Guideto Creating Your Own Masters

to Creating
Your Own Masters
Creating Master Documents – Reference Guide
Containing Brackets
Variables are surrounded by containing brackets (e.g. <<734>>) as follows:
Opening containing brackets look like these: <<
Closing containing brackets look like these: >>
Doc=t Prod=n Code No.
The number contained in a variable which determines the text, if any, which will
replace the variable during document production. A list of the various document
production code numbers (and their modifiers) can be seen by clicking the Help
button and selecting Document Production Codes on the menu in The Conveyancer.
Field Name
Each field within a client record (or Jurisdiction record) has a unique field namewhich is displayed to the right of the Toolbar when the field is selected. The general
naming pattern is such that the 4th field in Topic AD@ of a Sale client record would
likely be Field SD/4. When referencing a field name in a variable or condition
statement, it must be preceded by the @ symbol (e.g. <<@SD/4>> ).
Format Code
A character used to specify formatting requirements (e.g. that the merged text
should be in upper case). Refer to section 11.6.2 of the manual for a list of format
Identifying Text
Optionally, a brief explanation as to the effect of a variable can be entered just prior
to the closing containing brackets within a variable (e.g. the words Aclosing date@ are
identifying text in the variable <<3402a closing date >> ). Identifying text is ignored
by The Conveyancer during Document Production; its sole purpose is to assist the
user when viewing the actual Master Document.
Certain document production code numbers (e.g. those relating to names,
addresses, dates and gender) require a modifier- which determines the content of
the merged text. The modifier is a single character situated immediately after the
document production code number within a variable. There are Gender Modifiers,
Address Modifiers, Name Modifiers, Jurisdiction Modifiers, Date Modifiers and
Attention Modifiers.
The part of a Master Document which, during document production, will be replaced
with text (the merged text) in the document produced. As discussed in section 11.5
of the manual, there are four different kinds of variables, each with its own syntax.
Condition Statement
Designates a block of text within a Master Document (be it a word, a phrase or
several paragraphs) as being conditional. In other words, depending on the data
contained in the particular transaction record, such text may or may not appear in the
document produced.
The Operator is the symbol that specifies the test to be applied to a Condition
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User Defined Fields
User Defined Fields are fields in which you can create extra fields to be used in
certain tabs of The Conveyancer.
Loop Codes
A loop code is a variable which is replaced by items of data pertaining to each entry
of a particular type in the transaction record like names, addresses, and phone
number of each client.
Delimiter Code
Delimiter codes are used only with loop code variables. They are used to define the
format in which data from a loop should be displayed.
Identifying Text
Optionally, a brief explanation as to the effect of a variable can be entered just prior
to the closing containing brackets within a variable (e.g. the words Aclosing date@ are
identifying text in the variable <<3402a closing date >> ). Identifying text is ignored
by The Conveyancer during Document Production; its sole purpose is to assist the
user when viewing the actual Master Document.
Phantom Field
On occasion, a conclusion can be Adeduced@ from data in a client record, yet there is
no one field associated with the item of data required (e.g. there is no single field in
a Purchase client record which tells us whether there are any mortgages being
assumed). Therefore, to facilitate Document Production, certain field names have
been invented. A list of such phantom field names can be seen by clicking the Help
button and selecting Document Production Codes on the menu in The Conveyancer.
Multi priority concepts allow the use of the same Master Document to generate a
document relating to any priority of mortgage.
A Task Topic is used to record data and generate documents for tasks related to a
particular transaction record. Tasks are frequently outside the scope of a typical
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Working with Master Documents
A Master Document is a template or precedent word processor document into which data from a transaction record
is merged. It determines the content of the document produced. Master Documents are an important component of
Document Production, enabling you to customize generated documents. By default, several of The Conveyancer
topics have matching Master Documents. For example, when preparing a response to requisitions for a Sale
transaction, the data entered in the topic is merged with the lrespreq.s Master Document.
You can create and modify Master Documents using your word processor (either WordPerfect (version 8 and up) or
Microsoft Word (version 7 and up). In addition, you can open, print, rename, and delete them using DP Filer.
Preparing to Work with Master Documents
Do the following before customizing a Master Document:
If you are using WordPerfect, disable the Undo/Redo feature, which embeds invisible characters in
your document so you can undo the last several revisions made to a document. (These invisible
characters interfere with The Conveyancer Document Production process.) The following instructions
may vary slightly, depending on your version of WordPerfect.
To Disable the Undo/Redo Feature in WordPerfect
1. Open WordPerfect.
2. On the Edit menu, click Undo/Redo History.
The Undo/Redo History box appears.
3. Click
The Undo/Redo Options box appears.
4. Remove the checkmark (if it appears) from the Save Undo/Redo items with document option and
The Undo/Redo Options box closes.
5. Click
The Undo/Redo History box closes.
If you are using WordPerfect, turn off the Spell-As-You-Go feature while changing Master Documents,
to ensure Document Production runs as expected. The following instructions may vary slightly,
depending on your version of WordPerfect.
To Turn Off Spell-As-You-Go
Open WordPerfect.
On the Tools menu, click Proofread  Off.
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Master Document Names and Locations
By default, the Master Documents are located in C:\TCWIN\MASTERS\, where C: is replaced by the
appropriate hard drive letter. You can check where these file are located on your station in the Directories
tab of User Setup
Master Document names can be up to eight characters, followed optionally by an extension of up to three
characters. Beware of extensions automatically assigned by your word processor to newly-created files (e.g.
doc or wpd). Extensions may not be displayed in a box listing file names. Use any of the following
methods to deal with this problem:
Prevent the registered extension (e.g. doc or wpd) from being attached by typing the new file name in
For WordPerfect files, disable the default extension function by selecting Files from the Tools 
Settings menu and removing the checkmark from the Use default extension on open and save option.
Rename the file in DP Filer (see “Error! Reference source not found.” on page Error! Bookmark
not defined. for directions).
The Master Documents distributed with The Conveyancer generally have extensions that correspond to the
database(s) to which they are intended to be used (e.g. COMPLTRS.P is used with Purchase transaction
records, DV.S is used with Sale transaction records, and FAX-M#.PM is used with either Purchase or
Mortgage transaction records). You are not required to adhere to these conventions.
Master Documents that are to be used from within the Tasks topic have been assigned extensions which
reflect the particular Task category (e.g. Master Documents associated with the Pay Bills or Debts category
have the extension PAY).
Contents of a Master Document
A Master Document contains the following kinds of text:
Standard text – Text that appears in the Master Document exactly as it will appear in the document
generated during document production.
Variables – The part of a Master Document that will be replaced with text (also called merged text) in
the document generated during document production, or may be deleted entirely.
Condition Statements – The part of a Master Document for which, if the specified condition is not
satisfied, based on data in the transaction record, the designated portion of the Master Document is
deleted from the document generated during document production.
Word processor formatting codes – Includes codes applicable to the word processor (e.g. indents,
page numbering, headers, footers, margin settings, paper size, type commands, font commands, etc.)
Accessing the List of Document Production Codes
Document production codes are an important element used in variables, that insert data specifically relating
to the transaction record you are currently working on.
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To View the Document Production Codes
On the Help menu, click Document Production Codes.
The codes are displayed on your screen in a Microsoft Internet Explorer window.
About Variables in Master Documents
There are four types of variables used in the Master Documents. We are going to learn about two of them
in this lesson:
Merge code – During document production, this variable is replaced by text represented by either a
document production code number (e.g. the code number 5025 represents another solicitor’s firm or
name), or an @ symbol followed by the field name (e.g. the field number PD/1 represents the
Jurisdiction field in the Subject Property topic). The merge code variable syntax looks as follows:
Opening containing brackets: <<
A format code (optional).
Either a document production code number or an @ symbol followed by the field name.
A modifier, if one is required for the document production code number.
Identifying text (optional) – Used as a hint when you view the Master Document. This
text never appears in the processed document.
Closing containing brackets: >>
The following are merge code variable examples:
<<5025>> where 5025 is a document production code number representing another
solicitor’s firm or name.
<<C670b>> where the C is a format code indicating that if there is no text to be merged,
the hard return following the variable will be deleted, 670 is a document production
code number representing a client’s post-closing address, and b is a modifier
representing the street number and name (in this case).
<<U@PD/1 jurisdiction>> where U is a format code indicating upper case, PD/1 is the
field name for Jurisdiction, and jurisdiction is identifying text.
Include file – During Document Production, this variable is replaced by the contents of an entire file,
whose name is specified in the include file variable. For example, an include file variable can be used
so as to merge your (electronic) letterhead into each letter generated through Document Production
(rather than inserting your letterhead at the top of numerous individual Master Documents). The include
file variable syntax looks as follows:
Opening containing brackets: <<
A dollar sign $.
The name of the include file.
Another dollar sign $.
Closing containing brackets: >>
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The following is an example of an include file variable:
<<$LTR&DATE.FMT$>> where the contents in the file LTR&DATE.FMT are merged
into the Master Document. This file is also considered a Master Document and contains
variables and conditions statements.
Include files are stored on a subdirectory of the Masters directory called $INCLUDE$. For
directions for accessing include files.
Stop code – Interrupts the document production code process and prompts the user to enter data to
replace the variable in the document. The stop code variable syntax looks as follows:
Opening containing brackets: <<
A stop code variable number (optional).
A pair of square opening brackets: [[
The prompt text that appears to the user.
A pair of square closing brackets: ]]
Closing containing brackets: >>
The following is an example of stop code variables:
<<[[Enter the amount of the water heater rental payment]]>>
<<6[[Enter the name of the trustee]]>> – If the user-entered data appears in more than
one place in the produced document, you may assign a stop code variable number. This
number is arbitrary. As a result, the user is still prompted for data input each time but
after the first occurrence the field already contains a default response.
