- Henley Business School

The Henley experience
Established in 2004, the Henley Centre for Coaching
& Behavioural Change responds to the growing
interest, from both individuals and organisations,
in processes that enable managers and leaders to
become more effective. The Centre delivers a range of
programmes that enhance the skill sets of successful
leaders, supporting their own progression as well as
improvements in the teams that they lead. Over the
past decade, Henley has built a reputation for the
growth of executives and teams. We understand that
training and educational interventions are most likely
to deliver visible organisational outputs when they
blend experience, group development and one-to-one
reflective opportunities.
Henley offers the quality assurance of both University
formal qualifications and the brand of a leading
international business school to help coaches
differentiate themselves in an unregulated and
competitive market. Our coaching and executive
education programmes are run worldwide. We use our
cross-cultural and international experience to provide
the global business context for coaching.
Our approach
We develop coaching skills by bringing into our
programmes a wide range of models, tools and
techniques, together with the underlying psychological
frameworks. This enables participants to broaden their
knowledge, understanding and skills, and develop a
psychological mind-set which creates wider possibilities
for behavioural change. Our focus is pragmatic and
experiential, rigorously underpinned by the behavioural
sciences. All the tutors and contributors to our
coaching programmes are experienced, senior-level,
practising executive coaches, with strong grounding in
both psychology and executive education.
There has been a huge
difference in my personal
progress – not only in my ability to do
it, but also in my confidence to do it.
Now I have a good platform as a
coach from which to progress.
Howard Papworth
Vector Command
The Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching
Our aim is to create ‘bullet-proof’ coaches. By which
we mean individuals who can coach effectively and
appropriately in a range of settings, and with a level
of self-awareness, confidence, understanding and
resilience, that allows them to handle whatever a
coachee might bring to them.
We innovate constantly, drawing on our leadingedge monitoring of the executive coaching world to
ensure that our programmes continue to reflect the
latest thinking. We are working on several exciting
new opportunities, including the development of a
practitioner research centre of excellence. We also
provide customised programmes, recognising that
coaching is increasingly seen as a core component of
leadership and organisational development.
We are keen to work with a vibrant and evolving
learning community and invite anyone interested in
Coaching & Behavioural Change at Henley to come and
talk to us about how they can be part of it. Whether you
are an individual wanting to develop as a coach, or an
organisation wishing to secure behavioural change, we
want to have the conversation with you.
For further information visit:
Dr Patricia Bossons
Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching
& Behavioural Change
Dr Patricia Bossons started coaching activities at
Henley in 2004. Patricia is a Chartered Psychologist by
background, and holds a PhD in Personality and Learning
Styles. She works extensively in Executive Education for
the Business School in the UK and internationally.
Email: exec@henley.ac.uk - Telephone: +44 (0)1491 418 767
The drive for greater professionalism and quality in coaching is the result of coaching
becoming a significant part of the learning and development strategy for most
organisations. This programme will appeal to anyone who wishes to develop their personal
coaching skills, either from within their organisation or as an external provider.
Who is the programme for?
Programme content
This programme is designed for those with some
knowledge or experience of coaching, either in an
informal or formal context.
Workshop 1 – Self-belief as a coach
This workshop explores your personal skills and
attributes, your beliefs and values around coaching. A
basic framework for coaching is introduced.
Benefits to the individual
• The opportunity to experiment with, and practise,
different techniques and styles
• Ongoing feedback to build your confidence and
competence in coaching
Workshop 2 – Tools and techniques
This workshop enables you to try out different tools
and techniques and understand the underpinning
psychological concepts. Carry out first external
client session.
• A wide range of methodologies giving the skills
needed for different coaching situations and
Workshop 3 – Integration
Tutor-observed coaching sessions offer feedback to
include in your portfolio for assessment purposes,
together with a second external client session.
