WELCOME & INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Booklet is to inform Parents of the Key Stages of the Broad General Education (BGE) in First, Second and Third Years (S1- S3) as experienced in Trinity High School so as to better enable parents to become involved in their child’s learning as they progress from S1 – S3. We hope that you will find the Booklet both informative as well as helpful in supporting your child’s development in Trinity High School and would welcome any comment you would wish to make on the Booklet. The Booklet has been arranged in a number of sections in which the essential features of the Curriculum (the full range of experiences available to pupils both in the classroom and outwith the classroom) are outlined in summary form. This includes the KEY DESIGN FEATURES in a Curriculum for Excellence as outlined by the Scottish Government as well as the range of curricular provision in S1, S2 and S3. Thereafter more specific detail is provided on each Year in the Broad General Education. SECTION A: KEY DESIGN FEATURES SECTION B: OVERALL COURSE PROVISION S1 – S3 SECTION C: S1 SECTION D: S2 SECTION E: S3 SECTION F: GENERAL COMMENT SECTION G: USEFUL INFORMATION J Nellaney Headteacher KEY DESIGN FEATURES OF CURRICULUM FOR EXCELLENCE BROAD GENERAL EDUCATION Curriculum Areas Principles Contexts Skills for Learning, Life and Work Capacities • Expressive Arts • Health & Wellbeing • Languages • Mathematics • Religious and Moral Education • Sciences • Social Studies • Technologies • Personalisation & Choice • Coherence • Relevance • Challenge & Enjoyment • Breadth • Progression • Depth • Ethos and Life of the School • Curriculum areas and subjects • Interdisciplinary learning • Personal achievement • Literacy • Numeracy • Health and Wellbeing • Skills for work, enterprise and culture • Successful learners • Confident individuals • Responsible citizens • Effective contributors These are the areas of study which have to be studied in all schools across Scotland. These broad headings are used to categorise specific subjects eg Art, PE, English, History, Computing, etc. When preparing courses of study for pupils due attention is given to identified principles. This is to ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to progress in their learning by identifying their learning preferences, selecting courses to study and enjoying their studies. To encourage pupils to both enjoy and progress in their learning, priority is given to different aspects of the curriculum and the creation of opportunities to become involved in a variety of learning contexts both within and outwith the classroom. These skills underpin all learning and will be encouraged in all curriculum areas and all other opportunities for young people to work together to develop a range of social skills relevant to their lifelong development. The 4 Capacities describe what Curriculum for Excellence is trying to achieve for all pupils so that they can recognise and develop their skills and ensure they are able to make a meaningful contribution to their community. NB* 1. All pupils have “ENTITLEMENTS” to a Coherent Curriculum in the BGE and Senior Phase ie Skills for Learning, Life and Work, Personal Support and Positive Sustained Destinations with in all cases the learner at the centre of all activity. 2. Renfrewshire Council have confirmed that all Curriculum Areas will be available to all pupils in the BGE with Choices for the Senior Phase confirmed in S3 and not earlier in the BGE. SECTION B: OVERALL COURSE PROVISION IN THE BGE STAGE LANGUGE/ LITERACY MATHS/ NUMERACY HWB LANGS SOC STDS SCIENCE TECH EXP ARTS ENRICHMENT S1 CfE Level 2/3 English (4) Maths (4) RE (2) PE (3) H Ecs (1) SE (1) French or Italian (3) Geography History Modern Studs (3) Integrated (3) IT (2) Technical (2) Art (2) Music (2) IDL (1) Seminar Mission Enterprise Day Health Day Advent Charities Lenten Service Pro Life Week Fair Trade Fortnight S2 CfE Level 3/4 English (4) Maths (4) RE (2) PE (3) H Ecs (2) SE (1) French or Italian (3) Geography History Modern Studs (3) Integrated (3) IT (2) Technical (2) Art (2) Music (2) ACE Day Advent Charities Lenten Service Pro Life Week Fair Trade Fortnight IDL S3 CfE Level 3/4 English Maths RE PE SE French or Italian Geography History Modern Studs Biology Chemistry Physics Art Music PE (4) (4) (6) (3) (3) (3) Admin Computing Bus Man Design & Manufacture Graph Comm Home Ec (4) + 1 OTHER CHOICE (3) Enterprise Day Advent Charities Lenten Service Pro Life Week Fair Trade Fortnight S3 Citizenship Conference IDL (3) NB* 1. Numbers in the Curriculum Areas represent the number of Timetabled contacts per week. 2. In S1/S2 all subjects shown will be studied by all pupils. In S3 pupils will indicate their Preferences for study in each of the Curricular Areas (8) with the exception of HWB (Health and Wellbeing) in which all subjects will be taken by all pupils. All pupils will choose 1 subject from each Column shown. This allows for some Personalisation in courses to be studied in S3. SECTION C: KEY FEATURES OF FIRST YEAR (S1) STAGE S1 CfE Level 2/3 LANGUGE/ LITERACY English (4) MATHS/ NUMERACY Maths (4) HWB RE (2) PE (3) H Ecs (1) SE (1) LANGS French or Italian (3) SOC STDS SCIENCE Geography History Modern Studs (3) Integrated (3) TECH IT (2) Technical (2) EXP ARTS Art (2) Music (2) ENRICHMENT IDL (1) Seminar Mission Enterprise Day Health Day Advent Charities Lenten Service Pro Life Week Fair Trade Fortnight COMMENT: 1. All pupils will be placed in mixed ability classes/sections in almost all curricular areas to facilitate their studies. 