About Modifiers
The document production code numbers that relate to names, addresses, dates, and gender, require a
modifier, which determines the content of the merged text. The modifier is a single character, situated
immediately after the document production code number within the variable. For comprehensive lists of
these modifiers, see “Date Modifiers”, “Gender Modifiers”, “Name Modifiers”, and “Address Modifiers” in
The Conveyancer Document Production Codes document. The following examples contain modifiers:
Name(s) of
client(s) in
<<3300m>> will
<<3300q>> will
John Henry Doe
John Henry Doe
John Henry Doe
and Jane
Henrietta Doe
John Henry Doe
and Jane Henrietta
John Henry Doe
and Jane
Henrietta Deere
John Henry Do and
Jane Henrietta
<<9020a>> generates 120 Eglinton Ave. East
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<<9020e>> generates Toronto, Ontario
<<2200a>> generates 7th day of March, 1999
<<2200d>> generates March
About Format Codes
You have the option of adding format codes to document production code numbers or field names.
A format code consists of a single character which may be entered in upper or lower case, but must
immediately follow the opening containing brackets of the variable. The complete list of available format
codes follows the examples:
<<D160>> – If there is no text to be merged, the two hard returns immediately
following the variable are deleted.
<<U@PD/2>> – The merged text appears in upper case.
The variable will be replaced by the merged text,
if any; if there is no text to be merged, the hard
return immediately following the variable will be
deleted, and so will any tabs or indents
immediately preceding the variable (i.e. this will
prevent a blank line from appearing in the
document produced in a situation where the
variable is the only content of a line).
Same as the "C" format code except that, if there
is no text to be merged, the two hard returns
immediately following the variable will be deleted.
The first character of the merged text will appear
in upper case.
The first character of each word of the merged
text will appear in upper case.
All merged text will appear in upper case.
The variable will be replaced by the merged text,
but the width of the variable (the number of
characters from the first opening containing
bracket to the second closing containing bracket)
will be preserved by either truncating the merged
text or by adding spaces to the end of the
merged text or, if there is no text to be merged,
by replacing the variable with an equivalent
number of spaces.
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Handling Master Documents from the DP Filer
Creating a Master Document
Instead of creating a new Master Document from scratch, it is recommended that you open an existing
Master Document which is similar in structure (and content, if possible) and then save it under a new name.
Then proceed with the customization of the new Master Document.
To Create a Master Document
1. On the Document Production screen (see the figure on page Error! Bookmark not
.  Edit “All” Category File 
defined.), click
. The Select a Master Document box
2. Select the required file and click
The Master Document is added to the Edit all Category box.
the Master Document and description and click
The Master Document appears in the Document Production screen.
4. Select the newly-added Master Document and click
The file appears in the Destination List.
5. Click
The file name and description appears in DP Filer.
6. Double-click the file and make all of the required changes to the Master Document.
About Condition Statements in Master Documents
Condition statements are used to designate a block of text within a Master Document (a word,
phrase or several paragraphs) as being conditional. As a result, the designated text may or may
not appear in the generated document, depending on the data contained in the particular record.
For example, a condition statement can be used to insert condominium-type requisitions into a
requisition letter only if the subject property is a condominium (i.e. the wording will be
automatically adjusted depending on the data in the particular transaction record). Even if it is
not your intention to make extensive use of this capability, it is important to understand its
operation and syntax, so as not to inadvertently “mess up” an existing Master Document which
contains condition statements.
A condition statement consists of the following syntax:
Opening round double brackets: {{
A condition expression, which consists of the following:
An opening filter | symbol (the character usually located above the backslash on the
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The two fields or values to be tested, separated by an operator. The operator is the
symbol that specifies the test to be applied (see below for a list of operators).
A closing filter | symbol.
The conditional text, which is the text to be inserted into the generated document only if the
condition is satisfied. The conditional text may be text, other variables, or embedded
condition statements.
Closing round double brackets: }}
The following table contains a list of operators:
For use with any type of field, and meaning: is equal to
For use with any type of field, and meaning: is not equal to
For use only with numerical values, and meaning: is greater
For use only with numerical values, and meaning: is less than
For use only with numerical values, and meaning: is greater
than or equal to
For use only with numerical values, and meaning: is less than
or equal to
Note the following:
If the condition which you wish to express is based on a particular field containing no data
(or, in the case of a numerical input field, equals zero), then simply use the word blank as
the value against which to test the field (e.g. |@PA/10=blank| ).
If the condition is based on a particular spacebar toggle field having been unanswered and
set to ???????, then use a single question mark as the value against which to test the field
(e.g. |@PD/5<>?| ).
The condition expression is not case-sensitive. Therefore, a condition may be expressed as
either |@PD/13 = City of Toronto| or as |@PD/13 = CITY OF TORONTO|.
Spaces between the opening and close filter symbols are ignored. Therefore, a condition
may be expressed either as |@PD/1 = Ottawa| or as |@PD/1=Ottawa|.
If the condition is satisfied, all of the text between the closing filter symbol and the closing
}} brackets will be incorporated into the generated document. Think carefully about
whether a space or hard return which is intended to separate the conditional text from the
adjacent text (either at the beginning or the end of the conditional text) should comprise
part of the conditional text or part of the adjacent text. This requires some practice, but is
worthwhile to know so that your document will be properly formatted whether or not the
conditional text is inserted.
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The following examples contain condition statements:
Example #1:
Congratulations on the purchase of the above {{|@PD/3=yes|condominium }} property.
In a transaction record, the field PD/3 identifies whether the property is a condominium.
Therefore, if the property is a condominium (i.e. PD/3=yes), then the document produced
will contain the following sentence: Congratulations on the purchase of the above
condominium property.; otherwise, (i.e. if PD/3=no OR if PD/3=N/y), then the sentence
appearing in the document produced will be: Congratulations on the purchase of the above
property. Note that there is one space, following the word condominium, which comprises
part of the conditional text (in that it precedes the closing }} brackets); this structure will
result in the document being properly formatted, with one space separating each word,
whether or not the condition is satisfied.
Example #2:
{{|@PD/3<>yes|We immediately require a survey of the property.}}
If the property is not a condominium, then the document produced will contain the
following sentence: We immediately require a survey of the property; if the property is a
condominium, the sentence will be omitted. Note that, due to the use of the <> (does not
equal) operator, if the field in the transaction record is unanswered (i.e. the field contains
N/y) then, because the response to field PD/3 is not equal to yes, the sentence will appear
in the document produced.
Example #3:
{{|@PD/4=a new home from a builder|Congratulations on the purchase of the
above{{|@PD/3=yes| condominium}} property.}}
This is the same situation as in Example #1 except that, through the use of embedded
condition statements, the entire sentence will appear in the document produced only if the
transaction is for the purchase of a new home from a builder.
Example #4:
{{|@PD/8 <> blank + @PD/9 <> blank|}}
The property which you purchased is described on a reference plan as <<@PD/8>>
In the above example, if the property is described as a part on a reference plan, as
determined by the Being Part field not being blank (i.e. PD/8<>blank) and the On Plan
field not being blank (i.e. PD/9<>blank), then the paragraph will be incorporated into the
document produced. This example shows:
The use of the word blank in a condition statement to test whether a field is empty.
How to specify multiple conjunctive condition expressions (using the + sign).
The use of hard return characters within the conditional text so as to maintain proper
formatting in the document produced whether or not the condition is satisfied.
The use of variables within conditional text.
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Customizing User-Defined Fields
You may add up to 20 fields to each topic in The Conveyancer, which will then become part of all new
and existing transaction records in the selected primary database (Purchase, Sale, or Mortgage).
Responses entered for any of these fields can then be incorporated into documents produced for the
transaction record. Like all other fields in The Conveyancer, each user-defined field has an associated field
name, which can be used in a Master Document so the contents of the field are merged into the generated
To Add User-Defined Fields to a Topic
1. Log on to The Conveyancer as the Default user, but do not open a record.
2. On the Go to menu, click Configuration.
The Configuration box appears.
3. Click
The User Defined Fields box (for the selected primary database) appears:
4. Click Topics and select a topic from the list.
The selected topic name appears above row 1.
5. Fill in a prompt for each field to be added to the selected topic and click
The fields are added to the topic.
To Delete User-Defined Fields from a Topic
Follow the directions for adding user-defined fields to a topic (refer to “To Add User-Defined Fields to
a Topic above) but in step 5 delete the fields that are no longer required.
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To Access New Fields in a Topic
1. Open a transaction record for the required primary database.
2. Open the topic to which you just added a new field more now appears in the top, right corner of the
3. Click
The user-defined fields appear in the next screen.
4. Click Back.
The topic reappears.
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Loop Code Variables
Loop code variables are the most complex of the variables- but they are infrequently used (and you
needn’t read about them until you discover that you have to modify one). During document production,
the loop code variable is replaced by items of data pertaining to each entry of a particular type in the
client record (the key). In the example which follows, the key is clients and the items of data are name,
birthdate, telephone number, etc. For each Avalue@ of the key (i.e. for each individual client named in
the client record), the data will differ. The merged text will therefore consist of the data for each value
of the key in sequence. The loop code variable contains the specifications as to both the data to be
merged and the formatting of the output (i.e. where to insert a Tab, Indent or Hard Return character).
A loop code variable consists of:
$ opening containing brackets
$ a AC@ or AD" format code (optional)
$ a document production code number
$ one or more groupings (see below)
$ identifying text (optional)
$ closing containing brackets
A grouping determines the content and the format of the merged text, and consists of:
$ an opening # sign
$ from one to five delimiter codes (optional)
$ a AU@ or AF@ format code (optional)
$ a subcode number (optional) (the available subcodes for the particular document production code
number are found by clicking the Help button and selecting Document Production Codes on the
menu in The Conveyancer.)
$ a closing # sign
<<3301 #1# #I7# #R4# #R6# #I5# #RR# >>
In the above example 3301 is the document production code number; you will determine that the key in
3301 is clients and the subcodes which have been used in this example (i.e. numbers 1, 7, 4, 6 and 5) will
merge the name, gender, birthdate, work telephone number and home telephone number respectively for
each value of the key (i.e. for each client). The I=s and R=s are delimiter codes indicating where indent
and hard return characters, respectively, should be inserted. Below is an example of the output for a
client record with two clients:
Tel (work):
Tel (home):
DOE, John Henry
Tel (home):
DOE, Jane
DOB: June 5, 1960
DOB: November 13, 1963
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About Delimiter Codes
Delimiter codes are used only with loop code variables. They are used to define the format in
which data from a loop should be displayed. More precisely, it specifies the particular
character(s) which should be inserted in between items of data. The following is a list of
delimiter codes:
Inserts a (text) paragraph number (which
increments by one with each repetition of the
Inserts one semi-colon character.