• An external quality assurance statement of
coaching training from an international, leading
business school
Duration and composition
Benefits for the organisation
• Equips managers to coach in diverse management
development situations
• Can be tailored to an organisation’s own coaching
culture with its business drivers, values and strategies
embedded in the programme delivery
I made huge progress
in a short timescale
– the teaching
was excellent.
Gina Larter
Orchid Personal Marketing Limited
The programme typically takes 9 months and comprises
6 days of workshops and a subsequent practice
period. A 5,000 word document reflecting on your
development as a coach is the basis for the awarding of
the Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching.
The workshop offers much more than it
says in the brochure – it is about enriching
your approach rather than just offering tools
and techniques.
Svilena Teerova
KPMG, Executive Advisor
The Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching 3 x 2 day model
peer coaching 1
Workshop 1
Self-belief as
a coach
Programme director
Dr Patricia Bossons
Dates and booking
Please check website: www.henley.ac.uk/coaching
Pauline Fletcher: exec@henley.ac.uk
+44 (0)1491 418 767
£4,995 (including all residential costs)
Programme fee will increase to £5,250 excluding residential
costs for intakes from September 2016.
• 1,500 word
document 1
• Formative
opportunity 1
Key facts
3 x 2 day workshops over 3 months plus
6 months to complete qualification
6 weeks
peer coaching 2
Workshop 2
Tools and
External client
session 1
• What is coaching?
• Supervision
• Who am I as a coach?
• Psychological models
• My personal
coaching style
• Tools and techniques
• The framework of
coaching – GROW model
• Reflective group process
for immediate feedback
6 weeks
• 1,500 word
document 2
Workshop 3
External client
session 2
• Formative
opportunity 2
• Observed
coaching session
• Supervision groups
• Tools and
3 months
Email: exec@henley.ac.uk - Telephone: +44 (0)1491 418 767
The Henley MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change is unique in its emphasis on the
organisational context for coaching and the opportunity to carry out an original piece
of practitioner research in the field. It has been designed to take the understanding and
practice of coaching to a deeper and broader level with a focus on working collaboratively
to effect behavioural change. Organisations increasingly look to coaching to help
executives work through challenging business issues. These coaches may be drawn from
within the organisation or may be external. All coaches need both first class coaching skills
and the business acumen to apply them appropriately in equal measure. This programme
addresses both these requirements.
Stage 1:
The Henley Postgraduate Certificate in
Coaching & Behavioural Change
Stage 2:
The Henley Postgraduate Diploma in
Coaching & Behavioural Change
This typically takes 9 months, with 17 days of residential
workshops. Two 5,000 word assignments form the
assessment for this stage.
This stage takes around 9 months and comprises 3
modules involving 19 days of residential workshops
and is assessed through three 5,000 word assignments.
During Stage 2 individuals are introduced to the
principles and practice of coaching supervision
and given the opportunity to work with a Henley
qualified supervisor.
Who is the programme for?
Benefits to the individual
The Henley MSc is designed for those who are using,
and intend to develop further, a coaching approach
either in a line management role or as a professional
executive coach. Managers may also be seeking to
build a business-focused coaching culture within their
organisations. Participants will typically have a good
first degree or an equivalent professional qualification,
and a minimum of 5 years’ management experience.
Completion of the Henley MSc will allow participants to:
However, applications are welcomed from individuals
with substantial knowledge, experience and skills in a
relevant field who do not meet these requirements.
An excellent level of English is required and proficiency
testing may be requested. Typical job titles include: VP
HR, HR Director, Managing Director, HR Development
Manager, Head of HR, Consultant and Business Coach.
• Build an understanding of the psychological
processes involved in behavioural change and how
coaching can be used effectively to support this
• Understand the dynamics of coaching relationships:
individual, team and organisational
• Increase their range of coaching tools and techniques
and know when and how to deploy them
• Develop the judgement that facilitates coaching of
senior managers
• Build mastery and confidence in coaching by
broadening and deepening participants’ knowledge
and understanding of themselves and others
• Experience coaching supervision
• Apply their coaching skills to a piece of practitioner
research which will develop their ability to align
coaching with business objectives
Benefits for the organisation
This qualification is achieved in three stages:
Module A: All the content from the Henley
Professional Certificate in Coaching – see page 4.
