THE PIONEERS lnslde thls lssuet A SpecialMessage from the Deputy DirectorGeneral I A SpecialMessagelrom the DeputyDirectorGeneral CouncilofCooperative r DSFHAwarded Accredilation Heallhlnsurance . NewPneumococcalConiugate Vaccine(PCV NowAvailable Transplant Program I Thegonell,lafiow -.-. 3 Inlections in Humans r AvianIntluenza r ActionTeamsLeaders Indicatof r DSFHPerforrnance Project lmprovemenl Medical r DSFHContinuous Program(CME) Education r NewMedicalPaper e-sites--- ---. r Recornmended 4 . 5 Day2005 r WorldDiabetes . ExternalDisaster r New Staft r InternationalHealthTourism lor International r JointCommission (JCIA)MockSurvey Accreditation r ScientilicMeelingon Becent 6 qualityandour "ThePioneers" we celebrate On thissecondrssueof our Newsletter last Novemberand visited the Hospital relentlesseffortsto achieveit The JCIAteam progress made the reporl, to their subsequent a mock survey. According conducted was phenomenaland what remainsto be achievedcould be completedin a fairly shorttime. On behalfof Dr. Fakeehand myself,I wouldlike to expressmy deepest JCIAchapters: fortheditferent to theTeamLeadersresponsible appreciation Wajeeh, Dr. S Eldeen,Dr.Yasser Sally,Dr.Hisham Dr.ArmandAgababian, Dr.Samir Dr. MohamedFaroukand Ms Bim, Engr. Liza H Hassan,Ms. EmanAl-Yehyia, Mahmoud Al Sheik,Ms.EnasAbdulnabi , Engr.ZuhairAmer.Withoutthe dedication couldnothavebeenaccomplished. suchachievement andloyaltyto theirinstitution lt'sthe of theseleadersandtheirteamsexclusively Qualityis notthe responsibility people get need to more member. We ot every staff objectiveand responsibility aimingto make and theirimplementation awareand involvedin theseprocesses qualityan integralpart of all aspectsof our work. The final outcomewill result in betierpatientcareand patientsafety. DR. MAZIN S. FAKEEH Deputy Diector Genenl Health DSFHAwardedCouncilol Cooperative lnsuranceAccreditation !f,a.N!91/pCrJ.I drr/r/rv a{q,r/ h[ ts].tredrrLbilPlb' + tq ^n c.r $!!.i.$dt ti.rdr d+rd {El, e ,il 4ea.iLolal|lb a]r,J.L rr!, dlrr-.____tit P . a / r , v & D q d!rt r r v 1 / r f Agha Dr.Abdelhameed Dr.Andrew Wild Agababian Dr.Armand Ms.Glenda Adcox I by the Council Dr. SolimanFakeehHospitalhas recentlyobtainedaccreditation of CooperativeHealthInsurance(CCHI),as an approvedmedicalcare provider to all insurerscoveredby approvedinsurancecompaniesin SaudiArabia. A team from CCHI visitedDSFH departmentsto assessthe statusand quality of our services.Underthe Royaldecree,approvedby the government,number beginning07107/05. 1010,DSFH has officiallybeengrantedCCHI Accreditation According to the aforementionedRoyal decree, DSFH has fulfilled all requiredf or certification. requirements whichis reallya tributeto accreditation, We are proudto acquirethis prestigious all DSFH Staff. Fot turthet inlormation, ptease contact the Company Affairs Ottice, at ertension 1450, Dr. Ashaf Debis Ma*eting anc! Company Affairs Director. Dr. S. FakeehHospital AnotherFirctat Dr. SolimanFakeehHospital! NewPneumococcal ConiugateVaccine(PCV7) NowAvailableat DSFH infectionsare most common Seriouspneumococcal in infants,toddlers,and the elderly.Worldwide,more than 1.2 millionchildrendie eachyear as a resultof pneumococcal disease.Eachyear in the US among childrenyoungerthan 5 yearsof age, pneumococcal disease accounts for at least 1,400 cases of meningitis;17,000 cases o{ bacteremia;71,000 cases of pneumonia;and 5-7 million middle ear infections, costing the health care system an estimated$ 1.5 billionannually.In up to half the braindamageand hearingloss casesof meningitis, occursand aboul10%die. Peoplewith certainhealthproblems(e.9., immune deficiencies, sicklecell