Inserts one indent.
Inserts one signing line.
Inserts one hard page break.
Inserts one hard return.
Inserts one space.
Inserts one tab.
Phantom Field Codes
Occasionally, a conclusion can be "deduced" from data in a transaction record, yet there is no
one field associated with the item of data required (e.g. there is no field in a purchase record
which tells us whether any mortgages are being assumed). Therefore, to facilitate Document
Production and, more particularly, to allow for the implementation of condition statements based
on such information, certain field names have been "invented". A list of such Phantom Field
Names is contained in the Document Production Codes List.
Creating Multi-Priority Documents
The multi-priority concept enables the use of the same Master Document to generate a document
relating to any priority of mortgage. Without this facility, it would be necessary to have separate
Master Documents to describe a first, second, and third mortgage.
There are two types of multi-priority documents:
A multi-priority Master Document is one which can be used for a first, second, third, or
fourth mortgage.
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A multi-priority include file is an include file which is referenced in an ordinary Master
Document. It will merge information about each mortgage, to which the title is subject, in
Working with Multi-Priority Master Documents
If you are required to create a reporting letter to a new mortgagee on a purchase, the data to be
merged into the reporting letter will differ, depending on whether it is a report on the first
mortgage or the second mortgage.
The Conveyancer identifies a multi-priority Master Document by its file name. The first part of
the file name (the part preceding the first period) must end with one of the following:
M#, if the multi-priority Master Document relates to a new mortgage (for a Purchase
transaction record), or to a vendor takeback mortgage (for a Sale transaction record).
X#, if the multi-priority Master Document relates to an existing mortgage in either a sale
or mortgage transaction.
Although the name of the Master Document contains the # symbol, this character is replaced by
a number (from 1 to 4, according to the priority of the mortgage) in the Document Production
screen and in the names of the documents produced.
Working with Multi-Priority Include Files
A multi-priority include file is a form of include file (located in the include file directory). It
causes the content of the include file to be merged in as many times in succession (or zero times)
as are required to describe each mortgage (in order of priority). A multi-priority include file is
identified by its name. The first part of the file name (the part preceding the first period) must
end with one of the following:
M# if the multi-priority include file is to be merged into the document produced, and
repeated for each mortgage on a purchase (or each VTB mortgage on a sale).
X# if the multi-priority include file is to be merged into the document produced, and
repeated for each existing mortgage in a mortgage refinance or sale transaction.
P# if contained in a M#-type multi-priority Master Document. It can be used to merge in
data pertaining to mortgages with priority higher than that of the mortgage to which the
M#-type Master Document relates (e.g. so that a reporting letter to a third mortgagee can
contain data pertaining to the first and second mortgages).
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Customizing Task Categories
From the Task Categories box, you can add new task categories or modify existing ones by
customizing the prompts and fields displayed in a box for a task category. These new categories
or fields can then be used in the Document Production for that category, after you have added
Master Documents.
If you modify a field or prompt, all existing task records will contain the new field and prompt.
In some cases, the existing data may be meaningless.
To Access the Task Categories Box
1. On the Go to menu, click Task Categories under Miscellaneous Configuration Items.
The Configuration box appears.
2. The Task Categories box appears. From this box you can copy, edit, add, or delete a task
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To Copy, Edit, or Add a Task Category
1. Click
, or
The Customize Task Record box appears. When it opens after copying or editing a task
category, the box is filled in with information. When it opens after adding a task category,
the box is empty.
2. In the Name of Category field, enter the required task category name (for adding or
copying only).
3. In the Master Documents field, click
in association with this task category.
to select a Master Document you can produce
4. In the Task used in field, select whether the task will be used in Purchase, Sale, or
Mortgage transactions, or any combination of the three.
5. In the Automatically add task to new task transaction records field, select Yes or No.
6. In the Select from fields available to all categories area, select the fields and type the
prompt name to include the field in the category.
7. In the Specify fields which are unique to the category field, press Spacebar to toggle
among the possible responses and enter the required prompt name.
8. Select Follow-up/Tickler date, Follow-up/Tickler notes, and Task Completion Details and
enter the required prompt name.
9. Click
The task category is copied, edited, or added (depending on your selection in step 1), and
the Task Categories box reappears, with the new or revised task category included in the
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To Delete a Task Category
1. Select a task category and click
A warning box appears, checking if you want to delete the selected task category.
2. Click
The task category is removed from the Task Categories box.
Handling Master Documents from Tasks
By default, each category in Tasks has matching Master Documents. You can add or remove Master
Documents matched to each category. In addition, you can create and modify Master Documents using your
word processor, either WordPerfect (version 6.0 and up) or Microsoft Word (version 7 and up), and rename
and delete them using The Conveyancer.
Adding a Master Document to a Task
By default, each category in Tasks has matching Master Documents. You can add existing
Master Documents matched to each category. Each category can have up to a maximum of
twenty matching Master Documents.
To Add a Master Document to a Category
1. Open the Tasks topic
2. In the Doc’t Prod’n column, click the button for the required category.
The Document Production box (for the category) appears:
3. Click
The Master Documents box for the selected category appears:
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4. To change the order of any of the existing Master Documents in the list, click the document
and click either move up or move down to move the document up or down in the list.
5. Click an empty box in the Master Document Name column and click
The Select a Master Document box appears. It contains a list of all of the available Master
6. Highlight the required Master Document and click
The selected document appears in the Master Documents box for the selected category.
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7. Type a description for the newly-added Master Document in the Description box and click
The newly-added Master Document and its description appear in the Document Production
Renaming a Master Document
To Rename a Master Document
1. Open the Tasks topic.
2. In the Doc’t Prod’n column, click the button for the required category.
The Document Production box (for the category) appears
3. Click
The Master Documents box for the selected category appears.
4. Click
beside the file name that you want to change, or click the icon anywhere in the
The Select a Master Document box appears. If you selected
Master Document file is highlighted.
beside the file name, that
5. Click the required Master Document (if required) and click
The Rename File box appears, with the name of the selected Master Document already
6. Change the name and extension, as required, and click
The file is highlighted and renamed in the Select a Master Document box.
7. Click
The Master Document box reappears, with the Master Document file renamed.
8. Click
The Document Production box reappears, with the Master Document file renamed.
9. If required, add this document to other categories.
Deleting a Master Document from the Directory
You can remove an existing Master Document from the Master Document directory, so it can no longer be
used in the program.
To Delete a Master Document from the Directory
1. Open the Tasks topic.
2. In the Doc’t Prod’n column, click the button for the required category.
The Document Production box (for the category) appears.
20 of 59
3. Click
The Master Documents box for the selected category appears.
4. Click
beside the file name that you want to delete, or click the icon anywhere in the
The Select a Master Document box appears. If you selected
Master Document file is highlighted.
beside the file name, that
5. Click the required Master Document (if required), click
and confirm that you want to
delete the file from the Master Documents directory.
The Select a Master Document box reappears without the deleted file.
You must now delete the file name and description from the Master Documents box.
Opening Master Documents
You can open Master Documents in your word processor to view and change their contents, including all
text, variables, and conditions statements.
To Open a Master Document
1. Open the Tasks topic.
2. In the Doc’t Prod’n column, click the button for the required category.
The Document Production box (for the category) appears.
3. Click
The Master Documents box for the selected category appears.
4. Click
beside the Master Document file name that you want to open, or click the icon
anywhere in the box
The Select a Master Document box appears. If you selected
Master Document file is highlighted.
– or –
beside the file name, that
beside the Master Document file name you want to open.
The selected Master Document opens in your word processor. Skip to step 6.
5. Click the required Master Document (if required) and click
The selected Master Document opens in your word processor.
6. Make the required changes to the document, by entering text, variables, and/or condition
7. Save and close the document from the word processor.
The changes will be reflected the next time you run the Master Document.
Opening “Include” Master Documents
Include files are Master Document files. The entire contents of these files (which may contain other
variables and condition statements) replace the matching variable in the Master Document.
21 of 59
By default, these files are located in the \TCWIN\MASTERS\$INCLUDE$ subdirectory.
Like the regular Master Documents, you can open include Master Documents in your word processor to
view and change their contents, including all text, variables, and conditions statements.
To Open an Include Master Document
1. Open the Tasks topic.
2. In the Doc’t Prod’n column, click the button for the required category.
The Document Production box (for the category) appears.
3. Click
The Master Documents box for the selected category appears.
4. Click
anywhere in the box
The Select a Master Document box appears.
5. Click
The Select a Master Document box fills with a list of all of the include files.
6. Highlight the required file and click
The selected include Master Document opens in your word processor:
7. Make the required changes to the document, by entering text, variables, and/or condition
8. Save and close the document from the word processor.
The changes will be reflected the next time you run a Master Document that accesses an
include Master Document.
9. In the Select a Master Document box, click
The Select a Master Document box reverts to the list of Master Documents, instead of
include Master Documents.
Do not try to load an include file into the Master Documents box (by
highlighting the document and clicking
). Since the include
document is not located in the C:\TCWIN\MASTERS directory (where C: is
replaced by the appropriate hard drive letter), the system will be unable to run
22 of 59
Changing the Letterhead Master Document
You can configure The Conveyancer to handle your letterhead in one of the following ways:
Print your letterhead, so that it will automatically be present at the top of all letters generated through
Document Production.
Print onto stationery on which your letterhead has been preprinted. You may need to adjust the
positioning of the generated document so that it falls below your letterhead.
Instead of changing each individual Master Document, you can change the include file. This automatically
affects the formatting of all letters produced which reference the include file.