2. All pupils will experience 33 Periods of Timetable study each week (see Timetable exemplar). This will be supplemented by Year Group and Whole School activities during the session to provide a range of ENRICHMENT opportunities to encourage positivity towards learning and provide wider achievement possibilities. 3. Within all Curriculum Areas eg English, Maths, Religious Education, etc pupils will follow courses based on the Experiences and Outcomes (Es and Os) outlined in the framework for a Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). This includes Es and Os specific to each Curriculum Area but also those Es and Os which are the Responsibility of All ie Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. 4. IDL = Interdisciplinary Learning which will be based around our Project Partnership with the Association of People with Disability (APD) based in Bangalore/Bengalura in India. Interdisciplinary Learning can also take place in other areas when Departments work together eg Art and English in the Scottish/Burns topic. 5. Pupil Progress will be assessed in a variety of ways and will reflect the standards expanded in Level 2 and Level 3 statements for a CfE. Within levels each pupil’s learning will be described as Developing or Consolidating or Secure depending on progress made in their studies. 6. Pupil achievements and attitude to work will be recognised formally in the School’s Awards Programme and externally whenever appropriate. SAMPLE TIMETABLE S1/2 NAME: REGISTER GROUP PERIOD 1 8.50 – 9.40am PERIOD 2 9.40 – 10.30am STAGE: BREAK 10.30 – 10.45am PERIOD 3 10.45 – 11.35am PERIOD 4 11.35 – 12.25am PERIOD 5 12.25 – 1.15pm LUNCH 1.15 – 2.00pm PERIOD 6 2.00 – 2.50pm PERIOD 7 2.50 – 3.40pm Monday Italian S1 School Mr De Cecco ML 4 Science S1 School Mrs Dargie Sci 1 BREAK Mathematics S1 School Mrs McVey M 16 Religious Ed S1 School Mr Dolan RE 1 Music S1 School Mr Liddell Mu 1 LUNCH Technological Studies S1 School Mr Currie English S1 School Ms Duleavy En 4 Tuesday Mathematics S1 School Mrs McVey M 16 Art S1 School Miss Morley Art 3 BREAK Geography School Mr McAllister SS 5 Physical Ed S1School Mr Aitken English S1 School Ms Duleavy En 4 LUNCH Technological Studies S1 School Mr Currie Science S1School Mr Sethi Sci 6 Music S1 School Mr Liddell Mu 1 Computing S1 School Mr Alford ICT 2 BREAK Italian S1 School Mr De Cecco ML 4 Home Ec S1 School Mrs Reid HE 2 Physical Ed S1 School Mr Aitken LUNCH English S1 School Ms Duleavy En 4 IDL S1 School Mrs Maxwell ICT 1 Wednesday PERIOD 1 8.50 – 9.40am PERIOD 2 9.40 – 10.30am BREAK 10.30 – 10.45am PERIOD 3 10.45 – 11.35am PERIOD 4 11.35 – 12.25am LUNCH 12.25 – 1.10pm Thursday English S1 School Ms Dunleavy En 4 Italian S1 School Mr De Cecco ML 4 BREAK Friday Mathematics S1 School Mrs McVey M 16 Social Education S1 School Mrs Doyle En 2 BREAK PERIOD 5 1.10 – 2.00pm PERIOD 6 2.00 – 2.50pm Religious Ed S1 School Mr Dolan RE 1 Geography School Mr McAllister SS 5 LUNCH Art S1 School Miss Morley Art 3 Mathematics S1 School Mrs McVey M 16 Science S1 School Mrs Dargie Sci 1 Physical Ed S1 School Mr Aitken LUNCH English S1 School Ms Duleavy En 4 Geography School Mr McAllister SS 5 SECTION D: KEY FEATURES OF SECOND YEAR (S2) STAGE S2 CfE Level 3/4 LANGUGE/ LITERACY English (4) MATHS/ NUMERACY Maths (4) HWB RE (2) PE (3) H Ecs (2) SE (1) LANGS French or Italian (3) SOC STDS SCIENCE Geography History Modern Studs (3) Integrated (3) TECH IT (2) Technical (2) EXP ARTS Art (2) Music (2) ENRICHMENT ACE Day Advent Charities Lenten Service Pro Life Week Fair Trade Fortnight IDL COMMENT: 1. The pattern of study in S2 continues as per S1 in that there are 33 Timetabled contacts per week. However contact in Home Economics (part of the Health and Wellbeing Faculty) increases to 2 per week at the expense of a separate Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) contact. IDL will continue to be a feature in S2 but will be present in identified inter-Department links. 2. Course construction and assessment practice will continue to be based on CfE Experiences and Outcomes at levels 2, 3 and 4 (for some pupils). 3. Opportunities for involvement in an extended range of activities will be given to S2 pupils eg Science Challenges, Technical Club, Sport. 