disease,lackof a functioning spleen) are at high risk for acquiring invasive oneumococcal disease. Becausepolysaccharidevaccinesare not etfectivein childrenyoungerlhan 2-3 yearsof age, a conjugate vaccinehas been developed.In February2000,the FDA licensed Prevnar (Wyeth), a "7-valent" conjugatevaccine(DiphtheriaCRM197 Protein).lt targets the seven most common types ol the pneumococcus,which account for 80% ol invasive diseasein infantsand toddlersand which also are The vaccine amongthe most resistantto antibiotics. is 97-100% effective in preventing invasive pneumococcal diseasecaused by the 7 strainsof pneumococcusin the vaccine and approximately 90% effective in preventing invasive disease for illnessescausedby all pneumococcal subtypes. ll also reduces the incidenceof recurrent ear infectionsby about10% and the needfor grommets by aboulz0"k. lmmunizationrequires 1-4 doses of the vaccine, dependingon the age at the lirst dose. Routinely, infantscan receivethis vaccineas a series of 4 inoculationsadministeredal 2, 4, 6 and 12-18 months.This vaccinecan be givenat the sametime as other routine vaccinalions. lt is strongly recommendedlor all children younger than 24 monthsand for children24-59 monthswho are at high risk for serious pneumococcaldisease.This vaccine is not recommendedfor use in adult populations, polysaccharide for whomthe "23-valent" vaccineis used. Side-effectsfrom Prevnar are usually mild and includesorenessor rednessat the inieclionsite, and decreasedappetite,while fever over irritability, 38.5' C occursin about20% of vaccinees.Serious side-effectsare rare. and Although expensive, Prevnar is cost-eFfective, with PCV 7 on the impactol routineimmunization pneumococcal- related disease is substantially greaterthanthe effectson invasivediseasealone. As a leading healthcare facility, our hospital pharmacyhas madethis importantand sought-after vaccineavailablelor the use of our littleoatients. DL Amand Agababian, MRCP(UK), DCH(Lon), Deputy CMo/Director t TheBone MarrowTransplantProgram The Bl\,4TProgramat Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospitalwas invoduced in 2004witha focuson trndingnewandinnovative approachesto the treatment of malignant,as well as, We alsostriveto evaluate intractable nonmalignant diseases. the long{ermpsychological healthand socialdevelopment of all our patients, atterbonemarrowtransplant. Aboveall,we to orovidethe ootimalbalanceof comfortand the endeavor qualitymedical highest careforthepatient. Our team is composedof NilD,PhD-cedifiedPhysician (clinicaland laboratory),together with seven full-time nurse practitioners.The nurse to patient ratio of 2:1 means that our patientsnot only have the quality,but alsothe quantityof carethey need. The In-patientBN/Tunit is designedto providea relaxing environment.Each private room is cheedullyarranged with comfortable,adjustablebeds, stereo system and TV. Our dischargedpatients have expressed great satisfaction. Our team utilizes the most modern technology to managea diverserange of medicalconditionsthat will furtherimprovethe overallqualityof healthcare. Blood and Bone marrow transplantationshave been used to treat a growing list of diseases, as well as non-malionant conditions.suchas: . a a . a a o a . a a Lymphomaand Hodgkin'sdisease Acuteand chronicleukemia l\ilultiple myeloma N.4yelodysplasticsyndrome Breastcancer Ovariancancer Sarcoma Testicularcancer Aplasticanemia Auto-immune diseases Geneticdiseases please Dr.lvlohamed lvlabed, contact Formoreinformation, Program, Ext:3082 Bone Marrow Transplant Director of AvianInfluenzalnfectionsin Humans What is Avian Intluenza? Avian influenzaor "bird flu" is a highlypathogenicvirus that usuallyinfects birds,but has recentlycrossedthe speciesbarrierin Asia,to cause many humansfatalitiesand now posesan increasingpandemicthreat. What type of vitus causes Avian Influenza? It is influenzaA virus. There are severalserotypesbut the HsN1 is the mostcommontypeto causehumaninfections. How does it soread? Human influenzais transmittedthroughcontactwith bird feaces. This can occurby inhalationof infectious dropletsby directcontacts. Can Human-to-Humantransmissionoccur? Yes, but as yel, it is very uncommon. Can I get intecled from eating birds? No. The availabledata suggestthat well cookedpoultryand eggs are not a sourceof infection. What are the clinical tealures? lvlostpatientshave initial symptoms of high fever (typicallya temperature of more than 38'C) and an influenzaiikeillnesswith lower respiratory tractsymptoms. Diarrhea,vomiting,abdominalpain, pleuriticpain, and bleedinglrom the nose and gums have also been reported,earlyin the courseof illness,in some patients. One reportdescribedtwo patientswho presentedwith an encephalopathic illnessand diarrheawithoutapparentrespiratory symptoms. How is it treated? patientswith avianinfluenza(H5N1)will requireventilaMost hospitalized tory supportwithin48-hoursafteradmission. In additionto empiricaltreatmentwith broad-spectrum antibiotics, antiviral agentsalone,or with corticosteroids, have been used in mostpatients. The virusgenerallydisappearswithintwo or threedays afterthe initiation of Oseltamivirfiamiflu). ls there a vaccine lor this infection? Noneyet, but work is ongoingon developinga vaccine. For more infotmation, Dlease contact lnfection Contrcl DeDartment. Ert:66U Dr. S. FakeehHospital Action TeamLeaders ElevenActionTeamshavebeenformedin directcorrelationto the elevenchapterswhichformthe International QualitySlandards.ActionTeamsare leadby DSFHemployeesand are keenlysupported by the HospitalGovin itsdriveto improvequalityandto complywith ernance, General Fakeeh, Director D.Soliman standards. international Team Leader Action Team Fakeeh Direction Dr. l\.4azin andLeadership 1. Governance and Safety 2. Facilitylvlanagement Al Sheikh Eng.Nlahamoud 3. Qualityand PatientSafety Dr.LizaH. Hassan 4. Accessand Continuityof Care lvls.EnasAbdelNabi 5. PatientAssessment Dr.ArmandAgababian 6. PatientCare Dr.SameerSally andFamilyEducation 7. Patient Dr.HishamSalahAl Deen L PatientandFamilyRights Dr.YaserWajeeh and Controlof Infection L Prevention Farouk Dr. l\,4ohammed I andMs BimeldaBonquin andEducation 10.StaffQualitications Mrs.EmanSaeedYehia ot Iniormation 11.Management Eng.ZuhairAmer DSFHPertormance lndiCator Improvement Proiect of services In our new reorganization and in orderto improveand comply with international standards,DSFH has recently developed a hospital-wide project"Perf IndiImprovement ormance cators",to measurethe outcomeof the performance throughout the Hospital. is a group Theselection of DSFHindictors effortand requiresthat everyonefully (patient's) the customer's understand needsandexpectations. is reAdditionally, each Department ouiredto selecttheirown indicators. For morc intomation, can be seBeforetheseindicators must first lected,the Department (Problem major topics determine areas)to be monitored basedon the "problemfocus"and "desired mustalsobe outcome".lndicators chosen using the established criteriaof high DSFHprioritization volume,highrisk,highcost,problem prone,or impacton Patient safetyand impacton accreditation stalus. please contacl TOM, Dr. Liza H. Hasan Ext: 1342 t The Pioneers- For The Presentand Future l\,4odern medicalpracticeis basedon the recognitionthat