Each Master Document which is a letter and is distributed with the software contains, at the top, an include
file variable designed to merge in the letterhead. The include file is almost always ltr&date.fmt, although
there are three others used less frequently.
ltr&date.fmt – Also includes a code to merge in the current computer clock date and other formatting
codes (e.g. page numbering) which should be preserved.
ltrundtd.fmt – An exact copy of ltr&date.fmt, but without the date code or a hard return character. This
form of the letterhead is used with a few specific Master Document which are to be dated on the date of
closing, and for which the date of the letter is inserted using a document production code in the Master
Document instead of a code in the letterhead include file.
account.fmt – When it is distributed, it is an exact copy of ltr&date.fmt, but should be customized if
you required a different form of letterhead on a statement of account than on a letter.
ledger.fmt – When it is distributed, it is an exact copy of ltr&date.fmt, but should be customized if you
require a different form of letterhead on a trust ledger statement instead of on a letter.
When incorporating your letterhead into any of the above include files, it is not recommended that you
simply overwrite the include file with your letterhead, because the include file may contain other formatting
code (e.g. page numbering) which should be preserved.
Adjusting the Length of Signing Lines
You may find that the signing lines inserted in produced documents are either too long or too short. Signing
lines consist of a fixed (but user-modifiable) number of underline spaces. Even though the number of space
characters may be constant, the length of the line depends on the font.
There are two ways to change the length of the line:
To Change the Length of the Line from the Word Processor
1. Open the required Master Document in your word processor.
2. Lengthen or shorten the line and save the document.
23 of 59
Address Modifiers
Address modifiers determine the format in which an address (or a part thereof) will appear in a document
produced. An example of a variable which uses an address modifier is 165 (other solicitor's address).
As per the list below, you will see that <<165a>> might generate text like 42 King Street whereas the variable
<<165e>> might generate Toronto, Ontario.
Below is a list of modifiers and corresponding text generated.
f =
g =
h =
j =
k =
p =
Street No. & Name
Street No. & Name (cont'd)
if "c" is not blank, then "e" = "c" followed by a comma, a space and "d" (depending on your
preference as recorded in the Misc. Tab of the User Setup record, the province may be
abbreviated and the postal code appended in the following format : Toronto, ON M4S 2C6 )
Country if not Canada; if Canada, "g" = blank
Postal code (if your preference as recorded in the Misc. Tab of the User Setup record is to show
addresses in the Toronto, ON M4S 2C6 format- then the "h" modifier will not return any data)
if "b" is not blank, then "i" = "a" followed by a hard return and "b"; if "b" is blank, then "i" =
Postal code
full address except for postal code
if "b" is not blank, then "p" = "a" followed by a comma, a space and "b"; if "b" is blank, then
"p" = "a"
"r" = "c" except if "c" does not = Jurisdiction (neither of which are blank), in which case, "r" =
"c" followed by the contents of the "City of" field, in brackets [e.g. - Willowdale (City of North
York) ]
City, Province, Country (if not Canada) and postal code – all on one line
Province, Country [e.g. Ontario, Canada]
entire address on one line
24 of 59
Code for Address Modifier
Purpose of Modifier
Address of solicitor as entered into his/her
profile from within Firm’s Own Solicitors
Address of Bank, where trust account is
situated as per Lawyer Profile (Trust Account
tab) where preferred method to receive
mortgage funds can be into trust account or by
Address of Bank, where trust account is
situated as per Lawyer Profile (Trust Account
tab) provided preferred method to receive
mortgage funds is into trust account
Other solicitor's address
Real Estate Broker's address
Subject property address
Surveyor's Address
Client's post closing address
Client's pre closing address
Mailing address of existing mtgee
Mtgee's address for service new or VTB
Mtgee's address for reporting new or VTB
Mtgee's mailing address
address of highest priority mtgee designated
as paying the RE taxes for the prop (where ?
is an Address Modifier); if no mtgee so
specified then #7725? = #3000?
Address of Condo Corp'n or Mngmt Co.
25 of 59
Mortgage Broker's address
Address of title insurer
User (your law firm) Information if no address modifier has been added, then
#9614 returns 1st line of user law firm
address; otherwise, #9614 is the address of the
user law firm
If address of fire insurer or broker not blank,
then such address
Statement of Account or Trust - Address
from task record
Address for first mortgagor or guarantor
which is a corporation or other entity
business address of the first mortgagor or
guarantor who is an individual and not signing
under power of attorney
Regarding #17300 – address of first
mortgagor or guarantor who is an individual
(i.e. non-corporate) and not signing under
power of attorney; in a Purchase transaction
record, returns mortgagor’s pre-closing
address; in a Mortgage transaction record,
returns mortgagor’s property address in Tab D
if mortgagor resides at subject property or
mailing address in Tab B if mortgagor does
not reside at property; for guarantor, returns
address for service
Regarding #17310 – business address of the
second mortgagor or guarantor who is an
individual (i.e. non-corporate) and not signing
under power of attorney
26 of 59
Regarding #17300 – address of second
mortgagor or guarantor who is an individual
(i.e. non-corporate) and not signing under
power of attorney; in a Purchase transaction
record, returns mortgagor’s pre-closing
address; in a Mortgage transaction record,
returns mortgagor’s property address in Tab D
if mortgagor resides at subject property or
mailing address in Tab B if mortgagor does
not reside at property; for guarantor, returns
address for service
Regarding #17320 – business address of the
third mortgagor or guarantor who is an
individual (i.e. non-corporate) and not signing
under power of attorney
Regarding #17300 – address of third
mortgagor or guarantor who is an individual
(i.e. non-corporate) and not signing under
power of attorney; in a Purchase transaction
record, returns mortgagor’s pre-closing
address; in a Mortgage transaction record,
returns mortgagor’s property address in Tab D
if mortgagor resides at subject property or
mailing address in Tab B if mortgagor does
not reside at property; for guarantor, returns
address for service
27 of 59
Attention Modifiers
Depending on the user's preference, correspondence to another firm may be formatted so that it is addressed to
such other firm to the attention of an individual thereat (Format #1); or alternatively, correspondence may be
addressed directly to the individual at the firm (Format #2)
Format #1
Format #2
Doe & Deere
Barristers & Solicitors
123 Law Street
Toronto, Ontario
G0G 0G0
Mr. John Deere
Doe & Deere
Barristers & Solicitors
123 Law Street
Toronto, Ontario
G0G 0G0
Attention: Mr. John Doe
The Attention modifier does not control the actual format in the above examples; rather, it determines whether
the individual's name (John Doe in the above examples) is preceded by the word "Attention: ". There are only
two Attention modifiers:
a = the name preceded by Attention:__ (e.g. - Attention: Mr. John Doe)
b = the name, not preceded by "Attention: " (e.g. - Mr. John Doe)
Note that if no modifier is used, it will be treated the same as if the "a" modifier was used. Also note that, if the
particular name field had been left blank, the variable will generate nothing (i.e. - "a" will not generate the word
"Attention: " unless a name follows).
Letters initially provided with the software are in Format #1. Below are the Master Documents for the two
examples above:
Format #1
Format #2
<<5025 other sol >>
<<C177 barr & sol >>
<<165e >>
<<C5030b attention >>
<<5025 other sol >>
<<C177 barr & sol >>
<<165e >>
<<D5030 attention >>
Thus, to change a Master Document from Format #1 to Format #2 involves 4 steps:
28 of 59
Move the "attention" code (#5030 in our example) to top of address
Remove the underline command affecting the "attention" code
Change the Format Code preceding the "attention" code from "D" to "C" (to delete one, rather than two,
hard returns if #5030 is blank)
Change the Attention modifier from "a" (or from non-existent) to "b"
Attention Modifier Codes to be used with the
Attention Modifiers attached
Name of R.E. agent
"Attention" field in Surveyors' database record
(where ? is an Attention Modifier):
1) name of existing mortgagee contact (Field
2) if existing mtgee is institutional & not
corresponding with solicitor & existing mtgee contact
is blank, Mortgage Statements;
3) in all other cases, #833 is blank
Name of Existing mtgee contact
if neither other solicitor's name & other solicitor's firm
are blank, then #5030 = other solicitor's name
(where ? is an Attention Modifier):
if institutional mtg, #6616 = New Mortgage Reports
if non-institutional & Mtg contact is not blank, #6616 =
Mtg contact; otherwise #6616 is blank
Name of Mtg contact
Name of Condo corp'n contact, if blank, #9120 = Status
Name of Condo Corp'n contact
Name of Mortgage Broker contact
Name of ins agent or, if blance, Insurance Transfers
Name of ins agent
29 of 59
Date Modifiers
Date modifiers determine the format in which a date (or a part thereof) will appear in a document produced. An
example of a variable which uses a date modifier is 3402 (closing date).
As per the list below, you will see that if the closing date for a transaction is March 7, 2006, the variable
<<3402a>> will generate March 7, 2006 whereas the variable <<3402g>> will generate 7th .
Below is a list of modifiers and corresponding text generated, based on a date entered into the transaction record
of 07/03/2006 (DD/MM/YYYY).
a =
b =
c =
d =
e =
f =
g =
h =
i =
j =
k =
l =
o =
p =
q =
r =
s =
t =
u =
v =
y =
z =
^ =
_ =
( =
March 7, 2006
7th day of March, 2006
March 7th, 2006
March 7
7th day of March
same as "y", but includes "A.D." immediately before the year (e.g. ___day of______, A.D. 2006)
March 7, 2006.
7th day of March, 2006.
