Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C-4A, ‘G’ Block, BandraKurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai 400 051 Tel. No.022-26449000/ 26449170 Tender No.22/2014 Tender Document – Part I (Technical Bid) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises Tender issued to ............................................................................................................. Tender Check List Sr. No. Tick [ √ ] Particulars 1 Demand Draft [ ] 2 Valid authorised channel partner certificate issued by M/s GE India Industrial Pvt. Ltd. [ ] 3 Central Sales Tax (CST)/ Value Added Tax (VAT) registration certificate [ ] 4 Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting [ ] 5 Signature and seal on each page of Technical Bid and Price Bid [ ] (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 2 of 12 Index Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Notice Inviting Tender 4 2 Tender Summary 5 3 Form of Quotation 6 4 General Terms and Conditions 7 5 Other Terms and Conditions 9 6 Annexure - I 11 7 Annexure - II 12 Signature : Name of the Tenderer : Date : Place : Seal : (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 3 of 12 Notice Inviting Tender Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises Tender No.22/2014 Securities and Exchange Board of India invites tenders from authorized channel partners of GE India Industrial Pvt. Ltd. for supply of GE make LT switchgears for SEBI‟s office premises at SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C-4A, „G‟ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai 400 051. Accordingly, tenderers are requested to submit their lowest quotation in the attached Tender Document comprising Tender Document – Part I (Technical Bid) along with requisite DD towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and Tender Document – Part II (Price Bid) duly filled in and signed on each page. The Technical Bid and Price Bid may be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes superscribing “Tender Document for Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI‟s Office Premises – Part I (Technical Bid)” and “Tender Document for Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI‟s Office Premises – Part II (Price Bid)” respectively. The EMD instrument shall be kept inside the envelope containing Technical Bid. Both the sealed envelopes should be sent in a common envelope superscribing “Tender Document for Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI‟s Office Premises – Part I and II” and addressed to Deputy General Manager, Facilities Management Division, Securities and Exchange Board of India, SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C-4A, „G‟ Block, BandraKurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai 400 051 so as to reach us on or before 3:00 PM of December 29, 2014. Late tenders will not be accepted and are liable to be rejected. The above tender will be subject to various terms and conditions given in the Tender Document. The tender must accompany a Demand Draft of Rs.24,000/- (Rs. Twenty Four Thousand only) drawn in favour of „Securities and Exchange Board of India‟ towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). The EMD of unsuccessful tenderer‟s will be refunded after award of work to the successful tenderer. Please note that tenders received without requisite EMD is liable to be rejected. The pre-bid meeting will be held at 3:00 PM of December 15, 2014 in the office of the undersigned at the abovesaid address with all the tenderers. Tenderers/ their representatives are requested to be present during the pre-bid meeting. Any change in the Tender Document pursuant to the pre-bid meeting will be communicated to all the tenderers and all such correspondence in this regard will form part of the Tender Document. No extra sheet or extra conditions should be attached with the Tender Document. Conditional tenders, will be summarily rejected and the tender may not be considered for evaluation. Any doubt or clarification may be clarified from the officer-incharge during pre-bid meeting before submitting the Tender Document. The validity of tender will be 60 days from the date of opening of the Price Bid. Please note that Board reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Dy General Manager Securities and Exchange Board of India (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 4 of 12 Tender Summary Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises Sr. No. 1 Particulars Nature of Work 2 Important dates Details Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI‟s Office Premises. Date and time of Pre-Bid Meeting Last date and time of submission of Tender Document Opening of Technical Bid 3:00 PM of December 15, 2014 Opening of Price Bid On 4:00 PM of December 29, 2014 after opening of Technical Bid or as may be intimated at later stage. Validity of Tender 60 days from the date of opening of Price Bid. 3 Completion Date of Supply The completion date for supply shall be within 6 weeks from the date of receipt of purchase order. 4 Defects Liability Period (DLP) 1 year from date of completion of supply of all switchgears. 5 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Demand draft for an amount of Rs.24,000/- (Rs. Twenty Four Thousand) only drawn in favour of „Securities and Exchange Board of India‟ payable at Mumbai. 6 Refund of EMD 7 Retention Amount/ Security EMD and the retention money together shall form Deposit (SD) part of the security deposit subject to a maximum of 5% of the billed value. The SD shall be released after defects liability period of 1 year. 8 Liquidated Damage (LD) @0.5% of the purchase order value per week subject to a maximum of 5%. 9 Payment Terms Within one month from completion of supply of switchgears. 