physicianeducationis an ongoing,lifetimeendeavor. The Hospital CME Programprovideseducationalsessionsthat are responsiveto the needsof d tferent physicransand which otlers opportunities stimufor ongoingintellectual lation and is designed to enhance medical care and physiciancompelencies wilhinour region, by assessingand meetingthe educational needs ol our largel audience,as well as promoting communicationand collaboration withinthe physiciancommunityThis is aimed both across and withir ildividual specialties, and providingtimely,relevant, accessible, and inspiring actrvities, that bridge the gap betweenemergingmedical AVIANINFLUENZA PANDEMICTHREAT DR.ALIZAKI DR.SAI\'IRSALLY For more infomation, 21t2t2006 MEDICINE CONSULTANT GERD& NEWTBEATMENT IVIODALLITIES 241112006 CONSULTANT VIROLOGY NEWGOALSIN HYPERTENSION TREATMENT advancesand clinicalpractice. The contentareas of tnese aclivties in' clude all recognizedmedicalspeciahies. and the courses focus on new sclentific as well as lhe deand chnicalinformation, velopmentol skillsto rmprovepatientcare The followingis our scheduleol the Cl\,4E lecturesfor the next 3 months: DR. NADERFARRED 20t3/2006 T/IEDICINE CONSULTANT please contact Dr. Hesham Salah Eldin, MD, FCCP, Dhectot ol Education - AmericanSocietyof Ouality(asq); Providesreliableup-to-dateinformation regarding healthcarequality imProvement....www, - Agency for healthcareresearch and quality:Providesadvancing excellencein healthcare....w ftena The DSFH Department of Andrology recently published a clinical review paper, entitled 'Testosterone Therapy Can Enhance Erectile Function Response to Sildenafilin Patients with PADAM (Partial Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males)". The aim of this important paper was to test the efficacy of testosterone supplementation, in improvingthe response to Sildenafil,in patients sufleringfrom symptomsof androgendeficiency. Results have shown that this form of combined therapy with testosteroneis beneficialin patients with improving theirresponseto Sildenafil. This paper was conductedby ProlessorDr. Amr El-N/leliegy, ConsultantAndrologistat DSFH, and was publishedin the Journal of Sexual l\iledicine, Volume2, Number4, 13-9,2005.The completetext of the articlecan be found on the followingwebsite: - Healthcare quality cenification board of the nationalassociationtor healthcarequality: The HealthcareQuaiityCertification Boardis a globallyrecognizedleader dedicatedto improvingthe qualityof healthcare, by providinga validationprocess,for assessing withinthe healththe competencyof professionals care -The lvledicare qualityimprovement organization: Providesa wide range of services to assist organizations providers and healthcare healthdelivery of improve the to care....www.qsource,or9 - The National Library of Medicine (NLM): The world's largest medical library collects materialsand provides intormation,as well as researchseruices, in all areas of biomedigov/ cine and healthcare....www.nlm.nih For more infonation, Please contact Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Meclical Librcry : Mts. Hana Al-Osta, Ext 3023 Dr. S. FakeehHospital WORLDDIABETES DAY2OO5 Dr. SolimanFakeehHospitalcelebratedWorld Diabetes Day by settingup an open day, last November24, 2005. Doctors,nurses,dietitians,pharmacists, social workers and pharmaceutical companiesjoined hands in making this year'sWorldHealthOrganization themeon Diabetes, with an emphasison Foot Care: "PUT FEET FIRST",a resounding success. The whole day affair was embodied by a range of differentactivities,such as arrangingan open exhibition in the Hospital'smajor corridorsand providingposters