Module B: Neuro Linguistic Programming
for behavioural change
NLP is a model of interpersonal communication chiefly
concerned with the relationship between successful
patterns of behaviour and the subjective experiences
underlying them. NLP is well known for its many change
techniques – enabling the practitioner to set clear
and achievable goals and overcome obstacles. You
will become proficient during this module in helping
yourself and others resolve issues and create alternative
behaviours. We also explore the neuroscience behind
the tools and techniques. By allowing sufficient time
in between each module you are able to digest and
practise the skills learned. To ensure you get the
most from the programme there is a lively variety
of learning formats including step-by-step practice,
how-to demonstrations, group exercises and work in
pairs and trios.
Prospective participants who have completed the
Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching within the
last 5 years are exempt from Module A in Stage 1.
Module A: Advanced coaching practice
This module develops some of the themes begun in
the Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching and
explores some of the more difficult situations a coach
can face. These include interpersonal issues, coaching
topics and contextual issues such as cross-cultural
coaching, coaching and behavioural change in the
international arena, and the business of coaching itself.
Module B: Group dynamics & systems thinking
This module looks at groups, teams and the
organisational level of coaching and behavioural
change. The emphasis is on developing understanding
of ‘the system’ rather than the individual response, and
the dynamic nature of relationships. This module covers
the knowledge, understanding and practice of working
with groups within a system or organisation.
Module C: Becoming a reflective practitioner
This module develops the ability to reflect on the
relationship between personal beliefs and the habits
of interpersonal behaviour. It builds upon some of
the psychodynamic models introduced in the Henley
Professional Certificate in Coaching and enables the
participant to achieve a high level of self-awareness and
behavioural flexibility.
• Applied practitioner research relevant to
organisational coaches and a behavioural
change context
• Development of understanding for a sustainable
coaching culture
• Quality assurance around provenance of
executive coaches
Email: exec@henley.ac.uk - Telephone: +44 (0)1491 418 767
Key facts
This programme is part time. It is scheduled over
30 months. Overall registration lasts for 5 years if
additional time is required. Successful completion
of each stage will be required before progression
to the next.
Dates and booking
The programme begins in September.
£19,500 excluding residential costs.
Pauline Fletcher: exec@henley.ac.uk
+44(0)1491 418 767
Lead tutors
Professor Alison Hardingham, Dr Patricia Bossons
Visiting tutors include:
Professor Peter Hawkins, John Whittington,
Nancy Kline, Jon Stokes, Graham Lee
There are plenty of coaching
qualifications available. This one is
different in two very distinctive ways.
Firstly, I wanted to offer a programme
that really focused on executive
coaching as a strategy for improving
business performance. Including an
applied piece of practitioner research,
which takes this Henley MSc to a new
level, graduates will not only be
extremely capable coaches but they
will have proven they can apply that
expertise to a ‘live’ management
dilemma or business challenge.
Secondly, the programme includes a
thorough and professional grounding
in the psychology behind behavioural
change and in the use of coaching as
a process for achieving it. This is
essential in developing a confident
and truly effective coach.
Dr Patricia Bossons
Director of the Henley Centre for
Coaching & Behavioural Change
Stage 3:
The Henley MSc in Coaching &
Behavioural Change
This stage would typically take around 9 months
and involves two written assignments – one of
15,000 words and one of 5,000 words.
Module A: The research project
The applied research phase requires participants to
carry out valid, Masters-level research on an applied,
real-life coaching topic of their choice. Participants are
supported by workshops in research techniques and
data analysis.
Module B: Personal project
This is begun during the Henley Postgraduate
Certificate (stage 1). It encourages the participants to
identify themes of personal development as a coach
which are followed over the duration of the Masters
programme. Participants will refine and adjust their
project as they progress through the programme and
receive coaching from other programme members.