Tue March 7, 2006
the number corresponding to the last day of the month (e.g. If January, it would return 31 but if
June, it would return 30)
same as "u", but instead of returning 30 or 31, "v" will return 30th or 31st
same as "j" but if any part(s) of date (e.g. day, month and/or year) is blank, it will leave space for it
to be handwritten in later
same as "s" but if any part(s) of date (e.g. day, month and/or year) is blank, it will leave space for it
to be handwritten in later
07 March 2006
07 Mar 2006
2006 03 07
06 03 07
30 of 59
Date Modifier Codes to be used with the
Date Modifiers attached
Closing date
Date of survey if not blank
File opening date
1st day of month following closing date
Occupancy Closing date
Occupancy date in the case of a condominium
purchase transaction which is a new home
purchase from builder
Mtg first payment date
Mtg maturity date
Mtg maturity date for first mortgage
Mtg alternate frequency 1st payment date
Mtg interest adjustment date
last day of the month of final closing
1st day of the month preceding the final
1st day of the month one year following
closing date- so for example, if closing is
December 14, 2000, this code will return
December 1, 2001
Mtg commitment date
Deed registration date
Common expenses - first payment date
Mtg registration date?
if check box (field *F/134) to use mortgage
payout calculator is checked, then #3439 =
Principal as at” date
31 of 59
Date to which interest included in paying out
existing mtg being discharged
date of execution by clients
5301? - 5312?
is that date which is one month after closing;
#5302 is that date which is two months after
closing, etc.- to #5312 which is that date
which is twelve months after closing (where ?
is a date modifier); where applicable, the date
will be automatically moved back to the last
date of the subject month
the "as at" date (or the words the date hereof)
corresponding to the Section 13 Current
Reserve Fund Amount, as recorded in the
condo corporations secondary database
Current date
current date
Mortgagor's or guarantor's birthdate
Guarantor's birthdate
birthdate of client
Mortgagor's birthdate
32 of 59
Gender Modifiers
Gender modifiers determine the appropriate text based on whether, for the party in question, there is one or more
(i.e. singular vs. plural) and, if singular, whether such party is male, female or neuter (as in a corporation).
An example of a variable which uses a gender modifier is 3317 (gender of client). Using this variable as an
example, refer to the list of modifiers below to see how the following phrase in a Master Document:
<<3317m>> the purchaser<<3317a>>
will, in the document produced, contain wording which is sensitive to the number/gender of your client:
in the case of 1 male purchaser - he is the purchaser
in the case of 1 female purchaser - she is the purchaser
in the case of 1 neuter purchaser - it is the purchaser
in the case of more than 1 purchaser - they are the purchasers
I am
he is
he does
I am
she is
she does
the sole
the sole
33 of 59
we are
it is
they are it is
they do
it does
all of the
each of the
I, the
I, the
we, the
34 of 59
Gender Modifier Code
Numbers to be used with
the Gender Modifiers where
? is the modifier
Gender of Client
Gender of Law Clerk
Gender of Solicitor
Gender of offeror(s)
Gender of existing mortgagee
Gender of non-resident client(s)
Gender of resident client(s)
Gender of those one or more clients who are male, female or
?; if there are no such clients, #3316 will return blank
Gender of Vendor(s)
Gender of purchaser(s) [or mortgagor(s), whether it is a
purchase, sale or mortgage transaction]
Gender re other party
Mtg - gender of Guarantor(s)
Mtg- gender of the combination of mtgors & guarantors
Mtg - gender of mortgagee
Gender of user firm
Gender of task contact
gender (male or plural) for attorney(s) signing on behalf of
client in #17801
gender (male or plural) for signing officer(s) signing on
behalf of client in #17801
gender of client
35 of 59
Jurisdiction Modifiers
Jurisdiction modifiers determine the format in which a jurisdiction (or a part thereof) will appear in a document
produced. An example of a variable which uses a jurisdiction modifier is 325 (jurisdiction of subject property).
Using Oshawa as an example (i.e. City of Oshawa in the Regional Municipality of Durham), you will see
from the list below that the variable <<325e>> will generate City of Oshawa whereas the variable <<325h>>
will generate in the Regional Municipality of Durham.
Below is a list of modifiers and corresponding text generated, based on Oshawa entered into the transaction
record in the Jurisdiction field (PD/1).
Regional Municipality
City of Oshawa
Regional Municipality of Durham
in the City of Oshawa
in the Regional Municipality of Durham
City of Oshawa in the Regional Municipality of Durham
in the City of Oshawa in the Regional Municipality of Durham
the City of Oshawa
the Regional Municipality of Durham
the City of Oshawa in the Regional Municipality of Durham
Client’s pre-closing Jurisdiction– as derived
by matching, if possible, the “city” component
of the client’s preclosing address (e.g.
Toronto) with a record of that name in the
Jurisdictions database; if not found in the
Jurisdictions database, #706 returns 20 spaces
for all unknown components of the
Same as #706?, but for post-closing address of
"City" (e.g. - Toronto) where client is to sign
documents, based on the response in field
*A/31 (can be modified using a Jurisdiction
36 of 59
Name Modifiers
Name modifiers determine the format in which a name (or a part thereof) will appear in a document produced.
An example of a variable which uses a name modifier is 3300 (client name).
As per the list below, you will see that, if you have one client, namely John Henry Doe:
<<3300i>> will generate DOE, John Henry
<<3300m>> will generate John Henry Doe
<<3300q>> will generate Doe
but if you have two clients, namely John Henry Doe and Jane Henrietta Doe :
<<3300i>> will generate DOE, John Henry
<<3300m>> will generate John Henry Doe and Jane Henrietta Doe
<<3300q>> will generate Doe
and if you have two clients, namely John Henry Doe and Jane Henrietta Deere :
<<3300i>> will generate DOE, John Henry
<<3300m>> will generate John Henry Doe and Jane Henrietta Deere
<<3300q>> will generate Doe/Deere
Below is a list of name modifiers and corresponding text generated.
full name of 1st party }
full name of 2nd party }
full name of 3rd party }
full name of 4th party }
1st & last names of 1st party }
1st & last names of 2nd party }
1st & last names of 3rd party }
1st & last names of 4th party }
SURNAME, Given Names - of 1st party }
SURNAME, Given Names - of 2nd party }
SURNAME, Given Names - of 3rd party }
SURNAME, Given Names - of 4th party }
e.g. John Henry Doe
e.g. John Doe
e.g. DOE, John Henry
m = comma-delimited list of parties
37 of 59
n =
o =
p =
q =
v =
w =
] =
& =
example if 1 party - John Henry Doe
example if 2 parties - John Henry Doe and Jane Henrietta Doe
example if 3 parties - John Henry Doe, Jane Henrietta Doe and Baby Doe
same as "m" but using 1st and last names only (i.e. no middle names)
same as "m" but with structure: SURNAME, Firstname Middlenames
Surname of party except if different parties have different
surnames, then "Surname1 and Surname2"
example if 1 party - Doe
example if 2 or more parties with same surname - Doe
example if 2 or more parties with different surnames - Doe and Deere
same as "p" except if different parties have different
surnames, then structure would be: "Surname1/Surname2"
example if 2 parties with different surnames- Doe/Deere
list of parties (First Middle Surname) separated by Hard Returns
list of parties (SURNAME, First Middle) separated by Hard Returns
parties' names with signing lines (requires 1 tab set at approx 4")
names of parties (or signing officers) in a DECLARED BEFORE ME format, for use in a
statutory declaration to be signed by your firm's clients (requires 2 tabs set at approx 3.9" and
same as "u" except for use when the parties are not your firm's clients
if all parties are individuals, "w" is the same as "m";
if 1 (non-individual) party, "w" = name of the signing officer;
if more than 1 party, "w" follows the "m" format except, for any non-individual party, the
following will be entered:
OfficerName, OfficeHeld of Party'sName, (e.g. John Doe, president of ABC Ltd.,);
if signing officer info not available, blanks will be inserted
if all parties are individuals, "x" = I am or we are;
if 1 (non-individual) party, "x" = I am the OfficeHeld of Party'sName, (e.g. I am the president of
ABC Ltd,);
if more than 1 party and 1 or more are individuals, "x" = We are (officers of);
if more than 1 party, none of whom are individuals, "x" = We are officers of;
if signing officer info not available, blanks will be inserted
if all parties are individuals, "y" = I am or we are;
if 1 (non-individual) party, "y" = "m" followed by _is;
if more than 1 party, any of whom is not an individual, "y" = "m" followed by _are;
if all parties are individuals, "z" = I or we; otherwise "z" = "m"
if all parties are individuals, "[" = mine or ours; otherwise, "[" = "m"
same as "m" except, for any non-individual parties, the following will be entered: OfficerName,
OfficeHeld of Party'sName, (e.g. John Doe, president of ABC Ltd.,);
if signing officer info not available, blanks will be inserted
if all parties are individuals, "]" = my or our; otherwise, "]" = its or their
same as "u" but with a column of } brackets to the left of the signing lines
38 of 59
) = same as "t" but with a column of } brackets to the left of the signing lines (requires 2 tab stops)
( = same as ")" but without name(s) of corporation(s) (i.e..only names of signers)
% = name of parties on the left, followed by a tab and a blank line on the right; repetitions for each
party are separated by two hard returns (requires 1 tab set at approx 4")
$ = same as "t" except, in the case of a party signing under power of attorney, the format occupies less
space because all info is inserted under the signing line (e.g. John Smith, by his attorney, MARY
` = parties' names with signing lines, with place on the left hand side for the signature and name of
the witness as to the signature of each non-corporate party (requires 2 tabs set at approx 3.9" and
, = similar to the ` name modifier (but excludes wording “as to the signature of John Doe”)
. = same as "m" except names of parties are upper case (only the word "and" is lower case)
@ = if all parties are individuals, "@" = me or us; otherwise, "@" = "m"
! = returns party’s surname (e.g. Doe)
? = returns party’s middle name (e.g. Henry)
: = returns party’s first name (e.g. John)
39 of 59
Code for Name Modifier and the Name
Client Name
Solicitor's name as recorded in Tab "A"
"Attendtion" field in Surveyors' database
Name(s) of offeror(s)
Name of existing mortgagee?
