. Taylor, and H. R. Glyde, Limits on BEC in
confined solid helium, Phys. Rev. B 80, 060504, (2009) (R)
13. S.O. Diallo, J.V. Pearce, R.T. Azuah, J.W. Taylor and H.R. Glyde BEC in two dimension
superfluid helium Phys. Rev. B 78, 024512 (2008)
14. S.O. Diallo, J.V. Pearce, R.T. Azuah, O. Kirichek, J.W. Taylor and H.R. Glyde BoseEinstein Condensate in solid helium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 205301 (2007)
15. S.O. Diallo, J.V. Pearce, R.T. Azuah, F. Albergamo and H.R. Glyde Bose-Einstein
condensation and kinetic energy of liquid 3He-4He Mixtures, Phys. Rev. B 74, 144503
16. S.O. Diallo, J.V. Pearce, R.T. Azuah and H.R. Glyde Quantum Momentum distribution
and kinetic energy in Solid 4He, Phys. Rev. Left. 93, 075301 (2004).
17. J.V. Pearce, S.O. Diallo, H.R. Glyde, R.T. Azuah, T. Arnold and J.Z. Larese Enhanced
Bose-Einstein Condensation and kinetic energy of liquid 4He near a free surface J.
Phys. Condens. Matter 16, 4391 (2004).
- Conference
1. S.O. Diallo, R.T. Azuah, and H.R. Glyde, The quest for BEC in solid helium, Journal
of Low Temperature Physics, 161, 258 (2010).
2. S.O. Diallo, J.V. Pearce, R.T. Azuah and H.R. Glyde Bose-Einstein Condensation in
liquid helium films SRMS5-329 (5th International Conference on Synchrotron
Radiation in Materials Science, 2006).
Oral (Contributed and invited)
1. 2010 Quantum Fluids and Solids, Grenoble, France
2. SNS Friday Seminar series (Spring 2010), Oak Ridge, TN
3. American Physical Society 2010 March Meeting, Portland, OR
4. University of Vermont - Spring 2009 Seminar
5. Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National lab, Spring 2009 Clifford Shull Seminar
6. American Physical Society 2009 March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA
7. American Physical Society 2008 March Meeting, New Orleans, LA
8. Ames Laboratory seminar (September 2007)
9. NIST center for neutron research Seminar (April 2007)
10. American Physical Society 2006 March Meeting, Baltimore, MD
11. National Society of Black Physicists 2006 meeting
12. American Physical Society 2005 March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
2011 Intenational Low Temparature Physics Conference (LT26), Beijing, China
2010 Quantum Fluids and Solids, Grenoble, France
2008 American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Santa Fe, NM
2007 SNS-HFIR users meeting, Oak Ridge, TN
2006 Imaging and Neutrons IAN, Oak Ridge, TN
2006 American Conference on Neutron Scattering, St Charles, IL
2005 SNS-HFIR users meeting, Oak Ridge, TN
2004 American Conference on Neutron Scattering, College Park, MD