3:00 PM of December 29, 2014 3:30 PM of December 29, 2014 (i) to unsuccessful tenderer: Within three weeks from the date of written acceptance of purchase order by the successful tenderer or 3 months from the date of opening of tender, whichever is earlier. (ii) to successful tenderer: EMD will be converted into security deposit. (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 5 of 12 Form of Quotation Deputy General Manager Facilities Management Division, Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI Bhavan, C-4A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai 400 051 Dear Sir, Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises We have examined the General Terms and Conditions for the Tender Document-Part I (Technical Bid). We have also visited the sites where above supply has to made. We have received all clarifications in respect of the supply contract during the pre-bid meeting. We hereby offer our quotations for supply of LT switchgears (Package II) as specified in the Tender Document-Part II (Price Bid). We have understood all the conditions made for the captioned work and have taken into account of all the conditions while quoting the rates. A Demand Draft No.________________ dated ______________ drawn on ____________________________________ for an amount of Rs. ______________[in figures] (Rupees __________________________________________only) is enclosed herewith towards Earnest Money Deposit for the captioned work. We are also aware that Board reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. As required by you, I/We am/are returning herewith Tender Document duly signed by me/us at each page as a token of our acceptance of the provisions of the Tender Document. In the event of this tender being accepted, I/we agree to undertake the work as specified in tender. Yours faithfully, Signature : Name of the Tenderer : Date : Place : Seal : Enclosure: (i) Duly signed each page of Tender Document – Part I (Technical Bid) (ii) Testimonials as per Annexure – II (iii) Earnest Money Deposit (iv) Duly filled and signed Tender Document – Part II (Price Bid) in a separate envelope (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 6 of 12 General Terms and Conditions 1. The tenderers are advised to submit valid copy of authorized channel partner certificate issued by M/s GE India Industrial Pvt. Ltd. authorizing the party to distribute/ supply GE make products/ switchgears. 2. Tenderers are also required to enclose photocopies of all other relevant documents duly signed on each page as mentioned in the list of testimonials in Annexure- II. 3. The tenderers are required to submit their full details in the enclosed Annexure – I along with requisite testimonials as per Annexure - II. Incomplete tenders or tenders without valid copy of authorized channel partner certificate from M/s GE India Industrial Pvt. Ltd. will be summarily rejected. 4. Each page of the Tender Document (Part –I and Part – II) shall be duly signed. The Tender Documents shall be signed by person / persons on behalf of the organization having necessary authorization / Power of Attorney to do so. 5. Tender Documents received after due date and time or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 6. Tender Document Part –I (Technical Bid) will be duly scrutinized before opening of the Price Bid. The decision of the SEBI in qualification of tenderers in Technical Bid will be final and binding. 7. Tender Document Part –II (Price Bid) of those tenderers who do not qualify the Technical Bid will not be opened. 8. In case of any changes in the tender conditions after the pre-bid meeting or scrutiny of technical bid, the tenderers may be allowed to submit revised Tender Document Part –II (Price Bid). 9. The desired technical specifications and catalogue numbers for each switchgears have been mentioned in the Tender Document – Part II (Price Bid). Tenderers are required to supply switchgears strictly as per catalogue numbers. No deviations from the technical specifications or catalogue numbers will be entertained on any account. 10. The rates quoted in the Tender Document Part –II (Price Bid) should be inclusive of all taxes such as VAT, Service Tax, Octroi, other Central or State Govt. taxes, transportation, conveyance, labour charges, loading, unloading, transportation charges and considering all other provisions as mentioned in the Tender Document. 11. The rates quoted by the tenderers would be valid for a period of 60 days from the date of opening of Tender Document Part –II (Price Bid). 12. No costs incurred by the tenderer in applying, in providing necessary clarifications or attending discussion, conferences or site visits will be reimbursed by the Board. 13. If the tender is submitted by a partnership firm, a certified copy of the partnership deed, current address of the firm and the full names and current addresses of all the partners of the firm shall also accompany the Tender Document. (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 7 of 12 14. If the tender is submitted by a limited company it shall be signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of attorney for signing the Tender Document in which case certified copies of the power of attorney and the certification of incorporation, Memorandum of Articles of Association shall accompany the Tender Document. 15. If information and details furnished by tenderers are found to be false at any time in future, the EMD deposited by the tenderers will be forfeited. 16. Board reserves the right to increase/decrease the quantity of procurement of switchgears as per requirement of the Board for which the supplier will be paid as per the approved rates in the Bill of Quantities of the Tender Document Part –II (Price Bid) on pro-rata basis. 17. Board also reserves the right to delete any of the items mentioned in the Bill of Quantities. 18. SEBI reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 8 of 12 Other Terms and Conditions 1. The scope of work involves supply of LT switchgears for SEBI‟s office premises at SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C-4A, „G‟ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai 400 051. 