4. All S2 pupils will have the opportunity to refine their courses of study for S3 in February/March in keeping with the emphasis on “Personalisation”, and “Breadth/Depth” of study in a CfE. This will enable pupils to study courses based on their progress, enjoyment, interest and possible career intentions. From experience pupils identifying courses of study for S3 at this time GENERALLY go on to choose their courses of study for certification and National Qualifications level in S4 and beyond based on decisions taken in S2. Consequently detailed thought is required at this stage. 5. Please note that Renfrewshire Council has agreed a Policy that all pupils will continue to access all 8 Curriculum Areas in S3 (see Section A for all such areas. However in S4 courses of study for certification/accreditation will be reduced to 7 from 8 in all Renfrewshire Schools. 6. S2 Pupils will be presented with a Pro Forma for ‘PERSONALISATION’ decisions as shown in the exemplar below:- 3RD YEAR PERSONALISATION FORM LANGUGE/ LITERACY ENGLISH MATHS/ NUMERACY MATHS HWB RE PE SE LANGS FRENCH ITALIAN SOC STDS GEOG HISTORY MOD STUDS SCIENCE BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS TECH ADMIN COMPUTING BUS MAN. DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE GRAPH COMM HOME EC EXP ARTS ART MUSIC PE CHOICE ART BIOLOGY BUS MAN. CHEMISTRY GRAPH COMM HISTORY HOME EC MUSIC Pupils will choose 1 subject in each Column with the exception of Health and Wellbeing ie RE, PE and SE which will be studied by all pupils. NAMECLASS SECTION E: KEY FEATURES OF THIRD YEAR (S3) STAGE S3 CfE Level 3/4 LANGUGE/ LITERACY MATHS/ NUMERACY HWB LANGS SOC STDS SCIENCE English Maths RE PE SE French or Italian Geography History Modern Studs Biology Chemistry Physics (4) (4) (6) (3) (3) (3) TECH Admin Computing Bus Man Design & Manufacture Graph Comm Home Ec (4) EXP ARTS Art Music PE (3) ENRICHMENT + 1 OTHER CHOICE (3) Enterprise Day Advent Charities Lenten Service Pro Life Week Fair Trade Fortnight S3 Citizenship Conference IDL COMMENT: 1. In addition to progressing studies in S3 in all Curriculum Areas at the BGE levels 2 – 4, an essential feature of S3 courses will be preparation for courses of study at National 4 and National 5 levels in the Senior Phase of the Curriculum which begins in S4. 2. Pupils should be thinking seriously about the CHOICE of courses of study for S4 which will be made by March of S3. For most pupils this will be a progressive choice based on their existing course of study in S3 but other options will be provided. Consequently pupils (and parents) need to think carefully not just for a choice for S4 but for a programme of study from S4 – S6 ie the Whole Senior Phase of National Qualifications. There is a need to THINK about progress made, enjoyment, necessity for future study/employment and personal preference. Research, personal reflection and advice from all sources will help this process. In addition a “TRANSITION TO THE SENIOR PHASE” of the Curriculum Booklet will be provided for all S3 Parents to assist in Course Choice and understanding the National Qualifications Programme. 3. All pupils will prepare, with assistance, a S3 PROFILE which will summarise their own personal achievements, provide a statement on their own views of how they have developed their skills and their attainment levels at the end of the Broad General Education. This will also help pupils reflect positively and critically on their progress and their readiness to take on the challenges of National Qualifications Courses in the Senior Phase of the Curriculum in S4 – S6. 4TH YEAR OPTIONS FORM – SENIOR PHASE A SAMPLE COURSE CHOICE PRO FORMA IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION:A ENGLISH/ LITERACY ENGLISH B MATHS/ NUMERACY MATHS C HWB RE PE SE D SOC STDS GEOG HISTORY MOD STUDS E SCIENCE F TECH BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS PHYSICS ADMIN BUS MAN. COMPUTING SCIENCE DESIGN & MANUFACTURE GRAPH COMM PRACTICAL CRAFT SKILLS HOSPITALITY/ HOME EC ART FRENCH ITALIAN MUSIC PE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) FIRST CHOICE D E F G H SECOND CHOICE D E F G H NAME: CLASS: All pupils will undertake 2 periods of RE and Core PE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. G EXP ARTS All pupils must study English, Maths, Core PE, RE and SE. Only continuity from S3 courses can be guaranteed. You must continue to follow a broad range of subjects. New courses might only be offered at National 4 depending on previous experience and attainment. Choose one subject from each column. Places cannot be guaranteed if you choose a different subject from S3. A course will not run if there is insufficient demand. H CHOICE ART BUS MAN. CHEMISTRY FRENCH GRAPH COMM HOSPITALITY/ HOME EC ITALIAN MUSIC P.E. PHYSICS SECTION F: GENERAL COMMENT Since the introduction of a Curriculum for Excellence for First Year (S1) Pupils beginning their Secondary School experience in August 2010, Trinity High School has sought to review and develop the courses and overall activities on offer to our pupils in the Broad General Education from S1 – S3. To this end staff in the School have worked tirelessly and with complete professionalism and dedication to meet the needs of all our pupils. Courses have been reviewed, materials prepared, new assessment practices introduced taking onboard prior learning from Primary School and interdisciplinary working established across the School. Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education (HMIe) noted in their extremely positive Inspection of the School in 2011 with regard to Curriculum for Excellence:“The school has taken a measured and considered approach to implementing Curriculum for Excellence….” “The school has very good links with its associated primary schools. Staff are building on these in the context of Curriculum for Excellence to further improve young people’s progress as they move from primary into secondary.” “Staff meet young people’s learning needs very well.” Central to the success and achievement of our pupils is our genuine partnership with parents and pupils which HMIe commented on: “Staff engage well with parents and continually look for opportunities to involve them in their children’s learning.” “Young people have a clear voice in improving the school and feel their views are listened to and valued.” “Staff are strongly committed to improving young people’s learning and achievement.” It is through our ongoing partnerships at all levels and the dedication of our staff supported by the positive and participative attitude of our pupils that Trinity High School has served our community with distinction. The work carried out in developing the Broad General Education in S1 – S3 shows clearly the overwhelming desire of staff to continue to meet the needs of our pupils which HMIE noted strongly:“Staff have suitably high expectations of young people, in terms of attitude and behaviour, as well as in their achievements. Young people respond very positively to these expectations. The school has a very supportive, inclusive ethos. It places a strong emphasis on putting gospel values into practice, particularly in service to others.” This approach not only serves our pupils well in S1 – S3 but has shown to be extremely positive in laying the foundations for high attainment/achievement in the Senior Phase of the Curriculum in S4 – S6 as HMIe noted – “From S3 to S6, young people’s overall performance has been consistently better or much better than the performance of schools which serve young people with similar needs and backgrounds.” Trinity High School continues to offer the fullest range of opportunities possible, within the resources available, to ensure the needs of our young people are met. By encouraging high expectations, a positive work ethic and offering support as and when required it is our ambition that all our young people achieve to the highest level possible and that in partnership with parents, all pupils experience a Broad General Education in S1 – S3 which is enjoyable, challenging and progressive and lays the basis for future learning. J Nellaney Headteacher SECTION G: USEFUL INFORMATION 1. The School Website contains a number of useful links to external sites which provide additional information on a range of education matters. Website Address: www.trinityhigh.renfrewshire.sch.uk 2. Pupils and parents may wish to access in particular www.myemployability.org.uk which the school has prepared. 3. Renfrewshire Council’s website contains information on a range of Education Policy Papers and Decisions including references to the Council Community Plan. Website Address: www.renfrewshire.gov.uk 4. Specifically detailed information relating to Curriculum for Excellence can be found from the Education Scotland. website at www.educationscotland.gov.uk. Targeted support for parents is available from the Parentzone section of the Education Scotland website. In addition information is also available on the Scottish Government website at www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Education/Schools/curriculum/ACE. 5. Information relating to the National Qualifications’ Programme is available on the Scottish Qualification Authority website at www.sqa.org.uk 6. Pupils in particular, and parents also, can use the GLOW portal on the Education Scotland website to access information and support their studies. The website can also be accessed at www.glowscotland.org.uk. 7. Trinity High School strives to support all pupils and parents at all stages and levels across the school. Consequently in addition to the various websites listed as sources of further information, it is our fervent hope that in many cases the first point of contact will be with ourselves in the School. Senior Staff, including the appropriate Year Group Depute Headteacher and your child’s Pastoral Principal Teacher would welcome any discussions you would wish to have on any matter related to your child’s progress, wellbeing and happiness in our School. For ease of reference the School can be contacted by on 0141 886 6121 or by email at enquiries@trinityhigh.renfrewshire.sch.uk