INCON13-IT-004 BICYCLE POWER GENERATOR Ms. Paurnima Sawant Department of Computer Science ASM’s C.S.I.T. College Chinchwad Ms. Priya janjalkar Department of Computer Science ASM’s C.S.I.T. College Chinchwad Abstract As the second-largest country of the world, undergoing explosive growth, India represents a unique and little-tapped source of expertise on multifarious issues of economic and social development. Among many problems of concern, the development of alternative sources of energy is crucial to the future wellbeing of India – indeed, of the globe. Yet in spite of its great practical need and considerable human and institutional resources, India remains a blind spot in the view of many professionals from the fields of energy and international development. We are using most of the systems & technologies that consumes our time. And thus life becomes so easier. But we are neglecting the amount of the energy that is conventional and also the source available on the earth which is limited. It is conventional energy source that is not enough to go long away. Therefore day by day It is being more expensive. Today’s we are facing the problems of load shedding more & more. In the villages most of the time load shedding does for 12-15 hours of the day. For the reason we get an idea of our Research paper to generate the electricity using the non-conventional energy source, as a mechanical assembly. In that advanced BLDC used for ac power generation. Introduction to energy The energy of a body is its capacity to do work. It is measured the total amount of work that the body can do. Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds work by human beings and nature. Everything what happens the world is the expression of flow of energy in one of its forms. Different forms of energies Methods of generating electricity There are seven fundamental methods of directly transforming other forms of energy into electrical energy: Static electricity, from the physical separation and transport of charge (Examples: triboelectric effect and lightning) Electromagnetic induction, where an electrical generator, dynamo or alternator transforms kinetic energy (energy of motion) into electricity. This is the most used form for generating electricity and is based on Faraday's law. It can be experimented by simply rotating a magnet within closed loop of a conducting material (e.g. copper wire). Electrochemistry, the direct transformation of chemical energy into electricity, as in a battery, fuel cell or nerve impulse. Photoelectric effect, the transformation of light into electrical energy, as in solar cells. 1 INCON13-IT-004 Thermoelectric effect, the direct conversion of temperature differences to electricity, as in thermocouples, thermopiles, and thermionic converters. Primary Energy Sources Primary energy sources can be defined as sources which provide a net supply of energy Coal, Oil, Uranium etc., are examples of this type. The energy required to obtain these fuels is much use than what they can produce by combustion or nuclear reaction. The supply of primary fuels is limited. It becomes very essential to use these fuels sparingly. Examples: Coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear energy. Secondary Energy sources Secondary fuels produce no net energy. Though it may be necessary for the economy, these may not yield net energy. Secondary sources are like sun, wind, water (tides), etc. Solar energy can be used through plants, solar cells, solar heaters and solar collectors. Wind energy Winds are caused because of two factors. 1. The absorption of solar energy on the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere. 2. The rotation of the earth about its axis and its motion around the Sun. A wind mill converts the kinetic energy of moving air into Mechanical energy that can be either used directly to run the Machine or to run the generator to produce electricity. Tidal energy Tides are generated primarily by the gravitational attraction between the earth and the Moon. They arise twice a day in Mid-Ocean. The tidal range is only a Meter. Basically in a tidal power station water at high tide is first trapped in a artificial basin and then allowed to escape at low tide. The escaping water is used to drive water turbines, which in turn drive electrical generators. Solar energy Energy from the sun is called solar energy. The Sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion reaction that take place deep in the Sun. Hydrogen nucleus fuse into helium nucleus. The energy from these reactions flow out from the sun and escape into space. 2 INCON13-IT-004 Turbines Large dams such as Three Gorges Dam in China can provide large amounts of hydroelectric power; it will have a 22.5 GW capability. All turbines are driven by a fluid acting as an intermediate energy carrier. Many of the heat engines just mentioned are turbines. Other types of turbines can be driven by wind or falling water. Other renewable sources: Water (hydroelectric) : Turbine blades are acted upon by flowing water, produced by hydroelectric dams or tidal forces. Wind: Most wind turbines generate electricity from naturally occurring wind. Solar updraft towers use wind that is artificially produced inside the chimney by heating it with sunlight, and are more properly seen as forms of solar thermal energy. Bicycle Power Generator Design This project has various different design paths to complete our product while meeting the majority objectives. This means we will have to implement and compare our different designs to insure the best product based on our set of objectives. These paths have changed as we progressed