Name (where ? is a Name Modifier) of
existing mortgagee except that if
correspondence is to be with such mtgee's
solicitor (whose name has been entered), then
#802 = name of such solicitor
Name(s) of non-resident client(s)
Name(s) of resident client(s)
Name(s) of client(s); in case of a Mortgage
transaction, #3300 returns name(s) or
mortgagors independent of whom you are
acting for
Name(s) of non-resident client(s)
Name(s) of resident client(s)
Name of second client (where ? is a name
modifier) whose gender is set to
Name(s) of Mortgagee(s)
Name(s) of vendor(s), whether it is a
purchase or sale transaction (where ? is a
Name Modifier)
Name(s) of purchaser(s) [or mortgagor(s)],
whether it is a purchase, sale or mortgage
Name(s) of other party
Mtg - Name(s) of Guarantor(s)
40 of 59
Name (where ? is a Name Modifier) of new
mortgagee except that if correspondence is to
be with such mtgee's solicitor (whose name
has been entered), then #6504 = name of such
(for use with MORTGAGE only)- name of
primary client (where ? is a Name Modifier)
Name of tast contact
Name of the first mortgagor who is an
individual (i.e. non-corporate) and not signing
under power of attorney
Name of the first guarantor who is an
individual (i.e. non-corporate)
41 of 59
Requisition Modifiers
It is possible to flag certain requisitions as belonging to a particular category. Using this feature, you can
customize a Master Document (which may or may not be the requisition letter) to recite specific wording in
relation to each occurrence of a requisition belonging to a particular category. For example, using a modifier
with code 13015, you can insert special text into an undertaking for those requisitions which are restrictions or
To activate this feature, log in as the Default user, and select Requisitions|Enable Group ID from the
Miscellaneous Editing menu.
If the feature is activated, Tab “L” of a purchase record will contain an extra column (indicating whether the
requisition belongs to category “A”, “B” or “C” or “N/A”) as well as an additional button to allow you to toggle
through the possible categories.
NOTE: If there is no modifier, data will be returned for all requisitions in Tab “L”.
those requisitions in Category “A”
those requisitions in Category “B”
those requisitions in Category “C”
those requisitions in Category “A” and “B”
those requisitions in Category “A” and “C”
those requisitions in Category “B” and “C”
those requisitions in Category “A”, “B” and “C” (this differs from “no modifier” in that it will
still not return data from requisitions not assigned to a category)
= those requisitions not assigned to a category (marked “N/A”)
Requisitions text
Same as #13000 but for use in MS word
Returns first paragraph of each requisition
Returns first paragraph of each requisition for which status is
"Accept Undertaking"
Returns first paragraph of each requisition of which status is
not "Accept Undertaking"
Same as #13010 below except the key = each requisition for
whichteh status is toggled to "Accept Undertaking"
Loop code for which Key = each requsition for which the
status is toggled to "Req. Actual discharge"13015
returns the following sentence for each requisition (each
sentence is separated by two hard returns): To the best of our
knowledge and belief, the covenants and restrictions
contained in Instrument No. ---------- have been complied
with to date insofar as they affect the property herein
42 of 59
The variable will be replaced by the
merged text, if any; if there is no text to be
merged, the hard return immediately
following the variable will be deleted, and
so will any tabs or indents immediately
preceding the variable (i.e. this will
prevent a blank line from appearing in the
document produced in a situation where
the variable is the only content of a line).
Same as the "C" format code except that,
if there is no text to be merged, the two
hard returns immediately following the
variable will be deleted.
The first character of the merged text will
appear in upper case.
The first character of each word of the
merged text will appear in upper case.
All merged text will appear in upper case.
The variable will be replaced by the
merged text, but the width of the variable
(the number of characters from the first
opening containing bracket to the second
closing containing bracket) will be
preserved by either truncating the merged
text or by adding spaces to the end of the
merged text or, if there is no text to be
merged, by replacing the variable with an
equivalent number of spaces.
43 of 59
The contents of a field may be merged into a Master Document by use of a merge code variable which simply
references its Field Name (as displayed in the Status Line at the top of the screen when your cursor is in such
field), preceded by the @ symbol. For example, to merge the contents of Field PD/1 into a Master Document,
simply enter the variable <<@PD/1>>.
Field Names are also used in condition statements- where text is to be left in the document generated through
document production only under certain specified conditions.
There are certain circumstances where it was desirable to make certain text conditional and, although the
necessary data (i.e. - the data necessary to determine whether or not the condition had been fulfilled) could be
found in the transaction record, it was not contained in a single field; rather, it had to be deduced by examining
the contents of more than one field. For this reason, certain new or additional fields ("phantom fields") were
invented. They do not appear on the screen while in the transaction record, but they are answered according to
how you complete other fields. Phantom field names may therefore be referenced in merge code variables or
condition statements (inasmuch as most phantom fields generate only a "yes" or "no", they tend to be more
useful in condition statements).
Name of title insurance company
Phone No. of title insurance company
Fax No. of title insurance company
returns content of the Extra Sentence/Comments field of a department within a
jurisdiction record provided that toggle is set to Extra Sentence.
yes if above toggle is set to Extra Sentence
same as J*/9, except returns the content only if the toggle is set to Comments
same as J*/9, but returns the content of such field unconditionally
returns full contents of name and address wrap box for the municipal department in
one line
returns the location of the Land Registry/Land Titles office (e.g. Durham or York
Region); in Alberta, returns Alberta South or Alberta North, based on data in @PD/52.
yes if ID Verification is available for at least one of the clients in Tab “B”; otherwise =
for Alberta use- returns 1…6 according to Dower Status radio button selected
(returns 0 if there is more than one client or if client is not an individual)
same as #PB6/71, except will append POA (e.g. 4POA) if Power of Attorney situation
returns mortgagors’ names and tenure (but no address)
for western provinces, PD/64 returns blank if closing year tax bill is not issued (or
amount not entered) in Tab “D”; returns yes if issued and paid in full by vendor (or
out of trust by vendor’s solicitor); returns no if issued and not fully paid.
returns tax amount with the dollar sign (e.g. $3,240.00)
returns tax amount without the dollar sign (e.g. 3,240.00)
44 of 59
*L1/1 … *L1/20:
returns the paid tax amount, calculated by the tax amount paid by the vendor (or
mortgagor) plus the tax amount paid by the purchaser (i.e. out of trust), with the
dollar sign
same as PD/72, without the dollar sign
returns the unpaid tax amount, calculated by the tax amount minus the paid tax
amount, with the dollar sign
same as PD/74, without the dollar sign
returns an integer which is the number of days by which the date of the survey
precedes the date of closing
for use in Alberta, returns permitted registrations (one per value of the number
following the slash)
If field *G#/216 contains “ ---- day of each month”, then *G#216/1 returns the first
word (e.g. first)
yes if R.E. taxes are being paid through a mtgee; otherwise = no
yes if any mtges are being assumed; otherwise = no
yes if we act for mtgor or for both mtgor & mtgee; otherwise = no
yes if we act for mtgee or for both mtgor & mtgee; otherwise = no
yes if we act for both mtgor & mtgee; otherwise = no
returns the priority of the particular mortgage
for use in Alberta, returns the tenure of clients as one of the following: blank OR ,
as joint tenants OR , as tenants in common
if the solicitor in Tab “C” was selected from the solicitors database (i.e. assuming
there is a pointer to a solicitors database record), and if the selected solicitors
database record contains an email address, then SC/55 returns such email address. If
either of the above conditions are not satisfied, SC/55 returns the content of field
returns the other solicitor’s email address if entered in field SC/38. If SC/38 is blank,
then SC/56 returns the email address as entered in the solicitors database (assuming
there is a pointer to a solicitors database record).
yes if any existing mtges are being assumed; otherwise = no
yes if there are any VTB mtges; otherwise = no
yes if there is an adjustment for fuel oil; otherwise = no
for use in Manitoba, ST/125 returns yes if the current “Pay Bills or Debts” Task
record is linked to an undertaking
yes if balance owing on account in Statement of Account is either zero or equal to the
total fees & disbs
yes if any paragraphs re similar name executions exist
yes if any requisitions have been entered
yes if user is a sole practitioner; otherwise = no
45 of 59
yes if status of all undertakings = fulfilled; otherwise = no
yes if status of all requisitions = resolved; otherwise = no
yes if balance of commission owing to broker; no if refund owing to vendor; blank if
balance of commission = 0
yes if there are any unfulfilled undertakings; otherwise = no
yes if any existing mtges are being discharged; otherwise = no
yes if undertaking for current existing mtg has been fulfilled; otherwise = no
yes if there are any existing mtges; otherwise = no
for purchase or sale transactions only- yes if all clients are residents of Canada; no if
no clients are residents of Canada; blank if mix
yes if there are any mtges (arranged/assumed/vtb); otherwise = no
name and mailing address for Land Registry or Land Titles office
telephone number for Land Registry or Land Titles office
fax number for Land Registry or Land Titles office
yes if an amount is payable to client following closing (according to Trust Ledger);
otherwise = no
the date (in the format "May 1, 2006") of the purchaser's requisition letter as entered
into the Response to Reqs topic in the sale database; if no valid date entered, then =
yes or no, according to whether the purchaser's requisitions were submitted on time
as per the Response to Reqs topic in the sale database
yes if adjustments are calculated as at closing date; otherwise = no
yes if Balance Due on Closing is payable to the vendor; no if it is payable to the
returns 1, 2, 3 or 4, depending on the number of mortgages specified in Tab “G”
(returns blank if no mortgages)
returns 1, 2, 3 or 4, depending on the number of existing mortgages (returns blank if
no existing mortgages)
returns yes if the gender of any client = "corporation" or “other entity”
returns yes if the gender of any guarantor = "other"
yes if transaction is title insured (either through LOFTI or other); otherwise = no
yes if transaction is a purchase and there's one or more title insured mortgages (either
through LOFTI or other); otherwise = no
yes if executions affidavit then being produced is a client's affidavit; no if it is a
yes if sale price is structured so that GST/HST is netted out of a GST/HST-inclusive
sale price (either factoring in GST/HST rebate or dividing by 1.07)
yes if first character of record number is a "G"
if the taxes are adjusted based on "estimated final" tax bill, then *DPX/3 returns the
amount of the estimated final bill
46 of 59
returns the Project Record Number (Projects module only)
in case of a purchase transaction, DPX/33 returns yes; in case of a sale transaction,
DPX/33 returns no; in case of a mortgage transaction, DPX/33 returns yes if the trust
ledger indicates that the client is bringing money in to complete the transaction, and
otherwise it returns no
yes if the transaction record contains text in the "Notes" topic; otherwise it returns no
(note that code #8701 returns the actual contents of the "Notes" topic)
in case of a purchase transaction, DPX/36 returns P; in case of a sale transaction,
DPX/36 returns S; in case of a mortgage transaction, DPX/36 returns M
returns yes if the gender of any of the other parties (e.g. the vendors in the case of a
purchase transaction) = "other"
in a M# type document (where one such document is available to be produced for
each priority of new mortgage, such as RM#.P), DPX/38 returns the priority of the
mortgage for which document production is currently occurring (i.e. the current
value of the #).