2. Loading, unloading, packing, transportation etc. shall be sole responsibility of the supplier and SEBI will not provide any labour/manpower for the same. 3. In case of any defect or non functioning of the switchgear, the same shall be attended by the supplier within 24 hours of lodging the complaint. 4. Completion Date of Supply: Date of Receipt of Supply will be reckoned from the date of supply of all switchgear as per purchase order in complete and duly acknowledged by SEBI representatives. In case the switchgears are received in batches/phases, the materials received in final batch shall be considered for the Completion Date of Supply. The Completion Date of Supply shall be within six weeks from the date of receipt of purchase order by the successful tenderer. In case the products are supplied at site through third parties/ courier agencies, the courier receipt/challan shall not be treated as valid document for receipt of the supply as the same is generally received in sealed conditions without verifying the contents. The receipt/challan will be treated as valid document once sealed parcel (as received from third parties/courier agencies) are opened by the successful tenderer and verified by SEBI representative. 5. Defects Liability Period (DLP): The entire supply will be under defects liability period of 1 year w.e.f. the Completion Date of Supply. In case of any defect in the normal functioning of the switchgear within the defects liabilty period the supplier/ authorized service provider of the product shall attend it within 4 hours of lodging the complaint. The same shall be rectified within reasonable time but not later than 48 hours of lodging the complaint. In case of non-rectification of the fault within 48 hours, the supplier shall arrange for a suitable standby. SEBI reserves the right to forfeit the security deposit or a part thereof in case of non-compliance of the aforesaid activities within the DLP. 6. Liquidated Damage (LD): The liquidated damage against delay in supply of items beyond stipulated completion date of supply will be charged @ 0.5% of the purchase order value per week subject to a maximum of 5 % of the purchase order value. Any part of a week shall be considered as a full week for the calculation of liquidated damage clause. 7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Demand draft for the prescribed amount drawn in favour of „Securities and Exchange Board of India‟ payable at Mumbai should be deposited along with Technical Bid as EMD. (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 9 of 12 The EMD deposited by the tenderers will be refunded as per the details given below: (i) To unsuccessful tenderer: Within 3 weeks from the date of written acceptance of purchase order by the successful tenderer or 3 months from the date of opening of Price Bid, whichever is earlier. (ii) To successful tenderer: EMD of the successful tenderer will be converted into security deposit. 8. Retention Money/ Security Deposit (SD): Retention money @5% shall be deducted from the supplier‟s bill after adjustment of EMD amount. EMD of the successful tenderer and the retention money together shall form part of the security deposit subject to a maximum of 5 % of the billed value. The security deposit will be released after completion of 1 year of defects liability period of the switchgears. 9. Payment Terms: The payment shall be made to the supplier within a period of three weeks after completion of supply in all respects and submission of original bill along with requisite delivery challans duly acknowledged by SEBI representative only. The certification of rates would be strictly as per rates mentioned in the approved Bill of Quantities of Tender Document Part –II (Price Bid) which is inclusive of all applicable taxes such as VAT, Service Tax, Octroi, other Central or State Govt. taxes, transportation, conveyance or labour charges etc. SEBI will not pay any amount over and above the approved rates. 10. TDS as applicable would be deducted at source for which the supplier would be issued necessary TDS certificate. 11. The damage caused, if any, by the supplier to any equipment or SEBI‟s properties due to intentional or negligence at work will be recovered from their bills/ security deposit as deemed fit. 12. The supplier shall ensure the removal of waste, debris etc. and make good the place in previous condition after the supply of materials at site. 13. All switchgears shall be tested at site post delivery to ensure compliance with manufacturer‟s specifications. 14. The supplier shall submit manufacturer‟s test certificates, warranty certificates, user manual etc. for all products supplied at site. SEBI may seek additional evidence from the supplier‟s to substantiate the genuinity of the supplied product at any stage. (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 10 of 12 Annexure – I Tenderer Details 1 Name of the company 2 Type of organisation Whether proprietorship, etc. partnership, 3 Name of the proprietor/ directors in the organisation 4 Address, telephone nos. and e-mail ID of the registered office 5 Address, telephone nos. and e-mail ID of the office in Mumbai, if any 6 Name and address of the bankers 7 Indicate, if involved in any litigation or any pending civil suits. 8 Company registration no., if any 9 Sales Tax/ Value registration no. 10 PAN No. 11 Other details, if any partners/ Added Tax (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 11 of 12 Annexure – II Self attested copy of testimonials to be submitted along with the Tender Document – Part I (Technical Bid) Sr. No. Testimonials 1 Valid authorised channel partner certificate from M/s GE India Industrial Pvt. Ltd. 2 Central Sales Tax (CST)/ Value Added Tax (VAT) registration certificate. (Signature and Seal of The Tenderer) Supply of LT Switchgears (Package II) for SEBI’s Office Premises- Tender No. 22/2014 Page 12 of 12