through our project, and there were a few foreseen methods that we expand upon in the design section. The basic design for the bicycle powered generator is to have a bicycle on a fixed stand, and then when the bicycle is pedaled, the spinning motion of the rear tire is used to produce mechanical energy directly into a DC voltage. If an AC voltage is produced, a full bridge rectifier will be necessary to produce the DC voltage. This DC voltage can then be used immediately or stored via a battery array. If a constant DC voltage is required by the user a DC-DC converter may be necessary to change the varying DC voltages produced from the varying bike speed to a constant DC voltage for certain utilities or battery array. The first decision is selecting a bill of materials for each design path. This will help determine the ultimate product affordability. We must decide whether to use an alternator or dynamo to convert the bicycles mechanical energy to AC or DC, respectively. While an alternator is easier to find and purchase with many functioning units available in scrap yards, they also tend to be less efficient in the 3 INCON13-IT-004 output of DC power compared to a dynamo. Another design factor that must be implemented and compared is the coupling of the bicycle wheel to either the alternator or dynamo rotor. One option is to use two contacting wheels to connect the two components. This option is a bit simpler to implement and take very little upkeep to maintain; however, the efficiency of the contact is relatively low due to slippage losses and frictional losses. A more efficient yet expensive design would be to have the wheel and the alternator/dynamo be connected via a rotary belt, similar to a car belt system. There are bound to be various other obstacles and design methods to be implemented as the project progresses, and will be observed and recorded as they occur. A bicycle is designed to convert human energy into mechanical energy for transportation purposes. The mechanical energy is then translated into electrical energy through the use of a drive train turning a motor. To maximize the efficiency of both conversions is essential to obtaining the maximum power output. The first conversion is from human energy or muscle energy into mechanical energy. The bicycle is an efficient and robust method to convert between the two types of energy. It is an efficient design that provides seating for the user as well as pedals and drive train that are easily activated. With a solid stand in place, a motor must be selected in order to create the DC power to supply the DC House’s battery array. There are many options for the motor set up for the system. These include a DC motor, a Generator, and an Alternator. We will look to connect the spinning back wheel directly to the axel of motor’s rotor. The two options are to either have direct contact between the back wheel and motor axel or to have a belt connect the two elements. To connect the wheel to the motors axel, the bicycle tire and tube was removed. A belt that fit nicely on the wheel rim was chosen and an axel head for the motor needed to fit the belt as well. The next step was to determine the best motor to connect to the bike. A simple DC motor was initially thought to be the best choice as the DC output of the motor was the desired electrical output for the battery array. That meant components would not need to be created or maintained to convert AC to DC and the losses from AC to DC could also be avoided in the system. We searched for DC motors in common household appliances such as vacuums and ceiling fans, but found no motors at the size we wanted for the scale of 4 INCON13-IT-004 the bicycle system. The sizes were too small and did not create enough voltage or current to output a substantial amount of power. Advanced BLDC motor Principle: This motor is also called as advanced BLDC motor. It generates AC power so often called as alternators operate on the same fundamental principles of electromagnetic induction as D.C. generators. Alternating voltage may be generated by rotating a coil in the magnetic field or by rotating a magnetic field within a stationary coil. The value of the voltage generated depends on the number of turns in the coil. strength of the field. the speed at which the coil or magnetic field rotates. Operation principle Once the finger poles and shaft are removed, the coil of the rotor can be rewound with thinner wire more times. From Farraday’s equation, , We find that as N (number of turns) increases, ε (electromagnetic force) increases proportionally. With the higher EMF, we produce more power from less rotor rotations. In other words, with a rewrapped rotor we can produce more power with lower RPMs. However, this will not give the alternator any more power efficiency; it will only shift the Output Current vs. RPM curve shown in Figure 5.8 to the left. While more current will be produced at lower RPMs this is because the EMF is much bigger, which in turn will give the users another problem, the EMF-produced resistance. An EMF in a motor is not a problem until you are the one actually supplying the rotation of the shaft. A higher EMF means the user will experience a higher resistance in their pedalling. This inductance hump‖ of starting to pedal will tire the user greatly if a full field is being produced by the stator. To resolve this issue a few different ideas were implemented to reduce the pedalling resistance in the alternator. 5 INCON13-IT-004 Reference: Internet Reference Books Power electronics & its application by Alok Jain Power electronics by Rashid page no.278-288 page no.186-198 6