and video film presentations about Diabetes,including how best to deal with the disease. to orevent complicationsand also how to administer diabetic medications.Nurses and Pharmaceutrcal Companies conductedfree blood glucose tests, whilst Dietitians assessedpatients'and visitors Body l\,4assIndex, by measuringindividualheightand weight.Duringthe day, educationalbrochuresand handoutswere providedand various specialistsansweredquestionsraised by both relatingto Diabetes visitorsand patients.Ouestionnaires were also provided and those who completedthem correctlywere rewardedwith gifts Anotherrmportant activityheldduringthatdaywasa lecture whichwas givenin bothEnghshand delivered on Diabetes, was attendedby manyvisitorsand statf members. on the latest The mainfocusol the lecturewas information Afterthe lecture,visitors innovations in Diabetes treatment. particrpated in an openforum,whichwaslaterfollowedby a dinner party.This providedan opportunityfor patients, in a casual visitorsanddoctorsto havean opendiscussion, atmosphere,on a wide range of issues pedainingto Diabetes. Externa I Di saster Dri II As part oI the EmergencyManagementPlan, DSFH has a structurein placeto respondto externaldisasteremergencies,in the form of completed manual and action cards. This structure will be routinelytestedduringdrills The evaluation modules for Hospital disaster drillsare designedto be a part of suchtesting: 1. To assess the impact ot each Emergency Drill,as the hospitaldisasterresponseprogresses and develops. 2. To providea learningopportunity for all those who participatein a planneddrillexercise. 3. To identifystrengthsand weaknessesin hospitaldisasterdrills. DSFH ExternalDisasterDrill #2 was carriedout proceon October2, 2005,as an operationalized dure. This scenario included external terrorist event-masscausalities. The Depadmentssharing in the drill were EFi lvlarn,ER Pedia,Administration Office,ICU 5, OF l\ilain,OutpatientPharmacy,Nursing,Radiology, Laboratory,CSSD and Security.No outsideor ganrzations or agencieswere involvedin the exerctse. The approximatenumberof hospitalstaff participating in the drill (excludingthe victimsand observers)was between 80-100.They were identified by yellow arm-bands.The levels of activity includedin the drillwere re-triageof victims,simulated clinicai procedures,simulatedinvestigational procedures,material& suppliesreceived, and victimtransportthroughoutthe hospital. Four modules were used to evaluate DSFH staffpedormanceduringthe drill: o Pre-drillmodule r CommandCenterevaluationmodule . Otherzone evaluationmodule o Groupdebriefingmodule The value of this particularapproachwas to identifyspecificweaknessesthat can be targetand to promotecontrnuing ed for improvement, effortsto strengthenHospitaldisasterpreparedness.Comparingthis evaluationmodulewith all subsequentexercisesis a useful assessment tool, to answerthe question:Are we upgradingor not? For more lnJormaton,pleasecontaci Dr Ahmed lvlohamed lvlohrEldeen.ExternalDisaslerTAG Coordinalor,Exl 1096 The Pioneers- For The Presentand Future Dr. Hatem Elkhabity ConsultantHepatologist N/.D,CairoUniversity, Egypt Prolessorof lnternal lvledicine,Cairo University Fellowshipin LiverTransplantation, University oI Toronto,Canada Dr. Moataz Samy Elbiblaw ConsultantDiagnosticRadiology Nil.D,Ein-ShamsUniversity, Egypt AssistantProfessoroI Radiology,Ein-Shams University Dr. SawsanSayedEl-Mosey Nephrology of Pediatrics andPediatrics Consultant Egypt M.D,Ein-Shams University, Ein-Shams University Professor of Pediatrics, of Nephrology Member oftheInternational Society Dr. Moataz Mostafa Bahgat Elmahdy Prosthodontics