The overall intention is that the personal project
complements the research project as the final stages
of the Masters programme. The personal project is
designed to be inward looking, whilst the research
project is about an external application of what has
been learnt.
Stage 1: The Henley Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching & Behavioural Change (total 17 days)
day to The
Henley MSc
Professional Certificate
in Coaching
Neuro Linguistic Programming
for behavioural change
Assignment 5,000 words
Assignment 5,000 words
3 x 2 day workshops
2 x 3 day workshops and 1 x 4 day workshop
30 credits
30 credits
6 months practice & assignment
Coaching Certificate 3 months
elapsed workshop time
NLP 6 months workshop & assignment
9 months
Stage 2: The Henley Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching & Behavioural Change (total 19 days)
Advanced coaching
Group dynamics and
systems thinking
Becoming a reflective
Introduction to
research skills
Assignment 5,000 words
Assignment 5,000 words
Assignment 5,000 words
1 x 1 day workshop
2 x 3 day workshops
2 x 3 day workshops
2 x 3 day workshops
20 credits
20 credits
20 credits
3 months
3 months
3 months
1 day
Stage 3: The Henley MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change (total 5 days)
The research project
Personal project
Assignment 15,000 words
Assignment 5,000 words
2 x 2 day and 1 x 1 day workshops
20 credits
Research Methods and Data Analysis
40 credits
9 months
NB: See website for workshop dates
Email: exec@henley.ac.uk - Telephone: +44 (0)1491 418 767
In recent years, there has been a substantial growth in demand for the programmes
delivered by the Henley Centre for Coaching & Behavioural Change. As a result, in 2015,
the Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching will run on at least ten separate occasions
in three different countries, the Henley MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change will be
delivered for the seventh time. Moreover, there will be three meetings of the Henley
Coaching Forum, as well as our Open Day event and our Annual Conference.
A practitioner research
centre of excellence
Students on the earlier cohorts of the Henley MSc
in Coaching & Behavioural Change have already
delivered some outstanding practitioner research,
looking at topics such as performance anxiety in
coaches, addressing resistance to change, and exploring
successful mentoring relationships. The research
agenda will be further strengthened by our focus on the
Doctoral Programmes offered by Henley, with increasing
future collaboration between the Centre for Coaching &
Behavioural Change and the departments of Psychology
and Clinical Language Science at the University of
Reading. Please contact us for further information.
Building a coaching community
The Henley Coaching Forum provides on-going
development for coaches and supervision for the
Henley coaching community. The morning session
consists of a mix of masterclasses and workshops with
expert practitioners, while the afternoon provides an
opportunity for coaching supervision to take place in
small groups.
Becoming a member of the centre
The introduction of a membership offer is a natural step
in the development of the Henley coaching community.
This will benefit individuals but, crucially, will also be of
value to organisations looking to implement a coaching
culture or to deliver behavioural change in other ways.
Our aim is to undertake sponsored research that
addresses key concerns identified by our membership.
I think anyone coming
to Henley will have
that experience of
complete calm and
complete readiness
when they step through
the doors. It’s a really
supportive environment.
Jane Cox
GCC HR Director, Royal & Sun Alliance
MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change
managers have
completed a Henley
coaching programme
*Henley’s 2015 Corporate Learning Priorities Survey
business school to
develop a postgraduate
accreditation in coaching
of organisations
confirmed that individual
coaching will be their
most used learning and
development activity*
Email: exec@henley.ac.uk - Telephone: +44 (0)1491 418 767
Challenging thinking and
humorous examples drive
home key concepts.
Dr Andrew C Dobbins
Director, Zeta Compliance Group PLC
Coaching &
Behavioural Change
at Henley Business School
For more information, please contact:
Pauline Fletcher
Henley Business School
Oxfordshire RG9 3AU
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1491 418767
Executive Education at Henley Business School
This brochure is correct at the time of going to print Oct 15. Henley Business School reserves the right to amend any of this information. For the latest information please see our website.