yes if, in the case of the Projects module, the subject project is governed by the new
Condominium Act
yes if there are any "Pay Bills or Debts" task records (i.e. for which #8100 will return
data); otherwise it returns no
yes if one or more clients (i.e. parties named in Tab "B") are signing under power of
no if there are no disbursements in the "subject to GST/HST" list in the Statement of
no if there are no disbursements in the "not subject to GST/HST" list in the
Statement of Account
no if there are no disbursements in the "not subject to GST/HST" list or if the only
disbursement in the list is the title insurance premium
yes if one or more individuals "on the other side" (i.e. parties named in Tab "C") are
signing under power of attorney
yes if, based on the sale price adjustment, the GST/HST rebate is greater than zero;
no if GST/HST rebate = 0 or if the sale price isn't set to factor in the GST/HST rebate
or if the purchaser is not credited with the GST/HST Rebate in the Statement of
yes if property is a "new home from a builder" and is a condominium (i.e. PD/3=yes
and PD/4=new home from a builder); else = no
the abbreviated name of the condo corporation as entered into the condo corp
database record (provided that there is a condo corp record corresponding to the
corporation entered into the condo corp tab of the transaction record)
the response in the “Status Cert. Cheque payable to” field as entered into the condo
corp database record (provided that there is a condo corp record corresponding to the
corporation entered into the condo corp tab of the transaction record)
47 of 59
*DPX/51 to 54 :
if condo corp is managed by a management company (as per field PH/2 in the case of
a purchase), and the condo corp exists in the condo corporations database and, if in
the condo corporations database, the Status Cert cheque payable to field is set to condo
corp, then *DPX/50 = payable to [condo corp name]; if the Status Cert cheque payable
to field is set to management co., then *DPX/50 = payable to [management co. name];
if condo corp is self-managed then *DPX/50 returns payable to [condo corp name];
no if there are no disbursements in the Statement of Account (in the "subject to
GST/HST" list or the "not subject to GST/HST" list)
yes if there is a balance due in the Statement of Account
yes if there is more than one client (e.g. if there are 2 more purchasers in the case of a
purchase transaction)
Number of fulfilled undertakings
Number of unfulfilled undertakings, as displayed at the bottom of the screen
Registration Date of Condominium Declaration (Projects module only); Note: 107
returns the same data but supports use of a Date Modifier
Registration Number of Condominium Declaration (Projects module only)
yes if, in Projects module, the Project record indicates that the Transfer is coming
from a third party (e.g. conveyance from Developer)
yes if there is more than one “other party” (e.g. if there are 2 more purchasers in the
case of a sale transaction)
returns 1, 2, 3 or 4, depending on the number of new mortgages arranged (returns
blank if no mortgages arranged)
yes if balance of commission owing to broker is greater than zero (note that this is a
subset of what *DPX/7 does)
yes if gender of any client is set to ???, male, female, male under Power of Attorney,
female under Power of Attorney
yes if client is executing documents out of province as per field *A/31 (n/a in Ontario
version of program)
yes if other party is executing documents out of province as per field *C/37 (n/a in
Ontario version of program)
yes if “Additional Covenants” field for the subject mortgage is set to “Several”; else =
no (applies to New Brunswick version of program)
yes if “Non-Encumbrance Undertakings” in Sale Tab “L” are not blank and have
status of “Approved”; no if they have status of “Not Approved”; nothing is returned
if status is “Approved” but there is no data (applies to New Brunswick version of
same as *DPX/75, but relates to “Acknowledgments” in Sale Tab “L” (applies to New
Brunswick version of program)
yes if any client has a birth surname which differs from current surname (applies to
New Brunswick version of program)
48 of 59
yes if Statement of Account is to show a separate fee for each mortgage arranged (as
per response in “Configuration|Misc Editing); otherwise = no
yes if any client’s spouse is consenting; otherwise = no (not for Manitoba use)
no if “Interest/Estate” field (PD/28) is Fee Simple; otherwise = yes
yes if there are no guarantors who are checked as being party to the mortgage;
otherwise = no
yes if vendor has paid full amount of current year’s taxes as per tax adjustment in
Statement of Adjustments; otherwise = no
returns the name of the province for which the program is configured (Ontario,
Alberta, New Brunswick or Manitoba)
yes if there are “Additional Charges” in the Statement of Account; otherwise = no
(Alberta only)
for use in western provinces: yes if the property is a bare land condominium;
otherwise = no
for use in western provinces: the number of entries identified as appearing on title in
the “Undertakings” tab for which the status is “Outstanding”; if none, then *DPX/87
returns blank
for use in western provinces: yes if the “Undertakings” tab contains an entry for a
Vendor’s Lien Caveat for which the status is outstanding; otherwise = no
yes if either the date of the survey (PD/1024) or the surveyor field (PD/27) is complete;
otherwise = no
for use in western provinces: yes if any permitted registrations are specified in the
“Undertakings” tab; otherwise = no
for use in western provinces: the number of entries identified as appearing on title in
the “Undertakings” tab (whatever the status); if none, then *DPX/91 returns blank
for use in western provinces: the number of entries identified as NOT appearing on
title in the “Undertakings” tab for which the status is “Outstanding”; if none, then
*DPX/92 returns blank
If there is one client only in Tab “B”, *DPX/93 returns one of male, female or ?,
depending on gender of such party, or it returns blank if the gender is set to
something else. If there is more than one party, *DPX/93 returns an integer, being
the number of such parties.
for use in Alberta: Trust Letter format (i.e. either South (Calgary) or North
(Edmonton) as per “Law Firm Info” tab of User Setup
yes if any client is ???, male or female; otherwise = no
yes if all clients are male, female or ?; no if none of the clients are male, female or ?;
*DPX/96 returns blank if one or more, but not all, clients are male, female or ?
yes if first client is ???, male or male (under power of attorney); no if first client is
female or female (under power of attorney); otherwise, *DPX/97=blank
49 of 59
for use in Alberta: yes if all clients are corporations and all are signing under
corporate seal
returns 0 to 15, based on the number of clients specified in Tab “B”
returns yes if the “Received from Mortgagee” cell of the Trust Ledger is itemized for
the subject mortgage
if the “Received from Mortgagee” cell of the Trust Ledger is itemized for the subject
mortgage, then *DPX/101 returns the content of such itemized cell
for use in Alberta: returns yes if the title details for the current owner have been
imported from a SPIN title search
for use in Alberta: if the title details for the current owner have been imported from
a SPIN title search, then *DPX/103 returns such title details
for use in Alberta: yes if the property is a conventional condominium; otherwise = no
returns yes if the property is either a condominium or there is a POTL; otherwise =
for Fire Insurance, if PI/9 = Policy No., then the policy number appears; otherwise,
the field is blank
primary client’s email address
returns ON, AB or NB
for use in Alberta and Manitoba: returns BLANK if field PA/78 indicates there is no
delayed balance. Otherwise, it returns no if cash difference is zero, and yes if cash
difference is not zero.
if title insured with Stewart Title, *DPX/110 returns yes or no according to response
in the “Closing Protection Letter” field
for use in Alberta: returns no if the subject property is a condominium and the
RPR/survey fields in Tab “D” indicate that “RPR Date and Surveyor Not
Applicable”; otherwise, *DPX/111 returns yes
in a purchase record, returns name of first purchaser if first purchaser is
male/female/?; otherwise, *DPX/112 returns blank
yes if there is more than one purchaser (similar to *DPX/58, except *DPX/113
references purchasers even in a sale transaction)
in case of a non-Project sale record, *DPX/114 returns no; in case of a Project record,
*DPX/114 returns yes; in case of a Purchase or Mortgage record, *DPX/114 returns
yes if RBC is one of the trust accounts listed in the Lawyer’s Profile (accessed from
yes if RBC is one of the trust accounts listed in the Lawyer’s Profile and the preferred
method to receive mortgage funds is “by cheque”
For Manitoba use, returns 0…4 according to Homestead Status radio button selected.
