Te Auaha DL Brochure_Web

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The Council and Executive of Whitireia
New Zealand and the Wellington
Institute of Technology are proud to
introduce Te Auaha – the New Zealand
Institute of Applied Creativity.
Bringing together our programmes
across the visual and performing
arts, design, media and creative
technologies, our vision is for Te Auaha
to be Aotearoa’s Centre of Excellence
for Creative Industries and the Arts
– where creative talent collides.
Creative leadership, talent
Te Auaha will provide a dynamic
learning and teaching environment that
makes and remakes future creative
technologies and the arts by inspiring
creativity and nurturing talent whose
work matters.
Industry inspired, community led
Te Auaha is the result of a collaborative
and creative process that brought
together our teaching staff, management,
students, iwi, Pasifica, Council, creative
leaders and industry partners, and is
founded on five pillars:
By living our values we will challenge
imagination, nurture talent, take risks, expect
artistic innovation, elevate creativity and
celebrate achievement and different pathways.
We welcome you to join us on our journey to
bring the promise of Te Auaha, to life.
A centre of excellence where talent
collides with non-traditional teaching,
where all forms of artistic endeavor are
valued, forging the creative industries
and visionary leaders of the future.
Producing the talent that industry
needs by being joined at the hip with
industry; led by our community who are
immersed in our work and telling our
story with us.
Made in Aotearoa, shared with
the world
Having global impact in a network of
likeminded schools, with relationships
that inspire and extend our offering
in an entrepreneurial spirit; reflecting
mana whenua as our history guides
our future.
Diversified income, shared
A blended commercial model that
embraces philanthropy, commercial
partners, industry presence and
Real time, show time, creative hub
Colliding with the community as the hub
of creative industries and the arts in the
heart of Wellington, 24/7.
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The story of Te Auaha
This hub will be a world-class
institute, delivering leading
programmes in creativity and
innovation. It will stand proud
of our place in the Pacific, in our
home of Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Wellington has a reputation for worldclass screen production and technology
development. It is a national arts, music,
dance, museum, festival and events
mecca. It is the perfect location for an
institute of applied creativity.
This new and innovative institute
will welcome and inspire our next
generation of creatives.
It will attract the storytellers, the
circuit breakers, the challengers, the
inventors, the communicators, the
artisans, the leaders and the visionaries
of the future. It will be the place to
study for those who want to turn their
aspirations into reality.
Te Auaha will become a
community of innovation and
Students will be surrounded by likeminded, ambitious peers and expert
tutors, working in new, purpose-built
facilities. It will be a place where
creativity and talent will collide,
combine and evolve.
Bringing together these shapers,
creators and innovators, into a single
space, is the inspiration for the name
for the new building – ‘Te Kähui Auaha’
‘the cluster of creativity’.
This will be the home of ‘Te Auaha’,
meaning ‘the creative’ – the
New Zealand Institute of Applied
In the heart of New Zealand’s
cultural capital, a hub for
creative students is about
to emerge.
‘Te Auaha’ is a proud and strong name,
which celebrates and welcomes the
creative and innovative students who will
enter through its doors.
Pupuke te hihiri
From the welling up of emotions to a sense of desire
Pupuke te mahara
From the welling up of emotions to creative thought
Pupuke te wänanga
From the welling up of emotions to new found knowledge
Te wänanga nui o te kähui auaha
The abundance of philosophical knowledge of the innovative cluster
We are grateful to Te Atiawa and Ngati
Toa for their support and assistance in
the design and selection of our name.
Areas of study at Te Auaha
The Institute of Applied Creativity
brings together programmes
currently offered by Whitireia
Polytechnic and the Wellington
Institute of Technology and
delivered at campuses around
the Wellington region.
Delivering world-class programmes
with a focus on experiential learning
in a stimulating shared learning
environment, Te Auaha is designed
to broaden students’ creative skills
and prepare them for success in the
creative sector.
The co-location of these programmes
will lead to increased crossdisciplinary programmes and course
options that will attract students from
Wellington, and beyond including
international students.
Students and teachers will be able to
collaborate with colleagues and peers
from across disciplines, delivering
the first truly integrated institute for
applied creativity.
Visual Arts and
Digital Design
Film Production and
Writing and Publishing
Media and Broadcasting
Stage and Screen
Sound and Music
Hair and Beauty and
Makeup Artistry
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The Te Auaha Building
Te Kähui Auaha will see 1,000
students converging on the heart
of Wellington’s arts and cultural
community to learn together in a
vibrant new campus.
Our architects were
tasked with creating a
learning environment
which has the latest
technology for
teaching and learning.
The building can be converted to new
technology as it develops, is vibrant and
has large open learning reconfigurable
spaces allowing students to interact and
collaborate on projects, encouraging
multi-disciplinary skill development.
Comprising a floor area of 9,000m2
including multi levels of general
teaching and specialist spaces, a public
gallery space and spaces for community
events and functions.
Te Auaha also includes specialist
learning spaces designed to house:
• dance studios, rehearsal and
performance spaces for theatre
and stage
• digital recording studios for musicians
and artists
• control-mixing rooms and an in-house
radio station
• stylists’ studios and salons for hair,
beauty and make-up artistry
• workshops for woodwork and
fabrication for creative technologies,
jewellery making and sculpture
• film photography studio and dark rooms
• a 250 seat theatre, and
• a 60-seat cinema.
Please note that renders are
indicative only and signage
placement is still to be finalised.
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An invitation to partner
Te Auaha is now inviting
organisations and individuals to
partner with us to deliver on our
vision of a world-class institute
for applied creativity.
Get your brand the creative
position it requires.
For companies this is a unique
opportunity to secure your organisation
the innovative and creative position
it requires, while supporting our
future leaders in the arts and creative
It’s an opportunity get involved with
your target market, where and when
it matters most to them – and to
collaborate and fuel some of the best
creative and most innovative minds in
the country.
There are a wide range of opportunities
to partner, including naming rights to
the campus, and to individual schools.
We also have a number of hero venues
and individual facilities that we would
welcome naming partners, including the
atrium, music venue, cinema, theatre,
hybrid theatre, gallery, creative studios,
dance studios, tutor terrace, a number
of workshops and our film studio.
Support our efforts by becoming
an individual donor or Patron
We also welcome donations and
support from individuals and funding
bodies. In particular we are looking for
support for our academic Chairs and
visiting fellows, to deliver education
and community outreach programmes,
and importantly – to offer students
scholarships and research grants.
If like us…
you think differently and like to
challenge imagination
you want to be recognised for
nurturing talent in all disciplines, and
time of life
you like to take risks and create
collisions in a safe place
you expect artistic innovation
you elevate creativity like we do in our
teaching and craft
you too want to celebrate achievement
and different pathways
then talk to us today. Because we
have an opportunity for you and your
organisation, to work alongside us and
build a better tomorrow for our students,
our staff and your business.
We would also welcome support in
the provision of products, goods and
services, especially for AV and technical
To find out more
Melonie Pitkin
Please contact us to find out more
about Te Auaha and how you can
be involved.
Business Partnerships Manager
Wellington Institute of Technology
Katie Sadleir
Project Director
Te Auaha
Whitireia and WelTec
Private Bag 39803
Lower Hutt 5045
Wellington, New Zealand
DDI: +64 4 830 0886
+64 27 674 8546
+64 21 938 556
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