Consultant Medicine, CairoUniPhD,Faculty of OralandDental versity,Egypt Faculty Professor of Prosthodontics andVice-Dean Egypt of Dentistry, SuezCanalUniversity, International Health Tourism Exhibition DSFH recentlyparticipatedin the International Dn.SOUMINtAxll$ HOsmAl roi lrlt PiSsENlANDtull/tt & .rrlJL.r{]r5Jr Jr..i"ar! r r.!ar j-& HealthTourismExhibition in Manama,Kingdomof Bahrain,on 14 - 16 December. Thisexhibition was organizedby the International FairsGroup(AMADEUS),underthe umbrellaof the SupremeCommissionforTourism,in partnership withthe lvlinistry of Health. By padicipating in the three-dayexhibition, DSFH aimedto help SaudiArabiahighlightthe medical Jt-t y.trt 6)at oA\ t.#t '|.ut er,. r!41rtr 2Jll i+a. (* ur,c, r!2trtuu tottt +tu at 4,L,|a,rltl ,e4t ttttlt'+z.e \Ll,,t JttJlt t t 4tat at-Bt t tt,rt ,!\ u t Jt{b Jt tfrtl ,L!t r t rtr. d. ii*,r nL.railr tlu L A dldn!ut6.! hrtrlr,.n In r./.Li f,d.r dr fll.ldL rdr .rJ,r AEb|.r Oelt (.! rLr, tf. |wt {.n bbtnt. h.ddA@. dLttr t. M.?. a aEtl. dt€Gr|l.rr, i.441-*L.r @ria.EU. r. Inrttrt Lnlt esrr'.! d.dL.l r.l d dLdt.*i. @frt, tourismproductof the Kingdomand to take our placeon the WorldN/apof qualityHealthCareProvider countries.In addition,DSFH providedfree consultations to visitors,showcasingthe various medicalservicesavailablein the Hospitaland establishedchannelsthroughwhich patientscan moreeasilyobtaintreatment. a- ,.lt - lirJ&rr l#J'dl llf.ll KIrOmln ot lauDt lt t|l . JTDDAH www.rltt.l@il.rFll.l,..i Dr. S. FakeehHospital PeriodicalNewsletter lssue No 2 Kingdomof SaudiArabia- P O Box 2537Jeddah21461 Phone:009662655000 / Fax:00966266080'13 PublicRelationsDepartrnent cor www.drtaaeehlospilal Joint Commissionfor lnternational Accreditation(JCIA) MockSurvey The JCIA mock survey was conductedfrom the 27th of Novemberthrough December1st, 2005. The international team memberswere Dr. Derick Pasternak,l\4D, l\.48A,FACPE, Engineer David Kitchin, FASHE, FHFI, CHE and lvls. Ann Jacobson,RN, MSN,CNNA During their visit they conducteda mock survey throughout the Hospital. including surveying variousHospitalDepartments,individualSections and Units, as well as meeting with numbers ol hospital employees, from medical, nursing, executiveand f inancial operational, administrative. divisions. On the last day of their visit,they submitteda lull reporton their for the preparationof the final findingsand presentedtheir recommendations survey,due sometimeduringthe middleof 2006. Acquiring the InternationalCertificateof Accreditation,from the Joint both medicaland non-medical, Commission,will requirethat all Departments, manner. work as a team,suppodingeach other,in a harmoniousprofessional ScientificMeetingon Recent in LiverTransplantation Developments of Dr. Soliman To mark the upcominginauguration Fakeeh Hospital Liver TransplantCenter, DSFH recentlyhosteda scientificmeetingto discussrecent entitled"Current developments in livertransplantation, by ProfessorDr. Status of Liver Transplantation" RonaldW. Busuttil,lvlD,PhD,Chief,Divisionof Liver of the David Gefin and PancreasTransplantation School of lvledicine,Universityof California,Los (UCLA)and Director of the Pfleger Angeles,Calilornia Liver lnstitute. The meetingwhich took place on December 3, 2005was attendedby leading Saturday, physicians the Kingdom throughout withthe ongoingeffortsin Dr. Busuttilwas impressed of the DSFH Liver Transplantation the preparation to reviewthe Program.He also had the opportunity art surgicalequipmentwhichDr Fakeeh state-ot-the has purchasedfrom worldJamousmedicalsupply companres. Dr. Busultilhas pedorrhec! over 4,000 successful liver tnnsplants California and the USA. in