yes if either PC/5 (the other lawyer name) or PC/6 (the other law firm) name is not
the number of consenting spouses
50 of 59
the number of vendors in a purchase transaction
returns the amount of the credit in the (first) tax adjustment in the Statement of
Adjustments tab. It will appear as a positive number in the case of a credit to the
vendor, a negative number in the case of a credit to the purchaser, and it will return
the word nil if the credit is zero
returns a comma-delimited list of registration numbers for all requisitions in the
Requisitions tab which have a status of "Accept undertaking"
for use in Manitoba, either the Vendor’s Title No. or the words New Issuing
(according to preference selected in menu option “Z” of program configuration)
for use in Manitoba, returns text for service of the caveator as selected in menu option
“Z” of program configuration (see also code 9760)
for use in Manitoba, DPX/126 returns the following text for each higher ranking
mortgage in Tab “G” which is not assumed: Mortgage in favour of [Mortgagee
Name(s)] registered immediately prior hereto; if no such mortgages, DPX/126 returns
the word none
returns yes if, the mortgage (which is currently being looped through) is the only new
(arranged) mortgage or, if there is more than one new (arranged) mortgage, it is the
one with the highest priority
returns dollar amount in numbers (with no dollar sign or commas) of the first entry in
Itemized Credits to Vendor/Purchaser of Statement of Adjustments (Projects module
returns a comma-delimited list of registration numbers for all existing (Tab “F”)
mortgages to be discharged in a Mortgage transaction
returns yes if the total consideration (in field PE/14) is greater than one million
dollars; otherwise, returns no
in Projects module only, #1124 returns date of mortgage registration of an existing
mortgage being discharged as recorded in Tab "F" (YYYY-MM-DD format)
SF#/124 - SF#/126: DD, MM, YYYY respectively as contained in SF#/1124
: same as SF#/1124, but date is in text format
51 of 59
Loop code for which Key = each client;
 1 = Name: + [Indent] + name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = Name: + [Indent] + name (in format John Henry Doe)
 3 = DOB: + [Indent] + DOB (in format 1960 04 30)
 4 = DOB: + [Indent] + DOB (in format April 30, 1994)
 5 = Obsolete
 6 = Phone No(s).: + designated phone numbers
 7 = gender
 8 = name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 9 = name (in format Henry John Doe)
 10 = Spousal Status: + [Indent] + spousal status information
 11 = ID Verification: + [Indent] + ID verification information
Loop code for which Key = each client;
 1 = name of client with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = name of client- incl. all middle names (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
 3 = same as #2, but if there is a birth surname (New Brunswick), follow it with (nee Smith)
 4 = lines 1 and 2 of client’s post closing (code 3000) mailing address
 5 = city, province, postal code of client’s post closing (code 3000) mailing address
 6 = the word Witness:
 7 = the word Mortgagor:
 8 = the word Transferor:
 9 = the name of the witness
 10 = a signing line
 11 = title deed name (New Brunswick) (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
52 of 59
Loop code (not for Manitoba use) for which Key = each client whose spouse is consenting;
 1 = name of client with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = name of client- incl. all middle names (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
 3 = same as #2, but followed by a colon (e.g. John Henry Robert Doe:)
 4 = lines 1 and 2 of client’s post closing (code 3000) mailing address
 5 = city, province, postal code of client’s post closing (code 3000) mailing address
 6 = the word Witness:
 7 = the words Spouse of
 8 = the name of the witness
 9 = a signing line
 10 = name of consenting spouse with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, Jane
 11 = name of consenting spouse- incl all middle names (in format Jane Emma Susan Doe)
Loop code for which Key = mortgages;
 1 = Name: + [Indent] + mtgees' name(s) (as per name modifier "o")
 2 = Name: + [Indent] + mtgees' name(s) (as per name modifier "m")
 3 = 1st part of address, being the 1 or 2 line street address
 4 = 2nd part of address, being the City + ,_ + Prov + __ + Postal Code
 5 = if contact not blank, #5 = Attention: + [Indent] + contact's name
 6 = Tel No.: + [Indent] + tel no.
 7 = Fax No.: + [Indent] + fax no.
 8 = if loan no. not blank, #8 = Loan No.:_ + [Indent] + the loan no.
 9 = Priority + space + mortgage + space + one of Arranged/Assumed/VTB
 10 = same as #9 except with abbreviations (e.g. 1st mtg arranged) & uses lower case on
Arranged or Assumed
 11 = same as #2 except without Name + [Indent]
53 of 59
Loop code for which Key = title insured mortgages;
 1 = Client's (i.e. mortgagor's) surname + priority + mortgage to_ (e.g. Jones first
mortgage to)
 2 = mtgees' name(s) (as per name modifier "m")
Loop code for which Key = each mortgage arranged;
 1 = Name of Mortgagee:
 2 = Instrument:
 3 = Mortgage
 4 = Names of mortgagees (listed surname first, in format of “o” name modifier)
Loop code for which Key = each transferee in a sale transaction;
 1 = name of transferee with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = name of transferee- incl. all middle names (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
 3 = lines 1 and 2 of transferee’s post closing mailing address
 4 = city, province, postal code of transferee’s post closing mailing address
 5 = the word Witness:
 6 = a signing line
 7 = the word Transferee:
Loop code for which Key = tax instalments to be made by purchaser;
 1 = instalment date
 2 = instalment amount
Loop code for which Key = each existing mtg being discharged for which mtg statement was
 1 = Copy of (priority) mortgage statement for discharge purposes.
In the case of SALE transactions, #3445 = Loop code for which Key = each existing mtg for
which a mtg statement was obtained;
 1 = Copy of (priority) mortgage statement for (discharge/assumption) purposes.
54 of 59
Loop code which, in the case of a condominium property, loops through each unit entered into
the legal description:
 1 = Unit
 2 = Level
 3 = PIN No.
 4 = percentage share in common elements (applies to Projects module only)
 5 = common expenses dollar amount
 6 = Unit_ followed by the unit no.
 7 = Level_ followed by the level no.
 8 = type of unit
 9 = ID Number
Loop code for which Key = "personal information" fields as well as the "Notes" field within
the solicitors database record
 1 = provided that data has been entered into the corresponding data field, #1 = the
response selected in the toggle field followed by a colon (or in the case of the "Notes" field,
the word Notes:)
 2 = the data entered in the corresponding data field
Loop code for which Key = purchasers
 1 = the text Name:__ , followed by the purchaser’s name (first name first)
 2 = the text DOB:__ , followed by the purchaser’s birthdate
 3 = the prompt in the 1st personal info field, followed by a colon, 2 spaces, & corresponding
 4 = the prompt in the 2nd personal info field, followed by a colon, 2 spaces, &
corresponding data
 5 = the prompt in the 3rd personal info field, followed by a colon, 2 spaces, &
corresponding data
 6 = the prompt in the 4th personal info field, followed by a colon, 2 spaces, &
corresponding data
 7 = the text Cdn Res.:__ , followed by either “yes” or “no” depending on residency
 8 = if gender = “Other”, the text Office held:__ followed by corresponding data for 1st
 9 = if gender = “Other”, the text Signer name:__ followed by corresponding data for 1st
 10 = if gender = “Other”, the text Office held:__ followed by corresponding data for 2
55 of 59
11 = if gender = “Other”, the text Signer name:__ followed by corresponding data for 2nd
Loop code for which Key = each line of purchasers' title details box (for use in PURCHASE
 1 = line of title details (each line in sequence)
 2 = where #1 is a purchaser for which a DOB has been entered, the DOB (in format:
March 15, 1965)
 3 = same as #2, but DOB is generated in YYYY MM DD format (e.g. 1965 03 15)
same as #5210 except #5212 is for names & DOB's for purchasers in a sale transaction
Loop code for which Key = each guarantor who is checked as being a party to the mortgage
 1 = name of guarantor- with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = name of guarantor- incl. all middle names (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
 3 = the word Address:
 4 = the word Witness:
 5 = the word Guarantor
 6 = the name of the witness
 7 = a signing line
 8 = line 1 of 2 of guarantor’s address (if blank #8 is a signing line)
 9 = line 2 of 2 of guarantor’s address (if blank #9 is a signing line)
Loop code for which Key = each mortgagee (i.e. each co-mortgagee) for one particular
 1 = name of mortgagee with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = name of mortgagee- incl. all middle names (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
 3 = lines 1 and 2 of mortgagee’s address for service (field PG#/126)
 4 = city, province, postal code of mortgagee’s address for service (field PG#/126)
 5 = the word Mortgagee:
Loop code for which Key = each line of mtgees' title details box;
 1 = line of title details box (each line in sequence)
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Loop code for which Key = enclosures for interim report to the Mtgee;
 1 = name of enclosure
same as 6660, but for enclosures with final report
Loop code for which Key = each mortgagee (i.e. each co-mortgagee) of an existing mortgage
specified in Tab “F”;
 1 = name of mortgagee with maximum of one middle name (in format DOE, John Henry)
 2 = name of mortgagee- incl. all middle names (in format John Henry Robert Doe)
 3 = lines 1 and 2 of mortgagee’s address
 4 = city, province, postal code of mortgagee’s address
 5 = the word Witness:
 6 = the word Mortgagee
 7 = a signing line
Loop code for which Key = each existing mortgage;
 1 = Name: + [Indent] + mtgees' name(s) (as per Name Modifier "o")
 2 = Name: + [Indent] + mtgees' name(s) (as per Name Modifier "m")
 3 = 1st part of address, being the 1 or 2 line street address
 4 = 2nd part of address, being the City + ,_ + Prov + __ + Postal Code
 5 = if contact not blank, #5 = Attention: + [Indent] + contact's name
 6 = Tel No.: + [Indent] + tel no.
 7 = Fax No.: + [Indent] + fax no.
 8 = if loan no. not blank, #8 = Loan No.:_ + [Indent] + the loan no.
 9 = Existing + space + Priority + space + mortgage + space + one of to be discharged/to
remain/to be postponed
 10= same as #9 but with abbreviated priority (1st instead of first)
 11= same as #2 except without Name + [Indent]
Loop code for which Key = fields comprising PIN No.;
 1 = if PIN No. field isn't blank, the text PIN No. (or, in some provinces, PID No.)
 2 = comma-delimited list of PIN Nos.
Loop code for which Key = each "Pay Bills or Debts" record in the "Tasks” topic;
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 1 = Payee:__ + Name
 2 = Account No.:__ + account number
 3 = Amount:__ + Amount
 4 = Street
 5 = City, Province
 6 = Postal Code
 7 = Re:__ + Item being paid
 8 = Item being paid
10199 :
Loop code (for use in the Projects module only) for which Key = deposits paid by purchaser
 1 = description
 2 = deposit amount
 3 = if governed by new Condominium Act, the date the deposit received
 4 = if governed by new Condominium Act, the date the Form 4
16035 :
Loop code for which Key = disbursements in account which are subject to GST/HST;
 1 = Text description of disbursement
 2 = Dollar amount of disbursement (with a dollar sign on first entry only)
16036 :
same as No. #16035, but for disbursements which are not subject to GST/HST
20100 : Loop code for which Key = each mortgage arranged;
 1 = Name of Mortgagee:
 2 = Instrument:
 3 = Mortgage
 4 = Comma delimited names (names in New Brunswick registration format with up to 1
middle name) of mortgagees of that mortgage (e.g. DOE, John Henry and DOE, Susan)
 5 = [priority]_mortgage in favour of_[mortgagee]
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Inserts a (text) paragraph number (which
increments by one with each repetition of
the loop).
Inserts one semi-colon character.
Inserts one indent.
Inserts one signing line.
Inserts one hard page break.
Inserts one hard return.
Inserts one space.
Inserts one tab.
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